Things To Be Done-Grades 6 To 8: Task Details Path For The Folder Deadline Teacher in Charge

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Things to be done- Grades 6 to 8

Task Details Path for the folder Deadline Teacher in charge

Activity list List of classroom activities- PSBN teachers-Academic year 18-19-– Grade 6-8 By (20-24)th both dates included of As per the duty list
subject wise, as per the LP [folder]- Activity list (excel sheet) every month. shared. (subject leads)
allocated for the month,
must be entered.
Activity pictures Photos of any classroom PSBN teachers-Academic year 18-19- Gr 6 to 8 – As and when the activity is conducted, Respective subject
activity conducted must be folders- Monthly report (excel sheet) before 24th of every month. teachers allotted for that
taken, by the respective activity by level COD
subject teacher alloted
.Mention the Activity name,
lesson,learning outcome.
Syllabus Status of the syllabus PSBN teachers-Academic year 18-19- – Grade6-8 Every fortnight. By the 12thto 14 th
and As per the duty list
completion and completed and feedback on folder-syllabus completion 27t hto 29 th of every month shared. [GRADE WISE
feedback the LPs, WS, Activities ACTIVITY IN CHARGES]
Newsletter Compilation of information- PSBN TEACHERS- ACADEMIC YEAR 2018-19- Teacher in charge - (20-24)th both dates As per the duty list
as per the templates shared. NEWSLETTERS-[MONTH WISE] included of every month. shared. [GRADE WISE
Mention the Activity name, ACTIVITY IN CHARGES]
lesson,learning outcome.
Performance Marks obtained by a student, PSBN teachers – Academic year 18-19- As and when the UT/ Term exams are Respective subject
analysis (Grades question wise, must be Examination- Performance analysis- Subject over teacher
6-8) entered. folders- Grades 6-8– excel sheets
Marks entry Marks – UT, Term exams PSBN teachers – Academic year 18-19- As and when the UT/ Term exams are Respective subject
(Grades 6-8) marks to be entered in the Examination- Marks entry- grade folders- Grades over teacher
soft copy,lyceum, marks 6-8 – excel sheets
register as and when the
tests/exams are conducted.
Attendance Attendance register, after Lyceum followed by saving in PSBN teachers/ Lyceum entries – Daily basis. Respective HRAs
Registers totalling the number of Attendance Register 2018-19 in Excel Format
working days and the
numbers of the days present
and entry in lyceum
Log books HRAs to leave the log book – NA Every evening Log book monitor as
In grades 7 -8 allotted by HRAs.
Staffroom[ New wing]

Correction of UT/ Status of Correction NA 48 hours per bundle Respective subject

Term Exam papers teacher

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