Mahendra College of Engineering: Communication and Soft Skills Laboratory Based

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REGISTER NO : 621515114115



ROLL NO : 215UME112


Certified to be the bonafide work done BY SATHISH KUMAR.A at


BASED during 2017 – 2018 his university register number is

Staff – In – Charge Head of the Department

Submitted for the practical examination conducted during at


Internal Examiner External Examiner





1 i) Listening Comprehension Exercise I 5
ii) Listening Comprehension Exercise II 6
iii) Listening Comprehension Exercise III 7
iv) Listening Comprehension Exercise IV 10
2 i) Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise I 12
ii) Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise II 15
iii) Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise III 17
iv) Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise IV 20
3 Error Detection 22
4 i) Role Play I 26
ii) Role Play II 27
5 Telephone Conversation 28
6 Face to Face Conversation 29
1 Introducing Yourself 31
2 Covering Letter 32
3 Resume 33
4 Presentation Skills 36
5 Soft skills- Assertiveness 37
6 i) Group Discussion 1 39
ii) Group Discussion 2 41
7 Mock Interview 1 44
Mock Interview 2 45
8. Oral Presentation 46

1. Listening Comprehension Exercise - I

Listening and Fill in the blanks:

Prof. Smith: Thanks for making the time to come and see me. As you
know there are a couple of things I think we need to
discuss about your progress in the course.

Angelina : Yes, I know, I'm glad you could make the time.

Prof.Smith : Not a problem. It's really part of my job to make sure everyone
enrolled in the course is getting as much out of it as they can.
If we just look at this spreadsheet which outlines your
assessment results so far, you can see that while your grades
were initially fine - certainly in the average for the year group
as a whole - towards the end of Semester One they've started to
drop off a bit.

Angelina : Yeah. Yes I see. I must admit that I had to take a fortnight off
just after mid Semester break, and I really felt that the work I
missed in those two lab sessions have made it really hard for
me to understand some of the underlying material required
for the rest of the course.

Prof.Smith:Well, thanks for being so honest, Angelina… I think we're

going to have to put some, think about putting some strategies
in place, so that by the end of year assessments you're going to
have a fair chance of passing.

Angelina :Well, yeah, thanks Professor Smith, I couldn't agree more but I
must admit I'm at the point where I don't really know where to
start to get on top of this.

ii) Listening Comprehension Exercise II

Brad : As I was saying, Professor Mitchell…

Lisa : Oh, please call me Lisa.

Brad: Yes, well Lisa, well I'm still trying to get my head around the
choice of electives for the optional part of the third year program. I
was thinking of taking personal taxation law, and company tax,
together with the extra five-credit-point course on goods and
services and VAT type taxes, but I'm a bit concerned that I'm going
to pigeon-hole myself too early in the course.

Lisa : Yeah, hmmm.

Brad: As you know there are going to be interviews for summer clerkships
coming up and I really don't want to come across as too focused on
certain areas that a lot of firms don't even do, have a practice in?
Lisa :Well, don't forget, um, only about 25% of the course at this stage is
elective-based and you'll still have that core of subjects — crime, legal
institutions, evidence, property law, general commercial and fed-con
law all of which would be of interest to a lot of firms, so if I were you,
which I'm not, I'd really just go with what my interests are, and enjoy
the chance to undertake some work in an area that I'm motivated to
pursue. Don't you think? There's an awful lot of time in this profession
where you'll be undertaking long, stressful hours on projects that don't
really interest you as much.

iii) Listening Comprehension Exercise III

Priya : Good morning, Ms. Rosencrantz. You're here to discuss your

essay? What's the problem, is your grade too high? (chuckles)

Rosen : Uh (nervous laugh) yes sir. I mean no, my grade's not too high.

It's, um, I was just, um, wondering...I got a B minus, and I was, I

just wanted to ask why. I worked really hard on it, and I thought I'd

get a, a higher grade.

Priya : I understand. And I know you worked hard on it. I could tell when

I read it that you put a lot of effort into it. Sloth is a problem for

some students, but not for you. Unfortunately, hard work doesn't

always translate into a high mark. But, remember, a B is a pretty

good grade, no?

Rosen : I know, it is. But I get mostly B-plusses and A's. So, um...could you

please tell me what's wrong with it, and how I can [false start] how

I can improve for next time

Priya : You don't need to apologize. Just learn from your mistakes and do.

Rosen : Yes, sir. Thank you for your help.

Priya : I'll tell you what, Ms. Rosencrantz. I wish more students were like

you. You're the only one, in a class of 30, that cared enough to

meet with me and challenge your grade. Congratulations! Just

because you had the fortitude to do that, I'm going to change your

mark from a B-minus to a B-plus.

Rosen : Really! Oh thank you professor Ammons. Really, you uh,

wow! That's great!


1). Why does the student come to the professor's office?

(A) To clarify graduation requirements.

(B) To ask about deadlines for a term paper.

(C) To discuss his grade on a class assignment.

(D) To receive help writing a master's thesis.

2). What does the professor imply when he says this:

What's the problem, is your grade too high? (chuckles)

(A) He thinks the student wants a lower grade.

