NEAL FRISBY MESSAGES (Satan Assaults The Throne)

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Satan Assaults The Throne


(Neal Frisby- Wednesday night, Aug. 9, 1972)

“He spoke right to me and I heard the Lord — and He called

me into this ministry and He told me the other revival was
going off the scene. And now God is going to gather His bride
together and all those that have been planted down and seeded
down out of the world will miss it.” There’re different
positions and different places involved — but He’s coming to
the bride! God is in the harvest field! And when He gets in the
harvest field, Satan begins to walk on fire himself because God
is in it!
Tonight I want you to pray because me and Satan are going
to walk on stones of fire in the spiritual world and we want to
see which one of us wins! Because you know, God created
something (Satan) that only God could create, if you only knew
the inside story and allowed God to reveal it to you, — he
(Satan) was a beautiful creature and God made him because he
had future plans. — But he was an abominable creature even
when he was an imposter as an angel — he had them all
fooled! He was in heaven and lie was perfect — it doesn’t say
in what ways — but he was perfect in the ways that God called
The Bible goes on to say that “until iniquity was found in
his heart.” Now we want to know what this is all about.
Because Satan, the devil that he is, he is shrewd — let me tell
you he is shrewd! He even acts dumb to reveal his shrewdness.
(A Flame “The Holy Spirit” fell in the back yard over here
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behind me. I’m going to go into it tonight, but first I want to

talk a little bit before we get into this sermon.)
We’re going into a spiritual warfare. He’s been up against
this sermon, this is the sermon he’s been fighting the last two
days, not what’s been happening here — the sermon that’s
coming here! He didn’t know when it was coming, he blowed
dirt for two days. He heard me and the Lord discuss it at a
distance, but then he didn’t know how I was going to preach it.
He doesn’t want to be exposed or what happened in heaven!
He doesn’t want me to tell them there’s some people going to
take his place from whence He fell, and the angels that fell out
with Him. He doesn’t want the people to know all these things
and the character he is and the cunning that he is, and how he’ll
make you believe in God and against God at the same time!
He’s a double jointed devil, he had pipes in his throat and he
blowed them off key and God threw him out! He was off-key!
How many of you know he was created with music in him?
God gave him everything but the throne! And he wasn’t
satisfied! You don’t see him there -it’s God! We’re going into
this — I’m getting that sermon almost now, I can’t wait to get
him! He’s been trying to stop this revival for months and
months — just sort of in the air. And tonight you join with me
in prayer and we’ll have a meeting here! We’re really going to
have a meeting!
We don’t have time to discuss money but I want you to
stand behind me in these telecasts we are doing for my
partners, because later on I’m going to show them. We’ll show
them on television. But I’m not on television now but I thought
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these services would be so important that we would televise

them — and sure enough, God did some marvelous and
wonderful things already. And then some more lights were
captured today on film — these things I’m not making up, and
we’re going to discuss this. But we want my partners to know I
am working on, and will be working on a book of letters to the
Saints of all my past letters written! And it will be in book
form with pictures of celestial signs from God. So you
remember that when you go home. And I’ll be having some
more books out and I will write some more Scrolls when God
speaks to me. These things are coming and there are great and
mighty things for my partners, and we want them to know this.
So you prepare for the things coming and God will bless your
Now today, I’ve got some Scriptures written down so I
won’t have to criss-cross through the Bible and it will make it
easier. Also we’re going to film a documentary on Capstone
and the supernatural pictures the color laboratories confirm
they are real. They are authentic! . . . and film a documentary
on all of the Temple and the pictures and then we’ll show it. It
is a documentary of what God has done at Capstone! And we
will reveal what is at this Temple and we’ll have a film of it for
our people and also when we show it.
Won’t that be wonderful — to show God’s pictures! Those
signs and wonders right on film? Going to reveal them! — You
know Satan was created out of different lights and various
things and we’ll go into the subject. I’m going to describe some
things that happened — let’s all thank God now and let Him
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get behind us. Jesus, we’re getting ready to film the services,
everybody is going to be in tune. Lucifer — we don’t know
how far off you are, but we know this — you can feel the
power here like a volcano. It’s beginning to shake under me. I
can feel the presence of the Light of Destiny laying right on
my shoulder here! God is standing here, Satan, and you know
you can’t break the power of this Light! You can break most
men, but you can’t break the power of this Light! Satan, we
challenge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ — and
really we cannot challenge you because God defeated you,
you’re already challenged — you’re beaten in the name of the
Now Jesus is going to bless this service! There have been
some incredible fascinating pictures that have been taken and
we want to describe this one more time. I was over in my
home, where much of my writing is done and the Lord spoke to
me and I was looking over toward the mountains, looking at
the mighty Headstone — which are from three to five miles
long and curve in a perfect face! And while standing, looking
and praying I saw a lot of (lust had been blown on it and it
looked like the Ancient One and as I stood and looked and the
Lord spoke to me and said “send for the camera.” So I phoned
and told them to bring the camera — Polaroid — you take right
now. He said “I’m going to give you the sign.”
So, here came the camera, the man brought it over to the
house. I said “take a picture of the Mountain here.” Right out
on the porch. He took one picture, rolled it back took it out and
it was a picture of the mountain here — the Headstone. Looked
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at it, I said “take another one now.” Then the Lord spoke and I
said(1 this, “Lord let the Sign appear.” And he took a picture,
the same way and he rolled it out and right by the brick wall —
you can still see the mountain from the brick wall here — when
he turned it back, I glanced and it was the burning fire — the
Pillar of Fire layed right in there, the amber fire! And He stood
right — dramatic and powerful; It was locked right up in the
corner here — God lays in those corners like a lion — very
When Satan comes by, he hasn’t got a chance! He better
stay away from the corners with God! ‘Cause one swift strike
and that’s it! God said He’s the Lion of Judah. lie’s the Tribe of
Judah — He’s the Lion! And there was this Flame and it was
setting there — three times it’s been filmed! It fell by the
building arid blurred the building out, and the building took on
the form of a fish the entire building! It looked like the Jonah
sign! The Flame layed by the wheels on the car in the shadow
there, the hood was raised up as if to say “Praise ye the Lord”!
Even the iron knows God, He’s so powerful! The trunk up like
this and the little boy was standing there that they had taken the
picture of — it blurred him, but the Flame was perfect! And it
was laying in the shadows by the wheel. And then it appeared
again along the wall, they took one more picture — some
people who read the Scrolls — and there it appeared again!
And later again it changed and appeared right at the back of
the auditorium — and it turned into a brilliant white color and
blue on the inside, and whirled from the back of the corner to
the left down here, went right over this Veil and stopped, in a
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smaller place and they got a picture of it right here! “The Light
of Destiny!” And Peter said “the Day Star has risen in your
hearts — a more sure word of Prophecy shall come.” And it
also shone on Paul, the Light of Destiny — so the Flame
Then today after this dramatic sign was given, some other
things began to occur around the grounds, people were taking
pictures — there was a ring of amber around this Veil,
complete amber fire right around the Veil! And we have the
pictures to prove it. Beautiful! Never saw anything like it!
Then outside by the “Cathedral sign,” there were beautiful
colors that came down on the ground and they made a square
around the Heads tone and the place where the Scrolls are
written. Beautiful colors! I’ve never seen anything like it —
from the ground up, just made a perfect square on the inside
and also at the sign where the name of the temple is on it.
“And then the same ones who took the picture, and the
fellow was standing and right behind him Great white balls of
glistening white — snowy white — brilliant shekinah! . . . as
white as you’ve seen, hit the ground like two doves and was
glowing right on the ground behind him — right at the sign out
here!” Then by the pool, and there were no lights on the pool at
the time— and right in front came beautiful colors up and
down— those are the spiritual lights of the Almighty God! And
He has more colors than all of us!
And there was another light just off to the right of it, on the
ground came a real lavender pink and a different color white
involved with it! And then over the top of the Headstone again
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came another — they took about seven pictures — and it was

