(World Crop Series) W. J. Florkowski (Auth.), J. Smartt (Eds.) - The Groundnut Crop - A Scientific Basis For Improvement-Springer Netherlands (1994) PDF
(World Crop Series) W. J. Florkowski (Auth.), J. Smartt (Eds.) - The Groundnut Crop - A Scientific Basis For Improvement-Springer Netherlands (1994) PDF
(World Crop Series) W. J. Florkowski (Auth.), J. Smartt (Eds.) - The Groundnut Crop - A Scientific Basis For Improvement-Springer Netherlands (1994) PDF
The Grass Crop
The physiological basis of production
M.B. Jones and A. Lazenby
The Tomato Crap
A scientific basis for impravement
J.G. Atherton and J. Rudich
Wheat Breeding
Its scientific basis
F.G.H. Lupton
The Potato Crap
The scientific basis for impravement
P.M. Harris
The Sugar Beet Crap
Science into practice
D.A. Cooke and R.K. Scott
Forthcoming titles
Bananas and Plantains
S. Gowen
R.W. Welch
A scientific basis for improvement
Edited by
J. Smartt
Department of Biology
Southampton University, UK
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List of contributors x
Series foreword xv
Preface xvii
J.J.K.B. Asiedu
The African Regional Centre for Technology
BP 2435
A venue Djily Mbaye
B.G. Cook
Senior Pasture Agronomist
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Cnr Cartwright Road and Louisa Street
PO Box 395
Queensland 4570
P. Coolbear
Seed Technology Centre
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand
I.C. Crosthwaite
Extension Agronomist
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
J.G. Davis
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia
Coastal Plain Experiment Station
GA 31793
Contributors xi
W.J. Florkowski
Associate Professor
The University of Georgia
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Georgia Experiment Station
GA 30223-1797
G.J. Gascho
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia
Coastal Plain Experiment Station
GA 31793
R.O. Hammons
Hammons Consultancy
1203 Lake Drive
Georgia 31794-3834
T.G. Isleib
Department of Crop Science
North Carolina State University
NC 27695-7620
J.1. Keenan
Department of Surgery
Christchurch School of Medicine
University of Otago
New Zealand
This book is a most welcome addition to the World Crop Series. For
although in terms of world figures groundnut annual production (in shell)
at 23 506 000 tonnes is second to and well below that of soyabean at
114011 000 tonnes of grain, it is of special importance in developing
countries. Thus about ten times as much of the groundnut crop is produced
in developing countries than in developed countries, whereas well over half
the production of soyabean is in developed countries (FAD Yearbook,
1992). Moreover, the groundnut crop has a special role in sustaining the
agricultural systems of the semi-arid tropics where, because of the stressful
climates, farming is particularly difficult.
This series recognizes that, because the disciplines contributing to crop
improvement are becoming more specialized, it is increasingly difficult for
the specialists involved to understand each other's language and percep-
tions. It is not only a problem for those active in research but is perhaps an
even greater difficulty for those who are involved in agricultural develop-
ment, extension and education to obtain a critical, balanced and up-to-date
view of the scientific advances that are contributing to crop improvement.
At the same time it is evident from the way in which research priorities
and programmes are being addressed internationally that increasing
emphasis is being placed on multidisciplinary projects. Hence, in spite of
increased specialization, the need for scientists to understand each other
and integrate their efforts is also increasing. The multidisciplinary
approach is evident, for example, in the project-based system of organiz-
ation and management that has been recently introduced in the
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRI-
SAT). This is the institute within the system of eighteen International
Centres of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
which has been given a special responsibility to work on the groundnut
crop and also to conserve the world germplasm collection of this species
and its wild relatives. It is not surprising, therefore, that several of the
authors of this book are ICRISAT scientists. But interest in the crop is not
restricted to the semi-arid tropics; and while the major production regions
are India, China and Africa (in that order) it is also important elsewhere,
XVI Series foreword
especially in the USA. Scientific expertise in the crop extends even wider
and the authors who were invited to contribute to this book by the editor
reflect the considerable international interest in groundnuts.
I believe the result of this combined effort will become an essential
source of ideas and information for anyone who takes more than a passing
interest in this crop. While making no scientific compromises, the language
is meant to be comprehensible to anyone with some understanding of
biological and agricultural sciences. It should therefore be a considerable
aid to the multidisciplinary approaches that are now a feature of agricul-
tural research and development.
E.H. Roberts
University of Reading
The event which threw the 'Groundnut Crop' into sharpest relief was
undoubtedly the monumental fiasco of the East African Groundnut
Scheme, conceived in ] 946. What had been an interesting botanical curio-
sity and the source of useful foods, edible oils and feeding stuffs became
the butt of innumerable comedians and to be in any way associated with
the crop in the 1950s was to be a sitting target for wits and humorists of
every stripe. To be informed within 24 hours of arrival in Northern
Rhodesia that I was to devote my attention and energies to this crop made
me feel that I had drawn the shortest of short straws. It was some while
before gloom and despondency lifted but by the end of my first crop season
I realized that in fact I had not been given the metaphorical poisoned
chalice but something that was to become an abiding interest, which has
remained fresh over a period of 40 years.
Three events in that first season (1954-5) launched me on a course which
would over the years give me enormous job satisfaction. Stephen Hoyle of
the Nyasaland Department of Agriculture (a groundnut enthusiast if ever
there was one) made available to me his own variety collection. Early in
1955 I received from Queensland, in response to a request for groundnut
material, several selections of a Bolivian groundnut landrace named Mani
Pintar which were to prove extremely interesting. The final gift of the fairy
godmother was a copy of The Peanut - the Unpredictable Legume, which
became my groundnut bible during my spell in Africa, as it did for many
others in the groundnut (or peanut) world. It was so successful and highly
regarded that its successor Peanuts - Culture and Uses did not appear until
1973 - a lapse of 22 years. In the meantime, however, two useful if modest
publications were produced in 1967: the PANS (Pest Articles and News
Summaries) Manual No.2, Pest control in GROUNDNUTS (published
by the Overseas Development Agency in the UK) and Groundnut
ProductionlGroundnut Research 1954-61 published in Lusaka by the
Government Printer, Zambia.
Advances in production technology and research continued at an acce-
lerating pace and in 1982 the American Peanut Research and Education
Association (now Society) published Peanut Science and Technology, a
XVlll Preface
successor to its earlier volume, Peanuts - Culture and Uses. This organiz-
ation has since 1974 published its own journal Peanut Science which
provides a useful vehicle for publication on any aspect of investigation
related to the crop. Prior to that date, APREA had published its own
untitled journal for a number of years. In addition, the Proceedings of its
annual meetings are invaluable sources of information - going back to the
early 1960s if one also includes those of its predecessor, the Peanut
Improvement Working Group.
The first major work on the groundnut to emerge from the developing
world was published in 1988 by the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research with a similar format and organization of material to the APREA
publications. This very valuable and substantial piece of work is concerned
primarily with the Indian context while the corresponding APREA publi-
cations address the North American situation. Thus there appears to be
scope for a broader approach to the crop, incorporating experience with
the groundnut crop in the rest of the world. This was the motivating force
behind the present volume, which attempts where possible to break new
ground with the presentation of authoritative reviews such as that of
Professor Janet Sprent as well as broad geographic coverage of other topics
such as breeding and the control of pests and disease.
Any editor setting about the task of assembling a cast of authors does so
with a set of ideals in mind, well knowing whom to recruit. The process is
beset with trials and disappointments and this volume has had its fair share
or more of these. It is with the deepest regret that the death of a major
contributor, Keith Middleton, must be recorded. The chapter on Diseases
had been fully drafted by the time of his death and was completed by his
colleagues at ICRISAT. I count myself privileged and honoured to have met
him in the year before his untimely death. He will be sorely missed.
The current depressed state of the world economy has not been without its
effects on contributors who had agreed in good faith to produce chapters but
in the event were unable to do so. An individual threatened by the horrors of
'rationalization' may not be in the best condition to discharge obligations
gladly accepted in happier times. A somewhat fuller coverage had been
anticipated but in fairness to contributors who had met the deadlines the
decision was taken to proceed, with the editor making an attempt to fill as far
as possible the lacunae left by the contributions which failed to materialize.
Acknowledgement must be given to ICRISAT's work on the groundnut
crop, guided by Dr J. G . Ryan, its present director, and his predecessor Dr
L.D. Swindale. The encouragement given by Dr Y.L. Nene as Deputy
Director General is acknowledged gratefully. The experience of editing
this work has been very rewarding and has given me a pretext for making
contact with those whose work I have long admired but whom otherwise I
might never have approached.
J. Smartt
Southampton, October, 1993
(d) Asia
All major producers in Asia increased their average output over the three
decades. In south-west Asia, India's production climbed steadily over the
period, increasing by 25%. In south-east Asia (excluding Vietnam), pro-
duction increased by 176% between the 1960s and 1980s. In Myanmar, the
average output rose steadily, increasing by 16% during the 1970s and a
further 36% during the 1980s. Indonesia more than doubled its average
East Asia's output grew mainly because of China, which recorded a 90%
increase in average annual groundnut production between the 1970s and
the 1980s. However, output fell in Taiwan and did so more dramatically in
Japan, where it declined by 63% between the 1960s and the 1980s.
(e) Europe
The groundnut is of marginal importance to European farmers. The grow-
ing conditions in most European countries are unsuitable for its
production. In several countries where it is grown, there may be a com-
parative advantage in production of other crops. Relatively high yields
have not compensated for the small area and, as a result, the production of
groundnuts has been low in most of Europe, seldom exceeding 10 000 MT
in anyone country. Turkey has been the largest producer: in the 1960s, it
averaged 25 400 MT annually, increasing this level by 77% in the 1970s and
another 34% in the 1980s.
MT = (onnes.
4 Groundnut production and trade
TABLE 1.1 Average groundnut production in selected countries (1000 tonnes)
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970s/1960s 1980-1989 1980sl1970s
North America
Mexico 89.7 59.5 -30.2 72.9 13.4
USA 992.9 1606.8 613.9 1669.7 62.9
South America
Argentina 325.8 402.1 76.3 281.8 -120.3
Brazil 588.1 582.8 -5.3 272.6 -310.2
Colombia NA 2.6 NA 4.4 2.2
Ecuador 10.9 10.3 -0.6 9.8 -0.5
Paraguay 13.6 17.5 3.9 36.0 18.5
Uruguay 4.8 2.6 -2.2 1.2 -1.4
Venezuela 2.4 19.6 17.2 15.4 -4.2
West Africa 285.5 209.0 -76.5 184.1 -24.9
Benin 24.0 49.9 25.9 56.2 6.3
Burkina Faso 114.1 118.0 3.9 123.7 5.7
Cameroon 120.5 123.5 3.0 185.6 62.1
Ghana 59.6 74.8 15.2 63.7 -9.1
Gambia 100.3 123.1 22.8 114.9 -8.2
Ivory Coast 29.1 44.3 15.2 80.5 36.2
Mali 112.0 124.2 12.2 99.8 -24.4
Niger 235.1 138.0 -97.1 69.3 -68.7
Nigeria 1402.8 607.8 -795.0 489.5 -118.3
Senegal 926.9 875.6 -51.3 712.9 162.7
Togo 15.8 20.0 4.2 28.5 8.5
East Africa 102.6 189.6 87.0 165.3 -24.6
Burundi 7.0 25.0 18.0 57.8 32.8
Egypt 41.5 32.6 -8.9 31.7 -0.9
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970sl1960s 1980-1989 1980s/1970s
1970s was 19% greater than in the 1960s. However, the introduction of
improved cultivars led to a 39% decrease in that area between 1980 and
1989. In Brazil, the average area harvested decreased by 17% in the 1970s
and continued to decrease steadily in the 1980s. In 1990, Brazilian farmers
planted only 89 000 ha with groundnut, an area 87% less than the record
694000 ha in 1967.
Paraguay expanded its area under groundnut production in the mid
1960s. During the late 1960s and the early 1970s the area figure stagnated
and in some years declined but it increased again between the mid 1970s
and 1990 so that between the 1960s and the 1980s it had grown by 94%.
Several other South American countries cultivate groundnut - for example
Uruguay and Ecuador - but average area harvested has remained below
20000 ha.
(c) Africa
The area harvested in Africa increased during the 1970s but the average in
the 1980s was 5% less than in the 1960s. The land allocation within
individual countries, however, varied in response to each country's specific
demands and policies.
In western Africa, area harvested decreased generally between 1960 and
1990. The area harvested in Senegal remains the largest in Africa, despite
decreasing by 15% during the 1980s. Nigeria assigned the second largest
area to groundnut production in Africa during the three decades but it now
ranks third and the average area harvested in the 1980s was only 2% larger
than its 1960s average. Cameroon emerged as the country with the third
largest area harvested in West Africa: it increased by 90% between the
1960s and the 1980s. In Niger the area harvested decreased by 31%
between the 1960s and the 1970s and by 44% between the 1970s and the
1980s. Mali recorded a decrease of 24% in the period 1960-1989, with an
especially large drop in the 1970s.
In central Africa, the average area harvested increased over time be-
cause of an expansion in groundnut production. Zaire harvested an aver-
age area 77% greater in the 1980s than in the 1960s.
In eastern Africa, the area harvested increased in the 1970s and
remained stable in the 1980s. In the Sudan, the average became the second
largest in Africa in the 1980s, exceeding Nigeria'S area by 21 % . Uganda
decreased its area during the 1970s by 22% compared with the 1960s and
by another 32% during the 1980s. Tanzania increased its average area
harvested by 117% between the 1960s and the 1980s. In Egypt there was a
decrease of 29% during the period 1960-1989.
In southern Africa, the average area harvested in the 1980s was smaller
than in the 1960s. The Republic of South Africa devoted a steadily
decreasing land area to groundnut production. There was no growth in the
8 Groundnut production and trade
TABLE 1.3 A verage area of groundnuts harvested in selected countries
(1000 hectares)
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970s/1960s 1980-1989 1980s/1970s
North America
Mexico 69 41 -28 52 11
USA 576 605 29 597 -8
South America
Argentina 284 339 55 173 -166
Brazil 482 399 -83 186 -213
Ecuador 11 12 1 10 -2
Colombia NA 2 NA 3 1
Paraguay 17 20 3 33 13
Uruguay 6 3 -3 2 -1
Venezuela 3 16 13 11 -5
West Africa 264 291 27 245 -46
Benin 67 74 7 81 7
Burkina Faso 226 173 -53 203 30
Cameroon 166 199 33 315 116
Ghana 44 99 55 105 6
Gambia 145 148 3 99 -49
Ivory Coast 50 51 1 87 36
Mali 161 129 -32 123 -6
Niger 342 235 -107 132 -103
Nigeria 599 953 354 609 -344
Senegal 1063 1106 43 906 -200
Togo 40 31 -9 39 8
East Africa 129 217 88 208 -9
Burundi 9 18 9 50 32
Egypt 21 17 -4 15 -2
average area harvested in Zimbabwe between the 1960s and the 1970s but
it expanded by 9% in the 1980s.
(d) Asia
Asian countries reported the world's largest area harvested of groundnut.
For the continent as a whole, the rapid expansion in average area har-
vested during the 1980s surpassed the 1960s area by 47%. The area in India
is larger than that of any other country and is increasing slowly: it averages
more than three times that of China.
In south-east Asia, the area harvested is substantial. Myanmar is the
Production, area harvested and yield 9
TABLE 1.3 cant.
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970s/1960s 1980-1989 1980sl1970s
and the 1970s and by 27% in the 1980s. Japan consistently planted a
reduced area: the average in the 1980s was 56% smaller than in the 1960s.
Korea is a small producer but has been steadily expanding its area under
groundnut cultivation.
(e) Europe
Areas harvested in individual European countries remained below
10 000 ha. Greece, Spain and Italy devoted 3000-5000 ha to groundnut
production. In the early 1960s, Yugoslavia grew 21000 ha of the crop but
the area decreased towards the end of the decade.
Turkey consistently increased its groundnut area: the average increased
by 82% in the 1970s and the expansion continued in the 1980s.
Production, area harvested and yield 11
(c) Africa
A number of groundnut producers in Africa achieved record yields in the
1960s and 1970s but experienced a decline during the 1980s. Among
countries reporting this pattern were Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Mali,
Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire and the Republic of South Africa.
In western Africa, the overall average yields remained stable between
1960 and 1990 but fluctuated in individual countries. The average Gambian
yields have been consistently above 500 kg/ha since 1983. Senegal reported
considerably lower and more variable yields than Gambia. Yields in
Nigeria, a large producer of groundnuts, exceeded its average yield of the
1970s by 32% in the 1980s. In Ghana and Cameroon average yields
12 Groundnut production and trade
TABLE 1.5 Average groundnut yields in selected countries (kg/ha)
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970s/1960s 1980-1989 1980sl1970s
North America
Mexico 1329 1497 168 1420 -77
USA 1724 2652 928 2792 140
South America
Argentina 1154 1174 20 1660 486
Brazil 1231 1383 152 1481 98
Ecuador 985 956 -29 925 -31
Colombia NA 1600 NA 1302 -298
Paraguay 822 869 47 1137 -268
Uruguay 735 1058 323 550 -508
Venezuela 987 1235 248 1501 266
West Africa 743 757 14 752 -5
Benin 379 751 372 694 -57
Burkina Faso 510 651 141 601 -50
Cameroon 716 620 -96 502 -118
Gambia 706 855 149 1165 310
Ghana 1708 761 -947 559 -202
Ivory Coast 596 872 276 916 44
Mali 792 1124 332 856 -268
Niger 724 540 -184 508 -32
Nigeria NA 619 NA 817 198
Senegal 876 781 -95 804 23
Togo 423 756 333 846 90
East Africa 977 1278 301 1092 -186
Burundi 696 1496 800 1073 -423
Egypt 2004 1920 -84 2201 281
Change Change
Country 1960-1969 1970-1979 1970s/1960s 1980-1989 1980s/1970s
suffered a slow but steady decline of 10% in average yield between the
1960s and the 1980s.
In central Africa, average yields increased but then decreased, leaving
them at a slightly higher level in the 1980s than in the 1960s. In southern
Africa, the average yield declined steadily between 1960 and 1989. The
Republic of South Africa, a major African producer, experienced an
increase in average yield during the 1970s but the average during the 1980s
was 28% lower than in the 1970s. Zimbabwe's yield declined by 21 % in the
1980s compared with the 1960s.
(d) Asia
In south-west Asia, India's average yield increased by 13% between the
1960s and the 1970s and by 4% in the 1980s.
14 Groundnut production and trade
TABLE 1. 6 Yield increases and decreases in selected countries in comparison to
average yields in the period 1960-1969 (based on FAG and USDA statistics)
Yields in eastern Asia increased in the 1970s but decreased slightly in the
1980s. However, Myanmar's average yield in the 1980s was 48% higher
than in the 1970s. Yields in Thailand peaked between 1975 and 1977 but
declined below these record levels: the average yield in the 1980s was 9%
lower than in the 1960s.
Yield in Indonesia increased over time. The average increased by 20% in
the 1970s and was 52% higher in the 1980s than in the 1960s. Vietnam is
expanding its groundnut production but its average yield in the 1980s was
36% below that of the 1970s.
In south-east Asia, yields in Taiwain and Japan were on average lower in
Stocks and prices 15
the 1980s than in the 1960s. Yields in China remained stagnant during the
1960s and 1970s but then increased, reaching a record 2036 kg/ha in 1987,
and decreased again in 1989-1990. The average yield in the 1980s was 48%
higher than in the 1970s. The average yield in Korea has been increasing
rapidly but its groundnut sector remains small.
(e) Europe
Competition from other crops and a highly developed agriculture in
Europe contribute to average yields which are among the highest in the
world. The exception is the former USSR but groundnut is produced
largely in non-European regions of the Commonwealth of Independent
Among small European producers, Italy attains high average yields
which frequently exceed 2 000 kg/ha. Spain and Greece have also achieved
high yields but those of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria have been highly variable.
The largest groundnut producer in Europe is Turkey, whose average
yield in the 1960s was 2332 kg/ha. This decreased by 2% in the 1970s and
in the 1980s it was 0.3% below the 1960s level.
The level of world groundnut stocks influences both supply and prices in
the groundnut trade. A record level of 944 000 MT was achieved in 1976177
as the result of accumulation of large stocks in the USA, India and
Argentina. An increased demand for oil-bearing crops in the preceding
year was probably a major factor in this accumulation. Large domestic
stocks in Argentina and the USA led to large exports in the following
Between 1971172 and 1990/91, the USA consistently maintained the
largest stocks in the world. These ranged from 178000 MT in 1972173 to
646000 MT in 1985/86 but declined in the late 1980s. India recorded its
highest stocks (450000MT) in 1974175, following the world food shortage
of the early 1970s, but the levels have varied widely from year to year.
Since 1986/87, India has reported no groundnut in stock. Argentina
reported large stocks between 1975176 and 1977178 but levels decreased
during the 1980s.
The combined stocks of other countries have decreased from a record
level of 615000 MT in 1974175; during the 1980s, they exceeded
400000 MT in 1982/83 only. In 1990/91, the groundnut inventory was
169000 MT in these other countries of the world - excluding the European
Community (EC) countries, which maintained stocks ranging from none to
58000 MT between 1971172 and 1990/91.
Stock levels and price influence domestic consumption and the level of
16 Groundnut production and trade
exports. Changes in price in major producing and exporting countries
change export levels. During the 1960s, groundnut prices were the lowest
in African countries: pricing was particularly competitive in Senegal,
Gambia and the Sudan and relatively low in the Republic of South Africa,
Malaysia and Nigeria, while prices in China, Argentina and the USA were
amongst the world's highest.
Prices remained low in African countries in the early 1970s but gradually
increased until those in the Sudan and the Republic of South Africa were
among the highest in the world by the late 1970s. Between the late 1970s
and the early 1980s, the USA, Argentina and China were more competi-
tive in relation to African exporters.
In the USA, prices were supported under a government programme.
The early 1980s brought a change in the programme through the introduc-
tion of a two-tier price system. Groundnut sold at a higher price for quota;
production above the quota level, selling at a lower price, was called
'additionals'. The price of additionals responded to the expected prices of
groundnut oil, meal, other vegetable oils and world groundnut demand.
The two-tier price system lowered the price of exported groundnut. The
price on the world market became less influenced by the US government
Table 1.7 shows export prices for major exporting countries from 1960 to
1987. The USA and Argentina became more competitive in the 1970s, as
did China in the late 1970s when it began its large-scale exports. During the
1980s, the prices of many exporters became less attractive to buyers, given
the quality and the intended use.
International groundnut price provides information to producers,
brokers, and consumers. The price for each type of groundnut reflects
supply and demand conditions and the quality attributes of traded
The supply situation changes frequently because harvests in the northern
and southern hemispheres occur at different times of the year. A major
factor that influences the supply is the weather. Weather-related supply
changes cause price variability and alter quantities exported by specific
countries. Quality also influences price, but crop quality information is less
readily available. Groundnut quality is determined during trading and
Prices in different parts of the world interact with each other, reflecting
the many uses of groundnut. Groundnuts from different sources are
reasonable substitutes, especially for a similar use. Some specialized end
users, however, prefer groundnut with specific quality attributes and pay
higher prices to satisfy their needs.
Timely information concerning current and expected price on the inter-
national market affects planting decisions, stocks and quantities of applied
inputs. A European-based company publishes prices of the three major
groundnut exporters: the USA, China, and Argentina. Reports include
International trade 17
TABLE 1.7 Groundnut export prices for major exporters (US dollars per ton)
(based on FAG statistics)
1960 235 247a 257 192 195 185 242 NA 188 173 NA NA
1961 255 247a NA 186 188 166 276 220 183 172 NA NA
1962 318 233 a 257 163 188 160 254 185 184 173 NA NA
1963 239 235 a NA 159 184 150 233 168 198 173 NA NA
1964 228 234 a 225 173 186 154 273 190 197 173 NA 198
1965 251 232a 200 155 219 199 205 222 202 172 NA 288
1966 251 221 a 174 210 208 163 96 251 196 175 NA 243
1967 218 233 a 211 178 183 154 208 230 305 174 NA 185
1968 230 233 a NA 161 191 133 213 228 295 137 NA 185
1969 358 269a 333 230 197 185 280 222 309 165 NA 196
1970 382 275 a 393 246 197 194 293 229 307 188 NA 226 a
1971 292 297a 296 229 214 233 287 247 317 197 NA 244
1972 261 319a 303 242 207 223 278 244 401 269 NA 251
1973 435 447 3 481 275 275 267 470 359 470 387 NA 268
1974 600 640 464 548 334 463 507 557 633 573 NA 300
1975 622 680 516 482 332 493 552 606 a 65Y 530 NA 291
1976 685 560 507 396 297 453 753 634 682 380 242 473
1977 693 642 839 577 397 550 969 849 723 477 290 531
1978 733 710 1000 641 418 a 529 1408 853 702 602 429 815
1979 741 701 526 715 581 569 743 857 864 948 614 798
1980 731 728 628 518 947 409 805 793 1380 807 620 767
1981 943 1047 942 1037 792 670 1192 1241 1195 1116 625 693
1982 864 702 559 385 614 374 889 863 835 408 603 612
1983 784 590 440 796 692 389 912 905 1042 435 589 625
1984 762 713 700 833 750 535 947 1025 760 450 652 658
1985 676 679 450 763 644 490 652 845 619 619 553 382
1986 727 588 502 905 619 637 571 893 566 527 419 453
1987 787 686 435 612 671 606 762 930 479 412 385 323
NA = not available
US = United States, CN = China, AG = Argentina, SD = Sudan, SAF =
Republic of South Africa, GB = Gambia, ID = Indonesia, BZ = Brazil, THL =
Thailand, SEN = Senegal, VT = Vietnam, MAL = Malawi.
prices for the US Runner 40/50s, Argentine Runners, and Chinese Hsujis.
Quarterly price quotations allow traders and producers to adjust expec-
tations and make appropriate decisions.
The strong world demand for groundnut oil on the one hand and ground-
nut products on the other determines the economic significance of the
18 Groundnut production and trade
crop. This dichotomy of demand has led to the evolution of two markets.
Groundnuts traded as an oil-bearing crop compete with other oil-bearing
crops such as palm oil, soybean, rapeseed, etc. - groundnuts as a source of
oil are important in many lcss developed countries. Used as a snack,
groundnuts compete with other snack foods "for example, tree nuts. In the
form of butter, groundnuts compete with other spreads. Groundnut snacks
and peanut butter are consumed largely in developed industrial economies.
Quality characteristics of groundnuts as snack foods or as kernels for oil
reflect the two distinct uses of groundnut that influence the volume traded,
price, and quality attributes. Groundnuts intended for different uses follow
separate geographical trade patterns and use specialized marketing chan-
nels. The needs of end-users communicated through market price influ-
ence the selection of cultivars and levels of production. A separate market
exists for groundnut meal and cake (by-products from groundnuts crushed
for oil), which compete with other feed protein supplements and are
purchased primarily by countries with large commercial livestock
This overview of the world groundnut yields, area harvested and pro-
duction indicates considerable regional differences. Groundnuts are culti-
vated in many countries but their relative economic importance varies. As
in the case of many other cultures, production is highly developed in
22 Groundnut production and trade
countries with well-functioning agriculture. Differences in applied
technology and management are major factors contributing to regional
differences in yield and production. Marketing infrastructure (including
transportation, storage, quality control, advertising and promotion) is an
important factor influencing consumption of groundnut and groundnut
The quality-price relationship determined by end users is likely to
increase in importance, and is influenced by both biological and economic
factors. Quality attributes preferred by buyers can be met by cultivar
development. The increasing importance of health concerns resulted in the
expansion of canola production which has become the largest oil crop in
the world (Fletcher et al., 1992). Re-examination of peanut oil properties is
a desirable long-term goal. Protecting quality after harvest and the timely
supply of adequate volume are essential for the smooth operation of
regional and international markets.
Opportunities and constraints on the world market will be generated
primarily by variable production in different countries and regions.
Droughts, sudden disease outbreaks or insect attacks can occur with little
warning, limiting time for adjusting market strategy. Canada, Japan and
western Europe will remain the largest buyers. Large but variable quan-
tities have been exported to Indonesia. Expanding markets include
countries with well-developed industry and service sectors, such as those of
the Pacific Rim. New markets include the central and east European
countries where economic reforms are being implemented. Although
groundnut products can become easily available, they remain expensive.
The former USSR represents a special case. It was steadily increasing
its imports, their volume being comparable in size to Canada's.
political and economic changes and the emergence of new independent
states will bring changes in lifestyle and consumption which may help
exports. Some of the new states may increase their own production after
the system of central planning disintegrates and privatization of the econ-
omy progresses.
Fletcher, S.M., Zhang, P. and Carley, D.H. (1992) Peanuts: Production, Utilization and
Trade in the 1980s. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, College of
Agriculture, University of Georgia, FS-91-32.
References 23
Food and Agricultural Organization Production Yearbook, United Nations Organization,
various issues.
Food and Agricultural Organization Trade Yearbook, United Nations Organization, various
Mundlak, Y., Cavallo, D. and Domenech, R. (1989) Agriculture and economic growth in
Argentina, /9/3-/984, IFPRI, Research Report 76.
US Department of Agriculture World Oilseed Situation and Market Highlights, Foreign
Agriculture Circular, various issues.
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by J. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London ISBN 0 412 408201.
Prehistoric ground nut agriculture 25
The distribution and variety of local names of the groundnut are important
in the study of its origin. The Spanish introduced the name mani from the
West Indies and substituted it for other Indian names in Spanish America,
except Mexico. There they accepted the alternative Nahuatl word caca-
huate, modified it and took it to Spain as cacahuete. The Portuguese
amendoim stems from many cognate names still used in Brazil in the late
twentieth century.
Cobo (1653) listed Indian vernacular names to document groundnut's
diffusion in pre-discovery America: 'This root [sic] is called mani in the
language of Hispaniola, Mexicans call it cacahuate, and the Peruvian
Indians call it inchic in the Quichua language and chocapa in Aymara.'
Marcgrave (1648) used the Brazilian Indian mandubi, and, citing
Monardes (1574), 'anchic of Peru, the same is called manf in Spanish.'
Tertre (1654) coined the French name pistache because of the seed shape
and its taste similar to the European pistachio. Sloane (1696) compiled
eleven common name synonyms: manobf, mandovy, munduvi, anchic,
ibimanf, manf, ynchic, pistache, mandues, earthnuts or pindalls.
Krapovickas (1968) successfully associated the latin names of many
earlier authors with the subspecific variation within Arachis hypogaea and
then associated the ethnic, linguistic and geographic centres of origin of the
cultivated groundnut. He also (1968, 1973) correlated Amerindian names
with groundnut diffusion throughout South America. In the Tupi-Guarani
region, he found numerous variants of manduvi. Vernacular names
showed little linguistic affinity in the remainder of the continent. The
greatest diversity of Indian names occurs on the eastern slopes of the
Andes, where Bolivia and Peru join and where manduvi variants are
interspersed with other names of Arawak affinity.
The Arawaks inhabited a vast area extending from the Caribbean to the
heart of South America as far as the Bolivian border with the Chaco
(Hammons, 1982). The presumed centre of origin of A. hypogaea is the
region where Arawak linguistic influences predominate and Krapovickas
(1968) presented a tenable hypothesis of Arawak responsibility for the
spread of groundnut from such a centre to the Caribbean basin.
Prior to the early 1500s, groundnut was unknown outside the Americas.
Worldwide distribution of at least two distinct forms - a two-seeded
Brazilian and a three-seeded Peruvian - took place comparatively soon
after the discovery of the New World (Dubard, 1906). Many authorities
credit the Portuguese with enriching African agriculture by introducing
groundnut there from Brazil, carrying it subsequently to the Malabar coast
of south-western India, and possibly to other lands. However, I found no
documentation that they did intentionally introduce the seed to those
Gibbons et al. (1972) observed that cultivar clusters in Africa of subsp.
Jastigiata var. vulgaris represented both the Guarani region and the region
of the eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia and parts of western Brazil
(Gregory et al. 1973). As the latter authors note:
It is also fairly plain that the peanuts of the eastern slopes of the
Andes must have reached Africa from Portuguese boats plying the
34 The origin and history of the groundnut
Amazon and not from the immediate interior back of the northeast
coast of Brazil.
The Peruvian type A. hypogaea var. hirsuta went to the western Pacific,
to China, Indonesia (Java), and to Madagascar. Dubard (1906) docu-
mented the concurrence in morphology and configuration of random pod
samples from the latter three places and between these and the 'hump-
backed' material found in tombs at Anc6n, Peru. Their most plausible path
was up the west coast from Peru to Mexico, thence across the Pacific as an
item of trade on ship crossings that were regularly scheduled between
Acapulco and Manilla (the Philippines) for the 250 years prior to 1815
(Krapovickas, 1968). .
In the African and Asian lands where it was carried, the groundnut
readapted for environmental and specialized agricultural requirements.
Precisely how and when groundnut entered the United States is unknown.
Indeed, there may be instances of its being introduced indirectly from the
European farming tradition into colonial America. Nor can one rule out
introduction directly from its native South America and secondary
Mesoamerican agriculture. Any such technological borrowing could have
been mediated by contacts between landowners, the inspection of fields
and botanical gardens, or the reports of travellers. Probable locations for
the transfer of seed and husbandry information could be the Iberian
peninsula, southern France or Italy. The diffusion of technology from the
Old World back to the New may always remain partly conjecture. The
anonymity of the event should not devalue the achievement.
Burkhill (1901) cited Clusius (1605) as saying that:
slavers took as food for their captives on the voyage from the Guinea
Coast of Lisbon, roots of the sweet potato, 'besides certain nuts',
which Sloane identifies as fruits of Arachis.
But, as Burkhill stressed, Clusius' observation places Sloane's identifi-
cation in question (Hammons, 1982).
A small-podded genotype with a spreading habit of growth was the
earliest form successfully introduced into commerce in the south-eastern
United States. It is a long-season groundnut, possibly from Africa (Hig-
gins, 1951), and its pod and seed morphology, aspect and branching
pattern agree with phenotypes described and illustrated in the West Indies
by Tertre (1654) and Labat (1697, 1742). Thus, direct introduction from
the Caribbean cannot be excluded (Hammons, 1982).
The Guarani region of north-eastern Argentina, Paraguay and south-
western Brazil is the centre of variation for the spanish type (subsp.
Jastigiata var. vulgaris) and it was distributed from this region. According
to Krapovickas (1968), F.L. Gilli and G. Xuarez documented its introduc-
tion into Europe: seed from Brazil came in 1784 to Don Jose Campos in
Lisbon, who sent a portion on to Rome. Tabares de Ulloa (1799) spread
Ethnography 35
the type in Valencia. From there, Lucien Bonaparte carried it to the south
of France in 1801 (Burkhill, 1901; Andre, 1932). The Spanish, who culti-
vated the crop both for cooking oil and for use in preparing a chocolate-
covered confection, extracted the first oil in Europe (Dubec, 1822).
The spanish type is a small two-seeded form adapted to adverse environ-
mental conditions; it has a shorter growing cycle and lacks appreciable
fresh-seed dormancy. T.B. Rowland successfully introduced it from
Malaga, Spain, in 1871 to Norfolk, Virginia (USA), where he distributed
seed without cost among planters (Anon., 1918b).
Gregory et at. (1980) associated the virginia type (subsp. hypogaea var.
hypogaea) with both the Bolivian and Amazonian geographical regions,
but its origin needs further clarification. Extensive secondary variations
occurred in Africa (Gibbons et at. 1972). McClenny (1935) has placed
its cultivation in Virginia as early as 1844; other records suggest that its
introduction followed the pioneer work of Rowland. The jumbo virginia of
United States commerce may be from a chance hybrid (Anon., 1918a).
Recently, Williams (1991 b) presented ethnobotanical evidence for the
Bolivian origin of the valencia type (subsp. fastigiata var. fastigiata) , which
Krapovickas (1968) postulated spread throughout the world from Paraguay
and central Brazil. Williams (1991a, b) investigated the farming practices
of indigenous growers, cultivating six distinct landraces along the Rio Beni
using age-old agricultural procedures. Groundnut is cropped on exposed
riverine sandbars during the low-water season. A selected portion of the
harvest is replanted in upland gardens as a seed crop. The cropping system
exerts strong selection pressure for the sub specific valencia characters of
earliness, sequential flowering, loss of seed dormancy, and strong pegs.
Bees are frequent visitors to the flowers. Such data, with the archaeological
and historical evidence, and the diversity of valencia landraces, further
support the notion that ancient people living in this region also developed
the valencia botanical type (Williams, 1991a, b).
Although Dubard (1906) described the fruit, Beattie (1911) apparently
chose the name 'valencia' to designate an introduction into the United
States from Valencia, Spain. Soon 'valencia' became a generic name for
biotypes with similar pod configuration and a unique arrangement of
vegetative and reproductive branches.
'Waspada', with approximately 50% earlier maturity, was the first culti-
var introduced to achieve a specific agricultural goal: a shorter growing
season. Brought to Java in 1875, the cultivar eventually replaced the
common form that matured in eight to nine months (Holle, 1877).
Alva, W. (1988) Discovering the New World's richest unlooted tomb. National Geographic
Magazine, 174, 510-549.
Andre, E. (1932) L'arachide. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie d'Agriculture, 18,552-561.
Anon. (1918a) The romance of the peanut. The Peanut Promoter, 1,(2), 48-49. (Probable
author: O.C. Lightner, editor.)
Anon. (1918b) Father of the peanut industry is dead. The Peanut Promoter, 1,(8), 24-29.
(Probable author: O.C. Lightner, editor.)
Beattie, W.R. (1911) The peanut. Farmer's Bulletin 431, US Department of Agriculture,
Bird, J.B. (1948) America's oldest farmers. Natural History (New York), 57, 296--303;
Brooks, G.E. (1975) Peanuts and colonialism: Consequences of the commercialization of
peanuts in West Africa, 1830-70. Journal of African History, 16,29-54.
Burger, R.L. (1989) Long before the Inca. Natural History, 98 (Feb), 66--73.
Burkhill, I.H. (1901) Groundnut or pea-nut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.). Bulletin Miscellaneous
Information, Kew, 178-180, 175-200.
Burton, G.W. (1981) Meeting human needs through plant breeding: Past progress and
prospects for the future, in Plant Breeding II (ed. K. Frey),The Iowa State University
Press, Ames, Iowa, pp. 433-465.
Cardenas, M. (1969) Manual de plantas economicas de Bolivia. Imprenta Icthus,
Cochabamba, Bolivia. Manipp. 130-136.
Clusius, C. (L'Ecluse, C. de) (1605) Atrebatis, ... Exoticorum Iibri decum, ... Historire
... Descributur. Antwerp, Ex Officina Plantiniana Ralphelengic, lib. 2, cap. 29, p. 57, fig.
5; cap. 60, p. 344.
Cobo, B. (1653) Historia del Nuevo Mundo, republished 1890 (ed. J. de la Espada), Sociedad
de Bibliofilos, Andaluces, Sevilla, Spain. Vol.1, cap. 12, mani, pp. 359-360.
40 The origin and history of the groundnut
Cohen, M.N. (1977) Population pressure and the origins of agriculture: An archeological
cxample from thc coast of Peru, in Origins of Agriculture (ed. C.A. Reed), Mouton, The
Hague. pp. 135-177.
Dubard, Monsieur (1906) De l'originc dc l'arachide, Museum National dHistoire Naturelle
(Paris), 5, 340-344.
Dubee, Monsicur (1822) Sur la pistasche de terre (Arachis hypogaea). Cited from extract by
B. Lagrauge, Journal de Pharmacie, 8, 231-235.
Fliickiger, F.A. and Hanbury, D. (1879) Pharmacographia, A History of the Principal Drugs
of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britian and British India, 2nd cdn, Macmillan & Co.,
London. Oleum Arachis, pp. 186-188.
Gibbons, R.W., Bunting, A.H. and Smartt, 1. (1972) The classification of varieties of
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L). Euphytica 21, 78-85.
Gillier, P. and Silvestre, P. (1969) L'arachide, G.-P. Maisonneure et Larose, Paris.
Gregory, W.C., Gregory, M.P., Krapovickas, A. et al. (1973) Structures and genetic re-
sources of peanuts, in Peanuts: Culture and Uses, (ed. e.T. Wilson), American Peanut
Research and Education Association, Sti.llwater, Oklahoma, pp. 47-133.
Gregory, W.e., Krapovickas, A. and Gregory, M.P. (1980) Structures, variation, evolution
and classification in Arachis, in Advances in Legume Science, cds R.l. Summerfield and
A.H. Bunting), Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 469-481.
Grohens, A.P. (1920) Peanut butter history and development of the peanut butter industry.
The Peanut Promoter 3 (8), 65, 67, 69, 71, 78.
Hammons, R.O. (1973) Early history and origin of the peanut, in Peanuts: Culture and Uses,
(cd. e.T. Wilson), American Peanut Research and Education Association, Stillwater,
Oklahoma. pp. 17-45.
Hammons, R.O. (1981) Peanut varieties: Potential for fuel oil. American Peanut Research
and Education Society Proceedings, 13,(1), 12-20.
Hammons, R.O. (1982) Origin and early history of the peanut, in Peanut Science and
Technology, (eds H.E. Pattee and C.T. Young), American Peanut Research and
Education Society, Yoakum, Texas, pp. 1-20.
Higgins, B.B. (1951) Origin and early history of the peanut, in The Peanut-the Unpredictable
Legume, National Fertilizer Association, Washington, De. pp. 18-27.
Holle, K.F. (1877) Verzamelingstaat van den uitslag der proeven, genom en met een nieuwe
soort van katjang tanah, ... Tydschrif voor Nyverheid en Landbouw in Nederlandsch
Indie, 21, 360-361.
Krapovickas, A. (1968) Origen, variabilidad y difusion del manf (Arachis hypogaea). Actas y
Memorias Congress International Americanistas (Buenos Aires), 2, 517-534. English
version (1969): The origin, variability and spread of the groundnut (Arachis hypogaea),
[translation by 1. Smartt] in The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals,
(eds P.l. Ucko and I.S. Falk), Gerald Duckworth, London, pp. 427-441.
Krapovickas, A. (1973) Evolution of the genus Arachis, in Agricultural Genetics: Selected
Topics, (cd. R. Moav), National Council for Research and Development, lerusalem, pp.
Krapovickas, A., and Rigoni, V.A. (1960) La nomenclature de las sub-species y variedades
de Arachis hypogaea L. Revista de Investigaciones Agricola, 14,(2), 197-228.
Labat, 1.B. (1697, 1742) Nouveaux Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique, (1742) new edn, (ed. Ch.
1.B. Delespine), Paris, Vol. 4, pp. 365--{j9.
Laet. 1. de (1625, 1633) Nieuvve Wereldt, ofre Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, I. Elzevier,
Leyden, p. 446. (1630) 2nd Dutch edn, Beschrijvinghe van West-Indicr, Elzeviers, Leyden,
p. 510; (1633) Latin edn, enlarged, Novus Orbis seu Descriprionis Indicr Occidentialis,
cum privilegio, Elzevirios, Leyden. Batavorum, lib. 18, cap. 11, p. 568; (1640) French
edn, L'histoire du Nouveau Monde . .. , B. and A. Elseuiers, Leyden, chap. 11, p. 503.
Lcry, 1. de (1578) Historie d'un Voyage faiet en la Terre du Bresil autrement dUe Amerique, A.
Chuppin, Rochelle, 1st edn, manobi, p. 215. 1960, 3rd edn, Martins, Sao Paulo, manobi,
p. 162.
References 41
Linnaeus, C. (Linne, C. von) (1753) Species Plantarium, Laurentii Salviae, Holmiae 2, 741.
MacNeish, R.S. (1965) The origins of American agriculture. Antiquity, 39, 87-94.
Marcgrave de Licbstad, G. (1648) Mandubi, in Piso, W., et Margravi, G., Historia naturalis
Brasiliae (ed. J. de Laet), L. Elzevirium, Amsterdam, 2 vols; Vol. I, p. 37.
Marcgrave de Liebstad, G. (1658) Mandubi, in Pisonis, G., Medici Amstelaedamensis de
Indiae utriusque Historia naturali et Medicae, (2nd edn), F. Hackim, Leyden and L.
Elzevirium, Amsterdam, lib. 4, cap. 64, p. 256.
McClenny, W.E. (1935) History of the peanut, The Commercial Press, Suffolk, Virginia, 22
Metraux, A. (1942) The native tribes of eastern Bolivia and western Matto Grosso. Bulletin
134, Bureau American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Monardes, N. (1569, 1574, 1577) Historia Medicinal de las Cosas que se traen de Nuestras
Indias Occidentales que siruen en Medicinia. H. Diaz, Seville. English translation from
1574 edn, J. Frampton, 1577, Wm. Norton, London. Reprinted, 1925, Constable &
Company, London, 2 vols; vol. 2, p. 14. Latin edn by Clusius, De Simplicibus
M edicamentios, Antwerp, 1605.
Nitskc, W.R. and Wilson, C.M. (1965) Rudolf Diesel - Pioneer of the Age of Power,
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma.
Oviedo y Valdes, G.F. de [also known as Fernandez] (1527) Sumario de la natural y General
Historia de las Indias. Toledo, con privilegio imperial.
Oviedo y Valdes, GF. de (1535, 1547) Primera parte de la Historia General de las Indias.
Seville, con privilegio imperial, lib. 7, cap. 5, p. 74, del mani. Reissued (1547) as part of
the Cronica.
Oviedo y Valdes, G.F. de (1851) Cronica de las Indias, Salamanca, lib. 23, cap. 12, p. 193.
(Completed work issuedby the Spanish Royal Academy of History in 1851.)
Powell, H.B. (1956) The Original has this Signature - W.K. Kellogg, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Sahagun, B. de (1820-30) Historia General de las cosas de Neuva Espana. Republished 1956,
A.M. Garibay-K., Editorial Porrua, S.A., Mexico, D.F., 4 vols; v. 3, tlalcacuatl, p. 173.
Original Ms in Nahuatl, 1558-1566.
Schlossstein, H. (1918) The peanut situation as affected by world events. The Peanut
Promoter, 1, (4), 32-33.
Schmidt, U. (Faber, U.) (1567) Weltbuchs von Newen erfundnen Landtschafften: Warhafftige
... , Original German edn 2 vols., Frankfort am Main. Translation (1891) from the
original German text: The Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555), Part I. Voyage of
Ulrich Schmidt to the Rivers La Plata and Paraguai, (cd. L.L. Dominguez), Hakluyt
Society Publication, vol. 81, London, pp. 25, 37, 40-41, 63.
Sloane, H. (1696) Catalogus Plantarium que in Insula Jamaica, etc., D. Brown, London, pp.
Smith, C.E., Jr (1967) Plant remains, in The Prehistory of the Tehaucan Valley (ed. D.S.
Byers), University of Texas, Austin, Texas, vol. 1, pp. 220-225.
Soares de Souza, G. (1587, 1825, 1851) Tratado Descriptivo do Brasil em J587, first published
1825, in Colle«ao de Noticias para a Historia c Geographia das Nac6es Ultramarinas, que
vivem nos Dominios Portuguezes, Academie de Sciencias, Lisbon. Republished 1851,
separate issue, Revista trimonsal do Instituto Historico e Geographico do Brasil, 14, 1-423.
Amendoim, cap. 47, pp. 173-176.
Squier, E.G. (1877) Peru: Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas,
Macmillan, New York and London.
Stalker, H.T. (1990) A morphological appraisal of wild species in scction Arachis of peanuts.
Peanut Science, 17, 117-122.
Stewart, J.H. (ed.) (1943-1959) Handbook of South American Indians, Bulletin 143, Bureau
of American Ethnology, 7 vols, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Tabares de Ulloa, F. (1799) del Cacahuate 6 Manf de America, Semananario de Agricultura y
Artes, 5 (123), 289-294.
42 The origin and history of the ground nut
Tertre, J.B. du (1654) Histoire Gentirale des Isles . .. et autres dans ['Amerique, Paris.
(1667-71) rev. edn, 4 vols, Histoire Generale des Antilies Habirees les Frant;ois, T. Jolly,
Paris, v. 2, p. 121 and plate.
Towle, M.A. (1961) The Ethnobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru, Aldine Publishing Company,
Williams, D.E. (1991a) Peanuts and peanut farmers of the Rio Beni: Traditional crop genetic
resource management in the Bolivian Amazon, PhD dissertation, City University of New
York, New York.
Williams, D.E. (1991b) Ethnobotanical evidence for the Bolivian origin of Valencia peanut,
(Abstract), American Peanut Research and Education Society, Proceedings, 23, p. 22.
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the world's major food legume
crops. It originated in South America, where the genus Arachis is widely
distributed. The natural distribution of all the Arachis species is confined to
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Krapovickas, 1973;
Krapovickas and Rigoni, 1957; Ramanatha Rao, 1987). A. hypogaea is not
known to occur in the wild state. Groundnut is presently cultivated in over
80 countries from 40° N to 40° S in tropical and warm temperate regions of
the world. The origin and evolution of the genus as well as of the cultivated
species are fairly well known but more evidence is required to make
explicit conclusions. Though considerable information on morphology,
cytology and genetics has been accumulated along with information on the
distribution of the species in the genus, the taxonomic treatment is still
incomplete. One of the major reasons for this is the discovery of additional
'species' after every collecting mission to centres of diversity of the genus
(Valls et al., 1985). The morphology, development and anatomy of Arachis
presented problems to groundnut workers.
This chapter attempts to review these topics and to clarify certain
ambiguities. However, most of the discussion is on the cultivated ground-
nut rather than on its wild relatives. Information on origin, evolution and
taxonomy is limited to the extent that it is relative to morphology and
ate, reaching to the tip ofrachis or beyond, 12-15 mm long, 4-5 mm adnate
to the petiole; petiole 8-10 mm long, hirsute, grooved, rachis 2.5-3.5 mm
long; leaflets subsessile, membranaceous, ciliate, basal pair elliptic, apical
pair obovate or suborbicular, tip obtuse or rounded or slightly emarginate,
slightly mucronate, base obtuse, puberulous above, adpressed hairy below,
7-12 cm x 4-9 mm; hypanthium thread-like, hairy, 4 cm long; calyx deeply
bilabiate, upper lip four-toothed, hairy outside, hairs setaceous; standard
glabrous, yellow.
The above description is from a herbarium specimen only. Seed and
germplasm of this species are not available. Several collecting missions to
the recorded area of distribution of this species, including one by the
authors, were in vain.
3.5.1 Seed
Seeds show large variation for their size, shape and colour. The testa or
seed coat is thin and papery. Generally the seed coat constitutes three
unicellular layers: the epidermis or sclerenchyma, the middle parenchyma
and the inner parenchyma. These layers represent the integuments of the
maturing ovule and are maternal in origin (Glueck et al., 1979). The
surface as well as the transverse sections of testa show a great deal of
diversity (Zambettakis and Bockellee-Morvan, 1976). Groundnut cultivars
can be grouped according to the size of the wax layer, the joining of the
epidermal cells, thickness of cell walls and presence of cracks in the
epidermal layer. The seeds of wild species basically resemble the cultivated
groundnut, except that they are much smaller in size.
(a) Size
Seed size is an important economic character. It is fairly stable for any
given cultivar and is highly diagnostic in nature. Seed lengths ranging from
7 to 21 mm and seed diameters from 5 to 13 mm have been observed
(Ramanatha Rao, 1988; Retamal et al., 1990). Seed size, together with the
seed mass, has been used extensively in agronomic classification of ground-
nut. Larger seed types are preferred for confectionery purposes, while
most of the oil types have medium to small seeds. Seed size in wild Arachis
is much smaller and length ranges between 8 and 18 mm (16-23 mm in
A. villosulicarpa) and diameter between 4 and 7 mm.
(b) Mass
Seed mass (weight) is an important economic as well as diagnostic charac-
ter. Depending on the material studied and site of evaluation, various
ranges have been reported: 0.2-1.0 g (Seshadri, 1962); 0.17-1.24 g (Rama-
natha Rao, 1988); and 0.54-2.38 g (Retamal et al., 1990). In general,
cultivars belonging to var. hypogaea tend to have larger and heavier seeds;
those belonging to var. Jastigiata have smaller and lighter seeds; and the
wild species have much lower seed mass.
Morphology and development 57
(c) Colour
Colour of the seed coat or testa is an important diagnostic character. It is
also an important market trait. Broadly, groundnuts can be classified into
those possessing non-variegated testa (one solid colour) and those having
variegated testa (more than one colour). Generally, seed colour deepens
with storage in shell or as shelled seed over a period of time (Bunting,
1955) so that observations immediately after harvest or a long time after
harvest can be unreliable. Different solid colours such as white, rose,
flesh, wine, red, light purple and dark purple can easily be recognized.
Within each class, the intensity may vary depending on maturity, environ-
ment, genotype or the interaction between genotype and environment.
Variegated testa colour has been associated with splitting or rupture of the
outer epidermis due to differential growth rates of testa and embryo (Ashri
and Yona, 1965; Stokes and Hull, 1930; Yona, 1964) and inhibition of full
development of the outer epidermal layer of testa in some regions (Branch
and Hammons, 1979). However, these theories can explain only the
variegation when white is involved. The exact genetic or physiological
mechanisms for variegation of testa are yet to be fully understood. In some
cases a white spot may appear on the seed coat opposite to the micropylar
end (Srivastava, 1968).
The various solid colours observed in cultivars include off-white, yellow,
pale tan, light tan, dark tan, rose, grey-orange, light red, red, dark red,
light purple and dark purple. Among the variegated types, two com-
ponents can be recognized: the major (primary) colour and the minor
(secondary) colour superimposed on the major colour. The four observed
colour combinations are: red and white, purple and white, light tan and
dark tan, tan and purple. In the case of combinations involving white, it
can be almost pure white or off-white. Similarly, different shades of purple
and red occur. The minor colour may vary in its degree from thin streaks to
large blotches. Because of the subjective nature of this character, use of
guides such as the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Colour Chart is
recommended (IBPGRJICRISAT, 1981). Seed colour is best observed at
least two weeks after harvest (not later than six weeks) and after thorough
Wild Arachis species show much less variation. The main colours that
have been recorded in different species are: yellowish-tan, light tan, dark
tan and reddish brown.
3.5.2. Seedling
The morphology, growth and development of the groundnut seedling was
studied by a number of workers (Badami, 1933, 1935; Bouffil, 1947;
Richter, 1899; Yarbrough, 1949, 1957a, 1957b). The radicle consists of
about half hypocotyl and half primary root during the first few hours of
germination, depending on the depth of planting. In moist soils at 27°C,
the primary root emerges in 24-36 hr. The primary root may grow from 0.5
to 4.0 cm in four days. Lateral roots generally appear after the second day,
and as many as 100 laterals could be formed in five days (Yarbrough,
(a) Taproot
On the second day after germination the taproot appears with a large root
cap. It elongates rapidly and grows almost vertically downwards, diverting
only to overcome obstacles. The taproot can grow to a length of 50-55 cm
in ill-drained clayey soils (Badami, 1935), or up to 90-130 cm (Bruner,
1932). The root elongation depends on the cuitivar, soil and available
Morphology and development 59
Young Pod
Mature Pod
Tap Root
(c) Hypocotyl
The hypocotyl (the portion of the stem which lies between the primary root
and the cotyledons) is succulent early on and grows up to 10 mm in
diameter. The region between the hypocotyl and the primary root is
bounded by the intact epidermis of the hypocotyl (Yarbrough, 1949). This
collar region is swollen due to the enlargement of the cortex. It elongates
to bring the cotyledons to the soil surface and its length depends mainly on
the depth of planting (Bouffil, 1947). The emergence is complete in about
10 days after sowing and the hypocotyl grows to 1-11 cm (Bouffil, 1947;
Seshadri, 1962; Yarbrough, 1949). It loses its fleshy nature, becomes
fibrous and changes from white to creamy-white to brown, becoming
indistinguishable from the taproot by about four weeks after germination.
