CSTEP Electric Buses in India Report 2016
CSTEP Electric Buses in India Report 2016
CSTEP Electric Buses in India Report 2016
Electric Buses in India:
Technology, Policy and Benefits
Copyright © (August) 2016
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The report should be referenced as follows: Global Green Growth Institute and Center for Study of
Science, Technology and Policy (2015). Electric Buses in India: Technology, Policy and Benefits, GGGI,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Text from this report can be quoted provided the source is acknowledged.
This report is based on close collaboration between Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and Center
for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP, Bengaluru). The contents were drafted by the
technical team of CSTEP Bengaluru - Ganeshprasad Pavaskar, Anantha Lakshmi Paladugula, Vivek
Vaidyanathan, Dr Mridula Dixit Bharadwaj, Sujaya Rathi, and CSTEP researchers Sonali Anusree, Ashish
Nigam, Tanmay Sarkar, Amit Mookerjee and Dr Parveen Kumar with inputs from GGGI project team
composed of Dr Prasoon Agarwal (Program Manager), Siddarthan Balasubramania (Country Head-
India), Ankit Singhvi, Ram Prakash and Swati Sharma. The project team is grateful to the
Communication and Policy Engagement team of CSTEP for their editorial support. The team would like
to thank Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) - Managing Director, Dr Ekroop Caur
for support and guidance. This initiative would not have been successful without the constant support
and leadership provided by Professor B.K. Chandrashekar, Chairman, Bengaluru Climate Change
Initiative-Karnataka (BCCI-K).
1. Electric Vehicle in a Broader Public Transport Shift......................................................................... 12
1.1. Increasing Motorization in India ........................................................................................... 12
1.2. Transport Scenario Projections for India .............................................................................. 14
1.3. Avoid–Shift–Improve (ASI) Framework................................................................................. 15
1.4. Effective Interventions .......................................................................................................... 16
2. Electric Vehicle Technology ............................................................................................................. 18
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 General Technology Landscape ............................................................................................ 18
Comparison of Electric Vehicles versus Diesel and CNG.................................................................. 18
Classification of EV segments........................................................................................................... 21
Model-specific Data ......................................................................................................................... 33
Assessment Framework Parameters ............................................................................................... 34
2.3 Battery and Charging Infrastructure ..................................................................................... 39
Storage for Electric Transportation: Battery .................................................................................... 39
Battery Technologies for EV ............................................................................................................. 40
Battery Management System (BMS)................................................................................................ 42
Charging Infrastructure: Technology Landscape ............................................................................. 42
Charging Technologies ..................................................................................................................... 43
Types of Charging and Battery Swapping ........................................................................................ 45
Components of a charging point system ......................................................................................... 46
EV charging: Impact on Grid ............................................................................................................ 47
3. Impacts and Benefits........................................................................................................................ 49
3.1 Air Quality ............................................................................................................................. 49
3.2 Noise ..................................................................................................................................... 51
3.3 Energy Security ..................................................................................................................... 54
3.4 Jobs ....................................................................................................................................... 56
4. Policy Landscape .............................................................................................................................. 57
4.1 National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020....................................................... 57
4.2 Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME)......................................... 58
4.3 National Green Tribunal (NGT) ............................................................................................. 59
4.4 Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)/Star Ratings .................................................................... 59
4.5 National Auto Fuel Policy, 2003, Auto Fuel Vision & Policy, 2025 ........................................ 60
4.6 National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP)/Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
(JNNURM) ......................................................................................................................................... 60
4.7 Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)/ National Heritage City
Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)/Smart City Mission (SCM) ............................... 61
5. Electric Vehicles – Technology Trends and Challenges .................................................................... 63
5.1. Hype Cycle Analysis for Electric Vehicles Technology........................................................... 63
5.2. Hybrid Bus Deployment ........................................................................................................ 64
5.3. Battery Electric Bus Deployment .......................................................................................... 65
5.4. Costs of BE Buses .................................................................................................................. 67
5.5. Charging Infrastructure for BE Buses .................................................................................... 69
5.6. Challenges for BE Buses ........................................................................................................ 71
6. References ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Table of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Share of buses in India ............................................................................................................. 13
Table 1.2 Average journey speeds in Indian cities ................................................................................... 14
Table 2.1 Equipment comparison between a diesel bus and a BE bus.................................................... 20
Table 2.2 General comparison of four types of buses ............................................................................. 20
Table 2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of an s-HEV ............................................................................ 23
Table 2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of p-HEVs ............................................................................... 25
Table 2.5 Advantages and disadvantages of a series–parallel HEV ......................................................... 26
Table 2.6 Advantages and disadvantages of a PHEV ............................................................................... 28
Table 2.7 Advantages and disadvantages a of BEV.................................................................................. 29
Table 2.8 Summarized Comparison of p-HEV, HEV, and BEV .................................................................. 30
Table 2.9 Components and distribution of energy losses in a diesel bus and a BE bus .......................... 30
Table 2.10 Example of a populated table for a framework of analysis ................................................... 34
