Lesson Plan in English 9 (August 10, 2015)
Lesson Plan in English 9 (August 10, 2015)
Lesson Plan in English 9 (August 10, 2015)
Grade 9 Taurus
1. Make connection between the present text and the previously read text
2. Assess the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material read
B. Resources
Stress to them the challenge they need to face which is how to unfold and show appreciation
for the meaning of a poem.
Sounds call for the use of rhyme, rhythm, repetition, alliteration and other sound devices.
Imagery calls for the use of colourful and moving words that appeal to the senses and evoke
Meaning is the intended comment about life / observation about the experiences in life.
3. Text Task
a.) Vocabulary/Synonym Match Challenge
Make them check their answers against the following entries.
b.) Remind them of the FOCUS QUESTION: How do I cope with challenges in life? And
ask to reflect on the quotations in the Why not? Part.
1.” Don’t let challenges stop you to take your best future.”
2. “When virtue is in presence, all subordinate powers sleep.
- Ralph Waldo
*Let them take turns in answering these questions.
4. What kind of stairway is it? (stairs with tacks, splinters andboards, without carpet,
5. What kind of stairway is the mother’s life not like? (crystal stair)
6. What does the mother tell her son? (life is full of challenges they continually need to
face / overcome, so they must be strong )
-Let them copy the illustration of the stairs as shown in their learning material and fill it
up with entries called for. Accept varied responses and give feedback .
Group 3
they need to work on the Salient Points of the poem . Clarify to them that when they
read the poem or listen to others read a poem, they can come up with a broad
statement that sums up the poem’s central meaning. This is the ability to make
generalization about life and human nature as conveyed in the poem read or listened
to. This can help you enjoy reading poem or listening to poems read.
As they will read the poem they will discover the answer to these questions. As a
whole, what does the poem talk about? ( A mother advices her son to be strong in
facing and overcoming challenges in life.)
The poem is divided into 3 parts. Which part/ lines of the poem talk about hardships?
responses to hardships? Mother’s advice to keep? Use the table for their r responses.
Make them check their answers against these.
Group 4
Ask them to discuss the answer to the following questions and share
their findings with the class What poetic devices are used in the poem? ( imagery,
sounds, poetic contractions, repetition, tone) Which one helps clarify the message
more? Which part do you like best? Why? What do you think might have motivated
the mother to advice her son? Is the message of the poem worthwhile? Prove your
point. How important is the poem’s message in your life? What have you learned
from it? Accept varied answers to the questions (except the first one) and give
For Group 5
Q&A ( Qualities and Attitudes displayed) Ask them to point out what approach to/
attitude in life the persona intended to show/ share in the poem. Let them list these
attitudes and plot them in the chart.
For Group 6
More Challenges are in store for them. They have to talk about how the speaker /
persona feel about the challenges in life and explain her reaction to these challenges. (
The persona has an optimistic attitude towards facing and overcoming these challenges
in life.) Point out the lines / phrases that shed light on these. Use a table like the one
shown for your responses.
For Group 7
Let them do the A Key to…activity. Impress to them that the speaker’s / persona’s
attitude towards the subject can be gleamed from the quality of the language the poet
used. This is called the tone which can either be formal or informal, serious or light.in
most cases, tone is suggested by the quality of the language used by the poet. Words
reveal the speaker’s feeling and attitude in life.
For Group 8
Let them try the Extended Metaphor activity. Impress upon them that an Extended
Metaphor is a feature of a lyric poem that presents comparison over several lines of /
throughout the poem. Let them point out how the persona makes many comparisons
from the start up to the end line of the poem. Ask them to list these comparisons.
For Group 9
Their job is Drawing Conclusions. Lead them to discuss what illustrates the persona’s
state of mind at the end of the poem. And list the choices offered to her. Continue by
considering the choice she made.
Make them work on the Types of Poetry. Ask them to think back and recall the 3
types of poetry. Then, ask them: How they differ, which of them tells a story, expresses
vivid thoughts and feelings, and uses dramatic technique like speaker, conflict and story.
Make them categorize “Mother to Son” as to what type of poetry it is and recall the
other poems they ’ve explored in class, then decide to what type each belongs. Lead
them share their ideas with the class. Give feedback by pointing out the features of
the 3 types of poetry.