Phoenix Preparation Pack
Phoenix Preparation Pack
Phoenix Preparation Pack
31 MAY 1995
STUDENT'S NAME:________________________________________________
The materials on the Phoenix level can sometimes be very restimulative to those doing the steps
below the state of Clear. For this reason we would like you to sign the attestation of confidentiality
I hereby agree not to reveal the contents of the Phoenix level to anyone
LENGTH OF COURSE:________________________________________
10. DEMO: Static Beings, Mocos and MEST Beings and the handling of each
Student Attest:___________________________________Date:______________
I have trained this student to the best of my ability and s/he has com-pleted
the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet data.
Supervisor Attest:_________________________________Date:______________
GMC Games Master The ability to play or not play any game
OT XI own universe
20 DECEMBER 1993
In the late 1940's L.Ron Hubbard finalized research which led to the development of Dianetics.
When LRH worked with people in these early days of Dianetics he discovered a very interesting
phenomenon. He discovered that if you systematically release and erase incidents on a person's
time track, that person would go through a transition or turning point. He found that if you continue
to discharge incidents systematically, completing cycles of action, that individual would go through
a transition point where his life was forever changed. Hubbard called this new state Clear - The
State of Clear.
If you give a person enough good Clearing, eventually there is a resolution of the past. You have
dealt with time and the past until those two subjects are resolved for that person. If you try to do
more with the time and the past you begin to get an overrun. He is complete and doesn't need to
or want to look at his own past any longer. The person feels complete with the past and if you do
more auditing on his past, you start to get a deterioration of the person's case.
Later, in the 1960's, to facilitate the process of Clearing, a Grade Chart was developed. This is a
series of steps on a path leading to the goal of Clear. Each step has a specific outcome called an
End Phenomenon or Outcome. The Path usually starts with some type of Introductory Clearing or
Life Repair and leads up through the Steps of Recall Clearing, Life Incident Clearing, The
Intermediate Steps or Grades, Power, etc. Here is a diagram illustrating this simple step-by-step
approach to Clearing:
Goal = Clear
Clear ________
In doing this Chart, step-by-step, it is usually not necessary to do every single step to reach the
State of Clear. A preclear could reach the State of Clear on Life Repair or Dianetics or The
Grades. The number of steps needed is highly individual. It just depends on how much time in
auditing the preclear needs to complete his experience of time and the past. Once he reaches
that point he is complete on his time track and will not benefit significantly from further looking at
the past. In fact, if you try to do more with the past and time he will go into a decline and get
As we know, the State of Clear has been ridiculed by many because it is far from any state of
perfection. It has its limitations because the person is still subject to restimulation; he still has a
case. The next question is: What is the source of this case? To answer this question I first think of
the line from the Star Trek movies: Space - The Final Frontier. A Clear is complete with time and
the past and now has his attention in present time where he begins to expand his own personal
space. Doing this, he begins to run into other thetans in that expanding space. These thetans in
his space have cases caused by their own reactive minds. These other thetans in the Clear's
space are not clear; they are not complete on the subjects of time and the past as he is. Who are
these other thetans? Look around and you will see that we live in a virtual sea of beings: other
people, animals, plants - all kinds of life. Through a feeling level, kinesthetic telepathy, the Clear
will pick up on and feel or dramatize the reactivity of other beings in his space. Because of this, he
can even begin to think that he is no longer Clear.
The next steps of Clearing must deal with this phenomena of space. The next steps of Clearing
deal with space and the present and not time and the past. Here one can construct a grade chart
as a path with specific steps and outcomes (end phenomena). An overall goal must first be
established. This goal has been called Operating Thetan or OT. By thetan we mean the being
who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body. A simple definition of OT might be: a
thetan who operates as a thetan in the theta universe and not as a body through MEST. The point
where Operating Thetan begins could be defined as the point where the Clear has completed the
step-by-step telepathic auditing of his space in the present to a point very far out, perhaps to
infinity. His space is now clean and clear of reactivation from other aberrated thetans. He is now
able to operate as a spiritual being rather than solely through a body.
These steps are called the OT Levels, i.e., OT I, OT II, OT III, etc. They are sometimes referred to
as the OT Course, Section I, Section II, Section III, etc. On the Advanced Ability Chart they are
referred to as AA I, AA II, AA III, etc. The first three OT Levels can be fully credited to L. Ron
Hubbard. Those OT Levels from IV through VII were discovered and developed as joint effort of L.
Ron Hubbard and David Mayo in the late 1970's. In the mid 1980's Bill Robertson discovered the
principles and phenomenon of Excalibur. Excalibur became OT VIII and the OT Levels IV to VII
became Excalibur set-up levels. Excalibur OT VIII is really a perfection of the earlier discoveries of
LRH and David Mayo. Bill Robertson went on to give us OT IX through OT XVI. All of these
sections of the OT Course (OT I through OT XVI) deal with the Clears (PreOTs) space in the
present and the thetans and creations left over from earlier games that are in that space. Once
these thetans and creations are cleared, the Clear can now put his postulates into that space and
not cause disruption and restimulation by agitating other unclear thetans and reactive creations
left over from earlier games. The Clear is now free to intend and postulate without stirring up the
hornet's nest.
We have now dealt with the past and present. What is left is the future. In the realm of MEST
(matter, energy, space and time) we have dealt with time and space . What is left is matter and
energy. It looks like the next part of the Grade Chart deals with matter and energy in the future,
i.e., creating matter and energy in the future. This sounds like Creative Processing. Perhaps this
is the proper place for Creative Processing.
By the formula E = mc2, matter and energy are equivalent and are different forms of the same
The next part of the Grade Chart might look like this:
This part of the chart would be composed of the earlier, original OT sections (original OT IV, V, VI
and VII) of pre 1978 which have to do with Creative Processing and the rehabilitation of a thetan's
native abilities. These and other Creative Processing Steps could then be renumbered as OT XVII
through OT XXXII as part of the Games Master Course.
20 DECEMBER 1993
Physics is the science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two. Mechanics is the
branch of physics that deals with energy and forces and their effect on objects.
1. Dynamics is the branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the
motion of objects. Dynamics would be used to find what velocity and angle is needed to put a
satellite in orbit around the earth.
2. Statics is the branch of mechanics that deals with forces on stationary objects. Statics would be
used to find out what forces are present in the construction of a bridge so that it would not
collapse under the load of traffic. Static comes from the Greek word statikos which means
causing to stand without motion or stationary. Static electricity is a form of energy that sits or
stands stationary on objects until you touch the object and get a shock. Strong static electricity in
the atmosphere, when released, is called lightning. This static electricity in the air can interfere
with and cause a disturbing crackling effect in radio reception; therefore, we call this disturbing
effect static. For this reason, when someone is giving heated opposition or criticism to another, we
call it static.
According to scientists, who are experts in the subject of mechanics, a static would be an object
which is completely stationary and has no motion at all. Such a scientist would refer to the Lamar
bridge over the Colorado River as a static - it is totally stationary. But as you can see from the
following commentary this may not be so:
Husband to wife: "Look at this, honey. It says here that the Earth travels 595 million miles around
the sun every year at a speed of 66,000 miles per hour. At the same time, the Earth is rotating
around the center of the galaxy. The galaxy is traveling endlessly through space and is pulling the
Earth along with. Now how can you say that we never go anywhere?"
So that bridge over the Colorado river or that chair you are sitting on or your body is travelling at a
speed of thousands of miles per hour. In fact, no physical object can be called a true static. All
physical matter is in motion - all of it, everywhere. Even at microscopic and sub-microscopic levels
it is totally in motion.
Is there anything in existence that could be called a static? Is there anything that has
no motion? In 1954, a well known philosopher answered this question by proposing that life is the
only true static. Life, itself, is non-material and, therefore, has no motion in the physical universe.
Life animates form in the physical universe but is not in the physical universe. That is how he
defined life. He said life is the only true static. This means that the first self-evident truth or axiom
This means that life is fundamentally a non-material quality of existence. It is not a quantity, as are
matter, energy, space or time (MEST); it is a quality. He then went on further to say:
A life static is defined as something which has no mass, no motion, no location in space or
time and no wavelength (you cannot see it).
That's it. That's all there is. Makes it simple that way, doesn't it?
Most scientists of today like to think that MEST, by some magical process, organized itself
somehow and gave rise to life. Sounds silly, doesn't? How could something that is not alive create
something that is alive? This is very backward thinking. What is more likely is that life created
MEST and continues to do so today.
SYMBOL: The Symbol for the Life Static in use hereafter is the Greek letter THETA (Q).
SYMBOL: The symbol for the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE in use hereafter is MEST, from the first
letters of the words Matter, Energy, Space, and Time, or the Greek letter PHI (F).
SYMBOL: Living organism or organisms will hereafter be represented by the Greek letter
The limits of Lambda are narrow, both as to thermal and mechanical motion.
Organisms can exist only as higher levels of complexities because lower levels of converters
Theta evolves organisms from lower to higher forms and supports them by the existence of lower
converter forms.
In this we have the waste products of organisms on the one hand as those very complex
chemicals which bacteria make, and, on the other hand, we have the physical face of the earth
being changed by animals and men, such changes as grass holding mountains from eroding or
roots causing boulders to break, buildings being built, and rivers being dammed. There is
obviously an evolution in MEST in progress under the incursion of Theta.
Theta can direct physical application of the organism to the environment or through the mind, can
first calculate the action or extend, as in language, ideas.
Static state has position in time, but an organism which is remaining positionally in a static if alive,
is still continuing a highly complex pattern of motion, such as the heart beat, digestion, etc.
The efforts of organisms to survive or succumb are assisted, compelled or opposed by the efforts
of other organisms, matter, energy, space and time.
Attention is aberrated by becoming unfixed and sweeping at random or becoming too fixed
without sweeping.
Unknown threats to survival when sensed cause attention to sweep without fixing.
(Note: An area of randomity can have a great deal of confusion but, without volume of energy, the
confusion itself is negligible.)
(Note: Shut-off mechanisms of earlier lives, perceptics, specific incidents, etc.)
Affinity manifests itself as the recognition of similarity of efforts and goals amongst organisms by
those organisms.
All that we can be sure is real is that on which we have agreed is real. Agreement is the essence
of reality.
Organisms hold pain and engrams to them as a latent effort to prevent loss of some portion of the
Aberration is caused by what is done to the individual, not what the individual does, plus his
self-determinism about what has been done to him.
An organism which achieves ARC with itself can better achieve ARC with sex in the future; having
achieved this it can achieve ARC with groups; having achieved this, it can achieve ARC with
mankind, etc.
The co-existent relationship between affinity, reality and communication is such that none can be
increased without increasing the other two and none can be decreased without decreasing the
other two.
The effort of construction is the alignment toward the survival of the aligning organism.
24 FEBRUARY 1990
STATIC (noun) 1. that which has no motion, no wavelength, no position in space and no
measurable quantity, but possesses the qualities of life. (This comes from Axiom 1 which
states: "Life is basically a static." Another way to say this is: "Life is fundamentally a
quality of existence which is non-material.")
These are big Beings who rarely get trapped by anything but may have popped up in the
session because of all the Beings they see "going free." They think "I want to find out
how it's done" or they pretend to be in the plug so they can "experience" Clearing. The
difference is these guys are fully aware of the game between the Implanters and those who
want to free Beings (implanting vs freedom) but have not taken part in either side. They
think they are very pan-determined, "know best" and think, "It has nothing to do with me."
They have been meddling around in the affairs of Beings in the MEST Universe, but they
don't have any tech; they just meddle. So that's their attitude.
Realize a Static Being has out-ruds and doesn't have any real tech, although he may tell
you all kinds of stuff like "I'm a powerful Being - I controlled whole civilizations here
on Earth as a God," etc.
1. FIND THE OUT-RUDS AND HANDLE E/S TO BIG F/N Cog. (Usually it's a M/W/H or W/Hs or
perpetrations or evaluation.)
2. R-factor: "This is the technology of Clearing. You see it works. (a) Do you want to
help? or (b) Do you want to return to static state?" Rights of a Being can be given too.
The Valence Process (What/Who?) doesn't usually produce any result because a Static Being
will always answer "me" without any resolution.
3. Handle by: (a) Giving him a job that he likes, usually in line with his former interest
that produced the perpetrations; but now he can use tech to handle. (b) or say, "Good,
your session is over - YOU CAN NOW -RETURN TO STATIC STATE."
* * *
25 NOVEMBER 1990
MOCO is short for "MOCOVP." "MOCOVP" means "Moment Of Creation Of View Point." This is an
abbreviation of the command used to handle these entities. The command is "Return to your
moment of creation of viewpoint" or simply "Return to your moment of creation."
MOCO'S are created entities. They can be found anywhere in a Plug.
These are Beings who have a limited ability because they were CREATED by a "big Being" on
a postulate to DO or BE only certain things or only ONE THING. They are a "created
They have a track extending from their "moment of creation" to PT. They are different than
clusters, but they can be in a group.
Basically a Static Being or Big Being has split off some of his theta and endowed it with
a separate personality. MOCO'S want to come back and be the big Being again. But they are
independent while they are out there; therefore, they have the Rights of a Being. So to
tell them to go back to a creator may be a violation of their rights. If their creator is
not a good Being, they may not want to join or go back to him or her. Tell them, "You've
got four choices:
2. Go free."
The MOCO could have been created in an Earlier Universe game to "run" a mock-up for a "big
Being" and then got neglected, dumped or CAPTURED by an implanter to use in a PLUG ON THE
BIG BEING who made him . This gives the Clear a "strange" AFFINITY for what's in the PLUG
as it's really a PART OF HIMSELF.
* * *
25 NOVEMBER 1990
These are smaller ("junior sized") Beings that were dumped "into" or became part of the
MEST universe from Earlier Universe Games. They were not captured. They were dumped.
They are "resistive" because they don't like "big Beings" at all. Even the master
implanters couldn't use them in Pre-Incident I plugs, hardly at all, because they refuse
to DO or BE anything else or change in anyway for a "big Being."
These Beings are so ARC Broken that they are unwilling to play any game, even being
implanted. That's one reason implanters had to capture Beings who were "more moldable" and
still would "go for" another "game."
They have an ARC BREAK OF LONG DURATION from being "DUMPED into the MEST UNIVERSE" that
may go back much earlier than Incident I.
After being dumped they then "joined" up with other F Beings in a sort of "social
democracy" of their own as "LOSERS" and adopted a set of rules to "take care of MEST."
They don't EVER listen to any big Being because that's who dumped them.
You might find one or two of these F Beings at the bottom of a plug. After all other
Beings have blown, -these F Beings still will be there.
"Do you have an ARC Break of Long Duration?" (Check for a read)
"How long have you had it? (Be prepared for a very large number.)
Indicate by saying, "I'd like to indicate charge has been bypassed because you've had this
ARC Break for so long."
If not gone, do an L1 ARC Break Assessment on the actual ARC Break, whatever they said it
was. Assess and indicate the BPC. It's usually "REJECTED AFFINITY" from the big Being who
dumped them.
3)If they don't release or Clear on ARC Break LD, use "Rights of a Being," Valence Process
(What/Who?), or Orientation. They will release or Clear.
22 DECEMBER 1993
BEING (noun) 1. the individual, himself or herself, who exists in the nonmaterial universe, yet
operates and handles a body in the material universe. 2. the person, oneself - not one's body, not
one's name, not the mind, not the physical universe. 3. the individual who is aware of being aware.
4. a creator of things, but not a thing itself.
THETA (q) 1. Greek for thought or life or the spirit. 2. an energy existing separate and distinct
from the physical universe.
THETAN (qn) 1. the living unit. (from the Greek letter theta, the mathematic symbol used to
indicate the source of life and life itself.) 2. the awareness of awareness unit which has all
potentialities but no mass, no wave-length and no location. 3. the Being who is the individual and
who handles and lives in the body. 4. the personality and beingness which actually is the individual
and is aware of being aware and is ordinarily and normally the "person" and who the individual
thinks he is. 5. the name given to the life source. (It is the individual, the Being, the personality, the
knowingness of the human being.) 6. the person himself?not his body or his name, the physical
universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the
individual. (The thetan is most familiar to one and all as you.) 7. a static that can consider, and
can produce space and energy and objects.
EXTERIOR (adjective) 1. being on the outside of something. (used in reference to a Being/thetan
who is outside of and separate from the body.)
EXTERIORIZATION (noun) 1. the state of being outside the body or being bigger than the body.
(When this is done, the person achieves a certainty that he is himself and not his body.) 2. the
feeling or experience of being larger than or expanding beyond the limits of the body (This feeling
is commonly experienced in Clearing and sometimes in awareness expansion seminars,
meditation, hypnosis or just in life itself). 3. the action of moving out of the body or the feeling of
expanding beyond the limits of the body.
THETA CLEAR 1. it is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. 2. that
state wherein the person can remain with certainty outside his body when the body is hurt. 3. an
individual who, as a Being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually
operates the body from outside, or exteriorized.
OPERATING THETAN (qT) 1. a thetan exterior who can have but doesn't have to have a body in
order to control or operate thought, life, matter, energy, space and time. 2. willing and knowing
cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. 3. an individual who could operate totally
independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. (He's now himself, he's not
dependent on the universe around him.) 4. a Clear who has been refamiliarized with his
capabilities. 5. a Being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. (Operating comes
from "able to operate without dependency on things" and thetan is the Greek letter theta (q), which
the Greeks used to represent "thought" or perhaps "spirit" to which an "n" is added to make a new
noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering.) 6. this state of being is attained by
drills and familiarity after the state of Clear has been obtained. (A real OT has no reactive bank, is
cause over matter, energy, space, time and thought and is completely free.)
BIG THETAN (Big qn or "Player") 1. the preclear or Clear; the thetan (qn) called "me" who has a
A Big Thetan can be in or out of a body. He can be found sticking on a case at OT III or in a Plug
because of being implanted or betrayed. He can be suppressed into believing he is a "Body" or a
"Body qn," or a "Monitor" or "Operator" or "Implanter." All "Players" were originally Static qns.
INALIENABLE (adjective) 1. not capable of being transferred to the ownership of another: as in,
inalienable rights. (also unalienable)
1. A Being has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
6. A Being has the right to choose a game that suits his reality as long as he does not interfere
with the right of another Being.
7. A Being has the right to create his own game as long it does not interfere with the rights of
another Being.
GAMES UNIVERSE MODEL (GUM) 1. The smallest unit of time in which thetans play a complete
game. (Some Games Universe Models are more than quadrillions of years long and there have
been many GUMS in our existence.)
STATIC THETAN (S qn) 1. a "Big Thetan" or "Player," who for one reason or another has decided
to sit, for now, outside the game, or chooses to do so by Rights of a Thetan. Usually they don't
know the Tech so have out-ruds (ARC Breaks, Present Time Problems and Missed Withholds)
caused by ignorance of the basic principals of existence. They can permeate the Playing Field
and get in comm with other Players telepathically. They are usually just outside of, or exterior to,
one Games Universe Model and have, of course, unhandled charge on earlier ones.
STATIC POINT 1. the point of serenity between Games Universe Models where thetans "rest,"
debrief and get ready for the next GUM.
MOCO ("Moment Of Creation Of Viewpoint") 1. a created Being or thetan (qn), created by one of
the Big qns or Static qns for use in the games.
MOCOs , therefore, do not have any time track earlier than their moment of Creation. That is the
basic on their "Case." They also do not have a large "case" like a Player, who has been in the
Games since the beginning.
All MOCOs were originally created to HELP the Player who created them. When a person's own
MOCOs want to return to their Creator, they "blow" inward to him. Other Players' MOCOs will blow
outward. (Also any who choose to go free, or to Static Point to wait, will "blow" outward.)
PRE-OT 1. One who is doing the OT Levels toward the state of OT.
A Plug consists of several "terminals" (each of which may be very complex and consists of many
qns with various functions as a unit or "thing") having a function to perform on a case, connected
by holding lines. Holding means "suppression carried out through time" or "constant suppression."
There may be several plugs in one "stack" as a part of a person's case because they are related
by thought. The "stack" wording is how the Pre-OT "thinks" of the area that is troubling him, it is
not a "message" or "words" or "intention" coming from a plug or plugs.
STACK 1. A built-up area of charge on a person's Excalibur case which makes him act or "think"
in an irrational, non-survival, non-expanding way or monitors him in a direction of shrinking his
KRC and ARC (his Power and Understanding) and drives him downscale as a qn.
A stack can collapse him down to only operating on 1 or 2 dynamics or lead him into other
practices that will trap him from ever going OT. It is OTHER-DETERMINED CHARGE in a certain
area. If a person has "accepted" or "agreed" to it, he may believe it's his own thought! A stack is
composed of one or more plugs.
Lambda Thetans have the function of caring for or operating life forms. A Lambda Thetan can be
a "genetic-entity," a "demon circuit" or a body operator for animals, plants, fish, birds, or humans.
He may be part of a team of such qns who were hatted to do this job in early MEST Universe
track prior to Inc I or from Earlier Universe (E/U) Games or even earlier GUMs. All true l qns
basically are MOCOs. However, you may find a Player qn occasionally implanted or suppressed
into the "belief" that he is a l qn. Lambda Thetans are also called, loosely, "Body qns." Many of
these were captured from E/U games and used in "Plugs" after being made to believe they were
"solid." l qns like to copy or hold "pictures" for Big qns or make pictures from his intention. Lambda
Thetans are mostly found in and align with the 5th Dynamic. (Ref: Dianetic Axioms).