Later it may produce many roots.
60 Botany - morphology and anatomy
(d) Root hairs
The outer layers of the primary root generally slough off as root growth
proceeds (Petit, 1895) causing loss of the structural base for root hairs
(Richter, 1899). However, under certain conditions formation of root
hairs, as clusters or rosettes in the junction of root axils, has been observed
(Badami, 1935; Reed, 1924; Waldron, 1919). These hairs were less fragile
than those found in other legumes and ranged from 2 mm to 4 mm in length
(Allen and Allen, 1940). Some of these hairs were septate (Chandler,
1978). These structures have often been referred to as root hairs, a
misnomer in the strict botanical sense.
Though root nodules are not plant structures in a botanical sense, their
close association with the plant makes them appear so. Nodules first
appear when plants are about 15 days old. A group of nitrogen-fixing
bacteria belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium is responsible for the
formation of nodules. Though groundnut does not possess real root hairs,
an association between the tufts of hairs in root axils and nodulation has
been found (Nambiar et at., 1983 ).
3.5.4 Stem
The stem is generally angular, pubescent and solid with a large central pith
in the early stages (section 3.6.2). As the plant grows, stems tend to
become hollow and cylindrical and shed most of the hair, especially on
lower internodes. There is no indication of woody development in A.
hypogaea but some wild species can develop woody stems (section 3.3).
The main stem develops from the terminal bud of the epicotyl flanked by
two opposite cotyledonary laterals. Though main stem height depends
on genotype, it is influenced by environment to a considerable degree and
ranges from 12 cm to 65 cm (Ramanatha Rao, 1988). In wild Arachis, the
main stem tends to be much shorter, ranging from 12 cm to 35 cm, with a
few exceptions. Stem thickness is highly variable, although Seshadri (1962)
reported that generally the bunch types have thicker internodes, short and
highly condensed at the base and longer at the higher nodes. The basal
stem diameter could be as much as 8 cm in some of the wild species.
(a) Colour
Anthocyanin pigments in the epidermal cells of the stem can give different
shades of colour. Stem colour is determined by the absence or presence
and intensity of pigmentation. The common colours observed are purple,
pink, dark red, light red or green (absence of anthocyanin) and numerous
shades of purple, pink and red. The colour development is influenced
significantly by exposure to sunlight and recording typical colours is gener-
ally difficult. Hence, the stem colour could be recorded as present or
Morphology and development 61
absent, classifying the cultivars into two broad groups (IBPGRlICRISAT,
(b) Hairiness
Groundnut has been described as a glabrous to hirsute herb, indicating the
extent of variability for this character. A range of two to four grades of
hairiness were recognized (Hayes, 1933; John et al., 1954; Patel et al.,
1936; Patil, 1965; Varisai Muhammad et al., 1973c). Because of the diffi-
culty in defining various grades of hairiness, it is pragmatic to recognize
only two grades: scarce and abundant. Generally the upper internodes
should be observed because at lower levels the hairs are not persistent. The
hairs are arranged in regular rows on the stem. It is possible, by careful
observation, to classify the arrangement into the number of rows of hairs
(two, four, six and irregular).
Usually the following three types of hairs have been observed on plant
• Long hairs (up to 3 mm), are generally septate and uniseriate and
distributed irregularly. Occasionally the cell walls of the top three or
four cells disintegrate, giving the appearance of a single long cell. The
outer walls may sometimes be thickened.
• Short hairs «1 mm), generally occur densely along with the long hairs.
• Glandular hairs (trichomes, spines) are long and bristle-like, green
with chlorophyll and multicellular with a bulbous base.
1 Procumbent - 1 2 Procumbent - 2
3 Decumbent - 1 4 Decumbent· 2
5 Decumbent - 3 6 Erect
1 Alternate 2 Sequential
3.5.5 Leaf
The leaves that first appear are from the primordia in the seed and new
ones are formed much later. Leaves are tetrafoliolate except in species
belonging to the section Trifoliolatae (= series Trifoliolatae of the section
Erectoides), which have three leaflets. Occasionally small and abnormal
leaflets may appear. The leaves, which are paripinnate, are borne spirally
in a 2/5 phyllotaxy and their arrangement on the main stem and higher-
order branches is distichous. Leaflets are opposite, subsessile, elliptic
(variable) and shortly mucronate with entire ciliate margin. Stipules are
prominent, linear and adnate to some length to the petiole and become
free at the pulvinus. Foliaceous stipules have been reported (Mouli and
Kale, 1982). The leaflets are borne on a slender, grooved and jointed
rachis. The leaf exhibits nyctiotropic (sleep) movements, where the adaxial
surfaces of the leaflets come together and the petiole droops during each
night. Considerable variation exists in leaf characters such as foliage
colour, shape, hairiness and size.
Morphology and development 65
Stomata are present on both the leaf surfaces (Smartt, 1976b). Stomatal
frequency and distribution on leaf epidermis were studied and a higher
stomatal count was recorded on the upper surface than on the lower (Lin et
at., 1986).
(a) Colour
Leaf colour is an important character to differentiate the subspecies in
groundnut. A. hypogaea subsp. hypogaea has dark green foliage in contrast
to the light green of subsp. fastigiata. Leaf colour recordings are highly
subjective: differentiating subtle shades always poses problems and the
intensity of light at the time of observation can also create difficulties. The
use of a guide such as the RHS Colour Chart has been recommended
(section 3.5.1 (c)). Some of the wild species, especially those belonging to
section Extranervosae and a few cultivars belonging to var. fastigiata, often
have shiny upper leaf surfaces.
(b) Shape
The shape of leaflets varies from oblong to lanceolate. The variation for
leaflet shape is much greater in wild Arachis than in the cultivated species.
Linear-lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate leaflets have been recorded
(Bhide and Desale, 1970). Various shapes observed include cuneate,
obcuneate, elliptic and lanceolate. However, variation exists for leaflet
shape even within a plant. This variation may be between the leaflets on
basal nodes and the ones on upper nodes and also between the apical
leaflets and the basal leaflets of the same leaf. In most of the wild species,
the shape of the leaflets on the main stem leaves may differ from that of the
leaflets on lateral branches. For standardization purposes, the shape is best
recorded from the fully expanded apical leaflet of the third leaf on the main
stem and also the shape of the apical leaflet of the fifth leaf on primary
lateral in the case of wild species (IBPGRlICRISAT, 1981).
(c) Size
Leaflet size is variable among cultivars, within a cultivar, or even on the
same plant, depending on the position of the leaf on the plant. The apical
pair is generally larger than the basal. Leaflets on the main stem are slightly
larger than those on the branches in both cultivated and wild species. Size
is influenced to some extent by environment. For standardization pur-
poses, the size of the apical leaflet of the third leaf on the main stem is
considered and it is a diagnostic character. Subsp. fastigiata usually has
larger leaflets than subsp. hypogaea. The size of a leaflet varies from 24 mm
X 8 mm to 86 mm x 41 mm. In wild species, the range is much larger:
15 mm x 8 mm to 95 mm x 30 mm (Ramanatha Rao, 1988).
66 Botany - morphology and anatomy
(c) Hairiness
The leaflets are pubescent, as are the stems, mainly on the abaxial surface
and on the margins. Generally midribs are also hairy, often more densely
than the leaf surface. As described earlier (section 3.5.4 (b», all the three
hair types -long, short and glandular - can be found on the petiole, rachis
and leaflet. There is significant variation in hair distribution, shape, size
and number in A. hypogaea. In wild species, stem hairiness (type and
distribution) has taxonomic significance. The length, shape and number of
hairs appear to be associated with resistance to leaf hoppers (Campbell et
al., 1976). Five different grades of hairiness can be distinguished: almost
glabrous, sparse and short, sparse and long, profuse and short, and profuse
and long. Differences in grades have been noticed between young and
mature leaves.
3.5.6 Inflorescence
The inflorescence, which is a reduced simple or compound monopodium,
appears as a cluster of flowers in the leaf axil (Figure 3.4). In some wild
species it appears as a cluster around the crown of the plant, with subterra-
nean ovaries and the hypanthium exposing other flower parts. The inflor-
escence, consisting of up to three (but occasionally more) flowers, is spike-
like and always occurs in the axils of cataphylls or foliage leaves. The
reproductive (R) and vegetative (V) axes appear to occur at the same
nodes because of the short internodes below the first cataphyll branch
(Norden, 1980). The inflorescence is a small replica of the vegetative
branch. In the axils of scale-like leaves, either a very short peduncle
bearing a single flower (simple inflorescence) or a peduncle bearing sec-
ondary branches (compound inflorescence) is produced. In var. hypogaea
the inflorescence expands very little during maturation. In var. vulgaris it
expands moderately, while in var. fastigiata the inflorescence internodes
may elongate to form a conspicuous branch that may terminate with a pair
of small leaflets. This branch may also bear inflorescence and may be
confused with normal V axes. But R axes can be identified by their
numerous scale leaves at the basal nodes. The length of the reproductive
axes is cultivar-dependent and may exceed 10 cm in some cases.
('Calyx tube') - _ .
Stipule ----l!i'lm~
1 em I
and 0.5 mm wide, and has two to four, sometimes five and rarely six
ovules. The long filiform style has two sharp bends and is covered with
upward-slanting hairs near the top on the surface facing the standard
(Gregory et al., 1951; Smartt, 1976a; Omen, 1933). The stigma is club-
shaped or clavate, usually at anther level or protruding slightly above.
(c) Flowering
Groundnut is indeterminate in growth to a degree. Depending on geno-
type, environment and temperature, flowering starts at about 25 days after
emergence. As the daily mean temperature rises from 20°C to 30 °C, the
number of days required for the first flowering is reduced from 38 to 25 in
subsp. hypogaea and from 35 to 24 in subsp. fastigiata (Ono, 1979). The
most prolific flowering occurs between 5 and 11 weeks after planting,
depending on the duration of the cultivar and the season, with a high
degree of first-formed flowers producing mature fruits.
Usually four or five stages of flowering can be distinguished. Very few
flowers are produced at stage I, followed by rapid flowering in stage II. A
peak is reached at stage III, followed by a decline in the number of flowers
produced at stage IV. In some cases there can be two peaks of flowering.
Very few flowers that open after the first and/or second peaks produce
mature fruits, unless early flowers are prevented from functioning normally
due to some environmental stress (Bear and Bailey, 1973; Mohammad and
Khanna, 1932). Groundnut produces more flowers than the plant can
sustain to develop into pods. About 40% of the flowers fail to develop from
the outset, while another 40% produce only pegs (Smith, 1954). Less than
20% of the flowers produce mature fruit (Donovan, 1963) under best
conditions and sometimes less than 15% (Lim and Hamdan, 1984).
Genotypes which flower early show greater synchrony, and those which
produce most of the flowers during the first two weeks of the flowering
period produce greater numbers of pods (Sastry et al., 1985). Removal of
some flowers every day can prolong flowering (Bear and Bailey, 1973:
Seshadri, 1962).
On a given day, usually only one flower in an inflorescence reaches
anthesis, except in var. vulgaris in which two or more flowers may reach
anthesis on the same day. Intervals between successive flowers on an
inflorescence may vary from one to several days. A day before anthesis the
flower bud is 6-10 mm long. During the day the hypanthium elongates
slowly and the buds grow to 10-20 mm. The elongation is faster during the
night and at the time of anthesis the buds are about 50-70 mm long (Smith,
1950). Buds generally open at the beginning of the light period; it may be
70 Botany - morphology and anatomy
delayed in cold or wet weather. The dehiscence of anthers takes place 7-8
hours before the flower opens or sometimes much later (Bolhuis et at.,
1965). Though the stigma was reported to be receptive from 24 hours
before to 12 hours after the opening of the flower (Hassan and Srivastava,
1966), generally it is receptive only a few hours before anthesis (Sastri and
Moss, 1982). On warm, sunny days most of the floral parts may wither
within 5-6 hours after flowering. Only the ovary and base of the style
remain turgid after the day of anthesis. Flowering generally occurs during
the early hours in the morning with some delay on cold/wet/dull days.
Generally, anther dehiscence occurs in the bud about one hour before
flowering. The pollen tube grows at the rate of about 1 cm per hour,
resulting in fertilization 5-6 hours after pollination (Lim and Gumpil,
(a) Colour
The colour of the above-ground portion of the pegs varies from shades of
pink to purple, in contrast to the normal green; and such colours are due
to anthocyanin pigments. Different peg colours such as light purple, dark
purple and green (no pigmentation) have been reported, as has a loose
association of the green colour of pegs with white testa colour (Varisai
Muhammad et at., 1973c). Though the development of pigment in the peg
is cultivar-dependent, it is greatly influenced by exposure to sunlight and
grades of pink or purple can occur on the same plant. Pegs can be broadly
classified as pigmented or green but the portion in the soil is generally
white (colourless).
(b) Hairiness
The developing pegs have minute white hairs that give a downy appearance
(Seshadri, 1962). These hairs are deciduous and are shed as pegs mature.
Above-ground parts of pegs may have stomata, lenticels and multicellular
trichomes whereas below-ground parts may bear unicellular structures
resembling root hairs which can reach very high density and may be up to
0.75 mm long. Similar structures may be found on the developing pod,
but at later stages these hairs degenerate and large lenticels may then
be present on pegs (Webb and Hansen, 1989). The species belonging
to section Extranervosae produce roots on the underground portion of
the peg.
72 Botany - morphology and anatomy
(c) Size
The depth at which the pods are produced is determined by the extent of
the peg's penetration into the soil. Though significant cultivar differences
have been reported (Seshadri et al., 1955), variation within the same
cultivar for the size of the peg is also very great. The length of the peg was
reported to be closely related to the differences in branching pattern (Ono,
In wild Arachis species, the length of the peg is highly variable and can
be up to a metre in some species. In the context of distribution, the length
of the peg is important to produce the fruit as far away as possible from the
mother plant. A long peg, together with a long isthmus, can place the seeds
at a considerable distance from the mother plant. The orientation of the
peg in the wild species - horizontal or vertical - is an important taxonomic
The thickness of the peg varies from about 1 mm to 2 mm. An assess-
ment of the thickness of the pegs in the different types showed that the
cultivars of subsp. fastigiata had thicker pegs than those of subsp. hypogaea
(Seshadri, 1962). The strength of the peg is an agronomic attribute govern-
ing the ease of harvesting of the crop.
Figure 3.6 Pod development stages: 1. ovary after fertilization; 2. aerial peg, 5-7
days; 3. peg penetrating soil, 18-22 days; 4. pod enlargement, 14-21 days; 5. early
stage in pod development; 6. immature pod. (After Smith, 1950.)
74 Botany - morphology and anatomy
is not genetic (Bunting, 1955) and it is usually a result of abortion of all but
the proximal ovules (Smartt, 1976a). Three-seeded pods are found in both
hypogaea and Jastigiata sUbspecies. The number of seeds per pod is
basically cultivar-specific, though it is influenced to some extent by season
and other factors (Seshadri, 1962). Three- or four-seeded pods may be
more common in bunch types than in semi-spreading and spreading culti-
vars, although two-seeded pods are the most common (Varisai Muhammad
et ai., 1973c). Cultivars belonging to var. Jastigiata possess predominantly
three- or four-seeded pods. The number of seeds per pod has been
extensively used for cultivar classification (Gibbons et ai., 1972; Varisai
Muhammad et ai , 1973c).
Most of the wild species, in contrast to the cultivated, produce articu-
lated pods. Generally they are biarticulate, though they may appear to be
uniarticulate since the isthmus between the articles quickly degenerates
with maturity of the proximal article.
(c) Beak
The tip of the indehiscent fruit may end in an appendage called the beak.
The prominence or presence or absence of the beak is dependent on the
cultivar and is a good diagnostic trait. Five grades can be used to classify
groundnuts based on this character: absent, slight. moderate, prominent
and very prominent. There can be some variation between the pods of the
same cultivar and the observation may be somewhat subjective; neverthe-
less, it is a very useful character. The shape of pod beak also varies but is
very difficult to define.
(d) Constriction
The constriction of the pod is an important character as it affects the
developing seed. Non-constricted pods generally have seeds with flattened
ends and are in contact with other seeds in the pod. Such a contact
sometimes results in embryo damage (Coffelt and Hammons, 1974). Seeds
from unconstricted pods tend to split during shelling and so cultivars with
no constriction are generally undesirable. On the other hand, pods with
deep constrictions tend to carry soil on them. They also break during
harvesting and shelling, reducing the market value. Most commercial
cultivars have some constriction between each seed; a few do not, espe-
cially the cultivars belonging to subsp. Jastigiata. Under abnormal con-
ditions (such as aerial fruiting), elongated pods with a filiform isthmus may
be produced by a cultivar that is normally only slightly constricted (Smartt,
1976a). In several wild species a filiform isthmus is characteristic, which is
developmentally complete, unlike the peg.
Pod constriction shows considerable variation both within and between
Anatomy 75
cultivars. However, the range of variation within a cultivar is not great
enough to prevent visual classification. Groundnut cultivars can easily be
graded into five groups based on the extent of pod constriction: none,
slight. moderate, deep and very deep.
(e) Reticulation
The mechanical tissue of the shell gives a reticulated or ridged appearance
to the pod. Usually the longitudinal ribbing is prominent but vertical ridges
may be prominent in some cultivars. Reticulation (venation, ribbing,
ridging) on the shell is an obvious visual characteristic. Typical var. fasti-
giata cultivars may be without any reticulation; however, some Peruvian
forms show very prominent ribbing. As with constriction, reticulation also
contributes to some extent to the cleanliness of pods at the time of harvest.
Five grades can be distinguished: smooth, slight, moderate, prominent and
very prominent.
(f) Size
Though the size of the pod is influenced to a some extent by soil and other
environmental conditions, it is an excellent diagnostic character. A range
of 8-20 mm in diameter has been reported and groundnuts have been
divided into five classes, depending on the mean length and mean pod
weight (John et ai., 1954; Varisai Muhammad et ai., 1973b). For a much
larger collection, a range of 11-83 mm for pod length and 9-27 mm for pod
diameter has been recorded (Ramanatha Rao, 1988). Ranges of 18-58 mm
for pod length, 9-19 mm and 7-39 mg for pod weight have also been
recorded (Retamal et ai., 1990). Pod length was found to be the most
useful diagnostic character in cultivar identification, in conjunction with
the other morphological characters (Salma, 1985).
In the case of the wild Arachis, the pod is usually articulated, the articles
being separated by the isthmus. The length of the isthmus is species-
dependant and varies from less than 1 cm to 30-35 cm. In the strict
botanical sense, the pod consists of the articles and the isthmus, but for
diagnostic purposes the size of a single article (preferably the apical) is
3.6.1 Root
As groundnut roots typically lack an intact epidermis because of the lack of
specific epidermal initials, root hairs of the usual type rarely appear. Cells
originating in the lateral root cap region and in the outer cortex form the
surface layers of the root, the outermost of which is split and sloughs off.
Experiments have clearly established an active absorptive function of
solutes for this region (Richter, 1899; Yarbrough, 1949). Root hairs are not
entirely absent and are seen under special conditions and where humidity is
high and also more on lateral roots than on the primary root (Badami,
1935; Waldron, 1919, Yarbrough, 1949). The primary root has a tetrarch
vascular cylinder (Figure 3.7(c)). Meta and protoxylem tissues are differ-
entiated as in other dicotyledons. The large pith portion of the primary
root breaks down with age. During the early stages of seedling growth, the
cortex and pith contain abundant food stores. The root and hypocotyl
develop active cork and vascular cambium.
Lateral roots are formed by the activity of the endodermis and pericycle
which actively contribute cells to the new root apex (Petit, 1895; Richter,
1899). Lateral roots arise opposite the primary xylem plates. A four-
ranked arrangement of lateral roots is thus developed on the primary root.
The lateral roots are diarch and do not have a pith (Figure 3.7(d)). Thus
they differ from the primary roots of other dicotyledonous roots
(Yarbrough, 1949).
3.6.2 Stem
The description of the anatomy of Arachis stem can be found in several
earlier works (Reed, 1924; Waldron, 1919; Yarbrough, 1957b). The struc-
ture of the stem in general conforms to that of the typical dicotyledon type.
The epidermis of the stem consists of small cells with a thick cuticle. The
hypodermis is formed of angular collenchyma. The cortex consists of two
parts: the first part is chlorenchyma, and the inner part consists of larger
celled and thin-walled parenchyma (Yarbrough, 1957b). The vascular
Anatomy 77
Tetrarch stele
Figure 3.7 Structure of root and stem. Transections of ( a) primary stem; (b) stem
(secondary structure); (c) primary root; (d) lateral root with diarch stele and no
bundles are endarch and vary from 20 to 40. Five or six of them are larger
than the rest. Tannin cells occur in the stem (Figure 3.7(a)).
During the secondary growth of the stem, many pith cells break down
and form a cavity. An active fascicular and an interfascicular cambium
form considerable secondary tissue. Periderm develops in outer cortical
cells. Most cells of the cork cambium collapse before periderm develop-
ment (Figure 3.7(b)). Both the main axis and the cotyledonary laterals are
obconical in form when the primary tissues only are considered. The
78 Botany - morphology and anatomy
number of fascicular bundles is greater in the upper internodes than in the
lower ones. The diameter of the pith is greater likewise (Yarbrough,
3.6.3 Leaf
Routine information on leaf structure in Arachis was provided in earlier
studies (Reed, 1924; Yarbrough, 1957a). Studies on possible relationships
between leaf structure and resistance to leaf diseases were also made by
some workers (D'Cruz and Upadhyaya, 1961; Hemmingway, 1957;
Suryakumari et al., 1989a). A similar study was made by Pallas to find out
the reason for the abnormally higher conductance from the adaxial side of
the leaf than from the abaxial (Pallas, 1980). Detailed studies of leaf
structure in cultivated and wild species, interspecific hybrids and experi-
mental polyploids are also available (Suryakumari, 1984; Suryakumari et
al., 1983, 1989a).
Epidermal cells
The epidermal cells are polygonal with straight anticlinal walls. In some
cultivars, the adaxial cells are larger than the abaxial cells.
Epidermal hairs
The epidermal hairs are non-glandular and uniseriate, with a thick basal
cell. The body of the hair consists of a short subterminal cell and a long
terminal cell. The hairs range in length from 0.02 to 0.92 mm. Epidermal
hairs occur on both surfaces of the leaves (Suryakumari, 1984).
Structure of lamina
Both the upper and lower epidermis are uniseriate with a thin cuticle. The
mesophyll is divisible into the spongy and palisade tissues. The palisade
cells occur beneath the upper epidermis only, loosely arranged in two
to four vertical layers. The poorly developed spongy parenchyma is
represented by a uniseriate layer. A layer of water-storage cells occurs
beneath the lower epidermis and the spongy layer. Tannin cells project
inwards from the cells of the upper epidermis. The thickness of the lamina
Anatomy 79
(c) (d)
Figure 3.8 Leaf transeetions: (a) subsp. Jastigiata; (b) subsp. hypogaea; (c) A.
hatizocoi; (d) A. pusilla.
varies from 100-250 f.Lm and the vertical extent of palisade tissue ranges
from 40-120 f.Lm (Suryakumari et al., 1983).
~(b) ~~) (a) (c)
. 15!~. (k)
.. (/)
i (n)
Fertilization in groundnut is porogamous. After pollination, one of the
synergids degenerates. The pollen tube enters the embryo sac through this
degenerating synergid soon after pollination (Murty and Rao, 1979).
Triple fusion precedes syngamy (Figure 3.11). Fertilization takes place
12-18 hours after anthesis.
Endosperm is ab initio nuclear. A fertilized embryo sac contains abundant
starch, which is a conspicuous feature during its early development. The
starch grains are mostly digested when the endosperm has 8-16 nuclei.
Free nuclear divisions in the endosperm continue until the embryo reaches
Anatomy 83
the early dicotyledonous stage. A higher number of endosperm nuclei
(about 5000) occurs at this stage (Figure 3.12 (a)-(f)).
Wall formation progresses centripetally. Cell wall formation in the
endosperm first takes place around the embryo and then gradually extends
(Figure 3.12 (g)). The entire endosperm does not become cellular and the
nuclei at the narrow chalazal end continue to lie embedded in a common
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
The embryogeny conforms to the Soland type of Johansen (Johansen,
1950). The first division of the zygote is transverse, resulting in an apical
cell and a basal cell (Figure 3.12 (c». These cells again divide transversely
(e) (I)
and longitudinally and form a quadrant and then an octant embryo. At this
stage the embryo-forming region is clearly distinguishable from the suspen-
sor region by its smaller cells and denser cytoplasm. The embryo forming
region mostly divides by oblique walls and the basal cell, after two trans-
verse divisions, mostly divides by oblique walls and gives rise to a massive
suspensor. Localized divisions in apical meristems at two points at the
86 Botany - morphology and anatomy
distal end of the globular embryo result in a bilobed heart-shaped embryo.
The later stages are marked by progressive increase in cells resulting in an
embryo with a massive radicle, two cotyledons and a massive hypocotyle-
donary region (Figure 3.12 (g». The embryo is straight and consists of a
robust radicle, a hypocotyledonary axis and an epicotyl made up of three
incipient shoot axes bearing nine or more differentiated leaves.
Seed coat
Initially the outer and inner integuments are two-layered. Periclinal
divisions take place in both the integuments, making them three-layered.
Further periclinal divisions occur in the derivative layers of the integument
only when the outer integument attains 11-13 layers. The outermost layer
of cells becomes columnar with thick walls, constituting the outer palisade
(Figure 3.13 (a)-(d».
Starch grains appear in the cells of the outer five to six layers. The cells
towards the inner integument do not contain starch grains and are com-
paratively small. During the later stages, the inner integument gradually
disintegrates (Figure 3.13 (e» and is completely obliterated in the mature
seed. Further divisions in the outer integument continue and in the mature
seed it is represented by 23-27 layers. The mature seed coat consists
of (1) a uniseriate outer palisade of columnar cells, (2) a middle layer of
parenchymatous cells, 20-25 cells thick containing starch grains and (3) a
single layer of isodiametric cells which represents the innermost layer of
the outer integument (Figure 3.13 (f» (Suryakumari, 1984).
Figure 3.13 Anatomy of seed coat in A. hypogaea (ii, inner integument; oi, outer
(a) (b)
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Xi, X.-Y. (1991) Development and structure of pollen and embryo sac in peanut (Arachis
hypogaea L.). Botanical Gazette, 152(2), 164-172.
Yarbrough, J.A. (1949) Arachis hypogaea. The seedling, its cotyledons, hypocotyl and roots.
American Journal of Botany, 36, 758-772.
Yarbrough, J.A. (1957a) Arachis hypogaea. The seedling, its cpicotyl and foliar organs.
American Journal of Botany, 44,19-30.
Yarbrough, S.J. (1957b) Arachis hypogaea. The form and structure of the stem. American
Journal of Botany, 44, 31-36.
Yona, J. (1964). The nature and inheritance of seed coat splitting and color in peanuts Arachis
hypogaea L. M.S. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel.
Zambettakis, e. and Bockellee-Morvan, A. (1976) Research on structure of the groundnut
seed coat and its influence on the penetration of Aspergillus fiavus. O!eagineux, 31,
Ziv, M., Halevy, A.H. and Ashri, A. (1973) Phytohormones and light regulation'of growth
habit in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Physiology, 14,727-735.
4.2.1 Subgeneric
The genus Arachis belongs to the Papilionoid legumes (Leguminosae,
Papilionoideae or Fabaceae), tribe A eschynomeneae , and sub tribe
Stylosanthinae. Based on morphological similarities, cross-compatibility
relationships and pollen fertility of interspecific hybrids (where available),
Krapovickas (1969, 1973), IBPGR (1990) and Gregory et al. (1973, 1980)
proposed a subgeneric classification dividing the genus into sections and
series (Table 4.1). However, none of these classifications were validly
published according to the rules of the International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature (Resslar, 1980). Therefore, all the sectional epithets which
have been proposed to date must be considered nomina nuda and have no
status under the code. Any of the proposed systems may be used equally
but the classification suggested by Gregory et al. (1980) has been used most
commonly, despite its non-validity, and has served well for defining broad
cross-compatibility relationships between taxa within the genus and
delimiting taxonomic boundaries. We follow the Gregory et al. (1980) plan
as modified by Krapovickas (1990) in the course of our discussion in this
4.3.1 Classical
With the advent of new techniques our ability to understand the taxonomic
and phylogenetic relationships, even at the molecular level, has increased
and data are now available from several lines of investigation for integrated
analysis to produce a sound taxonomic system. However, a classical
approach, based on morphological similarities and dissimilarities, is still
primary and paramount. The genus Arachis is morphologically quite dis-
tinct from its close relatives because of its unique reproductive system
leading to production of geocarpic fruit. On the basis of similarities
in morphological features of leaves, leaflets, inflorescence and anthers,
Arachis has been placed in the tribe Aeschynomeneae and sub tribe
Stylosanthinae together with relatives such as Stylosanthes (Taubert, 1884).
The genus has been further divided into sections and series by Krapovickas
(1969,1973), Gregory et al. (1973, 1980) and Krapovickas (1990), based on
morphological features of the root system, orientation of peg, venation on
the standard petal and size of flowers. Cross-compatibility relationships
have been used to support many conclusions in this work (Table 4.1).
TABLE 4.3 List of validly described species of the genus Arachis (sub-generic classification after Gregory et a!., 1973; sectional
modification by Krapovickas, 1990)
4.3.2 Biosystematics
Biosystematics is concerned with the evolution of isolating mechanisms
that have led to differentiation and genetic isolation of populations; hence
it is a valuable tool when combined with classical data in delimitation of
species and their recognition. It is easy to separate two taxa in the case of
complete isolation but this is more difficult and subjective when isolation
has been only partial. From an applied point of view, the information
based on the concept of biological species - i.e. that populations which
cross freely and are capable of free gene-exchange belong to a single
biological species and those which do not are outside it - is very important.
It defines quite satisfactorily the ease and extent of possible genetic intro-
gression and hence is of great applied value in strategic crop improvement
research. Because Arachis is predominantly self-pollinated, geographic
isolation and other extrinsic isolating mechanisms are expected to be more
important initially in differentiation and evolution of species than intrinsic
genetic isolation. The following biosystematic studies have been made to
promote understanding of the species and their differentiation.
(a) Cytotaxonomy
Ghimpu (1930) and Kawakami (1930) were the first to determine the
chromosome number (2n = 40) for A. hypogaea. Later, Husted (1933,
1936) identified a pair of small chromosomes and a pair of chromosomes
with secondary constriction and a satellite, as markers in the genomic
complement of A. hypogaea, designating them 'A' and 'B' respectively.
Smartt (1965), Smartt et al. (1978a, 1978b), Stalker and Dalmacio (1981),
and Singh and Moss (1982) observed many diploid species of sect. Arachis
with such an 'A' chromosome and A . batizocoi without such a pair. Smartt
102 Biosystematics and genetic resources
et al. (1978a) first designated them as the A and B genomes respectively.
Singh and Moss (1982) confirmed statistically the distinction of two
genomes, and formed two clusters - one represented solely by A. batizocoi
and the other by the remaining taxa (of those analysed) of sect. Arachis.
The larger group was further subdivided into three sub-groups: A. cardena-
sii; A. duranensis and A. spegazzinii; and A. villosa and A. correntina
(Singh and Moss, 1982, 1984a). In taxa with 2n = 4x = 40, A. monticola
and A. hypogaea were found to be karyotypically very similar. Stalker
(1991) reported another species, A. glandulifera Stalker (A. spinaclava
Krap et Greg.), in sect. Arachis with a highly asymmetrical karyotype,
distinctly different from A and B genomes; he designated this as
the 'D' genome. Somatic complements of many more taxa from other
sections have been studied, although not in great detail, i.e. A. glabrata 2n
= 4x = 40 (Gregory, 1946), several other accessions of Rhizomatosae
(Singh, 1985b) and a number of accessions with 2n = 20 from sect.
Erectoides (Singh et. al., 1990). In these accessions, very little karyotypic
similarity with the species of sect. Arachis has been observed. In tetraploid
accessions of Rhizomatosae, several chromosomes were observed in
quadruplicate, indicating their auto tetraploid nature (Singh, 1985b). These
observations indicate that structural differentiation of chromosomes at the
diploid level and two independent courses of polyploidization - autopoly-
ploidization in section Rhizomatosae, and amphidiploidization in section
Arachis have been involved in differentiation and evolution of species in
the genus.
Meiotic studies in Arachis species have revealed that chromosome pair-
ing in most diploid species is regular, forming 10 bivalents (Smartt et al.,
1978a: Resslar and Gregory, 1979; Singh and Moss, 1982). Consistent
quadrivalent associations were observed only in tetraploid (2n = 4x = 40)
species of sect. Rhizomatosae, supporting their autotetraploid nature. Such
associations could also form as a result of fixation of a structural hetero-
zygote in rhizomatous clones of these accessions. A few quadrivalent
associations have also been observed in some accessions of A. hypogaea
(2n = 4x = 40).
(b) Cytogenetical
The degree of genetic and genomic isolation as a result of differentiation at
individual loci, through rearrangement of chromosome segments or poly-
ploidy (both auto- and allo-) , could result in cross-incompatibilities, either
partial or complete. Cytogenetical analysis of hybridization products, the
study of meiotic pairing, and pollen and pod fertility in hybrids may
provide real insight into the probable mode of speciation and evolution on
the one hand, and the possibilities of gene exchange for use by the
groundnut breeder on the other. The first viable interspecific hybrid
reported in the genus Arachis was between A. hypogaea (2n = 40) and A.
Systematics 103
villosa var. correntina (2n = 20) and was produced by Krapovickas and
Rigoni (1951). Since then, the cultivated A. hypogaea has been crossed
with as many as 37 species (Simpson, unpublished data) and crossing
between different species from both the same section and different sections
has resulted in production of more than 250 successful hybrids (Kumar et
al., 1957; Smartt and Gregory, 1967; Gregory and Gregory, 1979; Singh
and Moss, 1984a, 1984b; Singh, 1985b; Pompeu, 1977; Simpson, 1991a).
Such results have generally corroborated the cross-compatibility relation-
ships established by Gregory and Gregory (1979), who showed that,
despite ploidy differences, it is easier to produce intrasectional than inter-
sectional hybrids. They found that intrasectional hybrid pollen fertility at
the same ploidy level averaged around 30.2% in sect. Arachis; 0.2% in
sect. Extranervosae and 86.8% in sect. Caulorhizae. Intersectional hybrids
were completely female-sterile with very low or no pollen fertility; some
failed to flower at all.
Sect. Arachis, to which A. hypogaea belongs, contains a number of
diploid wild species reported to be resistant to several diseases of ground-
nut, such as rust, early and late leaf spots, and rootknot nematodes
(Abdou et al., 1974; Subrahmanyam et al., 1980, 1983; Nelson et al., 1989).
They are therefore important potential sources of genes for breeding for
disease resistance in A. hypogaea. Concerted biosystematic efforts have
been made to understand phylogenetic relationships among these species
of sect. Arachis (Smartt and Gregory, 1967; Stalker and Wynne, 1979;
Resslar and Gregory, 1979). Singh and Moss (1984a) performed a compre-
hensive genome analysis in sect. Arachis and reported that hybrids be-
tween the diploid species they studied, except those with A. batizocoi, had
near normal bivalent frequencies (9.1-9.8) with moderate to high pollen
fertility (60-91%). Hybrids between A. batizocoi and other species had
low bivalent frequency (5.2-6.9) and very low pollen fertility (3-7%).
These results confirmed genetic separation of A. batizocoi (B genome)
from the other set of species of sect. Arachis (A genome). Formation of
8-9 bivalents in some of the pollen mother cells (PMCs) of AB hybrids also
suggested that both genomes have a similar basic gene complement.
Chromosome pairing in triploid hybrids between A. hypogaea and the
diploid wild species corroborated the fact that the two genomes present in
A. hypogaea are common to the genomes found in diploid wild species
belonging to sect. Arachis. Furthermore, it indicated that A. batizocoi is
the closest diploid relative of A. hypogaea, probably more so to subspecies
fastigiata than to subspecies hypogaea, with homology to one set of the
genome (10 chromosomes) of A. hypogaea. The second set is homologous
to the other group of diploid species containing an A genome, forming an
average of 9 bivalents in their triploid hybrids involving A. hypogaea. The
tetraploid, A. monticola, crossed freely with A. hypogaea and showed
normal pairing of chromosomes in the hybrids, indicating that, biologic-
ally, A. monticola may just be the wild form of A. hypogaea.
104 Biosystematics and genetic resources
In continuation of the above biosystematic studies, Singh (1986a, 1986b,
1988) further studied chromosome pairing, pollen fertility and pod fertility
in hybrids between cultivated tetraploid A. hypogaea (AA and BB) and
both synthetic autotetraploids and amphidiploids from AA and BB
genome diploid species of sect. Arachis. The objective was to verify the
above inferences and to identify the most probable ancestors of A. hypo-
gaea. Formation of higher mean bivalent associations in hybrids between
A. hypogaea X AA BB amphidiploids compared with A. hypogaea X AA
AA amphidiploids supported the earlier inferences that, most probably,
two sympatric related diploid species - one with AA and the other with a
BB genomic constitution - hybridized and produced A. hypogaea through
amphidiploidization. Arachis batizocoi and A. duranensis were considered
to be the most probable donors of B and A genomes respectively. There
was no complete pairing (i.e. 20 II) in these crosses to the amphidiploids,
since both diploid ancestors and the tetraploid cultivated species have
undergone a long process of evolution, leading to their further genetic
divergence. However, it is possible that the actual progenitor species of A.
hypogaea have yet to be collected, or may be extinct.
Very few intersectional hybrids have been produced between the diploid
species of sect. Arachis and sect. Erectoides, with and without embryo
rescue to overcome postzygotic incompatibility barriers (Gregory and
Gregory, 1979; Singh, 1989). However, a high level of sterility in these
hybrids has restricted the studies on chromosome pairing and pollen
fertility. Attempts to cross synthetic tetraploids of sect. Arachis and amphi-
diploid or natural tetraploids Of sect. Erectoides and sect. Rhizomatosae
respectively have virtually failed. Singh (1988) observed that crossing at
the tetraploid level was more difficult than at the diploid level. Gregory
and Gregory (personal communication) produced several hybrids between
diploid sect. Arachis annual types and complex amphidiploid hybrids
within sect. Erectoides. Stalker (1981) studied meiosis in hybrids between
two diploid (2n = 20) species, A. duranensis and A. stenocarpa (= A.
stenosperma) of sect. Arachis and an amphidiploid (A. rigonii x A. sp.
GKP 9841 = 4x) of sect. Erectoides and observed a high frequency of
bivalents indicating chromosomal homologies between the members of
sect. Arachis and sect. Erectoides. Stalker (1981) also analysed chromo-
somal homologies in some other complex hybrids produced by Gregory
and Gregory (1979) between sect. Erectoides and sect. Rhizomatosae
which suggested distant homologies between the chromosomes of the two
sections, and common ancestry.
The cytogenetical data in Arachis indicate that two chromosome series,
2n = 2x = 20 and 2n = 4x = 40, are present in the genus, though most
species are diploid with 2n = 2x = 20. Polyploidy probably arose twice in
the genus, independently, once in sect. Rhizomatosae through autotetra-
ploidization and again in sect. Arachis through amphidiploidization.
Cultivated tetraploid A. hypogaea (AA BB) could have originated via
Systematics 105
domestication of the wild tetraploid species A. monticota, which most
probably originated through amphidiploidization of an Fl hybrid between
a pair of species containing AA and BB genomes. The autotetraploid
genome of sect. Rhizomatosae has some homology with the A genome of
sect. Arachis and the E genome of sect. Erectoides, and so there are
substantially common chromosomes in all three of these sections.
(c) Chemotaxonomy
Seeligman and Krapovickas (Krapovickas 1973, Krapovickas et al. 1974)
were probably the first to look at the chemical variability in the genus by
chromatographic analysis of flavonoids in the leaves of Arachis species.
They detected more than 20 compounds, and chemical variation coincided
well with the centre of morphological variation of the genus (Mato
Grosso). There was no variation west of the meridian of 51 0 , which can be
considered as the axis of the area of distribution of the genus, as it runs
parallel to the Paraguay and Uruguay rivers. The presence of common
flavonoid chromatographic spots in A. hypogaea, A. monticola and diploid
wild species of sect. Arachis corroborated their close phylogenetic
Several workers have studied both seed protein and isozyme profiles
through polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunochemical
methods (Neucere and Cherry, 1975: Cherry, 1975; Klozova et al., 1983a,
1983b; Krishna and Mitra, 1988; Singh et at., 1991). Tombs and Lowe
(1967) noted that one of the major storage proteins, arachin, is polymor-
phic and they identified three forms of it. The gross fraction of protein
profile in the taxa of section Arachis did not differ much in overall mobility
patterns, and expressed considerable similarity even considering the differ-
ences in ploidy levels (Singh et al., 1991). This corroborates the inferences
of Klozova et al. (1983b), based on similarities of patterns resolved by
immunochemical methods (immunoelectrophoresis and double diffusion),
that protein patterns in Arachis have been relatively conservative in evol-
ution. Singh et at. (1991) have further indicated that the variation in
protein profiles of accessions of the same species is very low, particularly
in a small sampling of A. hypogaea cultivars. If this pattern holds true in
analyses of a broad spectrum of A. hypogaea, protein profiles may not be
of much practical value in differentiation and identification of cultivars, but
protein profiles can be of great value in differentiation and broad classifi-
cation of the genus and for species identification. These studies support
interspecific relationships consistent with the taxonomic scheme developed
by Krapovickas and Gregory (Gregory et al., 1980: Krapovickas, 1990),
particularly for the breakdown of the genus into sections. They also
support species relationships, and the probable ancestry of A. hypogaea
deduced from cytogenetical evidence (Singh, 1988).
Preliminary cytophotometric studies on amount of cDNA performed by
106 Biosystematics and genetic resources
Resslar (1980) recorded 4.92-5.98 pg DNA per cell for diploid species and
nearly double that for tetraploids. Annual diploids have 1 pg less DNA
than perennial diploid species, and tetraploid taxa belonging to two A.
hypogaea subspecies and A. monticola show some small but consistent
differences. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) studies
carried out in the USA (Kochert et al., 1991) have shown only a very low
level of variation in a small sample of tetraploids that included A. hypogaea
cultivars from the USA and wild A. monticola. However, the wild diploid
species from sect. Arachis show considerable variation in their RFLP
bands, though the RFLP patterns of tetraploids were more complex than
those of diploids. Nevertheless, the two constituent genomes of amphidip-
loids could usually be distinguished. They suggested A. ipaensis, A. dura-
nensis and A. spegazzinii to be the most closely related diploid progenitors
of the tetraploid A. monticola and A. hypogaea, rather than A. batizocoi,
as indicated by cross-compatibility data cytogenetic studies and protein
profiles. This could be explained by assumption of certain structural
changes occurring at the microevolutionary level within the genomes of A.
hypogaea, and the genetic divergence these have caused in the molecular
sequences resolved by the probe and restriction enzyme combinations used
by Kochert et al. (1991). This is probably one of the limitations of RFLP
techniques, where early erroneous conclusions are possible, based on the
homology between fractions of genomes, before a broad array of material
has been analysed using all possible combinations. One needs to use
caution in drawing such conclusions on homologies before evaluating all
possible combinations of probe and restriction endonucleases to reveal
most of the genomic sequences. Critical investigations are still needed to
resolve such contradictions.
The studies above indicate that useful variation exists for chemical
characters in the genus. However, it is clear that the potential value may lie
in resolving the problems of classification between broad groups, which
may help in establishing species relationships and their delimitation, and in
assigning affinities to new taxa. There is obviously considerable scope for
genetic and molecular characterization of various genomes in the genus
using these biochemical techniques, and for using the information in
further classification and developing appropriate technologies for their
exploitation. Limited variation detected in A. hypogaea may be misleading
and the situation could well change following analysis of a broader spec-
trum of the available germplasm. Hence, the application of biochemical
techniques in groundnut is still to be developed to enable its utilization in
(1) resolving polymorphism among cultivars of groundnut, (2) fingerprint-
ing of cultivars and (3) identification of molecular markers associated with
desirable traits, which can be used in indirect screening of germplasm for
specific traits to aid in the production of improved new varieties.
From the above biosystematic studies, it is possible to establish tenta-
tively a series of genomes which parallel the Arachis sections. Some
Phylogeny 107
of the taxonomic entities are monotypic, such as sect. Triseminale with
Arachis sp. GKP 12881, and 12922 and series Prorhizomatosae of sect.
Rhizomatosae with A. burkartii, while sect. Caulorhizae is only rep-
resented by a pair of taxa. This provides a very narrow level of variability
for making inferences; nevertheless, the strong genetic barriers observed
between these taxonomic entities are sufficient to recognize the twelve
genomes shown in Table 4.1. These correspond to the section and series as
initially proposed by Gregory and Gregory (1979) and expanded by
Krapovickas (1990).
The sect. Erectoides comprises only diploid species which are classified
into two distinct series corresponding to two sub-genomes . In
Rhizomatosae, based on compatibility, it is proposed that tetraploid
Eurhizomatous species have two genomes, one with homologies to sect.
Erectoides and the other to sect. Arachis (Krapovickas, 1973; Gregory and
Gregory, 1979). However, the Rhizomatosae are assumed to be primitive
and it is difficult to see Arachis evolving from Rhizomatosae (if the section
is indeed primitive), as diploid rhizomatous A. burkartii is genetically and
physically isolated from other Arachis species. Singh (1985b), based on
karyomorphology (chromosomes in quadruplicate) and meiotic behaviour
(with quadrivalents), has indicated that tetraploid rhizomatous species
appear to be autotetraploids. Hence, it is more likely that genomic hom-
ologies reflected between sections Erectoides, Arachis and Rhizomatosae
on the basis of cross-compatibilities may be due to a pivotal genome
common to all three sections that have evolved in parallel, evolving sect.
Arachis and sect. Erectoides through genetic and chromosomal alteration
on the one side, and sect. Eurhizomatosae via polyploidy on the other.
This appears plausible because several annual species of sect. Arachis do
cross with the species of tetrafoliolate Erectoides (Gregory and Gregory,
1979; Singh, 1989) although only two crosses were successful without
embryo rescue techniques. In sect. Arachis, the genome analysis does not
conform with series classification. Series Annuae consists of species with
the B genome, sub-genomes of genome A, and another recently dis-
covered D genome, while series Perennes consists of only A genome
species. The series Amphiploides combines both A and B genomes. These
genomic classifications work best in the light of biosystematic evidence
collected to date and are subject to modification in case evidence from
further collection favours a different interpretation.
The above sources of gen~tic diversity have been classified into four
gene pools (Wynne and Halward, 1989; Smartt, 1990). The first order
or primary gene pool consists of taxa belonging to the cultivated species;
the secondary gene pool consists of A. monticola. Arguments have
been presented that, based on crossability and fertility of hybrids
between them, A. monticola and A. hypogaea should be considered
as part of the same gene pool of a single biological species. Crossa-
bility studies have also indicated that sect. Procumbensae (which is essen-
tially sympatric with sect. Arachis throughout its distribution) produces
normal pegs and pods when cross pollinated with sect. Arachis but the
embryo aborts at an early stage of development, indicating evolution of
postzygotic barriers to hybridization during the course of evolution
Gene pools 111
The centre of origin of the genus Arachis was most probably in central
Brazil (Gregory et al., 1980). The geocarpic habit of the plant suggests that
long-distance dispersal has been along streams and rivers of the South
American continent. According to Gregory et al. (1973, 1980), the most
ancient species are found in higher elevations. Their immediate descendent
relatives occupy the next lower erosion surface and their distantly evolved
descendants occupy a still lower and more recent eroded surface. To
support this view, they found unique associations of botanical features with
highland conditions. Further, as seeds moved to lower elevations they
became isolated in major river valleys: thus different sections of the genus
evolved independently in a parallel fashion. Sect. Caulorhizae was isolated
and evolved in valleys of the lequitinhonha and Sao Francisco rivers,
Triseminalae in the Sao Francisco, Ambinervosae in the drainage system of
north-east Brazil, and series Prorhizomatosae in the Uruguay River valley.
Sect. Arachis probably evolved in the basin of the Paraguay or in the upper
reaches of the middle Amazon, which is invaded by the upper reaches of
the Paraguay. In both, the captured species are somewhat confined in the
uppermost part of the drainage systems, though they are widely distributed
in their original location. Species in the sect. Erectoides occur in the
extensive dissection of the Central Brazilian Planalto by both the Parana
and branches of the Paraguay rivers. Eurhizomatosae occur sympatrically
with Erectoides but extend beyond the Paraguay and Parana, south of
Centres of diversity 113
Corrientes, east into Sao Paulo and north of Rosario Oeste. However, the
belief that species in different sections are geographically isolated has
changed, since considerable overlaps in distribution between the members
of sections Arachis, Extranervosae and Rhizomatosae have been recorded
(Simpson, 1984; Valls et al., 1985) and major sectional groups of the genus
have been found with widespread distributions.
Cultivated A. hypogaea most probably originated in the region of
southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, since A. monticola, the only wild
tetraploid species that crosses with A. hypogaea, is found in this area.
Hence this is the region of the presumed centre of origin of cultivated
groundnuts (Krapovickas, 1969). Most of the diploid sect. Arachis species
that may have given rise to the segmental allotetraploid (A. monticolal
A. hypogaea) - such as A. batizocoi (Krapovickas et al., 1974; Smartt et al.,
1978a, 1978b; Singh and Moss, 1984a; Singh, 1986b, 1988), A. duranensis
(Seetharam et al., 1973; Gregory and Gregory, 1976; Singh, 1986b, 1988)
and A. spegazzinii (a form of A. duranensis; Kochert et al., 1991) - are also
distributed here. These observations support the conclusion that this re-
gion of southern Bolivia and northern Argentina was the centre of origin
and primary centre of diversity for A. hypogaea. This does not however
take into account recent archaeological evidence which could significantly
alter present perceptions.
.-. Eurhizomatosae
---- Triseminalae
0000000 Prorhizomatosae
<>---0 Calilorhizae
- - - Procllmbel1sae
50° 40°
Figure 4.3 Centres of origin and diversity of Arachis hypogaea in South America
(adapted from Gregory and Gregory, 1976). I A. hypogaea fastigiata var. fastigiata
and var. vulgaris; II A. hypogaea fastigiata var. fastigiata; III A. hypogaea hypogaea
var. hypogaea; IV A. hypogaea hypogaea var. hypogaea, A. hypogaea fastigiata
var. fastigiata; V A. hypogaea hypogaea var. hypogaea and var. hirsuta, A. hypo-
gaeafastigiata var. fastigiata; VI tertiary A. hypogaeafastigiata and var. vulgaris.
118 Biosystematics and genetic resources
Williams (1991) studied the region of the north Beni of Bolivia/Peru. He
collected some extraordinary types which appear to be intermediate be-
tween subsp. hypogaea and subsp. fastigiata.
The sixth centre, north-east Brazil, is regarded as a tertiary centre with
all types. The Ecuadorian type is similar to the var. fastigiata types of Peru
but morphologically distinct and might even be considered intermediate
between vars. fastigiata and hypogaea.
Africa has been regarded as another important tertiary centre of diver-
sity. Introductions from Brazil probably became established concomitantly
with the slave trade in West Africa, while the east coast probably received
material which had come from the west coast of South America via the
Philippines, China and India. More recently Smartt (1990) suggested
significant introductions from Bolivia, India and China can also be con-
sidered as sources of much variability for cultivated groundnut at various
Taxonomic representation:
Arachis 12044 15204 147 137
Erectoides 21 68 32 68
Caulorhizae 2 34 2 60
Rhizomatosae 90 208 76 71
Extranervosae 2 63 5 178
Triseminalae 1 7 2 7
Procumbensae 0 30 29
Ambinervosae 0 27 2 46
derivatives 165 261 705
Unknown 1651 28
The wide range of genetic diversity in the cultivated and wild Arachis
species contradicts the earlier apprehensions of lack of variability.
Genetic variability 123
TABLE 4.5 cant.
I Morphological characterization
1. Life form
2. Growth habit
3. Branching pattern
4. Stem pigmentation
5. Stem hairiness
6. Peg colour
7. Standard petal colour
8. Standard petal markings colour
9. Leaf colour
10. Leaflet length
11. Leaflet width
12. Leaflet shape
13. Leaflet hairiness
14. Number of seeds per pod
15. Pod beak
16. Pod constriction
17. Pod reticulation
18. Pod length
19. Pod width
20. Seed colour, primary
21. Seed colour, secondary
22. Seed colour, type of variegation
23. Seed length
24. Seed width
25. Seed mass
II Preliminary evaluation
26. Days to emergence
27. Shelling percentage
28. Days to maturity
III Further evaluation
29. Oil content
30. Protein content
31. Reaction to abiotic stresses.
32. Reaction to biotic stresses.
seed may weigh as much as 1.3 g each. Cultigens also show great variability
for testa colour, varying from white to tan, purple, dark red and black,
with different types of variegation or self colours.
This range of variability recorded for 12 160 accessions at ICRISAT is
summarized in Table 4.7. Further screening of groundnut germplasm to
assess the potential - particularly their reaction to different biotic and
abiotic stresses - has been carried out worldwide, resulting in identification
of a large number of accessions with desirable traits and sources of resist-
ance to many stress factors. The results of such screening at ICRISAT and
other major centres are summarized in Table 4.8.
Wild Arachis species have shown great variability in both perennial and
annual life forms, sequential or alternate branching patterns, and open or
compact prostrate habit. The reaction of wild species to various groundnut pests
and diseases has shown greater variation than is present in cultivated groundnut
and they provide a large number of sources for introgression of disease
resistance. Species such as A. glabrata, A. hagenbeckii, A. repens (Gibbons and
Bailey, 1967), A. chacoensis, A. villosulicarpa,A. sp. GKP 10596 (Abdouetal.,
1974; Fosteretal., 1981; Kolawale, 1976) and A. stenocarpa (= A. stenosperma)
(Sharief et al., 1978) were reported to be resistant to early leaf spot. A.
cardenasii and several other taxa from section Arachis (Kolawale, 1976),
Caulorhizae, Ambinervosae and Rhizomatosae (Abdou et al., 1974;
Subrahmanyam et al., 1985b) were found resistant to late leaf spot. Many
accessions of Arachis species have been found resistant to rust.
Many wild Arachis species have been identified as resistant to viruses. A.
glabrata and A. repens were reported to be symptomless carriers of ground-
nut rosette virus (Gibbons, 1969). A. pusilla (GKP 12922 probably not
authentic A. pusilla, better designated Arachis sp.), A. correntina (GKP
9530) and A. cardenasii (GKP 10017) showed field resistance to tomato
spotted wilt virus, while A. chacoensis (GKP 10602) showed no infection
either by grafting or by thrips inoculation (Subrahmanyam et al., 1985a).
