Financial Appraisal

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When to Undertake a Financial Analysis?
How to Value Project Benefits and Costs in a Financial Analysis?
The Cash Flow in the Financial Analysis
Discounting in Project Analysis
Let Us Sum Up
Key Words
Answers to Check your Progress Exercises

After reading this unit, you should be able to:

understand the meaning of financial appraisal;

highlight the need for a financial analysis; and
explain the methodology of financial analysis.

Financial appraisal is a method used to evaluate the viability of a proposed
project by assessing the value of net cash flows that result from its
implementation. Financial appraisals differ from economic appraisals in the
scope of their investigation, the range of impacts analysed and the methodology
used. A financial appraisal essentially views investment decisions from the
perspective of the organization undertaking the investment. It therefore measures
only the direct effects on the cash flow of the organisation of an investment

By contrast, an economic appraisal considers not only the impact of a project on

the organisation sponsoring the project, but also considers the external benefits
and costs of the project for other government agencies, private sector enterprises
and individuals-regardless of whether or not such impacts are matched by
monetary payments.

Financial appraisals also differ from economic appraisals in that:

market prices and valuations are used in.assessing benefits and costs, instead
of measures such as willingness to pay and opportunity cost;
the discount rate used represents the weighted average cost of debt and equity
capital, rather than the estimated social opportunity cost of capital; and
The discount rate and the cash flows to which it is applied are usually specified
on a nominal basis as the cost of debt and cost of equity are observed only in
nominal terms.

A financial analysis of a project is undertaken to assess whether it will be

commercially profitable for the enterprise implementing it. A private firm will
undertake a financial analysis of a potential investment in order to determine its
impact on the firm's balance sheet. Governments and international agencies will
also routinely undertake a financial analysis, as well as an economic analysis, of
any project in which the output will be sold and a financial analysis will therefore
Investment of Pubnc Funds have some meaning. In this unit we will be discussing the meaning, the need and
methodology of financial appraisals.


A financial analysis must be undertaken if it is necessary to determine the
financial profitability of a project to the project implementer. Normally it will
only be worthwhile carrying out a financial analysis if the output of the project
can be sold in the market, or otherwise valued in market prices. This will almost
always be the case for a privately sponsored project, but will also apply to some
government business undertakings. A private firm will primarily be interested in
undertaking a financial analysis of any project it is considering, and only in some
special circumstances will it wish to undertake an economic analysis. .

Commercially oriented government authorities that are selling output, such as

railway, electricity, telecommunications, or freeway authorities, will usually
undertake a financial as well as an economic analysis of any new project they are
considering. They need to assess the project's potential impact on their budget, as
well as its impact on the country's welfare. For example, the Department of
Telecommunication offers provision of telephone services at a reduced rate, it
needs to examine the impact of the decision on their budget and overall public
good. Another situation where a government will be interested in undertaking a
financial analysis of a project is when the project is financially viable without the
subsidy or other forms of assistance. In practice, governments and international
agencies routinely undertake a financial as well as an economic analysis of any
project where a financial analysis will have some meaning- essentially, if the
output will be sold. It can then compare the results of the financial and economic
evaluation, to determine the project's budgetary impact on the government, as
the implementer, as well as its contribution to national welfare.

Even non-commercial government institutions may sometimes wish to choose

between alternative facilities on the basis of essentially financial objectives. For
example, in the case of a hospital service, the management of hospital could well
be required to select the cheapest method of providing a given standard of
accommodation or care. A national defence force will often choose between
available alternative methods of achieving a physical goal, such as airborne troop
management capacity, on the basis of the, cheapest financial option. This
procedure is called cost minimization or cost effectiveness. It differs from a full
financial analysis in that only the cost of a project is estimated in market or
conceivably in economic prices. The benefits are specified in terms of some
quantitative target, such as the number of patient beds to be provided or number
of troops that can be moved.


The financial benefits of a project are just the revenues received and the financial
costs are expenditures that are actually incurred by the implementing agency as a
resulpof the project. If a project is producing some good or service for sale, the
revenue that the project irnplementers expect to receive each year from these
sales will be the benefits of the project. The costs incurred are the expenditures
made to establish and operate the project. These include capital costs, the cost of
purchasing land, equipment, factory building, vehicles and office machines, and
working capital, as well as its ongoing operating costs, for labour, raw materials,
fuel and utilities.
In a financial analysis, all these receipts and expenditures are' valued as they Financial Apprabrl
appear in the financial balance sheet of the project, and are therefope measured in
market prices. Market prices are just the prices in the local economt, and include
all applicable taxes, tariffs, trade mark-ups and commissions. Since the project's
implementers will have to pay market prices for inputs they use and will receive
market prices of the output they produce, the financial costs and benefits of the
project are measured in these market prices.

