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T −T
cosh(ML) − Tt − T∞
b ∞ Tt − T∞
√hPkAc kAc cosh(ML) − Tb − T∞
sinsh(ML) √
ηth = = 1.38
hAsf hL2 sinsh(ML)
In case of the infinitely long fin, the efficiency can be evaluated as:
hPkAc kAc L
ηth = √ 2 2 2
=√ 2 = 1.39
P Lh PL h M
Table 2.2. Soutions for a uniform and non uniform cross-section area fin
College of Engineering
Summer Session- 2015 Heat Transfer - ME 372
Dr. Saeed J. Almalowi, [email protected]
The effectiveness of the fin is the dimensionless parameter which can be measured the ratio of
the heat transfer from the fin to the heat transfer occupied by the fin without fin attached.
No-fin heat transfer rate:
q nf = hAb (Ts − T∞ ) 1.40
While the heat transfer from the fin can be evaluated from Table 2.1 and 2.2 as:
The effectiveness is
heat transfer wihout fin q nf
ε= = 1.41
hea transfer with fin qf
2.3. Bundles of Fins (Finned Surfaces)
Fins are often placed on surfaces in order to improve their heat transfer capability. Examples of
finned surfaces can be found within nearly every appliance in your house, such evaporator,
refrigerator, condenser, etc.
R fin = 1.42
ηhAs fin
R unfinned = 1.43
h(Asb − Nfin ACb )
The overall efficiency is defined as the ratio of the total heat transfer rate from the surface to rate
of the heat transfer rate from the entire surface (overall efficiency).
q total
ηo =
Atotal h(Tb − T∞ )
The total resistance can be evaluated as:
R total =
ηo Atotal h
Tb −T∞
B- q fin = Rfin
Tb −T∞
C-q nofinned = R
dѲ 1
+ Ѳ=0
dt τlumped