Table 2.11 Diesel and electric bus key parameter comparison ............................................................... 38
Table 2.12 Summary of various battery systems with composition and performance characteristics... 41
Table 2.13 Comparison of conductive and inductive charging technologies .......................................... 44
Table 2.14 Comparison among types of charging and battery swapping................................................ 45
Table 3.1 PM pollution standards in India ............................................................................................... 50
Table 3.2 Effects of noise on health – monetary values .......................................................................... 54
Table 4.1 Potential adoption of EVs in India by 2020 .............................................................................. 57
Table 4.2EVs - incentives in INR ............................................................................................................... 59
Table 5.1 Trade-off between DoD and the life of the battery ................................................................. 68
Table 5.2 List of models and vendors available in India .......................................................................... 69
Table 5.3 Total number of charging stations (EVSE) in various cities ...................................................... 70
Table 5.4 Charging standards for EVSE in Europe .................................................................................... 71
Abbreviations and Acronyms
NGT National Green Tribunal
Ni–Cd Nickel–Cadmium
Ni–MH Nickel–Metal Hydride
Ni–Zn Nickel–Zinc
NMVOC Non-methane Volatile Organic Compound
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NUTP National Urban Transport Policy
NYCT New York City Transit
OBD On-board Diagnostics
OCV Open-Circuit Voltage
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
p-HEV Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PM Particulate Matter
PM-DC Permanent Magnet-based motors
PV Photovoltaic
ROI Return on Investment
SAE Society for Automotive Engineers
SCM Smart City Mission
s-HEV Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle
SMG Seoul Metropolitan Government
SoC State of Charge
SPV Special-Purpose Vehicles
SRM Switched Reluctance Motor
SRTU State Road Transport Undertaking
TAP Type Approval and Conformity of Production
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TfL Transport for London
TOD Transit-Oriented Development
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USD United States Dollars
WHO World Health Organization
Executive Summary
Over the past decade, India’s cities have been witnessing an increasing trend in motorization with
deteriorating air quality, and there have been calls to promote public transport as a way out of this gridlock. It
is in this context that electric buses can play a positive role, as there are several benefits associated with the
shift from conventional diesel buses to electric buses in terms of reduction in local pollution, noise, and fuel
consumption. In spite of the many positive benefits related to the electric bus technology, certain challenges
remain. Primary among these are costs and safety concerns. Currently, the Electric Vehicle (EV) technology is
associated with significant capital costs, with the battery component constituting about half of the total
manufacturing costs. Safety is yet another important parameter, and the biggest concern is that of a fire
hazard. However, with a good Battery Management System (BMS), rigorous implementation of standard
operating procedures, and customization of bus fleet, both safety and cost aspects can be effectively
addressed. Electric buses have already been deployed on a large scale globally, and the technology is mature
and evolving continuously.
The current policy climate in India is rightly addressing the challenges of electric buses, providing an
environment to accelerate their adoption and implementation. However, like any new technology, policy
implementers, such as State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs), need a better understanding of the
technology and policy landscape, along with a robust assessment of the benefits. In this context, the current
report aims to serve as a reference document for adoption of electric buses in the Indian context, assessing
their benefits and summarizing the policy and technology landscape. The first chapter of this report sets the
context by stressing on the role that public transport can play in Indian cities to reduce the issues of
congestion and pollution. In this context, this chapter emphasizes the need to adopt the Avoid–Shift–Improve
(ASI) framework for achieving alternative mobility solutions and sustainable transportation systems. The
second chapter of the report details current EV technology, specifically pure EVs. It lists the characteristics,
pros and cons, and other technical aspects related to the EV technology. The third chapter of the report
focuses on the benefits such as reduction in local air pollution, reduction in noise level, energy security, and
the job creation potential that can be accrued on account of a shift to electric buses. The fourth chapter of the
report provides details of various policies such as the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP), Faster
Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME), etc., instituted by the central government to
promote the adoption of the EV technology. Chapter five of the report details the electric bus technology
trends, including worldwide deployment, and safety issues with ways to address these.
1. Electric Vehicle in a Broader Public
Transport Shift
1.1. Increasing Motorization in India
The total number of registered motor vehicles in India has increased rapidly over the past decade (2001–
2011), from 55 million in 2001 to 142 million in 2011. This increase is represented in Figure 1.1. The
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of registered motor vehicles was 10% against a population CAGR of
2% during 2001–2011. Of the total registered vehicles, two wheelers and cars contributed approximately 83%
in 2012 (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 2012b).
Figure 1.1 Total registered vehicles in India
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Urbanization, increase in per capita income, lack of reliable public transport services, etc., are some of the
important casual factors that have influenced the rapid motorization rates. The growth rates of population
and registered vehicles are different for various categories of cities in India. Mumbai and Kolkata are some of
the few cities in India that were planned based on a public transport network, and, hence, they have lower
motorization rates. The National Urban Transport Policy, 2006, emphasized the need to prioritize the
development of public transport and non-motorized transport in various urban areas to reduce motorization
rates and promote sustainable transport. Rapid motorization has led to several impacts on various sectors,
some of which are listed below.
Rapid motorization has resulted in an increase in vehicle ownership along with a decrease in public transport
shares, increase in accidents, increased consumption of petroleum products and increase in air pollution.
Figure 1.2 shows the vehicle ownership per 1,000 populations in various cities in India. It can be observed that
there is an evident change in vehicle ownership levels in 2011 as compared with 2001 levels.
Figure 1.2 Vehicles per 1,000 populations in various Indian cities
The number of buses registered in 2011 was approximately 1.1% of the total number of registered vehicles,
whereas the number of buses per capita was approximately 1,325 per million people in India. The share of
buses in the total number of registered vehicles between 1951 and 2011 is given in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Share of buses in India
The ease of access and direct point-to-point connectivity provided by private modes of transport such as two
wheelers and cars have resulted in an increase in the number of per capita trips and long-distance trips. The
increase in transport demand and motorization rates is much higher than the infrastructure supply. This has
resulted in the utilization of road space by vehicles beyond the carrying capacity (of these roads), resulting in
congestion during peak hours. The average speed in major cities in India is in the range of 15–18 kmph (which
is equivalent to cycling speed – 15 kmph) as shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Average journey speeds in Indian cities
Ahmedabad 15
Bengaluru 18
Chennai 15
Delhi 15
Hyderabad 15
Kolkata 18
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 2012b)
Rapid motorization combined with poorly planned infrastructure has resulted in an increase in the number of
accidents and fatalities occurring every year. Figure 1.3 indicates the number of road fatalities per million
populations, which has increased drastically from 27 in 1970 to 118 in 2011.