P Real or Nominal Prices

It is obviously very important to know whether the input and output projections
given by the proposing firm or agency are valued in current prices (normal) or
constant prices (real). This is necessary to ensure that the analysis is carried out
in a consistent set of prices, so that the total net value of the project ultimately
I calculated is a real figure.

Often, constant (say 1990) prices, rather thin current prices, are used in a
project's cash flow. A project's cash flow is merely the costs and benefits paid
and produced by the project over its lifetime in the years that they occur. The use
of constant prices simplifies the analysis, as it relieves the analyst of the need to
make projections about the anticipated inflation rate in the country over the life
of the project. This procedure is quite appropriate if input and output prices in
domestic currency are expected to increase at approximately the same rate over
the life of the project.

However, there are several situations where the use of constant prices may not be
appropriate. The first is when the analyst is drawing up project financing plans.
In this situation, the analyst will need to estimate expenditures in nominal terms
to ensure that planned sources of finance will be sufficient to cover all project
costs. The second is a situation where the investment is privately operated and
will pay company tax. The financial analysis will need to be carried out in both
nominal and real terms because the rate of inflation will affect the interest
payments, depreciation allowance and the cost of holding stocks. All these will
influence the firm's tax liability. Working capital requirements will also be
affected by the level of inflation. Finally, if input prices are expected to rise at
different rates over the life of the project, and vary from year to year, it will
usually be simpler to include all prices in current terms.

1 Internal Transport and Handling Costs

It is important to be clear about where inputs and outputs should be priced in a

project appraisal. In the case of a project's output, it could be valued at the
project gate or in the market for the project's output. In a case of project inputs,
. they could be valued at the project gate, at the gate of the input supplier's factory
' or mine or at the port of entry into the country. In order to determine which the
appropriate price is, it is necessary to remember that in a 'financial appraisal it is
I the net incremental benefit of the project to the implementing agent that is of

li interest.

, In the case of project outputs, they should therefore be valued at the market price
received for them at the project gate. Transport costs from the project to market
should be subtracted from the wholesale price received in the market. Project
inputs should also be valued at their market cost at the project gate. This price
will include the transport and handling cost of getting them there.

II Local and Foreign Costs

II Many a times project appraisals split costs (and sometimes benefits) between
locally incurred and foreign exchange costs and benefits. This is useful if policy
Investment of Public Funds makers wish to judge the impact of the project on the balance payments, or if
foreign financing agents such as aid agencies or multilateral banks wish to see
the distribution of items eligible for aid grants or loans.

Usually, even if local and foreign costs are identified, in a financial analysis all
costs and benefits are then expressed in local currency, converted at the official
exchange rate. However, the foreign currency costs may in some instances be
expressed in a common international currency like US Dollar, or in terms of the
local currency of a bilateral aid donor country.

In order to separate the cash flow into local and foreign prices, and also to predict
the future price of a project's tradable inputs and outputs, it may be necessary to
make projections about future exchange rates. To do this it will be necessary to
assess, inter alia, if local inflation rates are likely to diverge from average
international inflation rates, and particularly those of the host country's major
trading patterns. If local inflation is expected to be higher than the average for
major trading partners, devaluation of the local currency could be anticipated,
increasing both the costs of imported inputs and the local currency value of
exported outputs. If local inflation is expected to be lower than that of the
country's major trading partners, it is likely that the local currency will
appreciate over the life of the project. If this is a real appreciation, it will have the
effect of lowering imported input prices as well as lowering the local currency
receipts from exported outputs and/or reducing the international competitiveness
of these exports.

The following section paragraphs discusses about how the inputs and outputs of a
project that are valued in market prices should be incorporated into a project's
cash flow in order to undertake a financial analysis.

Check Your Progress 1

Note: i) Use the space given below for your answers.

ii) Check your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.

1) Discuss when to undertake the financial analysis.

