The USC Nisei will receive honorary degrees, followed by candidatesfor the
Baccalaureate, Master's, Doctoral and Doctor ofPhilosophy degrees.
C o m m e n c e m e n t Protocol:
Immediately after a group ofcandidates has been presented to the
president (candidates standing), the president faces the group and
acknowledges the group by tipping his cap. Each member ofthe
group will then quickly tip his or her cap in reply.
(Following the Alma Mater, members ofthe audience are asked to remain standing until the
platform party, faculty and graduates have recessed from Alumni Park).
Diplomas and certificates will be awarded by the deans of the various schools in separate ceremonies.
For locations ofthe ceremonies, please seepage 247.
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 1
Program 1
U S C Board of Trustees 4
University Administration 5
Academic Regalia 8
Heraldic Flags 10
Honorary Degrees 13
Wallis Annenberg Carol Campbell Fox John C. Martin Barbara J. Rossier
Wanda M . Austin Chengyu Fu Kathleen L. McCarthy William J. Schoen
Marc Benioff Stanley P. Gold Jamie McCourt William E. B. Siart
Joseph M. Boskovich Sr. Tamara Hughes Gustavson John Mork Robert H . Smith
Gregory P. Brakovich Jane Harman Jerry W . Neely Jeffrey H . Smulyan
Rick J. Caruso Ming Hsieh C. L. Max Nikias Steven Spielberg
Alan I. Casden Ray R. Irani Robert Padgett Mark A. Stevens
Ronnie C. Chan Suzanne Nora Johnson Joan A. Payden Ronald D . Sugar
Yang H o Cho Lydia H . Kennard Jane Hoffman Popovich Ratan N . Tata
Christopher Cox Kenneth R. Klein Blake Quinn Daniel M . Tsai
Frank H . Cruz John Kusmiersky Lorna Y. Reed Ronald N . Tutor
Richard DeBeikes, Jr. Daniel D . Lane Linda Johnson Rice Andrew J. Viterbi
David H . Dornsife David L. Lee Edward P. Roski, Jr., Willis B . W o o d , Jr.
Daniel J. Epstein Monica C. Lozano Chairman
Life Trustees
Malcolm R. Currie William Lyon J. Douglas Pardee Forrest N . Shumway
Gavin S. Herbert Alfred E. Mann Frank Price Richard J. Stegemeier
B. Wayne Hughes, Sr. Gordon S. Marshall Allen E. Puckett Peter V. Ueberroth
John F. King Harlyne Norris Bruce M . Ramer Gin D. Wong
Kenneth Leventhal Toshiaki Ogasawara Steven B. Sample
Honorary Trustees
Verna B. Dauterive Helene Galen Merwyn C. Gill Carmen H . Warschaw
University Administration
C. L. Max Nikias, Dipl., M.S., Ph.D., President of the University Thomas E. Jackiewicz, B.A., M P H , Senior Vice President and
Elizabeth Garrett, B.A., J.D., Provost and Senior Vice President Chief Executive Officer for USC Health
for Academic Affairs Thomas S. Sayles, B.A., J.D, Senior Vice President,
Robert Abeles, B.A., M B A , Senior Vice President, Finance, and University Relations
Chief Financial Officer Patrick C. Haden, B.A., B.A., J.D., Athletic Director
Albert R. Checcio, B.S., Senior Vice President, University Lisa Mazzocco, B.S., M B A , Chief Investment Officer
Advancement Carol Mauch Amir, B.A., J.D., General Counsel and Secretary of
Todd R. Dickey, B.A., J.D., Senior Vice President, Administration the University
Senior Administration
Randolph Hall, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Vice President, Research Kristina E. Raspe, B.A., J.D., M C M , M R E D , Vice President,
Katharine Harrington, B.S., M B A , Ph.D., Vice President, Real Estate Development and Asset Management
Adm issions and Plan n ing David M . Roberts, B.A., J.D., Vice President, Athletic Compliance
Michael L.Jackson, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Vice President, Margo Steurbaut, B.S., M B A , Vice President, Finance
Student Affairs Courtney Surls, B.Mus., M.Ed., Vice President, Development
Thomas S. Learyjr., B.S., Vice President, Capital Construction William Watson, B.S., Vice President, Health Sciences Development
and Facilities Management
Brenda Maceo, B.A., Vice President, Public Relations and
Robert A. Cutietta, B.A., M . M . , Ed.D., Dean, Qingyun Ma, B . S , M . A r c h , Dean, USC School of Architecture
USC Thornton School of Music Carmen A. Puliafito, M . D , M B A , Dean, Keck School of Medicine
Elizabeth M . Daley, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Dean, USC School of ofUSC
Cinematic Arts Madeline Puzo, Dean, USC School of Theatre
Gerald C. Davison, B.A., Ph.D., Dean, USC Davis School of Catherine Quinlan, B . M , M L S , M B A , Dean, USC Libraries
Gerontology Robert K. Rasmussen, B . A , J . D , Dean, USC Gould School of Law
James G. Ellis, BBA, M B A , Dean, USC Marshall School of Avishai Sadan, D M D , Dean, Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC
Business Douglas E. Shook, B . A , M . A , Ph.D., Dean, Academic Records
Marilyn L. Flynn, A.B., M . A , M S W , Dean, USC School of and Registrar
Social Work Varun Soni, B . A , M T S , M . A , J . D , Ph.D., Dean,
Karen Symms Gallagher, B . A , M . E d , Ph.D., Dean, Religious Life
USC Rossier School of Education Rochelle Steiner, B . A , M . A , Ph.D., Dean, USC Roski School of
Howard Gillman, B . A , M . A , Ph.D., Dean, USC Dornsife Fine Arts
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences R. Pete Vanderveen, R P h , B C P P , Ph.D., Dean, USC School of
William W. Holder, DBA, C P A , Dean, USC Leventhal School of Pharmacy
Accounting Ernest James Wilson III, Ph.D., Dean, USC Annenberg School for
Selma Holo, B . A , M . A , Ph.D., Director, USC Fisher Gallery and Communication and Journalism
USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences International Yannis C. Yortsos, B . S , M.S., Ph.D., Dean, USC Viterbi School of
Museum Institute Engineering
Jack H . Knott, B . A , M . A , Ph.D., Dean, USC Price School of
Public Policy
^ R j ^ ^
7908 Seal
At the behest of university administrators in 1908, Jesse Ray Miller devised a new seal that introduced
USC's official flower, the California poppy, a heraldic symbol of remembrance, hope, joy and growth.
The seal also included a shield bearing a setting sun and three torches. In heraldic tradition, the
torch symbolizes learning, and the three torches displayed here represented learning in the arts, the
sciences and philosophy. The setting sun signified the West and, according to heraldic symbolism,
power and life. Finally, enfolding the shield was a scroll displaying the university's new motto,
"Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat." Freely translated it means: "Let him bear the palm who merits it."
University Mace
The mace of the University of Southern California is a ceremonial scepter symbolizing the authority of
the Office of the President. The President of the Faculty has the honor of serving as mace bearer in all
academic processions for commencements and other official university ceremonies.
Historical maces date back to the 13th century when they were first carried as ceremonial symbols
of the royal authority at events attended by English kings.
The university mace was first used at the inauguration of President Norman Topping on October 28,
1958. The mace was designed and crafted by the renowned master silversmith, USC alumnus and pro-
fessor emeritus Hudson Roysher. The head of the mace depicts the university seal. Encircling the head
of the mace is the hand-engraved inscription, "1880 University of Southern California." The names
of the past io presidents and current president Dr. C. L. Max Nikias are engraved on the bowl. The
crowning ornament is a depiction of the walled city of Troy. The mace is permanently displayed in the
Office of the President.
-Researched by Lynda A. Strand
Marshals' Batons
Designed for the inauguration of Dr. C. L. Max Nikias as nth president of the university, a baton is
carried by every marshal in the official procession. The batons are carved from walnut, with the univer-
sity seal mounted in gold at the top. The fluted shape of the baton evokes the torch of learning, which
is also found on the university seal.
At the University of Southern California, marshals are traditionally chosen from the ranks of the
faculty to lead the student procession at New Student Convocation and Commencement. The Univer-
sity Marshal and the President of the Faculty march at the head of the procession.
Trustee Gowns
The cardinal robes of office worn by university trustees were designed by Dr. Jerome B. Walker for
President Steven B. Sample's 1991 inauguration. Reminiscent of the university's doctoral gowns, the
trustee robes feature red velvet front panels and chevrons on the sleeves. Bright gold piping outlines
both the panels and the chevrons. Each of the front panels features an embroidered shield on the
lapel, taken from the university seal. The trustees wear a doctoral hood lined with USC's traditional
gold satin with a cardinal chevron. The hood has a red velvet collar representing the university, in
place of a faculty color representing a single discipline.
The University Marshal wears a special gown that serves as a bridge between the trustee robes and
the university's doctoral gown, with the university seal embroidered on the lapel.
Academic Regalia
"(The) wearing of gowns by judges, ministers, teachers, and The standard cap and gown are almost universally worn,
scholars is an ancient and impressive custom. ...As the graduat- but there are some outstanding deviations, including Harvard,
ing students of American high schools, colleges, and universities Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, New York, Chicago and the
march in academic procession on Commencement Day to receive University of Southern California. Cardinal and gold doctoral
their diplomas or degrees, they, too, (and perhaps, for some, only gowns were proposed for the university's centennial by Dr. Jerome
this once in their lives) wear the caps and gowns of this long tra- B. Walker, centennial director, in 1980. Cardinal gowns with
dition. ...For a moment, they are wearing an ancient regalia, the yellow velvet panels were first worn during President James H.
proud badge of belonging to a great profession, that of student. Zumberge's inauguration in May 1981. For President Steven B.
Holding hands with students past and students present in a chain Sample's 1991 inauguration, the design for doctoral gowns was
which goes back into history. Every detail should be keyed to stress modified, adding red velvet panels framed by bright gold braids.
the occasion as adventure, a turning point, something memorable
and important." Caps
Although there is an exception, rarely seen, for women which
Frank C. Baxter allows them to wear a soft cap, the mortarboard or Oxford type
Professor Emeritus of English cap is worn. Only the doctor's cap may be made of velvet. The
University of Southern California tassel worn with the cap has three variations: (1) it may be black for
any degree, (2) it may be in the color of the faculty (field of learn-
At the end of the 19th century, colleges and universities in the ing) in which the degree was granted, or (3) doctors and govern-
United States were developing the kind of ruleless academic cos- ing officials, only, may wear a tassel of gold metallic thread. Black
tume that emerged from the centuries in Great Britain. There and tassels are worn at USC for all bachelor's and master's degrees.
in the dominions each university adopted its own costume without The cap is an essential part of the academic costume and is
regard to what other institutions had done. The result was a con- worn with it at all times except, of course, when the men remove
fusing array of caps, gowns, and particularly hoods, each one of theirs during prayer or during the playing of the national anthem.
which must be separately memorized. The gold tassel of the doctor's cap is so fastened that it drapes
Recognizing this problem, American institutions responded in over the left front quarter of the cap. From this design it has
1895 by creating an Intercollegiate Commission to consider a uni- become customary to leave the tassel draped over the left temple
form code for academic costume. The resulting Intercollegiate at all times.
Code regulated the design or pattern of gowns and hoods and the
colors and materials to be used. The code was subsequently ad- Hoods
opted by almost all of the colleges and universities in the country. Of all the components of the costume, the hood is the most sym-
It is still in use today, although slightly modified by successor com- bolic. It makes clear the level of the degree, the faculty in which
mittees appointed by the American Council on Education. it was given, and the institution which awarded it. The level of the
degree is shown by the size of the hood, the width of the velvet
Gowns trimming, and, in the case of the doctors, by the shape. This same
The code provides for three types of gowns. Those for bachelors trimming identifies the faculty in which the degree is awarded. The
are made of black material and have long, pointed sleeves. They hood is lined with the colors of the school awarding the degree; at
should be worn closed only, and should have no adornment. The USC, the lining is gold with a cardinal chevron.
master's gown, also black, is made with an oblong sleeve, open at The academic regalia worn by the participants in the com-
the wrist. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the mencement ceremony is not merely costume. It represents an
front part has an arc cut away. It is also worn closed. The doctor's unbroken chain uniting students and scholars since the time of the
gown is an elaborate costume marked by velvet panels down the Middle Ages.
front and around the neck as well as by three bars of the same
material on the bell shaped sleeves. It is cut much fuller than the Prepared by Dr. G.A. Fleischer, Professor of Industrial and Systems
other gowns and unlike them may be ornamented in color. (As a Engineering and University Marshal, 1983-87.
matter of practice, except in the areas of philosophy and law, dark
blue and purple, respectively, faculty colors are rarely seen on the
The silk lining of the hood bears the color or colors of the institution from which the wearer has gradu-
ated. The official colors for the University of Southern California are cardinal and gold. The color of the
velvet band around the hood shows the department in which the wearer has taken his or her degree.
All Master of Arts (white) degrees and Master of Science (gold yellow) degrees are bestowed by the
Graduate School.
Accounting Taupe
Architecture Blue-Violet
Engineering Orange
Music Pink
Pharmacy Olive
Public Policy Crimson, Peacock Blue
Social Work Citron
Heraldic Flags
Designed by Dr. Jerome B. Walker for President James H. design require the double use of one or the other of the two univer-
Zumberge's 1981 inauguration, heraldic flags for each academic sity symbols.
degree-granting unit are displayed at commencements and other Although technically the design and description of banners is
academic convocations. These flags, carried by students, precede a part of heraldry, in recent years there has been some departure
the faculty in the procession. from the traditional rules of heraldic design as applied to banners.
By a long-standing tradition, most academic disciplines have For example, a number of colors used successfully on banners
used an identifying color, which is displayed on academic hoods in do not fall within the rather narrow range of colors permitted by
order to indicate the subject area in which the wearer obtained the traditional heraldic rules. Thus, although the color brown is used
degree. These identifying academic colors are used in the banners frequently and with considerable effect in the design of banners,
of the various schools and divisions of the university. brown is not a heraldic color.
Found in the university seal, the torch of learning is a clear and In describing banners in the most technical manner it would be
honorable symbol, well suited to an institution of higher learning, customary to use the Old-French words for the colors or tinctures
and is one of the charges on the university's shield of arms, which used, but it is deemed sensible, in describing modern banners
is carved on a number of the buildings on the campus. The uni- using other than traditional colors, to use the simple English
versity seal also contains a sun. Known as a "sun in its splendor," descriptions for colors. For those who are interested in traditional
the perimeter of the sun carries alternating straight and wavy heraldic descriptions, the following substitutions may be made: for
rays. The straight rays represent the light and the wavy rays the red write gules; for crimson write murrey; for blue write azure; for
warmth and affection that the university extends to its students green write vert; for purple write purpure; for orange write tenny;
and community. for black write sable.
Whenever possible, both the torch and the sun are used in The colors yellow and white are known in heraldic language as
flags to unite these disciplines under the flag of the University of metals; they represent, respectively, gold and silver and they are
Southern California. Occasionally the requirements of good banner technically described as or and argent.
T ¥ iff
iff 5¥
College of Letters, Arts The Graduate School Architecture Business
and Sciences Academic color, royal blue Academic color, blue-violet. Academic color, taupe. The
Academic colors, white for for the doctorate. The saltire The Doric portico is used here rectangular figures that are
letters and yellow for sciences. (a corner-to-corner cross) as a symbol of beauty and pro- symmetrically arranged on
The wide-ranging fields over symbolizes the very wide range portions inspired by the early this flag are designed to
which this college functions of disciplines over which this Greek architects, who con- symbolize the organizational
are symbolized by the intimate school presides and which the tinue to inspire the architect characteristic of business at all
intertwining of letters, arts and saltire unites in one unit. today. The blue background, levels of complexity.
sciences in the heraldic pattern representing the sky, suggests
known as "gyronny." The torch the almost limitless scope of
of learning serves as a reminder architecture.
that the work of this college is
focused on scholarship.
ii A to
¥ ¥ feH
Cinematic Arts
Academic colors, brown for
Communication and
Academic color, lilac. Dentistry,
Academic color, light blue. The
the arts, white for letters. Academic colors, crimson like the other scholarly areas book, illuminated by the lamp
The eight triangles represent for communication, white for associated with health care, of learning, is a very widely
the strength of the individual journalism. The three roundels, uses the traditional Aesculapian used, traditional symbol for
disciplines, such as camera, interconnected by arrows staff and serpent, enclosed, education, and occurs in many
editing, sound, graphics, pointing in both directions, in the case of dentistry, in a shields of arms.
writing, history, criticism and are here used to symbolize the capital Greek letter, delta.
aesthetics, that form the larger fact that all communication
discipline of cinematic arts. has a threefold aspect —
When combined, they form communicator, audience and
an iris, and in the center is the medium — all of which are
human eye, which represents involved in the interplay and
the human mediation essential sharing of a message.
to the discipline.
C (Oi
T T T 0*8
Medicine Music Pharmacy
Public Policy
Academic color, green. The Academic color, pink. The Academic color, olive. Academic colors, crimson and
staff of Aesculapius, the Roman treble and bass clefs symbolize Pharmacy is symbolized by the peacock blue. The school's
god of medicine, around which music expressed in all its forms bowl of Hygeia, the goddess work is represented in triads,
is entwined the harmless snake and styles, vocal or instrumen- of health, coupled with the which intersect three sectors;
beloved of Aesculapius, has tal. Music is a universal means Aesculapian serpent, showing three levels of government;
been the symbol of medicine of communication between the close relationship between at three locations; and three
for many centuries. human beings, linking the past, pharmacy and medicine. levels of degree programs.
present and future. The three roundels evoke
those triads. The symbol of
the honeycomb reflects one
of nature's most beautifully
planned community structures.
The hexagon links the six fields
of the school.
1 f X
Social Work
Academic color, citron. As
X ¥
Academic colors, brown for
symbolized by the individual the arts, white for letters. The
reaching out to the globe with masks of comedy and tragedy,
outstretched arms, social work arranged to face each other,
by its very nature is about provide in the space between
embracing our connections as them a chalice, recalling the
human beings and inspiring Chalice of Dionysus and the
the spirit of compassion and ancient tradition that actors
mutual respect that assists were referred to as the
individuals and communities in "craftsmen of Dionysus."
reaching their full potential.
Honorary Degree
Romeo A. Dallaire
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Romeo Dallaire is a Canadian senator and retired Canadian Army lieutenant-general. A devoted
humanitarian, Dallaire is president of the Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire Foundation; founder
of the Child Soldiers Initiative, a project aimed at eradicating the use of child soldiers; an out-
spoken advocate for human rights, particularly those of war-affected children, women, the Canadian
First Nations and military veterans; a respected champion of genocide prevention initiatives, the
Responsibility to Protect doctrine and nuclear non-proliferation; as well as a best-selling author.
Throughout his distinguished military career, Dallaire served in staff, training and command
positions throughout North America, Europe and Africa, rising in rank from army cadet in 1960 to
lieutenant-general in 1998.
Dallaire was appointed force commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda, prior
to and during the 1994 genocide. In this capacity, he provided the United Nations with information
about the planned massacre, yet permission to intervene was denied, and the United Nations with-
drew its peacekeeping forces. Dallaire, along with a small contingent of Ghanaian soldiers and military
observers, disobeyed the command to withdraw and remained in Rwanda to protect those who sought
refuge with the United Nations' forces.
His courage and leadership during this mission earned him the Meritorious Service Cross, the United
States Legion of Merit, the Aegis Award on Genocide Prevention and the affection and admiration of
people around the globe.
Dallaire describes his experiences in Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in
Rwanda, which won the Governor General's Literary Award for Non-fiction in 2004. Dallaire's most
recent book is They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children: The Global Quest to Eradicate the Use
of Child Soldiers.
Dallaire was born in Denekamp, Holland, but raised and educated in Canada. He joined le College
militaire royal de Saint-Jean in 1964, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Royal
Military College in 1969.
For his unwavering commitment to compassion, to probity and to humanity — which he amply
evinced as force commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda, the University of
Southern California is proud to honor Romeo Dallaire with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters
honoris causa.
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 13
Honorary Degree
Dana Dornsife
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Dana Dornsife is an international humanitarian and a passionate supporter of health, education and
sustainability. A longtime benefactor of USC, she and her husband David donated $200 million to the
university in 2011. Their monumental gift named the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters,
Arts and Sciences in perpetuity and remains the single largest gift in the university's history.
As part of their philanthropy, the Dornsifes are also working on microenterprise and literacy in
Mauritania, West Africa. In partnership with World Vision, they advance water well drilling, sanitation
and hygiene in 10 other countries in Africa. They remain steadfastly dedicated to bringing clean water,
improved agriculture and higher literacy to struggling nations. Together, they have improved the lives
of more than one million people throughout Niger, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia and Zambia.
Dana received her undergraduate degree in business from Drexel University in Philadelphia. She also
earned an interior design certification from John F. Kennedy University and a lighting design certifica-
tion through the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. In 1991, she co-founded Axiom
Design, Inc., a lighting design and home automation consulting firm, and in 2002, she founded Adorn,
a lighting and interior design company for the custom spec home market.
Dana is also president and founder of Lazarex Cancer Foundation. Its mission is to help end-stage
cancer patients navigate their clinical trial options and to provide financial support, if needed, for clini-
cal trial participation. In addition, she serves on the governing board of the Yosemite Conservancy, and
on the board of Global Healing, which provides modern health care in developing countries.
Dana is a board member of the USC-Huntington Institutes for Advanced Study and the USC Brain
and Creativity Institute within the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
She and David are also members of the USC Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. They have both received
the University Medallion, which USC awards very selectively to individuals who have made major con-
tributions to the university.
For her philanthropic leadership and her boundless passion for bettering our society, the University
of Southern California is proud to honor Dana Dornsife with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters
honoris causa.
Honorary Degree
David Dornsife
Doctor ofHumane Letters
David Dornsife is a world-renowned philanthropist and highly regarded chairman of the board of
the Herrick Corporation, which is a steel fabrication and installation company based in San Ramon,
California. He is also vice president of the Hedco Foundation, which supports health and education.
In 2on, together with his wife Dana, he provided USC with its single largest gift ever — a transfor-
mative contribution that named the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
in perpetuity. In recognition, USC awarded each of them its University Medallion, a distinction earned
by only one other individual in USC's century-plus history.
David has served on the USC Board of Trustees since 2002. His family's dedication to advancing the
university's work in neuroscience and medicine dates back several decades, as his parents gave the
lead gift for the Hedco Neuroscience Building, which helped establish USC's position as a pioneering
leader in the field of neuroscience. David currently serves as chairman of the board of the USC Brain
and Creativity Institute.
Outside of USC, the Dornsifes partner with World Vision to advance water well drilling, sanitation
and hygiene throughout Africa. Their stellar work has improved the lives of more than one million
people in Niger, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia and Zambia. They also advance microenterprise and literacy in
Mauritania, and their successful leadership in these areas has earned international accolades, while
firmly placing them among the world's most generous and respected philanthropists.
David is a 1965 graduate of the USC Marshall School of Business. Along with Dana, he is a member of
the USC Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and a council member of the Yosemite Conservancy.
In 2011, when USC announced the Dornsifes' historic gift, David commented on their philanthropic
vision: "We firmly believe that the college will lead the way in solving the major problems facing society
and the world today."
For his extraordinary leadership as a philanthropist and businessman, as well as his steadfast
dedication to improving the lives of Individuals all over the world, the University of Southern California
is proud to honor David Dornsife with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
USC 129TH A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 15
Honorary Degree
Victoria Hale
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Victoria Hale is a pharmaceutical scientist, global health social entrepreneur and the highly respected
founder of Medicines36o. She remains passionately dedicated to developing important new medicines
for all of humanity, with the specific goal of reducing health inequities.
Medicines36o, which is Hale's most recent social enterprise, is a non-profit pharmaceutical com-
pany that is committed to supporting disenfranchised women and children. It develops innovative,
affordable and sustainable medical solutions.
Hale is also founder and chair emerita of OneWorld Health, the first non-profit pharmaceutical com-
pany in the United States. She founded the company in 2000 and served as its first chairman and chief
executive officer from 2000 to 2008. Under her leadership, the organization developed a new cure for
visceral leishmaniasis, launched a novel approach to treat dehydrating diarrhea, and developed a plat-
form technology to reduce the cost of malaria drugs by more than tenfold.
