MAT319/320 Solutions To First Midterm: Solution
MAT319/320 Solutions To First Midterm: Solution
MAT319/320 Solutions To First Midterm: Solution
1. 10 points Give a careful and complete definition of what it means when we say “The
limit of the sequence X is L.”
Solution: The limit of the sequence X = (xn ) is L if for any > 0, there is a natural
number K so that |xn − L| < for all n ≥ K .
Here we used the induction hypothesis (2k ≥ k 2 ) and our previous fact (2k ≥
2k + 1).
I’m sorry that a typo in part a caused it not to be useful (although still true).
4. 10 points Consider the sequence whose nth term an = . Prove, using the
definition of the limit, that the limit of this sequence is 0.
Solution: Given > 0, we need to find a K so that |an | < for all n ≥ K.
Note that from the previous problem, we know that 2n ≥ n + 1 > n, and so if we
take K ≥ 1/, for any n > K we will have
= 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 = ,
2 2n n 1/
as desired.
Solution: Suppose not. If the supremum is greater than 1, there must be some
some x ∈ (0, 1) with 1 < f (x). But f (x) < x < 1, and so this is a contradiction.