Cementado de Pitts
Cementado de Pitts
Cementado de Pitts
Bracket Placement
H4 GO™ Aesthetic
Bracket System
e d u c a t i o n | c o m m u n i t y | c o l l a b o r a t i o n
Dear Doctor and Staff:
As I promised a few months ago, I am very pleased to offer you the 2nd issue of Pitts’ Protocol. Each and every year we
do our best to grow and improve as a company and this year has been an exceptional one for us. By working hand in
hand with Orthodontists, we have made great strides in broadening our product offerings and resources for you. In this
issue of the Protocol, Dr. Thomas Pitts, the Clinical Editorial Director, will introduce you to an “Active Early” approach
to Case Management and the second part of Smile Arc Protection for indirect bonding. Also in this issue, Dr. David
Herman of Four Corners Orthodontics has provided us an article about how he markets his H4 practice. So enjoy this
issue, as the next issue of the Protocol is already in the works and I am sure you will be eager to see it.
Ortho Classic have been designing and manufacturing orthodontic products in America for over 24 years and devel-
oped the technology that allows us to produce some of the highest quality and consistent brackets possible.
At Ortho Classic we are committed to consistent incremental improvements in our H4™ existing products and mean-
ingful innovation. This year alone, we have introduced H4 GO™, a wonderful aesthetic alternative that really performs,
the H4™ Buccal Tubes, and the Pitts’ Standard and Broad arch forms for our H4™ system. We will continue to adhere
to our “customer-first” philosophy, working tirelessly to provide superior products and services that consistently surpass
market expectations and excel on the world stage.
Please join us on our journey to the future, and accept our appreciation for your kindness and on-going support. Once
again, we at Ortho Classic would like to thank you for your continued loyalty and business.
Rolf Hagelganz
Ortho Classic President
8 Active Early
Active Early Principles by Drs. Tom Pitts and Duncan Brown
20 SAP™
Part 2 of Smile Arc Protection (SAP)
Dr. Thomas Pitts D.D.S., M.Sc.D.
Dr. Pitts is a world renowned lecturer and clinician. He is highly recognized for
his continued teaching of orthodontic finishing and clinical excellence. Dr. Pitts
is an associate clinical professor at the University of the Pacific and founder of
the well-respected Pitts Progressive Study Club.
Dr. Pitts has been published in multiple journals and clinical publications. He
has been actively teaching the orthodontic community in a variety of settings
both nationally and internationally since 1986.
Dr. Brown has made large contributions to the orthodontic community from
creating effective hygiene programs for patients, to the G&H Pre-Torqued Arch-
wire series and much more!
Dr. David Herman is credited with having one of the largest single office
practices in the United States. He is known for being years ahead of the curve—
foreseeing industry changes and adapting with success. Dr. Herman was one
of the pioneers in implementing same-day starts, passive self-ligation, staff-driv-
en management and adding dental and hygiene departments to an orthodon-
tic practice. Professionals from all over the United States come to observe Dr.
Herman’s staff-driven management concept and see the success of his mar-
keting campaign that brings in patients from more than two hours away.
His progressive treatment planning and focus on facial aesthetics has created a
highly successful name for himself early in his career.
7 www.orthoclassic.com // 2 015 Issue 2
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 8 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
Figure 1: Beautiful Smile Arc - The vertical Figure 2: SAP bracket placement - to Figure 3: SAP versus Traditional bracket
position of the upper anterior teeth relative protect the Smile Arc, and improve enamel placement: in situations with flat upper
to the upper posterior teeth determines display, brackets may be positioned in occlusal planes, or where more enamel
the Smile Arc. Importantly the Smile Arc a more gingival position on the upper display is required placing brackets with the
extends from first molar to first molar. anteriors than the upper posteriors. This wire plane parallel to the occlusal planes
approach may require a wire plane that is adversely impacts esthetics.
gingival to FA, and not parallel to the upper
occlusal plane.