Hale established her expertise in all stages of biopharmaceutical drug development at the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration and at Genentech. She earned her Ph.D. in pharmaceutical chemistry
from the University of California, San Francisco, where she presently maintains an adjunct associate
professorship in biopharmaceutical sciences. She received her bachelor's degree in pharmacy with
high honors from the University of Maryland.
Throughout her career, Hale has earned a number of exceptional honors. She has been elected
to membership in the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academies, and the MacArthur
Foundation awarded her one of its exceedingly prestigious grants, known as the "Genius" award. The
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists awarded her the President's Award of Distinction.
Hale is internationally recognized as a senior social entrepreneur by the Skoll Foundation, Schwab
Foundation and Ashoka. In 2005, The Economist awarded her its Social and Economic Innovation
For her profound contributions to global health, and her extraordinary achievements as a phar-
maceutical scientist and social entrepreneur, the University of Southern California is proud to honor
Victoria Hale with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
Honorary Degree
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Mike Markkula has distinguished himself as a venerable entrepreneur, innovator and engineer. He
is the founder of Echelon Corporation and has served as chairman and vice chairman of its board.
Echelon designs and markets distributed intelligence control systems, and is a leader in products
enabling smart power grids.
In addition, Markkula is a co-founder of Apple Computer and served as a director of the company
from its incorporation in 1977 to 1996. At the company's inception, he was a key angel investor and
became its second chief executive officer, thereby providing critical early funding and managerial
guidance during its foundational years.
During his lengthy and illustrious tenure at Apple, Markkula held various leadership roles, including
vice president of marketing, president and chief executive officer, chairman of the board, vice chair-
man of the board and director of Claris Corporation. Through his involvement with Apple, Markkula
stands among the select group of individuals who have shaped our world's current technological
Markkula is also the founder of ACM Aviation and a founder of the San Jose Jet Center. He served as
chair of the board of directors of ACM Aviation, and was the first chair of the board of directors of the
San Jose Jet Center. He is a trustee of Santa Clara University.
Prior to founding Apple, Markkula served as marketing director at Intel Corporation, marketing
director for Integrated Circuits at Fairchild Semiconductor, and was a member of the technical staff in
the Research and Development Laboratory at Hughes Aircraft Company.
Markkula currently holds five patents in the area of distributed intelligence control networks. The
USC Viterbi School of Engineering recognized him with its Distinguished Alumni Award, and Harvard
Business School named him Entrepreneur of the Year. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees
in electrical engineering from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
For his seminal contributions as a technological pioneer, and for his extraordinary leadership as an
entrepreneur and engineer, the University of Southern California is proud to honor Mike Markkula with
the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 17
Honorary Degree
John Mork
Doctor ofHumane Letters
John Mork is an energy entrepreneur, philanthropist and the highly regarded chief executive officer of
Energy Corporation of America. He and his wife Julie stand among USC's most prominent and gener-
ous benefactors, as they have permanently transformed the university's educational landscape with
their historic $110 million gift for student scholarships. Their gift established the Mork Family Scholars
Program at USC.
The Morks founded Eastern American Energy Corporation, the predecessor to Energy Corporation
of America, in 1972. Earlier in his career, John served in various capacities as an engineer at Union
Oil Company, as well as at Pacific States Gas and Oil, Inc. He is a past director of the Independent
Petroleum Association of America and the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia.
John was a member of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), served as the Rocky Mountain
Chapter chairman, and founded the Mountain States Chapter of YPO. He is a member of the
Chief Executives Organization, the World Presidents' Organization and the USC Viterbi School of
Engineering's Board of Councilors. He also serves on the board of directors of the ECA Foundation, Inc.
The Morks' landmark gift in support of student scholarships at USC came in 2011, only a few years
after their outstanding naming gift to the engineering school's department of chemical engineering
and materials science. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering from the
USC Viterbi School of Engineering, and has served on the USC Board of Trustees since 2006.
The Morks' philanthropic vision focuses primarily on education. They donate to early childhood edu-
cation, as well as to programs that seek new ways to prevent recidivism among drug felons. They also
support programs that combat attention-deficit disorder among young people.
In April 2011, when USC announced the Morks' $110 million gift to USC, John Mork spoke with the
Los Angeles Times. "Public and private education has gotten more expensive overtime," he said.
"I think this will allow the very best kids to get a degree at USC, whether they can afford it or not."
For his entrepreneurial business acumen and his leadership among the world's most respected
philanthropists, the University of Southern California is proud to honor John Mork with the degree of
Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
Honorary Degree
Julie Mork
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Julie McAndrews Mork is the managing director of the Energy Corporation of America Foundation.
She remains an impassioned champion of education and a dedicated advocate of youth and visually
impaired children.
As philanthropic leaders, she and her husband John transformed the educational landscape at USC
with their superbly generous gift to support student scholarships. This $uo million gift created the
Mork Family Scholars Program, and remains the single largest gift in the university's history to support
student scholarships.
Along with her husband, Julie founded Eastern American Energy Corporation, the predecessor to
Energy Corporation of America, in 1972. She is a member of the National Board of Directors of College
Summit, an organization dedicated to increasing the college enrollment rate of low-income students in
America. She also serves on the advisory board of Alliance for Choice in Education. She is exceptionally
passionate in her support of the Anchor Center for Blind Children, where she serves as a member of
the advisory board and is a past president of the board of directors.
Julie received her bachelor's degree in history from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1972,
and is an honorary alumna of USC. She also holds a certificate in real estate paralegal training. She
has been a director of Energy Corporation of America since 1976, and has also served as secretary/
treasurer of Eastern American Energy Corporation.
The Morks' milestone gift of $110 million to USC built on a long history of stellar philanthropy.
The university announced their gift in 2011, and the inaugural class of USC Mork Family Scholars has
already arrived on the university's campuses. These prestigious scholarships are awarded annually to
high school seniors of outstanding intellectual talent and capability, and recognize students who have
demonstrated the highest qualities of scholarship and citizenship.
Each year, the scholarship recipients include students from the USC Family of Schools, and Mork
Family Scholars at the junior- and senior-class level have the opportunity to serve as mentors to their
freshman and sophomore counterparts.
For her singular leadership as a philanthropist, as well as her longstanding dedication to educa-
tion, youth and visually Impaired children, the University of Southern California is proud to honor Julie
Mork with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
USC 129TH A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 19
Honorary Degree
Christiane Amanpour
Doctor ofHumane Letters
Christiane Amanpour is the global affairs anchor for ABC News, for which she provides international
analysis of important issues of the day for its programs and platforms. She also anchors primetime
documentaries on international subjects and serves as host of Amanpour and chief international
correspondent for CNN International.
Amanpour's eminent career in journalism spans three decades. When she became an international
correspondent for CNN in 1990, her first major assignment was to cover the Gulf War. Since then, she
has continued to report from the world's major hotspots, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan,
Somalia, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Asia, Rwanda, and the Balkans, as well as from the United
States during Hurricane Katrina.
Over the course of her singular career, Amanpour has interviewed most of the world's top leaders.
During the Arab Spring, she secured the only interview with Hosni Mubarak, as well as an exclusive
interview with MuammarGhadafi. In addition, she has interviewed British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
French President Jacques Chirac and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, as well as other leaders
from Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Amanpour has received every major broadcast award, including an inaugural Television Academy
Award, nine News and Documentary Emmys, four George Foster Peabody Awards, two George Polk
Awards, three duPont-Columbia Awards, the Courage in Journalism Award, an Edward R. Murrow
Award, and nine honorary degrees.
In 2011, Amanpour received a Giants in Broadcasting award and received the Walter Cronkite Award
for Excellence in Journalism from Arizona State University. She is a member of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and an honorary
citizen of Sarajevo.
Amanpour was born in London and spent part of her childhood in Tehran, Iran. She graduated
summa cum laude from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
For her decades-long and remarkably distinguished career in journalism, and for her unwavering
commitment to the field's loftiest ideals of truth and fairness, the University of Southern California is
proud to honor Christiane Amanpour with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa.
Bachelor of Arts
Hasan Abbas, Neuroscience Nikki Alexandra Anas, Political Science, Minor - Business 8e
Dillon Wayne Abbott, Psychology, Minor - Theatre Economics
Elizabeth Mace Abbott, Political Science Abigayle Antonio Ancheta, Neuroscience
Gianni Christopher Abbott, English, Minor - Art History Akura Le-Ann Anderson, Human Performance, Minor - Sports
Anand Mathew Abraham, Biological Sciences, Minor - Media Studies
Psychology Nathaniel Anderson, American Studies and Ethnicity
Alexandra Zara Abrams, Neuroscience, Minor - Art History Cristala Bella Andrews, Political Science, Minor - Music
Jamila Anowuo Acheampong, Economics Industry
Daniella Alejandra Acuna, International Relations, Minor - Alicia Irene Anguiano, History 8e Political Science
Spanish Kaisha A. Ansley, Social Sciences
Jason Michael Adams, Psychology Matthew Anzueto, Economics
Tanya Adjemian, Neuroscience Amanda Apardian, Political Science
Ami Adjoh, Economics Katherine Aplin, International Relations
Ryan R. Adkins, International Relations Garegin Arakelyan, Applied and Computational Mathematics
Lindsey Ann Adleman, History and Social Science Education Thais Francesca Arata, Neuroscience
Mariana Aguilar, Social Sciences, Minor - Digital Studies Armond Armstead, Sociology
Heldine Alora Aguiluz, Mathematics 8c Theatre Noelle Armstrong, Psychology, Minor - Gender Studies
Madison Alexandra Aguirre, Psychology Andrew Patrick Arnold, Political Science, Minor - Law and
Shawn Paul Ahem, Economics Public Policy
Simar Singh Ahluwalia, Political Science Heidi Michelle Alexandria Arredondo, Psychology, Minor -
Nadia Ahmadi, Economics, Minor - Business Spanish 8c Forensics and Criminality
Jin Young Ahn, Psychology Noel Ann Arreola, Psychology 8c American Studies and
Yongmo Ahn, Economics Ethnicity
Nicholas D . Ahrens, American Studies and Ethnicity Shanit Arshadnia, Psychology
Yusuke Jason Akahoshi, Biological Sciences, Minor - Cultural Maddison Erin Arutian, International Relations
Competence in Medicine Shantel Haruko Asada, English 8c Political Science
Dagny Justine Akeyson, Political Science & French, Minor - Angela Pacheco Asistio, Political Science, Minor - Music
Business Industry 8c Spanish
Hasan Jaleel Al Sairafi, Economics & Applied and Maya L. Astor, Religion
Computational Mathematics &c Business Administration Matthew Lee Atkins, Economics
Al-Dana Al-Juffali, International Relations Teresa Katherine Atkinson, Psychology
Ryan Ramiz Alam, International Relations Zachary David Atkinson, Political Science, Minor - Business
Christopher Alford, Philosophy Serena Lorin Au, Psychology
Dhamoon Alimouri, Political Science & Philosophy, Minor - Traci M . Auer, Economics
Law and Society Mariam Avetisyan, Neuroscience, Minor - English
Emily April Allen, English 8c Psychology Jamie Caroline Axelrad, Spanish 8c Biological Sciences
James Timothy Aluri, Music 8e Biological Sciences Sarah Marie Ayad, Political Science, Minor - Law and Society
Brendan Paul Ames, American Studies and Ethnicity Blake James Ayles, Sociology
USC 129TH A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 29
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 31
Bachelor of Science
Hasan Abbas, Biochemistry Connor Scott Corcoran, Biological Sciences, Minor - Psychology
Giovauna Alberre, Biochemistry Travis Charles Dagdigian, Geological Sciences
Mir Amaan Ali, Neuroscience, Minor - Psychology and Law Harout Dermendjian, Biological Sciences, Minor - Mathematics
Cassie Akemi Anduha, Economics/Mathematics Rebecca Brooke Diebel, Kinesiology, Minor - Psychology
Thomas Jeremiah Angelopoulos, Physics Tyler James Diefenbach, Environmental Studies
Alexander George Anthony, Environmental Studies Daniel Doran, Mathematics
W i n g Chee Vivian Au, Economics/Mathematics Scott Tyler Dunn, Environmental Studies
Yara Bashawri, Biochemistry Jennifer Chong Fan, Biological Sciences, Minor - Musical
Riley Katherine Bell, Global Health 8c Neuroscience Studies
Logan Ashley Benge, Economics/Mathematics Samuel George Fisher, Environmental Studies
Solomon P. Bier, Physics Rayvionne Bridgette French, Computer Science
Gurpreet Bola, Mathematics Bing Fu, Economics/Mathematics
Dinah Simone Diller Bouma, Physics Tyler Bradley Fuchs, Kinesiology
Megan Leigh Brekke, Economics/Mathematics Leah Teresa Gaeta, Kinesiology
Jordan Anne Bretsch, Kinesiology, Minor - Sculpture Jing Gao, Economics/Mathematics
Sarah Irvine Bridge, Biological Sciences, Minor - Spanish Mariah Janelle Gill, Environmental Studies
Aaron Isaac Mailona Bright, Kinesiology Zachary William Godfrey, Biological Sciences
Jeffrey Patrick Brown, Kinesiology Nina Shira Gordon-Kirsch, Environmental Studies, Minor -
Tammy Pham Bui, Biological Sciences, Minor - English Marketing
Emily Burke, Neuroscience Sahib Gulati, Economics/Mathematics
Charles Spencer Capron, Biochemistry Annie Guo, Environmental Studies, Minor - International
Victoria Taing Cheow Chan, Biochemistry Relations
Yuklun Chan, Kinesiology Nitin Gupta, Biological Sciences, Minor - Organizational
Inggrid Chandranata, Biochemistry Leadership and Management
Brandon Yun-Yaur Chang, Biochemistry Michael John Halaska, Biochemistry
Katherine Hwei-Tsyr Chang, Kinesiology Bridget Stuart Hardy, Environmental Studies
Tiffany Chang, Biological Sciences, Minor - Business Christy Serj Harutunian, Biological Sciences
Kathleen Weiyu Chao, Biological Sciences Alison Miharu Hayashi, Kinesiology, Minor - Psychology
Siu Son Chaw, Biochemistry Kasie Keiko Heister, Economics/Mathematics
Harshvardhan Chawla, Biological Sciences, Minor - John David Hernandez, Economics/Mathematics
International Relations Taylor B. Hilgert, Kinesiology
Christine Shing-Jung Chen, Biological Sciences Jeffrey Ryan Hill, Kinesiology
Gina Yu-Han Chen, Economics/Mathematics Marika Hoeckmann, Kinesiology
Junda Chen, Mathematics Saw Myat Pyi Sone Htun, Biological Sciences, Minor - Public
John Hyunkuk Choi, Biological Sciences, Minor - Psychology Health
Richard Choi, Biological Sciences Zi Zhen Hu, Economics
Sang Hee Choi, Biological Sciences Sharon Lynn Huang, Kinesiology
Janet Chu, Biological Sciences Shohani Hyder, Biological Sciences
Sarah Catherine Clampett, Kinesiology, Minor - Psychology Christina M . Irvin, Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Science
Imran Hasan Abedin Soohyun Choi Jian Hao Brittany B. Kerridge
Gita Purshotam Advani Susie Choi Mancy Hau Hyun Joon Kim
Michael Austin Altschuler Katie S. Chung Nechama Dena Hayman Jin Hyuk Kim
Haeun An Prescott H . Coats Ryan J. Helfant, Minor - Mikyoung Kim
Alejandra Arguelles Zachary Thomas Cole Cinematic Arts Rachael Ji Yoon Kim
Stephanie Aziz Megan Marie Correnti Kyle Richard Henderson Caitlin Akino Kirio
W o n Joon Bae Phuong Ngoc Ngan Dang Trisha Elizabeth Henry Sandra Klanjian
Jagpartap Singh Brar Robert Der, Jr. Junyeong Heo Amanda Catherine Klein
Christina Alyssa Briseno Manvir Singh Dhillon Bob Tang Hinh Leonard Yi-Thum Kuang
Alona Buil Macarty James Matthew Dodson Linnsie H o Eileen Edie Kuo
Ishwarjit Singh Chadha Akbar Ali Dosani Pamela Hsu Sun H o Tristan Reece Kusman,
Eugenia Chan, Minor - Michael Anthony Duran II Amber Monet Hogans, Minor - Music Industry
Natural Science Jarrod Ehrie Minor - Religion Andrew Kwan
Kin O n Chan Kathryn Margaret Elmore Amanda Michelle Holt H o n Yee Lam
Jin W o o Chang Irina Isabel Escuardo Jessica Shan Hsueh Tiffany Lam
Maro Chea Chung Hau Stephen Fan Chenyan Huang Lauren Marie Ledek, Minor •
Defu Chen Gregory Edward Freehling Peggy Hwang Psychology
Jeremy Chen Lok Sum Lydia Fung Sung-Hyun Hwang Eunbyeol Lee
Jimmy Xingjian Chen Amir Ganaba Eun Jung Im H a n Yuen Lee
Myrna Phylicia Chen, Jennifer Rosalie Goldman, Maral Javaherian Seounghui Lee
Minor - Musical Minor - Psychology Shan Shan Jin Cheuk H o n Leung
Studies Shuo Gong Katherine Lorraine Julius Karla Daniela Leyva
Vincent Yuchi Chen John Michael Gregorchuk Katherine Meejin Jun Fei Li
Celia S. Cheung Matthew Joseph Grey You Sung Jung Michelle Xiao Rong Li
Helen Cheung Lauren Elyse Gribble Syed Yasir Kamal Yongfang Li
Leon Ming Yin Cheung Michael Alexander Yamamoto Elize Samantha Kaphiri Ann R. Liang
Yik Ki Cheung Hackler Brooke Symone Kelley, Andrew Lin
Chang W e n Chiu Craig Douglas Handy Minor - Dance Melody Z. Lin
Master of Accounting
Christopher William Aaron, B.S., Vanderbilt University Jie Deng, B.S., Nanchang University, China
Garret Scott Anderson, B.S., University of Southern California Jiani Ding, B.A., Shanghai Jiao T o n g University, China
Vicken Atchabahian, B.A., University of California, Irvine Marie Ann Ekshian, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
Christina Elizabeth Bachelor, B.S., University of Florida Danjie Fan, B.S., California State University, Hayward
Jisoo Bae, B.S., University of Arkansas Jennifer Andrea Fernandes, B.A., University of California, Irvine
Lauren Elise Ball, B.A., Dominican University of California Alaina Raquelle Frieson, B.A., Clark Atlanta University
Sarah Julie Beauge, B.S., Syracuse University Qian Gao, B.S., University of Southern California
Kayla Fatima Benali, B.S., Arizona State University Nicholas Gerard Gianitsis, B.S., Providence College
Eric Nathan Blake-Knox, BBA, University of Georgia Maria Goloubenko, B.S., Quinnipiac University
Jennifer Lynne Brown, B.S., University of Portland Matthew Graziano, B.A., New York University
Justin Charles Brown, B.A., Earlham College Camille Ashley Groeniger, B.S., University of Southern
Stacie Lee Burke, B.S., University of Arizona California
Lingxian Cao, B.A., East China University of Politics and Law Emma Rebecca Grossman, B.A., Drew University
Qige Cao, B.S., University of Southern California Renjie Guo, BBA, Fudan University, China
Jinglei Chen, B.A., University of Nottingham Ningbo China Linh M . Hang, B.S., University of California, Riverside
Xiong Chen, BBA, New Mexico State University Nicolas Hinden, B.S., State University of New York, Albany
Eunbuel Cho, B.A., University of Southern California Matthew Charles Horn, B.S., University of Pennsylvania
Hsi-An Chou, BBA, National Taipei University, Taiwan Yu-Hui Huang, B.S., Washington University
Gregory Chu, B.A., University of California, Irvine Juyoung Hwang, B.A., Ewha Womans University, Korea
Moran Cohen, B.A., University of California, Irvine Matthew James Hylland, B.S., South Dakota State University
Nathan Alexander Seaver Dean, B.A., Pomona College Adrianna Louise Johnson, B.A., University of California,
Paul Mario Decarlo, B.S., Syracuse University Los Angeles
Bachelor of Architecture
Jonalyn Bonilla Abraham Mary Margaret Colvey Tegran Koushinian Steven Michael Ranta
Michelle Marie Ackerman Nicholas Welch Connell Stacy Kai Yi Kwok Ross Renjilian
Precious Temitope Aiyelqja Taylor Anthony Comelson, Elaine Kwong Cecilia Cynthia Sarate
Danilo Mark Amaya, Minor - Minor - Entrepreneurship Joanna Siu Ting Lam Matthew Akio Sawasaki
Nonprofits, Philanthropy Erin Golden Cuevas Judy Lee Zlatan Sehovic, Minor -
and Volunteerism Tuong Vi Doan Jack Li Urban Policy and Planning
Myrna Josephine Ayoub Julianne Margaret Dome, Christopher Wonjae Lim, Evan Jon Shieh
Seung W o n Baik Minor - Cinematic Arts Minor - Entrepreneurship Akop Shirvanyan
Tam Banh Kristin Elizabeth Drews Eric Alexander Linnaus Kyle Ian Shulman
Carrie Lynn Baranowski, Irene Estrella, Minor - Timothy Robert Logan Fiona Siu
Minor - Painting Business Matthew Henry Luery, Conor Patrick Sullivan
Aaron Joshua Benjamin, John Vincent Farrace Minor - Urban Policy and Elyse W o n Hee Takashige
Minor - Urban Policy and Nicole Alexandra Fedora Planning Johnathan Tang
Planning Ryan Louis Fischvogt, Isaac Luna Alex Tertychny, Minor -
Loricelle Yumang Bolido Minor - Spanish Benjamin David Marcus Entrepreneurship
Alfredo Bracamontes Nobuko Fujioka Paul C. Martinez, Minor - Peter Thai
Olivia Catherine Burke Karen Fung Business Joyce Tsai, Minor - Marketing
Kristin Erna Butterworth, Renata Eliza Ganis Kentaro Matsui Shih Lee Tsai
Minor - Art History Vanessa Garcia Yevgeniya Matusova, Minor - Betty Villalobos
Rodolfo Omar Calderon Bryn Thomas Garrett, Communication Design David Brent Villela
Amanda Lee Chan, Minor - Minor - Entrepreneurship Jeffrey Steven Mogyoros David Lee Woloz, Minor -
Urban Policy and Planning Pouya Goshayeshi Khirsten Elizabeth Neita Classics
Vikki Wei Chan Andrew Y. Han Samantha Marie Mei-Lin N g Andrew Timson W o n g
Bryan Chavac Yuki Mark Hirai Alex Yujin Paik Anita Ngai W a h W o n g
Alison Chen Michael David Hoffman Sara Catherine Patton Amber Yang
Tiffany Chen, Minor - Digital Soyoung Hwang Alain Jacques Peschard Jonathan Jiaren Yee, Minor -
Studies Alexandra Catharine Ierace Van Ngoc Pham Urban Policy and Planning
Tiffany Yu-Ting Cheng, Chong II Jeon Chasen Stuart Rainey, Isaac Seokjoon Yoo
Minor - Digital Studies Jee-Ae Kim Minor - Real Estate Joseph Edward Zasoski,
Enoch Chow Karen Sori Kim Development Minor - Business
Chu-Yin Chuang Min Jung Kim
Master of Architecture
Amir Akbari Hamed, B.Arch., Islamic Azad University, Iran Hsu-Hsuan Chen, B.S., National Cheng Kung University,
Hyo Suk An, B.Engr., Kyung Hee University, South Korea Taiwan
Kimberly Michelle Bahnsen, B.A., University of Washington Lan Chen, B.Arch., Xiamen University, China
Neil Mansukh Bera, B.S., University of Southern California Shujia Chen, B.Arch., Zhejiang University, China
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 51
USC 129TH A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 6l
Bachelor of Arts
Grace Madeline Adelson, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies Allesandra Ford Balazs, Cinema-Television
Catherine Brittany Aeppel, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies John Ariel Banayan, Interactive Entertainment, Minor - Business
Will Jackson Agramonte, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies 8c Organizational Leadership and Management
