Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
April 2010
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 1 Introduction 3
Section 11 Connectorization and Splicing - techniques for the final inch 107
Uniprise® Annex Bill of Material Examples - walking through the specification process 133
SYSTIMAX® Annex Bill of Material Examples - walking through the specification process 165
Glossary 195
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 1
Enterprise Design Guide
Care or visit > What is the network architecture that best serves my needs?
www.commscope.com > How much network capacity and speed do I need now?
CommScope® is a leading manufacturer not only of twisted pair, fiber and coaxial cables, but of con-
nectivity components that offer the highest levels of performance. CommScope integrates cable, con-
nectivity and craft for systems with warranteed capability. You can design and install networks from
the desktop to the backbone and be assured of highest network speeds and reliability.
This guide is designed to lead you through the process of designing the best possible network for
your needs, present and future. Keep in mind that when it comes to specifying the components,
CommScope and its partners have the cable, connectivity and the know-how to make your network
This design guide is not intended to serve as a guide for specific installations. Please contact a design & installa-
tion professional for advice for specific cabling system needs. This guide is not intended to provide any express or
implied warranties, including but not limited to warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Enterprise Design Guide
For backbone applications, the IEEE 802.3ae standard specifies a 10 gigabit Ethernet minimum trans-
mission distance of only 82 m (269 feet) using standard OM2 50 μm multimode fiber for 10GBASE-SX.
CommScope’s 50 μm high-bandwidth multimode solutions greatly exceed the standard by carrying
10 Gb/s signals up to 550 meters (1804 feet). These fibers also allow a step up to new, even higher
data rate applications like 40 and 100 gigabit Ethernet.
CommScope developed the design of indoor/outdoor fiber optic cables that are tough enough to
withstand exterior heat, cold and dampness, yet can enter a building well past the 15.2 meter (50 feet)
limitation for outdoor cable, thus eliminating transition splices and their associated hardware.
We offer a full range of fiber and copper connectivity choices that provide end-to-end performance
guarantees well above established standards. CommScope network solutions are designed and en-
gineered to work across your entire network, providing a complete telecommunications infrastructure
from fiber to copper, from outside to inside and from backbone to desktop. This system of cables,
enclosures, panels, connectors and patch cords allows you to assemble an entire network with veri-
fied and warranteed performance, with all of the components supplied from a single source.
Our efforts extend beyond total solution performance. We are also compliant with the RoHS (Restric-
tion of Hazardous Substances) directive adopted by the European Union in 2006, by some states in
the US and soon by China. The RoHS Directive is aimed at reducing the amount of certain environ-
mentally hazardous substances in cabling components.
Enterprise Design Guide
make high-speed
connections between
offices and between cities.
Central Office
Local Area
Enterprise Design Guide
Coaxial solutions
are used in broadband
networks, cable and
closed circuit video and
Wide Area cellular networks.
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Global Services - the driving force for your network installation
CommScope now offers a complete range of network infrastructure services, including:
> design
> consulting
all with the goal of meeting our customers’ specific needs. To ensure all projects integrate seamlessly
with the architectural and engineering framework, Enterprise Global Services also offer comprehen-
sive consulting, design, AutoCAD and specification services including planning, schematic design,
design development, and construction document services in an a la carte or turnkey fashion. Ulti-
mately, CommScope Global Enterprise Services aims to optimize, manage and extend the life of your
enterprise network.
Our staff has core competencies and expertise across a wide range of disciplines. In addition to Pro-
fessional Engineer, Electrical Engineer, RCDD, CISSP, CPP and PMP, the team has certifications in the
areas of networking infrastructure, data centers, security, outside plant design, project management
and more.
Enterprise Global Services builds multi-disciplined teams with engineering, planning and technical ex-
pertise across diverse fields of technology, allowing us to provide great cost value, on-time execution,
and the highest level of performance and functionality. Our application and network design engineers
– including fiber optic and networking specialists – help prevent design gaps and ensure that designs
and construction documents meet the requirements of today’s demanding IP and analog low-voltage
systems. Our cross-trained design/engineering team members all work together, applying their areas
of expertise in conjunction with one another to minimize delays, budget overruns and change orders.
Please use this design guide as a tool to better understand the enterprise space. It will answer many
of your questions, help explain where your network is today and where it should go tomorrow. And if
you need a partner to augment your team’s design capabilities, to help create corporate Standards, or
to turn that design document into a reality worth showcasing, then contact us and put CommScope
Enterprise Global Services to work for you.
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 2
Network Topologies
Enterprise Design Guide
Bus and ring systems are Network Logical Topologies - Bus, Ring, Star and Point-to-Point
the most popular logical
Simply defined, a network is a communication system that seamlessly and efficiently connects voice,
topologies data, video and other selected applications together.
Network speed and complexity have increased over the past 40 years and certain standards emerged
out of the various protocols that were created. Logical topologies define how the network operates
- in effect, they define the signal’s operating path. The IEEE defines most of these logical topologies.
These include:
Defined under IEEE 802.3, this is a popular protocol in which signals travel in both directions on a
common path. In most 802.3 systems, collision detection software in the active equipment directs
the traffic so that network subsystems do not try to send and receive at the same time. Common bus
protocols include the Ethernet family and MAP (Manufacturing Automation Protocol).
In a star, all of the components connect into a central node that distributes the traffic back out. Most
private telephone networks are star topologies. Terminal/mainframe computer connections are nor-
mally stars.
This is the simplest type of connection, linking a minimum of two devices over a transmit/ receive
link. CCTV, Fibre Channel, ESCON and VSAT (and other satellite antenna links) are point-to-point
Enterprise Design Guide
Physical topologies describe how the devices of the network are connected. There are two basics
Logical buses, rings and stars can be cabled together into a physical star. The hierarchical and
centralized nature of the star permits the easy concentration of cables and components, thus easing
maintenance burdens. Network additions can be accommodated in a straightforward manner through
a simply-achieved physical connection at any of the collection points.
Ring physical topologies are TIA/EIA and other standards typically recommend a physical star architecture within buildings.
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 3
Network Architecture
Enterprise Design Guide
A communication network consists of four basic segments. Generally, these are divided at the point
where one cable ends and another begins.
The active equipment that powers that segment is connected by patch cables to the patch panel. The
active equipment could link at a horizontal crossconnect to the backbone cabling. TIA/EIA standards
permit a maximum link of 90 m (295 feet) for the twisted pair or fiber link plus another 10 m (33 feet)
for patch cords and outlet extensions.
While twisted pair cables offer more than enough performance for most horizontal connections, fiber
optic cable should be used for longer links or where very high network speeds are required.
An option for plugs/cables in the horizontal segment is wireless, which uses a transmit/receive (tx/rx)
antenna system to replace cabling.
A hybrid of the horizontal and backbone segments is called fiber to the enclosure. See page 18 for
< Telecommunications
802.11 wireless network
to a fiber riser
Horizontal UTP to
Riser (backbone)
a fiber riser
Horizontal UTP
to a UTP riser
Horizontal fiber
to a fiber riser
Enterprise Design Guide
In a centralized or collapsed riser, fiber optic cable provides a direct connection to the equipment
room, although the cable may be either spliced or connected to a crossconnect in the telecommuni-
cations room.
The intermediate crossconnects (building distributors, or BDs) in each equipment room are linked
together by cable or wireless. Depending on the size of the network, a hierarchical physical star may
collect some segments of the campus at intermediate points, but they will all eventually meet at the
main crossconnect.
Depending on network needs, the connection could be as simple as a T-1 circuit or as massive as
a multi-gigabit OC-192 connection. Generally, the user is required to make the physical connection
from this access point to the main equipment room. This connection is usually via a multi-fiber optical
cable, although twisted pair, high-bandwidth coax, microwave or free-space optical wireless may be
used as well.
< Telecommunications TR
Enterprise Design Guide
The outlet at the desktop is the starting point of the network. An outlet may have one or all of these
8P8C (or RJ-45) outlet for data (also called the dataport) or voice
Connected to a twisted pair cable, this links to a data network (such as Ethernet) or voice
network (RJ-45s accommodate standard phone outlets and can replace the classic 6P6C
[or RJ-11] outlets).
No outlets are required in a wireless system. The system antenna acts as the connection to the tx/
rx device at the desktop. Wireless connections work best when devices are kept away from exterior
Cable carries the signal to the telecommunications room. It may be a twisted pair, fiber or coax cable
depending on the application (see Transmission Media/Section 4 for details). The cable may be
installed in the wall, ceiling, conduit or raceway. Fire safety regulations will determine the cable rating
and how it is to be installed (plenum, riser, tray, etc.). See page 35 for explanations of cable listings
and ratings.
Enterprise Design Guide
The telecommunications room (TR) is the demarcation point between the horizontal cabling and the
backbone (riser) cabling. Horizontal cables terminate in either the TR, or directly link to the equipment
room (see page 19). Data cabling is usually terminated with a connector and plugged into a patch
panel. Voice-only cabling can be directly wired to a punch-down block as well as being terminated at
a patch panel. Depending on the network type, the patch panel may connect to a crossconnect with
a series of short cables called patch cords. The active electronics (hub, router, switch, etc.) that direct
and amplify signals may also reside here.
The TIA/EIA 568 standard sets 90 meters (295 feet) (plus a total of another 10 meters [33 feet] for the
patch and equipment cords) as the maximum cabled distance for horizontal data links (voice-only
links can extend to 800 meters (2624 feet), longer with repeating electronics). Do not exceed this
distance with twisted pair cables. Optical cable, however, can greatly exceed this distance depending
on the speed of the network (see the chart on page 23 for details).
Consolidation point
A consolidation point is a permanent mid-link connection for up to 12 horizontal segment twisted pair
cables. The consolidation point should be at least 15 meters (50 feet) from the telecommunications
room. Total link length, including the consolidation point, remains at a maximum of 90 meters (295
AWG equipment cable 26 AWG equipment cable Horizontal cable length cannot exceed
Enterprise Design Guide
FTTE offers a designer Horizontal Subsystem with FTTE (Fiber To The Enclosure)
increased flexibility in the
ANSI/TIA 568-C defines an alternative to the traditional telecommunications-room-to-the-desktop
placement of the horizontal horizontal segment is called Fiber To The Enclosure, or FTTE. FTTE permits a wall or ceiling-mounted
enclosure to act as a compliment to the TR (telecommunications room) or as a satellite telecommu-
nications room It permits the active equipment and patch panel to be placed closer to the devices it
FTTE is designed to use smaller (and less expensive) active equipment. It also allows for a horizontal
system to grow without increasing the size of the TR. (Refer to TIA 569 for the mandated size of the
TR in relation to the area it serves.)
FTTE combines elements of the horizontal segment with a collapsed backbone (see page 19). Fiber
optic cable comes up from the equipment room and passes through the TR out to the TE (telecom-
munications enclosure).
The TE contains active electronics and a copper or fiber patch panel that connects to the horizontal
cabling. Cabling distances for the enclosure are the same 90 meters/10 meters (295 feet/33 feet)
channel as for the TR.
FTTE offers system designers a great deal of flexibility. Distant zones of the network (those beyond
100 meters) can be served without adding another TR. Enclosures can be added as needed to ac-
commodate growth or physical movement of people and equipment.
Use two fibers for every 8 or 12 ports plus a minimum of two additional fibers for redundancy and
Room (TR)
Enclosure (TE)
and patch
Enterprise Design Guide
In a distributed backbone, the horizontal cables that terminate in telecommunications rooms connect
to riser backbone cables that reach the intermediate or main crossconnect in the equipment room.
According to TIA/EIA 568, a intrabuilding backbone link may be as long as 300 meters (984 feet), but
that distance can be exceeded by using high-bandwidth multimode fiber or single-mode fiber.
A distributed backbone offers more flexibility for network growth because it utilizes the horizontal
crossconnect as a termination point.
In a collapsed backbone, a direct fiber optic cable link connects the desktop to the crossconnect in
the equipment room (this can be via a continuous cable or a one-to-one patch in the telecommunica-
tions room).
The TIA/EIA standard states that a backbone link may be as long as 300 meters (984 feet), but that
distance can be exceeded using single-mode or high-bandwidth multimode fiber. Collapsed back-
bones terminate all of the horizontal cable in one location which eases cable management and allows
concentration of all of the active electronics in the equipment room. This greatly reduces the number
and size of telecommunications rooms while also reducing the number of idle ports for lower electron-
ics costs.
The remote antenna unit in the office can be connected to active electronics in the equipment room
by twisted pair, coaxial or fiber optic cable.
Enterprise Design Guide
Campus cable may be placed aerially, in an underground conduit or directly buried. Microwave or
free-space optical systems are sometimes used instead of cable between buildings, or parallel with
them as redundant networks.
For 100 Mb/s links, multimode fiber cable will support transmission distances of up to 2 km using
Fast Ethernet.
For 1 Gb/s links, the multimode fiber transmission distance shortens to a standards-recommended
300 meters (984 feet) although 1 km transmission is typically available with the use of laser-optimized
50 µm multimode fibers
For 10 Gb/s links, high-bandwidth laser-optimized multimode fiber will support distances greater than
550 meters (1804 feet)*.
For longer distances or higher data rates, single-mode fiber cable is recommended. Single-mode links
can be up to 70 km (43.8 miles) or longer with the proper electronics.
Except for networks with a physical ring topology (see section 2), all of the campus network will con-
verge at an equipment room housing the main crossconnect.
Due to the speeds and capacities that are usually required for local access, single-mode fiber is the
recommended connection media. Regardless of the calculated present capacity, single-mode fiber
should be used to accommodate growth without recabling.
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 4
Transmission Media
Enterprise Design Guide
Transmission Media
Media are classified by their construction and the environments in which they can be installed. Each
media offers specific benefits for the different network subsystems. They differ most in how they carry
(or propagate) communication signals.
Foil Twisted Pair (F/UTP, also known as Screened Twisted Pair [ScTP]) has an aluminum foil shield
over all four pairs plus a drain wire. Shielded Twisted Pair (S/FTP) has individually screened pairs plus
an overall shield.
Twisted pair cables are relatively inexpensive and easy to handle and connectorize. They offer me-
dium to high bandwidth over relatively short distances making them a good choice for horizontal ca-
bling of up to 90 meters (295 feet). They are categorized by different levels of performance (Category
6A/Category 6/Category 5e/Category 3).
Advances in connector technology have made fiber easier to work with. Media converters are needed
in order to interface with copper cabling or electronics that connect to them. However, fiber’s low
attenuation and superior bandwidth makes it an obvious choice for backbone and campus links.
Although there is a trade-off with the higher cost of electronics, single-mode cables have the highest
performance and can be used for links of 70 km (43.5 miles) and longer.
Coax is a proven technology for video (coax is the ‘cable’ in cable TV and radio frequency transmis-
sion [RFT]) and it offers very good bandwidth and low attenuation. Some data networks (ThickNet,
ThinNet, mainframe terminals, etc.) specify coaxial media.
Enterprise Design Guide
Two critical factors in measuring data cable performance are insertion loss (also called attenuation)
and bandwidth.
Insertion loss is the loss of power as a signal travels along a cable and controls its operating distance;
insertion loss is expressed in decibels (dB) per a unit of distance. Lower numbers are better.
Bandwidth is the information-carrying capacity of a cable; it’s expressed in MHz for twisted pair and
MHz•km for fiber. Higher numbers are better.
Broadly stated, the strength of a signal decreases over distance. Other factors, such as poor connec-
tions or splices, or even bends and kinks in cables, can also lead to loss of signal.
TIA/EIA 568 standards state the maximum operating distance as 90 meters (295 feet) for horizontal
links (using either fiber or twisted pair) and 300 meters (984 feet) between horizontal and intermediate
crossconnects using multimode fiber links.
Network speeds increase constantly. A few years ago, a typical system would have a 100 Mb/s back-
bone connecting 10 Mb/s horizontal subsystems. 10 gigabit backbones now support 1 Gb/s to the
desktop, while 100 Gb/s backbones with 10 Gb/s to the desktop are on the horizon.
The chart below shows where twisted pair and fiber cables fit into the matrix of network speed and
distance. Category 6A twisted pair supports 10 Gb/s systems within TIA/EIA recommendations for
horizontal channels up to 100 meters (328 feet), while Category 6 and 5e twisted pair supports 1 Gb/s
desktop connections.
In the past, the TIA/EIA operating standard mentioned only 62.5 µm fiber; the standard now supports
higher bandwidth 50 µm fibers permitting faster network traffic over longer distances (see pages 27
through 29 for comparisons), and 50 µm laser-optimized fiber has become the standard multimode
fiber chosen for new builds.
10 Gb/s
50 µm fiber
1 Gb/s 50 µm fiber
50 µm fiber
100 Mb/s OM1
10 Mb/s 62.5 µm fiber
1 Mb/s Category 6A
campus operating range twisted pair
collapsed backbone operating range Category 5e/6
twisted pair
horizontal operating range
all fibers measured at 850 m 50 µ
10 Gb/s OM
50 µ
1 Gb/s OM
50 µ
100 Mb/s OM
10 Mb/s twis
1 Mb/s twis
50m 150m
Enterprise Design Guide
Specify cables with highest Advances in construction and materials now produce twisted pair cables with exceptional bandwidth
that deliver high-speed transmission over horizontal (90 meter) distances. To achieve high speeds on
possible PSACR and with twisted pair, all four pairs are used to simultaneously transmit and receive (full duplex parallel trans-
mission). With all four pairs in use, TIA/EIA 568 has standardized performance values that measure
PSNEXT no more than 3 not only performance within the pair, but among all four pairs. These are:
dB less than the NEXT Near End CrossTalk (NEXT) is the ‘noise’ one pair induces into another and is measured in decibels
at the receiver. Higher numbers are better.
Attenuation to CrossTalk Ratio (ACR) is NEXT minus insertion loss/attenuation. Higher numbers are
Attenuation to CrossTalk Ratio Far End (ACRF) is a Category 6A specification for the ‘noise’ one
pair induces into another measured in decibels at the receiver minus insertion loss/attenuation. Higher
numbers are better. Also known as Equal Level Far End CrossTalk (ELFEXT).
PowerSum Near End CrossTalk (PSNEXT) is a computation of the unwanted signal coming from
multiple transmitters at the near-end into a pair measured at the near-end. Higher numbers are better.
Power Sum Attenuation to CrossTalk Ration Far End (PSACRF) is a computation of the ‘noise’
coming from multiple transmitters at the near-end into a pair measured at the far-end and normalized
to the received signal level. Higher numbers are better. Also known as PowerSum Equal Level Far
End CrossTalk (PSELFEXT).
Far End CrossTalk Loss (FEXT loss) is the unwanted signal coupling at the near-end transmitter into
another pair measured at the far end. Higher numbers are better.
Alien Near End CrossTalk (ANEXT) is the ‘noise’ introduced into a circuit by nearby channels or con-
nections. Higher numbers are better.
Alien Far End CrossTalk (AFEXT) is the ‘noise’ introduced into a circuit by nearby channels or con-
nections measured at the far end. Higher numbers are better.
Return Loss (RL) is the strength of signal reflected back by the cable terminated to 100 ohms. Like
structural return loss (SRL), it is a negative number. A higher absolute value is better (i.e. [ - ]20 dB is
better than [ - ]10 dB).
Propagation Delay is the time required for a signal to travel from one end of the transmission path to
the other end.
Delay Skew is the difference in propagation delay of the two conductors with the most/least delay.
Enterprise Design Guide
Insist on twisted pair cable Category 6A, Category 6 and Category 5e cables are capable of supporting full duplex parallel trans-
mission required by gigabit Ethernet and can deliver fast transmission protocols such as broadband
that has been sweep-tested video.
to verify performance A horizontal twisted pair link should deliver a minimum of 10 dB of PSACR at 100 MHz. While some
equipment can accept signal as low as 3 dB, 10 dB is a good rule of thumb. However, an experienced
designer knows that factors like transmission echo and impedance mismatch can cause crippling
power loss and the breakdown of the channel. Using a cable with higher bandwidth, especially in links
approaching the 90 meter limit, will keep high speed networks performing as required. Many network
problems are eliminated by installing cables with the extra ‘headroom’ provided by higher bandwidth.
PSACR for U/UTP channels
70 dB
60 dB
50 dB
40 dB
30 dB 500 MHz
CommScope’s enhanced cables Cat6e
20 dB offer 6 - 8 dB more headroom at 550 MHz
critical operating frequencies Cat6
10 dB 400 MHz
Cat6 standard
0 dB 250 MHz
Cat5e C/S
-10 dB 350 MHz
Cat5e C/S
-20 dB 200 MHz
Cat5e standard
-30 dB 200 MHz
1 31.25 62.5 100 200 250 300 400 500 MHz
Because twisted pair cables are usually used in the horizontal segment of the network, they are usu-
ally plenum or riser listed. See Safety Listing/page 35 for details.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fiber optic cables need to conform to basic physical and performance standards that are stated by
TIA/EIA, Telcordia, ICEA and others. These govern the mechanical, environmental and optical perfor-
mance of the fiber.
Multimode fibers have core diameters of either 50 or 62.5 µm. These fibers propagate light over
two standard wavelengths, 850 and 1300 nm. Light travels down multiple pathways (or modes) in a
multimode fiber. A 62.5 µm core has about 1,100 possible modes at 850 nm; a 50 µm core has around
300. The higher the number of modes, the greater the modal dispersion (when light pulses ‘spread
out’ and become unrecognizable by the receiver as individual pulses).
Low modal dispersion results in high bandwidth. TIA/EIA 568 C.3 specifies that multimode 62.5 µm fi-
ber have a minimum bandwidth of 200 MHz•km at 850 nm and 500 MHz•km at 1300 nm (called OM1
fiber) using LEDs as the light sources*. However, Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) are
used to power networks with speeds of 1 Gb/s and faster.
Bandwidth measurement methods differ for LEDs and lasers because of their unique launch charac-
teristics. Overfilled Launch (OFL) testing characterizes LED light; bandwidth is measured by ‘exciting’
all the modes in a fiber. Restricted Mode Launch (RML) testing simulates VCSEL light at 1 Gb/s sys-
tems by exciting a limited number of modes. In order to simulate a VCSEL light at 10 Gb/s, Differen-
tial Mode Delay (DMD) testing was designed to excite many different mode groups. DMD is used to
determine the effective modal bandwidth (EMB) of the fiber to ‘laser-certify’ fiber for VCSEL compat-
ibility in 10 Gb/s systems (see page 30). High resolution DMD testing is recommended to evaluate
fibers designed to operate at 10 Gb/s speeds over the longest lengths, such as OM4 fiber designed to
operate at 550 meters.
NOTE: Since single-mode fiber has only one mode, it does not experience the modal dispersion seen
with multimode fiber. The bandwidth for single-mode fiber is not normally specified. Instead, attenua-
tion and non-linear effects determine the distances used in single-mode systems.
Regardless of how dispersion and other factors are controlled, the light pulse will lose power over
distance. This is called attenuation, and it is measured in decibels. TIA/EIA specifies that a standard
grade multimode fiber operating at 850 nm will have an attenuation no worse than 3.5 dB/km and no
worse than 1.5 dB/km at 1300 nm.
Single-mode fiber has much lower attenuation. TIA/EIA specifies that a standard grade single-mode
fiber operating at 1310 or 1550 nm has a maximum attenuation of 0.50 dB/km (1.0 dB/km if tight
Enterprise Design Guide
TIA/EIA 568 distance standards were initially written for a ‘FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
grade’ 62.5 µm multimode 160/500 MHz•km bandwidth fiber powered by 850 µm Light Emitting
Diodes (LEDs). These standards were written to support 100 Mb/s backbones with 10 Mb/s horizon-
tal links. Using a fiber with higher bandwidth, or even using single-mode fibers, will produce longer
transmission distances than defined by the standard.
Telecommunications Room
(horizontal crossconnect)
In a 100 Mb/s network, the 90 meters of horizontal cabling can be either twisted pair or multimode
fiber. Collapsed backbone connections should be multimode fiber and limited to 300 meters. Campus
links between active equipment should be limited to 2000 meters for multimode fiber.
Single-mode fiber can be used anywhere in the network, but it is necessary where the transmission
distance exceeds 2000 meters. Remember that single-mode fibers require the use of more expensive
Enterprise Design Guide
With the advent of faster electronics, gigabit (1 Gb/s or 1000 Mb/s) backbones with horizontal links
of 100 Mb/s became possible. The 90 meters of horizontal cabling still can be either twisted pair or
multimode fiber, and 62.5 um fiber can be used for the 300 meter backbone. When planning a future
link of 300 - 1000 meters, consider using high bandwidth 50 µm multimode fiber or single-mode fiber.
Telecommunications Room
(horizontal crossconnect)
Enterprise Design Guide
10 gigabit (10,000 Mb/s) backbones with horizontal links of 1 Gb/s are becoming common. While
these speeds were possible before with single-mode fiber, the high electronics costs were a limit-
ing factor. However, new and economical 850 nm Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs)
make operating these very high speed networks possible over high-bandwidth laser-optimized 50 µm
multimode fibers.
Telecommunications Room
(horizontal crossconnect)
The 90 meters of 1 Gb/s horizontal cabling still can be either twisted pair or multimode fiber. Back-
bone connections of 300 meters must use laser-optimized 50 µm fiber or single-mode fiber. While
standards limit campus transmission distances to 300 meters, links in the 500 - 600 meter range are
possible with high bandwidth 50 µm fiber (at these operating distances, pay special attention to loss
budgets). Distances beyond that require the use of single-mode transmission systems.
50 µm OM2 500/500 82 m
Enterprise Design Guide
Laser-tested fiber is es- Performance Assurance for Optical Cable in 10 Gb/s Networks
sential for 10 Gb/s network
Bandwidth is greatly dependent on fiber quality. Even small defects can produce significant amounts
performance of dispersion and Differential Modal Delay (DMD) which can blur optical pulses and make them unin-
IEEE 802.3ae, the standard for 10 Gb/s networks, has specified 50 µm multimode fiber with a band-
width of 2000 MHz•km at the 850 nm window and DMD-certified for 10 Gb/s transmission. VCSELs
(Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers) must be used to power 10 Gb/s multimode networks.