PHI THETAN (pronounced "Fee" Thetan) (Phi j qn or F qn) 1. "Phi qns" or MEST qns. One who
has a function of being a particle of matter or energy or space in a creation.
Phi Thetans can be of a gradient of sizes, with the bigger ones responsible for the smaller ones.
They can be identified as space, potential energy or motion, energy particles, sub-atomic
particles, atomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, crystals, etc. They are used to make MEST
and pictures for Players so they won't disappear when the Player looks at them. All j qns originally
were MOCOs. j qns are mostly found in and align with the 6th Dynamic (Ref. Dianetic Axioms).
THETAN (qn) 1. a general term meaning any life unit. S qn, Big qn or Player, Lambda (l) qn, Phi
(j) qn. An awareness of awareness unit.
MULES 1. A combination of two or more MOCOs, one being the person's own MOCO and the
other a friend's or enemy's MOCO. These can be combined by implanting into a MOCO
"Sandwich" - with a person's own, a friend's, and the implanter's or Xenu's. One has to run the
incident of the "Sandwich" being made (like a Clustering Incident or Mutual Incident) before each
separate MOCO can be freed.
18 MARCH 1990
The MEST universe is made up of your universe plus the universe of others. This gives us the equation:
U1 + U2 = U3
There is a definite relationship between each of these three universes. If you don't put anything there in
your universe, it will not happen in the physical universe. If you want to put something in someone else's
universe, you will need to put it there by means of intention. If you don't think it and intend it, it won't
happen and the other person won't pick it up.
There is a continuous interaction of action, thought, intention and postulate going on between your own
universe, another person's universe and occurrences in the physical universe. The physical universe does
not think, it does not intend and it does not postulate. A live being intends and postulates. Your universe is
the universe in which you think. It is not contained within your head and it co-exists with the physical
universe and the universe of every other person. Your universe is infinite and you are capable of putting
into itanything you desire. The physical universe is patterned on the thoughts, intentions and postulates
contained within your universe and another's universe. You will notice that any object that you have in the
room with you right now has not moved since it was put in that position. The only way it can be moved is
by you putting it in another position in your universe, intending it to be there and then picking it up and
putting it in that position.
What does this tell you? It tells you that unless you think, intend and create a mock-up within your own
universe, nothing will happen within the physical universe. If you are in a position of being in charge of
other people, unless you put it in your universe first, they will not pick it up and duplicate it in their
universe and be able to carry out your intentions. If you are confused in your universe, others around you
are likely to get confused also.
MOCK-UP: A mental model, construction or picture created by a Being. A mock up is distinct from a
facsimile in that it is created volitionally, does not necessarily copy any previous experience, and is under
the control of the Being.
When a person creates an intention within his own universe, it will always come about. When an intention
does not manifest within the physical universe or within another person's universe, there are three reasons
why it has not happened:
3.He has counter-intentions within his own reactive mind or from Entities and Clusters, which keyed-in
and countered yourown intentions.
In fact, we have found that for a Clear all case and manifestations of case come from Enitities, Clusters and
other more complex telepathic and sympathetic interactions with other Beings who are still very aberrated.
It can finally be stated without a doubt that a Clear has no case of his own.
You should become aware of picking up other people's thoughts or ideas and going along with them. These
are intentions which they have intended within their own universe. Because it co-exists with yours, you
pick it up and go into agreement with it. Something can only happen for you when you go into agreement
and you also intend it.
There is an interesting relationship between your universe and the physical universe. You can have only
those things in the physical universe that you create in your universe. They will not be there for you in the
physical universe unless you can first mock them up in your own universe and hold them there. The
reasons why a person has difficulty creating and holding something within his own universe are:
1.He lacks knowledge of how to handle his own universe and how to mock up something.
2.He has the reactive mind or Entities and Clusters which comes into restimulation on that particular
subject causing counter-intentions which interfere with his own intentions and create difficulty within the
physical universe.
25 JULY 1990
Number One - They have run it so that they have only taken out BTs and Clusters from the lower parts of
these plugs, the lower parts of the Org Board. More or less the "easy" ones, the ones that could be bypassed
and handled. Any "senior" could come in the Org and order them around. So they take orders from anyone.
So they came out.
And you do this long enough, these easy ones, wake them up and handle them, wake them up and handle
them and pretty soon - what are you left with? You are left with the top of the executive strata of each plug
STILL THERE. This top executive strata are the HOLDERS of the whole plug. So if they are the holders,
they are a bit more POWERFUL and usually they can be "out of valence in R6" or "implanter" type evil
purpose beings.
As the person runs the lower part or the "easy" part of his case and just takes up the lower "juniors" of the
Org Board of all these plugs, he ends up with a case with NOTHING BUT HOLDERS. Holders are of a
little more powerful nature. Some percentage of them are VERY EVIL INTENTIONED, but ALL OF
THEM ARE HOLDING. And what are they holding NOW? They are holding HIM, THE PRE OT.
Increasingly he feels like he is in some kind of a "tight situation." He is a bit "bothered by things." He
doesn't LOOK like he is a NOTS completion at all. He is sort of worried about "PTSness" and "sickness"
and "illness" and all these various phenomena. He is going on "dramatizing" around here and there and he
is feeling an EFFORT to keep his "sanity."
Those are the indications of a person who has run out the lower parts of the plugs and has left the "tops" or
the holders or the "out of valence R6 people" there. They feel anxious, they feellike the real "core" of their
case has not been reached. And they are worried about it, anxious about it. This is merely the fact that they
have put themselves at the mercy now of the TOP HOLDERS IN THE ORG BOARD. And THEY are the
ones being held at the moment because they took away all the juniors. So if you take away the game.
What's now the game? The game is GETTING YOU. You didn't give them a new game. You didn't set
them free. So the game is GETTING YOU and they're going to hold YOU tighter and tighter and tighter if
you don't take out the whole org board. And that's the first liability.
The second liability is this: There are some people who decided, "Yes, it's a tough level. We are going to
handle all these bad guys first." So what do they do? They go in there and handle all the bad guys first.
They do one of these rundowns that are current in the "independent field" and they handle the bad guys
first. So they take the top off the org board. They handle the guys that are out of valence and dramatizing,
have evil intentions, evil purposes and so on. And they work through this, through this, through this,
through this.
Now you have the other situation, which is: Once you take the TOPS off the org board, if you have NOT
also handled all the juniors. Some of them down there are quite asleep; some of them are tied into little
"knots." They cannot move. When you take off the top you still have to open them up, wake them up and
let them go. If they DON'T free the whole org board connected to these top guys that they are handling on
these rundowns, what will be the effect? Well, then you will have an org board with only the juniors left
and no seniors. So they don't have any other senior. So they are going to float around you more and more,
shall we say "cuddle" all around the PreOT.
And in this case some of them WILL have woken up, some of them WILL have broken loose, but not
gotten completely handled. The PreOT will start feeling like: "Well, this is never ending. Ifeel almost just
as bad as when I was on OT III!" And what do you know? He has woken up enough of his case, by
handling these holders, that the plugs now, the truncated BOTTOM PARTS OF THE ORG BOARDS, all
the juniors and all, are running around and sort of floating half in and half out, and some of them are tied
together, and some of them are not, and they're sort of going crazy, just like: "When the boss is away the
staff will play."
So they become to him almost like another III case. He's got the fears back that there are BTs all around
him. They're not very harmful, not very dangerous but they are all around him, they're floating around him.
"I feel this pressure here and this and so on...." So by taking off the TOP ONLY of the org board and
LEAVING THE BOTTOM INTACT without handling it, you create yourself another III case! The
"smoke" from the fire. You take the "hot guys" out and the "smoke" comes up around and there's another
III case.
When you do this CORRECTLY AND REMOVE THE WHOLE ORG you've got it. So that is the
Technology and those are the liabilities of running it improperly: You take off the top and leave the bottom
or you take off the bottom and leave the top. In both cases it makes a funny type of appearance for
somebody on NOTS. One of them is that they look like they're really caved in and PTS. Other people look
at him and say: "What! That's weird, he should be really great! He is on NOTS, but he looks really weird.
PTS, sick and all that." And in the other one he creates another OT III case.
Then they say: "Well, he's not saying he's making much gains. He even says he feels like he did when he
was on OT III. It's not really interesting." These are the effects and you can spot these. But what is the
whole handling of these to correct it? Of course, you do the assessment, you find out what his attention is
on, you find out the way he likes to word that area he is interested in. You handle the first plug that shows
up through the BT that is first contacted. They will line up and get handled all the way down through that
Asia & Pacific:
North Japan
South Japan
Mount Washington
Mt. Ranier
Mt. Hood
Mt. Shasta
San Gergonio
St. Helena
(Las Palmas)
(Summation of the considerations and examinations of the human spirit and the material universe
completed between A.D. 1923 and 1953)
1. Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the cause was the creation of
2. In the beginning and forever is the decision and the decision is TO BE.
4. The second action of beingness is to extend from the viewpoint, points to view, which are
dimension points.
5. Thus there is space created, for the definition of space is: viewpoint of dimension. And the
purpose of a dimension point is space and a point of view.
7. And from the viewpoint to the dimension points there are connection and interchange. Thus
new dimension points are made. Thus there is communication.
8. And thus there is light.
11. But there are other viewpoints and these viewpoints out-thrust points to view. And there
comes about an interchange amongst viewpoints; but the interchange is never otherwise than in
terms of exchanging dimension points.
12. The dimension point can be moved by the viewpoint, for the viewpoint, in addition to creative
ability and consideration, possesses volition and potential independence of action; and the
viewpoint, viewing dimension points, can change in relation to its own or other dimension points or
viewpoints. Thus comes about all the fundamentals there are to motion.
13. The dimension points are each and every one, whether large or small, SOLID. And they are
solid solely because the viewpoints say they are solid.
14. Many dimension points combine into larger gases, fluids or solids. Thus there is matter. But
the most valued point is admiration, and admiration is so strong its absence alone permits
15. The dimension point can be different from other dimension points and thus can possess an
individual quality. And many dimension points can possess a similar quality, and others can
possess a similar quality unto themselves. Thus comes about the quality of classes of matter.
16. The viewpoint can combine dimension points into forms and the forms can be simple or
complex and can be at different distances from the viewpoints and so there can be combinations
of form. And the forms are capable of motion and the viewpoints are capable of motion and so
there can be motion of forms.
17. And the opinion of the viewpoint regulates the consideration of the forms, their stillness or their
motion, and these considerations consist of assignment of beauty or ugliness to the forms and
these considerations alone are art.
18. It is the opinions of the viewpoints that some of these forms should endure. Thus there is
19. And the viewpoint can never perish; but the form can perish.
20. And the many viewpoints, interacting, become dependent upon one another's forms and do
not choose to distinguish completely the ownership of dimension points and so comes about a
dependency upon the dimension points and upon the other viewpoints.
21. From this comes a consistency of viewpoint of the interaction of dimension points and this,
regulated, is TIME.
23. The universes, then, are three in number: the universe created by one viewpoint, the universe
created by every other viewpoint, the universe created by the mutual action of viewpoints which is
agreed to be upheld - the physical universe.
24. And the viewpoints are never seen. And the viewpoints consider more and more that the
dimension points are valuable. And the viewpoints try to become the anchor points and forget that
they can create more points and space and forms. Thus comes about scarcity. And the dimension
points can perish and so the viewpoints assume that they, too, can perish.
26. The manifestations of pleasure and pain, of thought, emotion and effort, of thinking, of
sensation, of affinity, reality, communication, of behavior and being are thus derived and the
riddles of our universe are apparently contained and answered herein.
28. The resolution of any problem posed hereby is the establishment of viewpoints and dimension
points. The betterment of condition and concourse amongst dimension points, and, thereby,
viewpoints, and the remedy of abundance or scarcity in all things, pleasant or ugly, by the
rehabilitation of the ability of the viewpoint to assume points of view and create and uncreate,
neglect, start, change and stop dimension points of any kind at the determinism of the viewpoint.
Certainty in all three universes must be regained, for certainty, not data, is knowledge.
29. In the opinion of the viewpoint, any beingness, anything, is better than nothing, any effect is
better than no effect, any universe better than no universe, any particle better than no particle, but
the particle of admiration is best of all.
30. And above these things there might be speculation only. And below these things there is the
playing of the game. But these things which are written here Man can experience and know. And
some may care to teach these things and some may care to use them to assist those in distress
and some may desire to employ them to make individuals and organizations more able and so
give to Earth a culture of which we can be proud.
30 OCTORBER 1993
In the KRC triangle K for Knowledge, R for Responsibility, and C for Control.
It is difficult to be responsible for something or control something unless you have knowledge of it.
It is folly to try to control something or even know something without responsibility. It is hard to
fully know something or be responsible for something over which you have no control. By
increasing one point of the KRC Triangle the other two increase. Little by little one can make
anything go right by increasing KNOWLEDGE on all dynamics, increasing RESPONSIBILITY on
all dynamics, increasing CONTROL on all dynamics.
Thus one can see that KRC together equate to Power. KRC = P.
24 DECEMBER 1993
The oldest philosophical principal on this planet is the idea that something has a beginning, a
middle and an end or a creation, a preservation period and a destruction or end. This idea comes
from the ancient Indian Vedas, the ancient, sacred literature of Hinduism. Veda mean knowledge
in the ancient India language of Sanskrit. The three principle gods of the Hindu religion are:
Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. Within the destruction of Shiva
are the seeds of creation so that cycle can begin anew with Brahma. Thus we have continuous
unending cycles of action in the material universe of matter, energy, space and time (MEST).
In modern terms the cycle of action is: start-continue-stop. Every action in the material universe is
composed of a start-continue-stop whether it is as simple as putting your jacket on in the morning
or brushing your teeth to putting a man on the moon. A long cycle of action can be composed of
many smaller cycles of action. All is start-continue-stop. That is a complete cycle of action. This is
what gives us the illusion of time or duration. Time is an illusion because all we really have is
present time; past and future time are mental constructs resulting from the idea of a cycle of
The smallest unit of time is a second. If one says, "One thousand and one," this is approximately
a duration of one second. This is a very small cycle of action. Of course, a second can be divided
up in to milliseconds, thousandths of a second, ad infinitum, down to nanoseconds, billionth of a
second. But a second is the smallest named unit of time. From here we have minutes (60
seconds), hours (60 minutes), days (24 hours), weeks (7 days), months (4 weeks), years (12
months). A year is the time it takes for the earth to go around the sun one time. A decade is 10
years, a century is 100 years and millennium is 1,000 years. A millennium is about as far as it
goes for planet earth because recorded history goes back less than 10,000 years.
When LRH began investigating the past track of beings in this universe in the early 1950s, he
found the history of being going back trillions of years and even more. A trillion is a 1,000 billion
and a billion is a 1,000 million. It even went up to trillions 2 or quadrillions of years which is 1,000
trillion. Later in 1967 when researching the OT III, he found two major incidents, Incident II at 75
million years ago and Incident I at 4 quadrillion years ago. We are pretty used to hearing about the
age of Dinosaurs in millions of years ago. To get an idea of what a quadrillions of years means we
can draw a simple time line and place Incident One and Incident Two on that time line with
Present Time on the left:
1 inch x inches
If the distance from PT to Incident Two at 75 million years ago is represented by 1 inch, what is
the distance from PT to Incident One at 4 quadrillion years ago? You may be surprised because it
is better expressed in miles, 841 miles to be exact. Here are the calculations.
1 inch X inches
7.5 x 107
If Incident Two is an inch away from present time then Incident One is 841 miles. This is the
approximate distance from the Texas/Louisiana boarder to El Paso - the distance clear across the
state of Texas at its widest part. Our time line now looks like this:
One bulletin on the OT III course hints about earlier Incident One's and earlier universes, but little
is said about this until WB Robertson extended LRHs work in the mid-1980s. He found
Pre-Incident One experiments with implantation at 7 to 10 quadrillions years. Now the time track
really opened up fully and he found that the physical (MEST) universe began 300 Centillion years
ago with the Game of Gods where all the beings in this universe made all the original agreements.
A centillion is a 1 with 300 zeros after it. Now he needed a really big measure for the cycle of
action of beings and he called this a Games Universe Model or GUM. So this 300 centillion year
old MEST universe is one GUM.
Now lets get really cosmic. Twenty-four (24) GUMs give us one Cascade to Collection Cycle
(CCC). Twenty-four (24) CCCs add up to one Ring. There are 10,000 Rings in what Bill Robertson
called the Ring Archive Games (RAGS). So by some simple arithmetic we wind up with the
GUM numbering in each CCC goes from -11 to +12 (-11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) for a total of 24 GUMs in each CCC.
GUM 0 (zero) has gone on for 3 x 10100 (300 hundred centillion) years.
Not all the past GUMs where 300 centillion years long and not all the GUMs to come will be that
22 DECEMBER 1993
All the Players, the Big Thetans in the Games, agreed to play certain Games. They were arranged
in a certain order. It was all very well decided. It was very much agreed upon. The order the
games are arranged in is called a Games Universe Model (GUM). This Games Universe Model is
the MEST Universe. Implanting was not supposed to be part of this GUM. The Games Universe
Model agreed upon by the Thetans goes from its beginning to its end. At the Beginning of this one
you will find it is GUM 0 (zero), based on the condition of Emergency and has in it 8 Dynamics.
The 9th Dynamic (aesthetics) was added just before Incident I and the 10th Dynamic (ethics) was
added when LRH put in Ethics on the Implanters between 1950 and 1970. Tech (11th Dynamic)
and Admin (12th Dynamic) were added in 1986 to 1989 by WB Robertson to get us unstuck and
through this GUM.
But this "Games Universe Model 0" is one GUM. Before that there is a sort of a "Static Point," you
might say, "a Council of the Players." The purpose of this Council of Players was to decide what
they are going to do, what they have learned, and so on, in the previous GUM and to plan the new
At the beginning of this Games Universe Model was a Council of Players called the "Game of
Gods." This was done to decide who would be "the responsible party for all of the creations that
the other thetans were going to make." Its purpose was to decide who would be responsible for
taking care of all the creations, so they wouldn't accidentally unmock or as-is them. That was
supposed to teach them that later on they would lose power if they didn't as-is their own creations,
but instead gave them into the "responsibility" of somebody else. And that was certainly true, and
you find all about that on OT 12-13.
Now before this Games Universe Model there were others, but they were based on other
conditions, lower conditions, and other combinations of Dynamics. There are 24 Games Universe
Models in a "Cascade to Collection Cycle (CCC)." That is when the thetans "cascaded" into the
Series of Games like a waterfall. "Yeah ! Let's go play!" When they "collect up" to find out what
they did or accomplished, they debrief to each other and say, "Oh, What a great Game it was!"
Twenty-four Games Universe Models would be a Cascade to Collection Cycle. Now, 24 Cascade
to Collection Cycles equals 1 "Ring." A "Ring" is a "Ring of Games" which is 24 GUMs times 24
CCC's (Cascade to Collection Cycles) which equals 576 GUMs. That is 1 of these "Rings." It is
one ring and it looks like a large "doughnut shape." There are the 24 CCC's "wrapped around" or
going around making the ring, and there are 24 GUMs in each one of the CCC's. These are all in
"position" on this Ring.
In the entire series of Ring games, since original Static State, the "before the beginning Static
State" which is talked about in the "Factors" by LRH, "before the beginning," there are 10,000
Rings. That gives over 5 Million Games Universe Models! Figure it out. It's right there. And we are
in the ring number 10,000 and that's something to know. We are in the Ring 10,000 and that is the
last ring in this "Ring Archives Games", and those are the Games which were all agreed upon by
the Thetans playing them. This is all finally handled on the "Super Static Rundown" after OT16.
GUM 0 Emergency
Game of Gods
100 Centillio
Big Thetans
- 11
- 10
S1 GUM 0
+ 12
S2 Thetan
R-factor GUMS
24 CCC = 1 RING
24x24 = 576 GUMS = 1 Ring
576-12 = 564 GUMS back for MOCOs
19 JUNE 1989
WHO 1. what person or persons: used to introduce a question: as, who came? 2. which person or
persons: as, I don't know who came?
WHAT 1. which or which kind of: used in asking for or specifying the nature, identity, etc. of a
person or thing: as, what is your role in this organization?
IDENTITY 1. what a person is; what a thing is. 2. the condition or fact of being some specific
person or thing.
When responding to a listing question that asks "who or what," it is important to understand the
basic differences between the words "who" and "what."
my father
my brother Jack
The Preclear's item is Henry. The Preclear says that Henry was a tough guy who the Preclear
knew as a young man growing up in Pittsburgh. Henry was better than the Preclear in most
sports, had more girlfriends, was one of the best pool players in town and beat the Preclear in a
fist fight once. Henry spoke out of the corner of his twisted mouth, used a gravelly voice, was
emotionally cold, smoked cigars, spit frequently, drank straight whiskey, swaggered like a gorilla
and scorned education. Henry won every contest with the Preclear in most areas of the Preclear's
life. These contests were all related to survival at that time. After a number of defeats through the
years the Preclear began to copy Henry. The Preclear went into the "Winning Valence," becoming
less himself and more like Henry. Nowadays the Preclear experiences great difficulty in learning
how to use a computer on his new job and Henry's winning valence isn't helping the Preclear to
win new friends in San Diego.