Bracket Position as it effects Contemporary This approach to bracket placement has come to be
Esthetic Goals: called the “SAP”10 Smile Arc Protection approach. The
specifics of this approach have been published several
For many years, I have been teaching the “Top 10 times5 11 12, so rather than review those details again, I will
Esthetic Factors” that can be impacted by orthodontic cover the positive impact esthetics that SAP10 produces.
mechanics. These were recently published in a SIDO
article, so this article will deal more specifically with • ”Positive and negative” coronoplasty is very important.
bracket position, bracket selection, and arch form as it Patients today want beautiful faces, beautiful smiles, and
relates to these four factors; beautiful teeth. Teeth need to be “optimized” for shape
and contour. When done prior to bonding, esthetic re-
• Idealized inclination of the upper incisors and canines: contouring improves the ability to place brackets in the
Patients are more sensitive to adverse changes in axial appropriate location to maximize the smile arc, optimize
inclination than to changes in A/P position6 axial inclination, and control 1st and 2nd order changes
• Idealized smile arc: Idealized smile arcs are more in tipping mechanics. Prior to bonding, we encourage
attractive especially in women7 softening the cusp tips of the cuspids and first bicuspids,
• Incisal and Gingival display: Some gingival display, and normalizing facial irregularities, and optimize length/width
full enamel display is appropriate in a “posed” smile8 ratios of the upper anterior teeth. Other microesthetic
• Wide arch width, particularly in the molars: Smiles with aspects of contact point length, appropriate embrasure
small buccal corridors are more aesthetic, in both men spaces, and slenderizing for tooth size discrepancies are
and women9. accomplished after the anteriors are aligned. Centric
stop adjustments are made during the finishing stages
Placing anterior brackets in a more gingival position of treatment. All surfaces that have been adjusted are
improves enamel and gingival display by adjusting the smoothed with a white stone, and black rubber tips in a
vertical position of the upper incisors and cuspid high speed hand piece.
relative to the upper posteriors. (Figure 1, 2, 3).
Lower posterior brackets are placed in a more SAP Bracket Positioning:
gingival position to avoid the occlusion, and the lower
anterior bracket more incisally to intrude the lower • “SAP Bracket Position10” as a tool in gaining optimal
anteriors and optimize overbite (Figure 4,5). esthetics. Straight wire theory is based on occlusal results
but great occlusal results do not always provide great
esthetic results. Bracket position must be individualized
to patient esthetic need. In patients with “flat” occlusal
planes or those requiring increased enamel
display, the progression of the wire plane
created by bracket position must increase
to develop the smile arch by extrusion of
the upper incisors relative to the upper
bicuspids. In patients with normal occlusal
planes a more modest progression in the
wire plane is advisable to protect the smile
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 9 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
arc as the upper arch broadens with treatment. Bracket Torque as it effects Contemporary
Orthodontists tend to focus on intrusion of the upper Esthetic Goals:
anterior teeth in deep bite cases with steep occlusal
planes, and excessive enamel display which can lead to • Realistic Expectations and Straight Wire Theory: In
esthetic decline. A modest progression in still advised in straight wire theory, control of first, second, and third
deep bite cases to avoid excessive reduction in smile arc order tooth movement is described as being achieved by
with reduction in overbite. It is important to remember incremental increases in arch wire size and placement of
that large bracket progressions in the upper arch must the bracket slot at FA. It is required to gain optimal torque
be compensated for by increased “overlevelling” of the expression relative to the occlusal plane using arch wires
lower arch to maintain optimal overbite through bracket that “fill up the slot”18. The recognition of the limitations
position. of “straight wire theory” has become relatively common,
with the conclusion that, ”we need to raise the need
for a re-evaluation of the theories of the straight-wire
appliance in orthodontics.”19
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 10 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
Figure 7: Incremental increases in arch wire fail to provide lingual crown torsion when the slot is not filled.
Figure 8: SAP bracket positions decrease the angle of engagement, thereby improving control of axial inclina-
tion in dimensional wires.
Figure 9: Even with extreme SAP positions, it is unlikely to develop excessive torsion within the slot, with
common arch wire progressions.
Figure 10: “Flipping” the brackets, reduces the angle of engagement further, allowing torsional couple to be
developed in light dimensional wires.