When planning a 10 Gb/s network, specify fiber that passes the DMD laser testing as specified in TIA/
EIA-492aaac-rev.a as a minimum. Although not yet in the standards, high resolution DMD test meth-
ods are being utilized today to validate the performance of the extended range OM4 type fibers.
High bandwidth 50 µm fiber is tested by launching a laser at precise steps across the core. The
received pulse is charted to show the arrival time of the received signal. Once the signals are charted,
a mask is overlaid with the maximum pulse arrival difference allowed between the leading edge of the
first received pulse and the trailing edge of the last pulse. While this mask can be determined from
the IEEE 802.3ae standard, some manufactures use an even tighter mask profile to really minimize the
effects of DMD.
DMD testing is performed because VCSELs from various manufactures differ in their launch charac-
teristics. Fiber that passes the bandwidth testing with one laser could conceivably fail when installed
and used with another VCSEL. DMD testing to this tighter standard means that CommScope 50 µm
fibers will support 10 Gb/s at longer distances or with less connector loss.
In this chart, fibers are listed by TIA’s LOMMF (Laser Optimized Multimode Fiber) and ISO’s OM (Opti-
cal Multimode) performance standards.
Enterprise Design Guide
Optical fiber Fiber cable starts with optical fiber. Optical fiber consists of a germanium doped silica core within a
cross section concentric layer of silica cladding that is 125 µm in diameter. The core and cladding are covered by
two or three concentric layers of acrylate coatings which provide physical protection. The outer acry-
Core late layer is typically colored for identification. The coated fiber diameter is approximately 250 µm.
Loose tube construction places several fibers in a small-diameter plastic buffer tube. Multiple buffer
Acrylate coatings
tubes can be cabled together around a central strength member for higher fiber-count cables. High-
strength yarn is placed over the buffer tubes, and a jacket is applied. A variant of loose tube design is
called central tube that uses a single large diameter tube to contain all the fibers.
Loose tube designs have lower attenuation than tight buffered cables and are usually used for longer
distance single-mode cables. Loose tube cables offer optimum performance in campus subsystems.
Loose tube design also helps fiber performance in areas with extremes of temperature.
Indoor/outdoor cables
Indoor/outdoor cables are NEC listed (and sometimes LSZH) cables that meet environmental require-
ments for outdoor usage. Indoor/outdoor cables can operate as underground or aerial links between
buildings without a transition to a listed indoor cable. They are protected against moisture like outside
plant cables (see below).
Outside plant
Outside plant cables are designed specifically for outdoor usage. They do not carry NEC listings and
are not intended for indoor use except when placed in rigid or intermediate metal conduit (check
local codes). Outdoor cables come in specialized constructions (armored, multiple jackets, special
chemical-resistant jacket compounds) to help them withstand severe environments such as heat/cold,
sunlight, petrochemical exposure and rodent attack.
Moisture ingress is addressed with either a water-blocking material in the buffer tubes, or with water-
swellable tapes and binding threads that incorporate super-absorbent polymers (SAPs). These cables
are intended for single-pass installation, whereas other aerial cables first require installation of a sup-
porting messenger wire and subsequent overlashed installation of the fiber optic cable.
Self-supporting cables
Self-supporting cables are outdoor cables intended for aerial installation. They may have either steel
or non-metallic (dielectric) strength members incorporated into their jackets. Depending on cable
weight, messengered (figure-8 style) cables can span 400 meters (1312 feet) or longer.
Drop cables
Drop cables have low fiber counts (1 or 2 fibers) and are intended for short aerial, buried or duct
installations. They are small in diameter and have less tensile strength than normal self-supporting
Enterprise Design Guide
Tight buffered fibers have an additional plastic coating (900 µm diameter) that makes it easier to
handle and connectorize. They are usually cabled with a high-strength yarn and are then jacketed with
tight buffered a flexible polymer. Tight buffered fiber is used for horizontal and backbone cabling because it stands
optical fiber up to the stress of physical handling associated in the telecommunications room or at the desktop.
cross section
Tight buffered cables are used in the following cable types:
cladding Cordage
acrylate coatings Cordage consists of one (simplex) or two (duplex) fibers and used for links throughout the horizontal
subsystem, usually as a crossconnect patchcord. It is usually plenum or riser rated (see page 35/
tight buffering Cables and Fire Safety Listing).
Breakout cables
Breakout cable consists of several individually jacketed tight-buffered fibers (basically simplex cord-
age) cabled together. It is usually plenum or riser rated (see page 35/Cables and Fire Safety Listing).
Distribution cable
Distribution cable consists of jacketed groups of tight buffered fiber (subunits) consolidated in a single
cable. Distribution cables are used in backbone subsystems, linking equipment rooms, telecommuni-
cations rooms and outlets. The fibers terminate into active equipment or interconnects; the subunits
make the bundled fibers easier to install and manage. They are usually plenum or riser rated (see page
35/Cables and Fire Safety Listing) but can also be constructed as an indoor/outdoor or low-smoke
(LSZH) cable.
Indoor/Outdoor cable
Indoor/Outdoor cables are NEC listed (and sometimes LSZH) cables that also meet environmental
requirements for outdoor usage. Indoor/outdoor cables can operate as underground or aerial links
between buildings without a transition to a listed indoor cable.
For a more detailed description of fiber optic cable types, see Section 5/Connectivity components.
Enterprise Design Guide
Look for the lowest possible Coaxial Cable Operating Standards and Performance
attenuation for the intended
While coaxial cable was once the media of choice for data networking, its merits of fairly low attenua-
operating frequencies tion and excellent protection from RF interference have been superseded by twisted pair and fiber. It
is still the media of choice for video distribution.
Coaxial cable is in effect a waveguide; it efficiently channels radio/TV frequencies and is capable of
carrying hundreds of different frequencies simultaneously. It is an ideal media for video transmission
and for linking to satellite and microwave dishes. Coax is also used to transport signals between the
hubs and remote antenna units that power wireless networks. Conductor materials vary per applica-
tion; CCTV cables use solid bare copper while CATV cables use copper-clad steel conductors.
Impedance is the resistance to current flow of the cable measured in ohms (Ω). The nominal imped-
ance of the transmitter, receiver and cable must match precisely for a system to work at maximum
efficiency. An incorrect match will produce return loss. Video cable is 75Ω; other values used are 50Ω
and 93Ω.
Attenuation is the limiting factor for coax cable with higher transmission frequencies being more af-
fected. Specifications are usually written with the maximum available loss in decibels per 100 feet or
100 meters for a set of frequencies. Cables with larger diameter center conductors tend to have lower
Velocity of propagation
Another performance factor is the velocity of propagation (VP), or how close to the speed of light the
signal travels. Higher numbers are better. CommScope video coax generally uses a foamed dielectric
material that significantly increases VP.
Return loss
Return loss is the ratio of the power of the outgoing signal to the power of the reflected signal ex-
pressed in dB. Structural return loss is the measure of power loss on a cable caused by discontinui-
ties in the cable conductor or dielectric. If these discontinuities are regularly spaced along a cable,
they can cause severe transmission losses for frequencies whose wavelengths are fractional propor-
tions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.) of the distance between these discontinuities. Lower numbers are better in
both cases.
Coax is a viable media for industrial networking, especially in areas where the electromagnetic inter-
ference (EMI) created by electrical motors and manufacturing processes such as arc welding would
render an unshielded cable useless. Protocols like ControlNet™ and MAP specify coaxial media.
Enterprise Design Guide
Wireless Connections
Wireless networks, as defined by IEEE 802.11, do not require a cable connection to the desktop. Ac-
cess points (APs) operating at 2.4 GHz use signal enhancing antennas (SEAs) to connect with devices
enabled to act with a wireless network.
The main advantage of wireless networks is the freedom from a physical connection. Ideally, devices
may connect to the network if located within 100 meters (328 feet) of an access point. Network
speeds for wireless networks vary, although devices that support the latest iteration of the standard
(802.11g) permit speeds of up 54 Mb/s.
Like any other electronic device, APs require power. However, some systems carry power to the APs
over the same cable (power over Ethernet or PoE) that connects them to the network.
Wireless networks are ideal for data professionals that need to move within a facility, such as techni-
cal support personnel or troubleshooters.
However, wireless networks operate at slower speeds relative to cabled networks and do not have the
inherent reliability of a hard connection. While wireless network offer the most flexibility in connectivity,
they also offer opportunities for tapping. 802.11i standards include an advanced encryption standard
that minimizes security concerns.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fire safety is as important as cable performance. This chart shows cable ratings (or listings) for ap-
propriate sections of the National Electric Code (NEC) and Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). Plenum
cables are listed for use in plenum spaces. Riser cables are used in building risers, raceways and
NEC 770 covers fiber optic cable; NEC 800 covers communication cable such as twisted pair and
data coax; NEC 725 covers signal, remote control and closed circuit video cable; NEC 760 covers
cables used in fire protection signaling; and NEC 820 covers cables for CATV.
It is important to know that local codes may supersede NEC regulations; for instance, some local fire
codes require the use of plenum cables in risers. In all cases, obey local codes.
Cable A may be substituted NEC 770 NEC 800 NEC 725 NEC 760 NEC 820 CEC
for Cable B
C AT V P *
CL 2 P
Cable A may be substituted
C AT V R *
for Cable B with restrictions
CL 2 R
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 5
Enterprise Design Guide
The connectivity components discussed briefly in sections 3 and 4 are covered in more detail here.
The design and quality of these components can have a major impact on the performance and reli-
ability of the entire network.
In horizontal segments, the desktop device uses an equipment cord to connect to a outlet. A cable
(called the permanent link) links the outlet to the telecommunications room (TR) where it terminates
by connectors or hard-wiring. Patch cords then connect the permanent links through the horizontal
crossconnect, which is usually a patch panel mounted in a standard equipment rack with patch cords
connecting the patch panel to ports on the active equipment. This is called the channel. The signal
from the active equipment (usually optical) is jumpered to a patch panel. This is the transition point to
the backbone.
Cable links the telecommunications room to the equipment room’s patch panel (intermediate cross-
connect). The IC is patched to active equipment. This is connected by patch cords to a rack or wall-
mounted fiber enclosure. This is the transition point to the campus backbone and eventually the main
Telecommunications Room
patch panel and
permanent link horizontal crossconnect
active equipment
patch panel
Equipment Room
patch panel and
to main intermediate crossconnect
active equipment
entrance facility
(if required) fiber enclosure
If the cable used in the campus backbone is not listed for indoor use (see page 35), then it must be
transitioned to a cable listed for indoor use. Note that the NEC permits no more than 15 meters (50
feet) of outside plant cable to enter a building. Dielectric fiber cables may enter further if the cable is
in rigid or intermediate metal conduit. Please check local codes for other rules.
Enterprise Design Guide
Connectivity components play a major part of the performance of any portion of the network. This is
especially true in the portion of the horizontal segment of the network called the channel.
The channel consists of the cable and components that connects the desktop to the active equip-
ment in the telecommunications or equipment rooms. For twisted pair installations, the channel
includes the equipment cord at the desktop, the horizontal cable, the telecommunications outlet
(and the consolidation point, if installed), the patch panel or termination in the telecommunications or
equipment rooms and the patch cable to the active equipment.
Any relevant measure of network performance must take the channel into account. Cable must be
matched with properly engineered components to produce optimum performance.
Standard testing for a channel includes what are called 3, 4 and 6 connector specimens (shown be-
low - installed cable is shown below in blue/patch cords are shown as orange).
The 6 connector specimen further adds an additional patch cord and outlet in the telecommunications
3m 3 connector 3m 20m
(10 ft) 70 m (230 ft) (10 ft) (66 ft)
The laboratory performs extensive tests to confirm that our products meet and exceed required stan-
dards and to verify that our product performance claims are accurate.
Enterprise Design Guide
Twisted pair data cables are made to different levels of performance as well as for different operating
environments. While all twisted pair cables have multiple pairs of twisted-together copper conductors,
there are construction details that effect how they operate.
Because most twisted pair cables are used indoors, they are generally listed for plenum and riser use.
Outdoor twisted pair cables are available.
Enterprise Design Guide
Twisted pair data cables are designed to TIA/EIA 568 C.2 standards of performance for the horizontal
segment of the network. CommScope offers several cables that meet or exceed these standards.
CommScope cables offer third-party-verified channel performance when used with matching
CommScope connectivity components (next page).
By definition, all Category 6 and 5e twisted pair cables support gigabit Ethernet. In the real world, a
cable with higher bandwidth will support it better. Network transmission depends on a signal with as
little noise as possible; a noisy signal increases bit-error thus causing retransmission and slowing the
throughput of the link. High bandwidth cables have less noise as expressed by the higher ACR value.
When choosing a twisted pair cable, consider higher bandwidth cables for longer or higher speed
all values in dB Insertion loss NEXT ACR PSum PSum ELFEXT* PSum Return
@ 100 MHz (attenuation) NEXT ACR ELFEXT** Loss
Category 6A (500 MHz) 19.1 44.3 25.2 42.3 24.8 27.8 24.8 20.1
Newer cable designs have
Category 6e (550 MHz) 19.6 42.9 23.3 42.1 22.5 29.3 27.3 16.0
reduced cable diameters Category 6 (400 MHz) 20.2 41.9 21.7 41.1 20.9 27.3 27.3 15.0
to 7.24 mm (0.285 in), Category 6 (250 MHz) 21.3 39.9 18.6 37.1 15.8 23.3 20.3 12.0
Category 5e (350 MHz) 22.1 34.1 12.0 32.6 10.5 22.9 19.9 13.0
allowing for both high
Category 5e (200 MHz) 23.5 32.1 8.6 29.1 5.2 19.4 16.4 12.0
performance and greater
*Called ACRF in the Category 6A standard
cable density **Called PSACRF in the Category 6A standard
To support desktops with ‘average’ traffic (see page 70), Category 5e cable works very well. For
heavier traffic, consider Category 6A or enhanced Category 6 cables. Consult local codes as to what
type (plenum or non-plenum) of cable to install (see page 35).
Enterprise Design Guide
Twisted pair connectivity components are based around the 8P8C (also known as the RJ-45) style
connector. By definition, any 8P8C/RJ45 plug will fit into any 8P8C/RJ45 jack. However, like U/UTP
cables, twisted pair connectivity components not only have design differences between Category
5e and 6, but performance differences between manufacturers as well. When specifying outlets and
patch cords, make sure they are specified for the category of cable being installed.
CommScope matches cable and components for superior quality connectivity. All three, four and six
connector channels have all been third-party-verified for stated performance.
Twisted pair outlets vary in design and manufacturing. Features to look for include a wide channel be-
tween the left/right termination strips (for easier termination and lower crosstalk) and the ability to be
placed in the faceplate at either a 90° or 45° angle. Color-coded outlets are helpful installation aids.
Make sure the cable and outlets match categories (Category 6 cable with Category 6 outlets). Special
tools are available to ease and speed termination.
Patch cords
Patch cords are terminated in male plugs. They come in lengths of 0.9 meters (3 feet) to 15.2 meters
(50 feet). Look for cords with a ruggedized plug/cable union to handle repeated plugging/unplugging
and features such as “snag-resistant” latches. Since patch cords are often the weakest link in the
channel, and receive the most abuse from network moves/adds/changes, always install high quality
factory-built patch cords.
Patch panels
Patch panels are strips of 24 or 48 outlet ports built to fit in a standard 48 cm (19 inch) rack. The ports
may be subdivided into groups of 6.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fiber optic cables have evolved into families of cables for specific purposes within the network. While
twisted pair cables are typically classified by performance, fiber cable types are classified by how and
where they are installed.
Cordage is a cable group that includes simplex, zipcord, interconnect and duplex cable. Cordage is
used in the horizontal segment and for patch and equipment cables. It is available for plenum, riser
and indoor/outdoor environments.
Simplex cable
Simplex cable is a single tight buffered fiber surrounded by aramid yarn and jacketed with a flexible
fire-rated polymer in various diameters up to 2.9 mm. It can be spliced or connectorized and is nor-
mally used for pigtails and patch cables.
Zipcord is two simplex units cabled together to give the resulting transmit/receive fiber pair better
organization. Zipcord is designed for use in patch cords.
Interconnect cable
Interconnect cable is two tight buffered fibers surrounded by aramid yarn and jacketed. It is most
commonly used for horizontal links.
Breakout cable
Breakout cable is several simplex cables jacketed together for ease of handling in horizontal links.
Enterprise Design Guide
Distribution cables are a compact solution for transporting up to 144 tight buffered fibers (bundled
in 12 fiber subunits) over a long distance. Aramid yarn provides tensile strength while a dielectric
strength member gives support for pulling and for long riser installations. Distribution cables are more
rugged than cordage due to the harsher installation environment. Because tight buffered fiber is easier
to handle and requires less preparation than loose tube buffered fiber, distribution cables can be
installed more quickly and economically.
Distribution cables
CommScope engineers distribution cables that are up to 30% smaller in diameter and up to 50%
lighter than comparable products. This is a major benefit when duct or riser space is scarce. Their
ease of handling and high fiber counts make them ideal for backbone applications.
Distribution cables start as single unit cables in constructions of up to 24 fibers. Cables with more
than 24 fibers are composed of multiple single cable subunits. The multiunit construction permits easy
placement and tracing of single-mode and multimode fibers in the same cable (called a composite ca-
ble). These composite cables help a network prepare for future growth (see page 68 for more detail).
Interlocking armored cables are NEC & CEC compliant for OFCR, OFCP and OFCR-LS (Low Smoke)
Enterprise Design Guide
Indoor/outdoor cables may be plenum or riser-rated yet are tough enough for use outside. A water-
blocking technology swells on contact with water to arrest moisture ingress and eliminate the need
for a gel outside of the buffer tube. In loose tube cables, water-blocking technologies (either gel or
gel-free) may be inside of the tube as further protection against moisture ingress.
CommScope offers simplex, duplex, zipcord and interconnect tight buffered cordage similar to the
versions described on page 43, but with riser-rated UV-stable jackets designed for outdoor use.
Enterprise Design Guide
Outside plant cables are typically loose tube construction, which better handles environmental ex-
tremes. Outside plant cable is not NEC listed, so no more than 15 meters (50 feet) of it can be placed
inside a building unless its a dielectric fiber cable in rigid metal conduit (check local codes).
Many outside plant cables offer armor and multiple jacket constructions to defend against the forces
of direct burial and rodent attack. Stranded loose tube cables use water-blocking technologies (either
gel or gel-free super absorbent polymers) inside the tube as protection against moisture ingress.
Armored loose tube cables offer the same basic construction as non-armored cables, but with a layer
of protective corrugated steel tape. Additional inner jackets are available for added protection and
ease of use.
Multiple armor/multiple jacket cables are made for truly demanding environments, especially direct
buried rocky installations or where low temperature is a concern. Double and triple-jacketed versions
offer up to 576 fibers.
Self-supporting loose tube cables have a internal steel messenger wire for aerial applications. Ar-
mored versions are available. Both offer counts of up to 288 fibers.
Enterprise Design Guide
While many fiber optic connectors have been developed, three main types are presently in use - the
ST, SC and LC. These connectors are designed to fit onto 900 µm tight buffered fiber, loose tube
cable with fan-out kits, or 1.6 or 2.9 mm cordage. Ceramic ferrules are customarily used to position
the fiber.
A fiber connectorized at one end is called a pigtail; if connectorized at both ends, it’s called a patch-
cord. Pre-terminated patch cords and pigtails are readily available.
LC connectors
LC connectors are Small Form Factor (SFF) connectors about half the size of SC/ST connectors. They
come in both simplex and duplex versions. They can be easily snapped in and out and offer excel-
lent optical performance in a very small size. Most LC connectors have a ceramic ferrule. TIA/EIA 568
allows for the use of SFF connectors such as the LC. The LC connector is increasingly popular in
enterprise networks and is often the connector used in network switches.
SC connectors
SC connectors are a push/pull design about the same size as an ST. They are sturdy, easy to handle,
pull-proof when used in cordage and can be yoked together into a convenient duplex assembly. The
SC connector has a long heritage of successful deployments around the world. They offer excellent
optical performance and are recommended by TIA/EIA 568 to illustrate fiber systems. Most SC con-
nectors have a ceramic ferrule.
ST connectors
ST connectors are bayonet-style; they push into position and twist to lock in place. STs are easy to
handle and relatively inexpensive, though somewhat awkward when used as duplex patchcords.
STs offer slightly more insertion loss than other connector types, but have a large installed base from
years of use.
Most connectors and adapters (see next page) are color-coded as specified in TIA-568 for easy
Enterprise Design Guide
Adapters or couplers
Adapters are used to hold and align the end faces of two connectorized fibers. Unlike U/UTP jacks
and plugs, the optical adapter aligns and retains two-fiber connectors plugged in from opposite ends.
The adapters are arranged on adapter panels and housed within a fiber enclosure (the optical version
of a patch panel) or entrance facility. A duplex single-mode LC to LC adapter is shown; there are
adapters that permit the mating of different connector styles.
Adapter panels
These are the building blocks of fiber connectivity. They hold the adapters and arrange them in mul-
tiples of six, eight or twelve and are designed to fit within fiber management enclosures and entrance
facilities. A panel with twelve duplex LC adapters with dust covers is shown.
Fiber enclosures
Fiber enclosures may act as the intermediate cross/interconnect and may be wall or rack mounted
(panel pre-installation is optional). Incoming fiber may be directly terminated with a connector or be
spliced to pigtails within the enclosure and protected within an internal splice holder. Capacities vary
depending on whether simplex or duplex connectors are being used and if connectorized fibers are
being combined with spliced fibers.
Entrance facilities
An entrance facility is required when transitioning outside plant cable to the inside of the building.
NEC regulations permit no more than 15 meters (50 feet) of unlisted cable inside a building unless it is
a dielectric fiber cable in rigid metal conduit (check local codes). Outside plant cable is spliced to an
indoor cable that leads to the equipment room. Internally, splice trays support the spliced fibers.
Enterprise Design Guide
Coaxial cable is usually employed in a video or specialized data network (certain types of Ethernet or
manufacturing automation systems). Video uses 75 ohm Series 59, 11 or 6 cables, while data systems
use a variety of cables (RG62, RG58, RG8 or RG213) with different impedance.
Coaxial cable is composed of a central conductor (bare copper, copper covered steel, etc.), a dielec-
tric (usually a foamed polyethylene or Teflon®), a metallic shield and an outer jacket. The shield may
consist of some combination of metal braids and foil tapes. At minimum, a dual braid/foil shield (top
picture) is required. A quad-shield (bottom picture - foil/braid/foil/braid) may be needed for environ-
ments where EMI is unusually high.
For broadband video purposes, Series 11 cables offer the best performance over distance with an
operating range of up to 120 meters (400 feet). Series 6 cables operate up to 75 meters (250 feet),
and Series 59 cables operate up to 30 meters (100 feet). Operating distances of coax data cables
also vary per application; please consult with the transmission equipment supplier for recommended
operating distances and speeds.
‘BNC-style’ bayonet-style connectors require that the center conductor be soldered or crimped to
the connection pin. Regardless of the connector style, make sure the connector size and impedance
match that of the cable being installed.
Coax patch panels are usually arrays of receptacles mounted in a standard equipment rack.
Enterprise Design Guide
Security Cables
Technically, any of the preceding cable types could be considered security cables. Coax is the
traditional medium for CCTV; both twisted pair and fiber are making inroads into integrated security
systems. However, many security applications simply use a quality multi-conductor copper cable.
Control cables
Commercial control cables consist of insulated copper conductors encased in a jacket. While their
construction may vary in the number of conductors (from one to four pairs), the size of the conduc-
tors (22 to 18 AWG) and their construction (usually stranded), all control cables must meet NEC article
725. The CMP rating is for plenum cables and the CMR rating is for riser and tray cables.
Shielded control cables may be required if the placement of the cable is in an electronically ‘noisy’
area, such as fluorescent lights or large electric motors.
Fire cables
Fire signal and alarm cables generally have larger (18 to 14 AWG) solid copper conductors than con-
trol cables. They are described under NEC article 760 with an FPLP designation for plenum and FPLR
for riser-rated cables. They commonly use a red jacket (although that is not a standard).
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 6
Telecommunications Spaces
Enterprise Design Guide
Telecommunications Spaces
Equipment room
The Equipment Room (ER) is the collection point for all of the building’s communication cabling. ER
dimensions depend on the area of the building being served, although special-use structures (hospi-
tals, laboratories, etc.) have the ER size based on the number of work areas. Larger equipment rooms
may resemble data centers, with raised floors, redundant power and “hot and cold aisles.” A portion
of the ER may be used as the telecommunications room for that floor.
Telecommunications room
The Telecommunications Room (TR) is central collection point for the horizontal cabling on a floor. The
TR houses the patch panels, cross-connects and active equipment that connects the work areas with
the equipment room. In almost all cases, there must be at least one TR per floor (and possibly more).
Its size will depend on the area being served.
Telecommunications enclosure
The telecommunications enclosure acts as a junior version of the telecommunications room to serve
small areas or zones. It may connect to the TR or it may directly route to the equipment room. The
telecommunication enclosure may act as the TR under conditions where a full-sized TR would be
Entrance facility
The entrance facility is the access point for outside plant cables to enter a campus building. It con-
sists primarily of cable management hardware and splicing enclosures.
General considerations
Telecommunications spaces are dedicated solely to tele/data communications. They should be
positioned within the operating range of the cabling type being used (i.e. 90 meter channels for U/UTP
cables). They should be located away from possible sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Do not locate them where growth may be inhibited by fixed walls or elevator shafts. HVAC access is
essential. Also, there must be a clear path to the space to permit delivery of cable reels, racks and
enclosures used for installing the connection and active equipment.