Similarly Herbert and Stalker (1981) found a high level of resistance to
peanut stunt virus in species of sect. Arachis, A. duranensis (K 7988), A.
villosa (B 22585) and A. villosa var. correntina (Manfredi 8); Caulorhizae;
Erectoides; and Rhizomatosae. For peanut mottle virus, Demski and Sowell
(1981) identified six accessions of Rhizomatosae as immune, and
Subrahmanyam et al. (1985) reported no infection after mechanical or air-
brush inoculation in GK 12922, A. chacoensis (GKP 10602), A. cardenasii
(GKP 10017) and A. correntina (GKP 9530). A. monticola (GKPBSSc
30062) was found resistant to cylindrocladium black rot, (Fitzner et al.,
1985). Castillo et al. (1973) reported resistance to northern rootknot
nematodes in three accessions of Rhizomatosae, and Nelson et al. (1989,
1990) found 55 accessions of 22 species of Arachis with resistance to
rootknot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria).
A large number of Arachis species accessions have also been screened
for resistance to insects such as thrips, leaf-hoppers and corn earworms
Genetic variability 127
TABLE 4.7 Range of variation in cultivated groundnut observed at feRfSAT,
Disease resistance:
Early leaf spot 2500 28 (2)
Late leaf spot 9400 76 (26) 2500 40 (3)
Rust 9400 141 (35) 1500 12
TSWV 7400 23 (6)
PMV 1800 2 (2)
Aspergillus flavus 582 17 (4)
Pod rot 3222 24 (6)
Sclerotinia blight 4100 1 (1)
Wet blotch 50 35 (4)
Pest resistance:
Thrips 5000 14 (7)
lassids 6500 30 (7)
Termites 520 20 (6)
Aphids 300 4 (1)
Lcafminer 930 18 (6)
Rootknot nematodes 116 55 (3)
Multiple resistance 9400 85 (45) 2500 12 (3)
Abiotic stresses/nutrition:
Drought 742 38 (8)
N Fixation 342 4 (2)
High oil 8868 44 (10)
High protein 8868 51
(Stalker and Campbell, 1983), army worm (Lynch et al., 1981), lesser
cornstalk borers (Stalker et al., 1984) and spider mites (Leuck and
Hammons, 1968; Johnson et al., 1977). High levels ofresistance have been
identified in a number of accessions (Stalker and Moss, 1987).
Wild Arachis species have also been studied for nutritional quality and
some species, such as A. villosulicarpa, have been reported to have high
(1.44-1.66%) tryptophan contents (Amaya et al., 1977). Recently A. sp.
(KSSc 36008), A. paraguariensis, A. rigonii and A. appressipila have been
found with more than 60% oil content, while A. sp. GK 12922, A. sp. VKR
6110 and A. sp. GK 30126 have high linoleic acid levels (Jambunathan et
Conservation of germplasm 129
Most groundnut germplasm has been conserved in the form of either pods
or seed except for some accessions (most of which belong to sect.
Rhizomatosae) which produce very few or no seed. These non-seed pro-
ducers are being conserved as plants. The major repositories of the world
collection of groundnut germ plasm are genebanks at ICRISAT; in the
USA at the Southern Regional Plant Introduction Station in Georgia, the
North Carolina State University at Raleigh and the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station at Stephenville; in Brazil at Empresa Brasileira De
Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA)/Centro Nacional de Recursos
Geneticos (CENARGEN), Brasilia and Instituto Agronomico, Campinas;
and in Argentina at Instituto Botanica del Nordeste (lEONE), Corrientes
and Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria (INTA), Manfredi.
It is established that the two key factors influencing the seed's viability
during storage are temperature and moisture. Duration of viability is
mainly influenced by seed moisture content. Control and optimization of
these factors can dramatically improve the longevity of seeds in storage. At
ICRISAT, and probably in most other gene banks, the seeds are dried to
5-7% moisture content and are stored in controlled-environment
chambers with low temperature and humidity, following the guidelines of
the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IEPGR). Many
locations have three storage regimes:
Breeding activities around the world have made significant progress in the
last two decades but exploitation of available genetic variability is still
limited. Breeders prefer their known sources of previously identified resist-
ances and are often reluctant to use those recently identified because of
lack of information on their reaction to other biotic and abiotic hazards,
centre of origin, and whether they have the same components of resistance
governed by the same genes/alleles. Poor agronomic potential of these
sources is another possible factor contributing to this situation. Hesitation
in utilizing new germplasm sources in resistance breeding is dangerous, as
the old sources may rest on a very narrow genetic base. Epiphytotics of any
pathogen may wipe out crops, causing considerable economic loss and
subsequent scarcity of planting materials. Interspecific variability has not
been fully exploited, though it has provided encouraging results (Stalker et
at., 1979; Singh, 1985b; Singh and Gibbons, 1986; Singh, 1989; ICRISAT,
]986; Simpson, 1991a).
Progress in breeding for resistance to early and late leaf spot and rust has
been significant. Southern runner, a high-yielding cultivar resistant to late
leaf spot has been released in the USA. Resistance breeding at ICRISAT
has developed high-yielding cultivars ICG(FDRS)4 and ICG(FDRS)lO
with strong resistance to rust and low level resistance/tolerance to late leaf
spot. Indian national programmes have also released several other lines.
Using several wild Arachis species from section Arachis, ICRISAT
breeders have been able to transfer disease resistance into A. hypogaea. A
large number of A. hypogaea-Iike interspecific derivatives with high yield
and resistance to rust and/or late leaf spot have been developed involving
A. cardenasii, A. batizocoi, A. duranensis, A. stenocarpa (HLK-41O, = A.
stenosperma) and A. chacoensis (ICRISAT, 1985; Singh and Gibbons,
1986). Recently, ICRISAT scientists have also identified an interspecific
line, 259-2, originating from crosses with A, cardenasii, with multiple
resistance to rust and to early and late leaf spots (Singh, 1988; ICRISA T,
1990). Resistance to groundnut rosette virus has been identified from an
interspecific derivative involving A. chacoensis (ICRISA T, 1992). Simpson
(1991a) has reported a successful pathway for introgressing leaf spot
resistance from A. cardenasii and A. chacoensis through A. batizocoi.
132 Biosystematics and genetic resources
Introgression of nematode resistance is reported by Simpson (1991a) and
by Starr et al. (1990).
Progress in breeding for resistance to soil-borne fungi, aflatoxin develop-
ment and virus diseases such as tomato spotted wilt virus (bud necrosis) has
been very difficult and slow. Smith et al. (1991) have released a cultivar,
Tamspan 90, with high levels of resistance to pythium pod rot and scleroti-
nia blight. The research efforts in these directions have not been adequate
but there may also be a dearth of qualitative sources of resistance for most
of these diseases.
Abdou, Y.A.M., Gregory. W.C and Cooper, W.E. (1974) Sources and nature of resistance to
Cercospora arachidicola and Cercosporidium personatum in Arachis spp. Peanut Science 1,
Adib, Sultana, Singh, A.K., Jana, M.K. et al. (1991) In-vitro germination of excised embryo of
groundnut, in Groundnut - a global perspective: Proceedings of an International Workshop,
25-29 Nov. 1991, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India, p. 419.
Amaya, F.J., Young, CT. and Hammons, R.D. (1977) The tryptophan content in the US
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Amin, P.W., Singh, K.N., Dwivedi, S.L. et al. (1985) Thrips (Frankliniella schultzei Trybom)
and termite (Odontotermes sp.) in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Peanut Science 12, 58-60.
Castillo, M.B., Morrison, T.S., Russell, CL. et al. (1973) Resistance to Meliodogyne hapla in
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Cherry, J.P. (1975) Comparative studies of seed protein and enzyme of species and collection of
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Chevalier, A. (1933) Monographie de l'Arachide. Revue de Botanique Appliquee et d'Agricul-
ture Tropicale 13, 689-789.
Chevalier, A. (1934) Monographie de I'Arachide. Revue de Botanique Appliquee et d'Agricul-
ture Tropicale 14, 565--632, 709-755, 833-864.
134 Biosystematics and genetic resources
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Subrahmanyam, P., Moss, J.P. and Rao, V.R. (1983) Resistance to peanut rust in wild Arachis
species. Plant Disease 67, 209-212.
Subrahmanyam, P., Moss, J.P., and McDonald, D. et al. (1985b) Resistance to leafspot caused
by Cercosporidium personatum in wild Arachis species. Plant Disease 69,951-954.
Subrahmanyam, P., McDonald, D., Redd, L.J. et al. (1990) Resistance to rust and late leafspot
of groundnut at ICRISAT Center. Problem and Progress. Proceedings of Fourth Regional
Groundnut Workshop for South Africa, 19-23 Mar. 1990, Arusha, Tanzania. ICRISAT,
Patancheru, India, pp. 85-92.
Taubert, P. (1884) Leguminosae, in Die naturlichen Pflanzen familian, (eds A. Engler and R.
Prant!) TeiL Abt. 3: 70--388 (Arachis). Verlag von Wilhelm Engelman, Leipzig.
Tombs, M.D. and Lowe, M. (1967) A determination of the sub-units of arachin by osmometry.
Biochemical JournalI8t, 181-187.
Valls, J.F.M., Rao, V.R., Simpson, e.E. et al. (1985) Current status of collection and conser-
vation of South American groundnut germplasm with emphasis on wild species of Arachis.
Proceedings of an International Workshop on Cytogenetics of Arachis, 31 Oct.-2 Nov. 1983,
ICRISAT, Patancheru, India, pp. 15-39.
Williams, E.D. (1991) Exploration of Amazonian Bolivia yields rare peanut landraces. Diversity
5, 12-13.
Wynne, J.e. and Halward, T. (1989) Cytogenetics and genetics of Arachis, in Critical Reviews in
Plant Science, (ed. B.V. Conger) CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 189-220.
The possibility that any plant - never mind a major commercial crop -
might possess a reproductive strategy whereby fertilized ovaries bury
themselves in the soil before seed development can properly commence is,
to say the least, unusual. It is understandable, therefore, that the repro-
ductive botany of the groundnut (peanut) remained a source of surprise
and confusion well into the middle of this century and that it was not until
then that a truly definitive description of this process was published (Smith,
1950). Forty years later, this geocarpic habit still raises a series of intriguing
and fundamental questions for seed scientists.
The aim of this chapter is to review the major events in this process from
flower development onwards. Special emphasis has been placed on factors
affecting seed yield and quality, taking the quality aspects of the discussion
through to seed storage and the particular problems of groundnut which
result from the fact that 50% of the weight of the seed may be oil reserve.
~ 25 ,---------------------------------------------------,
-c Virginia Jumbo Runner
8. e-------e Spanish type
ea. 15
~ 10
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Weeks from sowing
ment per se. Bagnall and King (1991 a,b) have recently demonstrated for a
range of cultivars that while the onset of flowering is independent of
daylength (except under low light and temperature conditions when short
days are promotory), the number of flowers produced is greatly enhanced
by short days. Flowering rates are also a function of plant size and are
promoted by increasing mean temperatures up to about 30°C and/or
increased light intensity. On the other hand, they may be reduced by
intraplant competition with developing fruits and environmental stresses of
various kinds, in particular a shortage of nutrients (Smith, 1954).
The compressed spical inflorescences of Arachis hypogaea comprise at
least three flowers but it is unusual for more than one to elongate at the
same time, although the second and third flower may then expand on
successive days in warm weather. In cool or wet conditions this interval
may be greatly increased. Opening usually takes place in the early morn-
ing; on the day prior to this, the sessile 6-10 mm flower bud will double in
length, after which the rate of expansion growth of the hypanthium more
than trebles overnight. At anthesis the flower may be up to 70 mm in length
from the base of the hypanthium, a 20 mm standard being borne on a
50 mm hypanthial tube (Figure 3.5). During this time the style elongates in
pace with the hypanthium and remains close to the dehiscing anthers.
Self-pollination normally occurs either just before or at the same time as
flower opening, although it should be noted that some wild species of
groundnut, (e.g. A. lignosa) may require insect pollination (Banks, 1990).
140 Reproductive biology and development
Generally, in A. hypogaea, groundnut ovaries contain between two and
five ovules, most commonly two (Figure 5.2(a». However, development of
only a single seed in the fruit is frequent, as is the production of 'pops' -
empty pods. In certain conditions, losses of potential yield can be more
than 90% (Smith, 1946). The reasons for this will be explored later.
Sporogenesis and gametogenesis occur 2 days prior to anthesis when bud
length is around 5 mm (Smith, 1956a). There is general agreement in the
literature that the antipodal cells degenerate several hours before fertiliz-
ation takes place (Smith, 1956a, Periasamy and Sampoornam, 1984; Pattee
and Mohapatra, 1987). This is in marked contrast to many other legumes
where these cells persist for some time (usually days) after fertilization and
are thought to playa key role in initial endosperm development, possibly
by providing a readily available supply of specific nutrients or endogenous
plant growth regulators as they break down (e.g. Chen and Gibson, 1971).
A well established feature of the embryo sac is that it contains a large
quantity of starch grains which will provide the nutrients for early endo-
sperm growth (Reed, 1924; Smith, 1956b). Details of embryo sac anatomy
are shown in Figure 5.2(b).
Considering the distance it has to grow, pollen tube extension is rapid.
Germination of pollen is promoted by red light, auxin, gibberellic acid
(GA) and many of the phenols present as glycoside derivatives in the
stigma and style. Postgerminative pollen tube growth requires both tran-
scriptional and translational activity and is promoted by ethylene and red
light, although GA can substitute for the phytochrome response in dark-
ness (Malik and Chhabra, 1978). Smith (1956a) estimated that, on average,
a pollen tube took about 9 h to reach the ovary and fertilization occurred
10-18 h after pollination. Later authors dispute his view that the synergids
disintegrate prior to this event. Periasamy and Sampoornam (1984) suggest
that the cellular synergids are essential to this process and that pollen tube
penetration actually occurs through the vacuole of one of them, although
Pattee and Mohapatra (1987) were unable to confirm this. In Smith's
(1956a) study less than 7% of ovules failed to be fertilized, although there
was a small additional percentage where there was successful fusion of only
one of the two pollen nuclei. Malik and Chhabra (1978), however, cite very
much lower fertilization percentages in India. In their survey, successful
pollination is quoted as being between 5% and 59% in spreading types and
22-68% in bunch forms with extracted pollen having very poor viability. It
is unclear whether this difference between India and the USA is a function
of local varieties or environment.
After fertilization the flower withers rapidly and over a period of several
days the fruit develops as a positively geotropic stalk-like structure, the
Fruit development 141
I I (b)
/ I
"; f---f 0.01 mm
1-------11 0.1 mm
Figure 5.2 Embryology of groundnut (a, apical ovule; b, basal ovule; c, cytoplas-
mic strands; da, degenerating antipodals; ds, degenerating synergids; dsu, degener-
ating suspensor; e, embryo sac; ea, egg apparatus; f, funiculus of apical ovule; h,
hypanthium; i, integumentary tapetum; m, meristem; pe, pro-embryo; s, synergids;
sg, starch grains; su, suspensor): (a) an ovary at anthesis; (b) embryo sac at
anthesis, with plentiful starch grains enclosed in compartments defined by cytoplas-
mic strands; (c) four-cell stage in embryogenesis; (d) heart-shaped embryo stage;
(e) embryo after cotyledon initiation. The endosperm tissue remains poorly differ-
entiated, parts of it remaining acellular throughout development. ((a)-(d) are
interpretations of plates in Pattee and Mohapatra, 1987; (e) in Peri as amy and
Sampoornam, 1984.)
'peg', which eventually penetrates the soil. The peg is often described,
even in recent literature (e.g. Ziv 1981; Amoroso and Amoroso, 1988), as
a gynophore. As Smith (1950) points out, this is technically incorrect
because the ovary is sessile: there is no ovary stalk to elongate. The cells
which elongate comprise the basal tissue of the ovary itself and thus a more
appropriate term for the peg is a carpophore (Smartt, 1976).
Growth of the carpophore is intimately associated with embryo develop-
ment. Peg extension is slow at first, taking 5-6 days to penetrate the bracts
142 Reproductive biology and development
(Smith, 1950). As the fruit reaches 3-4 mm in length it becomes positively
geotropic and starts to grow towards the soil (Peri as amy and Sampoornam,
1984), the rate of elongation increasing rapidly between 5 and 10 days after
fertilization (Figure 5.3). By the time this rapid elongation starts, the
embryo, which is now in the 8-12 cell stage, becomes quiescent (Smith,
1956b). Reduction in embryo growth may simply be a function of nutrient
deficiency due to the high demand of the rapidly growing carpophore, or
there may be more subtle control via pH changes within the ovary apex
(Schenk, 1961). Zamski and Ziv (1976) have demonstrated that initial
proembryo development is an essential prerequisite for peg elongation and
suggest that auxin and GA produced by the proembryo promote its
growth. Ziv (1981) provides evidence which indicates that carpophore
growth is also mediated by phytochrome. The carpophore is actively
photosynthetic, containing two or three layers of chlorenchyma with abun-
dant stomata on the endodermis, these later being replaced by lenticels as
secondary thickening occurs.
Growth usually continues until penetration of the soil occurs 8-14 days
after fertilization (Schenk, 1961). Zamski and Ziv (1976) found that, in the
virginia runner type of groundnut, light inhibited pod formation and pegs
failing to reach soil might grow up to 20 cm before withering and dying.
They were also able to demonstrate that the mechanical stimulus of the peg
entering the soil is important for successful pod development, stimulating
ovary wall thickening and the diageotropic orientation of the pod due to
rapid cell enlargement on the dorsal side of the carpel near the basal ovule.
Once pod development starts, seed development resumes. If an ovule is
unfertilized there is generally little pod development around that ovule
(Periasamy and Sampoornam, 1984). Typically, basal ovules resume
growth 1-2 days before apical ones and endosperm growth recommences
1-2 days before embryo growth (Smith, 1956b; Pattee and Mohapatra,
1987) (Figure 5.3).
Depth of pod placement depends on soil structure (due to both its
mechanical properties and light penetration), but usually pods are placed
about 5 cm below the soil surface. Periasamy and Sampoornam (1984)
noted that the presence of light may not be completely inhibitory to pod
development in all cultivars. In the erect valencia groundnut some aerial
pod development does occur and viable, small seeds may be produced.
This is unusual and in general the successful development of high quality
seed is dependent upon soil penetration by the peg.
Schenk (1961) undertook a detailed study of the underground develop-
ment of whole fruits in both a virginia bunch type and a spanish type. Fresh
weights of whole pods increased very rapidly during the first 2 weeks of
subterranean growth and they attained maximum size after 3 weeks.
Subsequently there was little increase in total fresh weight, although it
fluctuated with soil moisture status. Dry weights increased more gradually,
reaching a maximum after 8 weeks in virginia bunch (Figure 5.4) and after
Fruit development 143
6 weeks in the faster developing spanish type. Respiration rates were
highest during the period of maximum pod growth (Figure 5.4). After 2-3
weeks there was very little change in shell dry weights, although fresh
weights decreased rapidly as tissues collapsed and structural changes
occurred as the shells hardened. Hull colour changes were a useful indi-
cator of pod maturity (section 5.4.2). The seeds themselves tended to
develop more slowly, following a typical pattern which will be discussed in
detail in the next section. In this study, spanish pods were ready for lifting
after about 7 weeks of underground development, and virginia bunch pods
after 11 weeks. Times vary depending on cultivar and production con-
ditions but, in general, runner types take about 180 days from planting to
80 Peg length
Pods begin to /
,60 penetrate soil ./
/ Onset of
0,40 / pod development
c: ~
~ /
c.. 20 /
0 .""*".~'
Embryo cell numbers
() 20 Basal
'0 endosperm
.0 • •
E 10
z 0 Apical
Endosperm growth
c: Basal
'0 30 endosperm
Q; •
E 0 •
0 0 0
z 10 Apical
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Days after pollination
Figure 5.3 The growth of peg, embryo and endosperm of cv. Virginia Runner
during peg elongation and soil penetration. (Data from Smith, 1956b.)
144 Reproductive biology and development
maturity in the US, compared with 130-135 days for virginia bunch and
around 120 days for spanish types (Woodroof, 1973).
At digging, pods may still have a moisture content of 35-55% and are
usually left to dry in the field until kernel moistures are down to 18-25%,
when they are brought in and artificially dried for storage. Late digging and
prolonged windrowing before combining both result in potential loss of
yield as pods become detached from the carpophore (Schenk, 1961;
Woodroof, 1973).
• Whole fruit
dry weight
600 0 1.5
. 500
dry weight
kernel ~
..r::. Whole fruit attained :!:
O2 uptake of
400 1.0 ~
of ..r::.
~ ..-
.Ea. ~
:::l ~
0" 200 1.5
Maximum shell dry
weight attained
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIme underground (weeks)
Figure 5.4 Oxygen uptake and dry weight increases by whole fruits of virginia
bunch groundnuts during development. (Redrawn from Schenk, 1961.)
Seed development 145
mainly by cell division. At the end of this stage all the key structures of the
seed are present, even if not fully differentiated. Growth in Stage II is thus
by cell enlargement as seed reserves are laid down. The loss of moisture
content reflects the increasing proportion of insoluble food reserves in
storage tissue. At the end of this period, maximum seed dry weight is
attained. This point has been variously referred to as morphological
(Anderson, 1944), functional (Grabe, 1956) or physiological maturity
(Shaw and Loomis, 1950). It is perhaps unfortunate that the last of these
terms is the one in general use, as the physiological development of the
seed may be far from complete at this time. Many seeds require the
stimulus of further drying to become fully germinable (e.g. Kermode et al.,
1986). It is generally accepted, however, that a seed's maximum vigour
potential (i.e. its potential to produce a strong and healthy seedling under
variously stressful field conditions) is in place at this time.
Because of the obvious difficulties of working with an indeterminate
crop with the added complication of fruits developing underground, few
workers have characterized the growth of groundnut kernels in these
terms. A study of this type, using tagged carpophores just before they
entered the soil, was undertaken by Pickett (1950) but he estimated that
there were variations in physiological age within samples of up to 7 days.
Data shown in Figure 5.5 were obtained by Aldana et al. (1972) by
harvesting only fruits produced by the second internode of the first lateral
reproductive branch of field grown plants of cv. NC-2 (a virginia bunch
variety). Although data collection did not commence until 4 weeks after
the buried ovary had become diageotropic (at which stage the endosperm
has been fully absorbed), it is possible to identify the general pattern of
seed development outlined above. For these seeds, stage I was completed
8-9 weeks after flowering when the increase in dry weight became linear.
Maximum dry weight was achieved at 13-14 weeks. At 14 weeks after
flowering, these fruits were considered ready for Hfting, at a time when
Stage III of seed development had barely begun. On inverting, seed
moisture contents are usually higher than 35% (Woodroof, 1973) and
Stage III is completed during windrowing. Depending on cultivar and local
environment, Stages I and II of seed development may be completed 8-14
weeks after flowering.
Although the above description summarizes the broad pattern of seed
development, it should be remembered that each component - seed coat,
endosperm and embryo - are genetically different and each follows its own
programme. The details of the developmental pattern for each system are
discussed individually below.
5.3.1 Embryology
After fertilization the contents of the zygote become much denser and the
cell enlarges. In common with most species, groundnut cell division lags
146 Reproductive biology and development
behind that of the endosperm, the first mitosis not occurring until the
beginning of the second day after fertilization (Smith, 1956b). The basal
cell undergoes a second mitosis within 24h but another day may elapse
before the terminal cell divides. However, as mentioned previously, after
5 days the quiescent period for both embryo and endosperm growth occurs
with rapid extension growth of the peg. Smith (1956b) found growth
resuming 10-12 days after pollination (Figure 5.3). Having observed the
contraction of the embryo sac during the quiescent phase, Pattee and
Mohapatra (1987) concluded that the system was under considerable meta-
bolic stress at this time. This suggestion tallies with the extensive losses in
potential yield which occur during pegging (section 5.6.1).
The suspensor of the developing groundnut seed is typically large. Early
growth of this organ is characterized as much by cell enlargement as by cell
division, while the cells derived from the terminal cell will continue to
divide without much expansion to produce a tight ball. After 3-4 weeks,
the undifferentiated globular embryo may consist of 500-1000 cells. At this
time the suspensor is likely to have around one tenth of this number of
1600 FWT0 ao
x,.,.·)(\ I 0
\. I
C7I 1200 X.I
........ ix
I ~
. C7I aoo I
I Ul
40 ~
400 20
0 0
10 12 :14 I
Weeks after flowering
Figure 5.5 Changes in seed weight (less testa) and seed moisture content (SMC)
during groundnut seed development. Material for this study was harvested from
fruits produced at the second internode of the first reproductive lateral in var.
NC-2. The characteristic stages of seed development are indicated on the graph.
(Calculated from Aldana et ai., 1972.)
Seed development 147
800 Cotyledons
." 200
E Axis
6 8 10 12 14 16
Weeks after flowering
Figure 5.6 Dry weight changes of the embryo axis and cotyledons during seed
development in groundnut var. NC-2. (Redrawn from Aldana et ai., 1972.)
cells; in contrast, there may now be 5000 nuclei in the acellular endosperm
(Smith, 1956b). From this stage onwards the embryo will successively
become heart -shaped (Figure 5 .2( d)) and differentiate well defined cotyle-
donary outgrowths which arise at opposite sides of the proembryo (Figure
5.2(e)). Being constrained by the embryo sac and the developing seed coat,
the cotyledons curve round in such a way that they come together in
parallel. Between them lies the plumule, which is a complex meristematic
region showing not only a terminal bud but also two lateral buds in the axes
of the cotyledons and several well developed leaf primordia (Reed, 1924;
Gelmond, 1971a; Periasamy and Sampoornam, 1984). The radicle and
hypocotyl are discernible from the suspensor region only at a late stage
(Reed, 1924) and protrude from the base of the cotyledons, making the
seed highly susceptible to mechanical damage (Gelmond, 1971a). Figure
5.6 shows how weight changes in axis and cotyledons differ as development
proceeds. Most of the dry weight of the axis has been attained by the end of
Stage I, while the bulk of cotyledon growth is in Stage II, reflecting the
storage function of this tissue. Schenk (1961) noted that seeds of virginia
bunch groundnuts were capable of germination about 6 weeks after the end
of Stage I.
Figure 5.7 shows the patterns of DNA, RNA and protein accumulation in
cotyledons and axes of developing kernels described by Aldana et ai.
(1972). DNA levels reached a maximum in both tissues after 8 weeks of
development in these seeds, confirming that embryo growth by cell division
was essentially complete at the end of Stage I of seed development. The
loss of RNA from the cotyledons between weeks 10 and 13 (Figure 5.7 (b ))
remains unexplained. Levels of ribonuclease, although variable, were high
at all stages of development. The observation of an increase in RNA levels
after the seed was ready for harvesting was complemented in later work by
Pattee et ai. (1981), who found a dramatic fall in cotyledonary ribose as
seed matured. It is possible that these late changes may represent the onset
of germinative activity in an over-mature seed, although actual radicle
emergence is likely to be inhibited by dormancy in most cases (section 5.5).
As shown in Figure 5.6, the cotyledonary reserves accumulate during
Stage II of development. The mature seed comprises approximately 30%
protein, around 50% lipid and 12% starch (Bewley and Black, 1978).
Pickett (1950) determined the time course of accumulation of these com-
ponents in virginia bunch type (Figure 5.8), although his data may be
confounded by high variation in maturity classes at each harvest.
Seed storage protein is rich in arginine, aspartate, glutamate and glycine,
but methionine levels are low (Yatsu and Jacks, 1972). There are particu-
larly high levels of free glutamate during development, while the high
arginine levels found in immature kernels rapidly decrease as the seed
150 Reproductive biology and development
...0 0
.5 800 (b) RNA
s: Axis
(e) Protein
.[ 30
c: .,
0 Axis ·x0
~20 400 ...a.
"... 01
a. :t
01 10 200
0 0
6 8 10 12 14 16
Weeks after flowering
Figure 5.7 Accumulation of DNA, RNA and protein in axes and cotyledons
during development of groundnu,t kernels, vaT. NC-2. Note change of scale for
different tissues in graph (c). (Redrawn from Aldana et al., 1972.)
Oil •
] 150 Protein
E 100
8. 20
4 10 12
Weeks after flowering
Figure 5.8 Changes in the chemical composition of whole kernels during the
development of virginia bunch type groundnuts. (Redrawn from Pickett, 1950.)
al. (1965) where a lag phase in net protein accumulation during early Stage
II resulted from the interconversion (via breakdown and reassembly) of
proteins no longer required for cell division to storage proteins. If this
figure is compared with the changes in dry weight occurring in the same
seeds (Figure 5.5), it can be seen that extensive protein accumulation is still
occurring in early Stage III of seed development, i.e. after the seed has
reached maximum dry weight.
The unusually high lipid content of mature groundnut kernels is made up
largely of triglycerides whose major fatty acid components are 18:1, oleic
(=50%) and 18:2, linoleic (=24%) acids, but 16:0 through to 24:0 satu-
rated fatty acids are also present in significant amounts, as is 20: 1 un-
saturated fatty acid (Worthington et al., 1972; Bewley and Black, 1978).
Variation between genotypes is considerable: for example, in their survey
of 82 lines, Worthington et al. (1972) found oleic acid contents varied
between 36% and 69% and linoleic acid between 14% and 40%. Linolenic
acid (18:3) is usually present in only small amounts (between 0.04% and
0.5% - Pattee et al., 1970 and Wallerstein et al., 1989, respectively).
Environmental factors during seed production may also affect the oil
content of seeds (section 5.7.1).
152 Reproductive biology and development
5.4.1 The metabolism of seed development
Little work seems to have been done on the cellular biochemistry of the
seed during development. Both protein and lipid are stored in membrane-
bound bodies within the cotyledons. It is likely that the site of both lipid
accumulation and storage protein synthesis is the endoplasmic reticulum,
with dictyosomes being responsible for the accumulation of storage protein
in vacuoles. However, the details of these processes have yet to be worked
out (Bewley and Black, 1978). Yatsu and Jacks (1972) made a good case
suggesting that the lipid-containing spherosomes in groundnut and other
seeds are bounded by half unit membranes. More recently, Cao and Huang
(1986) have demonstrated that diacylglycerol acyltransferase (an enzyme
which would be required for triacylglyceride assembly in the lipid bodi.es) is
localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of maize and probably other
seeds. This suggests that, during lipid body development, triacylglycerides
are inserted into the middle of the lipid bilayer of endoplasmic reticulum
Most studies on groundnut seed development have, understandably,
focused on the flavour producing compounds in the kernel. Unfortunately,
these data have often been obtained from mixed samples of pods of varying
maturity and cannot be related precisely to stages of development post-
anthesis. Thus Mason et al. (1969) demonstrated that, while many free
amino acids remained relatively constant during development, there was a
slow but steady increase in phenylalanine as seeds matured and, as already
mentioned, there were dramatic decreases in arginine levels such that the
amount in the kernel had fallen approximately ten-fold from its levels in
early development. Similarly, they demonstrated that sucrose levels fell
during development, then rose again as seeds finally matured, confirming
earlier findings by Pickett, 1950 (Figure 5.7(b)). Sucrose is by far the most
predominant soluble carbohydrate, comprising about 80% of the total at
maturity, with stachyose forming another 16% (Pattee et al., 1981). Starch
levels peak around the end of Stage I of seed development and then begin
to fall (Figure 5.7(b)). A high proportion of the starch during early
development is present in the seed coat (Schenk, 1961; Suryakumari et al.
Research on volatiles present in developing groundnut seeds by Pattee
et al. (1970) indicate that the maximum metabolic activity of seeds occurs
during Stage II of seed development and is probably related to larger seed
size while moisture contents are still adequate, rather than high levels of
metabolic activity per se. Schenk's (1961) data for pod respiration show
that this reaches a maximum around the beginning of Stage II of seed
development (Figure 5.4). During active lipid synthesis the respiratory
quotient of developing kernels approaches two, falling to unity as this
process stops. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the study by Pattee et
al. (1970) was the high level of lipoxygenase activity detected from the
Seed dormancy 153
ninth week of development onwards: the activity of this enzyme might be
expected to reduce the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulated
by the maturing seed. Levels of conserved lipoxygenase in dried kernels
may be important in the subsequent storage behaviour of seeds (section
r- ':-:':':':1---
10 r.:':":':'
<7.1 7.1 7.9 8.7 9.5
Screen slot widths (mm)
Figure 5.9 The effect of plant population on seed size distribution in Florunner
peanut. Data averaged over two planting sites x two planting dates. (Calculated
from Kvien and Bergmark, 1987.)
The next two sections of this review deal with factors affecting seed quality
in groundnut, with special emphasis on quality factors relating to planting
value. Section 5.7 reviews the effects of production conditions, while in
section 5.8 some consideration is given to the impact of storage on seed
While there is quite a large body of literature on the effects of environ-
mental conditions during development on seed yield in a range of crops,
this is less often extended to seed quality in terms of either composition or
planting value. Many of these effects may be mediated by seed size and
maturity status - for example, low soil moisture and high temperatures are
factors which may singly or in combination reduce the duration of the
reserve accumulation stage and result in smaller seeds. Alternatively,
cooler, wetter conditions may considerably delay seed maturity. While the
buffering properties of the soil may mean that some of these effects may be
less evident in groundnuts than in the cereals, it is also likely that some
important effects are overlooked owing to the indeterminate growth habit
of the crop, which results in a wide range of maturity and size classes in any
control crop grown under favourable conditions. Seed size per se may not
Production conditions and seed quality 159
always be related to maturity in physiological terms, but it is clear that
small groundnut seed have reduced food reserves and produce smaller
seedlings which often have lower survival rates. These effects may persist
until yield (Sivasubramanian and Ramakrishnan, 1974; Knauft et at.,
This section of the review attempts to collate some general ideas on this
problem under the headings of key environmental factors.
5.7.1 Temperature
Low temperatures can depress seed yield by reducing flower numbers
(Chang et at., 1985) and generally decrease rates of subsequent pod and
seed development, while high temperatures may inhibit fertilization and/or
embryo growth. Night temperatures near zero can severely impair the
planting value of windrowed groundnuts, and this loss of quality is prob-
ably caused by damage to cell and mitochondrial membranes, resulting in
increased leakage from dry seeds and higher levels of anaerobic respiration
as they begin germination (Singleton and Pattee, 1989). Again, there is an
interaction with seed maturity: small seeds respond much more severely to
chilling injury than larger ones. On the other hand, in the growing crop,
lower night temperatures may in some genotypes allow recovery from the
adverse effects of supra-optimal daytime temperatures (Smartt, 1976).
Qualitative changes in seed food reserves as a consequence of differing
temperature regimes during seed development have been noted by many
authors. Several of these effects can be explained by seed size and/or
maturity effects, as was found by McMeans et al. (1990) who showed that
sucrose concentrations in developing seeds of cv. Florunner tended to be
depressed by higher soil temperatures. As Figure 5.8 shows, increases
in sucrose levels are a relatively late event in seed development and high
temperatures are likely to curtail Stage II early. Similarly, it is not surpris-
ing that immature seeds or seeds grown under cooler conditions tend to
have lower levels of oil and protein reserves (Bovi, 1983; Nagaraj et al.,
1989). What is more interesting is that lower temperatures during seed
development can affect oil quality, favouring high proportions of poly-
unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, at the expense of oleic acid
levels (Bovi, 1983). Another temperature related effect was noted by
Chang et al. (1985), who reported that low day-night alternations in
temperature favoured high oil yields, while higher temperature variation
favoured kernel protein contents. The physiological basis of this is not
aWater potential at 30 em
bKernel diameter ~ 6.36 mm
cOf sound. mature kernels
dAdjusted for missing value for one season
TSW, thousand seed weight
usually develop several centimetres below the soil surface, where surface
drying effects are avoided (Smartt, 1976). Water stress will reduce ground-
nut yields but there is also good evidence that it will reduce the quality of
seeds produced. Pallas et at. (1977) demonstrated that the cultivar
Florigiant was susceptible to water potentials of -1 .5 MPa or greater.
These production conditions cause decreases in percentages of sound
mature kernels, seed weight and germinability (Table 5.2). Comparative
studies with Florunner and Tifspan showed that these smaller seeded
cultivars were less susceptible. Recent work by Ketring (1991) using other
cultivars has confirmed these results, showing that water deficits typically
result in the production of seeds with reduced early seedling growth rates.
Earlier work by this group (Ketring et at., 1978) indicated that the develop-
ment of ethylene synthesis capacity (section 5.5) was generally associated
with seed vigour and that this may be impaired by water stress conditions
during seed development.
The chemical composition of groundnut kernels may be affected by
water stress during seed production, but there may also be major inter-
actions between genotype and the timing of the water deficit. Ross and
Kvien (1989) looked at changes in sugars and phenolics in kernels sub-
jected to water stress during the growth of the parent plants. Typically,
mid-season drought caused increases in fructose, glucose and phenolic
compounds in mature seeds, but the effects on sucrose contents were
highly variable. Four out of eight cultivars evaluated showed increased
kernel sucrose contents as a result of water stress at some stage of develop-
ment. One line showed significant decreases in seed sucrose levels when
water-stressed 50-80 days after sowing, while the cultivar Tifton 8 showed
wide variations in sucrose contents, as compared with seeds from
Production conditions and seed quality 161
unstressed controls, with around 40% increases when stressed at 20-50
days, but a decrease of equal magnitude when parent plants were stressed
at 50-80 days.
TABLE 5.3 Influence of calcium and boron nutrition during seed development on
embryo damage in groundnuts (data from Cox and Reid, 1964)
Boron deficiency mayor may not affect seed yield, depending on cultivar
and other cultural factors (Rerkasem et at., 1988). For instance, there may
be significant interactions with other mineral elements besides calcium.
Patil et at. (1987) reported that combined applications of boron and
phosphate were much more effective than either element alone in improv-
ing seed numbers, seed weights, protein and oil contents from groundnuts
grown in boron deficient soils in India.
162 Reproductive biology and development
5.7.4 Other management factors
Plant spacing has been shown to affect the maturation pattern of some
cultivars of groundnut. For example, Mozingo and Coffelt (1984) found
that increased interplant competition within rows resulted in plants setting
fewer late pods, which allowed an increased proportion of large kernels
without an overall reduction in yield. However, extensions of this kind of
work into attempts to manipulate ground nut seed yield or quality via
chemical manipulation, e.g. the anti-auxin Kylar (Wynne et ai., 1974),
seem to have been largely unsuccessful. Worthington and Smith (1974)
have shown that foliar applications of chemicals to the parent crop can
affect the nutritional value of groundnut kernels: Kylar tended to decrease
the proportion of linoleic acid, while the fungicide benomyl had the
opposite effect.
Oleic acid
(as % total oil content)a 50.6-54.7 37.6-49.1 36.3-49.7
Linoleic acid
(as % total oil content) 29.7-33.4 33.8-46.7 30.0-44.3
Oil stability index b 1.53-1.84 0.82-1.45 0.83-1.53
Iodine values c 99.2-100.9 101.5-114.2 93.7-111.2
aTotal oil contents of the three types were very similar and around 50% dry weight
bOil stability index is the C]S,]:C]8,2 ratio
clodine valucs are an indication of the proportion of double bonds in the oil or fat sample, but
are also affected by the proportions of free fatty acids present (Cocks and van Rede, 1966)
(1989) have identified two recessive genes in ground nut which indepen-
dently influence oleic acid levels in kernels. The expression of either gene
can raise the proportion of oleic acid in peanut oil to around 70% , which is
likely to improve the storability of both extracted oil and intact kernels but
impairs the nutritional quality of the product.
Apart from genetic variation, factors during seed production can also
affect oil stability. Young et al. (1972) noted that mature kernels tended to
be higher in 18:0 and 18: 1, but lower in 18:2 fatty acids. Similarly, Mozingo
et al. (1988) reported that larger kernels tended to have higher C18:1:C18:2
ratios. This group was also able to show that growing season and field
location both affected this parameter, but relevant climatic data were not
supplied. Bovi (1983), however, observed that the C18:1:C18:2 ratio was
reduced in kernels growing in cooler locations.
As might be concluded from the previous sections, it is a dangerous
assumption to infer that oil stability is entirely a function of C 18 : 1 :C18 :2
ratios. In a major study, Worthington et al. (1972) examined the corre-
lation between the time taken for expressed oil to become rancid (the
autoxidation induction period) and the lipid composition of that oil. Late
maturing types were generally higher in oleic and lower in linoleic acid
levels, but it can be seen from some of their data (shown in Table 5.5) that
the importance of oleic:linoleic acid ratios varies considerably with grow-
ing season. In 1967 and 1968 it accounted for a high proportion of the
variation in oil stability, but in 1965 correlations were very poor. Clearly
other factors are involved - no doubt levels of natural antioxidants are
important, but what else is involved and the precise nature of interactions
with environmental conditions during seed production are still a matter of
debate, as is the exact relationship between this type of data and the
situation in whole kernels.
References 167
TABLE 5.5 Mean oleic and linoleic acid compositions over 82 groundnut geno-
types in three different production years and the correlation between the autoxidation
induction period (AlP) and the CI8:/:CI8:2 oil stability index. (Standard errors of
individual means are shown in brackets. Data from Worthington et aI., 1972)
Growing season
Oleic acid
(% total oil content) 50.1 (± 10.5) 49.1 (± 9.03) 50.3 (± 10.09)
Linoleic acid
(% total oil content) 24.5 (± 8.20) 30.1 (± 7.21) 30.4 (± 8.33)
Correlation between AlP
and C 18 : I :C I8 :2 ratio
(R2 value) 10% 73% 53%
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174 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
TABLE 6.1 Proximate composition of groundnuts and groundnut products
(Natarajan, 1980)
Groundnuts are valued for their high quality oil content. About two thirds
of the world production of groundnuts is utilized as an edible oil, making it
one of the world's leading oil seed crops. Most of the oil is found in the
cotyledons which comprise approximately 72.4% of the kernel (Fedeli et
at., 1968; Woodroof, 1983). Groundnuts are also consumed whole as
snacks, and in confectioneries and peanut butter. In this form, they are
usually roasted before use. This accentuates the flavour which contributes
to consumer acceptance. Studies have shown that the oil content and
composition undergo very little, if any, change as a result of roasting
(Hoffpauir, 1953; Iverson et at., 1963; Sekhon et at., 1970; Khalil and
Chughtai, 1983).
TABLE 6.2 Fatty acid composition of groundnut oil (% of total fatty acid)
Based on data from Hoffpauir, 1953; Hopkins and Chisholm, 1953; Iverson et al., 1963;
Worthington and Holley, 1967; Sekhon et al., 1972a; Sekhon et al., 1972b; Worthington et al.,
1972; Sekhon et al., 1973; de Bertorelli, 1976; Badami et aI., 1980; Kritchevsky et al., 1981; Abdcl
Rahman, 1982a; Nouvelot et al., 1983; Woodroof, 1983; Taira,. 1985; Wallerstein et al., 1989.
178 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
Taira, 1985). These effects include annual climatic fluctuations, variable
soil conditions and agricultural practices. The environment (especially
temperature) during seed formation can modify both the oil content and
the fatty acid distribution pattern in a given cultivar (Worthington et at.,
1972; Liu et at., 1984). Taira (1985) showed that the daily mean tempera-
ture during ripening correlated negatively with the linoleic acid content.
Young et al. (l974c) reported several significant first and second order
interactions with the three major fatty acids involving variety, location and,
most noticeably, soil moisture conditions. Inanga et at. (1990) studied the
effect of calcium levels in the soil during the growing period. They found
that, while calcium deficiency can lower phospholipid content, it has no
effect on the fatty acid composition of the triglyceride.
Linolenic acid
One characteristic of groundnut oil is its low linolenic acid (18:3) content.
Studies have shown that authentic groundnut oil contains considerably less
than 1% linolenic acid (0.02-0.3%) and that this value is not greatly
influenced by geographical distribution (Worthington and Holley, 1967;
Worthington et at., 1972; Worthington, 1977; Taira, 1985). In such small
amounts it is able to exert an effect on the oil flavour without contributing
to oxidative rancidity. Ideally it can also be used for the identification of
authentic groundnut oil and the detection of adulteration. However, the
acceptance of a value of less than 1.0% linolenic acid would still permit
the adulteration of groundnut oil with 10% or more soya bean oil as the
linolenic acid content of the mixture would still be less than 1% (Worth-
ington, 1977).
Several authors do not report linolenic acid levels, while others such as
Iverson et af. (1963) were unable to detect it. The methodology used to
detect the fatty acids is important. Ideally GLC (gas liquid chromatogra-
phy) liquid phases with polarity characteristics that allow elution of C18
fatty acid methyl esters prior to the elution of the C20 series should be
used; otherwise there may be difficulties in distinguishing between linole-
nic acid, eicosanoic acid (20: 1) and, less frequently, arachidonic acid
(20:0). Hoffpauir (1953) reported an arachidonic acid range of 2.4-4.0%.
The usually reported range is 0.9-3.5%. This would suggest misidentifica-
tion of linolenic and eicosanoic acids as arachidonic acid. Similarly,
Badami et af. (1980) reported that one cultivar contained 1.46% linolenic
acid but made no mention of eicosanoic or behenic acids.
As more groundnuts are grown to meet the worldwide demand for oil,
greater amounts of groundnut protein are becoming available. This protein
is showing increasing potential as a food source, especially in the develop-
ing world where the lack of adequate protein can be a very serious dietary
problem. Research is leading to increased utilization of the protein, often
as part of processed foods.
Protein makes up 12.0-36.4% of the groundnut kernel (Hoffpauir, 1953;
Sekhon et al., 1970; Derise et al., 1974; Lusas, 1979; Woodroof, 1983). The
percentage increases during ripening, with the seeds from older plants
showing a higher capacity to accumulate protein than seeds from young
plants. The maximum increase occurs at 9 weeks; it then becomes approxi-
mately stable (Abdel Rahman, 1982b; Basha, 1991).
The storage proteins arachin and conarachin account for over 63% and
33% of the total protein content of groundnuts. The ratio of these globu-
lins ranges from 2: 1 to 4: 1, depending on the fractionation technique used.
Conarachin, found in the cytoplasm, has a basic nitrogen content of
6.5%, which is very high for seed globulins. It has a chemical score of
68-82% because of low levels of threonine (Thomson, 1952; Hoffpauir,
1953; Woodroof, 1983). Conarachin is a heterogeneous protein complex
with a high molecular weight. More recently it has been divided into three
subgroups, using DEAE cellulose chromatography. A major subfraction
a-conarachin has also been identified, and it is thought that this may
consist of two compounds whose molecular weights range from 140000 to
295000, depending on the ionic strength and pH of the buffer in which they
are dissolved.
Arachin, the second major storage protein, has a molecular weight of
330000 and is localized in the protein bodies ( aleurone grains) of the seeds.
It is much less soluble than conarachin and has a much lower chemical
score, due to limiting amounts of cystine and methionine. Polymorphism of
arachin has been reported (Tombs, 1965).
184 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
The lysine and methionine contents of conarachin I and II are signifi-
cantly higher than in arachin. A significant improvement in the overall
nutritive value of groundnut protein would be obtained if the proportion of
conarachin I and II, which is approximately 33% of the total protein
content, was increased at the expense of the arachin content. This is
especially important as it is quite clear that methionine and lysine are the
first and second limiting amino acids in groundnut protein.
A methionine-rich protein (MRP), consisting of six polypeptides with
molecular weights between 15.5 and 20 kD, has also been identified in
groundnut seed. Studies have shown considerable intervarietal variation in
the MRP composition, which shows the potential for improving the nutri-
tional value of groundnuts either by conventional plant breeding or by
genetic engineering (Basha, 1991). High performance liquid chromatogra-
phy has been developed as a rapid alternative to gel filtration in detecting
qualitative and quantitative differences in groundnut seed protein compo-
sition (Basha 1988).
Groundnuts FAO a
Isoleucine 1.86-4.3 4.2
Leucine 6.12-7.0 4.8
Lysine 3,(1-4.27 4.2
Methionine 0.79-1.6 2.2
Methionine + Cystine 0.80-3.3 4.2
Phenylalanine 4.60-5.4 2.8
Threonine 2.43-2.9 2.6
Tryptophan 0.60-2.0 1.4
Valine 2.55-4.5 4.2
Alanine 3.4-4.2
Arginine 10.6-11.84
Aspartic acid 11.56-14.1
Cystine 1.3-2.42
Glutamic acid 19.2-22.46
Glycine 5.6-6.77
Histidine 2.1-2.51
Proline 4.3-6.36
Serine 4.9-5.30
Tyrosine 3.6-4.40
Isoleucine 1.64-3.4 3.5-4.3 3.6
Leucine 3.64-6.79 6.7-7.09 6.6
Lysine 2.70-4.55 2.9-3.9 3.0
Methionine 0.51-1.21 0.9-1.1 1.0
Methionine + Cystine 1.8 2.05
Phenylalanine 2.69-5.54 5.5-5.6 5.6
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 4.9 9.94
Threonine 1.46-3.4 2.5-3.04 2.5
Tryptophan 0.55-1.0 0.9-1.24 1.0
Valine 2.18-4.1 4.27-4.7 4.4
Cystine 1.97-3.31 1.14-1.4 1.4
Tyrosine 3.36-3.96 4.1-4.34 4.3
Based on data from: Young et al., 1973; Fetuga et al., 1973; Ayres et al., 1974; Khan et al.,
1975; Conkerton and Ory, 1976; Bookwalter et al., 1978; Lusas, 1979; Alid et al., 1981.
190 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
protein structures to pep tides of varying lengths and free amino-acids,
which in turn increases the nutritive value (Coelho and Bhat, 1959; Rao
and Rao, 1972; Quinn et at., 1975; Bhavanishankar et at., 1987).
Alternatively, proteolytic enzymes can be used to modify and extract
protein from groundnut flour and press cake (Natarajan, 1980). The prod-
uct is known as hydrolysed vegetable protein. Texturized proteins have
also been developed from DPF (Alid et at., 1981).
Raw Roasted!
Kernels Flour
Soluble sugars
Monosaccharides 0.1-0.3 0.13
Sucrose 1.9-5.2 7.70
Total water-soluble carbohydrates 3.0-8.92
Raffinose 0.14
Stachyose 0.71
Starch 6.7-10.0
Total available carbohydrates 9.5-18.6 22.1-32.85
Insoluble carbohydrates
Total insoluble carbohydrates 12.2-15.67
Crude fibre 1.2-4.3 2.7-5.76
Neutral-detergent fibre 8.3-11.2 8.4
Acid-detergent fibre 4.3-5.9
Lignin 1.1-3.3
Based on data from: Anantharaman et al .. 1959; Ladell and Phillips. 1959; Howe el al .• 1965;
Rao et al .. 1965a; Oke. 1967; Daghir et al .. 1969; Yannai and Zimmermann. 1970; Ayres et
al .. 1974; Bookwalter et al .. 1979; Alid et al .. 1981: Woodroof. 1983; Ory and Conkerton.
1983; Wallerstein et al .. 1989; Rodriguez et al .. 1989.
year ranged from 7.14% to 8.92%; the following year's crop ranged from
5.49% to 7.82%. Analysis of insoluble carbohydrates showed little differ-
ence between the two crops (12.79% to 15.67% compared with 12.18% to
15.43% ).
The amount of total available carbohydrate falls slightly if the ground-
nuts are skinned, whereas boiling can account for a loss of 4% (Woodroof,
1983). Water-soluble carbohydrates comprise 3.0 to 6.17% of the available
carbohydrate (Sekhon et ai., 1970; Wallerstein et ai., 1989). Roasting the
kernels causes an increase in available carbohydrate, probably due to the
loss of volatiles and water. It also results in the hydrolysis of sucrose, the
predominant water-soluble carbohydrate, to glucose and fructose. These
then react with free amino acids (Maillard reaction) to give the character-
istic flavour of roasted groundnuts (Young et ai., 1974b). This is supported
by Sekhon et ai. (1970) who reported an increase in reducing sugars, offset
by a decrease in non-reducing sugars and total water-soluble carbohydrate
during roasting. Differing soluble carbohydrate levels, due to varietall
environmental differences or level of maturity, may all contribute to
variation in roast groundnut kernel characteristics (Rodriguez et ai., 1989).
Carbohydrate levels in groundnut products depend on the method of
processing used (Table 6.6). Groundnut flour, made from defatted ground-
nuts, contains protein and the soluble and insoluble carbohydrates.
Groundnut protein concentrate also contains some insoluble carbo-
198 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
hydrates, whereas ground nut isolates should only contain protein (Natara-
jan, 1980).
The total carbohydrate level in groundnut flour is reported to range
between 22.11 and 32.85% (Anantharaman et al., 1959; Daghir et al.,
1969; Yannai and Zimmermann, 1970; Fetuga et al., 1973; Ayres et al.,
1974; Conkerton and Ory, 1976; Bhat and Vivian, 1980; Alid et al., 1981;
Carew et al., 1988; Woodroof, 1983).Sometimes reported as nitrogen-free
extractives (NFE), it is usually estimated by the difference in proximate
analysis, which can account for the wide range in reported values. For
example, Rao et al. (1965) found 18.5% carbohydrate in a 1:1 blend of
ground nut and soya flour, compared with 28.9% found by Shurpalekar and
Bretschneider (1969). The other major difference between the two was in
moisture levels - 7.2% for the former compared with 2.9% for the latter.
Ostrowski et al. (1971) reported groundnut concentrate with 24.1%
nitrogen-free extractives, a similar level to that found in groundnut flour,
whereas Khan et al. (1975) gave a figure of 18.5%.
The starch levels in groundnut flour inhibit the formation of extrusion-
texturized protein. They tend to gelatinize upon extrusion and disrupt the
protein matrix necessary for texture formation (Alid et al., 1981). This can
be controlled by the addition of surfactants.
Whole-wheat flour has a carbohydrate content which ranges from 72.1 %
to 81.2%. The addition of groundnut flour to wheat flour decreases the
total carbohydrate levels while increasing protein content (Bhat and
Vivian, 1980; Khalil et al., 1983b; Ory and Conkerton, 1983). In contrast,
products such as muffins made from 100% groundnut flour had a carbo-
hydrate level of 23.2% (Ory and Conkerton, 1983). Tharanathan et al.
(1976) analysed the soluble carbohydrate composition of defatted ground-
nut flour. Glucose was the most predominant (2.9%), followed by fructose
(2.2%) and sucrose (0.9%). Raffinose and stachyose levels were low
(0.94% and 0.20% respectively). Since they are both poorly digested and
responsible for flatulence in humans, low levels make the groundnut flour
more acceptable as a food supplement than some other plant proteins, such
as soybean flour which can contain higher levels of these indigestible
The fermentation of groundnut meal initially causes a slight fall in
carbohydrate levels (after 18 hours), which then increases again. It is
thought that the increase may be due to degradation of the complex
carbohydrates, such as raffinose and stachyose (Bhavanishankar et al.,
1987). Quinn et al. (1975) used a 4-day fermentation period and found the
carbohydrate levels fell from 35.1-35.8% to 29.3-33.2%. The variation
was attributed to the different strains of fungi used for the fermentation,
some of which hydrolyse stachyose and/or raffinose better than others. The
preparation of a miso-like product, which involves two separate and dis-
tinct fermentations, resulted in an increase in reducing sugars from 4.34%
to 8.57% after 20 days fermentation (Rao and Rao, 1972).