beautiful, it was like a lavender pink rose, right over the top of
It’s “El Elyon”, which means “the Most High God, possess
or of heaven and earth, has come down among His people!”
The Lord Jesus Christ is visiting us! Those were the signs and
the beautiful lights.
And I thought to myself “This is for a reason”, we have
them on film — they will be released and photographed on
paper and we’ll send them out to you later on in the mail! So be
watching those signs!
And I thought “why today?” Then I thought about the sermon
coming up, and the sermon I’m to preach “Lucifer at the
Throne contesting the Mighty God”! Which there is no contest,
but he thought so. And I thought, “that God said in the Bible
how He had created him with stones of fire and stood and the
beautiful colors involved! Then the Lord showed us all of His
beautiful colors that He has today.” And then in my sermon, I
had already got the Scriptures, what I was going to go from and
I thought, “Here are these colors created gems and stones in
Satan and here are these colors of God — the immortal God!
“Can you say Amen! Here we go! And here’s God right beside
In Isaiah 14:12 through the next few verses it reads this
way concerning him — the Archangel at that time, more than
any kind of an Archangel — he was vice-regent. But he was an
Archangel, an imposter at the most, perfect in his ways but still
an imposter, you’d have to say. God had foresaw him, God had
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created him — he had a mind to think right or wrong even.

Somehow in his heart was found iniquity — he was perfect in
his way until then. We’ll find out why, with so much he had,
and so much God gave him, why did he want more? Was it
because he already had a lot, greed, he wanted more! Do you
see what I mean?
Now listen, and it goes this way “how art thou fallen from
heaven”. He was up there. “Oh, Lucifer, son of the morning,
how art thou cut down to the ground?” Made a man out of him
nearly, He did. “For thou hast said in thine heart — I will
ascend into heaven.” Had it in his heart, probably for years it
was in his mind. “I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God.” Now you see, the stars of God also represent the
prophets and Christians of the Elective seed that was to come.
He wanted to be above them, he was not going to equalize that
power with us or anybody else! He knew only certain parts,
that God had something coming, that’s when the rebellion
began to take place there.
Remember God created the heavens and the earth and then
there was a void and then man’s been here for about six
thousand years — the man that we know of now. But Satan
knew God had something coming. He said, “I will ascend, I
will exalt my throne above the stars of God, above the
Christians, above the prophets even above the stars. I will be
like the Most High God, I will be over the children of God.”
(Isa. 14:12-14) He’s under us now! Blessed be the Name of the
Lord! He’s under us now. He said, “Ye shall walk on him, like

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scorpions and serpents!” Above? He went under! You better

not get above God! How many of you are still with me?
But God said, when he (Satan) said “I shall be like the
Most High.” But God said, “thou shall be brought down to
Hell!” He said, “I shall cast thee out.” Then He told him,
“Thou art the Cherub that covereth.” He was a messenger of
God — he was the Light over God, “this way — in light he
covered the throne”! — it said he was the cherub that covereth!
Right next to the Lord! He had the councils of God and the
secrets of God — he took messages from God, he was vice-
regent. He was the Archangel there! And he finally came to the
point — “I don’t want to take any more messages, I want to
give some out!” He was the messenger — Lo, the messenger
fell! God will bring up a human, put the fire in him, and he’ll
go forth as God’s messenger! He will obey, where Lucifer said,
“I will not!” How many of you are still with me? If you’ll catch
this, you’ll find out what the Lord’s doing!
Then He told him, (Ezek 28:13) “Thou hast been in Eden,
where every precious stone was thy covering.” Here God
creates him — the Sardis was thy covering, the topaz, the
diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, and the sapphire,
the emerald, the carbuncle, the gold. All of these were in Satan!
— God transformed them into light and he became a beautiful
creature, an emanating creature and stood before the Almighty
God! He was so beautiful that it entered his heart, then God
said, “There’s a wicked thing here.” All of this, it says, it was
in Eden where the precious stones were. And God said, “they
were your covering.” And God created him!
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And it goes down here and He says to him, “And the pipes
were prepared in thee the day thou was created and the
taberets.” He had pipes and beautiful music — only his pipes
were out of place later. Then it goes on to say, in (Ezekiel
28:17) Ye were lifted up because of thine heart and because of
thy beauty. Thou hast corrupted thineself by the reasoning of
thy brightness! He was lifted up because “of thy beauty”!
That’s what
started getting to him. “Thou hast corrupted thine wisdom by
reason of thy brightness.” How beautiful and bright he was in
color! He was beautiful, it was lights. But God said, “I will
bring forth a fire from the midst of thee — the very fire in you,
those colored lights — I will bring forth a fire from the midst
of thee! It shall devour thee and bring thee to ashes upon the
earth in sight of all of them that dwell there! And fire shall
explode in you and hell shall come upon you!”
How many of you believe that with all of your heart? The
Scriptures describe in some detail, the original state — he was
an exalted being. He was the Son of the Morning, the light
bearer of heaven! He possessed authority as the anointed
Cherub that covereth — he reigned as Vice Regent in God’s
holy mountain! Wiser than Daniel! There was no secret among
the angels’ host that was hidden from him except God’s own
Now why did he fall? He coveted the seat of the Most
High! The same way today, we have different organizations —
they covet, the Prophet ministries that came through the Bible,
the ancient prophets and the ones today — how art thine fallen
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in thine systems! I3ecause God sent the Prophets in the Old