Some designers prefer to separate voice and data wiring and use wall-mounted punchdown (i.e.
110-style) terminals. To ease their installation, all telecommunications spaces should have at least one
wall paneled with 19 mm (¾ in.) thick A-C, fire-rated and kiln-dried plywood, 2.4 m (8 ft) high. Spaces
should be 3 m (10 ft) floor to ceiling. Dropped ceilings are not recommended.
Many buildings/floors have multiple tenants, meaning that the TR and ER may have to accommodate
discrete racks of equipment, sometimes segregated by mesh walls. These ‘common’ rooms (CTRs
and CERs) will tend to be larger than those in buildings with a single tenant.
Finally, security should always be a concern where data pathways are involved. All spaces should be
behind locked doors and accessible only to authorized staff.
Note: the descriptions and specifications for these spaces are adapted from the ANSI/TIA-569-B-2004 standard
©2004 TIA. Refer to this standard for complete information on telecommunications spaces.
Enterprise Design Guide
Access /server provider spaces hold the equipment that connects the building network to the outside
world. It is customary for the access/service providers to provision this space with their equipment,
racks, etc. Like all telecommunications spaces, the access provider space should be convenient to
cable pathways, positioned for growth, located away from EMI sources and securable behind either
solid partitions or mesh cage walls (preferred for air circulation purposes). It can be located within the
equipment room.
20 A dedicated Plywood backboard 20 A convenience
receptacle receptacle
Solid or
mesh walls
1 meter
Equipment rack/
cabinet Grounding bus
Light switch
Lighting shall be a minimum of 500 lx (50 foot-candles) measured 1 m (3 ft) above the finished floor.
The room should be painted in light colors to improve illumination. Light switches are located near the
entrance and on a separate circuit from the room equipment.
Lockable double doors with a removable center post, at least 0.9 m (36 in) wide and 2 m (80 in) high,
without doorsills and hinged to open outward (code permitting) are advised.
Air handling
The access/service provider space requires an uninterrupted supply of cool, clean air – at least 9 m3
(300 ft3) of 12 °C (55 °F) conditioned and filtered air per 20 A receptacle dedicated to powering active
equipment. Temperature should range from18 °C (65 °F) to 24 °C (75 °F) with 30% to 55% relative
humidity. Positive air pressure should be maintained to keep contaminants out of the area.
There should be at least one 20 A receptacle per equipment rack or cabinet, and one or more recep-
tacles for installer convenience. Power conditioning equipment up to 100 kVA capacity may installed
in the space. All equipment should be grounded to a buss per J-STD-607-A.
Enterprise Design Guide
Equipment Room
The Equipment Room (ER) is the collection point for all of a building’s data and voice cabling. It also
houses the greatest concentration of electronic equipment. More than any other telecommunications
space, it should be positioned for growth. Cable pathways will terminate here. It should be located
as far away as possible from EMI sources (transformers, generators, X-ray equipment, radio or radar
transmitters and induction sealing devices).
Equipment rooms often share space with data processing equipment, servers, routers and data stor-
age devices. These machines require specialized cooling and air handling environments including
air-handling spaces under raised access floors. For more information on this type of construction, see
our Data Center Planning Guide. In any case, layouts should be verified with equipment providers for
weight and distance limitations.
Equipment racks/
20 A dedicated 20 A convenience
cabinets receptacles receptacles
under floor every 1.8 m (6 ft)
20 A dedicated
Equipment racks/ receptacles 1 meter
cabinets under floor squares
Light fixture Light fixture Light fixture
Grounding bus
20 A convenience
Sleeves receptacles
every 1.8 m (6 ft)
Lighting, plywood wall and door requirements are the same as the access provider space. Double
maximum contaminants doors are preferred.
Contaminant Concentration
Air handling
Chlorine 0.01 ppm
Like the access provider space, the ER needs cool filtered air. In addition to the access space require-
Dust 100μg/m3/24 h
ments, the ER should not exceed the amounts of contaminants in the chart to the left.
Hydrocarbons 4μg/m3/24 h
Enterprise Design Guide
Telecommunication Room
The Telecommunications Room (TR) is where the horizontal cabling meets the building backbone.
It should be centrally located and within operating distances of the cabling it serves. In multi-story
buildings, TRs should be stacked one above the other to facilitate cable routing in the riser. In almost
all cases, there must be at least one TR per floor and more if indicated by traffic (see below for excep-
telecommunication room
sizes per area served
Area served TR dimensions Size and construction
m2 (ft2) m (ft)
Telecommunication rooms dimensions are calculated based on the area they serve, with the average
500 (5000) 3.0 x 2.2 (10 x 7) size of a work area assumed to be 10 m2 (100 ft2). Examples are given at left.
800 (8000) 3.0 x 2.8 (10 x 9)
Additional TRs are required when the served area exceeds 1000 m2 (10,000 ft2) or the horizontal
1000 (10,000) 3.0 x 3.4 (10 x 11)
distribution distance to any work area exceeds 90 m (295 ft). Multiple TRs should be connected by
a minimum of one 78 (3) sized conduit. Sleeves and slots for installing cable should be in place and
firestopped after all cables are placed.
Plywood backboard
Cable pathways
Light fixture
20 A dedicated
receptacles 20 A convenience
Light fixture
Grounding bus
Walk-in rooms should be a minimum of 1.3 m deep by 1.3 m wide (4.5 ft by 4.5 ft) to serve a floor area
of up to 500 m2 (5000 ft2). Shallow rooms should be a minimum of 0.6 m (24 in) deep by 2.6 m (8.5
ft) wide to serve a floor area of up to 500 m2 (5000 ft2). Spaces smaller than 500 m2 (5000 ft2) may be
served by small rooms or telecommunications enclosures instead of TRs (see next page).
For buildings of less than 100 m2 (1000 ft2), telecommunications enclosures may be a better choice.
Lighting and plywood walls are installed per the equipment room specification. A single lockable door
at least 0.9 m (36 in) wide and 2 m (80 in) high, without doorsills and hinged to open outward (code
permitting) is fine.
Air handling
The telecommunications room requires the same level of air quality and temperature as the equipment
room (see previous page).
The 569-B standard requires a minimum of two dedicated 120 VAC 20 A duplex electrical receptacles
in the TR. CommScope suggests at least one receptacle per loaded rack or cabinet. Convenience
duplex outlets shall be placed at 1.8 m (6 ft) intervals. It’s a good idea to power the telecommunica-
tions room through a dedicated power panel. All equipment should be grounded to a buss per J-STD-
607-A. Backup power is recommended.
Enterprise Design Guide
Telecommunication Enclosure
The Telecommunications Enclosure (TE) serves areas no larger than 335 m2 (3600 ft2). It may either
feed a TR or be directly routed to the equipment room. It normally houses passive equipment, but a
small amount of active equipment can be installed there as well. Telecommunications enclosures are
not be used to replace TRs - in some cases, they can be a simple as a wall mounted enclosure.
Like TRs, they should be centrally located and within the 90 m (295 ft) horizontal operating distance
of U/UTP cable. They may be installed in the ceiling, below access flooring, or in wall units or modular
furniture wall panels IF that furniture is permanently secured to the building structure.
The TE door may be hinged or removable. If hinged, the door should swing a minimum of 90 degrees
open. When open, the door must provide unobstructed access and remain open until closed by the
Air handling
Telecommunications enclosures require no special cooling or conditioning. Any active equipment
should be cooled as suggested by the equipment manufacturer.
A single 20 A outlet should be able to power any equipment, and a convenience outlet (wired to a
separate circuit) should be installed nearby or in the enclosure. Backup power is recommended.
Enterprise Design Guide
Entrance facility
The entrance room is the transition point for outside plant and indoor cabling. These transitions may
be housed in wall-mounted enclosures or in cross-connect racks and panels. The entrance room
should be big enough to accommodate large reels of cable, as the entrance facility is often the start-
ing point for campus cable installation.
Grounding is an essential component for the entrance room. Therefore, it should be as close as pos-
sible to the building’s electrical service room.
4000 (40k) 1.725 (68) A minimum of one wall of the facility should be covered with 19 mm (¾ in) thick plywood as described
on page 52. Lighting is the standard 50 lx (500 foot-candles).
5000 (50k) 2.295 (90)
The 569-B standard requires a minimum of two dedicated 120 VAC 20 A duplex electrical receptacles
in the entrance facility. CommScope suggests at least one receptacle per loaded rack or cabinet.
Install at least one convenience duplex outlet. All equipment should be grounded to a buss per J-
termination floor space STD-607-A. Backup power is recommended.
Gross floor Floor dimensions
space served
m2 (ft2) m (in)
Enterprise Design Guide
All of the spaces defined in this section are populated by some combination of racks, cabinets and
enclosures. Racks and cabinets come in two widths – 483 mm (to accept ‘19 inch’ wide components)
and 584 mm (to accept ‘23 inch’ wide components). Capacity is measured in Us, with one 1 U being
44.5 mm (1.75 in). Equipment intended for rack/cabinet installation is designed in multiples of Us (U1,
U2, U3). Enclosure size is also given in Us (16U, 20U, etc.).
Enclosures should be both strong and rigid. Construction may be of aluminum (for weight consider-
ations) and steel (for greater capacity and strength).
Racks are open frames ready to be loaded with connection panels and/or active equipment. They can
be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Floor mounted racks are of either two or four post construction.
Wall mounted versions usually have a swinging frontpiece to ease equipment access.
The traditional 7-foot floor mounted rack has a capacity of 45U. It could potentially hold up to 45 1U
shelves, or 11 4U shelves, or any combination of equipment and shelves that add up to 45U or less.
Taller 8-foot racks are available that hold up to 52U.
Look for racks that offer horizontal and vertical cable management hardware options. Vertical cable
Two-post rack with management systems are essential for dependable network operation in that they keep cable
organized, keep cables (especially fiber) from kinking and exceeding minimum bend radii, and offer
vertical and horizontal additional security.
cable management Note that use of horizontal cable management will take up rack space the same way as shelves con-
taining copper or fiber terminations. This should be carefully planned for when estimating the capacity
of each rack.
The availability and placement of power strips is an important consideration if the installation includes
active equipment.
Enterprise Design Guide
Floor-mounted cabinets are fully enclosed units with metal sides and glass or metal front and rear
doors. Cabinets are available to support 42U, 45U, or other capacities. Like racks, cabinet have rails
that hold active equipment and shelves.
Cabinets are designed to facilitate equipment cooling as much as they are for equipment contain-
ment and security. Despite its compact size, data communications hardware can generate immense
amounts of heat. Since heat can degrade active electronic’s performance, permitting cool airflow is an
essential part of cabinet design.
Cabinets are designed to act like chimneys. Cool air (or chilled air in larger equipment rooms and data
centers) enters the cabinet from underneath the floor. As the active equipment heats the air, it rises
and exits through the top of the cabinet. This creates a continuous circulation of cold air through the
cabinet that cools the electronics. This natural convection can only draw away so much heat, so fans
can be added at the top of the cabinet to increase airflow. With or without fans, it is important to limit
the amount of air that enters or escapes at mid-height. Therefore, cabinet doors are usually solid.
X-Frame construction Another common cooling method is to set up ‘hot and cold aisles.’ This is a scenario where cabinets
are set up in rows with fronts facing fronts/backs facing backs so that vented cabinet doors allow
cold air to be drawn through the front and pushed out the back. CommScope recommends that the
vented area be at least 60% open to allow unrestricted air flow.
CommScope cabinets come with patented X-Frame technology, a cross-bracing system that com-
bines strength with access. Cabinets are usually built and provisioned before being rolled into position
on casters. The X-Frame provides rigid construction without the crossmembers that typically interfere
with cable access and placement during final installation.
Server cabinets
Server cabinets are built to handle high densities of datacom active equipment and therefore support
more weight. Additionally, server cabinets are typically deeper to accommodate the larger server
Since there is no standard server depth, it can be difficult to accommodate more than one manufac-
turer’s servers within the same cabinet. However, CommScope server cabinets have vertical rails that
can be adjusted to up to three different depths to handle multiple servers within the same cabinet.
Network cabinets
Network cabinets are designed more for patchcord management. They have greater depth between
the closed doors and rails to allow more room for patchcords organization.
Enterprise Design Guide
Racks and cabinets can quickly become filled with active equipment, patch panels and cordage.
Regardless of the level of organization, placing the proper connector in the precise port can be a
daunting task in a rack filled with literally hundreds of patchcords. The consequences of improperly
routed circuits can be hours of downtime and a crippling loss of productivity.
Intelligent infrastructure solves this problem. Systems like the CommScope SYSTIMAX iPatch® auto-
matically organize, report and aid in the correct connection and rerouting of the physical layer of the
network. iPatch works both with U/UTP and optical fiber hardware.
iPatch panel manager
Remote network mapping
From a central point, iPatch software lets the network administrator constantly monitor the connec-
tions within the network. It also maps the location of all IP (internet protocol) endpoints such as serv-
ers, switches and desktop computers. Traffic and capacity can be monitored as well.
This information is provided by iPatch ‘rack managers,’ electronics mounted at the rack/cabinet. Us-
ing sensors located at the iPatch rack/panel, rack managers monitor the status of every port at that
location. Information detected by the rack managers include end-to-end connectivity of a circuit and
SYSTIMAX 360 iPatch G2 the devices at both ends of a circuit.
high density fiber shelf
Guided patching
For the technician, iPatch both speeds and clarifies the work of patching. Electronic work orders are
issued by the administrator and instantly sent to the rack manager where they are displayed on the its
screen. The repatching is guided with video and audio prompts. Fully-equipped iPatch patch panels
will signal the correct port with a light.
Patching errors are instantly detected and a successful patch announced. Also, if the system detects
operational problems, an alarm is instantly flashed to the rack manager.
Although some intelligent patching systems require specialized patch cords with an extra conduc-
1100GS3 24 port panel tor, the CommScope Systimax iPatch solution uses standard patch cords. This permits an eventual
upgrade to an intelligent patching solution without having to replace your investment in patchcords.
with iPatch Ready Kit
installed Improved security
iPatch’s level of detailed knowledge about the status of every port in the network results in greater
security. Unauthorized movement of patches or equipment are instantly conveyed to the network
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 7
Network Planning
Enterprise Design Guide
Before addressing the particulars of network design, let’s review some of the more popular network-
ing protocols and their benefits and drawbacks.
Popular and widely installed, Ethernet uses a logical bus topology that operates quite well in a physi-
cal star topology. Standardized under IEEE 802.3, Ethernet was one of the first networking protocols,
and it has evolved successfully to be the most commonly installed type of data network. Many manu-
facturers offer Ethernet backbone switches (active electronics) in speeds of up to 10 Gb/s. Because of
its wide use, most of the examples in this book are based on Ethernet applications.
This token ring protocol is specifically for fiber. Two pairs of fibers carry counter-rotating traffic in a
physical ring at speeds of up to 200 Mb/s over distances of up to 10 km (6.2 miles). The counter-
rotating ring is self-healing in case of a cut link, although network speed drops to 100 Mb/s. Not as
common as it once was, FDDI is a reliable, if somewhat slow, protocol.
Originally developed for high-volume telco voice traffic, this ring topology has been adapted for large
campus fiber backbones. SONET switches are available up to 10 Gb/s, can handle voice very effec-
tively and are adaptable to carry data (although they are not the most effective way of transporting it).
SONET is somewhat expensive to deploy as these systems require single-mode fiber and electronics.
Token Ring
This logical/physical ring topology can use copper or fiber media. It carries data at 16 Mb/s over a
self-healing counter-rotating ring. Slow by today’s standards, it’s rarely installed.
Fibre Channel
This point-to-point data protocol operates at speeds up to 10 Gb/s. Campus connections of up to 10
km (6.2 miles) are possible. Despite its name, Fibre Channel can operate over copper, albeit at slower
speeds. While originally conceived as a one-to-one link, multiple devices can now be linked over a
single Fibre Channel using copper or fiber.
Enterprise Design Guide
Regardless of their logical topologies (bus, ring, star or point-to-point), horizontal segments should be
cabled as a star physical topology with all the links meeting at a central point in the telecommunica-
tions room. The backbone links then further collect and connect the traffic from the telecommunica-
tion rooms (or the collapsed backbone links) into another physical star in the equipment room. These
stars-connecting-to-stars form what is called a hierarchical star.
The campus segment can either be cabled as another level in the hierarchical star or as a counter-
rotating ring. As shown on page 11, each design has its benefits.
Ring campus
Ring campus still in operation
with cut cable
In brief:
If reliability is the primary concern, plan to install a campus ring network. A counter-rotating ring will
continue to operate if a node fails or if one of the cables is cut. Rings may use less cable in the cam-
pus segment. However, adding additional nodes may be difficult. Trying to adapt bus or star logical
topologies to a ring may result in unacceptable connection loss.
If managing growth and flexibility are of prime importance, choose a hierarchical star physical campus
topology. Additional reliability can be built into a star by planning secondary cable routes or using
other transmission methods such as point-to-point wireless. However, systems (such as Ethernet)
may not automatically switch over to a back-up circuit and may have to be manually rerouted.
Enterprise Design Guide
Voice networks
Because voice signals use limited bandwidth, they can operate over longer distances with little prob-
lem. The effective range from desktop to main PBX can be as long as 5.4 km (3.3 miles) without am-
plification and longer with the use of amplifiers or load coils*. Historically, voice uses its own network,
wired with voice-grade twisted pair cable. Unlike data systems where several physical connections
are concentrated into a single cable at the active electronics, a voice circuit links the desktop directly
to the central PBX (Private Branch Exchange) which is in effect a centralized hierarchical star network.
With the proper electronics (such as packet switches that multiplex voice signals into the data
stream), some data networks will accept voice traffic (also called Voice over Information Protocol, or
VoIP). This is becoming more common on campus backbones. Also, networks designed for voice
(such as a SONET campus backbone) can be used to send data, although not as quickly as a purely
data network. It should be noted that a separate voice network offers a valuable redundancy factor -
if for some reason the data network goes down, the phones will still work (and vice verse). A typical
installation will have separate voice and data networks.
TIA/EIA standards infer that all desktop data outlets be paired with a voice outlet wired with Category
3 cable. However, CommScope strongly recommends that voice networks be wired with Category 5e
(or better) twisted pair; this permits migration to VoIP as well as making a voice circuit a potential data
Video networks
Most video networks are buses. Coaxial cable is a proven media for CATV and CCTV systems, al-
though fiber is an excellent alternative. Video over U/UTP is increasingly being used in CCTV systems.
System redundancy
Increasing system reliability can be achieved in several ways. Campus ring topologies are inherently
redundant with their counter-rotating self-healing circuits. Alternate cabling paths, such as placing
cable in a parallel riser, are another way of averting an outage due to a cut cable. Point-to-point wire-
less can be installed to complement a cable network. Of course, the best way to ensure reliability is to
install media, passive components and active electronics that are robust and reliable.
*NOTE: Load coils cannot be used for digital signals such as DSL.
Enterprise Design Guide
However, ANSI/TIA/EIA-862 sets standards for a building automation system (BAS) and specifies
a generic cabling system for use in commercial buildings. This BAS standard addresses combined
cabling for security systems.
Structured cabling solutions can integrate control of all the building services (advanced security and
access control systems, sophisticated fire safety controls, environmental control and monitoring)
under a uniform cabling infrastructure. A standardized cabling interface with familiar Category 6A/
Category 6/Category 5e U/UTP connectivity components eliminates the need for proprietary wiring.
It is strongly recommended that fire alarm and control cabling be wired redundantly.
Deciding which media to use involves three factors; transmission distance, signal quality and com-
ponent cost. Coaxial is an excellent choice at distances of up to 450 meters (1475 feet). However, U/
UTP is emerging as a viable CCTV media as it offers reasonable performance over distances of up
to 450 meters (1475 feet) and similar to coax at distances of up to 900 meters (2952 feet). Fiber is an
excellent choice for CCTV applications, especially those over long distances and where additional
security (fiber is difficult to tap without detection) or lightning damage is a concern.
Enterprise Design Guide
Despite efforts at consolidation, phone, internet and video services generally arrive over multiple
media. This creates some connectivity issues at multiple dwelling units (MDUs) such as apartments
and condominiums and at multi-user commercial structures such as office complexes and strip malls.
Literally dozens of network interface units (NIUs) could be attached to alley walls.
A structured wiring solution with a centralized access point would eliminate the need for literally thou-
sands of meters/feet of drop cable while providing the basis for a manageable interior wiring scheme.
Such a solution would permit connections to twisted pair, coaxial (both CATV and satellite) and fiber
cable. The EIA/TIA 570 standard addresses residential wiring and the range of cable types used in
MDU distribution enclosures are designed to create a fully integrated network environment that sup-
ports all current and emerging communication and video entertainment applications. These units are
designed specifically for MDU installations in condominiums, town homes, stick-built homes, and
small commercial buildings. Incoming signals are fed into a media distribution device, then distributed
UNMDU-ENCL-24 to individual room outlets. Once the system is installed, all electronic equipment, including CATV, sat-
ellite, computers, printers, telephones and fax machines can be connected and networked to virtually
any outlet in the MDU.
UNMDU-SW-8 kit
Enterprise Design Guide
Network speeds (and the power of the computers that utilize that speed) are ever increasing. Gener-
ally speaking, the speed (and resultant need for increased network capacity) doubles every 18 to 24
months. Therefore, any installation planned now must take into account the fact that there will be
need for increased bandwidth in the very near future.
Presently, 1 Gb/s networks (1 Gb/s backbones feeding 100 Mb/s horizontal connections) are the
de facto installed standard. However, active electronics are now available that will support 10 Gb/s
backbones with 1 Gb/s to the desktop. Designers need to keep in mind that by installing cable that
supports higher speeds now, they will save money, time and effort when making inevitable upgrades
Horizontal connections of 1 Gb/s can be supported by Category 6A, Category 6 and Category 5e
twisted pair as well as multimode and single-mode fiber.
The riser and campus backbones are a trickier proposition. Using fiber makes good sense; the
question is, which type? The answer is derived by considering data rates and channel distances.
62.5 µm fiber can handle gigabit Ethernet speeds at distances of up to 300 meters (984 feet), but
only supports 10 Gb/s up to 33 meters (108 feet). On the other hand, 50 µm fiber will support gigabit
traffic in excess of 1100 meters (3608 feet). If needed, single-mode fiber can handle 10Gb/s to longer
8.3 µm single-mode 2+ km 2+ km 2+ km
100 Mb/s multimode fiber applications are powered by 1300 nm LEDs
1 and 10 Gb/s multimode fiber applications are powered by 850 nm VCSELs
All single-mode fiber applications are powered by 1310 and 1550 nm lasers
Enterprise Design Guide
Regardless of which type The size and kind of fiber to be installed depends on two factors - budget and future performance.
Future performance
Faster network speeds are inevitable (40 and 100 Gb/s systems are on the horizon), so it makes
sense to install the highest performance fiber permitted by budget. There may not be much of a price
difference between 62.5 µm OM1 and laser optimized 50 µm OM2+ fiber types. OM2+ fiber offers
extended distance performance over 1 Gb/s Ethernet while offering a growth path to 10 Gb/s. Unless
there is an overriding reason for specifying 62.5 µm fiber, high-bandwidth 50 µm fibers offer a superior
growth path.
A final note: installing single-mode fiber alongside multimode fiber in a composite cable makes sense
from both growth and cost standpoints. This way, single-mode fiber will be in place when network
speeds require its higher performance at no additional installation expense. A good rule of thumb is
to place two single-mode fibers for every four multimode fibers. Multimode fibers operate in transmit/
receive pairs, so these cables inherently have even numbers of fibers, with common fiber counts as 2,
4, 6, 12 and 24. Above 24 fibers, fiber counts are in multiples of twelve, with natural standard counts
of 36, 48, 60, 72, 96, and 144 fibers.
Enterprise Design Guide
Use 40% of the planned When calculating network capacity requirements, it is essential to plan beyond present needs for both
a growing number of users and the inevitable thirst for greater network speed and capacity.
network speed as the
Calculate the horizontal segment traffic first
usage factor
First, calculate the anticipated traffic for each horizontal segment. This is done by first counting the
for calculating number of devices planned for each segment. Double that number. Multiply that total by the estimat-
ed usage factor of the planned horizontal link speed. This is the anticipated network traffic or:
N devices x 2 x usage% of horizontal link speed = Anticipated Network Traffic.
network traffic
Why double the number of planned devices?
Counting the number of network devices in a horizontal segment seems like a straightforward process
of looking at the floorplan and counting the desks. However, it’s safe to say that additional devices will
be installed at some point; equipment could be added even as the cable is being pulled. This is why
this calculation of the anticipated traffic should be doubled.
For active equipment, install 25% more ports than presently needed for U/UTP and distributed fiber
horizontal segments, and 10% more ports for a collapsed fiber backbone.
Enterprise Design Guide
N devices An ‘average’ office is to be outfitted with eight desktop computers and two networked printers (a total
of 10 devices). The plan is to use Gigabit Ethernet with 1 Gb/s per hub up the riser backbone and 100
x2 Mb/s to each desktop (although a switched hub can deliver a full Gb/s to a single desktop if required).
x 40% of speed Using the 40% usage factor produces a calculation of 10 devices x 2 x (40% of 100 Mb/s) = 800 Mb/s
of traffic for this segment. This means the planned 1 Gb/s backbone will be able to provide enough
Anticipated capacity for this office. Both twisted pair and multimode fiber support 1 Gb/s from the desktop to the
telecommunications room. Use a multimode fiber pair as the backbone link.
Network Traffic
Anticipated network traffic: Data patch panel:
10 devices x 2 x (40% of 100 Mb/s) = 800 Mb/s 24 ports
patch panel:
16 ports
two 8 port
1 Gb/s hubs
Double the number of planned devices to get a passive port total of 20. Multiply the devices by 125%
to get an active port total of 13 (port counts are rounded up to whole numbers). Since patch panels
and hubs come in multiples of six or eight, further round the patch population up to 24 and the num-
ber of ports on the active equipment to 16. Use two 8-port actives; in case one of the hubs fails, at
least a part of the network can continue to operate.