Gloria Angelica Alba, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies Joseph William Baria, Cinema-Television, Minor -
Marco Andrade, Cinematic Arts, Film and Television Production Business
John Bradford Armitage, Cinema-Television, Minor - Katharine Ann Barker, Cinema-Television
Psychology Ryan Bartley, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies, Minor -
Michael Khan Armstrong, Cinema-Television Screenwriting
Dane Asay, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies, Minor - Allison Bell, Cinema-Television
Screenwriting Matthew David Berardi, Cinema-Television
Enver Deniz Askin, Cinematic Arts, Film and Television Benjamin Meir Bharier, Interactive Entertainment
Production David Samuel Block, International Relations, Cinema-Television
Michael J. Ayoob, Interactive Entertainment, Minor- Sagan Katharine Blue, Cinema-Television 8c Linguistics
Cinematic Arts Max Patrick Blum, Cinema-Television, Minor - Popular Music
Saeed M. Bahadori, Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies Studies
USC 129TH A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 71
Bachelor of Arts
Ariel Alexandria Abbott, Communication, Minor - Business Kelsey Jeanne Anderson, Public Relations, Minor - Marketing
Camellia Abou-Odah, Communication, Minor - Music Hailey Kristin Andrews, Public Relations, Minor - Marketing
Industry Jillian L. Angeline, Broadcast and Digital Journalism, M i n o r -
Elliott Trevor Adams, Communication Economics 8c Forensics and Criminality
Rachel Ahn, Communication Alina Lara Antounian, Communication
Nicholas S. Alexandroff, Communication Adriana Christine Arango, Communication, Minor - Human
Gage Alexander AUard, Communication Resource Management
Brittany Monique Allen, Communication Sebastian Arboleda, Print Journalism, Minor - Screenwriting
Kate M . Alper, Public Relations, Minor - French Michelle Arbour, Communication
Elias Andres Altamirano, Communication Natalie Sophia Azmitia, Communication
Eileen Amirian, Communication, Minor - Marketing Annette Andrea Badalian, Communication
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 8l
Oral Surgery
Brent J. Ramsey Ivan A. Marks Jenny L. W o n g
George Michel Abichaker Garrett Scott Fong John Robert Jerome Michael Charles Meru
Emanuel Stefan Alexandroni Laura Harshbarger
Pediatric Dentistry
Patrice M . Espinosa Piper Lynn Huber Raymond Klein Ji Min Yochim
Jenny Yunha H a Sara Khoshbin Christian Ping Yee Kenneth Zamora
Marwa Bader Abulhasan Tzu-Ling Chen Andrew Kim Yvonne T a m
Ahmad Alawadhi Jesse M . Duncan Alireza Moshaverinia Hanadi Abdulla Rebeeah
Hadi Al-Meraikhi Tzur S. Gabi
Master of Education
Vanessa Almanza, Educational Counseling, B.A., University of Steven Joseph Antonie, Postsecondary Administration and
California, Irvine Student Affairs, B.A., San Diego State University
Carlos Altamirano, Educational Counseling, B A . , University of Jennifer Lynn Barczykowski, Postsecondary Administration and
Southern California Student Affairs, B.A., University of Southern California
An An, Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs, B.A., Ursula Rosita Barlow, Educational Counseling, B.A., University
Beijing Foreign Studies University, China of Southern California
Marcus Kohl Anderson, Postsecondary Administration and Chelsea Nicole Block, School Counseling, B.A., University of
Student Affairs, B.A., University of Southern California Michigan, Ann Arbor
Master of Science
Courtney Keriann Boone, Teaching English to Speakers of Christopher David Van Booven, Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages, B.A., Pepperdine University Other Languages, B.A., University of Southern California
Dorothy V. Scott, Education, B.B., National University
Doctor of Education
Myhraliza Guerra Aala, B A . , M.A., San Diego State University Hannah Sun Young Afford, B.A., Pepperdine University, M.A.,
Dissertation: Effective Professional Development Strategies California State University, Long Beach
to Support the Advancement of Women Into Senior Student Dissertation: The Moderating Effects of Racial Identity and
Affairs Officer Positions Cultural Mistrust on the Relationship Between Student-
Faculty Interaction and Persistence for Black Community
Kenneth Peter Agcaoili, B.A., M.Ed., University of San Diego College Students
Dissertation: Google Apps: An Opportunity to Collaborate
Joaquin Osiel Alvarado, B.A., University of California,
Andrea Marie Aguilar-Nuno, B.A., California State University, Santa Cruz; M.S., University of Southern California
Long Beach; M.S., Pepperdine University Dissertation: The Plyler Generation of Latino Students and
Dissertation: Utilized Strategies by Urban Superintendents to Access to Higher Education
Raise Student Achievement
Sonia Amaral, B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.Ed.,
Thomas Anthony Aguirre, M.S., University of Southern Stanford
California; B.A., University of Texas, Austin Dissertation: Las Comadres: Latina Superintendents and Their
Dissertation: Evaluating the Impact of CUE's Equity Use of Networks and Mentoring
Scorecard Tools on Practitioner Beliefs and Practices
Sona Arakelyan, B.A., University of Southern California; M.Ed., Melanie L. Brady, B.A., California State University, Long Beach;
National University M.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills
Dissertation: Superintendents Increase Student Achievement Dissertation: Clickers and Metacognition: H o w D o
by Selecting Effective Principals Electronic Response Devices ("Clickers") Influence Student
Susan Elizabeth Ashe, B.A., Rhodes College; M.S., Indiana
University, Bloomington Rashitta Z. Brown, B.A., M.A., California State University,
Dissertation: Whiteness: A Narrative Analysis on Student Northridge
Affairs Professionals, Race, Identity, and Multicultural Dissertation: Increasing Equity for Underrepresented Students
Competency Through Practitioner Accountability: A Developmental
Hasmig Baran, B.S., American University in Beirut, Lebanon;
M.A., California State University, Northridge Tonatzin Elisa Brown, B.A., M A . , Loyola Marymount
Dissertation: T h e Role of Ethnic Culture in Work-Family University
Balance Among Armenian Women in Leadership Positions in Dissertation: School Connectedness: A Comparison of
Higher Education Students'and Staff School Connectedness Perceptions
Eric Matthew Barba, B A . , Carleton College; M.A., M A . , Brandon Keoni Bunag, B A . , M.A., University of Hawaii,
Azusa Pacific University Manoa
Dissertation: T h e Impact of the Norton High School Early Dissertation: A Closer Examination of Resource Allocations
College Program on the Academic Performance of Students at Using Research-Based Best Practices to Promote Student
Norton High School Learning: Case Studies of Hawaiian-Focused Charter Schools
in Hawaii
Shelly Hannah Baseri, B.A., M.S., University of Southern
California Laure Sue Burke, B.A., M A . , University of Hawaii, Manoa
Dissertation: The Transfer of Online Pedagogy to Teacher Dissertation: Online Professional Development: Using Data to
Candidates' Self-Efficacy of Teaching English Language Evaluate Program Effectiveness in Preparing Faculty to Teach
Learners Online
Carla Jo Beam, B A . , University of California, Los Angeles; Maurice Burman, B.A., University of Southern California; M.A.,
M.A., Mills College California State University, Dominguez Hills
Dissertation: Leadership Traits and Practices Supporting Dissertation: Social Capital for Immigrant Students with
Position Longevity for Urban School Superintendents: Aspirations of Pursuing Postsecondary Studies
A Case Study
Larry D . Burnett, B.S., Weber State University; M.S.,
Aime Trang Black, B.A., University of the Pacific; M.Ed., National-Louis University
National University Dissertation: A Six-Year Data Evaluation of H I D T A Law
Dissertation: A Comparison of Value-Added, Ordinary Least Enforcement Task Force Training Programs
Square Regression, and the California STAR Accountability
Indicators Miemie W i n n Byrd, B.A., Claremont McKenna College; MBA,
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Dissertation: The Anatomy of the Innovative Organization:
A Case Study of Organizational Innovation Within a Military
Letitia ReNae Calloway, B.S., University of Florida; M.S., Texas Sabrina H . Chong, B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz;
Wesleyan University M.A., University of Massachusetts
Dissertation: Factors that Influence the Identification of Dissertation: Restructuring H o n g Kong Higher Education:
Elementary African American Students as Potentially Gifted A Case Study of Lingnan University and Its Preparation for
Learners the New Four-Year Track in 2012
Aba Delynda Cassell, B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Rocco John Cifone, B.A., San Diego State University
M.E., University of Southern California Dissertation: Managing the Strategic Mission of Catholic
Dissertation: Using Support Mechanisms to Balance Work Jesuit University
and Family Life: H o w Mid and Senior Level Student Affairs
Administrators Overcome Challenges Lee Ann Jeannete Cornell, B.A., California State University,
Los Angeles; M.Ed., University of California, Los Angeles
Fatima Milagros Castro, B.A., University of California, Dissertation: Action Research as a Strategy for Improving
Los Angeles; M S W , University of Southern California Equity and Diversity: Implementation, Constraints, Outcomes
Dissertation: Restoring the Value of a High School Diploma
in the United States Using 21st Century Skills as Pedagogy: Wendy Vanneza Correa, B.S., M.S., M.E., University of
A Case Study of 21st Century Skills Development and Southern California
Preparation for the Global Economy Dissertation: A Qualitative Analysis on Latino Parents'Beliefs
Regarding Their Middle School Child's Motivation
Shirley Li-Hwa Chan, B.A., University of California, Irvine;
M.E., University of Southern California Joslin Marie De Diego, B A . , University of Hawaii, Manoa;
Dissertation: Senior University Officials'Approaches to Global M.A., California State University, Long Beach
Engagement and Their Impact on the Organization's Culture: Dissertation: A Quantitative Study About Teacher Perceptions
A Comparative Case Study Between a Private and a Public of Marzano's Instructional Strategies in the Traditional and
Research University Virtual Classroom
Linda Hui Chang, B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.A., Silvia De La Riva, B.A., M.S., California State University,
University of Phoenix Los Angeles
Dissertation: Teacher Management Style: Its Impact on Dissertation: Deconstructing Persistence in Academic
Teacher-Student Relationships and Leadership Development Language Development Among Latino Students: H o w D o
Second-Generation Latino Community College Students
Veronica Chavez, B A . , University of California, Irvine; M.S., Alter Their Academic Trajectories?
University of Southern California
Dissertation: jSi Se Puede! H o w Latina Principals Successfully Richard Dinh, B.A., M.A., Chapman University
Balance Work and Family Life Dissertation: A Quantitative Study in Southeast Asian and
Latino Students' Perceptions of Teachers' Expectations and
Susan Tiffany Chen, BBA, George Washington University, Self-Efficacy
M.Ed., Boston University
Dissertation: Perceptions of Online T E S O L Teacher Wendelin Colleen Donahue, B.A., Spelman College; M B A ,
Education: Strengths, Weaknesses, Characteristics, and University of Redlands
Effective Components Dissertation: T h e Effect of "Wall-to-WaU" Small Learning
Communities: Career Academy Participation and Its
Relationship to Academic Performance and Engagement
Amanda Ferrell, B A . , California Lutheran University; M.A., Jeannette Garcia, B.A., University of Southern California; M.A.,
Pepperdine University California State University, Los Angeles
Dissertation: Classroom Social Environments, Motivational Dissertation: Superintendent Strategies and Behaviors:
Beliefs and Student Engagement in Mathematics Building and Promoting Trust and Strong Relationships
During the Entry Period in California
Maruth Figueroa, B.S., University of Southern California; M.A.,
California State University, Fullerton Gregory Francisco Gillett, B.A., University of California,
Dissertation: Achieving the Dream: Undocumented Central San Diego; J.D., University of California, Davis
American Latinas in College Dissertation: Race as a Factor: H o w Minority Public School
Superintendents Consider Their O w n Race in Addressing
Geraldine Anne Fitzgerald-Codd, B.A., Rider University, M.A., Issues of Race in Their District
Seton Hall University
Dissertation: Faculty Dean Relationships in an R C M CK Green, B.S., California State University, Long Beach; M.S.,
Environment: A Case Study National University
Dissertation: Strategies/Behaviors T h a t Successful
Hilda M . Flores, B.A., California State University, Fullerton; Superintendents Use to Build Strong Relationships and Trust
M.A., Chapman University During Their Entry Period
Dissertation: Strategies Employed by Successful Urban
Superintendents Responding to Demands for Student Michael Todd Greene, B.S., M.S., California State University,
Achievement Reform Los Angeles
Dissertation: Vocational Education Graduates: A Mixed
Lavon Nichelle Flowers, B.A., M.A., California State University, Methods Analysis on Beliefs and Influences of Career Choice
Dominguez Hills and Persistence
Dissertation: Navigating and Accessing Higher Education:
The Experiences of Community College Students with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Melody P. Habon, B.S., University of Hawaii, Manoa; M.A., Sean Joseph Howland, B.A., University of California, Davis;
Gonzaga University M.A., National University
Dissertation: Innovation in Meeting the Needs of Students Dissertation: Superintendents' Entry Periods: Strategies and
W i t h Disabilities Behaviors That Successful Superintendents Use to Build
Strong Relationships and Trust with Their School Boards
Jeffrey Davis Haig, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; During Their Entry Period
MBA, University of Southern California
Dissertation: The Role of Self-Regulation Strategies o n T w o - Leann Li Yuan Huang, B.A., University of California,
and Four-Year College Students with A D H D Los Angeles; M.A., Pepperdine University
Dissertation: Strategies for Relationship and Trust Building by
John Robert Hall III, B.A., M B A , Pepperdine University Successful Superintendents: A Case Study
Dissertation: Accreditation Versus Public Regulatory Models
Ryan Christopher Hubbard, B.S., M.Ed., University of
Elizabeth Hall Hamilton, B.A., University of California, Santa Minnesota
Cruz; M.A., San Jose State University, M.A., University of Dissertation: An Institution's Global Engagement and Its
Massachusetts, Amherst Connection to the Surrounding Community: A Case Study
Dissertation: The Role of the Superintendent in Ensuring
School Board Focus on Student Achievement Elaine Anita Ige, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles,
M.A., California State University, Los Angeles
Elena Graham Heimerl, B.A., University of California, Davis; Dissertation: Urban Teacher Persistence, Self-Efficacy, Affect,
M.A., California State University, Northridge and Values
Dissertation: Successful Communication Strategies Used by
Urban School District Superintendents to Build Consensus in Derek Kiyoshi Ihori, B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.S.,
Raising Student Achievement California State University, Northridge
Dissertation: Postsecondary Faculty Attitudes, Beliefs,
Marisa Linda Herrera, B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Practices, and Knowledge Regarding Students with A D H D :
Northern Arizona University A Comparative Analysis of Two-Year and Four-Year
Dissertation: Globalizing the MBA: A Case Study Examining Institutions
the Leadership and Management of the U S C Marshall School
of Business and Its Strategic Development of the Global Michelle Monique Ingram, B.A., M.S., Northwestern University;
Executive M B A Program M.A., California State University, Fullerton
Dissertation: Integration of Technology: Mathematics
Leadership at the Community College
Kelly Lynn Johnson, B.A., California State University, John Lee, B.A., Southampton College of Long Island University;
Northridge; M.A., Pepperdine University M.S., City University of New York Baruch College
Dissertation: A Quantitative Analysis on Student Goal Dissertation: Institutional Researchers as Agents of
Orientation and Student Perceptions of Parental Involvement Organizational Learning in Hispanic-Serving Community
Among 6th Grade Middle School Students Colleges
Lincoln Duane Johnson, B.A., Morehouse College; M.S., Sue Lee, B.A., University of California, San Diego; M.A., Brown
Pace University University
Dissertation: Measuring and Assessing Globalization in Dissertation: Academic Achievement in English Language
Higher Education: T h e Creation of a Scale of Global Arts Among H m o n g Students in California: A Quantitative
Engagement and Comparative Analysis
Josephine Jones, B.A., University of Guam; M.S., Western Christine Caro Levinson, B A . , University of Missouri; M.Ed.,
Oregon University National University, M.A., California State University,
Dissertation: Changing Teachers'Perceptions of Micronesian Dominguez Hills
Students Through Professional Development Dissertation: T h e Transfer of Pedagogy to the Student
Teaching Experience: T h e Factors T h a t Influence H o w
Papaikani'au Idabeth Kai'anui, BSW, M S W , University of Preservice Teachers Apply English Language Arts Pedagogy
Hawaii, Manoa to Practice
Dissertation: Hawaiian Language Immersion Program as an
Educational Innovation in Hawai'i Svetlana Vitalyevna Levonisova, B.A./B.A., Saratov State
University, Russia; M.A., Moscow State University, Russia
Dissertation: Evaluating the Impact of CUE's Action Research
Processes and Tools on Practitioners' Beliefs and Practices
Amalia Marquez, B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.S., Jamee Mahealani Miller, B.A., M S W , University of Hawaii,
University of Southern California Manoa
Dissertation: Examining Parent Involvement Activities in Two Dissertation: The Perception of Innovation in the Delivery of
Immigrant-Impacted Schools: A Comparative Case Study Services for Native Hawaiian Students
Wendy Lee Marshall, B.A., University of California, Magan Arleta Mitchell, BBA, Loyola Marymount University,
Los Angeles; M.S., National University M B A , M.Ed., National University
Dissertation: University Ready: An Examination of the Dissertation: Learning to Teach Online
Relationships Between Social Capital and an Online College
Access Program Kenechukwu Okezikam Mmeje, B.A., University of California,
Santa Barbara; M.E., University of Vermont
Frances Jacqueline Martinez- Kellar, B.A., Pitzer College; M.A., Dissertation: The Transfer Academy: Providing Community
Claremont Graduate University College Students with the Informational, Relational, Structural,
Dissertation: A Tale of Two Principals: The Complexity of and Cultural Resources to Transfer Successfully to a Four-Year
Fostering and Achieving Organizational Improvement University
Elizabeth Mata, B.A., California State University, Northridge; April Marie Moore, B.A., Vanguard University; M.A., Chapman
M.A., Loyola Marymount University University
Dissertation: Academic Motivation: T h e Process of Parent- Dissertation: Formal and Informal Networks of Successful
Child Valve Transmission within Daxaqueno Families Female Superintendents in California
Veta Deann Patrick, B.A., Texas Christian University; M.A., Sergio Ernesto Ramirez, B.S., University of Southern California;
California State University, Northridge M.A., New York University
Dissertation: The Role of Superintendents as Instructional Dissertation: Gay Student Leaders: A Narrative Analysis on
Leaders Facilitating Student Achievement Among Targeted H o w Lesbian and Gay College Students Develop Self-Efficacy
ESL/EL Populaces Through School-Site Professional Towards a Leadership Identity
Michael David Remland, B.A., Westmont College; M A . ,
Jesse Jeremy Payne, B.A., M.A., Vanguard University California State University, Fullerton
Dissertation: Differences in Perceptions of Effective Urban Dissertation: An Examination Into the Factors Leading to
Elementary School Principals Superintendent Longevity in Urban, Southern California
School Districts: A Comparative Case Study
Aaron Alvin Peralta, B.A., California State University,
Long Beach; M.A., Point Loma Nazarene University Devery Jo Rodgers, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles;
Dissertation: Evaluating the Efficacy of the High Point M.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills
Curriculum in the Coastline Unified School District Using Dissertation: The Social Media Dilemma in Education: Policy
CST, C A H S E E , and C E L D T Data Design, Implementation and Effects
Annette Marie Pijuan, B.A., M.A., Loyola Marymount Michelle Lee Rodriguez, B.A., California State University,
University Chico; M.S., Warden University
Dissertation: Participation of Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track Dissertation: Motivational and Academic Effects of Retention
Faculty in School-Level Governance and Decision-Making on Middle School Students
Phillip Mark Placenti, B A . , M P A , University of Southern Jane Lynn Rosenthal, B A . , University of California, Santa Cruz;
California M.Ed., University of Pennsylvania
Dissertation: The Role of Faith-Based Institutions in African- Dissertation: Motives and Methods: Motivation, Learning
American College Student Success Approaches, and Academic Achievement of Students During
First-Year Transition to Medical School
Jose Luis Plaza, B.A., San Diego State University; M.S.,
California State University, Long Beach Shannon Kameko Sakamoto, B.A., San Diego State University;
Dissertation: T h e Latino Undocumented College Student: M.A., San Jose State University
Developing a Sense of Identity Dissertation: Impact of Course Selection on Understanding
Local Identity Development and Awareness in Hawai'i at
Miyako Kiome Polk, B.A., Xavier University, M.A., Loyola Kapiblani Community College
Marymount University
Dissertation: T h e Relationship of Racial and Athletic Identities Cecilia Santiago, B.A., Whittier College; M.Ed., Azusa Pacific
to Academic Success and Adjustment of African-American University
Male Student Athletes Dissertation: Faculty as Institutional Agents for Low-Income
Latino Students in S T E M Fields at a Hispanic-Serving
Rosa Elena Prado, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; Institution
M S W , University of Southern California
Dissertation: Peers as Institutional Agents: Acquiring Social Samone M . Sayasenh, B.A., University of California, Santa
Capital Through Peer Interactions Barbara; M.S., San Diego State University
Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Border Crossers and
Elizabeth A. Pringle-Hornsby, BSW, Jackson State University; Borderland Students of Mexican Heritage: Their Educational
M S W , Ohio State University Experiences and Mediating Factors
Dissertation: T h e Impact of Upward Bound on First
Generation Students in the First Year of College
Saliha Lee-Kwou Sha, B.S., M S E E , M.S., University of Tanya Victoria Stoddard, B.A., Humboldt State University;
Southern California; M.A., Claremont Graduate University M.A., California State University, Northridge
Dissertation: Sociocultural and Motivational Factors Affecting Dissertation: Ninth Grade Freshman Focus: Shifting the
Asian-American Females Studying Physics and Engineering in Trajectory for Multiple-Need Students
High School
Thamizhchelvi Subramaniam, B.A., M.A., University of South
Holly S. Shim, B A . , California State University, Los Angeles; Alabama
M.A., Hawaii Pacific University Dissertation: A Developmental Evaluation of Action Research
Dissertation: A Study of the Perceived Value Placed on the as a Process for Organizational Change
National Accreditation of Teacher and Educator Training
Programs in American Colleges Irina Sugar, B.A., Novgorod State Pedagogical University,
Russia; M.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills
Kyle Yasuo Shodai, B.A., M.A., University of Northern Dissertation: Measurement of School Connectedness (MOSC)
Colorado Modified Connectedness Questionnaire for Secondary Schools
Dissertation: Adequacy in Education: An Evidence-Based
Approach to Resource Allocation in Alternative Learning Aaron Keao Tano, B.S., Brigham Young University, M A T ,
Environments University of Southern California
Dissertation: W h a t is the Relationship Between Program
Morgan Wilder Smith, B.A., California State University, Delivery, Classroom Experience and Content Knowledge on
Long Beach; M.Ed., Alliant International University Pre-Service Teachers Self-Efficacy?