Figure 1.3 Traffic fatalities in India
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2011
Figure 1.4 Annual crude oil use andCO2 emissions
If the share of private vehicles remains the same, this growth in the transport sector will result in the annual
crude oil use to double by 2021 and almost quadruple by 2031 (Scenario 1, henceforth referred to as “Business
as Usual” or BAU) as can be seen from
Figure 1.4. This raises serious concerns about India’s energy security. CO 2 emissions will also rise at similar
rates. In addition, dependency on a diesel economy would likely result in increased Particulate Matter (PM)
emissions, leading to increased rates of illnesses. A study conducted by the World Bank estimates that there is
currently a loss of about 1.2% of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to air pollution (World Bank 2013).
Figure 1.5 Avoid–Shift–Improve Approach
The “Avoid/Reduce” component refers to the need for improved efficiency of transport systems. It aims to
address energy use and emissions in the sector by slowing travel growth (or the need to travel) and reducing
trip lengths via integrated land-use planning and travel demand management. Discouraging sprawl through
minimum-density thresholds and prioritizing dense urban cores through Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
are some of the initiatives that can be used to achieve land-use integration. Similarly, demand management
initiatives such as parking reform and road pricing, tools that focus on improving travel flow (e.g., advanced
traffic signal control and real-time travel information), and virtual mobility programs (e.g., tele-working) can
also be included to avoid travel.
The “Shift” component seeks to encourage a modal shift from motorized travel to more environment-friendly
and energy-efficient modes. This can be achieved by promoting non-motorized (walking and cycling) and
public transport. Initiatives to increase seamless, frequent and affordable public transport systems will lower
the associated emissions per passenger-kilometer traveled, as well as reduce congestion while improving
access and travel time.
The “Improve” component mainly focuses on technology improvements or advancements to achieve higher
vehicle and fuel efficiency. This component includes stringent standards for fuel economy (removal of fuel
subsidies and implementation of vehicle registration fees) and advanced vehicle technology penetration [clean
diesel freight vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), etc.]. The Improve component also includes
initiatives to optimize the transport infrastructure.
The ASI framework also makes important contributions toward climate change. It provides a synergy between
climate change mitigation and adaptation by developing transport strategies for highly efficient transport
systems (mitigation), while making the transport system resilient to climate change (adaptation).
Effective interventions at the city level require that project implementers understand the drive cycle for
battery sizing so that the requirements are not over-engineered. This would ensure that electric buses are
cost-effective. Similarly, pure electric buses with zero tail-pipe emissions offer a unique opportunity to reduce
pollution at a given location, thereby contributing positively to health indicators as well.
Policies such as the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP), Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
Electric Vehicles in India (FAME), Smart City Mission and other similar schemes are unique opportunities for
city bus corporations to fund the acquisition of electric bus fleets.
In the recent past, there have been certain positive examples in the use of EVs for mass transport. In Agra, a
zero-emission corridor was initiated to reduce vehicular air pollution by restricting the movement of
conventional vehicles within a radius of 1.5 km around the Taj Mahal. To support this initiative, Maximo
electric vans with a seating capacity of seven are being promoted by the Agra Development Authority (ADA)
for last-mile connectivity (2 km). Prior to this initiative, the ADA supported 12 “Electravan” battery-powered
vehicles developed by Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL). In 2001, the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) along with Bajaj Auto Limited and other local partners initiated the
development of EVs (three-wheelers) and their use in Agra under the India Zero Emission Transportation (IZET)
2. Electric Vehicle Technology
2.1 Introduction
EVs are powered by electricity and propelled by traction motors. In conventional vehicles, Internal Combustion
Engines (ICEs) and fossil fuels are used instead of traction motors and an electricity source. EVs can use electric
energy from on-board sources such as a battery or an electricity generator connected to the ICE, or off-vehicle
energy sources such as overhead lines. EVs have applications in road and rail transportation, surface and
underwater transport, and electric aircrafts.
The Global EV Outlook report, published by the Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI) , estimates that the global EV
stock in 2014 was more than 6,65,000 vehicles, while the annual sales number for EVs was 113,000 in 2013.
The report also concluded that overall EV sales are growing rapidly – 70% growth in 2013 and 53% growth in
2014. The percentage share of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) in the total number of EVs sold is increasing
every year – 49% in 2012, 54% in 2013 and 57% in 2014 (Clean Energy Ministerial, Electric Vehicles Initiative,
and International Energy Agency 2013). China is currently operating 36,500 electric buses as compared with a
negligible number of electric buses in India (Electric Vehicles Initiative and International Energy Agency 2015).
A shift to an electric bus fleet necessitates an understanding of the technology. The design of an electric bus
and the necessary infrastructure depend on the application scenarios. The battery size depends on the drive
cycle, terrain features and other operating conditions. The battery system preference depends on the
operating conditions of the vehicle. The cost is determined by the bus and the battery size, battery type and
carrying capacity. Thus, having a fundamental understanding of the technology landscape and application
scenarios is important. Understanding future developments and industry expectations will give a sense of the
direction in which the electric bus sector is heading.