Figure 11: Increased AW sizes in “flipped” brackets produce torsional couples within the slot to effectively
upright teeth.
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 11 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
• Other key case management principles: ELSE, With North American patients seeking broader smiles
disarticulation, and AW progression are more effective. and fuller lips, treatment has trended towards avoiding
When using SAP9 bracket positions, improvements in bicuspid extractions to achieve that goal, frequently
esthetic and functional occlusions occur in the first few with the adverse side effect of proclined upper anteriors,
appointments. Patients notice these changes, and we which is difficult to recover, and not desirable esthetically.
encourage the use of “every patient/every appointment
photography” as a means of validating the mechanical Bracket inversion as a means controlling
setup and the progress of treatment. axial inclination:
• SAP10 bracket positions are more effective in Inverting brackets (“flipped”) as a means of creating
management of axial inclination during the torsional more lingual crown torsion has been a common case
phase of treatment. This attribute is a key contributor management practice for years, usually as applied to
to a case management philosophy that allows changes controlling single teeth. Earl Johnson21 provided a very
in both transverse and axial inclination far earlier in the nice summary of using this approach as it is applied to
treatment cycle that traditional straight wire treatment controlling axial inclination of upper lateral incisors. Some
would allow. There are other aspects to this “active early” companies advocate using “low torque” prescriptions as
approach which will be appearing in the next few months a means of uprighting proclined teeth, but the reality is
for those who are interested, but briefly: that the torque selections involved are frequently not
sufficiently negative to accomplish that task. Research
• SAP10 bracket placements reduces the angle of indicates that torsion of 20 to 25° between the bracket
engagement by reducing the torque designed into the slot and arch wires (19X25) are required to create the
Rx, which is advantageous in cases with proclined teeth, requisite forces22, and this is very close to that attained
crowded upper anteriors, or to recover proclination with “flipped” brackets placed at SAP positions, utilizing
occurring as a result of relief of crowding (Figure 8). By commonly used wire sequences (Figure 11).
applying active torsion within the appliance sooner, with
lighter forces, treatment has the potential to be both One of the strategies used in an “active early” approach
more efficient and more comfortable for the patient. is to invert (“flip”) groups of upper anterior brackets as
a means of creating lingual crown torsion earlier in the
The “10 tooth smile” is touted as treatment cycle. This technique dramatically reduces
“slop” within the bracket wire interface by lowering
representing an esthetic ideal. There the angle of engagement at the outset (Figure 10) and
are however many excellent students applies active lingual crown torsion with incremental
increases in arch wire size (Figure 11). One of the critical
of dental esthetics that prefer a “12 aspects of this approach is that in the inverted or “flipped”
tooth smile” esthetically, and I agree Rx, more lingual crown torsion must be applied to the
with them. central than the lateral incisor, due to root size, allowing
uprighting of the teeth with minimal adjustment to the
• Secure Force Application: Even with very large SAP10 wire in finishing. Again the H4 Rx provides appropriate
progressions, application of excessive torsion through torque when “flipped” (-12/-8) for uprighting proclined
incremental increases in wire size is unlikely using teeth, compensating for proclination created during
commonly employed AW sequences (Figure 9). unravelling of crowding, or counteracting the effects
of class III mechanics. (Figures 12 to 18)
I have been an advocate of the PSL bracket system for
the last 15 years of my career. I utilize Ortho Classic’s H4 It has been suggested that when applying “single tooth”
bracket exclusively, and have been very pleased with the activation by “flipping” individual brackets requires that
performance of the appliance. The familiar Rx (12/8/7) in the bracket be uprighted or the wire adjusted once an
the upper anteriors, solid gate, .026 depth slot, combined ideal inclination is achieved18, which is one of the reasons
with utilization of “Pitts Standard” and Pitts Broad” arch that I suggest “flipping” brackets in groups to activate the
forms has increased efficiency tremendously. appliance. In crowded cases it is desirable to “flip” the
upper cuspid bracket to avoid “paddling” of the cuspid
Choosing the right torque bracket or groups of with arch development, relief of anterior crowding, or to
brackets can minimize arch wire adjustments in finishing, compensate for the adverse effects of localized torsion in
but the development of “variable torque” appliances has the appliance. In this approach, with the four incisors and
complicated this relatively simple concept. Rather than cuspids “flipped”, all the anteriors have negative torque
picking a bracket torque from a constellation of variable (“flocked”), allowing uprighting of the anterior segment
torque Rx’s on a tooth by tooth basis, torque selection with an unbent wire.