The eight desktop computers will have telephones next to them. Although voice needs only Category
3 to operate, CommScope recommends wiring voice networks with a Category 5e (or better) twisted
pair. Should you move to VoIP (page 64) or add data equipment, cable capable of supporting it is
already in place.
Enterprise Design Guide
The 40% rule is a generous estimate for the usage on an ‘average’ network. However, be aware
that 40% is a low figure for some applications. For example, an office with CAD/CAM workstations,
video production or medical imaging may require 80% or 90% usage. A gigabit backbone may not
be enough capacity for these higher traffic networks. When planning, be sure to make allowances for
potentially bandwidth-hungry segments, both now and for the future.
In these examples, a design facility on one floor needs to support 10 CAD workstations, a file server
and a printer (a total of 12 devices). 10 CAD units and a printer (a total of 11 devices) are on another
Example A has these devices presently served with 100 Mb/s links. The network is estimated to
operate at 70% of capacity. Using the N devices x 2 x usage% formula, the first floor (12 devices x
2 x [100 Mb/s x 70%]) would need 1.68 Gb/s. The second floor (11 devices x 2 x [100 Mb/s x 70%])
would need 1.54 Gb/s. At present speeds, these systems could be supported horizontally with either
twisted pair or multimode fiber pairs. Each floor’s telecommunications room would have a 24 port
patch panel (2x devices rounded up to multiples of 6 or 8) and two 8 port 1 Gb/s hubs (devices x
125% rounded up to a multiple of 6 or 8). Using two 8 port hubs instead of a single 16 port hub pro-
vides backup should one hub fail.
48 fiber
16.8 Gb/s Example B - 10 Gb/s soon distribution cable
15.4 Gb/s 48 fiber
Horizontal links are 1 Gb/s
to a collapsed backbone distribution cable
48 fiber
15.4 Gb/s distribution cable
Enterprise Design Guide
Once the horizontal segment traffic has been estimated, the amount and kind of fiber required for the
backbone cabling can be calculated. Here, the example is a five story building:
> the fifth floor has several devices supported by a single Fibre Channel;
Example A:
the fourth links
floorare 100
uses anMb/s
FDDI with
ring;a distributed 1 Gb/s backbones
> the third floor has several devices using 1 Gb/s Ethernet - these could be served by using a
collapsed backbone with the active electronics in the equipment room;
> the second floor is operating 1 Gb/s Ethernet with 100 Mb/s horizontal connections linking to
a telecommunications room;
2 fibers
per channel
For distributed backbone links, use two fibers (one fiber to transmit, the other to receive) per chan-
nel for bus, point-to-point topologies and simple rings and four fibers (an active pair and a stand-by
pair) per channel for counter-rotating ring networks.
For collapsed backbones, CommScope recommends a minimum cabling solution of two multimode
fibers per device multiplied by two for growth, spares, etc. All spares should be terminated and ready
for use. Never leave an installed fiber unterminated or untested.
Presently, all five floors could be served with a minimum performance backbone solution of 200/500
MHz•km 62.5 µm multimode fiber as all links would carry 1 Gb/s for less than 300 meters. With 10
Gb/s backbones being installed, it would be necessary to cable all backbone links with high band-
width laser-optimized 50 µm fiber.
Enterprise Design Guide
In another example, a five story office building is going to have one Ethernet network per floor. The
first four floors will operate with 100 Mb/s on the horizontal segment and 1 Gb/s on the backbone.
The top floor has devices that require 1 Gb/s connections to the desktop.
Using the formula from page 69 (N devices x 2 x 40% of horizontal data rate), calculate the required
capacity for the first four floors and round up to the nearest whole number. Figure a minimum of two
fibers for each Gb/s. For growth, double the amount of calculated fibers and add another 33% to
50% of that figure in single-mode fibers.
In this example, the top floor has a very large bandwidth requirement. In a distributed backbone, the
estimated 30 Gb/s of traffic would be handled by three 10 Gb/s switches in the telecommunications
room, using a minimum of six 50 µm fibers. If a collapsed backbone is desired, a minimum of two
fibers per device (44 in this case) is required.
Minimum fibers per horizontal network
For collapsed backbones, CommScope recommends a minimum cabling solution of two multimode
fibers per device multiplied by two for growth, spares, etc. All spares should be terminated and ready
for use. Never leave an installed fiber unterminated or untested.
Enterprise Design Guide
Once the amount of traffic anticipated at each intermediate interconnect is known, the number of
fibers needed in the campus segments can be calculated.
In this example, five locations are to be linked on a campus network. When figuring the length of
cable to be used, take the measured distance and add a minimum of 10%. A public street will need to
be crossed. The local access vault is located on the right-of-way next to the street.
There are several ways this campus could be configured. Distances, network speed, growth and
physical topology (star vs. ring) all need to be considered. Other issues, such as right-of-way and how
to cross the street, need to be addressed as well. There are several ways to do this; each way is cor-
rect depending on operational priorities.
A basic solution would be to use 100 Mb/s transmission equipment over multimode fiber. The dis-
tance chart on page 27 shows that multimode fiber would support this network with two fibers for
each 100 Mb/s transmitter.
However, a 100 Mb/s solution has problems. Even if the capacity required for the network were as low
as a few Gb/s per building, a prohibitive amount of actives would be required. An upgrade to a 1 Gb/s
campus network would be impossible without recabling.
Another solution would be to use point-to-point wireless between buildings. While wireless would
handle the traffic, concerns such as rain, fog or line-of-sight requirements can cause degraded perfor-
mance. Cable should always be the first choice for campus networks.
1450 meters
1500 meters
100 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Network speeds will always increase; the challenge is to be ready when that happens. The capacity
requirements shown in this diagram are representative of an ‘average’ campus drawn from examples
earlier in this section. This network is a physical and logical hierarchal star which is the most flexible
solution when accommodating growth.
The active electronics in the equipment rooms are packet switches transmitting over pairs of single-
mode fibers; multimode fibers cannot operate at 10 Gb/s speeds at these distances.
For this example, CommScope recommends using single-mode six-fiber tight buffered indoor/out-
door cable for campus and local access links. Indoor/outdoor cable eliminates entrance facilities
which are required when using an outside plant cable. The cable is installed in a buried conduit. While
two fibers are the minimum requirement, a six-fiber cable offers additional capacity for growth and
spares. A 24 fiber outdoor cable is used for the local access link. A bill of materials (BOM) for this
example can be found on pages 146/147 and 178/179.
The fiber from the two outermost buildings bypasses the intermediate crossconnects on their way to
the main crossconnect, thus eliminating some termination hardware and effort. Future campus links
can join the network at any of the intermediate interconnects.
If a backup system is required, point-to-point wireless and free-space optics are attractive options.
Network speeds of up to 10 Gb/s can be supported. However, as noted before, environmental factors
such as rain or lack of line-of-sight can limit their speed and reliability.
30 Gb/s
200 meters
20 Gb/s
1450 meters
37 Gb/s
100 meters
600 meters
25 Gb/s 20 Gb/s
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
If network reliability is the prime concern, installing a counter-rotating ring topology is the answer. The
counter-rotating signal path (two fibers operating clockwise, two fibers operating counter-clockwise)
restores itself within microseconds in the case of a cut cable. A switch failing at one of the intermedi-
ate crossconnects would not affect operations at or between the other locations.
The active electronics in the equipment rooms are packet switches transmitting over two pairs of
single-mode fibers; multimode fibers could not operate over these distances at these speeds.
For this example, CommScope recommends using single-mode six-fiber tight buffered indoor/out-
door cable for campus and local access links. Indoor/outdoor cable eliminates entrance facilities,
which are required when using an outside plant cable. The cable is installed in buried conduit. While
two fibers is the minimum requirement, a six-fiber cable offers additional capacity for growth and
spares. A 24 fiber outdoor cable is used for the local access link. A full bill of materials (BOM) for this
example can be found on pages 152/153 and 184/185.
Keep in mind that it is more difficult to add a new campus location to a counter-rotating ring topology
(see dotted line). A new node has to be introduced into the ring, while it just plugs into the network at
an existing crossconnect in a star topology.
A counter-rotating ring is inherently redundant. Wireless and free-space optical systems can be
installed as backhaul, but they cannot be configured into the same ring topology, and they require
separate network electronics.
30 Gb/s
200 meters
20 Gb/s
1450 meters
37 Gb/s
2086 meters
100 meters
600 meters
25 Gb/s 20 Gb/s
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Voice networks
Voice networks can be handled in two ways. The traditional method is to treat the system as a physi-
cal and logical star, directly wiring each phone to the PBX which is usually located in or near the main
crossconnect. Each voice signal travels over its own circuit. A voice circuit carried by voice-grade
Category 3 twisted pair can travel as far as 5400 meters. CommScope recommends using Category
5e or better twisted pair to cable voice systems. This puts a data-ready solution in place should the
need arise.
The other method is to gather voice circuits at each building’s equipment room, concentrate them
through multiplexing for placement over the campus network. A SONET ring (page 62) is specially
designed to carry both voice and data.
Voice can be carried over other operating systems with special active electronics.
Video networks
Video networks are usually cabled as a bus connected with coaxial cable. However. CommScope
recommends cabling them as hierarchical stars.
Microwave and free-space optical systems can operate at up to 10 Gb/s per channel using a variety
of protocols, including multiplexed SONET signals. Keep in mind that wireless can be disrupted by
rain and free-space optical systems require line of sight between the transmitters.
200 meters
1450 meters
100 meters
600 meters
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 8
Enterprise Design Guide
If the installation is taking place in a structure with closed walls and ceilings (such as retrofitting an
older building), there are creative ways to disguise installed cable (see pages 88 and 89). Cable can
also be placed using traditional methods, such as ‘fishing’ the cable within a wall (see page 87).
Plenum ceilings
A plenum ceiling is one that uses the space between the top of the suspended ceiling and the bottom
of the floor above to handle air for ventilation. All suspended ceilings are not plenums; some may use
HVAC ductwork to move air to returns and diffusers located in the ceiling tiles (a ‘dead’ ceiling). Con-
sult the local code authority to confirm if a suspended ceiling is considered a plenum.
The NEC requires the use of plenum-rated cable (or cable in rigid or intermediate metal conduit) for
plenum spaces but permits general purpose-rated cable in non-air handling ceilings and walls. How-
ever, this requirement may be superseded by local codes; for example, conduit may be required even
with plenum cable. Know the local code before installing, or even ordering, the cable.
Enterprise Design Guide
Equipment racks
Install equipment racks in the telecommunications and equipment rooms to permit easy access to
both front and rear (see NEC 110-26). Personnel should be able to walk comfortably around the rack.
All cabling (communications and power) should be dropped from overhead or brought up from the
floor so that access to equipment and panels is not impeded. Use cable ladders or raceways (page
82) to secure and organize cable above the racks.
While there is no reason why different equipment types cannot share a single rack, large installations
may be better served with actives and crossconnects organized on different racks.
Wall-mounted equipment
Panels and enclosures should be mounted at a comfortable working height.
All racks and metallic cable conveyance need to be grounded to the telecommunications busbar per
TIA/EIA standard J-STD-607-A.
Cable diagrams
For fast reference, it is often helpful to have mounted on the wall of the telecommunications room a
wiring schematic of the racks and the current ‘as-built’ floorplan of the served area.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable conveyance
Multiple cables are routed through the ceiling space on a conveyance (ladders, raceways or trays)
suspended from the ‘red iron’ in the ceiling. J-hooks can be used alone or in combination with
ladders/trays to drop cable from the main conveyance.
Standard cabling tools and supplies include wire cutters, electrical tape, cable ties, hook-and-pile
closures and marking pens. Consider also using:
Chute or waterfall
This is a guide that eases the passage of cable into the ceiling while preventing it from kinking and
bending. The waterfall should have a radius of curvature that matches the minimum required for the
cabling. In a pinch, a temporary (we repeat - temporary) chute can be made from a square foot of
cardboard and some tape.
Bull wheels
These are large diameter pulleys that guide cable at any change of direction during the installation.
Enterprise Design Guide
Refer to the ‘average’ network on page 70 as an example to address some of the issues involved in a
typical installation. In the example, the network has ten data devices and ten phones. A CCTV video
connection for a security camera has been added to the plan.
Phone Phone Phone Phone
future PC PC PC Printer
Phone Phone Phone Phone
PC PC future PC future PC
There are two offices on the north side of the floor which will have multiple outlets; the rest of the
space is open office where a modular furniture system has been installed. Modular systems have
power poles (for channeling communication and power cable) that reach to the ceiling. The plenum
ceiling will have fluorescent lights as shown.
A good plan is to use a conveyance (ladder, tray, etc.) to carry cable to the cubicles, and then drop it
down the power poles. Avoid placing cable over fluorescent lights. The offices and video camera can
be addressed with J-hooks supporting the cable dropped from the main conveyance.
In this example, the best routing for the conveyance parallels the east wall and then turns 90° to come
in above the cubicles. Whenever possible, cable is placed so that it crosses power lines at 90° angles.
Since power is traditionally installed in a right-angled grid, data cable echoes that right-angle style of
Enterprise Design Guide
Placing Cable
Preparing to pull
Plan to start with the longest route (which in this case is the cable to the security camera). Locate
helpers on ladders along the planned path, especially where the cable will turn to follow the convey-
ance (if bull wheels are not being used at the angles of the conveyance).
Alternate routings
While the customs of structured cabling indicate that all cable should be routed along the main con-
veyance, it sometimes makes sense to bring a cable directly to its termination point by an alternate
routing. Here the CCTV camera is off the main cable routing. This camera can be served by cable
supported on a series of J-hooks (see dotted line in the top diagram).
Enterprise Design Guide
With the reel paying out over the top, feed the cable up and along the conveyance. Use chutes
(curved plastic guides, although a flap from a cardboard box will do in a pinch) when necessary to
protect the cable being passed over the top of walls.
Using helpers, place and pull the cable along the conveyance. Be especially careful around bends
and near sharp edges. Do not exceed minimum bend radii or the maximum pulling tension for the
cable. Contact CommScope Technical Services by emailing [email protected] if these criti-
cal values are not known.
Leave enough cable slack at the outlet and the telecommunications room
Pull enough cable to reach the planned outlet (including the cable to be dropped down to the outlet)
PLUS another 0.5 meters (18 inches) of copper or another meter (about 3 feet) of fiber for connector-
At the telecommunications room, pull enough cable to reach from where the cable enters the ceiling
to the furthest corner of the room via the conveyance AND down to the floor PLUS another 3 meters
(10 feet). Label the cable with the same notation used to mark the pulled ends. Then cleanly cut the
cables between the notation and the box/reel.
Enterprise Design Guide
The floorplan should indicate where outlets are located. Carefully check the area for any possible
obstructions such as wall studs, plumbing or electrical wires.
Once the outlet location has been established, prepare to cut the holes. Data outlets should be lo-
cated at the same height and orientation as the electrical outlets.
Enterprise Design Guide
Most open-area office systems use wall systems with drywall or wallboard attached to metal studs.
These systems allow access into the wall cavity through holes in the cap of the wall. Be sure to fit any
hole with a grommet to prevent cable damage. Cable may be dropped between the studs, although
‘fishing’ the cable may be necessary (see below).
Some installers prefer to ‘stub in’ a length of conduit from the installed outlet to the ceiling. This al-
lows a clean, direct path for cable installation.
Leave sufficient slack for termination. Cut off and discard the taped ends.
Enterprise Design Guide
Alternate Routing -
Surface Mount Raceway and Behind Baseboard
It may be impossible to place cable in a wall due to masonry construction, difficulty in getting to the
wall interior or because a direct drop from the ceiling is blocked by an obstruction such as a window.
In these cases, alternate ways need to be used to convey and hide the cable.
Surface mount raceway and conduit may not answer the need to maintain the aesthetics of the loca-
tion installation (such as retrofitting an historic building or a converting a residence to an office). For
those times, creative installation may be required.
Floor molding usually consists of a toe mold and a baseboard. Both must be very gradually removed
in sections. Toe mold is usually nailed in at an angle. Loosen it gently, prying up from the floor and out
from the wall every 50 cm (18 inches) or so. Place a cloth behind the prying tool to prevent damage to
the floor or wall. Baseboards nails are usually driven in parallel to the floor. Gently pry the baseboard
away from the wall a small bit at a time so as to evenly remove the entire board.
wall cavity
removed gap
baseboard molding
toe mold
cable placed in gap
Cable can now be placed in the gap between the drywall and the floor. At the outlet location, use
a drywall knife to carve a vertical channel wide enough for the cable and about 5 cm (2 inches) in
height. Make sure the baseboard is tall enough to cover the channel. Use a drill to enter the wall. Pull
the cable up to the outlet hole.
Enterprise Design Guide
Alternate Routing -
Through the Floor and Behind Crown Molding
If the cable is being brought up from a crawlspace or a basement through a wood floor, it is possible
to make an invisible entry through the wall and to the outlet. At the outlet location, trace and cut the
outlet hole. Then use a stiff, sharp piece of wire to drill a pilot hole at the base of the toe molding. To
leave no sign of a pilot hole at all, remove the toe molding and drill at the base of the remaining mold
or the wallboard. When the wire breaks through the floor, detach the drill from the wire and leave it in
the floor.
wall cavity
wall cavity
outlet hole
drill bit
wire stays
remove baseboard in floor
toe mold toe mold as guide
support wire or
sharpened coat
hanger wire
Go under the floor and locate the wire. Measure in about 2.5 cm (1 inch) (or more if the hole was
drilled at a very steep angle) and use a thin bit to drill a pilot hole straight up to confirm that the wall
cavity has been entered. Enlarge the hole to accommodate the cable. Technically, any cable that
passes between floors must be a riser-rated cable and the hole through which it passes must be
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 9
Enterprise Design Guide
If there is no riser in place, one can be made by core-boring a hole through the concrete floor of the
telecommunications room and placing a sleeve in it. Prior to boring, ALWAYS consult with a structural
engineer. There are X-ray and other detection devices that can be used to locate rebar within the
concrete so they can be avoided when boring.
Enterprise Design Guide
Riser backbone cables vary greatly in weight. While 30 meters of six-fiber tight buffered cable may
weigh about 1 kg (2.2 lbs), the same amount of a 100-pair voice-grade copper cable weighs about 23
kg (50 pounds).
5 5
Form a slack loop above the grip and use stand with
cable wraps to fasten it to the ladder. brake
4 4
mance. Then pull or drop the remaining cable
to the equipment room.
3 3
sufficient cable slack loop
to reach tied to
2 2
equipment room ladder above
second grip
1 1
Enterprise Design Guide
Some of the techniques on page 93, such as pulling a few floors at a time and forming slack loops,
are not necessary for lighter fiber optic cables or for short distances. Cable can be directly paid off a
reel and pulled/dropped down several floors directly to the equipment room.
Strip about 30 cm (1 foot) of jacket, and tie the aramid strength yarn to the pull rope/string. Cut off
and properly discard the exposed optical fiber.
Pull the cable down through the risers. Place enough cable for equipment room installation purposes
(tray measurement plus 3 meters [10 feet]). Set the grip and pull the tray-plus-3-meters of cable
needed for termination and cut the cable.
5 5
stand with
This is called firestopping. Methods range from brake
physical plugs to caulks or concrete-like fill-
ers. Consult with firestop manufacturer for the
method best suited to your application.
4 4
cable attached
in a winding
3 3 path
2 2
1 1
pull rope/string
Enterprise Design Guide
Use the proper size and type (wood, masonry, etc.) of bit for
drilling the wall. Make sure that there are no electrical wires drilled holes slant
downward to outside
near the hole. The drilled hole should have a slanted path
that is higher on the inside than the outside. Place a grommet
or a piece of PVC pipe or duct in the hole to help protect the
cable. Pay strict attention to cable bend radii in this kind of
Drill a slanted hole like the one above at the point of entry
into the equipment room and insert a grommet or duct. Pull
the cable inside, being careful not to exceed its pulling ten-
sion or bend radius. Form a 360° cable drip loop outside the
hole. Use silicone caulk to make the hole watertight.
form drip loop
at entry point
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 10
Campus/Outdoor Cable Installation
Enterprise Design Guide
Campus backbone cables are placed underground in new or existing conduit, directly buried or
installed aerially between buildings. All factors being equal, underground installations using ductwork
are the most popular method for campus backbones although any of the above methods may be
Underground conduit
Conduit offers additional environmental protection for cable, making all-dielectric outside plant cable
an excellent choice. Cable should be pulled into existing conduit or innerduct (smaller multiple ducts
within a larger conduit) if the passage is empty. Pulling cable through an occupied conduit or inner-
duct may be attempted under the right circumstances (see next page).
A convenient way to place both conduit and cable at the same time is to install ConQuest® Cable-In-
Conduit (CIC). CommScope cable can be factory-installed in high-density polyethylene conduit so
that no cable pulling is required. CIC can be buried or plowed into place like a direct burial cable. A
toneable version of conduit is available (see page 102).
Direct burial
Direct burial cables can be placed directly in a trench or plowed into place. Armored and multijacket
versions provide extra mechanical protection against environmental stresses.
Armored cables should be grounded when placed into the earth even if they are not expected to be
terminated or utilized for some time. This provides lightning protection during the entire lifespan of the
Besides protecting the cable physically, metallic armor is often chosen for direct buried applications
to make it easier to find the cable once covered up. Non-armored, all-dielectric cables cannot be
detected with standard locating equipment. A metallic tape or other specialized locating equipment
should be buried along side a non-metallic cable for future locating purposes.
Aerial installation
Aerial cable is usually messengered (comes with an attached high-strength messenger wire that sup-
ports the cable). The length of the span is determined by cable weight; a heavier armored cable will
span a shorter distance than a lighter cable.
Enterprise Design Guide
Existing underground conduit offers a convenient way to place campus cables. One or more cables
may be installed during a single pull. Depending on the length and diameter of the conduit, a hori-
zontal conduit installation may offer more tension than pulling cable down a riser. A dynamometer is
essential to ensure that installation pulling tensions are not exceeded. When pulling multiple cables,
the maximum pulling force should not exceed that of the cable with the lowest pull rating.
CommScope suggests installing innerduct if the conduit is unoccupied and if future installations are
anticipated. Innerduct subdivides conduit into discreet spaces that ease cable installation.
Cable may also be blown (or jetted) through empty conduit by using forced air systems.
D = conduit D = conduit
inner diameter inner diameter
d = cable d = widest
outer diameter bundle width
Enterprise Design Guide
Direct burial cable and ConQuest® Cable-In-Conduit (CIC) may be installed by plowing or trenching.
Direct burial cable and CIC should be installed at least 61 cm (24 inches) deep and deeper if the frost
line is farther down.
When plowing, select a plow chute with a bend radius the same size or larger than the minimum bend
radius of the cable or CIC being installed. The chute width should be at least 1.25 cm (1/2 inch) larger
in diameter than the cable/CIC.
Dig a receiving pit to a depth of at least 61 cm (24 inches) and deeper if needed to reach a below-
ground entry point. The pit should be about 15 cm (6 inches) wide, 45 cm (18 inches) long and run in
the direction of the planned line of installation. The plow blade should fit easily inside the pit. Dig a
similar pit at the other end of the cable path.
With a walk-behind plow, pay the cable or CIC over the top of the reel on the tractor. Do not use reel
brakes. With a stationary reel, pull the cable or CIC from the reel to the plow at the receiving pit. Feed
the cable or CIC through the plow blade and run it to the bottom of the pit.
Prior to installation, remove the CIC end cap and cut the cable restraint. This relaxes the cable and
transfers all of the pulling tension to the conduit. Replace the cap immediately.
receiving pits
Enterprise Design Guide
If the building entry is underground, feed the cable/CIC through the wall. Make sure there is enough
cable for connectorization (room diagonal measurement plus 3 meters [10 feet]) PLUS enough cable
for the service loop. If the entrance point is above ground, make sure there is enough cable to reach
it PLUS another 3 meters (10 feet). For CIC installations, support the conduit by tamping some earth
(called backfill) beneath the bend.
To above ground
Enterprise Design Guide
Trenching is accomplished with specialized trenching tractors which cut the trench and remove the
soil in a single action. Detailed equipment operation and excavation procedures are specified by the
construction equipment manufacturer.
Toneable conduit is easily If using traditional methods (backhoe, shovels, etc.) to dig a trench, dig it as straight, level and as
rock-free as possible. Avoid tight curves. If there are rapid grade changes and CIC is being installed,
located and prevents future use backfill to support the conduit. Trenches should be at least 61 cm (24 inches) deep or below the
frost line. Remove all rocks and large stones from the trench and the backfill to prevent damage to the
construction mishaps cable. Push some clean fill into the trench to cushion the cable as it is installed in the trench.
Trench path
Place the cable or CIC reels in line with the trench to prevent any unnecessary bending of the cable.
Mount the reel so that pay off is underneath toward the direction of the pull. If using CIC, make sure
the conduit is capped. Follow the directions on page 100 for digging the receiving pits and installing
enough cable or CIC at the building entry point.
When filling the trench, bury warning tape 15 cm (6 inches) above the cable. Tamp or flood the trench
to provide compaction to prevent the trench from receding later. Add additional fill as required.
Toneable conduit
Locating cable after burial is difficult if the cable is all dielectric and therefore cannot be located by a
metal detector. Toneable conduit has an embedded wire that conducts an inserted ‘tone’ that makes
the conduit cable easy to locate with a detector.
Enterprise Design Guide
Aerial installations offer several advantages, not the least of which is having a lower cost than direct
burial. They favor a direct route between buildings and can easily cross obstructions such as roads.
Their chief disadvantage is that they tend to be more environmentally exposed, especially to wind, ice
and falling tree limbs. Local building requirements may specify all buried utilities for aesthetic reasons.