This chapter covers technical details related to electric buses (mainly BEVs), specifically the aspects of battery
technology, including the grid and charging infrastructure necessary to power and maintain a pure electric bus
fleet. It discusses the general technology landscape, technology trends and challenges. The general technology
landscape section showcases a comparison matrix among four segments: Diesel, CNG, Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(HEV) and BEV. This is followed by the classification of EVs by type, including the advantages and
disadvantages of each category. Subsequently, details of the main components of BEVs are provided. In
addition, the types of batteries along with the parameters affecting their performance are discussed. The
chapter also includes sub-sections on battery sizing and Battery Management System (BMS). In a later section,
technology trends have been summarized, wherein past rollouts have been evaluated to identify the successes
and failures along with a mapping of global best practices. Technical advances in BEVs have also been
discussed in the same section. The key challenges associated with the different sectors of the electric bus
technology have been described, along with challenges faced by the battery technology in relation to BMS,
performance, temperature endurance and durability. At the end of this technology assessment chapter, a list
of electric bus vendors has been provided.
The Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI), a forum that draws its membership from 16 member countries, seeks to deploy 20 million EVs by
in this chapter. They have been further categorized into two segments each: Diesel and CNG, and HEV and
BEV. While this chapter analyzes the deployment of buses, it is to be noted that India does not have petrol-
based bus models; it uses either diesel or CNG buses for transport operations. India has deployed a few
electric buses, which consist of hybrid buses and Battery Electric (BE) buses.
Vehicle segment terminology: Since this chapter is focused on the bus segment, the following terms have been
used interchangeably:
The external features of the BE bus design are similar to those of an ICE bus. The main difference is that BE
buses do not have a tail pipe. However, the internal design of the components is moderately different among
ICEV, HEV and BEV buses. According to California’s Advanced Transportation Consortium, up to 70% of the
components of an electric bus can be different from those of an ICE bus (Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity,
n.d.). Diesel and CNG buses have almost similar components. Diesel, CNG and hybrid electric vehicles have a
distinct feature; all of them have a fuel tank, which is absent in BEVs. Diesel and CNG buses have only one
energy source, ICE, which uses diesel and CNG as fuel, respectively. A hybrid bus contains both an ICE and a
battery pack with an electric motor.
It is well established in the literature that the use of BEVs will bring down the overall Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions (IEA 2012). This can be attributed to the following aspects:
However, the prices of EVs are much higher than that of ICEVs (Delucchi 2001)(Noel and McCormack 2014).
This is mainly attributed to battery costs, the complex design of powertrain systems and nascent technology.
Since HEVs are powered by an ICE and a battery with an electric motor, they cost the most among the four
vehicle segments.
The number of moving parts in a BE bus is less than those in diesel and CNG buses. On the other hand, HEVs
have more moving parts, making their design more complicated amongst the four vehicle segments.
Therefore, diesel, CNG and hybrid buses have higher maintenance requirements as compared with those of BE
buses (Noel and McCormack 2014). The types of maintenance in diesel buses include frequent oil changes,
filter replacements, periodic tune ups, exhaust system repairs, water pump, fuel pump and alternator
replacements, etc. The maintenance requirement for hybrid buses can be similar, or higher, than those of
diesel and CNG buses (Noel and McCormack 2014).
BE buses have controllers and chargers, which manage the power and stored energy levels in the battery.
These are electronic devices without any moving parts, and, hence, they require little or no maintenance. The
Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) that are used in electric buses require minimal maintenance (Albright, Edie, and Al-
Hallaj 2012). Battery replacement is one type of maintenance, which is undertaken once every few years. New
R&D advancements aim to make batteries co-terminus with the service life of a bus. Battery charging, which is
similar to refueling, is not considered maintenance work, even though it contributes to significant downtime in
bus operations. In developed electricity markets, due to a Time of Usage (ToU) tariff policy, off-peak charging
allows the application of lowest utility rates (M.J. Bradley & Associates LLC, n.d.). The total cost of operating a
Henceforth, BE bus will refer to pure electric buses.
BE bus is less as compared with ICE buses due to low maintenance, cheap power and high fuel efficiency.
However, high initial capital costs in the form of bus price and charging infrastructure make BE buses
expensive. Therefore, the majority of the costs in the total cost of operations of BE buses are depreciation and
financing costs (interest on loan). Similarly, the majority of the cost in the total cost of operations of ICEV
buses is fuel costs (Global Green Growth Institute 2014).
Table 2.1 Equipment comparison between a diesel bus and a BE bus
Electronic power
Alternator Power supply to accessories
According to a study that compared modern CNG, diesel and diesel hybrid-electric transport buses, diesel and
CNG buses exhibit equivalent overall drivetrain efficiency. Diesel-hybrid buses show better performance, with
7%–44% higher fuel economy than diesel and CNG buses at slow and medium speeds. However, the fuel
economy for a hybrid bus is reported to be the same, or lower, than that of a diesel bus at high speeds. The
majority of city transport buses (90%) operate at slow or medium speeds (M.J. Bradley & Associates LLC, n.d.).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014).
(Noel and McCormack 2014).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014; “Tata LPO 1613 CNG (Bus/CHS), ₹ 16,09,000” 2015).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014; Truckaurbus.com 2015).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014).
(M.J. Bradley & Associates LLC, n.d.).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014).
(Electricity Supply Company Ltd 2014).
(MyPetrolPrice.com 2015).
Fuel cost per km is calculated using fuel efficiency and fuel tariff.
