Set Me Like A Seal

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Set me as a seal upon your heart

(a Wedding Introit)

for Anna and Chris Dec 9th 2000

St Saviour's Church, St Albans, Herts

Words from the 'Song of Solomon'

Ewart Hopkins
Slowly withfeelin

Set me as a seal- up-onyou

.^ Piano
Uor reh(

Set me as a seal, as a seal u?on

love is strong as love is strong as

love is strong as love is strong as

love is strong as love is strong as


A little faster

Love is strong as

Love is strong as It bla - zes up, bla-zes

love is strong as
It bla - zes

strong as death.
A litle fasr
up, bla - zes up, burn - irg ght, burn - i.rg_

Lrp, bla - zes ight, ling

burn _

up, it bla -zes uP,,

-'^ burn - ing, ight, burn - ing


Ma - ny wa- ters can -not quench love,

Ma-ny wa - teF can - not quench love, nei - ther can the

Mq- ny wat - ers can - not quench love nei-ther can the

Ma - ny wat - ers not quench love



floods-drown it. drown it, Ma - ny wat - ers


floods- drown ir,

Ma-ny wat - ers

floods drown it, drown it, Ma ny wa - ters

drown drown Ma ny wa - ters


I rl
) -t

can - not quench_ love_ can not____quench

can - not quench love, can not quench

can - not quench love,_ can not quench

not quench G

Nov 6th 2000

Printed using Sibelius 6 (rei. UK 01223 302765)

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