However, a properly installed aerial cable should be able to withstand severe weather without prob-
Fiber optic aerial installation falls under National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) rules. This chart,
derived from NESC publications, shows the clearances required for a fiber cable (meeting NESC rules
230C2 or 230C3) depending on the type of surface it spans. For a complete listing, please contact the
NESC at (800) 678-4333.
Roads, streets, and other areas subject to truck traffic 4.7 (15.4)
Spaces and ways subject to pedestrians or restricted traffic only 2.9 (9.5)
Water areas not suitable for sailboating or where sailboating is prohibited 4.0 (13.2)
Water areas suitable for sailboating with an unobstructed surface area of:
Less than 20 acres 5.3 (17.4)
Over 20 to 200 acres 7.8 (25.6)
Over 200 to 2000 acres 9.6 (31.5)
Over 2000 acres 11.4 (37.4)
Where cables run along and within limits (but do not overhang) of highways/ROW
Road, streets or alleys 4.7 (15.4)
Roads where it is unlikely that vehicles will be crossing under the cable 4.1 (13.4)
Enterprise Design Guide
The aerial section deals with the installation of messengered fiber cable. The maximum length for
messengered spans varies for the size and fiber count of each cable; check span data prior to order-
ing cable. Longer links may require that the cable be lashed to a separate wire. Contact CommScope
Technical Support at [email protected] for more information on lashing cable to a span.
Choose a clear route between the buildings. Avoid trees with overhanging limbs. If planning to pass
cable over a public road or railroad, be sure to get right-of-way permission from the correct municipal
or transportation authority. Keep in mind the NESC minimum clearances shown on page 103. The
attachment point should not be any closer than 10 cm (4 inches) from a telephone cable or 30 cm (1
foot) from a power line.
Begin the installation by locating points of attachment on the buildings. A ‘P’ or ‘Q’ hook (used in
CATV installation) screwed through or bolted into a wall or other structural element should work. This
hook will have to support the hanging weight and tension of the cable under a variety of storm condi-
tions, so make sure it is securely attached.
P or q-hook P or q-hook
Extra cable
looped in a
figure 8
Set up the cable reel beneath one hook and walk the cable end toward the second attachment point.
Avoid kinking, scraping or tangling the cable as it pays out from the reel. Block traffic from running
over it.
Once at the destination, continue to pull enough cable to cover the distance from the attachment
point to the building entrance facility. Measure the distance carefully AND include extra cable for the
service loop.
Another way of making sure enough cable has been pulled is to carry the cable up to the attachment
point. The cable can then be marked with a strip of vinyl tape to show where to stop separating the
messenger from the cable. In any case, pull a few more meters of cable than your most liberal esti-
mate of the amount required to reach the entrance facility.
Enterprise Design Guide
Separate the messenger and cable up to the calculated/measured point of attachment. Cut off the
excess messenger, leaving about 60 cm (2 feet) for attachment.
Enterprise Design Guide
Taking the cable in hand, climb or ride up to the second attachment point. Pull the cable taut until the
sag is 1% of the overall length of the span (i.e. for a 30 meter [approx. 100 foot]) span, the sag should
be 0.3 meters (1 foot). Mark the place on the cable where the cable and the hook meet while main-
taining proper sag. Do not pull the cable through or attach it to the hook at this time.
Marked Snip
meeting messenger
point here
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 11
Connectorization and Splicing
Enterprise Design Guide
The connector can be referred to as the last inch (or the last 2.5 cm if using the metric system) of
cabling to be installed. A link may have many connections and/or splices between the desktop and
the main crossconnect; each one must be made as accurately as possible.
Jack Jack
Outlet Outlet
While twisted pair connectors are interchangeable (one manufacturer’s 8P8C style jack fits into
another’s outlet), they do vary in termination techniques. See each manufacturer’s instructions for
Twisted pair wiring is designed so that the same wires continuously connect from one end of the sys-
tem to the other (i.e. green to green) just like electrical wiring. This differs from fiber optics (see below).
Fiber optic schemes (for details, see page 110 through 115)
Optical fibers can be either spliced together by fusion or mechanical methods (see pages 111 through
114) or terminated with a connector (see page 115).
Optical signals travel over transmit/ receive pairs. The integrity of the tx/rx signals are maintained by a
system of polarity where connector orientation reverses at each end of the pair.
Enterprise Design Guide
Twisted pair cables typically terminate in one of two TIA/EIAs recognized standards; T568A and
T568B. The US government and residential installations employ T568A; commercial installations typi-
cally employ T568B. Either method is acceptable. However, it is important that only ONE method be
used consistently throughout the entire network.
This page explains general practices. U/UTP data connectors are of the Insulation Displacement Con-
nector (IDC) type in an 8P8C size (eight pin). As the wires are crimped or inserted into place, the con-
nector automatically displaces the insulation to permit clean conductor contact and a gas-tight seal.
Maintaining conductor twist is essential for top performance especially at termination. Other propri-
etary tools and methods exist; always refer to the connector manufacturer’s specifications.
Use a ring tool to remove about 7.5 cm (3 inches) of jacketing. This will expose four twisted pairs
color-coded as pair 1 (blue with white/blue), pair 2 (orange with white/orange), pair 3 (green with
white/green) and 4 (brown with white/brown). Separate the pairs but DO NOT UNTWIST the conduc-
tors while preparing them for connectorization.
Place the conductors in the appropriate slots in the jack or the outlet module (striped conductors in
the odd numbered slots, solid in the even,) and crimp or insert them into place with the appropriate
tool. Rack termination (i.e. punch-down blocks) are usually color-coded to aid in placing the pairs.
Follow the same untwist rule as connectors. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the actual
Labeling termination
TIA/EIA standard 606-A call for machine-generated labels to be used for circuit identification at both
the desktop and the telecommunications and equipment rooms. This applies to all cable media.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fiber polarity is defined in the TIA/EIA 568-C.3 standard. In order to maintain integrity of transmission
and reception, connectorized fiber acts as one continuous circuit with a transmitter at one end and a
receiver at the other. In a fiber pair, the data flows in opposite directions like cars on a two-lane high-
way. In order to keep the traffic flowing in the right direction, fibers need to be interconnected with the
correct polarity.
A B A B-A polarity vertical and A-B polarity horizontal and B A B
horizontal adapter end views vertical adapter end views
The color coding on a fiber equates to a numbering system (i.e. blue fiber is ONE, orange fiber is
TWO, etc.). In this example, the connector pair on the desktop ‘side’ of the adapter has B-A polarity;
the odd numbered fiber (blue #1) is B and the even numbered fiber (orange #2) is A. This is reversed
at the other end of the fiber pair where the adapters face away from the desktop; the odd numbered
fiber is designated A and the even numbered fiber is B (A-B polarity). It is helpful to color-key the heat
shrink tubes of the installed connectors (example: A/white, B/yellow).
When the connectors meet at the adapter, the A connector plugs into the A adapter position where it
meets the B adapter/fiber on the other side of the panel. Keyed adapters and duplex connectors help
to maintain network polarity. Most adapters come marked with As and Bs for easy identification.
A good way to keep this straight is to picture the fibers and crossconnects as a continuous path
leading from the desktop to the telecommunications room and on to the equipment room. Assign
B-A polarity to the adapters on the desktop side of a connection and A-B polarity to adapters facing
away from the desktop. It makes no difference which polarity is chosen as long as the same polarity is
maintained throughout the network.
Duplex LC and SC patch cords should arrive from the factory with the correct orientation. A system
that has the correct polarity will not require patch cord adjustments. A technician should be able to
connect to electronics or cross-connect without having to “fix” the patch cord by swapping the con-
nectors on one end.
Enterprise Design Guide
The splicing environment should be as free as possible from dirt and humidity. Outdoor splicing is
normally performed in a specialized vehicle or trailer. Splicing can also be performed in a ventilated
vault or a tent. Fusion splicing in a cable vault is not recommended due to the possible presence of
explosive gas. Regardless of your splicing location, make sure to follow all OSHA procedures (see
page 36).
Before exposing cable components and working with the splice closures, the installer should consider
how the cable and closure will lay when the process is finished. The cable can be test-routed to
make sure that it can fit into the location and that the cable bend radius can be maintained. This is
good practice whether splicing indoors, down a manhole, or aerially.
Carefully make a ring cut through the jacket at the choke point using the appropriate cable prep tool.
DO NOT cut or nick the ripcord or buffer tubes. Make a second cut about 15 cm (6 inches) from the
cable end and remove that part of the jacket to access the ripcord. Make a small notch in the jacket
to be removed. Place the ripcord in the notch. Wrap the ripcord around the shaft of a screwdriver and
use the screwdriver as a handle to pull the ripcord to the choke point. Carefully remove the ripped
jacket. Use snips to cut off the ripcord.
Enterprise Design Guide
Seal the buffer tube to keep the water-repellent gel (if present) from flowing out of the tube.
Enterprise Design Guide
Mechanical splicing positions two fibers end-to-end and physically holds them in place. While fusion
splicing (see page 114) offers generally lower loss, mechanical splicing works fine for campus links
involving multimode fiber. These are general instructions on mechanical splicing; always refer to the
instructions provided by the splice manufacturer.
Fiber stripping
Use a fiber stripping tool to cleanly remove the acrylate coating (and buffering material if splicing tight
buffered fibers). The length of the cleaned, stripped area will be determined by the splice being used;
again, consult the manufacturer’s instructions.
Once a fiber is stripped, clean it with a lint-free cloth soaked in a solution of 97% isopropyl alcohol to
remove the coating residue. Keep the handling of bare fibers to a minimum.
Fiber cleaving
Cleave the fiber end using a quality fiber cleaver. Small hand-held cleavers (called beaver tail cleav-
ers) are not recommended for precision cleaves. The cleave should be clean (free of edge chips) and
be within 1° of perpendicular. Once cleaved, do not set the fiber down or allow the end to touch any
surfaces so as to avoid contamination.
TIA/EIA-568 C.3 specifies splice loss of no more than 0.3 dB/splice, although less than 0.1 dB can be
achieved with experience. Power meter/light source testing is the most accurate way to test for inser-
tion loss. Accurate splice loss measurements can be obtained using bidirectional OTDR testing (see
page 124). One-way OTDR testing typically will not yield true splice loss due to the nature in which
OTDRs measure point defects.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fusion splicers
There are several brands of fusion splicers available. Most integrate these features:
Procedures vary depending on the fusion splicer being used. The simplest units use a ‘V’ groove to
mechanically match the fiber’s outer diameters. More sophisticated splicers feature automatic align-
ment of the fiber cores for the lowest-loss splices.
Fiber alignment
Some splicers come equipped with LID (Light Injection and Detection) where the fibers are bent
around a small post so that light can actually be ‘injected’ into the fiber. The light crosses through the
alignment point and is measured on the output side. The fibers are then manually or automatically po-
sitioned until the most light is passing through the aligned fibers. LID systems also monitor the fibers
as they are being fused and shut off the arc when the lowest splice loss is detected.
Splicers equipped with a Profile Alignment System (PAS) project an image that shows the fiber cores
and manually or automatically brings them into alignment. Other alignment systems may align the
fiber cladding instead of the core, or use a fixed alignment system that relies on v-grooves to align the
fiber ends. Evaluate the quality of a fusion splicer based on not just the typical loss, but the accuracy
of the loss estimation.
Splice protection
CommScope recommends that the spliced fibers be mechanically reinforced. A heat-shrink sleeve
may be placed over the fiber prior to splicing. Once the splice is completed, the sleeve is placed over
the splice and heated to shrink. There are other methods such as crimpable sleeves, butterflies and
TIA/EIA-568 C.3 specifies splice loss of no more than 0.3 dB/splice, although less than 0.1 dB can
be achieved with experience. Accurate splice loss measurements can be obtained using bidirectional
OTDR testing (see page 124). One-way OTDR testing typically will not yield true splice loss due to the
nature in which OTDRs measure point defects.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fiber Connectorization
Due to the different styles and manufacturers of fiber optic connectors, this page covers only general
practices. Refer to the connector manufacturer’s specific instructions for detailed procedures.
NOTE: for many cable types, CommScope can provide factory terminated cables. Call for details.
Fiber stripping
Use a fiber stripping tool to cleanly remove the acrylate coating. The stripped length will be deter-
mined by the connector being used; consult the manufacturer’s instructions.
Remove the coating residue from the stripped fiber with a lint-free cloth soaked in a solution of 97%
isopropyl alcohol. Avoid handling the bare fibers as much as possible.
Deviating from the manufacture’s procedure, using non-recommended materials, or using out of date
adhesives are not recommended, and may cause performance issues either during installation or dur-
ing the lifetime of product.
Cleave the fiber end of the cable using a quality fiber cleaver. The cleave should be clean, without
chips and within 1° of perpendicular. Non-polish connectors use mechanical methods to hold the fiber
in place. Insert the fiber into the connector and activate the holding mechanism per manufacturer’s
Again, following the manufacturer’s installation process is critical to success. As many no epoxy/
no polish connectors are difficult to evaluate with a microscope, frequent testing is recommended so
errors in process do not propagate throughout the installation.
Connector loss
TIA/EIA standards set connector power loss to be no greater than .75 dB per connector set. However,
experienced craft personnel can prepare connector pairs to deliver loss of 0.5 dB or less.
Enterprise Design Guide
These instructions refer to general practices. Exact instructions may vary with the maker of the tools
and connectors being used. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
If using a boot to protect the connection at the tap or if using a compression fitting with an indepen-
dent sleeve, slide it over the cable end first. Strip the end of the coax cable by clamping a cable prep
tool around the cable and making sure that the end of the cable is flush against the stop. Operate the
tool per manufacturer’s instructions until a clean cut is achieved.
1/4 in • 6 mm
A clean cut will have a square end and the cable will have a round cross-section. The dimensions in
the drawing are approximate; always check with the connector manufacturer for exact dimensions.
1/4 in • 6 mm
Carefully bend the braid back over the jacket. On tri- and quad-shielded cables, carefully trim outer
layer of tape.
If using a crimp-style or one piece compression connector, slide it over the cable end and use the
crimping tool to firmly attach the connector. A good connection will have solid contact between the
neck of the connector and the braid under it. The conductor should extend no more than 3 mm (1/8
inch) beyond the front edge of the connector.
If a two-piece compression connector is being used, slide the main boot over the cable prior to cable
preparation. Then slide the compression sleeve to the back of the connector. Use the proper com-
pression tool to compress the connector per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Enterprise Design Guide
U/UTP data and voice faceplates require termination to an outlet module. This is usually a separate
component that snaps into the faceplate. Terminate the cable in the module like the jack on page 109.
Make sure the same TIA/EIA 568 wiring scheme (T568A or T568B) is followed at all locations.
Fiber optic faceplates insert connectorized fibers into an adapter similar to the patch panel. Clean the
connector ferrule and the adapter with a solution of 97% isopropyl alcohol prior to insertion.
Coax faceplates require terminating the cable with a connector and then attaching it to the female
connection on the faceplate. To prevent cable twisting, rotate the faceplate when attaching it to the
connector or just make sure that only the hex nut of the connector is turning, not the connector itself.
All outlets and telecommunications/equipment room connections must be labeled with mechanically-
generated labels per TIA/EIA 606-A.
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Section 12
Enterprise Design Guide
CommScope goes to extra lengths to ensure that our cables perform as promised. CommScope
solutions (cable and connectivity) are submitted to ETL for a very thorough third party evaluation.
This Total Solutions Verification, simulates real-world, worse-case situations by testing solutions from
among three different product batches, in multiple permanent link and channel configurations in two
different run lengths.
Testing installed cable is critical to establishing network performance and integrity. It reveals problems
like a cable bend tighter than its recommended minimum bend radius or a poorly installed connector).
Documenting the test results is equally essential as it provides a baseline for performance prior to
actual network operation. Documentation helps trouble-shooting efforts should there be problems
during turn-up and operation. CommScope recommends end-to-end testing for each installed (or
permanent) link as outlined in TIA/EIA 568 C.0 Annex E.
For example: a system powered by 850 nm VCSEL lasers is operating over 50 µm fiber with an at-
tenuation of 3.0 dB/km. The transmitter (tx) delivers -6 dB* of optical power. The receiver (rx) has a
sensitivity of -17 dB. The dynamic range of this tx/rx pair is calculated by subtracting the rx sensitivity
from the tx power (-6 dB - [-17 dB] = 11 dB). Subtract another 3 dB for a margin of excess to derive a
power loss budget of 8 dB (11dB - 3 dB = 8 dB). This means that the link can accept no more than 8
dB of loss.
In our example, the link is 500 meters (1640 feet) long and has three connector pairs (crossconnect,
patch panel and desktop). The TIA/EIA maximum loss allowance for a connector pair is .75 dB (see
page 112). Adding the fiber loss (3.0 dB/m x 0.5 km = 1.5 dB) to the loss from three connector pairs
(.75 dB max x 3 = 2.25 dB) establishes a calculated total loss of 3.75 dB (1.5 + 2.25). This is well
within power loss budget of 8 dB. It is possible for a link to deliver more power than the rx end can
handle (called saturation). In this case, a device called an attenuator is installed at the rx end to add
loss to the system.
*Technically, the power of active fiber components is expressed in dBmv (deciBels in millivolts).
Enterprise Design Guide
Fiber optic links should be tested for continuity and attenuation. The methods for fiber testing are 1)
using an OLTS (Optical Loss Test Set) which includes a hand-held power meter to measure the power
of a light source connected to the opposite end of the link, 2) visual inspection with a Visual Fault Lo-
cator (VFL) or 3) using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR - see page 124). OTDRs should
not be used in place of a power meter/light source to measure system attenuation. Testing should be
done at both appropriate wavelengths for the fiber type - multimode fiber at 850/1300 nm and single-
mode fiber at 1310/1550 nm - and bi-directionally. The VFL is used to determine if a fiber is broken
and can often be used to find the point of the break.
Patchcord #1 Patchcord #2
Patchcord #1 Patchcord #2
Patchcord #1 Patchcord #2 here
light here
light source disconnect tester
source tester Step 2: Disconnect
light the test here
patchcord from the optical power meter; DO NOT detach the patchcord
light source
from the light source. Add the secondtester
patch cord to the test meter port and connect to the first patch-
tester light
source cord. Measure tester
the total loss. If greater than 0.5 dB, the patchcord connectors must be cleaned and
light source
source tester retested. If cleaning does not produce a loss below 0.5 dB, than replace one or both patchcords until
a passing value is obtained. Do NOT reference out again at this step.
link Step 3: Disconnect the two test patchcords from each other and connect to the ends of the system
light link being tested. Use a previously tested and verified patchcord to connect the meter to the other
source tester
light end of the link. Record the displayed optical power (P2) which is called the ‘test power measurement.’
source tester The attenuation of the link is P1 - P2 or in this example (-10.0) - (-10.6) = 0.6 dB. In other words, this
source tester segment of the network will subtract 0.6 dB from the power budget (some meters perform this func-
tion automatically).
*Multimode fiber may show attenuation because of power loss in high-order modes. During testing, wrapping the
patchcord five times around a mandrel (or smooth rod) of 25 mm diameter for 50 µm fiber and 20 mm for 62.5 µm
fiber removes these losses. Be sure to unwrap the patchcord after testing. Refer to TIA/EIA 569 B.1 Section 11.3.3
for details.
Enterprise Design Guide
Horizontal link (100 meters max.) < 2.0 dB insertion loss at 850/1300 nm
(maximum of 2 connector pairs)
Horizontal link (100 meters max.) < 2.75 dB insertion loss at 850/1300 nm
w/consolidation point (splice or connector)
Collapsed backbone link (300 meters max.) < 3.3 dB insertion loss at 850/1300 nm
(maximum of 3 connector pairs)
For example, if all the pairs in a three-connector-pair link with a consolidation point were tested at the
permitted maximum of .75 dB, the loss would be an allowable .75 dB x 3 or 2.25 dB. Ideally, a con-
nector pair should produce no more than 0.5 dB of loss.
It is important to note that loss values must be as low as possible for links with extended lengths
(links beyond TIA/EIA standards).
The budgets above refer to TIA/EIA standard recommendations. Many CommScope products offer
performance tighter than the standard. Please refer to the our specifications and/or link loss calculator
to determine the loss budgets.
Every link should be documented by recording attenuation values at the tested wavelengths, the date
of test, the name(s) of the test personnel, the date of latest equipment calibration and a description
of equipment used (manufacturer and model number). Some power meters record and download
test results. In either case, store all test results with the ‘as-built’ drawings. Keep hard copies of this
documentation in the telecommunication rooms.
Many end users will require delivery of test results as part of the system commissioning.
Enterprise Design Guide
Test equipment
Improper calibration (also called improper baseline setup) is a common reason for a link to indicate
high loss. Follow the instructions on page 121 to make sure that your test equipment has been set to
the proper wavelength, that your test patch cords are good and that the equipment has been properly
set for the test to be performed. Review TIA/EIA 455-50B for detailed instructions on launch require-
ments for the light source being used.
TIA/EIA-568 C.0 Annex E suggests that a mandrel wrap and a Category 1 light source be used when
testing multimode fiber. This holds true whether the system is expected to operate at low data rates
with an LED as the power source or if the system is expected to operate a 1- or 10 gigabit Ethernet
with a VCSEL as the source.
Failure to use the mandrel on short lengths with the Category 1 light source will result in measurement
errors. All test equipment should be calibrated and certified annually (or more often as required).
Connector loss
Unacceptable power loss can occur due to poor connectorization or a lack of connector-to-connector
contact at the adapter. Visually inspect all the connectors in the link for damage. Clean all connec-
tor faces with a solution of 97% isopropyl alcohol and dry them with a lint-free cloth. A CommScope
inspection kit (shown at left) contains all of the items needed to inspect and clean optical connectors.
Visual fault location may reveal a fault within a patchcord. OTDR testing can be used to determine the
section of the link with the event (see page 124). Unkink or replace the cable as necessary and retest
the link from both ends.
If all these methods fail to resolve the problem, you may have to replace the cable or, in a backbone
cable, use a spare fiber.
Enterprise Design Guide
Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs) are attached to one end of a fiber to characterize the
fiber link. OTDRs do not measure power, but detect the reflected light of an optical pulse moving
through the fiber. While OTDRs are more expensive than power meters, they are indispensable for
testing multi-kilometer lengths of fiber. They can locate ‘events’ (i.e. stressed or broken fibers, splices,
etc.) over very long distances. Since the OTDR operates from only one end of the fiber, an opposite-
end light meter is not required. In fact, the fiber should be open (not attached to anything) at the far
Testing should be done at both appropriate wavelengths for the tested fiber; multimode fiber at
850/1300 nm and single-mode fiber at 1310/1550 nm. For accurate loss measurements, testing
should be done in both directions and the event losses averaged.
Like power meter testing, clean all connectors with a 97% isopropyl alcohol solution and dry them
with a lint-free cloth.
An OTDR will not pick up flaws close to its transmitter because the time between launch and recep-
tion of the reflection is so small that the electronics cannot detect it (this distance is called the ‘front
end dead zone’). In order to accurately measure events at the near end of the link, a launch cable
(usually a ruggedized 1 km reel of fiber) is used to connect the OTDR to the link (see diagram below).
The OTDR displays a graph called a ‘trace’ that shows the location and amount of loss caused by
events in the fiber.
connector pair
dead splice
Every link should be documented by recording test procedure and method used (i.e 526-14A method
B), loss measurements (including location, path and wavelength identification) and the test date.
Enterprise Design Guide
Twisted pair cable is generally used in the network’s horizontal segment. Test methods vary depend-
ing if the permanent link (the 90 meters from outlet to telecommunications room) or the entire channel
(the permanent link plus the 10 meters of connection/interconnect cordage) is being tested. Test all
permanent links and document the results. Some warranty programs may require additional testing -
see the warranty for details.
Permanent links and channels are tested for wiremap, length, insertion loss (or attenuation), NEXT
loss, power sum NEXT, ELFEXT loss, power sum ELFEXT, return loss, propagation delay and delay
skew. These are the same parameters used in testing cable master reels at the factory. A master test
report (CommScope provides these for Category 6 and 5e box/reels) is a good benchmark for the
expected performance of a link. Test reports are available at www.commscope.com.
Test equipment
Test twisted pair channels with a test set at one end and a remote at the other. For Category 6A/6
testing, use Level III meters; for Category 5e, use Level III or IIe testers. Exact testing methods will dif-
Permanent link fer because of the wide variety of equipment and features, but these general rules apply:
(90 m
remote max length) master
Prior to testing, field-calibrate the test set. Make sure the equipment is set up for the proper network
and cable type. Connect the test set and remote to the ends of the permanent link or channel either
through directly plugging the patch cords into the tester or by using the appropriate adapter modules.
The link must be tested at several frequencies from 1 MHz up to 100 MHz for Category 5e and 250
MHz for Category 6A/6. Worst-case values for link and channels are shown on the next three pages.
(90 m plus 10 m
remote for equipment master
patch cable)
Enterprise Design Guide
NOTE: Propagation Delay is 555 nanoseconds for channel/498 nanoseconds for link tested at 10 MHz.
NOTE: Delay Skew is 50 nanoseconds for channel/44 nanoseconds for link tested at 10 MHz.
Document each channel’s performance for the criteria listed above, the test date, the name(s) of the
test personnel and the equipment used (manufacturer, model number and calibration date). Record (or
download if the equipment has that function) the test results and store them with the as-built draw-
ings. Keep hard copies of the documentation in the telecommunication or equipment room.
Enterprise Design Guide
NOTE: Propagation Delay is 555 nanoseconds for channel/498 nanoseconds for link at 10 MHz.
NOTE: Delay Skew is 50 nanoseconds for channel/44 nanoseconds for link for all frequencies.
Document each channel’s performance for the criteria listed above, the test date, the name(s) of the
test personnel and the equipment used (manufacturer, model number and calibration date). Record (or
download if the equipment has that function) the test results and store them with the as-built draw-
ings. Keep hard copies of the documentation in the telecommunication or equipment room.