Testament, and the lesser men who would not walk with God,
hated them in contempt and coveted their position. And
because they were not positioned from the Most High in the
same manner, then they rebelled and set up their own
constitutes, set up their Own religion and they had their own
laws. But they defied God’s laws, the same as Lucifer!
Can you believe that? How did he get so many angels? He
was the messenger, he took the important things across heaven,
he was vice-regent, he was watching over everything! And then
he said, “I want my own kingdom, I’m tired of being a
messenger.” And he had heard some rumbling, that God was
going to bring forth some type of plan and someone was going
to be given a higher exalted position. This Jesus was to come,
He was slain before the foundation of the world things began to
set up in heaven there, the Bible says “The Lamb was slain
before the foundation of the world.” That gave him the tip-off,
something was up!
You know, the Lord was sending a Light, the God-Man,
but He brought it right back — the power and all, at the right
hand of authority — right back to Himself! Lucifer failed to
see it, it wasn’t two different ones — it’s the same God
working in three different ways! And Lucifer fell like
lightning! He thought someone else was coming, it was only
God Himself coming. The God-Man upon the earth! He stood
in three manifestations of God, but One Spirit. Sevenfold
revelations, and seven spirits, but One God! Revelations here!
But Lucifer missed it! But he thought, “I am not taking second
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place to any one! I have been here all of these years.” And no
doubt millions of years. And he began to contest the Most
Of course, God knowing all things from the beginning and
end, knew the very hour his heart would be corrupted. And
Lucifer thought, “I’ve got all of these angels, I’ve got a lot of
numbers, surely the rest will follow me because of my beauty.”
But what he failed to note — God doesn’t just sit on the throne
— He whirls in omnipotent Light right over Lucifer and
watches him! He is everywhere where Lucifer is at, and yet
He’s on the throne! He’s Omnipotent, Omniscient,
Omnipresent — You cannot escape Him! David said, “You go
to the bottom of the sea and God is there” — you go to the
outer most parts and the Lord Jesus is there! He is everywhere!
And as Lucifer began to get his plans in action, the Lord
foreknowing all things — “the hidden Light of Destiny hung
over his councils that he would have among the angels!” God
had predestined two-thirds would not go, one-third went. His
plan was set into motion, but it was like a matchstick up
against a volcano, he couldn’t do it! But even then, he doubted
God was the Supreme Ruler! And there were oceans and
oceans and oceans of galaxies, billions and billions and billions
of miles of universes — island universes, they claim today in
science even
— and huge grand universes, exploding lights! Beautiful,
beautif ul worlds everywhere! We even get, it on our
telescopes today! The vastness, where Lucifer couldn’t even go
across part of it — only in one region.
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And he said, “Surely, there are more Gods than this One
God! Then I will draw Him out and contest Him! There’s too
much!” Lucifer ought of thought, that God gave him his own
life! But he thought, “Possibly I’ve had something to do with
this,” created within himself — “where did I come from?” Like
people do today, “How did I get here? How did God get here?”
Lucifer said, “ I can conquer Him — He’s bluffed everybody!
How did He get here anyway? There are more Gods, there’s
got to be!”
And he had seen millions and millions of years — billions,
that the Lord of Hosts had set up. And today the scientists will
confirm this sermon on the galaxies, the nebulas — way past
the suns by the millions of suns like our own sun. Spinning and
whirling and beautiful lights out in there — the creative lights
today that are creating out in there, exploding in the nebula —
way out in there! The Quasars — the new stars forming.
And he said, “There’s more Gods up here than that One
God to do all that!” So Satan set up against Him. And what he
found out was — “there was only One God!” None came to his
rescue and God cast him out of heaven like a volcanic
whirlwind of lightning and it ascended upon the earth,
controlled by the Almighty God! Set in a trap like a prison and
only can go and come like on a chain. — (He’s the Almighty
God! He put a move on Satan just like that! There is only One
God in the heavens and the Bible declares it! And He said, “I
know of no other!)
And Lucifer found out and ye will do well to find out also!
I Am only, the One Lord God — the God of the heavens, I Am
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the Lord!” Satan said, “I’ll split his authority.” He couldn’t do

God is unified! He’s triune — not trinity — He’s TRIUNE!
You can’t split Him! He’s one piece, you can’t do away with
Him! There’s nO way to conquer Him, He’s unified!
Everything else He created has ends going to and from it —
it is impossible for any atom to overcome Him! He has fixed
all things before He started! The wisest of all councils of
anything that He could create could not be wise as Him, He has
already taken care of it! He’s the Immortal God!
So Lucifer got a third — he did not know the whole plan of
God. But just look how the mercies of God he’s still living
today. And he’s down upon the earth, chained, soon will be
sealed in the pit. So, he said, “I could not conquer God, I will
conquer His creation.” But in every age, men have stood the
test. And he came to them and always one would stand up
against Satan and defeat him and a group of the Elect would
come in through the ages.
And Satan went to the angels and said, “You shall be as
Gods, if you go with me — you won’t have to listen to Him —
We will be as Gods. We’ll be independent and we can do what
we want to do. We will control our own selves — of course I
will tell you what to do!”
You see that Devil — he used those same tactics, the Lord
showed me, on those angels as he used on Adam and Eve!
“Adam and Eve”, he said, “Ye shall be as Gods, you will know
all things, you shall be wise.” You see what I mean? He used

