Fafacts PDF
Fafacts PDF
Fafacts PDF
Fly ash has been used in roadways and interstate highways since
the early 1950s. In 1974, the Federal Highway Administration
encouraged the use of fly ash in concrete pavement with Notice N
5080.4, which urged states to allow partial substitution of fly ash
for cement whenever feasible. In addition, in January 1983, the
Environmental Protection Agency published federal
comprehensive procurement guidelines for cement and concrete
containing fly ash to encourage the utilization of fly ash and
establish compliance deadlines.
CHAPTER 7 Fly Ash in Soil Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Soil Stabilization to Improve Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Soil Stabilization to Control Shrink Swell. . . . . . . . . . . 50
Soil Modification to Reduce Water Content . . . . . . . . . 51
Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1-1 Method of fly ash transfer can be dry, wet or both
1-2 Fly ash particles at 2,000x magnification
1-3 Typical ash colors
What makes fly ash useful? Fly ash is most commonly used
as a pozzolan in PCC applications. Pozzolans are siliceous or
siliceous and aluminous materials, which in a finely divided form
and in the presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide at
ordinary temperatures to produce cementitious compounds.
The unique spherical shape and particle size distribution of fly ash
make it a good mineral filler in hot mix asphalt (HMA) applications
and improves the fluidity of flowable fill and grout. The consistency
and abundance of fly ash in many areas present unique opportunities
for use in structural fills and other highway applications.
Environmental benefits. Fly ash utilization, especially in
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly ash is produced from the combustion of coal in electric utility
or industrial boilers. There are four basic types of coal-fired
boilers: pulverized coal (PC), stoker-fired or traveling grate,
cyclone, and fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) boilers. The PC
boiler is the most widely used, especially for large electric
generating units. The other boilers are more common at
industrial or cogeneration facilities. Fly ashes produced by FBC
boilers are not considered in this document. Fly ash is captured
from the flue gases using electrostatic precipitators (ESP) or in
The collected fly ash is typically conveyed pneumatically from the
ESP or filter fabric hoppers to storage silos where it is kept dry
pending utilization or further processing, or to a system where the
dry ash is mixed with water and conveyed (sluiced) to an on-site
storage pond.
➤ Fly ash is stored in silos, domes and other bulk storage
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
➤ Fly ash can be transferred using air slides, bucket conveyors
and screw conveyors, or it can be pneumatically conveyed
through pipelines under positive or negative pressure
➤ Fly ash is transported to markets in bulk tanker trucks, rail
cars and barges/ships
➤ Fly ash can be packaged in super sacks or smaller bags for
specialty applications
Dry collected fly ash can also be moistened with water and
wetting agents, when applicable, using specialized equipment
(conditioned) and hauled in covered dump trucks for special
applications such as structural fills. Water conditioned fly ash can
be stockpiled at jobsites. Exposed stockpiled material must be
kept moist or covered with tarpaulins, plastic, or equivalent
materials to prevent dust emission.
Size and Shape. Fly ash is typically finer than portland cement
and lime. Fly ash consists of silt-sized particles which are generally
spherical, typically ranging in size between 10 and 100 micron
(Figure 1-2). These small glass spheres improve the fluidity and
workability of fresh concrete. Fineness is one of the important
properties contributing to the pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash.
When used as a mineral admixture in concrete, fly ash is classified
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Some fly ash uses are not affected by the LOI. Filler in asphalt,
flowable fill, and structural fills can accept fly ash with elevated
carbon contents.
chemical composition of the fly ash. Electric generating stations
Table 1-4. Guidance documents used for fly ash quality assurance
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Highway Applications
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
The benefits of using flowable fill include:
Highway Applications
➤ Allows placement in any weather, even under freezing
➤ Achieves 100 percent density with no compactive effort
➤ Fills around/under structures inaccessible to conventional fill
placement techniques
➤ Increases soil-bearing capacities
➤ Prevents post-fill settlement problems
➤ Increases the speed and ease of backfilling operations
➤ Decreases the variability in the density of the backfilled
➤ Improves safety at the job site and reduces labor costs
➤ Decreases excavation costs
➤ Allows easy excavation later when properly designed
Cautions. Be aware that:
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Benefits. Fly ash will typically meet mineral filler specifications
Highway Applications
for gradation, organic impurities, and plasticity. The benefits of
fly ash include:
➤ Reduced potential for asphalt stripping due to hydrophobic
properties of fly ash
➤ Lime in some fly ashes may also reduce stripping
➤ May afford a lower cost than other mineral fillers
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
The use of fly ash in portland cement concrete (PCC) has many
benefits and improves concrete performance in both the fresh and
hardened state. Fly ash use in concrete improves the workability
of plastic concrete, and the strength and durability of hardened
concrete. Fly ash use is also cost effective. When fly ash is added
to concrete, the amount of portland cement may be reduced.
