Lego4scrum Sample
Lego4scrum Sample
Lego4scrum Sample
A complete guide to #lego4scrum - a great
way to teach the Scrum framework and
Agile thinking.
Alexey Krivitsky
This book is for sale at
I. Game Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Am I Allowed To Customize lego4scrum? . . . . . . . . 21
Principles Behind lego4scrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Rewrite?! This should ring you a bell if you have ever participated
in software rewrite projects… Well, I have to reassure you: this is
a well managed project. Delayed for few years only. But no users
were harmed as the existing 2.0 edition⁴ is still available and will be
as I’m planning to keep it live and free for downloading.)
The 2nd edition was written in 2011 (which was an incremental
rewrite of the 1st edition back from 2009) caused by the fact that
my English had slightly improved (or should I prove this by saying
it has convalenced, recuperated and ameliorated). I also have more
photos and the website had been re-
Since 2009 I’ve been using lego4scrum at nearly all of my Certified
ScrumMaster classes. Recently when consulting few people who
had reasonable questions about the 2.0 edition I’ve come to realize
that the way I run this simulation now is quite far from the manual
available online. It has evolved drastically.
I’m also pushed to write this new guide, because as of today all the
translations altogether hit about 1’500 downloads a month (not bad
at all!), so I’m quite ashamed that all of these bright people (you!)
have to use the work that is deprecated as it has not been updated
for more than five years now.
So this guide is fresh, juicy and hopefully clearly written. It is
describing how I run lego4scrum as of 2015-2017. In fact my
approach has become quite stable and repeatable over the last few
years. So I guess it is also a sign it needs to be put on paper (or rather
Kindle paperwhite).
⁴Download the lego4scrum 2.0 from in English or in any
of other 20+ languages. It is a great legacy and it should be kept live.
About the 3rd Edition 5
space and the Product Owner. Now this has a name. And I’m glad
to be trained with LeSS to see how it is matching my agile values.
An overall retrospective (an extra meeting in LeSS) is another little
ceremony that we do now after each sprint.
On the other hand I’ve dropped some of the things I used to do. I
almost never teach Planning Poker with #lego4scrum. Not because
it is not working, but because it doesn’t feel right to waste so much
time on something that is going to be always wrong - the estimates.
So I almost always apply the quickest technique I know - a multi-
team silent triangulation. Some people also call it magic esti-
mation. Well, yes, it is a great name as it works like magic: in
two minutes and twenty-two seconds you’re getting the shared
story point across all teams. Moreover there are representatives in
each team that have good understanding of the complexity of the
upcoming work.
Sounds like magic, I guess it is.
About the 3rd Edition 10
Magic estimates
Magic estimates
can’t fail with #lego4scrum as the only real failure is failure without
So the only disaster that can really happen to a lego4scrum facilita-
tor is if one’s forgetting to bring few LEGO boxes with her… Never
happened to me yet, but since I travel so much eventually I know my
luggage would get lost one day and I’ll have to switch to origami…
Luckily one can buy (or borrow) LEGO in almost any place where
human beings live (isn’t it awesome that we invented plastic?!).
As you can see there is a bunch of cool stuff in here. Get your copy.
The next chapters are providing enough details how to make your
next Scrum workshop or training rock and clang with plastic.
For leanpub users, the link for downloading the book is: https://
The Big Success of
lego4scrum - Thanks to You!
But as much as I want to keep up updating the manuals, I’m always
lacking behind as hundreds of people are running this game in
hundreds locations. Monthly, weekly and daily.
These are stunning numbers. I guess this is what happens when you
multiply the popularity of LEGO by the popularity of Scrum:
popularity(lego4scrum) = popularity(lego) * popularity(scrum).
And it is all open source!
Translation Project
I’m doing my best to keep up with all the variations of the simula-
tion I hear.
I constantly meet people at various conferences who explain the
ways they have adjusted the game and added few more tricks. I can
never get enough of these ideas!
Recently when doing the large scale version of lego4scrum we in-
corporated the concept of markets, users, investments and material
prices into the game that I had heard some people were doing. It
worked out great! The chapter “Three Key Game Dimensions” is
elaborating on this idea. So please keep sharing your experiments.
Multiple channels listed below are allowing for sharing.
And if this was not enough, you can get connected with the most
active part of the community by joining our #slack team⁹ where we
are having live discussions on various topics like improvement and
facilitation ideas.
I’m personally trying to follow this channel to stay connected with
the community.
The Big Success of lego4scrum - Thanks to You! 16
Personal Feedback
… And if you’d like to share your private piece of feedback with me,
please poke me at [email protected]¹¹.
Stay Tuned!
Alexey Krivitsky
Who am I?
• one product
• one product backlog
• one product owner
• one sprint
• one product increment
• one integration environment
• and joint Scrum meetings for all teams to share
If you teams don’t fail their first lego4scrum sprint you’re doing it
all wrong. It is not just alright to let them fail - it is required.
19 out of 20 classes when I do lego4scrum with deliver total disaster
during the first sprint. What’s your failure rate? Can you make it
Failure creates a strong emotional field and amplifies memory and
with it comes learning, so design some strong failures in your
I probably shall not be teaching you how to fail Scrum, I’ll trust
you have all the necessary skills to… Still, here are some ideas I use
I. Game Design 25
¹⁶I’ll explain this in more details later. For now I just mean that you need to make sure
your teams have interdependencies. So that they learn how to integrate and coordinate their
plans and work results. In the most simplistic case I ask all the teams to build a single
‘massive city’, this creates enough nice dependencies to be dealt with. If you’d prefer that
your individual teams (or clusters of teams) build separated cities, think of introducing some
additional intercity dependencies (like, the transportation, for instance).
Liked the Preview?
You can get the full book at:
You can reach out to me at [email protected] with feedback.
And also if you’re looking for a lego4scrum facilitator. Or seeking
an advice on running the game. Or just to say “hi!”.
Thank you! Alexey Krivitsky
Happy teams
Oh! And by the way, the simulation can be also scaled¹⁷ to 100 of
participants and more! This books will explain you the underlying