(B) He knows the purpose of the student's visit.

(C) He does not think the student has a problem.

(D) He does not think that he can help the student.

3). According to the professor, what is the main weakness of

the student's essay?

(A) It lacks a clear thesis statement.

(B) It does not include a bibliography.

(C) It has too many grammar mistakes.

(D) It should have a stronger structure.

4). Based on the conversation, indicate which statement is true.

(A) The student received a C-minus on his essay.

(B) The student did not outline his paper before writing it.

(C) The student is in his senior year.

(D) The professor offered to change the student's grade.

iv) Listening Comprehension Exercise IV

Ballard : I see on your resume that you worked as a manager at Computer

Country. Could you tell me a little more about your
responsibilities there?

Carey : Sure. I was responsible for overseeing about 30 employees, I did all
of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of the inventory.

Ballard : What was the most difficult part of your job?

Carey : Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them very

often, but when we did, I needed to make sure they were well
taken care of. After all, the customer is always right.

Ballard : That's how we feel here, too. How long did you work there?

Carey : I was there for 3 1/2 years. I left the company last month.

Ballard : And why did you leave?

Casey : My husband has been transferred to Emoryville and I

understand your company has an opening there, too.

Ballard : Yes, that's right, we do. But the position won't start until the
middle of next month. Would that be a problem for you?

Carey : No, not at all. My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few
weeks, so we thought we would spend some time driving to
Emoryville and stop to see my parents.

Ballard :That sounds nice. So tell me, why are you interested
in this particular position?

Carey : I know that your company has a great reputation and a wonderful
product. I have thought many times that I would like to be a part
of it. When I heard about the opening in Emoryville, I jumped
on the opportunity.

Ballard: Well, I'm glad you did. Now, please tell me about...

Check Your Understanding

Choose True or False.

1. Carey was a boss at Computer Country. True

2. Carey knew how many computers were in her store. True

3. Carey liked taking care of angry customers. False

4. Carey's husband has a new job in a new city. False

5. Carey would be able to start her new job next week. False

6. Carey would like to work at Ballard's company. True

7. Ballard's company isn't liked by many people. False


Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a
process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms
capture their sun’s energy and use it to make simple sugars like glucose.
Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy.
Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they
fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms of oil, gas,
and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called

photosynthesis pigments that are contained within an organism.The most
common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color
characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments
that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may
be not only but brown, blue or even black.

In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by

chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon
dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few
carbon-containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds.
Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form.
This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was
absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple
sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic
compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the
oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean,
was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly
replenishes the earth oxygen supply.

Organisms that are cap of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy the need
from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are
the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the
most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food
and must obtain energy organic matter. These are called heterotrophs


1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

[ ] The process of absorbing solar energy
[ ] The process of converting solar energy into organic molecules
[ ] The process of carbon fixation
[ ] The difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs

2. The phrase “is caused by” in the passage is closest in meaning to

[ ] comes from
[ ] is triggered by
[ ] is spurred on
[ ] is created by

3. Earth’s main source of energy is

[ ] oxygen
[ ] glucose
[ ] the sun
[ ] carbon dioxide

4. All of the following are sources of energy EXCEPT

[ ] oil
[ ] glucose
[ ] sun
[ ] rocks

5. Look at the word THEY in the passage.

THEY refers to ----------------------------------------

6. All the following are the characteristics of chlorophyll EXCEPT

[ ] photosynthetic chemical pigments
[ ] most common pigment
[ ] common in animals
[ ] causes the green color in plants

7. Look at the word CAPTURED in the passage.

Which is the word or phrase in thebold text that is closest meaning
to CAPTURED - ----------------------------
8. Which of the following is not true?
[ ] Glucose is produced by carbon fixation
[ ] Carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose
[ ] Solar energy, absorbed by chlorophyll, is stored as glucose
[ ] Chlorophyll is used as chemical energy in the form of glucose

9. Photosynthesis produces all the following EXCEPT

[ ] oxygen [
] glucose
[ ] chlorophyll
[ ] simple sugars

10. The word REPLENISHES in the passage is closest in meaning to

[ ] provides
[ ] restores [
] fulfills
[ ] creates


When a society undergoes rapid social change, its religion is likely to

be affected. At sometimes, people may feel disillusioned, or dissatisfied,
their conservative, established religion may be incapable of changing to
accommodate their new needs. Under these circumstances, which may be
associated with revitalization, a prophet – a charismatic leader, usually male,
who offers solution in times of extreme social unrest – may emerge. A
prophet is typically a person who has undergone some intense spiritual
experience: perhaps a spirit has shown him new truths and new ways of
behaving, or urged him to return to traditional ways. As a result of this
experience, the prophet usually feels he has a mission to fulfill among his
fellows, and if he is convincing he may develop a following.