➤ Decreased water demand. The replacement of cement by
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
fly ash reduces the water demand for a given slump. When
fly ash is used at about 20 percent of the total cementitious,
water demand is reduced by approximately 10 percent.
Higher fly ash contents will yield higher water reductions.
The decreased water demand has little or no effect on drying
shrinkage/cracking. Some fly ash is known to reduce drying
shrinkage in certain situations.
Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete
Figure 3-2. Typical strength gain of fly ash concrete.
-Improved resistance to ASR. Fly ash reacts with available
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly ash is used to lower the cost and to improve the performance
of PCC. Typically, 15 percent to 30 percent of the portland
cement is replaced with fly ash, with even higher percentages used
Fly ash particles react with free lime in the cement matrix to
produce additional cementitious material, and thus, to increase
long-term strength.
measure. The aluminosilicate components react with calcium
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Available alkalis in most ashes are less than the specification limit
of 1.5 percent. Contents greater than this may contribute to
alkali-aggregate expansion problems.
Aggregates. As with any concrete mix, appropriate sampling
and testing are needed to ensure that the aggregates used in the
mix design are of good quality and are representative of the
materials that will be used on the project. Aggregates containing
reactive silica may be used in the FAC.
would affect early strength development. Characteristics of
Fly ash concrete mixes can be developed to perform essentially
the same as PCC mixes with minor differences. When mixing
and placing any FAC, some minor changes in field operation may
be desirable. The following general rules-of-thumb will be useful:
As with any concrete mix, mixing time and conditions are critical
to producing quality concrete. The increase in paste volume and
concrete workability (ball bearings effect) associated with the use
of fly ash typically improve mixing efficiency.
Field Practices. Beginning with the first concrete delivery to the
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
job site, every load should be checked for entrained air until the
project personnel are confident a consistent air content is being
obtained. After that, periodic testing should continue to ensure
consistency. Concrete should be placed as quickly as possible to
minimize entrained air loss by extended agitation. Normal
practices for consolidation should be followed. Excessive
vibration should be avoided to minimize the loss of in-place
air content.
ensure that the fly ash used maintains a uniform carbon content
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly ash stabilized base courses are proportioned mixtures of fly
ash, aggregate, and an activator (cement or lime) that, when
properly placed and compacted, produce a strong and durable
pavement base course. Fly ash stabilized base courses are cost-
effective substitutes for properly engineered full-depth asphalt,
cement-treated, and crushed stone base courses. Fly ash stabilized
base course is suitable for both flexible and rigid pavements.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
➤ Use proctor-size molds for all test samples. Add fly ash to
the aggregate in five different proportions, starting at the
lower limit (10 percent for coarse aggregate) and proceed in
convenient increments to the upper limit (20 percent for
coarse aggregate). Mold one test specimen at each fly ash
content in accordance with ASTM C 593 compaction
procedures at an estimated optimum moisture content.
Fly Ash in Stabilized Base Course
➤ Test three specimens for compressive strength and test the
other three specimens for durability at the end of the seven-
day curing period, as described in ASTM C 593. Some
agencies utilize the ASTM D 560 freezing and thawing test,
which incorporates a brushing procedure and related
performance criteria developed by the Portland Cement
Association for soil-cement mixtures. In areas with virtually
no freezing and thawing, durability testing may be waived in
accordance with local practices.
Control of Materials
Lime. Hydrated lime is the most popular form used, although
quick lime and other products containing lime (kiln dust, etc.) can
be used successfully with appropriate precautions. Type 1 portland
cement has also been used successfully as a reactant when higher
early strength requirements or reactant market conditions dictate.
Determine actual lime content from samples using approved
titration methods (ASTM D 2901, AASHTO T 232).