Low (equal CO2,
13 Low (less CO2, SOx,
Emissions Zero (local) less SOx, NOx and High (baseline)
NOx and NMHC)
14 Minimum (at slow
Noise Low (at slow speeds) High High (baseline)
High Moderate Low Low
Major cost
Depreciation and Depreciation and
share in Fuel Fuel
15 financing cost financing cost
Maintenance Lowest High High High
ICE propulsion
EV propulsion
system, EV ICE propulsion ICE propulsion
propulsion system, system, system,
Components transmission, battery transmission, transmission, ,
battery charging
charging system, power power
system, power
power accessories, accessories, body accessories, body
accessories, body
Classification of EV segments
As mentioned in the earlier section, electric buses are categorized in two segments: BE buses and hybrid-
electric buses. BE buses, also known as fully electric buses, have an electric propulsion system, which consists
of a battery and an electric motor connected to the driveshaft. The energy required to propel the vehicle is
provided solely by the battery. A hybrid bus has two types of energy sources in its powertrain – a conventional
ICE and a battery with a traction motor connected to the driveshaft. This makes hybrid buses heavy and
Hybrid buses are further classified into the following segments according to their drivetrain configuration:
parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (p-HEV), series Hybrid Electric Vehicle (s-HEV) and series–parallel HEV. A p-HEV
can use both propulsion systems either simultaneously, or separately use ICE propulsion for acceleration and
high speeds and electric propulsion at steady cruising speeds. In an s-HEV, the ICE generates energy, which is
converted to electricity, which is applied to propel the vehicle and also to charge the battery. A series–parallel
HEV has a powertrain designed in such a way that it can act as an s-HEV and/or a p-HEV at multiple driving
Plug-in-type electric vehicles have two variants, BEV and p-HEV. All segments of electric buses, which feature
kinetic energy recovery systems, improve the energy efficiency (MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008)(Environment
and Energy Study Institute 2001). The general technology classification is shown in the following diagram
(Figure 2.1).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014; International Energy Agency 2012).
(Verheijen and Jabben 2010).
(Global Green Growth Institute 2014).
Figure 2.1 Classification of EVs
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001; MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008; Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
Figure 2.2 Schematic of an s-HEV
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001; MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008; Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
In long-range drives (e.g., highway conditions) or at constant-speed drives, the fuel efficiency of an s-HEV
decreases due to additional energy conversions. These consist of conversions of mechanical to electric energy
in the generator, electric to chemical energy in the battery, and electric to mechanical in the electric motor.
However, at slow speeds or in frequent stop-and-go traffic, energy is not wasted due to the regenerative
braking mechanism. In the regenerative braking mechanism, the energy wasted in deceleration is stored in
the battery. Therefore, an s-HEV has better utility in city-driving conditions.
Table 2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of an s-HEV
Advantages Disadvantages
Transmission system design is simple Total weight and costs of vehicle are high
Narrow RPM range for ICE (simple ICE design) Energy efficiency is low in long-distance drives
s-HEVs can have multiple modes of operations, according to their speed and acceleration patterns. It can
operate in seven different modes:
1. Engine-only traction
2. Electric-only traction
3. Hybrid traction
4. Engine traction and battery charging
5. Battery charging and no traction
6. Regenerative braking
7. Hybrid battery charging.
The component list includes an ICE propulsion system, an EV propulsion system, battery charging, power
accessories, body design and transmission.
The majority of the components of an s-HEV are similar to those in diesel or CNG buses. The additional
components include a battery and battery charging-related components such as a motor/generator, a BMS,
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001)(MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008)(Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
In long-range or constant-speed drives, fuel efficiency does not decrease because all the energy generated in
the ICE is directly fed to the wheels of the vehicle. Due to the absence of multiple energy conversions, a p-HEV
has good fuel efficiency at high speeds. At slow speeds, i.e., in frequent stop-and-go kind of urban traffic,
energy is wasted in direct power transmission from the ICE to wheels. In the regenerative braking mechanism,
the energy wasted in deceleration is stored in the battery. This increases the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.
Therefore, a p-HEV has better utility under highway driving conditions. The main difference between plug-in
type of p-HEV and a normal p-HEV is the battery-size requirement, with a plug-in p-HEV requiring a bigger
battery pack.
Table 2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of p-HEVs
Advantages Disadvantages
Battery and engine are smaller in size, and, System design is complicated due to two power transmission
therefore, less expensive than s-HEVs paths
Energy efficiency is high in long-distance
Broad RPM range for ICE (expensive ICE design)
Energy efficiency is low in stop-and-go traffic
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001)(MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008)(Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
p-HEVs can have multiple modes of operations, according to speed and acceleration patterns. A p-HEV can
operate in five different modes:
1. Engine-only traction
2. Electric-only traction
3. Hybrid traction
4. Regenerative braking
5. Battery charging from the engine.
The component list includes an ICE propulsion system, an EV propulsion system, battery charging, power
accessories, body design and transmission.
The majority of the components are the same as those in diesel or CNG buses. Additional components are
battery and battery charging-related components such as motor/generator, battery management system, etc.
The controllers need to be designed such that the system of motors and generators can charge the batteries
using the gearing device or the power-split device. It can charge the battery even when the ICE is in propulsion
Figure 2.4 presents the schematic of power generation and transmission in series–parallel HEVs. The
motor/generator is also used to recharge the battery during deceleration and braking. The amount of energy
that can be stored in the battery is similar to that in s-HEVs. Therefore, series–parallel hybrids have bigger
battery packs than p-HEVs. Controllers manage the driveability and performance of the vehicle through
efficient coupling of the motor/generator and the ICE. These series–parallel HEVs are also called complex
hybrids because the powertrain design is the most complex. They are the most expensive among all the HEVs.
