2011 Office Safety Guidelines
2011 Office Safety Guidelines
2011 Office Safety Guidelines
1. Keep aisles and work places clear. Keep materials neatly piled and located that people
passing will not be injured.
2. Refuse containers should not be overfilled. They should be emptied daily.
3. KEEP EXITS CLEAR AT ALL TIMES. Fire doors SHALL NEVER be blocked or
otherwise made inoperative.
4. Keep stairways and landings clear and free from materials that could cause a tripping hazard.
5. Use a broom and pan when removing broken glass; never pick glass up with bare hands.
6. When a slippery substance such as grease or oil is spilled on the floor, clean it up
7. Defective floors, rugs, and floor mats are tripping hazards and should be reported to those
responsible for maintenance and repaired immediately.
1. Be sure you have a good footing then lift with a smooth even motion; don't jerk on a load.
2. Remove greasy substances from the hands before attempting to lift. Get a good handhold.
3. When lifting heavy objects, shift the load or your body until you are in position to make a
straight lift. Never lift while in an awkward position.
4. When making a lift from the floor, keep your arms and back straight and bend your knees,
keeping load close to your body, then lift with the powerful muscles in your legs.
5. Ask for help when, because of excessive weight, bulk or awkward shape, the load can't be
handled safely by one person.