Aggregates. Aggregates must be sound and resist deterioration
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Blending of materials. Central plant mixing provides the best
quality, although in-place mixing has also been successful. Most
plants use a continuous pugmill, but central mix concrete plants
also work well. When unconditioned (dry) fly ash is used, a silo
and surge bin are needed for lime or cement and fly ash. When
belt feeding, drop dry fly ash on top of the aggregate to keep it
from rolling down the belt during pugmill loading. Conditioned
Class F fly ash can be routinely added through an aggregate.
thickness of 15 to 30 percent greater than the desired compacted
Ash quality. Fly ashes, which contain sulfur in excess of 5.0
percent as SO3 or contain scrubber residues, should be carefully
evaluated with specific project soils to evaluate the expansion
potential of the materials combination.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Flowable fill includes a family of products usually consisting of
water, fly ash, portland cement, and sometimes, coarse or fine
aggregates, or both. Flowable fill is an engineered, strength
controlled, fill material that is self-leveling, self-compacting and
non-settling. This material is also known as:
Figure 5-1. Flowable fill used in a utility trench application
Virtually any coal fly ash can be used in flowable fill mixes.
The fly ash does not have to meet AASHTO M 295 (ASTM C
618) specification requirements as a concrete admixture to be
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
suitable for use in flowable fill, even fly ash with high LOI or
carbon content is suitable. The individual specifying agencies
may have applicable specifications or regulations regarding fly
ash flowable fill. Regardless of the type of handling practices,
fly ash for flowable fill can be used in a dry or moisture
conditioned form. Fly ash recovered from storage ponds has
been used successfully. Flowable fill mixes using high-calcium
fly ash may not require any cement. Mix design and
performance testing are typically prepared to determine the
suitability of a fly ash and other ingredients for the specific
flowable requirements.
Figure 5-2. Flowable fill eliminates the need for manual compaction
Fly Ash in Flowable Fill
Figure 5-3. Flowable fill can be used to backfill very narrow trenches
The two basic types of flowable fill mixes are high fly ash content
and low fly ash content. The high fly ash content mixes typically
contain almost all fly ash with a small percentage of portland
cement and enough water to make the mix flowable. The low fly
ash content mixes contain a high percentage of fine aggregate or
filler material (usually sand), a low percentage of fly ash sufficient
to help the sand particles flow, a small percentage of portland
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
cement (similar to that used in high fly ash content mixes), and
enough water to make the mix flowable.
ACI Committee 229 has designated low fly ash content mixes
that contain high percentages of fine aggregate as CLSM.
According to the ACI definition, CLSM has an upper
compressive strength limit of 8,300 kPa (1,200 psi), however,
strengths can be designed as low as 345 kPa (50 psi). Most
flowable fill mixes are designed to achieve a maximum strength of
1,000 to 1,400 kPa (150 to 200 psi) so as to allow for excavation at
a later time. It is important to remember that flowable fill mixes
with an ultimate strength in the 345 to 480 kPa (50 to 70 psi)
range have at least two to three times the bearing capacity of well-
compacted earthen backfill material.
Strength development. Strength development in flowable fill
Bleeding and subsidence. Bleeding and subsidence are possible
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
in high fly ash flowable fill mixes with relatively high water
contents (corresponding to a 254 mm/10-in slump). Evaporation
of the bleed water and absorption into the surrounding soil often
results in a subsidence of approximately 11 mm/m (1/8-in/ft) of
depth of the fill. This shrinkage may occur laterally as well as
vertically, but no additional shrinkage or long-term settlement of
flowable fill occurs after initial set. Prior to hardening, flowable
fill mixes are self-leveling.
Fly Ash in Flowable Fill
Figure 5-4. Bridge abutment backfill with flowable fill.
As with any construction application, quality control and quality
assurance (QC/QA) of the materials and the mix are extremely
important. Good QC/QA will take maximum advantage of the
benefits of flowable fill.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Specifications for fly ash structural fills and embankments are
similar to specifications for engineered soil fills. Proper placement
and compaction of fly ash fills is required to achieve the desired
strength and compressibility characteristics assumed for design.
or stockpiled ash may require several series of laboratory tests. If
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
fly ash from more than one source is being used on the project at
the same time, it is preferable to place and compact the ashes
separately. Because of its self-hardening properties, high calcium
ash is typically stored dry in silos and hauled to the construction
site in pneumatic tank trucks, or is removed from a pond or
temporary stockpile. This procedure may not be necessary if the
site is close enough to the plant to allow the ash to be hauled in
the moistened condition.
below the groundwater table or when the embankment design
determined by plotting the laboratory moisture-density
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly Ash in Structural Fills/Embankments
Table 6-1. Combinations required for 95 percent of the standard
proctor maximum dry density, AASHTO Method T 99
General. Recommended construction procedures have been
developed as the result of experience gained with trial embankments
and construction projects. Adjustments to these standard procedures
may be necessary, depending on actual field conditions.