The charismatic prophets who emerged among the Native Americans

Plains during the last decades of the nineteenth century are illustrative. At
the time, Plains groups were undergoing cultural deprivation. White people
had seized their land and herded them onto reservations. Alcoholism,
measles, and whooping cough, introduced by whites, had killed thousands.
The relentless westbound expansion of white pioneers had left massacres
and broken peace treaties in its wake, and Native Americans were growing
increasingly frustrated and desperate.
In this context, a series of charismatic Native Americans prophets
emerged, predicting that-if people would only follow them-the whites would
be wiped out, the bison would return, lands would be recovered, sickness
and death would disappear, dead kinsmen would be restored to life, and
everlasting prosperity and happiness would reign. All that was needed to
bring about the millennium was that people have faith, pray, and repeatedly
perform a ritual called the Ghost dance. The ghost dancing was widely
practiced, but to no avail.
The Jesus of the Christian religion, a man who broke away from
religious orthodoxy during a time of social upheaval, is another example of a
prophet. Jesus persuaded people to give up their ways of life and become his
lifelong disciples. After his death, the church he founded continued under
the leadership of one of his followers, Peter, and eventually became an

1 .What is the best title for the passage?
[ ] A history of religion
[ ] The origin of Religion
[ ] The birth of a Prophet
[ ] The need for Religion

2. All of the following may cause the need for prophet EXCEPT
[ ] famine
[ ] pollution
[ ] an economic crisis
[ ] natural disasters

3. Accommodateis closest in meaning to

[ ] understand
[ ] listen
[ ] satisfy
[ ] recognize

4. The passage suggests that prophets

[ ] often see ghosts
[ ] talk to the dead
[ ] undergo mystical experience
[ ] are radical revolutionaries

5. Before the arrival of Whites, Indians

[ ] were self sufficient
[ ] were hardly intoxicated
[ ] were not dissatisfied
[ ] were hunter gatherers

6. The word herded in the passage is closest in meaning to

[ ] forced
[ ] drove
[ ] reared
[ ] supervised

Reading Comprehension III

A young couple entered the restaurant in Andy’s view. They were holding
hands .Andy sat back down in his chair. He felt sick. He turned and faced his
father, who was eating xôi.

“What’s the matter, son?” asked his father. “I thought you were going to the
birthday party.”

“It’s too late.”

“Are you sure?”
Andy nodded. He looked at the plate of xôi. He wanted to bury his face in it.

“Hi, Andy.” A voice came from behind. Andy looked up. He recognized the
beautiful face, and he refused to meet her eyes. “Hi, Jennifer,” muttered
Andy, looking at the floor.“You didn’t miss much, Andy. The party was
dead. I was looking for you, hoping you could give me a ride home. Then I
met Tim, and he was bored like me. And he said he’d take me home….
Andy, do you want to eat with us? I’ll introduce you to Tim.”

Andy said, “No, I’m eating xôi with my father.”

“Well, I’ll see you in school then, okay?”

“Yeah.” And Andy watched her socks move away from his view.Andy
grabbed a chunk of xôi. The rice and beans stuck to his fingernails. He
placed the chunk in his mouth and pulled it away from his fingers with his
teeth. There was a dry bitter taste. But nothing could be as bitter as he was,
so he chewed some more. The bitterness faded as the xôi became softer in
his mouth, but it was still tasteless. He could hear the young couple talk and
giggle. Their words and laughter and the sounds of his own chewing mixed
into a sticky mess. The words were bitter and the laughter was tasteless, and
once he began to understand this, he tasted the sweetness of xôi.

Andy enjoyed swallowing the sticky mess down. Andy swallowed
everything down—sweetness and bitterness and nothingness and what he
thought was love.

1. Who is telling this story?
A. Jennifer
B. Andy
C. Tim
D. Andy’s father
E. An unnamed narrator

2. What is the most reasonable conclusion to make from the

statement in the first paragraph, “He felt sick.”?
A. Eating xoi with his father gave Andy a stomachache.
B. Andy was upset when he saw Jennifer holding hands with Tim.
C. Andy was unhappy about the restaurant his father had selected.
D. Andy was upset with Jennifer for making him miss the party.
E. Andy mistakenly thought that Tim was his best friend.

3. According to the passage, Tim would most likely describe the

party as:
A. mysterious.
B. lively.
C. dull.
D. upsetting.
E. remarkable.
4. Based on the last paragraph, it can be most reasonably inferred that
Andy’s increasing enjoyment of eating xôi was related to:
A. hearing Tim and Jennifer laughing and talking.
B. the fact that it stuck to his fingernails.
C. sitting at a table with Tim and Jennifer while he ate.
D. the fact that his father made the xôi.
E. seeing Tim and Jennifer eating xôi.

5. This passage is mainly about the relationship between:

A. Andy and his father.
B. Andy and Tim.
C. Andy’s father and Tim.
D. Jennifer and Tim.
E. Jennifer and Andy.

Reading Comprehension IV

Until widespread clearing of land began after 1861, the Tweed Valley, from
the beach dunes to the mountains, was covered by dense wetland forests and
rainforest. The rainforest had plenty of red cedar, which grew along the river
banks and over the floodplains and foothills. Some of these trees were huge,
up to sixty metres tall and as much as two thousand years old. Cedar was
highly valued for its light weight, rich pink to red colours and interesting
grain patterns. The tall trees provided magnificent lengths for the mills. Much
early Australian furniture was made from cedar.

