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new music genre arose. Though sacred music was still of great
The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages or importance, secular music became more prominent in this
―Dark Ages‖ that started with the fall of the Roman Empire. period. This era was also known as the “golden age” of a capella
During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s choral music.
culture and political affairs. Other historical facts during this era is the discovery of
the actual position of the earth in the solar system by
Monophonic plainchant was named after Pope Gregory I, who Copernicus, the invention of the compass, and Martin Luther’s
made this the approved music of the Catholic Church. Pope protestant reformation.
Gregory’s action made monophonic plainchants popular.
Although it was originally transmitted orally, scholars agreed to Characteristics of the Renaissance Music:
put it in notation to assist dissemination of chants across mostly polyphonic
Europe. imitation among voices is common
use of word painting in texts and music
Characteristics of the Gregorian Chants:
monophonic melodic lines move in flowing manner
Free meter melodies move along scale with a few large leaps
Usually based on Latin liturgy Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period:
Use of Neume notation 1. Mass- a form of sacred musical composition that
sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
During the latter part of the Medieval Period, secular music Five Main Sections of the Mass:
which was not bound by Catholic traditions emerged. Most of a. Kyrie
these songs were performed across Europe by groups of b. Gloria
musicians called Troubadours. c. Credo
d. Sanctus and Benedictus
Troubadour Music: e. Agnus Dei
Usually monophonic 2. Madrigal – a form of secular vocal polyphonic
Sometimes with improvised accompaniment music composition which is written and
expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly
Tells of chivalry and courtly love
social gatherings.
Originated in France
Written in the French language Famous composers:
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (Rome, 1525-1594)
Famous composer: -said to be the greatest master of Roman
1. Adam de la Halle - was also known as Adam le Bossu Catholic Church during this period. Majority of his works are
(Adam the Hunchback). He was the son of a well – sacred music. An organist and choir master at both Sistine
known citizen of Arras, Henri de la Halle. He received Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Also served as an organist in
his education at the Cistercian Abbey of Vaucelles, Saint Agapito. His first book titled Masses became popular and
near Cambral. Adam was destined for the church but was greatly appreciated by Pope Julius III. Had two sons but
he eventually married. His patrons were Robert II, lost them both during the plague epidemic that struck in Rome
Count of Artois, and Charles of Anjou, brother of Louis in 1570s. He had planned to become a priest but eventually
IX. changed his mind and married a wealthy widow. This improved
his wealth and enabled him to pursue a musical career for the
Adam was one of the oldest secular composers whose rest of his life.
literary and musical works include chansons and poetic
debates. He was a trouvére, poet and musician, whose literary 2. Thomas Morley (East England, 1557-1602)
and musical works include chansons and jeux-partis (poetic - son of a brewer, a singer in the local
debates) in the style of the trouveres, polyphonic rondel and cathedral from his boyhood, and became master of
motets in the style of early liturgical polyphony. His choristers in 1583. He was the most famous
musical play, ―Jeu de Robin et Marion‖ was considered the composer of secular music during his time. He was
earliest surviving secular French play with music. believed to have studied with William Byrd which he
tried imitating in his early works but turned into
His works include: composing madrigals. His works are:
1. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion 1. Fire, Fire My Heart
2. La Chanson du roi de Sicile 2. Sing and Chant
3. April is in My Mistress’ Face
Music of the Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600) 4. It Was a Lover and His Lass
Famous composers:
1. Johann Sebastian Bach ( Germany, 1685-1750)
-came from a family of musicians and was
taught to play violin by his father. Became orphaned at age ten
so his brother, a church organist, provided for him. Known for
his compositions for organ, orchestra, and orotario.
His works are:
1. Concerto Grosso
2. Masses
3. Cantatas
4. Fugues
3. Works for harpsichord and clavichord