Carbohydrate content 199
6.5.1 Fibre
Plant fibre is generally resistant to hydrolysis by human digestive enzymes
and remains after food has passed through the small intestine. As such it is
referred to as 'unavailable carbohydrate', even though it undergoes some
bacterial degradation in the colon. The fibre content of a food can lead to
decreased digestibility of the proteins, therefore reducing amino acid
availability. Groundnuts contain fibre which consists principally of the
carbohydrates cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. This fraction also con-
tains smaller amounts of mucilages, gums and lignin. Wallerstein et al.
(1989) report that the lignin content of groundnuts ranges from 1.1% to
3.3% for three cultivars. It should be noted, however, that lignin is not a
polysaccharide - it is just found associated with the fibre fraction. The
terms crude fibre, acid-detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre denote
different methods to estimate different fractions present in food. While the
estimation of crude fibre seems to be widely used, it is not a true indication
of total dietary fibre (Ory and Conkerton, 1983).
Crude fibre levels in raw groundnuts are reported to range from 1.2% to
5.0% (Rao et al., 1965a; Oke, 1967; Derise et al., 1974; Woodroof, 1983).
This figure increases slightly for acid-detergent fibre (4.3% to 5.9%), and
significantly for neutral-detergent fibre (8.3% to 11.2%) (Wallerstein et
al., 1989). Fibre content decreases slightly with boiling or removal of skins,
whereas roasting leads to a slight increase (Woodroof, 1983; Derise et al.,
The reported levels of crude fibre for groundnut flour are similar:
2.70-5.76% (Anantharaman et al., 1959; Ladell and Phillips, 1959; Howe
et al., 1965; Woodroof, 1969; Natarajan, 1980; Daghir et at., 1969; Yannai
and Zimmermann, 1970; Fetuga et al., 1973; Ayres et al., 1974;
Bookwalter et al., 1979 Alid et al., 1981). In contrast to this, Carew et al.
(1988) give a figure of 10.6% for crude fibre in groundnut meal - almost
double the amount - which may be attributable to the different methods
used to measure this fraction. Crude fibre in groundnut concentrate ranges
from 4.0% to 6.3% (Ostrowski et al., 1971; Khan et al., 1975).
The fibre content of a flour is increased if it is made from unskinned
groundnuts. Ory and Conkerton (1983) calculated the neutral-detergent
fibre (NDF) level of groundnuts and skins to be 8.4%, whereas the NDF of
the skins alone ranged from 35.1 % to 41.1 %. As such, the skins contribute
to the total fibre content of the flour. This could be exploited in developed
countries where levels of dietary fibre are often low. The addition of 12.5%
groundnut flour in breads increases the dietary fibre content from 0.3%
(wheat) to 0.4-0.6% (Ory and Conkerton, 1983). Kahn et al. (1975)
attained slightly higher levels with 15% DPF (0.7-0.8%) and 15% ground-
nut protein concentrate (0.9%). Muffins, made from 100% groundnut
flour, attained fibre levels of 2.2% COry and Conkerton, 1983).
Fermentation of groundnut meal for up to 22 hours showed no change in
200 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
the crude fibre content of any of the samples (Bhavanishankar et at., 1987).
Quinn et at. (1975) reported a slight increase in crude fibre content of the
fermented samples, perhaps due to the loss of volatiles during fermen-
tation (this process took 4 days at 28°C).
A compound not classified as fibre but often found associated with it in
foods is phytic acid. This is present as phytin (the mixed calcium, mag-
nesium and potassium salt of phytic acid) in groundnut flour at a concen-
tration of 3.2%. Phytic acid is able not only to bind calcium in the diet and
reduce availability but also to bind other useful elements such as zinc and
magnesium. Groundnut kernels contain 3.3% of the total phosphorus as
phytic acid phosphorus, so that this is also unavailable (Oke, 1967).
The total ash content of groundnuts and products derived from groundnuts
is shown in Table 6.7. The rise in the total ash content of defatted
groundnut flour is expected as fat is removed from the kernels; in the same
way a reduction in the total ash content of protein concentrates or isolates
is to be expected as these are easily removed in the washing process. Abdel
Rahman (1982b) noted that the total ash content ranged from 1.95% to
2.10% in the growing seed in the developmental period from 5 to 12 weeks.
The mineral content of raw groundnuts and some of their products is
shown in Table 6.8. In general, groundnuts provide a wide range of
mineral elements to supplement human dietary requirements. They have
the advantage that no element is found in excessive amounts in the kernel.
It should be noted, however, that a considerable amount of minerals is lost
during processing in the manufacture of protein concentrates.
Derise et al. (1974) showed that, for three different cultivars grown
under similar conditions in the USA, the mineral element content was very
similar for a range of elements. They also showed, for the same range of
mineral elements, that roasting the ground nuts led to a rise in mineral
content as volatiles were lost (except in the case of sodium where a small
fall was measured). The range of chromium in groundnuts is 3--41 mg/kg in
the kernels. This amount is nutritionally significant, considering that a
chromium intake of 50-200 f,Lg/day has been tentatively recommended for
adults. Groundnuts also supply significant levels of copper in the diet: 100 g
of roasted kernels would supply all the daily needs of copper (Khalil and
Chughtai, 1983).
Akrida-Demertzi et al. (1985) did note that the level of lead in raw fat
extracted groundnut flour was 5.3 f,Lmg/kg for groundnuts grown in a
remote coastal area. This level rose to 27.6 f,Lg/kg in groundnuts grown in
an inland area of Greece noted for higher levels of air pollution (from
TABLE 6.7 Total ash content of groundnuts and groundnut products (gllOO g
Based on data from: Hoffpauir, 1953; Ladell and Phillips, 1959; Howe et al., 1965; Rao et al.,
1965a; Sekhon et al., 1970; Ayres et al., 1974; Derise et al., 1974; Quinn et al., 1975;
Conkerten and Ory, 1976; Bookwater et al., 1979; Natarajan, 1980; Alid et al., 1981; Abdel
Rahman, 1982a; Woodroof. 1983; Khalil and Chunghtai, 1983; Wallerstein et al., 1989.
202 The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels
TABLE 6.8 Mineral content of groundnuts and groundnut products
(mg/IOO g DM)
Based on data from Oke, 1967; Derise et al., 1974; Galvaro et al., 1976; Morris et al., 1978;
Lusas, 1979; Khalil and Chughtai, 1983; Salazar and Young, 1984a,b.
leaded petrol). The lead levels fell only slightly on roasting. It is interesting
to note that, although some minerals are extracted into the groundnut oil
fraction, the levels are quite low except for cobalt and lead which appear to
be concentrated into the oil fraction (Akrida-Demertzi et al., 1985). The
boron content of raw groundnuts ranges from 1.8 to 3.2 mg/lOO g and as
boron deficiency has been associated with cotyledon damage (hollow
heart) (Salazar and Young, 1984a) it is unlikely to fall below this range. It
is interesting to note that boron has also been found to modify the relative
concentration of the basic volatile aroma constituents of roasted ground-
nuts (Salazar and Young, 1984a).
6.8.3 Haemagglutinins
A non-specific haemagglutinin has been isolated in skin-free groundnut
kernels by Dechary et ai. (1970), who noted that the amino acid compo-
sition of purified groundnut haemagglutinin was very similar to the non-
specific haemagglutinin concanavalin. The low levels of haemagglutinins
found in groundnuts and the fact that they are readily inactivated by heat
suggest that haemagglutinins are not a significant problem in groundnuts.
6.8.4 Goitrogens
Groundnuts have been reported to produce goitrogenic effects when fed at
high levels to animals (Srinivasan et ai., 1957). A phenolic glycoside is
thought to be responsible and is reported to be present in the testa, which
is commonly removed in most cooking processes. It was noted in these
experiments that the goiterogenic effect was counteracted by the addition
of iodine in the experimental diets. In iodine deficient areas, goitrogens
may have an effect, when large amounts of groundnuts are consumed in
the diet but to date no details of adverse effects have been published.
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Mineral nutrition
G.J. Gascho and]. G. Davis
Total 192 22 66 77 25 15
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by 1. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall. London. ISBN 0 412 408201.
Calcium (Ca) 215
much research and it guides the applications of nutrients, especially cal-
cium, for greatest yield, quality and seed germination.
Groundnut mineral nutrition research has been carried out for several
decades (Harris, 1959). Previous reviews of the subject have covered the
available knowledge up to 1982 (York and Colwell, 1951; Gillier and
Silvestre, 1969; Reid and Cox, 1973; Cox et al., 1982). However, in the
decade following the last of these reviews, additional advances have been
made in our understanding of mineral nutrition of the groundnut. This
understanding has been applied to enhance yield and quality of the crop. In
this chapter, emphasis will be placed on important principles of nutrition
and particularly to advances made in the past decade. Each required
element is presented individually.
";" : .
l 100 .........: •. r/~' ~:E::;~1·~:.r~;~~J':···~;·'·······";·············
75 ...... ;,..... /:. ::.:.<.. j.....•...... ;.~ ..............j..............~ ............. :............. j............. .
/<}/. i ' i
50 ....... ,.....,....... ~' ,
o 200 400 600 800
Mehlich 1 Ca (mg/kg)
Figure 7.1 Relative pod yield of virginia type receiving no calcium additions to
those receiving calcium as affected by Mehlich 1 extractable calcium in soil prior to
addition of any calcium. Dotted lines are 95% confidence levels. Data from 122
experiments conducted in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia.
Mehlich 1 soil Ca less than 270 mg/kg, while the virginia type responded to
all levels of soil Ca available in the experiments (Gaines et al., 1989). Data
from experiments conducted in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and
Virginia have been combined to show the effect of Mehlich 1 soil Ca on
relative yield of the virginia type (Hodges et at., 1993). Maximum yield was
attained at about 525 mg Mehlich 1 Ca/kg (Figure 7.1). Likewise, experi-
ments conducted in Alabama and Georgia were combined to indicate that
maximum yield of the runner type was attained at a Mehlich 1 Ca test of
approximately 225 mg Ca/kg (Figure 7.2).
No good evidence exists to show that the internal Ca requirements of
groundnuts are affected by seed size. Adams et ai. (1993) found that the Ca
concentrations in seed which produced maximum germination ranged from
381 to 414 mg/kg for four small-seeded runner cultivars. Those values are
close to the 420 mg/kg which was found to give maximum germination of
Florigiant, a larger-seeded cultivar, in an earlier study in North Carolina
(Cox et al., 1976). Gascho et al. (1992) correlated germination with seed Ca
to find that the large-seeded virginia type (cv. GK-3) had an internal Ca
requirement of approximately 600 mglkg, which is similar to the internal
Calcium (Ca) 219
requirement for maximum germination found for the small-seeded runner
type (cv. Florunner) and considerably greater than those reported by
Adams et at. (1993) or Cox et al. (1976). At least for the present, the need
for greater ambient Ca concentrations in soil for the large-seeded cultivars
is explained by acceptance of the view that diffusion from soil solution is
the mechanism by which Ca enters the pod. Sumner et at. (1988) evaluated
eight genotypes with widely varying pod and maturity characteristics over
two seasons and four drought stress periods applied at different times
during the crop and found strong relationships between Ca concentration
in the hull and surface area of the pod. A larger-seeded pod has a lesser
ratio of surface area to weight than a smaller-seeded pod, so that it is less
efficient in diffusion and requires a greater concentration of soil solution
Ca and/or greater soil moisture in order to provide adequate Ca to the pod.
Acceptance of diffusion as the mechanism by which Ca moves to the
developing peg explains the observed need for greater Ca applications for
the large-seeded cultivars.
Variables other than the ratio of seed size to surface are involved in
external Ca needs among cultivars. Kvien et at. (1988) used stepwise
regression to select five genotypic characteristics which significantly influ-
ence seed and hull Ca concentrations:
""-».... .!.,:.....-r-'-\'--....;!--:---+--.-----:-+-----+-----j
-:. : ::. . • 1: ••
100 ........•.•• ';..., - " .. :. -.0-'."'.
:~ /~.i.:;"~:'~:";L-":" ".i.,-'...........
. . _ _ ". ~ :'
/i/- j.
:.1' ..............,_____________ .'- ____________ _____________ _
25 "·:·······················;TT'T
,,, , ,,, ..
, ., , ,
o 200 400 600 800
Mehlich 1 Ca (mg/kg)
Figure 7.2 Relative pod yield of runner type receiving no calcium additions to
those receiving calcium as affected by Mehlich 1 extractable calcium in soil prior to
addition of any calcium. Dotted lines are 95% confidence levels. Data from 168
experiments conducted in Alabama and Georgia.
220 Mineral nutrition
• days required to mature a pod;
• specific hull weight;
• pod surface area;
• hull thickness;
• pod volume.
Cox et al. (1982) suggest that Ca efficiency may be increased by breeding
the Ca-efficient characteristics of small-seeded runner types into the large-
seeded cultivars. Recent literature does not reveal much effort in this
regard. In an attempt to identify groundnuts suitable for culture on
marginal soils and for low-input agriculture, Branch and Gascho (1985)
evaluated 24 cultivars of four USA market types (runner, virginia, spanish
and valencia) for their tolerance of low soil fertility. They found that the
standard south-eastern USA runner-type cultivar, Florunner, gave the
greatest pod and total sound mature kernel yield but the kernels had a
great incidence of concealed damage, indicative of Ca deficiency. The pre-
eminence of the Florunner cultivar may be due, at least in part, to its Ca
efficiency - defined as its ability to yield in a low ambient Ca environment.
However, improvement of nutrient efficiency does not appear to be a
major objective with breeders in their efforts to improve yield, grade and
disease resistance and to decrease aflatoxin concentrations. Recent
evaluations of the effects of supplemental Ca application on yield, grade
and seed quality of promising runner-type cultivars (Adams et al., 1993)
suggest that these cultivars may require different ambient soil solution
Ca from that for Florunner. In their study, Ca concentrations in seeds
averaged by cultivar across 14 sites and for plots receiving and not
receiving gypsum were 360 mg/kg for Florunner, 356 mg/kg for Sunrunner,
345 mg/kg for GK-7 and 301 mg/kg for Southern Runner. These results
indicate that no promising runner-type cultivar is more efficient than
Florunner in Ca absorption. The relatively new Southern Runner cultivar
was less efficient, especially in cases where no gypsum was applied: seed Ca
concentration for Florunner was 319 mg/kg, and for Southern Runner
235 mg/kg.
TABLE 7.2 Sufficiency levels of nutrients in groundnut leaf dry matter (Gillier and
Silvestre 1969; Plank, 1989b)
(a) Macronutrients (%)
Plant Time N P K Ca Mg s
Plant Time Mn Fe Zn Cu B Mo AI
leaves Bloom 20-350 50-300 20-60 t 5-20 20-60 0.1-5.0 <200
mg/kg kg/ha %
Turned under 5.7 32 2285 66
PPI 6.4 155 4426 73
No lime 5.7 30 2455 66
1 2.2 tons dolomite limestone/ha. either turned under with a mouldboard plough, or applied
on soil surface following turning and incorporated approximately 8 em (PPJ), or no lime
2 SMK, sound mature kernels
(a) Deficiency
A deficiency most often results in internal nut damage termed 'hollow
heart' which greatly reduces the quality and value of the crop. The con-
Micronutrients 235
dition refers to cotyledons which are small and discoloured. Early research
in Florida found that B deficiency resulted in hollow heart, compacted
branch terminals and cracks on pods (Harris and Gilman, 1957). These
symptoms were first described in greenhouse studies and were later evalu-
ated in field studies with B application in several growing areas.
Application of 1.9 kg H3B03/ha increased yield and grade in the green-
house, but no B deficiency was detected in field studies. Harris and Gilman
(1957) also noted differences in B response between runner varieties.
Harris (1963) described B deficiency in cv. Florigiant groundnuts as hollow
heart, with a mosaic pattern on the foliage. Boron deficiency symptoms are
similar for runner, spanish and virginia types (Harris, 1965). Harris and
Brolmann (1966a) showed that B deficiency symptoms were accentuated
by application of complete fertilizer without B. Deficiency affects the
flowering pattern by producing a less intense but longer flowering period
(Harris and Brolmann, 1966b). Harris and Brolmann (1966c) illustrated
the influence of B deficiency on the cotyledons and showed that plumules
were discoloured and plumule tips were pointed or poorly developed.
Harris (1968) indicated that B should be applied at soil B ~0.2 mg/kg. He
also noted that spanish and runner types developed B deficiency symptoms
earlier than the virginia type, and that the virginia type recovered more
quickly after B application. Shiralipour et al. (1969) determined that B
deficiency resulted in increased nitrogen and amino acid contents in
groundnut leaves without affecting protein levels.
Research in North Carolina using sand cultures showed that B deficiency
resulted in deep green, mottled leaves and terminal death with extensive
secondary branching and decreased internode length (Reid and York,
1958). Cox and Reid (1964) found that 0.6 kg B/ha decreased plumule
damage in a field study. They also showed that liming increased soil
available B, but did not increase B content in groundnut kernels. Stoller
(1966) illustrated the influence of long day length and high light intensity
on accentuating B deficiency symptoms.
In Virginia, hollow-heart symptoms were noted in 1958 but were not
confirmed to be B deficiency until 1965 (Anon, 1965). Research showed
that 1.1 kg B/ha decreased damage, but 2.2 kglha could be toxic. Hallock
(1966) also showed marked decrease in hollow heart by B application, but
rates of 1-2 kg B/ha could be phytotoxic. He also stated that B deficiency is
more common in sandy, droughty soils. Allison (1980) recommended
0.6 kg B/ha application at early bloom.
In Alabama, Hartzog and Adams (1968) determined that topdressing
1.1 kg B/ha had no effect on yield, and increased grade in only one out of
five experiments. Hartzog and Adams (1971) reported that, in eight experi-
ments with hot-water extractable soil B <0.07 mglkg, hollow heart failed
to develop, and yield and grade were unaffected by B fertilization. Hartzog
and Adams (1973a) again reported no yield or grade effect of B fertiliz-
ation, and determined that B could be applied preplant in a herbicide tank
236 Mineral nutrition
mixture or sprayed on with fungicide without damaging plants. Cope et al.
(1984) reported that yields were not affected by application of B (in
combination with Zn, Mn, Cu and Mo).
Snyman (1972) in South Africa and Morrill et al. (1977) in Oklahoma
determined that application of fertilizer B nearly eliminated hollow heart.
In some cases outside of the USA, deficiency has also been reported to
reduce yield. In India, Saxena and Mehrotra (1985) found a significant
response in yield to the application of 1 kg B/ha on a loam soil in a trial
where up to 2 kg/ha was applied. In similar trials on a sandy loam they
found yield response to only 0.5 kg B/ha. Yields in an experiment in China
(Zhang et al., 1986) were increased by up to 11.5 % by application of B (as
borax). On the other hand, Blarney et al. (1981) in South Africa empha-
sized the narrow window between deficiency and toxicity. They found
decreased growth and yield by residual and applied B applications on a
sandy loam soil with an initial pH of 3.9 (0.1 N KCl). Annual B appli-
cations of 1 kg/ha significantly reduced both kernel and hay yields.
Applications of limestone at rates of up to 2.4 tons/ha in previous crops did
not reduce toxicity problems, suggesting that the increased root growth
with higher pH increased the uptake of B0 3 enough to offset any fixation
of B due to precipitation of Al(OHh
In India, Rao et al. (1960) reported that 11 kg B/ha did not affect yield.
Gopal and Rao (1972) also found no benefit from B application but gave a
critical level of 25 mg/kg in middle leaves. Other studies showed that: 9 kg
B/ha increased yield and oil content (Ganesan and Sundararajan, 1972);
15 kg/ha borax increased yield (Muthuswamy and Sundararajan, 1973);
6 kg/ha borax or boric acid increased yield and quality (Asokan and Raj,
1974); B application increased oil content (Sankaran et al., 1977); B spray
had no yield effect (Swamy and Reddy, 1983); 2 mg/kg B gave maximum
yield (Golakiya and Patel, 1986); pod yield was highest when Ca:B ratio in
pods was 218-224 (Golakiya, 1989); and 5 kg B/ha increased yield on a soil
with 0.16 mg B/kg (Jadhao et al., 1989). Boron deficiency was also reported
in Malawi on light, sandy soils (Anon, 1972).
Research on spanish-type groundnuts in Oklahoma suggested a critical
level of 30 mg B/kg in young leaves (Chrudimsky, 1970). Hill and Morrill
(1974) found B deficiency in 50% of their field locations but reported that
B application did not affect yield or grade. They stated that hollow heart
was related to soil B (hot-water soluble) <0.15 mg/kg and leaf B of
26-30 mg/kg. Hill and Morrill (1975) found that B application improved
kernel grade, except at high potassium rates. Morrill et al. (1977) con-
cluded that soil B ~0.15 mg/kg and leaf B <30 mg/kg require B fertiliz-
ation at a rate of 0.6 kg B/ha.
Diagnosis of B nutritional problems is by both soil and plant analysis but
neither has been entirely satisfactory. Reliability of soil B tests has been
considered rather low, due mostly to the fact that few correlation data have
been produced in recent years. The critical values (above which there
Micronutrients 237
(b) Toxicity
Boron can be toxic to groundnuts; therefore, it should be applied at the
recommended rate only. McGill and Bergeaux (1966) warned of exceeding
0.6 kg B/ha, and Stoller (1966) showed that the critical toxicity level for B
was 100 mg/kg in shoots. Morrill et al. (1977) stated that 1-1.5 kg B/ha
caused toxicity and reduced yields. Application of 1 kg B/ha reduced yields
in Australia (Blarney et al., 1981). A 10% yield decline was associated with
58 mg B/kg in young leaves. In Israel, B concentration of 0.29 mM in
nutrient solution decreased yield (Lauter et al., 1989).
Research in India has shown that B toxicity results in chlorosis of leaf
tips which extends marginally and interveinally, followed by marginal
necrosis (Harigopal and Rao, 1964). Chlorosis was related to decreased
leaf chlorophyll, protein N, and Fe. Boron toxicity decreased yield, and
leaching was recommended as an ameliorative q1ethod (Harigopal and
Rao, 1967). Gopal (1968) stated that 10 mg B/I in solution and 85 mg/kg in
leaves were related to toxicity. Gopal (1969) showed that B interfered with
the ability of Fe to complex with proteins. However, Fe addition in a pot
study made no difference (Gopal, 1970a). Boron content of middle leaves
of toxic plants was> 1100 mg/kg. Boron also decreased leaf Cu (Gopal,
1970b). Gopal (1971a) found 3 mg B/kg in soil to be toxic, and Gopal and
Rao (1972) found 140 mg/kg to be the critical level in middle leaves. Boron
toxicity decreased total N and protein N in chlorotic leaves, but increased
soluble N and free amino acids (Gopal, 1971b). Boron application at
238 Mineral nutrition
>6 kg/ha borax gave an adverse effect (Asokan and Raj, 1974), and
5 kg/ha borax resulted in toxic symptoms (Reddy and Patil, 1980). Care
should be taken not to overapply B to groundnuts.
( a) Deficiency
Manganese deficiency is a problem only on high pH soils. Rich (1956)
stated Mn deficiency is a problem for the crop in Virginia. He reported that
Mn concentration in the plant was inversely related to soil pH, calcium,
and magnesium levels, in a study using 32 Coastal Plain soils. Visual Mn
deficiency symptoms were evident when leaf Mn was below 10 mg/kg
(Rich, 1956). Manganese deficiency in groundnut has been observed on
soils with pH values as low as 5.8. Anderson (1964) reported that research
in Georgia showed no yield effect of MnS04 additions (10-50 kg/ha) to a
Tifton loamy sand with pH 6.5, a Norfolk sandy loam or a Greenville clay
loam. Hickey et al. (1974) recorded significant yield increase for crops
grown on a Lakeland sand (pH 6.3, extractable soil Mn 0.67 mg/kg) due to
addition of 40 kg Mn/ha (MnCh). Foliage Mn levels were also increased
from 59 to 155 mg/kg. The recommendation from the 1980 Virginia Peanut
Production Guide is to apply foliar Mn at a rate of 0.8-1.1 kg/ha in each of
up to three applications, when interveinal chlorosis, symptomatic of Mn
deficiency, is evident (Allison, 1980).
Micronutrients 241
Hallock (1979) showed that soil Mn treatments did not yield significantly
less than spray treatments for virginia-type groundnuts but deficiency
symptoms were greater for soil applied treatments. Parker and Walker
(1986) studied the interaction of Mn response with soil pH on a Pelham
sand. Manganese deficiency occurred on plots with pH levels near 6.8
(Mehlich 1 soil Mn = 3.3 mg/kg) but not in plots with pH levels of 5.2 (soil
Mn = 2.1 mg/kg) or 6.0 (soil Mn = 2.5 mg/kg). At pH 6.8, soil application
of Mn at 0, 10, 20 and 40 kg/ha resulted in yields of 3.41, 5.40, 5.73 and
6.37 tonnes/ha, respectively. Critical Mn levels in the leaves were 13, 15,
15,15,13 and 12mg/kg at 7, 9, 11,13,15 and 17 weeks after planting.
Parker and Walker (1986) concluded that maintaining a soil pH near 6.0
was optimal for groundnut production.
Soil Mn applications can be used to prevent Mn deficiency when the soil
pH is known to be >6.0. Foliar Mn applications can correct Mn deficiency,
diagnosed through foliar symptoms, more rapidly than soil Mn applica-
(b) Toxicity
Manganese toxicity can be a problem in low pH soils. Morris and Pierre
(1949) reported that a concentration of 10 mg Mn/l in a nutrient solution
reduced growth to 76% of the control and resulted in chlorosis of leaf
margins. Plant Mn concentration was 1245 mg/kg. Groundnuts were the
least sensitive (of five legumes studied) to Mn toxicity and had the lowest
plant Mn concentrations. Boyd (1971) described Mn toxicity symptoms for
the crop as interveinal leaf chlorosis followed by marginal leaf necrosis.
Boyd also found that soil Mn (NH 4 0Ac extractable) was well correlated
with leaf necrosis. Severe symptoms occurred when soil Mn was greater
than 10 mg/kg and foliar Mn was greater than 50 mg/kg.
Benac (1976) found that a nutrient solution with Mn concentration
~20 mg/kg caused stunting of plants. Tissue Mn of plants with leaf necrosis
was ~4000 mg/kg, and the highest Mn concentration was found in the
leaves. In a nutrient solution test Nambiar and Anjaiah (1989) found that
groundnut plants with Mn toxicity symptoms had between 1040 and
3070 mg/kg Mn in the plant tissue. High Mn levels decreased dry matter
accumulation and nitrogen uptake.
High Mn levels may magnify Fe deficiency. Zaharieva (1986) found
that the Mn:Fe 2 + ratio in plants was greater than 1:1 in chlorotic
plants. Zaharieva et al. (1988) stated that groundnut plants with Mn
toxicity (dark brown marginal leaf spotting) had >450 mg/kg Mn in the
leaves. Application of Fe as FeEDDHA eliminated leaf spotting.
Zaharieva et al. (1988) also suggested that Fe application could induce Mn
It is difficult to relate nutrient solution tests to field situations. More
research is needed in the area of Mn toxicity in groundnuts.
242 Mineral nutrition
7.8.6 Molybdenum (Mo)
Molybdenum is essential for nitrogen fixation and is therefore recom-
mended for some legumes (e.g. soybeans, alfalfa). However, it is currently
not recommended for groundnuts.
Plot trials in Senegal showed that Mo had a harmful effect on groundnuts
(Bouyer and Collot, 1952). Molybdenum deficiency symptoms were not
obtained in a sand culture experiment, though slight chlorosis was evident
late in the growing season (Reid and York, 1958). Harris (1959) stated that
Mo application caused foliage to be a darker green and frequently
increased the size of the foliage, but it has never caused a significant
increase in yield in research in Florida.
Rao et al. (1960) reported that an application of 140 g Mo/ha in India
increased pod yield. Walker (1967) found that 0.2 kg Mo/ha increased yield
by 224 kg/ha on a Tifton soil but had no effect on yield on a Greenville soil.
Welch and Anderson (1962) found that Mo availability was increased by
liming and that Mo application increased Mo concentration in leaves, but
no deficiency symptoms were evident in areas which received no Mo.
They stated that seed Mo concentration is high enough to provide the
plant's Mo requirement even in a low Mo soil. Sellschop (1967) stated that
Mo deficiency is best corrected by liming. Parker (1964) reported that
Mo often improved plant colour but gave a yield response in only one of
15 experiments conducted in Georgia. Boswell et al. (1967) showed that
yield was not well correlated with leaf or soil Mo content, and Mo addition
increased nitrogen content of foliage. However, the yield effect of Mo was
Heinis (1972) determined that Mo fertilization increased N and methion-
ine contents in leaves. Graham (1979) stated that Mo is essential for nodule
formation and function and Mo deficiency, which is more common on acid
soils, can cause nitrogen deficiency. Kiat (1979) reported that Mo appli-
cation had no significant influence on yield, nitrogen fixation or Mo
concentration in groundnut tissue.
In research in India, it was found that 1 kg/ha NH4 molybdate increased
yield of spanish groundnut (Reddy and Patil, 1980). The soil test level was
0.5 mg/kg available Mo, and pH was 7.5. The authors suggested that this
beneficial effect may be due to increased N availability which resulted in
increased protein in groundnut kernels. Kene et al. (1988) found that Mo
increased nodulation and nodule N content for groundnut.
Most of the literature agrees that Mo increases greenness and N content
of groundnut leaves, but yield increases due to Mo application are rare.
More research is required to determine under what conditions Mo ferti-
lizers may be beneficial. Currently, there is no consistent data to recom-
mend Mo fertilization for groundnuts.
Micronutrients 243
Zinc (Zn)
(a) Deficiency
Zinc deficiency usually occurs under high pH conditions. Carter (1964)
summarized Georgia research and showed that, even though zinc fertiliz-
ation sometimes increased yield and sometimes decreased yield, in general
the differences were not significant. Sellschop (1967) stated that Zn insuffi-
ciency was less conspicuous in groundnut than in maize, and recommended
16-22 kg Zn/ha where the problem is common. Schneider and Anderson
(1972) found that a Zn application of 0.1 kg Zn/ha gave a positive yield
response for spanish groundnut, but that 90 kg/ha reduced yield. In a
calcareous soil with <0.3 mg/kg soil Zn, applications of ZnS04 from 10 to
60 kg/ha had no significant yield effect (Lakshminarasimhan et al.,1977).
Spraying 0.8% ZnO on a calcareous vertisol increased yield of valencia-
type groundnut (Mupawose, 1978). Phosphorus application can show an
antagonistic effect on Zn uptake (Chahal and Ahluwalia, 1977). Zinc
deficiency is associated with high soil pH and high available P levels
(Graham, 1979). However, Patil et al. (1979) applied ZnS04 to groundnuts
with severe chlorosis, which was attributed to high soil pH and heavy
phosphorus fertilization, but there was no yield response to either soil or
foliar applications.
Reddy and Patil (1980) stated that 0.5 mg/kg Zn in soil and 22 mg/kg Zn
in leaves at flowering were the critical levels for Zn deficiency in ground-
nuts. Rhoads et al. (1989) applied Zn to soil in a greenhouse study and
determined that the cultivar Southern Runner was more sensitive to Zn
deficiency than Sun runner. They suggested a critical soil Zn (Mehlich 1)
level of 2.5 mg/kg at soil Ca >400 mg/kg.
Bell et at. (1990) described Zn deficiency symptoms in groundnuts as
decreased internode length and restricted development of new leaves.
They also found that Zn deficient plants accumulated reddish pigments in
stems, petioles and leaf veins. They stated that 20 mg/kg in upper stems
and leaves and 25 mg/kg in recently matured leaves (at early pegging) had
been used previously as critical levels for Zn deficiency diagnosis. They
recommended that the blade of the youngest fully expanded leaf be used
for diagnosis with 8-10 mg/kg Zn as its critical value. Zinc deficiency is
related to high soil pH, high soil Ca and high soil P. Leaf critical level is
20-25 mg/kg, and foliar application is probably the best way to correct Zn
(b) Toxicity
Zinc toxicity was first reported by Quintana (1972) who noted that appli-
cation of 90 kg Zn/ha as ZnS04 decreased yields and resulted in 67 mg
Zn/kg in plant tissue. Keisling et al. (1977) described Zn toxicity symptoms
as chlorosis, stunting, purple coloration of the main stem and petioles
244 Mineral nutrition
usually a lesion at the base of the plant (stem splitting) and premature
necrosis. Tentative Zn toxicity critical values were set at 12 and 220 mg/kg
for soil (Mehlich 1 extractable) and tissue, respectively. Tissue Zn concen-
tration increased 15 mg/kg for each 1 mg/kg increase in soil Zn. Liming
reduced Zn uptake and stunting but did not change the level of Mehlich 1
extractable Zn in soil. Davis-Carter et at. (1990) showed that leaf chlorosis
and stem purpling were not well correlated with leaf Zn levels, and
described new symptoms of horizontal leaf growth and leaf closure.
Rhoads et at. (1989) stated that peanut response to Zn appeared to be
more dependent on soil Ca level than on soil pH. Up to 23 kg Zn/ha did not
affect plant growth at soil Ca >400 mg/kg with soil pH of 6.5 to 6.8, but
8.1 kg Zn/ha reduced plant growth when soil Ca ranged from 150 to
200 mg/kg and pH was ~6.6. Parker et at. (1990) studied data from
growers' fields which indicated that a leaf Ca:Zn ratio ~50 was required for
Zn toxicity to groundnuts. Leaf Zn was affected more by soil pH than by
soil Zn. A regression equation, including both factors, showed that an
increase in soil Zn from 1 to 10 mg/kg increased leaf Zn by 202 mg/kg at
soil pH 4.6 but only 9 mg/kg at pH 6.6. Cox (1990) used data from North
Carolina and Georgia to predict plant Zn concentration from soil pH and
soil Zn. Davis-Carter et at. (1991) stated that, since Mehlich 1 extraction of
Zn from soil is not pH sensitive, it is necessary to include soil pH in any
regressions predicting leaf Zn. They used such equations to calculate the
probabilities for the development of Zn toxicity symptoms as a function of
soil pH and soil Zn. Rhoads et at. (1991a) showed that increasing Zn rates
in greenhouse studies decreased Ca concentration in groundnut tissues. In
two greenhouse tests, the Ca:Zn ratio in tissue proved to be a good
diagnostic tool for predicting dry matter yield; in one test, the critical ratio
was 140:1, and in another it was 78:1.
Rhoads et at. (1989, 1991b) also noted cultivar differences in tolerance to
Zn toxicity. Southern Runner had greater dry matter yield and lower plant
Zn concentration than Sunrunner at the same soil Zn level. Davis-Carter et
at. (1990) illustrated the influence of soil texture on critical levels.
Groundnuts grown on clayey soils required lower soil pH and higher soil Zn
levels to develop toxicity symptoms than those grown on sandy soils. On
clayey soils, leaf Zn >470 mg/kg was related to toxicity. However, on sandy
soils, plants with leaf Zn >350 mg/kg exhibited zinc toxicity symptoms.
Only a few scientists are now actively working to improve the mineral
nutrition of groundnut. Many studies appear to be localized and indicate
responses on a particular soil or in a local situation. Often studies provide
only yield results from applications of various fertilizers applied at several
rates, without providing adequate supporting soil and plant analytical
References 245
results. Such studies can certainly provide local help but are difficult to
extend beyond limited confines. Recent emphasis is placed on efficiency of
production. Supplying inputs, such as fertilizers, at rates that do not exceed
needs is consistent with both top economic returns and environmental
concerns. For example, emphasis in the south-eastern USA peanut belt has
recently been placed on reviewing fertilizer recommendations for ground-
nuts. The review indicated that responses to P and K are rare when
groundnut is in a rotation with other crops to which fertilizer is applied.
Reviews such as this can lead to increased efficiency; they also emphasize
the fallacy of making general applications of all or most nutrients without
consideration of plant needs via research-based recommendations.
Another major consideration for groundnut is quality. Seed quality and
aflatoxins in groundnuts are affected by mineral nutrition. Some studies
have attempted to relate quality to mineral nutrition, but more research
may be quite fruitful.
Increasing interest in and need for better waste utilization throughout
the world makes it imperative to study the effects of application of some
wastes to agricultural lands. The effects of several by-products and waste
products on groundnut are unknown but researchable.
In areas subject to erosion, conservation tillage methods are being
adopted rapidly. Studies are needed to define and solve problems unique
to tillage methods that provide maximum residue coverage and minimum
soil disturbance.
Finally, increased linkage between scientists will lead to major improve-
ments. Several possibilities can be cited, but one of them may be the
improvement of N fixation in groundnut by linking breeders with plant
nutritionists. Links between scientists are also needed to study groundnut
nutrition as part of a total cropping system rather than as a single crop.
Adams, Fred and Hartzog, D.L. (1980) The nature of yield of Florunner peanuts to lime.
Peanut Science, 7, 120-123.
Adams, James F., Hartzog, D.R. and Nelson, D.P. (1993) Supplemental calcium application
on yield, grade and seed quality of runner peanut. Agronomy Journal, 85, 86-93.
Allison, A.H. (1980) Agronomic recommendations and procedures, in 1980 Peanut
Production Guide, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA,
Alva, A.K., Gascho, G.J. and Hodges, S.c. (1989a) Peanut yield and grade vs. soil calcium
indices in coastal plain soils. Agronomy Abstracts, p. 232.
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soil calcium. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 20,1727-1744.
Alva, A.K., Gascho, G.J. and Guang, Yang (1991) Soil solution and extractable calcium in
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Anderson, O.E. (1964) Manganese, in Micronutrients and Crop Production in Georgia, (ed.
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246 Mineral nutrition
Anon. (1965) Agricultural Progress, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Research
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Anon. (1972) The Annual Report of the Agricultural Research Council of Malawi.
Arrendell, S., Wynne, J.e., Elkan, G.H. and Isleib, T.G. (1985) Variation from nitrogen
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Arrendell, S., Wynne, J.C., Elkan, G.H. and Schneeweis, T.J. (1988) Selection among early
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Bahl, G.S., Baddesha, H.S., Pasricha, N.S. and Aulakh, M.S. (1986) Indian Journal of
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Ball, S.T., Wynne, J.e., Elkan, G .H. and Schneeweis, T.J. (1983) Effects of inoculation and
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Analysis, 21, 273-285.
Benac, R. (1976) Action de la concentration en manganese de la solution nutritive sur Ie
comportement de I'arachide (Arachis hypogaea L.). Oleagineux, 1(12),539-543.
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Nitrogen fixation
J. Sprent
Character 2 3
Group 1 is typical of thc Vicieae and Trifolieae and is largely bascd on Vicia, Pisum,
Trifolium and Medicago; Group 2 is typical of many genera of the Phaseoleae and
Desmodieac and is largely based on Glycine, Phaseolus and Vigna; Group 3 is generally
typical of the Aeschynomeneae and some Dalbergieae but details given are based solely on
Arachis: variants are described in Sprent et al. (1989).
uptake1bY '00" ~
transport to
stem and leaves
reduction to
ammonium ------'.~I
\ reduction to
~--- ammonium
uptake by roots
Figure 8.1 Major pathways of nitrogen assimilation in plants (see Figure 8.3 for
terms OS, OOOAT).
the ammonia (or ammonium) passes to the host cell for assimilation. Very
few rhizobia - and none known to infect groundnut - can be induced both
to fix nitrogen ex planta and to assimilate the products of fixation.
In addition to the nod genes listed, host-genotype specific genes also occur. Most information
is from B. japonicum which nodulates soybean and B. spp. (Parasponia) which nodulates the
non-legume Para5ponia. Available information for B. sp. (cowpea), which nodulates both
Vigna and Arachis, shows that similar genes occur. Symbiotic genes in Bradyrhizobium unlike
those of Rhizobium, are chromosomal.
All legume nodules which have been examined assimilate the product of
nitrogen fixation (ammonia) in plant cells using the GS:GOGAT system
(Figure 8.3). The first organic product is thus glutamine. This may be
exported from nodules or further reactions may occur, so that other
compounds are exported, such as asparagine, citrulline, or the ureides
allantoin and allantoic acid (Sprent and Sprent, 1990). The compounds
exported by groundnut have been a matter of controversy for some years.
In addition to asparagine and glutamine, methylene glutamine and ureides
have been reported (review by Schubert, 1986). Several groups have failed
to confirm ureides as a product of N fixation in Arachis. One such study
(Peoples et al., 1986) also resolves the source of 4-methylene glutamine in
the xylem sap of Arachis plants. These workers used nodulated plants,
non-nodulated plants given nitrate and nodulated plants with the root
system purged with Ar02 instead of air. The latter treatment did not affect
nitrogenase (AR) activity but no fixation of nitrogen occurred in the
absence of N2 and thus N compounds in the xylem sap must have arisen
from other metabolic pathways. The overall conclusion was that
4-methylene glutamine is a product of cotyledonary metabolism and its
concentration in xylem sap is unrelated to nitrogen fixation (see also Goto
et al., 1987). A further complication is that unidentified compound(s) in
xylem sap of Arachis species may interfere with the standard ureide assay
(Peoples et al., 1991a). Nitrogen fixing and nitrate assimilating plants
export both glutamine and asparagine, but the amounts vary in a way
which may serve as an indicator of nitrogen fixation (section 8.5).
Legume seeds are well known for their production of lectins - proteins
with pronounced haemagglutination properties. Lectins also figure promi-
nently as a possible constituent of the host-rhizobial recognition system
(Sprent and Sprent, 1990). Strong evidence that they playa part in root
hair infection systems has recently been obtained for white clover (Diaz
et al. ,1989), but this does not appear to be the case for Arachis (Pueppka
et al., 1980), which does not have a root hair infection process and which is
very promiscuous in its relations with different rhizobia. However, lectins
may be involved in nodule development in Arachis. Lectins extracted from
264 Nitrogen fixation
nodules vary from those extracted from seeds: although each organ pro-
duces separate molecules capable of binding to galactose and to mannose,
nodule lectins differ from seed lectins in being glycosylated (i.e. in being
glycoproteins) and, in the case of the mannose binding (ML) one, in amino
acid composition and antigenic proteins (Law et al., 1988). Within nodules,
the ML and galactic/binding lectins (GL) had different distributions
(Figure 8.4), which were interpreted as suggesting a storage function (Law
and van Tonder, 1992). This logical suggestion raises the question as to
why nodules should store proteins. Since Arachis nodules are of determi-
nate growth, storage would not appear to be an insurance against a need
for further growth and yet in earlier work (Kishinevsky et at., 1988) total
lectin concentration in Arachis nodules reached a peak and then declined,
indicating usage or at least breakdown.
Not only are Arachis nodules unusual in their protein storage properties
but also in their lipid metabolism. Seed oleosomes (lipid bodies) have
been known and studied for many years but recent work, mainly from
Bal and co-workers in Newfoundland, has shown that nodules have oIeo-
somes which differ in size and other properties from those of seeds (Table
8.3; Jayaram and Bal, 1991). It was suggested that nodule oleosomes are
transient storage organelles which can be metabolized, whereas seed oleo-
somes are for long-term storage. This suggestion is backed up by studies
with de-topped and darkened plants. Both treatments led to a gradual
decrease in number of oleosomes, coupled with evidence of the 13-
oxidation pathway and glyoxylate cycle in nodule homogenates (Figure
tH2 From respiration, etc.
2 oxoglutaric acid
GOGAT / " 1 used for further
COOH reactions or exported
CH.NH2 fH. NH 2
2 CH2 2 CH2
Glutamic acid Glutamine
2NH: )>GS
2 ATP 2 ADP+2 Pi
Figure 8.3 Assimilation of ammonium into glutamine using the enzymes gluta-
mine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase, commonly known as GOGAT
(glutamine-2-oxoglutarate-amino-transferase) .
Functional nodules 265
3-celllayer \
Infected tissue tJ 2-celllayer
(no interstitial cells; lacking
large and small galactose-binding
cells mayor not be
oleosomes. lectins
small oleosomes)
TABLE 8.3 Some differences between nodule and seed derived oleosomes (lipid
bodies) (after Jayaram and Bal, 1991)
Nodule Seed
* These values indicate thc number of C atoms, followed by the number of unsaturated
linkages (C=C bonds)
8_5). Compared with cowpea nodules formed with the same strain (Brady-
rhizobium sp. 32H1), groundnut nodules were able to maintain nitroge-
nase (AR) activity for 48 hours after de-topping and darkening, whereas
activity in cowpea fell within hours (Siddique and Bal, 1991)_ Ineffective
nodules accumulated excess lipid (Bal and Siddique, 1991)_ All these data
are consistent with a functional role of oleosomes in nodules.
266 Nitrogen fixation
Glyoxylate cycle
or other metabolic
Figure 8.5 Simplified pathway for l3-oxidation of fatty acids (AMP, adenosine
monophosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CoASH, coenzyme A; FAD, flac
Yin adenine dinucleotide; Ppi, pyrophosphate; R, a long chain CH3 (CH2 )n)' The
final product, acetyl CoA, usually enters the glyoxylate cycle in fat-storing seeds,
such as groundnut, and may do the same in nodules. Note the production of
hydrogen peroxide (H2 0 2 ) which may be broken down by catalase (Figure 8.7).
Outer cortex
Diffusion barrier
Distribution zone
Figure 8.6 Location of oxygen diffusion barrier in nodules of the soybean type.
From a practical point of view, farmers and agronomists need to know the
value of nitrogen fixation to the production of an economic yield of grain.
In order to assess this, they require a reliable way of measuring nitrogen
fixation in the field. Numerous techniques have been tried, with varying
degrees of success, and this section will discuss some possibilities.
................. \
10 / \ 50
/ \
X" \
/ \
/ \
/ \
:; /
/ \
"0 / '\
0 /
c \
0> \
.E 0>
30 .E
:r: .~
U'" .,:J
E '"
These data suggest that xylem sap analysis could be a valid assay for
nitrogen fixation in Arachis. The method has been tested on field-grown
groundnuts in Malaysia. Results from percentage asparagine in sap and
percentage nitrate in sap are similar (Norhayati et ai., 1988), mean values
being given in Table 8.4. In this work, inoculation improved N2 fixation but
N fertilizer depressed it.
270 Nitrogen fixation
TABLE 8.4 Possible use of xylem sap analysis to estimate nitrogen fixation in the
A 71 2 96 90
B 66 1 88 95
C 57 9 67 73
D 53 14 57 65
E 41 30 33 40
Data are from 5 field sites in Malaysia, as reported by Norhayati et ai, (1988), interpreted
using solute data of Peoples et a/' (1986), Site A was inoculated and site E given N fertilizer:
sites B, C and D were neither inoculated nor fertilized,
8.5.3 Isotopes
It is more difficult to integrate N2 fixation over longer periods - up to a
whole season. The simplest case is where soils contain only trace amounts
of combined nitrogen, in which case classic N analysis (usually by Kjeldahl
digestion) may suffice. However, such conditions are relatively rare, The
only reasonable alternatives involve use of isotopes of nitrogen. Of these
13N is radioactive, but has a half-life of about 11 minutes, making it
completely unsuitable for field measurements (and indeed many laboratory
studies). The stable isotope 15N has been the subject of much investigation
and forms the basis of various techniques, two of which have been used to
good effect with groundnut. More details can be found in Bergersen (1980)
and Peoples et al. (1989).
Nodulated plants were grown in soil with 10 kg/ha (NH4hS04 containing 5.123 atom %
excess 15N; non-nodulated plants received 100 kg N/ha at 0.512 atom % excess 15N.
fixing relatives than the different genera often (inevitably) used. Giller et
al. (1987) used a non-nodulating genotype as a reference plant to assess
nitrogen fixation by seven groundnut genotypes, grown in an Indian alfisol
which had previously been used for Zea mays to reduce soil N to a low
level. Some of the data are shown in Table 8.5. It can be seen that the
amount of N fixed varied from 100 to 152 kg/ha over the 89-day growing
season, and that the virginia types generally fixed more than the valencia or
spanish types. The percentage of N fixed by the different genotypes did not
vary greatly. Recovery of soil N by the non-nodulating genotype was poor.
These data not only show the utility of the 15N dilution technique but also
suggest that total plant N is a good way of comparing N-fixing potential of
different ground nut genotypes.
The superior performance of virginia types has been shown elsewhere.
For example, Arunachalam et al. (1984) looked at 19 characters in 21
genotypes in India. Of these genotypes, six were virginia bunch and five
virginia runner types - and they all performed better for most characters
than the five spanish and five valencia types. Nodule mass, estimated at the
S2 stage of growth was found to be a good indicator of nitrogen fixing
potential in this case, as was acetylene reduction activity measured in the
'old-fashioned' closed system assay.
Compared with those for other grain legumes, studies on the effects of
environmental variables on nodulation and' N2 fixation by groundnuts are
comparatively rare and comparison of these effects with utilization of soil
N even more so. However, there are several reports which deal with the
direct interactions between soil Nand N2 fixation. Although groundnuts
can take up and use mineral nitrogen (as already explained), there is
evidence that they do not do so as readily as some other grain legumes,
such as soybean. For example, Nambiar et al.(1986) found that groundnut
was a poor user of fertilizer N when compared with sorghum. They
examined nitrate reductase activity and found that it was low in leaves of
both nodulating and non-nodulating genotypes, even when leaf nitrate
content was high. This leaf nitrate may have been in a non-metabolic pool
(vacuole) as has been found in various plant species. These workers found
that nitrogenase activity declined during pod-fill, but that addition. of
mineral N at this stage was without effect. Their results are consistent with
those of Sung and Sun (1990), who found that nitrate reductase activity
fell during pod fill but who also found that nitrogenase activity (AR)
increased during pod-fill. Both genotypic and environmental effects may
explain this discrepancy in nitrogen fixation during pod-fill but the results
do suggest that selection for better N2 fixation may be worthwhile.
It has been known for many years and in several agricultural legumes
that nitrate affects root hair infection and nodule function (Sprent and
Environmental stress in nodulation and N fixation 273
Sprent, 1990) but it is not known how the infection pathway found in
groundnut responds, or how nitrate affects nodule functioning. In several
species it has been shown that nitrate increases the oxygen diffusion
resistance in the cortex of nodules and in this way inhibits (reversibly,
within limits) N2 fixation. However, as seen above, groundnut nodules
have cortices and infected regions with characteristic structural features:
these may respond differently to nitrate and other forms of stress. Detailed
studies on this are urgently required.
8.6.1 Water
Water stress is often a problem in areas where groundnut is grown (Chap-
ter 9). There is evidence that groundnut nodules are less sensitive than
those of some other legumes to soil water deficit. Venkateswarlu et al.
(1989) compared the responses of ground nut and cowpea. In cowpea,
nitrogenase activity ceased when leaf water potential fell below -0.9 MPa
whereas the corresponding value in ground nut was -1.7 MPa. Nodules on
cowpea, but not on groundnut, were shed under stress. In the latter, stress
resulted in a sharp increase in total soluble sugars and leghaemoglobin.
Devries et al. (1989), comparing groundnut with soybean and pigeon pea,
found that groundnut alone responded to drought by increasing its pro-
portion of roots below 30 cm. These workers also found groundnut nitroge-
nase activity to be continued longer into the drought period than that of the
other legumes and coupled this with a higher leaf water potential and
stomatal conductance. The comparative drought tolerance of groundnut
thus seems to result from both nodule and plant factors.
8.6.3 Salinity
Another soil factor often encountered by groundnut is salinity. This may
affect nodule initiation, although interestingly NaCl causes normally bare
roots to produce hairs (Sprent and McInroy, 1984). Arutyunova and
Shevyakova (1984) looked at the effects of both NaCI and Na2S04 on
growth of nodulated groundnuts fed with NHt and NO). However, the
work concentrated on mineral N and it was found that ammonium could
partially offset the adverse effects of salinity. On plants fed with am-
monium, nodules were formed in the presence of 34 mol/m 3 of NaCl, but
14 mol/m 3 for Na2S04' The reverse was true for nitrate-grown plants.
These data show clearly that the effects of salinity on nodulation are
complex but little light is shed on the mechanism of its action.
8.6.4 Phosphate
In many soils, nodulation is limited by available phosphate, although not
all legumes are equally sensitive. Possession of endomycorrhizas generally
TABLE 8.6 Effect of iron on nodulation and nitrogen fixation by groundnut cv.
Tainar, inoculated with strain NC92 (after Tang et aI., 1991)
20 0.05 14 0.42
0.4 26 0.40
7.5 40 0.49
7.5 + HCO) 2 0.41
30 0.05 133 0.83 12
0.4 208 0.97 16
7.5 202 1.07 15
7.5 + HCO) 26' 1.01 11
50 0.05 172 0.97 16
0.4 374 2.03 40
7.5 389 2.57 49
7.5 + HCO) 101 1.33 19
Plants were grown in solution culture pH 5.5 in a greenhouse. In one treatment bicarbonate
was given by including CaC0 3 and NaHC0 3 , each at 5 mol/m 3 : the pH of this solution was
Prospects for improvement 275
TABLE 8.7 Effect of inoculation with the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus clarum on
nodulation and shoot dry weight of 5 genotypes of groundnut grown in sand
containing rock phosphate for 90 days
Shoot D.W. g
Nodule rating
Type Genotype (+MrM) x 100 -M +M
+ M: mycorrhizal plants
-M: non-mycorrhizal plants
Note that (as in Table 8.4) the spanish types performed less well.
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York, pp. 43-86.
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by J. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412 408201.
282 Groundnut water relations
9.2.1 Water content
Leaf relative water content (RWC) has been successfully used to monitor
water content and status in groundnuts (e.g. Bennett et af., 1981, 1984;
Slatyer, 1955). Sinclair and Ludlow (1985) argue that RWC is a more
useful integrator of plant water balance than leaf water potential and
should provide universal relationships between physiological traits and
level of drought stress. RWC values in well-watered groundnuts are typi-
cally in the range of 85-98% (Bhagsari et af., 1976; Joshi et af., 1988;
Bennett et af., 1981, 1984; Prabowo et af., 1990) Under drought con-
ditions, RWC as low as 29% has been measured (Bhagsari et af., 1976),
indicating that ground nut has a very low lethal water status, This attribute
should contribute to high levels of dehydration tolerance and leaf survival
in groundnut during intermittent drought stress (Ludlow and Muchow,
1988), in a similar fashion to that reported for pigeon pea (Flower and
Ludlow, 1986).
Care needs to be taken when measuring RWC in severely stressed
groundnut leaves. Wright (unpublished data) found that the standard 4 h
floating time, recommended by Barrs and Weatherley (1962) and Bennett
et af. (1984), was insufficient for the full rehydration of severely stressed
groundnut leaves. For these leaves a floating time of between 8 and 12 h
was required to achieve full turgidity. Thus, errors in RWC of up to 25%
were recorded when 4 rather than 12 h floating time was provided.
( a) Seasonal factors
The apparent root depth progression (ARDP), estimated by examining the
time taken by a crop to extract soil water from particular soil layers,
provides a method to evaluate seasonal progression of groundnut root
growth. Boote et al. (1982) reported that the ARDP for cv. Florunner
progressed steadily at 2.2-2.8 cm/day until 130 days after planting. In
contrast, ARDP rates in four groundnut cultivars ranged between 1.0 and
1.2 cm/day (Mathews et al., 1988a). Plant population can markedly affect
ARDP, with values ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 cm/day in a subtropical
288 Groundnut water relations
environment (Wright and Bell, 1992b), and 0.85 to 2.3 cm/day in a semi-
arid environment (Simmonds and Williams, 1989). It is evident that the
rate of root penetration into the soil appears to depend on the soil type,
temperature, cultural practices and the aerial environment (Boote and
Ketring, 1990). For instance, Simmonds and Ong (1987) report that ARDP
was 2.0 compared with 1.5 cm/day for plants exposed to a VPD of 2.5 and
1.0 kPa, respectively.