Valence is the "who" in the "who or what" question. (Who did you know who you thought was so
wonderful and great that you decided subconsciously to copy him and be him in order to survive
better even though he may have been a horrible bum in reality?) Being in a valence helps an
individual have more ARC with the person who won and his peer group. At the time that the
"Winning Valence" is taken on, it really did seem to aid the Preclear's survival. Years later,
however, when he is stuck in some or all of these characteristics, they have become a definite
liability to him rather than an aid to survival. His marriage and his work suffer; he is helpless,
unable to undo the "Winning Valence." It is installed and operates independently.
Once a "Who" item from a listing question is found and cleared with some simple processes, the
Preclear releases the valence. Now, he is more himself; free to be and act as himself. The
"Winning Valence" is gone and all of the adopted characteristics vanish.
The "WHO" of a list question locates individual people in the Preclear's past, but the real question
remains -
When the sum total of all the characteristics of a valence are viewed, what appears is an
IDENTITY. The "Winning Valence" this lifetime is one valence on a long chain of valences. The
Preclear was not being himself at the beginning of this lifetime; instead, he was looking for
valences to take in order to survive. The Preclear's valence, represented by "Henry," is "late on a
chain" of related valences. This valence, taken with others like it, supports an IDENTITY that the
Preclear is receptive to as a solution to survival.
The IDENTITY is the "WHAT" in the "who or what" question. It is the common thread that
connects a chain of valences on the whole track. It might be "a roman gladiator," "a cruel jailer," "a
slave master" or "a soldier." It is the identity of the valence, a general item, and it covers a lot
more on the Time Track than one valence. Compare a list of valences (who) with a list of
identities (what):
Pete a soldier
Harry an executioner
This does not mean that the Preclear lists only Valences (Who) or only Identities (What). The
Preclear LISTS EVERYTHING that comes to mind in answer to a particular "Who or What"
question. The final item could be either a Valence (who) or an Identity (what); it doesn't matter as
long as the Preclear understands that a "who" is a valence and a "what" is an identity. The
Preclear is asked to list ALL of the valences (who's) and ALL of the identities (what's) that he or
she thinks of.
It should be noted that the Preclear will also think of conditions and whatever else comes to mind
on a "who or what" question. For example on the question "Who or what was tough" the Preclear
might also think of items like "a steak" or "a math exam" or "pioneer life." These should be stated
and added to the list as one of them might be the LFBD F/N item. The important point here is: be
sure to list identities in a "who or what" question and get all the gains from Identity Clearing.
1 JANUARY 1994
You don't need any "super duper" tech for these levels, you just need the basics. There is no new
tech for any of these levels, it's just using what LRH already found, he had all the tech there by the
time the Class VIII course was done in 1968. It's just applying it to new areas, that's all we are
doing here in the areas of the upper levels.
These Resistive Case Points are: Out Rudiments; Out of Valence; PTS; Earlier Practices; Out-Int
or Interiorization phenomenon. It is also 'stuck-in,' 'stuck-on' or something like that. And then
Drugs, of course, and Physically Ill. Drugs and Physically Ill, by the way, don't come up much on
this level. That should have been handled earlier in the first place as on this level you are dealing
with exterior being. Either that or they are just caught in doing something by an intention or
attention. They are usually not in a physical condition at all nor have anything to do with drugs.
The basic behind these Resistive Case Points is reason you can't Clear someone. They can't be
repaired or Cleared because they might have these Resistive Case Points: Out Rudiments - can't
get in session. Out Valence - can't as-is. PTS - roller coasters. Earlier Practices - confuses it with
Clearing Tech. Out Int - can't get out, sticks him, he can't get any wins because he is stuck in this
thing. Drugs - giving him hallucinations so he can't get in session and you are just restimulating
entity beings stuck in drug. Physical illness is a constant PTP. So all of these things are Resistive
Case Points. But the basic basic here is a simple one. This is covered on Class VIII, it just is that
the person doesn't want to be Cleared You can't handle the Resistive Cases Points because the
person doesn't want to be Cleared. So how can you get him in session to handle the Resistive
Points? Well, that's also covered on this level. You ask, "Why don't you want Clearing?" That
handles it.
And of course there is one more basic than that, another Resistive Point. More basic than the
basic basic, and this is called the basic basic basic. That is the person is not there. He is not there
to be Cleared. It's not that he doesn't want to be, maybe he doesn't want to either, but he's not
even there. So that's the most basic basic Resistive Case. But now you can get them there
because your session space can be as big, bigger than the physical universe and the whole Time
Track. You can put them in your session now, so you can get them there, so they can be audited,
or so that you can find out why they don't want to be Cleared. So you can handle their Resistive
Points; then you can Clear them and free them from whatever intention or attention has been
hung on them by you for so long. That's the basic of OT 9, 10 and 11.
31 MARCH 1992
BELIEF (noun) 1. mental acceptance of something as true, whether based on reason, prejudice
or the authority of the source. 2. an opinion; expectation; judgement.
POSTULATE (noun) 1. something taken for granted or assumed as a basis for reasoning; a
fundamental principle; necessary condition. 2. a consideration generated by the Being; a
self-created truth. 3. a self-created thought which shapes, forms or creates past, present or future
existence. 4. a self-created idea or consideration on which intentions are based. Example: a
woman considers or has the idea (postulates) that eating meat is not good for her body. Based on
this consideration, she intends to not eat meat.
POSTULATE (verb) 1. to take for granted; assume without proof as a basis of reasoning; require
as a fundamental principle or necessary condition. 2. to cause an idea or consideration. 3. to
conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the
CONSIDER (verb) 1. to think, believe, suppose, postulate. 2. originally, to look at carefully; regard
attentively; examine. [Latin considerare, to look at closely, observe]
INTENTION (noun) 1. a command from the mind that helps to bring about a result. [Latin
intendere, from in- toward + tendere stretch (the mind or thought)]
INTEND (verb) 1. to have in the mind as a purpose, plan; something to be done. 2. to hold an idea
before the mind to its manifestation.
The words postulate and intention have generally been thought to be interchangeable; however,
there is a distinct and fundamental difference between them.
A postulate is a belief about the way something is - a personal law out of which your reality is
created, whether you are aware of it or not.
We have postulates about everything and only some of them are counter to our survival. To very
few of them do we pay any attention. We just act as if they are true, as true as the law of gravity.
Notice that we neither question nor think about the law of gravity, yet everything we do is based on
it. It is a given which, in our every day lives we don't examine or set about to change in any way,
yet we operate in alignment with it 100%. This is how it is with postulates. They are our personal
laws and they have the same magnitude of influence on us as the law of gravity.
Out of our postulates comes our reality - the way our lives are. Some of these postulates are
known to us and are easy to spot. Stop a moment now and think of some postulates you know
you have. It may be something like, "It's better to be healthy than sick," or "Having enough money
is important," or "Being bored isn't fun." When you are aware of a postulate, you can look at it with
your analytical mind and see if it's rational and acceptable to you. If it is not, you can change it.
It is the postulates you have that you don't know you have that cause the trouble. Submerged in
the subconscious mind are postulates, created during real or imagined threats to survival, that are
outdated, illogical and a source of trouble; yet, they are still operating in full force. In running
traumatic incidents you are bringing these postulates to conscious awareness where they can be
re-examined and changed. In Clearing you are able to look for, examine and change the
postulates you didn't know you had.
Let's say a person subconsciously had the postulate, "I don't deserve any time off." The person
doesn't know he has that postulate, but will he have much time off? Not much. He doesn't think
about or consider the issue. The postulate is like an automatic pilot; it thinks and considers FOR
Another example: a person has the postulate, "Pain lets me know I'm alive." As insane as it may
be, and as counter-survival as it may be, yes, this person, via his subconscious mind, will attract a
certain amount of pain in his life.
During a Clearing process, this postulate might rise to the surface. The person would see it and
say, "Hey! That's crazy! I don't need pain to know I'm alive." In that moment of cogniting, the old
postulate is as-ised, and the person consciously can make a new postulate in present time - one
he's aware of and accepts as supportive to his survival.
How does a postulate conclude, decide or resolve the past, present or future? In order to discuss
this, we first have to realize that everything is an illusion of some sort to begin with; it is our view or
opinion of it, consideration about it, etc., that determines any qualities it has.
Something happened to you when you were five. Was it a good experience or bad? That is
determined only by you. So right now, in present time, you can change the past by simply saying
it's changed. You can't change what actually happened but what happened doesn't matter. The
factor that has any effect on your life is, how do you view what happened? In order to change the
past, all you need to do is change your opinion about it. And that opinion is the new postulate.
To intend is to want to achieve a particular goal. An intention could be something we want to be: "I
want to be a cowboy when I grow up;" or something we want to do: "I will work hard so I can retire
at 65;" or something we want to have: "I will have that parking space in front when I get to the
store." Every intention is preceded by a known or unknown postulate. All intentions are secondary
to postulates. Intentions are about the doing of something while postulates are about the
beingness of something.
Postulates compose the belief system that determines your reality. The conscious intentions a
person has are based on his postulates. For example, a person would have to have a postulate
like, "Cowboys are great people," or "Cowboys have good lives," before that person would intend
to be a cowboy. Likewise, we've had intentions that were not in our best interest, but because of
unknown postulates we had, we automatically had the intentions that align with those postulates.
You may have heard someone say, "I postulated that parking place in front of the store" or "I'm
going to postulate a new job," etc. These are, in fact, intentions, not postulates.
The following are examples of postulates and the intentions a person might "logically" have as a
result. After reading them, stop and think up 5 or 10 examples of your own.
Postulate: There are more crooks in the world than decent people.
Intention: I need to go to the hardware store and get those extra locks for every door in my
Intention: I'm going to work on my project day and night till it's done.
There are some postulates that don't necessarily elicit conscious intentions; they create your
reality for you and you are not aware of intending anything.
Some examples:
Postulate: Things never turn out as good as you think they will.
It is interesting to note that Postulates appear at Tone 30 on the Full Scale of Emotions directly
below the highest tone, Tone 40, Serenity of Beingness. Postulates are the rules for the game,
so to speak. And Games is right below Postulates at Tone 22. It seems that we made the rules,
"forgot" we made them and so off we go, playing the Game of Life while forgetting that WE made
up the rules and can change them any time!
Lacking the proper amount and levels of Clearing, you can't control the Game because of the
subconscious postulates you have; you can only dramatize them.
The good news, of course, is that we do have excellent Clearing processes designed to handle
this. However, the widespread misunderstood that postulates and intentions are interchangable is
a barrier, just as any misunderstood is.
Postulates and intentions are not the same. Postulates are considerations; they are conclusions
the subconscious mind draws that it then converts to personal laws carved in stone!(unless
changed by analytically inspecting them). Intentions are plans, things you put your attention on
because you want a specific result. Intentions imply that you want to cause a particular effect.
What effects you want to cause depends solely on your postulates.
31 MAY 1995
If one has no prior postulate and makes a postulate, then that postulate cannot be a lie. If one
then makes a denying postulate second to this primary postulate, he then has accomplished a lie.
A prime postulate on any subject cannot be a lie. A second postulate can be a lie. In such a case,
the second postulate permits the prime postulate to exist. But in such a case it is the second
postulate, the lie, which persists. All second postulates depend on prime postulates for their force.
1. All evil depends upon a prime postulate of goodness if the evil is to persist.
2. The Satanists claim that Satan is God after He made the universe.
3. A hatred of a person depends for its only strength upon a love for that person prior to the
hatred. The hatred persists, but only has strength from the love.
4. A man considers himself to be worthless. This state of mind, persisting, denotes that he must
have had a considerable opinion of himself before he felt worthless.
But beware of thinking that 'all is good' or 'all is evil.' The force comes from prime postulate, the
state persisting from the second postulate.
1. A doctor considers himself a good, charitable man, a wholly unselfish healer. On examination
we see the second postulate persists, so his goodness must be the second postulate. It must
have force from a prime postulate it denies and so we find this doctor entered medicine because it
had more chance of easy sex. Then he denied this to himself and argued he did it from humanity.
His pious mien ceases to persist and he is freed from this pose by straightwiring the prime
1. We have a preclear with bad legs. We see that bad legs are persisting. Thus we know that the
forceful postulate is prior and opposite so we straightwire out good legs.
2. A man is sick because of a jilt in love. We straight-wire out not the jilt, but the times he loved
the girl.
3. Our interiorized preclear is stuck, won't exteriorize. We straightwire the time he was free and so
discharge the stuck (the second) postulate, and thus exteriorize him.
That which is closer to an ultimate truth (the Static) gives power to that which contradicts it.
1 JUNE 1995
From Scn Axioms a thetan has the ability to POSTULATE & PERCEIVE. For POSTULATION he
These are the only two things a thetan has done that ever got him aberrated - not that they are
bad - it's just that the thetan did a lot of both without KNOWLEDGE of the CONSEQUENCES.
27 OCTOBER 1993
STATIC THETAN (S qn): a "Big Thetan" or "Player," who for one reason or another has decided
to sit, for now, outside the game, or chooses to do so by Rights of a Thetan. Usually they don't
know the Tech so have out-ruds caused by ignorance of the basic principals of existence. They
can permeate the Playing Field and get in comm with other Players telepathically. They are
usually just outside of, or exterior to, ONE Games Universe Model and have, of course,
unhandled charge on earlier ones.
THETAN (qn): a general term meaning any life unit. S qn, Big qn or Player, Lambda (l) qn, Phi (j)
qn. An awareness of awareness unit.
BIG THETAN (Big qn or "Player"): the preclear or Clear you are auditing or the qn called "me"
who has a case.
A Big Thetan can be in or out of a body. He can be found sticking on a case at OT III or in a Plug
because of being implanted or betrayed. He can be suppressed into believing he is a "Body" or a
"Body qn," or a "Monitor" or "Operator" or "Implanter." All "Players" were originally Static qns.
LAMBDA THETAN (Lambda (l) qn): a "lambda" or "life-form" qn.
Lambda Thetans have the function of caring for or operating life forms. A Lambda Thetan can be
a "genetic-entity," a "demon circuit" or a body operator for animals, plants, fish, birds, or humans.
He may be part of a team of such qns who were hatted to do this job in early MEST Universe
track prior to Inc I or from Earlier Universe (E/U) Games or even earlier GUMs. All true l qns
basically are MOCOs. However, you may find a Player qn occasionally implanted or suppressed
into the "belief" that he is a l qn. Lambda Thetans are also called, loosely, "Body qns". Many of
these were captured from E/U games and used in "Plugs" after being made to believe they were
"solid." l qns like to copy or hold "pictures" for Big qns or make pictures from his intention. Lambda
Thetans are mostly found in and align with the 5th Dynamic. (Ref: Dianetic Axioms).
PHI THETAN (pronounced Fee Thetan) (Phi j qn or F qn): "Phi qns" or MEST qns. One who has a
function of being a particle of matter or energy or space in a creation.
Phi Thetans can be of a gradient of sizes with the bigger ones responsible for the smaller ones.
They can be identified as space, potential energy or motion, energy particles, sub-atomic
particles, atomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, crystals, etc. They are used to make MEST
and pictures for Players so they won't disappear when the Player looks at them. In Universe 3
(U3) they are all mixed up from E/U game "dumpings" by all Players. These U3 j qns have been
organized by their "Board of Directors" and do not cooperate with any Big qns normally, because
of their ARCB LD (ARC Break long duration) on being dumped. All j qns originally were MOCOs. j
qns are mostly found in and align with the 6th Dynamic (Ref. Dianetic Axioms).
MOCO ("Moment Of Creation Of Viewpoint"): a Created qn, created by one of the Big qns or
Static qns for use in the games.
MOCOs , therefore, do not have any time track earlier than their moment of Creation. That is the
basic on their "Case." They also do not have a large "case" like a Player, who has been in the
Games since the beginning. They can also be a l qn or j qn or a special type created by a Player
and used for Admiration (plus or minus) or Perception (plus or minus) or for creating and holding
or operating a Creation for the Player (called a VIA MOCO) The Player used this via so the
Creation wouldn't disappear and there would be someone to care for it at his direction. Probably
the Board of Directors of the j qns were originally VIA MOCOs who got dumped with their j qn
Creations into the MEST U.
Another class of MOCO is called a "Clone." This is a MOCO who was created with more ability
and self-determinism and could serve as a "substitute" or "missionaire" for the Player. They
usually want to debrief before going free or returning to their moment of creation. They could also
have been given the ability to create other MOCOs and also could have gotten implanted, while
doing their "missions."
All MOCOs were originally created to HELP the Player who created them. When a person's own
MOCOs want to return to their Creator they "blow" inward to him. Other Players MOCOs will blow
outward. (Also any who choose to go free, or to Static Point to wait, will "blow" outward.)
MULES: A combination of two or more MOCOs (usually Admiration Particles - plus or minus - or
Perceptic MOCOs - plus or minus - or Clones), one being the person's own MOCO and the other
a friend's or enemy's MOCO. These can be combined by implanting into a MOCO "Sandwich" -
with a person's own, a friend's, and the implanter's or Xenu's. One has to run the incident of the
"Sandwich" being made (like a Clustering Incident or Mutual Incident) before each separate
MOCO can be freed.
CLONE: A MOCO who was made with more ability and free will - almost, or partly, a copy of the
Player, to do a "mission" for him or to "fool the enemy" or to "play a game." See also, more on
these under "MOCO" definitions.
Prime MOCOs: These are the MOCOs a Player created to prepare for and start the Games.
There are 4 of them. One is the basis of the "Analytical" Mind. Another is the Basis for the
"Security" Mind (which became the "Reactive" Mind), and another is the Basis for the "Social"
Mind. The 4th one is the MOCO which was used to Create the Playing Field and Ring Archives
Games as an agreement with all other Players.
The interesting thing about the Prime MOCOs is that they CAN NOT BE RUN OUT until the
Player has finished the Games (after OT 16). He created these Prime MOCOs with the Super
Static postulate to assist him throughout the games, so at any point before that, he is simply not
powerful enough to undo or as-is that postulate. If encountered in a session on OT levels, they
should be thanked for what they did in the session and told to continue helping till the Player is
finished the Games.
A Plug consists of several "terminals" (each of which may be very complex and consists of many
qns with various functions as a unit or "thing") having a function to perform on a case, connected
by holding lines. Holding means "suppression carried out through time" or "constant suppression."
There may be several plugs in one "stack" as a part of a person's case because they are related
by thought. The "stack" wording is how the Pre-OT "thinks" of the area that is troubling him, it is
not a "message" or "words" or "intention" coming from a plug or plugs.
STACK: A built-up area of charge on a person's Excalibur case which makes him act or "think" in
an irrational non-survival, non-expanding way or monitors him in a direction of shrinking his KRC
and ARC (his Power and Understanding) and drives him downscale as a qn.
A stack can collapse him down to only operating on 1 or 2 dynamics or lead him into other
practices that will trap him from ever going OT. It is OTHER-DETERMINED CHARGE in a certain
area. If a person has "accepted" or "agreed" to it, he may believe it's his own thoughts! A stack is
composed of one or more plugs.
GAME of GODs: A game played at the beginning of GUM 0 to elect a "GOD," who would "take
care of" everyone's dumped creations from Earlier Universe Games. These "dumps" became the
MEST Universe. The Player qns were supposed to learn by doing this to take responsibility for
their own Creations and at some point enter the MEST Universe and as-is their own part of it to
regain their lost ability to as-is. This was interfered with by the Implant known as Incident I.
The MEST Universe in GUM 0 has been going on for 100 Centillion years. (100 x 10303)(100 with
303 zeros after it).
The Game of Gods was aberrative as many plus and minus Admiration particles (MOCOs) were
used as "political" persuasions and as "votes" for the contestants. Unfortunately, Xenu got the
most votes and so became the "God" of the MEST Universe.
This game was not considered very significant or important to the qns at that time, just a "fun"
thing to do. Xenu's "act" in the Game of Gods included some of the later scenes in Inc I, so it can
act as an earlier similar area of charge.
A GUM can have one or many games and one or many universes in it. But it is covered by an
overall purpose or goal for the qns playing through or in it - whether they remember it or not. This
GUM is Games Universe Model 0 (Zero), "Emergency." "Time", as in the MEST Universe (one of
the universes in this GUM. There are also "Earlier Universe Games" in it), does not exist before
this GUM. So to "date" beyond the MEST Universe "Time" track one uses "Games Universe
Models" as a Cycle of Action which all thetans are familiar with. This called Guming.
A CCC is a sequence of 24 GUMs (Games Universe Models) which have a similarity of purpose.
For instance, if the CCC has a purpose "to improve the understanding of aesthetics" as a
purpose, then there may be a GUM on Art, another for Music, another for stories or Books, etc.