2) Highlight how to value project benefits and cost in a financial analysis.


Financial Appraisal

It comprises the following input and output components:

The Financial Cash Flow

The financial cash flow of a project is the stream of financial costs and benefits,
or expenditures and receipts, which will be generated by the project over its
economic life, and will not be produced in its absence. Before the cash flow of a
project can be estimated, it will be necessary for the project sponsors to
undertake detailed market research into product markets and prices. They must
find out if there will be market for the project's output and what it can be sold
for. Then the analyst will need to assess the sources, quantities and costs of
required capital assets, raw materials and labour, to estimate the likely costs of
the project. It may also be necessary to determine anticipated inflation rates and
exchange rate movements, as they may affect the valuation of the project's
expenditures and receipts.

Project Life

Early in the process of constructing a project's financial cash flow it will be

necessary to determine the length of the project's economic life. This will be the
optimal period over which the project should be run to maximise its return to the
project implementer. The project's life is frequently set equal to the technical life
of the equipment used. However, various factors, such as the technological
obsolescence of equipment, changing tastes, international competitiveness or the
extent of a natural resource or mineral deposit, may result in the economic life of
the project being shorter than the technical life of the equipment employed. If the
project is expected to have long term environment impacts, it may be necessary
to extend the length of the cash flow so that these costs (or benefits) can be

Capital Costs

The capital costs of a project can be divided into fixed capital costs, or the cost of
acquiring fixed assets like plant and equipment, start-up costs, and working
capital, which finances the operating expenses of the enterprise. In a financial
analysis, all forms of capital expenditure should be entered in the financial cash
flow in the years in which the project actually has to pay for them. For example,
if the project receives a soft loan from the supplier of its equipment, which
involves a grace period before repaying the loan, the cost of this equipment will
not be included in the cash flow until it must be paid for by the project.

Operating Costs

The project's operating costs cover its recurrent outlays on labour services
(wages and salaries), raw materials, energy, utilities (water, waste removal, etc,),
marketing, transport, insurance, taxes and debt service over the life of the project.
Each operating cost is entered in the cash flow in the year (month or quarter) in
which it is incurred. Total operating costs may also be expressed in terms of
costs per unit of output. As was mentioned previously, unit operating costs are
likely to be somewhat higher in the first year or two of a project, so the
difference between start-up costs under capital costs, and steady state operating
Investment of Public Funds Treatment of Taxes

In addition to a financial analysis undertaken from the owner's point of view,.the ,

company taxpaid on project profits can be calculated in order to determine the

project's net present value after tax. A government may do this to determine
whether a project seeking subsidies or concessions will be financially profitable
after tax or not. A private firm may merely wish to know if a proposed
investment will be profitable after tax, given the tax regime of the country

The taxable income of the project will be determined by subtracting all operating
costs, interest payments and allowable depreciation on the capital assets from the
firm's revenue earnings each year. The appropriate company income tax rate is
then applied to this taxable income to determine the project's taxation liability.

If the country gives incentives to new investments in the form of tax holidays or
accelerated depreciation of assets, these should be taken into account in the
project's taxable income and tax liability. The tax liability is subtracted from
taxable income to obtain the project's net of tax income.

Project Benefits

In a financial analysis, the project's benefits equal the cash receipts actually
received by the project from the sate of goods or services it produces, or the
market value equivalent of home consumed output in the case of non-marketed
output. This can be the revenue fi-om sales, rent or royalties, depending on the
nature of the project. Other revenue earned from, for example, bank deposits, the
sale of fixed assets or insurance claims, will also be included as separate items
under project receipts or benefits.

a Net Benefits

The project's net benefit stream is calculated as the difference between the total
revenue (or benefit) stream and its expenditure (costs) stream.


In project analysis, any costs and benefits of a project that are received in future
periods are discounted, or deflated by some factor, r, to reflect their lower value
to the individual (or society) than currently available income. The factor used to
discount future costs and benefits is called the discount rate and is usually
expressed as a percentage.

For example, suppose the project is expected to yield a stream of benefits equal
to BO, Bl, B2, .... Bn and to incur a stream of costs equal to CO, C1, C2,. .... Cn
in years 0, 1,2, ... n. Then in each period the net benefits (benefits minus costs)
of the project will be:

(BO-CO), (B 1-C I), (B2-C2), ... (Bn-Cn)
This is simply the project's net benefit flow.