Enterprise Design Guide
NOTE: Propagation Delay is 555 nanoseconds for channel/498 nanoseconds for link at 10 MHz.
NOTE: Delay Skew is 50 nanoseconds for channel/44 nanoseconds for link for all frequencies.
Document each channel’s performance for the criteria listed above, the test date, the name(s) of the
test personnel and the equipment used (manufacturer, model number and calibration date). Record (or
download if the equipment has that function) the test results and store them with the as-built draw-
ings. Keep hard copies of the documentation in the telecommunication or equipment room.
Enterprise Design Guide
Fail Wiremap
This error is caused by improperly wired connectors and is easily discovered and repaired. Most
test sets will display a graphic representation of the problem (see diagram). Fix wiremap problems by
inspecting and correcting miswired termination hardware.
If the test set is correctly set and the length test still fails, the system may have to be redesigned to
eliminate the cable links that are too long (i.e. create a new telecommunications room to shorten the
distance to the work area). If system redesign is not possible, retest to ensure the cable passes all
other parameters. This link may be limited to slower equipment or services.
If the test set displays a distance to the failure, check that location for bends tighter than the minimum
bend radius or for overly-tight cable ties. Check for kinks in conduit; the inside diameter of conduit
decreases as it is bent, and these bends may be crushing the cable. If the distance to the failure is
shown to be less than 3 meters, re-terminate the connection on the failing end.
If re-termination does not solve the problem, swap the locations of the test set and the remote and
test the link from the opposite end. If the failure follows the test equipment (i.e. the failure was at the
remote end and after switching locations is still at the remote end), the problem is the meter interface
cable. If the problem location doesn’t move with the equipment, try replacing the outlet. If that fails, it
may be that the installation caused cable damage and the cable may need to be replaced.
Enterprise Design Guide
Post-testing problems
Some problems come up only when the active equipment is attached. These are a little more difficult
to troubleshoot and repair.
If installation testing rule out wiremap problems (see page 129/Fail wiremap), the most likely solution
is that improper patching has produced an incomplete circuit path. Disconnect the equipment at the
telecommunications room and the work area prior to testing the circuit path. Attach a tone genera-
tor to the cable in question, and use an inductive probe to check for tone at the far end. If tone is
detected, then the link is continuous. If tone is not detected, the link is not continuous and each seg-
ment of the link must be tested until the broken segment is found.
If the circuit is continuous, use a tester with a ‘noise’ check test to see if this is the problem. Note that
‘too much’ noise is relative; the ‘noise floor’ varies with the application. If the noise floor is too great
for the application, the only option is to re-route the cable to avoid the noise source (i.e. fluorescent
lights, high-voltage electrical cable, etc.).
Other problems
If the link light is on but the circuit is not working, the cause could be that the horizontal cable is too
short, and the receiver is being overpowered by too strong a signal. Solve this by using excessively
long patch cables at either end of the link to add extra insertion loss to the circuit.
Another possibility is that the cable is fine but the active equipment is improperly configured. Check
the active to ensure proper configuration.
Enterprise Design Guide
Coaxial Testing
Coax testing devices vary in complexity. At their most basic, a tester connects to an installed cable’s
BNC or F connector and generates a tone to determine if there are shorts (center conductor to
ground) or opens (breaks) in the cable. The most complex can determine the location of a fault to
within a meter.
Coaxial tester
The preferred hand-held tester reveals shorts, opens, miswires, reversals, split pairs, and shield con-
tinuity. Units are available for a few hundred dollars that provide this information as well as giving the
approximate location of the problem as a distance from the tester. A basic hand-held tester should
test for shorts, opens and length.
Instructions vary per tester. Please consults the directions that came with your unit.
Methods of operation will vary for each TDR; however, these are general guidelines for using one:
1) Set the velocity of propagation and impedance for the cable under test (refer to product specifica-
tions for accurate information).
2) Adjust the display for a sharp, clear baseline, and position the leading edge to a convenient starting
point or graticule.
4) Attach the test lead (coaxial cable test leads are preferred) to the cable under test. Connectors
should match the impedance of the tested cable.
5) Adjust the display and control settings to show the entire length of the cable. The control settings
can be adjusted to allow precise measurement of the distance to any impedance mismatch. Operator
proficiency and proper equipment configuration are critical factors in making consistent and precise
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a small network of 5 PCs and a shared printer make up a horizontal segment. All of-
fices and the telecommunications room have a telephone wired to a central PBX via a discrete voice
network. The data network supports 100 Mb/s horizontal links and concentrates at the active equip-
ment (an Ethernet switch) for 1 Gb/s transmission to the building’s equipment room. Sample labeling
is shown for the cables. A1-Axx connects to the fiber panel; A1-Bxx are data twisted pair; A1-Cxx are
voice cables.
Termination considerations
Using the formula for calculating the number of ports from page 69 (devices x 2), install 12 data ports
at the horizontal crossconnect and 12 ports for the voice connections.
Twisted pair cables are hardwired into the back of the patch panel. Connectorize fiber optic cables
1 meter
and plug them into adapters in the fiber panels. The patch panel is connected to thesquares
active equipment
by connectorized patch cords. A1-A01
A1-B0 1
A1-C0 2
A1-A03 A1-B03 A1-C0 3
Riser A1-A11 A1-A10 A1-A09 A1-A08 A1-A07
A1-C12 A1-B11 A1-B10 A1-B09 A1-B08 A1-B07
A1-C11 A1-C10 A1-C09 A1-C08 A1-C07
A1-A06 A1-A0 6
A1-A01 A1-B06 A1-B0 6
A1-B01 A1-C06 A1-C06
A1-C01 A1-A02 A1-A03 A1-A04 A1-A05
A1-B02 A1-B03 A1-B04 A1-B05
1 meter A1-C02 A1-C03 A1-C04 A1-C05
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum two-fiber 50 µm ...................................P-002-DS-5L-FSUAQ
components will be required
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum Media 6 Category 6 U/UTP .................65N4+
for any installation.
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum DataPipe Category 5e U/UTP .............5E55
210 meters (690 feet) bundled plenum....................................................Special order
Order these on an two-fiber IC/Category 6/Category 5e
as-needed basis:
Work areas (x 7 for total quantity)
2 wall-mount faceplates (only 1 for telecommunications room)..............no replacement yet
Telecom Racks
RK3-45A 2 Category 6 outlets.................................................................................UNJ600-XX
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog 1 24 port Category 5e patch panel (voice)...............................................UNP510-24
for other accessories.
12 LC connectors.....................................................................................MFC-LCR-09
Color Black Blue Cream Gray Green Ivory Orange Red Violet Yellow White
Code (BK) (BL) (CM) (GY) (GR) (IV) (OR) (RD) (VL) (YL) (WH)
Faceplate • • • • •
Outlet • • • • • • • • • • •
Cordage • • •
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 71 and 83 are the basis for this example which is slightly modified to add a voice connection
at every outlet and a phone in the telecommunications room (every job has changes). Thirteen outlets
will carry four Category 6 cables (one data/one voice/two for growth) and one two-fiber cable. All
desktops support 100 Mb/s and can migrate to 1 Gb/s. Quad-shielded Series 6 (RG6-style) coax sup-
ports a CCTV camera.
Termination considerations
Thirteen outlets times three data U/UTP equals 39 patch ports. Since growth is already figured in with
the extra U/UTPs, a 48 port patch should be sufficient. Thirteen voice circuits times two is 26; a 24
port panel should work.
Thirteen fiber pairs times two is 52 fibers, so a 48 port panel should be large enough.
1 meter
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management 262 meters (872 feet) of plenum two-fiber interconnect 50 µm...............P-002-DS-5L-FSUAQ
components will be required 1048 meters (3437 feet) (262 m / 872 ft x 4) of........................................65N4+
for any installation. Media 6 Category 6 U/UTP
4 Category 6 outlets.................................................................................UNJ600-XX
Telecom Racks
RK3-45A 2 LC connectors.......................................................................................MFC-LCR-09
Color Black Blue Cream Gray Green Ivory Orange Red Violet Yellow White
Code (BK) (BL) (CM) (GY) (GR) (IV) (OR) (RD) (VL) (YL) (WH)
Faceplate • • • • •
Outlet • • • • • • • • • • •
Cordage • • •
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 73 is the basis for this example page which connects five telecommunications rooms to an
equipment room. All TRs have active equipment for transmitting signals to the intermediate or main
crossconnects. The first four floors have 100 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s connections; the fifth floor has a full 1
Gb/s to the desktop and 10 Gb/s to the equipment room. The voice signals travel on their own net-
work with each voice circuit carried to the equipment room by 25 pair Category 5e cabling (six U/UTP
bundles per cable). Each story is 4.6 meters (15 feet) tall making the longest cable about 36 meters
(118 feet) in length.
Termination considerations
Use connectorized patch cords to connect the patch panel to the active equipment.
22 x 2 (1 Gb/s x 70%) =
6 fibers
30.8 G b/s 31 Gb/s
34 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
6 fibers
2.72 Gb/s 3 Gb/s
10 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
2 fibers
800 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
11 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
2 fibers
880 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
15 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
4 fibers
1.2 Gb/s 2 Gb/s
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
134 meters (440 feet) of 18 fiber riser cable................................................ R-018-DS-CM-FMUOR/
components will be required (six TeraSPEED 8 µm/twelve LazrSPEED 300 50 µm) 8W006/5L012
Enterprise Design Guide
This example is similar to page 138 except that collapsed backbones connect all the floors through
patch panels in the telecommunication rooms. The voice signals travel on their own network with
each voice circuit carried to the equipment room by 25 pair Category 5e cabling (six U/UTP bundles
per cable). Each story is 4.6 meters (15 feet) tall making the longest cable about 36 meters (118 feet)
in length.
A collapsed backbone is defined as a continuous link from the desktop to the equipment room. For
flexibility the link will be patched in the telecommunications room. In this example, plenum horizontal
cables are connectorized and patched to riser-rated cables.
Termination considerations
Use connectorized patch cords to connect the patch panel to the active equipment.
22 x 2 (1 G b/s x 70%) =
44 fibers
30.8 Gb/s 31 Gb/s
34 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
68 fibers
2.72 Gb/s 3 Gb/s
10 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
20 fibers
800 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
11 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
22 fibers
880 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
15 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
30 fibers
1.2 Gb/s 2 Gb/s
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
134 meters (440 feet) of 72 fiber LazrSPEED 300.............................R-072-DS-5L-FMUAQ
components will be required 50 µm multimode riser cable
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a factory has sales offices on the second floor and a management suite on the third
floor. Since the third floor has a relatively small population of twenty desktops and is located over
100 cabled meters from the second floor telecommunications room, the best combination of cost
and performance is to serve the area with a fiber enclosure (FTTE) with active electronics and a patch
panel. (NOTE: depending on the type and speed of the network, the suite may be served by a twisted
pair, fiber or wireless technologies.)
Termination considerations
The fiber cable should be connectorized at both ends with the connector system of choice.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management 150 meters (492 feet) of 6 fiber LazrSPEED 300.................................P-006-DS-5L-FSUAQ
components will be required 50 µm multimode plenum cable
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, the equipment room at a corporate headquarters is connected to a factory 200
meters away. Terrain considerations (in this case, a stream) indicates the use of messengered aerial
cable. Traffic speeds of 10 Gb/s can be handled over this distance by multi-mode fiber pairs (with
single-mode fiber installed alongside them for future growth). The connection to the local access vault
is an underground single-mode optical cable.
Termination considerations
The cables terminate at entrance facilities and will be mechanically or fusion spliced to pigtails.
IC 1
200 meters
100 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant central tube..........................................O-012-CN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 12 TeraSPEED 8 µm single-mode fibers
for any installation. 230 meters of messengered outside plant stranded loose tube .....M-018-LN-CM-F12NS/8W006/5L012
with 6 single-mode fibers / 12 LazrSPEED 300 50 µm multimode fibers
1 entrance facility...............................................................................WBE-FXC-024-WH
Telecom Racks
RK3-45A 1 splice clip........................................................................................SPT-FXS-SFS-CLP/3P
1 package of 50 splice protectors*....................................................SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example where five buildings are linked at multi-gigabit speeds using
single-mode fiber pairs. Triathlon tight buffered cable is being used for the campus backbone while
outside plant cable is recommended for the local access link. Indoor/outdoor cables eliminate the
need for transition at the entrance facility. Tight buffered fibers eliminate the need for breakout kits
and their associated labor.
Fiber count
The single-mode TeraSPEED six-fiber campus backbones provide a good upgrade path at minimal
extra cost. The single-mode 24 fiber cable for the local access link has enough spare fiber to accom-
modate growth. Loose tube outside plant cable is specified for the local access link.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
field connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them.
Tight buffered cables do not need to be furcated prior to termination, so furcation (or break-out) kits
are not necessary for the campus cables.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
to MC
100 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant loose tube cable........................................ D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 TeraSPEED 8 µm single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of Triathlon tight-buffer with 6 single-mode fibers............ Z-006-DS-8W-FSUBK
1 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example which is expanded upon on page 146. Five buildings are linked
at multi-gigabit speeds using single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that riser-rated indoor/outdoor
central tube cable has been installed in the buried conduit for the campus backbone. While not as
environmentally robust at temperature extremes as a pure outside plant cable, indoor/outdoor cable
does offer advantages in termination (see below). Outside plant cable is recommended for the local
access link.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 146. The TeraSPEED single-mode six fiber
campus backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The single-mode 24
fiber cable (a central tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber
to accommodate growth.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable used for the campus backbone does not require transition at the entrance facility.
The cable fibers will be field connectorized. Loose tube cable must be furcated prior to connectoriza-
tion (see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be required at each cable termination.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant central tube.................................................O-024-CN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 TeraSPEED 8 µm single-mode fibers
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 1 SC two-fiber patchcord per incoming...................................................FEWSCSC52-JXM010
CR-SLR-10L18W application from the service provider
24 single-mode SC connectors................................................................SFC-SCR-09
1 package of 50 splice protectors*...........................................................SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example which is expanded upon on page 148. Five buildings are linked
at multi-gigabit speeds using single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that environmentally-robust
outside plant central tube cable is being installed in buried conduit for all outdoor links.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight-buffered example on 148. The TeraSPEED single-mode six fiber
campus backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The single-mode 24
fiber cable (a central tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber
to accommodate growth.
Termination considerations
Outside plant cable requires transition at the entrance facilities at each building. Although the local
access cable could be terminated along with the campus cable at the main crossconnect (MC),
housekeeping practices call for a separate fiber closure.
The outdoor cable’s fibers will be fusion or mechanically spliced to single-mode pigtails. Loose tube/
central tube fibers must be furcated prior to splicing (see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit
will be required at each cable termination.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant central tube............................................... O-024-CN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with TeraSPEED 8 µm 24 single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of outside plant central tube with 6 single-mode fibers... O-006-CN-8W-F12NS
2 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 76 is the basis for this example in which five buildings are linked in a counter-rotating ring at
multi-gigabit speeds using single-mode fiber pairs. Triathlon indoor/outdoor tight-buffered cable is
being used for the campus backbone while outside plant cable is recommended for the local access
link. Indoor/outdoor cables eliminate the need for transition at the entrance facility. Tight buffered
fibers eliminate the need for breakout kits and their associated labor.
Fiber count
A TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pair can support present campus traffic. However, installing a six fiber
cable provides a good upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The single-mode 24 fiber cable for the lo-
cal access link has enough spare fiber to accommodate growth. A stranded loose tube outside plant
cable is used in this example.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
field connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them
Tight buffered cables do not need to be furcated prior to termination so furcation, or break-out, kits
are not necessary for the campus cables.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management 110 meters of outside plant loose tube.....................................................D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with TeraSPEED 8 µm 24 single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of Triathlon indoor/outdoor single unit ................................Z-006-DS-8W-FSUBK
with 6 single-mode fibers
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 1 SC two-fiber patchcord per incoming....................................................FEWSCSC52-JXM010
CR-SLR-10L18W application from the service provider
Ladder tray radius At each IC and the MC (x5 for total quantity)
CR90FCB-18W 1 rack mounted fiber enclosure with adapters..........................................RFE-SLG-024-SFA-SC06
Ladder splice kit 12 single-mode SC connectors.................................................................SFC-SCR-09
2 SC two-fiber patchcord per active equipment per application.............FEWSCSC52-JXM010
Ladder wall support kit
CRTWSBK-18W General
1 package of 50 splice protectors*............................................................SFS-SLEEVE
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog
for other accessories.
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 76 and 152 are the basis for this example in which five buildings are linked in a counter-rotating
ring at multi-gigabit speeds using single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that riser-rated indoor/
outdoor central tube cable has been installed in the buried conduit for the campus backbone. While
not as environmentally robust at temperature extremes as a pure outside plant cable, indoor/outdoor
cable does offer advantages in termination (see below). Outside plant cable is recommended for the
local access link.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 152. The TeraSPEED single-mode six fiber
campus backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The single-mode 24
fiber cable (a central tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber
to accommodate growth.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them
The cable’s fibers will be connectorized. Loose tube cables must be furcated prior to connectorization
(see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be required at each cable termination.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management 110 meters of outside plant central tube............................................ O-024-CN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with TeraSPEED 8 µm 24 single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of indoor/outdoor central tube with............................... R-006-CN-8W-F12BK
6 single-mode fibers
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 1 SC two-fiber patchcord per incoming.............................................. FEWSCSC52-JXM010
CR-SLR-10L18W application from the service provider
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 76 and 154 are the basis for this example in which five buildings are to be linked in a counter-
rotating ring at multi-gigabit speeds using single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that environmen-
tally-robust outside plant central tube cable is being installed in buried conduit for all outdoor links.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 154 The TeraSPEED single-mode six fiber
campus backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The single-mode 24
fiber cable (a central tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber
to accommodate growth.
Termination considerations
Outside plant cable requires transition at the entrance facilities at each building. Although the local
access cable could be terminated along with the campus cable at the main crossconnect (MC),
housekeeping practices call for a separate fiber closure.
The outdoor cable’s fibers will be fusion or mechanically spliced to single-mode pigtails. Loose
tube cables must be furcated prior to splicing (see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be
required at each cable termination.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant central tube................................................ O-024-CN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with TeraSPEED 8 µm 24 single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of outside plant central tube with 6 single-mode fibers ... O-006-CN-8W-F12NS
1 package of 50 splice protectors*.......................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
CCTV Network
In this example, a college campus is being monitored by CCTV cameras cabled to a central location.
The control room has both real-time monitors and digital video recording. The distances vary consid-
erably; four local cameras are within 300 meters (just under 1000 ft) of the control room, while three
cameras covering a remote campus are over 1200 meters (a little under 4000 feet) away. All cameras
have PTZ (pan tilt zoom) control, which requires electrical power.
The three more distant locations are being served with fiber optic cable; power can be taken from the
building or the light poles. All cables are directly buried or share conduit with other cabling systems.
Distances are shown plus the rise of the poles in the parking lots and the buildings, plus the usual
Termination considerations
The fiber will require the use of electro-optical converters.
4100 4100
meters meters
50 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
CCTV Network
Cable requirements
Cable management
600 meters (1969 feet) of RG6-style coax cable with power leg .................... 5654
components will be required OR
600 meters (1969 feet) of Category 6 Media 6 U/UTP..................................... 65N4+
for many installations.
14,000 meters (45932 feet) of indoor/outdoor two-fiber interconnect cable... Z-002-IC-8W-F29BK
with TeraSPEED 8 µm single-mode fibers
Order these on an Two-conductor electrical wire for PTZ at campus location
as-needed basis:
6 single-mode SC connectors.......................................................................... SCF-SCR-09
Telecom Racks
RK3-45A 8 BNC connectors for coax cables as required
Vertical Cable Managers 8 Category 6 connectors for the U/UTP cable................................................. UNJ600-XX
U/UTP patchcords............................................................................................ UNC6-XF-YY
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft)
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a manufacturing plant with several controlled entrances uses a variety of security de-
vices wired back to a central control room. Each door has CCTV, carded entry and motion detectors
as well as pull switches for a fire alarm.
Termination considerations
The cameras will use standard BNC connectors. Consult the manufacturers of the other systems to
determine their connection requirements. In many cases, wires are just stripped and terminated.
A= 80 meters
B= 20 meters
CCTV = RG6 coax C= 80 meters
Carded entry = S222USTR D= 60 meters
Motion detection = S622SSTR
Fire alarm = S218USOR
Each line represents
4 cables
Control Room
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
290 meters (950 feet) of riser-rated RG6-style coax cable............................. 5700
components will be required (2277V if plenum)
for many installations. 290 meters (950 feet) of two conductor control cable for carded entry.......... S222USTR
(S222USTP if plenum)
290 meters (950 feet) of six conductor control cable for motion detectors.... S622SSTR
Order these on an (S622SSTP if plenum)
as-needed basis: 290 meters (950 feet) of S218USOR for fire alarm.......................................... S218USOR
(S218USOR if plenum)
Telecom Racks
RK3-45A Termination
8 BNC connectors for coax cables as required*
Vertical Cable Managers
*Most security devices do not need special termination hardware
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft)
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a manufacturing plant with four controlled entrances will use twisted pair cable to
carry a variety of security signals back to a central monitoring location. Carded entry, CCTV, electronic
locks and motion detectors are used for all outside doors and a door above the entrance to the data
processing facility. All of these units have Ethernet twisted pair adapters and are connected to an Eth-
ernet hub above the door. Cables from each door feed back to the telecommunications room which
then connects to the security control room.
Termination considerations
The four incoming cables will be added to the existing data network, using four incoming ports and
one outgoing port for the connection to the security control room.
A= 90 meters
C B= 80 meters
C= 20 meters
D= 40 meters
E= 70 meters
Control Room
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
370 meters (1214 feet) of Category 6 Media 6 U/UTP...........................................65N4+
components will be required
16 U/UTP patchcord (one for each devices/four per door)....................................UNC6-XF-YY
for any installation.
Telecommunications Room
5 U/UTP patchcord (one for each door x 4/one to security control room).............UNC6-XF-YY
Order these on an
5 ports in the patch panel (4 for incoming and 1 link to security control room).....UNP610-24
as-needed basis:
Telecom Racks
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a small network of 5 PCs and a shared printer make up a horizontal segment. All of-
fices and the telecommunications room have a telephone wired to a central PBX via a discrete voice
network. The data network supports 100 Mb/s horizontal links and concentrates at the active equip-
ment (an Ethernet switch) for 1 Gb/s transmission to the building’s equipment room. Sample labeling
is shown for the cables. A1-Axx connects to the fiber panel; A1-Bxx are data twisted pair; A1-Cxx are
voice cables.
Termination considerations
Using the formula for calculating the number of ports from page 69 (devices x 2), install 12 data ports
at the horizontal crossconnect and 12 ports for the voice connections.
Twisted pair cables are hardwired into the back of the patch panel. Connectorize fiber optic cables
1 meter
and plug them into adapters in the fiber panels. The patch panel is connected to thesquares
active equipment
by connectorized patch cords. A1-A01
A1-B0 1
A1-C0 2
A1-A03 A1-B03 A1-C0 3
Riser A1-A11 A1-A10 A1-A09 A1-A08 A1-A07
A1-C12 A1-B11 A1-B10 A1-B09 A1-B08 A1-B07
A1-C11 A1-C10 A1-C09 A1-C08 A1-C07
A1-A06 A1-A0 6
A1-A01 A1-B06 A1-B0 6
A1-B01 A1-C06 A1-C06
A1-C01 A1-A02 A1-A03 A1-A04 A1-A05
A1-B02 A1-B03 A1-B04 A1-B05
1 meter A1-C02 A1-C03 A1-C04 A1-C05
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum two-fiber 50 μm cable..........................P-002-DS-5L-FSUAQ
components will be required
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum XL7 Category 6 U/UTP cable...............1071
for any installation.
210 meters (690 feet) of plenum PowerSUM Cat 5e U/UTP cable..........1061
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 1 five meter Category 6 patchcord cable.................................................CPC3382-0 X F 015
1 five meter Category 5e patchcord cable...............................................CPC6642-0 X F015
Ladder tray radius
CR90FCB-18W 1 five meter LC duplex patchcord cable (for fiber to the desk)................FEXLCLC42-MXF015
12 LC connectors.....................................................................................MFC-LCR-09
Color Black Orange Yellow Green Ivory White Gray Red Blue Violet Cream
Code 003 112 123 226 246 262 270 317 318 361 215
Faceplate • • • • • • • • • • •
Outlet • • • •
Replace the X in the patchcord part number with the code for the desired color:
Color Black Lt. Blue Dk. Gray Green Ivory Orange Red Yellow Blue
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Z
Cordage • • • • • • • • •
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 71 and 83 are the basis for this example which is slightly modified to add a voice connection at
every outlet and a phone in the telecommunications room (every job has changes). In this scenario, an
animation studio is leasing this space and will require high data rates to accommodate frequent trans-
fer of large computer generated imagery (CGI) files. Thirteen outlets will carry four Category 6A cables
(one data/one voice/two for growth) and one two-fiber cable. All desktops support 10 Gb/s.
Termination considerations
Thirteen outlets times three data U/UTP equals 39 patch ports. Since growth is already figured in with
the extra U/UTPs, a 48 port patch should be sufficient. Thirteen voice circuits times two is 26; a 24
port panel should work.
Thirteen fiber pairs times two is 52 fibers, so a 48 port panel should be large enough.
1 meter
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
262 meters (872 feet) of plenum two-fiber interconnect 50 μm cable...................P-002-DS-5L-FSUAQ
components will be required
1048 meters (3437 feet) (262 m / 872 ft x 4) of X10D Category 6A U/UTP............1091
for any installation.