This is a vastly simplified description, however, as it could as well be a GUM for "picturing
aesthetics," "creating aesthetics," "exchanging aesthetics", etc. with all types of aesthetics in each
GUM and then in later ones a combining the activities of the earlier ones on all flows and all
RING: A Ring is a combination of 24 CCCs or 576 GUMs in a big torus or "doughnut" shaped
structure. It was part of the original agreement of all "Player" qns who decided to play the Ring
TTA: An abbreviation meaning THIS TIME AROUND.
TTA refers to Ring 10,000 and is a "re-play" of Ring 9999 with all the Players going through GUM
0 for the 2nd time. Ring 9999 was supposed to be the last of the Ring Games, but it had to be
done again as no one got out of it.
LTA refers to Ring 9999 the 1st time it was played. This is the critical GUM which prevented qns
from finishing the Ring properly is GUM 0, CCC 24, RING 9999. (This is same one we are doing
over again now on Ring 10,000).
LTA parallel "time" (to come to the same place - or GUM - on the playing field) is "564 GUMs"
ago, (not 576). This is because on the 2nd time around, the first 12 GUMs (called R-factor GUMs)
of the RING were skipped - or not played.
Note: On TTA & LTA & Rings definitions, if the person gets overwhelmed by thinking he has to run
out all the charge of 10,000 Rings, just indicate he is only stuck in this one. He did get to a Static
3rd Stage to leave each of 9998 (all the other) Rings, so there is only minimal charge, if any,
remaining in them.
The "OT" product of the taken-over Church of Scientology LTA; the "tech" used to produce these
products. A BST is made to "be" or "own" the entire MEST Universe, is not and can't be in a body,
and is stuck "forever" in that state. There are processes to free them now in the Free Zone, TTA!
OT 9, 10 AND 11
25 DECEMBER 1993
The other-determined case means the aberration a person has as a result of the entities and
clusters which make up the plugs and stacks encountered on Excalibur.
The Phoenix is the legendary bird that rises from the ashes of death and lives again. Once you
have finished Excalibur (OT 8) and the OT Life Repair (Advanced Ability Stabilization), if you
needed it, you will realize that you are pretty much alone. For the first time you don't have any
other-determined or sleeping or dead or implanted entities and clusters and Jelly Beans and such
around you.You might ask very shortly: "Why the hell am I alone?"
You must have been in with some other thetans and playing games on other dynamics and
perhaps in other universes, earlier in this gigantic Games Universe Model. Where are these guys
and what happened? Occasionally one or two pop in towards the end of Excalibur or on OT Life
Repair, and you have to repair some comm-lines with them. But the great majority of them are,
shall we say, behind closed doors; and those doors were closed because you had quite an
other-determined case. That other-determined case, of course, was courtesy of Xenu, the master
implanter. Now implanted, other-determined case has been removed.
By getting through all the other-determined plugs on the case, a person becomes at full cause on
the 1st Dynamic - that is: OT on the 1st Dynamic and Clear on all Dynamics.
The next step is to work on OT ability on the remaining dynamics. Why did a thetan lose abilities
to handle the 2nd & 3rd Universes? This is what will be handled on this level - which uses all the
Basics of Clearing Technology.
In running Excalibur, a person gets large amounts of organized other-determined charge off the
case (Plugs). During it, one occasionally hits a big thetan (a real operating being with or without a
body - not just an Entity Being, Cluster, Jellybean, or Teenie-Weenie) and has to handle him as a
holder or monitor, etc. Toward the end of Excalibur one may be getting other connections to
thetans in this or another universe or just an old friend with or without a body; or in some cases a
"Kibitzer" or on-looker into the session from Earth or another Star System. Or his "Stack" wording
may take him right through Pre I to earlier games he was connected to on a parallel track to the
MEST Universe.
When finished with Excalibur his case will be clean of any Pre-I and Implant charge on the MEST
time track and his attention free to handle any Game, any Universe. In Excalibur, the assessment
of charge was done by THOUGHT which monitored FUNCTION & STRUCTURE.
Above THOUGHT are two abilities of a thetan which monitor everything he ever got involved with.
From Axioms a thetan has the ability to POSTULATE & PERCEIVE. For POSTULATION he uses
These are the only two things a thetan has done that ever got him aberrated - not that they are
bad - it's just that the thetan did a lot of both without KNOWLEDGE of the CONSEQUENCES.
In other words, he broke his KRC triangle when using intention and attention without knowledge.
The KRC (top triangle) is the OT triangle. In this level we will raise it back up.
Knowledge we now have from the Technology of Clearing. This data and using it to free thetans is
the "Game of Games," as it covers them all.
Responsibility is raised by handling what your attention is on, or was on, or keeps avoiding.
Control is raised by handling what your intention is on, or was on, or avoids being on.
So let's open the doors again and get back in communication with all those old friends and find
out what has happened. Another thing you must realized is: that this level is a very causative level
for you, because you are undoing some things that you actually caused to happen; and the things
that you caused to happen were "out rudiment situations" caused your own attention or lack of it,
and your own intention or lack of it.
If once we all had full OT abilities and now we don't, then we must have used them in such a way
as to decrease them.
The Phoenix processing steps remove the fixed, stuck, unsuccessfully used Postulates and
Perceptions by locating the Intentions and Attentions behind them, and handling the effects they
caused on other dynamics, games, and universes.
TONE 40 1. the highest point on the Tone Scale called Serenity of Beingness.
RIDGE 1. a barrier of energy created by two flows of energy hitting each other.
Example: A thetan puts a Tone 40 Intention of anger in the space of another thetan. Then he goes
away. The other thetan who resisted it has a ridge , or ARC Break. All smaller thetans or Jelly
Beans, Teenie Weenies, beings and clusters in the area either are frozen by the Tone 40 or carry
it with them as an impression or picture forever.
Example: Two thetans are playing a game of "laser war" or "beam war" in an earlier Universe
game. They each command thousands of "troops" who are other smaller thetans mocked up as
soldiers or spaceships, etc. The game is over. Both big thetans leave - one with a "win," one with
a "loss." The broken pieces lying around in the mock-up form are still "solid" and become part of
the MEST Universe. They are "dead," out of comm, ARC Broken or even have a Missed Withhold
from the big thetan who controlled them - maybe they feel bad because they didn't do the big
thetan's orders fast enough and got "beamed."
Both big thetans take no responsibility for handling the mess lying around. The loser may abandon
the rest of his "team." The winner may take some of his "winning team" with him to the next game.
Later he may "forget" about them. They are out of comm, waiting for orders, still loyal to him.
Example: Some thetan wants to keep a big secret or hide an perpetration from you. He postulates
a "shield" of entity beings around himself but facing you so telepathic thoughts don't come
through. Or he instructs them to give you false data if you come around or just "never let the
person find out." Later down the track - all the above is "forgotten" but the shield is still there and if
you meet this person you feel "there's something I don't know about him" and he feels "I mustn't
get too close or say too much to that person." This is a Missed Withhold phenomenon.
All the above show that the reason a person hasn't recovered his abilities is that his connections
to these earlier intentions and attentions have not been handled and the intentions and attentions
have not been as-ised because they have RESISTIVE CASE POINTS (technically) in them, so
preventing the regaining of KRC and ability.
As an Excalibur completion, you can now create a processing space as large as needed and open
your attention to cover the whole time track back to 100 centillion years (100 X 10303). You have
to do this to free beings (entities, jelly beans, teeny weanies, etc.) from this universe or from back
to the beginning of MEST track.
Also you are familiar with Clearing groups of thetans as you had to do to free the 1000s of JBs &
TWs in some of the plugs.
As you do the process, you will find many blowing on each step. (Some steps will cleanly F/N,
showing there were no thetans with that type of charge). As you get to the last step you will find a
wide F/N or floating range arm and cog and return of ability - or it may return on a gradient of cogs
and feeling of power as you break through the resistive points. But always cover every point so
you don't leave any BPC.
We are now going to free all these thetans from all dynamics connected to us as Phoenix Solo
Clearing Practitioners.
25 DECEMBER 1993
RUDIMENT a first principle, step, stage or condition.
CLEARING RUDIMENTS Processes designed to quickly and easily handle any current upsets a
person is experiencing so that he may continue with his regular Clearing.
Note: Occasionally a person arrives for a Clearing session with her mind preoccupied with some
current upset or difficulty. This affects her ability to be in present time and prevents her from
having her attention available for the major action of that Clearing session. The Rudiments
processes free up her attention and allow her to be in present time and easily focus on the
Clearing session at hand.
AFFINITY 1. a natural attraction to a person or liking for a thing. 2. a mutual attraction. 3. degree
of liking or affection; the feeling of love or liking for something or someone. 4. a willingness to
share the same space or a desire to be close to something or someone. [ad, in the direction of;
toward + finis, end, border]
REALITY in human relationships, reality is measured by the amount of agreement between two or
more people. Ex: You meet someone new and discover that he enjoys the same hobby you do;
that is, you agree about that hobby. This agreement causes that person to be more real to you.
ARC (a word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality, and Communication) the three factors
which together equate to Understanding. First a person must be in communication with someone
or something. Then the person or thing must be real to some degree. Finally, there must be some
degree of closeness or affinity. The degree of ARC present will determine the degree of
Understanding present. Note: raising one of the points, A, R or C, will raise the other two and
thereby increase Understanding.
ARC BREAK 1. a sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone
or something; upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or violent breaking
apart of affinity, reality, communication or understanding. It is called an ARC break instead of an
upset because, if one discovers which of the points has been cut (A, R, C or U), one can bring
about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind. Note: when one point is cut, it diminishes all
the points, but the one which was cut first is the entry point in locating the source of negative
charge. 2. the first Rudiments process.
buttons used to further assess an ARC Break; they help the person to identify and more
thoroughly view the negative energy so that the charge may vanish.
PROBLEM 1. a conflict of purposes within one individual's mind; two or more purposes (views,
intentions, goals, etc.) the individual has that are of equal force and are opposed, such as: "I want
to lose 20 lbs./I don't want to diet or exercise." 2. two or more opposing and conflicting views on
the same subject that cause the person worry and indecision such as: "I want that job in England/I
don't want to move out of the U.S."
PRESENT TIME PROBLEM 1. a particular problem that exists in the physical universe now on
which the person has his attention fixed; it is a viewpoint, intention, or purpose, etc., opposed by a
counter-viewpoint, intention or purpose, etc., that exists in present time. 2. something that worries
the person. 3. a problem that so engages the person's attention that he would rather be doing
something about it than be in the Clearing session. 4. the second Rudiments process.
PERPETRATION 1. to do, perform or commit (a crime, etc.).
Types of perpetrations:
b. something a person does to another that would upset her if someone did the same thing to her.
(A variation of the "Golden Rule").
c. an aggressive or destructive act which harms broadly. Ex: the David Koresh incident.
d. an intentionally committed harmful act, overt or covert, that is committed in an effort to solve a
problem. Ex: Having financial difficulties and robbing a bank (overt) or embezzling (covert). Note:
Criminality is the effort to solve problems irresponsibly.
Ex: Recognizing a potential for danger or harm and not warning others.
WITHHOLD (noun) 1. an undisclosed perpetration; for example, if a person steals from his
employer, he will withhold that he committed that harmful act; a withhold comes after a
perpetration. 2. an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the
person was bound. 3. something the person has done and has not told anyone for fear that
revealing it will endanger his survival. 4. something the person is afraid to tell the Clearing
MISSED WITHHOLD 1. an undisclosed harmful act which has been reactivated by another; a
withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold
wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not. 2. the third Rudiments process.
A rudiment is that which is used to get the Pc in shape to be cleared in that session.
For Clearing to take place at all, the Pc must be in session which means:
That is what you want to accomplish with rudiments. You want to set up the case to run by getting
the rudiments in, not use the rudiments to run the case.
ARC breaks, present time problems (PTP) and withholds all keep a session from occurring. It is
elementary Clearing knowledge that clearing over the top of an ARC break can reduce an
Personality Profile graph, hang the Pc up in sessions or worsen his case. In the presence of
PTPs, perpetrations and missed withholds (a reactivated undisclosed perpetration) no gains can
occur. Thus these are the rudiments we are most concerned with getting in at the beginning of a
session so that Clearing with gains can occur.
If you know bank structure, you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not
If a rud doesn't F/N, then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it
from F/Ning.
If at the beginning of a session the rudiments are in (the needle is floating and the Pc is VGIs), the
Clearing Practitioner goes directly into the major actions of the session. If not, the Clearing
Practitioner must fly a rud or ruds, as ordered by the C/S. Even if the C/S does not order ruds to
be flown, the Clearing Practitioner must "Fly a rud" if needed.
ARC: A word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate
to Understanding.
ARC BREAK: A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or
something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or a violent breaking
apart of affinity, reality, communication or understanding.
While the earlier similar rule fully applies to ARC breaks, there is an additional action taken in
handling ARC breaks that enables the Pc to spot precisely what happened that resulted in the
An ARC break is called that, an "A-R-C break," instead of an upset because if one discovers
which of the three points of understanding has been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in
the person's state of mind.
You never clear over the top of an ARC break, and you never clear an ARC break itself; they
cannot be cleared. But they can be assessed to locate which of the basic elements of ARC the
charge is on.
Thus, to handle an ARC break you assess affinity, reality, communication and understanding to
find which of these points the break occurred on.
Having determined that, you assess the item found (A or R or C or U) against the CDEINR Scale
(curious, desired, enforced, inhibited, no and refused).
With this assessment the actual bypassed charge can be located and indicated even more
accurately, thus enabling the Pc to blow it.
The assessment is done on every ARC break as you go earlier similar until the rudiment is in with
F/N and VGIs.
3. Find out by assessment which point the ARC break occurred on by asking:
You assess it once and get the read (or the largest read) on, say, "communication."
4. Check it with the Pc: "Was that a break in (Communication)?" If he says no, rehandle. If yes, let
him tell you about it if he wishes. Then give it to him by indicating it, i.e., "I'd like to indicate that
was a break in communication."
PROVIDED THE RIGHT ITEM HAS BEEN GOTTEN, the Pc will brighten up, even if ever so
slightly, on the very first assessment.
NOTE: On Step 4 the Pc may originate: "Yes, I guess it was communication but to me it's really
more like a break in reality," for example. The wise Clearing Practitioner then acknowledges and
indicates it was a break in "reality".
5. Taking the item found in Step 4 above, assess it against the CDEINR Scale:
"Was it:
Desired (communication)?
Enforced (communication)?
Inhibited (communication)?
No (communication)?
Refused (communication)?"
6. As in Steps 3 and 4 above, assess it once, get the item and check it with the Pc:
7. If no F/N at this point you follow it earlier with the question: "Is there an earlier similar ARC
8. Get the earlier similar ARC Break, get in ARCU, CDEINR, indicate. If no F/N, repeat Step 7,
continue to go earlier, always using ARCU, CDEINR until you get an F/N.
When you get the F/N and VGIs you have it.
PROBLEM: A conflict arising from two opposing intentions. It's one thing versus another thing; an
intention-counter-intention that worries the preClear.
PRESENT TIME PROBLEM: A special problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which
the Pc has his attention fixed. Any set of circumstances that so engages the attention of the
preClear that s/he feels s/he should be doing something about it instead of being Cleared.
A violation of "in session-ness" occurs when the Pc's attention is fixed on some concern that is
"right now" in the physical universe. The Pc's attention is "over there" and not on her/his case. If
the Clearing Practitioner overlooks and doesn't handle the PTP then the Pc is never in session,
grows agitated, ARC breaks. And no gains are made because s/he is not in session.
4. Get the earlier problem and if no F/N, follow it earlier similar, earlier similar to F/N.
WITHHOLD: An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act. Something the Pc did that s/he isn't
talking about.
MISSED WITHHOLD: An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been reactivated by another
but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the
person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether her/his hidden deed is known or not.
Missing a withhold or not getting all of it is one source of ARC breaks. A missed withhold is
observable by any of the following: Pc not making progress, Pc critical of, nattery or angry at the
Clearing Practitioner, refusing to talk to the Clearing Practitioner, nor desirous of being Cleared,
going unconscious, exhausted, foggy at session end, dropped havingness. Telling others the
Clearing Practitioner is no good, demanding redress of wrongs, critical. Lack of Clearing results,
dissemination failures. The Clearing Practitioner must not overlook any manifestations of a
missed withhold.
Thus, if the Pc has a missed withhold you get it, get all of it using the system described below, and
use the same system on each earlier similar missed withhold until you get the F/N.
Get another and another who missed it, using the Suppress button as necessary, and repeating
(e) above.
Questions (a) through (b) are not rote questions and can be varied to suit the Preclear. For
example, (e) How did (he/she) miss the withhold?
4. Handle each earlier similar missed withhold you get per Step 2, above, until you get an F/N.
If a rudiment doesn't read and is not F/Ning, put in the Suppress button, using: "On the question
'Do you have an ARC break?' has anything been suppressed?" If it reads, take it and ask ARCU,
CDEINR, earlier similar, etc.
Use Suppress in the same way for non-reading PTP and missed withhold rudiments.
If the Pc protests, comments, or seems bewildered put in the False button. The question used is:
"Has anyone said you had a ______________ when you didn't have one?" Get who, what, when
and take it earlier, if necessary, to F/N.
The "false question" is not rote and can be varied to suit the Pc. For example, "Did my asking you
about ARC breaks cause you to think that you had an ARC break when you really didn't?"
In ruds when you've got your F/N and the charge has moved off, indicate it the F/N. Don't push the
Pc on for some other "EP."
When the Pc F/Ns with VGIs, you've got it.
Seeing a high or low range arm at session start, the Clearing Practitioner up to and including
Class III does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S for a higher classed
Clearing Practitioner to handle. The C/S will order the required correction list to be done by a
Clearing Practitioner of Class IV or above.
26 DECEMBER 1993
OT 9, 10 and 11 are called the Phoenix. On OT 9 you handle the beings that you were or are
"connected to." On OT 10 you handle the ones that you are "disconnected from." On OT 11 you
handle the ones you are "unconnected with."
These can be looked at as gradually decreasing spheres of influence. You are most closely
connected to those that you are "connected to." Then there is a sort of ridge out there of those you
"disconnected from" and, lastly, a dispersal out there of beings you are "unconnected with," way
out on the edge. These are the various areas of "connected," "disconnected" and "unconnected"
associations. "Unconnected" means you had been in communication with or had played with and
had KRC with and now you are unconnected with them.
We have to handle all these beings because we still have a job to do here to take responsibility for
them. We also have to start freeing up the things we have created in this MEST universe game, in
this particular Games Universe Model and others. But that will come on OT 12 and 13 after you do
these three OT levels. You must have the assistance of the people and beings who you were in
communication with to actually handle some of the co-creations and some of the multi-creations.
That will be done on OT 12 and 13 with the help of these beings you are handling on the Phoenix.
You have to get the co-operation of those you who worked with you in making those creations.
That is why we do OT 9, 10 and 11: to get those beings back into ARC and KRC so that we can
get their assistance in handling those creations on OT 12 and 13
23 FEBRUARY 1990
INALIENABLE (adjective) 1. not capable of being transferred to the ownership of another: as in,
unalienable rights.
1. A Being has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
6. A Being has the right to choose a game that suits his reality as long as he does not interfere with the right
of another Being.
7. A Being has the right to create his own game as long it does not interfere with the rights of another
1 JANUARY 1994
There are some references here. Some students may have studied these already. They will be
useful in evaluating your cognitions. Because you are going to have some quite fantastic
cognition's on these levels. Some times you can't even express them unless you know The
Axioms, The Factors, the KRC-triangle or the components of Games. You won't be able to really
handle the beings you meet on these levels without knowing what Resistive Cases are and how to
handle Rudiments and Long Duration Rudiments. There are few extra little things that may be
needed from time to time like the "prevent" process (What are you trying to prevent?).
You also have to know about "group Clearing" because now you are not just Clearing one at a
time. You are going to be Clearing large groups of beings, all at once. You have to know when
you address a group and say: "Put your foot on the floor" to people in the audience, that you have
to wait until all the people in the audience have put their foot on the floor. Then you say: "Thank
You," and then you can say: "Raise your hand above your head." Then you have to wait until they
all have done that. Then you thank them and then you give the next command. It is quite a bit like
that on the Phoenix. We are looking at your OT ability now as a solo Clearing Practitioner to have
a confront which is large enough and free from any "out-rudiments" yourself so that you can
confront anyone in large groups of beings and Clear then all as a group. Doing that, you can then
progress through this level very rapidly.
The entire level has been accomplished in less than 50 hours. That's including 9, 10 and 11.
Some people take about 40 hours per level. But it doesn't matter, it's just what you have to handle.
It doesn't matter how long it takes; there is no particular status in doing it fast or slow. You just
have to handle what is there.
1 JANUARY 1994
All your Excalibur tech will be valid on the Phoenix because you may find a few of these guys
hung up with the implanters or Xenu. Possibly they got "accidentally" hit with implanting, but they
are not on your cases like "plugs." This is something else. This whole level came to be because of
your own intentions and attentions. Those are the monitoring factors on this level, just as thought
was the monitoring factor on Excalibur. On Excalibur, we took thought and then we found out what
was connected to that, plugs and so on. Thought gave us stack wording. At this level you are
looking at attention and intention-areas. The reason for this is that a being's attention and intention
are the things behind his postulates and his perceptions. And postulating and perceiving are the
two native abilities of a being. So when he does those, anything he gets into trouble with can be
traced back to the intention behind a postulate and his attention behind a perception.