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the same tactics, and he trapped Eve, that he trapped the angels
He is a sinister figure, he’s as real as those lights hanging
there — he’s a powerful figure but he has no power according
to our faith — he was defeated at the Cross. Only unbelief
gives him any power, he’s been stripped from his power! God
has given him his life upon the earth. He hates anything that
has to do with the way I minister — he doesn’t want anything
to do with it because God is coming to His children here! So in
heaven God cast him out, the plan of the ages — the Sons of
God singing as the Morning Stars!
And the Lord said, “Upon the earth, I will take the very
dust that’s been blowing, I will create and I will put My breath
in man we shall bring forth the Sons of God upon the earth and
they’ll fill the void in My great plan, and some shall sit with
Me as Kings, and some shall sit with Me as priests and council
ors with the Lord, they shall sit with the Most High God
because they are worthy of this thing”. Satan forfeited it, but
we will by faith come to it! So in heaven, we know this, God
has a plan for His Christians. We are going to take up some
places in Heaven and we are going to be bright shining lights
like unto the angels, as God has told us! So the Lord created
something, and believe me, only God could create anything
like this! He has a grand purpose, too deep for me to go into.
He foreknows all things — there is nothing hidden from the
Almighty God! Not one thing! He knows the beginning to the
end or He couldn’t be God, He is God!

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And Satan didn’t know the Lord knew all things from the
beginning to the end. He doubted God, just like he causes
people to doubt God. He doubted God would throw him out!
He doubted God was the Supreme Ruler! He doubted there was
only One God! He doubted all of the things that God had spoke
n! So the Lord didn’t want any more doubt there!
So you see people, don’t let him get you to doubting God,
there’s One God, He rules the universe — He manifests
Himself three ways and He comes to His people. He’s the
Almighty God! Satan has been defeated, your diseases will go!
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Can you raise your hands
and say “amen!”
This sermon is so deep you could preach on it a year nearly
— how he has gone through history and how the Lord has
stood by His Seed. Now you see, the Cherub, he was the
cherub that covereth. Not a Cherubim — “He called him the
Cherub that covereth!” He was made out of beautiful stones
with light alive, inside of him! And there he was before the
throne! Satan’s spot void, but God is waiting on His children
now to come up there. He’s got some children He’s going to
bring in and it’s “Thus Saith the Lord.” The plan of the ages
has been known to God for ages and ages!
But Lucifer did not know all of His plans concerning the
redemption of man. Neither did His angels know the full story
of the redemption of man, they did not know the whole story.
They did not know how He was going to start it and where.
They did not know He’s going to finish it in these 7 Thunders!
He began to create in thunders and He’s come back in Rev.
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Ch.ii) in the harvest field here and in Chapter 12 where He gets

the Man Child! He’s coming back, and in the thunders of God
is the secret for how He will bring the Elect in and He’ll do it
differently than He has done in any parts of this revival. He’ll
operate differently, yet it will be on the same order as the Word
of the Living God — He will not change his Word, He will act
right according to the Word. Everything you see in picture
symbols has been exactly one- hundred percent, you can find
them in the Bible if you look for them, it’s right in the Bible!
He will not get away from that Word but yet He’ll bring such a
tremendous revival! He’s going to get the Elect of God, the
Seed of the Almighty God, the Bride who is to go with Him!
And they’re going to sit around the Almighty God in His
throne there!
People, don’t do as Lucifer did, don’t even give him a
second try! Bow your heads, everyone in here. But believe in
the Almighty God! It was a dramatic story there, but he lost the
battle! You can’t go up against the Great God! You can’t, it’s
impossible! And Satan sees today — he lost he’s lost the battle
and now he’s fighting. And I might say this, knowing he’s
defeated, have you ever seen anybody with so much faith in his
ownself that he’s got? He just will not believe it, he just
continues to think he’s going to overthrow God. And God has
already told him, “Thus far and no further, Satan.”
You see, Satan cannot whirl those planets out there and
speak the Word and the moon appear and the sun appear and
say to the sea go this far and no further. He can only disturb, he
can’t create like the Lord. There’s the difference he was
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a created being and God’s Immortal And Satan found there

were no other Gods in the universe! He found the Supreme
Ruler right before him — he’s sharp, he tried to draw Him out
— but there’s only One God!
Now, Jesus, you brought this message tonight. Lord, I want
you to come over your people, I want them to pray. I’m going
to pray for the sick, believe everyone in here — I believe if
they’ll open their heart and believe this sermon — it was a
deep message, Lord, We’ll have it in book form. I want the
people here to take dominion over Satan. Jesus, you told me,
you said, “the devil has no power whatsoever — no power
whatsoever! Only the people’s unbelief gives him power.” The
nations when they have unbelief, give the devil back the power
that Christ stripped from Him at the Cross! “By whose stripes
you were healed!” You are already healed! Believe in all of
your heart. And the only power he gets, is through unbelief. If
you’ve got faith, he has no power over you, whatsoever! It’s
through unbelief that he has the nations under his control,
otherwise Jesus stripped him of his power!
The Bright Morning Star put a move on the Son of the
Morning. That Bright Morning Star contested with a sword and
Satan is no more. So reach out and get ahold of the Lord
tonight. Let the Lord bless you. I can feel Him! Now you see,
in such a sermon as this, Satan will try to disturb your minds —
But God is going to move! It causes a binding of your
sicknesses to come together against me. You can’t help it, it’s
in your body.