Spreading. Fly ash is usually spread and leveled with a dozer,
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
weather even if the moisture content of the ash is too high.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Soil stabilization is the alteration of soil properties to improve the
engineering performance of soils. The properties most often
altered are density, water content, plasticity and strength.
Modification of soil properties is the temporary enhancement of
subgrade stability to expedite construction.
Class C fly ash and Class F-lime product blends can be used in
numerous geotechnical applications common with highway
➤ To enhance strength properties
➤ Stabilize embankments
➤ To control shrink swell properties of expansive soils
➤ Drying agent to reduce soil moisture contents to permit
The use of fly ash in soil stabilization and soil modification may
be subject to local environmental requirements pertaining to
leaching and potential interaction with ground water and
adjacent water courses.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Moisture content. The water content of the fly ash stabilized
containing more than 10 percent sulfates have been prone to swell
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Figure 7-3. Mixing and compaction of fly ash into a plastic soil
Historically, plastic soils have been treated with quick lime (CaO)
or hydrated lime [Ca (OH)2] to lower their plasticity. The lime
chemically reacts with the soil particles, effectively changing the
soil grains from clay size (less than 0.002 mm) to silt size (0.05 to
0.002 mm). The determination of the plasticity index is geared
towards measuring this chemical change in the soil.
Fly Ash in Soil Improvement
It should be noted that a Class C fly ash may contain 15 percent
or more calcium expressed as calcium oxide, but very little of this
calcium is in the form of free calcium oxide (CaO). Therefore,
the determination of the plasticity limits is inappropriate when
evaluating the effect of fly ash on the shrink-swell characteristics
of a soil. To properly evaluate a fly ash for shrink-swell control,
the soil-fly ash blends should be tested with a soil expansion test
such as ASTM D 4829 or ASTM D 1883.
The swell potential of fly ash treated soils is typically less than 0.5
percent under confining pressures of 48 kPa (100 psf) even when
compacted two to four percent below optimum moisture content
for maximum density.
The fly ash dries the soil by two basic mechanisms, chemical
reactions that consume moisture in the soil and by simple
dilution. Class C fly ashes contain tricalcium aluminate (C3A),
which is highly reactive with water. C3A is the chemical
compound present in ordinary portland cement which is
responsible for early strength. The C3A present in fly ash reacts
with the water, lowering the overall moisture content of the soil.
The drying effect of fly ash in wet soil is very rapid and
immediate, permitting the contractor to quickly proceed with
construction. In addition to the speeding up of the construction
process the use of fly ash provides several other benefits, such as
making the soil more resistant to additional water infiltration,
provides additional support for traffic, creates a more stable work
platform and reduces dusting from construction traffic.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Some state or local environmental agencies may require a
leaching test of the ash prior to use.
Fly ash can be used as a cost-effective mineral filler in hot mix
asphalt (HMA) paving applications. Where available locally, fly
ash may cost less than other mineral fillers. Also, due to the
lower specific gravity of fly ash, similar performance is obtained
using less material by weight, further reducing the material cost of
HMA. Mineral fillers increase the stiffness of the asphalt mortar
matrix, improving the rutting resistance of pavements. Mineral
fillers also help reduce the amount of asphalt drain down in the
mix during construction, which improves durability of the mix by
maintaining the amount of asphalt initially used in the mix.
Organic impurities. Although no standard for carbon content
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
percentage by weight to obtain the same performance (e.g., voids
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly ash grouts are used for sealing voids beneath pavement slab
sections. The unconfined compressive strength requirements for a
grout mixture will usually exceed 8,300 kPa (1,200 psi) at 28 days
and will range between 4,100 and 5,500 kPa (600 and 800 psi) at
7 days. This strength profile for grouts differentiates them from
flowable fill materials inasmuch as the flowable fill definition (or
controlled low strength material) sets an unconfined compressive
strength limit of 8,300 kPa (1,200 psi) at 28 days. Furthermore,
the relatively small size of the void filled with the grout mixture
further differentiates this application from the larger voids where
the lower strength flowable fills are utilized.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Equipment. In the past, most grouting/stabilization contractors
used batch mixers and bagged materials. Today's contractors
use very mobile, self-contained units that carry all the
equipment and materials needed for slab stabilization. The dry
materials are packaged in either uniform-volume bags or
measured by bulk weight.