On this level you will find beings that don't just have "ARC Breaks." They may have KRC Breaks.
ARC equals Understanding. KRC equals Power. You might have beings here with an ARC Break
which you have to assess A-R-C-U and a KRC Break which would be assessed K-R-C-P. Then
there may be some of these Static Breaks (Theta Breaks). Theta is power and understanding. So
they might just have a "Theta Break" if they are very close to a Static State and happen to mess
up when they poked around into the game. You will find all of these. If you don't find an ARC
Break, you can check to see if it is a KRC Break or a Theta Break.
Let's take a look at this KRC triangle. We have the knowledge from LRH's basics of Tech, Policy
and Ethics. This data is used to free beings, to make them free, absolutely free. And that is the
Game of Games. It's the Game that is a bit bigger than all the other games going on. It covers all
of them because it's all the reasons why the guy got unfree, and it handles that.
Responsibility is raised by handling what your attention is on, or was on, or keeps avoiding. In
other words, your attention is very interesting here. Your responsibility will cover the areas that
your attention has been on, or it is on, or it avoids. That's why we get into these "connected,"
"disconnected" and "unconnected" areas. It's a gradient of handling responsibility. As you handle
the areas of attention your responsibility will come up.
And then control is raised by handling what your intention is on, or was on, or avoids being on.
You have to put intention on something to control it, to make a postulate about it, to start, change,
stop. Your intention will then, therefore, bring up the control factor as you handle these areas of
intention. So we expect to bring you all the way up fully onto the KRC triangle, not just on the ARC
triangle during these 3 OT levels.
1 JANUARY 1994
You don't need any "super duper" tech for these levels, you just need the basics. There is no new
tech for any of these levels, it's just using what LRH already found, he had all the tech there by the
time the Class VIII course was done in 1968. It's just applying it to new areas, that's all we are
doing here in the areas of the upper levels.
These Resistive Case Points are: Out Rudiments; Out of Valence; PTS; Earlier Practices; Out-Int
or Interiorization phenomenon. It is also 'stuck-in,' 'stuck-on' or something like that. And then
Drugs, of course, and Physically Ill. Drugs and Physically Ill, by the way, don't come up much on
this level. That should have been handled earlier in the first place as on this level you are dealing
with exterior being. Either that or they are just caught in doing something by an intention or
attention. They are usually not in a physical condition at all nor have anything to do with drugs.
The basic behind these Resistive Case Points is reason you can't Clear someone. They can't be
repaired or Cleared because they might have these Resistive Case Points: Out Rudiments - can't
get in session. Out Valence - can't as-is. PTS - roller coasters. Earlier Practices - confuses it with
Clearing Tech. Out Int - can't get out, sticks him, he can't get any wins because he is stuck in this
thing. Drugs - giving him hallucinations so he can't get in session and you are just restimulating
entity beings stuck in drug. Physical illness is a constant PTP. So all of these things are Resistive
Case Points. But the basic basic here is a simple one. This is covered on Class VIII, it just is that
the person doesn't want to be Cleared You can't handle the Resistive Cases Points because the
person doesn't want to be Cleared. So how can you get him in session to handle the Resistive
Points? Well, that's also covered on this level. You ask, "Why don't you want Clearing?" That
handles it.
And of course there is one more basic than that, another Resistive Point. More basic than the
basic basic, and this is called the basic basic basic. That is the person is not there. He is not there
to be Cleared. It's not that he doesn't want to be, maybe he doesn't want to either, but he's not
even there. So that's the most basic basic Resistive Case. But now you can get them there
because your session space can be as big, bigger than the physical universe and the whole Time
Track. You can put them in your session now, so you can get them there, so they can be audited,
or so that you can find out why they don't want to be Cleared. So you can handle their Resistive
Points; then you can Clear them and free them from whatever intention or attention has been
hung on them by you for so long. That's the basic of OT 9, 10 and 11.
3 JANUARY 1994
On Excalibur it was all an other-determined case. The instruction was to Tone 40 shut the door at
the end of the session between one plug and another. If you didn't shut the door, these other
determined guys would edge in there and start to influence you between sessions. So that was a
level where you had to open the door, handle a bit of it, and then shut the door again. That's
because it was all other determined.
Now on this level you don't do that. The doors have already been shut because of the way things
went in this universe. Because you had such an implanted case, because you got out of ARC with
them, because of all the things you may have done, the door was shut. The door is shut. This is
why the Resistive Case Handling is sometimes needed.
We have to open the door on this level and then leave it open. After you finished Excalibur you
feel alone and then you started saying "Hey, why am I alone - Hey!" Well, there is the shut doors;
the door is shut to these guys. So you have to open door. So at the end of session you do NOT
shut the door, you leave it open. You are going to need their co-operation on the next levels, OT
12 and 13. On this level, 9, 10 and 11, you're going to open the door at the beginning of the first
session leave it open at the end. There is nothing other determined about these levels at all. It's all
something you are involved in. So you want to leave the door open now, don't shut it. Shutting the
door will just put you out of comm and lower your KRC again. So on the Phoenix you open the
door with the Resistive Case Processes, if needed, and then at the end of the session you leave
the door open. How do you leave the door open? Well, instead of doing a Tone 40 "That's it!" you
just say "That's it," softly, and just let the session drift over into your life. By the end of 9, 10 and
11 you will find your life has now become much more real on the dynamics because you are now
able to perceive and handle and be in communication telepathically with all these beings. So you
leave the door open. It's going to become your way of life.
1. "HELLO!" (Get in comm with intention to audit all the thetans connected - Tone 40). Repeat
until it F/Ns cleanly.
2. "Why don't you want auditing?" (Reads, sensations, a babble of telepathic answers will come
on this - just keep asking with CE 2 1/2 (half acks) until it quiets down and F/Ns cleanly, or repeat
with more intention through space and time until it does F/N cleanly.
3. "ARC Breaks?" (this will usually be heavily charged, sensations, reads, etc. Let the babble die
down and assess:
Check for ARC Breaks -If none, check KRC Breaks & Theta Breaks:
A Known
R Unknown
C Curious about
U Desired
O - No or Rejected
Note: If no read or F/N on ARCB even with S, I, N buttons, check for KRC Break? or Power
Break? or Theta Break?
"Indicate the major BPC_____." (You may start getting blows on this step - even automatic
blows). Handle to F/N cleanly or E/S to F/N cleanly.
"ARC BREAK LD?" (Get how long, assess as above, ind BPC, to F/N cleanly).
"PTP LD?" get how long, ind BPC, handle itsa E/S itsa to Clean F/N.
Note: "Clean" F/N means the F/N doesn't slow down or halt as it goes across the dial in at least
one sweep of 1/3 or 1/2 dial. If it does slow or halt, it means that most of the thetans got the
charge off but there are some who didn't yet get it. You may find, if it bogs, that some were trying
to handle the LD Rud on the Rud Question. Indicate that "any LD (ruds) will be handled next" and
the F/N or the Rud will be clean.
5. "MWH? or WH?" handle itsa (what) + missed withhold system (who missed it, when, what they
did, nearly found out?) then E/S to F/N cleanly.
"MWH or W/H of LD?" - get how long, ind BPC, handle per itsa + WH system E/S to Clean F/N.
Note: You may have to use this "PREVENT" process on #5 W/H or W/H LD also). If you have to
run it again, use "OBTAIN?" What you trying to obtain?
7. "Invalidation?" - Itsa, E/S itsa to clean F/N. (May have to handle PTS to Xenu on this one)
"Invalidation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa, PTS (if needed) to clean F/N.
Note: The inval may be on Flow Zero (self-inval). Any of these ruds may be on any flow.
Note: The flows are from the viewpoint of the thetans you are auditing, not yours. If you invaled
one of them it would be his F1.
"Evaluation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa to F/N cleanly.
Note: On all LD Ruds - if the F/N doesn't come on the itsa, then check if it "really started earlier?",
before going E/S.
Note: As you are the OT auditor here, these ruds are not necessarily including you. Your gain in
session comes from COGNITIONS and realizing what you were connected to and regaining KRC.
Note: As blows occur on each step, you may have to assist it by intending "I'm not holding you."
9. Blow Steps:
A. "Who are you?" to any who haven't left yet. This step of the valence process usually blows
100s more from all over space and time if you keep asking them - to clean F/N.
C. Rights of a thetan.
Out of Valence?
A. This is asking for those with Out Int, stuck to another thetan, others in his valence, etc. Just like
on Excalibur.
B. Then there may be those that need Pre I - spin dryer - Electrosphere - Hoover, capture, in E/U
or dumped in MEST U incidents for Phi thetans as a chain of engrams to run as in Super NOTs;
or Inc II, I, E/Is, etc.
Need data?
C. Then there may be those that need Orientation, a New Game, Rights of a thetan explained or a
New Purpose (as in Excalibur).
Note: Steps 9 & 10 can be done over & over till the F/N RA appears. (Blow, Can't Blow, Blow,
OT 9, 10 AND 11
25 DECEMBER 1993
0. Keep notes of areas of your ATTENTION or INTENTION from before you start OT 9 and place
in folder. They are valuable to locate what to run.
I. Assessment Session: In a solo session, write (from your notes or just thought of) areas of
ATTENTION/INTENTION (A/I) (Put all the ATTENTIONS & INTENTIONS on the same list) and
note the reads sF, F, LF, BD until they cease. End off when you feel it's complete (for now) -
should be a nice F/N. (Sensitivity set at 1/3+ dial or 1/2+ dial on can squeeze).
II. As Solo C/S, add up the reads for each A/I area (some may be combined if on the same area)
using sF = 0.5, F = 1.0, LF = 2.0 and BD as the range arm movement times 10. (0.1 BD = 1.0 for
this add up). Put them on a sheet of paper for the front of your folder - like a STACK LIST but
labelled ATTENTION/INTENTION AREAS and date. Leave a column for the final wording and
session date run. Now put the order 1, 2, 3, etc., in sequence of most reads to least. This is your
A/I list to start with on the level (OT9).
A. Take #1 from A/I list and word it to laugh, VGIs, Big Reads and Interest. This is important so
that the wording will impinge (hit) all the thetans on all Dynamics that are connected to you by it.
Put a box around the correct wording (so you can refer to it and put it on your A/I list after
B. Intend the following Question: (Through space of all Universes past & present and back to 100
Centillion years). (It can be intended as a Command also for more effect)
This must read. Note it down. Check if it doesn't read - "Not-ised?" "Invalidated?" "Suppressed?"
1. "HELLO!" (Get in comm with intention to audit all the thetans connected - Tone 40). Repeat
until it F/Ns cleanly.
2. "Why don't you want auditing?" (Reads, sensations, a babble of telepathic answers will come
on this - just keep asking with CE 2 1/2 (half acks) until it quiets down and F/Ns cleanly, or repeat
with more intention through space and time until it does F/N cleanly.
3. "ARC Breaks?" (this will usually be heavily charged, sensations, reads, etc. Let the babble die
down and assess:
Check for ARC Breaks -If none, check KRC Breaks & Theta Breaks:
A Known
R Unknown
C Curious about
U Desired
O - No or Rejected
Note: If no read or F/N on ARCB even with S, I, N buttons, check for KRC Break? or Power
Break? or Theta Break?
"Indicate the major BPC_____." (You may start getting blows on this step - even automatic
blows). Handle to F/N cleanly or E/S to F/N cleanly.
"ARC BREAK LD?" (Get how long, assess as above, ind BPC, to F/N cleanly).
"PTP LD?" get how long, ind BPC, handle itsa E/S itsa to Clean F/N.
Note: "Clean" F/N means the F/N doesn't slow down or halt as it goes across the dial in at least
one sweep of 1/3 or 1/2 dial. If it does slow or halt, it means that most of the thetans got the
charge off but there are some who didn't yet get it. You may find, if it bogs, that some were trying
to handle the LD Rud on the Rud Question. Indicate that "any LD (ruds) will be handled next" and
the F/N or the Rud will be clean.
5. "MWH? or WH?" handle itsa (what) + missed withhold system (who missed it, when, what they
did, nearly found out?) then E/S to F/N cleanly.
"MWH or W/H of LD?" - get how long, ind BPC, handle per itsa + WH system E/S to Clean F/N.
"Overt LD?" - this comes under (or may) the heading of a continuous overt, so if it doesn't F/N
cleanly on getting how long, ind BPC, and pulling it - then run: "What are you trying to prevent?" to
clean F/N.
Note: You may have to use this "PREVENT" process on #5 W/H or W/H LD also). If you have to
run it again, use "OBTAIN?" What you trying to obtain?
7. "Invalidation?" - Itsa, E/S itsa to clean F/N. (May have to handle PTS to Xenu on this one)
"Invalidation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa, PTS (if needed) to clean F/N.
Note: The inval may be on Flow Zero (self-inval). Any of these ruds may be on any flow.
Note: The flows are from the viewpoint of the thetans you are auditing, not yours. If you invaled
one of them it would be his F1.
"Evaluation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa to F/N cleanly.
Note: On all LD Ruds - if the F/N doesn't come on the itsa, then check if it "really started earlier?",
before going E/S.
Note: As you are the OT auditor here, these ruds are not necessarily including you. Your gain in
session comes from COGNITIONS and realizing what you were connected to and regaining KRC.
Note: As blows occur on each step, you may have to assist it by intending "I'm not holding you."
9. Blow Steps:
A. "Who are you?" to any who haven't left yet. This step of the valence process usually blows
100s more from all over space and time if you keep asking them - to clean F/N.
C. Rights of a thetan.
Out of Valence?
A. This is asking for those with Out Int, stuck to another thetan, others in his valence, etc. Just like
on Excalibur.
B. Then there may be those that need Pre I - spin dryer - Electrosphere - Hoover, capture, in E/U
or dumped in MEST U incidents for Phi thetans as a chain of engrams to run as in Super NOTs;
or Inc II, I, E/Is, etc.
Need data?
C. Then there may be those that need Orientation, a New Game, Rights of a thetan explained or a
New Purpose (as in Excalibur).
You as the OT may sit there and just keep cogniting, but the F/N RA is the technical end of the
session on all the others you were handling. So don't try to run anything more over the F/N RA. Of
course, cognite all you want, and this can continue after the technical session is over and you
have put the cans down. (Don't end session Tone 40, just a soft "That's it.").
E. Incredibles come up on this level, so be ready for anything! It's great fun!
Note: Steps 9 & 10 can be done over & over till the F/N RA appears. (Blow, Can't Blow, Blow,
IV.The next session is the next A/I area on your list, worded, and reading in the Questions, and
run on the 10 Steps to F/N RA, VVGIs, Cogs.
V.After running all the 1st A/I list areas (OT9) you just repeat IIIB for OT 10 "DISCONNECTED
FROM_______" question on the same areas, same wording, same sequence. Then do the same
for OT 11 using the "UNCONNECTED WITH_______" question.
VI.When you get a big win or ability returned - take a win! Don't do more than one session per day
- give yourself time to adjust to the new ability state.
VII.PROCESS PHENOMENON NOTE: Don't be alarmed if all the thetans blowing seem to come
in from wherever they are or whenever they were and leave via your immediate area or body. You
as an OT are acting as an EXIT POINT for freeing these thetans - they will flow to you as the big
thetan and maybe even thank you or "kiss your hand" as they depart. Just ack and Intend "I'm not
holding you. No one can. You are free!"
You will have (Purpose, Character, and Future) awareness fully back. Using your new awareness
with KRC will be on the next level as you handle your Creations!
26 May AD 36
Hello! This is Captain W. B. Robertson, Frankfurt, RON's Org. This is Tech Briefing Nr. 9, 26 May 1986
or AD 36. Tech Briefing Nr. 9 is confidential and it is for those who have finished Super NOT's or
Excalibur and, if needed, the OT Life Repair steps, which were covered of those who have finished
Excalibur and the Life Repair steps, so that you are now ready to confront any thetan that may come up
when you open the doors on OT 9,10 and 11.
I will read you a little bit from the theory. You have a copy of this, But I want you to go over it with you
on the tape here. This theory was written in 5 March 86, and we're calling this level, by the way, THE
PHOENIX. The phoenix is the legendary bird that rises from the ashes of death and lives again. Once you
have finished OT 8 and the OT Life Repair, if you needed it, you will realize that you are pretty much
alone. For the first time you don't have any other-determined or sleeping or dead or implanted BT's and
clusters and Jelly Beans and such like things around you. And then I suppose, as I did, you will realize very
shortly that: "why the hell are you alone?" You must have been in with some other thetans and playing
games on other dynamics and perhaps in other universes, earlier in this gigantic Games Universe Model,
and where are these guys, and what happened and so on like that. Well occasionally one or two pop in
towards the end of Excalibur or on the OT Life Repair, and you have to repair some comm-lines with
them. But the great majority of them are, shall we say, behind closed doors; and those doors were closed
because you had quite an other-determined case, and that other-determined case of course was courtesy of
Xenu, the master implanter, and now we removed that.
So let's open the doors again and get back in communication and find out what has happened. Another
thing you must realized is, that this level is a very causative level for you, because you are undoing some
things that you actually caused to happen, and the things that you caused to happen were these, shall we
say, "out rudiment situations" by your own attention, or lack of it, and your own intention, or lack of it.
On this level we will be handling 3 phases of this, and the 3 phases of it, I should say, on the next three
levels we will be handling the 3 phases of it. The 3 phases of it are: the being that you were - were, or are
"connected" to, and in the next level above that which is 10, OT 10, you handle the ones that you are
"disconnected from" and on the next one, 11, you handle the ones you are "unconnected with". These can
be looked at as gradually increasing sphere of influence, and of course you are most closely connected to
those that you are "connected from", and then a sort of another dispersal out there of "unconnected with",
way out on the edge. In these various areas of "connected", "disconnected" and "unconnected" association
with, or have been in communication with, or have played and KRC with you, because you still have job to
do here to take responsibility for them, and also to start freeing up the things you have created in this
MEST universe game and in this particular Games Universe Model - and other. But that will come after
you do these 3 levels. You must have the assistance of people and beings who you were in communication
with to actually handle some of the co-creations and some of the multi-creations that exist on the case, and
those will be helped in OT 12 and 13, but you have to get co-operation of those you helped with, or they
helped you with, on the creating, and therefore we use these 3 levels to get those beings back into ARC and
KRC, so that you can get their assistance in handling those creations.
The first sheet I have here is from the 5 March briefing on Super Scientology for OT's, and it says that by
getting through all the other- determined plugs on the case, the person becomes at full cause on the First
Dynamic, that is OT on the First Dynamic, and Clear on all Dynamics. Your Dynamics are pretty much
Clear, by now you are next step is to work on OT ability on the remaining Dynamics. Why did a thetan
loose abilities to handle the second and third universes? (That's the universes of others, and of course the
physical universe, the agreed upon universe.) This is what will be handled on this level which uses all the
basics of Scientology.
There are some references here, and you can read over those, and some of you may have studied these
already, but I guarantee you they will be useful in evaluating your cognitions. Because you are going to
have some quite fantastic cognition's on these levels. Some times you can't even express them unless you
know The Axioms, The Factors, what the KRC-triangle is, or what about Games, the components of
Games, and you won't be able to really handle these beings you meet on these levels without knowing what
Resistive Cases are, and how to handle Rudiments and Long Duration Rudiments, and there are few extra
little things that may be needed from time to time like the "prevent" process, and you actually also have to
know also about "group auditing", because now you are not just auditing one at a time. You are going to be
auditing large groups of thetans, all at once, and you have know, like when you have to know, like when
you address a group and you say: "Put your foot on the floor" to people in the audience, you have to wait
until all the people in the audience have put their foot on the floor. Then you say: "Thank You", and then
you can say: "Raise your hand above your head". And then you have to wait until they all do that. Then
you thank them and then you give the next command. It is quite a bit like that here. We are looking at your
OT ability now as a solo auditor to have a confront which is large enough and free from any
"out-rudiments" yourself so that you can confront anyone in large groups of thetans and can audit then all
as a group and you can then progress through this level very rapidly.
The entire level has been accomplished in less than 50 hours. That's including 9, 10 and 11. Some people
take about 40 hours per level. But it doesn't matter, it's just what you have to handle, and what you have to
handle from your won past history that is necessary to do. We don't care how long it takes, there is no
particular status in doing it fast or slow. It's just a matter that you have to handle what is there. I hope you
understand that.
All your Super NOT's tech will be valid because you may find a few of these guys hung up with the
implanters or Xenu, but they are not - shall we say, possibly they got "accidentally" hit with it - but they
are not on your cases like "plugs". You understand? This is something else. This whole level was started, or
came to be because of your own intentions and attentions. Those are the monitoring factors on this level,
just as thought was the monitoring factor on Excalibur. On Excalibur we took thought, and then we found
out what was connected to that, plugs and so on like that. Thought have us stack wording. At this level you
are looking at attention and intention-areas. The reason for that is that a thetan's attention and intention are
the things behind his postulates and his perceptions. And those are the two native abilities of a thetan. So
when he does those, anything he gets into trouble with can be traced back to intention behind a postulate
and his attention behind a perception.
