Questions On Effectiveness On Recruitment
Questions On Effectiveness On Recruitment
Questions On Effectiveness On Recruitment
1) A)Name:
B) Age:
a) Below 25 year b) 26-35 years c) 36-45 years
d)46-55 years e)Above 56 years
C) Gender:
a) Male b) Female
D) Qualification:
a)SSC b)Intermediate/Diploma c)Graduation
d) P.G e) Above P.G
E) Designation:
a) Software Engineer b) Senior Software Engineer
c) Team Lead d) Manager
Are these recruitment and selection practices able to give you the needed and
qualified candidates to fill the vacancies?
a) Yes b) No
Have these recruitment and selection practices led to the employment of
competent stam
a) Yes b) No
How do you come to know about openings?
a) Friends b) Internet c) News Paper d) Others
Do you want to refer more friends to your organization?
a) Yes b) No
What should be the best recruitment sources according to your preference?
a) Intemal Recruitment b) External Recruitment c) Both
Kindly mention the sources used by your company for entry / junior level
1 sources la tick
Advertisements in news paper
13) Name the source you find most suitable for hiring middle level employees?
(Advertisements, refkrals, job portals etc)
Middle level
14) Do you find e-recruiting a suitable way of recruiting?
a) Yes b) No
15) What are the internal factors affecting the recruitment in our organization?
please select md indicate the relevant factors h m the list below and
highlight order of importance. (5 being highest and 1 being lowest).please also
indicate any additional qualities if any:
16) What are the External factors affecting the recruitment in our organization?
please select and indicate the relevant factors h m the list below and highlight
order of importance.(S being highest and 1 being lowest).pleasc also indicate
any additional qualities if any:
No Exte111al Facton 1 2 3 4 5
1 Socio - E c o d c factor
2 Supply and demand factor
3 Employment Rate
4 Labour market conditions
5 Political, lbgal and
governmental factors like
reservation for SC/ST/BC and
6 Information systems like
employment exchange/ Tele
recruitment like internet
7 Please specify others
17) Do you have a job specification for software professionals employed by your
If no, please indicate what method you employ for selection.
a) Yes b) No
20) Please indicate from the list below the test criterion you we while selecting
22) Among the various qualities you observe/evaluate whilst selecting software
professionals for your company, please select and indicate the relevant
qualities fiom the list below and highlight order of irnportance.(S baing
highest and 1 being lowest).please also indicate any additional qualities if any:
23) Do you know whether the organization performs any job analysis (i.e.duties,
responsibilities, skills etc required for a particular job) before advertising
vacancies for employment?
a) Yes b) No
24) Does the organization have any agent(s) that recruits and s e l m employees?
a) Yes b) No
25) How do you feel about interview panel?
a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor
d) very Poor
26) How is the performance of online recruitment over response of candidates?
Response of candidates
Very good
Very bad
27) How many rounds of interviews are conducted before a candidate is offered
offer letter? Give details (TechnicaVHR etc)
1 Junior level I
Please smcifv others
28) Are you aware of any formal policy for the recruitment and selection of
a) Yes b) No
The contribution of the Information Technology (IT) Industry in bwinoss and
management has been recognized the world over and India is no exception, Succcws of
Indian Sofhvarc Industry and its evolving service capability when measured against
growth in sales, employment and e
xw contrasts shruply with otha indurtrial
sc&m .This success has truly ttanafonncd the employment scarario in the cowtry. It
is in this context that the emergence of a developing country like India, M a leader in
supplying software swims, has attracted worldwide attention. Tho Indian Software
Industry, while recording phenomenal ratcs of growth in the last few yeans, haa
achieved the mique stntw of an annomy driver for ladir Its contribution to Mia's
GNP (Gross National Product), foreign exchange realization, pdually inawing
ehare in the world market, providing jobs to highly talcntad ongincuing graduates and
otha entaprising young populace, tias been a success story.