Figure 2.4 Schematic of a series–parallel (complex) hybrid electric vehicle
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001; MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008; Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
Application of series–parallel hybrid buses: both fast and slow traffic (highway and city drive).
In long-range or constant-speed drives, fuel efficiency does not decrease because all the energy from the ICE is
directly fed to the wheels of the vehicle. At slow speeds, i.e., in stop-and-go kind of traffic, energy is not
wasted because the “electric-only” mode takes over. Therefore, series–parallel HEVs are fuel-efficient in both
slow and fast traffic. Series-parallel HEVs can have multiple modes of operations according to speed and
acceleration patterns. It can operate in all modes that s-HEVs and p-HEVs operate.
Table 2.5 Advantages and disadvantages of a series–parallel HEV
Advantages Disadvantages
Smaller, lighter and efficient ICE design Very complicated design
Maximum flexibility to switch between electric and Multiple conversions lead to a lower efficiency at
ICE power particular driving modes
More expensive than s-HEVs
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001)(MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008)(Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
The component list includes an ICE propulsion system, an EV propulsion system, battery charging, power
accessories, body design and transmission.
The majority of the components are the same as in diesel or CNG buses. Additional components are battery
and battery charging-related components such as motor/generator, battery management system, etc.
be fuel-independent for shorter daily transport and also for long-distance trips by switching to the ICE mode.
PHEVs can be of any hybrid configuration, i.e., series HEV, parallel HEV and complex HEV configurations.
Figure 2.5 shows the schematic of the power generation and transmission in parallel PHEVs. Figure 2.6 is the
schematic of power generation and transmission in series–parallel PHEVs. The well-to-wheel efficiency and
emissions of PHEVs are higher than that of fuel-based vehicles (International Energy Agency 2012). The
efficiency also depends on the energy source used to create electricity.
Figure 2.5 Schematic of a parallel PHEV
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001)(MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008)(Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
(Environment and Energy Study Institute 2001)(MIT Electric Vehicle Team 2008), (Wroclaw University of Technology 2011)
Table 2.6 Advantages and disadvantages of a PHEV
Advantages Disadvantages
Application of PHEVs: both fast and slow traffic (both intra- and intercity traffic).
In a long-range drive or in constant-speed drive, fuel efficiency does not decrease because the energy from the
ICE can be fed directly to the wheels. At slow speeds, i.e., in stop-and-go traffic, energy is not wasted because
the “electric-only” mode takes over. Therefore, a PHEV is efficient in both slow and fast traffic. PHEVs can have
multiple modes of operations, according to speed and acceleration patterns. It can operate in all modes that
normal HEVs operate. Some automobile experts believe that PHEVs will soon become a standard/commercial
technology in the automobile industry. PHEVs perform better and store electricity more efficiently using
batteries than cars that use hydrogen fuel cells. The traction power efficiency is about 17% in hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles and 68% in PHEVs (Wroclaw University of Technology 2011).
The component list includes an ICE propulsion system, an EV propulsion system, battery charging, power
accessories, body design and transmission.
The majority of the components are the same as in diesel or CNG buses. Additional components are battery
and battery charging-related components such as motor/generator, battery management system, etc.
Figure 2.7 Schematic of BEVs
(Delucchi 2001)
The current generation of BEVs has a lower range (distance covered in-between charges) due to battery
limitations. After the predetermined range is covered, BEVs cannot be refueled in minutes like conventional
vehicles; this leads to range anxiety issues. The current charging time is about 5 h for typical BEVs. This limits
its long-range transport applications. Therefore, BE buses have better utility in city-drive conditions. State-of-
the-art LIBs require significant improvement in relation to energy density to meet the light-weighting aspects
of EVs. Moreover, the battery is the biggest component of the total cost of these vehicles.
Table 2.7 Advantages and disadvantages a of BEV
Advantages Disadvantages
Table 2.8 Summarized Comparison of p-HEV, HEV, and BEV
Advantages Battery requirement is Electricity used from grid, Electricity used from grid,
small, can be customized enables higher enables higher
for different operational renewable energy renewable energy
applications, low penetration, low penetration, highest
refueling time refueling time well-to-wheel efficiency
According to a study by Aalto University, a diesel bus has more energy distribution losses than an electric bus
(Lajunen 2015). Therefore, a BE bus is more efficient in terms of a well-to-wheel efficiency comparison. After
considering conversion and transmission losses, electric buses showcase more energy efficiency overall,
especially in stop-and-go traffic, where regenerative braking minimizes energy wastes. Table 2.9 represents
the quantum of energy losses in diesel and BE buses. The energy consumption of a diesel bus is determined to
be 3.64 kWh/km and that of a BE bus to be 1.02 kWh/km (weight of the buses being 14,250 kg) (Lajunen
Table 2.9 Components and distribution of energy losses in a diesel bus and a BE bus
Aerodynamic losses 90 90
(Lajunen 2015)
BEV also shows much better traction power efficiency than a fuel cell-based EV (Wroclaw University of
Technology 2011). Figure 2.8 shows the efficiency losses and the overall efficiency of a Lancer Evolution MIEV,
which is a BEV model, and a Mercedes NECAR 3, which is fuel cell-based EV.
Figure 2.8 Efficiency of a BEV (on the left) vs. a fuel cell EV (on the right)
BE bus components are divided into four major parts: an EV propulsion system, battery charging, power
accessories and body design, which include the following sub-parts:
Figure 2.9 shows the energy flow diagram of a typical BEV. Due to the provision of regenerative braking, the
power flow is reversible, i.e., from battery to motor to wheels in the case of acceleration and in the reverse
direction in the case of deceleration. The components are represented in various blocks.