The timber of the Tweed Valley was felled close to the river banks and then
was tied and floated downstream to the river mouth for shipping to the big
cities. The river provided the only means of removing the timber, because the
felled trees were so bulky.

By the 1870s, the cedar industry was in decline. Land cleared for farming was
on the increase and easily obtainable, and large cedar trees were becoming
scarce. It was purely an extractive industry, which put nothing back. Given
that many original trees were thousands of years old, it would have been
hundreds of years before the plantings could have been harvested in any case.

1.Tweed Valley cedar was valued in colonial Australia for all the following
reasons EXCEPT:
A: the trees were easy to fell and remove.
B: the timber was sought after for furniture making.
C: the timber was light in weight.
D: the timber was prized for its colour and grain variations.
E: the tree trunks were long and straight.

2.Which of the following can we say caused the decline of the cedar
industry? A: Suitable trees closer to the river grew scarce.
B: Clearing for farming land was reducing the rainforest.
C: Felled trees were not replaced.
D: A and B together.
E: B and C together.

3.The word gregarious in the above sentence

means: A: well-travelled
B: retiring
C: adaptable
D: chatty
E: companionable


I . One of th ese pa rts contains an e rror .

1 . H e wa s q u i t e a mu s i n g wh e n h e h e a r d wh a t h a

2 . Tu r n l e f t b y t h e c r o s s r o a d s wh e n yo u r e a c h i t

. 3 . H e h a s b e e n w o r k i n g h e r e f or s o me t i me s .

4 . H e s t o p p e d t o s e e i f h e c o u l d p ic k e d u p t h e t r a i l . 5

. Al t h o u g h h e ju mp e d a s i d e , b u t t h e s t o n e h i t h i m .

6 . I d e c i d e d t o c l i mb e d t o t h e t o p o f t h e h i l l t o g e t a b e t

7 . H e ju mp e d d o wn a f t e r s h o u t e d a w a r n i n g t o t h o s e s t

8 . A f t e r a f e w mi n u t e s , I l o o k u p a n d s a w t h a t i t wa s g e t

9 . I s a w t h e b l i n d ma n c r o s s e d t h e b u s y r o a d wi t h o
ut a n y h e l p .

1 0 . Th e r o b b e r g a v e t h e v i c t i m wi t h a h a r d b l o w .


1. H e wa s q u i t e a mused h e n h e h e a r d wh a t h a d h a p p e n e d .
2. T u r n l e f t a t t h e c r o s s r o a d s wh e n yo u r e a c h i t .
3. H e h a s b e e n w o r k i n g h e r e f o r so me ti mes .
4. H e s t o p p e d t o s e e i f h e c o u l d pi c k u p t h e t r a i l .
5. Al t h o u g h h e ju mp e d a s i d e , ye t t h e s t o n e h i t h i m .

6. I d e c i d e d t o cli mb t o t h e t o p o f t h e h i l l t o g e t a b e t t e r
7. H e ju mp e d d ow n a f t e r sho uting a w a r n i n g t o t h o s e
s t a n d i n g b e l ow
8. A f t e r a f e w mi n u t e s , I loo ke d u p a n d s a w t h a t i t w a s

9. I s a w t h e b l in d ma n crossing t h e b u s y r o a d wi th o u t a n y
10. Th e r o b b e r g a v e t h e v i c t i m a h a r d b l o w .


1. Incorrec : I have a good news for you.

Correct : I have good news for you

2. Incorrect : The men are national beings.

Correct : Men are national beings.

3. Incorrect : The boys leave the school at four o'clock.

Correct : The boys leave school at four o'clock.

4. Incorr : He sent a word that he would come soon.

Correct : He sent word that he would come soon.

5. Incorrect : I have read the Shakespeare'sMacbeth.

Correct : I have read Shakespeare'sMacbeth

6. Incorrect : You cannot set a foot in this house.

Correct : You cannot set foot in this house.

7. Incorrect : The envy is an evil passion.

Correct : Envy is an evil passion.

8. Incorrect : He has not yet gone to the bed.

Correct : He has not yet gone to bed.

9. Incorrect : He is Daniel in judgment.

Correct : He is a Daniel in judgment.

10. Incorrect : He made very wise decision.

Correct : He made a very wise decision.

11. Incorrect : Fire broke out in our village.

Correct : A fire broke out in our village.

12. Incorrect : Andamans are a group of islands.

Correct : The Andamans are a group of islands


1 .I read books and sometimes did some homeworks. 2

.He tried to please her by all possible mean.

3. No sooner he heard the news than he wept aloud.

4 .He took medicine because he might get well soon.

5 .He was scolded as well as beaten.

6 .I rely on you doing this.

7 .I insisted to have my allowance paid now.

8 .Her father prevented her to go out.

9. The sky isn't cloudy, is it ? Yes, it isn't.


1 .I read books and sometimes did some homework.

2 .He tried to please her by all possible means.

3. No sooner had he heard the news than he wept aloud. 4

.He took medicine so that he might get well soon.