Dissertation: H o w Successful Superintendents Build Trusting
Relationships with Their School Boards During Their Entry Ryan William Theule, B A . , M.A., Stanford University; M.A.,
Period Trinity International University
Dissertation: An Exploratory, Quantitative Study of
Nancy Thompson Smith, B.M., Hope College; M.A., Ohio Accreditation Actions Taken by the Western Association
State University of Schools and Colleges' Accrediting Commission for
Dissertation: Teacher Perceptions: H o w School Policies and Community and Junior Colleges Since 2002
Practices Impact Parent-Teacher Relationships
Dana Anne Miyuki Tomonari, B.S., Bradley University; M.S.,
Peggy Jeanne Smith, B.A., M.A., California State University, Vanderbilt University
Fullerton Dissertation: A Professional Development Program
Dissertation: Encouraging Student Success: Turning Attention Evaluation: Teacher Efficacy, Learning, and Transfer
to Practitioners and Institutions
Binh T. Tran, B.S., M.S., University of Southern California
John Chaves Sousa, B.A., M.A., California State University, Dissertation: A Case Study Examining the Senior Leadership
San Bernardino at North Carolina State University Decisions to Implement the
Dissertation: Understanding the Unique Needs of Former 3+1 Degree Program with Zhejiang University in China
Foster Youth at L A C C D
Elizabeth J. Trayner, B.M., M . M . , University of South Dakota
Dissertation: T h e Development and Implementation of Global
Partnerships in Student Affairs
Sandra Vasquez, B.A., California State University, Northridge; James C. Yi, B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.A.,
M.Ed., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville University of Phoenix
Dissertation: Cultivating Strategies for Success: H o w Mid- Dissertation: Student Perceptions at Middle and Early College
Level Women Leaders of Color in Student Affairs Navigate High Schools
the Balance of Work and Family
Edmund W o n g D i n - M o n d Young, B.A., M S W , M.S.,
Alejandra Maria Velez-Gutierrez, B.A., Scripps College; M.A., University of Southern California
Loyola Marymount University Dissertation: T h e Psycho-Social and Cultural Factors That
Dissertation: Preparing Students for the Future - 21st Century Influence the Experiences and Coping Strategies of Attention-
Skills Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ( A D H D ) in Chinese American
College Students: A Systems Approach
Erin Edward Vines, B.S., M.A., California State University,
Bakersfield; M.Ed., University of La Verne; M.A., California Faye Sui Yee Yuen, B.S., University of Hawaii, Manoa; M.S.,
State University, Bakersfield University of Southern California
Dissertation: Re-Mediating Practitioners' Practice for Equity Dissertation: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Professional
in Higher Education: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Action Accreditation by A B E T for Baccalaureate Engineering Degree
Research Programs
Bachelor of Science
Alan Curtis Adams, Mechanical Engineering David Bret Baack, Computer Science, Minor - Applied
Seth Ryan Adams, Mechanical Engineering, Minor - Computer Security
Organizational Leadership and Management Matthew Vincent Bahnsen, Civil Engineering
Meha Agrawal, Computer Science/Business Administration Candace Alyse Bailey, Biomedical Engineering
Rakesh Ricky Agrawalla, Mechanical Engineering Vignesh Balasubramanian, Mechanical Engineering
Kevin Robert Aguet, Computer Science, Minor - Applied Areg Raymond Balayan, Aerospace Engineering
Computer Security Isaac Henry Ball, Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Syed Zain Umair Ahmed, Industrial and Systems Engineering Ryan Christopher Ball, Computer Engineering and Computer
Khalid Dhafer Al Ahbabi, Industrial and Systems Engineering Science, Minor - Business
Firas Hadi Al-Awami, Chemical Engineering Kaushik Bangalore, Astronautical Engineering
Carlos Alberto Alamilla, Civil Engineering Bradley Robert Bangar, Civil Engineering
Abdullah Mohammed Albanna, Civil Engineering, Minor - Spencer Troller Banks, Mechanical Engineering
Business Anastasia Georgina Barge, Chemical Engineering
Bader Albanna, Civil Engineering Alma Araceli Barrera, Civil Engineering
Michael Stephen Alland, Computer Engineering and Computer Adam Baybutt, Biomedical Engineering, Minor -
Science Entrepreneurship
Robert Anthony Almeida, Mechanical Engineering Kristina Danielle Beal, Civil Engineering, Minor - Human
Augusto Anselmo Alonso, Biomedical Engineering Rights
Ahmed Jaber Alsuwaidi, Industrial and Systems Engineering Christina Angelica Becerra-Jones, Civil Engineering
Kadra Lynn Alvaro, Computer Engineering and Computer Ari Isaac Becker, Computer Science
Science, Minor - Applied Computer Security Quinn Philip Behnke, Mechanical Engineering
Matthew James Amys, Biomedical Engineering Kevin Robert Bellows, Electrical Engineering
Andrew Andrawes, Civil Engineering Michael Benzimra, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Jason Harold Andrew, Civil Engineering Adam Berkett, Computer Science
Courtney Lauren Ankrim, Industrial and Systems Engineering Connor Beaucage Bernstein, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Jose Antonio Aparicio, Mechanical Engineering Indira Vrajesh Bhavsar, Biomedical Engineering
Karlo Antonio Arellano, Civil Engineering Bradley Walters Biggs, Chemical Engineering
Jacob William Aronson, Chemical Engineering, Minor - Paul Douglas Birkner, Aerospace Engineering
Marketing Caroline Elsbeth Blake, Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Nina Marie Arroyo, Civil Engineering Minor - Business
Michael Mulugeta Asfaw, Mechanical Engineering Indra Boenjamin, Electrical Engineering
Esmeralda Alejandra Ayala, Industrial and Systems Engineering Jason Adam Bohanske, Aerospace Engineering
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 117
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 119
Master of Engineering
John Thomas Cale Davis, Computer-Aided Engineering, B.S., Vanlong Ngy, Structural Design, B.S., University of Southern
University of California, San Diego California
Breanna Hart Livingston, Structural Design, B.S., University of Dylan Joseph Olson, Structural Design, B.S., San Diego State
Southern California University
Master of Science
Omar Adel Abed, Electrical Engineering, B.S., University of Venkata Naga Sai Nikhil Aitharaju, Computer Science, B.Engr.,
California, Berkeley Osmania University, India
Lucy Abramyan, Computer Science, B.S., Harvey Mudd College Asad Ali Akmal, Civil Engineering, B.Engr., University of
Leon Aburime, Computer Science, B.S., Northern Illinois California, Irvine
University Ravitej Akula, Computer Science, B.S., Vellore Institute of
Benjamin Ackerman, Aerospace Engineering, B.S., University of Technology, India
Southern California Nayef Saud Al Abdulhadi, Engineering Management, B.Engr.,
David Michael Adams, Computer Engineering, B.S., Ohio State King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
University Adel Essa Al Ghamdi, Electrical Engineering, B.S., King Fahd
Sireesh Adimadhyam, Electrical Engineering, B.S., Jawaharlal University of Petroleum 8c Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Nehru Technological University, India Robert Peter AUand, Computer Engineering, B.S., University of
Madhusudhan Reddy Adupala, Computer Science, B.S., Motilal Southern California
Nehru Regional Engineering College, India Mohammed Abdullah A Al Zaid, Computer Science, B.S.,
Neelima Agarwal, Computer Science, B.S., Guru Gobind Singh King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Indraprastha University, India Abdulaziz Ali A Al-Azman, Petroleum Engineering, B.S.,
Shivam Agarwal, Chemical Engineering, B.Engr., Birla Institute King Fahd University of Petroleum 8c Minerals, Saudi Arabia
of Technology and Science, India Ali Hassan Al-Saffar, Petroleum Engineering, B.S., Florida
Suchindra Agarwal, Computer Science, B.Engr. University of International University
Mumbai, India Nadia Khaled M . Al-Zeabot, Petroleum Engineering, B.S.,
Sumit Surendra Agarwal, Computer Science, B.S., Nirma Kuwait University
University of Science and Technology, India Yazeed Ibrahim A Alabdulkarim, Computer Science, B.S.,
Smita Aggarwal, Computer Science, B.Engr., College of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Engineering Roorkee, India Ibrahim Mohammed Alabdulwahab, Petroleum Engineering,
Preetham Aghalaya Manjunatha, Civil Engineering, B.Engr. B.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum 8c Minerals,
Visveswaraiah Technological University, India Saudi Arabia
Abdulshafil Ahmed, Electrical Engineering, B.S., University of Olatunde Adeniyi Alade, Systems Architecting and Engineering,
Southern California B.S., University of Maryland, College Park
Asif Habeeb Ahmed, Electrical Engineering, B.S., University of Hadyan Fahad Alajmi, Petroleum Engineering, B.Engr., Kuwait
Southern California University
Young Chun Ahn, Electrical Engineering, B.S., University of Abdullah Ahmed Alakeely, Petroleum Engineering, B.S.,
California, Santa Barbara Colorado School of Mines
Madhur Ahuja, Electrical Engineering, B.Engr., Guru Gobind Juan Carlos Alamilla, Civil Engineering, B.S., California State
Singh Indraprastha University, India Polytechnic University, Pomona
Roma Shankar Ahuja, Computer Science, B.Engr., University of Razan Alayed, Financial Engineering, B.A., California State
Mumbai, India University, Fullerton
Sahil Ahuja, Biomedical Engineering, B.Engr., University of Shawn Aldridge, Computer Science, B.S., University of Alaska -
Mumbai, India Anchorage
Graduate Certificate
Abdulaziz Ali A Al-Azman, Smart Oilfield Technologies Ijeoma Kingsley Madiebo, Smart Oilfield Technologies
Majed Khalid Alsuwaigh, Smart Oilfield Technologies Lauren Ann Matsushita, Health Systems Operations
Chinmay Bhalchandra Athanikar, Smart Oilfield Technologies Aline Mnayan, Health Systems Operations
Viky Bohra, Systems Architecting and Engineering Shaimaa Mohamed Osman, Smart Oilfield Technologies
Ahmed Khaled Bubshait, Smart Oilfield Technologies Stephanie Jean Smith, Systems Architecting and Engineering
Rayan A. Dabloul, Smart Oilfield Technologies Deksha Taneja, Health Systems Operations
Michael Ian De Castro, Health Systems Operations Michael Joseph Terranova, Systems Architecting and
Dominik Paul Dukala, Systems Architecting and Engineering Engineering
Walter Paul Glaeser, Systems Architecting and Engineering Allison Renee Terry, Systems Architecting and Engineering
Matthew Isaac H o m e , Systems Architecting and Engineering Afrooz Meriam Zadfar, Health Systems Operations
Jingran Ma, Smart Oilfield Technologies
Juris Doctor
Ali Abugheida, B.A., University of California, San Diego Anthony Steven Chavez, B.A., Stanford University
Parag Agrawal, B.S., University of California, Berkeley Jinmin Chen, B.A., University of California, Davis
Roxana Ahmadian, B.A., University of Southern California Stephanie Chen, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
David Mitry Ajalat, B.A., Loyola Marymount University T o m Wei-Ting Chen, B.S., University of California, San Diego
Thomas C. Alcorn, B.A., Whitman College Aaron T . Chiu, A.B., Princeton University
Sina Aliasgharpour, B.S., University of California, San Diego; Sara Chon, B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S., University of California, Los Angeles Natasha Corpuz Chua Tan, BBA, A.B., University of Georgia
Mohammed A. Alvi, B.A., Binghamton University Kimberley Alysson Church, B.A., University of California,
Mohsen Ehab Amiri, LL.B., London School of Economics and Santa Barbara
Political Science, England Jeffrey D . Cohan, B.S., Cornell University
Drew Eugene Anderson, B.A., Colorado State University Alexander T.G. Cohen, B.A., University of California,
Nicholas Charles Anderson, B.S., University of Oregon Los Angeles
Christina Margaret Antonopoulos, BSJ, Northwestern University Diana Leigh Cox, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
Ryan Dow Austin, B.A., Duke University Andrew Christian Crane, B.A., Boston College
Christina Avedissian, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles Zachary Dickerson Crowley, B.A., University of California,
Hillary Jay Baca, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Berkeley
Najeh A. Baharun, B.S., California State University, Long Beach Richard P. Cruz, B.A., New York University
Kyle Thomas Barrett, B.S., Duke University Chelsea DalCorso, B.S., University of Southern California
John Wall Baumann, B.S., University of Southern California Zachary Stephens Davidson, B.A., University of Kansas
Matthew S. Beasley Cockroft, B.A., University of California, Joshua J Deighton, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
Berkeley Paul Richard Del Piero, B.A., Pomona College
Amy Jean Bell, B.A., Duke University Stephen Peter Demopoulos, B.A., University of California,
Joshua Nathaniel Birenbaum, B.S., United States Military Berkeley
Academy Kiran Preet Kaur Dhillon, B.A., Occidental College
Hayley Jacqueline Bock, B.A., Harvard University KeAndra Denise Dodds, B.A., University of Pennsylvania
John M . Bowlby, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Robert James Dwyer, B.A., University of California, San Diego
Courtney Nicole Burten, B.A., Georgetown University Steven Edward Economou, B.A., University of Pennsylvania
Max Daniel Castro, B.A., Hunter College Justin Jacob Effres, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Christopher Marcus Chan, B.A., Dartmouth College Jeffrey Christopher Elder, B.A., University of California,
Tracy Sze Chan, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., Los Angeles
University of Southern California Ashley Nicole Elnicki, B.A., Pittsburg State University
Clifford Shawn Chang, B.A., University of California, Henry Aaron Elyashar, B.A., University of California,
Berkeley Santa Barbara
Master of Laws
Jaber Almahmoud, LL.B., Jamiat Al-Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud Yimang Hu, LL.B., East China University of Political Science
Islamic University, Saudi Arabia; LL.M., Institute of Public and Law, China
Administration, Saudi Arabia Chia-Sheng Huang, LL.B., Chung Yuan Christian University,
Oluwasegun Aluko, LL.B., Obafemi Awolowo University, Taiwan
Nigeria Han-Wei Huang, LL.B., LL.M., Soochow University, Taiwan;
Dimitrios Andreadis, J.D., Humboldt University, Germany LL.M., Northwestern University
Chen Bai, LL.B., Northwest University of Politics and Law, Isamu Imaizumi, LL.B., T h e University of Tokyo, Japan
China Tae Sung Jeong, B.S., Seoul National University, Korea
Fengcan Bao, LL.B., Shanghai International Studies University, Xiaoyuan Ji, LL.B., University of International Business and
China Economics, China
Philippe Bensoussan, LL.B., LL.M., Jean Moulin University Qingqing Jia, LL.B., Minzu University, China
Lyon 3, France; M . S c , EM-Lyon Business School, France Lu Jin, LL.B., Xi'an International Studies University, China;
Tin Chi Dennis Chan, LL.B., Fudan University, China LL.M., University of International Business and Economics,
Aier Chen, LL.B., Shenzhen University, China China
I-Chun Chen, B.S., Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan; Deepti Joshi, B.Com., R A . Podar College of Commerce and
LL.B., National Taiwan University Economics, India; LL.B., New Law College, University of
Peimin Melissa Chen, LL.B., National University of Singapore Mumbai, India; M . S c , Queen Mary, University of London,
Yi Chen, LL.B., China Youth University for Political Sciences United Kingdom
Hyojong Choi, B.S., Seoul National University, Korea Sang Chui Jung, LL.B., Korea University College of Law
Hyo Shik Choi, B.A., Seoul National University, Korea Divya Kandwal, BLS/LL.B., University of Mumbai, India
Nanthar Chongbanyatcharoen, LL.B., Chulalongkorn Bo Kun Kim, LL.B., Kyung Hee University, Korea
University, Thailand Hyeon Jin Kim, BBA, Dankook University, Korea
Nontiya Chosivasakul, LL.B., Chulalongkorn University, Jeewon Kim, B.S., Ewha Womans University, Korea; LL.B.,
Thailand; LL.M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; LL.M., Yonsei University, Korea
Cornell University Jiwook Kim, LL.B., Korea University
Xing Tang Chu, LL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, China Pil Yong Kim, B.A., Seoul National University, Korea
Hyun Chan Chung, B.A., Seoul National University, Korea Sanghoon Kim, LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D., Korea University
Tiago Coelho Silva, LL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Taeho Kim, LL.B., LL.M., Yonsei University, Korea
Rio Grande, Brazil Yoon-Tae Kim, B.A., Michigan State University; LL.B., Hongik
Jiachen Deng, LL.B., Beijing University of Technology, China University, Korea
Chenmin Dong, B.A., LL.B., East China University of Political Youl Kim, LL.B., Yonsei University, Korea
Science and Law Philipp Koenig, Mag:Iur., Karl-Franzens University Graz,
Sheng Dong, LL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, China Austria
Ata Farhadi, B.A., University of Oxford, United Kingdom Jong Hyok Lee, LL.B., LL.M., Seoul National University,
Xiao Fu, LL.B., Huazhong University of Science and Korea
Technology, China Keun W o o Lee, LL.B., Seoul National University, Korea
Chao Gao, LL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, China Meng-Yu Lee, LL.B., BBA, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Geonyoung Go, LL.B., Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Sang Hyun Lee, B.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Claudia Gomez Estefan, LL.B., B.A., M.A., Universidad Technology
Francisco De Vitoria, Spain Youngsun Lee, B.A., Seoul National University, Korea
Tetiana Grynchuk, LL.B., M.A., Kyiv National Taras Lei Lei, LL.B., Minzu University, China
Shevchenko University, Ukraine; LL.M., Queen Mary, Long Li, LL.B., China University of Mining and Technology,
University of London, United Kingdom China
Yue Guo, LL.B., East China University of Political Science and Yuan Li, LL.B., Shanghai International Studies University,
Law, China China
Shintaro Hamasu, B.A., Waseda University, Japan Zhe Li, LL.B., Nanjing University, China
Dong Young Han, B.A., Seoul National University, Korea Sun Hye Lim, LL.B., Pusan National University, Korea
Michael Hans, LL.B., M.Kn., Airlangga University, Indonesia; Yun-Pei Lin, LL.B., National Taipei University, Taiwan
B . E c , Petra Christian University, Indonesia Fangda Liu, LL.B., China University of Political Science and
Nuzayra Haque, LL.B., Northumbria University, United Kingdom Law, China
Tongyi He, LL.B., East China University of Political Science Haoyu Liu, LL.B., Beijing Institute of Technology, China
and Law, China Ping Liu, LL.B., Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, China
Li Yew Heah, LL.B., King's College London, United Kingdom Qiao Liu, LL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Doctor of Medicine
Esther Sue Ahn, B.A., Brown University Jason Edward Gilde, B.S., University of Southern California
Eduardo Ajuria, B.A., University of Southern California Jaime Gonzalez, B.A., B.S., University of Southern California
Monika Christina Alas, B.S., Dominican University of California Stephanie Gonzalez, B.S., University of Southern California
Jacob Andrade, B.S., University of California, San Diego Graydon Samuel Goodman, B.A., Pomona College
Hamidreza Arjomandi, B.S., University of California, Irvine Roshel Kathryn Egbert Graham, B.S., California Polytechnic
Yohualli Balderas-Medina, B.A., Occidental College State University, San Luis Obispo
Vinela Bakllamaja, B.S., Montclair State University Kristen Kelly Gregory, B.S., University of Minnesota
Braden Barnett, B.S., Stanford University Garrett Mikal Harp, B.A., University of Oregon
Jessica Dyan Bear, B.S., Wagner College Misha Max Heller, B.A., University of Pennsylvania
Kevin Andrew Bechler, B.S., Westmont College Joseph Alden Herrold, B.S., University of Southern California
Emily Ruth Berry, B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz Louis Kendall Hirsch, B.A., University of Colorado
Albert Eric Blair, B.S., University of California, Davis Jason Shih Hoellwarth, B.A., Case Western Reserve University
Arnold Alexis Brizuela, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Steve Hole, B.S., United States Military Academy
Jennifer Ann Brooks, B.A., Harvard University Andrew James Hollister, B.A., University of California,
Saskya Byerly, B.S., California Institute of Technology Santa Barbara; B.S., University of California, Santa Barbara
Adina Deborah Cappell, B.A., Barnard College Timothy M . Hsia, B.A., Princeton University
Aaron Benjamin Case, B.A., Occidental College Anabel Marie Hugh, B.S., University of Florida
Sarah Elizabeth Casper, B.A., University of California, Crystal Marie Ives, B.A., Oregon State University
Santa Cruz Noam Jacob, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Joshua L. Chan, B.A., New York University Shemi Shehrin Jalil, B.S., University of Southern California
Nina Gabrielle Chan, B.A., Boston University Bradley Curtis Johnson, B.A., B.S., University of Southern
Jason S. Chang, B.S., University of California, Berkeley California
Natalie Noonan Charlton, B.S., University of California, Courtney Nicole Johnson, B.A., University of California,
Los Angeles Berkeley
Stephanie Lynn Chau, B.A., Boston University Daniel Adrian Joseph, B.A., Dartmouth College
Eva Chen, B.S., University of San Francisco Mairin Joseph, B.S., Duke University
Nancy Evelyn Chen, B.S., University of California, Irvine Melissa Nicole Joseph, B.S., University of California,
Michael Chervonski, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology Santa Barbara
Rebecca Joy Chibnall, B.A., Washington University in St. Louis Priyanka Kiran Kadam, B.A., University of Southern California
Brandon Michael Chinn, B.S., University of California, Ronen Joseph Kalay, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Los Angeles Melissa Nicole Joseph, B.S., University of California,
Christine Chung, B.A., Wellesley College Santa Barbara
Jennifer Marie Conti, B.A., University of Puget Sound Renuka Kharkar, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles
Katherine J. Cotter, B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.S., Ramon Clifford Kincade, BSN, University of Minnesota
Drexel University Kenneth Yasushi Kita, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Lisa Ann Cowan, B.S., California Institute of Technology Ryan Kriwanek, B.A., Washington University in St. Louis
Anita Damodaran, B.A., University of Southern California Daniel Jarad Laird, B.S., Sonoma State University
Farhad Darbandi, B.S., University of Southern California Nicholas Allen Landsman, B.S., California State University,
Kimberly Rose Davis, B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz Long Beach
Sean William Delaney, B.A., B.S., University of Southern Jennifer Larson, B.S., University of California, Santa Barbara
California Cianna Lemae Leatherwood, B.A., University of California,
Kimberly Akemi DeQuattro, B.A., Yale University; M.M., Berkeley
New England Conservatory Christopher Lee, B.S., University of Notre Dame
Reece Radford Doughty, B.S., University of Notre Dame Frances Lynn Lee, B.S., University of Pennsylvania
Jacqueline Jean Eastman, B.A., Amherst College Beatriz Valdovinos Leong, B.S., University of California,
David Jay Eckersley, B.S., Brigham Young University Santa Barbara
Julio M . Espinosa, B.S., University of California, Irvine Daniel Micah Lichtmann, B.S., University of Southern California
Crystal Fecht, B.A., University of California, San Diego Joshua Lilienstein, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Jorge Flores, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles Darren An Lu, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Jose Luis Flores, B.S., University of California, Berkeley Tinh Nghi Luong, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Dingle Foote, B A . , Columbia University Christina Ma, B.S., University of Southern California