Let me give you some examples. You can read the theory over. I'll just give you some examples here from
the theory data. The KRC - triangle. I'll give you some examples here of things that you have to know to do
this level. The KRC-triangle is of course the upper triangle. And on this level you will find beings that
don't just have "ARC-breaks". They may have KRC-breaks. An ARC-break equals Understanding, ARC
equals Understanding, so that's a break in understanding. KRC, what does that equal? KRC equals Power.
You might have a thetan here with an ARC-break which you have to assess A-R-C-U, and a KRC-break
which would be assessed K-R-C-P. You see - maybe one or the other. And then there may be some of these
Static breaks which I told you about on the last tape. Theta is power and theta is understanding. So they
might just have a "theta-break" if they are very close to a Static State, and happen to mess up when they
poked around into the game or something. You can find all of these. If you don't find an ARC-break, you
can also check if it is a KRC-break or a Theta-break, And knowing also that KRC equals Power. These
thing are found on these levels as well, and you might have to use then in your assessments of ARC-breaks.
Let's take a look at this KRC-traingle. We have the knowledge from LRH"s basics of Scientology and
Dianetics, Axioms, Tech, Policy and Ethics. This data is used to free thetans, to make them free, absolutely
free. And that is the Game of Games. It's the Game that is a bit bigger than all the other games going on. It
cover all of them because it's all the reasons why the guy got unfree, and it handles that. Now
responsibilities is raised by handling what your attention is on, or was on, or keeps avoiding. In other
words, your attention is very interesting here. Your responsibility will cover the areas that your attention
has been on, or it is on, or it avoids. You understand? That's why we get into these "connected",
"disconnected" and "unconnected" areas. As you handle the connecteds after you have handled the
disconnecteds. It's a gradient of handling responsibility. And then control is raised by handling what your
intention is on, or was on, or avoids being on. You see - because in control of course you have to put
intention on something to control it, to make a postulate about it, start, change, stop - whatever. Your
intention will then therefore bring up the control factor as you handle these areas of intention, and as you
handle the areas of attention your responsibility will come up. So we expect to bring you all the way up to
fully onto the KRC-traingle, not just on the ARC-triangle, but on the KRC-triangle, during these 3 levels.
This idea becomes a process or a technique when you realize that at one time of course we all had full OT
abilities, and if now we don't, and now we have some aberration around, then we must have used them in
such a way, as to decrease those abilities. We had those abilities, therefore we must have used intention and
attention, in such a way, which are two abilities of thetan, to decrease our other abilities; or those abilities
themselves. You see, you had then once; now you don't have them, but you had these abilities, now you
don't have them, but what were the two abilities, postulate and perceive, but what's behind that? Intention
and attention. So you must have used then in such a way as to decrease the ability. These processes in OT
9.10 and 11 remove the fixed, stuck, unsuccessfully used postulates and perceptions by location the
intentions and attentions behind them and handling the effects the caused on other dynamics, other games
and other universes.
An example would be: A thetan puts a Tone 40 intention of anger in the space of another thetan. Then he
goes away. The other thetan who resisted it, has a ridge or ARC-break. All the smaller thetans or Jelly
Beans, Teenie-Weenies, BTs or Clusters in the area, either are frozen by the Tone 40 or carry it with them
as an impression or picture - forever. As you found out on Excalibur, you are pretty powerful when you are
dealing with these beings you find in a plug and some of these smaller being's won't leave the session until
you let them go, you have to tell them "OK, that's it, that's finished!" They have fixed attention on you.
You tell them to "find your incident" - whatever, and they find it, and then they sit there and wait for you;
they are already free you see, but they are still waiting for you to tell them to go free. Because you are the
strong guy, you have the intention there, and they are going to stay there until you end the session - boy!
The same thing happened coming down the spiral.
Another example: Two thetans are playing a game of "laser war" or "beam war" in an Earlier Universe
Game. They each command thousands of troops who are other smaller thetans mocked up as soldier or
space ships etc.. The game is over. Both big thetans leave. One with a win, one with a loss. The broken
pieces lying around in the mocked-up form of course are still solid, and became part of the MEST universe.
They are dead. Out of comm. ARC-broken. Or even missed withhold from the big thetans who controlled
them. Maybe the feel bad because they didn't do the big thetan's orders fast enough and got beamed or
knocked out of the game. Both the big thetans take on responsibility for handling the mess lying around.
The loser may abandon the rest of his team, The winner may take some of his winning team with him to
the next game. Later he may forget about them. They are out of comm. still got those attention lines
hooked. You see?
Here is another example. Some thetan wants to keep a big secret or hide an overt from you. He postulates a
shield of BTs around himself. But they are facing you so that telepathically you can't get through. Or he
instructs them to give you false data if you come around, or he gives them a command to never let you find
all theabove
Neveris forgotten,
let you find
it was
out the
an old
- you
shield is still there, and if you meet
this person you feel "there is something I don't know about him", and he feels "I mustn't get too close or
say too much to that person". A Big Missed Withhold phenomenon. But it's a shield - you see, of frozen
BTs or, shall we say Lambda Thetans. They are sitting there and they are still doing his orders, and neither
of them have spotted that.
So, all the above show that the reason a person hasn't recovered his abilities, is that his connections to these
earlier intentions and attentions have not been as-ised. You see, they are just floating in time, they have
never been ended cycle on, and they have not been as-ised, for another reason. It is because the thetans
don't know how to as-is them because they have resistive case points, and that prevents them from
regaining or as-ising those intentions and attentions and regaining KRC and ability. Very simple.
Now we will take up: "What are the resistive case points?" We will have some notes, that I took from my
Class VIII course, and from those tapes, and we will have some notes on this level which can show you
what the Resistive Case Points are and how to handle rudiments and so on. You see, you don't need any
"Super - Duper" tech for these levels, you just need the basics. There is no new tech for any of these levels,
it's just using what LRH already found, he had all the tech there by the time the Class VIII course was
done. It's just applying it to new areas, that's all we are doing here at the areas of the upper levels. OK, so
these Resistive Case Points are: Out Rudiments; Out Valence; PTS; Earlier Practices; Out-Int; or
Interiorisation phenomenon which we know as 'some body being in his valence'; but it is also 'stuck-in',
'stuck-on' or something like that; and then Drugs, of course, and Physically Ill. Drugs and Physically Ill, by
the way, don't come up much on this level, it should have been handled earlier in the first place as on this
level you are dealing with exterior thetans, either that, or they are just caught in doing something by an
intention or attention. They are usually not in a physical condition at all or have anything to do with drugs.
The basic basic behind these Resistive Case Points is why you can't audit someone, they can't be audited on
the Bridge, is because they might have these Resistive Case Points you see: Out Rudiments - can't get in
session. Out Valence - can't as-is. PTS - roller coasters. Earlier Practices - confuses it with Scientology -
you see. Out Int - "oh, can't get out - big problem - ah, ah, ah ..." Sticks him, he can't get any wins because
he is stuck in this thing. Drugs of course - giving him hallucinations so he can't get in session and you are
just restimulating Drug BTs, and Physically Ill of course because it is a constant PTP. So all of these things
are Resistive Case Points. But the basic basic here is a simple one . This is covered on Class VIII, it just is
that the person doesn't want to be audited - you see? You can't handle the Resistive Cases Points because
the person doesn't want to be audited. So how can you get him in session to handle the Resistive Points?
Well, that's also covered on this level.
And of course there is one more basic than that. Another Resistive Point. More basic than the basic basic,
and this is called the basic basic basic, and that is the person is not there. He is not there to be audited. You
understand? It's not that he doesn't want to be, maybe he doesn't want to either, but he's not even there. So
that's the most basic basic Resistive Case. But - now you can get them there because your session space can
be as big, bigger than the physical universe and the whole Time Track - you understand? Because you can
put them in your session now, so you can get them there, so they can be audited, or so that you can find out
why they don't want to be audited, so you can handle there Resistive Points, then you can audit them and
free them from whatever intention or attention has been hung on them by you for so long. That's the basic
of OT 9, 10 and 11.
Next point. I want to clarify here, some definitions, because I did it briefly on the last tape, and you
probably uncovered these types of beings in the Excalibur level, but you must be familiar with them, and
that is - we will start from the lower end - the smallest guys:
It's the Greek letter PHI - that's a MEST -Thetan - I call it PHI-Thetan, that's the guy who has been dumped
into the MEST universe and he is pretty much ARC broken with any big thetan, and they didn't even
respond much to Xenu or implanters, and they just sort of have their own sort of social democracy in the
MEST universe - push things around there, try to handle things themselves. As I said on the last tape, the
people that get closest to breaking through the Resistive Case of these phi-thetans are artists, because artists
tend to validate and admire MEST and sort of try to get in comm with it. So, they sort of lead the way in
civilization in being able to communicate with all the thetans that were dumped into the MEST universe.
Of course we all mostly came in here to help handle this phenomenon anyway, because it does have
something to do with us, which you will find out as you start to get cognition's on this level.
The next one up would be the Lambda-Thetan. We call it Lambda, because that means body form, or
something to do with the body, hangs around bodies and so on, or life forms, so that would be what you
would call a normal BT. Body Thetan - you see. Lambda Thetan - Body Thetan and things like that. The
Jelly Beans you find in the NOTs Plugs or the Super NOTs Plugs, and the Clusters you find in there are
mostly Lambda Thetans which were captured from Earlier Universe Games.
They were being bodies back there. Being things that the big thetan wanted them to be to play games with,
and they got captured and they got smashed into those Pre-I experiments, and then they became on the
Plug on the Super NOTs Case. Those are Lambda Thetans, mostly Lambda Thetans - alright?
They weren't dumped into the MEST universe, they were captured from earlier universe games and
brought to the MEST universe, experimented on, and put into Plugs, or they may have just come down the
Time Track with the big Thetans, you know, and have been part of his "entourage" or his "body servants"
or whoever.
An interesting - one of the most funny ones I found on these levels was a "house-hold unit" of Lambda
Thetans that had been servicing me for a long time in Earlier Universe Games and so on, and there was a
funny character there, he wanted to know if I ... he wouldn't leave, you see, after the whole session was
gone, there is this one guy sitting there and he wouldn't leave, and I said "what's with you?" and he said "I
want my old job back" - he sort of kept eyeing up my body you see. "what was your old job?" - he was a
'Doll Chauffeur'! So back in the time of doll bodies he was a doll - he took care of your doll while you
weren't in it you know, and he brought it to you if you needed it, or if you needed to change dolls for
another social occasion, he would bring you the doll which you needed, you see. Just put a telepathic
thought to him, and he would bring that doll, and he would take care of it and keep it clean and serviced
and so on like that. So he was a doll chauffeur. I just cracked up on that one when I heard he wanted a job,
he wanted to chauffeur - he thought this was a doll body you see, that this body was a doll and he thought
that he would just get another job. Any way I think he is going to get a job somewhere as a - he will pick
up a body of course and probably be somebodys - will probably be a very good promotion for Scientology
- will probably become a servant or chauffeur for some very important person and steer them over to the
Free Zone. He was a regular Lambda Thetan. He was a doll chauffeur. But right now, with what he knows,
he could be - I would say - more powerful than 90 percent of the thetans on this planet. Because he is free.
He is single and he knows it.
So that's what we are trying to do: Improve the quality of Theta and get more of them free.
Going up one notch we've got the Theta-Thetan. Theta Thetans are guys who are more or less the players.
The guys who play games. The guys who make games and play games - the wheeler dealer thetans, and
they played a lot of Earlier Universe Games. You find them all over the orgs - Pre-Clears, you know taking
bodies and doing this and doing that, all of the various hats and duties of men where they are originating
and creating things and doing things. Those are big thetans or Theta Thetans. They know who they are -
more or less, they know who they are as a post or a hat, they have a purpose - they are just always doing
something - playing a game - you see.
a notch up from that though is what we are all sort of working toward getting from being a big thetan
before we got into Scientology probably, or getting to be a big thetan in Scientology. We are trying to get
back up to OT and on past that to Static.
Static thetans didn't get much connected into the game at all, they sort of hung on the outside and didn't
much agree with it at all. I explained those in the last lecture. They usually poke in every now and then like
giving revelations of great truths to some big thetan in the game and then the big thetan goes around and
spouts about it and maybe gets killed or maybe founds a religion.
That isn't what they wanted; they wanted the guy to stop playing that stupid game down there and come on
out and be a static thetan again so he can start another game. They get a little lonely, so they just carry
around and they maybe form little clubs or social clubs of groups of static thetans, and they may bet on the
games, and they poke around in them - you know like people at a horse race, watching the horses running
around and betting on the horses or stirring up little conflicts in the MEST Universe to get people to fight
each other and then betting on the outcome, you know? All these things can happen.
Static thetans can influence things, but mostly they have Out Ruds because they are doing something
unusual against the basic nature of theta, and they feel not so good about it. The main thing they wanted to
do, usually, is, have the guys finish up this game and they didn't have the tech for it, they didn't know what
to do, what to tell them - you see?
So they ended up like a bunch of bored - shall we say - aristocrats in a British Club - going around, you
know - 'What shall we do today?' 'well lets go out to Ascot Downs and bet on the horses'. Or maybe they
don't even go there, but just sit in the club and bet on the horses through their butlers and servants, who go
out there. That's the kind of thing - Static Thetans just stay out of it, and play it from a distance.
Anyway, they are quite funny guys, and you can handle them on this level because you have the tech, and
by the end of these levels you will be much more than they are. At least you will be by the time you get to
OT 13, I know that. But they are quite friendly, and they can appreciate the fact that we are coming out of
this game now, and they can open up their telepathic links and lines and so on, and they can be quite useful
in giving and receiving information.
But you were associated with these back on the track, so you have to handle them.
So, we have the Phi Thetans which is MEST guys who are hanging around in the MEST Universe. Lambda
Thetans which are hanging around life forms or bodies or Body Thetans. And then we have Theta thetans
who are the guys who run things, they run bodies, they run games and so on. And then we have Static
Thetans which are the ones hanging outside the games sort of exterior, sort of, you know, not in it, but just
poking in every now and then.
You probably found out on Excalibur, that Xenu tried to make his implant org into a bunch of exterior
thetans, but they certainly weren't Static Thetans yet, they were betrayed, all clustered up and robotically
fixed in place to do what he said. Those were not Static Thetans. Those were just implanted Theta Thetans,
and he wouldn't let them take a body, he would put them in a monitor sphere or something like that, and
they would cruise around a planet forever, but that's not the same. A Static Thetan is very exterior, and he
knows it, and he is not being run by anybody except himself or he may have some agreements with other
Static Thetans and they are playing a game on the outside. Maybe diddling around with events in the
MEST Universe, but they are just "kibitzing" or folling around with it.
So that's the ones you will run into here, and there is one other that I want to explain to you because it has
started to come up on Excalibur level, and will come up again on this level as well, and that's a CREATED
This is an entirely different class of thetan, because we are looking at it now from a different idea, not with
size of responsibility or part in the game, not in MEST or body line or theta line or static line, we are not
looking at that breakdown of thetans.
We are looking at whether the thetan actually has a time track past the beginning of this Games Universe
Model or whether he was created as a specific viewpoint since the beginning of this Games Universe
Model. If he was created as a specific viewpoint by a big thetan, then he has a limited function, and a
limited, shall we say - ability, and he was created. So his time track started right when he was created and
the command to handle him is: "Return to your moment of creation! or go free!". You have to give him
that choice, because sometimes their creators are quite aberrated, and they do not want to go back to them,
and when they go free they just return to a state of - sort of - "static", but not as a static thetan, but just
clean, outside the game, and they wait or they may play around and do something like become a Lambda
thetan or become a Phi thetan or whatever. But the more causative, because they are free - you see?
These are created viewpoints and this is what has confused a lot of religions in the past. They think that all
thetans are created and everybody came from "one" thetan, and this is maybe because some guy went into
this drug universe and he talked with a couple of MOCO's or created thetans, and they said 'Yea, we were
all created by one guy' - so they got the idea that - 'maybe so am I'. That's a lie, because you can create
thetans today if you want to, you can put a viewpoint in the wall opposite the door and tell it to say 'Hello'
to people when they come in, and it will. And people will look at that spot on the wall and say "Hey it's
telling me hello!". That's a created viewpoint. It's all it is. Aint got the abilities you have, because you had
to create it. You created it for a specific purpose - you see. So that's a MOCO. That's a created viewpoint,
and I call them differently, I call them MOCO, because it gives you the process to handle them, so you
never forget that. If you check in the session: "Are you a MOCO?" or "Are you a created viewpoint?" You
have the process right there. Moment of creation of viewpoint. That's what you have to get them back to,
and then BOOM! Then they go free, or they go back to their creator and join back up with him. Very
Before going on to the actual procedure, I will just check down here - ah! The "opening and closing" of the
door. Yes I will say this before the ending of this side. On Excalibur you realize it was all an other
determined case, and the instruction was to Tone 40 shut the door at the end of the session between one
plug and another, because if you didn't shut the door, these other determined guys would edge in there and
start to influence you between sessions. So that was a level where you had to shut the door, handle a bit of
it, and then shut the door again.
That's because it was all other determined.
Now on this level - you don't do that. The doors have already been shut because of the way things went in
the universe, because you had such an implanted case, because you got out of ARC with them, because of
all the things you may have done. But never mind, the door is shut. This is why the Resistive Case. We
have to open the door on this level. After you have finished Excalibur you feel alone and then you start
saying "Hey, why am I alone - Hey!" Well there is the shut doors, you see, the door are shut to these guys.
So you have to open doors, you see, so at the end of session you do NOT shut the door, you leave it open.
Because you are going to need their co-operation, and knowing these kind of beings and what they have
been doing, on the next levels OT 12 and 13. So on this level - 9, 10 and 11, you're opening the door at the
beginning of the session and you leave it open at the end. There is nothing other determined about these
levels at all. It's all something you are involved in. So you want to leave the door open now, don't shut it,
that will just put you out of comm and lower your KRC again. So on this you open the door with the
Resistive Processes I'll tell you, and then at the end of the session you leave the door open. How do you
leave the door open? Well, instead of doing a Tone 40 "That's it!", you just say 'That's it', softly, and just let
the session drift over into your life, and by the end of 9, 10 and 11 you will find your life has now become
much more real on the dynamics because you are now able to perceive and handle and be in
communication telepathically with all these levels. You see. So you leave the door open. It's gonna become
your way of life. That's the end of side one. Thank you very much.
It starts off by taking notes. After you have finished Excalibur or OT Life Repair, you may have certain
areas of attention or certain intentions you start wondering about, and you should write these down, and
you should put them in your folder, your OT 9 folder, because these areas of attention and intention are
going to be the key to getting into the level. So if you don't have any down yet, you just maybe read
through the Axioms, read through the Factors, and the Scales book or anything like that or 8008 and you
might get some areas come to mind.
But anyway, first thing to do is, of course, you note these down - any areas of attention or intention. This
covers your whole track, nothing limited about it at all, and it could be anything like 'How did theta get
started' or 'Organization of the game' or 'What were the happenings around 4 Quadrillion years ago - before
Incident 1?' - you know - anything like that. Anything you may wonder about, even 'Why haven't I retained
my power?' or "Why am I not rich at the moment?' - whatever. It doesn't matter - you are going to find an
area of attention or intention, or, that you "always wanted to be free", 'Why can't you be free?' That's an
intention. Those areas will be the ones that respond to opening the doors here on what has been going on.
To start off then you make this list of attention areas. And you put it in your folder, and that will be used to
locate what to run. So in your first session, you asses these, you note the reads, and you just note any reads
about it until you, sort of, feel good about that, and you can note the reads, small fall, fall, long fall or blow
down and so on, until they stop reading. And end off when you feel it's complete for now. It should be a
nice F/N on this list when you finish it, and then, you know, you can always add something to it later if you
need to. But we found that normally, by the time the guy starts, he usually has most of his areas there.
You always set the sensitivity on these session one third to one half a dial for a normal can squeeze, and
you don't need a high sensitivity, the reads are enormous on these levels. Just absolutely enormous, they
almost knock you out of the chair.
As a solo C/S, then, you add up the reads for each attention, intention area - of course you are interested in
all of these you see, so we can't really go by interest, so we go by what is interesting but has the most reads,
that will be the realest or the next thing to get, you see? And again it applies if both of the two areas seem
to be almost the same, well you could combine them. But some people get two areas, some people get
twelve areas, it doesn't matter, you are going to get the groups of thetans that have been affected by those
attentions and intentions, no matter how you put them together, you are going to get them.
So if it is combined, great, but if you just maybe get a few more that were just in a separate category, and
you might have to handle them all in one longer session than in two shorter sessions. The sessions on this
level can go anywhere from one hour to three hours or four hours. You might have to take a break in the
middle, but the idea is to finish each attention - intention area as you come across it. You get those, now
you find out what is the most reading attention - intention area. So you take the first one in your first
session, now you are going to handle, you have done the assessment session, and you take the first are and
you word it, just as you would word a stack wording, but you word it to a nice laughing, VGI's, big reads
and interest. In other words, it has to make you laugh. If it isn't funny, it's not fun, so don't run if it's not
funny. It should be very funny. It's your own stuff you see, it's self determined so it should be a nice VGI's
where you can laugh. This is important because the wording will then impinge, you see? Impinge, will be
the closest to the actual intention used at the time that you affected these guys. So when it laughs and it
really gives you good indicators, that's what you did, or that's what you were doing or that's what you were
intending or attending to. By golly, it will be right on and will impinge and hit these guys, and wake them
all up or at least get them almost towards the session - right? So you get that.
