Letter Tanner 2018

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Beth Tanner

Captain Hunt Early Learning
12 Kendall St • Central Falls, RI 02863 • Ph 401.727.7720 • Fx 401.724.0577

July 25, 2018

Dear Robertson and Captain Hunt Families,

My in-laws have a deck on the back of their home north of Boston. Well, it used to be a deck. Weather, family and
dogs have loved it into pieces and most recently, it is more of an elaborate obstacle course. It is always exciting to
make it to the car in the driveway without falling off the deck or into one of the cavernous sinkholes created by
wood softened by years, rain and our northeast winters. Last week, my husband took vacation. He dismantled the
old deck in order to begin construction on a new one. The ‘deck construction project’  made me think of our
school year. Each June, we take apart our classrooms, clean them and then, in September, the teachers, staff and I
work to re-create our classroom design & programming in order to support our new students; your children!
Please know that we are incredibly excited for your partnership, as we begin that our journey to build this year
together with you.

Thank you in advance for considering the possibility of volunteering in our school community to help us as we
work to create the best possible early learning center for the youngest learners in Central Falls. Research shows
that our school will be more effective if you are involved. With that on our hearts, we invite you to participate in
our early learning community in numerous different ways. Please call Miss Lucellis, our Home School Liaison at
721-6857 or [email protected] to receive information about our different opportunities for volunteering
during this year. We are excited to work with you! Volunteers or parents who would like to help in our school
and/or on field trips need a current Background Check. They used to be completed at the office of the Rhode Island
Attorney General but as of July 23, 2018, all in-person state and national background checks will only be available
at the new Rhode Island Customer Service Center located at 4 Howard Avenue, Cranston and open from Monday to
Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

In both Preschool and Kindergarten, we hope to help your child to feel safe in our classroom communities with
established routines and rituals to guide your child’s day. In order to create and nurture a safe learning
environment, we utilize the SECOND STEP SOCIAL SKILLS CURRICULUM. The children are taught school rules:
Eyes Watching, Ears Listening, Voices Quiet, Body Calm as well as intentionally taught social skills. These rituals,
routines and intentionally-taught skills are the foundation of our early learning program.

Our Kindergarten teachers will quickly work to help the Kindergartners to learn all of their letters and sounds and
then, by the end of the year, with your help, be reading fluently and able to identify 60 plus sight words. Our
Preschool teachers will work to help the students identify their names as a symbol and then, by the end of the year,
work to learn as many letters and sounds as possible. In Math, the students at both schools will be Sorting,
Classifying, Patterning, Adding, Subtracting and learning Numeracy skills ~ even using ’10 frames’ in Kindergarten.
The teachers and I know that we will work as hard as we can to help your child; ultimately, your child’s success
depends on our partnership with you. Thank you for your help on this ‘beginning of your child’s schooling’ journey.
Preschool and Kindergarten today; tomorrow, Brown University, Providence College, URI, Johnson and Wales,
Roger Williams or Rhode Island College!
The Central Falls District does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin,
color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Beth Tanner
Captain Hunt Early Learning
12 Kendall St • Central Falls, RI 02863 • Ph 401.727.7720 • Fx 401.724.0577

Most especially though, we will work together with your family to help your child to love learning, love
school and especially love reading. In order to accomplish this, we hope to have as much bi-lateral
communication as possible. Some classes will CLASS DOJO in order to facilitate that process. Please note that all
of the teachers, staff and I have emails and can be reached at our cfschools.net email addresses, as well as through
the school office at Captain Hunt & M.I. Robertson Elementary. Miss Maria is our School Secretary at MI Robertson.
Her direct phone number is 721-6857. Her email is [email protected]. Miss Michele is our School Secretary
at Captain Hunt School. Her direct number is 721-6890. Her email is [email protected]. Both secretaries can
absolutely give messages to your child’s teacher.

The first day of school is almost upon us. Family Meetings in the classrooms with teachers will be by appointment
only on August 30th and August 31st at MI Robertson School Kindergarten and Pre-K and by appointment only on
August 30th, August 31st and September 4th at Captain Hunt School. Please call or email Miss Maria at the Robertson
School office at 721-6857 [email protected] to set up an appointment for your preschooler or
Kindergartner if your child will be attending MI Robertson School. Please call or email Miss Michele at 721-6890 or
[email protected] if your child will be attending Captain Hunt School. We are so excited to meet your child
and family, or welcome you back, and hope that you will be able to come to our SCHOOL FAMILY BBQ’s as well. The
Captain Hunt School Family BBQ Dinner will be on the school playground on Thursday, August 30th from 4-5pm.
The MI Robertson School BBQ Lunch will be at 11:30am on the first day of school for Robertson, Tuesday,
September 4th in order to celebrate the first day of school.

As I write, the new deck is almost complete. Railings will be added today. Then, it will be painted at some point in
the future. It is such a happy metaphor for me as the teachers, staff and I look forward to creating this year with
you. How can we build the most perfect school possible for your young learner? We look forward to hearing about
your child and your hopes & dreams for your child’s 2018-19 school year at our FAMILY MEETINGS and then, in
September at our Curriculum Night on 9/27 at 4pm at MI Robertson School and at our Parent Coffee/Bagels at
8:45am on 9/28 at Captain Hunt. We are so eager to get to know your child and help he/she to celebrate the
2018-19 school year by falling in love with learning. We are especially excited to celebrate each & every joyful
moment with your little one. #BUILDAYEARofJOY

With Much Anticipation,

Beth Tanner, MS Ed,


The Central Falls District does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin,
color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

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