Shira Miriam Frankel, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Ian Taylor MacQueen, B.A., Princeton University
Oscar Gantes, B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz Darren Rikitaro Maehara, B.S., University of California,
Noah Mischka Avalon Gerken, B.M., Oberlin College Los Angeles
Bachelor of Arts
James Timothy Aluri, Music 8c Biological Sciences Jae Eun Jeong, Music
Donald Edward Bell, Music Claire Elaine Lyon, Music
Jessica Lauren Conflitti, Music Sooyeon Noh, Music 8c Communication
Austen Paige Courter, Music, Minor - Songwriting Carl Platzer Oser, Music
Samantha Jane de Leve, Music 8c Philosophy Swati Pullela, Music 8c Psychology
Justin Sterling Eagleton, Music Caroline Brickley St. Louis, Music, Minor - Spanish
Elizabeth Molly Flier, Music Georgia Monique Visser, Music
Naomi Yi-Ventura Florin, Music Zhuangjun Wang, Music
William Goldman, Music Jordan Andrew Wong, Music 8c Biological Sciences
Tony Hsieh, Music 8c Cinematic Arts, Film and Television
Bachelor of Music
Max Simon Aruj, Composition, Minor - Business Chang Lu, Performance
Kevin Michael Ayers, Performance Mandy Elizabeth Mamlet, Music Industry
Brandon Inho Bae, Performance Michael Kento Matsuno, Performance
Michael Aaron Bannett, Performance Harry Hamilton McKenzie, Jazz Studies
Dustin Ademir Barrera, Music Industry, Minor - Business Alin Melik-Adamyan, Performance
Sebastien Thomas Betley, Performance, Minor - Songwriting Joseph Torger Morris, Performance
Erika Leigh Binsley, Performance Amber Jeanne Navran, Jazz Studies
Michael Joseph Boisvert, Performance, Minor - Computer Diana Newman, Performance
Science Elizabeth A. Nonemaker, Composition
Ehren Alan Bollenbacher, Performance Lauren Barbara Osaka, Performance
Andrew James Boyle, Jazz Studies Cooper Riley Ottum, Composition
Samantha Rose Cardenas, Performance, Minor - Musical Anna Pauline Pierson, Performance
Theatre Jonathan McLeod Richards, Performance
Ye Lin Cho, Performance Raquel Adriana Rodriguez, Music Industry
Allison Chu, Performance Christopher Daniel Rolontz, Jazz Studies
Robert Curl, Performance Jonathan Thomas Rush, Performance
Alejandro Duque, Performance Brendan Victor Ryan, Performance
Katherine Elizabeth Fruchterman, Performance, Minor - Italian Sohee Ryou, Performance
Daniel Gerard Garcia, Performance Meriette Edith Saglie, Performance
Sadamu Samuel Hirsh, Jazz Studies Erich Arnold Lum Schultz, Composition
Benjamin Hopkins, Performance Kyle Shafiee, Performance
Matthew Takeshi Howard, Performance William Timothy George Sturgeon, Performance
David Matthew Joseph, Jazz Studies, Minor - Music Recording Jonathon Douglas Swan, Performance
Esther Hwa-Pyung Kang, Performance Remy Maxfield Parrish Taghavi, Performance, Minor - Physics
Judy Kang, Performance Saul James Tobin, Composition, Minor - J a z z Studies
Christy Min Kim, Performance Andrea Marie Vancura, Music Industry
Lydia Kirchhofer, Performance, Minor - Art History Daniel Emerson Weidlein, Jazz Studies, Minor - Music
Robert Jihoon Lee, Performance Recording
Andrew Benjamin Levin, Performance Harley White, Jr., Jazz Studies
Esther Lin, Performance Damon Rey Zumwalt, Music Industry, Minor - Business
Bachelor of Science
Jason Michael Adams, Music Industry David William Martinez, Music Industry
Adam Jeffrey Alper, Music Industry Peter Michael McGinn, Music Industry
Kevin Charles Bearchell, Music Industry Tai Meltzer, Music Industry
Eryn Alexandra Benson, Music Industry Rebecca Cynthia Moine, Music Industry
Dustin Noel Black, Music Industry, Minor - Jazz Studies Christian Ivan Morales, Music Industry
Lena Augusta Brown, Music Industry David Turner Morgenthaler, Music Industry
Elyse Ketura Butler, Music Industry Donald Robert Munson, Music Industry
Gabriel Martin Damast, Music Industry Tyler Sean Palmer, Music Industry
Bradley Benjamin Davis, Music Industry Michael Jarrett Peha, Music Industry, Minor - Musical Theatre
Latanya Dekisha Donaldson, Music Industry, Minor - John Paul Perea, Music Industry
Accounting Robert Tyler Peterson, Music Industry
John Marcel Dubaz, Music Industry 8c Cinematic Arts, Minor - Ethan Pilch, Music Industry
Business Brian MacKenzie Porter, Music Industry
Mark Alan Edwards, Music Industry Alec Edward Rasmussen, Music Industry, Minor -
Martin Abel Encinas, Music Industry, Minor - Business Cinematic Arts
Michael Thomas Fiore, Music Industry Lillian McDowell Reid, Music Industry
James McVickar Fleming, Jr., Music Industry Cody James Romness, Music Industry, Minor - Business Law
Steven J. Gagliano, Music Industry Andrew David Saunders, Music Industry, Minor -
Erika Lauren Georgiou, Music Industry Entrepreneurship
Nicole Kathryn Gillespie, Music Industry James Curtis Senaga, Music Industry
Kevin Michael Giltz, Music Industry Erica Shieh, Music Industry, Minor - Marketing
Matthew Nicholas Huntington, Music Industry, Minor - Business Alyssa Michelle Siegel, Music Industry
James Logan Jamail, Music Industry Andrew Richard Smith, Music Industry
Nicholas Edward Fitzgerald Keller, Music Industry Amanda Solum, Music Industry
Chloe Kelsey, Music Industry Mijin Jessica Son, Music Industry
Megan Katherine Lollar, Music Industry Sean Michael Swanson, Music Industry
Justin Garret Lubliner, Music Industry Mark Ryan Taylor, Music Industry
Brandon Aristotle Lucas, Music Industry Cristina Renae Vaughan, Music Industry
Megan Eva Mark, Music Industry Vivian Wang, Music Industry
Master of Music
Julia Elizabeth Adolphe, Composition, B.A., Cornell University Nicholas Raymond Champeau, Performance, B.A., University of
Seyeon Ahn, Conducting, B.M., Northwestern University; Minnesota, Morris
M.M., University of Southern California Hayan Clair Charlston, Performance, B.M., California State
Paul B. Aksman, Performance, B.M., Johns Hopkins University, University, Long Beach
B.M., Peabody Institute (Conservatory of Music); G.Cert., Alice Cathy Chen, Performance, B.M., B.A., Northwestern
University of Southern California University
Sarah Janet Bauza, Performance, B.M., Texas Christian Jong-Hyun Cho, Performance, B.M., Temple University
University Benjamin Paul Davis, Performance, B.M., University of
Caitlin Alanna Beam, Performance, B.M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Southern California Sarah Nicole Davis, Performance, B.M., San Diego State
Elizabeth Grace Beilman, Performance, B.M., Juilliard School University
Alex Benestelli, Choral Music, B.M., Westminster Choir Daniel Anthony De Arakal, Performance, B.M., Chapman
College of Rider University University
Christopher Cecil Bingham, Choral Music, B.A., Southern Albert Russell Diaz, Performance, B.M., University of Southern
Oregon University California
Lorry Aaron Black, Performance, B.A., University of California, Mario Giovanni Diaz-Moresco, Performance, B.M., University
Los Angeles of Colorado at Boulder
Keely Bosworth Borland, Performance, B.M., Lawrence University Emma-Grace Beale Dunbar, Performance, B.M., Rider College
Christina Irene Bristow, Performance, B.A., California Baptist Todd Eames, Performance, B.M., California State University,
College Northridge
Kelly Michael Bunch, Performance, B.M., University of Cristina Danielle Foster, Performance, B.M., Wheaton College
Southern California Victoria Jane Fox, Performance, B.M., University of Denver
Juhi Bansal, Composition, B.M., M.M., University of Southern Margarita Denenburg, Performance, B.M., M . M . , Arizona State
California University
Dissertation: '...a long night wind'
Loma Ellen Eder, Performance, B.M., Washington State
Richard Henry Baughman, Performance, B.M., Juilliard School; University; M F A , California Institute of the Arts
M.M., Eugene Lang College T h e New School for Liberal Arts
Donna Elizabeth Frenzel Chaparro, Sacred Music, B.A.,
Eva Beneke, Performance, G.Cert., University of Southern University of Miami; M.M.Ed., University of Southern
California; B.A., M.A., Berlin University of the Arts, California
Germany Dissertation: Preferences in the Hiring of Musicians Within
Southern Baptist and United Methodist Churches in America
Delbert Stacy Bowers, Music Education, B.A., University of
Tennessee, Knoxville; M . M . , Ohio University Nicolas Edward Gerpe, Performance, B.M., M . M . , University of
Dissertation: Recent High School Graduates' Perceptions on Southern California
Their School Experiences, Musical Lives and Curriculum
Relevancy Anastasia Catherine Glasheen, Choral Music, B.M., State
University of New York, Potsdam; M . M . , State University of
Grant Charles Boyd, Performance, B.M., California State New York, Stony Brook
University, Long Beach; M . M . , University of Southern Dissertation: T h e Application of Multimedia and Theatrical
California Elements to Franz Joseph Haydn's "Die Schopfung"
("The Creation"): Examples for Day Five, Scene One
Nathan Charles Brown, Performance, B.A., B.M., University of
Washington; M F A , California Institute of the Arts Dominic Catipay Gregorio, Choral Music, B.A., University of
Guelph, Canada; M.M., Temple University
Mary Lauren Buckley, Choral Music, B.A., Princeton University; Dissertation: Threshold of Night: A n Analysis of Selected
M.M., University of Southern California Choral Works by Tarik O'Regan
Dissertation: T h e Goddess Fortuna in Renaissance Choral
Music Irene Catipay Gregorio, Performance, B.M., University of
Western Ontario; M . M . , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Christian Campos, Choral Music, B.A., DePauw University;
M.M., University of Southern California Eric Robert Guinivan, Composition, B.M., B.M., Indiana
Dissertation: Robert Schumann's Requiem fur Mignon, University, Bloomington; M . M . , University of Southern
op. 98b: A Critical Analysis of the Work and Its Text California
Dissertation: Avalerion
Brian Peter Carmody, Jazz Studies, B.M., San Francisco State
University, M.M., University of Southern California Eric Hanson, Performance, B.M., Brigham Young University;
M.M., Florida State University
Yi-Ting Chen, Performance, B.M., Eastman School of Music;
M.M., Yale University Amy Stuart Hunn, Choral Music, B.A., M.A., Stanford
Clara Yi-Ting Cheng, Performance, B.A., University of Dissertation: "That Music Always Round Me": 21st-century
California, Los Angeles; M . M . , Juilliard School Choral Settings of the Poetry of Walt W h i t m a n
Daniel Benjamin Keller, Choral Music, B.M., Northern Arizona Benjamin Isak Pila, Performance, B.M., Florida State University
University; M.M., University of Oklahoma M.M., Juilliard School
Dissertation: Refined Gold from along the Royal Highway.
Musical Training in the California Missions as a Model for John Gunter Reynolds, Jazz Studies, B.A., Point Loma Nazarene
Present-day Pedagogy College; M.M., San Diego State University
Seong-Ah Kim, Performance, B.M., California State University, Alexander Jay Singer, Performance, B.M., M.M., University of
Northridge Oregon
Michael Philip Kudirka, Performance, B.M., University of John S. St. Marie, Choral Music, B.A., Loyola University of
Southern California Louisiana; M.M., California State University, Fullerton
Dissertation: A Model of Construction for Johann Sebastian
Sergey Kuznetsov, Performance, B.M., Moscow State Bach's "St. John Passion": Theological Foundation as the Basis
Conservatory, Russia for the Calculations of Phi
Sun Jung Lee, Performance, B.M., Seoul National University, Timothy Justin Tesh, Performance, B.A., Mars Hill College;
Korea; M.M., Dipl., New England Conservatory of Music M.M., University of Kentucky, Lexington
Lesley Leighton, Choral Music, B.A., Loyola Marymount Lisa C. Thelen, Performance, B.A., Loyola Marymount
University; M.M., University of Southern California University; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music
Dissertation: Howard Swan, Charles Hirt and Roger Wagner:
their Influences and the building of choral culture in Southern Stirling Austin Trent, Performance, B.M., Juilliard School;
California M.M., University of Southern California
Rafael Liebich, Performance, B.M., State University of Virginia Jung-Kim Trent, Performance, B.M., The Pennsylvania
Campinas, Brazil; M.M., Universidade Federal do Rio Grande State University, M . M . , University of Southern California
do Sul, Brazil
Edward Richard Trybek, Performance, B.M., M.M., University
Arthur Joseph McCaffrey, Composition, B.M., B.A., of Southern California
Rice University; M . M . , Royal Scottish Academy of Music and
Drama Sarah Michelle Vendsel, Performance, B.M., Southern
Dissertation: Thank You for Waiting Methodist University; M . M . , New England Conservatory of
Diana Kay McConnell, Music Education, B.M., M.M.,
University of Texas at El Paso Nancy Miyuki W o o , Performance, B.M., M . M . , University of
Dissertation: High School String Orchestra Students' Southern California
Perceptions of Wellness and Its Implications on Musical
Performance Jesse Erin Wright-Fitzgerald, Composition, B.M., Susquehanna
University; M.M., Syracuse University-
John McDaniel Morgan, Jazz Studies, B.M., University of Dissertation: String Quartet No. 2
Cincinnati; M.M., University of Southern California
Tian Zhou, Composition, B.M., Curtis Institute of Music;
Aid Nishiguchi, Performance, B.M., State University of M.M., Juilliard School
New York, Potsdam; M.M., University of Southern California Dissertation: "Cliffs in Splendor" for Full Orchestra
Graduate Certificate
Derek Edward Baird, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Yi-Syuan Lin, Music Performance
Jared Robert Banta, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Yoshika Masuda, Music Performance
William Bardini, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Andrew Nathaniel Mcintosh, Music Performance
Adi Benmichael, Music Performance Ryan Patrick O'Connell, Scoring for Motion Pictures and
Jongnic Bontemps, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Television
John N. Carey, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Dustin Lee Painter, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television
Angela Cholakyan, Artist Diploma Kiheung Park, Music Performance
Cecilia Cotero, Music Performance Brian David Paul, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television
Nathan Matthew David, Scoring for Motion Pictures and John Piscitello, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television
Television Yun Qu, Music Performance
Ivan William Edwards, Music Performance Frederic-Olivier Edouard Rosselet, Music Performance
Hugo Gonzalez, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Hyejung Shin, Music Performance
Tingting Gu, Music Performance Anna Solovieva, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television
Marina Boudart Harris, Music Performance Isaac David Tetenbaum, Scoring for Motion Pictures and
Brent Hengeveld, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Television
Eun Seong Hong, Music Performance Jeffrey Robert Tinsley, Scoring for Motion Pictures and
In Gyo Hwang, Music Performance Television
Vladimir Vladimirovich Khomyakov, Artist Diploma Jeremy Nathan Tisser, Scoring for Motion Pictures and
Juhye Kim, Music Performance Television
Sung-Wook Kim, Music Performance Michael Joseph Van Ryn, Music Performance
Ohtae Kwon, Artist Diploma Giuseppe Vasapolli, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television
Jeremy David Lamb, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television Robert Joseph Walker, Music Performance
Choongheon Lee, Music Performance Bo W u , Music Performance
Grace Eunhae Lee, Music Performance Yi-Chien W u , Music Performance
Han Na Lee, Music Performance Jungin Yang, Music Performance
Harrison Andrew Lee, Scoring for Motion Pictures and Christopher Daigdigan Yanson, Scoring for Motion Pictures and
Television Television
Chih-Chien Lin, Music Performance
Doctor of Pharmacy
Nimra Aijaz Oscar Gilberto Gallegos Gina Lee Amy Ngoc Ta
Chike Benneth Ajieroh Karen Khristine Gana Hyoung Eun Lee Tran Buu Ta
Emmanuel Akinwole Derrick Joseph Garcia Samuel Kyong Yol Lee Joel Michael Tallman
Ani Akopyan Negar Ghassemian James Lhi Shi Tang
Sahar Hisham Alnatour Nataliya Gross Rita Yu Li Marcie Midori Terasawa-Lew
Ryan Matthew Anderson Leah Shari Guskin Stephanie Mary Liang Ellen Thio
Nancy Arellano Erin Ashley Hamai Natalie Ramit Lidgi Ryan Michael Thompson
Ruth Idowu Awosika Sara Han Kathleen Wan-Jane Lo Kevin Tien
Anasheh Babakhanian Hayk Harutyunyan Brandan George Michael Caroline Gia-Linh Tran
Young-Mi Baik Michael Andrew Harvey Lombardo Diana Vy Tran
Mira Laila Bakas Yoshio James Hashimoto Sae Byul Ma Ivy Phuong Tran
Vani Batta Faranak Hassanzadeh Judy Thao Mai Kim-Thu Thi Tran
Jennifer Patrice Baynes Jennifer Ho Wing Chi Mak Ngocdung Thi Tran
Nilofar Behmanesh Tramy Thi Ho Samira Massachi Phuong Thiminh Tran
Antonina Benoit Tuyet Ngoc Ho Armine Melkomian Tai Kim Tran
Venita Bhuchar Diane Thuy Hoang Trevor Brett Millington Verzhine Elena Trdatyan
Regina Ann Imson Bondoc Simon Tran Hoang Aubrey Joseph Moreau Dan Nguyen Trinh
Mairyana George Boulos Van Le Hoang Janeane Moura Edward Nguyen Sam Truong
Nataliya Bulba Brandon C. Hockaday Sarah Moy Kathy Mey Ling Truong
Roda Jane Camposano Shenche Hshieh Anna Naapetyan Minh Thai Truong
Jenny Pui-Yin Chan Alifiya Fatema Hyderi Farahnaz Nazi Nazemzadeh Sidney Han Truong
Monica Gwon Loc Chan Elizabeth Albeer Ibrahim Nazanin Nancy Nekonejad Yuki Tsuji
Karen Echo Chen Arezo Issary Kei-CheukNg Sheri Suemi Tsukamoto
Szu-Ting Chen Melanie Janaslani Raymond Ngo Sana R. Vaiyani
Jarrin Kean Cheng KayJung Kevin Thanh Nguyen Laura Christine Van Wechel
Chrislynn Emiko Chew Stephen Seokbongjung Matthew De Nguyen Michelle Thi-Mylinh Vu
Melody Chien Priti Mansukh Kaneria Thinh Xuan Nguyen Tomy Vuong
Vinson Wenhui Chien Kyle Thomas Kang Camille Rayos Pacis Ashley Lauren Weissman
Ellen Choi Avetis Karapetyan Joseph Dongyup Pai Yi-Hsin Weng
Tim Chou liana Katz Tamara Palagashvili Kandace L. West
Aileen Cathy Chu Aimee Elizabeth Keegan Xiao Pan Sarah May Joyce Widner
Jasmine Yu-Hsuan Chung Artak Kerimian Tina Indravadan Patel Andrew Michael Williams
Toni Georgia Codling-Garrett Brian Jin-Yong Kim Ryan Joseph Pidanick Juliana Corie Wilson
Amber Lea Cruz Grace Kim Elisabeth Plunkett Brandon Kenneth Wong
Tony Dao Hana Kim Lisa Michelle Quon Brittney Ellen Wong
Michael Davidson Jin Y.Kim Sheila Rafalian Ka Kay Bonnie Pearl Wong
Maria Edna Alabastro Nari Kim Roya Layla Rahmanian Peter Chi Wong
De La Rosa Stephen S. Kim Eunice Kyu-Yun Rhee Alice Laiyi Wu
Emily Delkhah Garo Kouyoumjian Stacey Chan San Mei Shan Wu
Qinzhe Deng Jessica Wendy Kuo Elaine Reina-Ison Sanchez Yang Xu
Mark Philip Dimapawi Stacie Yinlae Kwan Narine Sargsyan Natalie Ramit Yaggy
Lusine Dishigrikyan Darline Spring Ky Christine Tsai Seng Eric Chia-Jui Yang
Michelle Minh Doan Larry Tsan Lam Binal Kirti Shah Justin M. Yee
Mydung Le Duong Joanne S. Lau Parth Dilip Shah Alon Yehoshua
Dina Tiffany Elperin Marcos Kwon Yang Lau Susan Shakib David Yoon
Shabnam Ensafi Jason Robert Lebowitz Teny Simonians Karen Young
Dane David Fredericksen Carissa Yun Lee Suzanna Miri Son David Yuan
Andrew David Fung Dennis Hong Lee Ignacia Suwandi John Zhang
Aiko Maruya, B.S., Osaka University, Japan; M.S., California Ellen Ruth Whalen, B.S., California State University,
State University, Los Angeles Los Angeles; M.S., Boston College; M.S., University of
Dissertation: Harmonizing Key Constituents of Regulatory Southern California
Submissions to Support Global Product Registration: A Survey Dissertation: Investigator-Sponsor Versus Industry Sponsor
Investigation of Current Practices Driven Clinical Trials: Differences in Management and
Implications for Compliance
Duane Mauzey, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles;
M.S., California State University, Los Angeles
Dissertation: Current Practices in Pharmaceutical Container
Closure Development
Master of Leadership
Cesar Armendariz, B.S., University of Southern California Kelley Suzanne Fraser, B.S., California State University,
Dina Aryan-Zahlan, B.S., University of Southern California Long Beach
Keith Darnell Baisy, B.S., University of Phoenix Elvin H . Galindo, B.S., California Coast University
Rudy Francisco Barillas, B.S., University of LaVerne Eduardo H . Garcia, Jr., B.A., University of California, Riverside
Erika Lynn Brooks, B.A., Purdue University - West Lafayette; Hector Antonio Guerrero, B.S., University of Phoenix
M.A., California State University, Long Beach Luis Robert Guzman, B.S., University of Phoenix
Juan Luis Cabral, B.S., California State University, Long Beach Jolly Hamid, B.S., California State University, Los Angeles
David L. Carlisle, B.A., California State University, Fullerton; Norman Dwane Hopson, B.S., California State University,
M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Los Angeles
Deborah Golian Castro, B.S., University of Southern Peter Glenn Jankowski, B.S., University of LaVerne
California Anthony Joseph Jennison, BBA, M B A , Loyola Marymount
Imer Chavez, B.S., Biola University University
Thomas Carl Ewald, B.S., Cogswell Polytechnical College Lisa Darlene Jordan, B.S., University of Illinois - Chicago
Master of Planning
Philip Joseph Armstrong, B.A., Boston College Oliver Hou, B.S., Harvey Mudd College
Mark Joaquin Arroyo, B.A., University of California, San Diego Emily Hsiung, B.A., University of California, Irvine
Joy-Alonica Capco Bautista, B.A., University of California, Ying Huang, B.Engr., Tsinghua University, China
Los Angeles Katherine Elizabeth Jackson, B.A., University of Southern
Amber Elizabeth Berrios, B.S., University of Southern California
California Seoyeon Kim, B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jennifer Nichole Blackwell, B.A., University of California, Mark Christopher Klein, B.S., California Polytechnic State
Los Angeles University, San Luis Obispo
Raabia Karim Budhwani, B.A., Emory University Molly Elizabeth Kraus, BFA, Emerson College
Gary Sean Byrne, B.S., Loyola Marymount University Matthew Jay Kridler, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
La Mikia Monee Castillo, B.A., University of California, State University
San Diego Sonal Sharad Kulkarni, B.Arch., Visvesvaraya Technological
Laura Elizabeth Chakerian, B.A., Colorado College University, India
Arthur Yusheng Chen, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Hyojung Lee, B.S., Seoul National University, Korea
Matthew James Christensen, B.A., University of California, Jay Minsub Lee, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Santa Barbara Derek Victor Levoit, B.A., University of California, San Diego
Alan Derek Como, B.S., Arizona State University Jiani Li, B.Engr., Tongji University, China
Veronica Celia Cruz, BBA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Qiming Li, B.A., Sun Yat-sen University, China
Emily Harriet Dwyer, B.S., University of Massachusetts, Xiaoyue Li, B.S., Tsinghua University, China
Amherst Jennifer Ann Lieu, B.A., University of California, Irvine
Zachary Elgart, B.A., California State University, Long Beach Rebecca Lynn Liu, B.A., University of San Francisco
Elizabeth Noel Ene, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Yu Liu, B.A., B.Engr., Peking University, China
Erik Lloyd Eveleigh, BBA, California State Polytechnic Gerard Arman Lopez-Miralles, B.S., University of Arizona
University, Pomona Linda Lou, B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Victoria Strautman Farr, B.A., Boston University Joseph Bernardo Marcos, B.A., University of California,
Valentin Antonio Flores Rogel, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
Berkeley Richard David Marshalian, B.A., Thomas Aquinas College
Dmitry Leon Galkin, B.A., Washington University in St. Louis Lisa Messineo, B.A., Niagara University
Rubina Ghazarian, B.A., University of California, San Diego Lauren Elizabeth Miller, B.S., University of California,
Andrew Robert Goodrich, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
San Diego Liane Elyse Miller, B.S., University of Texas, Austin
Ami Atul Gosalia, B.S., Vanderbilt University Stephen Robert Miller, B.A., University of Maryland,
Anthony Joe Guardado, B.S., University of Southern California College Park