5 .He was beaten as well as scolded.

6 .I rely on your doing this.

7 .I insisted on having my allowance paid now.

8 .Her father prevented her from going out.

9. The sky isn't cloudy, is it? No, it isn't.


Situation : Students reunion at college after 10 years

Participants : Soundarapandian

Samy : Hello! Do you recognize me?

Soundar : Well! I think I do, Asha, isn’t it?
Samy : No!
Soundar : Let me guess again, Arun?
Samy : No way, Arun is right behind you, Hey Arun, here’s a dear
classmate who cannot tell the difference between the two of us.
Soundar : Hey! Now I know, it’s Arun! By the way what are the two of
you doing these days?
Samy : I teach at Mahendra Engineering College and Arun is at ICFAI.
What are you upto?
Soundar : I am still with NIMHANS - it’s getting to be rather boring these
days. Heard Murali has come all the way from the States to
attend this reunion. Let’s go find him.
Samy : Must see Sara too. She promised to come


Situation : Meeting at a restaurant.

Participant: Soundar, Sathish


Soundar : Hi Rahul. What news?

Sathish : We are planning to visit Chennai in the month of February.
Why don’t you join us?
Soundar : Certainly I will. Which places are you going to visit?
Sathish : We want to visit the Legislative Assembly and the museum in
addition to other places of interest.
Soundar : In those cases, you should get prior permission. You should
write to the Assembly Secretary
Sathish : Can you help us in drafting the letter?
Soundar : Tell me the date of visit, the number of persons and time.
Sathish : We are group often and we would like to visit the assembly on
25.04.2011 at about 11 a.m.
Soundar : Ok I shall draft it neatly.
Sathish : Thank You



When you get a telephone call from an English speaker, you

should be able to instantly speak English. Take a telephone message from
a native speaker. Speak as fast as a native speaker. Control the
conversation. Do not use eye contact or gestures. Check to make sure you
wrote the information correctly.


You will be able to take a message from a native

speaker without getting nervous.
You will make a good impression on your co-workers and on
the person you are talking to on the phone.


A : Hello. BSNL Corporation. P.Arun speaking.

B : Hello. This Kevin from North India. Could I speak to Tom ?
A : I’m sorry. Tom is not at his desk.Would you like to leave a message?
B : Can you take a message?
A/B: Yes.
B : Could you ask him to call me back? My
telephone numberis8122761127.
A : I’m sorry, could I have your name again, please?
B : My name is Kevin .
A : And who do you work for?
B : I work for Finance.
A : Let me make sure I understand. You want Mr. velu to call you
backYour name is Kavin , you work for Finance, and your
phone number is 8122761127. Is that correct?
B : Yes, that’s correct.
A : I’ll give him the message. Is there anything else I can do for you?
B : No, that’s everything. Thank you for your help.
A : It’s my pleasure.
B : Good-bye.
A : Good-bye


Stand up. Introduce yourself to someone you have never met.
Look the other person in the eye when you talk to them. Appear confident.
Shake hands firmly. Smile.

You must meet people in order to do business. By starting
a conversation and appearing
interested, it will be more likely that the other person will buy
your product or service.


A: Hello, my name is Sathish. (shake hands)

B: My name is sounder.

A: It’s nice to meet you.

B: It’s nice to meet you too.

A: Who do you work for?

B: I work for TVS.

A: What do you do?

B: I’m a sevice engineer.

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Salem.

A: Do you have a family?

B: Yes, there are 4 people an my family: my dad, mom, bro and I.

A: What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I like playing Cricket.

A: Well, it was nice meeting you. (shake hands)

B: It was nice meeting you too.
A: Good-bye.
B: Good-bye.




Stand up. Introduce yourself to a large
Group of people. Talk about your current
Job. Talk about your background. Talk a
Little more about your personal life.
Memorize your introduction. Make
Eye contact with everyone in the room.
Be energetic. Speak clearly. Speak
loudly. Speak without hesitation. Smile :)

People are more likely to speak with you
And work effectively with you if they have
A basic understanding of who you are and
What your abilities are. People become
Accustomed to your accent. You will probably
Feel more comfortable participating in-group
Discussions if you have already
given a short Introductory speech.

I study at Mahendra college of engineering.
I’m a student of Mechanical engineering.
I live in Thiruppathur.
There are 5 people in my family My dad, mom, 2sister, and I.
I like playing Volleyball in my free time.


548/E12 Anna Nagar,
Saniyasigundu , Salem

The Manager
Human Resource Development (Recruitment)
G.E Healthcare Private limited,
Chennai - 600086.

Sub: Application for the post of service engineer – Reg.
This has reference to your advertisement in The Times of India, issue dated
25.05.2018, indicating your interest to recruit fresher’s from reputed
colleges in India for the post of Biomedical Service Engineering (trainee) in
your esteemed organization.

I, being a qualified mechaical Engineer graduating from Mahendra College

of Engineering, an affiliated college of Anna University, Chennai, wish to
apply for the post of Maintenance and Service as required by you.