has been simplified in the “active early” approach to
reduce the arch wire adjustments in finishing.
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 12 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
Figure 12: Sample Case: Extra Oral Photographs.
© 2015 OrthoEvolve, All Rights Reserved 13 Dr. Tom Pitts & Dr. Duncan Brown | Active Early Principles
Figure 17: Improvement in axial inclination during the tipping phase of treatment
due to case management.
Author’s Comments
“Our goal in teaching continues to be to improve esthetic and functional outcomes, while simpli-
fying treatment mechanics and improving predictability, and efficiency. Combining the “14 Keys of
Pitts Case Management”, an “Active early” approach to treatment, and superior OC H4 self-ligating
brackets with Pitt’s Broad Arch Forms has gone a long ways to achieving those ends.”
1. Andrews - The six keys to normal occlusion, American Journal of Orthodontic, 1972;62: 269-309
2. Creekmore TD, Kunik RL. Straight wire: the next generation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1993 Jul;104(1):8-20.
3. Ackerman J, Ackerman MB, Brensinger CM, Landis JR. A morphometric analysis of the posed smile: Clin Orthod Res 1998;1:2-11.
4. Sarver D. The importance of incisor positioning in the aesthetic smile: the Smile Arc, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:98-111
5. Pitts, T. Begin with the end in mind and finish with beauty: SIDO Published online: 29/05/2014, 39-46
6. Cao et al - Effect of incisor labiolingual inclination and anteroposterior position on smiling profile aesthetics, Angle Orthod 20;81; 121-129
7. Ker et al - Esthetics and smile characteristics from the layperson’s perspective, JADA, Vol 139; 1319-1327
8. Sarver - The importance of incisor positioning in the aesthetic smile: the smile arc, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001; 120:96-111
9. Martin AJ, Buschang PH, Boley JC, Taylor RW, McKinney TW. The impact of buccal corridors on smile attractiveness, Eur J Orthod
10. Term courtesy Duncan Brown
11. Pitts TR. Begin with the end in mind: bracket placement and early elastics protocols for smile arc protection, Clin Impressions 2009;17:1.
12. Pitts T. The secrets of excellent finishing, News Trends Orthod 2009;14.
13. Naini - The Frankfort Plane and Head positioning in Facial Aesthetic Analysis - The perpetuation of a myth, JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery
14. Ramirez at al, Discrepancies in cephalometric measurements in relation to natural head position, Revists Mexicana de Ortodoncis,
Vol 1 No. 1, October- December 2013
15. Nouri st al - Three year Reproducibility of Natural Head Position: a longitudinal study, Journal of Dentistry Tehran University 2006 Vol 3, No 4
16. Pereira et al - Reproducibility of natural head position in children, Dental Press J Ortho, Vol 15 No 1, 2010
17. Peng et al - Fifteen year reproducibility of natural head posture, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Ortho, 1999, 116 (1): 82-55
18. Andrews - The six keys to normal occlusion, American Journal of Orthodontic, 1972;62: 269-309
19. Jimenez-Carlo et al - Are the Orthodontic Basis Wrong - Revisiting Two of the Keys of Normal Occlusion - ISBN: 978-953- 51-0143-7
20. Archambault et al - A comparison of torque expression…in metalic self-ligating brackets, Angle Orthod. 2010;80:884–889.