Ju Hee Han, B.Eng., Daejin University, Korea; M.S., Yonsei Amanda Nicole Moffitt, B.A., Davidson College
University, Korea Annalisa Marie Moser, B.S., Indiana University, Bloomington
Ling Han, B.S., Tianjin Normal University, China Janell Marie Mullen, B.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs
Nikola Hlady, B.A., Pomona College Edward W i n g Keung Ng, B.A., Rutgers University
Judson Roy Hornfeck, B.Arch., Syracuse University Sze Ki Sita Ng, B.Arch., Temple University
Graduate Certificate
Jacob Anthony Avila, Public Management Maeghan Danielle Magante, Public Management
Alex Benestelli, Nonprofit Management and Policy Christopher Michael Mangum, Nonprofit Management and
David Cory Carlson, Public Management Policy
La Mikia Monee Castillo, Political Management Aida Mariam, Public Management
La Mikia Monee Castillo, Public Management Lauren Ann Matsushita, Management of Ambulatory Care
Verenice Chavoya-Perez, Public Management Systems
Ruby Yung Shing Chong, Sustainable Cities Alexander Pascal Mishkin, Homeland Security and Public Policy
Michael Ian De Castro, Management of Ambulatory Care Wilma A. Morales-Franco, Public Management
Systems Edward W i n g Keung Ng, Public Management
Robert Matthew Florkowski, Homeland Security and Public Jean C. Nicolas, Political Management
Policy Amit Singh Pabla, Management of Ambulatory Care Systems
Haili Cassaundra Francis, Nonprofit Management and Policy Jessica Elizabeth Papia, Public Management
Rebecca Elizabeth French, Political Management Katy Jenay Partan, Nonprofit Management and Policy
Claudia Yessenia Garcia Godinez, Public Management Donald Owen Pharaoh, Public Management
Gina Marie Gonzalez, Homeland Security and Public Policy Marco Antonio Ramirez, Public Management
Timothy Gerald Goodrich, Political Management Vanessa Marie Ramirez, Political Management
Joshua Calvin Harris, Public Policy John William Roberson III, Public Management
Tony Huynh, Homeland Security and Public Policy Cherie Raquel Romar, Nonprofit Management and Policy
Leonard Hyman, Political Management Charles Alexander Smith-De Ville, Nonprofit Management and
Jennifer Germaine Johnson, Management of Ambulatory Care Policy
Systems Brent Alan Tercero, Public Management
Arash Kalantari, Public Management Erica Valencia, Public Management
Arash Kalantari, Sustainable Cities Claire Kathleen Van Camp, Sustainable Cities
Sally Kikuchi, Public Policy Miguel Eduardo Vargas, Public Management
Caroline Yi Kim, Public Policy Meredith Anne Vivian, Public Management
Stephanie Nicole Loville, Public Policy Xiaoyu Wang, Public Management
Master of Arts
Justin Lee Abrotsky, Specialized Journalism, B.S., University of Sabrina Artel, Specialized Journalism, BFA, New York
Florida University
Edvin B. Akoubians, Economics, B.A., University of Southern Ximalatl Veronica Avalos, Cinematic Arts, B.A., University of
California California, Berkeley, M.A., University of Arizona
Anas Saeed Al-Gahtani, Economics, B.S., King Fahd University Claudia E. Avendano, Geography, B.S., Universidad Autonoma
of Petroleum 8c Minerals de Baja California; G.Cert., University of Southern California
Alexis Alagem, Journalism, B.A., University of Pennsylvania Alfredo Avila, Applied Theatre Arts, B.A., University of
Mohammad Mosaad M. Alaiban, Economics, B.A., University California, Berkeley
of Southern California Jessica Lina Bailey, Occupational Therapy, B.S., University of
Sultan Abdulrahman Alfawaz, Occupational Therapy, B.S., Southern California
Brunei University Sarah Ann Ballman, Strategic Public Relations, B.A., Michigan
Leilani Albano, Journalism, B.A., University of California, State University
Los Angeles Vincent William Balzano, Cinematic Arts, B.A., Georgetown
Chelsey Marie AUodi, Strategic Public Relations, B.A., Loyola University
Marymount University Jyzelle Banaag, Occupational Therapy, B.S., California State
Jacquelle Ofori Amankonah, Philosophy and Law, B.S., University, Long Beach
University of Southern California Nicole Jeanelle Banner, Journalism, B.A., Marymount
Matthew Joseph Amato, History, B.A., Harvard University Manhattan College
Ori Amir, Psychology, B.A., University of Haifa, Israel Kathleen Marie Barbaro, Occupational Therapy, B.S., University
Shuang An, Strategic Public Relations, B.A., Capital Normal of Southern California
University, China Mary Elizabeth Barker, Journalism, B.A., University of San Diego
Zheng An, Communication, B.A., Tsinghua University, China; Beyene Tikura Bayssa, Applied Mathematics, B.S., Addis Ababa
M.A., The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque University
Nastassia Antoine Andari, Global Communication, B.A., Amanda Maureen Beacom, Communication, B.A., Stanford
Louisiana State University University, M.A., Johns Hopkins University
Kelly Louise Anderson, Applied Theatre Arts, B.A., California Emily Suzanne Benedict, Strategic Public Relations, B.A.,
State University, Long Beach State University of New York, Geneseo
Master of Science
Damian Federico Abasto, Mathematical Finance, B.S., Instituto Kathlyn Tatiana Almeida, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Balseiro, Argentina B.S., University of California, Riverside
Russell Mistretta Abbott, Geographic Information Science and Kathy Maria Andrade, Geographic Information Science and
Technology, B.S., California State Polytechnic University, Technology, B.A., California State University, Long Beach;
Pomona; M.S., University of Missouri, Rolla; G.Cert., G.Cert., University of Southern California
University of Southern California Chethana Kalluraya Armbya, Biochemistry and Molecular
George Michel Abichaker, Craniofacial Biology, B.S., D D S , Biology, B.Engr., Visvesvaraya Technological University, India
University of Southern California Charles Everett Ashton, Molecular Microbiology and
Marwa Bader Abulhasan, Craniofacial Biology, B.S., University Immunology, B.S., University of Southern California
of Pittsburgh Wing Chee Vivian Au, Mathematical Finance, B.S., University
Naser Ahmadi, Clinical and Biomedical Investigations, B.S., of Southern California
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran Nirmal Balaraman, Mathematical Finance, B. Tech., Indian
Lilit Aladadyan, Regulatory Science, B.A., University of Institute of Technology, Bombay
California, Riverside Craig Daniel Bartosh, Geographic Information Science and
Madlen Aladadyan, Regulatory Science, B.S., University of Technology, B.S., Texas A8cM University
California, Riverside Christiann Boutwell, Geological Sciences, B.S., University of
Emanuel Stefan Alexandroni, Craniofacial Biology, B.S., South Carolina
University of Southern California Alexander I. Braham, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.A.,
Sophia Maria AUaf, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, University of Judaism
B.S., Azusa Pacific University Cynthia Lauren Breene, Biology, B.S., University of Oregon
Doctor of Philosophy
Damian Federico Abasto, Physics, B.S., Instituto Balseiro, Majed Abdullah M . Alresaini, Computer Engineering, B.S.,
Argentina King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; M.S., University of
Dissertation: Fidelity Analysis of Topological Phase Transitions Southern California
Dissertation: Backpressure Delay Enhancement for
Encounter-Based Mobile Networks While Sustaining
Throughput Optimality
Theresa Meredith Bastain, Epidemiology, B.A., Princeton Mehrdad Bozorgnia, Civil Engineering, B.S., Ferdowsi
University; M P H , Johns Hopkins University University, Iran; M.S., M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Airway Inflammation and Respiratory Health in Dissertation: Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of
the Southern California Children's Health Study Bridges Exposed to Violent Waves
Priyanka Basu, Art History, B.S., University of Wisconsin, Richard Hockaday Brown, Music, B.M., University of Nebraska,
Madison; M.A., University of Southern California; M.A., Art Lincoln; M.A., University of Southern California
Center College of Design, California Dissertation: Sound-On-Film: John Cage and Avant-Garde
Dissertation: Kunstwissenschaft and the 'Primitive': Excursions Cinema
in the History of Art History, 1879-1914
Kristina M . Buhrman, History, B.A., Cornell University; M.A.,
Bardia Fallah Behabadi, Biomedical Engineering, B.S., University of Southern California
Johns Hopkins University Dissertation: T h e Stars and the State: Astronomy, Astrology,
Dissertation: Two-Layer Synaptic Integration in Pyramidal and the Politics of Natural Knowledge in Medieval Japan
Joongkoo Cho, Industrial and Systems Engineering, B.S., Anustup Kumar Atanu Choudhury, Computer Science, B.E.,
M.A., Seoul National University, Korea; M.S., University of Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology,
Southern California India; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Network-based Simulation of Air Pollution Dissertation: Automatic Image and Video Enhancement W i t h
Emissions Associated with Truck Operations Application to Visually Impaired people
Seong H o Cho, Electrical Engineering, B.S., Seoul National Cheryl-Emiliane Tien Chow, Biology, B.A., Oberlin College
University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Microbe to Microbe: Establishing Viral
Dissertation: Image Steganalysis: Algorithm and Performance Connections in a Diverse Marine Microbial Community
Cornelius Channing Chow II, Astronautical Engineering, B.A.,
Sungje Cho, Electrical Engineering, B.S., Pohang University of M.S., University of Southern California
Science and Technology, South Korea; M.S., University of Dissertation: Autonomous Interplanetary Constellation Design
Southern California
Dissertation: Techniques for De Novo Sequence Assembly: Kysa Marie Christie, Psychology, B.A., Mount Holyoke College;
Algorithms and Experimental Results M.A., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Partners of Breast Cancer Survivors: Research
Tae Hoon Cho, Chemical Engineering, B.S., M.S., Hanyang Participation and Understanding of Survivors' Concerns
University, South Korea
Dissertation: T h e Role of Estrogen Receptors in Nociceptive Katherine Chu, Politics and International Relations, M.A.,
Signaling Pathway of Sensory Neurons Chinese University of H o n g Kong
Dissertation: Enjoying Bird-caged Press Freedom: A Study of
Yongjoon Cho, East Asian Languages and Cultures, B.A., Film and Media Industries in China after 1978 and Its Soft
Ph.D., Kon-Kuk University, Korea Power
Dissertation: Multiple Nominative Construction in Korean
and its Second Language Acquisition by Adult English Nicholas B. Cipolla, Art History, B.A., Yale University, M.A.,
Speakers Cambridge University
Dissertation: The Concept and Image of the Roman Infans:
Youngki Choe, Electrical Engineering, B.E., Hanyang Defining the Boundaries Between Reality and Myth
University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Audio and Ultrasonic M E M S Built on P Z T Thomas McCulloch Cirillo, Classics, B.A., Kenyon College
Substrate for Liquid and Airborne Applications Dissertation: Categorizing Difference: Classification, Biology,
and Politics in Aristotelian Philosophy
Hojong Choi, Electrical Engineering, B.E., Kyung Hee
University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Jennifer J. Clark, Literature and Creative Writing, B.A.,
Dissertation: Development of Front-end Circuits for High University of Southern California; M F A , University of
Frequency Ultrasound System Arkansas, Fayetteville
Dissertation: OmegaKondre and Horseface Minstrelsy in the
Hong Seok Choi, Materials Science, B.S., Kon-Kuk University, Western
South Korea; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Development of Organic-Inorganic Optical Joseph Warren Clark, Business Administration, B.A., University
Microcavities for Studying Polymer Thin Films of Southern California; M B A , Tulane University
Dissertation: T h e Impact of Business Intelligence on Strategy
Gurveen Singh Chopra, Psychology, B.S., Clarkson University; Under Environmental Dynamism
M.S., M.A., University of Southern California
Dissertation: D o You See W h a t I See? Personality and
Cognitive Factors Affecting Theory of Mind/Perspective
Roman Corral, Epidemiology, B.S., University of California, Anh-Thang Dao, American Studies and Ethnicity, B.A., Mount
Los Angeles Holyoke College; M.A., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Genetic Variation in the Bse Excision Repair Dissertation: Writing Exile: Vietnamese Literature in the
Pathway, Environmental Risk Factors, and Colorectal Diaspora
Adenoma Risk
Julia Dare, Business Administration, BBA, Southern Methodist
Charisse L'Pree Corsbie-Massay, Psychology, B.S., B.S., University, M B A , University of Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.A., M.A., Dissertation: T h e (Self-)Righteous and the Meek:
University of Southern California Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
Dissertation: Subgroup Exclusion Affects Superordinate
Group Identity Ankita Das, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, B.S.,
Texas A8cM University, College Station
Christopher Corzett, Molecular Biology, B.S., University of Dissertation: Tissue Interactions and Molecular Pathways in
California, San Diego Specification of the Ectomesenchye from Cranial Neural Crest
Dissertation: Physiological Roles and Evolutionary
Implications of Alternative D N A Polymerases in Escherichia
Sudarshan Dayanidhi, Physical Therapy, B.Sc, Seth G.S. Indrajeet Dixit, Industrial and Systems Engineering, B.E.,
Medical College Mumbai University; M.S., Drexel University University of Mumbai, India; M.S., George Mason University
Dissertation: Behavioral, Muscular and Dynamical Changes in Dissertation: An Inquiry to Assess the Impact of Specificity on
Low Force Dexterous Manipulation during Development and the Option to Terminate
Erika Doggett, Linguistics, B.A., University of California,
Lisa Malkanthi De Alwis, Music, B.M., University of Colorado Los Angeles; M.A., University of Southern California
at Boulder; M.M., M . M . J o h n s Hopkins University Dissertation: Expanding the Syntax-Phonology Interface:
Dissertation: Censorship and Magical Opera in Early Phonological Sensitivity to Syntactic Heads
Nineteenth-century Vienna
Kirk Lewis Domke, Geological Sciences, B.S., University of
Damon Nino De La Cruz, Pathobiology, B.S., California State Wisconsin, Madison
University, Northridge Dissertation: Geochemical and Microstructural Analyses of
Dissertation: Macroenvironmental Regulation of Stem Cells Cloudina from Western North America and Namibia
Steven James DeNeefe, Computer Science, M.S., University of Fan Dong, Communication, B.A., Central University of
Southern California, B.S., Harvey Mudd College Finance and Economics, China; M.A., University of
Dissertation: Tree-adjoining Machine Translation Southern California; M.S., London School of Economics,
United Kingdom
KoryJ. Declark, Philosophy, B.A., University of California, Davis Dissertation: Digital Creativity and Innovation in Chinese
Dissertation: O n Being Bound: Law, Authority, and the SNS Industry
Politics of Obligation
Noah Christopher Dormady, Policy, Planning and Development,
Ugur Demiryurek, Computer Science, B.S., Turkish Naval B.A., M.A., University of California, Riverside
Academy, M.S., University of Southern California; M.S., Dissertation: Emissions Markets, Power Markets and Market
Naval Postgraduate School Power: A Study of the Interactions Between Emissions
Dissertation: Query Processing in Time-dependent Spatial Markets and Deregulated Energy Markets
Anatoly Dryga, Chemistry, B.S., M.S., Saint Petersburg State
Kris Matthew Tunac DePedro, Urban Education Policy, B.A., University, Russia
Columbia University; M.E., Harvard University Dissertation: Capturing the Complexity of Ion Channels:
Dissertation: T h e Role of School Climate in Promoting Simulations of Long-time Dynamics, Conformational
Positive Mental Health Outcomes and Reducing Victimization Changes and the Effect of the Membrane Potential
Rates in Military Connected Schools
Ramin Dubey, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.Equiv., Panjab
Alejandro Raul Diaz, Astronautical Engineering, B.S., M.A., University, India
University of California, Los Angeles; M.S., University of Dissertation: Modulation of Transcription and Receptor
North Dakota, Grand Forks; M.S., University of Southern Function with Synthetic Small Molecules and Multi-
California functional Integrin Ligands
Dissertation: Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Emergency Aid
for Extended Planetary Surface Missions: Through-the- Hikmet Dursun, Computer Science, B.S., Bogazici University,
Spacesuit Intravenous (IV) Administration Turkey; M.S., M.A., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Performance Optimization of Scientific
Ning Ding, Astronautical Engineering, B.Engr., Beihang Applications on Emerging Architectures
University, China; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Dissertation: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of
Particulate Plasma Interactions in Space
Emir Estrada, Sociology, B.A., University of California, Stephen V. Fiacco, Chemistry, B.S., University of California,
Los Angeles; M.A., University of Southern California Santa Barbara; M.S., California Institute of Technology
Dissertation: Working W i t h La Familia: A Study of Family Dissertation: Generating Orally Bioavailable Peptidic Ligands
Work Relations Among Latino/a Children and Adolescents using m R N A Display
W h o Work with Their Parents as Street Vendors in
Los Angeles Benjamin Files, Neuroscience, B.A., University of California,
Jose Nunez Estrada, Social Work, B.A., University of California, Dissertation: Selectivity for Visual Speech in Posterior
Santa Barbara; M S W , University of California, Los Angeles Temporal Cortex
Dissertation: Integrating Gang and School Violence
Theoretical Paradigms Within California Schools: A Statewide Jeremy Fishel, Biomedical Engineering, B.S., California State
Quantitative Examination of School Variables Associated with University, Long Beach; M.S., University of Southern
Gang Membership California
Dissertation: Design and Use of a Biomimetic Microvibration
Hua Fang, Pathobiology, B.S., Zhejiang University, China Sensor for Texture Discrimination and Slip Detection
Dissertation: Inhibition of Bci-2 Family Proteins and
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Tumor Cell Apoptosis Laurie Dawn Fisher, English, B.A., University of California,
Los Angeles; M.A., University of Southern California; M.A.,
Caitlin Christine Farrell, Urban Education Policy, B.A., Loyola Marymount University
Dartmouth College; M.S., Pace University Dissertation: This Object Kills Me: T h e Intersection of
Dissertation: Designing School Systems to Encourage Data Gender and Violence in Performance of Shakespearean
Use and Instructional Improvement: A Comparison of Tragedy
Educational Organizations
Glenda M . Flores, Sociology, B.A., University of California,
Arian Farshbaf, Economics, B.A., Bogazici University, Turkey, Irvine; M.A., University of Southern California
M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Latina Teachers in Los Angeles: Navigating
Dissertation: Business Cycles and International Trade Race/Ethnic and Class Boundaries in Multiracial Schools
Muhammad Irfan Fazal, Electrical Engineering, B.E., Pakistan Stephanie Barbara Frank, Policy, Planning and Development,
A F C of Aeronautical Engineering; M.S., University of B.A., M.A., University of Maryland, College Park
Southern California Dissertation: Building Hollywood: The Film Industry,
Dissertation: Optical Signal Processing for Enabling High- Metropolitan Los Angeles, and Identity of Place, 1920-1975
speed, Highly Spectrally Efficient and High Capacity Optical
Systems Melissa A. Frasco, Epidemiology, B.S., University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Genetic Association Studies and the Impact of
Population Substructure in the Woman's Interagency H I V
Melissa Komeno Fujiwara, Sociology, B.A., San Francisco State Parisa Ghaemi, Computer Science, B.S., Amir-Kabir University
University; M.A., University of Southern California of Technology, Iran; M.S., University of Southern California;
Dissertation: The Color of Success: African American and M.E., Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Japanese American Physicians in Los Angeles Dissertation: Constrained Optimal Location Planning
Sudeep Ravindra Gandhe, Computer Science, B.E., Veermata Mohammad Ghasemazar, Electrical Engineering, B.S., M.E.,
Jijabai Technological Institute, India; M.S., University of Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Southern California Dissertation: Variation-aware Circuit and Chip Level Power
Dissertation: Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation of Dialogue Optimization in Digital VLSI Systems
Systems for Virtual Humans
Parham Ghods, Petroleum Engineering, BSC, Sharif University
Angela Garbin, Integrative and Evolutionary Biology, B.A., of Technology, Iran
New York University M.A., San Francisco State University Dissertation: Data Assimilation for Fractured Shale Gas
Dissertation: The Influence of Gonadal Steroid Hormones Reservoirs Using Ensemble Kalman Filter
and Social Environment on Sexually Differentiated Behavior
Patterns in Wild and Captive Immature Chimpanzees Rumi Ghosh, Computer Science, B.S., Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur
Darren David Garber, Astronautical Engineering, B.S., Ohio Dissertation: Disentangling the Social Web - A Study of
State University; M.S., University of Southern California Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks
Dissertation: Application of the Fundamental Equation to
Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics Luis F. Gomez, Chemistry, B.S., California State University,
Los Angeles
Nathan Garcia, Biology, B.S./BA., Michigan State University; Dissertation: Atomic and Molecular Clusters at Ultra-low
M.S., College of Charleston Temperature
Dissertation: Effects of Global Change on Physiology of
Trichodesmium and Crocosphaera with Implications for Carmen Gonzalez, Communication, B.A., M.A., University of
Biogeochemical Cycles Southern California
Dissertation: Everyday Transnationalism: A Communication
Sandra Marie Garcia-Myers, Cinematic Arts, B.S., B.A., M.A., Ecology Approach to Transnational Health and Parenting
University of San Diego; M.A., University of Southern
California; M.S., University of California, Los Angeles Amy Danielle Granados, Communication, B.A., M.A.,
Dissertation: Shadows of Stardom: Latina Actresses in the University of Southern California
1930s Hollywood Produced Spanish Language Films Dissertation: Chasing the American Scene: Casting Directors
and Diversity in Film and Television
Kathleen Alice Garrison, Neuroscience, B.S., University of
California, Los Angeles Andrew Gray, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, B.S.,
Dissertation: Modulating the Motor System by Action University of Edinburgh
Observation: Implications for Stroke Rehabilitation Dissertation: T h e Effect of Tumor-Mediated Immune
Suppression on Prostate Cancer Immunotherapy
Zachary Demetrius Gassoumis, Gerontology, B.S., University of
Durham Christina Marie Gray, Political Science and International
Dissertation: T h e Economic Security of an Aging Minority Relations, B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Population: A Profile of Latino Baby Boomers to Inform Dissertation: Efficient Passions: Care and Justice Work in the
Future Retirees Context of International Human Rights Nongovernmental
Peter Train Geantil, Mechanical Engineering, B.A., University of
California, Berkeley; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Long Range Internal Stresses in Deformed
Crystalline Materials
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 211
Biliang H u , Chemical Engineering, B.S., University of Science Minna Jia, Political Science and International Relations, B.Econ.