Assuming that the discount rate, r, is constant, then the discounted cash flow of
the project can be represented as:

(Bl -C1) (B2 4 2 ) (B3 -C3) ...,.......(Bn - cn

0 -0 +r )
' ( ~ + r ') (~ ~ + r ) ~ ( 1 + r)"
Financial Appraisal
Once future net income streams have been discounted in this way, expenditures
and revenues fiom all the different time periods will be valued in units of similar
value - present day units of currency. They will then be directly comparable with
each other and can be added together. Adding the discounted net benefits fiom
each year of the project's life, its discounted net benefit flow, gives a single
monetary value called the project's net present value, NPV. For, the previous
example, the project's NPV is:

Table 1: Manual Discounting of a Railway Project Cash Flow ($L Million)

Total 1100 1550 4450 NPV=10.4

The net present value criterion of a project is the single most important measure
of the project's worth. If a project's NPV is positive (i.e. its discounted benefits
exceed its discounted costs), then the project should be accepted. If its NPV is
negative (its discounted costs exceed its discounted benefits), then the project
I should be rejected.
In the above table, an 8% discount rate is used to mechanically discount the net
benefits of a railway project. The project's NPV can then be estimated by just
adding up these discounted net benefits. Columns (I), (2) and (3) show the non-
discounted costs, benefits and net benefits (benefits-costs) of the railway project.
I Column (4) gives the discount factor, 1/(1+.08)t, by which the non-discounted
net benefits in column (3) are multiplied, to obtain the discounted value of these
i net benefits in each year, t, shown in column (5). These discounted net benefits

I can then be added together to obtain the total discounted net benefits, or net
present value, of the project.

The bottom line of the table shows that the NPV comes to $L10.4 million if an rate is used. A NPV greater than zero indicates that the discounted
benefits of the project are expected to be greater than its discounted costs and the
project will therefore be worth undertaking.

This example illustrates how crucially the estimation of a project's NPV depends
on the discount rate employed. A lower discount rate would have deflated future
income by less and increased NPV of the project. A higher discount rate would
have deflated future income more heavily and decreased the NPV of the project,
Investment of Public Funds possibly changing it from positive to negative. The selection of the appropriate
discount rate is therefore a very important issue in project appraisal.

The Discount Rate in Financial Analysis

In a financial analysis market prices are used to value project inputs and outputs,
even if these prices are distorted. Market prices are used so that the financial
profitability of the project to its implementer can be determined. The market
price of capital to the project implementer is the market interest rate, and this
represents the cost to the implementer of investing capital in the project. The
correct approach to determining the financial discount rate, the discount rate used
in the financial analysis, is therefore to estimate the actual cost of capital to the
project implementer This will vary depending on whether at the margin the
implementer is a borrower or lender of investible funds.

If the project implementer is a net borrower, the interest rate at which the
enterprise can borrow is the opportunity cost of funds employed. This market
borrowing rate should be used as the financial discount rate for any project
appraisal undertaken by the enterprise. If the project implementer intends to draw
some funds from its own financial resources and some from market borrowings,
the weighted cost of the capital it obtains from these different sources will be the
appropriate financial discount rate.

If the firm or the government Considering a project is a net lender, in the absence
of the project it could invest these funds in the financial market and earn the
market lending rate. The opportunity cost of the funds to be used for the project
will therefore be the after tax market lending rate that it could earn on this
capital. The project must earn at least this market lending rate for it to be worth
doing and the after- tax lending rate should therefore be used as the financial
discount rate for any project appraisals undertaken by this enterprise. In reality
the enterprise will usually want to earn some margin above the market lending
rate if the project is considered a riskier use of the firm's funds than available
financial investments.