I have enclosed my resume for your reference. In case you find my profile
suitable for the job, you may contact me either through my mail id or my
number for my quick and positive response.
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,


Sathish Kumar. A,
548/E12 Anna Nagar,
Salem(DT) – 636015 .
Mobile: 8428074373
E-Mail Id: [email protected]


To pursue quality, strive together with passion, and to achieve

goals with synergy for the betterment of self and organization.

Date of Birth : 01.03.1998

Father’s Name :Asokan.V.P.

Mother’s Name : Then mozhi.A
Place of Birth : Salem, TamilNadu
Nationality : Indian
Gender : Male
Languages known : English,Tamil,Hindi


B.E Mechanical Engineering – 75% (2015 -2019)

Sengunthar Matric Higher Secondary school ,Sanniyasikundu ,Salem
Percentage : 72% (2014-2015)
Sengunthar Matric Higher Secondary school,Salem. Percentage
– 76% (2012 - 2013)

Solid works.

Auto CAD.


Multi Purpose Machines.
Regenerative Braking System.

Participated in various Technical Events.
Participated in workshop in IC.Engine @ Aero Design.

Participated in various paper presentation.

MS Office

Web design

Photo shop


Acceptance to the new ideas and procedures by remaining flexible and

a good team player.


I do hereby conform that the above information is true to the best

of my knowledge and belief.

Place: Salem

Date : 19-02-2018





The menace of terrorism has been increasing over the years. The evils
of terrorism are so obvious and the world has become so familiar with them
that is perhaps unnecessary to describe them in detail. Even so, the multi-
crested, harmful consequences of this challenge to mankind need to be fully
known to all visited the formation of effective antiterrorist plan. Notable
among these are soul killing sense of insecurity and instability, the heavy
loss of life and the awesome of confidence in the registrations for the city to
ensure safety.

Under such the regime, the term terrorism would be clearly defined
and uniform principles laid down to detect, investigate and punish terrorist
under the overall supervision of our specially constituted international
criminal court. Time has clearly come when all the nations of the world
should surrender a small part of their sovereignty to save the remaining part
from terrorists


Soft skills refer to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, and
facility with language, personal habits, friendliness and optimism that mark
people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the
technical requirements of a job.

Personality Qualities:
Responsibility Teaches others
Serves as a client /customers Negotiates
Exercises leadership Participates as a member of
the tem
Works with cultural diversity Self esteem
Sociability Self management
Integrity/honesty Interpersonal skills:

Soft skills can also be an important part of the success of an

organization. Organizations, particularly those frequently dealing with
customers face-to-face, are generally more prosperous if they train their staff
to use these skills. For this reason, employers in addition to standard
qualifications increasingly seek soft skills out.

Assertiveness is a trait taught by many personal development experts

and psychotherapists and the subject of many popular self-help books .It is
linked to self-esteem and considered an important communication skill.

As a communication style and strategy, assertiveness is distinguished

from aggression and passivity. How people deal with personal boundaries;
their own and those of other people, helps to distinguish between these three
concepts. Passive communicators do not defend their own personal
boundaries and thus allow aggressive people to harm or otherwise unduly
influence them. They are also typically not likely to risk trying to influence
anyone else. Aggressive people do not respect the personal boundaries of
others and thus liable to harm others while trying to influence them. A
person communicates assertively by not being afraid to speak his or her
mind or trying to influence others, but doing so in a way that respects the
personal boundaries of others. They are willing to defend themselves against
aggressive incursions.

Assertive people have the following characteristics:

1) They feel free to express their feelings, thoughts and desires

2) They know their lights
3)they have control over their anger .it does not mean that they repress
this feeling .it means that they control it for a moment and then talk about
it later in a logical way
4) They have a good understanding of feelings of the person they are
communication and do not indulge in unfair practices.




JUDGE: Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a
slip from that box. You are given one minute to think to start
with the discussion. The observers will not interfere in your
discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of
you to speak for a minute on the topic at the end of the
discussion. The topic on the slip is "Trade Can Help The
Poor". I suggest you should start the discussion

SAMY.S: Trade can help the poor but when the poor aware of it.
Now a days online Trading is most popular than offline.
Trading you all know about this. Poor also can use
online trading. But those people who are poor with

uneducated. There are suffering such many problems like has many ways of helping the poor and my answer
will yes obsolutey

SOUNDAR. S:Trading is another means of earning for the

poor.It also create self employement in many cases.Most

of the poor are illustrats.So fotr them the best way of
earning money is through Trading for this,government
should motivate the people illitrade anmd have to teach the
use of trading.Finally I want to conclude this topic with a
single statement “If a country if and only if,if trading is
good in that country”s

SRIDHAR.S :According to me,yes trade can help the poor.for trading the
taders don’tneed any technical knowledge.trader should
know only about is environment.and then can apply some
good strateg like . initially trader should get less goods. it
success full in selling, trader can take next step so on. so
that he (or) she can easily sell what people really need.

SIRAN.P :India is a very large country and many people are unemployed.
Large number of educated and non educated people are
unemployed. man people have a talent but this have not
show a talent this part of the poor. trade give a open
opportunity to give a ever person this is very help for
developing the poor and employment person they are able
to get the success.