There are distinctly visible signs of reversal of brain drain, due to raw+
anployment opportunities now available in the Indian IT industry in general and the
sohare industry in particular. The vast mcrvoir of IT s a y human resource has
moved away Erom the era of Body Shopping. Leading companies like Infosyrr. TCS,
WIPRO, HCL Technologies, ctc are providing consultancy today but the major share
of export earnings remains from software development. Although the impact may not
be felt immediately, our human resource is able to maintain the edge in the wming
y m . Incisive thinking and detailed planning for an efficient human rcssourco
employment system and an effective mitment and selection system assumes pat
significance for our over populous country. It affects not only the social aspirations
and the economic n d s but also the image of the nation, striving to seek its position
in the new emerging world order.
Litemtun Review
Deepti Sethl (2005) studied the implementation of new and i~mvative
methods to recruitment and selection, and finally a comparison IS mede
between the recruitment and selection practices of domestic and foreign IT-
ITES firms to determine whether foreign firms use more sophisticated
techniques compared to domestic firms.
Soda A. Johnson (1994) suggested methods for dealing with issum that
improve the likelihood of selecting the bmt candidate for an IT position. It
IT professional that should be tht
also describes dt9ired characteristics of an
focus of recruiting efforts and pmvidw recommended interview questions and
a skills checklist for use in the recruiting process
Owds Shaflque(2012), Strategic recruitment is of vital importance in
recruitment planning now a day. it is also found the usefulnew of Omemtion
X approach in identifying the differences between the old generation and the
young new Generation x and the different needs and attitudes of both the
generations. This gives us an idea that the old mcmitmont practices might not
be enough in today's competitive environment. The Rank and Yank approach
shows just how intense the competition is in the corporate world today and the
fact that this approach is so successfirl is astounding. Although the banefits of
Internet recruiting exceed its drawbacks but even than we found that Internet
recruiting is still more usefbl for computer related business amor. It is also
conclude that despite all otha recruitment testing methods Interviews still
stand out as one of the best ways to identify and m i t the right psreon for
your organization
Naydeep Kwur , PIDkrj Gus (2012), said that the competitive
organizations of the f h m have to attract and main the best and outstanchng
employees to rnnain competitive in tbe market. The Intanet dlowr
organizations to reach a large number of candidates easily and efficiently.
Although the World Wide W e b is becoming the hot new recruiting tool,
traditional methods, such as newspaper advertising, am not yot obsolete. Local
newspapers are the pre- advertising medium for no management
positions, and national newspapers an widely usad to recruit
rnanageriallproftssional candidates. This paper identifits Intemd d t m e n t
methods from relevant litcraturc, and describes how their banefits can
influence the d t m e n t perfonnance.
Brigadier. P.K. Suenr(ZOll), concluded that there are attributes that most
IT software companies consider as essential for the potential employd6s
involved in software development. The research brings out that significant
i n m e in number of tests; during the selection process docs not of yield a
major advantage for a better recruitment and selection system for the IT
Software Companies. Also, while socio-economic conditions do not have any
major impact on the selection system, some impact is experimcad in thc
growth rate of companies while considering academic m r d . Considering the
attributes for aptitude identified by the IT software companies, the mearch
has identified these attributes along with certain other input factors, which
could be utilized for evolving a model that can give bettar growth in sales,
margin of profit, revenue 1 profit growth and finally average net profit per
employee. Thus by utilizing the model evolved by employing input, controllad
and output variables used in this research, the IT software companies have a
feasible model for an effbcrive recruitment and selection system for the IT
Software Industry in India.
Samuel Iteba Oncboke, Dr S.B. Akmh (2011)said that the success of MNCs
especially in emerging economies depends on the extent they cope with
competitive market dynamics in various sactors. One way of coping with the
situation is through effective recruitanent and selection of the right and divanra
employees for business units operated beyond the traditional marlcats.
Effective acquisition of the right human resource is dependent on the policies
and practices embraced bearing in mind that there are no u n i v d beat
practices that cuuid be applied in all the markets. The practices are normally
dictated by the parent company and subsidiary relationship, the constantly
changing business environment. Based on this backdrop, this article dCSQibcs
h i ~ issues
g and empirically evaluate6 sclccted d t m a n t and selection
practices for MNCs in the state of -taka.
