Solibri or Navisworks - AU Las Vegas 2017: Class
Solibri or Navisworks - AU Las Vegas 2017: Class
Solibri or Navisworks - AU Las Vegas 2017: Class
Tuesday 14 November
Ing. Collin van Kooten MArch
BIM Consultant – CAD & Company
e-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: CollinVanKooten
Linkedin: collinvankooten
Collaboration in construction is challenging. How can you organize the quality in data and geometry
with all these different parties and models? Which software do you use to check your model:
Navisworks or Solibri. An IFC workflow with Solibri provides you insights in the different clashes and
the possibility to check in a rule based manner. But how do you create reports and collaborate with
team members? Does Navisworks manage a more better workflow with more possibilities for
everybody? With Navisworks you are free of file format. It is easy to append and update Revit, IFC,
rcp or dwg files to a federated model in one single file. Checking model geometry, duplicates and
data in a standardized way with Collaborea. It is the rulebased modelchecker for Naviswork. A report
is no longer necessary because all the issues are visible and editable on a Cloud platform using
Autodesk Forge. Checking and collaborating becomes easy and editing the models in an Autodesk
workflow is simple.
The BIM-manager role
BIM management is also about creating a collaborate environment to get the best out of all the
engineers and different disciplines. How do you get the most value out of collaborate team, all with
their own subject and specialism.
Besides the clash detection and collaboration there are more and more subjects in the BIM execution
plan that are crucial to deliver a model that is useful in all the different phases of a building. IN most
cases I found out that clash are useful but having the right parameters is crucial.
In this class for the Autodesk University I will explain the different methods and two software
solutions for getting the most value out of a BIM environment. This includes Nemetchek Solibri
Model Checker and Autodesk Navisworks with and without added Collaborea add in.
Nemetchek Solibri Model Checker
One of the bigger competitors in Europa to check a Building Information Model is the Solibri Model
Checker. The software from Nemetchek is known for his easy to use interface and predefined rules.
The rules to check the building information models are freely spread in some regions. This creates a
community and easy adoption of the tool across projects.
The Solibri Model Checker covers most functions you need to explore and check a model or
federated models, this includes:
▪ Clash detection
▪ Rules to search for components and materials
▪ Information take off
▪ Material quantities and volumes
▪ Matching models
▪ Changes between versions
Solibri - Verdict
Although I didn’t had any training in Solibri I was able to check my federated model. Using the
predefined rules it gave me enough information. Solibri Model Checker is easy to use and gives me
enough information about the model.
▪ Rule-based checking for:
▪ Intersection
▪ Information
▪ Take off information and quantities
▪ Showing geometry and dimensions
▪ Only IFC based
▪ Add extra software for collaboration – BCF based like BIM Collab
In the AEC Collection, or Building Design Suite Premium, everybody has an license to use Autodesk
Navisworks Manage. With this software you are able to make a federated model existing from
different file formats. With ability to show more then 50+ file formats, this platform is the easy
access to generate an federated model containing different file formats from multiple
Verdict Navisworks
As an BIM Manager I used Navisworks in a couple of projects. With the ability to use the native file
formats it is easy to adopt and use in a environment with multiple disciplines and software vendors.
Once used to the ‘search sets’ and ‘find items’ it is easy to use in a way you prefer.
▪ File types (50+)
▪ Information using search sets
▪ Clash detection
▪ Quantities and volumes
▪ Reporting
▪ No rule based checking
▪ Collaboration still paper / e-mail based.
▪ 3D geometry measurement
Navisworks including Collaborea
Although Navisworks and Solibri are very strong applications they have some weaknesses. With
Autodesk Forge CAD & Company was able to build an Rule Based engine for Autodesk Navisworks.
But is also created an online environment to communicate issues in the building information model.
With an add-in for Navisworks and Revit, and a public website showing building information models
the Collaborea workflow adds a Rule Based Model Checker to the workflow. This will gives the user
the ability to not only check the model with predefined rules, it also gives a platform to create and
communicate the different issues
Navisworks with Collaborea interface for creating a rule to check the building model
In Navisworks manage with the Collaborea add in it is easy to use the rules based engine. After you
logged on you will be able to use the rules that are free to use in that region, or create the rules the
project team. The rules can check on all the data in the project (Revit or IFC) also the clashes and the
After checking a model you can easily share the issue or false values with the project team. Each
different issue can be assigned to a team member, or a group of issues can be assigned. Using the
website with Forge Technology: al the team members can see the issues and
add comment.
Website BLDNG360 with Autodesk Forge Technology
The public facing website shows the building information model and possible issues that are created
in Navisworks. Not only the model and issues are shown, also the information available in the model.
With all the assets the Forge viewer gives every user, without knowledge of Navisworks or Revit, the
ability to go through the Building information model.
It will also give the user the ability to add an issue on the website. Issues are added to specific
element and are shown as an isolated and selected element on the website but also in Revit and
Navisworks. The issues are export to BCF to also include other software vendors.
The Collaborea add-in in Revit has a bidirectional connection with the bldng360 website. It will show
the issues assigned to the user. With the right model in Revit, selecting the issue in the interface will
select the element in the model. Adjusting the model to the right data or clash avoiding is easy in the
way. Once adjusted the issues, you can change the status of the issue, wich will be shown on the
website immediately.