Culture Is Our Destiny

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Joyce Liza G.

Madrid 7/5/18
Culture is our Destiny
Follow up Question :
1. What kind of writer is Alexandre Lacson ?
- Alexander Lacson is a encouraging and patriot person based on his
speech. To awakened the minds of Filipino People.

2. Who is Lee Kuan Yew?

- The father and the builder of modern Singapore.

3. Greatest Contribution of Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore

4. What is the meaning of “ Culture is our destiny “ ?

- For me, Culture is the essential to have unity, to help one another and
it made us one.
5. Why did the writer say that the Filipino have a damage culture ?
- Based on his speech we do not help each other. The Spaniards who
colonized our country for 333 years in a cruelty way and other
foreigners that affect the existence of Filipino People until today.

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