21. Earl Johnson -Selection of Torque in Straight Wire Appliances, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013;143:S161-7
22. Brauchi et al - Active and passive self ligation: a myth?, Angle Orthod. 2012;82:663–669
23. Martin - Goal Oriented Treatment, SIDO 2013: 4-11
24. Flemming et al - Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive, active, and conventional brackets in the permanent
dentition, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Ortho 2013; 144:185-193
H4 GO™ Aesthetic Bracket
H4 GO™ Aesthetic Bracket
The H4 GO™ is a low-friction, light force orthodontic solution that delivers healthy tooth movement with
optimal control. The contours of the slide and smooth rounded edges increase patient comfort. The H4
GO™ has all the great features of the H4™ Self-Ligating Bracket in aesthetic!
Integrated Hooks
Available on 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s for no extra charge.
Slot is Passive
In initial stages. Full-sized wires will make 3-4 wall contact.
Treadlok ® Base
Patent pending base provides superior surface area for greater bond strength.
Compound Contour
Stronger Bond
Channels allow air to escape, creating a stronger and more conformed bond.
Deep Channels
Deep channels provide increased surface area for easier application and improved
Compound Contour
Treadlok ® Base
Tread pattern provides reinforced channels for multi-directional sheering protection.
Reduced Clean-Up
Improved Treadlok® guards minimize “flash” for easier adhesive clean-up.
2nd Bicuspid 1st Bicuspid Cuspid Lateral Central Central Lateral Cuspid 1st Bicuspid 2nd Bicuspid
2nd Bicuspid 1st Bicuspid Cuspid Anterior Anterior Anterior Anterior Cuspid 1st Bicuspid 2nd Bicuspid
only the necessary minimum dental 9 mm 3,5 3,5 4,5 5,0 5,0 4,5 4,5 10 mm 2,0 3,0 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,0 5,5
8 mm 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,5 4,5 4,0 4,0 9 mm 2,0 2,5 3,5 4,0 4,5 4,5 5,0
The ameloplasty includes pronounced TOM x TOM is a table that studied and designed by Dr. Tomas Castellanos, based in “Smile Arc Protection”
- Dr. Tom Pitts - All rights reserved
marginal ridges on the lingual surfaces, of
incisors’ angles and incisal ridges, as well
as irregular vestibular surfaces. Irregular
vestibular surfaces prevent an optimum
placement of brackets, which control
rotations and torque1.
In general, this
allows the
orthodontist to Figure 7: The third step is to find the lower canine crown length measurement and the subse-
quent positions for the mandibular brackets
obtain adequate
occlusion with premolar extractions. But when the bonding procedure.
and an esthetic orthodontist decides that it offers the best
option, the table may be individualized. To
Avoids bracket repositioning and/or
the introduction of excessive correc-
© 2015 OrthoEvolve
All rights reserved.
Author’s Comments
“With more Orthodontists developing skills at indirect bonding, we believe that the “SAP protection
for protocol for indirect bonding” will greatly improve consistency of esthetic results, while still
capitalizing on the doctor time savings associated with the indirect technique.”
Pitts T. Begin with the end in mind: Bracket placement and early elastics protocol for smile arc protection. Clin Impres. 2009;17(1):1-11.
Sarver D, Ackerman MB. Dynamic smile visualization and quantification: Part 1. Evolution of the concept and dynamic records for smile capture. Am J
Frush JP, Fisher RD. The dynesthetic interpretation of the dentogenic concept. J Prosthet Dent. 1958;8:558-581.
Ackerman JL, Ackerman MB, Brensinger CM, Landis JR. A morphometric analysis of the posed smile. Clin Orthod Res. 1998;1(1):2-11.
Alexander W. Build treatment into bracket placement. In: The 20 Principles of the Alexander Discipline. Chicago, IL: Quintessence; 2008:59.
McLaughlin R, Bennett J, Trevisi H. Systemized Orthodontic Treatment Mechanics. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2001:60-65.
My Story
My practice is located in a rural region of the United States known
as the ‘Four Corners.’ My practice is in the city of Farmington,
NM (127,000 residents in the county) and my location is close to
the borders of Arizona, Utah and Colorado. There are five other
orthodontic practices in Farmington. My practice is known for
“creating wide beautiful smiles without taking out teeth.” This is
my promise to the public that I have lived up to for more than 10
years. I use and market H4 bracket technology. This technology
has allowed me to treat 97% of my patients without extractions.