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Now there are a few sinners who don’t want God to do

anything for them, and then a few just want to mock sometimes
— you get a few rebellious kids or something. But people,
those diseases in your body have stirred together, they’re
screaming in terror because the Almighty God’s Lights right
here! And those diseases are trying to bind up — which is from
Lucifer, which he’s trying to take you away from God. He’s
trying to drag you down, he’s trying to take you away from the
Most High God. I want every one of you in your heart begin to
praise the Lord. Lift your hands up — begin to praise ye the
Lord. Let all the people praise the Lord!
“Behold, hear ye the Word of the Lord! As I speak unto
thee did ye not know each one of the Saints I have created shall
share in My glory — each of those are worth far more than ten
billion Lucifers! Because the Most High God is Right and the
Most High God is Justice! The Lord could explain many of the
deep mysteries, yet it is not for thee to know until I see you at
the throne. For I have much to tell you and much to
show you, then ye shall understand and even as the Apostle
Paul, I sent with the light he carried, this same light resteth
over this pulpit! Standing that was with Paul, and even he
wrote some things were unlawful to know then. He said he
could not mention those things I spoke to him of. And he said
“Now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall know
face to face.”
So the Lord shall see thee soon face to face! Prepare yours
elf, be thou holy and be as the Cherubim and Seraphim I have
created, and they sing “Holy holy, holy is the Lord God
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Omnipotent.” And they have never failed Me, because they

praise Me day and night! And they have held, for I know what
I have created. Praise Me, saith the Lord, and thine heart shall
not betray thee. Praise Me in thine heart like the king, praise
Me and I will stand with thee!
Behold, saith the Lord, I loveth the children I have made
thousands of years ago. And behold, to you it seemeth a long
time, but to the Ancient One it was as a rainy day and as the
sun shineth again! — it is a shortness of time. The Most High
God hath not time, because He is eternity - Eternal! I have
createded time, I have made a limit and I have set it. And
behold, it was but yesterday that I created man and it will be
but today that I bringeth him back home to Me.
Watch, saith the Lord, for the same Lucifer I hurled out
shall try to steal thy crown now! He knoweth it is the last time
and the time surely is short. He has seen and watched for the
last few months and Satan knoweth now that I have made My
steps and I have ordered them carefully. And behold, he seeth
Me standing in the harvest field and I am waving for My
children to come ye home, for the Master is here! The door is
open, behold I stand here strong and valiant for ye! I shall
stand by thy side, like the lion — I shall roar and be upon thy
Behold, look to the Most High God for the time hath come,
saith God, to gather the harvest! I will gather the harvest, then
ye shall see a tumult, then ye shall see Satan as he begins to
fight! But behold, saith the Lord, I will stand with thee! Lift U
your hands and praise Me, for I have settled over thee in a way
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that thou hast never seen! I have put My Wings upon thee this
night and overshadowed thee and behold this day I have visited
Capstone and the beautiful splendor of the Spirit of the
Almighty God and I have shown the spiritual Lights from
heave n that have come down from the throne. And the
Cherubim have sung and the Seraphim have visited thee and
the angels of the Most High have walked among you during
this meeting!
Open ye your eyes in the Spirit and y& shall see the
heavenly things. — Behold the celestial wonders of the
Almighty are here! Listen ye to the Lord God, for I am visiting
you this night and this week, saith God! I shall give thee a
miracle, believe in the Lord thy God, ye shall never be the
same after ye leaveth here for My Hand shall go with you!
Believeth, saith the Lord, for it is I!” That’s the Lord talking to
His children!
I want you to praise the Lord, I’m going to pray and ask the
Lord what to do and then I’m going to call the line. If anybody
is a sinner, you be praying in your heart, ask God to forgive
your sins and get in this line or someway you’ll be called in
here. I want the sinners to raise their hands quickly and ask
God to forgive them. We’re late in the day now, sinner, you’d
better get in! He’s gathering the harvest, so you’d better hurry!
That door is still open but, oh, He’s standing there ready to
close it, so everyone raise your hands!
Don’t let the devil bind you up, you see it’s not you people
— it’s the diseases in here! They will lock, like the spirits of
infirmity you know you can be bound by different diseases.
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And a sermon like this, you go right back in the beginning — I

can feel somebody say, well don’t you believe in the Son and
the Holy Spirit? Yes, I do — I believe in the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit — but all one unified! You see, you don’t split
those. See Satan, he fell — you can’t do it. That’s why he
couldn’t overthrow God — He’s unified! You can’t get any
dissension either! You get one person and you can believe it —
there is no argument — nothing happens you see. You get a
couple and you see what happens. In other words, it is such a
measure that the same Spirit goes in the Son and it’s there in
His body — the same Spirit’s white lightning up there and the
same One is the Flame. And God’s sitting on the throne — as
the Immortal God! I know as Daniel said when they brought
him to Him — the Ancient One of Days did sit. And the son of
man was brought unto him — that’s the flesh part, then God-
Flame — goes in and then you see the God-Man veiled, Jesus
the Son, as they called Him in the Bible, come to His people!
So you see, I do. But the thing is this — I didn’t bring the
sermon, the Lord brought the sermon! He wants it just like that
now, you can’t stand up here and say cancer or “goiter, go this
way” and it goes. I don’t go just by signs, but when you come
to the Word of the Lord and see such a great manifestation that
He’s given, right with the Word, now if it wasn’t with the
Word, there would be something wrong with it! But it’s right
with the Word! And when you get it right with the Word, it’s
cut so sharp it’s just like the tip of a razor — it’s so sharp you
say, “Oh I can’t understand it all!” But you can feel, “Qh God”
and it’s the Lord! You see, your minds are changing the state
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of faith is changing. The Lord told me the other night, your

faith and the state of mind is beginning to change and He’s
bringing you in to translative faith. You see, we’re not where
we can be translated yet, because it’s coming, it’s coming on us
now! He’s preparing us!
When Moses took the children of Israel out and God began
to move and they went out and it took them a long time —
forty years wandering around. People have been wandering
around this revival for years and years and years, and now it’s
time. The Pillar of Fire has appeared and the Lord is going to
lead His children out — so we’re going to change and God’s
going to give us more faith. And it’s coming, it’s coming ,just
as sure as I m standing here — the gift is here, the power s
here, but the people, — we’re seeing great miracles but let me
tell you something — I’ve even seen it in the ministry before I
went last time, even greater than what we’ve had here — but
it’s in a little different manner as He speaks this time, is the
only thing.
But what He has told me — you’ll never see anything like
it — no one on the face of the earth, when it gets into full
dimension. When the people of the earth get just right — the
Elective Seed — and come to me, the gift is here already. But
the dimension of people’s faith, when it ignites with the gift
you’ll never see anything like it in the history of the world! It’ll
be things like they’ve never seen before! You’d have to go
back when Christ ministered at the three and one half years and
it’ll he Him again doing the work to the Gentiles.