Outlets (x 13 for total quantity)
1 faceplate (eight for modular furniture, five for walls)...........................................M12L-XXX
Order these on an
4 Category 6A jacks...............................................................................................MGS500-XXX
as-needed basis:
2 LC connectors.....................................................................................................MFC-LCR-09
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 1 five meter LC duplex patchcord cable (for fiber to the desk)..............................FEXLCLC42-MXF015
Telecommunications Room
Ladder tray radius
1 48 port Category 6A copper patch panel (data)..................................................360-1100GS5-48
1 24 port Category 6A copper patch panel (voice)................................................360-1100GS5-24
Ladder splice kit
1 48 port fiber rack-mounted panel.......................................................................360G2-1U-MOD-SD
Ladder wall support kit
4 modules with adapters........................................................................................360G2 Cartridge
Color Black Orange Yellow Green Ivory White Gray Red Blue Violet Cream
Code 003 112 123 226 246 262 270 317 318 361 215
Faceplate • • • • • • • • • • •
Outlet • • • •
Replace the X in the patchcord part number with the code for the desired color:
Color Black Lt. Blue Dk. Gray Green Ivory Orange Red Yellow Blue
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Z
Cordage • • • • • • • • •
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 73 is the basis for this example page which connects five telecommunications rooms to an
equipment room. All TRs have active equipment for transmitting signals to the intermediate or main
crossconnects. The first four floors have 100 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s connections; the fifth floor has a full
1 Gb/s to the desktop and 10 Gb/s to the equipment room. The voice signals travel on their own
network with each voice circuit carried to the equipment room by 25 pair Category 5e cabling (six U/
UTP per cable). Each story is 4.6 meters (15 feet) tall making the longest cable about 36 meters (118
feet) in length.
Termination considerations
Use connectorized patch cords to connect the patch panel to the active equipment.
22 x 2 (1 Gb/s x 70%) =
6 fibers
30.8 G b/s 31 Gb/s
34 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
6 fibers
2.72 Gb/s 3 Gb/s
10 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
2 fibers
800 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
11 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
2 fibers
880 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
15 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
4 fibers
1.2 Gb/s 2 Gb/s
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
134 meters (440 feet) of 18 fiber ................................................................ R-018-DS-CM-FSUAQ/
components will be required (six TeraSPEED/twelve LazrSPEED 300) riser cable 8W006/5L012
Ladder tray radius 5 12-fiber G2 Module with TeraSPEED LC adapters.................................. 360G2 Cartridge 12-LC-SM
5 12-fiber G2 Module with LazrSPEED LC adapters.................................. 360G2 Cartridge 12-LC-LS
Ladder splice kit
CRBSK 90 EZ-LC connectors™ (30 single-mode/60 multimode)............................. SFC-LCR-09 / MFC-LCR-09
Ladder wall support kit 45 five meter LC duplex patchcord cables ................................................ FEWLCLC42-JXM005 /
Enterprise Design Guide
This example is similar to page 170 except that collapsed backbones connect all the floors through
patch panels in the telecommunication rooms. The voice signals travel on their own network with
each voice circuit carried to the equipment room by 25 pair Category 5e cabling (six U/UTP per
cable). Each story is 4.6 meters (15 feet) tall making the longest cable about 36 meters (118 feet) in
A collapsed backbone is defined as a continuous link from the desktop to the equipment room. For
flexibility the link will be patched in the telecommunications room. In this example, plenum horizontal
cables are connectorized and patched to riser-rated cables.
Termination considerations
Use connectorized patch cords to connect the patch panel to the active equipment.
22 x 2 (1 G b/s x 70%) =
44 fibers
30.8 Gb/s 31 Gb/s
34 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
68 fibers
2.72 Gb/s 3 Gb/s
10 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
20 fibers
800 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
11 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
22 fibers
880 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
15 x 2 (100 Mb/s x 40%) =
30 fibers
1.2 Gb/s 2 Gb/s
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
134 meters (440 feet) of 72 fiber 50 μm LazrSPEED 300.................................R-072-DS-5L-FMUAQ
components will be required multimode riser cable
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a factory has sales offices on the second floor and a management suite on the third
floor. Since the third floor has a relatively small population of twenty desktops and is located over
100 cabled meters from the second floor telecommunications room, the best combination of cost
and performance is to serve the area with a fiber enclosure (FTTE) with active electronics and a patch
panel. (NOTE: depending on the type and speed of the network, the suite may be served by a twisted
pair, fiber or wireless technologies.)
Termination considerations
The fiber cable should be connectorized at both ends with the connector system of choice.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management 150 meters (492 feet) of 6 fiber 50 μm LazrSPEED 300 plenum cable..P-006-DS-CM-
components will be required
for any installation. Telecommunication Enclosure
1 wall-mounted fiber enclosure...............................................................100LS LIU1
Ladder splice kit 1 12-fiber G2 module with LazrSPEED LC adapters..............................360G2 Cartridge 12-LC-LS
1 fiber patch cable...................................................................................FEXLCLC42-MXM001
Ladder wall support kit
CRTWSBK-18W (NOTE: replace XX with connector type on active equipment)
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, the equipment room at a corporate headquarters is connected to a factory 200
meters away. Terrain considerations (in this case, a stream) indicates the use of messengered aerial
cable. Traffic speeds of 10 Gb/s can be handled over this distance by all-dry loose tube LazrSPEED
300 multimode fiber pairs (with TeraSPEED single-mode fiber installed alongside them for future
growth). The connection to the local access vault is an underground single-mode optical cable.
Termination considerations
The cables terminate at entrance facilities and will be mechanically or fusion spliced to pigtails.
IC 1
200 meters
100 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant loose-tube with 12 TeraSPEED fibers....... D-012-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required
230 meters of messengered outside plant stranded loose tube........... M-018-LA-CM-F12NS/
for any installation. with 6 TeraSPEED fibers / 12 LazrSPEED 300 fibers 8W006/5L012
Vertical Cable Managers Pair of G2 modules with SC LazrSPEED pigtails................................... 360G2 Cartridge
VCM-DS-84-10 6-SC-LS-AQ-Pigtails A
and 360G2 Cartridge
Ladder trays 3.04 x 0.45 m (10 x 1.5 ft) 6-SC-LS-AQ-Pigtails B
1 SC two-fiber patchcord per incoming application . ........................... FEXSCSC52-MXM010
Ladder tray radius
from the service provider
Ladder wall support kit 1 12-fiber break-out kit........................................................................... 12 Fiber Breakout Kit 760018838
1 1U rack-mount fiber shelf, sliding....................................................... 360G2-1U-MOD-SD
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog
for other accessories. Splice holder........................................................................................... RS-2AF-16SF
1 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example where five buildings are linked at multi-gigabit speeds using
TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. Tight buffered cable is being used for the campus backbone
while outside plant cable is recommended for the local access link. Indoor/outdoor cables eliminate
the need for transition at the entrance facility. Tight buffered fibers eliminate the need for breakout kits
and their associated labor.
Fiber count
The TeraSPEED six-fiber campus backbones provide a good upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The
TeraSPEED single-mode 24 fiber cable for the local access link has enough spare fiber to accommo-
date growth. All-dry loose tube outside plant cable is specified for the local access link.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
field connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them.
Tight buffered cables do not need to be furcated prior to termination, so furcation (or break-out) kits
are not necessary for the campus cables.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube cable.......................... D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 single-mode fibers
Ladder wall support kit 1 SC two-fiber patchcord per active equipment................................. FPCWSCSC32RM010
Campus cable connections at MC
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog 1 fiber rack mount shelf....................................................................... 360G2-1U-MOD-FD
for other accessories.
24 single-mode EZ-SC connectors..................................................... SFC-SCR-09
1 package of 50 splice protectors* .................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example which is expanded upon on page 178. Five buildings are linked
at multi-gigabit speeds using TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that riser-rated
indoor/outdoor all-dry loose tube cable has been installed in the buried conduit for the campus back-
bone. While not as environmentally robust at temperature extremes as a pure outside plant cable,
indoor/outdoor cable does offer advantages in termination (see below). Outside plant cable is recom-
mended for the local access link.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 178. The TeraSPEED six fiber campus
backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The TeraSPEED 24 fiber cable
(an all-dry loose tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber to
accommodate growth.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable used for the campus backbone do not require transition at the entrance facility.
The cable fibers will be field connectorized. Loose tube cable must be furcated prior to connectoriza-
tion (see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be required at each cable termination.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube....................................D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 single-mode fibers
1 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 75 is the basis for this example which is expanded upon on page 178. Five buildings are linked at
multi-gigabit speeds using TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that environmentally-
robust outside plant loose tube cable is being installed in buried conduit for all outdoor links.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 178. The TeraSPEED 6 fiber campus
backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The TeraSPEED 24 fiber cable
(a loose tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber to accom-
modate growth.
Termination considerations
Outside plant cable requires transition at the entrance facilities at each building. Although the local
access cable could be terminated along with the campus cable at the main crossconnect (MC),
housekeeping practices call for a separate fiber closure.
The outdoor cable’s fibers will be fusion or mechanically spliced to TeraSPEED pigtails. Loose tube
fibers should be furcated prior to splicing when using inside plant apparatus (see page 112) so a
furcation, or break-out, kit will be required at each cable termination.
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube....................................D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 single-mode fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube ................................D-006-LN-8W-F06NS
with 6 single-mode fibers
Ladder wall support kit 1 6-fiber G2 Module with TeraSPEED SC pigtails...............................360G2 Cartridge 6-SC-LS
1 SC two-fiber patchcord per active equipment.................................FEWSCSC52-JXM010
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog
for other accessories. Campus cable connections at MC
8 6-fiber break-out kits (two for each incoming cable).......................6-Fiber Breakout Kit 760018820
1 entrance facility.................................................................................SME-4-G2
1 splice holder......................................................................................RS-2AF-16SF
2 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Page 76 is the basis for this example in which five buildings are linked in a counter-rotating ring at
multi-gigabit speeds using TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. Tight buffered cable is being used for
the campus backbone while outside plant cable is recommended for the local access link. Indoor/out-
door cables eliminate the need for transition at the entrance facility. Tight buffered fibers eliminate the
need for breakout kits and their associated labor.
Fiber count
A TeraSPEED fiber pair can support present campus traffic. However, installing a six fiber cable pro-
vides a good upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The TeraSPEED 24 fiber cable for the local access
link has enough spare fiber to accommodate growth. An all-dry stranded loose tube outside plant
cable is used in this example.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
field connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them
Tight buffered cables do not need to be furcated prior to termination so furcation, or break-out, kits
are not necessary for the campus cables.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube .................................. D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 TeraSPEED fibers
Ladder wall support kit 2 SC two-fiber patchcord per active equipment per application........ FEWSCSC52-JXM010
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog 1 package of 50 splice protectors*......................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
for other accessories.
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 76 and 184 are the basis for this example in which five buildings are linked in a counter-rotating
ring at multi-gigabit speeds using TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is that riser-rated
indoor/outdoor loose tube cable has been installed in the buried conduit for the campus backbone.
While not as environmentally robust at temperature extremes as a pure outside plant cable, indoor/
outdoor cable does offer advantages in termination (see below). Outside plant cable is recommended
for the local access link.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 184. The TeraSPEED six fiber campus
backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The TeraSPEED 24 fiber cable
(a loose tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber to accom-
modate growth.
Termination considerations
Indoor/outdoor cable does not require transition at the entrance facilities. The backbone cables will be
connectorized; the local access fibers will have pigtails spliced onto them
The cable’s fibers will be connectorized. Loose tube cables must be furcated prior to connectorization
(see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be required at each cable termination.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube.................................... D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 TeraSPEED fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of indoor/outdoor all-dry loose tube.............................. Z-006-DS-8W-FSUBK
with 6 TeraSPEED fibers
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
Pages 76 and 186 are the basis for this example in which five buildings are to be linked in a counter-
rotating ring at multi-gigabit speeds using TeraSPEED single-mode fiber pairs. The difference is
that environmentally-robust outside plant loose tube cable is being installed in buried conduit for all
outdoor links.
Fiber count
Fiber counts are identical to the tight buffered example on 186. The TeraSPEED six fiber campus
backbones provide a comfortable upgrade path at minimal extra cost. The TeraSPEED 24 fiber cable
(a loose tube cable in this example) used for the local access link has enough spare fiber to accom-
modate growth.
Termination considerations
Outside plant cable requires transition at the entrance facilities at each building. Although the local
access cable could be terminated along with the campus cable at the main crossconnect (MC),
housekeeping practices call for a separate fiber closure.
The outdoor cable’s fibers will be fusion or mechanically spliced to single-mode pigtails. Loose
tube cables must be furcated prior to splicing (see page 112) so a furcation, or break-out, kit will be
required at each cable termination.
IC 2
200 meters
IC 1
patch from
1450 meters active equipment
patch to
MC equipment to/from
100 meters
2050 meters
600 meters
IC 3 IC 4
360 meters
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
110 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube.................................. D-024-LN-8W-F12NS
components will be required with 24 TeraSPEED fibers
for any installation. 5300 meters of outside plant all-dry loose tube................................ D-006-LN-8W-F06NS
with 6 TeraSPEED fibers
Ladder wall support kit 4 6-fiber G2 module with TeraSPEED SC pigtails............................. 360G2 Cartridge 6-SC-LS
2 SC two-fiber patch cords per active equipment............................ FEWSCSC52-JXM010
NOTE: See CommScope Enclosure Catalog
for other accessories. General
1 package of 50 splice protectors*....................................................... SFS-SLEEVE
*Note: If mechanical splices are used, see catalog for appropriate fiber management hardware.
Enterprise Design Guide
In this example, a manufacturing plant with four controlled entrances will use twisted pair cable to
carry a variety of security signals back to a central monitoring location. Carded entry, CCTV, electronic
locks and motion detectors are used for all outside doors and a door above the entrance to the data
processing facility. All of these units have Ethernet twisted pair adapters and are connected to an Eth-
ernet hub above the door. Cables from each door feed back to the telecommunications room which
then connects to the security control room.
Termination considerations
The four incoming cables will be added to the existing data network, using four incoming ports and
one outgoing port for the connection to the security control room.
A= 90 meters
C B= 80 meters
C= 20 meters
D= 40 meters
E= 70 meters
Control Room
Enterprise Design Guide
Cable requirements
Cable management
370 meters (1214 feet) of XL7 Category 6 U/UTP..................................................1061
components will be required
16 Category 6 U/UTP patchcord (one for each devices/four per door).................CPC3382-0XF015
for any installation.
Telecommunications Room
5 Category 6 U/UTP patchcord..............................................................................CPC3382-0XF015
Order these on an (one for each door x 4/one to security control room)
as-needed basis: 5 ports in the patch panel (4 for incoming and 1 link to security control room)
Telecom Racks
Enterprise Design Guide
Intelligent Infrastructure
The necessary monitoring of the equipment in the telecommunications room is provided by iPatch
Rack Managers.
The lead unit is a Rack Manager Plus (highlighted in green) and it resides in the first rack. Rack Man-
agers (highlighted in blue) reside on the other racks and report back to the Rack Manager Plus.
Rack managers monitor the individual ports on the racks. These ports can be any combination of fiber
and copper. A typical installation drawing is shown below.
Enterprise Design Guide
Intelligent Infrastructure
Fiber distribution
360 iPatch G2 HD Fiber Shelf, Slide...............................................360-IP-HD-2U-IP-SD
Copper distribution
With needed patch panels:
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Enterprise Design Guide
Armor the protective element added to cables; Backscattering the scattering of a fiber optic
it is usually made of steel, but can also be heavy signal in the opposite direction from its intended
plastic or aluminum course
Armored additional protection between jacket- Balanced Transmission refers to the transmis-
ing layers to provide protection against severe sion of equal but opposite voltages across each
outdoor elements; usually made of plastic-coated conductor of a pair; if each conductor is identical,
steel, corrugated for flexibility; may also be called with respect to each other and the environment,
armoring then the pair is said to be perfectly balanced and
the transmission will be immune to ElectroMag-
ASCII American Standard Code for Information netic Interference (EMI)
Bandwidth or Bandwidth-Distance Product
Asynchronous (or Async) a transmission and the information-carrying capacity of a transmis-
switching technology that relies on the use of bits sion medium is normally referred to in units of
or strings of bits at the beginning and the end of MHz•km; this is called the bandwidth-distance
the data payload; these are called “farming bits”; product or, more commonly, bandwidth; the
this technology differs from synchronous trans- amount of information that can be transmitted
mission, where the data payload is referenced to over any medium changes according to distance;
a clock the relationship is not linear, however; a 500
MHz•km fiber does not translate to 250 MHz
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) standard for a 2 kilometer length or 1000 MHz for a 0.5
for cell switching to route packets of digital in- kilometer length; it is important, therefore, when
formation, designed to accommodate burst data comparing media to ensure that the same units of
transmission; an ATM cell has fixed length of 53 distance are being used
bytes: 5 operation at bit rates from 1.544 Mbps
up to 2 Gbps; the standard defines both the Barrier a permanent partition installed in a race-
multiplexing and cell relay protocols way or cable tray to provide complete separation
of the adjacent compartment
Attenuation loss of signal in a length of cable
(in dB) Baud a unit for characterizing the signaling rate
of a digital data link or transmission device; it
Attenuation Coefficient attenuation expressed refers to the number of digital signal transitions in
as a function of distance (dB/km); sometimes one second; with some data encoding formulas,
listed as the Greek letter alpha (a or ) the baud rate is equal to the bits per second;
this would be the case with non-return-to-zero
Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR) calcu- formats; in others, such as Manchester, two
lated as the crosstalk value (dB) minus the at- transitions per bit are required
tenuation value (dB); typically, ACR may be given
for a cable, link or channel and is a key indicator Beamsplitter a device used to divide a optical
of performance for U/UTP systems beam into two or more beams
Backboard a panel, wood or metal, used for Bend Radius the radius a cable may be bent
mounting equipment before the risk of breakage or an increase in at-
tenuation, may also be called cable bend radius
Backbone the part of the distribution system
that include the main cable routing from the Bend Radius, Minimum the radius of curvature
equipment room to remote locations; this may of the fiber or cable that will result in excessive
include distribution to the same or different floors signal loss or breakage
within a building.
Binder Groups for fiber, the grouping of fibers
Backbone Raceway the portion of the pathway into units of 12, using a thread; the color code for
system that permits the placing of main or high- binder groups is: Blue-orange-green-brown-slate-
volume cables between the entrance location white-red-black-yellow-violet-rose-aqua for fiber;
and all cross-connect points within a building or for copper, group of 25 pairs identified by colored
between buildings material
Backfill materials used to fill an excavation; may Bit basic unit of information in digital
be crushed stone, sand or soil transmission
Enterprise Design Guide
Breakout Cable a multifiber cable where each Cable Bend Radius cable bend radius during
fiber is further protected by an additional jacket installation infers that the cable is experiencing a
and optional strength elements tensile load; free bend infers a smaller allowable
bend radius, because it is at a condition of no
Buffering a protective material extruded directly load
on the fiber coating to protect the fiber from the
environment; or extruding a tube around the Cable Element from Cenelec EN5017: smallest
coated fiber to allow isolation of the fiber from construction unit in a cable, may have a screen;
stresses on the cable e.g., a pair, a quad and a single fibre are cable
Buffer Tubes loose-fitting covers over optical
fibers, used for protection and isolation Cable Rack vertical or horizontal open support
attached to a ceiling or wall
Building Backbone this refers to a network seg-
ment between at least two equipment closets and Cable Sheath a covering over the conductor
the network interface for the building; see section assembly that may include one or more metallic
5 of EIA/TIA 568 Commercial Building Wiring members, strength members or jackets
Standards for the maximum distance for building
backbone segments Cable Television (CATV) the initials derive
originally from Community Antenna Television; the
Building Backbone Cable from ISO/IEC 11801: CATV industry or its networks also are sometimes
connects the building distributor to the floor dis- referred to as “cable” which can be confusing in
tributor, which may also connect floor distributors discussions of cable markets
in the same building
Cable Tray a ladder, trough, solid bottom or
Building Distributor from ISO/IEC 11801: a dis- channel raceway intended for, but not limited to,
tributor in which the building backbone cable(s) the support of telecommunications cable
terminate(s) and where connections to the cam-
pus backbone cable(s) may be made Cable Unit from Cenelec EN50173: single as-
sembly of one or more cable elements, may have
Building Entrance Facilities from ISO/IEC a screen
11801: provides all necessary mechanical and
electrical services for the entry of telecommunica- Cabling the twisting together of two or more
tions cable into a building insulated conductors to form a cable
Buried communications cable that is installed in Campus the building and grounds of a com-
direct contact with the earth; common installation plex; e.g., a university, college, industrial park, or
methods include trenching, plowing or boring military establishment
Buried Cable a cable installed directly in the Campus Backbone this refers to a network
earth without use of underground conduit; also region between at least two buildings; see TIA/
called “direct burial cable” EIA 568 Commercial Building Wiring Standards
for the maximum distance for campus backbone
Byte one character of information, usually 8 bits segments
CATV see Cable Television (Community Campus Backbone Cable from ISO/IEC 11801:
Antenna TV) connects the campus distributor to the building
distributor; may also connect building distributors
Enterprise Design Guide
Campus Distributor from ISO/IEC 11801: a line appear infinitely long; the ratio of voltage to
distributor from which the campus backbone current at every point along a transmission line on
emanates which there are no standing waves
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) a non- Chromatic Dispersion the effect of different
profit, independent organization which operates a wavelengths of light traveling at different speeds
listing service for electrical and electronic materi- within the optical fiber; this effect will cause a
als and equipment; the Canadian counterpart of change in shape of a pulse traveling within the
the Underwriters Laboratories (CSA T527 see EIA fiber
607; CSA T528 see EIA 606; CSA T529 see EIA
568; CSA T530 see EIA 569 Cladding the optically transparent material,
which surrounds the core of an optical fiber; for
Capacitance the ratio of the electrostatic standard fibers, this material is a glass, which has
charge on a conductor to the potential difference a lower refractive index than the core glass; mate-
between the conductors required to maintain that rial surrounding the core of an optical waveguide
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) refers to any
Capacitance Unbalance a measurement of a security video system
cable’s impedance based on a curve fit equation
using the cable’s raw input impedance; specified Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing refers to
by ANSI/TIA/EIA 568A but not ISO/IEC11801 wavelength division multiplexing systems with
relatively wide channel spacing (typically 20 nm)
Cenelec EN50173 European standard for ge-
neric cabling systems; based on ISO/IEC 11801 Coating the plastic protective layer(s) that are
applied to the cladding during the drawing pro-
Centralized Cabling a cabling topology used cess for protection
with centralized electronics, connecting the opti-
cal horizontal cabling with the building backbone Coaxial Cable a cable consisting of two cylindri-
cabling passively in the telecommunications room cal conductors with a common axis, separated
by a dielectric
Central Member the center component of
a cable; an anti-buckling element to resist Collapsed Backbone a star topology that con-
temperature-induced stress; constructed of steel, nects desktop devices directly to the equipment
fiberglass or glass-reinforced plastic; also some- room without going through a crossconnect the
times a strength element telecommunications room (TR)
Central Office (CO) refers to a phone compa- Color Code a system for identification through
ny’s switch or exchange location or the building use of colors; fiber specified in ANSI/TIA/EIA-598
that houses the switch; also called “serving -A “Optical Fiber Cable Color Coding”
office” and “exchange”
Composite Cable a cable containing both fiber
Central Tube (CT) refers to the type of cable and copper media per NEC article 770; can
that has the fibers housed in a single buffer tube; also be a fiber cable with both single-mode and
the fibers may either be bundled together with a multimode fibers
binder yarn, or loose within the central tube; the
bundled approach usually is used for counts of Compression a method to reduce the number of
12 or more; most central tube cables usually have bits required to represent data
multiple strength members on opposite sides of
the central tube Concentrator a device which concentrates
many lower-speed channels in or out of one or
Channel the end-to-end communications more higher-speed channels
path between two points including equipment
cords and patch cords; also a photonic com- Conduit a raceway of circular cross-section
munications path between two or more points of
Connecting Hardware a device providing me-
chanical cable terminations
Characteristic Impedance the impedance
Connector a mechanical device used to align or
that, when connected to the output terminals
attach two conductors
of a transmission line of any length, makes the
Enterprise Design Guide
Core Ovality a ratio of the minimum to maximum Demarcation Point a point where operational
diameters of the core within an optical fiber control or ownership changes
Count Loop Diversity loop diversity that assigns Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
circuits among different binder groups within one (DWDM) refers to wavelength division multiplex-
cable ing systems with very tight spacing in the same
transmission window; see also WDM
Coverage expressed in percent (%), represents
the percent coverage by the braid of the underly- Dielectric a material, which does not conduct
ing surface electricity, a material that is nonmetallic and non-
conductive; this term is typically used to describe
Crossconnect a facility enabling the termination a non-metallic cable
of cable elements and their interconnection, and/
or cross-connection, usually by means of a patch Dielectric Constant (K) the ratio of the capaci-
cord or patchcord tance of a condenser with dielectric between
the electrodes to the capacitance when air is
Crossconnection a connection scheme be- between the electrodes; also called Permitivity
tween cabling runs, subsystems and equipment and Specific Inductive Capacity
using patch cords or patch cords that attach to
connecting hardware at each end Dielectric Strength the voltage which an insula-
tion can withstand before breakdown occurs;