There are conflicting reports about the seasonal pattern of root growth in
groundnut. In some studies, the proportion of biomass allocated to roots
declines markedly as the season progresses. For instance, while 37% of the
total biomass was contained in roots at 21 days after planting, only 1.5%
was recorded at harvest (McCloud, 1974). Similarly, in the rainy season
crop studied by Gregory and Reddy (1982) total root length did not
increase after 55 days after planting. In contrast, total root length nearly
doubled between c. 60 and 90 days after planting in groundnut crops grown
under droughted conditions (Robertson et al., 1980; Nageswara Rao et al.,
1989b). It appears that groundnut is capable of a large investment in root
growth throughout the season, although Nageswara Rao et al. (1989b)
suggest significant root growth during pod filling may only be maintained
when water is severely limited.
o 10 20 30 40 50
20 o ,,
40 o
60 \
80 o
Soil I
depth I
100 I
(cm) o
Figure 9.1 End-of-season volumetric soil water content profile for four cuItivars
grown under a terminal drought stress: (0) Virginia Bunch; (e) Q18801; (6)
McCubbin; (.) Red Spanish. The initial volumetric soil water content measured 2
weeks after planting is also shown (0 - - - D). (Reproduced with permission, Wright
et at., 1991.)
Effect of water deficits on root and shoot growth 291
30 • •
25 •
• •
C 20
~ •
15 •
en 10
0 ~
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 9.2 Relationship between root dry matter and shoot dry matter in a
number of glasshouse and field experiments. Data from: (0) Ketring, 1984; (-)
Pandey et at., 1984b; (e) Wright et at., 1992.
(a) (b)
20 30
.3- 45
.3- .r:
.r: 40 i5. 60
i5. Q)
Q) "0 75
·0 60 CJ)
80 120
20 30
.3- .3- 45
.r: .r: 60
i5. 40 i5.
Q) Q)
"0 75
·0 ·0 90
CJ) 60 CJ)
80 120
Figure 9.3 Root length density distribution for groundnut under well-watered and
water-stressed regimes at: (a) day 68; (b) day 55. (After Pandey et al., 1984b;
Devries et al., 1989a.)
(b) Flowering
Water deficits during flowering can result in a decrease in flower number
and a delay in time to flower. The timing and severity of stress largely
influence these effects (Boote et al., 1982). For instance, Chapman (1989)
showed that the initiation of flowers ceased within five days of applying an
early stress, at which time about 65% of extractable soil water had been
used. Since only 15-20% of flowers result in pods that contribute to yield
(Smith, 1954), reductions in flower numbers arising from water deficits do
not directly influence pod yield (Nageswara Rao et al., 1988). Also,
groundnut can compensate for reduced flower numbers resulting from
water deficits by producing a flush of flowers once the stress has been
relieved (Pallas et al., 1979; Nageswara Rao et al., 1988; Harris et al.,
:9: 150 0
(j; /",--
0 .../
.0 0-0----·
E 100
0.......... /
' /
-.-.- .•
01 /
Il. , /
50 60 70 80 90
100 100
oA .8 oA e8
Ib) Vc
eF 80
Vc '0
f'.G .6:H
oE A1-1
g 60 g 6)
.r. .r.
0, 0,
c c
l!! l!! 40
40 01
Il. Il.
20 20
0 0
50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90
(b) (e)
Figure 9.4 (a) Production of pegs (cv. Robut 33-1) in response to non-limiting
water (0-0), water stress between 46 to 67 days after planting (.-.) and 61 to 78
days after planting (0-0). Elongation of pegs under (b) well-watered conditions
and (c) when water was withheld from 46 to 67 days after planting. Each symbol
represents a different age class, i.e. pegs that appeared on the same day. (After
Chapman, 1989.)
296 Groundnut water relations
not mature prior to harvest. Similar cultivar responses have been reported
elsewhere (Wright et al., 1991).
We now consider the indirect effect of podding zone water content on
reproductive development. The situation where a dry surface soil overlays
a moist subsoil is particularly common in ground nut producing areas where
both intermittent and protracted droughts occur. Even where irrigation is
employed on sandy soils, adequate water may be applied to supply the root
zone for a period of a week or so but the surface podding zone may dry out
rapidly in only a few days. Very little research has been conducted to
understand the effects of dry podding zone soil on peg penetration and
subsequent development into pods. It seems· that peg and pod develop*
ment under these conditions may be influenced by podding zone water
content directly, by lack of calcium (Ca) uptake in developing pods in dry
soil, and by greater soil strength associated with dry soil.
A few investigators have used techniques to separate the rooting and
podding zones in order to study the effects of pod and root zone water
content on reproductive development (Bennett et al. (1990) give a review
of these techniques). Underwood et al. (1971) showed that, although pod
development was unaffected in podding zone soil maintained at higher
than -1.5 MPa, less than 20% of pods developed in air*dry soil compared
with well-watered control plants. Skelton and Shear (1971) found that a
dry podding zone significantly reduced the number of pegs which devel-
oped into pods, as well as increasing the number of dead pegs. Wright
(1989) demonstrated the existence of cultivar differences in peg and pod
development in response to poJding zone water content. Where the root
zone was kept moist and the podding zone was air-dry, seed yield of cv.
Robut 33-1 was the same as a treatment whose podding zone was kept at
field capacity, while seed yield in cvv. McCubbin and Gajah was reduced
by 43% and 35% respectively. A decrease in the number of pegs that
developed into fully grown pods along with a reduction in the number of
seeds per pod were responsible for the yield reductions. These results
suggest that selection for cultivars capable of maintaining normal repro-
ductive development in dry podding zone soil may be possible. Bennett et
al. (1990) found that a dry podding zone reduced the percentage of cv.
Florunner pegs which developed into full pods from 61 % to 48%, and also
reduced seed yield by 27% relative to the well-watered control plants.
It is well documented that low podding zone water content can decrease
Ca uptake and thus induce Ca deficiency in groundnuts (Hallock and
Allison, 1980; Rajendrudu and Williams, 1987). The interaction between
soil water deficit and Ca requirement for developing pods occurs as a result
of the subterranean nature of groundnut fruits. In aerial fruiting plants, Ca
is absorbed by roots and transported via the xylem vessels to the fruit.
After being conducted upwards and absorbed in the shoot, it then remains
highly immobile (Hanson, 1984). In groundnut, early studies showed that
Ca cannot move from one side of the plant to the other, or be translocated
Effect of water deficits on root and shoot growth 297
from the root to the developing pod (Bledsoe et at., 1949; Brady, 1947).
The phloem is unable to conduct sufficient Ca to the developing carpo-
phore, although it does conduct all other substances necessary for pod
growth (Wiersum, 1951). After carpophore enters the soil, the developing
pod has no functional evaporative surface, and therefore no direct access
to root-absorbed, xylem-transported Ca (Skelton and Shear, 1971;
Wiersum, 1951; Beringer and Taha, 1976). The Ca requirement for devel-
oping pods is therefore mainly derived from absorption (through the pods)
direct from the soil solution.
Considering the requirement for direct soil uptake of Ca to developing
pods, it is difficult to explain how groundnut pods develop at all under very
dry pod zone conditions. Bennett et at. (1990) suggest that most of the
available evidence supports the hypothesis that carpophores enter a dry
podding zone and lose water by transpiration from peg or developing pod.
Under these conditions Ca can move in the transpiration stream to the
developing fruit. Underwood et at. (1971) suggests that this pathway may
provide sufficient water (and presumably Ca) for normal pod development
down to a soil water potential of -1.5 MPa, but not in air-dry soil. The
physiological mechanisms underlying Ca uptake and pod development in
dry soils is not well understood. The fact that cultivar differences in pod
development and seed calcium concentration in air dry pod zone soil exist
in groundnut (Wright, 1989) means that comparative physiological studies
to elucidate such mechanisms should be possible.
Calcium, usually applied as gypsum, has been widely shown to increase
yield of groundnut under drought conditions occurring during early pod set
(Hallock and Allison, 1980; Cox et at., 1976; Rajendrudu and Williams,
1987; Radder and Biradar, 1973; Balasubramanian and Yayock, 1981).
Rajendrudu and Williams (1987) suggested that gypsum application, which
resulted in more rapid establishment of pod numbers, provided an effec-
tive drought escape mechanism by getting more pods past the critical pod
set sage. Under well-watered conditions, this effect can provide greater
pod synchrony and even more maturity.
The inability to relate groundnut yield response to soil test Ca levels
across a wide range of soil water availabilities (Daughtry and Cox, 1974) is
no doubt related to reduced Ca availability and uptake in dry podding
zones. Large-seeded virginia cultivars have frequently been shown to be
more sensitive to drought-induced Ca deficiency than smaller seeded types
(Stansell et at. 1976; Slack and Morrill, 1972; Beringer and Taha, 1976).
The sensitivity of the large-seeded cultivars to Ca supply was suggested to
be related to the smaller surface-to-volume ratios of the large pod when
compared with a small pod (Boote et at., 1982). Kvien et at. (1988) later
confirmed that this was the case by studying the influence of several pod
characteristics on Ca accumulation and concentration in eight groundnut
genotypes. The ability of a cultivar to translocate Ca from shells to
developing seeds also appears to be important in determining cultivar
298 Groundnut water relations
sensitivity to soil Ca levels. Beringer and Taha (1976) found that, although
the large-seeded cultivar, Makulu Red, absorbed more Ca than the smaller
seeded Natal Common, it was less effective in translocating Ca from shells
to seeds. Similarly, Kvien et al. (1988) concluded that thin, light shells trap
less Ca than thick, dense shells, and hence promote higher Ca concen-
trations in the seed. Recent investigations by Webb and Hansen (1989)
have also shown that carpophores and pods produce unicellular structures
resembling root hairs up to 0.75 mm long, which reach very high densities.
These structures, which were evident at the R5-6 growth stage (Boote,
1982) and degenerated by maturity, are considered to be an adaptation for
calcium and water uptake. Wright (1989) also found that cv. Robut 33-1
had more pod hairs and higher seed Ca concentrations compared with two
cultivars whose pods were grown in air-dry soil. It was hypothesized that
these hairs may have increased the effective pod absorptive surface area
and facilitated Ca uptake under drought conditions.
Surface soil physical condition is of considerable importance to peg and
pod development in groundnut, considering that the peg must penetrate
the soil surface to a depth of 2-7 cm to allow normal pod development
(Smith, 1954). It is surprising that there is only one report in the literature
pertaining to this topic. Underwood et al. (1971) showed that, with soil
water at field capacity, the ability of pegs to penetrate depends on the bulk
density of the soil. Figure 9.5 shows that the number and total weight of
pods per plant decreased asymptotically as penetration resistance (and
bulk density) increased. They also showed that most pegs which penetrated
1.0-1.5 cm developed pods, although development was slower when pods
were near the soil surface. This solitary set of data clearly establishes that
soil physical factors have a marked influence on peg penetration and
subsequent pod development.
Wright et al. (1992) studied the influence of surface soil strength on
reproductive development in groundnut. Pegs were allowed to enter small
cores which had been packed to different bulk densities. The depth of peg
entry and pod growth (dry weight) were measured in two cultivars (Robut
33-1 and McCubbin) 21 days after pegs were introduced into the cores.
Figure 9.6 shows the relationship between depth of peg penetration and
soil strength, as measured by penetrometer resistance. It was clear that
depth of peg penetration (and subsequent pod growth) declined linearly as
penetrometer resistance increased from 0.1 to about 2.0 MPa, with pegs
ceasing to penetrate and develop further at resistances greater than
2.0 MPa. There was little evidence of cultivar differences in peg response
to soil strength; however, further experiments assessing cultivar variation
in the 0-2.0 MPa region need to be conducted with greater precision. The
peg response to soil strength agrees well with the data of Underwood et al.
(1971), which showed the number of developed pods, and pod yield per
plant, ceased at penetrometer resistance> 2.0 MPa.
Figure 9.6 also shows how pegs appear to be considerably more sensitive
Effect of water deficits on root and shoot growth 299
120 120
:D \.
.0 80 J2
E 0)
z" • •
• •••
40 40
0 • 0
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
Penetrometer force (MPa) Penetrometer force (MPa)
Figure 9.5 (a) Pod yield per plant and (b) number of pegs that developed to
diameters greater than 3 mm, as a function of penetrometer resistance in the
surface 1.5 cm of soil. (Reproduced with permission, Underwood et al., 1971.)
• Root elongation
70 0 Robut 33-1 3.0
i McCubbin
2.5 :c
.s 50 \\ , 2.0
....... . "a
~ 00
E co
o '
,,~ 1.5 o·
a. 30 "Dl
""- "- 1.0
""- "- "- • "3
"- 0.5 .;:!.
10 "-
"- -.
o i
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Cultivar Remarks PR
(%) Reference
FRs were calculated as the ratio of pod growth rate (adjusted for oil content) to crop growth
rate x 100.
304 Groundnut water relations
growth, until an LAI of 1.0 is reached, Es can account for well over 50% of
the total ET. Simmonds and Williams (1989), for instance, found that
when groundnut canopy coverage was small, about 16 mm was lost by soil
evaporation during one week following an irrigation, with almost half of
this loss occurring in the first two days. The rate of Es is dependent on
surface soil wetness, and the degree of shade provided by the canopy.
When the surface soil is very wet, the rate of evaporation is governed by
the supply of energy, and upon further drying Es is limited by soil hydraulic
conductivity (Philip, 1957).
To obtain greater understanding of the effect of management or cultivar
on crop water use, it is necessary to split ET into its components - namely
T and Es. The direct measurement of Es using small trays filled with fully
drained soil and sunk in between rows has been attempted in groundnut
(Simmonds and Williams, 1989). Trays were removed daily and weighed,
with the difference in weight being assumed to be water lost by evapor-
ation. The technique is unreliable for estimating water loss after the first
few days after wetting (ODA, 1987). Ritchie (1972) and Tanner and Jury
III 01"·
S 6
I- (b)
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 U5
Figure 9.7 Mean daily evapotranspiration as a function of time under (a) well-
watered and (b) water-limited conditions, in (.) dense and (0) sparse stands of
groundnut. (After Ishag et at., 1986.)
Yield responses to evapotranspiration/transpiration 305
(1976) developed empirical models to describe the temporal change in
water loss from an uncropped soil and the effect of crop canopy develop-
ment on radiant energy interception. These models are predictive in
nature, and have been successfully used in larger crop models (e.g. Boote
et al., 1986). Cooper et al. (1983) extended this approach, and described a
technique whereby standard field measurements of ET, evaporation from
uncropped soil and canopy cover (via canopy light interception, or LAI
and canopy extinction coefficient measurements) allow reliable estimates
of Es and T. Wright et al. (1994) used this technique to estimate T and E in
mini-lysimeters installed in groundnut canopies in the field. In a terminal
drought stress treatment, Es was 45 mm out of a total ET of 185 mm, when
averaged over four cultivars.
Based on a review of the available literature, Boote et ai. (1982) and Boote
and Ketring (1990) concluded that about 600 mm of water is required for
optimal pod yield performance. The presented relationships between pod
yield and ET showed significant variability, which they attributed to factors
306 Groundnut water relations
other than water use. An example of the type of variability observed is
illustrated in Figure 9.8(a), which compares the relationship between pod
yield and ET for data from Georgia, USA and Hyderabad, India. While
pod yield increased linearly from approximately 1.5 t/ha to 6 tlha in both
regions, the amount of ET used differed substantially, ranging from 200 to
600 mm for the USA data, compared with 450-800 mm for the Indian data.
Hanks (1983) and Kanemasu (1983) discussed some of the factors influenc-
ing the pod yield/ETrelationship in a range of crops and concluded that (a)
improvements in the correlation are observed when T rather than ET is
used; (b) total dry matter production (TDM) and ET are more closely
correlated than pod yield and ET; and (c) pod yield/ET relationships can
vary from location to location, year to year and crop to crop. These factors
as they relate to groundnut yield/water use relationships are briefly dis-
cussed below.
~ 6,0
'iiiE 50
~ 4,0 •
~ 3,0
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
ET (mm)
Figure 9.8 Relationship between (a) pod dry matter and evapotranspiration (ET)
for data derived from (-) Stansell et al. (1976) and (.) Nageswara Rao et al. (1985);
and (b) total dry matter and evapotranspiration for data derived from Nageswara
Rao et al. (1985).
308 Groundnut water relations
9.6.3 Environmental effects
Much of the variation in the ETlpod yield relationship between the USA and
Indian crops shown in Figure 9.8(a) can be explained by site differences in
evaporative demand. Ong et al. (1987) showed that in groundnut T
increased, and TDM increased linearly as vapour pressure deficit increased
from 1 to 2.0 kPa. Differences in evaporative demand from year to year have
been shown to change the ETlpod yield relationship in other crops (Hanks,
1983). Other possible reasons for variations in the relationship between ET
and pod yield include diseases, insects, nematodes, nutritional stress, soil
water capacity and rooting depth. Boote and Ketring (1990) suggest that a
modelling approach capable of integrating these interacting effects may
enable better prediction of pod yield response to water application.
Water-limited (intermittent
stress) Tifton-8 37.5 12.2 3.07
Shulamit 35.7 12.8 2.79
McCubbin 36.3 13.4 2.71
Chico 20.5 11.4 1.80
(Terminal stress) Tifton-8 31.3 10.0 3.13
Shulamit 29.0 9.9 2.93
McCubbin 26.8 10.0 2.68
Chico 17.8 8.8 2.02
lsd P = 0.05 5.6 1.9 0.4
Measurements of the change in biomass and water use were between 40 and 90 DAP.
germplasm pool. Bidinger et al. (1982) and Garrity et al. (1982) argued that
genetic improvement in yields of crops can be brought about if attributes
that confer yield advantage under drought conditions can be identified and
used as tools in breeding programmes to enable identification of drought-
tolerant genotypes. Many traits (physiological and biochemical) have been
proposed for improving the yield performance of crops under drought
conditions (Seetharama et al. 1983; Turner, 1986a). There are, however,
few examples where the trait-based approach has been successfully
employed in large-scale drought resistance breeding programmes. Ludlow
and Muchow (1988) critically evaluated traits for improving crop yields in
water-limited environments.
TABLE 9.4 Timing and duration of droughts applied to create .the different
drought patterns (Pn) (from Nageswara Rao (et al.,J989a)
Drought patterns
DAS+ PI P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 PlO P11 P12
1 U U U U U U U U U U U U
15 U U U U U U U U U U U U
129 U U U U U U U U U U U U
PI Yp = 1.56-0.007 Sd 0.15 NS
P2 Yp = 1.50-0.014 Sd 0.51 *
P3 Yp = 0.94--0.013 Sd 0.64**
P4 Yp = 0.95-0.013 Sd 0.87**
P5 Yp = 1.67-0.011 Sd 0.52*
P6 Yp = 0.003-0.013 Sd 0.91**
P7 Yp = 0.14--0.Q17Sd 0.91**
P8 Yp =-0.30-0.008 Sd 0.38 NS
P9 Yp = 1.61-O.016Sd 0.90**
PlO Yp = 1.57-0.015 Sd 0.86**
Pl1 Yp = 1.30-0.017 Sd 0.92**
P12 Yp = 0.15-0.015 Sd 0.82**
*, significant at 5% level
**, significant at 1% level
Ameliorating the effect of water deficits on yield 315
(a) 6 66
6 6 66 66
70 6 6 6
~ 6
6. 66. 6
"0 66. 6 6
Q5 66. 6.
.:;' 11 6 1111 11
0 60 f1 t, t, 6 6 6
c.. ti 6 6 6.6
.£ 6. l' f1
(/) t, 6.6.
50 6 11
f1 6
100 200 300 400
80 11
6 A
AI1 f.:.
Q5 6 f.:.
.:;' 70 l:::. l:::.
6. 11
"0 6 6
0 l:::.
c.. 6 M 6~6 6 l:::.
.£ 60
(/) 11 l:::. 6
(/) l:::. 11
0 tJ.
0~ tJ.
50 /:,
300 400 500 600 700
Figure 9.9 Relationship between % pod yield loss due to drought and pod yield
potential under irrigated conditions in 60 groundnut genotypes. Yield loss due to:
(a) midseason drought; (b) end-of-season drought. (After Nageswara Rao et al.,
316 Groundnut water relations
Irrigated Robut 33-1
~ I I
~ 30
.0 / / TMV-2
..-- ,/ ." NCAC 17090
"0'" 20
/-- -- ......... /
/ :'='=:~ - -
0- f
I I EC 76446(292)
10 .. /
-.. '-"-':~':::':':/
.. ,.........:. ... .:..:..:..: ... ;;.-. .
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Figure 9.10 Number of pods developed over time by four groundnut genotypes
during, and following release from, an early season drought, ICRISA T Center,
post-rainy season, 1982-83. Standard errors are presented as vertical bars. (After
Harris et al., 1988.)
o 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 9.11 The effect of (.) drought or (.) non-limiting water during the
preftowering stage on the sensitivity of groundnut (mean of 22 genotypes) to
subsequent droughts of varying duration, ICRISAT Center, post-rainy season,
1982-83. (After Nageswara Rao and Williams, 1984.)
E 300
~ •
J§ 200
~ o
o 'A' spacing (35xl0 cm)
• '8' spacing (70xl0 cm)
100 o
o 'C' spacing (120xl0 em)
40 60 80 100 120
Transpiration (mm)
Figure 9.12 Relationship between transpiration and total dry matter of groundnut
grown at three plant densities under drought conditions, ICRISAT Center, post-
rainy season, 1981-82. (After Azam-Ali et al., 1989.)
A 47 49
A 60 134 58 3.8 0.30
A 76 206 68 4.7 0.24
A 90 267 143 6.6 0.36
A 97 230
B 47 30
B 60 68 41 2.7 0.38
B 76 113 58 3.7 0.33
B 90 155 120 5.6 0.43
B 97 147
C 47 16
C 60 44 44 2.8 0.49
C 76 71 49 3.2 0.41
C 90 105 101 4.6 0.49
C 97 100
Analysis of variance
Main effects
Spacing *** ** ** ***
Date *** *** *** **
Spacing x date *** NS NS NS
(d) Intercropping
Intercropping of groundnut with various legume and cereal crops is a
popular practice, particularly under rainfed conditions where farmers have
limited access to irrigation. Many studies have reported advantages due to
intercropping in terms of land resource use, cost benefit ratio, and sustain-
able yields (Willey, 1981). Yield advantages in an intercropping system can
occur if the component crops have variable phenology and hence differing
resource requirements (primarily light and water) in space and time, The
extent of yield advantage, however, depends on the environmental re-
source capture, resource use and the resource conversion efficiency. There
are several reports on yield advantages of intercropping groundnut with
cereals (Reddy and Willey, 1981; Harris et ai" 1987), although the factors
causing yield advantage varied depending on the situation. In the inter-
Ameliorating the effect of water deficits on yield 323
cropping of sorghum with groundnut, shading of groundnut by sorghum
ameliorated the effects of high temperature and water deficit to a certain
extent, especially under drought (Harris and Natarajan, 1987). It was
suggested that alleviation of high temperature effects on flower production
resulted in a greater proportion of pegs forming pods in the intercropped
groundnut compared with the sole crop, leading to the observed increase in
harvest index of groundnuts. Despite a serious drought in 1984 in the
savannah zone of the Sudan, Arya et al. (1988) reported that intercropping
of millet with groundnut reduced soil loss due to wind erosion, and
increased yields compared with the sole-cropped groundnuts.
The significant variability in phenology and duration among different
botanical groups of ground nut genotypes makes it possible to intercrop
short and long duration genotypes (Nageswara Rao et al., 1990). Experi-
ments on intercropping of these in a ratio of 1:1 under a range of water-
deficit conditions imposed during the pod-filling phase resulted in an
increase in land equivalent ratio (LER) of up to 1.25. However, it was
interesting to note that specific combinations of cultivars were necessary to
maximize LER. Although the intercropping of early and late maturing
genotypes resulted in absolute benefits for total dry matter, there was no
apparent advantage in pod yields because of low partitioning in the case of
the long duration component genotype used in the study. The total yields
of this system could probably be improved by using a long season genotype
with greater partitioning of dry matter to pods. These results suggest that
there may be scope for achieving greater productivity in environments with
variable season length by intercropping late and early maturing groundnut
cultivars. Further research into the factors limiting exploitation of water by
the long season component of the intercrop following harvest of the early
genotype is needed to optimize the temporal and spatial utilization of light
and water resources. Such an option may be advantageous in regions
where hand harvesting is practised but may present management problems
in sowing and harvesting operations where mechanical cultivation is
(e) Mulching
As mentioned earlier, the linear relation between dry matter production
and amount of water transpired by the crop (Azam-Ali et al., 1989) means
that any practice or trait which increases transpiration can thereby increase
dry matter production. Under water-limited conditions, another manage-
ment option to enhance a crop's productivity is to increase the amount of
transpirable water, by using soil water conservation practices to reduce the
soil evaporation component of total evapotranspiration. One of the most
popular methods for reducing soil evaporation is by the use of soil mulches.
Araya et al. (1988) reported that, despite serious drought in the 1984
324 Groundnut water relations
cropping season, mulching with surface residues and no till planting
increased soil moisture, biomass and seed yields on the cracking vertisols
and stabilized sands in the savanna zones of the Sudan.
Plastic mulches have been widely adopted in China for production of
groundnut under dryland conditions (Wang and Han, 1990). Besides
causing increased surface soil temperatures, which allows earlier sowing
times, the plastic mulch significantly reduces soil evaporative losses. For
instance, soil water content in the surface 10 cm was up to 5% higher
during early seedling growth under plastic mulch compared with uncovered
soil. Pod yield responses of greater than 50% have been recorded using
plastic mulch under rainfed conditions in Chinese groundnut production
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10.3.3 Rust
Rust caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg. is one of the most destructive
fungal foliar diseases of groundnuts in many groundnut-producing
countries of the world (Bromfield, 1971; Hammons, 1977; Subrahmanyam
and McDonald, 1983; Smith, 1984; McDonald and Subrahmanyam, 1992).
Yield losses from rust are over 50% (Subrahmanyam et aZ., 1980a; Ghuge
et aZ., 1981). The effect of rust on groundnut yields is likely to increase with
Diseases of foliage, caused by fungi 351
improvement in the production situation with more favourable environ-
mental conditions. However, damage increases with multiple pathosystems
particularly where rust and late leaf spot are involved (Savary and Zadoks,
1992a, 1992b).
Rust disease can be readily recognized by the appearance of orange-
coloured pustules or uredinia (uredia) on the abaxial surface of the ground-
nut leaves. Uredinia then rupture to expose masses of reddish-brown
urediniospores (uredospores), which land on the leaf surface. If tempera-
tures are in the 15-30°C range and leaves are wet with dew or rain, the
urediniospores germinate and produce appressoria and infection hyphae,
which penetrate the leaf through stomata (Subrahmanyam and McDonald,
1983; Butler and Jadhav, 1991). The uredinia'appear within 8-20 days but
chlorotic flecks are usually visible macroscopically 2 or 3 days before the
appearance of erumpent sori (pustules). Incubation period is greatly
influenced by environmental factors and host genotype (Mallaiah, 1976;
Sokhi and Jhooty, 1982; Subrahmanyam et ai., 1983). Pustules appear first
on the abaxial surface but in extended periods of high humidity are
sometimes formed on the adaxial surface. In highly susceptible cultivars,
the primary pustule is encircled by colonies of secondary pustules. The
pustules, which develop on all aerial plant parts except flowers and pegs,
are usually circular and range from 0.3 to 1.4 mm in diameter. In contrast
to rapid defoliation associated with leaf spots, leaves infected with rust
become necrotic and dried, and remain attached to the plants for several
days (Subrahmanyam and McDonald, 1983).
In general, rust fungi are known for their complex life-cycles. Some
species at times produce five different kinds of spores and require two
unrelated hosts to complete the life-cycle. However, groundnut rust is
known almost exclusively by its uredinial stage. Uredinia are predomi-
nantly located on the underside of the leaf, scattered or irregularly
grouped; they are round, ellipsoid or oblong, and dark cinnamon brown
when mature. The ruptured epidermis is conspicuous: urediniospores are
broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 16-22 x 23-29,....m in size, brown-walled,
1-2.2 ,....m thick, and finely echinulate. They have usually two but occasion-
ally three or four germ pores, nearly equatorial, often in flattened areas.
A few reports of the occurrence of teliospores, mainly from South
America (Arthur, 1934; Jackson and BelI, 1969; Hennen et ai., 1976;
Cummins, 1978), suggest that telia chiefly occur on the underside of leaves;
they are 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter, scattered, prominent, naked and chest-
nut or cinnamon brown, becoming grey or almost black. Ruptured epider-
mis is prominent; teliospores are oblong, obovate, ellipsoidal or ovate with
a rounded to acute and thickened apex. They are constricted in the middle,
gradually attenuate at both ends, smooth walled, light yellow or golden
yellow to chestnut brown, predominantly two-celled, sometimes three or
four cells, 38--42 x 14-16,....m with walls 0.7-0.8,....m thick at the sides and
2.5--4.0,....m thick at the top. The apical thick part is almost hyaline. The
352 Diseases
pedicel is thin-walled, usually collapsed laterally, hyaline, up to 35-65 j.Lm
long and normally detached at the spore base. It germinates at maturity
without dormancy. Puccinia arachidis has not been observed to produce
metabasidia and basidiospores.
Rust disease is known to perpetuate, spread and cause severe epidemics
by means of urediniospores. There are a few records of the occurrence of
the telial stage on cultivated groundnuts in South America (Spegazzini
1884; Hennen et al., 1976) and on wild Arachis species (Guarch, 1941;
Bromfield, 1971). It is not known if the fungus produces spermatia and
aecia or if any alternate host is involved in the life-cycle. Subrahmanyam
and McDonald (1982) have examined various common crop and weed
plants as possible hosts for the groundnut rust pathogen, but no case of
infection has been recorded.
Urediniospores are short-lived in infected crop debris (Mallaiah and
Rao, 1979; Subrahmanyam and McDonald, 1982). It is therefore unlikely
that the fungus is perpetuated from season to season in crop debris under
hot climatic conditions when there is a break of over 4 weeks between crop
seasons (Subrahmanyam et al., 1980b). The pathogen may survive from
season to season on volunteer groundnut plants. Long-distance dissemina-
tion of the disease may occur via airborne urediniospores and/or by the
movement of infected crop debris (van Arsdel and Harrison, 1972). There
is no authenticated report of rust being internally seedborne or spread by
germplasm exchange.
Cultural practices, host-plant resistance and fungicide usage are inte-
grated into effective management strategies to minimize initial levels of
disease and slow down the progress of rust epidemics. Wherever possible,
successive groundnut crops should not be planted where viable uredinio-
spores are present. Volunteer groundnut plants and 'ground-keepers'
should be eradicated. If cropping systems permit, times of sowing should
be adjusted to avoid infection of the crop from outside and to avoid
environmental conditions conducive to rust build up. Strict plant quaran-
tine restrictions should be enforced to avoid the spread of rust conidia on
pods or seeds to areas where the disease is not present.
A number of fungicides developed for the control of leaf spots have been
evaluated for effectiveness against rust (Subrahmanyam and McDonald,
1983; Subrahmanyam et al., 1984). However, the old established Bordeaux
mixture has given useful control of both rust and leaf spots. Among the
new generation systemic fungicides, chlorothalonil gives good control of
both the diseases but calixin is effective only against rust, while benomyl is
effective against leaf spots but not against rust.
The rust resistance available in the cultivated groundnut is of the 'slow
rusting' type, i.e. resistant genotypes have increased incubation periods,
decreased infection frequency, reduced pustule size and spore production
and reduced spore viability (Subrahmanyam et al., 1980b; Subrahmanyam
and McDonald, 1983). When rust resistance is combined with resistance to
Diseases of foliage, caused by fungi 353
leaf spots and judicious use of fungicides, these diseases can be controlled
effectively and economically.
10.3.6 Anthracnose
Several species of Colletotrichum have been reported to cause anthracnose
disease on groundnuts. However, C. mangenoti Ohevaugeon, C. arachidis
Sawada and C. dematium Pers. ex. Fr. Grove are the commonly associated
pathogens of Arachis spp. The disease has been reported on groundnuts
in the United States, Uganda, Taiwan, Senegal, India, Tanzania
(Tanganyika) and Argentina (Porter et al., 1982; Smith, 1984). At present
the disease is considered of minor importance throughout groundnut-
growing countries.
On plants infected with Colletrotichum mangenoti the leaflets, petioles
and stems display grey to brownish-grey lesions which are generally mar-
ginal to elongate (Chevaugeon, 1952). Plants infected with C. dematium
have small water-soaked yellow spots, 1-31 mm in diameter (Saksena et
ai., 1967). Symptoms induced by C. arachidis are scattered lesions
(3-5 mm), circular to irregular, with greyish-white centres surrounded by
brown borders (Sawada, 1959).
Morphological details and relationships of these three species of
Colletotrichum have been discussed in greater detail by several workers
(Frezzi, 1965; Jackson and Bell, 1969; Porter et ai., 1982) who have also
described the Colletotrichum species that infect wild groundnuts.
Very little is documented on disease management. Copper fungicides,
Bordeaux mixture (Chohan, 1974) and mancozeb (Singh et ai., 1975) have
been effective in controlling the disease.
10.3.7 Scab
Scab caused by Sphaceioma arachidis Bit. & Jenk. was first observed in
diseased groundnut plant materials collected in 1937 in Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Bitancourt and Jenkins, 1940). It has also been reported from Argentina
(Ojeda, 1966).
Primary symptoms appear as small spots (~1 mm diameter), round to
irregular in shape, on the adaxial leaflet surfaces. Spots are tan with
narrow, brown marginal lines. As the disease progresses, spots appear on
both sides of the leaf and become light tan with raised margins and sunken
centres on the upper leaf surface (Bitancourt and Jenkins, 1940; Giorda,
1984). On the petioles and stems, spots are larger and more irregular in
356 Diseases
appearance than on the leaves and become cankerous with age. In late
stages of disease development, lesions coalesce and the infected plants
grow in a sinuous fashion and become stunted. Some lesions acquire a
cork-like appearance and cover nearly all the plant parts, induding pegs.
The disease is endemic under both dry and humid conditions. However,
the fungus produces fruiting structures under conditions of high humidity
and these cover the lesions with an olivaceous velvety growth.
Host-plant resistance has been reported from Argentina (Ojeda, 1966)
and Brazil (Soave et al., 1973). The fungus persists in crop debris. Cultural
practices such as rotation may be useful in reducing the initial inoculum
and disease. Benomyl is found effective in controlling scab. Some evidence
suggests the seedborne and seed-transmitted nature of the disease (Giorda,
10.3.15 Melanosis
Melanosis of groundnut leaves caused by Stemphylium botryosum Wallr.
has been reported in Argentina (Frezzi, 1960). The symptoms of the
disease are dark brown, small (0.5-1.0 mm), irregularly circular and soli-
tary lesions on the abaxial leaflet surface. Initially these lesions are sub-
merged but later become raised and crust-like. Conidia of the fungus are
12-23 x 15.5-23.0 /-Lm in size, borne terminally, solitary, muriform, black,
and sometimes slightly rugose. Conidiophores are dark in colour and have
a globose apex and mayor may not be branched.
10.4.4 Blackhull
This disease is caused by the fungus Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. and Br.)
Ferraris. In the United States the disease was first observed in 1963
(Mason, 1964) but there had been earlier reports from other countries
(Caccarone, 1949; Frezzi, 1960). More recently it has been reported from
South Africa (Prinsloo, 1980), where extensive hull discoloration, severe
pod and peg rots and up to 80% loss in pod yields were attributed to
blackhull disease.
Blackhull is characterized by scattered black dots on pod surfaces. As
individual lesions increase in size, they coalesce and form large blackened
areas. Large masses of chlamydospores embedded in the sclerenchymatous
hull tissues give rise to black discoloration of the hull.
Seed inside infected pods sometimes become discoloured and the causal
agent can often be isolated from these tissues. Tabachnik et al. (1979)
observed necrosis of the tap root and pegs.
Lucas (1965) described the morphological and physiological character-
istics of the causal organism. The fungus produces both endoconidia and
chlamydospores. Endoconidia are produced by specially modified conidio-
ph ores (4-6 x 9-14 fLm) composed of bulbous bases having a restricted
cylindric barrel.
T. basicola persists indefinitely in the soil as a saprophyte. It can
overwinter as chlamydospores in the endocarp of the fruit (Mason, 1964).
Resting chlamydospores germinate and produce mycelium which grows
along the young pod surface and penetrates the endocarp. Later, chlamy-
dospores are produced abundantly from the mycelium in a characteristic
black granular mass which may fill the intercellular spaces of the mesocarp.
Hsi (1965) found no constant relationship between seed from infected pods
and subsequent disease incidence.
Crop rotation with grain sorghum controls blackhull disease (Hsi, 1978),
and it can be suppressed if benomyl and thiophanate-methyl are applied
364 Diseases
into the soil (Hsi and Ortiz, 1980). However, no commercial groundnut
cultivars are resistant to this disease.
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Groundnut pests
].A. Wightman and G. V. Ranga Rao
There have been four major reviews of the literature discussing the insects
living on groundnut plants since 1973 (Feakin, 1973; Smith and Barfield,
1982; Wightman et al., 1990; Gahukar, 1992). There are also several more
concise accounts dealing with pest problems in general (e.g. Wightman and
Amin, 1988; Wightman et al., 1989; Lynch and Douce, 1992), specific
topics, such as host plant resistance (Lynch, 1990), and discrete geographi-
cal zones such as India (Amin, 1988), developed countries (Biddle et at.,
1992) and southern Africa (Wightman, 1988a; 1989; Sohati and
Sithanantham, 1990; Sithanantham et at., 1990). Feakin (1973), Redlinger
and Davis (1982), Dick (1987a,b) and Wightman et al. (1990) provide
details of the insect pest problems associated with stored groundnut and
their management in developed and developing countries. There is little
more to add to what has already been recorded about the post-harvest
pests of groundnut - the limited coverage given to them in this chapter
should not be taken as an indication that they lack importance. Thus,
although the general literature up to 20 years ago was somewhat sparse
(despite the publication of a large body of information in primary sources),
there have since been attempts to redress the situation.
Smith and Barfield (1982) extended Feakin's (1973) pioneer work by
providing an invaluable list of the pest species associated with the crop.
There is not yet enough verified or verifiable data to distinguish between
those insects that merely live on, under or around groundnut stands
without causing appreciable damage, and those that are capable of causing
significant or economic reductions in crop yields when their populations
reach a particular intensity. We call the latter pests, restricting the term to
mean 'insects' as opposed to all biotic constraints. For the sake of simplifi-
cation, we include all yield-reducing arthropods (in particular, myriapods
and arachnids) with the insects. The term intensity is adopted to indicate
that yield loss can be influenced by pest density, the duration of the
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by 1. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall. London. ISBN 0 412 408201.
396 Groundnut pests
exposure of a crop to a cohort of insects and the combination of the two.
Insect-days is a convenient measure of insect intensity.
11.1.3 Emphasis
There is a bias in this chapter towards emphasizing information that is
available or that is needed to develop pest management systems for the
ground nut farmers of less developed countries. Stress is given to infor-
mation that is needed to understand the ecology of the insects (section
11.3) and the application of the pest management tools that farmers have
at their disposal (the subsequent sections). The next step is to evaluate how
effective these tools are, their relationship with other aspects of farm
management and how they may be handled to support the farming com-
munities. This is discussed in the final section.
Groundnut insects are not unique just because they live on this rather
special crop. We have therefore drawn on examples related to other crops
and insects to illustrate specific points.
This section describes the insect taxa most likely to be associated with
reduced groundnut production, together with an indication of their distri-
bution and the kind of damage they cause. Further details of their biology
and ecology are available in Wightman et al. (1990) and in the other
publications indicated below.
(d) Hymenoptera
Formicidae - ants Most of the ants encountered in groundnut fields are
predators, especially of termites and caterpillars, although many of them
tend aphids and other homopterans in exchange for honeydew. On balance,
the inevitable presence of ants in groundnut fields (at least in Africa) is, by
virtue of their role as predators, a good reason for not promoting the use of
insecticides in these farming systems (Wightman and Wightman, 1988).
402 Groundnut pests
The only species of ant known to be groundnut pests are Dorylus
orientalis and D. labitus (doryline, blind or red ants). The ants hollow out
the pods as they approach maturity, entering by regular holes 2-3 mm in
Both species have been known as pests of groundnut in India and
Malaysia (Dammerman, 1929) for many years. Only in Thailand is the
problem sufficiently serious for action to be taken to manage Dorylus spp.
(poisoned coconut meat baits). It is recently believed to have been found in
Philippine groundnut fields (ICRISAT, 1991a). There is thus a good case
for a concerted search of groundnut fields in the countries between
the Philippines and India to determine its range and perhaps the site char-
acteristics that govern its presence or absence in Asia. Wightman and
Wightman have found Dorylus sp. under groundnut in Malawi, Zambia
and Zimbabwe and have detected pod damage in Malawi.
(e) Coleoptera
Buprestidae - jewel beetles The jewel beetle Sphenoptera indica, which is
a root borer, has been known as a widespread resident of groundnut fields
in India for many years (Rai, 1979). Information about its potential pest
status has recently become available (Logan et al., in press). In a rain-fed
field on the ICRISAT Research Farm 20 days before the 1986 rainy-season
harvest, it was found that 23% of the groundnut plants had S. indica in
their roots as larvae, pupae or adults. As the three larval instars tunnel
through the parenchyma of the root, a high rate of mortality or severe
wilting among the attacked plants was anticipated. On one side of the field,
where 76% of the plants were attacked, 82% of the dead plants and 64% of
the living plants were host to this species. A survey of groundnut plants
growing in three irrigated fields on the ICRISAT farm in the 1986 rainy
season revealed infestation rates of 0.4%,9% and 14%. This indicates that
irrigation does not eliminate the risk of attack by this species. Attacks in
subsequent years have been sporadic, and spread across the 1300 ha farm;
they have been sufficiently heavy to permit us to screen for resistance to
this species among Arachis spp. A survey in Andhra Pradesh and
Karnataka (southern India) in the rainy season of 1992 revealed that up to
10% of the plants growing on red soils (alfisols) had been killed by this
Appert (1956) noted that 'underground larvae' (i.e. white grubs, Table
11.1) can cause as much damage as millipedes,which are usually recognized
as a major constraint to groundnut production in West Africa.
It has therefore been possible to extend the list of white grub species
associated with groundnut (Table 11.1; cf. Table 5.10 in Wightman et al.,
1990) to include further information from Asia and southern Queensland,
Australia, where the identity of the main peanut pest species has been
resolved and a key provided (Rogers et al., 1992).
It appears that there are some 70 named species (including subspecies)
of white grub known to be associated with the groundnut crop. However,
the current maximum exceeds 100 because of the number of undescribed
species. This compares with c. 52 species of termites (Wightman et al.,
1990) and more than 60 lepidopteran species (Smith and Barfield, 1982).
White grubs feed mainly on the taproots and/or the peripheral rootlets.
Either way, the net effect is to restrict the growth of the plant. This is
particularly marked in sandy soils in drought prone areas such as occur in
groundnut fields of the Middle Veldt of Zimbabwe. Seedlings can be killed
outright if the phenologies of the crop and pest result in large larvae and
small plants occupying the field at the same time. In the Sudan, white grubs
have been associated with aflatoxin contamination of groundnut left in the
ground for 6 weeks after it should have been harvested (Ahmed et al.,
Heteronyx piceus is the species most likely to cause damage in
Queensland. It forms 90% of the scarab population under groundnut in the
main growing area. It is unusual in that it attacks the pods but not the
roots. Population densities of up to 30 larvae per metre of row nave been
reported (Brier and Rogers, unpublished).
Kalshoven (1981) indicated that there are many species of Anomala in
the Indonesian archipelago. Supriyatin (1991) reported that white grubs
attack the roots of groundnut plants in upland crops in that country. As
members of this genus are known to eat groundnut roots in other
countries, it is likely that there may be an undefined white grub problem in
East and/or West Java, the centres of groundnut production in Indonesia.
Cadapan and Escano (1991) indicated that Leucopholis irrorata has
recently been associated with the groundnut crop in the Philippines. This
ties in with the major pest status awarded to this species in maize-rice
systems (Litsinger et al., 1983).
Asurvey by Nath and Singh (1987) of cropped fields (mainly groundnut
and sugar cane) in a relatively small area of eastern Uttar Pradesh,
northern India, added 16 species to the list. They indicated that these
species were common to all crops but were most numerous on groundnut
and sugarcane. Several of these species were also found during a detailed
study of white grubs many miles away in semi-arid Rajasthan, particularly
around Jaipur (Yadav, 1981). However, Yadav did not associate them
specifically with the groundnut crop in his report, which concentrates on
404 Groundnut pests
TABLE 11.1 Scarabaeidae associated with the groundnut crop in the larval (white
grub) stage
l. not recognized in Australia, possibly Lepidiota caudata, see Gough and Brown (1988)
(P.G. Allsopp, personal communication)
406 Groundnut pests
the predominant Holotrichia consanguinea. The predominant species in
southern India is H. serrata (Veeresh, 1977).
Curculionidae - Weevils The only species of weevil that has had a high
profile as a pest of groundnut is the white fringed weevil, Graphognathus
leucoloma (Feakin, 1973), especially in the Americas and, more recently,
in Australia. The larvae eat the roots and cause stunting of the stems and
plant death. The adults (parthenogenetic females) eat the foliage. Each
can lay 1000-2000 eggs, hence the high damage potential of this species.
Adult weevils of other species are often numerous in groundnut crops
and can often be seen eating the edges of the leaflets. In southern Asia, the
ash grey or grey cotton weevil Myllocerus undecimpustulatus maculosus is
often found at densities of up to 10 per plant. Systates spp., Mesoleurus
dentipes and Diaecoderus sp. can reach even higher densities in southern
Africa (Jepson, 1948; Rose, 1962; Broad, 1966). Jepson (1948) associated
S. articollis with the 'yellowing and failure' of a young plantation. This is a
The insects 407
TABLE 11.2 Additions to species lists (Smith and Barfield, 1982) in Elataridae
and Tenebrionidae
Species Locations
(f) Lepidoptera
The caterpillars of several lepidopteran species that live at the soil surface
damage groundnut plants - Agrotis spp. and Feltia spp. feed at the crown,
Spodoptera litura (in India) and S. littoralis (in southern Africa) are pod
borers. In Australia, the larvae of Etiella behrii, the lucerne seed web
moth, penetrate the pods and feed on the seed (Brier, personal
communication) .
The only true soil-dwelling lepidopteran to cause major damage to
groundnut is Elasmopalpus lignosellus, the lesser corn stalk borer, which is
restricted to the New World (Smith and Barfield, 1982). This species is
regarded as a major pest of groundnut and other crops. Larvae feed at or
close to the soil surface in the first two instars, paying particular attention
to the flower and vegetative buds. The older stages feed on the under-
ground parts of the plant, and often scarify the pods. This results in a high
risk of seed contamination with aflatoxin (Lynch and Wilson, 1991).
1988; Reddy et al., 1991). This results in outbreaks of other pests because
of interference in the natural insect density control processes.
Thrips as leaf-eaters
Thrips can cause damage as a result of their feeding activity. The leaf-
eating species are usually found between the folded leaflets at the stem
tips. They cause little visible damage at the time of feeding. As the leaflets
grow, the small lesions and patches of dead cells left by the thrips do not
expand at the same rate (if at all) as the undamaged cells. This means that
the most conspicuous leaflets at the top of the plant are contorted and have
small holes in them. This damage is most apparent in young plants when
410 Groundnut pests
the temperature is not high enough to promote rapid growth, e.g. during
spring in North America and the post-rainy season in India. The most
acute case is that of Enneothrips flavens in Brazil. Increases in yield
following insecticide application and attributed to the control of this
species range from 35% to 50% (Smith and Barfield, 1982).
A debate about the economic status of thrips (mainly T. fusca) in
southern USA seems to have reverberated around the peanut industry for
many years (Lynch et al., 1984). Turnjit (1988) added further light to the
situation by indicating that in North Carolina no yield loss will occur until
40-50% of the leaflets are damaged, according to the variety, but then only
in plants less than 4 weeks old.
The situation in India is not clear, mainly because the populations of the
main leaf damagers (F. schultzei and S. dorsalis) cohabit with jassids
(Empoasca kerri) and there is no method of separating out the relation-
ships between density and yield losses attributable to each taxon. The
impression is that thrips cause little yield loss, at least on the ICRISAT
(c) Homoptera
Aphididae - aphids The aphid species most frequently linked with
groundnut is Aphis craccivora, the groundnut or cowpea aphid. It occurs
throughout the tropics and subtropics and has many hosts. It normally
appears on groundnut crops in the early rainy season, when it can cause
considerable damage to young plants. In recent years a second outbreak
has occurred in the post-rainy season on the ICRISAT farm and this may
be linked with a perceived air pollution problem (Dohman et al., 1984).
This species is of particular significance because it is the vector of the
(persistent) groundnut rosette virus complex in Africa. This disease can be
crippling but has become less common in recent years, especially in
southern Africa, where the widespread adoption of regulatory cultural
practices (especially earlier and denser sowing than was once practised)
may have limited its potential effects.
A. craccivora is capable of reducing the yield of groundnut crops by
means of its feeding activity alone (Mayeux, 1984; Bakhetia and Sidhu,
1976). Our experience in southern India indicates that populations are
regulated by coccinellids and other predators and rarely survive a spell of
persistent rain.
As representatives of the aerial plankton that overflies agricultural
areas, many 'other species' - such as A. robiniae, A. gylycines, A gossypii,
A. solanella, Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, M. avenae,
Rhophalosiphum padi and Lipaphis erysimi - are implicated in the non-
persistent transmission of most other groundnut virus diseases, including
peanut stripe, cucumber mosaic, mottle and peanut stunt viruses. A.
gossypii transfers groundnut streak necrosis disease (= sunflower yellow
The insects 411
blotch virus) to groundnut in the Rift Valley area of southern Africa from
Tridax procumbens, a common tropical weed (Saleh, 1991; Wightman et
al., 1990; Xu Zeyong etal., 1991).
(d) Heteroptera
Miridae Mirids can often be found in ground nut crops at low densities -
perhaps less than one per plant. Smith and Barfield (1982) list 11 species
belonging to eight genera from Africa, India and the USA. Table 11.4
shows additions to that list.
It is not often realized that this taxon can cause considerable damage at
low densities. For instance, in an Australian glasshouse experiment set up
in Queensland to demonstrate this point, Rogers and Brier (personal
communication) found that two adult Creontiades sp. per plant reduced
flower production by 86% over a 3-week period. Peg initiation showed a
corresponding decrease of 87%. The plants resumed flower production 7
days after the mirids were removed, and produced more flowers and pegs
than the unexposed control plants during the subsequent 4 weeks.
However, it is envisaged that compensation is unlikely to be possible under
the conditions of sustained attack that are likely to be encountered in field
conditions, so that there are serious implications in finding mirids in a
groundnut field. This is especially so in dryland agriculture where the
cohort of flowers that produces the main crop results from a particular
rainfall event that may not be repeated.
Damage in the Queensland experiment was typical of mirid attack to
legume crops in that the flower buds were attacked at their earliest
appearance and quickly became necrotic (Sorenson, 1936; Wightman and
Whitford, 1982; Clifford et al., 1983). The vegetative buds and other tissue
were apparently not attacked in this way so that there was no distortion of
the stems and leaves.
The potential of this species to cause damage is demonstrated by Singh et
al. (1990). The mirid populations that they detected on groundnut in New
Delhi peaked at just over one per plant in the rainy seasons of 1987 and
1988 and more than two per plant in the intervening summer crop. This
species was present from the second week after sowing until about the pod
maturation stage. It is unwise to transfer the conclusions derived from the
The insects 413
(e) Lepidoptera
There are many species of leaf-eating caterpillars found on groundnut
plants - Smith and Barfield (1982) list more than 60 - and no doubt a
concerted search would find many more. Of these, relatively few are of
economic importance or limited to the groundnut crop. We wish to play
down the importance of defoliators to groundnut crop production because
natural control processes usually keep them at densities well below the
economic threshold. However, apparently spontaneous flare-ups can occur
and these are usually associated with the injudicious use of insecticides or
other examples of suboptimal management.
Spodoptera spp. (the armyworms) are prominent in the list of potential
pests, with S. frugiperda, ornithogalli, latifascia, sunia and eridania predo-
minating in the New World. S. littoralis and exempta are associated with
the groundnut crop in Africa and northern Asia, while S. fitura extends
across the remainder of Asia. S. exigua is cosmopolitan.
The heliothine genera can also be pests of groundnut over most of the
crop's range, e.g. Helicoverpa zea in North America and Heficoverpa
armigera in Asia, Africa and Australia. H. punctigera also feeds on
groundnut in Australia but, unlike H. armigera (a flower and peg feeder),
it is primarily a defoliator (H. Brier, personal communication). The arctiid
hairy caterpillars Amsacta spp. and Diacrisia obliqua are sporadic defolia-
tors in southern Asia. They can appear in devastatingly high numbers in
newly emerged rainy season crops. They are polyphagous and, fortui-
tously, usually have one generation per year.
Gelechiids predominate among the leaf miners, rollers, webbers and
tiers. Aproaerema modicella (= A. nertaria, Stomopteryx subsecivella,
S. nertaria, Anacampsis nertaria and Biloba subsecivella), the groundnut
leaf miner (Mohammad, 1981; Shanower et al., 1993; Wightman et al.,
1990), causes widespread damage and is fairly cosmopolitan within Asia. It
is known as a sporadic but potentially devastating pest with up to four
generations in one crop cycle. It is oligophagous, with a clear preference
for leguminous species, especially soybean and groundnut. Other hosts of
414 Groundnut pests
commercial importance include lucerne, pigeon-pea, mung bean and lab-
lab. On groundnut, the first three larval instars are leaf miners: when it gets
too large for this habit it becomes a leaf tier (or leaf folder). It pupates
between the folded leaflets.
Anarsia ephippias (groundnut leaf webber) can be a pest in northern
India. It webs the growing points and its feeding activity on the younger
leaflets results in 'shot-holing' as the leaves mature (Bakhetia, 1977).
Acarina - mites
Smith and Barfield (1982) have 17 entries under Acarina, 10 of which are
for Tetranychus spp. They are potentially a world-wide problem. The high
reproductive rate and short generation time of these mites mean that they
have a high potential for rapid population increase if the natural control
processes are disrupted or if specific environmental conditions are severe.
This happens when fungicides reduce the effectiveness of an entomopha-
gous fungus, when inappropriate irrigation methods are applied and/or
when insecticides kill other natural enemies (Campbell, 1978; G.V. Ranga
Rao et al., 1990). In Australia, the peanut mite Paraplanobia sp. appears in
groundnut fields during periods of prolonged drought. Population densities
crash after heavy rainfall (H. Brier, personal communication).