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So we’re coming hack to that era and time. So prepare for

it! The gift is here, the power’s here, the Lord’s here to do it!
But there’s a change coming among the people and when they
get just right then the translative faith is going to set in their
hearts and then they’ll begin to take to this and then great
miracles and more and more! And then revelations — you’ll
begin to understand things you’ve never understood before,
and it’ll come to you just like you’re a preacher yourself, and
of course you’ll be a child of God and possibly don’t preach,
but you’ll see all these things.
Now I’m going to call the sick, and you believe with all
your heart — Satan has no power — don’t let him have any
control on you. Bow your heads just a minute. Now, Jesus, you
deal here tonight, Lord. We’re going to go before the cameras
and believe you. Last night there was miracle after miracle
after miracle, just one right after another. And I pray tonight
God has prepared me a people.
Now remember, if you don’t get in the line — I’m going to
get to you before the meeting’s over with. I’ve got to reserve
my strength on a certain order because I m preaching hard and
I ye also got my other ministry going in the mail. I try, and
believe me, every one of my partners here says “does he see
my letter?” I certainly do — I’ve got eight or ten hours a day.
I’m not out on the field in meetings only in these conventions
and I can see your letter, I can pray over your letter. We get
letters and if I have to stay and pray many hours a day over
them I will to get through them, you know my word’s true!

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I try to get to everything I can and personally. Also I’m

writing books and my Scrolls. See I’m just alone with you and
what you write me and the books and the Scrolls and God.
Then I open up for a convention every so often, finally the
Lord will open this up more often, more often — the wheels
will begin to spin — then you’ll begin to see faith and you’ll
begin to see things begin to take place.
So I will say this, you’ve been called to support me, I know
it with all of my h2art and your money you give you can see
already, it has gone for books and literature — it’s costing a
small fortune. This building here and because God worked
miracles in my own life, by faith, and what the people gave me
and God was doing personally other things for me — this
building was able to be built and paid for and now we’ve got to
get the literature out. The Lord has put this as a central point.
So every one of you people — you were sent to help me
and I believe it! And God’s going to bless you, He’s going to
hold you and He’s going to stay right with you. And I don’t
plead and we don’t cry and we don’t pull for money, but we
know you’re going to stand behind me, people, but this great
move is coming so the more we pray and the more we do — I
spend time with you and pray over your requests. I’ve got
hours and hours and hours and sometimes it takes that much
time. But God will bless every one of you who stayed with this
ministry — it’s the harvest time so you’re in on something
that’s going to take place! Oh, praise ye the Lord! Can you feel
it? So you stay right with it and God will bless your heart!

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You’re only beginning, each one of you in those seats, and

some of the people in Phoenix who want to be a part of this and
come out here, each one of you people who are my partners
here you’re only beginning to see what God’s going to do with
the funds you have given me. People have been generous and
been nice to me, and also because of my birthday — people
gave me gifts and people have been nice to me like this. In the
early part of my ministry it was rough and in the early part of
my life I went through some of the most terrible things. I’ve
always had some money even when I worked in a profession,
before I was converted, but it seemed to me I was always with
problems as a young man running from God it seemed
everything went.
And then even in my ministry I was up against Satan, he
did fight me, so I know who he is! Oh my! But God was
standing right with me until this hour! So we’re beginning to
go into some deep and powerful things. And what you do here
and the things you do, we put into the gospel and you’re only
beginning, each one of you are only beginning to do what
you’re going really to be called from God. And we’re going to
send these books and pictures worldwide — we’re capturing
this on film and we can take and show people when we want
to, and my partners will be responsible for this and will be
rewarded in Heaven and here. The Lord’s going to come down
and bless you. Do you believe it?
Now we prayed for a little child who had no knuckles in the
hand or not enough bones. And God began to create — there
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was no complete hand there — and right in front of their eyes

the Almighty light of God came down. I want them to bring the
child. Remember the hand began to come out and he began to
wave to you! We’re going to bring him up here, I want the
woman to come up here with the child. How many of you
remember the miracle? No complete hand! Well you’re going
to see it. You don t go around creating things or have God
creating parts of the body. You see, Lucifer can’t create! That’s
one minis try he can’t do — he’ll not create for you.
(Speaking to woman) — How are you? Well, you look so
different even since I prayed for you the other night and now
we want you to testify. I remember the childs hand was drawn
up like this and God had to do some creating and the child
began to wave to the audience. And I want the mother to tell
you how the Lord began to move on the child. (Woman speaks)
“When you asked me to come over and examine it he only had
part of this finger, this finger and this finger and it was drawed
into a point. He has been X-rayed and we know that he only
had the bones for these three. And people have prayed all over
for him and so I examine the hand all the time and I know that
there wasn’t this finger — and when you prayed and I came
over, I felt the bone come through this finger, come through
and it felt like the size of a toothpick and then it began to
widen, and his hand was widened about this much, and he has
this finger, he has all the bones now for a hand and before he
didn’t! And I was so excited! And I still am! Thank you Jesus.”
When you wait a long time on Jesus, He’ll come by your
way. He s begun this great miracle — creating. I want him to
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wave and show the little hand here in front. (Child waves) —
Look at the bones in there! How many of you can shout the
victory now? Look at that! Isn’t that beautiful? Incredible!
Praise ye the Lord!
(Woman speaking) — “This is a whole new knuckle and
bone here — this is all brand new! And when he prayed, this
one here that has a lump on it — it’s the way that it was formed
— moved over.”
Jesus, I’m going to pray that God will finish the complete
work of the restoration of that hand — split them open, Lord
— let the hand become new. Create, in the name Of the Living
God. Create the rest of the hand, make it normal. It’s already
begin- fling to take form, Lord. The bones have been created
and God is moving! Make it whole, Lord, and bless the father
and mother as they go. That’s a wonderful miracle!
(Next case) “I have stomach trouble”. Yes, I can tell you
have real sickness, you have stomach trouble. There it is! That
Light’s come down — praise the Lord. “That stomach troubles
gone, daughter, and I have healed thy teeth, believe in the Lord
thy God!” There it is! Now you feel your stomach and tell the
audience what happened to you. “I was sore all in here and it’s
gone now! I could feel a knot in my stomach and now I can’t
feel it!” Can you Praise the Lord! Go your way, your faith hath
made you whole!
(Another case) “Soreness in my eye.” I command the
soreness to leave, in the name of Jesus. If your faith is strong
then God will talk to you — you people that are in the line.
Now He’s cutting back and forth — when I talk, many times
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it’s because the faith is not strong enough for the voice. But
what happens is, it doesn’t mean He’s not going to heal it
means it will be a slower process but it will be done. Praise the