Merlyn Mmcarenhrs (2011) observed that the importance and purpose of
recruitment stresses the need to attract and encourage mom and more
candidates to apply in the organization. This creates a Talent pool of
candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. It
includes determining present and future requirements of the organization in
conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. Thus,it is
the process which links the employers with the employees. It helps to increase
the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. It helps inmase the success rate
of selection process by demasing number of visibly under qualified or
overqualified job applicants. Thus, it helps reduce the probability that job
applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a
short period of time. It meets the organizations legal and social obligations
regarding the composition of its workforce. It begins identifying and preparing
potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. Finally, it
increases organization and individual effectiveness of various d t i n g
techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. The paper attempts to
highlight the Recruitment & selection processes in ten organizations across
sectors in the Indian scenario. It examines issues in the recruitment and
selection processes and offers suggestions.
To study the sources of recruitment and selection of different between IT
companies and consultancies.
To compare and analyse the recruitment and selection sources of IT
companies and consultancies.
Rescuch design:
- Descriptive research
Data lotme:
- Data was collcxtcd two % o u r c viz.
~ ~ primary and sbcondPry
Primary Data:
- Data frwn employes of IT conparia and conaultancicr we8
cotlactad through rn- qutstionnain
Saxndary Data:
- Company wcb sites, wcb portals, books &journals
Research approach:
- S w e y method
Resewdl instrument:
- Structured quationnaire
Samphg Design:
Sampling unit:
- Employees of IT companies
Slze of sampling:
Tabkl.1: Campus R d b m e n t
The table 1.1 reveals that 50.7% of company employees said that the company
is following the uimpw recruitment for redtment h e junior level and remining
49.3% of employees said that there are not following the campus recruitment for
reQuiting at the junior level.
That table 1.1 shows that the calculated x2 value is 119.808 and significant
value is O.since the calculated value 0.00 is less than the 0.05 it can be intarpratad that
there is a significant difference between the company rmployaas and conrmlmcy
employca with regard to Campus Recruitment.
The table 1.2 reveals that 76.4% of wmpany employas raid that the company
is following the consultancy recruitment for m i t i n g the junior levd and mnddng
23.6% of employees said that then are not following the oonsultancy d m e n t for
nauitment at junior level
The table 1.2 shows that the calculated x2 value is 0.838 and significant value
is 0.001. Since the calculated value 0.36 is not less than the 0.05 it can be interpreted
that there is no significant difference between the company mploybcll and
consultancy employees with regard to consultancy recnritment as Soutces of
F F Value Valw
% %
No 70 25 64 40 , 10.817 0.001
Ye3 210 75 96 60 -
The table 1.3 reveals that 75% of company employees said that the company is
following the Walk-ins lfor recruitment at junior level and rcmnining 25% of
employees said that there are not following the Walk-insfix recruitment a! junior
The table 1.3 shows that the calculated x2 value is 10.8 17 and significant value
is 0.001. Since the calculated value 0.001 is lcas than the 0.05 it can be intrspmtod
that them is a significant diffawrce betwoen the company employae~and conaulumcy
employees with regard to Walk-ins as Sourc~sof recruitment.
Company (N=280)
(N- 160) U2 Significant
F F Value Value
Yo Yo
No 22 1 78.9 109 68.1 -
6.338 0.012
Yes 59 21.1 51 31.9
The table 1.4 reveals that 78.9% of company cmployacw said that the company
is not following the advertisement in news paper for rrcruitment at junior I d and
remaining 21 .l% of employees said that t h m are following the advertismant in
news paper for recruitment at junior level
That table 1.4 shows that the calculated xZ value is 6.338 Bnd significant value
is 0.012. Since the calculated value 0.012 is loss than the 0.05 it can be interpretsd
that then is a significant difference between the wmpany cmployats and ooanrltancy
employees with regard to advc!&cancnt in news paper for nauitmunt at junior level.