SATHISH.A :Hi, Here We are discussing in the topic will “trade can help
the poor people”. Than answer for this question in my
thoughts is “yes”. Because There are many people in India
are Poverty. So they use the trading techniques to decrease
the poverty and its is better to our country also. So the
country goes above the poverty line.

SOORIYA.S :I would say that first of all, we all know then India has more
population of people who are suffer from poverty and there
are very less people who are rich. so person who don’t have
money for studying they prefer trading. So I think that Trade
Can Help The Poor.




JUDGE :Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a slip
from that box. You are given one minute to think to start
with the discussion. The observers will not interfere in your
discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of
you to speak for a minute on the topic at the end of the
discussion. The topic on the slip is "Multinationals: Bane or
Boon". I suggest you should start the discussion.
SAMY.S :Good Morning to one and all and the topic is Environment
whose Responsibility is it? Public should take their
responsibility of keeping their surroundings clean.

SATHISH.M: Yeah, I agree with her points. But Government should also
take some steps to maintain a proper drainage and road system
SIRAN.S : Government should take action regarding the deforestation.

SOORIYA.S : Yeah, due to deforestation tribal peoples and wild

lives are affected very much.

SRITHAR.S : :Other than tribal and wildlife we are also affected by it,
deforestation leads to many problems such as lack of
rainfall, pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming etc.
SATHEES.M :Yeah, our ozone has got depleted because of deforestation,

so Government should implement afforestation to

overcome these problems.
SOUNDAR.S : :Public should take their responsibility of saving the earth
from ozone depletion by planting trees.
SAMY.S :Government should create and encourage the awareness
Programs like “Go Green”.
SATHISH.A :Yeah, by these kinds of awareness programs we can make

the people to understand about the problems that our

earth is facing now.

SIRAN.P : During festival time peoples are creating noise pollutions

by using sound systems.
SOORIYA.S : Yeah, due to this activity patients, old age peoples, students
are affected more, people should realize their mistakes.
SRITHAR.S :Government should announce rule to place the factories
away From the residence
.SIRAN.P :Yeah, that’s right due to which land becomes unfit for

SRITHAR.S:Yes, I agree with her. Population is the key for all the
disasters in our environment. In addition to that
unemployment also arising.

SOORIYA.S: Yeah, People should be aware of the “Family Planning”

which Government has been implemented, and live
with a and happy family.
SOUNDAR.S : Scarcity of water is also becoming a major problem in India;
regarding this issue Government should implement some
water management system to save water resource.

SATHEESH.M: Yes, I agree with her. Public should also involve in saving
the water resource by activity such as “Rain Water
Harvesting”,”Watershed Management”, etc.

SIRAN.P :Finally, we conclude by saying that Public should do their

responsibilities to make our earth healthy likewise
Government should also work together with the Public
to make our earth free from threats.

7. Mock Interview – I

Interviewer : Good Morning! Please take your seat.

Candidate : Good Morning Sir!
Interviewer : What is your Name?
Interviewer : Tell me something about yourself.
Candidate : Well, Sir, I have completed by under graduation in
Mechanical Engineering from Mahendra College of
Engineering. I have done my internship at GE, Hyderabad. I
have also undergone courses on Digital Manufacturing &
Design Technology from IIT, CHENNAI
Interviewer : Seems to me that your qualifications are prefect for the job

here; the first posting may be at Bangalore, however, so

are you willing to relocate?
Candidate : Relocating would not be a problem. Sir.

Interviewer : What are the strategies you will employ to ensure

teamwork for projects?

Candidate : Sir, I am having experience in coordination events and

projects during my college days. I will take the trouble of
establishing good interpersonal relationships with every
individual in the team. I will see that each one is part of the
decisions that are taken and I believe that once a person is
made to feel important and responsible for the end product of
the team, he will definitely put in his best.
Interviewer : Thank you that will be all!
Candidate : Thank You, Sir!
Interviewer : Good morning! Take your seat.
Candidate : Good morning. Thank you, Sir.
Interviewer : What is your name?
Candidate : I am Soundarapandian sir.
Interviewer : Well, How would you describe yourself?
Candidate : I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as
productive as possible on the job.
Interviewer : Oh, good. How Will Your Greatest Strength Help
You Perform?
Candidate : My organizational skills are my greatest strength. I'm capable
of keeping many projects on track at the same time.
Interviewer : What are your goals for the future?
Candidate : My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I
can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and
contribute as much of value as I can.
Interviewer : Are you a self-motivator?
Candidate : Absolutely. I am a very active person. I'm always looking for
new and innovative ideas to bring to a project.
Interviewer : What can you contribute to the company if you are selected?