Then you use that in this command, and you intend it - by the way you have to put your TR 0 in now all
over the MEST Universe, all over the time track, as big as you can make it to cover everything. You are
going to be their auditor now, so you are going to start opening the door. And remember this thing will
read like crazy. You may have to use invalidate to get something to read in this level, but boy, when it
reads, it will, as I say, come like an express train. It will open the door BANG! Like that. It will be an
enormous fast falling needle - POW! - there it is! And it may give a jerk or a shock through the body, it is
that powerful. You have a lot of attention units stored up you see. These people, these beings have a lot of
attention and intention units frozen there in time for a long time, so when you release these boy, it just
comes through like BOOM!
So, the question. What is the question you ask when you have this best reading, most interesting,
laughingly, worded area? OK, so you ask, now this is in OT 9, in OT 10 and 11 the questions are slightly
different, but you only need to get the areas in 9, because you will be running the same area in 10 and 11,
and it's just a different question you go after. So, in 9 the question is: "Thetans connected to me by (the
wording)?" See! "Thetans connected to me by (the wording)?", and you give that nice - BOOM! You see.
Let's say if the area was "selling apples" you would say "Thetans connect to me by selling apples?" -
BANG! - there will be a read right there, you see. And if there is no read on it you say: "Thetans connected
to me by selling apples?" No read. "Suppressed?" "Not-ised?" "Invalidated?" BAM! One of those is gonna
read, because if you have the thing and it is worded, and it's reading, it is going to be there. You are just
gonna open the door. So you might have to use quite a bit of intention in this whole space; remember to
keep your TR's in, because if you are doing the whole universe - it will read. Now you do these 10 steps on
it. We call these steps one to ten, regular numerals 1 to 10. Because on the next level there is some roman
numerals I to X, but this is the regular numerals 1 to 10, that you do here these steps.
Now the first step is, just "HELLO!" And you do a nice Hello! Tone 40 in all your space, right! And you
keep doing that Hello until all the charge blows out of that and everybody wakes up and sort of gets there,
and you may find all kind of weird answers coming and feelings and everything. That's alright, you just
keep saying Hello! And let the stuff blow through you, and Hello!; and let the stuff blow through you until
you get a clean F/N. You just keep doing it Tone 40 until you get a clean F/N. The needle won't have any
slow or stop on it, it's just a nice clean F/N. It will go Pfffeew! like that, and you won't feel any pressures or
words or weird telepathic thoughts coming to you anymore. It will just be Boom! You say Hello! and there
is a clean F/N, Pfffeew! So that means they have all got the "hello". OK, and you can say Hello! and
Boom! you get all kinds of somatics going and reads and everything else, like that, and the body twists up
in the chair and everything, and you just keep saying Hello!, Hello!; Tone 40 Hello!, Hello!, Hello! and
that big TR 0 in that space, and finally BOOOM! It will get a clean F/N. Hello!, and just a clean F/N. Now
the door has been opened and there they are.
Next step is number 2, and that is the question: "Why don't you want auditing?" Same thing, Tone 40, into
that whole space: "Why don't you want auditing?" Now you are gonna find, you might get 20 minutes of an
incredible mixture of telepathic comm telling you all the reasons why they don't want auditing you know
'You left us alone', 'You didn't talk to us', 'You are a bad guy', 'You've ARC broken us' Wah, Wah, Wah,
whatever they come up with, doesn't matter, don't Q & A with anything yet, just keep asking. Remember
you are running a group here. All these answers are not coming from one being, they are all coming from
different beings although occasionally they will have a "spokesman", but you can here the rumblings in the
background, and they are all Roooarh - roooarh - roooarh - you know, which is just coming off, coming
off, why they don't want auditing. And you just keep doing that. Repeat the command. Repeat the
command. Until they finally realize that you are back in comm with them, and that they are going to be
audited, which is of course, what all thetans want, they want to get free, they want to improve their quality.
So auditing by the way mean, to these guys you are handling, it means FREEING. You see? Auditing is a
communication used to free them. So if you also intend that auditing is a "freeing technique developed by
Elron Elray", that also helps to get through this part of 'why they don't want it', you see? You ask them:
"Why don't you want auditing?" and you intend this freeing procedure by LRH - you know -
BOOOOOOGH! - and they keep telling you all these reasons: blablablabla - maybe five, ten minutes, and
you finally get a clean F/N when you ask the question. You say: "why don't you want auditing?" Pfeeeeew!
Clean F/N. OK, so it's clean, no slows or stops, just a big nice F/N, maybe half a dial, two thirds of a dial,
OK. So there will be a babble of telepathic answers, in other words when you ask this. You just keep
acking, you know say: "OK", "OK","OK","OK", - "Why don't you want auditing?", "Why don't you want
auditing?", Bam, Bam, you just don't Q&A, just keep doing it until you get the clean F/N.
Now, now that you have got them there and wanting auditing, see, those two Resistive Case Points are
handled, now you might have to handle ARC Breaks, and you ask: "Is there an ARC Break?". Now you
might have to do "Is there a suppressed ARC Break?", "Not-ised?", "Invalidated?". You have to use those
buttons sometimes, but there will be an enormous read if there is, and when you do the assessment there
will be enormous reads. A-R-C-U, and you have to assess the entire of the KUCDEIOF scale. That's given
on ARC Break tapes. ARC level tapes, level 3 and the Briefing Course, but it's: K is "Known", U is
"Unknown", C is "Curious about", D is "Desired", E is "Enforced", I is "Inhibited", O is "No" or "Rejected"
- you can even add the 'rejected' below that - I - O - R - F, so it's 'No ARC' or 'Rejected ARC' - and F is
"False". So KUCDEIORF, that's the scale you use on the assessment. You've got to, because these thetans
go much higher and lower than a normal PC in the chair. OK, so this whole scale has to be assessed, and
the read, I said, will be enormous, so you can never mistake it. So you do A - R - C - U, and then K - U - C
- D - E - I - O - F. And that's your assessment. You indicate that bypassed charge, right? Now if it doesn't
read on ARC Break, on Suppressed, Not-ised, and False, then ask is it a KRC Break, and do the same
thing, you might get it and if you are dealing with Static Thetans it may even be a Theta Break. But
remember they are all gonna have something on this ARC Break thing. It's either going to be an ARC
Break, KRC Break or a Theta Break. It may read as an "Understanding Break" or a "Power Break" or a
"Theta Break", but it's gonna be there, and then you have to assess it on whatever level it was. Now, when
you have a KRC Break you just assess it K - R - C - P, knowledge, responsibility, control, power, but you
do the same assessment on the second assessment K - U - C - D - E - I - O - R - F - right? OK. And the
same on a Theta Break. Is it a Theta Break. You say "Theta Break?" - "Good" - "Is it a Known Theta
Break? an Unknown Theta Break? Curious about - ? Desired - ? Enforced - ? Inhibited - ? No - ? Rejected -
? False - ?" One of those will go BOOM! That's it, you see. So, the first one could be ARCU or KRCP or
just Theta. Now, you indicate the major By-passed Charge and you may start getting blows right away on
this step, guys may go free or something, just keep on going until you get a clean F/N on the ARC Break.
You might have to go earlier similar you see, and assess it again. But there will be a nice clean F/N.
Next you have to handle ARC Break of Long Duration, because all of these guys, remember you are doing
a group, and some of them may not have responded to ARC Break, because they had a long duration ARC
Break. OK? And if you had trouble getting the F/N on the other one, but you almost had it, or you felt it
wasn't quite clean, but there was an F/N, but it wasn't clean, then, well you can say: "Was that really an
ARC Break of Long Duration?" "Oh yes!, That's it!"
The guy was trying to handle his Long Duration on the ARC Break question. So you can sort that out, and
that's next. So then, now - ARC Breaks - clean F/N, and then you go now - the ARC Break of Long
Duration - Boom, and you get a read on that, and then you also, now an ARC Break of Long Duration, the
trick on handling those, is, when you get the read on it you have to find out how long that ARC Break was
there? "How long did you have it?" or "Since when?" but it's usually, with these guys, "How long have you
had it?". And it might be up to a hundred centillion years or before the beginning of this Games Universe
Model, or even further back, but you will get it. Alright, and it may not go by years - it may be three
Games Universe Models before this one. OK. But it will date something like that, very old ARC Break.
OK, then you do the assessment when you find out how long he has had it, and you do the assessment A -
R - C - U or K - R - C - P or Theta and then K - U - C - D - E - I - O - R - F, indicate the By-Passed Charge,
and the only reason it wouldn't blow out and F/N is because of it may have started earlier, alright? And he
spots that, and he will either blow it or it will F/N there, and the guys will start blowing off from that one,
or you may have to do the assessment again when you find out that it started earlier. But never the less, you
run that to a clean F/N anyway, as well. So you have the ARC Break and ARC Break of Long Duration,
and that's step three.
Now number 4 is PTP and PTP of Long Duration. You see, you have to handle both of those. PTP, you
handle it itsa, earlier similar itsa to clean F/N. The PTP of Long Duration, you get how long they had that
PTP, indicate the By-passed Charge, handle it itsa, earlier similar itsa to clean F/N. Indicating By-passed
Charge is very simple, you just indicate: "I would like to incate that charge was by-passed by having the
PTP for so long." It's just the truth of the matter. OK, now clean F/N of course means the F/N doesn't slow
down or halt as it goes across the dial in at least one sweep of one third to one half dial. Some times it goes
all the way across. If it does slow or halt it means that most of the thetans got charge off, but there are some
who didn't yet get it. Just like group auditing, one of the guys didn't put his foot down yet, and you told
them to put their foot down you see. Or you may find if it bugs a little bit that some were trying to handle
the Long Duration rudiment on the Rud question. Anyway, you indicate that any Long Duration Rudiments
will be handled next, and the F/N on the Rud will be clean. You understand? You just straighten it out. OK,
Number five is Missed Withold, or actually we do it as a Withhold, right, and you pick up any Missed
Withholds that are Withholds. So it's Withholds or Missed Withholds, but you will just sort it out which
they have, whether it's something they didn't want somebody to find out about or it's something they have
just been withholding themselves from you or something like that, or they have a real overt they are
But you handle this. Itsa, earlier similar itsa if it's a Withhold, and if it's a Missed Withhold you handle
"What?", "Who?", and "All of that?" and "Who nearly found out about it?" etc; and then earlier similar to
F/N - clean. Clean F/N - alright?
And the Missed Withhold handling steps have to be there on a Missed Withhold, that's "Who missed it?",
and "When?", and"what did they do that made you think that they knew?" etc; And get all of it. All right,
that's all covered in earlier bulletins, but you have to handle that, and the Long Duration one too. So this is
a separate question: "Is there a Missed Withhold or Withhold of Long Duration?" BANG! Get a read, find
out what it is, handle it; is it a Withhold, is it a Missed Withhold. Withhold goes itsa earlier similar itsa to
F/N, and Missed Withhold goes through the steps, then earlier similar through the steps to clean F/N. All
Next, number six is Overt - alright? And Overt of Long Duration. Now if you have the guys, any of these
guys with a continuous Overt - right, on the Long Duration one or even the Overt one, it's like a continuous
thing they are doing, you know, or a continuous Overt and it doesn't F/N cleanly and they haven'y quite got
the charge off, then you can run the "Prevent" process on it. And that is simply: "What are you trying to
prevent?" See, just: "What are you trying to prevent?" and you get his answers, and you keep giving them
the question until it gives a clean F/N, and that blows the Overt, the Continuous Overt of Long Duration.
All right? OK, now if you've used the prevent process - perhaps you might have had to use it on the
Withhold step number 5, and if you have to use it again on number six, you are still auditing a whole group
here, isn't the same people, but you still don't want to Overrun those guys you have already run on it,
because they may not have blown yet, so, they haven't gone free yet untill you get to later steps, but some
of them may, but not all of them, and you don't want to run the same command again, you don't want to
run "What are you trying to prevent?". Well, if you have to do it again on number six - the Overt question,
then you can run "What are you trying to obtain?" - you see? So on one case you are running "What are
you trying to prevent?", but if you come up with another continuous overt on question six about overts,
then you have to run "What are you trying to obtain?" And that's so that you don't overrun the other
question on the guys who already have had it. They can both come out of the same area, and they both F/N
if there is a continuous overt there. OK?
Number seven is Invalidation - simple Rud - six Ruds you see. Invalidation, itsa earlier similar itsa to clean
F/N. And on these you may have to handle some PTS-ness to Xenu or something. They might have run
into him on the track somewhere. You know, those little things that you handled on Super NOTs. But
anyway the Invalidation one will give you a clean F/N, and then you do Invalidation of Long Duration. Get
how long, and then do itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N. All right? You might have to handle, in there, again,
"PTS to Xenu?", because he is the original bad boy. OK. Now, any of these Ruds may be on any flow - so
it doesn't matter, you don't have to run the flows, because these guys are each running it on themselves -
you see. So if the guys have self-inval or they have inval'd towards you or they think you have inval'd
towards them - it doesn't matter - you just run it, you see. You're getting reads like crazy, and it just runs
until you get the clean F/N that means all the charge is gone. OK.
Now the flows in this case however, are from the viewpoint of the guys you are auditing, not yours. So
flow zero in this level is a flow zero of the guys you are auditing. It's not yours, you are not in this, you are
the auditor - you understand? If they have charge on you, that's their flow towards you - you see? Or your
flow toward them in the past, but you don't have a case in this level, you are just the auditor, you are doing
your responsible thing by freeing them from all this By-passed Charge.
And number eight is Evaluation, itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N - clean. And Evaluation of Long Duration.
"How long?" Indicate the By-passed Charge, itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N. OK, so that's it.
For simplicity: First step: Hello! Second step: Why don't you want auditing? Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,
Seventh, Eighth are the six rudiments and the rudiments of long duration are those six, so each step there
has, from 3,4,5,6,7,8 has two parts to it. One is the Rud, and the other is the Rud of Long Duration. You
only have to run to clean F/N - each one of those.
Now, finally you have got the most resistive points handled and you can now start handling the freeing part
which we call the "Blow Steps" and there is a "Blow Step" now and a "Can't Blow Step", that's Nine and
Ten. OK. By the way, if blows start occurring on these Ruds, sometimes the guys just start going free on
these levels quite a lot, you may have to assist it by saying: "Hey look, you can go, I am not holding you!".
You know, just let them know that you're just not holding them anymore. Also the interesting thing is,
when they do start blowing, they start coming through you as an Exit Point. Don't be surprised at that. You
are the only safe terminal in the whole universe. So they start coming through your session space - you see,
blow right through you, just let them go. Let them go right through. Pheew! You see - Blow! You are the
Exit Point. They are getting out of that trap, you see.
Now, so the blow steps are these, and first one - the blow step has three parts, number 'A' is: "Who?" Just
the who - question from Super NOTs, "Who are you?" - OK? That's simple. And the 'B', 'B' question on the
blow step is: "Are you a moment of creation of viewpoint?", "Are you a created viewpoint?", in other
words it's MOCOVP. Is there a MOCO, then you, if anything is reading there, then you say: "Return to
your moment of creation or Go Free!" Very simple. In other words 'A' handles all the thetans that are
regular thetans, "Who are you?" baaah, and then all go Me,Me,Me,Me,Me,Me,Me, -
Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,- Blow,Blow,Blow,Blow,Blow,Blow,Blow, to clean F/N - Pfeew.
Right. Then the next one - you have some guys left and they didn't respond to that - see. "Are you a created
thetan?" "oh yea!" - Pheeew! "Return to your moment of creation or Go Free!" Pfewewewewe! And they
keep doing that for maybe five minutes or something and then, clean F/N. And 'C' is for the guys that are
still hanging out there wondering what to do a little bit, and you go "Rights of a Thetan" - "Do you
understand the rights of a thetan?" - "You have the right to your own sanity or your self-determinism; and
you have the right to leave the game or you have your power of choice". A lot of them just blow on that,
just getting that, and that's number 'C', the Rights of a Thetan. And these may be assisted by saying: "I'm
not holding you - no one can!" and also you can say: "You may return to the static state and wait there until
you decide!" That's if they can't decide what to do on a MOCOVP, you know, can't decide if they should
go back to there creator or go free or what to do, and you say: "You may return to the static state and wait
there until you decide." - "Oh boy - PHEEW". See. So that's A, B and C on the Blow step. It's just "Who",
MOCO handling and 'A' is "Who?" 'B' is MOCO handling, 'C' is The Rights of a Thetan.
Now the "Can't Blow" Processes is Step 10. And this Step 10, has also three parts, and this is to handle the
ones that can't blow or couldn't quite blow on those freeing processes up there. And number 'A' here is,
number 'A' is: "Look for others stuck to you!". Alright. So , "Look for other stuck to you!", you can also
word it: "Spot others in your valence!", "Any of you in my valence?' - you know. You as the auditor, they
think you are so great to free them they want to go into your valence, and they didn't go because they want
to be you, so you say: "Look for others stuck to you!" Pheeef. "Any of you stuck in my valence?" - "OK,
get into your valance!" - Pheeheew. You see, and you can maybe revert back to "Who are you ?" "Who are
you?" "Who are you?" And get them going again, and you can also look in this case for Mules, or MOCOs
that are stuck to another MOCO, you see. Maybe one of your MOCOs is stuck to one of somebody else's
MOCOs like we had in the earlier level of the OT Life Repair and Excalibur, they used to have Xenu
MOCOs - remember? Stuck on each other. Xenu Mules, stuck with the Pre-Clears or Pre-OTs MOCO. So
those can be blown also, by just spotting the moment they were put together - Pheew! They come apart and
you do the MOCO handling: "Return to the moment of creation or Go free!" OK.
Now, number 'B' in Can't blow is to rum though and see if anybody is charged up on Incident Two,
Incident One, as mutual incident, a Pre-I incident dumped in the MEST universe. In other words, these
basic things on the Time Track, that stuck them into U3 or the MEST universe. 'B" is a sort of an
assessment for where is the guy stuck at? You see, if he didn't go on any of these other things, he is a little
bit more stuck into the game somehow. So you assess: "Incident two?", handle and if needed "One",
handle, "Earlier Ones?" - of course, and then you can run it there just like you do on Excalibur, The
Experiment, then The Capture from Earlier Universe, that's the Teenie-Weenee, just run them back to the
moment of dump into the MEST called The "Loser Laws" which they agreed to after they got dumped (you
will get a copy of those on the level) and any other little things, but they will usually go free real quick on
that, just the ARC-break from being dumped. OK, and then 'C' of course, of this words, does one of these
guys need an orientation, is he totally out comm with him and handle what it is, usually just give him the
tech data about what is a game, what purposes we are doing to free beings and so on, and where is he in the
location in the U3, Teegeeack, you know, and Sector 9 and so on, and - BANG! You know, they will go.
Now you might have to go back, so then after you have handled these 'A' 'B' and 'C' of the "Can't Blow"
Step, you might have to go back and do some of the "Blow Step" Processes, of course, to do "Who are
you?" and "Return to the moment of creation!" and get them all going to a beautiful F/TA. OK. And it is
possible that you might have to use some of these more - you just keep doing them until the guys go. You
just roll it back and forth. Blow, Can't Blow, Blow, Can't Blow, and finally it will just go into a beautiful
F/TA, and that whole area will be totally cleaned out of beings. OK, Now, the F/TA and the free feeling
freed. Now, you as the OT may just sit there and keep cogniting like crazy, but the F/TA is the technical
end of the session on all the other guys you were handling. Alright? Now you of course write your cogs in
the session and so on, that's fine, but don't try to run anything more over the F/TA at the end. Because you
did all the steps these cognition can continue after the technical session is over, and these cognition's can
continue after the technical session is over, and you have put the cans down. And you don't end the session
Tone 40, you just say 'That's it' (soft voice) you see. You let your cognition's float right on into you life,
you understand? And when you have finished with the F/TA with all these guys you say: "Good, That's it"
( soft voice) you see. You let your cognition's float right on into your life, you understand? And when you
have finished with the F/TA with all theses guys you say: "Good, that's it" ( soft voice). Then you sit there
and cognite. You may sit there like I did some time and keep writing cog's for 20 minutes after the session
is over, but you have finished the session with those guys. OK.
The next session you do, you just take the next area of attention or intention and you word it and get it
laughing and impinging and you run on 10 steps to F/TA, VVGI's, Cog's. It's just the same procedure every
time on each attention, intention area. Alright.
OT 10
When you have run all of the ones that have to do with your attention/intention, then you just don't have
any more, and you have run all these on the 'Connected' command, when you have run them, that's finished
on OT 9. Then you do OT 10, you run them on 'Disconnected' command, and 'Disconnected' command is:
"Thetans disconnected from me by (the same areas)?" And you will run the areas in the same order that
you ran them on OT 9. That will be OT 10.
