Resume 2018

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Glenna Stone

1334 Manomin Avenue, West Saint Paul, MN 55118

(612) 669-6848
[email protected]
Leadership Philosophy
“Though young in her career, Ms. • Students should be at the center of every educational leader’s decision so that each and
every student is given the opportunity to receive the highest-quality education possible.
Stone…truly has a “veterans” eye on • An exemplary educational leader should be collaborative with their followers, be
school systems and the various impacts transparent, foster an atmosphere where innovation is encouraged, and finally, be a
leader that is empathetic and supportive.
that decisions and programs have on
students.” Education and Certifications
David Lund 6th Year Certificate – Superintendent Licensure, Anticipated August 2018
Former Principal Summer 2017 — Summer 2018 St. Cloud State University
Prior Lake High School Education Administration – Superintendent Licensure

6th Year Certificate – K-12 Principal Licensure, April 2017

Fall 2015 — Spring 2017 St. Cloud State University
Education Administration – K-12 Principal Licensure
“Glenna is a strong listener who is
Master of Science, December 2015
flexible with incorporating ideas and Spring 2013 — Fall 2015 Minnesota State University-Mankato
views of others into the task. She Educational Leadership
provides ideas and alternative ways of Bachelor of Science, May 2009
looking at things while being an Fall 2004 — Spring 2009 University of Wisconsin-Stout
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences Minor: Spanish
influential voice for the staff and school Certification: Family and Consumer Sciences Licensure 210
Teaching Experience
Joe Kuboushek
Assistant Principal Prior Lake High School Savage, MN
Prior Lake High School 9-12th Grade FACS Teacher August 2013 – Present
• Primary duties include creating, updating, instructing and facilitating eleven
classes: Independent Living, Good Eats, PreSchool Child, PALS, Food Science,
Parenting, Fashion Design I & II, Creative Foods, Freshmen Transitions and
Core Studies
“Glenna’s most influential functions • Manage and make necessary decisions as department chair for the FACS
as a teacher and future administrator department while working with the building principal to build the success of the
Family and Consumer Science department
include being student focused, • Restructure multiple courses to include relevant and new learning such as
relationship centered, and an implementing a 21st Century Learning unit in Freshman Transitions to teach
communication, collaboration, creativity and technology skills and creating a co-
instructional leader.” curricular Food Science course between the Science and FACS departments.
• Successfully maintain effective classroom management by establishing clear,
Nate Gutshall
consistent behavior guidelines, creating an organized classroom, promoting
Guidance Department Chair
mutual respect, and make learning exciting through engaging lessons and
Prior Lake High School

Mankato East High School Mankato, MN

9-12th Grade FACS Teacher August 2011 – July 2013
• Primary duties included instructing and facilitating six classes: Fashion Design &
Merchandising, Interpersonal Relationships, Child Development, Foods I, Foods
II and ProStart I
• Promoted and increased enrollment, participation and interest of the FACS
department within the student body. While at East, I significantly increased
enrollment within two school years to two full-time positions.
• Promoted multiculturalism within the classroom through individualized and
differentiated learning to reach many diverse groups of students and adapt to the
over 42 languages spoken within the student population.
• Successfully maintained effective classroom management by establishing clear,
consistent behavior guidelines, creating an organized classroom, promoting
mutual respect, and made learning exciting through engaging lessons and
“Ms. Stone develops good, appropriate, activities.
professional relationships with
Burlington High School Burlington, WI
students. She has the ability to relate 9-12th Grade FACS Teacher August 2010 – May 2011
to students from a variety of • Primary duties included instructing and facilitating five classes: Classic Cooking,
Baking and Technology, Nutrition Throughout Life, Advanced Child
backgrounds, they trust her.” Development and Food Management
• Managed and made necessary decisions regarding the department while working
David Lund
with the principal to build on the Family and Consumer Science Department. I
Former Principal
successfully doubled the enrollment of students within the FACS department in
Prior Lake High School
one year.

Leadership Experience
• Current Building Instructional Leadership Team Member for the Prior Lake High
School FACS Department
• Current Dr. Sharroky Hollie Culturally and Linguistically Responsive (CLR)
Teaching and Learning Cohort Member and High School CLR 3-Year
“I have high regard for Glenna as an
Implementation Plan lead.
educational leader and appreciate her • Currently actively pursuing my Superintendent Licensure with Prior Lake-Savage
skills and experiences; passion for the Area Schools Superintendent Dr. Teri Staloch, which has allowed me to be part
of the development of our CLR 3-year plan, policy review and revision sessions, a
educational process; resiliency; and member of the Future Forward Leadership program with WMEP and created the
stakeholder survey results presentation for PLSAS administrative team.
strong desire to lead, contribute, and
• During my principal licensure program last year, I researched and compiled data
grow with a school district.” for building principal, Dr. David Lund, regarding closing the achievement gap for
Joe Kuboushek our black students while using this data to reach out to and change the culture of
Assistant Principal the building to be more inclusive to our minority, underrepresented and
Prior Lake High School underserved populations.
• 2017 Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) advisory
member for Prior Lake-Savage Area School District
• Chosen as a member of the 2016-17 Professional Development Committee at the
Prior Lake-Savage Area School District
• 2015-2017 Learning Team Leader for FACS Department at Prior Lake High
• Department Chair for Mankato East High School FACS Department
• Prom Committee Advisor for Mankato East High School
• Department Chair for Burlington High School FACS Department

Joe Kuboushek Kevin Schuttinger
Assistant Principal Director of Teaching and Learning
Prior Lake High School Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools
(952) 226-8605 (952) 226-0031
[email protected]

Dr. David Lund Nate Gutshall

Former Principal & Supervisor Guidance Department Chairperson
St. Cloud State University Prior Lake High School
(320) 250-3900 (952) 226-8678
[email protected] [email protected]

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