Section 11.2 indicates that there are many different kinds of insect living on
or under groundnut crops and that some are undoubtedly influencing the
yield of the crop. The taxa and sometimes the species most likely to be
reducing yield have been mentioned with more or less detail. The sectors
of the many communities who have a stake in these matters (rich farmers,
poor farmers, female farmers and mothers, teachers, agroindustrialists,
extension specialists, researchers) will have a range of attitudes to these
insects according to their vested interests.
Some would take every opportunity to get rid of them with pesticides,
irrespective of their potential pest status; others would do so if they had the
means to purchase pesticides. Perhaps a few would ponder upon methods
of managing them without this drastic approach or would just like to have
the time to sit in a field and watch them. We are mainly concerned with the
section of this spectrum of interest that excludes the first category.
When trying to determine the status of the insects that live on a crop and
deciding whether they are pests, neutrals or beneficials, for instance, it is
necessary to have knowledge of their ecology and their influence on the
yield of the crop. This section reviews what is known about those aspects of
the applied ecology of the key pests that are fundamental to developing
what we regard as rational management strategies.
Lure type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
'Small septa'
Fresh 696 545 650 245 50 69 74 34 23
Continuously exposed 654 703 630 360 58 70 78 22 14
'Big septa'
Fresh 922 800 856 468 72 108 137 38 22
Continuously exposed 990 804 573 326 32 30 22 34 19
Site y [2
x = mean of three traps per site and two nights' data combined
Data cover 38 observation periods between I February and 16
April 1989.
°D Lower threshold
temperature (0C)
was c. 43 mg. A PIC ratio of 0.14 indicates consumption of 304 mg, which is
considerably less than the observed.
Data from ancillary experiments carried out by Garner and Lynch (1981)
indicate that the disparity may be due to the age of the foliage with which
the larvae were fed. Adopting the data from follow-up experiments cer-
tainly brings the model and experimental data closer to agreement. Larvae
fed on 2-day-old leaves ate up to twice the area of leaflet, probably
bringing the PIC ratio closer to 14%. Furthermore, the larvae developed
more quickly, had a much lower mortality rate and finished somewhat
larger than counterparts fed on leaves up to 40 days old. This indicates that
antibiosis may have developed in the older leaves and was the cause of the
low estimated PIC ratio.
However, the possibility of a disparity between a model and the experi-
mental data calls for a re-examination of both. In this case we need to look
at several factors:
• Is the PIC really 6% for S. Jrugiperda or is this an artifact related to the
insects being fed old (and excised) leaflets?
• Are the Australian host data transferable to the US genotype?
• What are the equivalent experimental data for S. litura and other
Spodoptera spp.?
It is certainly an indication that model data should be applied with circums-
pection, and preferably with experimental verification. Huffman and Smith
(1979) present data indicating that Helicoverpa zea consumes 176 cm 2 of
foliage of the cv. Starr. However, we do not have access to biometric data
for this species.
% parasitism
year). Although this species was present in most seasons, it only reached a
density that could be described as damaging on three occasions. The
essence of these experiments is to allow the population to build up to
beyond our concept of an economic threshold and then to apply insecti-
cides in such a way that we achieve a range of population intensities and
control efficiencies. We then relate pest intensity to pod yield. These
experiments cover about 1 ha and are conducted in such a way that there is
a minimum of season-to-season variation.
With this species there is the possibility of several combinations of events
because it has three or four generations per growing season. It can there-
fore appear (and disappear) at any density between emergence and harvest
and display considerable variations in density change during a season. We
are, however, accumulating data that will enable us to put together a
rational management outline (Table 11.9). They indicate that an insecti-
cide application (e.g. dimethoate at 200-350 g a.i.!ha) should be applied
when there are five or more new mines per plant during the seedling stage,
10 new mines at flowering and 15-20 mines per plant up to 2 weeks before
harvest, after which insecticide application will have little impact on yield.
lassids and thrips often occur concurrently. Even if no other pest is
present, this makes it difficult to determine whether there is a relationship
between their intensity and pod or haulm yield. However, in the 1992 rainy
season at ICRISAT there was heavy infestation of jassids with minimal
thrips densities. The yield data (Table 11.10) indicate that there was a high
428 Groundnut pests
TABLE 11.10 Cumulative effect of jassid (Empoasca kerri) damage (eight days
before harvest) on haulm and pod yield of susceptible groundnut variety ICGS 44
(post-rainy season 1991/92, ICRISAT Center)
that there was considerable additional sublethal yield loss that was avoided
by introducing insecticides into the soil as a seed coating.
Gough and Brown (1988) indicated that groundnut crops in the Atherton
Tablelands of north-east Australia were equally sensitive to attack by white
grub (Lepidiota sp.) Their data indicate that one larva per metre row (6-8
plants) of cv Virginia Bunch reduced crop yield by 381 kg/ha.
High yielding susceptible:
ICGV 87128 (SB) 2.36 7.0
Resistant parents
NC Ac 2214 (lCG 5040) (VR) 1.51 1.0
NC Ac 2240 (ICG 5043) (VR) 0.39 1.0
Trial mean (total of 18 entries) 2.25 3.5
SE ± 0.17 0.2
that this procedure has led to the combination of jassid resistance genes
from ICG 5040 (low yield potential) and ICG 5043 (very low yield poten-
tial) with backgrounds conferring relatively high yield potential in research
station conditions (Dr S.L. Dwivedi, Groundnut Breeder, ICRISAT).
They now have to be tested in farmers' fields in appropriate areas.
Screening for resistance to thrips and jassids in Thailand over a number
of years has indicated that (NC Ac 343 x NC 17367) had the highest yields
of the lines tested and multiple insect resistance. NC Ac 343, (NC 1107 x
(NC 2232 x NC 2214» and (NC 6 x NC 3033) had sightly lower yields but
high levels of pest resistance (investigators were W.V. Campbell,
Manochai Keerati-Kasikorn and Turnjit Satayavirut; the latter communi-
cated this information). This agrees with findings previously reported for
resistance to Frankliniella fusca in North Carolina in which NC Ac 343 and
its derivative NC 6 were linked with thrips resistance (Campbell and
Wynne, 1980).
436 Groundnut pests
TABLE 11.13 Incidence of Thrips palmi and bud necrosis disease (BND) in an
experimental trial carried out at Rajendranagar, near Hyderabad, 1992 post-rainy
season (means of four replicates, data of Vijaya Lakshmi (unpublished); JI 24 =
susceptible control)
Resistance to the thrips vector (Thrips palmi) of the bud necrosis virus
(BNV - a variant of the tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) that is found in
the Indian sub-continent) is viewed as being an important key to the
management of this disease in groundnut (Amin, 1985a; Reddy and
Wightman, 1988; Reddy et al., 1991). A variety of great potential in this
respect is ICG 86031 which has resistance to the vector and to other insects
(below) and has unconfirmed resistance to the virus. Field trials have
indicated that ICGV 86388 also has resistance to the vector which results in
low levels of BNV incidence (Table 11.13). In the USA, Southern Runner
suffers less from TSWV than Florunner (Culbreath et al., 1992).
High trichome density, distribution and length have been shown to be
important resistance factors in genotypes such as ICG 5040 (NC Ac 2214)
and ICG 5043 (NC Ac 2240) (CampbeJl et al., 1976; Dwivedi et al., 1986).
Host plant resistance 437
However, the important line ICG 2271 (NC Ac 343) and its derivatives are
not particularly hairy, so that presumably there is a chemical basis to its
antibiosis. As in the wild species (below), a flavone glucoside has been
linked with antibiosis in the cultivated species (Holley et al., 1984).
10 30 50 70 Control
%d y %d y %d y %d y %d y
Post-rainy season
ICGV 86031 86 10.0 58 11.7 37 15.0 22 18.8 18.3
ICG 5240 61 8.4 70 8.3 44 6.9 11 14.5 14.5
ICGV 86535 83 10.2 68 11.7 54 10.4 12 12.8 12.5
ICG 156 100 6.1 75 13.3 41 13.1 28 17.1 17.9
ICG 221 100 4.4 91 7.9 50 10.0 18 12.8 13.7
SE for: %d = ±1.6 (calculated via arc-sine transformation)
g =±1.3
Rainy season
ICGV 86031 100 4.5 45 9.2 64 10.8 35 10.8 11.4
ICG 5240 100 10.5 54 10.0 67 13.3 24 12.0 14.7
ICGV 86535 100 3.9 47 9.2 64 10.9 26 9.6 12.0
ICG 156 100 4.7 44 10.0 60 10.2 38 12.5 10.4
ICG 221 100 1.7 50 4.0 69 5.3 39 5.4 5.4
SE for: %d = ±0.5 (calculated via arc-sine transformation)
g = ±1.1
10 days after emergence (DAE) = seedling stage, 30 DAE = flowering, 50 DAE = pegging, 70 DAE = pod filling. Control plants had no insects and were
insect-free throughout the experiment.
Host plant resistance 439
suggests that the resistance factor that influences the neonates is associated
with the leaf surface, because their feeding activity is restricted to scraping
the leaf surface. The antixenosis demonstrated by ICGY 86031 is likely
to increase the first instar mortality that is characteristic of r-strategist
noctuids (Kyi et al., 1991) and will therefore contribute to the determi-
nation of the level of damage caused by the older larvae, among which
mortality is comparatively low.
Not much is known about the dynamics of the natural enemies of ground-
nut pests. There are exceptions, but they are from the southern states of
the USA and emanate from institutions which provide strong linkages
between high quality research organizations and extension services that are
well tuned to the needs of local farming systems. Elsewhere in the world
we are somewhere between a zero knowledge base and the stage where
research reveals the need to carry out more research rather than the
solutions to problems.
10002 apressipila HR S HR
9990 apressipila HR R R
9993 apressipila HR S HR
30003 apressipila HR R HR
30009 apressipila HR R HR
30080 batizocoi HR S
30079 batizocoi HR
30081 batizocoi HR HR
GKP 9667(316) batizogaea HR
36034YO-l cardenasii HR S S
36034YF cardenasii HR R S
36019-1 cardenasii R
36033Y cardenasii HR R
GKP 10017 cardenasii HR
10602 chacoensis S S R
10602-5 chacoensis R
10602(5) chacoensis HR
30109 paraguariensis R
565-6 paraguariensis S
HLKHe565-6 paraguariensis HR
30134 paraguariensis HR HR
KCF11462 paraguariensis R
30109 paraguariensis HR
GKPSC30124 paraguariensis HR
9634 pseudovillosa R
12922 pusilla HR R HR
114 rigonii S
30007 Arachis sp. R HR R
A77/113 Arachis sp. HR
GKP9578(312) Arachis sp. S
GKP9797 Arachis sp. HR
GKPSCS30135(21) Arachis sp. HR
GKP9893(321) Arachis sp. HR
GKP9629(315) Arachis sp. HR
GKP9572(311) Arachis sp. HR
9921(100) Arachis sp. HR
KG30012(339) Arachis sp. HR
GKPSC30116/19 Arachis sp. HR
GKPSC30114 Arachis sp. HR
GKPSCS30144(18) Arachis sp. HR
Natural enemies of groundnut insects 443
TABLE 11.15 Cont.
lThe authors noted that cultivatcd gcnotypes were as resistant as the wild species tested and
suggested that there was no need to attempt to exploit the wild species for resistance to this
11.5.2 Asia
There is little doubt that, in insecticide-free conditions, natural control
processes can have a marked effect on the densities of the pan-Asian
defoliators. A list of the natural enemies of Spodoptera litura has been
compiled (Ranga Rao et al., 1993). It includes:
69 parasite species in 7 hymenopterous and 2 dipteran families
36 species of predacious insect in 14 families
12 species of spider in 6 families
4 species of protozoan
4 species of fungal pathogen
7 bacteria
4 viruses
5 nematode species
This probably represents the tip of the iceberg, because it represents what
happens when a suitably qualified person with the means to observe, rear,
collect, identify and report is in the right place.
The levels of larval and egg parasitism in S. fitura are monitored on the
ICRISAT farm (100-400 individuals or egg rafts) during each season. The
data indicate that the tachinid Paribaea orbata is the most common larval
Natural enemies of ground nut insects 447
parasite and that Ichneumon spp. and Exorista xanthopis also contribute to
larval mortality. The rate of larval parasitism is 9.0% over eight seasons,
but this includes two seasons where it reached 26.2% and 15.0%. Egg
parasitism is not known to have exceeded 27.0%. The associated factors
are the relatively low density of S. litura on this experimental farm (indi-
cating that only the parasites with a highly efficient searching ability will
have any impact) and the effectiveness of the insecticide applications.
Birds are known to predate S. litura larvae on the ICRISA T research
farm. Cattle egrets removed 62% of the larvae released into un netted
enclosures (compared with netted enclosures). This may be an exagge-
ration of what happens in farmers' fields because the birds have learned
that they may get food where they see the enclosures on our research farm.
Cattle egrets are certainly present in farmers' fields in Asia and Australia
and are known to include noctuid caterpillars in their diet (Siegfried,
1971). There is a need to learn more about the role of these and other birds
as predators in groundnut and other crops.
S. litura is susceptible to viral diseases. We have heard verbal accounts of
farmers in India spraying diluted suspensions made from diseased larvae to
their crops. However, we have no details of the larval equivalents per unit
area or the effectiveness of such activities.
Shanower et al. (1992) list 38 species of parasites known to be associated
with the groundnut leaf miner. Seventeen of these were reared from larvae
collected on the ICRISAT farm, and approximately half were known to be
primary parasites. There were changes in dominance among parasite
species during a season. For instance, in the post-rainy season 1987-1988,
Sympiesis dolichogaster emerged from 26% of the parasitized larvae of the
first groundnut leaf miner generation and declined to 12% and 16% by the
third and fourth generation. Stenomesius japonicus emergences increased
from 6% to 22% during the same period. The other species involved,
which also emerged at higher rates as the season progressed, were
Goniozus sp., Chelonus sp. and a group of three braconids - Apanteles,
A vga choaspes and Bracon sp. The 'other species' group, at 40%, predomi-
nated by generation 4 and included unidentifiable species, some of which
could have been hyperparasites.
This study also showed that:
• parasitism levels were not influenced by the genotypes - ICG 1697
(NCAc 17090) and ICG 799 (Kadiri 3 = Robut 33-1);
• insecticide application (dimethoate at 240 g/ha in 350 I water, once early
in each caterpillar generation) reduced parasitism levels by 7-14%;
• diseases accounted for up to 30% of the larval mortality (a new finding).
The latter observation indicated that a degree of larval mortality remained
unaccounted for. This was assumed to be predation by carabids, e.g. Chlaenius
sp. (Shanower and Ranga Rao, 1990) and spiders. The remaining
448 Groundnut pests
TABLE 11.18 Influence of groundnut genotype on the
rate of groundnut leaf miner parasitism at ICRISA T
Center, rainy season 1992 (d = host density, % =
percent parasitism) (data collected by Research Fellow
M. L.J. Sison)
ICG 221 42 16
ICG 156 28 26
ICG 5240 26 26
ICG 2271 21 36
ICG 5040 78 80
ICGY 86031 31 22
ICG 799 51 30
ICG 5044 154 26
SEm ± 13.1
questions about the interactions between host density, primary and sec-
ondary parasites and the mortality caused to all three levels by a range of
insecticides, possibly applied at different times during the life-cycle of the
caterpillar, remains as an example of a research project revealing further
sets of problems. The contribution of the hyperparasites to the population
dynamics of the herbivore is an important issue because we believe that the
maintenance of a high parasitism rate (which can exceed 90%) is a lead
factor in the management of the groundnut leaf miner.
Although Shanower et al. (1992) found that host plant genotype had no
effect on the rate of parasitism (all species), this is not necessarily always
the case. Observations at ICRISA T Center, on crops growing in an area
that has never been treated with insecticides, indicate that host genotype
and species can influence the level of groundnut leaf miner parasitism.
Table 11.18 shows that, in a comparison of four genotypes, the rate of
groundnut leaf miner parasitism was particularly low on aphid and jassid
resistant ICG 5240, which is not known to be resistant to this caterpillar.
Only ICG 156 is recognized as having a degree of resistance to the
groundnut leaf miner.
Turlings and Tumlinson (1991) provide information to indicate that it is
possible for chemicals released from a plant as a result of herbivore
damage to attract parasites to the scene of the activity and thus to their
host(s). There is a good case for following up this matter for groundnut in
view of the clear effect of genotype on ground nut leaf miner parasitism.
The rate of parasitism (all species) also proved to be higher by 8% or
Natural enemies of groundnut insects 449
TABLE 11.19 Density of groundnut leaf miner larvae and larval parasitism on sale
(s-) and intercropped (i-) groundnut (gnt) and soybean (soy/: fCRfSAT Center,
data for 22 August (rainy season)
'Plot size = 15 x 15 m, with seed sown in four rows on 1 m wide raised beds. Alternate beds
of the two crop species were sown in the intercropped treatments. There were five replicates
of the three treatments.
11.5.3 Africa
Weaving (1980) found that up to 56% of the eggs of Hilda patruelis are
parasitized by Psyllechthrus oophagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).
However, the rate drops considerably during the rainy season, which is
when groundnut is grown.
Colonies of Aphis craccivora living on newly established groundnut
crops (1--4 weeks after emergence) in Malawi were virtually without excep-
tion accompanied by (unidentified) syrphids, coccinellids and lacewings.
Aphidioid mummies were also present. The aphid colonies died out within
a week of this observation. The impression, as no data were collected, was
that the predators were mainly responsible for this decline in aphid popu-
lation density (observation by Wightman).
Later in the season, Wightman also noted the presence of high densities
(up to one per 10 plants) of mantids in groundnut crops throughout
southern Africa. They were of sufficient size «7 em body length) and
density to warrant an investigation of their contribution to the natural
control of potential groundnut pests in Africa.
The predominant arthropod life form, however, appeared to be ants.
Members of genera such as Pachycondyla, Myrmiccaria and Platythyrea
were often abundant in groundnut fields and were seen in Malawi and
Tanzania carrying caterpillars and other prey to their nests. Reimer (1988)
450 Groundnut pests
found that thrips were eaten by ants (and anthocorid bugs, which are also
common in groundnut fields in southern Africa).
Even less is known about the natural control of soil insects. In Malawi,
ants were seen dragging a dropped live \vhite grub larva, weighing approxi-
mately 3 g, along the furrow between two rows of groundnut plants. It is
not known what happens when such an en:counter between ant and white
grub takes place underground. Wireworms are also recognized as the
natural enemies of white grubs, but they can damage pods as well.
Ants are the natural foe of termites (Logan et at.. 1990). Wightman and
Wightman (1988) found that the admixture of insecticides with the soil in
groundnut fields can disrupt ant activity, whilst leaving termites unaffec-
ted. Whilst sampling the soil of groundnut fields for insects, Wightman
found larvae belonging to the dipteran families (unidentifiable to species
from larvae by the British Museum of Natural History) Scenopenidae,
Mydidae and Therevidae. They are all known to prey on either Coleoptera
larvae, per se, or arthropods and earthworms (Therevidae), and may,
therefore, include white grubs in their prey.
A fungal disease, Metarhyzium anisopliae, the green muscardine fungus,
is currently under evaluation for the control of the white grubs that attack
groundnut in Queensland (Milner, Rogers and Brier, personal communi-
cation; Milner, 1989, 1992). After many years of evaluation, the selection
of strains that are highly pathogenic to scarab larvae has allowed the
application of this technique to proceed to the commercialization phase for
pasture and sugar pests. The propagation and dispersal of the fungus is
relatively simple. The successful outcome of the trials in Australia and the
extension of the technology to Asia and Africa is the kind of breakthrough
needed to give leverage on the almost intractable white grub problem.
days after emergence) to kill thrips and jassids. Whilst even this may not
have been necessary in economic terms, it served certain cosmetic needs of
a research station. It is suspected that this regime would eliminate the
mirids, which attack early and can have a marked impact on the flowering,
without jeopardizing the natural control process. This is because the major
potential defoliators have not established themselves by this stage so that
there is no attendant cohort of parasites and predators. (These comments
arise from discussion with D.l. Rogers and H.B. Brier, Queensland
Department of Primary Industries.)
11.7.2 Mulching
Pods Scarification
scarified mean score
(%) (0-4)
to protecting pods as they dry on the ground after harvest. The idea of
using a mulch made of the chopped Jpomaea leaves and stems was ex-
tended to the possibility of using other plants that are not attacked by
termites for the same purpose. The results (Gold et al., 1989; Table 11.22)
indicated that the Jpomaea mulch and neem cake gave drying pods a high
level of protection from termites. A mulch made of Celosia argentea, a
common weed that survives in the vicinity of areas of high termite activity
on the ICRISAT farm, gave some protection, but sunn hemp increased the
level of termite activity, compared with bare ground. A subsequent experi-
ment (ICRISAT, 1991a) indicated that the long-term benefits of using
Jpomaea to discourage the surface activity of termites were negligible
compared with a neem cake mulch. A neem cake mulch applied to row
crops was then shown to have no beneficial effect on yield or foliar insect
management - and was very costly (Ranga Rao et al., 1991).
The data available indicates that selected organic mulches could reduce
the termite and aflatoxin problem associated with field drying that has
concerned farmers and traders alike for many years. There is no evidence
to link such mulches with benefits to the growing crop. However, our
experiments were not exhaustive in this respect and there is ample scope to
investigate the link between enhanced crop water economy (reduced soil
evaporation) and weed management associated with mulching and the
ability of the plant to tolerate insect attack.
Cultural control 457
Grainge et al. (1985) indicate that Jpomaea spp. have anti-fungal and
anti-insect (bruchids, 'bugs', various Homoptera and flea beetles) proper-
ties. This is clearly a fertile area for further investigation.
1991; Lamont 1990). Shiny plastic mulches are used in Thailand (for
instance, in vegetable seed nurseries) for weed control and water
It is likely that cultural practices will need to be modified to accommo-
date a reflective mulch if they include recommendations to ensure rapid
canopy closure. This is because the mulch can only work if a sufficient area
is exposed to the sky. However, as we anticipate that the mulch will also
act as a weed control agent, this should not matter. Early canopy closure is
usually recommended to reduce the number of weedings needed - and to
make the crop less attractive to immigrant aphids, a role we anticipate will
be taken on by the shiny mulch (A'Brook, 1964; Farrell, 1976a).
This is a good example of why and how pest management should be
approached in a multidisciplinary manner. The preimplementation
(research) phase needed for the further development of the shiny mulch
technique clearly needs input from agronomists, weed scientists, virologists
and entomologists.
11.7.4 Avoidance
Groundnut, being an annual or short season crop, depending upon the
genotype and where it is grown, relies mainly upon immigration to provide
its quota of foliage feeders. (Possible exceptions are the noctuids and hairy
caterpillars that aestivate or hibernate as pupae in the soil.) In line with our
data indicating that the older a crop is, the less likely it is to be damaged by
insects, it would appear to be a rule of thumb to sow groundnut crops
early, before pests have a chance to multiply on their winter/hot/dry season
hosts and start the migration process. This is by now conventional wisdom
for groundnut in southern Africa, where crops sown with the break in the
dry season avoid groundnut rosette virus (section 11.7.2(b)). It is likely
that co-ordinated early sowing by government behest in Malawi is respon-
sible for the virtual elimination of this disease in that country.
A similar phenomenon exists in the USA where the corn earworm passes
from corn to groundnut, soybean and cotton in late July and August.
Sowing the crops early (early to mid April) diminishes the damage caused
by this insect (Lynch and Douce, 1992). Early sowing is also likely to
reduce the risk of damage being caused by the lesser corn stalk borer
(Mack and Backman, 1990).
Our experience with thrips at ICRISAT is mixed. It is not unusual for
early sown crops to be badly affected by bud necrosis virus and later sown
crops to be unscathed. At the other end of the season, early or timely
harvest is called for to avoid termite attack and to reduce the time that the
mature crop is exposed to other pod-eating pests, including mammals
(Lynch et al., 1986). A delay in harvest is therefore likely to increase
aflatoxin incidence.
Some cultural practices are believed to promote pest outbreaks. For
460 Groundnut pests
instance, the development of irrigation systems in many areas of the semi-
arid tropics during the last 30 years has allowed farmers to extend their
operations beyond the rainy season. This unquestionably has had a major
positive impact on agricultural production. Unfortunately there are some
negative effects that would not have been anticipated by the planners. For
instance, Yadav (1981) notes the proliferation of white grub damage in
northern India where supplementary irrigation prevents soil drying out.
Desiccation and soil heating as a result of drought probably affect the grubs
more than groundnut plants.
Until perhaps 30 years ago, in southern India Spodoptera litura was
limited to being a pest of tobacco. It is presumed (Amin, 1988) that its
adaptation to groundnut and other crops in southern India was a result of
its being exposed to these erstwhile single season crops for more of the year
than was the norm under rainfed conditions. It is not unusual to see crops
at all stages of development from June to March. A short close season
(April to May) gives some respite, except in parts of Tamil Nadu where
groundnut is grown all through the year. Groundnut leaf miner and
Spodoptera litura are particular problems in these areas, as is Helicoverpa
armigera, which has only recently been recognized as another (induced)
pest of groundnut in southern India.
11.8.1 Resistance
One way of limiting the activity of such storage pests is to seek genotypes
with resistance factors in the shell. Entomologists have located such geno-
types and it is for others to decide whether to attempt to breed such traits
into commercial varieties.
The pyralids Plodia interpunctella (the Indian meal moth) and Cadra
cautella (the almond moth) are of particular concern in commercial and
farm stores in the south-eastern states of the USA. Kashyap and Campbell
(1990) tested 39 A. hypogaea hybrids (including established varieties) for
resistance to these species. They found, with a little variation, that breed-
ing line 1O-PlO-BI-BI-BI-BI-B2, variety NC 7 and entries with NC 343,
NC 2214 and NC 2232 in their parentage were among the most resistant to
both species. Assays were made of oviposition preference, larval develop-
ment and damage.
Advanced breeding lines have been screened for resistance to Caryedon
serratus (256 lines) and Corcyra cephalonica (306 lines) at ICRISAT
Center to discover whether a given line is likely to be more or less resistant
to storage pests (Mittal, Wightman and Dwivedi, unpublished). Most
varieties tested were neither particularly resistant nor susceptible to either
insect. Seventeen were more resistant than the most resistant control to
Caryedon serratus and 26 had resistance to Corcyra cephalonica.
Throughout this chapter we have indicated where there is scope for further
research activity and where significant progress has been made. We have
distinguished the need to set two kinds of priority - research and economic
- on the grounds that specific insects can remain of great (potential)
economic importance, even though researchers have provided all the
information (within the bounds of the current technology) needed to
manage them. Clearly, if and as the fruits of research become accepted as
on-farm practice, the economic status of an insect should diminish: vide
Aphis craccivora.
This is why we have divided the priority ranking of pests in Table 11.24
between economic and research. This table, which is presented as a basis
for thought stimulation, challenge and discussion, as much as for infor-
mation, indicates the need to pay considerably more attention to the soil
zone than it has been given in the past. A comparison of Table 11.24 (here)
with Table 6 in Smith and Barfield (1982) indicates where progress has
been made - for instance, in our understanding of thrips and their relation-
ship with groundnut management - and where recent research has unco-
vered the need to put emphasis in new directions, for instance white grubs.
Since Feakin completed the third edition of her comprehensive hand-
book in 1973, there has been a considerable consolidation in our knowl-
edge of groundnut insects. It is clear that, in the USA, groundnut IPM has
passed from the research to the implementation and extension phase.
Looking at the American scene from a long distance, there appears to be a
need for integration across political boundaries and deciding where com-
mon goals have been achieved, where voids in knowledge appear and who
can best fill them.
In less developed countries, it is possible to detect all levels of progress.
TABLE 11.24 Major groundnut pests of the world with an indication of their ranking in terms of the need to carry out research on them and
their economic importance in the relevant agroeconomic zones together with an indication of current and potential management solutions
Research Economic
Millipedes None ?
White grubs Insecticides (India) Resistant genes in Arachis spp.
None in Africa Slow release insecticide formulations
Cultural control
Termites None in Africa Resistance to scarification
Insecticides in Asia
Hilda None ?
Pod borers (wireworms, false
wireworms, doryline ants, earwigs) 2 None ?
Elasmopalpus lignosellus 2 Granular insecticides
Diabrotica 2 2 Insecticides Host plant resistance
White fringed weevil 2 2 ? ?
Miridae 1 2 None ?
Brazil 2 1 Insecticides Host plant resistance
as TSWV/BNV vectors 3 2 Host plant resistance Host plant resistance
Spodoptera litura 1 2 Insecticides (excess) Host-plant resistance, especially via wild spp. genes
Natural and cultural control via IPM
S. frugiperda and S. exigua 2 2 IPM via pheromone traps
monitoring (USA)
Heliothis zea 2 2 Potential for natural control plus cultural control to
obviate need for insecticide
Groundnut leaf miner Insecticides Host plant resistance, especially via wild species genes
IPM, including pheromone trap monitoring
Hairy caterpillars 2 2 Insecticides and cultural practices ?
Aphis craccivora 3 3 Cultural Host plant resistance
Jassids 3 3 Insecticides (if anything) Host plant resistance
Most of this chapter was compiled while J.A. Wightman was on sabbatical
leave and we thank Dr L.D. Swindale (Director General Emeritus) and Dr
J.G. Ryan (Director General) of ICRISAT for permitting the sabbatical
and also Dr J.G. Miller (Director General of the Queensland Department
of Primary Industries) and Professor Marcos Kogan (Director of the
Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University) for their
hospitality. Professors M.E. Irwin and Gail Kampmeier (Illinois Natural
History Survey) provided invaluable information, just as it was needed.
Special thanks go to Dr Robert Lynch (USDA, Georgia) for drawing our
attention to relevant sections of the literature and for providing un-
published information. We also thank Dr Ali Niazee (Oregon State
University) and Dr Lynch for their detailed comments on the manuscript.
We are aware that we have absorbed the thoughts and experience of
colleagues in many countries and embodied them perhaps rather tersely in
this manuscript: their anonymous contribution is duly acknowledged.
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The groundnut or peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is grown for its kernels,
the oil and meal derived from them, and the vegetative residue (haulms).
The kernels may be eaten raw, roasted or boiled, sometimes salted or
made into a paste popularly known as peanut (or groundnut) butter. The
tender leaves of the plant are used in certain parts of West Africa as a
vegetable in soups. In Senegal, one of the leading countries in the pro-
duction of groundnuts, roasting and selling of groundnuts are done by
women (Figure 12.1).
Groundnut oil is perhaps the most important product of the crop. At
present about 40% of the world crop is processed into oil, which has a
multitude of domestic and industrial applications. It may be used for
cooking, for margarines and vegetable ghee, for shortening in pastries and
bread, for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, as a lubricant and emul-
sion for insecticides, and as a fuel for diesel engines (Duke, 1981). The
press cake containing 40-50% protein is used mainly as a poultry feed.
Groundnut flour, produced from the cake, can be used for enhancing or
enriching the nutritive value of tuber flours that are low in protein, such as
cassava flour. The so-called 'Mysore Flour', which is a combination of 25
parts of groundnut flour and 75 parts of cassava flour and contains a protein
content of 12% , is utilized as a partial substitute for cereals in India. Also
in India, 'Paushtik atta', a blend of wheat flour, groundnut flour and
cassava flour, is used for the preparation of chapattis - an unleavened
The dry pericarp of the mature pods (known variously as shells or husks)
may be used as fuel, as a soil conditioner, as a filler in feeds and as a source
of furfural, or processed as a substitute for cork or hardboard, or com-
posted with the aid of lignin-decomposing bacteria (Adams and Hartzog,
1980). The haulms of the groundnut crop are reported to be nutritionally
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by J. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412 408201.
Utilization 481
comparable with grass hay and are used in many countries (Gibbons,
Groundnut or peanut butter is a comminuted food product prepared
from dry-roasted, clean, sound, mature groundnuts from which the seed
coat and germs (hearts) are removed, and to which salt, hydrogenated fat
and sometimes sugars, antioxidants and flavours are added. Peanut butter
is by far the most important product made from ground nuts in the United
States of America, consumption level reaching about 1.4 kg per person
(Zamula, 1985). While more than 90% of the groundnut butter is stabilized
with hydrogenated oil and antioxidants and consumed in homes or school
lunch rooms, the remainder is un stabilized and is used commercially in
confections, bakery goods, ice cream, breakfast cereals and in other minor
ways. Groundnut butter also enjoys considerable popularity outside the
United States. The countries in this respect include Canada, where con-
sumption level is 0.2 kg per person, The Netherlands, with a consumption
level of 0.16 kg per person and, to a lesser extent, the UK, France and
Germany (Wilson, 1975).
A substantial amount of groundnuts finds its way into candies and
confections. The characteristic flavour, crunchy texture and high protein
content render roasted groundnuts especially suitable for use in candies
and confectionery. Peanut candies and confections are considered to be the
482 Industrial utilization and processing
major growth area in groundnut consumption: 44.5% of chocolate bars and
3.7% of nut bars contain groundnuts (DEBS, 1984). Peanut candies and
confections encompass a wide variety of product types which include (but
are not limited to) nut roll candies, dragees, peanut brittles, peanut roll
bars and spun candy bars.
Groundnuts are consumed in large quantities in the salted form. Salted
groundnuts are shelled, roasted and salted to taste; they mayor may not be
Among the products that have not yet obtained wide popularity are
groundnut protein, groundnut milk, groundnut cheese, frozen boiled
groundnuts, groundnut bread and partially defatted groundnuts.
12.3.1 Harvesting
The timing of the groundnut picking or harvest is critical since it can
significantly affect the yields and nut quality. Groundnuts are best har-
vested or picked when the soil is dry enough to fall freely from the stems
and pods. However, if the soil is very dry and crusted many of the pods
may break off and remain in the soil. In ~ubsistence agriculture, harvesting
consists of either digging or pulling up the plant manually from the soil,
allowing the plant to wilt and then picking the pods from thc vines. On
large-scale farms, groundnuts are harvested by running a special groundnut
digger or wing-type plough below the surface and under the plants.
Commercial peanut combines are also available. These consist essen-
tially of a thresher, a pick-up feeder chute and an auxiliary engine. The
pick-up feeder chute is attached to the front, while a long bagging elevator
and a high bagging platform are fixed at the rear. The machine is powered
by an auxiliary engine. The speed of the pick-up cylinder in such combines
approximately equals the forward travel of the combine. The following
types of combine harvesters are generally in use on commercial farms.
- Self propelled
- Tractor-drawn, p.t.o. driven
- Tractor-drawn, auxiliary engine driven
- Mounted, auxiliary engine driven.
12.3.2 Stripping
The process of separating groundnut pods from the plant or haulm is
known as stripping, which may be accomplished manually or using mech-
anized means. Manual stripping, that is picking pod by pod, is time and
labour consuming although this operation results in good physical appear-
ance of the groundnuts (fewer pods with vine attached, and clean). The
stripping capacity of such a practice varies from 2 to 6 kg/man-hour. In
some areas farmers strip groundnuts by hitting or beating a handful of the
harvested plants against a stick placed on top of a container. This method
results in much higher stripping capacities - from S to about IS/kg
man-hour, depending upon the moisture content of the plant. The major
drawbacks associated with this method are high scattering loss and a
substantial amount of impurities.
Groundnuts may be stripped in a Drum Stripper, in which a handful of
groundnut plants are beaten over the rubber-covered rods of a revolving
drum. The output of this stripper is about 16 kg/man-hour.
Over the last decade a number of other designs of stripper have been
484 Industrial utilization and processing
developed and tested and found appropriate for small-scale and medium-
sized farms. These include:
- Engine-operated spike-tooth stripper consisting mainly of a rotating
cylinder provided with appropriately spaced spike teeth and a concave.
- Hold-on mechanical stripper in which groundnut plants are held against
stripping bars of a rotating cylinder until pods are detached.
- Manually operated paddle stripper/winnower. This unit consists of a
stripping cylinder and a drive mechanism (Figure 12.2). Stripping is done
by operating a foot on the paddle so that the stripping cylinder, which
has eight steel rods as stripping bars, rotates outwards from the
- Modified axial flow rice thresher. This consists of an upper concave with
fins, and a rotating drum. Material fed in at one end of the drum passes
along the drum as it is rotated, and is ejected at the other end. Stripping
occurs as the groundnut plant passes between a revolving cylinder and a
metal grate (concave), which covers part of the circumference of the
12.3.3 Drying
At the time of digging, groundnuts generally contain 35-60% moisture.
Until the moisture is reduced to below 10%, the nuts are prone to mould
attack, especially at warm temperatures and high humidity. Groundnuts
can be dried to about 8% in field stacks in 4-8 weeks and to 9% in
windrows in 1-2 weeks. Mechanical driers using heated air may be used.
The air should not be heated above 44 DC for groundnuts which are meant
for table stock; temperatures up to about 52 DC can be used if the nuts are
to be used for oil. On a continuous drier, with the groundnuts on the vines
placed 0.6 m deep, the best drying and quality are obtained by using an air
velocity of 0.30 mls at 30-32 DC. The major problem in drying groundnuts is
to prevent the splitting of the skin caused by rapid drying.
The storage temperature should be low. In general, the lower the tem-
perature, the longer the expected storage life of groundnuts, although no
critical temperature has been established at which groundnuts must be
held. Table 12.1 shows the relationship between temperature and the
length of time the nuts retain their edible quality. At about 21 DC shelled
groundnuts are susceptible to insect infestation, development of an 'amber'
colour, staling and rancidity. At about 8 DC insect development is arrested
and shelled nuts may be held for 6 months.
21 6 months 4 months
8.3 9 months 6 months
0 3 years 2 years
-4 7-8 years 5 years
-12 15 years 10 years
The relative humidity should be between 65% and 70% . High moisture in
groundnuts is reported as being possibly the cause of more deterioration
than any other single factor. Above 70% humidity, groundnuts are likely
486 Industrial utilization and processing
to develop mould. Below 65%, the nuts lose weight, become brittle and
may split during handling.
The atmosphere in the store should be free of odours and flavours and
well aerated. Loss of natural flavour of groundnuts increases with temp-
erature and, likewise, absorption of foreign flavour increases with
Figure 12.3 Motorized rubber tyre sheller (Khon Kaen University/IDRC, 1987).
I - - -...
·~I Sorting I·[ Dry-ro:ng-- • l...-.-------r------'
Cleaning Separating by
White Colour Colour
gravity table Blanching
by screens roasting sorting sorting
or cyclone
A) Enrobing
Whipping Extrusion with chocolate
Boiling EIrIttIe: Cooling
Sugar/gum arabic
Coating Drying Packaging
Nougat ] I --...:B_ri_ttl_e_
Defects or
Separating by undesirables
gravity table or
Un blanched and
defect nuts
nut enrobing
where W is the oil yield (in weight %), C is a constant for the type of oil
seed (units consistent with unit analysis), Wo is the oil content of the seed
(in weight %), P is the pressure (in MPa), t is the pressing time (in hours),
v is the kinematic viscosity of the oil at press temperature (in m2/s) and Z is
the exponent of kinematic viscosity varying from % to liz. For groundnuts:
C, Wo and Z values are respectively 19.4*103 ; 51.9; 113. For anyone
oilseed there is an optimum range of moisture content for maximum oil
yield, from 5% to 13% (dry basis).
Press packet
Intermediate layers
Press floor
for adjusting choke
Drive shaft
Cake bars
Oil receiver
'Crude Oil' Bleaching
(for salad oil)
(for shortening and margarine)
12.9.3 Filtration
Filtration is a unit operation designed to separate, by means of a porous
medium or screen, solids from liquids or liquids from liquids. Filtration is
involved in many branches of the food industry, such as the making of fruit
juices, vegetable oils, alcohol, sugar and beverages.
Filtration is accomplished by a filter medium through which a slurry is
Oil expression 503
separated into solids and liquid by means of gravity, pressure, or vacuum.
In the food industry the liquid is normally the valued or desired constituent
and the solids are the undesirables.
For the filtration of ground nut oil, a filter press is generally used. It is
made in two main forms: the plate and frame press, and the recessed plate
or chamber press (Figure 12.11).
The plate and frame press consists of plates and frames arranged alter-
nately and supported on a pair of rails. The plate has a ribbed surface and
the edge stands slightly higher. The hollow frame is separated from the
plate by the filter cloth, and the press is closed either by means of a hand
screw or hydraulically; minimum pressure should be used in order to
reduce wear on the cloths. A chamber is in this way formed between each
pair of successive plates, (Figure 12.12). The oil to be filtered or clarified is
introduced through a port in each frame and the filtrate passes through the
cloth on each side so that two cakes are formed simultaneously in each
chamber, and these join when the frame is full. The filtered oil drains into
passages at the base of the plate and from there it is collected. In many
filter presses, provision is made for steam heating so that the viscosity of
the filtrate is reduced and a higher rate of filtration obtained.
The chamber press is similar to the plate and frame type, except that the
use of frames is obviated by recessing the ribbed surface of the plates so
that the individual filter chambers are formed between successive plates. In
this type of press, therefore, the thickness of the cake cannot be varied.
The feed channel usually differs from that used on the plate and frame
press. All the chambers are connected by means of a hole in the centre of
each plate and the cloths are secured in position by means of screwed
unions. Slurries containing relatively large solid particles can readily be
handled in this type of press without fear of blocking the feed channels.
For filtering vegetable oils, the filter press has several advantages:
- Owing to its simplicity, it is versatile and may be used for a wide range of
materials under varying operating conditions of cake thickness and
- Maintenance is low.
- It provides a large filtering area on a small floor space.
- Most joints are external and leakage is easily detected.
- High pressures are easily obtained.
- It is equally suitable whether the cake or the liquid is the main or the
desired product.
Figure 12.11 Filter press (a, filter elements; ab tail plate; a2, head plate; b, screw; c, hand wheel; d, tension rod; e,
press frame; f, stand; g, inlet; h, outlet; i, filter cloths). (Ulrich, 1967.)
Conclusions 505
Oil inlet
Chamber press
Filter plate
Filter cloth
Frame press
I"- '/
Figure 12.12 Filter elements of a chamber press and a frame press (Ulrich, 1967).
Groundnuts, for many years to come, will continue to occupy the status of
both a nutritious food and a profitable cash crop. At present, groundnut
crops are grown mainly for their kernels and the oil and the meal derived
from them. The full potential of the crop has yet to be utilized. There exists
great scope for processing the shells for economically useful purposes such
as in the manufacture of activated charcoal, biogas, alcohol, extender
resins, cork substitute and hardboards. The manufacture of adhesive glues,
fire-extinguishing liquid and water-resistant powder from groundnut press
cake has not yet been commercially exploited.
Against the background of the campaign for 'natural' and 'healthy'
506 Industrial utilization and processing
foods, partially defatted groundnut foods are becoming popular and will
assume greater importance in the years ahead. Groundnut flours may
contain 55-60% protein, minerals and vitamins and some carbohydrates.
However, they are much lower in their content of the gas-forming oligosac-
charides than are, for instance, soybean and cottonseed defatted flours.
Despite their relatively low nutritional value because of their low levels of
lysine, threonine and methionine, groundnut proteins have unique func-
tional properties such as low solution viscosity at relatively high concen-
trations (5-10%), good compatibility with bread dough systems, white
colour and bland flavour. In view of the above, opportunities exist for the
food industry (using extrusion texturization) to manufacture defatted
groundnut flours, groundnut protein isolates and concentrates as well as a
wide range of food products which might include vitamin-fortified infant
food, precooked dehydrated foods, groundnut bread, groundnut cheese
and groundnut milk through the extraction process. In particular, textur-
ized ground nut protein can provide an excellent yet economical substitute
for expensive animal protein needed to meet the short-term and long-term
requirements of nutritional improvement. The short-term nutritional
improvement target for Africa, for example, requires an increase in the
consumption of protein of high biological value from 11 g to 18 g per capita
per day, while the long-term target calls for an increase to 25 g per capita
per day.
The future pattern of industrial use of the groundnut crop will generally
differ from the more industrialized to the less industrialized groundnut-
producing countries. Most of the less industrialized countries have central-
ized large-scale processing facilities where groundnut oil and oil cake are
produced from the kernels. These are invariably located in urban areas, far
from the rural growing areas. In many instances the countries do not
produce enough oil to satisfy their domestic markets. In such circum-
stances, it is usually the rural areas where the deficits occur, because of the
difficulties and costs of transportation and distribution. The development
and introduction of technologies for groundnut processing on a small or
medium scale suitable for use in rural areas would help alleviate this
This concept, which is beginning to take firm root in a number of
countries, should be viewed as more than a technical solution to the need
to enhance the nutritional status of people in rural areas. It should also be
seen as a promoter of the overall development of rural areas - offering the
prospect of creating rural employment, adding value to agricultural pro-
duction, developing local engineering expertise and providing skills necess-
ary for rural agro-industrial development. With income growth,
urbanization and the need to satisfy the nutritional requirements of both
human and animal populations, more effort is expected to be put in
augmenting production as well as increasing the efficiency of post-
production activities such as threshing, shelling, storage and expelling.
Conclusions 507
In the more industrialized countries, where relevant resources are avail-
able, the emphasis is likely to be placed more on the use of biotechnology
for enhanced utilization of the groundnut crop.
The advent of biotechnology brings with it challenges and opportunities
for the groundnut crop. Biotechnology will have an impact on the future
pattern of industrial utilization of groundnut on at least three different
• The development of more efficient techniques and the enzymatic
modification of groundnut oil, such as fractioning, modifying and
transferring fatty acids.
• The development of plant biotechnology.
• The microbial production of oils and fatty acids.
These three factors will lead to more flexibility in the supply and use of the
groundnut and its oil. Also, as groundnut protein lacks essential amino
acids like lysine and methionine, biotechnological research is likely to be
carried out in order to improve the content of these amino acids. This again
will expand the range of products which can be made from the crop.
In general biotechnological research on improvement of groundnut
varieties will seek to improve yield and adaptation, enhance oil quantity,
modify oil quality, and improve quantitatively and qualitatively changes in
meal protein. However, the extent of utilization of future biotechnological
research results will depend not only upon the biological characteristics of
the crop but also on the socio-economic structure of production. The more
established, large-scale groundnut growers in countries like the USA,
Brazil, Argentina, India and China are expected to be more receptive to
new high-technology inputs for production and processing. Small, less
established growers, on the other hand, due to their very limited resources
and inadequate facilities, are not likely to be able to exploit quickly and
fully the benefits that biotechnology might bring.
With biotechnology research on other oilseed crops gaining momentum,
it is uncertain what the demand for specific oil/protein crops and their
products will be in future. But what is almost certain is that improvements
in curing, storage, breeding and aflatoxin elimination will lead, in a
measurable degree, to the use of more efficient known processing techno-
logies, and also 'new' technologies such as enzymatic processing, extrusion
texturization and biofermentation - and hence to additional and new
groundnut products. Globally, it is suggested that consumption and indus-
trial utilization of the groundnut crop will increase in future, partly due to
the expected increase in consumption of ready-to-eat groundnut products
in the former Eastern Bloc countries, including the former Soviet
Groundnuts still have much to contribute to the food and industrial
requirements of the world whether the need be for calories, proteins, fats,
vitamins or cellulose. The science of biotechnology, which itself is experi-
508 Industrial utilization and processing
encing a revolution, has the potential to precipitate a revolution in the
production of the groundnut crop and in its industrial and domestic
The four different aflatoxins are produced in widely varying amounts and
proportions depending on the genetic capabilities of the fungus, the plant
variety and the environmental conditions (Goldblatt, 1971; Jarvis, 1971;
Schindler et al., 1967; DiProssimo, 1976). The toxigenic strains generally
produce only two or three aflatoxins under any given set of conditions.
AFB1 is always produced; AFG1 is produced by the oxidation of AFBl.
AFB2 and AFG2 are only ever produced in small amounts. They were
originally thought to be produced from their respective precursors, AFBI
and AFGl. Yabe etal. (1988) showed AFB1 and AFG1 to be formed from
different precursors to those required for AFB2 and AFG2 production.
Moisture, either as kernel moisture content (KMC) or relative humidity,
has been shown to be the most important environmental parameter in the
production of aflatoxin, followed closely by temperature. Different opti-
mum temperatures have been shown for both the growth of the fungus and
aflatoxin production, including changes in the ratio of AFB 1 to AFG 1
(Jarvis, 1971). Trace elements, particularly zinc, are also required for
growth and sporulation of fungus, as well as for toxin production (Tupule,
1969). A toxigenic strain utilizes lipids in the biosynthesis of aflatoxin by
methyltransferase and oxidoreductase enzymes (Yabe et al., 1988). A zinc
Pre harvest contamination 511
or copper deficiency thus causes an accumulation of lipid in toxigenic
strains, rather than the synthesis of aflatoxin (Denning, 1987).
The competitive growth of fungi is reported to result in lower toxicities.
Several studies (Joffe, 1969; Jarvis, 1971; Tsubouchi et al., 1983) have
shown non-aflatoxin-producing A. flavus, A. niger, Rhizopus spp. and
strains of Nocardia to degrade aflatoxin. Nakazato et al. (1990) have now
shown that non-aflatoxin-producing fungi also have the ability to reconvert
aflatoxicol to AFBl.
In the USA, Canada, New Zealand and many European countries, regu-
lations are applied to aflatoxin levels in imported groundnuts (Van
Egmond, 1989). Most have declared a tolerance level of 5 f.Lg/kg for
aflatoxin Bl and 5-20 f.Lg/kg for total aflatoxin in foods. A study in
Czechoslovakia by Fukal et al. (1987) showed only 1.9% of the samples
tested for aflatoxin gave a value above 5 f.Lg/kg. No real difference between
raw and roasted groundnuts was seen in this study. A survey in Norway by
Yndestad and Underdal (1975) showed that 17.5% of groundnuts tested
contained between 2 and 400 f.Lg/kg aflatoxin but most were at the lower
end of the range. A 6-year study in Canada carried out by Gelda and Luyt
Presence in foodstuffs 515
(1977) showed that 90.1 % of groundnuts and groundnut products had total
levels of aflatoxin <5 j.Lg/kg. In New Zealand, Stanton (1977) found afla-
toxin Bllevels ranged from 5 to 6 j.Lg/kg in two of 16 samples of imported
groundnuts. However, a further 57 outwardly clean nuts from one sample
developed A. fiavus and A. niger when incubated in agar, which demon-
strated the potential for toxin contamination during incorrect storage. The
screening of groundnuts certified aflatoxin-free from the country of origin
and imported in bulk into Trinidad showed aflatoxin levels to be <15 j.Lg/kg
(Chang-Yen and Felmine, 1987).
A study by Lim and Yeap (1966) showed one third of groundnut samples
imported into Malaysia to be contaminated with aflatoxin G 1, with no
aflatoxin Bl being detected. This raises an interesting observation. If
interpretation of the presence of aflatoxin is based solely on AFBllevels,
these samples would have been assessed as being aflatoxin free. In terms
of oral toxicity this could be significant; the oral toxicity of AFBI
(0.35 mg/kg) is only 2.9 times higher than AFG 1 (1.0 mg/kg). In contrast,
an interesting study by Strzelecki et al. (1990) assessed the occurrence of
aflatoxins in groundnut meal imported into Poland from a number of
groundnut-producing countries (mainly India and Brazil) over an 8-year
period. They found the mean contamination by AFB2, G 1 and G2 to be
9.3% of the four main aflatoxins and their toxicity to be equal to 2% of
AFB1. These experiments suggest that measuring the AFBI levels in
samples would be just as reliable, as well as being more rapid, easier and
cheaper than measuring the full range of aflatoxins.
In those countries where groundnuts and groundnut products arc locally
grown and produced, and import regulations do not apply, the biological
risk of exposure to aflatoxins is much higher owing to potentially much
higher levels of contamination. Varsavsky and Sommer (1977) reported
AFB 1 contamination in 13.1 % of samples grown and assayed over a two
year period in Argentina, with highest levels reported in the 100-1000 j.Lg/
kg range. Keen and Martin (1971) compared samples of stored groundnuts
in Swaziland and found 26% of those from rural areas to contain afla-
toxins, whereas those stored in agricultural stations were aflatoxin free
despite the presence of A. fiavus in 7.6% of samples. They attributed
the large difference in contamination to differences in storage containers
and methods of storage. Different storage practices between Fiji and
Tonga were reflected when 50% of Fijian samples were shown to be
contaminated, compared with 9% of those from Tonga (Lovelace and
Aalbersberg, 1989).
Groundnut products such as cake, meal and pellets, produced by expel-
ling oil from groundnut kernels, can be consumed locally and used in the
preparation of animal and poultry feeds. They can also contain high levels
of aflatoxin (Abalaka and Elegbede, 1982; Akano and Atanda, 1990; Lim
and Yeap, 1966; Natarajan et al., 1975a; Strzelecki and Cader-Strzelecka,
1988). Once these toxins enter the food chain, there is the potential for
516 Mycotoxins in groundnuts - aflatoxin
secondary transmission. Eggs do not appear to contain detectable levels of
aflatoxin, even when the pullets are fed contaminated meal (Allcroft and
Carnaghan, 1963). Coker (1979) showed laying hens to excrete 70% of a
dose of AFB1, which means that <30% is passed into the eggs. Platonow
and Beauregard (1965) failed to show any significant changes in the tissues
of ferrets fed meat from chickens raised on diet containing aflatoxin. Liver
from an infected cow showed no toxicity (Alleroft and Carnaghan, 1962)
but AFM1 has been found in the liver and kidney of sheep (Reed and
Kasali, 1989). AFM1, a hydroxylated metabolite of AFB 1, has also been
found consistently in the milk of lactating animals exposed to dietary AFB1
(de longh et at., 1964; Fehr et at., 1968; Ferrando et at., 1984). This
metabolite appears 12-14 hours after ingestion of AFB1 and remains
constant throughout the feeding period, disappearing 3-4 days after the
removal of the contaminated food (Allcroft and Roberts, 1968). AFM1 has
almost identical toxicity to AFB1 but is 10 times less carcinogenic (Cullen
et at., 1987; Groopman et at., 1988; Strzelecki et at., 1990). It is recognized
as a potential health hazard and permitted levels are subject to legislation
in many countries. In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration has set
a practical action guideline of 0.5 Jl.g/kg aflatoxin M1 for fluid milk. The
major control is achieved through the regulation of AFB1 content of
animal feed.
Another commodity being utilized increasingly in animal feed is ground-
nut hulls. Sanders et at. (1984) showed that inoculated hulls can support the
growth of the fungus but not the production of aflatoxin. They also noted
that, when contamination was found in hulls from groundnuts, they were
more likely to have been machine-hulled. Hulls from the same samples
obtained by hand-shelling contained no detectable aflatoxin. This suggests
that damaged kernels or small groundnuts were being mixed with the hulls
in the machine-shelling process. Even so, they concluded that the risk
associated with the use of groundnut hulls in animal feed would be rela-
tively low.
A number of studies have been carried out on the occurrence and effect
of aflatoxins in cooking oils. In many countries unrefined ground nut oil is
consumed almost on a daily basis. For example, Fong et al. (1980) reported
that 90% of Chinese households in Hong Kong repeatedly reuse groundnut
oil for daily cooking. Studies have also shown that crude oil obtained by
hydraulic pressing contains a much higher aflatoxin content than that
obtained by solvent extraction (Parker and Melnick, 1966). Correct re-
fining of ground nut oil should give a product free of aflatoxin, regardless of
the quality of groundnuts used. The finding of aflatoxin B11evels as high as
9 Jl.g/kg in refined groundnut oil in Nigeria (Abalaka and Elegbede, 1982)
therefore gives cause for concern.