Discounted Project Assessment Criteria

The two most commonly used discounted measures of a project's net benefit are
its net present value and internal rate of return. The domestic resource cost ratio,
benefit cost ratio and net benefit investment ratio are also be discussed below:

a) Project Net Present Value (NPV)

The NPV measure of project worth is the most useful and one of the most
commonly used criteria for determining whether a project should be
accepted.The net present value of a project is simply the present value, PV, of its
net benefit stream. It is obtained by discounting the stream of net benefits
produced by the project over its lifetime, back to its value in the chosen base
period, usually the present. The net present value formula is:


Bt are project benefits in period t

Ct are project costs in period t
r is the appropriate financial or economic discount rate
n is the number of years for which the project will operate
Financial Appraisal
In Table .I, the NPV of a railway project was estimated mechanically. The net
benefits of the project each year were deflated by a factor equal to I/(l+r)t,
where r ,was the discount rate and t the year in which the net benefits of the
project were received. These discounted net benefits were then added together
for the 'n' years of the project. Under this decision rule a project is potentially
worthwhile or viable if the NPV is greater than zero; i.e. the discounted value of
benefits is greater than the discounted costs. If projects are mutually exclusive,
the project which yields the highest NPV would be chosen.

b) The Internal Rate of Return of a Project (IRR)

The internal rate of return, IRR, of a project is probably the most commonly used
assessment criterion in project appraisal. This is primarily because the concept of
an IRR is in some ways comparable to the profit rate of a project and is therefore
easy for non-economists to understand. Furthermore, it does not rely on the
selection of a predetermined discount rate.

The internal rate of return is the discount rate that, if used to discount a project's
costs and benefits, will just make the project's net present value equal to zero.
Thus the internal rate of return is the discount rate, r*, at which:

Since the internal rate of return is the discount rate internal to the project, its
calculation does not depend on prior selection of a discount rate. A project's
internal rate of return can therefore be thought of as the discount rate at which it
would be just worthwhile doing the project. For a financial analysis, it would be
the maximum interest rate that the project could afford to pay on its funds and
still recover all its investment and operating costs.

A project is potentially worthwhile if the IRR is greater than the test discount
rate. If projects are mutually exclusive, this rule would suggest that the project
with the highest IRR should be chosen.

c) The Net Benefit Investment Ratio (NBIR)

The net benefit investment ratio, NBIR, is the most convenient selection criterion
to use when there is a single period budget constraint.

NBIR'of a project is the ratio of the present value of the project's benefits, net of
operating costs, to the present value of its investment cost. Its formula is given


OCt are the project's operating costs in period t

ICt are the project's investment costs in period t
Bt are the benefits in period t
r is the appropriate discdunt rate

/ The NBIR therefore shows the value of the project's discounted benefits, net of
Investment of Public Funds The decision rule for the net benefit investment ratio is that all projects that have
a net benefit investment ratio greater than unity should be selected. This selection
criterion is completely compatible with those for the net present value and the
internal rate of return of a project.

d) The Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)

The benefit cost ratio was the earliest discounted project assessment criterion to
be employed. However, due to problems associated with its applied use, it is
rarely used in project appraisal today.

The benefit cost ratio is simply the ratio of the sum of the project's discounted
benefits to the sum of its discounted investment and operating costs. This can be
expressed mathematically as:

BCR = '=O (1 + r)'

" ct

A project should be accepted if its BCR is greater than or equal to 1, that is, if its
discounted benefits exceed its discounted costs.

Check Your Progreas 2

Note: i) Use the space given below for your answers.

ii) Check your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.

1) Briefly discuss cash flow in financial analysis.

- - - -

2) In order to appraise a project by NPV, what are the methods to be followed?


Governments and individuals can usually pursue only limited objectives when
they choose projects on the basis of a financial appraisal. In most circumstances,
a financial analysis using market prices to value a project's inputs and outputs
will merelv tell the analvst whether a ~roiectwill be financiallv ~rofitable.These
market prices usually contain many distortions such as taxes, tariffs and price Financial Appraisal
controls and do not reflect the true costs and benefits to the economy of a
project's use of particular inputs and production of various outputs. Therefore a
financial analysis will only rarely measure a project's contribution to the
community's welfare.


Economic or Social Appraisal: A process of judging the economic or social
profitability of a project.
Financial Appraisal: A process of judging the commercial viabilitylprofitability
of a project.
Managerial Appraisal: A ptocess of judging the integrity and competence of
promotion and management team behind the project.
Project Appraisal: A process of judging the acceptability or otherwise of an
investment project.
Tecbnical Appraisal: A process of judging the technical feasibility of a project.