Table 15: Job F.Ln
Opinion ,
Company (N=280)
F Yo
No 173 61.8 12' *Ob6
16.787 0
Yes 1 107 38.2 31 19.4
The table 1.5 reveals that 61.8% of company employws said that tho company
is not following the Job fairs for recruitment at junior level and remaining 38.2% of
employees said that there are following the Job fain for recruitment at junior level.
That tablel.5 shows that the calculated x2 value i s 16.787 and significant value
is 0.00 since the calculated value 0.00 is less than the 0.05 it can be intcrpntsd that
therc is a significant difference between the company amployaea and oonsultancy
employees with regard to Job fairs for recruitment at junior level.
The table 1.6 reveals that 58.9% of company cmployms Mid that the company
is following the Job portals/wcbsitcrr for recnritmart at junior l m l and maining
41.1% of employees said that there are not following the Job pmtnWwebaitm fot
reauibnent at junior level.
In cast of codtandes, 963% of oomultancy employeus said that the
company is following thc Job portaldwebsites fot m i t m e n t at junior l m l and
rcrnaining 3.8% of q l o y c e s said that there arc not following tbo Job
portalstwebsites for recruitment at junior lcvel
That table 4.17 show that the calculated x2 value is 71.I 33 and significant
value is 0.00 since the calculated value 0.00 is less than the 0.05 it can be interpreted
that t h m is a significant diffmnct between the company employees and consultmcy
employees with regard to Job portals/wcbsites for recruitment at junior level.
Company (Nm280) n2 Significant
Opinion (No160)
Value Value
F % F Yo
No 224 80 127 79.4
0.025 0.875
Yes 56 20 33 20.6 J
Deepti Sethi (2005) "A Study on the Recruitment and Selection pmcticas of IT-ITES
finns in India", Thesis submitted to University of Nottinghrun.
So41 A. Johnson (1994) "Recruitment Stratsgias for Departmat of Deface
information Technology Managers", Thesis is submitted to Stanford University.
Owdm Shafique (2012) "Recruitment in the 21* Cenhuy" ijcrb.w&,
Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary mearch in bwinhss, V04, NO2
Navdeep Kumar , PIlnkrj -2012) "Impact of Online R d t m e n t On
Online Open Access publishing platfonn for Managamat Rescarch ISSN 2229 -
business adminimtion kculty of management studies end reecclrch Aligarh mwlim
Samuel lteba Onchoke & Dr S.B. A b n b (2011) "Racruitment And Selbction
Practices In Mna-An Appraisal" international journal of innovative research Bt
development, ISSN: 2278421 1 .
intcmational joumat of research in commera & managan- VOLUME NO. 2,
ISSUE NO. 8, ISSN 0976-2183
Va1.2, hue.2, January';?Ol$, ISSN 250-1472
IntMhdtionafSoricfyfOr5;rrnr, Surtait~ablir'Eqhmiqand1Mq-
Rcscarch Scholar, Dept. Of Management Studies, Sri Venkatcswara Unimity, Tirupti,
India.,Mobile: 09963745789
Professor, Dept of Management Studies. Sri Venkatcswam University, Tirupati. India.
Email:[email protected]. Mobile: 09848561613
The current system of evaluation of human resource, for recruitment and selection in lT
Software Industry, may be meeting the needs of the dny but whether it is an effective system.
in the emerging environment of globalization, is open to study. While the requirement of the
software IT Industry would be based on the software development &ills in potential
candidates, currently each company has evolved its own yardstick of aUributes they look for
and evaluate these by various systems of tests. The aim of the study is to identify the internti!
and external factors which influence the recruitment process. It is observed that company's
pay package and supply and demand factors have bcen prefcmd by the respondcnb. Thare is
a significant differencebetween the IT companies with regard to internal and external factors.