Candidate : If I am hired as an employer of this company, I will assure you

that I will give my best in bringing up the name and fame
of this concern.
Interviewer : Well. Good. That is the spirit. You’re in.
Candidate : Thank you very much sir.
Interviewer : You’re welcome. Congratulations and all the best.
Candidate : Definitely sir, I will keep up my word. Thank you, sir.
Mylswamy Annadurai

Mylswamy Annadurai (born 2 July 1958 in Kodhawady near Pollachi in

Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India) is a Distinguished scientist with the
Indian Space Research Organisation and currently serves as Director, ISRO
Satellite Centre(ISAC), Bangalore. Annadurai was listed among 100 Global
thinkers of 2014 and topped the innovators list. Annadurai writes a regular
column, "Kaiyaruge Sevvai" ("Mars is at our Reach") in the Tamil Daily

Dina Thanthi.Annadurai and his works are mentioned in 10th standard

Science Text Book of Tamil Nadu.

Early life and education

Mylswamy Annadurai had his schooling in his native village Kodhawady.

He has obtained a Bachelors in Engineering degree in the year 1980 from

Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and
completed his master's degree in Engineering during 1982 from PSG
College of Technology, Coimbatore and Ph.D from Anna University of
Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in India. He joined ISRO in 1982. As
the Mission Director of INSAT missions, he had some of the original
contributions to the INSAT systems maintenance

Mars Orbiter Mission

Main article: Mars Orbiter MissionIndia's first mission to Mars, the Mars
Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan, reached the planet on 24 September 2014
completing its 300-day journey. While ISRO has been researching for a
Mars mission for many years, the project was only approved by the
government in August 2012. ISRO took over a year to work on the
spacecraft and bring the project to implementation stage. The Mars Orbiter
Mission was launched on 5 November 2013 from the Satish Dhawan Space
Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, on the country's east coast. After
travelling 670 million kilometres, Mangalyaan is now set to study the
surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere to better
understand the climate, geology, origin, evolution and sustainability of life
on the planet. It is the most cost effective of all the missions sent to the
planet by any other country costing India about $74 million.

Chandrayaan I & II

Main articles: Chandrayaan I and Chandrayaan IIChandrayaan-1, was

India's first mission to the Moon launched by India's national space agency,
the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The unmanned lunar

exploration mission included a lunar orbiter and an impactor. India launched
the spacecraft by a modified version of the PSLV C11 on 22 October 2008
from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Nellore District, Andhra
Pradesh about 80 km north of Chennai at 06:22 IST (00:52 UTC). The
mission was a major boost to India's space program, and India joined a band
of Asian nations (China and Japan) in exploring the Moon. The vehicle was
successfully inserted into lunar orbit on 8 November 2008. uring the period
2004-2008, as the Project Director for Chandrayaan I, he led a team of
engineers and scientists that designed and developed the project to carry
instrumentation from ISRO and from NASA, ESA, and Bulgaria to
accomplish simultaneous chemical, mineralogical, resource and topographic
mapping of the entire lunar surface at high spatial and spectral resolutions.
The project was realised within the time frame stipulated and the budget
granted. He has paved the way for the future of Indian planetary missions
and set an example for the international co-operation bringing the reputed
international organisations like NASA, ESA, JAXA to work under the
leadership of ISRO. Chandrayaan I has received many national and
international awards including, the coveted Space Pioneers award for
science and engineering at 28th International conference on Space
development, in Florida USA in 2009.

Awards From Government

Padma Shri, 2016, one of the highest civilian awards in India

The government of Karnataka awarded him the Rajyotsava Prashasti

for Science (2008).
Awards from Universities & Academia

Doctor of Science, DSc (Honoris Causa) conferred by Pondicherry


Doctor of Science, DSc (Honoris Causa) conferred by Anna

University, Chennai(2009)

Doctor of Science, DSc (Honoris Causa) conferred by University

of Madras, Chennai (2009)

• Doctor of Science, DSc (Honoris Causa) conferred by MGR

University, Chennai (2008)

Eminent Scientist Award from 76th Indian Science Congress -

Madurai Kamaraj University Endowment.
Distinguished Alumni Award, PSG College of Technology, 2009.
Sir CV Raman Award-2010 from Periyar University, Salem

Jewel of GCT(Government College of Technology, Coimbatore)

by GCT Alumni

• Personality of the year Awarded by St. Johns International School,


• Hikal Chemcon Distinguished Speaker Award 2010,the 63rd Annual

Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Annamalai

• National Science and Technology Award, 2011, Sathyabama

University, Chennai.

• Distinguished Scientist Award, KC College, Mumbai, Diamond

Jubilee Award
Awards from ISRO

Annadurai is the recipient of the Hariom Ashram pretit Vikram Sarabhai

Research Award for his outstanding Contributions to Systems analysis and
Space systems management(2004).

He is also the recipient of a citation from ISRO for his contribution to

the INSAT systems Mission management(2003)

• Team Excellence award for his contribution to Indian Space

ISRO Merit Award 2009
Team Excellence Award 2010 as team leader of Chandrayaan-1 team
ISRO Outstanding Achievement award, 2014

International Awards

• Laurels for Team Achievement Chandrayaan-1, International

Academy of Astronautics,2013, Beijing China

Certificate of Appreciation from Boeing Asian - American

professional Association, Houston, USA

Space Systems award, 2009 from American Institute of

Aeronautics and Astronautics, US.

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