and Technology B.L., M.A., Peking University, China
Dissertation: Lentiviral Vaccine Engineering Towards Dissertation: Political Identity and Political Participation:
Enhanced Safety and Efficiency China's Post-80's Generation
Ling Hu, Computer Science, B.Engr., Beijing University of Katharine Elizabeth Johanesen, Geological Sciences, B.S., Beloit
Posts and Telecommunications, China; B.Engr., Beijing College
Information Technology Institute, China; M.S., Northeastern Dissertation: The Thermal and Deformational History of the
University Ronda Peridotite, S. Spain
Dissertation: Query Integrity and Data Privacy of Spatial Data
in the Cloud Brandon Darryl Johns, Philosophy, B.A., California State
University, Fullerton; B.A., University of California, Riverside
Amie Eunah Hwang, Epidemiology, B.S., University of Dissertation: The Boundaries of the Intentional
California, Davis
Dissertation: Early Childhood Health Experience and Adult Anne Jokiaho, Integrative and Evolutionary Biology, BSC,
Phenotype in Twins Helsinki Laboratory Institute, Finland
Dissertation: The Integration of Peripheral and Central
Adam Joseph Ianno, Geological Sciences, B.S., M.S., University Glucose Sensing with the Rate of Fall in Glycemia
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation: From the Mantle to the Atmosphere: The Role Hyunjoon Joo, Policy, Planning and Development, B.A.,
of Crustal Assimilation in the Evolution of Continental Arc M.P.A., Seoul National University, Korea
Plutons Dissertation: Commercial Microfinance in Korea: Outreach,
Customer Choice and Satisfaction, and Impact
Mayumo Inoue, Comparative Literature, B.A., University of
California, Berkeley, M.A., University of Southern California Anika Otamu Naomi Joseph, Biomedical Engineering, B.S.,
Dissertation: Muses of History: Colonial Memories, Works of University of Pittsburgh; M.S., University of Southern
Art, and Heterogeneous Community in America and the Asia California
Pacific since 1945 Dissertation: Hyperspectral Optical Imaging for Detection,
Diagnosis, and Staging of Cancer
Joshua Inouye, Biomedical Engineering, B.S., Georgia Institute
of Technology, M.S, University of Southern California Jonathan Jai Rajendra Joshi, Electrical Engineering, B.Engr.,
Dissertation: Bio-inspired Tendon-driven Systems: K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, India
Computational Analysis, Optimization, and Hardware Dissertation: Plasticity in C M O S Neuromorphic Circuits
Byungchan Jung, Mechanical Engineering, B.S., M.Engr.,
Ravi Sardovia Iyer, Psychology, B.A., Columbia University, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
M.A., University of Southern California Dissertation: Modeling, Control and Implementation
Dissertation: Experiential Purchasing Tendency as a Function of Control System of Two-wheel Mobile Platform with
of Approach Versus Avoidance Motivation Application to Power Wheelchairs
Ki Young Jang, Computer Science, B.S., Hongik University, Gideon Mark Juve, Computer Science, B.S., M.S., University of
Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Southern California
Dissertation: Explicit Airtime Allocation in 802.11-based Dissertation: Resource Management for Scientific Workflows
Wireless Networks
Reza Kalhor, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, B.S.,
Radheekajayasundera, Sociology University of Tehran, Iran
Dissertation: Improvements in Women's Status, Decision- Dissertation: Studying Three-Dimensional Organization of
making and Child Nutrition: Evidence from Bangladesh and Human Genome
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 213
Jewon Kang, Electrical Engineering, B.Eng., Seoul National Shawna Kathleen Kelly, Communication, B.A., Western
University, Korea Washington University M.A., University of Southern
Dissertation: Efficient High-Definition Video Coding California
Techniques Dissertation: Running with Newbies: Understanding Online
Communities Through the Eyes of Second-Generation
Kristy Hyung Ah Kang, Cinematic Arts, B.A., University Gamers
of California, Los Angeles; M F A , University of Southern
California Randall Norman Kenien, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S.,
Dissertation: The Seoul of Los Angeles: Contested Identities Pepperdine University, M.S., University of Southern California
and Transnationalism in Immigrant Space Dissertation: Comparison of Cationic and Amphipathic Cell
Penetrating Peptides in the Internalization and Intracellular
Nikhil Kumar Kar, Mechanical Engineering, B.S., University of Localization of Cytochrome C-conjugates
California, Irvine; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Fatigue and Fracture of Polymer Composites Sarah Elizabeth Keyes, History, B.A., Pomona College; M.A.,
University of Southern California
Anantha Mahadevan Karthikeyan, Electrical Engineering, B.E., Dissertation: Beyond the Plains: Migration to the Pacific and
Vellore Institute of Technology, M.S., University of Southern the Reconfiguration of America, 1820s-1900s
Dissertation: LQFeedback Formulation for H-infinity Output Malik Muhammad Zaki Murtaza Khan, Computer Science, B.S.,
Feedback Control University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi; M.S., University
of Southern California
Pradeep Chandra Kathi, Policy, Planning and Development, Dissertation: Auto-tuning, Code Generation and Optimization
B.S., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; M.A, Indian in GPUs
Institute of Management, Calcutta; M P A , University of
Southern California Diane Kim, Biology, B.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Connecting Neighborhood Councils and City Dissertation: A Decade of Microbes: Dynamics of Microbial
Agencies - Evaluation of the Learning and Design Forums Eukaryotic Assemblages at the U S C Microbial Observatory
and Role of the University as a Mediating Institution
Eunyoung Kim, Computer Science, B.S., B.S., Sungkyunkwan
Brittany Kay, Biomedical Engineering, B.S., University of University, Korea
Southern California Dissertation: Scalable Object Classification in Range Images
Dissertation: Modeling Anti-tumoral Effects of Drug-Induced
Activation of the Cell-extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway Hoon Kim, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, B.A.,
Yonsei University, Korea; B.S., University of Minnesota,
Laurie Joanne Kaye, Policy, Planning and Development, B.A., Minneapolis
California State University, Los Angeles; M.A., University of Dissertation: Modulating Beta-Catenin Function Maintains
California, Los Angeles Mouse Epiblast Stem Cell and Human ES Cell Self-renewal
Dissertation: Evergreen Economies: Institutions, Industries,
and Issues in the Green Economy Hyongshin Kim, East Asian Languages and Cultures, B.A.,
Kyung Hee University, Korea; M.A., University of California,
Leyla Kazemi, Computer Science, B.S., Amir-Kabir University of Los Angeles
Technology, Iran; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: T h e New Generation on Screen: Youth Culture
Dissertation: GeoCrowd: Enabling Trustworthy Privacy-aware and Youth Cinema in South Korea Since the 1990s
Query Answering with Spatial Crowdsourcing
Jiye Kim, Psychology, B.A., Scripps College; M.A., University of
Ebrahim Farhad Kazemzadeh, Computer Science, B.A., M.S., Southern California
University of Southern California Dissertation: The Neural Coding of Inter-object Relations
Dissertation: Natural Language Description of Emotions
Frederick Charles Krause, Chemistry, B . A , Pomona College Anca Ioana Lasc, Art History, B . A , International University
Dissertation: Electrocatalysts for Direct Liquid-feed Fuel Cells Bremen; M . A , University of Southern California
and Advanced Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries Dissertation: Designing Space: T h e French Private Interior
Illustrated, 1852-1914
Ivan Krylov, Chemistry, B . S , Saint Petersburg State University,
Russia Simon Latyshev, Aerospace Engineering, B . S , University of
Dissertation: Synthesis, Structural Analysis and In Vitro Anti- California, Los Angeles
Viral Activities of Novel Cyclic and Acyclic ( S ) - H P M P C and Dissertation: Formation Flight Control of Autonomous
(S)-HPMPATyrosinamide Ester Prodrugs Agents and Cooperative Navigation in Unknown Environment
Anita Kumar, Anthropology, B . A , University of California, Laura Lynn Lazarus, Chemistry, B . A , University of California,
Berkeley; M . A , G . C e r t , University of Southern California Irvine; B . S , California State University, Los Angeles
Dissertation: Counseling South Asian Immigrant Domestic Dissertation: Cooperative Effect of Ionic Liquid Solvents in
Violence Survivors in a Moral Border Zone Microfluidic Devices for Fabricating Monodisperse Metal
Sunil Kumar, Electrical Engineering, B T . Indian Institute of
Technology Hoang Xuan Le, Computer Engineering, B . S , M.S., George
Dissertation: Critically Sampled Wavelet Filter Banks on Mason University
Graphs Dissertation: High Performance Architectures for Large Scale
Packet Forwarding and String Matching
Nisha U. Kunte, American Studies and Ethnicity, B . A ,
Columbia University; M . A , University of Southern California Thanh M . Le, Electrical Engineering, B . S , University of
Dissertation: Moving Parts: Refiguring Corporeal Difference California, San Diego; M.S., University of California,
and the Human through Organ Transplant Narratives Los Angeles
Dissertation: Integration of Practical High Sensitivity
Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Sensors
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 215
Lewina On Yi Lee, Psychology, B . A , M . A , University of Stacy Juliann Lettman, English, B . A , Wesleyan University
Southern California Dissertation: Unfaded Echoes of Slavery: The Sublime
Dissertation: Anxiety in the Second Half of Life: Exploring Language of Violence in Jamaican Literature and Music
Trajectories and Their Interrelations with Physical Illness and
Stressful Life Events in a Population-based Twin Sample Pao-Chen Li, Molecular Biology, B . S , National Taiwan
Mihye Lee, Economics, M . E , Kookmin University, South Korea Dissertation: Centromere: Replication, Recombination,
Dissertation: H o w did Financial Development Affect the Reassembly
Performance of European Firms Before and After the 2008
Credit Crisis? Rui Li, Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology, B . S ,
University of Science and Technology of China; M.S., M.S.,
Sang Su Lee, Computer Science, B . S , Yonsei University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California
M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Joint Analysis of Two Related Studies of
Dissertation: Dynamic Item Recommendation by Topic Different Data Types and Different Study Designs Using
Modeling for Social Networks Hierarchical Modeling in Detecting Gene-environment
Su Jin Lee, Geography, B . S , M.S., Hanyang University, Korea;
G.Cert, University of Southern California Xiang Li, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , Zhejiang University,
Dissertation: Effects of Municipal Policies and Home M.S., University of Southern California
Modifications on Green Space in Los Angeles County Dissertation: Intravascular Imaging on High-frequency
Ultrasound Combined with Optical Modalities
Sungwon Lee, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Seoul National
University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Joyce Ching Liang, Electrical Engineering, B . S , University of
Dissertation: Application-driven Compressed Sensing California, Berkeley
Dissertation: Efficient Methods of Securing Network Codes
Susan Shu-Hsun Lee, Biomedical Engineering, B . S ,
Johns Hopkins University; M.S., University of Maryland, Sook-Lei Liew, Occupational Science, B . A , Rice University,
College Park M . A , University of Southern California
Dissertation: The Effects of Vitreous Syneresis on Dissertation: Experience Modulates Neural Activity During
Pharmacokinetics following Intravitreal Drug Delivery: An Action Understanding: Exploring Sensorimotor and Social
Evaluation with Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cognitive Interactions
Anderson Beih-Tzun Lin, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Cornell Xuecong Liu, Integrative and Evolutionary Biology, B . S ,
University; M.S., University of Southern California Shandong Normal University, China; M.S., Chinese Academy
Dissertation: Mass Sensing with Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator of Science, China
Dissertation: Behavioral Ecology of the Sichuan Snub-nosed
Jerchern Lin, Business Administration, B . A , Michigan State Monkey {Rhinopithecus roxelland) in Shennongjia, China
University; M.S., New York University
Dissertation: Fund Convexity and Tail Risk-taking Yi-Hsien Liu, Linguistics, B . A , National Kaohsiung Normal
University, China; M . A , University of Southern California
Shih-Hsin Lin, Architecture, B . S , M.S., National Taiwan Dissertation: T h e Chinese Nominal Phrases in the Existential
University; M B S , G . C e r t , University of Southern California Construction
Dissertation: "Designing-in" Performance: Energy Simulation
Feedback for Early Design Decision Making Zuwei Liu, Physics, B . S , University of Science and Technology
of China
Yen-Ting Lin, Electrical Engineering, B . S , National Taiwan Dissertation: Electrical, Thermal, Catalytic and Magnetic
University, M.S., University of Southern California Properties of Nano-structured Materials and Their
Dissertation: Transmission Tomography for High Contrast Applications
Pedro Jose Llanos, Astronautical Engineering, B . S , University of
Kar Yun Ling, Neuroscience, B . S , M.S., H o n g Kong University Valencia; M.S., University of Oklahoma
of Science and Technology Dissertation: Trajectory Mission Design and Navigation for a
Dissertation: Synaptic Defects in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Space Weather Forecast
Nadra Erin Lisha, Preventive Medicine, B . A , University Hsien-Chun Lo, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B . S , Fu Jen Catholic
of California, Los Angeles; M . A , Claremont Graduate University, Taiwan; M.S., University of Southern California
University Dissertation: Molecular Genetic Mining of the Secondary
Dissertation: T h e Dynamic Relationship of Emerging Metabolome in Aspergillus sp.
Adulthood and Substance Abuse
Lori Lopez, Communication, B . A , Pomona College; M . A ,
Ang Liu, Mechanical Engineering, B . E , Shandong University, University of Southern California; M . A , Indiana University,
China; M.S., University of Southern California Bloomington
Dissertation: A Synthesis Reasoning Framework for Early- Dissertation: Asian American Media Activism: Past, Present,
stage Engineering Design and Digital Futures
Jingfang Liu, Communication, B . A , Capital Normal University, Jaymie Anne Lorthridge, Social Work, B.A., Spelman College;
China; M . A , University of Southern California; M . A , M.S., M S W ; University of Southern California
Georgia State University Dissertation: Fidelity Within the Context of System Level
Dissertation: T h e Emergence of Green IT: T h e Formation Reforms
and Implementation of Green I T Strategy and Organizational
Change in I T Organizations Alexis Kathryn Lothian, English, B . A , University of Edinburgh;
M . A , University of Sussex, England
Dissertation: Deviant Futures: Queer Temporality and the
Cultural Politics of Science Fiction
USC 1 2 9 T H A N N U A L C O M M E N C E M E N T 217
Biquan Luo, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, B . S , Yara Faisal Masri, Architecture, B.Arch, Birzeit University,
Peking University, China Palestine
Dissertation: Investigating the Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Dissertation: Framework for Designing Intelligent Building
Chaperone G R P 9 4 in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Regulation Envelopes
and Hematological Cancer Progression
Scott Andrew Mata, Geological Sciences, B . S , California State
Shan Luo, Psychology, B . S , Capital University of Medical University, Fullerton
Sciences, China; M . A , University of Southern California Dissertation: Paleoenvironmental Controls on Microbial Mat
Dissertation: Interaction of Approach/Withdrawal Motivation Structures in Cambrian Siliciclastic Settings: Southern Great
and Inter-temporal Choice Basin, United States
Mark Lyle, Physical Therapy, B . S , Miami University; M.S., Jonathan David Mathis, Urban Education Policy, B . S , American
Simmons College University; M.S., Trinity University
Dissertation: Quantification of Lower Extremity Dynamic Dissertation: Strategy and College Preparation: A Comparative
Capability: Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Case Study of Two Early College High Schools
and Change of Direction Ability
Andrew Josef McEachin, Urban Education Policy, B . A , Cornell
Kevin Chikai Ma, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , University of University
Texas, Austin; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: That's Not W h a t I Asked For: Three Essays
Dissertation: Ethnically-diverse Imaging Informatics-based on the (Un)Intended Consequences of California's Dual
System for Longitudinal Tracking of Multiple Sclerosis on Accountability System
Ayana Margery McNair, Cinematic Arts, B . S , San Jose State
Shao-Ling Ma, Comparative Literature, B . A , M . A , National University, M . A , University of Southern California
University of Singapore; M . A , University of Southern Dissertation: T h e Captive Public: Media Representations of
California the Police and the (Il)legitimacy of Police Power
Dissertation: T h e Social Life of Nations: A Comparative Study
of American and Chinese Utopian Novels, 1888-1906 Hadi Meidani, Civil Engineering, B . S , Khajeh Nassiroddin
Toosi University of Technology, Iran; M.S., University of
Anuj Rahul Madaria, Materials Science, B.Engr, Indian Institute Southern California
of Technology, India; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Uncertainty Management for Complex Systems
Dissertation: Synthesis, Characterization and Application of of Systems
Metal and Semiconductor Nanowires
Mary Barbara Mello, English, B . A , M . A , California State
Mohammad Mahvash Mohammadi, Electrical Engineering, University, Long Beach; M . A , University of Southern
B . S , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran; M.S., University California
of Southern California Dissertation: From the Hellmouth to the Witch's Cauldron:
Dissertation: Emulating Variability in the Behavior of Artificial Cooking and Feeding Evil on the Early Modern Stage
Gustavo Alfonso Mendoza-Fandino, Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, B . S , University of Antioquia, Columbia
Dissertation: Post-GWAS Functional Characterization of
Colorectal Cancer Risk Loci
Leta Yuan Ming, Art History, B . A , Yale University Rodrigo Angelo Muniz, Physics, B . S , Universidade Federal
Dissertation: Curating as Performance: Tom Marioni and the Fluminense, Brazil
Museum of Conceptual Art, 1968-1979 Dissertation: Plasmonic Excitations in Nanostructures
Mohammad Mirzaaghatabar Ahangar, Computer Engineering, Srideep Sridaran Musuvathy, Electrical Engineering, B . E ,
B . S , Amir-Kabir University of Technology, Iran; M.S., Sharif Madurai Kamaraj University, India; M.S., M.S., University of
University of Technology, Iran Southern California
Dissertation: Redundancy Driven Design of Logic Circuits for Dissertation: Coherently Interacting Dynamics in the
Emerging Technologies Neuromuscular System
Robert H . M o , Pharmaceutical Sciences, B . S , Columbia Bonnie Christine Nadzam, Literature and Creative Writing,
University B . A , Carleton College; M . A , University of Southern
Dissertation: Cell Penetrating Peptide-based Polyplexes for California; M F A , Arizona State University
siRNA Delivery Dissertation: Uncertain Fictions: Fictional Forms Addressing
Philosophical Uncertainty in the Enlightenment
Rudy Mora, Neuroscience, B . S , University of Florida
Dissertation: Genetically-encoded Probes for Visualizing Mikito Nagata, Materials Science, B . S , M.S., Kobe University,
Protein Trafficking in Living Neurons Japan
Dissertation: Synthesis, Structure and Electrochemical
Nicholas Michael Mordwinkin, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S./ Performance of Spinel LiNi2-xMx04 (M = transition metal)
P h a r m . D , Nova Southeastern University
Dissertation: T h e Peptide Angiotensin-(l-7) as a Novel Suresh Kumar Nallareddy, Business Administration, B . S , Birla
Treatment for Complications Induced by Type 2 Diabetes Institute of Technology and Science, India
Mellitus Dissertation: Does Differential Sensitivity to Aggregate
Earnings Shocks Drive Post-earnings-announcement
Joshua Louis Moss, Cinematic Arts, BFA, New York University;
M . A , University of Southern California Devyani Nanduri, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , University of
Dissertation: W h y Harry Met Sally: Coupling Narratives and Toronto, Canada; M.S., University of Southern California
the Christian-Jewish Love Story Dissertation: Prosthetic Vision in Blind Human Patients:
Predicting the Percepts of Epiretinal Stimulation
Mirmohammadyousef Motamedhashemi, B . E n g , University of
Tehran; M . E n g , Sharif University of Technology, Iran Kaoru Nashiro, Gerontology, B . A , California State University,
Dissertation: A Flow-through Membrane Reactor for Hayward
Destruction of a Chemical Warfare Simulant Dissertation: H o w Emotional Arousal and Valence Influence
Memory and Learning in Younger and Older Adults
Yunxiang Mu, Molecular Biology, B . S , M.S., Tianjin Medical
College, China Jose A. Navarro, English, B . A , University of California,
Dissertation: D N A Deamination and Binding Properties Berkeley, M . A , University of Southern California
of Wild Type and H I G M 2 Mutants of Activation-Induced Dissertation: Machos y Malinchistas: Chicano/Latino Gang
Cytidine Deaminase Narratives and Culture
Emi Mukai, Linguistics, B A , Kyushu University, Japan; M . A , Vinod Timothy Nayar, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , M.S.,
University of Southern California University of Southern California
Dissertation: Binding and Scope Dependencies with 'Floating Dissertation: Viscoelastic Characterization of Soft Biological
Quantifiers' in Japanese Materials
Je Cheol Park, Cinematic Arts, B . S , Seoul National University, Dimitris Pipinis, Economics, B . A , Athens University of
Korea; M . A , Chung-Ang University, Korea Economics; M . A , University of East Anglia; M . A , University
Dissertation: T h e Emergence of the Postnational Affects: of Southern California
Visuality Temporality and Corporeality in Global East Asian Dissertation: Bureaucracy's "Color" and the American Welfare
Films State: T h e Administration of Sanctions in T A N F
Jinhyoung Park, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , M.S., Seoul Deborah Pitts, Occupational Science, B . S , San Jose State
National University, Korea University, M B A , Pepperdine University
Dissertation: High Frequency Chirp Coded Excitation Dissertation: Thinking Like a PSC: An Exploratory Study of
Ultrasound Imaging System the Practice Reasoning of Personal Service Coordinators in a
Full Service Partnership
Meghna Patel, Molecular Biology, M.S., University of Southern
California Victoria Alekseevna Piunova, Chemistry, B . S , Saint Petersburg
Dissertation: Investigating the D N A Polymerase V Mutasome State University, Russia
Dissertation: Blends of Perfluorocarbon-end-functionalized
Michael Robert Patterson, Architecture, B . A , University of and -telechelic Polystyrene and Poly n-butyl Methacrylate
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M B S , University of Southern Synthesis and Morphology Studies
Dissertation: Facade Retrofit: Sustainable Facade Renovation Louis Valentine Plough, Biology, B . A , Bowdoin College
Practices for Tall Curtain Wall Buildings Dissertation: Genome-wide Analysis of Genetic Load and
Larval Mortality in a Highly Fecund Marine Invertebrate, the
Icela Pelayo, Urban Education Policy, B . A , University of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas
California, Berkeley, M . A , Loyola Marymount University
Dissertation: Culturally Responsive Coaching and Professional Cara Ellis Pohle, Social Work, B . A , M S W , Washington
Development for Teachers Working with English Language University in St. Louis
Learners: A Case Study in Early Childhood Education Dissertation: Trajectories of Internalizing Problems Among
Maltreated Girls and Boys: Differences by Maltreatment Type
Artin Petrossians, Materials Science, B . S , Islamic Azad and Developmental Timing
University, Iran; M.S., California State University, Northridge
Dissertation: Part I Electrodeposition of Platinum-Iridium Jordan Elliott Pomeroy, Systems Biology and Disease, B . S ,
Coatings and Nanowires for Neurostimulating Applications: University of Oregon
Fabrication, Characterization and In-vivo Retinal Stimulation/ Dissertation: Derivation and Characterization of Human
Recording; Part II EIS Studies of Hexavalent andTrivalent Pluripotent Stem Cells (hESCs, hiPSCs) in Clinical Grade
Chromium Based Military Coating Systems Conditions
Victoria A. Petryshyn, Geological Sciences, B . S , University of Daniel Michael Popescu, Computer Science, M.S., Georgia
Southern California Institute of Technology
Dissertation: T h e Stromatolites of Walker Lake, Nevada: Dissertation: Dependence Analysis for Distributed Event-
Modern Approaches to Understanding the Formation of the based Systems
First Fossils on Earth
Maya Stefanova Popova, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B . S ,
Andrew Pickering, Molecular Biology, B . A , Oxford University, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria;
United Kingdom M.S., G . C e r t , University of Southern California
Dissertation: T h e Role of the Proteasome and Its Regulators in Dissertation: Sites of Ethanol Action in P2X4 Receptors
Adaptation to Oxidative Stress
Djordje Popovic, Biomedical Engineering, B . S , University of
Belgrade; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Automatic Staging of Sleep Using Only Two
Electrodes on the Forehead
Arash Saifhashemi, Electrical Engineering, B . S , M.S., Eric Olds Schneeman, Music, B . A , University of California,
Amir-Kabir University of Technology, Iran Santa Cruz; M . M , University of Texas, Austin
Dissertation: Power Optimization of Asynchronous Pipelines Dissertation: T h e German Reception of Christoph Gluck in
Using Conditioning and Reconditioning the 19th Century
Mohamed Saleh, Economics, B.Sc, Cairo University, Egypt; Christi Schroeder, Chemistry, B . S , Missouri Western State
M A , University of Southern California University
Dissertation: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in 19th and Dissertation: Quantifying Aspects of D N A Damage
20th Century Egypt: Human Capital Differences, Urban
Segregation, and Modernization Janel Susanne Schuh, Communication, B . S , James Madison
University, M A , University of Southern California; M . A ,
Mahyar Salek, Computer Science, B . S , Sharif University of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Technology, Iran; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: The Social Functions of Celebrity Gossip Among
Dissertation: Computational and Economic Aspects of Adolescent Girls
Procurement, Sale and Social Behavior
Nicholas Scurich, Psychology, B . A , M . A , University of
Tino Wilson Sanchez, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B . S , University Southern California
of California, Davis; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: The Dynamics of Reasonable Doubt