This reputation has helped me to thrive as one of the largest sin-
gle office, single orthodontist practices in the United States. I treat
more patients outside of my county than within, as our marketing
reach extends in a 180 mile radius of the practice. It is very com-
mon for my patients to drive past other orthodontic offices while
making the 2-4 hour trip to my office.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, threats.
The analysis is used to evaluate your practice against the others.
My staff reviews other practice’s marketing activities and after
claims have been validated or invalidated, my staff and I compare
our practice’s strengths and weaknesses with competition. This
analysis lets us identify any opportunities and threats.
If your SWOT analysis results in the need to refine your campaign,
I urge you to try and remain true to who you are and resist
the temptation to consistently play against the competition.
Competing on cost is one of the hardest areas to resist. I
encourage you to market some of your messages about cost O PPORTUNITY
but on your terms. For me that means I do not play the “$$$ off”
coupon game. I am very willing to let a few of my competitor’s T HREATS
position themselves as the ‘low cost’ option. As a ‘place to go’
positioned practice my message on cost to the public is that my
treatment is affordable. My staff and I believe that if we can get a
prospective patient or parent to compare on cost the decision in
our favor is predictable.
After conducting a SWOT analysis, my team discovered a common weakness among the
competition. My team found that other offices offer vague information about their service fees. I
understand that many consultants recommend this type of ‘vagueness’ to get potential patients in
the door, but I disagree. Braces are huge financial commitment and many people simply want to
know what to expect. Obviously an exact figure can’t be given over the phone, but you should at
least provide a fee range and expectations for what will be collected at the patient’s first visit. This
transparency is important because it allows you to not waste time catering to “shoppers” that are
basing their decision solely on price. It’s also necessary to disclose your fee if you wish to perform
same-day starts at your practice.
Many orthodontists are better at system development than staff development. It has been said that
a team is only as good as its leader. A high-functioning team has a low turnover rate, is self-disci-
plined, highly skilled and happy. The teammates are mutually supportive of each other and have su-
perior skill in problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication. If you feel that your leader-
ship skill sets need to reach a higher level there are many books and courses available to help you.
public. But this message alone is probably not enough. The benefit you really want is to show the
public is your outcomes using H4 technology. Using photos of finished patients shows the features
of SAP (smile arc protection) and H4 technology. But don’t use your typical final photos—save those
clinical images for other orthodontists. Use photos of patients in some type of activity or at an
outside setting. Be sure to show off their wide, beautiful smile.
Finding ways to express benefits from practice features is an activity that is best accomplished
through group interaction. Finding a campaign that focuses on benefits and resonates well with the
public and “has legs” is the real test.
You should have someone monitoring data on how your website is viewed and how your com-
petition’s websites are viewed. Your monitoring effort will tell you what pages are getting the most
viewer time. Have it in your plan to refine your web site regularly. Use your data from your website
evaluation process to drive your revisions.
Last, push yourself, your staff and your consultants to differentiate your web site from others in your
market by taking chances to look unique. You can visit www.Herman4Braces.com to see my web-
site and view my 2015 TV commercials.
Those of us who live the story surrounding our PTG position have a much easier time protecting
that brand than those practices not living the story. Practices telling a false story will receive a large
number of unfavorable ratings, and these ratings will erode the public’s trust in their brand. Social
media has definitely sped up the branding process. Many practices jump at activities to get their
name out there such as car magnets, billboards, commercials, etc. This activity is worthwhile if it’s
connected to your message. The main benefit of name recognition activities is to promote dialog.
Ideally the promotion will result in someone talking about you and your brand and having the oth-
er person say, “I have heard of that orthodontist.” The goal from there is to then have these people
engage in a positive conversation about your practice.
ces on the
Angela Weber from OrthoSynetics and her outstanding team for
t io
Ge n!
© 2015 Four Corners Orthodontics.
All rights reserved.
Author’s Comments
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