Fong's study (1980) showed aflatoxin concentrations ranging from 95 to
1055 Jl.g/kg in 10 samples of oil-grade groundnuts tested (obtained from
local markets in Hong Kong and presumably the small and immature
The chemistry and metabolism of aflatoxin 517
seeds); three oil samples had levels ranging from 98 to 150 J.1g/kg. This
correlates with a study by Dwarakanath et al. (1969) in India. They assayed
the aflatoxin content in unrefined oils prepared from freshly harvested nuts
and from those stored for 6 months and found similar levels (100 J.1g/kg and
140 J.1g/kg respectively). Another Indian study by Sarnaik et al. (1988)
showed the presence of toxigenic A. fiavus strains in five of 26 oil samples
tested. Included in this were seven samples of refined oil which showed no
contamination by A. fiavus, toxigenic or otherwise. Unfortunately this
group did not report aflatoxin levels in the contaminated samples; how-
ever, they did demonstrate that the toxin must be present in the oil seed,
by the inability of A. fiavus group fungi to produce aflatoxin in samples of
sterile oil. This indicates that the level of aflatoxin in the oil samples is
directly related to the level of contamination in the groundnuts used to
produce the oil.
The cumulative effects of the daily ingestion of small amounts of afla-
toxin on the organs of the body is not known, but the incidence of
hepatocarcinoma in humans shows a trend in parallel with aflatoxin B1
consumption in certain areas of the world. Fong et al. ( 1980) demonstrated
mutagenicity in unrefined oil, related mainly to AFB1 content.
Dwarakanath et al. (1969) found that the weight of oil absorbed by food
fried in contaminated oil increased with the weight of the food; corre-
spondingly the quantity of toxin in the food increased. However, studies
also showed that repeated cooking with the oil decreased the aflatoxin
content; e.g. heating contaminated oil at 120°C for 10 minutes resulted in a
50% destruction of the aflatoxin content. Maximum destruction of toxin
occurred in 20 minutes at 150 0c. A higher heating temperature was
needed, rather than heating longer at this temperature, to further reduce
1~ 1~
aflatoxin 81
aflatoxin B2
aflatoxin 82a
o 0 3
aflatoxi n G 1
aflatoxin G2
aflatoxin 82a
o 0
9H (1J
aflatoxin M2
aflatoxin PI
aflatoxin 01
! 0 o 0
13.8.1 Kwashiorkor
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is implicated in increased susceptibility
to aflatoxin by reducing the levels of cytochrome P-450 and therefore
microsomal hydroxylation of aflatoxin in the liver (McLean and Marshall,
1971). In humans PEM is divided into two main groups: marasmus and
kwashiorkor. Marasmus is due to chronic near-starvation. Kwashiorkor
has an obscure pathogenesis; it is characterized by hypoalbuminaemia,
fatty liver and immunosuppression, and is thought to be due to the
deprivation of protein in the presence of adequate calorie intake (Anon.,
1984). These metabolic and pathological consequences of kwashiorkor
closely resemble those of aflatoxin ingestion. The occurrence of kwashior-
kor also closely mirrors the geographical and seasonal prevalence of afla-
toxin contamination in foodstuffs.
Aflatoxin is not thought to be responsible for initiating kwashiorkor. It is
possible that a zinc deficiency, which becomes limiting before a protein
deficiency, precipitates the condition by interfering with protein and nu-
cleic acid synthesis. This is supported by the observation that in many cases
the liver seems to suffer little pathological damage and responds well
to zinc therapy (Golden and Golden, 1981). The ingestion of aflatoxin
could exacerbate the problem; the inability of the malnourished liver to
526 Mycotoxins in ground nuts - aflatoxin
metabolize it could lead to the more severe liver lesions occasionally seen
in children with kwashiorkor.
Breast-milk analyses have shown atlatoxins in >30% of samples, which
can account for wholly breast-fed babies showing signs of kwashiorkor
(Hendrickse, 1988). In these babies the reduced ability of the liver to
synthesize albumin could predispose them towards the kwashiorkor end of
protein energy malnutrition. Aflatoxin ingestion can be the final insult that
precipitates the child into kwashiorkor. It is also postulated that aflatoxin
causes a dose-related suppression of immune function, which would make
these children even more susceptible to infectious disease mortality (Den-
ning, 1987).
Serum measurements in children showed that aflatoxin was present more
often and in higher concentrations in children with kwashiorkor than in
those with marasmus or controls (Hendrickse et al., 1982). They also found
AFB 1 or aflatoxicol in all the autopsy liver samples they obtained from
children dying from kwashiorkor and never from those dying of other
causes. It could be argued that this is the result of greater exposure to
aflatoxin in these children but two other results have to be taken into
account. While urinary metabolites were detected most often in samples
from kwashiorkor patients, the concentrations were lower than in other
groups. Aflatoxicol, a metabolic product of AFB1 that can be converted
back to AFB1, was detected only recently in the sera of children with
kwashiorkor. This suggests a difference in metabolism in these children,
possibly linked to an inability to transport and excrete the aflatoxin
(Hendrickse, 1988). A recent study by de Vries et al. (1990) supports this
theory, and also shows that large amounts of aflatoxins can accumulate in
the body tissue of these children. Their study also suggests that the
metabolic fate of aflatoxin in children with kwashiorkor may differ from
those with marasmic kwashiorkor.
13.8.2 Cirrhosis
There is a high prevalence of childhood hepatic cirrhosis in certain parts of
India which peaks at 3 years of age (Tupule, 1969; Amlaetal., 1971). It has
been directly linked (via breast-milk studies) with Indian mothers of
cirrhotic children eating aflatoxin-contaminated foodstuffs (Robinson,
1967). Liver biopsies taken from Indian children with cirrhosis at different
stages of severity have revealed varying degrees of cell destruction,
fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration and regenerating nodules (Tupule,
1969). The presence of aflatoxin metabolites was also shown in the urine of
these children. Amla et al. (1971) implicated aflatoxin as a cause when they
showed that Indian children suffering from kwashiorkor, inadvertently
treated with an aflatoxin-containing diet «30 fLg/kg daily), went on to
develop cirrhosis. The hepatic lesions noted had a direct correlation with
duration of toxin ingestion, which ranged from 5 days to 4 weeks. Despite
Aflatoxin and human disease 527
this direct link with aflatoxin ingestion, studies of urine from cirrhotic
children have been inconclusive; similar levels of AFB1 have been found in
both subjects and controls (Amla et al., 1970; Yadgiri et al., 1970). This
would support the theory that childhood hepatic cirrhosis has a multifac-
torial aetiology (Coady, 1976).
13.9.1 Sampling
The difficulties in obtaining a representative sample of ground nuts for
aflatoxin analysis have been established. Aflatoxin is not a natural constitu-
ent of ground nut tissue, and is present only in a proportion of kernels. In a
sample of groundnuts with a high average content of aflatoxin, only a small
fraction may be contaminated. Even these few groundnuts may have
varying levels of aflatoxin, which makes representative sampling more
difficult (Allcroft and Raymond, 1966; Cucullu et ai., 1966; Gardner et ai.,
1968). For a given aflatoxin concentration, the proportion of lots accepted
by any testing plan is dependent on the sample size, subsample size,
number of analyses, method of sample preparation and acceptable level.
The acceptable level is defined as the highest aflatoxin test result allowed
for a lot to be accepted (Whitaker and Dickens, 1989). Some countries
have a zero tolerance, which is in practice the limit of detection by the
analytical method employed (Van Egmond, 1989).
The negative binomial distribution has been used for estimating the
probabilities associated with sampling lots of shelled groundnuts for afla-
toxin analysis (Whitaker et ai., 1972). It is characterized by a continuous
decrease in the probability of finding a groundnut with increasing amount
of aflatoxin (Whitaker et ai., 1985). This model has a property which
enables distribution to be inferred for different sample sizes. However, this
property applies only if all the variability may be attributed to sampling,
i.e. variability due to subsampling and analysis may undermine the value
of the model (Brown, 1984). With the large sample sizes (three 22 kg
samples) and the high acceptance levels permitted in the USA (25 fLg/kg
total), the choice of statistical distribution model is not very important.
The tolerance accepted in Europe is much lower (1-5 fLg/kg). This, com-
bined with a small sample, can be unfavourable to the consumer, as the
chance of detecting a lot with a mean concentration greatly above the
tolerance limit will be very small (Knutti and Schlatter, 1982; Whitaker and
Dickens, 1989). The amount of sample necessary is inversely related to the
parts per billion (fLg/kg) aflatoxins (Cucullu et ai., 1966).
The particle size of the product being sampled is also a factor in
detecting the true level of the contamination present (Waltking, 1980). A
single groundnut can be severed into fewer than 50 particles to make
chunky groundnut butter. The same groundnut can be divided into more
530 Mycotoxins in groundnuts - aflatoxin
than 300 million particles to make the creamy-style product. In the latter,
there is a high probability of there being a uniform aflatoxin concentration
(if present) which does not apply to the former.
In the past, the fairly high levels of aflatoxin often found in groundnut
meals restricted their use as a protein source in many animal diets. The
alternative was to divert this meal to fertilizer, which grossly underutilized
this valuable source of protein. Nowadays groundnuts are gaining even
more importance as a source of low-cost protein in the human diet,
especially in developing countries where aflatoxin contamination is most
severe. This stresses the need to eliminate or remove aflatoxins from
contaminated groundnuts.
Ideally the best control method is prevention - encouraging good farm
management in cultivation and storage practices. However, damage and
contamination still occur, which has led to various methods being
employed in the attempt to eliminate or lower the contamination to
acceptable levels for human and animal consumption. Aflatoxins have
proved to be highly resistant to various physical and chemical treatments.
A problem arises with the processing of the kernels into a variety of
products, e.g. oil, press and expeller cake (containing some residual oil)
and meal (solvent-extracted, therefore containing low oil levels). This
536 Mycotoxins in groundnuts - aflatoxin
means that a particular method may be severely restricted by the nature of
the product to be detoxified (Feuell, 1966).
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Tsubouchi, H., Yamamoto, K., Hisada, K. and Sakabe, Y. (1983) Degradation of aflatoxins
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Tupule, P.G. (1969) Aflatoxicosis. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 57(8),102-114.
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Van Dyck, P.l., Tobback, P., Feys, M. and van de Voorde, H. (1982) Sensitivity of aflatoxin
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References 551
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AOAC Method II. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 69(3),
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Groundnut breeding
T.G. Isleib~ Ie. Wynne and S.N. Nigam
Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) are grown throughout the tropical and
warm temperate regions of the world, with commercial production princi-
pally between latitudes 40° Nand 40° S. Leading producing nations are
India (33.4% of global production), China (27.8%), USA (9.3%), Senegal
(4.2%), Indonesia (4.2%), Nigeria (3.3%), Myanmar (3.0%), Sudan
(2.7%) and Argentina (2.0%). Clearly, the crop is grown in several
agroecological systems and under numerous socioeconomic environments.
Yield of groundnuts is often low due to diseases and insects, unpredictable
and variable rainfall, inability to apply improved agronomic practices and
production technology, lack of cultivars adapted to local conditions, low
financial inputs, lack of small-scale farm implements, and lack of the
infrastructure required to supply quality seed of improved cultivars (Nigam
et al., 1991).
The primary objectives of groundnut breeders are to develop cultivars
with high yield potential, adaptation to specific environments and pro-
duction systems, resistance or tolerance to environmental stresses and
resistance to diseases and insects. Because groundnuts are grown under
many different cropping systems across a wide array of agroecological
conditions, the specific objectives of breeding programmes vary consider-
ably. Breeding is a continuing process as the crop is introduced to new
environments and production systems, as market demands change, and as
disease and insect pest populations shift in reaction to deployment of new
cultivars. As the primary constraints to production are overcome by new
cultivars and production practices, breeding for improved flavour and
quality desired by processors and consumers becomes more important
(B unting et al., 1985).
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by 1. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0412408201.
Variability in groundnut germplasm 553
TABLE 14.1 Botanical division of A. hypogaea L.
Florigiant Virginia 0.3% (1.9% ) 25% Small White Spanish 3x-2 37.5%
12.5% Spanish 18-38
NC2 Virginia 0% 25% Spanish 18-38 25%
NC5 Virginia 0% 25% Improved Spanish 2B 25%
NC6 Virginia 1.3% (8.0% ) 0%
NC7 Virginia 5.2% (33.4%) 6.25% Improved Spanish 2B 43.75%
25% Small White Spanish 3x-2
12.5% Spanish 18-38
NC9 Virginia 3.6% (23.0%) 12.5% Small White Spanish 3x-2 31.25%
18.75% Spanish 18-38
NC lOC Virginia 2.2% (13.9%) 6.25% Improved Spanish 2B 37.5%
18.75% Small White Spanish 3x-2
12.5% Spanish 18-38
NC-Vll Virginia 3.0% (19.1%) 6.25% Improved Spanish 2B 50%
12.5% Small White Spanish 3x-2
6.25% Spanish 18-38
25% PI 337396 (var. JastigiataI)
VA-C 92R Virginia 0% 6.25% Improved Spanish 2B 28.125%
(New release) 12.5% Small White Spanish 3x-2
9.375% Spanish 18-38
[Proportion of total area certified and (in parentheses) proportion of market class area certified.
558 Groundnut breeding
is commonly used as a criterion for release of new cultivars in the USA
with high values viewed as desirable by the groundnut industry. It is
interesting to note that this demand for mono- rather than di-unsaturated
fat in groundnut contradicts the general demand for less saturated oils in
components of human diets. Norden et al. (1987) reported a groundnut
variant with an extremely high OIL ratio greater than 30. Moore and
Knauft (1989) determined that this trait was governed by two recessive
genes and is therefore easily transferable to existing cultivars through
Recently, concern over the high contribution of fats to daily caloric
intake by the populations of industrialized nations has created demand for
low- or reduced-fat foods. The range of oil content in cultivars in the USA
is 43.6-55.5% (Norden et al., 1982). Among over 6000 groundnut acces-
sions evaluated at ICRISAT, the range was 31.8-55.0% (ICRISAT, per-
sonal communication). This range is too high to permit reference to
groundnut, even at the lower extreme of the distribution of fat contents, as
a low-fat food, but it is clear that selection for reduced oil content should
be effective.
Disease score 2
ICG No. Identity Botanical variety Seed colour Origin Rust Late leaf spot
Disease score 2
leG No. 1 Identity Botanical variety Seed colour Origin Rust Late leaf spot
Disease reaction 1
1 Mean of 3 plots, each 2 4-m rows, rated on a 1-9 scale where l=no disease and 9=50-100%
foliar destruction.
2 Standard error and CV calculated on the basis of all 500 genotypes tested.
14.2.4 Aflatoxin
Environment and cultural practices can make groundnut plants and seeds
prone to invasion by toxigenic species of Aspergillus (A. flavus and A.
parasiticus) - discussed also in Chapters 10 and 13. Seeds may be contami-
nated with aflatoxin before harvest, during post-harvest curing and drying,
or during storage. In some regions the problem develops predominantly
post-harvest while in others it is largely a preharvest phenomenon. Several
recommendations have been made regarding cultural practices, curing and
drying procedures, and storage conditions to minimize seed invasion by A.
flavus. However, these recommendations have not been widely adopted in
developing nations where groundnut production is subject to the vagaries
of the weather.
Aflatoxin contamination was considered a post-harvest problem and
received little attention in breeding programmes until it was reported by
Mixon and Rogers (1973) that two germplasm lines, PI 337409 and PI
337394F, were resistant to seed invasion and colonization by A. flavus.
Their screening method used rehydrated, sound, mature seeds inoculated
artificially with A. flavus conidia in an environment favourable to fungal
growth. They suggested that this resistance to invasion and colonization to
A. flavus, associated with the seed coat, could be an effective means of
preventing aflatoxin contamination. Varietal resistance to aflatoxin pro-
Variability in groundnut germplasm 569
duction in groundnut seed also was reported by others (Rao and Tulpule,
1967; Kulkarni et al., 1967). These findings stimulated further research on
varietal resistance in several countries.
Resistance to A. flavus in groundnut may operate at three sites in the
plant: the pod, the seed coat and the cotyledons. Genetic variation in pod
resistance to A. flavus has been attributed to differences in pod-shell
structure (Zambetakkis et al., 1981), presence of antagonistic microflora in
the shell (Kushalappa et al., 1979; Mixon, 1980), and the presence of thick-
walled parenchyma cells (Pettit et al., 1977). Field screening for pod
resistance has been limited somewhat due to the problem of consistently
reproducing the environmental conditions required to promote infection.
Infection of seeds from the field may be assessed by surface sterilizing
seeds from mature intact pods and then incubating them under conditions
conducive to fungal growth. Disease reaction is typically expressed as the
percentage of seeds exhibiting colonization.
Seed-coat resistance has also been associated with different character-
istics such as the compact arrangement of testa cells and small hilum with
little exposure of parenchyma cells (Taber et al., 1973), waxes deposited on
the testa (LaPrade et al., 1973), 5,7-dimethoxyisoflavone (Turner et al.,
1975), tannin (Sanders and Mixon, 1978; Lansden, 1982; Karchesy and
Hemingway, 1986), and total soluble amino compounds and arabinose
content (Amaya et al., 1980). However, Jambunathan et al. (1989) did not
find significant correlation between seed colonization and polyphenol con-
tent in seed coat. Procedures for assay of in vitro seed colonization by A.
flavus (IVSCAF) utilize artificial inoculation to ensure uniform exposure of
seeds to the pathogen. Sound mature seeds from intact, dried pods are
surface sterilized, imbibed, and inoculated with a conidial suspension of a
toxigenic strain of A. flavus or A. parasiticus, then incubated to promote
mycelial growth (Mixon and Rogers, 1973; Mehan et al., 1981).
Many sources of resistance have now been reported for preharvest seed
infection, in vitro seed colonization and aflatoxin production (Table 14.5).
These include PI 337409, PI 337394F, UF 71513, J 11, Ah 7223, U-4-47-7,
55-437, and 73-30 for preharvest field infection and colonization and
aflatoxin production. J 11 is grown commercially in India, as are 55-437 and
73-70 in Senegal and other West African nations. Three lines with resist-
ance to IVSCAF (PI 337394F, PI 337409 and J 11) have been evaluated in
more than one country. J 11 exhibited resistance to seed infection in India
and the USA. PI 337409 was resistant in tests in Senegal and India, but was
susceptible in the USA (Kisyombe et al., 1985). Mixon (1976) recorded
percentage colonization of seeds in the Fl and F2 generations of crosses
between PI 337409 and PI 331326, a susceptible line. Broad-sense heritabi-
lity was estimated at 78.5%. Based on diallel and factorial matings con-
ducted at ICRISAT Center, Vasudeva Rao et al. (1989) reported that UF
71513, Ah 7223, PI 337394F and PI 337409 had good combining abilities
for seed-coat resistance. Resistance to IVSCAF in breeding lines
570 Groundnut breeding
TABLE 14.5 Sources of resistance to Aspergillus flavus or A. parasiticus
14.4.1 Africa
An important cash and food crop in Africa, ground nuts have declined
there in terms of area, yield and productivity over the past 20 years. Two
epiphytotics of groundnut rosette virus in West Africa in 1975 and 1987
almost wiped out the crop in many countries, leaving not even enough seed
for farmers to plant their next crop. The changing rainfall pattern in West
Africa and other parts of the continent has resulted in reduction of the
576 Groundnut breeding
length of the rainy season and forced groundnut out of cultivation in
desiccated areas where it once was a major crop.
Groundnut research in Africa began during the colonial period. Colonial
governments made serious efforts to establish and increase groundnut
production in their colonies to meet the increasing demands of home
industries and population. This effort was strengthened during and after
World War II, when shortages in Europe became acute. During that
period, much research was conducted in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria,
Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Sudan and Zaire. After
the decolonization of Africa the same impetus in research could not be
maintained by newly independent nations. Civil strife, lack of physical
resources, deteriorating infrastructure and lack of trained scientists and
technicians resulted in the near-death of many national research pro-
grammes. Work was discontinued, valuable germplasm lost, records des-
troyed and cultivars mixed.
Over the past two decades many national programmes have been revita-
lized with the support of international organizations and donor agencies
GTZ and others. However, the revival process has been slow and many
national programmes collapse as soon as financial support by donor agen-
cies is withdrawn. Many countries have better trained and qualified scien-
tists, but the lack of the resources necessary to conduct needed research
continues to plague many national programmes. Lately the World Bank
has taken interest in restructuring the national agricultural apparatus in
Africa. IRHO, IRAT, and ICRISAT through its regional programmes in
Malawi and Niger have made long-term commitments to the region and are
making efforts to strengthen national programmes. USAID's Peanut
Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) has been involved in
development of West African peanut research for the past 10 years (Peanut
CRSP, 1990).
Most results of research conducted in Africa are confined to annual
reports of individual projects. Very little is published in international
journals. Due to poorly developed seed production, distribution and exten-
sion programmes, most new cultivars and new cultural practices have not
been adopted by producers at large. Uncertain tenure of land, lack of
price support and unavailability of credit have discouraged farmers from
increasing their groundnut production. Importing nations, particularly the
European Community, have established extremely low tolerances for afla-
toxin in imported groundnuts - levels difficult to meet for developing
nations with generally poor storage and handling facilities. Export markets
for African countries have declined due to poor quality and irregular
supply of groundnuts.
From reports of 30 African nations published in proceedings of work-
shops conducted by ICRISAT and in reports of other organizations, the
most important constraints on increased groundnut production in Africa
Regional progress 577
(excluding socioeconomic factors) include important biotic stresses such as
foliar fungal diseases (early leaf spot, late leaf spot, rust), viral diseases
(groundnut rosette virus, peanut clump virus and peanut mottle virus),
arthropod pests (aphids, thrips, leaf miner, Spodoptera, jassids, white
grubs, Hilda patruelis, termites and millipedes) and other animal pests
(nematodes, rats, squirrels and monkeys).
Abiotic stresses of primary importance are drought and poor soil fer-
tility. Other stresses are restricted in distribution to one or two countries.
They include bacterial wilt in Uganda; Aleetra species; phanerogamic root
parasitic weeds in Nigeria and Malawi; acid soils in Zaire, Zambia and
Malawi; and Phoma araehidicola in Zimbabwe.
Breeding objectives of the national programmes in Africa can be sum-
marized as development of high-yielding oil type and/or confectionery
cultivars with adaptation to specific agroecological conditions and resist-
ance to the stresses constraining yield. Resistance to leaf spots, rust, A.
flavus, ground nut rosette virus, tolerance to drought and early maturity
rate high in most breeding programmes. Very little effort has been
expended on breeding for resistance to animal pests.
Breeding methods employed in Africa are similar to those used else-
where in the world. Programmes with limited resources or technical ex-
pertise for hybridization and selection rely primarily on introduction and
pure-line selection within local landraces. International institutes such as
ICRISAT and bilateral programmes such as IRHO and USAID's Peanut
CRSP continue to be major sources of new genetic material in African
national programmes.
Hybridization has been used in only a few national programmes and only
intermittently in those. Countries with stronger programmes distribute
their cultivars to neighbouring nations and to nations sharing common
linguistic or economic ties with a former colonial power. For example,
Burkina Faso and Senegal have shared their cultivars with other countries
in francophone West Africa while Zambia has provided cultivars to nations
of southern Africa with ties to the UK. In programmes using hybridization,
pedigree selection has been the most commonly used method of generation
advance. The backcross method has been used in breeding for disease
resistance. Zimbabwe's national programme used a modified pedigree
method (single-seed descent) to develop two cultivars (Hildebrand, 1985).
The Zambian national programme has also used single-seed descent.
Interspecific hybrids obtained from the University of Reading, North
Carolina State University and ICRISAT have been evaluated for resist-
ance to foliar diseases in Malawi and Zimbabwe and for resistance to foliar
diseases and insect pests in Nigeria. A programme of mutation breeding
was initiated in Uganda to create variability for selection because the
breeder there found the time required for emasculation and pollination to
be excessive (Busolo-Bulafu, 1990).
Increased desertification in sub-Saharan Africa has made breeding for
578 Groundnut breeding
drought resistance a primary objective in that region. The Senegalese
programme at the Bambey centre of the Institut Senegalais de Recherches
Agricoles (ISRA) has developed many cultivars with improved resistance
to drought, including 47-16, 50-127, 73-33 and 55-437 (Bockelee-Morvan et
ai., 1974). Adaptation to dry climate was achieved by shortening the
growing cycle of the breeding lines using 'Chico' as a source of early
maturity and screening lines for tolerance to drought (Gautreau and De
Pins, 1980). Recently, a joint programme between ISRA and the Sebele
Research Station of the Botswana Department of Agriculture at Gaborone
was initiated to improve drought tolerance in groundnut. Two crops are
grown each year, one in Senegal and one in Botswana. Eight cultivars
(virginia types 47-16,57-422,59-127 and 73-33 and spanish types 49-20,55-
437, 68-111 and TS 32-1) were used as parents in a convergent (pyramidal)
crossing scheme (Mayeux, 1987). Drought-tolerant germplasm developed
at ICRISAT Center near Hyderabad, India, has been introduced into
southern and West Africa.
Breeding for resistance to rust and late leaf spot is ongoing in many
national programmes including Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal,
Zambia and Zimbabwe. These continue to emphasize the introduction of
improved resistant germplasm from ICRISA T and the USA. 'RMP 91', a
GRV-resistant cultivar developed in Burkina Faso, was found to be toler-
ant to leaf spots. A few programmes have crossed introduced sources of
resistance with local cultivars. No cultivar with resistance to foliar fungal
pathogens has been released in Africa to date.
African cultivars have been screened to identify resistance to early leaf
spot, but no resistant cultivars have been found. At the SADCC-ICRISAT
Regional Groundnut Program in Malawi, several germplasm lines and
advanced breeding lines have been found to retain foliage longer than
checks under intense disease pressure (Bock, 1987). These sources of
resistance to defoliation are being intermated to improve the level of
resistance. Of the Arachis species screened in Malawi, A. sp. 30003
exhibited a high level of resistance to early leaf spot. Unfortunately, this
diploid species cannot be crossed directly with A. hypogaea.
Breeding for resistance to groundnut rosette virus has been remarkably
successful in Africa. Resistance to GRV was identified in local landrace
cultivars in Burkina Faso by de Berchoux (1958) ,who later (1960) showed
that the resistance was governed by two independent recessive genes. The
resistance operates equally against both chlorotic (de Berchoux, 1960) and
green (Harkness, 1977) rosette. Nigam and Bock (1990) confirmed de
Berchoux's observations and described an effective field screening tech-
nique for rosette. Utilizing resistance from landraces, IRHO breeding
programmes in Burkina Faso and Senegal have developed several GRV-
resistant cultivars including RMP 12, RMP 91, 69-101, KH-149A and
KH-241D. The last two cultivars are spanish type; the others are virginia
type. In southern Africa, the Malawi national programme developed a
Regional progress 579
GRV-resistant cultivar, RGl. For many regions in Africa, current empha-
sis in breeding for resistance to rosette is on transferring resistance into
early-maturing cultivars. The SADCC-ICRISA T Regional Groundnut
Program and the Nigerian national programme are actively involved in
GRV-resistance breeding.
Other than locallandraces, the genetic source that has contributed most
to varietal development in Africa is Mani Pintar. The history of this line
illustrates the powerful role of introduction in crop improvement. Mani
Pintar was collected from a market place in La Paz, Bolivia, by Stephens
and Hartley in 1947 (Hartley, 1949). The name is undoubtedly a corruption
of 'manl pintado' or 'painted groundnut'. The characteristic features of the
line are red-and-white variegated testa and spreading bunch growth habit
(cultivar group N ambyquarae). The original seed sample was shared by the
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock in Australia and the
USDA. In the USA, the accession was assigned plant introduction number
PI 162404. In 1955 the accession was introduced to the Mount Makulu
Research Station in Zambia, where pure line selection was practised in
subsequent years. A single-plant selection with solid red testae led to the
release of 'Makulu Red' in 1961 (Smartt, 1978). Mani Pintar and Makulu
Red were introduced into Zimbabwe in 1960. Sigaro Pink, a variant with
pink testae, arose from Makulu Red, presumably as a result of natural
hybridization, and was released in Zimbabwe in 1968-69. Further selection
within Sigaro Pink gave rise to Apollo in 1972-73 and Egret in 1975. Mani
Pintar is also one of the parents of GRV-resistant cultivars RMP 12 and
RMP 91, which are very popular in West Africa.
There are more than 65 released cultivars reported in the literature from
Africa. However, only a few are grown on a large scale and are pan-
African in nature (Table 14.6). Most of the common cultivars of West
Africa were developed by ISRA's Centre Nationale pour les Recherches
Agricoles (CNRA) at Bambey, Senegal, and by IRHO in Burkina Faso.
RMP 12 Virginia F9 selection following 1963 135-150-day cycle, semi-spreading growth habit, medium leaflet size, compact fruiting habit,
hybridization, 1036 / medium (80-90 g/100) 2-seeded pods with no crest or constriction, marked reticulation,
Mani Pintar moderate beak, medium (50-55 g/lOO) oblong flattened seeds, pink variegated testa. 72%
meat content. 49% oil content, 98% seed dormancy, 55-58% oleic acid content, 24-26%
linoleic acid content, sensitive to drought, excellent resistance to GRV. susceptible to rust.
Used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria.
RMP91 Virginia F9 selection following 1963 135-150-day cycle, semi-spreading growth habit, medium leaflet size, compact fruiting habit,
hybridization, 48-37 / small (75-85 g/100) 2-seeded pods with no crest or constriction, marked reticulation, moderate
Mani Pintar beak, small (48-50 g/100) oblong seeds, pink testa, 68% meat content, 48% oil content, 98%
seed dormancy, 55-58% oleic acid content, 24-26% linoleic acid content, sensitive to drought,
excellent resistance to GRV, tolerant to early and late leaf spots.
Used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Nigeria.
KH-149 A Spanish F7 selection following 1964 90-day cycle. semi-spreading growth habit, medium leaflet size, semi-compact fruiting habit,
hybridization, GH 119- small (65-75 g/100) 2-seeded pods with deep constriction, no crest. slight beak, small (30-
7.1II-III / 91 Saria 35 g/lOO) oblong seeds, red testa, 67-70% meat content. 48-50% oil content, no seed
dormancy, 37-39% oleic acid content, 34-36% linoleic acid content, low resistance to
drought. resistant to GRV.
Used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger.
KH-214 D Spanish F7 selection following 1964 90-day cycle, semi-spreading growth habit. medium leaflet size, semi-compact fruiting habit,
hybridization, GH medium (80-90 g/lOO) 2-seeded pods with very slight constriction. no crest, moderate beak,
1185.2 III 91 Saria small (35-40 g/lOO) flattened seeds, red testa, 70% meat content, 49-50% oil content, no seed
dormancy. 38-40% oleic acid content. 35-37% linoleic acid content, resistant to drought,
resistant to GRV.
Used in Benin, Burkina Faso.
TABLE 14.6 Cant.
47-10 Spanish Selection from a 1947 Manyema group. 90-day cycle, erect growth habit, large leaflet size. medium (105 gIlOO) 2-
population received from seeded pods with moderate dorsal constriction, prominent crest. prominent reticulation. very
Madagascar, Ambata B / prominent beak. small (45 g/100) slightly flattened seeds, salmon pink testa. 71 % meat
Morovoay content. 48% oil content, no seed dormancy, 43-45% oleic acid content. 32-33% linoleic acid
content, moderate resistance to drought. low resistance to Pythium myriotylum.
Used in Mali.
55-437 Spanish Selection from a 1955 Natal Barberton group. 90-day cycle. erect growth habit. large leaflet size. compact fruiting
population of probable habit. small (85-95 g/IOO) 2-seeded pods with slight constriction, prominent reticulation.
South American received almost no beak, small (35-38 g/100) slightly flattened seeds. pale pink testa. 75% meat
from Hungary content. 49% oil content. 30% seed dormancy. 46-49% oleic acid content. 27-30% linoleic
acid content, resistant to drought.
Used in Botswana, Cameroon. Chad, Gambia, Mali, Niger. Nigeria. Senegal. Uganda.
57-422 Virginia Selection from a hybrid 1957 105-lIO-day cycle, erect growth habit. large leaflet size. large (165-175 g/IOO) 2-seeded pods
population imported with very deep constriction, no crest, very slight reticulation prominent beak. medium (65-
from Tifton. Georgia, 69 g/IOO) slightly flattened oblong bumpy seeds, yellowish pink testa. 78% meal content. 50%
USA, F334-3-404 oil content. 95-100% seed dormancy. 50-53% oleic acid content, 27-30% linoleic acid
content, moderate resistance to drought, susceptible to late leaf spot and A. niger, tolerant to
Used in Mozambique, Niger, Senegal.
57-313 Virginia Selection from a 1957 Samaru group, 125-day cycle, erect growth habit, medium leaflet size, diffuse fruiting habit,
population from medium (125-130 g/IOO) 2-seeded pods with slight constriction. no crest. fine reticulation, no
Ouagadougou, Burkina beak, small (48-52 g/IOO) round distinctly flattened seeds. pink testa, 75% meat content, 50%
Faso oil content, complete seed dormancy, 64-67% oleic acid content, 14-17% linoleic acid
content, sensitive to drought.
TABLE 14.6 Cant.
69-101 Virginia BC,F, selection 1969 Saloum group, 125-day cycle, erect growth habit, medium leaflet size, compact fruiting habit,
follo\\'ing hybridization, medium (130 g/100) 2-seeded pods with very slight constriction, no crest, fine reticulation, no
55-455 14*28-206 beak, small (46-50 g/100) round distinctly flattened seeds, pink testa, 73% meat content, 50%
oil content, complete seed dormancy, 65-68% oleic acid content, 14-17% linoleic acid
content, sensitive to drought, resistant to GRV,
Used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal.
73-27 Virginia Fs selection following 1972 Jumbo group, l20-l25-day cycle, erect growth habit, large leaflet size, fair fruiting habit, large
hybridization, 756A 1 (200, 210 g/100) 2-seeded pods with moderate constriction, no crest, slight reticulation, no
GH 119-20, Line 252 beak, large (85-90 g/100) oblong seeds, salmon pink testa, 71% meat content, good seed
dormancy, 58-61 % oleic acid content, 20-22% linoleic acid content, sensitive to drought,
used for confectionery purposes.
73-28 Virginia Fs selection following 1972 Jumbo group, l20--l25-day cycle, erect growth habit, large leaflet size, fair fruiting habit, large
hybridization, 756A 1 (190 -200 g/100) 2-seeded pods with moderate constriction, no crest, slight reticulation, no
GH 119-20, Line 255 beak, large (85-90 g/100) oblong seeds, salmon pink testa, 72% meat content, good seed
dormancy, 55-58% oleic acid content, 21-23% linoleic acid content, sensitive to drought,
used for confectionery purposes,
73-30 Spanish Fs selection following 1973 95-day cycle, erect growth habit, medium to large leaflet size, compact fruiting habit, medium
hybridization, 61-24 (100 g/100) 2-seeded pods with slight constriction, no crest, slight reticulation, no beak, small
(spanish) 159-127 (40 g/100) oblong seeds, salmon pink testa, 73% meat content, 48% oil content, complete
(virginia type Saloum) seed dormancy, 60-63% oleic acid content 18-21% linoleic acid content, resistant to drought.
73-33 Virginia F 12 selection following 1973 Fung group, 105-110-day cycle, very erect growth habit, medium leaflet size, compact fruiting
hybridization, 58-6501 habit, medium (120-125 g/100) 2-seeded pods with deep constriction, no crest, marked
59--46 reticulation, medium beak, small (50-52 g/100) oblong seeds, pink, 73% meat content, 50%
oil content, 95% seed dormancy, 58-61 % oleic acid content, 20-22% linoleic acid content,
resistant to drought.
Used in Gambia, Senegal.
TABLE 14.6 Cont.
G 17 Valencia Selection from a local 1975 105-day cycle. erect growth habit. rose-tan testa.
landrace following
apparent natural
Zambia (Mount Makulu Research Station)
Mani Pintar Virginia Collection from a 1955 130-140-day cycle. spreading bunch growth habit. dark green leaves. large 2-seeded pods with
market in La Paz. no constriction. pronounced beak. medium large flattened seeds. red and white variegated
Bolivia. introduced to testa.
Mt. Makulu Station in Used in Malawi. Uganda. Zambia.
Makulu Red Virginia Selection from Mani 1961 130-140-day cycle. spreading bunch growth habit. dark green leaves. large leaflet size. large 2-
Pintar seeded pods with no constriction. pronounced beak. medium large flattened seeds. red testa.
67% meat content. 45% oil content. field resistance to early leaf spot.
Used in Tanzania. Uganda. Zambia. Zimbabwe.
TABLE 14.6 Cont.
Wase-dairyu Spanish Early maturing, large seed
Tachi-masari Spanish Early maturing, large seed
Chiba-handachi Medium maturing cultivar with large seed
Nakate-yutaka Medium maturing, high yielding cultivar with good eating and external
Azuma-yutaka Medium maturing, high yielding cultivar with good eating and external
Sayaka Medium maturing (later than Nakate- Yutaka), high yielding, better suited
for roasting due to its thicker shell than Nakate-yutaka
Yude-rakka Early maturing, good eating quality, white pod colour with superior
external appearance, suitable for unshelled whole pod or frozen boiled
groundnut trade
TABLE 14.7 Cant.
1 Cultivars released by the Peanut Research Institute, Laixi, Shandong Province, China.
Regional progress 591
produced locally and the rest was imported. Since the end of World War II,
groundnut breeding in Japan has pursued two main objectives: breeding
early-maturing cultivars for warm and cool areas, and breeding medium
and late-maturing cultivars. Because groundnut is a delicacy in Japan, both
eating quality and external quality are important attributes (Gocho, 1991)
and improvement in quality has received the most attention in groundnut
breeding. Sucrose content and hardness of seed are closely related with
eating quality and they decrease if harvesting is delayed. The seed hardness
is measured when the moisture content in seed is in the range of 5-9%.
(All cultivars under test should have the same moisture level within this
moisture range.)
Groundnut is also a minor crop in Korea, where yields are affected by
leaf spots, rust, and low temperature at the ripening stage. The main
breeding objective at the Crop Experiment Station, Rural Development
Administration, Suwan, is to develop cultivars with large seed and erect
plant type (Lee et ai., 1986, 1989).
UPLPn 6 CES 103 / PI 298115 1986
UPL Pn 8 CES 101 / PI 298115 1989
BPI Pn 2
UPLPn 2 Spanish Moket 1976
UPLPn4 Valencia Acc 12 (PI 314817) 1978
BPI P9 Spanish E.G. Red / Fante 17 1973
CES 101 Spanish Pure line selection from 1973
unknown cultivar
Khon Kaen 60-1 Spanish Moket
Khon Kaen 60-2 Valencia TMV3 1988
Khon Kaen 60-3 Virginia Selection from NC 7 1988
Lampang Valencia
SK 38 Valencia Selection in local
Tainan 9 Virginia (bunch) Introduction
MKTI 1990
Regional progress 605
Not much is known about Laos and Cambodia. The Peanut CRSP of
USAIO in Thailand and the Philippines, ACIAR of Australia in
Indonesia, and IORC of Canada in Thailand have supported or continue to
support groundnut research in the region. ICRISAT has played an import-
ant role in introducing improved germplasm in the region. In Thailand and
the Philippines, the national ground nut programmes have strong multidis-
ciplinary teams of scientists. In addition to introducing improved germ-
plasm, hybridization has been commonly adopted to develop new cultivars
in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Several cultivars have been
released in the region (Table 14.9). In Indonesia, almost all improved
cultivars are either resistant or tolerant to bacterial wilt; Schwartz 21, the
first disease-resistant groundnut cultivar developed through hybridization,
was released here as early as 1927.
Groundnut research activity in Malaysia is very limited. Improved germ-
plasm introduced from ICRISA T and other sources is evaluated for local
adaptation, including resistance to prevailing diseases and insect pests.
The research programme in Vietnam is in its infancy and suffers from
lack of trained manpower, poor infrastructure and paucity of resources.
However, in collaboration with ICRISA T, breeding activities covering
resistance to foliar diseases (late leaf spot and rust) and bacterial wilt,
earliness, high yield and improved seed quality have been initiated re-
cently. ICRISAT is developing single-seed descent breeding populations
derived from crosses between Vietnamese cultivars and other desirable
donor parents at its centre in India: at the Fs stage, these populations will
be grown in Vietnam for in situ selection.
In Indonesia. the main objective of the groundnut improvement pro-
gramme is to improve yield potential and adaptation to varying agroeco-
logy and cropping systems. The specific issues that receive attention are
early maturity, tolerance to excess soil moisture, tolerance to drought,
tolerance to soil acidity, tolerance to mineral toxicities, adaptation to inter-
and mixed-cropping, tolerance/resistance to insect pests and diseases, and
tolerance to heat. A massive field screening exercise was undertaken in
Indonesia to evaluate Arachis germplasm for resistance to peanut stripe
virus. No resistance was found among 9000 lines of A. hypogaea; among 54
accessions of wild Arachis species, only A. cardenasii was immune. A few
others showed a resistant reaction.
The primary objective of groundnut breeding in the Philippines is to
develop groundnut cultivars with desirable agronomic traits such as high
yield, early maturity, acceptable quality and resistance to rust, late leaf
spot, A. flavus, leafhopper and spider mites. In addition, the improved
cultivars should have tolerance/adaptation to drought, partial shade
and acidic soil conditions, and improved nitrogen-fixing ability. From
the screening activities, several promising sources of desirable characters
have been identified for use in the breeding programme (PCARRO,
606 Groundnut breeding
They are:
Rust: Multiple insect pests:
PI 259653 NC Ac 343
PI 109839 NC Ac 2214
Sclerotium wilt: Bhairwa
IPB Pn 82-71-27
IPB Pn 82-68-16
Local factors:
Drought: Shade:
Acc 847 UPL Pn 2
EG Pn 12 IPB Pn 12-14
Acid soils: High nitrogenase activity:
IPB Pn 24-2 RLRS5
IPB Pn 24-3 RLRS7
IPB Pn 26-4 IPB Pn 49-12
BPI P9 57-422
UPL Pn 4
The most active groundnut breeding programme in the region is that
of Thailand, the objectives of which include: high yield and earliness;
adaptation to after-rice, unirrigated condition and before-rice growing
conditions; resistance to foliar diseases (rust and late leaf spot); resistance
to A. flavus, A. niger and Sclerotium rolfsii; and large-seeded confectio-
nery and boiling-type cultivars. Significant progress is being made in
achieving these objectives;. Two cultivars were released recently, and
several breeding lines with good promise have been identified and are
under evaluation.
14.4.5 Australasia
The Australasian region is not very important from the perspective of
global groundnut production. Production in the region is dominated by
Australia, which provides high quality groundnuts for world trade during
the off-season for producing nations in the northern hemisphere. Major
constraints to increased production in Australia include the foliar patho-
gens (early and late leaf spots and rust); soil-borne diseases (Cylindrocla-
dium black rot, Sclerotinia blight, and A. flavus); and drought. Other
countries in the region include Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands,
Vanuatu, Tonga, New Zealand and Fiji, all of which produce only limited
amounts of groundnut for local consumption.
Australia has the most active research programme in the region. Prior to
the programme of varietal improvement started in 1977-78, the primary
Regional progress 607
source of cultivars in Australia was introduction. A high degree of mechan-
ization permits widespread use of cultivars with spreading or runner
growth habits. Large-seeded virginia-type cultivars such as Shulamith and
NC 7 are preferred here. The spanish cultivar 'McCubbin' was released by
the Australian national programme, the goals of which are yield improve-
ment, quality maintenance (particularly shelf life), and resistance to foliar
Other countries in the region do not have breeding programmes but still
rely exclusively on introduction for new cultivars. Recently, Papua New
Guinea and Fiji obtained advanced breeding lines from ICRISAT for
evaluation and in situ selection. Red-seeded spanish is the preferred type
grown in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
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(a) Asia
In northern China, up to 80% of the haulm may be stored for use as a
fodder for horses, pigs and sheep during winter, whereas only 50% is
stored in southern China where it is warmer and there is a lower need for
stored hay (Liao Boshu, personal communication).
South-east Asian farmers make significant use of groundnut haulms,
which are sold in bundles and cartloads during harvest time and are often
626 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
fed green. In Indonesia, horses carry fresh haulms for consumption while
away from home. In the Philippines, groundnut haulms are transported to
animal sheds away from the riverine production areas, which are subject to
inundation during the wet season (R.B. Santos, personal communication).
Dry haulms are fed to pigs and cattle in Vietnam, where the crop is
windrowed. However, few Thai farmers use groundnut haulms to feed
stock (V. Benjasil, personal communication).
(b) Africa
Groundnut haulms are an important feed source in many parts of Africa.
Haulms are commonly used in the northern part of Cameroon as cattle
feed and are actively traded during harvest (Essomba et al., 1990). They
are also used in Gambia (Drammeh, 1990), Nigeria (Misari et al., 1990)
and Ethiopia (A. Wakjira, personal communication), but feeding of
haulms to cattle is not yet widespread in the Republic of Guinea (Toun-
kara, 1990). While all of the haulm crop is fed to livestock in South Africa
(C.l. Swanevelder, personal communication), they are not used as stock
feed to any great extent by smallholder farmers in other southern African
countries because of spoilage by foliar disease and since the majority of
these smallholder farmers do not own livestock (G. Hildebrand, personal
communication) .
(c) India
Groundnut haulms are widely used in India as cattle feed (Nagaraj, 1988).
They are fed green or stored in 'hay stacks' and are often mixed with other
fodder materials. Farmers are happy with good haulm yields, even when
pod yields are poor, because their economy depends on milk animals.
(d) Australia
The sale of groundnut hay in southern Queensland can add significantly to
the income generated from the crop. Typically the value of the total crop
could be increased by 10-20% by selling the haulms. In some drought
years, crops have been baled and sold without threshing.
(e) USA
Widespread use was made of groundnut haulms in the United States.
Bogdan (1977) estimated that haulms from 20% of the peanut area or
100000 ha was utilized as hay. The value of goober pea (groundnut) vines
as stockfeed was recognized in the USA as early as 1851 (Higgins, 1951).
Arachis hypogaea 627
15.2.3 Haulm quality
Groundnut haulms are valued for their nutrient content, particularly their
high digestibility and protein. However, as the haulm component is only
secondary to the production of kernels, its quality varies considerably
(Table 15.1). In most situations the optimum time for haulm production
and quality would be well before the crop is harvested for maximum kernel
yields. Halevy and Hartzook (1988) found that the decline in nitrogen and
phosphorus levels in the stems and leaves began 64 days before harvest and
potassium levels 37 days later. The number of pods remaining in the hay
also influences quality (Table 15.2), particularly in relation to digestible
protein and metabolizable energy.
Weather conditions may affect haulm quality. A prolonged drought or a
long period of wet weather prior to harvest leads to leaf and stem deterio-
ration. The time that is most critical to haulm quality is between lifting and
removal of the haulms from the field: wet weather when the plants are
drying on the soil surface causes a rapid fall in quality.
Where mechanized threshing is used, the weather and bush condition at
threshing are important to haulm quality. If the humidity is very low, much
of the valuable leaf material is broken up into fine particles and lost when
passing through the thresher, leading to very stalky hay. Groundnut leaf
can contain more than twice the nitrogen or crude protein content of either
stem or root fractions (Powell, 1986). Some threshers in Australia have
been modified to leave the haulms in windrows for easy pick-up by
haybalers instead of spreading the discarded haulms evenly over the
Disease is also a vital factor in haulm quality and quantity. Foliar
diseases such as leaf spots (Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis
personata) , rust (Puccinia arachidis) and some virus diseases can reduce
the leaf component significantly.
Quality can be influenced by plant population, through its influence on
leaf to stem ratios. Increases in plant popUlation significantly increase the
percentage of total dry matter partitioned to stems and decrease the
percentage partitioned to pods, while the partitioning to leaves does not
change (Kvien and Bergmark, 1987). Similar effects have been recorded
with planting dates, where a greater proportion of vegetative dry matter
was fixed in stems rather than leaves of early planted crops compared with
later plantings (Bell, 1986).
Significant differences among cultivars in leaf concentrations of potass-
ium, calcium and magnesium (Hallock and Martens, 1974) are of little
consequence in terms of feed quality.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sources: 1. W.J. Edwards, pers. comm. 2. Anon. (1982) 3. V. Benjasil, pers. comm. 4. Nagaraj (1988) 5. Shukla et al. (1985) 6. Ikhatua and
Adu (1984) 7. Combe lias et al. (1972) 8. Velasquez and Gonzalez (1972) 9. Leche et al. (1982)
Arachis hypogaea 629
TABLE 15.2 Nutrient value of groundnut hay of differing quality (after Bredon
et aI., 1987)
15.2.7 Haymaking
Mechanical haymaking is feasible with groundnut herbage but losses are
high (Combellas et al., 1972). Groundnut hay in Australia is baled into
small rectangular bales weighing around 25 kg or larger round bales of
300-500 kg. The cost of baling groundnut haulms is higher than for other
hay because soil contamination leads to greater machinery maintenance
costs. Soil adhering to roots can make up 10% of the weight of groundnut
Arachis hypogaea 631
residues (Powell, 1986). In South Africa, sand contamination of baled
haulms can have a detrimental effect on animals' teeth (CJ. Swanevelder,
personal communication).
15.2.8 Storage
Long-term storage of groundnut hay in Australia is difficult. Mice are
attracted by unthreshed kernels and destroy hay bales that have been put
in sheds to reduce weather damage.
15.2.9 Aflatoxin
Aflatoxin poisoning may result from feeding groundnut haulms. Kernels
and shells present the greatest risk. Poisoning can result from animals
consuming ground nuts in the field, eating hay containing nuts or being fed
shells remaining after the kernels have been removed. Hay made from
groundnuts severely affected by drought, where threshing is uneconomic,
may have more nuts attached and thus present a higher risk, particularly
for young or weak animals with little or no other feed source.
Calves have been killed from eating groundnut hay containing pods with
high aflatoxin levels (McKenzie et ai., 1981). Jaundice, photosensitization,
diarrhoea, anorexia and depression were observed prior to death, while
post mortems showed haemorrhage, hepatocyte damage and bile duct
Percent of nutrients
in hay 56.4 43.6 79.8 93.4 83.2
Resslar (1980) points out that many of the subgeneric epithets used in
current classifications are not valid according to the International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature (Stafleu, 1978). However, by virtue of common
usage, the classificatory system proposed by Gregory et al. (1973) and
modified by Krapovickas (1990) will be followed. Arachis wild species have
largely been collected to provide genetic material for groundnut improve-
ment programmes, particularly in relation to disease resistance (Stalker
and Moss, 1987). Simpson (1990) notes that some 1500 accessions of wild
species have been collected since the early 1950s, but less than half survive
in world collections. Krapovickas (1990) recognizes 77 wild species, and
most are represented by at least one accession in current collections
(Simpson, 1990). Only a small proportion of these has been widely evalu-
ated for forage potential.
One of the most valuable attributes displayed by many members of the
genus is persistence under grazing. Several have persisted in grazed pas-
tures for 30 to 50 years after planting, and others show clear indications of
being able to do so. Many of the tropical legumes released to date decline
over a period of 5 to 7 years, after which the pasture becomes unproduc-
tive. To date, most attention has been given to section Rhizomatosae, and
more recently to section Caulorhizae. However, a limited range of material
from other sections has been evaluated and shows considerable promise.
15.3.1 Rhizomatosae
(a) Description
Members of section Rhizomatosae are perennial and are characterized by
the presence of rhizomes. The section comprises two series:
Prorhizomatosae, a diploid group of somewhat delicate types, and
Eurhizomatosae, a more robust tetraploid group (Gregory et al., 1973)
containing A. glabrata and A. hagenbeckii, and two or three unnamed
species (Valls et al., 1985). Forage cultivars selected so far have been
drawn from Eurhizomatosae and are commonly referred to as rhizoma
peanuts in the USA.
The rhizomes, which form a dense tangled mat (mostly in the top 5 cm of
soil), vary in thickness from a few millimetres to about 1 cm in the sward of
a variety, with average thickness varying from variety to variety. They are
woody structures surrounded by a papery, brown, deciduous bark.
Contributing to the tangled effect of the rhizomes are the often heavy tap
634 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
roots and a multitude of fine, fibrous roots, both of which bear the
characteristic small, oblate, aeschynomenoid nodules described by Corby
(1981). Herbaceous vegetative shoots arise from the rhizomes (Figure
15.1), producing a dense leafy sward in pure stands, which, when mature,
may vary from about 5 cm to 35 cm in depth, depending on variety. This
variation is partly attributable to growth habit, since in some varieties
stems tend to be decumbent and in others more erect, but also to inherent
differences in robustness.
Leaves are tetrafoliolate, with leaflets varying from accession to acces-
sion in overall leaflet shape from linear lanceolate to oblanceolate and
obovate, and in shape of leaflet apex from acute to obtuse mucronate
(Figure 15.2). Leaf size depends largely on plant vigour and frequency of
defoliation but also differs markedly among accessions. In their key in
Gregory et at. (1973), Krapovickas and Gregory describe flowers as 'large,
Wild species 635
(c) Cultivars
Rhizomatous cultivars have been released only in Florida. The first, Arb,
was registered by the Soil Conservation Service in Arcadia, Florida, fol-
lowing an evaluation programme commencing in 1937 (Prine, 1964). A
variety of A. giabrata, it was initially collected from 'a black rich earth in
the streets of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do SuI' in Brazil (20° 27 ' S,
54° 37' W), and catalogued as PI 118457. The next cultivar, Arblick, was a
lower growing and more rapidly spreading type of A. glabrata, derived
from PI 262839. This accession was collected about 300 km south-west of
Campo Grande, near Bela Vista in Paraguay (22° 8' S, 56° 16' W). The
release of Florigraze by the University of Florida Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences and the USDA-SCS gave greater impetus to the
development of forage groundnuts in the USA. This variety arose as a
seedling on the border between year-old plots of the morphologically
distinct Arb and PI 151982, on the Agronomy Farm at Gainesville (Prine et
al., 1981). The new variety, initially catalogued GS-1, differed from the
other two in being fast spreading. It had more shoots per unit of soil
surface and a greater number of finer rhizomes than Arb - characteristics
more in common with PI 151982. Leaf shape was intermediate. In 1985,
IF AS and SCS released a further cultivar, Arbrook, a more robust variety
with coarser rhizomes than Florigraze, to improve the drought tolerance of
the species (Prine et al., 1990). Arbrook, introduced as PI 262817, was
collected on the top of a hill near Trinidad in Paraguay (27° 10' S,
55°40' W).
Research in eastern Australia has shown that another Paraguayan
Wild species 637
variety, GKP 9618 (introduced into Australia as CPI 93469), an
Argentinian variety, PI 231318/CPI 93483 and a third variety, PI 151982/
CPI 22762, whose origins are unknown, have sufficient promise to warrant
release in the near future. The first was collected near the Rio Peribebuy
(25° 12' S, 57° 5' W) (Gregory et al., 1973) but precise origins of the second
are not available (Anon., 1966).