Dissertation: Design and Discovery of Small Molecules
Inhibiting the Interaction of Cellular L E D G F / p 7 5 and Anton Aleksandrovich Shakhmin, Chemistry, B . S ,
HIV- 1 Integrase Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Dissertation: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of
Zlatina Georgieva Sandalska, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Nonhydrolyzable Nucleotide Analogs Based on Squaric Acid
B . A , University of California, Berkeley; M . A , University of and Related Systems
Southern California
Dissertation: Parodic Male Societies in Russian Culture Arunkumar Kishanlal Sharma, Chemistry, B.Equiv, University
of Mumbai, India
William Scott Sanders, Communication, B . A , University Dissertation: Applications of Loop Closure and Stochastic
of Arkansas, Fayetteville; M . A , University of Southern Potential Switching to Monte Carlo Simulations of Large
California; M . A , Purdue University Systems
Dissertation: Identity, Trust, and Credibility Online: Evaluating
Contradictory User-Generated Information via the Warranting Samir Dev Sharma, Electrical Engineering, B . S , M.S., Ohio
Principle State University
Dissertation: Accelerated Chemical Shift Encoded Water-fat
Jina Sang, Social Work, BFA, New York University, M.S., Imaging
Columbia University
Dissertation: T h e Link between Maternal Depression and Emily Schoenhofen Sharp, Psychology, B . A , Bucknell
Adolescent Risk Behavior: Mediating and Moderating Role of University; M . A , University of Southern California
Family Dissertation: Sources of Stability and Change in the Trajectory
of Openness to Experience Across the Lifespan
Doochul Shin, Computer Engineering, B . S , Korea University; Travis Benjamin Smith, Electrical Engineering, B . S , M.S.,
M.S., University of Southern California University of Michigan
Dissertation: Techniques for Design and Synthesis of Dissertation: Techniques to Reduce Off-resonance Image
Approximate Digital Circuits for Error-tolerant Applications Artifacts in Rapid M R I
Gloria Yoo Sun Shin, Cinematic Arts, B . A , University of Amber Somoza, Chemistry, B . S , California State University,
California, Santa Cruz; M . A , University of Southern Long Beach
California Dissertation: Application of Biological and Chemical
Dissertation: White Diamond: Elizabeth Taylor, American Approaches for the Generation of New and Diverse Fungal
Empire and Postcolonial Whiteness Natural Products
Janet Shin, Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, B . A , Pomona Sangyoung Son, Civil Engineering, B . S , M.S., Seoul National
College University, Korea
Dissertation: Understanding Primary Medication Non- Dissertation: Wave Induced Hydrodynamic Complexity and
adherence and its Associated Healthcare Outcomes: Transport in the Nearshore
A Retrospective Analysis of Electronic Medical Records in an
Integrated Healthcare Setting Shawn C. Sorenson, Physical Therapy, B . S , Rice University
Dissertation: Trojan Lifetime Champions: A Cross-sectional
Sanghee Shin, Engineering, B . S , B . E , Hanseo University, Epidemiological Study of Lifetime Health, Wellness, and
South Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Exercise in Elite Intercollegiate Student-athletes
Dissertation: Electroremediation of Offshore Muds
Contaminated with Heavy Metals Juan Martin Sotes Paladino, Business Administration, B A ,
University of Buenos Aires
Jamie William John Simcox, Political Science and International Dissertation: Essays in Delegated Portfolio Management
Relations, B . A , Cambridge University, United Kingdom Under Market Imperfections
Dissertation: Pwellism, Thatcherism and the Conservative
Party, 1945-1987: The Party as the Site of Ideological Esin Bengisu Sozer, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Hacettepe
Transition University, Turkey
Dissertation: Magnesium-based Photocathodes for Triggering
Back-Lighted Thyratrons
Anthony Sparks, American Studies and Ethnicity, BFA, M . A , Zhijie Sun, Chemical Engineering, B . E , Tsinghua University
University of Southern California Dissertation: Performance Monitoring and Disturbance
Dissertation: Image Breakers, Image Makers: Producing Race, Adaptation for Model Predictive Control
America and Television, 1999-2009
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Svyatets, Political Science and
Anupa Anjali Srinivasan, Literature and Creative Writing, B . A , International Relations, B . S , Vladivostok State University of
University of California, Riverside; M P W , University of Economics, Russia; M . A , University of Southern California
Southern California Dissertation: Power, Profits, and Politics: Energy Cooperation
Dissertation: Beyond Borders: T h e German Language Short and Conflict in Eurasia
Story After 1989
Adam Symonds, Communication, B . A , Whitman College;
Sudeep Srivastava, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, M . A , University of Southern California; M . A , California
B . S , Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India State University, Fullerton
Dissertation: Model Selection Methods for Genome W i d e Dissertation: At the Game or in the Basement: Baseball Blogs
Association Studies and Statistical Analysis of RNA Seq Data and Fan Culture
Beth Ann Stauffer, Biology, B . S , University of Miami April Tai, Chemical Engineering, B . S , University of California,
Dissertation: Plankton Dynamics in a Nearshore Coastal Los Angeles; M.S., San Jose State University
Environment: Responses to Short-term Environmental Dissertation: Engineering Viral Vectors for Enhanced Gene
Fluctuations and Top-down Control Delivery
Kristen Stearns, Physical Therapy, B . S , University of California, Satsuki Takahashi, Electrical Engineering, B . S , University of
Irvine; M.S., University of California, San Francisco Michigan, Ann Arbor; M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: The Influence of Hip Muscle Performance Dissertation: Titanium-indiffused Lithium Niobate Waveguide
on Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Fabry Perot Modulator
Activation: Implications for A C L Injury
Jia Tan, Cinematic Arts, B . A , Tsinghua University, China;
Robert David Stefanek, English, B . A , Michigan State M . A , University of Southern California
University; M . A , University of Southern California Dissertation: Special Cultural Zones in Post-socialist China:
Dissertation: Spying and Surveillance in the Early Modern Media and the Geographical Imagination of Guangdong
State and Stage Province
Jinho Suh, Computer Engineering, B . S , Seoul National Yingying Tang, Philosophy, B.A., Peking University, China
University, Korea; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Distributional Equality and Its Intrinsic Value
Dissertation: Models for Soft Errors in Low-level Caches
Daniel Joseph Tauss, Political Science and International
Shuting Sun, Chemistry, B . S , Xiamen University, China Relations, B . A , Yale University M . A , M . A , University of
Dissertation: Fluorescent Imaging Probes of Nitrogen- Hawaii, Manoa
Containing Bone Active Drugs: Design, Synthesis and Dissertation: T h e Long Waltz: Temporal Horizons and
Applications Strategic Decisions in US-China Relations
Xiaoxun Sun, Computer Science, B . E , Beijing University LiPing Teng, Civil Engineering, B . S , M.S., M C M , University
of Aerospace and Astronomy, China; M.S., University of of Southern California
Southern California Dissertation: Scattering and Diffraction of Anti-Plane (SH)
Dissertation: Incremental Search-based Path Planning for Elastic Waves by Parabolic Surface Topographies
Goal-directed Navigation with a Changing Goal
Garrett E.B. Thompson, Cinematic Arts, B A , Susquehanna Jeffrey Craig Vaglio, Architecture, B . S , University of Kansas;
University; M F A , University of Southern California M.Arch, G . C e r t , University of Southern California
Dissertation: Waging "War" Against Black Intellectualism: Dissertation: Aerophysics of Double-skin Facades: Cavity
Fighting for and Dying Over Knowledge, Dope and Hip H o p Dynamics and Structural Response of Multi-story Double-
Culture in Black Liberation skin Facades
Gerardo Antonio Toro Farmer, Ocean Sciences, B . S , Joanna Dawn Valentine, Classics, B . A , Evergreen State College
Universidad de Valle, Spain Dissertation: The Archaeology of Parmenides: Philosophy and
Dissertation: Spatial Distribution of the Optical Properties, Material Culture in Fifth-century Campania
Suspended Materials, and the Particulate Organic Carbon as a
Tool for Validating Remote Sensing Images in Shallow Areas Antonella Vecchiato, Linguistics, M . A , University of Southern
California; L A U R E A , University of Venice, Italy
Joshua David Train, Computer Engineering, B . S , Biola Dissertation: Events in the Grammar of Direct and Indirect
University; M.S., University of Southern California Causation
Dissertation: Routing Fountains: Leveraging Broadcast
Channels to Improve the Dissemination of Control Gretel Haydee Vera Rosas, American Studies and Ethnicity,
Information for Large Inter-domain Networks B . A , University of California, Santa Cruz; M . A , University of
Southern California
Stephen Charles Tratz, Computer Science, B . S , B . S , University Dissertation: The Breaking and Remaking of Everyday Life:
of Idaho; M.S., University of Southern California Illegality, Maternity and Displacement in the Americas
Dissertation: Semantically-enriched Parsing for Natural
Language Understanding Bjarni Johann Vilhjalmsson, Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics, B . S , University of Copenhagen, Denmark
En-Shuo Tsau, Electrical Engineering, B . S , National Taiwan Dissertation: Mapping Complex Traits in Structured
University; M.S., University of Southern California Populations
Dissertation: Robust Features for Audio and Vibration Signal
Processing Luisa Villani, Literature and Creative Writing, B . A , California
State University, Northridge; M . A , University of Pittsburgh
Shao Hung Fred Tsen, Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Dissertation: T h e Intimate Estrangement of Poetry, Drama
B . S , University of California Los Angeles and Opera
Dissertation: Extracellular Hsp90ci Promotes Human Dermal
Fibroblast Migration and Skin Wound Healing via the Distal Eduardo Villanueva Chigne, Philosophy, B . A , Pontific Catholic
N P T Y Motif within LRP-1 Receptor and Three Downstream University of Peru; M . A , University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Akt Kinases: Direct Evidence for a Cross-Membrane Signal Dissertation: Constraining Assertion: An Account of
Transduction Mechanism Context-sensitivity
Jack Tseng, Integrative and Evolutionary Biology, B . A , Leonora Kathleen Wagner, Music, B . S , Biola University, M . A ,
University of California, Berkeley University of Southern California
Dissertation: Convergent Morphological Evolution in Hyenas Dissertation: T h e Collaboration of Choir and Congregation in
and Dogs: The Relationship Between Form and Function Performing the Music of Michael Praetorius
Po-He Tseng, Computer Science, B . S , National Chiao T u n g Adrienne Ellen Walser, English, B . A , University of Arizona;
University, Taiwan; M.S., University of Southern California M . A , University of Southern California
Dissertation: Eye-trace Signatures of Clinical Populations Dissertation: Modernism's Poetics of Dislocation
Under Natural Viewing
Hao Wang, Psychology, B . E , Xiangtan University, China
Dissertation: Acquisition of Functional Categories
Ken Yamauchi, Neuroscience, B . A , University of California, Omer Faruk Yilmaz, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Middle East
Berkeley Technical University, Turkey
Dissertation: T h e Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Dissertation: Advanced Nonlinear Optical Signal Processing
Receptors in Axon Growth and Guidance in the Developing Techniques for High Speed, Reconfigurable Optical Fiber
Spinal Cord Networks
Vicky Yamamoto, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B . S , Bin Yin, Linguistics, B . A , Huaiyin Teacher's College, China;
Mount St. Mary's College M . A , University of Southern California
Dissertation: Mechanisms of CBP/(3-Catenin Signaling Dissertation: Investigating Chinese Speakers' Acquisition of
Inhibitors and IL-6 Mediators in Head and Neck Cancers/ Telicity in English
Role of Ryk and Smek in Neurogenesis
Fei Yin, Pharmaceutical Sciences, B . S , Nanjing University,
Bo Yang, Computer Science, B.Engr, M.S., Tsinghua China; M.S., University of Southern California
University, China Dissertation: T h e Mitochondrial Energy-Redox Axis in Aging
Dissertation: Multiple Human Tracking by Unsupervised and Caloric Restriction: Role of Nicotinamide Nucleotide
Learned Knowledge Transhydrogenase
Hao-Chung Yang, Materials Science, B . S , National Central Mahdi Yoozbashizadeh, Industrial and Systems Engineering,
University; M.S., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan B . S , Sharif University of Technology, Iran; M.S., University
Dissertation: Semi-random Pillar 1-3 Piezoelectric of Southern California
Composites for Ultrasound Imaging Applications Dissertation: Metallic Parts Fabrication with the Selective
Inhibition Sintering Based on Microscopic Inhibition
Jeng-Yuan Yang, Electrical Engineering, B . S , National
Changhua University, Taiwan; M.S., University of Southern Jean Michi Yoshii, Aerospace Engineering, B . S , B . S ,
California Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.S., University of
Dissertation: Optical Performance Monitoring and Signal Southern California
Processing to Enable Robust and Reconfigurable Optical Dissertation: A Saturn Magnetosphere Plasma Model
Kelly Corinne Young-Wolff, Psychology, B . A , University of
Yi-Hua Edward Yang, Electrical Engineering, B . S , National California, Berkeley; M . A , M P H , University of Southern
Taiwan University; M.S., University of Maryland, California
College Park Dissertation: Investigation of Risk and Resiliency Factors for
Dissertation: Large-Scale and High-throughput Pattern Stress-Related Drinking Among Adults: T h e Moderating
Matching on Parallel Architectures Roles of Early Life Stressors and Alcohol-Related Cognitions
Yuan Yao, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Huazhong University of Luka Yovetich, Philosophy, B . A , University of Kansas
Science and Technology, China Dissertation: Merely Verbal Disputes in Philosophy
Dissertation: QpS Aware Algorithm Design for Distributed
Systems Genevieve Yue, Cinematic Arts, B . A , Princeton University;
G . C e r t , University of Southern California
Wai Hang Yee, Policy, Planning and Development, B A , M . A , Dissertation: Medusan Optics: Film, Feminism, and the
University of H o n g Kong Forbidden Image
Dissertation: China's Environmental Reform: Ecological
Modernization, Regulatory Compliance, and Institutional Dara Zeehandelaar, Urban Education Policy, B . A , Cornell
Change University; M.S., T h e University of Maryland, College Park
Dissertation: T h e Local Politics of Education Policy:
Interactions Among School Boards, Superintendents, and
Teachers' Unions
Daoyuan Zhai, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Beijing University Yuan Zhong, Molecular Biology, B . S , Tianjin Medical College,
of Posts and Telecommunications, China; M.S., University of China
Southern California Dissertation: Cdc7/Dbf4 Function in Replication Fork
Dissertation: Advanced Learning Systems for Highly Progression in Response to D N A Damage
Uncertain Environments
Bo Zhou, Molecular Biology, B . S , M.S., China Agricultural
M i Zhang, Electrical Engineering, B . S , Peking University, University
China; M.S., University of Southern California Dissertation: Structural and Biochemical Studies of Large T
Dissertation: Body Area Sensing for Human Activity Antigen: T h e SV40 Replication Helicase
Modeling and Recognition with Applications in Healthcare
and Rehabilitation Chi Zhou, Industrial and Systems Engineering, B . E , M . E ,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China;
Rui Zhang, Chemistry, B . S , Peking University, China M.S., University of Southern California
Dissertation: Surface Functionalization of Nanomaterials and Dissertation: Optimized Mask Image Projection for Large-
the Development of Nanobiosensors area Based Additive Manufacturing Process
Tao Zhang, Geological Sciences, B . E , M.S., China University of Mei Zhou, Communication, B . A , Peking University, China;
Geosciences, Beijing M A , University of Southern California
Dissertation: Evolution of Upper Crustal Magmatic Plumbing Dissertation: An Evolving History of Falun Gong
System: Comparisons of Geochronological, Petrological,
Geochemical and Structural Records in the Cretaceous Mengfan Zhu, Geological Sciences, B . S , Peking University,
Fangshan Pluton, Beijing, China, Mesozoic Central Sierra arc, China
CA, U S A and Miocene Silver Creek Caldera, A Z , USA Dissertation: Recent Variability in the Hydrological Cycle of
Tropical Asia from Stable Isotopes of Tree Cellulose
Yuyuan Zhang, Chemistry, B . S , Seattle University
Dissertation: Two-photon Absorption Spectroscopy and Min Zhu, Chemistry, B . S , Peking University, China
Excited State Photochemistry of Small Molecules Dissertation: Total Synthesis of Novel DHA-derived Lipid
Jing Zhao, Computer Science, B . E , Tsinghua University, China
Dissertation: Provenance Management and Integration Daniel Zuluaga, Music, B . M , M . M , Indiana University,
in a Large-scale, Distributed and Dynamic Enterprise Bloomington
Environment Dissertation: A Frolic through the Gardens of Venus: Spanish
Popular Song and the Sexually Explicit Lyric in Italian
Territories 1580-1630
Graduate Certificate
Carter Thomas Atkins, Geographic Information Science and James Adrian Mikael Crawford, Visual Studies
Technology Brian Michael Cronin, Technology Commercialization
Shareen Azizi, Business of Entertainment Mary Ann Davis, Gender Studies
Lauren Hazel Bailey, Geographic Information Science and Annabel Lee Enriquez, Geographic Information Science and
Technology Technology
Matthew Victor Balaker, Business of Entertainment Eike Exner, Visual Studies
David James Breeding, Geographic Information Science and Megan Christine Farschon, Geographic Information Science and
Technology Technology
Alison Marie Buckley, Geographic Information Science and Eric Ferrier, Geographic Information Science and Technology
Technology Anna Jane Fischer, Geographic Information Science and
Jillian Burcar, Visual Studies Technology
Samantha Carrick, Visual Studies Glenda M. Flores, Gender Studies
Alexander William Chase, Visual Studies Paul Conan Flynn, Geographic Information Science and
Orin Chattopadhyay, Clinical Research Design and Management Technology
Randall Frederick Clemens, Diploma in Innovation Jennifer Fox Henry Frazier, Visual Studies
Benjamin Ryan Collins, Geographic Information Science and Kristen Elizabeth Fuhs, Visual Studies
Technology Maria Luisa Garcia, School Counseling
Justin Michael Colvin, Visual Studies Daniel Paul Gerard, Geographic Information Science and
Scott Daniel Connor, Geographic Information Science and Technology
Technology Jeremy Vance Glatstein, Visual Studies
Special Awards
Academic Honors
Every university has Its own set of traditions for selecting commencement speakers and honorees.
The custom at the University of Southern California is to name one student as the valedictorian and
one or more students as salutatorians. The valedictorian delivers the address on behalf of the gradu-
ating class at the university's commencement ceremony.
The selection process at USC differs considerably from that of most high schools, where recogni-
tion is based solely on cumulative grade point average. Under that system, the valedictorian and salu-
tatorian are ranked first and second, respectively, in their class. USC's process recognizes the highest
levels of academic achievement, while taking a more holistic view of a student's time at the university.
All graduating students who have earned a cumulative USC grade point average of 3.98 or higher
as of the conclusion of the fall semester are Invited to apply to be named valedictorian. A panel of
senior faculty, drawn from across the university, reviews all applications with the selection based on
the following factors:
Grade point average
Number of course units completed at USC
Breadth of academic program
Challenge of academic program
Contribution to university and community life
Jeffrey Ryan Hill, Biological Sciences 8c Kinesiology Sonam Ghanshyam Kapadia, Biological Sciences 8c Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies
Sonam Ghanshyam Kapadia, Biological Sciences 8c Health Ashley Michelson, Business Administration
Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies Jeannie Y. Zhang, Neuroscience
Jeffrey Ryan Hill, Biological Sciences 8c Kinesiology Cody Shaw Nelson, Biochemistry 8c History
Jason Kehe, Print and Digital Journalism Lauren Yu-Lien Maldonado, Art History 8c Biological Sciences
Fabian Rojas Barrales, Civil and Environmental Engineering John Y. Kwak, Philosophy
Lucille Toth Colombie, French and Italian
Discovery Scholars
The Discovery Scholars program recognizes undergraduates who have produced exceptional original
scholarship or creative work at USC while compiling a distinguished overall academic record. All
students compete for a selected number of annual Discovery Scholar Prizes of$io,ooo, awarded at
graduation for the purpose of post-baccalaureate study.
Hasan Abbas* Jeremy Daniel Chen Lei Lisa Cui Benjamin Hopkins
Mariana Aguilar* Josephine Chou Carmina Franchesca Alice Yon Kim
Eungyuhl Bae* Enoch Chow* Singson Del Mundo Debora Lynn Lascelles*
Barsegh Avetis Barseghian* Julia Nicole Cooperman Landry Elizabeth Doyle* Won Lee
Shamell Andria Bell* Laura Elizabeth Stephanie Ann Gall Maureen Lee Lenker*
Kimberly Phyllis Berger Corrales-Diaz Pomatto* Emily Joann Gee* Jennifer Lynn Leshkevich
Erika Leigh Binsley Nicole Cruz* Mariah Janelle Gill Kevin John Maloney*
Amelia Ilona Brodka* Erin Golden Cuevas* Alexander William Hofmann* Chelsea Leila Massoud*
Global Scholars
The Global Scholars program recognizes undergraduates who have excelled In their studies both
at home and abroad, including spending at least TO weeks outside the U.S. as part of their under-
graduate experience. Up to TO of these students will also be selected to receive a $i 0,000 prize to be
applied toward graduate study.
Michelle Marie Ackerman* Erin Golden Cuevas* Sarah Elli Francis Michael Elliot Shashoua*
James Timothy Aluri Theodore Buxhoeveden Geena A n n Haney* Brittney Connae Stewart*
Barsegh Avetis Barseghian Curran* Sequoia Rey Kaul* Jena Rene Sussex*
Allyson Frances Brown Carmina Franchesca Susan Yoojin Lee Brittney Lafaye Tucker
Sara Young Chandler Singson Del Mundo* Amanda Rebecca Lutz Kristin Aliana Turner
Enoch Chow Marrissa Marilyn Emond Scott Joseph Macklin* Ryan Moore Waring*
Andrew Anzur Clement Isabelle Maxine Feldhaus* Carl Platzer Oser* Rachel Elizabeth Will*
Julia Nicole Cooperman Katherine Newell Finnegan* Lala In-Sook Park Gregory A. Woodburn
Kevin Alan Crane Matthew Jordan Frager* Zlatan Sehovic *Global Scholars Finalist
Anand Mathew Abraham Sarah Joan Boots Nicole Michelle Debbini Julie Ariane Guerin*
Alexandra Zara Abrams Sarah Irvine Bridge Nathan Christopher Doctor Ayushi Gummadi
Jason Michael Adams Colleen Mary Brosnan Renee Louise Duncan-Mestel Ircahn Hasaka Yuga Gunawan
Yusuke Jason Akahoshi Elena Diane Callaway Matthew Tomio Dung Nitin Gupta
Jasmine Ahn Ching Ako Adriane Nicole Carranza Jared Joseph Edy Shipra Gupta
Emily April Allen Kelly J. Cass Isabel Espinosa Geena A n n Haney
James Timothy Aluri Ashley F . Y . C h a n g De Los Reyes Ares Michael Scott Hergenrader
Nikki Alexandra Anas Leland W a h Yun Char Gabrielle Christine Exner Alice Shoshana Highman
Noel Ann Arreola Nelly Nicolasa Chavez Jennifer Chong Fan Jennica Brittainy Hill
Max Simon Aruj Jeremy Daniel Chen Brandon Adam Florio Thanh H o
Angela Pacheco Asistio Myrna Phylicia Chen Matthew Jordan Frager Matilde Vittoria Hoffman
Thomas James Auner John Hyunkuk Choi Emily Nicole Friedberg Rachel Joy Horn
Jamie Caroline Axekad Lilian Camille Conover Rachel Mirabelle Comeau Amara Michiko Hoshijo
Amelia Morgan Bahr Julia Nicole Cooperman Fuhrman Fukuki Hoshino
Keandra Z. Barlow Connor Scott Corcoran Whitney Caroline Gaines Julian Samuel Hricik
Anthony Nicholas Barra James Lewis Creech Mitchell Robert Golden Isabella Christine Hsu
Adam Baybutt Katherine Rose Cresto Nathaniel James Gonzalez Jane Young Hwang
Kimberly Phyllis Berger Nicole Cruz Nina Shira Gordon-Kirsch Heidi Ippolito
Natalie Anne Birren Stephen Elijah Cunningham Irene Gow Lauren Masae Ishida
Anna Brandeberry Bishop Theodore Buxhoeveden Jordan Rebecca Grief Nicole Kikijaffe
Sagan Katharine Blue Curran Miranda Catherine Grimland Jeffrey Michael Jancuska
Brian Blumhof Lauren Adele Dawson Melissa Michelle Gross Grace Jang
Olivia Diane Bonin Samantha Jane de Leve Cooper Donald Grossman Rohit Ganesh Jayakar
Caitlin Bradbury, International Relations (Global Business) Daniel Paly, Economics 8c International Relations
Nelly Chavez, American Studies and Ethnicity 8c French Michael Shashoua, Business Administration
Nina Gordon-Kirsch, Environmental Studies (International Relations)
Goldwater Scholarship
Goldwater scholarships are provided to outstanding students who Intend to pursue graduate studies
in the fields of engineering, mathematics and the natural sciences.
Order of Troy
Extraordinary service to the campus community is characteristic of graduating seniors who are
selected for the Order of Troy. Recipients have demonstrated leadership in at least one facet of univer-
sity life and made notable contributions to the university as active participants in service to peers or
as community volunteers. These students have pursued academic excellence while devoting extensive
time and energy in service to the university.
Order of Arete
Arete, taken from the Greek, means virtue or excellence In attaining one's highest human poten-
tial. The award represents the highest honor accorded graduate students upon completion of their
academic programs. Students are recognized for outstanding service and leadership to the campus or
community, either through teaching, research or traditional organizational responsibility. Members of
the Order of Arete uphold value and meaning over individual accomplishment.
Emily April Allen, Psychology 8c English (Creative Writing) Christianna Kyriacou, Print and Digital Journalism 8c Political
James Timothy Aluri, Biological Sciences 8c Music Science
Julia Nicole Cooperman, English 8c Psychology Eunice Sunyoung Lee, Economics
James Lewis Creech, Business Administration 8c Political Science Janet Ji Sun Lee, Business Administration
Dinah Simone Diller Bouma, Physics 8c Mathematics Laura Jane Nelson, Print and Digital Journalism
Jennifer Wai-Man Fong, International Relations 8c Public Nitasha Ranganath, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Relations Neelam Jethalal Savla, Psychology 8c Political Science
Nina Shira Gordon-Kirsch, Environmental Studies Jasmine Ashley Thum, Biomedical Engineering
Geena Ann Haney, Business Administration (International Pavika Varma, Neuroscience
Relations) Michael Angel Rodriguez Vazquez, Health Promotion and
Sonam Ghanshyam Kapadia, Health Promotion and Disease Disease Prevention Studies 8c American Studies and Ethnicity
Prevention Studies 8c Biological Sciences Jamie Danielle Vogel, English 8c Neuroscience
Jason Robert Kehe, Print and Digital Journalism Gregory A. Woodburn, History
Alice Yon Kim, Human Development and Aging
Satellite Ceremonies
All satellite ceremonies are on Friday, May 11, unless otherwise indicated
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