Level Switch Murphy

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15 04005
rev. 2017/09/11
Sec 15 & 50, 00-02-0562

Scrubber Level Control System (SLS)

Automatic Level Control for Gas Scrubber Applications
The FW Murphy Gas Compressor Scrubber Level System

You Save Money By Purchasing The SLS System Level Switches

Which Includes the Following: • Designed for Harsh Gas Compressor Scrubber
• LS200, MLS-020* High Level Shutdown Switch Applications
• DVU** Pneumatic Dump Valve • Stainless Steel Float: Specific gravity varies by
• LS200NDVOR Pneumatic Level Control with: model and configuration, see Specific Gravity.
• Filter Regulator with Gage
For detailed information on Level Switches and • For Separators/Scrubbers rated for up to 2000
Dump Valves visit www.fwmurphy.com. psi (13.8 MPa) [138 bar] Working Pressure

* Choose model using the How To Order matrix. • Electric and Pneumatic Models Available
**Specify Dump Valve model when ordering. Dump Valve Operator/ Dump Valve
Service Tip • Hex Union Allows Plug and Seat Replacement
The Gage and Filter/Regulator on the LS200NDVOR help Without Piping Removal
keep the control medium clean and dry. It also allows • Operates on 30–70 psi (207–483 kPa) [2.07–
operator to adjust pressure to recommended level of 30- 4.83 bar] Control Pressure
70 psig. The Gage and Filter/Regulator are recommended
• Manual Valve Operator
to help increase system life and trouble-free operation.

In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full-featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
FW MURPHY product names and the FW MURPHY logo are proprietary trademarks. This document, including textual matter and illustrations, is copyright
protected with all rights reserved. (c) 2017 FW MURPHY. A copy of our typical warranty may be viewed or printed by going to www.fwmurphy.com/warranty.
Specific Gravity Accessories

Minimum Allowable Specific Gravity Float Chamber 15051098

Float Extension Pressure Specific 1-11.5 NPT (2 places)
3 in.
Model (76 mm)
Length (inch) (psi) Gravity
2-11.5 NPT
0 0.55
LS200 2000 10.5 in. 3 in.
1 0.7 (266 mm) (76 mm)

0 0.63
LS200NDVO 2000 1/2-20 UNF-2B
1 0.73 (4 places)

7.55 in. 3.5 in.

0 0.5 (192 mm) (89 mm) 7.01 in.
MLS-020 2000 Material: Cast Steel, WCB
(179 mm)
1 0.65
Operating Pressure: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) [138 bar]
Operating Temperature: 400 deg F (204 deg C)
Shipping Weight: 32 lb. (14.5 kg)
How To Order 1 NPT (2 places)
7-9/16 in.
(192 mm)

Weld Collar (LS200 only) 15050375 2 NPT

Approximate Shipping of SLS2120 model 8-1/2 in.

(216 mm)
Weight:19 lb. 6 oz. (8.7 kg) 23-1/2
(89 mm)
Dimensions: (w x h x d) 15 x 15 x 12 in. (381 x 381 x 305 mm)
3-1/2 in. in
(89 mm) Material: Cast Steel, WCB
(73 mm) 6-45/64 in.
SLS (170 mm) Canadian Registration Number: OH1476.2
3-5/8 in.
(92 mm)
The SLS Kits Include LS200, LS200NDVO and a DVU
Valve. 4-1/2 in
(114 mm) Material: ASTM A105-2
UNS K03504
SLS150 – LR
Operating Pressure: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) [138 bar]
Options Operating Temperature: 400 deg F (204 deg C)
Blank = Include Filter/ Regulator Shipping Weight: 6 lb. (2.7 kg)
LR = Less Regulator

Dump Maximum Working Float Shaft Extension 15000478

Model Inlet Outlet Trim Size
Valve Pressure
SLS150 DVU150 1” NPT 1/2” NPT 0.359 IN. (9 MM) 1800 psi 12-24 UNC
SLS175 DVU175 1” NPT 3/4” NPT 0.359 IN. (9 MM) 1800 psi
SLS2120 DVU2120 2” NPT 1” NPT 0.436 IN. (11 MM) 2000 psi

MSLS 12-24 UNC

1 in 3/8 in
The MSLS Kits Include MLS-020, LS200NDVO and a DVU (25 mm) (10 mm)

Valve. Material: AISI 303, UNS-S30300

MSLS150 – LR TF Series 100 Float Chamber 15700799

Options Options

Blank = Include Filter/ Blank = Without Test Function

TF = Test Function
LR = Less Regulator

Dump Maximum Working

Model Inlet Outlet Trim Size
Valve Pressure
MSLS150 DVU150 1” NPT 1/2” NPT 0.359 IN. (9 MM) 1800 psi
MSLS175.5* DVU175 1” NPT 3/4” NPT 0.359 IN. (9 MM) 1800 psi
MSLS175 DVU175 1” NPT 3/4” NPT 0.359 IN. (9 MM) 1800 psi
MSLS2120 DVU2120 2” NPT 1” NPT 0.436 IN. (11 MM) 2000 psi
Operating Pressure: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) [138 bar]
*Substitutes L1200NDVO for LS200NDVO for 0.5 specific gravity Operating Temperature: 400 deg F (204 deg C)
Shipping Weight: 18 lb. (8.16 kg)

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