Body design – The body design parameters specified by vendors in the specification sheet include length,
width, height, wheelbase, turning radius, drag coefficient, rolling coefficient, weight and seating capacity.
These concepts are explained in detail in the model-specific comparison in the following section. These
parameters are taken into account by the manufacturer to optimize performance and reduce costs. The shape
of the bus should be aerodynamic to save energy and attain good speeds. The battery is the heaviest
component of the bus and to increase the drive range, heavier battery packs are needed. Therefore, weight
savings in other components are achieved through optimized design. Vehicle safety is one of the most
important considerations in body design.
Electric propulsion system – Motors are the most important parts of the electric propulsion system. Motors
produce mechanical energy from electrical energy to propel the vehicle. The electric motors in the vehicle are
also called traction motors. There are two basic types of electric motors – DC induction and Permanent
Magnet-based motors (PM-DC).
PM-DC motors do not have windings on the stator. Instead, they use permanent magnets for magnetic field
generation. For better performance, high-energy magnets based on rare-earth metals are utilized. Because of
the large size requirement of the magnets and the supply vulnerability associated with rare-earth materials,
PM-DC motors are becoming unattractive. The most basic type of DC induction motors use brushes to supply
electricity to the rotor part of the motor. Brushes are subject to wear and tear, and they need to be replaced
periodically. PM brushless-DC motors are being built by inverting the stator and rotor of PM-DC motors to
overcome this challenge.
Amongst brush DC motors, brushless DC motors and induction motors, induction motors exhibit the highest
efficiencies. Brushless DC and induction motors have longer service lives. The cost of brush DC motors is the
least among the three. Further, heat rejection in brush DC motors is the lowest. Therefore, they tend to
overheat. In brushless DC motors and induction motors, heat can be controlled with small fans (Dirjish 2012).
Both these motors provide constant torque at zero to base speeds. Therefore, they can utilize a single gear
ratio. In brush DC motors, torque drops with increasing speed. Therefore, it requires multiple gear ratios for
power transmission. As high reliability and maintenance-free operation are prime considerations in EV
propulsion, AC induction motors are becoming increasingly attractive. Tesla is using a three-phase AC
induction motor in their vehicles (“Roadster Technology,” 2015). DC brushless motors are currently dominating
the hybrid market. The induction motors will command high performance from the BEV market. In the future,
if HEVs become more electric-intensive, there will be a shift in the market from DC brushless motors to
induction motors (Rippel 2007).
According to a report, the total difference in operation costs between a PM-DC motor and a copper rotor
induction motor is USD 220–260 (assuming a lifetime of 120,000 miles and 10 years). This cost difference is of
little importance in the overall cost of an electric vehicle (Burwell, Goss, and Popescu 2013).
There is a new generation of motors known as the Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) in which the reluctance
torque drives the motor. An SRM has no brushes or permanent magnets. The power is delivered to the stator
rather than the rotor. The rotor has no windings or permanent magnets. Therefore, the mechanical design of
the motor is less complex than that of an induction motor. The torque is generated from misalignment
between the stator and rotor. However, in this type of motor, continuous switching between power receivers
makes the electrical design more complex.
Power Accessories: The design of the internal components depends on the o conditions. For example, the
design of the traction drive inverter is determined by the application’s specific drive cycle performance needs,
which in turn are affected by many variables such as operating temperature, peak and continuous power, size
and weight. Performance enhancement in each of the variables increases costs. Thermal management keeps
the operating temperature within specified limits for the power electronics, usually by using a liquid coolant
and integrated cooling channels (Delucchi 2001)(Chan and Chau 1997a).
The selection of power devices for EV propulsion is generally based on the voltage and current rating
requirements, switching frequency, power loss and other battery-related parameters. The voltage rating
depends on the battery’s nominal voltage, maximum voltage in charging and maximum voltage during
regenerative braking. The current rating depends on the motor’s peak power rating and the number of
electrical devices connected in parallel. The switching frequency depends on parameters like drive cycle and
noise level. However, higher switching frequencies increase the switching losses (Chan and Chau 1997a).
Many auxiliary systems are dependent on the main battery pack to supply the necessary power. An auxiliary
power converter unit is used to convert the battery power into regulated power for all vehicle accessories,
such as power seats, power windows, power locks, brake, vacuum pumps, media systems, windshield,
headlamps, interiors lights, air bags, display, etc. Power converters include an insulated-gate bipolar transistor,
a static-induction transistor, a static-induction thyristor, etc.(Chan and Chau 1997b). In order to implement
modern control strategies, powerful microelectronic devices such as microprocessors, microcontrollers and
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are necessary. These electronic controllers are part of the power accessories.
Battery: Concepts related to the battery and battery charging infrastructure is explained in detail in Section
Model-specific Data
Manufacturer – manufacturers of electric buses can be domestic or foreign. Foreign bus models might cost
more than domestic models because of import duties and lack of incentives. Table 2.10 provides a detailed
list of important parameters to enable the selection of a particular electric bus model over other models. The
parameters are shown in comparison with a standard diesel bus.
