Technical Insight: NSK Motorized Ball Screw Actuator (Mbsa Series)

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NSK Achieves Space Saving Design with Linear Precision for Medical Applications

During the 21st century, our society has been at the forefront of discovering new solutions through advanced technology for
medical device and clinical laboratory applications. These innovative solutions have utilized linear motion to develop state-
of-the-art medical imaging, diagnostic and surgical equipment. Linear motion is a common need for all types of advanced
equipment and machines; but precise, smooth, reliable, and repeatable linear motion is fundamentally important for several
applications within the medical industry. Precision ground ball screws have become the preferred choice for precise linear
motion because they deliver smooth and accurate movement ensuring reliable and repeatable results.

The demand to reduce the size of linear screw actuators, but maintain precision,
is evident in several medical diagnostic and imaging applications. A diagnostic
device, such as a desktop blood analyzer, can process multiple samples at a faster
speed and higher accuracy in comparison to its predecessor that was the size of an
automobile. Health care practitioners rely on small ball screw actuators on syringe
pumps to accurately dispense precise levels of medication. In imaging applications,
such as CT scanners, small actuators position aperture plates to control the X-ray
beam. In each of these applications, a lead screw or ball screw is combined with a
small electric motor to translate the motor’s rotary motion into linear motion.
Illustrated: MBSA used in a Blood Analyzer

Pictured: MBSA Series

LEAD SCREWS VS. PRECISION GROUND BALL SCREWS Therefore the ball screw thread profile is different than that of a

In order to achieve linear motion for medical applications, the lead screw. The ball screw has a U-shaped groove, or Gothic arch,

traditional solution combines a lead screw with an electric to house the precision ball bearings. The nut thread profile acts

stepping motor. Lead screws use a V-shaped helical thread on as the outer raceway and the groove along ball screw shaft acts

the shaft with a matching thread inside the nut, similar to a nut as the inner raceway for ball bearing travel.

and bolt you can get at a hardware store. Lead screws (and ACME
screws) rely on sliding contact between the surfaces of the nut
thread and the shaft thread to produce linear motion.
The benefit of a lead screw is the small nut relative to the axial
load it can support due to the large flat contact surface areas of
the mating threads. However, the flat surfaces sliding across
each other generate heat caused by friction. A large motor is Shaft
required to overcome friction. As a result, this solution does
Illustrated: Precision Ground Ball Screw Gothic Arch Raceway
not provide smooth consistent motion and will require more
maintenance due to considerable wear. “Backlash” is inherent The ball bearings provide a rolling contact point between the nut
with the typical lead screw design caused by clearance between and the shaft that lowers the coefficient of friction. The result
the nut thread and the shaft thread. The backlash affects the is a highly efficient (90% to 95%) mechanism that requires less
linear positioning accuracy of the screw. NSK understands the torque to convert rotational motion into linear motion making
importance of minimizing or eliminating backlash and now offers ball screws a better fit for the challenges inherent to medical
an alternative solution. applications. By using
100 03 a precision ground ball
(Backlash) thread clearance 90 05 µ=0.0
1 screw, the application
Thread 0.0
contact 80 results in lower operating
Ball screw
70 temperatures, smoother
Efficiency h1 (%)

60 motion, reduced motor

Nut 0.1
Direction of load 50 µ= size, less energy
40 consumed, less wear, and
30 µ=
longer life in comparison
Screw 20
Acme screw to a lead screw solution.
Illustrated: Lead Screw Nut and Shaft showing
Axial and Radial Clearance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In order to adhere to
Lead angle (degree)
Regarded as the world’s leading manufacturer of precision small size constraints for
Efficiency of normal operation
(Converting rotary motion to linear motion) the nut body, NSK uses
ground ball screws, NSK sought to integrate its precision ground µ: Friction coefficient
ball screw into an electric stepping motor resulting in the new a bridge-type deflector
Illustrated: Ball Screw vs recirculation piece to
MBSA Series. Similar to a lead screw, a ball screw also has a Lead Screw Efficiency
helical thread on the shaft and inside the nut; but a ball screw guide the ball bearings
uses precision ball bearings between the nut and the shaft. between adjacent ball thread grooves or raceways providing the
recirculation necessary for a ball screw. Since the deflectors sit


below the surface of the nut body outside diameter, this area High positioning accuracy is the result of a precision ground
can be used as a pilot surface for instruments or components ball screw with a preloaded nut that eliminates backlash. Lead
attached to the nut. accuracy is measured by calculating the difference between
the actual linear distance traveled by the ball screw nut in one
Ball nut shaft revolution versus the theoretical distance traveled (equal
Deflector Deflector
(bridge type) to the lead). The International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) has set lead accuracy standards for precision ball screws.
To conceptually visualize the accuracy, the average human hair
is 0.080mm in diameter. For the MBSA Series, NSK uses a C3
Screw shaft accuracy ball screw which has a lead accuracy of 0.006mm per
shaft revolution. The stepping motor paired with the ball screw
has 200 counts per revolution resulting in a motor resolution
Illustrated: Deflector-Type Ball Screw of 0.005mm for a 1mm lead ball screw. When measuring lead
accuracy over 300mm (or 1 foot) of travel, the actual nut position
HOW TO PREVENT BACKLASH deviation from the theoretical nut position is a maximum of
0.008mm for a C3 accuracy ball screw. Comparatively, a lead
To eliminate backlash or axial play between the screw shaft and
screw can have a deviation as large as 0.250mm in 300mm of
the nut, NSK uses slightly oversized balls to create a light preload.
travel. Therefore the MBSA Series is the optimal solution for
The elastic deformation of the balls creates an internal force
highly precise medical devices and laboratory equipment.
between the nut and the screw shaft to eliminate clearance. The
result is precise linear movement of the object attached to the
ball screw nut with zero backlash between shaft rotation and
nut linear movement. This preload allows for better positioning In the development of the MBSA Series, NSK replaced the electric
control for medical applications with multi-directional axial loads. motor output shaft with a journal that is part of the ball screw
shaft. The motor directly rotates the ball screw shaft which
Ball nut
translates the nut for linear motion. This design eliminates the
need for a separate motor-to-ball screw coupling. The MBSA
Series allows for a compact space-saving design that reduces
system inertia and eliminates alignment error that can occur
when the motor and ball screw are separately mounted. This
Oversized ball
new product series is small enough to fit in the palm of your
Lead Lead
Ball nut The MBSA Series is also designed to accommodate a configurable
encoder mounted to the back of the stepping motor. The stepping
motor can communicate with a wide variety of controllers/
Screw drivers. Customers may customize by selecting the controller/
driver of their choice.
Illustrated: Ball Screw Preload using Oversized Ball
Bearing resulting in 4 Points of Contact



Customers can choose from the following standard NEMA motors

sizes for the MBSA Series: 14, 17 or 23. The use of smaller motors,
for example NEMA 8, is possible by selecting a custom design.
Standard ball screw sizes will range in diameter from 6mm
to 8mm and a lead range of 1mm to 2mm to allow for more
precise positioning. NSK’s MBSA Series will be available to the
marketplace in early 2017.

As our world continues to evolve, medical devices and laboratory

equipment used in diagnostics, syringe pumps, microfluidics,
imaging, cancer treatment, and other applications requiring
automation will benefit from these types of integrated solutions.
To learn more about how NSK’s MBSA Series can ensure
precise, reliable and repeatable movement for your medical
application, contact us (1.888.446.5675) or visit our website

Pictured: NEMA14 MBSA with Optional Encoder and

Support Bearing Installed MBSA / ATI / 16

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