B.E. (Production Engineering) Subject 1: In-Plant Training: Semester: VII

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(Production Engineering)
Semester: VII

Subject 1: In-Plant Training

Project Supervision and Guidance: 01 hour per student per week

Evaluation : Term work : 100 marks

: Oral : 100 marks


To acquaint the student with over all functioning of an industrial

organization, exposure to the organization Structure, various direct / indirect
activities and Procedures associated with the production function.

Hand on experience in tackling real appropriate case study and
investigative assignments.
An investigative and analytical approach looking at a problem in its early
and not in isolation the project report should contain problem definition and
objective, background information, possible approaches and approach
selected, data identification, analysis or investigation carried out, results and
Develop skill in presenting a factual report on specification directed study
stressing clarity, brevity and simplicity of styles

Detailed Syllabus

• Project areas

1. Product and process innovation and development.

2. Cost reduction, value engineering / analysis, method improvement,

productivity analysis and improvement, layout and material handling

3. Design of production tooling.

4. Quality control, SQC, SPC, TQM and rejection analysis.

5. Production planning and control.

6. Any problem involving analysis and investigation in production

technology, inventory, plant engineering, maintenance, stored and
purchase, process and tool engineering.

7. Any other areas of interest to the organization, connected with

technology and management

B.E. (Production Engineering)

Semester: VIII

Subject 1: Automation and Control Engineering

Hours per week : Lecture : 04
: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Automation

• Control System Fundamentals

• Low Cost Automation Using Pneumatics

• Hydraulic Fluid Power Automation

• Logic Gates

• Electrical Control Devices


1. Vickers manual on hydraulic

2. Control of Fluid Power by Pippenger and Pace

3. Hydraulics & Pneumatics for Production by Stewart

Subject 2: CAD/CAM
Hours per week : Lecture : 04
: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Computer Aided Design (CAD)

• Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

• Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)


1. Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing by Mikel P Groover

2. Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting by Donald D. Vorsnet

3. Computer Numerical Control & by G.E. Thyer

Computer aided Manufacturing

Subject 3: Economics, Finance, Accounting and Costing

Hours per week : Lecture : 03
: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Economics

• Money & Banking

• Sources of industrial finance

• Investment analysis

• Financial Accounting

• Cost accounting

• Costing

• Cost Control


1. Economics Paul A. Samuelson by McGraw Hill 8th Ed.

2. Advanced Economics Theory by M.L.Jhingan, Vikas
publication House.
3. Management Economics: Varshneya; by Sultan Chand & Sons.
Subject 4: Total Quality Management & Productivity Techniques

Hours per week : Lecture : 04

: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Introduction

• Policies and objectives

• Customer Relation and satisfaction

• Cost Of Quality

• Quality Improvement

• Vendor Relation

• ISO 9000, 14000 And QS9000

• Bench Marking

• Control Charts
• PDCA Cycle

• Productivity improvement Techniques


1. Quality Planning and Analysis by J M Juran

2. Total Quality Management by D H Bester

Subject 5: Industrial Management and HRD

Hours per week : Lecture : 03
: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Evolution And Development Of Thoughts

• Organization Structure

• Decision Making
• Planning

• Communication

• Leaderships

• Function Of Personnel Management

• Human Behavior

• Human Resource Development

• Compensation And Salary Management


1. Personnel Management And Human Resource: C. S. Venkataratnam,

B.K. Shrivastav
2. Principles of Management: P.C. Tripathi.
Subject 6: Sales and Marketing Management (Elective)
Hours per week : Lecture : 03
: Practical : 02

Detailed Syllabus

• Marketing Management And The Consumer

• Product Policy

• Developing Place Strategies

• Price Policies

• Pricing Objects

• Advertising

• Marketing Research


1. Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning And Control; Philip Kotlar

2. Marketing: A Management Introduction; J. C .Gandhi

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