He’s doing something! Feel for the soreness in your eye,

what’s happening? “The soreness is gone from my eye.” Do
you believe God did that? Take all the watering out. There it is!
The Light came down on this woman right here! I don’t know
if she saw it or not. Several the other night did. Now look out
in the audience with your eye and tell the people what’s
happening. “I could hardly look at the light — I couldn’t look
at the light — and now I can see the light real good! And my
eye had watered for a long time and there isn’t any water in it
now! I know that my eye is healed!” Her eye is healed. She
couldn’t see the lights like that because it would water — and
her eye is healed! . . . a miracle!
(Next case) “Cyst on my spine” You have a cyst on your
spine and it really hurts, doesn’t it? It affects your nervous
system. You know the Lord paid a tremendous price and He’s
going to heal your back, I believe it with all of my heart.
Throw your hands up, God loves you! “Behold, saith the Lord,
feel thine back now for the Lord hath come upon it. I command
it healed by My Word, and let the fire of God come upon thy
back.” There it is! Glory to God, take away the nerves, Lord,
and heal them in Jesus’ holy name. Move your spine around,
What’s happening now? The cyst on my spine is gone! God
has healed it! It was a cyst which doctors could not operate on,
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it was affecting the nervous system — I was a wreck! God has’

healed me!” Go your way daughter, your faith hath made you
whole! She got it! These are miracles, can you praise the Lord?
(Next case) “The cords in my hands are drawing up.” Let
me see, — I command the cords to undraw in her hands, loosen
them that she may have — touch this hand. Now move this
hand, what’s happening? “It’s like little ants crawling in there!”
Isn’t that wonderful! You couldn’t do it like that a while ago.
Her cords were drawn up and there were more of them drawing
up in her hands and when I said touch this other hand — God
moved the other hand over there — and when I said touch it,
she said it was just like little ants went all over it, “God
Creating” — She has weak eyes, sometimes gets double vision.
Lord, give her one vision and let her believe in the Most High
God, One God of heaven and earth. Glory! He loves that!
Touch her whole body, you got it! Go your way, your faith
made you whole! Her cords become new again, it’s just like
ants crawling all over she said, it’s got her just like that!
(Another case) “Stomach tumor” Put your hands on your
stomach, that’s right. I rebuke the tumor in the name of the
Living God! “Daughter draw close to Me, let thy heart be pure
before Me now. I am going to touch thine stomach.” I
command the tumor — come out — in Jesus name! Glory to
God — there’s the Light of the Lord! Believe it, believe it right
now! Praise ye the Lord! I want her to testify now, what
happened? “Glory, glory, I was so tight there and now I’m
empty!” I’m Healed!

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(Next case) “Infection in my ear and trouble with my right

arm”. I rebuke the disease in the ear, I command it to leave in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I command your shoulder to
be raised in the name of the Lord — raise it up. What’s
happening? I challenge the demons of power that lock that arm,
loosen that arm! “Behold”, saith God, “raise thine hand,
daughter, for My Spirit is upon thine arm”. Look at that, look
at that! “Thine ear is healed, for the Lord is great to His people.
You praise Me and you can keep this, saith the Lord, and grow
strong in your faith, let not people upset you — you praise
Me!” Look at that! Feel your ear and see what’s happening
“My ears tingled when you prayed and across the back of my
neck, right instantly I could raise my arm up! It’s been months
since I ye been able to lift my arm up so I couldn’t even praise
the Lord with this hand!” Praise God, it’s all healed!
(Next case) “Pain in neck and cataract and ear trouble.”
Lord, I command the pain to leave her head and neck and the
cataracts and the ear troubles, in Jesus name. There it is!
“Daughter believe, turn thy neck, turn thy neck back and
forth.” Go ahead, and I command the pain in her head and
shoulders GO! Now what happened? “Well, when I shut this
eye — I can see you now. I can see you and before I couldn’t!”
Where are your pains at? “Well, I haven’t got any!” Go your
way, isn’t that wonderful! It’s the Lord that’s doing this!
(Next case) “I have a vertebrae out.” Now you’ve seen
these miracles here and you have your vertebrae in your back.
Do you believe this is your night to be healed? “Behold, saith
the Lord, “Lift thine hands up, and move thine back. I’ve
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begun a great work in thine back already — behold, My power

is upon thee!” The Light of God has come upon you, raise your
hands up and down. Loosen the spine! There it was! Did you
see the Light? That Light flashed — it flashed right between
me and him! Now move your back around. What happened?
“It’s all gone! I had a vertebra in my back that never did
develop and I couldn’t walk good and I couldn’t run, but now
it’s all gone!” God created him a vertebra — he never had one.
He can walk — Go your way, faith made you whole! Can you
praise the Lord!

(Another case) “Tumor and arthritis.” Now these miracles are

happening! He has a tumor. “Behold, saith the Lord, “I
command the tumor — come out, loosen the arthritis in these
legs.” There’s the Light of the Lord and the power of the Spirit
is here! Now feel your neck. “It’s better, it’s better. The
swelling is going down, it’s easier for me to talk and my head
ached when I got here and it’s gone now. This pain would go
up in my ears and up through my head and now it’s gone!! My
throat is clear now and I can talk clear!” God bless your heart,
go your way.
(Heart case) (Testimony) “In 1969 I had a heart attack and
the doctors were going to have to put a valve in the heart. So,
when I was here in the last meeting, Bro. Neal prayed for me
and the Lord healed me. I quit taking my medicine
immediately and went back to Virginia and the doctors
checked me and said I was normal. I’ve been mowing my yard,