External sourccs of recruitment have to be solicited from
outside the organization. External sources an external to a concern. But il involvw lot of
time and money .ntt external sources of recruitment include Employmsnt at fwrory gate,
advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational institutes, labour
contractors, recommendations ctc.
A M Journal o f m d Rerearch and Social Sdcncc~~
ME.B.Sudhcshna,Dr. B.Sudhir
Vo1.2, hue.2, Januruyg20lS,ISSN 2350-1472
IntmraWSotiety$r 5;een,.$wraina6&'Enginemkg and%anugGrnCnt
Edrrclrtkwnl Wtutlons:
Then are c e h n professional institutions which serve as an external source for m i t i n g
fresh graduates from these institutes. This kind of recruitment done thmugh such educational
insti~tionsis called as Campus Recruitment. They have special reuuitmcnt cells which help
in providing jobs to fnsh candidates.
'llerc are certain people who have experience in a particular m a . Thcy enjoy goodwill and a
stand in the company. Then arc certain vacancies which ~ J Xfilled by nconunendations of
such people. The biggest drawback of this source is that the company has to rely totally on
such people which can later on prove to be inefficient.
Labour Conbpctom:
lhese are the specialistpeople who supply manpower to the Factory or Manufacturing plants.
Through these contractors, workers arc appointed on contract basis, i t . for a particular time
period. Under conditions when these contractors leave the organization, such people who arc
appointed bave to also leave the concern.
CCUne Delllon University of Fdbourg (2013) overlooks the pouibilities and
implications given by online recruitment in small and medium sized companies. Pirst
of all, the concept of e-recruitment is defined with a description of different
development phases. Then, the principal adv~ntages and challenger of such
technological tools arc analyzcd in the context of SME. A practical case of an IT
consultant company active on the Swiss market, is presented with the pros and cons of
turning towards a higher e-recruitment level. After that, a number of good practicer
b a d on pnvious experiences and studies arc enumerated to help an organization in
&g decisions at the level of online supported recruitment tools.
Edward Nsrtey (2012) said that advertising of job vacancies and employee nfemls
an mostly the mode for recruiting potential employees, it was also naiized that the
mahod used in the rccnriting and selection process was very effective and moreover
helpad improve employee perfonnancc
Mdu God wlll FomunJong(2012) reveal that despite a well-conccivcd recruitment
strategy frnm~worlt aimed at attracting the right people in the right places,
ARS Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences
Mrs. ~ . ~ d h e s h nDr.
a , B.Sudhir
dimimination and conuption an major factors that infringud on the efficiency and
effectively of the m i t m e n t policy
Geetikit mid PLayrli Cash (2006 and 2007) observed the relationship bcwccn
diffcltnt strategies of recruitment in the Indian software industry, the size of the
organization and dimensions of recruitment smtegies
Philip (2006) Examined aspects like recruitment system , selection methodologies,
communication within the organization, awards and rewards, motivational
approaches, camr management systeni etc
Deepti Sethi (2005) studied the implementation of new and innovative methods to
mmitment and selection, and finally a comparison is made between the recruitment
and selection practices of domestic and foreign IT-ITES firms t determine whether
foreign firms use more sophisticated techniques compared to domestic firms.
Margant A. Mehardson (2004) found that some of the strategies that organisations
can and do employ to ensure the existence of the best pogsible pol of qualified
applicants from which they can 811 vacancies as and when requind. It will identify
the advantap of each of the strategies, highlight the drawbacks of its use and offer
suggestions for ensuring its utility.
Michneleados (2003) identified that potential financial and business risks an
associated with performing this key strategic human resource strategy and these can
emerge throughout the process from sourcing potential candidatcs through to the
negotiation of the employment contract.
CappclU (2001) On the one hand, the Inteniet has helped to cut down recruiting costs
and times dramatically, but on the other it has also made applicant pools virtually
Barber (1998) stated that recruiters that possess greater interpersonal skills and
wannth an important naaons why appl~cantsdecide to accept job offers.