Crosstalk a measure of conductor uniformity usually expressed as a voltage gradient (such as
within a pair, hence the cable’s balance; the lower volts per mil)
the unbalance, the better the cable will support
balanced transmission Differential Mode Delay (DMD) the measure-
ment of the difference between the leading edge
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Colli- of the fastest path and the trailing edge of the
sion Avoidance slowest path of light through a multimode fiber;
this measurement is a type of modal dispersion
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) tele- within multimode fibers; DMD testing of fiber
phones, answering machines, or other termi- becomes more important with higher bandwidth
nal equipment located within the customer’s requirements
Diffraction bending of radio, sound or light-
Cut-Off Wavelength the shortest wavelength waves around an object, barrier or aperture edge
at which the propagation of one path of light can
Enterprise Design Guide
Digital a signal having a limited number of dis- ELFEXT (Equal Level Far End Crosstalk) a
crete values, such as two (a binary system) method to mathematically subtract out the ca-
ble’s attenuation in order to accurately compare
Direct Current Resistance (DCR) the resistance FEXT values from one cable to another; see FEXT
offered by any circuit to the flow of direct current
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) the inter-
Dispersion the cause of bandwidth limitations ference in signal transmission resulting from the
in a fiber; dispersion causes a broadening of radiation of nearby electrical and/or magnetic
input pulses along the length of the fiber; three fields; for U/UTP, EMI can be coupled onto a
major types are: (1) modal dispersion caused by conducting pair and cause circuit noise; crosstalk
differential optical path lengths in a multimode is one type of EMI
fiber; (2) chromatic dispersion caused by a dif-
ferential delay of various wavelengths of light in a Elongation the fractional increase in length of a
waveguide material; and (3) waveguide dispersion material stressed in tension
caused by light traveling in both the core and
cladding materials in single-mode fibers End User someone who owns or uses the prem-
ises wiring system
Dissipation Factor the tangent of the loss angle
of the insulation material; also referred to as loss Entrance Facility an entrance to a building for
tangent, tan, and approximate power factor both public and private network service cables,
including the entrance point at the building wall
Distributed Backbone a star topology that and continuing to the entrance room or space
connects desktop devices to the equipment room
through horizontal crossconnects in the telecom- Equipment Cord cable used to connect
munications room (TR) telecommunications equipment to horizontal or
backbone cabling
Distribution Frame a structure with termina-
tions for connecting the permanent cabling of a Equipment Rooms (ER) from ISO/IEC 11801:
facility in such a manner that interconnection or dedicated to housing distributors and specific
crossconnection may be readily made equipment
Drain Wire in a cable, the uninsulated wire laid ESCON (Enterprise Systems Connection) this
over the component(s), used as a common con- refers to a proprietary parallel signal-processing
nection transmission protocol as well as a data network
architecture, which were developed and commer-
Duct a single enclosed raceway for wires or cialized by IBM in the early 1990s; non-stop high
cables; a single enclosed raceway for wires or bandwidth data transfer characterizes ESCON
cables usually in soil or concrete; an enclosure in across distances up to 9 km with multimode
which air is moved technologies, and up to 60-km with single-mode
Duct Bank an arrangement of ducts in tiers or
groups Ethernet this IEEE transmission protocol stan-
dard uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
Duplex simultaneous two-way independent Detection (CSMA/CD) to transmit data in a net-
transmission work; there are three different network topologies
that support Ethernet transmissions: active ring,
ELFEXT see Equal Level Far End Crosstalk passive star and active star
EMI see Electromagnetic Interference Excess Length the extra length of fiber con-
tained in a cable; this extra length is present
ER see Equipment Rooms because the fiber does not lie parallel to the cable
Eccentricity like concentricity, a measure of the
center of a conductor’s location with respect to FDDI see Fiber Distributed Data Interface
the circular cross section of the insulation; ex-
pressed as a percentage of displacement of one FEP Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene
circle within the other
FEXT see Far End Crosstalk
EIA Electronic Industries Association
FRP see Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Enterprise Design Guide
Feeder the segment of telecom networks that in- between workstations and file servers, between
cludes equipment, cable, and other hardware for computers and storage systems, and between
transporting traffic from the switch location into other hosts and peripherals; the standard defines
the loop, usually to an outside plant equipment bi-directional point-to-point channels so that the
location where there is a passive cross-connect communications path or medium is not shared
or an active demultiplex function; feeder cables between multiple modes; a circuit or packet
can include high-count copper pair cables, where switching technology can be used to achieve
each pair supports one circuit, as well as cables multimode networking; the standard defines a
carrying electronically derived circuits; such hierarchy of serial data-transfer bit rates and sev-
electronic feeder technologies include “pair gain” eral families of transmission media and sources;
and “digital loop carrier”; “Fiber optic feeder the lowest speeds can be implemented on
equipment” usually refers to DLC or other access twisted pair, coax, and multimode fiber; the high-
multiplexers est speeds can be implemented on multimode
and single-mode fiber; the bit rates range from
Ferrule a mechanical fixture, usually a rigid tube, 132 Mbps to 1.06 Gbps
used to confine and align the stripped end of a
fiber Figure-Eight a type of aerial cable where the
messenger strand and the communications cable
FEXT (Far End Crosstalk) crosstalk that occurs are encased in a single extruded sheath; when
at the end opposite the location of the disturbed viewed in cross-section, the cable/messenger
pair’s receiver; Normally, FEXT is only important arrangement resembles a figure eight
in short links or full duplex transmission
Firestop a material, device or assembly of parts
FFEP Foamed Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene installed within a cable system in a fire-rated wall
or floor to prevent the passage of flame, smoke
Fiber thin filament of glass; an optical wave- or gases through the rated barrier
guide consisting of a core and a cladding that is
capable of carrying information in the form of light Flame Resistance the ability of a material not to
propagate flame once the heat source is removed
Fiber Bend Radius radius a fiber can bend
before the risk of breakage or increase in attenu- Flex Life the measurement of the ability of a
ation occurs conductor or cable to withstand repeated bend-
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) refers
to a 100-Mbs LAN standard that was developed Flooded Launch a condition in which the light
specifically for fiber; the standards organization is source exceeds the NA of the fiber
ANSI; the standard’s specifications at the physi-
cal layer include the optoelectronic component Forward Path transmission from the headed
footprint and interfaces toward the subscriber, also known as “down-
Fiber Optics thin filaments of glass or plastic
through which light beams are transmitted over FR-1 a flammability rating established by Un-
long distances and which can carry enormous derwriters Laboratories for wires and cables that
amounts of voice and data traffic; benefits in- pass a specially designed vertical flame test; this
clude high capacity, relatively low cost, low power designation has been replaced by VW-1
consumption, small space needs, insensitivity to
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and improved Frequency of a periodic wave, the number of
privacy identical cycles per second
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) a mate- Fresnel Reflection Losses reflection losses that
rial used as an alternative to aramid yarns for are incurred at the input and output of optical
strength members in some cables, either as fibers due to the differences in refraction index
central strength members or other strengthen- between the core glass and immersion medium
ing elements; the material is a resin with filament
filaments of fiberglass (not optical fiber); it is also Full Duplex simultaneous two-way independent
known as glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) transmission; a method used to increase trans-
mission throughput e.g. gigabit Ethernet where
Fibre Channel an interface standard for serial 250 Mb/s is sent bi-directionally across each of
data transmission developed for communications the four pairs
Enterprise Design Guide
Fusion Splice a permanent joint accomplished Hard Drawn Copper Wire copper wire that has
by applying localized heat sufficient to fuse or not been annealed after drawing; sometimes
melt the ends of optical fiber, forming a single called HD wire
continuous fiber
Harmonic full multiple of a base frequency
F/UTP a 100 ohm cable with an overall foil shield
and drain wire: formerly called Screened Twisted Headend facility in a CATV network where the
Pair (ScTP) broadcast video signals are transmitted into the
feeder and distribution network; headends are
GHz see GigaHertz linked together with supertrunks and are linked to
satellite downlink facilities with supertrunks
GRP see Glass Reinforced Plastic
Helical Stranding a stranding method in which
Gauge a term used to denote the physical size the elements are stranded in one continuous
of a wire direction
Gigahertz (GHz) a unit of frequency that is equal Hub a device which connects to several other
to one billion cycles per second devices, usually in a star topology or refers to the
facilities where all customer facilities are termi-
Glass-Reinforced Plastic (GRP) a strength nated for purposes if interconnection to trunks
member material, see FRP and/or cross-connection to distant ends
Graded-Index Fiber a fiber design where the Hybrid Cable an assembly of one or more
refractive index of the fiber is lower toward the cables, of the same or different types or catego-
outside of the fiber core ries, covered by one overall sheath
HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
Enterprise Design Guide
Impedance The total opposition that a circuit Insulation Resistance the ratio of the ap-
offers to the flow of alternating current or any plied voltage to the total current between two
other varying current at a particular frequency; it electrodes in contact with a specific insulation,
is a combination of resistance R and reactance X, usually expressed in megaohms-M feet
measured in ohms
Integrated Circuit A complex set of electronic
Index-Matching Fluid or Gel a fluid with an components and their interconnections that are
index of refraction close to that of glass that etched or imprinted on a chip.
reduces reflections caused by refractive-index
differences Integrated Messenger Cable aerial plant com-
munications cable with a messenger support
Index of Refraction ratio of velocity of light in cable within the outer cable jacket, also known as
a vacuum to the velocity of light within a given figure-eight or self-support
transmitting medium
Interconnection a connection scheme that pro-
Indoor Cable cable designed for use indoors; vides for the direct connection of a cable to the
these cables typically have a flame resistance other cable without a patch cord or patchcord
rating and are not suitable for the environmental
conditions experienced by outdoor cables Intermediate Cross-connect (IC) a cross-
connect between first and second level backbone
Indoor /Outdoor Cable cable rated for use cabling
indoors and suitable for outdoor environmental
conditions Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) a
public switched network which provides end-to-
Inductance the property of a circuit or circuit end digital connections; refers to a standard for
element that opposes a change in current flow, the simultaneous transmission of voice and data,
thus causing current changes to lag behind volt- including digital video, over telecom networks
age changes; it is measured in henrys
ISO/IEC 11801 International standard for generic
Infrared the range of the electromagnetic cabling system
spectrum from 780 nm to 1 mm; optical signal
transmission takes place within the infrared por- Jacket an outer non-metallic protective covering
tion of the spectrum applied over an insulated wire or cable
Infrastructure a collection of components, ex- Kb/s Kilobits per second, one thousand bits per
cluding equipment, that provides the basic sup- second
port for the distribution of all information within a
building or campus Kevlar a registered (Dupont) trade name for
aramid fiber yarn, which is typically used as a
Innerduct additional duct work (conduit) placed non-conducting strength member in fiber optic
within a larger diameter duct (conduit), also cable
known as subduct
KHz Kilohertz, 1,000 cycles per second
Insertion Loss attenuation caused by insertion
of a component into a transmission route/channel Kilo numerical prefix denoting one thousand
Insulating Joint a splice in a cable sheath Kilometer one thousand meters or approxi-
where the continuity of the sheath and shield are mately 3,281 feet; the kilometer is a standard unit
deliberately interrupted to prevent the flow of of length measurement in fiber optics
electrolytic currents which may cause corrosion
kpsi a unit of force per area expressed in thou-
Insulation a material having high resistance to sands of pounds per square inch; usually used as
the flow of electric current; often called a dielec- the specification for fiber proof test
tric in radio frequency cable
LAN see Local Area Network
Insulation Displacement Connection the type
of connection required by ANSI/TIA/EIA 568 for LC see Lucent Connector
twisted pair
LEC see Local Exchange Carrier
Enterprise Design Guide
LID see Local Injection and Detection for linking PCs together or linking PCs to a file
server and other data processing equipment
LT see Loose Tube
Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) the local phone
LSZH see Low Smoke Zero Halogen companies, which can be either a regional Bell
Operating Company (RBOC), or an independent
LASER Diode Light Amplification by Stimulated (e.g., GTE) which traditionally has the exclusive,
Emission of Radiation; an electro-optic device franchised right and responsibility to provide local
that produces coherent light with a narrow range transmission and switching services; with the
of wavelengths, typically centered around 780 advent of deregulation and competition, LECs are
nm, 1310 nm, or 1550 nm; lasers with wave- now known as ILECs (Incumbent Local Exchange
lengths centered around 780 nm are commonly Carriers)
referred to as CD lasers
Longitudinal Shield a tape shield, flat or cor-
Lashing attaching a cable to a supporting strand rugated, applied longitudinally with the axis of the
or cable using a steel or dielectric filament around core being shielded
both cable and support
Loop Resistance sum of conductor resistance
Lay the length measured along the axis of a and shield resistance (DCR)
wire or cable required for a single strand (in
stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to make Loose Buffered Fiber buffered optical fiber in
one complete turn about the axis of the conduc- which the buffer material is applied such that the
tor or cable fiber is not in contact with the buffer material;
typically, a gel is used to decouple the fiber from
Lucent Connector (LC) a type of fiber optic the buffer tube
connector pioneered by Lucent
Loose Tube (LT) refers to cable type with an
Light Emitting Diode (LED) a semiconductor oversized buffer tube that typically holds up to
light source without the coherent properties of a 12 fibers, with multiple tubes stranded around
laser diode; typically used for less than 1 Gb/s the center axis; in OSP cables, the buffer tubes
transmission usually are stranded around a central strength
LID (Local Injection and Detection) a method
of measurement used for alignment of optical Loss energy dissipated without accomplishing
fibers, typically used for optimizing splice perfor- useful work
Low Loss Dielectric an insulating material that
Line Cord see work area cable has a relatively low dielectric loss, such as poly-
ethylene or Teflon
Link a transmission path between two points,
not including terminal equipment, work area Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) a class of
cables or equipment cables cables made without halogens ( i.e. chlorine and
fluorine) to meet specific and strict fire safety
Listed equipment included in a list published by codes
an organization that maintains periodic inspec-
tion of production of listed equipment, and whose MAN see Metropolitan Area Network
listing states either that the equipment meets ap-
propriate standards or has been tested and found MUTOA see Multi-User Telecommunications
suitable for use Outlet Assembly
Enterprise Design Guide
Material Dispersion dispersion caused by dif- fact that some light travels within the cladding;
ferential delay of various wavelengths of light in a accordingly, the mode field diameter is larger than
waveguide material the core diameter
Mechanical Splicing joining two fibers together Modulation a process where certain character-
by permanent or temporary mechanical means istics of a wave, which is often called the carrier,
(vs. fusion splicing or connectors) to enable a are varied or selected in accordance with a
continuous signal modulating function
Media telecommunications wire, cable or con- Modulus of Elasticity the ratio of stress to strain
ductors used for telecommunications in an elastic material
Enterprise Design Guide
Nanometer unit of measurement equal to one OTDR see Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
billionth of a meter
OC-X (Optical Carrier - Level X) refers to the
National Electrical Code (NEC) identifies the basic line-rate in the SONET hierarchy of line
construction techniques and materials necessary rates; all higher speed rates are integral multiples
in building wiring requirements and was devel- of OC-1, which is 51.84 Mbps (example: OC-12 is
oped by the National Fire Protection Associa- 12 x 51.84 or 622.08 Mbps)
tion’s (NFPA’s) National Electric Code committee.
Committee members are professionals from the Ohm a unit of electrical resistance or impedance
electrical and insurance industries. The NEC has
been adopted by the American National Stan- Optical Receiver an electronic device which
dards Institute (ANSI). converts optical signals to electrical signals
National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) are Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
standards produced by the Institute of Electri- an instrument for analyzing fiber links which may
cal and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The NESC be used to locate faults and to assess splices
relates to outside plant cabling as the NEC does and connector interfaces; it operates by launch-
to the inside of a building. ing a pulsed laser input into the fiber under test,
then analyzing the return signal that results from
NEC Rated cable that has been certified as reflections and backscattering phenomena
plenum-rated, riser-rated or general cable by
passing of flame propagation testing OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s As-
sociation Outdoor Cable cable designed for use outdoors;
these cables are suitable for the environmental
Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) crosstalk that conditions experienced by outdoor cables, but do
occurs at the same end as the disturbed pair’s not typically have a flame resistance requirement
receiver; normally, this is the largest contributor
of noise because the disturbing pair’s transmitted Outside Plant (OSP) refers to all cable and
signal is strongest at this point equipment located outside
NFPA National Fire Protection Association PBX see Private Branch Exchange
Enterprise Design Guide
Periodicity the uniformly spaced variations in Private Branch Exchange (PBX) a private
the insulation diameter of a transmission cable phone system owned by a customer, which
that result in reflections of a signal, when its allows communication within a business and
wavelength or a multiple thereof is equal to the between the business and the outside world
distance between two diameter variations
Protocol set of rules for communicating
Personal Computer (PC) any general purpose
computer whose size and capabilities make it Pull Box device to access a raceway in order to
useful for individuals and which is intended to be facilitate placing of wires and cables
operated by an end user
Pull Cord cord or wire placed within a raceway
Pico a numerical prefix denoting one-trillionth used to pull wire and cable through the raceway
Pull Strength maximum pulling force that can be
Pigtail a length of fiber attached to a device safely applied to a cable or raceway
so that it can be spliced into the network; the
pigtails on some active devices also may have a Pulling Tension the pulling force that can be
connector interface; if one is comparing the cost applied to a cable without effecting the specified
of pigtailed devices, it is important to check the characteristics for the cable
specifications to see if a connector is included,
and if so what the connector specifications are Quad-shield four layers of shielding
Plenum Cables this type of cable meets specifi- RF see Radio Frequency
cations for plenum ratings (NFPA-262), and is one
of three types installed in premises networks; RFI see Radio Frequency Interference
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) a type of plastic mate- Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) the unin-
rial used for cable jacketing; typically used in tentional transmission of radio signals
flame-retardant cables
Enterprise Design Guide
Rated Temperature the maximum temperature Riser Cable cable designed for use in elevator
at which an electric component can operate for shafts, utilities columns, or other vertical shafts
extended periods without loss of its basic in multi-story buildings; because the cable
properties connects different floors of multi-story buildings,
it must be designed to meet safety codes that
Rated Voltage the maximum voltage at which an specify a low level of flammability; riser cables are
electric component can operate for extended pe- also used in telephone company central offices
riods without undue degradation or safety hazard to connect the equipment with the outside-plant
cable, which enters a “vault”, which is usually
Receiver an electronic package that converts below grade
optical signals to electrical signals
Rope Lay Cable a cable composed of a central
Reflectance the ratio of power reflected to core surrounded by one or more layers of helically
the incident power at a connector junction or laid groups of wires or buffer tubes
other component or device, usually measured in
decibels (dB); reflectance is stated as a negative Router a device that forwards traffic between
value; a connector that has a better reflectance networks or subnetworks; operates at the OSI
performance would be a -40 dB connector or a Network Layer (Layer 3)
value less than -30 dB; the term return loss, back
reflection, and reflectivity are also used synony- SC see Subscriber Connector
mously in the industry to describe device reflec-
tions, but they are stated as positive values ScTP see F/UTP
Reflection Loss the part of a signal which is lost SONET see Synchronous Optical Network
due to reflection at a line discontinuity
SRL see Structural Return Loss
Refraction bending of oblique (non-normal) inci-
dent electromagnetic waves as they pass from a ST see Straight Tip Connector
transmission medium of one refractive index into
a medium of a different refractive index STP see Shielded Twisted Pair, see S/FTP
Refractive Index a ratio of the speed of light Scattering a property of glass that causes light
within the medium, as compared to the speed of to deflect from the fiber and contributes to optical
light within a vacuum; refractive index is wave- attenuation
length dependent and is important for accurate
length measurement. Also the ratio of the sines Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP) see F/UTP
of the incidence angle and the refraction angle of
Self-Support see figure-eight
a media
S/FTP a 100 ohm cable with foil shields over the
Repeater device consisting of a receiver and
individual pairs; formerly Shielded Twisted Pair
transmitter, used to regenerate a signal to in-
crease the system length
Sheath the outer covering or jacket of a multi-
Return Loss (RL) a measure of standing waves
conductor cable.
independent of variation of input impedance,
measured with a load equal to the desired char-
Shield a metallic layer placed around a conduc-
acteristic impedance of the cable
tor or group of conductors; may be the metallic
sheath of the cable or a metallic layer inside a
Return Path transmission from a node in the
nonmetallic sheath
distribution network toward the head-end; also
known as “upstream”
Shield Effectiveness the relative ability of
a shield to screen out undesirable radiation;
RG/U “RG” is the military designation for “Radio
frequently confused with the term shield percent-
Grade” coaxial cable, and “U” stands for “general
age, which it is not
Side-Wall Pressure the crushing force exerted
Ribbon a parallel array of optical fibers, which
on a cable during installation
can be used as an organizational unit within a
cable; ribbons offer consistent geometry, required
Simplex operation of a communications channel
for mass splicing of product, and offer a higher
in one direction only with no capability of
packing density in large fiber count cables
Enterprise Design Guide
Single-mode Fiber optical fiber with a small Subscriber Connector (SC) a type of fiber optic
core diameter, as compared to the wavelength of connector
light guided, in which only one mode is propa-
gated Support Strand a strong element used to carry
the weight of the telecommunication cable and
Skin Effect the phenomenon in which the depth wiring; may be constructed of steel, aluminum or
of penetration of electric currents into a conduc- aramid fiber yarns, also known as messenger
tor decreases as the frequency increases
Sweep Test pertaining to cable, checking
Sleeve an opening, usually circular, through frequency response by generation an rf voltage
the wall, ceiling or floor to allow the passage of whose frequency is varied back and forth through
cables and wires a given frequency range at a rapid constant rate
and observing the results of an oscilloscope
Slot an opening, usually rectangular, through
the wall, ceiling or floor to allow the passage of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) a
cables and wires standard-or more specifically a set of standards-
for synchronous transmission; the standards
Spiral Wrap the helical wrap of a tape or thread include signal rates, formats, and optical and
over a core electrical interface specifications; the standards
organization is ASNI; the international counterpart
Splice a permanent joining of two fiber cables of the SONET standards is SDH
that cannot be easily disconnected; a splice will
provide the lowest power loss for a connection SZ Stranding stranding methods in which the
of fibers elements are stranded such that the direction of
stranding changes intermittently down the length
Splice Closure a device used to protect a cable of the cable; this method of stranding offers
or wire splice advantages over helical stranding in mid-span
access of cables where the core is not cut
Splice Tray device used within splice closures or
cabinets to organize and protect spliced fibers TDM see Time Division Multiplexing
Enterprise Design Guide
Telecommunications Room (TR) from ISO/IEC Tight Buffered Fiber buffered optical fiber in
11801: a cross-connect point between the back- which the buffer material is directly applied to the
bone and horizontal cabling subsystem; houses fiber coating
telecommunications equipment, cable termina-
tions and cross-connect cabling; formerly known Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) signaling
as the telecommunications closet technology in which two or more signals can be
transmitted over the same path by using different
Telecommunications Grounding Busbar a time slots or intervals for each signal; in telecom-
common point of connection for the telecommu- munications, this is done with digital signals
nications system and bonding to ground so that packets from two or more lower-speed
digital signals are interleaved into time slots on
Telecommunications Outlet (TO) from Cenelec a higher-speed multiplexed signal; in TDM fiber
EN50173: a fixed connecting device where the optic systems, the digital signals are multiplexed
horizontal cable terminates; provides the interface electronically so that resulting aggregated or
to the work-area cabling multiplexed high-bit-rate signal is transmitted
over fiber as a single high-speed signal; after it is
Tensile Strength the pull stress required to received and converted to an electronic signal,
break a given specimen it is demultiplexed electronically into the two (or
more) original signals
Terminal a point at which information enter or
leaves a communication network; the input- Token Ring a network protocol in which the
output associated equipment; or a device which stations circulate a token in sequential order; the
connects wires or cables together next logical station is also the next physical sta-
tion on the ring, used by IBM®
Termination Hardware an outmoded term; see
connecting hardware Topology the physical or logical configuration of
a telecommunications system
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
TSB Technical Systems Bulletin (issued by TIA/
TIA/EIA-568 Commercial Building Telecom- EIA)
munications Standard; the standard concerning
acceptable cabling and connecting hardware Transceiver a module containing both transmit-
performance for telecommunications infrastruc- ter and receiver; a “transceiver” is an example of
tures; “C” is the latest revision; this standard now a “transmitter/receiver pair” but other examples
has four parts 568 C.0 and C.1 cover general have separate packaging for the transmitter and
information, 568-C.2 covers 100 ohm twisted the receiver
pair, and 568-C.3 covers fiber optics
Transmitter electronic package which converts
TIA/EIA-569 Commercial Building Standards for an electrical signal to an optical signal
Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
Transmitter/Receiver Pair (Tx/Rx Pair) an ab-
TIA/EIA-606 the Administration Standard for the breviation used to note the number of “transmit-
Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial ter/receiver pairs” in the market for a specific
Buildings; the standard concerning, telecommu- application or customer group; a transmitter/
nications numbering and labeling, identifiers and receiver pair consists of one transmitter (laser)
linkages between components of the system plus one receiver (detector); they can be in a
combined “transceiver” module or packaged
TIA/EIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding separately
and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunica-
tions; the standard concerning grounding sys- Tray a cable tray system is a unit or assembly of
tems, practices, labeling and requirements units or sections, and associated fittings, made or
metal or other non-combustible materials forming
TIA/EIA TSB 72 Centralized Optical Fiber Ca- a rigid structural system used to support cables;
bling Guidelines (October 1995) cable tray systems (previously termed continuous
rigid cable supports) including ladders, troughs,
Tight Buffer cable construction where each channels, solid bottom trays, and similar
glass fiber is tightly buffered by a protective ther- structures
moplastic coating to a diameter of 900 microns
Enterprise Design Guide
Triaxial Cable a cable construction having three VW-1 a flammability rating established by
coincident axes, such as conductor, first shield Underwriters Laboratories for wires and cables
and second shield all insulated from one another that pass a specially designed vertical flame test,
formerly designed FR-1
Twisted Pair any of a family of data cables with
two conductors twisted together; the cabled pairs WDM see Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
may be unshielded (U/UTP), shielded (S/FTP) or
screened (F/UTP) WAN see Wide Area Network
UHF Ultra High Frequency (300 to 3,000 MHz) Water Migration the act of water traveling
through a breach in the outer jacket(s) of a
Underfloor Raceways raceway of various telecommunications cable, moving along the
cross-sections placed within the floor from which conductors due to capillary action
wires and cables emerge within a specific floor
area Watt a unit of electric power
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