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working and going just like a normal man!” Praise the Lord,
the doctors checked him and said he was healed!
(Spinal case) “ Curvature of the spine.” Jesus — Praise the
Lord — there it is! Move your back around, daughter. Go
ahead, it doesn’t take but a minute for the Lord! What’s
happened? “It’s gone, and my neck is loosened up in there!”
Well, and she had curvature of the spine — the pain’s all gone
and her neck loosened up! That’s powerful!
(Eye case) “Eye trouble.” Lord, let thy presence come upon
this girl. Lord, let Your presence come down. What happened?
Her eyes were jumping back and forth before. “I can see
straight! I can see straight! My eyes jiggled back and forth and
as they jiggled back and forth, everything else went with it.”
She’s healed! She can look and her eyes are not moving. When
she came up here, her eyes were jumping and they aren’t
jumping now.
(Next case) “Pain and soreness in spine and nervous.”
We’ll pray that God will take those pains and also release this
pressure on your head and all over your body. The worry and
the tension has got to go. Here it is! “Behold, saith the Lord,
“I’ve healed those that you have seen before you and My hand
is upon thee now. Lift up your arms and praise Me, for My
powe r is going through your body.” The Light of the Almighty
God! I rebuke the pains in the body — leave! Feel that now.
What happened? “All of my insides stayed sore constantly and
all my spine and legs, I could hardly stand on them. Now all
the soreness is gone! Praise the Lord!” God said He’d touched
you, go your way!
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(Back case) “Screws in spine.” Jesus, he has pain in his

back and there are screws in his back that they put in there and
it never did work. “Behold, the Lord can dissolve those screws
and put a new back in — lift up your hands and praise Me!”
Here it is! Thou art healed in the name of the Lord! Bend your
back over now. Look at that! A new back! He said those
screws never worked in his back. God created you a back, you
don’t have pain now “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! God’s
healed me! The devil has been trying to thwart me in every
way, I’ve been trying to get here since Monday. We come
through storms and everything else — the car broke down and
we had to put it in a garage. But he couldn’t win, he couldn’t
win! God wanted me to be here and He healed me tonight!”
God bless you — he’s one of my partners. Well, most of these
are my partners that were healed — they write me from all over
the country. I’ve never seen them face to face unless the Lord
was to show me a vision at home. But they’re coming and God
is healing them!
(Next case) “Arthritis”. “Thy arthritis, daughter, is nothing.
I command that arthritis”, saith the Lord God, “to leave thy
body. Behold, I rebuke it in the name of the Living God.
Believe the Lord Jesus Christ maketh thee whole.” Raise your
arms up and down — go ahead — that’s all there is to it.
“Hallelujah!!” Boy, she can go around now! Here goes the
healthy wheels, here goes the spiritual wheels of God! Praise
ye the Lord! What happened? “I don’t feel it — it’s all gone!”
Well, there’s a good testimony! You, got it, go your way —
your faith made you whole. He did it quick for you!
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(Another case) “Knot in the throat.” “Behold, “saith the

Lord, “I rebuke the knot — come out”. Now feel it, what’s
happening? “I don’t feel it anymore! I had a knot on my neck
here — a goiter — and it seems to bother my eyes and make
my head hurt. But I don’t feel anything there now! It just went!
People, believe it —this is true!” This is a miracle! Blessed be
the Lord!
(Next case) “Testimony about stomach and needs prayer
for migraine headaches and nerves.” Amen, how are you? This
man had no stomach whatsoever they had cut it out — 82 %
gone — God created a stomach for this man! Right in front of
their eyes when I prayed for him. Now you have severe
migraines, and you have to take something for them — we’re
going to get rid of them! “Behold, “saith the Lord, “give all
your attention to Me now, read My word.. Behold, the power
of the Lord is upon thine head! Thy migraine headaches are
rebuked, in the name of the Lord! I’ve given thee a relief!”
You can feel it now, it’s the Lord! Glory to God! Take those
nerves away,
Lord, let this man be normal — in Jesus name. Satan, I
command you to leave, in the Name of the Lord There it is,
He’s doing something for you right now! What happened? “It’s
gone, it’s gone!” Go your way, God’s blessed you!
(Ear case) “No eardrum.” Lord, I command an eardrum
created in this woman’s ear. She got it! What happened? How
long was it like that? “I’ve had this eardrum out ever since I
was six years old. And the hearing has been gone in this other
ear for 25 years.” You can hear now! “Yes, oh yes! he almost
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kept me from coming —, I lost my voice and I felt terrible!

Now I can hear and I don t need any more hearing aid! Now I
can just whisper and she can hear! Can you thank Jesus?
(Creative case) “Vertebra deteriorating.” The vertebra are
deteriorating and she has to have them created — the Lord can
create for you! Because He used to stand and look at women
just like you and He would tell them to come close and believe
in the Lord. Now the Light’s on you. “It’s easy for Me to
create, behold, the spine and the parts, just as easy as it is for
you to eat or to drink water. There’s no difference, saith God,
for I am immortal, the Living God. I made ye all. My hand is
upon you, believe”, saith the Lord. There’s the Light on your
back now, create the vertebra in the name of Jesus. Now move
your back around. “My right hip and leg are shorter than the
other and has given me a lot of trouble.” Beside the back, you
have the leg trouble. Move your back first and see how that is
— now walk on your leg and see if your legs are the same size
now. Look at that! Where’s your short leg now? “My back
feels so good! I praise the Lord from the bottom of my heart!”
She had a short leg and walked and it’s the same size! There it
is! Just as straight as you believe! Your short leg is gone, isn’t
it? “Amen.” You’re normal! Go your way, daughter!
(Next case) “Vertebra.” Heal the vertebra — here’s the
power of God! God’s moving! You have to respect the Lord or
you can’t get anything — just be real quiet, He’s on your back!
Now bend your back over. (woman says) “It’s healed!” — The
Lord said while you were talking, He was moving! “Thank you
Satan Assaults The Throne

Jesus, thank you Jesus! That’s wonderful — go your way, your

faith made you whole.
Saints, stand to your feet now, lift up your hands. — I’m
going to pray for all of you by the end of the week — the same
kind of miracles! Can you praise the Lord for these services?
Isn’t this Jesus! One right after another! There’s no one that
can dispute these miracles — they’re happening in front of
your eyes! (Note — “Scores of others came through the line
this same night and were healed of cancers, tumors and other
diseases but due to space we cannot print more here” — also
you can see on front cover of this book and on the last book
“Light Moving Eastward in Eden”, the light Bro. Frisby was
describing on the platform’s prayer Line. “You can see it
turning or spinning in dimensions as though revealing His
creative majesty, unlimited power!”



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