OT 11
And then OT 11 will be running the same A/I areas, same order, with the command to begin as: "Thetans
unconnected with me by (these areas)?" Whatever the area is. OK? And that brings you up 9, 10 and 11.
Now you get on this level, so much incredible things come up, I don't even want to talk about it, I want you
to get them, but I have to give you some orientation. You will achieve all of the EPs that are given on the
Old Grade Chart that the Church is messing around with, you know, talking about Purposes, Character,
Truth and Future; you will get all of that on these levels, all of that. You will know the future from 11
GUMs back, Games Universe Models, up to 11 in the future, you know exactly what is happening forward
and back on the whole purpose line. You will know exactly what the purpose thing is on the whole schema,
the whole 'gestalt' of all these GUMs, and it is to improve the quality of theta, that's all it is. So this is what
we are doing, you are right on purpose when you are doing this. So, this kind of stuff will all come, the
future - no, there is no problem about it at all, I mean you just get totally, totally more and more blown out,
more and more cognition's. You start getting basic mathematical concepts of the simplicity of the whole
game, the whole "rules of theta" and so on like that.
Also you will get an enormous certainty on ethics, because these Games Universe Models are based around
conditions, and that's a little secret you must know, this particular Games Universe Model is based on the
condition of Emergency. And that's one of the things, that's why the Emergency Formula works in this
particular Games Universe Model very well. But of course you have to know the other ones as well, that
LRH gave us.
But these things are here, they are truths, they are sitting in the very fabric, the woof and warp, of these
universes, the U3, the U2 and the U1. And when you get to these things, you realize more and more that
when LRH wrote the Axioms and so on, and the Ethics Conditions and policy and all that stuff, he wasn't
kidding. He was giving you the real basics of life. OK. So, when you get a big win or an ability return in
this level, take a win. You shouldn't do more than one session per day anyway, but give yourself time to
adjust to the new ability state, or the new reality state. OK?
Now, as I said before, don't be alarmed if the thetans blowing during these procedures seem to come in
from wherever they are in the universe or time track or wherever or whenever they were, and leave via
your immediate area or body. You are acting as an exit point for freeing these beings, and they will flow to
you as the big thetan, you ARE the big thetan, and maybe they will even thank you or "Kiss your hand" as
they depart, just ack them and intend "I am not holding you, no one can, you are free!" and they will go,
they just keep going - beautiful!
Now, the EP of the level, while you have all those realities and cognition's and abilities and so on, coming
back you will know everything about the whole game all the way back, many, 11, 12 GUMs, you will
understand the static points in between the Games Universe Models, and you will understand this one,
particularly this one. It started off with the MEST universe, well it started off with the Pre-Game Council,
the Game of Gods and then at the same time Earlier Universe Games started, and the dumpings from those
became the MEST Universe and you will find that there is a lot of thetans doing that and a lot of creations
have been dumped into that thing. Now, when you get through these A/I areas of your own, and you will
be looking at "Well, I want to take responsibility for my own creations that I have made and handle that
too". And when you start looking at that - baby - you are ready for OT 12, because that is the area where
you start handling the actual creations that you and others have made, and those creations are real
creations. We are not talking about mental image pictures here, we are talking about real Matter, Energy,
Space and Time and other things like that. OK. So when you are finished with all your attention and
intention areas on all of the three, shall we say, "characteristics" of connected to, disconnected from, and
unconnected with, and you will be ready then to participate in handling your creations, and you will be able
to have open comm lines with all the other beings you have co-created with. So that is this level, and we
must thank LRH for this, because the Tech is very, very basic, and it is so easy to do once you understand
the basics and nature of the games in the universe, it all becomes very simple. So when you get finished
with this, you can then take a win, and then you will have OT 12 and OT 13, which kind of go together like
these three levels - they go together, and that's called Super Power for OTs. Super Power for OTs. And it
really is - I'll tell you - it really is. So I hope all of you will work on OT 9, 10 and 11 diligently, and handle
your areas of attention and intention, and don't skimp on these things. The worst thing I found so far is that
people would get an enormous blow on the ARC Break and ARC Break of Long Duration, lots of guys
leaving, many thousands of people going: "yea, finally we are free - ahh that whole ARC Break gone ..."
Thousands leave and so they have a big F/TA maybe there, and they just end. Aha, now there is about a
thousand, maybe a hundred, hundred or two hundred guys out there, that wasn't their charge, they didn't
have charge, well they had charge on that, but they have other charge. They have charge maybe now on
Inval or PTP or Overt, so they didn't handle them you see. Now that's gonna hit you if you don't handle it
all, so you have to go through all of these, if the Rudiment or Long Duration Rudiment F/Ns cleanly on
call, then don't handle it. There is one or two guys didn't get it, remember you are auditing a group, you
have got to get them all free. That's your purpose here, for all of these thetans ever influenced by your
attention or intention and you will find the most amazing things. Some sessions you will have Static
Thetans coming up, sometimes you will have Phi Thetans coming up, sometimes you will have Lambda
Thetans coming up, sometimes you will have MOCOs coming up, but each time it will be different and it
will be utterly fantastic.
Now one of the things I want to mention, if you keep running your "connected" flows on this and you are
on OT 9, and you get toward the end of the list, or you start trying to find some more areas of attention or
intention, and you can't find them, and you start feeling a tight pressure around your head or something, a
tightness, well that is a similar feeling to the Clearing Course when you get an Opterm in restimulation. But
I found out it is a simple thing, it means the guy is finished, almost or damn near finished his "Connected"
part, and the "Disconnected" part is starting to press in on him. That means he has wiped out the
"Connected" area around him, and now the "Disconnected" stuff next is pressing in on him you see. Or that
ridge between him and the disconnected guys starting to show up in his space. It's there because all the
connected guys are now gone, you see? So there can be a sort of a feeling of, sort of a general tightness,
that can come after you have run so many of the connected flows on OT 9, but when you run them you
find that if they are all cleanly freed all the way up, and you get to that point where it gets a little tight, then
you will just be at the last session or something, and you should be going onto OT 10 on the next session,
and it will instantly vanish on the first, running on the first I/A area that you had, and running it on the
disconnected flow. The same thing happens at the end of the disconnected list too when the next time
through the list comes up - Pooom! It's the "unconnected" flow, but it mainly happens right there, and I
must warm you, we found it's not OK to run one area on connected, the disconnected, then unconnected. It
doesn't work that way. It will not work that way at all. It just goes too far, the thetan is reaching through
still charged areas to try to get to other areas and it does not work, it totally messes up - alright? So he has
to run it off in sequence of Attention and Intention, Connected, that's OT 9, and OT 10: Disconnected, and
then 11: Unconnected
OK? So, that's all to this briefing, and I thank you very much, and I thank LRH, Elron Elray for this
Technology and all the basics we use to go OT. And I will see you all for OT 12 and OT 13.
At one time we all had full OT abilities. If now we don't, and now we have some aberration around,
then we must have used them in such a way as to decrease those abilities. We had those
abilities; therefore, we must have used intention and attention, two abilities of thetan, in such a
way to decrease all our abilities. You had then once and now you don't have them. You had the
full ability to postulate and perceive. But what's behind that? Intention and attention. So you must
have used them in such a way as to decrease the ability. These processes in OT 9.10 and 11
remove the fixed, stuck, unsuccessfully used postulates and perceptions by locating the intentions
and attentions behind them and handling the effects caused on other dynamics, other games and
other universes.
An example would be: A being puts a Tone 40 intention of anger in the space of another being.
Then he goes away. The other being who resisted it, has a ridge or ARC Break. All the smaller
beings or Jelly Beans, Teenie-Weenies, entities or Clusters in the area, either are frozen by the
Tone 40 or carry it with them as an impression or picture - forever. As you found out on Excalibur,
you are pretty powerful when you are dealing with these beings you find in a plug and some of
these smaller being's won't leave the session until you let them go. You have to tell them "OK,
that's it, that's finished!" They have fixed attention on you. You tell them to "find your incident" -
whatever, and they find it, and then they sit there and wait for you. They are already free you see,
but they are still waiting for you to tell them to go free. Because you are the strong guy, you have
the intention there, and they are going to stay there until you end the session! The same thing
happened coming down the dwindling spiral of the MEST Universe.
Another example: Two beings are playing a game of "laser war" or "beam war" in an Earlier
Universe Game. They each command thousands of troops who are other smaller beings mocked
up as soldier or space ships, etc. The game is over. Both big beings leave. One with a win, one
with a loss. The broken pieces lying around in the mocked-up form, of course, are still solid and
became part of the MEST universe. They are dead, out of comm, ARC Broken. They even have
missed withhold from the big beings who controlled them. Maybe they feel bad because they
didn't do the big being's orders fast enough and got beamed or knocked out of the game. Both the
big beings fail to take responsibility for handling the mess lying around. The loser may abandon
the rest of his team. The winner may take some of his winning team with him to the next game.
Later he may forget about them. They are out of comm, but still have those attention lines hooked
to the big being.
Here is another example: Some being wants to keep a big secret or hide an perpetration from
you. He postulates a shield of entity beings around himself. But they are facing you, so
telepathically you can't get through. Or he instructs them to give you false data if you come
around, or he gives them a command to never let you find out the secret. Later on down the track,
all the above stuff is forgotten, it was an old game. But the shield is still there, and if you meet this
person you feel "there is something I don't know about him" and he feels "I mustn't get too close
or say too much to that person." This is a big Missed Withhold phenomenon. But it's a shield of
frozen entity beings (Lambda beings). They are sitting there and they are still doing his orders;
neither of them have spotted that.
All the above show that the reason a person hasn't recovered his abilities, is that his connections
to these earlier intentions and attentions have not been as-ised. They are just floating in time; they
have never been ended cycle on. They have not been as-ised for another reason. The beings
don't know how to as-is them because they have resistive case points, and that prevents them
from regaining or as-ising those intentions and attentions and regaining KRC and ability.
5 MARCH 1986
Congratulations on finishing Super NOTs! And welcome to the next level - Super Scn for OTs.
By getting through all the Other-Determined plugs on the case, a person becomes at full Cause
on the 1st Dynamic - that is: OT on the 1st Dynamic and Clear on all Dynamics.
The next step is to work on OT ability on the remaining dynamics. Why did a thetan lose abilities
to handle the 2nd & 3rd Universes?
This is what will be handled on this level - which uses all the Basics of Scientology.
In running Super NOTs, a person gets large amounts of organized other-determined charge off
the case (Plugs). During it, one occasionally hits a big thetan (a real operating being with or
without a body - not just a BT, Cluster, Jellybean, or Teenie-Weenie) and has to handle him as a
holder or monitor, etc. Toward the end of Super NOTs one may be getting other connections to
thetans in this or another universe or just an old friend with or without a body; or in some cases a
"Kibitzer" or on-looker into the session from Earth or another Star System. Or his "Stack" wording
may take him right through Pre I to earlier games he was connected to on a parallel track to the
MEST Universe.
When finished with Super NOTs his case will be clean of any Pre-I and Implant charge on the
MEST time track and his attention free to handle any Game, any Universe. In Super NOTs, the
assessment of charge was done by THOUGHT which monitored FUNCTION & STRUCTURE.
Above THOUGHT are two abilities of a thetan which monitor everything he ever got involved with.
From Scn Axioms a thetan has the ability to POSTULATE & PERCEIVE. For POSTULATION he
These are the only two things a thetan has done that ever got him aberrated - not that they are
bad - it's just that the thetan did a lot of both without KNOWLEDGE of the CONSEQUENCES.
In other words, he broke his KRC triangle when using intention and attention without knowledge.
The KRC (top triangle) is the OT triangle. In this level we will raise it back up.
Knowledge we now have from LRH: (of Scn, Dn, Axioms, Tech, Policy, Ethics). This data and
using it to Free thetans is the "Game of Games," as it covers them all.
Responsibility is raised by handling what your attention is on, or was on, or keeps avoiding.
Control is raised by handling what your intention is on, or was on, or avoids being on.
The Tech theory above becomes a technique or process when one realizes that if once we all had
full OT abilities and now we don't, then we must have used them in such a way as to decrease
This process removes the fixed, stuck, unsuccessfully used Postulates and Perceptions by
locating the Intentions and Attentions behind them, and handling the effects they caused on other
dynamics, games, and universes.
Example: A thetan puts a Tone 40 Intention of anger in the space of another thetan. Then he goes
away. The other thetan who resisted it has a ridge , or ARC Break. All smaller thetans or JBs,
TWs, B's & C's in the area either are frozen by the Tone 40 or carry it with them as an impression
or picture forever.
Example: Two thetans are playing a game of "laser war" or "beam war" in an earlier Universe
game. They each command thousands of "troops" who are other smaller thetans mocked up as
soldiers or spaceships, etc. The game is over. Both big thetans leave - one with a "win," one with
a "loss." The broken pieces lying around in the mock up form are still "solid" and become part of
the MEST U. They are "dead," out of comm, ARC Broken or even have a MWH from the big
thetan who controlled them - maybe they feel bad because they didn't do the big thetan's orders
fast enough and got "beamed."
Both big thetans take no responsibility for handling the mess lying around. The loser may abandon
the rest of his "team." The winner may take some of his "winning team" with him to the next game.
Later he may "forget" about them. They are out of comm, waiting for orders, still loyal to him.
Example: Some thetan wants to keep a big secret or hide an overt from you. He postulates a
"shield" of BTs around himself but facing you so telepathic thoughts don't come through. Or he
instructs them to give you false data if you come around or just "never let the person find out."
Later down the track - all the above is "forgotten" but the shield is still there and if you meet this
person you feel "there's something I don't know about him" and he feels "I mustn't get too close or
say too much to that person." A MWH phenomenon.
All the above show that the reason a person hasn't recovered his abilities is that his connections
to these earlier intentions and attentions have not been handled and the intentions and attentions
have not been as-ised because they have RESISTIVE CASE POINTS (technically) in them, so
preventing the regaining of KRC and ability.
As a Super NOTs completion, you can now create an auditing space as large as needed and
open your attention to cover the whole time track back to 100 centillion years (100 X 10303). You
have to do this to blow (free) B's, JBs & TWs out of this universe or from back to the beginning of
MEST track.
Also you are familiar with auditing groups of thetans as you had to do to free the 1000s of JBs &
TWs in some of the plugs.
As you do the process, you will find many blowing on each step. (Some steps will cleanly F/N,
showing there were no thetans with that type of charge). As you get to the last step (#10) you will
find a FTA and cog and return of ability - or it may return on a gradient of cogs and feeling of
power as you break through the resistive points from #1 to #10. But always cover every point so
you don't leave any BPC.
We are now going to free all these thetans from all dynamics connected to us as Solo Super Scn
0.Keep notes of areas of your ATTENTION or INTENTION from before you start OT 9 and place
in folder. They are valuable to locate what to run.
I.Assessment Session: In a solo session, write (from your notes or just thought of) areas of
ATTENTION/INTENTION (A/I) (Put all the ATTENTIONS & INTENTIONS on the same list) and
note the reads sF, F, LF, BD until they cease. End off when you feel it's complete (for now) -
should be a nice F/N. (Sensitivity set at 1/3+ dial or 1/2+ dial on can squeeze).
II.As Solo C/S, add up the reads for each A/I area (some may be combined if on the same area)
using sF = 0.5, F = 1.0, LF = 2.0 and BD as the TA movement times 10. (0.1 BD = 1.0 for this add
up). Put them on a sheet of paper for the front of your folder - like a STACK LIST but labelled
ATTENTION/INTENTION AREAS and date. Leave a column for the final wording and session
date run. Now put the order 1, 2, 3, etc., in sequence of most reads to least. This is your A/I list to
start with on the level (OT9).
A. Take #1 from A/I list and word it to laugh, VGIs, Big Reads and Interest. This is important so
that the wording will impinge (hit) all the thetans on all Dynamics that are connected to you by it.
Put a box around the correct wording (so you can refer to it and put it on your A/I list after
B. Intend the following Question: (Through space of all Us past & present and back to 100 Cent.
years). (It can be intended as a Command also for more effect)
1. "HELLO!" (Get in comm with intention to audit all the thetans connected - Tone 40). Repeat
until it F/Ns cleanly.
2. "Why don't you want auditing?" (Reads, sensations, a babble of telepathic answers will come
on this - just keep asking with TR 2 1/2 (half acks) until it quiets down and F/Ns cleanly, or repeat
with more intention through space and time until it does F/N cleanly.
3. "ARC Breaks?" (this will usually be heavily charged, sensations, reads, etc. Let the babble die
down and assess:
A Known
R Unknown
C Curious about
U Desired
O - No or Rejected
Note: If no read or F/N on ARCB even with S, I, N buttons, check for KRC Break? or Power
Break? or Theta Break?
"Indicate the major BPC_____." (You may start getting blows on this step - even automatic
blows). Handle to F/N cleanly or E/S to F/N cleanly.
"ARC BREAK LD?" (Get how long, assess as above, ind BPC, to F/N cleanly).
"PTP LD?" get how long, ind BPC, handle itsa E/S itsa to Clean F/N.
Note: "Clean" F/N means the F/N doesn't slow down or halt as it goes across the dial in at least
one sweep of 1/3 or 1/2 dial. If it does slow or halt, it means that most of the thetans got the
charge off but there are some who didn't yet get it. You may find, if it bogs, that some were trying
to handle the LD Rud on the Rud Question. Indicate that "any LD (ruds) will be handled next" and
the F/N or the Rud will be clean.
5. "MWH? or WH?" handle itsa (what) + M/withhold system (who missed it, when, what they did,
nearly found out?) then E/S to F/N cleanly.
"MWH or W/H of LD?" - get how long, ind BPC, handle per itsa + WH system E/S to Clean F/N.
"Overt LD?" - this comes under (or may) the heading of a continuous overt, so if it doesn't F/N
cleanly on getting how long, ind BPC, and pulling it - then run: "What are you trying to prevent?" to
clean F/N.
Note: You may have to use this "PREVENT" process on #5 W/H or W/H LD also). If you have to
run it again, use "OBTAIN?" What you trying to obtain?
7. "Invalidation?" - Itsa, E/S itsa to clean F/N. (May have to handle PTS to Xenu on this one)
"Invalidation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa, PTS (if needed) to clean F/N.
Note: The inval may be on Flow Zero (self-inval). Any of these ruds may be on any flow.
Note: The flows are from the viewpoint of the thetans you are auditing, not yours. If you invaled
one of them it would be his F1.
"Evaluation LD?" - how long, ind BPC, itsa, E/S itsa to F/N cleanly.
Note: On all LD Ruds - if the F/N doesn't come on the itsa, then check if it "really started earlier?",
before going E/S.
Note: As you are the OT auditor here, these ruds are not necessarily including you. Your gain in
session comes from COGNITIONS and realizing what you were connected to and regaining KRC.
Note: As blows occur on each step, you may have to assist it by intending "I'm not holding you."
9. Blow Steps:
A. "Who are you?" to any who haven't left yet. This step of the valence process usually blows
100s more from all over space and time if you keep asking them - to clean F/N.
C. Rights of a thetan.
Out of Valence?
A. This is asking for those with Out Int, stuck to another thetan, others in his valence, etc. Just like
on Super NOTs.
B. Then there may be those that need Pre I - spin dryer - Electrosphere - Hoover, capture, in E/U
or dumped in MEST U incidents for Phi thetans as a chain of engrams to run as in Super NOTs;
or Inc II, I, E/Is, etc.
Need data?
C. Then there may be those that need Orientation, a New Game, Rights of a thetan explained or a
New Purpose (as in Super NOTs).
D. The F/N TA and a free feeling about the whole area of A/I comes as the last ones connected to
it are freed.
You as the OT may sit there and just keep cogniting, but the F/N TA is the technical end of the
session on all the others you were handling. So don't try to run anything more over the F/N TA. Of
course, cognite all you want, and this can continue after the technical session is over and you
have put the cans down. (Don't end session Tone 40, just a soft "That's it.").
E. Incredibles come up on this level, so be ready for anything! It's great fun!
Note: Steps 9 & 10 can be done over & over till the F/N TA appears. (Blow, Can't Blow, Blow,
IV.The next session is the next A/I area on your list, worded, and reading in the Questions, and
run on the 10 Steps to F/N TA, VVGIs, Cogs.
V.After running all the 1st A/I list areas (OT9) you just repeat IIIB for OT 10 "DISCONNECTED
FROM_______" question on the same areas, same wording, same sequence. Then do the same
for OT 11 using the "UNCONNECTED WITH_______" question.
VI.When you get a big win or ability returned - take a win! Don't do more than one session per day
- give yourself time to adjust to the new ability state.
VII.PROCESS PHENOMENON NOTE: Don't be alarmed if all the thetans blowing seem to come
in from wherever they are or whenever they were and leave via your immediate area or body. You
as an OT are acting as an EXIT POINT for freeing these thetans - they will flow to you as the big
thetan and maybe even thank you or "kiss your hand" as they depart. Just ack and Intend "I'm not
holding you. No one can. You are free!"
You will know it when you arrive to the EP. ("A fully cleaned up Universe 1"). There won't be any
concern or wonder about how to improve your OT abilities.
You will have (Purpose, Character, and Future) awareness fully back. Using your new awareness
with KRC will be on the next level as you handle your Creations!
Sr. C/S Ron's
5 Mar 86