A colloidal mixer is needed to produce the cement-fly ash grouts.
subbase, brief pressure rises (10 seconds or fewer) to 4,100 kPa
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
(600 psi) are not unusual. Allow the water displaced from
pavement system voids by the grout to flow freely. Take
appropriate measures to prevent excessive loss of the grout
through cracks and joints or in the shoulder area.
Opening to traffic. The time allowed before traffic can get back
on the grouted slabs varies considerably. Deflection
measurements taken after slab stabilization have shown that the
deflections are reduced over a period of 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Grout hardening depends on the temperature, degree of
confinement, and grout properties.
Pavement movements above the specified tolerances may require
grinding or even removal and replacement of the pavement.
Existing cracks in the pavement should be marked prior to
subsealing operations. New cracks radiating diagonally through
the grout injection holes typically will be presumed to have been
caused by improper injection techniques and could result in
penalties to the contractor or even removal and replacement of
the pavement.
Several new and important technologies are being
commercialized in the areas of fly ash beneficiation and utilization
to bring fly ash into conformance with current AASHTO and
ASTM specifications for use in concrete. As the fly ash utilization
industry has matured, quality control, quality assurance, and
improved product performance have increasingly become
important. Technologies have been commercialized to improve
and assure fly ash quality for conventional concrete applications.
Also, fly ash utilization technologies have been developed to
produce high performance concrete products.
Air classification. Classification systems that use air to separate
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
particles by size and weight are also used to retain the finer ash
fraction. Air classification may be performed on ash for the
removal of coarse particles or the selective concentration of fine
particles. In some instances, the products differ not only in
particle fineness, but also in carbon content. The type of carbon
removed by air classification is comprised of the coarse unburned
coal particles.
Chemical treatment/carbon modification. Residual carbon in
fly ash, as represented by the LOI value, is not the only factor
that may affect the performance of AEAs in concrete. Adsorption
of AEA due to the level and type of unburned carbon and
conductance due to the interaction of soluble ions from the trace
mineral components of the fly ash are also factors that interfere
with the performance of AEAs. Fly ash can be treated using a
chemical reagent to passivate the carbon adsorptive properties. In
this technology, carbon is not removed, but its effect on air
entrainment is minimized. The chemical treatment of fly ash for
carbon passivation is commercially available.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly ash blends (Class C and Class F). Both AASHTO M 295
(ASTM C 618) Class C and Class F fly ashes have their own
specific advantages when used as a cementitious material in
concrete. Table 10-2 summarizes some general properties of
concrete made with Class C and Class F fly ashes. It may be ideal
to have a fly ash with a low to moderate LOI and that can be used
to prepare a concrete that is very effective in resisting ASR, sulfate
attack, and at the same time have high early strengths. One way
to achieve that is to blend Class C and Class F fly ashes. The
exact ratio of the blend will depend upon the specific fly ashes and
their desired behavior in concrete. An example of fly ash blend
mix design is shown in Table 10-3. Blended fly ashes are being
marketed on a small scale in the United States.
Developments in Fly Ash Utilization
Table 10-3. Example mix designs incorporating Class C and
Class F blend.
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Conversion Factors
1 inch 2.54 cm
1 foot 0.305 m
1 pound 0.436 kg
°C 5/9 (° F - 32°)
°F 9/5 (° C + 32°)
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
ACI 229R, Controlled Low Strength Materials, American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
NRMCA Flowable Fill Pamphlet, National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association.
Soil and Pavement Base Stabilization with Self-Cementing Coal Fly Ash,
American Coal Ash Association, Alexandria, Virginia,
May 1999.
Fly Ash for Soil Improvement, Geotechnical Special Publication No.
36, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, New
York, 1993.
Guidelines and Guide Specifications for Using Pozzolanic Stabilized
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers
ASTM E 1861, Structural Guide for the Use of Coal Combustion By-
Products in Structural Fills, American Society for Testing
and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Technical Advisory T 5080.9, Use of Coal Ash in Embankments
and Bases, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, DC, May 1988.
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.
Standard Method of Test, Mineral Filler for Bituminous
Paving Mixtures, AASHTO Designation M17-83, Part 1
Specifications, 14th Edition, 1986.
L. Allen Cooley, Jr. and Michael H. Huner. Evaluation of Fly Ash
Sources for Use as Mineral Filler in Hot Mix Asphalt,
Proceedings: 14th International Symposium on
Management and Use of Coal Combustion Products,
Volume 2, Palo Alto, California, January 2001.
Guidelines for Materials, Production, and Placement of Stone Matrix
Asphalt, National Asphalt Pavement Association,
Information Series 118, August 1994.