Dasgupta, A.K. and Pearce, D.W., 1972, Cost-Benefit Analysis-Theory and
Practice, Macmillan, London.
Layard, R (ed.), 1972, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Penguin, Harmonsworth.
Little, I.M.D. and Mirrlees, J.A., 1990. Project Appraisal and Planning for
Developing Countries, Heinemann Educational Books, London.
Pearce, D.W. and Nash, C.A., 1981. The Social Appraisal of Projects: A Text in
Cost Benefit Analysis, Macmillan, London.
Perkins, Frances. 1952, Practical Cost-Benefit Analysis: Basic Concepts and
Applications, Macmillan, Australia.
Squire, L. and Van der Tak, H.G., 1975, Economic Analysis of Projects, Johns
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
UNIDO, 1972. Guidelinesfor Project Evaluation, United Nations, New York.



Cbeck Your Progress 1

1) Your answer should include the following points:

A financial analysis must be undertaken if it is necessary to determine
the financial profitability of a project to the project implementer.
Financial analysis can be cany out if the output of the project can be
sold in the market, or otherwise valued in market prices.
This analysis can be canyout if the output of the project can be sold in
the market, or otherwise valued in market prices.
This analysis can be applied for a private sponsored project, and to a
extent it can be also apply to some government business undertaking.
1 Commercially oriented government agencies that are selling output
will usually undertake a financial as well as an economic analysis of
anv new ~roiectthey are considering.
Investment of Public Funds Another situation where a government will be interested in
undertaking a financial analysis of a project is when the project is
financially viable without the subsidy.

2) Your answer should include the following points:

The financial benefits of a project are just the revenues received and the
financial costs are expenditures that are actually incurred by the
implementing agency as a result of the project.
If a project is producing some good or service for sale, the revenue that
the project implementers expect to receive each year from these sales
will be the benefits of the project.
The costs incurred are the expenditures made to establish and operate the
In a financial analysis, all these receipts and expenditures are valued as
they appear in the financial balance sheet of the project, and are therefore
measured in market prices.
It is obviously very important to know whether the input and output
projections given by the proposing firm or agency are valued in current
prices (normal) or constant prices (real).
It is important to be clear about where inputs and outputs should be
priced in a project appraisal.
Some project appraisals split costs (and sometimes benefits) between
locally incurred and foreign exchange costs and benefits.
This is useful if policy makers wish to judge the impact of the project on
the balance payments, or if foreign financing agents such as aid agencies
or multilateral banks wish to see the distribution of items eligible for aid
grants or loans.

Check Your Progress 2

1) Your answer should include the following points:

The financial cash flow of a project is the stream of financial costs and
benefits, or expenditures and receipts, which will be generated by the
project over its economic life, and will not be produced in its absence.
Before the cash flow of a project can be estimated, it will be necessary
for the project sponsors to undertake detailed market research into
product markets and prices.
They must find out if there will be market for the project's output and
what it can be sold for.
Then the analyst will need to assess the sources, quantities and costs of
required capital assets, raw materials and labour, to estimate the likely
costs of the project.
It may also be necessary to determine anticipated inflation rates and
exchange rate movements, as they may affect the valuation of the
project's expenditures and receipts.
Early in the process of constructing a project's financial cash flow it
will be necessary to determine the length of the project's economic
This will be the optimal period over which the project should be run to
maximiSe its return to the ~roiectimvlementer.
Financial Appraisal
The capital costs of a project can be divided into fixed capital costs, or
the cost of acquiring fixed assets like plant and equipment, start-up
costs, and working capital, which finances the operating expenses of
the enterprise.
The project's operating costs cover its recurrent outlays on labour
services (wages and salaries), raw materials, energy, utilities (water,
waste removal, etc,), marketing, transport, insurance, taxes and debt
service over the life of the project.
* In addition to a financial analysis undertaken from the owner's point of
view, the company tax paid on project profits can be calculated in
order to determine the project's net present value after tax.
The project's net benefit stream is calculated as the difference between
the total revenue (or benefit) stream and its expenditure (costs) stream.
2) Your answer should include the following points:
The two most commonly used discounted measures of a project's net
benefit are its Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return

The NPV measure of project worth is the most useful and one of the
most commonly used criteria for determining whether a project should
be accepted.
The net present value of a project is simply the present value, PV, of
its net benefit stream. It is obtained by discounting the stream of net
benefits produced by the project over its lifetime, back to its value in
the chosen base period, usually the present. The net present value
formula is:

Bt are project benefits in period t;

Ct are project costs in period t;
r is the appropriate financial or economic discount rate; and
n is the number of years for which the project will operate.

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