SoaJa A. Johneon (1994) suggested methods for dealing with imuea that improve (he
l i i l i i of selecting the best candidate for an IT position. It also describes desired
chuaacristics of an IT professional that should be the fwua of wntiting efforta and
~ a ekillr checklit for we in the
provides recommended interview q u e e t i o ~and
ncntiting process
- -
ARS J - W of Applied
~ Rescmh and Socinl Scicncts
Krs. B.Sudhcshnq Dr. B.Sudhir
Vol.2, Issue.Z,lanuary'2015, ISSN 2350-1472
I w S o c i c t yfor Grzen, Surtaina6GEtrginceritrg and%anapmt
Braugh (1992) said that high recruitment intensity might be one of the myths that
should not be implemented uncritically by organizations.
To study the internal and external factors affecting the recruitment process of IT
To compare and analysc the factors influencing thc recruitment process of IT
- Descriptive research
Data mum:
- Data was collected from two sources viz, primary und secondary
Rimary Data:
- Data from employees of IT companies was collected through shuctured
Secondary Data:
- Company web sites, web portals &journals
Research htmment:
Structund questionnaire
ARS Journal of Applied Research and Social Scienca
Mrs. B.Sudheehna, Dr. B.Sudhii
Vo1.2, Issue.2, January'2015, ISSN 2350-1472
InternaWSocictyfor Green, SwainoGlk Engintenng andNanqement
F Value
ARS Journal of Applied Research and Social Scicnccs
Mrs.B.Sudheshna, Dr. B.Sudhir
pjq V0l.2, I~Sue.2.JP~uwY'ZOIS. ISSN 2350-1472
I n t a S o m t y f o r (Peen, SustutnuCb Eqine+ andManqrmmt
- - - - . . - " . ,"*. - -*-
ARS - Journal of Applied ~ w a r c and
h Social Sciences
Mrs. B.Sudhcshne. Dr. B.Sudhir
Vol.2, Issue.2, January'ZOIS, ISSN 2350-1472
IntmurtionnCSocietyfor Gnen, swtaina6h Engineering andNanogcmcnt
legal and pvemcntal factors like muvation for SCISTIBC and son-of-soil)8.412, and
Onformation s ~ k m
like employment exchangdtele mcruiunent like internet) 43.381.
Since the calculated significant value is less than 0.05, it can be
intcrpntbd that t h m is a significant difference between the opinions of the company
employees ngard to "the Extcmal factors affecting the ncruiunc~~t".
Employees pnfemd Company's pay package with highest nlean (4,27) and have
given least importance to Role of trade unions (2.95) among the internal factors
Employees pnfemd Supply and demand factor and have given lealit importance to
Political, legal nnd governmental factors like reservation for SCISTIBC and son-of
soil with lowest mean among the cxtcrnal facton
Then is a significant difference bctwccn the opinions of thc company employcm with
ngard to "thc internal factors affecting the recruitment".
Then is a significant difference bttwccn the opinions of the company employeeti with
rcgard to "the External factors affecting the rtcnritment",
Company pay package and supply and demand factors art perceived by [he ITcompmic~
which affect the recruitment process. Role of trade unions and Political, legal and
governmental factors arc least prefemd by thc employees of the lT companies. This
shows that ernployccs pnfening pay package as the most influencing factor for
recruitment process. It is sugp"tl to the IT companies that they have to maintain
attractive pay package to atvact suit~blecandidata to their companiw. Supply and
dcmmd factor is prcfmd as most influencing factor among external facton. IT
companies to estimate the proper supply and demand for their compenia to uttrPct Ihe
suitable candidates to apply for their companics.
Daptl Sew ( W )"A Study on thc Recruitmcnl and Selection practices of IT-ITES
fims in India", Thesis submitced to University of Nottingham.
ARS Joumrl of Applied Rwmh and Social !kiences
Mrs. B.Sudheahna, Dr. B.Sudhir
Vol.2, Issue.2, Januuy'2015, ISSN 2350-1472
t y Grim, Surtntna6b Enginem'ty and!Mawemmt
~ n t m t n t w d ~ o c i efor