Main Practical Paper-4 JSP and Servlet Progamming Lab
Main Practical Paper-4 JSP and Servlet Progamming Lab
Main Practical Paper-4 JSP and Servlet Progamming Lab
2. Client Side Scripts for Validating Web Form Controls using DHTML
ii) Set background and foreground of the control text area by selecting a color
color palette.
iii) In order to select Foreground or background use check box control as radio
5. Write programs in Java to create three-tier applications using JSP and Databases
ii) for displaying student mark list. Assume that student information is available in
7. Consider a case where we have two web Services- an airline service and a travel
agent and the travel agent is searching for an airline. Implement this scenario using
1. Create a Web Page with cascading style sheets and Embedded style sheets.
2. Design a Web Page to perform screen saver animations using Java Script.
4. Design Web Pages for Library Management System using Java Applet and JDBC,
5. Write a Java RMI program to copy a text file from server to client.