(d) Adaptation
Forage research on Eurhizomatosae has been carried out in various South
American countries, USA, Australia, south-east Asia and India. Results to
date have shown various members of the series to have potential over a
latitudinal range from near the equator in Sulawesi (W.W. SHir, personal
communication) to 30° N in Louisiana (Caldwell et al., 1991) and 30° S in
New South Wales (G.P.M. Wilson, personal communication). Soil tex-
tures at evaluation sites range from the sands of Florida to the clay soils of
India and Australia. Soil fertility also varies markedly. The main prerequi-
site appears to be good drainage. Prine et al. (1981) make the point that
Florigraze 'is adapted to well-drained soils, but not to "flatwoods soils" or
to any soil which is subject to high water tables.' Experience in Queensland
supports this statement and shows that, although the suite of rhizomatous
accessions can survive temporary waterlogging, most vigorous stands are
obtained on well-drained flats and those parts of the slope not subject to
seepage. At the other extreme, various members of Eurhizomatosae have
demonstrated a strong degree of drought tolerance, one particular set
surviving under non-irrigated conditions at the ICRISA T Center near
Hyderabad, India, where the average annual rainfall of 750 mm is largely
concentrated over a 4-month period. PI 163452 has persisted for some
years in the Burnett region of southern Queensland (Jones and Rees,
1972), while Florigraze, not noted for its drought tolerance (Prine et al.,
1990), established and proved productive in semi-arid southern Texas
(Ocumpaugh, 1990) - both areas with similar annual rainfall totals to those
of Hyderabad but better distributed. The more drought tolerant Arbrook
is often more productive than Florigraze during dry periods, although
yields are similar under good rainfall conditions (Prine et al., 1990). In
severe drought, Prine et al. (1981) observed in Florigraze that top growth
may die off completely, the stand regenerating from rhizomes with the
onset of moist conditions. Vos and Jones (1986), assessing the importance
of rhizomes and stolons in legume persistence under grazing and using A.
glabrata PI 163452 and Lotus pedunculatus cv. Grasslands Maku as test
varieties, measured a small increase in Arachis rhizome yield per unit area
between an average rainfall year and an extremely dry year. In the more
moisture sensitive Lotus, rhizome yield was reduced by 96% .
A. glabrata and Eurhizomatosae generally are adapted to a wide range of
soil reaction. For Florigraze, Prine et al. (1981) suggest a soil pH of
638 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
5.8-6.5, although good yields have been obtained at pH 7.4 (Ocumpaugh,
1990), and no response to lime was obtained in an unidentified variety of
A. glabrata in any of three Florida soils with pH (in water) as low as 4.5
(Martinez and Blue, 1978). Niles et al. (1990), working with soils over a pH
range of 5.2-7.9, found that Florigraze showed a tendency to establish
better in soils with lower pH and higher aluminium. Contrasting somewhat
with this finding, Caldwell et al. (1991) obtained a response to dolomite in
Florigraze on a soil of pH 5.7. This is an enigmatic result, in that there was
no response to the addition of 2.5 t dolomite/ha producing a pH of 6.2, but
there was a response to 5 t dolomite/ha which raised the pH to 6.7. In
Australia, A. glabrata PI 163452/CPI 12121, perhaps the most widely
planted accession of the series, has been grown successfully on soils of
widely divergent reaction. This variety, along with several others, has
shown potential in a series of evaluation experiments in the wet tropics of
Malaysia and Indonesia on soils of pH 4.5-7 (W.W. Stilr, personal com-
munication). Results from more recent plantings of a wider range of
Eurhizomatosae on a variety of soil types in Australia suggest that the
adaptability to soil reaction displayed by selected members of the series is
common in the series. However, Reed and Ocumpaugh (1991) have
demonstrated variable manifestation of high pH-induced iron deficiency
symptoms among a range of rhizomatous accessions.
Since members of this series form an effective association with
Bradyrhizobium in the root nodules, nitrogen fertility of the soil is not
important to their long-term productivity. Nitrogen fertilizer applied to
pure swards of Florigraze had no effect on yield or persistence (Valentim et
al., 1988). However, when nitrogen was applied to a mixture of grass and
Florigraze, legume yields declined linearly with increasing nitrogen appli-
cation as grass yields increased (Valentim et al., 1986, 1988). It has also
been shown that nitrogen fertilizer applied at planting retards establish-
ment, probably due to stimulated weed competition and depressed peanut
nodulation (Adjei and Prine, 1976).
Perhaps the most important nutrient affecting pasture productivity, after
nitrogen, is phosphorus. Niles et al. (1990) were unable to demonstrate an
establishment response in Florigraze to applied phosphorus at 12 sites in
Florida soils with extractable phosphorus levels (Mehlich, 1953) ranging
from 11 to 317 ppm. It is worth noting that applications of potassium,
magnesium and sulphur also produced no measurable response. In pot
experiments, Blue et al. (1989), working on a Cameroon soil with
Florigraze as the test variety, and G.E. Rayment (personal communi-
cation), working on a dark clay loam from south-east Queensland with
GKP 9618/CPI 93469 as the test variety, demonstrated little or no response
in either variety to applied phosphorus. The Cameroon soil had a Mehlich
P level of 4.4 ppm and the Queensland soil a bicarbonate extractable P
level (Colwell, 1963) of 12 ppm. In both cases, test varieties from other
genera had proved responsive. From these experiments, and in view of the
Wild species 639
long-term persistence of a range of rhizomatous varieties at discontinued
unfertilized evaluation sites in southern Queensland, it appears that the
Eurhizomatosae share the characteristic common in the closely related
genus, Stylosanthes (Krapovickas, 1973) of being tolerant of low phos-
phorus levels in soils.
Eurhizomatosae have been successfully cultivated from about 0° to 30°
latitudinal range, although low temperatures in the higher latitudes can
cause significant damage. This may vary from death of plant tops, which
occurs even with light frosts, through to rhizome mortality under more
extreme conditions. Prine (1983) suggests rhizoma peanuts should be
grown in areas where temperatures do not fall below -10 0c. There appear
to be varietal differences in cold tolerance: Florigraze survived low tem-
peratures better than Arbrook (Prine et al. 1990); Arbrook was damaged
severely by freezes of lower than -12°C at Jay, Florida, and Americus,
Georgia (Prine et al., 1990); while Florigraze in Louisana, although mark-
edly reduced by a December temperature of -15°C had recovered to
about 70% coverage by November the following year. Such temperatures
are not experienced in those parts of eastern Australia where this series is
being evaluated.
(e) Yield
Rhizoma peanuts are best adapted to warm environments, preferring a
climate where temperatures are greater than 16°C for 5 months or longer
(Prine 1983). In southern Queensland, where monthly daily means range
from 14-15°C during June-August to about 25°C from December to
February, the average 6-weekly dry matter yield of 7 rhizomatous varieties
was negligible in the cool season but over 2 tlha in the warm season. In the
transitional period, yields of 0.1-l.0 t/ha were recorded (B.G. Cook,
unpublished). Likewise, dry matter yield/ha of Florigraze declined from
5.4 t in the summer to 2.9 t in the fall in Florida (Romero, 1986). This
apparent lower growth rate may be attributable to a partitioning shift from
shoots to rhizomes when daylength falls to 11 hours and temperatures to
20-22°C as demonstrated in Florigraze by Niles (1990). In the southern
Queensland experiment, the highest dry matter yield for a growing season
was 12 t/ha measured over six harvests in PI 231318/CPI 93483, and the
lowest was 3 t/ha in PI 338316/CPI 93464. Similar ranges in comparable
environments are reported for a multivarietal set in Florida by Prine
(1973), and for Florigraze in Louisiana (Caldwell et al., 1991) and in a
semi-arid Texas environment (Ocumpaugh 1990). Both Florigraze and
Arbrook have produced yields in excess of 16 t/ha in Florida (Prine et al.,
1986). Maximum yields obtained in the wet tropics of Malaysia and
Indonesia in a limited range of material were mostly below 5 t/ha/year
(W.W. SUir, personal communication), although these may have been
influenced by the shading effects of rubber trees and coconut palms.
640 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
However, comparisons between experiments should be viewed with
some caution, since yields of a particular variety may also be affected by
cutting height and frequency. Beltranena et al. (1981) obtained a 75%
increase in yield of Florigraze by taking 4 x 6-week cuts rather than
12 x 2-week cuts, and a 17% increase through cutting at 3.8 cm rather than
7.6 cm. Ortega et al (1992) measured similar responses in grazed mixed
swards of Florigraze and bermuda grass, where grazing intensity varied
from 500 to 2500 kg/ha of residual dry matter and grazing frequency from 7
to 63 days. They concluded that to maintain 80%, groundnut combinations
of at least 42 days between grazings and 1700 kg/ha residual dry matter, or
21 days between grazings and 2300 kg/ha residual dry matter, are
In areas with a pronounced cool season, annual forage yields may be
improved by sowing cool-season species into the groundnut stand.
Dunavin (1990), working in Florida, obtained yields of 3-4.5 t DM/ha from
broadcasting seed of rye (Secale cereale) or italian ryegrass (Lotium multi-
florum) into a 5 cm stubble of Florigraze. Yields of Florigraze in the
following warm season were not affected. Cultivation to introduce the
winter crop of rye grass or oats (A vena sativa) in southern Queensland had
no detrimental effect on the ground nut stand, and actually enhanced its
(g) Establishment
Since Eurhizomatosae generally produce poor seed yields, they are mostly
propagated from rhizomes. A commercial procedure has been developed
in Florida whereby rhizomes which have been produced in sandy soils are
lifted using a bermudagrass sprig harvester or a modified potato digger
(Prine et al., 1981). Where the potato digger is used, the rhizome mat is cut
into squares or rectangles with gangs of rolling coulters before lifting.
These pieces, normally about 30 cm square, can be planted in mounds no
more than 1.8 m apart, or preferably divided into four and planted 0.9 m
apart (Adjei and Prine, 1976). The recommended planting rate for both
Florigraze and Arbrook is at least 3.5 m 3 of rhizomes/ha (40 bushels/acre)
(Prine et al., 1981, 1986). Doubling this planting rate led to a first year
642 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
increment of 59% in one experiment involving Florigraze, but by the
second year differences were not significant (Valentim et at., 1988). A
similar trend was observed by Canudas et al. (1989) using lower planting
rates for Florigraze and Arbrook. The easiest way to establish rhizoma
peanut is to broadcast the rhizome pieces over the surface and cover them
using a disc harrow, then roll the soil to achieve rhizome/soil contact and to
retain moisture (Prine et at., 1986). Alternatively the rhizome pieces can be
planted in furrows from 3 cm deep in clay soils to 6.5 cm deep in coarse
sands. As a precaution, Prine et at. (1981) recommend inoculation of
rhizomes with an effective Bradyrhizobium strain at planting. However,
experience in Australia suggests that this is rarely necessary, due to the
presence of effective native bacteria either in the soil or already on the
rhizome surface.
In Florida, the preferred planting time is January or February, though
this could be as early as mid-December or as late as mid-March, allowing
for a slightly greater risk factor. At this stage, rhizomes are dormant. In
Australia, the slightly later southern hemisphere equivalent of August to
October has given good results, with January or February plantings result-
ing in very poor establishment. Saldivar et ai. (1992a) showed that levels of
nitrogen and total non-structural carbohydrate in the rhizomes were
highest in the coolest part of the year and that levels of both were reduced
by defoliation. These data support the preferred winter/spring planting
time and suggest that rhizome nurseries should not be defoliated until
immediately before planting. Defoliation also reduced rhizome production
(Saldivar et ai., 1992b).
Effective weed control is important during the relatively slow establish-
ment period. Canudas et ai. (1989) demonstrated this for both Florigraze
and Arbrook, achieving about double their ground cover and yield at the
end of the establishment year through controlling grasses and broadleaf
weeds. The broad-spectrum tolerance of rhizoma groundnut to herbicide
has facilitated preparation of a weed control programme incorporating the
use of pre-emergence applications of benefin, trifluralin or vernolate, post-
emergence applications of alachlor and dinoseb, and routine applications
of bentazon and 2,4-DB for broadleaf weed control, and sethoxydim
and fluazifopbutyl for grass control as required (Prine et ai., 1986).
Sethoxydim, but not dalapon, can be used to kill bermudagrass (Cynodon
dactyion) rhizomes contaminating groundnut rhizome planting material,
thus improving initial performance significantly (Canudas-Lara et at.,
1984). Mowing just above groundnut top growth may also reduce weed
competition and enhance establishment (Prine et al., 1986).
15.3.2 Caulorhizae
(a) Description
Section Caulorhizae is characterized by the presence of stolons. While
many Arachis have prostrate stems and may appear to be stoloniferous by
the rooting effect of the fruiting pegs, only the Caulorhizae actually form
regular nodal root systems (Gregory et al. 1973). The original accessions of
the two species within the section, A. pintoi and A. repens (Figure 15.3), are
morphologically distinct. However, more recent collections tend to be
intermediate between the two, making it difficult to ascribe them to one or
the other species (Valls, 1983). Descriptions will therefore largely apply to
the original types. Both species are strongly perennial, developing roots
along the stolons on those nodes touching the ground, or those in the high
humidity of a dense canopy. These roots, fine at first, ultimately develop
into large woody taproot systems, 1-2 cm in diameter near the crown. Roots
carry large numbers of small aeschynomenoid nodules. In southern
Queensland, A. pintoi may form a canopy up to 20 cm deep in a pure sward,
while A. rep ens rarely exceeds 10 cm. These depths may be exceeded when
either is grown with a taller growing grass, when the groundnut stolons
adopt a more ascendant growth habit. A. repens tends to produce a denser,
more closely appressed stolon mat than does A. pintoi. Leaves of both
are tetrafoliolate, with distal (apical) leaflets obovate and the proximal
(basal) leaflets oblong-obovate. Leaflet size and proportion vary between
species. A. pintoi leaflets grow to about 45 mm long and 35 mm wide,
while A. repens leaflets rarely exceed about 30 x 15 mm. Leaflet
646 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
Figure 15.3 (a) Part of Arachis pintoi plant with stolon, taproot, foliage, flower
and pods; (b) variation in pod types of A. pintoi; (c) leaf of A. repens. (Scales: (a)
2/3 actual size, (b) 1.5 x actual size, (c) 1-1.5 x actual size.)
apices are mostly obtuse and bases slightly cordate in A. pintoi, the apices
of A. rep ens being mostly mucronate acute, and the bases cuneate to
obtuse. A. repens also lacks the prominent spreading tuberculate hairs that
are common on the proximal leaflet of A. pintoi.
Both species have relatively small yellow flowers, although one of the
recent collections which is closer to A. repens has orange flowers (Valls,
1983). One of the more significant differences between the two species is
that A. pintoi is capable of producing high yields of seed (Cook and
Franklin, 1988) and the original A. repens rarely produces seed at all. A.
pintoi pods are mostly single-seeded, about 6 mm in diameter and 11 mm
long, and borne usually singly, on pegs 1-27 cm long with the terminal pod
being prominently beaked. There are about 6000-8000 seed-in-pod/kg
(Oram, 1990).
Wild species 647
(b) Origin
A. pintoi was first collected in April 1954 by Professor Geraldo C.P. Pinto
near the mouth of the lequitinhonha River in Brazil at 15° 52' S, 39° 6' W,
and 50 m A.S.L. (Gregory et al., 1973). Valls (1983) and C.E. Simpson
(personal communication), after visiting the collection site and many sites
upriver, concluded that this material had been transported downriver from
around Ara~uai, that the collection site no longer exists due to southward
displacement of the river mouth, and that the altitude cited above would
more likely have been 5 m A.S.L.. It has travelled a circuitous route
around the world - from the collection site, in turn to Cruz das Almas
(Brazil), Corrientes (Argentina), Experiment (USA), Brisbane (Austra-
lia) and Cali (Colombia), ultimately returning to Brazil at Belem in the
north. It has now been catalogued under a variety of collection numbers
and accession numbers: GK 12787 = PI 338447 (US), HL 323 = PI 338314
= CPI 58113 (Australia) = CIAT 17434 (Colombia).
The site where Dr Thomas Dalton first discovered A. repens was at
600-700 m A.S.L. along the lequitai River (18° 10' S, 43° 26' W). Gregory
et al. (1980), believing this to be a tributary of the lequitinhonha rather
than of the Sao Francisco, recorded that Caulorhizae has been found only
in the valley of the lequitinhonha. Subsequent collecting expeditions have
extended the known limits of the section to include the valleys of the Sao
Francisco (Valls, 1983) and Tocantins (C.E. Simpson, personal communi-
cation). The original A. rep ens collection is now catalogued under seven
different collection numbers, seven USA accession numbers and a variety
of other accession numbers throughout the world.
A. pintoi has generally been collected in infertile red, sandy loam river-
bottom soils of high aluminium saturation, appearing to do best in low
areas which are wet to flooded during the wet season. Rainfall in the region
during the wet season (October to May) is about 2000 mm, a further
200 mm falling during the remainder of the year. The native vegetation is
mata baixo or low forest, with trees to 5 m and very little sunlight reaching
the forest floor (C.E. Simpson, personal communication).
A. repens originates from similar environments. The only published
noting about the first collection site was 'from an area sometimes inun-
dated by water' (Anon., 1967). One recent collection was from a grey, silty
loam soil, where the plants were growing among grasses in standing water,
and another from a red silty clay where plants were growing on the
roadside and in low areas (C.E. Simpson, personal communication).
(c) Cultivars
The only cultivar from Caulorhizae is A. pintoi PI 338314, which was
introduced into Australia as CPI 58113 in 1972, released commercially
in 1987 and registered as cv. Amarillo (mistakenly believing this to be
648 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
Portuguese for 'yellow', referring to the flower co.lour) in 1990 (Oram,
1990). Amarillo has been exported to Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand, Sri Lanka and various Pacific countries including Fiji, Western
Samoa and Tonga.
(d) Adaptation
In general, A. pintoi and A. repens are well adapted to moderately
drained, or seasonally inundated or poorly drained soils in the humid
tropics and subtropics. They have performed well between latitudes of
1° 30' near Manado in North Sulawesi, Indonesia (Kaligis and Sumolang,
1991), to 29° 30' at Grafton in New South Wales, Australia (G.P.M.
Wilson, personal communication), in areas receiving average annual
rainfall from about 1100 mm to more than 3000 mm. Soil textures at
successful evaluation and development sites have ranged from sands to
well structured clays, and soil reaction mostly from very acid to neutral.
Due to more intensive testing of A. pintoi, there is a more detailed
understanding of its adaptational range than for A .. rep ens . The only soil
texture limitation for A. pintoi appears to be on poorly structured, medium
to heavy clays, often referred to as 'puggy' soils. In two instances in
southern Queensland, it has grown poorly or failed to persist on such
soils (R.M. Jones, B.G. Cook, unpublished); this does not appear to be
related to drainage, since experience in Brazil shows it to be well adapted
to seasonally waterlogged conditions (Anon., 1989b). It appears to be
less sensitive than many species to pH, having grown well on soils
with pH values ranging from 4.3 (in water) on the Llanos Orientales of
Colombia (Grof, 1985) to 7.2 (1:5 water) on the Darling Downs of south-
east Queensland (J.N. Coote, personal communication). As might be
expected, the adaptation to extreme acidity is accompanied by a tolerance
of soluble aluminium and manganese. G.R. Rayment (unpublished data)
demonstrated tolerance of manganese levels which would have been detri-
mental to many other legumes. Aluminium tolerance is indicated by soil
analysis data from Grot's (1985) experiment, which showed an 86%
aluminium saturation of the exchange complex.
A. pintoi may have a greater requirement for soil phosphorus than the
rhizomatous species (section 15.3.1( d)). In a pot trial comparison between
the rhizomatous GKP 9618/CPI 93469 and A. pintoi, using a soil of 12 ppm
available P (bicarbonate extract; Colwell, 1963), the former gave little or
no response, while the latter responded up to the equivalent of 50 kg/ha of
applied phosphorus. Dextre (1984), Turnour (1987) and J.X. Kui (unpub-
lished data) also obtained significant responses in A. pintoi to single rate
applications of 20, 100 and 40 kg/ha of phosphorus to soils of 2.7-4.9 ppm
(extractant not reported), 13 ppm and 19 ppm (both bicarbonate extract)
While A. pintoi and A. repens are adapted over a wide latitudinal range,
Wild species 649
best performance is obtained in areas not subject to frost. Top growth is
'burnt' by frost but stands recover from unaffected stolons or crowns.
One of the most significant characteristics of A. pintoi is its high level of
shade tolerance. In a study by the University of Queensland comparing 84
legume accessions from many genera, A. pintoi was the most shade toler-
ant; at 20% light it produced 48% of the mean of yields produced at 100%
and 70% light (W.W. Stiir, 1991). This has far-reaching implications in its
use as a forage and ground cover. A. repens was not as shade tolerant as
A. pintoi; at 20% light it produced only 28% of the mean of yields
produced at 100% and 70% light.
(e) Yield
The magnitude of dry matter yields reported for a particular species is
often strongly dependent on height and frequency of cut. It is not surpris-
ing, then, to find that yields from experiments in various countries differ
markedly. In Colombia, harvesting every 4 weeks at 3 cm, Grof (1985)
obtained dry matter yields from 5.2 to 9.6 t/ha, depending on the com-
panion grass. Yields in Costa Rica varied from 2.6 t/ha (11 cuts/yr) at San
Isidro to 10.9 t/ha (9 cuts) at Guapiles (Anon., 1990b). Working in matur-
ing rubber plantation in Malaysia, Ng (1991) recorded only 2.4 t DM/ha.
Kaligis and Sumolang (1991) and Rika et al. (1991), working in coconut
plantations in north Sulawesi and Bali in Indonesia, obtained yields of 4.8
and 2.7 t DM/ha for A. pintoi and 4.4 and 3.2 t DM/ha for A. repens. In all
south-east Asian situations, Arachis was grown in pure stands and cut at 8-
weekly intervals. In the humid sub tropics of south-eastern Queensland,
harvesting pure stands at 2-3 cm every 6 weeks, irrigated and unirrigated
yields of 7.3 and 6.5 t DM/ha were obtained from cv. Amarillo (B.G.
Cook, unpublished).
In the Guapiles experiment, two more recently collected accessions of
A. pintoi (ClAT 18744, 18747) produced similar yields to the original
collection (ClAT 17434) while others (CIAT 18745, 18746) produced only
3.7 and 3.8 t DM/ha.
(g) Establishment
Due to poor seed set, A. repens is propagated only vegetatively. It strikes
readily from lengths of stolon with two to three nodes, providing the soil is
kept moist.
A. pintoi produces high seed yields and may therefore be propagated
from either seed or cuttings. A laboratory technique for in vitro culture has
also been described (Burtnik and Mroginski, 1985) but has no immediate
application in commercial pasture establishment. The simplest method is
to establish from seed. Freshly harvested seed should be dried at 35-40 °C
for 10 days to improve germination (1. Butler, unpublished data). Cook
and Franklin (1988) describe a method of precision planting to establish a
seed crop. Seed should be inoculated with a specific strain of
Bradyrhizobium prior to planting. Early evaluation of the species was
hampered by lack of a highly effective strain of root nodule bacteria, but
the strain CIAT 3101, initially isolated from Centrosema macrocarpum,
was selected after a screening programme in Colombia (Sylvester-Bradley
et ai., 1988). This strain, different from that used with A. hypogaea, is now
used in all commercial plantings. For the seed crop, a sowing rate of 25 kg
seed-in-pod/ha was used, but 10 kg/ha is adequate for pasture establish-
ment providing seed is of good quality. Seed is best sown 2-6 cm deep.
Specialized planting machinery is most economical of seed but other
methods are available. Perhaps the most practical method is to broadcast
seed onto a fairly well prepared seed-bed, cultivate to cover the seed, and
roll to achieve good soil/seed contact. Some coverage is essential as
surface-sown seed germinates poorly (Ogawa et ai., 1990) and is attractive
to birds and rodents (B.G. Cook, unpublished data). Ogawa et ai. (1990)
noted that some seeds that did germinate failed to develop because the
thick radicle could not penetrate the hard surface layer of uncultivated soil.
Wild species 651
A. pintoi is tolerant of a range of pre- and post-emergence herbicides
facilitating effective chemical weed control in an establishing stand. Its low
growth habit in the early stages permits use of rope-wick herbicide appli-
cators (Cook and Franklin, 1988). Sowing time depends on seasonal
constraints such as probability of frost in the higher latitudes, and onset of
wet and dry seasons in monsoonal climates. Seedlings establish quickly and
complete groundcover can be achieved in 5 months from the higher sowing
rate given above. Seed is not always available, due to difficulties in seed
production and storage, but established stands may be available as a source
of planting material. Asakawa and Ramirez (1989) describe an effective
method of manual or mechanical vegetative establishment used in
Colombia. They suggest planting 20 cm lengths of stolon about 15 cm deep
in rows 35 cm apart or, if planted with a grass, in rows 1 m apart. Cuttings
should be inoculated with Bradyrhizobium using an adhesive such as
Considering that the genus Arachis possesses many desirable forage attri-
butes among its various sections and species, it is remarkable that so little
breeding work appears to have been carried out with the specific aim of
producing improved forage types. Gregory and Gregory (1979) demon-
strated intra- and intersectional compatibility from a programme involving
a total of 1075 crosses among 91 parental forms representing at least 50
species. Although the success rate was not high, the work does demon-
strate some potential for improvement through breeding. Such improve-
ment has already been achieved at Coimbatore, India, from a cross
between the diploid A. diogoi and tetraploid A. glabrata (Chandrasekhar,
1980). The hybrid, which it is suggested be called cultivar Forachis, pro-
duces higher yields than either parent, yet retains the desirable rhizoma-
tous growth habit of A. glabrata. Gregory and Gregory (1979) showed that
A. giabrata crossed successfully with series Annuae of section Arachis and
series Tetrafoiiolatae and Procumbensae of section Erectoides, but not with
series Perennes of section Arachis, of which A. diogoi is a member. This
places doubt on the identity of the non-rhizomatous parent of Forachis.
Natural hybrids are common in pasture nurseries where representatives
of several sections are grown in close proximity. The American cultivar
Florigraze arose as an intrasectional cross under such circumstances at
Gainesville, Florida (Prine et ai., 1981). A probable intrasectional cross
occurred at Grafton in New South Wales, where a type, intermediate
between A. repens and A. pintoi, appeared in a plot of A. pintoi growing
close to a plot of A. rep ens (G.P.M. Wilson, personal communication).
No other compatible types were growing nearby. Intersectional crosses
656 Utilization of Arachis species as forage
between Erectoidesl Procumbensae and Rhizomatosae have also developed
at Grafton, and at Gympie, in south-east Queensland. These have
appeared in plots of the freely seeding Erectoides accession, CQ 1780, and
Procumbensae accession, PI 446898. The hybrids do not flower; they
have different leaf characteristics from the female parent and produce a
multitude of shoots arising from short rhizomes. Similar types have
been observed at Gainesville, Florida (K.H. Quesenberry, personal com-
munication). None of these appears to have an agronomic advantage over
either parent. Other possible spontaneous intersectional hybrids have
been observed in Costa Rica, with A. pintoi (Cauiorhizae) as the female
parent and PI 446898 (Procumbensae) as the male (P. Argel, personal
communication) .
However, once the limitations of the wild types have been more com-
pletely identified, there seems real potential to incorporate valuable attri-
butes into more promising types - say nematode resistance into PI 446898-
or to produce a completely different type combining desirable qualities
from several sources, using the various breeding techniques available.
The genus Arachis originates mainly from Brazil but is also found in
Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, in an area extending from near
the Equator to 34° S, and from the Atlantic coast to the foothills of the
Andes. The altitude range is from sea level to 1450 m. Gregory et ai. (1980)
describe the diversity of habitat:
It is found among vegetation types from broken forest to the open
grasslands of 'Pantanal' and 'Campo', in 'Caatinga', 'Parque',
'Chaco', and 'Cerrado'. Its species grow submerged, among stones
bathed with water, in dry gravel, and in flood-plain alluvium. They
are found from semi-arid locations to regions that receive 2000 mm or
more of rain per year and in regions subject to great floods and
intense droughts. They grow most commonly in friable or somewhat
sandy soils, but also in soils that vary from almost pure sand to
reduced, humic clays and sands, various alluvia, dark red humic
latosols, to pure lateritic caps and gravel. Underlying parent rock
may be sandstone, limestone, basic gneiss, granite, basaltic lava, and
less often mica and mica schists.
There are annual, biennial and perennial types, with procumbent, decum-
bent or erect growth habits. Prostrate stems develop nodal roots in some
species; in other species, rhizomes develop. Plants may have simple tap-
roots or varying degrees of tuberous development. Seed is produced
underground on vertical or horizontal pegs. The genus has been divided
into sections based on these characters. To date, forage potential has been
recognized and commercialized in only three of these sections - Arachis,
References 657
Rhizomatosae and Caulorhizae. Work with material from these sections
has demonstrated a number of particularly desirable characteristics within
the genus, though not all necessarily possessed by anyone variety - high
yields and high quality of forage, high palatability, excellent haymaking
qualities, persistence under intensive grazing and among competitive
grasses, tolerance of low fertility and high aluminium and manganese,
good drought tolerance, and minimal losses due to pests and disease.
These characteristics have translated successfully to animal production.
Outside the native habitat, the bulk of forage derived from Arachis has
come from haulms from the cultivated groundnut, A. hypogaea. At this
stage, only a relatively small proportion of the world collection of wild
types has been evaluated for forage potential in the tropics and subtropics.
With the diversity of growth forms and adaptation within Arachis, there is
little doubt that, as more of the collection finds its way into forage
germ plasm banks, the contribution of the genus to world livestock pro-
duction will increase markedly.
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status of collection and conservation of South American groundnut germplasm with
emphasis on wild species of Arachis in Proceedings of an International Workshop on
Cytogenetics of Arachis, 31 October-2 November 1983, ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P.,
India, pp. 15-35.
Valls, 1.F.M. (1983) Collection of Arachis germplasm in Brazil. Plant Genetic Resources-
Newsletter, 53, 9-14.
Velasquez, G. and Gonzalez, E. (1972) The nutritive value of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)
straw. Agronomia Tropical, 22(3), 287-290.
Vinijisanum, T., Irwin, 1.A.G., and Cameron, D.F. (1987) Host range of three strains of
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from tropical pasture legumes, and comparative histologi-
cal studies of interactions between type B disease-producing strains and Stylosanthes
scabra (non-host) and S. guianensis (host). Australian Journal of Botany, 35(6), 665-77.
Vos, G. and lones, R.M. (1986) The role of stolons and rhizomes in legume persistence.
CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures Annual Report, Brisbane, Australia, pp.
Williams, M.l., Hammond, A.C., Kunkle, W.E. and Spreen, T.H. (1991) Stocker perform-
ance on continuously grazed mixed grass - rhizoma peanut and bahiagrass pastures.
Journal of Production Agriculture, 4(1), 19-24.
Wright, G.c., Hubick, K.T. and Farquhar, G.C. (1991) Physiological analysis of peanut
cultivar response to timing and duration of drought stress. Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research, 42, 453-470.
York, E.T., lr and Colwell, W.E. (1951) Soil Properties, Fertilisation and Maintenance of
Soil Fertility, in The Peanut - the Unpredictable Legume, The National Fertilizer
Association, Washington, DC, pp. 122-172.
To consider the varied roles that ground nuts can perform, it is appropriate
to appreciate the actual diversity of farming systems in which it can be a
component. Farming systems can be classified according to a number of
different criteria. Ruthenberg (1980) classifies them on the following bases:
1. Type of land management
2. Intensity of cropping
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by J. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412408201.
Farming systems 665
3. The source of water
4. The type of crops produced
5. Levels of production technology
6. Intensity of commercial production.
• natural rainfall; or
• irrigation; or
• a combination of both.
666 The groundnut in farming systems and the rural economy
16.1.4 Type of crops produced
Crops are produced broadly for four purposes:
• Food
• Beverages
• Industrial use
• Medicinal.
Individual crops may fall into more than one of these categories.
Season Station Province Ngoni Nsenga Chewa Chalim- Natal Asiriya SE LSD
bana Common Mwitunde P = 0.05
1954-5 Mukulaikwa Central 110 140 225 200 50 240 ±22 69
1955-6 Mukulaikwa Central 51 164 82 193 38 216 ±33 99
Kalichero Eastern 795 870 906 872 710 900 ±39 120
Monze Southern 813 783 776 872 588 680 ±38 116
1956-7 Monze Southern 1375 1188 1243 1254 957 1111 ±32 97
Petauke Eastern 363 594 583 594 286 • 539 ±24 75
1957-8 Petauke Eastern 1232 1243 1199 1122 1078 704 ±34 104
Katapola Eastern 693 836 792 748 429 616 ±68 205
Monze Southern 429 484 418 429 264 429 ±41 125
Misamfu Northern 660 693 649 726 528 660 ±69 207
Balovale N. Western 407 396 429 275 33 374 ±41 124
Kabompo N. Western 957 957 671 880 143 792 ±72 219
678 The groundnut in farming systems and the rural economy
TABLE 16.2 Mean yields (kernels lh/acre) of groundnut varieties, Mount Makulu,
Season Variety
mean yields
Variety Habit 1956-7 1957-8 1958-9 1956-9
1. Time of sowing
This was identified in the very first season as an important factor influenc-
ing yield. The initial nursery collection was sown in duplicate, the first
replicate as soon as was practicable after the first rains in mid-late
November and the second replicate approximately 4 weeks later in mid
December. At harvest it was quite obvious that the early sowing had out-
performed the later by a considerable m~rgin and it was thought that an
attempt to quantify the effects of delayed sowing would be a useful
exercise. It soon became apparent that general practice among local tradi-
tional farmers was to sow their most important crops as early as possible.
In the Eastern Province, where groundnuts were an important source of
income, this category included groundnuts which could well be sown
before 1 December. In other areas,where they were solely a subsistence
crop, planting tended to be later after the sowing of staple crops - maize,
sorghum or finger millet - and this could be as late as mid December.
Sometimes, if onset of the rains was delayed, the earliest sowing might well
be possible only as late as mid December.
Results from trials conducted in two seasons are presented in Tables 16.3
and 16.4. These show consistent trends, with delayed sowing producing
substantial yield reductions. In the case of the Mount Makulu trials, where
a kernel quality test was also carried out, reduction in quality follows a very
similar trend to yield. A general recommendation can therefore be given,
on the basis of these (and other similar) results, that advantage be taken of
the earliest possible opportunity for sowing. Sometimes a problem arises in
connection with the earliest sowings when moisture distribution is not
uniform in the field and uneven germination results, but the consequences
of delayed sowing are likely to be even more detrimental.
Another important effect of early sowing is to reduce the impact of some
major pests and diseases on yield. This will be considered in more detail
later in section 16.3.1(c).
2. Time of lifting
The question of harvesting a geocarpic crop with a fundamentally indeter-
minate flowering sequence is a vexed one. It is a matter of determining the
optimum time when the highest proportion of pods are mature. Premature
harvesting will obviously increase the proportion of immature fruits har-
vested as well as giving a yield reduction, while delayed harvesting pro-
duces loss of early-set pods by breakage or disintegration of pegs, severing
the connection between plant and pods. Although all groundnuts are
botanically indeterminate in flowering and fruiting, in practice the fasti-
giate varieties and the spreading bunch forms tend to have a defined period
of effective flowering and fruiting. Only those pegs fairly close to the
TABLE 16.3 Effect of sowing times on kernel yield and quality of three groundnut varieties at Mount Makulu, 1959-60
maturity. The inference could also be drawn that additional water supplied
by irrigation could have taken more of the kernels to full maturity and
improved both yield and quality from the higher populations.
Populations thousands/acre
(SE ±64)h (±46)d (±35)f
20 955 461 491 636
40 1103 505 515 708
80 1175 560 576 770
Mean 1078 509 527
TABLE 16.9 Effect of plant spacing on yield and quality of two varieties of
groundnuts at Mount Makulu, 1959-60
0 137 228 63
1 278 468 489
2 1053 762 440
3 1162 936 599
4 1489 980 651
5 1467 893 600
LSD P = 0.05 313 189 214
o 481 56.72
1 620 58.91
2 821 65.03
3 914 68.59
4 1139 71.43
LSD P = 0.05 195
0 828 827
1 1683 849
2 2090 914
3 2132 870·
4 2410 837
LSD P = 0.05 233 180
5. Fertilizer use
In what was current American practice during the 1950s and 1960s, the
only direct fertilizer applied to the groundnut was gypsum to ensure
supplies of calcium adequate for full normal pod development. While there
is no doubt that groundnuts are responsive to soil fertility as generally
perceived, responses to fertilizers in the season of application are inconsist-
ent and erratic. This conclusion is supported by trials carried out in Zambia
in 1958-59 (Table 16.15). It can be argued that the crop is in fact not
responding to the fertilizers applied, since these are in all probability not in
the same soil horizon as the feeding roots of the crop. This supports the
wisdom of the old American guideline to fertilize the rotation as a whole
rather than the groundnut break. Nutrients which have passed beyond the
reach of the feeding roots of maize, for example, may be readily accessible
to the groundnut root system. It would have been interesting to follow the
effects of deep fertilizer placement.
10) and there are two avenues of attacking the problem: controlling the
insect vector by host-plant resistance and/or by resistance of the host plant
to the virus itself. At the time of this experimental work, host resistance to
the aphid had been found in East Africa in the variety Asiriya Mwitunde.
Field tests at Mukulaikwa in Zambia showed that, under field conditions in
which 100% infection was observed in Natal Common, only 2% occurred
in Asiriya Mwitunde. Clearly antixenosis was operating, the basis of which
has not been explored. Evans (1954) pointed out the difficulty of carrying
out experimental studies on rosette using conventional small plot tech-
niques. This difficulty was also experienced in Zambia but, very occasion-
ally, analysable observations could be obtained. Such a dataset was
collected at Petauke in 1954-60 on the incidence of rosette in relation
to time of sowing. This clearly showed that establishment percentages
decrease with delay in sowing, while percentage infection increased
enormously (Table 16.16). These two effects are confounded in this
analysis but it is known that establishment is less successful in delayed
sowings, quite independently of rosette infection. Observation also
suggests that poor gappy stands are more attractive to aphids, as are
chlorotic plants resulting either from virus infection or through waterlog-
ging. The suggestion has been made that, in closed stands, biological
control of the insect vector through entomophagous fungi controls virus
spread (which is less effective in poor stands). The attraction of aphids to
chlorotic plants draws the vector to the virus source in many instances,
from which it can spread rapidly. The rosette virus produces disease as a
rule in crops grown in poor conditions: the commonest factors producing
outbreaks are late sowing and drought. With good husbandry and III
seasons of good, well-distributed rainfall, it is not serious as a rule.
692 The groundnut in farming systems and the rural economy
TABLE 16.16 Effect of time of sowing incidence of rosette, Petauke, 1959-60,
variety Mani Pintar
This is not the case, however, with leaf spot diseases. These are universal
and occur in good seasons and bad. They can produce very high levels of
yield loss in conditions particularly favourable for disease development.
The spanish/valencia group of varieties (subsp. Jastigiata) are much more
susceptible than are the virginia cultivars (subsp. hypogaea). Leafspot
control trials were carried out at Mount Makulu between 1957 and 1960
and results are presented in Tables 16.17 and 16.18. In the susceptible
Spanish 809 variety, yield reductions of >50% were produced in the first
season (1957-58) and c. 30% in the second (1958-59), in which the overall
yields of all treatments were higher. In the final season a comparative pair
of trials using Spanish 809 and the more resistant/tolerant Makulu Red
showed yield levels which were comparable in the fungicide treatments of
both trials; however, the control treatment in Makulu Red yielded
approximately 50% higher and still retained leaf at harvest, whereas
Spanish 809 was completely defoliated. There was also an interesting effect
on quality. In Makulu Red, kernel size was not significantly affected by the
disease; in Spanish 809, on the other hand, the proportion of larger kernels
doubled in the spray treatments. These experiments were conducted on
sites adjacent to areas in which the crop had been cultivated in the previous
season and a very high inoculum potential was ensured. Although no
investigations were carried out on possible means of delaying the onset of
leaf spot attack by the use of windbreaks and maximizing distances be-
tween sites of successive crops, these were thought to be areas worth
exploring as possible methods of cultural control.
There were other pests and diseases of sporadic occurrence which were
noted but not investigated in detail. Insects which caused some damage
included thrips, leafhoppers, caterpillars, white grubs and termites. No
control was attempted and problems never got seriously out of hand. In
retrospect it is perhaps as well that control by pesticides was not attempted
- natural control of these pests seemed quite effective with reasonably
stable pest populations
Adaptive research 693
TABLE 16.17 Leaf spot control trials with fungicides, 1957-9 (mean yields,
kernels lblacre), variety Spanish 809
TABLE 16.18 Effect of controlling leaf spot by fungicides on yield and quality of
two groundnut varieties at Mount Makulu, 1959-60
Diseases other than cercospora leaf spots and rosette were never serious.
Phyllosticta, Pleospora and Pseudoplea were sometimes isolated from leaf
lesions but attacks by these fungi never reached epidemic proportions.
Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) was sporadic in occurrence,
often most severe in the first years after ploughing up resting land and
declining thereafter. Sclerotium rolfsii, although destructive where infec-
tion occurred, was only sporadic and effective disposal of crop residues by
turning in prevented this potentially serious pathogen becoming a prob-
lem. Seedling rots produced by fungi such as Aspergillus niger were
effectively controlled by seed dressings. Concealed damage of kernels
could be incited by a variety of species, including Corticium solani in stored
pods, but the local practice of shelling groundnuts as soon as practicable
after harvest reduced this problem.
694 The groundnut in farming systems and the rural economy
TABLE 16.19 Groundut yields and cultural practices used by the winning competi-
tor in the Rhodesian National Groundnut Competition, 1972-74
1972/73 1973/74
In any research endeavour, it is important that both the immediate and the
more remote contexts of the work be fully appreciated. That is why
farming systems and adaptive research have been considered at some
length in this chapter. In specialist crop circles it is very easy indeed to lose
sight of such considerations. The awareness of the relationship between
one's own work and that of one's colleagues greatly facilitates the flow of
information. Information can be one of the most underused of our re-
sources - not least that which, although gleaned decades ago, remains of
considerable current relevance. Lack of awareness of previous work leads
to attempts to re-invent the metaphorical wheel or complete failure to
learn the lessons of the past. We in the groundnut world have the spectre of
the East African Groundnut Scheme to remind us of the consequences of
References 699
ill advised and poorly considered development projects. The present era is
that of the 'instant fix' the politician is constitutionally impatient and tends
to favour the short-term 'solution' to development problems produced by a
consultant, notwithstanding the totally inadequate factual base on which
developmental initiatives might be founded. Quite obviously resources
would be better directed into a programme of on-the-spot adaptive re-
search, which could ensure that development could be both compatible
with the local farming systems and sustainable in the long term.
There are crops such as coconuts and bananas for which the level of inputs
(in some circumstances at least) may be quite low. After the crop is
established the farmer has little to do but to watch it grow and harvest it. A
little gentle weeding and cultivation may be all that is needed. This is never
the case with groundnuts: the returns, good though they may be, are not
won easily nor without considerable effort. One might ask at this stage why
the effort still continues to be forthcoming and the reason lies in the very
high regard in which the product is held and its great versatility in use. The
uses vary quite remarkably in the various areas of production. In subsis-
tence economies the seed is used directly for human consumption while the
crop residue is a useful livestock food. It is interesting to note the use that
was made of the crop in the United States for 'hogging off', in which
groundnut crops at or near maturity w'ere in essence harvested by pigs. It is
not beyond the bounds of possibility that such usage, given favourable
circumstances, might return.
The utilization of the groundnut as food by subsistence cultivators is
varied -limited, one might say, only by human ingenuity. The crop can be
The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Edited by J. Smartt. Published in
1994 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0412408201.
Product diversity 701
used in similar ways to peas and beans in what might be called the 'green
mature' stage before the fruit dries out, or even earlier when the pod is soft
and juicy (Krapovickas, 1969). According to the same author, it can be
used as the source of a refreshing drink, chicha de mani, and also a soap
can be made from the seed by saponification. Since the seed may contain
50% of its dry matter as oil, it is a relatively simple matter to extract the oil.
The mature seed can be parched or ground to a paste and used in the
preparation of soups and relishes. The seed is also amenable to use in the
traditional fermentation technologies practised at village level in south-east
Asia and the Far East.
By the nature of things, subsistence cultivators cannot be totally self-
sufficient: they usually produce some surplus which can be sold or
exchanged locally for other essential goods. There is usually some small
local trade in the crop since it is such a popular article of consumption. This
surplus provides the base from which (in favourable areas) an export trade
might develop. Historically, with urbanization there was no doubt a
demand from town and city markets for this popular and well-regarded
food material. The overseas export market was initially for the oil: Archer
(1853) reports that the crop was sold by dry-fruiterers but the bulk of
imports went to the oil mills. He noted, however, that the supply was
irregular - 'sometimes several hundred quarters in the year, and at other
times none at all'. He went on to say: 'It is never likely to be much used as
an edible fruit in this country [Britain], being in no respect superior to the
common grey pea of our fields.' Clearly the development of export markets
depended on the reliability of production and relative stability of markets
which has developed in the past 100-150 years. Johnson (1964) presents an
extensive historical review of the history and past utilization of the crop
and shows how, in the United States, slow progress was achieved towards
general acceptance of the groundnut by the apostle of the peanut, George
Washington Carver, in the early part of the present century.
The bulk of initial exports found an industrial market in the edible oil
expression industry. The press cake became a valuable and lucrative by-
product and a well-regarded, high-protein feeding stuff, particularly for
dairy cattle, in the first half of the present century. In North America, the
edible oil industry was eclipsed as a market with the development of
confectionery uses in candies and sweets in addition to traditional roasted
and salted peanuts, but most of all by the development of the peanut butter
market. Peanut butter, together with cola beverages, has become some-
thing of a North American addiction.
The result of all this is that the groundnut has an enormous diversity of
use at present, which tends to promote stability of markets in the long
term. It does mean that the quality prescriptions of the market must be
met. Then there is the question of adjustment to changes in market
demand. That for groundnut as an oilseed is slackening for a number of
reasons, principally because of competition from other oilseeds (maize,
702 The future of the groundnut crop
sunflower, soya and rape) but also because of a change in the nature of the
material exported. Until comparatively recently, oil expression depended
on imported stock but there has been a tendency for this process to be
carried out in the country of production. Unfortunately this has led to the
problem of adulteration of groundnut oil with cheaper oils and, naturally,
the reputation and standing of the product has suffered.
In contrast, the demand at the upper market level has remained good
and is buoyant. This area is particularly attractive to food and confec-
tionery manufacturers because the added value potential is enormous. The
retail value of a tonne of groundnuts sold as roasted peanuts (approxi-
mately 40000 packets) compares very well indeed with the import cost of
the raw material. Just as there has been an attempt by producers to reap
some benefit from groundnut processing in production of oil and press-
cake, so it is reasonable to expect that they may well wish to benefit from
the added value arising from peanut butter and confectionery manu-
facture. This could be attractive if the groundnut hulls could be used as an
energy source for manufacture. The groundnut confectionery sector might
well seek to emulate the processing of sugarcane as an eminently energy
efficient industry.
Meeting the market demands for such an industry poses a challenge and
imposes some constraints. Quality standards for oil stock have not been
high - in the United States only reject nuts are used and the problem of
aflatoxin is less important as it remains in the cake and is virtually absent
from the oil. For confectionery use, quality standards are very exacting
indeed: aflatoxin levels must be low and demands for even lower levels are
likely to be imposed. The physical properties of the kernels are important;
size, shape and even testa colour (although removed in blanching) must
conform to standards. Chemical and organoleptic properties are similarly
The multiplicity of outlets and the diversity in utilization provides stab-
ility in the market, which is a great advantage in planning future pro-
duction initiatives since these can be based on a firmer foundation than
might otherwise be the case. However, the market's exacting standards
must be met and fully taken into account in the course of planning.
17.2.3 Aflatoxin
The aflatoxin problem, which has been recognized for 30 years and more
(Chapter 13), has not been finally resolved, although there has been
progress in knowledge of the causal organisms and the way they produce
their effects. Possibly the most productive approach is first of all to attempt
known environmental approaches to minimize invasion, then to select host
genotypes in which penetration of the pod wall is slow and finally to select
host genotypes which do not induce mycotoxin production by the fungi.
The prospects of more rigorous standards and lower tolerance levels is a
very real one. Conditions of storage in producing countries also need to be
of a high standard so that produce· is not denied entry into importing
countries. Continued mycological and breeding studies are required.
Since the pioneering days of Gregory, Smith and Yarborough (1951), there
has been a continuing development of botanical knowledge which provides
the foundation for much of the work of groundnut improvement. In many
areas the situation is highly satisfactory but in others there are large
lacunae which have to be filled. Our basic morphological and anatomical
knowledge of the cultigen and its wild relatives is reasonably satisfactory
(Chapter 3). Our knowledge of its reproductive biology and development
is also quite satisfactory (Chapter 5). This is not to imply that nothing
further remains to be done in these areas, but there are others where lack
of information and deficiencies of published knowledge are a decided
handicap, especially in biosystematics related to genetic resources (Chap-
ter 4). This has repercussions affecting the use of genetic resources in
breeding (Chapter 14) as well as the development of new uses for members
of the genus as forage in addition to their use as a genetic resource for
improvement of the cultigen (Chapter 15).
In the opinion of many, the future of crop improvement seems to lie in the
hands of the biotechnologist. To many in the field, this sounds like an
enormous oversimplification. It would be equally ill-advised to deny the
possibility of potential positive value as it would be to entertain totally
unrealistic ideas about what can actually be accomplished that is of practi-
cal value - and the cost-effectiveness of attempting to do so (Nigam, 1992).
Wild extrapolations from present accomplishments can lead to the setting
of over-ambitious targets in the future and almost inevitable disappoint-
ment. In biotechnology, if we do not manage to keep our feet firmly on the
ground, we are likely to dress up flights of fancy as realistic expectations. In
other words,we shall re-run the time-honoured bandwagon saga yet again.
In this connection it is interesting to consider a bandwagon which was in
motion 40 years ago - that of mutation breeding, which involved one of the
giants of peanut research, Walton C. Gregory of North Carolina State
University. His studies of mutation breeding were classic and well worth
carrying out for the light they shed on the operation of the genetic system
of the groundnut in particular and crop plants in general. In terms of useful
output of cultivars released, NC4X resulted but not a great deal besides.
New cultivars could be produced but less efficiently than by conventional
breeding programmes. There is no reason why useful mutations artificially
induced should not be fed into conventional breeding programmes. Where
mutation breeding has made its mark and continues to be of high value and
significance is in the improvement of vegetatively propagated crops.
Artificial mutagenesis plus selection of somaclonal variants have revolutio-
nized the breeding of chrysanthemums. It is a highly cost-effective breed-
ing technique for such decorative species and produces results in a much
shorter time than traditional breeding methods.
There are a number of reasons why the potential value of biotechnology
in groundnut improvement should be assessed with an appropriate
measure of caution. There are undoubted successes in certain crop species,
such as tomato (Rick, in press), but the state of genetical knowledge of
these species is vastly greater than that of the groundnut. Genetic maps of
morphological traits in tomato, are well developed, while little progress, if
any, has been achieved in this area for the groundnut. There has been
some progress in producing RFLP maps in Arachis until these can be
related to important morphological (and other) characters they are likely
to remain of purely theoretical interest. Another problem, which does now
seem to be approaching a solution, is that legumes as compared with
members of the Solanaceae are not the most responsive to tissue culture
and in vitro manipulation generally. Until comparatively recently it has not
been possible to obtain regeneration from callus tissue cultures. The
achievement of this is a considerable breakthrough. Nevertheless legumes
in general, and groundnuts in particular, tend to provide highly recalcitrant
The role of biotechnology 715
and intractable material when it comes to in vitro manipulation (Nigam,
The techniques of achieving transformation of groundnuts are still in the
development phase but there are indications that effective procedures will
be devised. Whether transformed plants will behave as expected is an open
question. Many of us are aware of the genetically transformed arthritic pig
of some years ago. Quite clearly the first stage is to develop transformation
techniques that work; the next task is to identify, extract and clone suitable
genes for introduction. Some genes are already available (the Bacillus
thuringiensis factor might have value in protecting the crop against foliar
feeders) but they are few in number and the great bulk of potentially useful
genes will have to come from other sources. The genus Arachis itself is the
repository for most of the genes whose effects would be valuable if they
could be used to transform A. hypogaea - many pest and disease resistance
genes are in this category. Unfortunately the genetic systems of wild
Arachis species are even less well understood than that of the cultigen; the
identification of useful genes and their attraction for cloning are well
beyond our present capability. To achieve the state of knowledge which
would enable this to be done would require an enormous investment and
the question remains as to whether such an investment would be cost-
effective. There is no guarantee that, if any major resistance genes were
incorporated through transformation, the magnitude of the effect would be
comparable in the donor and recipient species. In practice, the most
effective approach would be to exhaust the genetic resources of section
Arachis species before attempting biotechnological manipulations, in any
but an exploratory way, involving species in the higher order gene pools of
Harlan and de Wet (1971).
The idea that the laboratory will be the source of cultivars in the future is
one which has become lodged in the minds of many, including some of
those involved in making decisions about setting research priorities and
allocating funds. To the politicians, biotechnology has the great attraction
of offering the quick fix. Their time frames seem to coincide with intervals
between elections and there are those in the scientific community who are
prepared to exploit such myopia. However, the short -term advantage is
likely to be counter-productive when eventually the time comes for the
return on investment to be measured and evaluated. The reaction is likely
to be the discrediting of biotechnology as an instrument of crop improve-
ment. A grave error is being made in the implicit promotion of biotech-
nology cum genetic engineering as a substitute for plant breeding rather
than as a potentially valuable supplement to it.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a spirit of scientific
objectivity and balance in the present age. Although academic freedom
could be regarded by some as a meal ticket for life and justification for a
long-term ego trip exploring esoteric and arcane avenues of research, it did
mean that scientific exploration in the medium and long term could take
716 The future of the ground nut crop
place. Nowadays the short term rules so that results are expected within
three years or so, which can lead to sleight of hand and slick footwork in
what is becoming the sordid business of producing grant applications.
There is, for example, the project-in-hand scenario, where a smooth and
credible proposal can be submitted because the work is already virtually
complete. This type of proposal fares better before a granting committee
than one which seeks to explore difficult areas where problems are ill-
defined and solutions uncertain. The honest and straightforward scientist is
likely to be ever more frequently sidelined by the opportunistic (entrepre-
neurial) operator who may have very little of real value to offer. The field
is open to the plausible charlatan with a superabundant vocabulary of buzz
words who manages to keep ahead of the field and avoids ever being called
to account.
17.5.4 Utilization
Those at the ICRISAT workshop were well aware of the changing patterns
of ground nut utilization. Clearly trends need to be identified and if possible
anticipated, so that appropriate materials can be fed into the farming
systems to maintain their economic viability. This will necessitate market
monitoring and research combined with development of new markets in
References 719
order to maintain demand for the crop and keep the producers in business.
With the present slackening demand for groundnut oil, maintenance of
current levels of production will involve development or expansion of new
and existing outlets - markets with marked potential for adding value to
the basic product. The marketing and processing needs to be arranged so
that the countries of production (and especially the producers) derive a
fairer share of this added value than has been the case in the past.