Table 2.10 Example of a populated table for a framework of analysis
Hybrid Pure
Segment Diesel Buses CNG
Electric Bus Electric Bus
16 Tata STARBUS Tata STARBUS Tata Starbus 20
Volvo 8400 17 18 19 BYD K9
Model SLF 44 LE CNG 18 Hybrid
(AC) (AC)
(AC/non-AC) (AC/non-AC) (AC/non-AC)
Seats 32 44 18 32 31
Length 12.3 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
Width 2.5 m 2.5 m 2.55 m 2.55 m 2.55 m
Height 3.2 m 3.2 m 3.35 m 3.35 m 3.49 m
Gross weight 16,200 kg 16,200 kg 16,000 kg 16,200 kg 18,500 kg
Costs (INR) 88 lakhs 33 lakhs 30 lakhs 1.2–1.4 crores 2–3 crores
Fuel efficiency 2.2 km/L 3.5 km/L 2–3 km/kg 2.2–4km/kg 1.5 kWh/km
Fuel cost INR 23/km INR 15/km INR 13–19/km INR 10–17/km INR 10/km
Range (km) 484 560 260–390 286–520 249
Fuel tank size 220 L 160 L 720 L 720 L -
Charging time – – – – 3–6 h
230 BHP engine
Max power 290 BHP 177 BHP 230 BHP 180 kW
44 kW battery
Max torque 1,200 Nm 685 Nm 687 Nm 678 Nm 700 Nm
Li-ion Iron
Battery type – – – Li-ion batteries
(300 kWh)
Zero tail
Emission standard EURO III BS III BS IV EURO III
pipe emission
It is to be noted that this compilation does not include emission-related parameters, since an electric bus is a
zero-(local)-emission vehicle. The emissions that are associated with an electric bus come from the fuel burnt
to produce electricity for charging. In power plants, fuel is burnt more efficiently than in ICEs, and, therefore,
the overall fuel efficiency is more in an electric bus than a diesel bus(Nils-Olof Nylund, n.d.)
(“Volvo 8400 LF, ₹ 71,84,000” 2015).
(“Tata Starbus SLF 44” 2015).
(“Tata Starbus LE CNG 18, ₹ 30,17,000” 2015).
(“Tata Starbus CNG Electric Hybrid (LF/32),” n.d.).
(“BYDAuto” 2015).
Output parameters
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – this value is the Present Value of all future expenditure. TCO is equal to the
Present Value of capital cost plus the Present Value of operating costs. The major cost components of TCO are
fuel/electricity cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest cost, salvage value, etc.
Operating Costs (OCs) – the major cost components of OCs are fuel/electricity cost, maintenance cost, labor
costs, etc.
Manufacturer – manufacturers of electric buses can be domestic or foreign. Foreign bus models might cost
more than domestic models because of import duties and lack of incentives.
Width – wide vehicles might not be feasible in areas that have narrow roads. Width value relates to the terrain
data of the route in the assessment framework.
Height – low clearance especially in mountain roads due to trees and rocks might hamper the movement of
tall vehicles. Height value relates to the terrain data of the route in the assessment framework.
Wheelbase – wheelbase is the distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels. It is correlated with
the length of a bus and other design factors. The wheelbase of a bus determines its turning radius. Wheelbase
value relates to the terrain data of the route in the assessment framework.
Turning Radius – in hilly terrains, vehicles with greater turning radii might not be feasible due to the sharp
turning angles of the roads. The turning radius value relates to the terrain data of the route in the assessment
Drag Coefficient – the drag coefficient is the aerodynamic property of the bus and is dependent on the body
design. It affects the movement and stability of the vehicle at higher speeds, typically above 50 kmph.
Rolling Coefficient – rolling coefficient is related to the friction of the tires. At high altitudes, better friction is
required on the roads during snowfall. However, in urban areas, for a bus with the same rolling coefficient,
good roads and the absence of snowfall will lead to better performance.
Maximum Gradeability – this specification is calculated based on engine power, maximum output, and
maximum torque of engine and kerb weight. Maximum gradeablility is the maximum angle of slope the vehicle
is able to climb.
Weight – gross vehicle weight is equal to the carrying capacity (freight and passengers) plus the empty
vehicle’s weight. The gross vehicle weight will determine the energy requirement and operating costs, while
the gross axle weight rating will indicate the maximum weight that is supported by the axle.
Seating Capacity – higher seating capacity translates into higher revenues. This quantity is important to
determine the demand-and-supply equilibrium for traveling.
Engine Parameters
Maximum Power – maximum power refers to the quantum of power that can be drawn from the diesel engine
or battery in the case of electric buses. However, the battery is never operated at maximum power because of
safety requirements and the life of the battery. Limits on power rating are usually set by the manufacturers to
protect the battery system and optimize the design of systems.
Rated Power – rated power is the maximum power at which a battery can be operated. It is less than the
maximum power rating of the battery. Manufacturers provide a level of operating power under which the
equipment will not be damaged while allowing a certain safety margin. This terminology is usually not used in
diesel buses. The Rated Power value relates to the terrain and drive cycle of the route.
Maximum Torque – maximum torque is a measure of the work done by the energy used in rotating the output
shaft. This value relates to the terrain and drive cycle of the route in the assessment framework. If the terrain
has lot of slopes, a higher torque will be required.
Top Speed – it is the maximum speed a vehicle can attain. However, very high speed lowers the battery
efficiency (km/kWh), which reduces the ROI. High power is withdrawn from a battery to achieve higher speeds,
which causes capacity fading in the battery, especially in the context of highway-driving conditions.
Bus Mileage – for diesel buses, mileage is measured in kilometers per liter. For electric buses, mileage is
measured in kilometers per kWh. It is also called battery efficiency. A higher mileage improves the ROIs.
Diesel Tank Capacity and Battery Storage Capacity – these capacities will determine the range of the vehicle.
The product of capacity and mileage is called range. In the case of electric buses, a higher battery capacity will
increase the capital cost of the vehicle. However, fewer charging cycles due to higher battery capacity might
improve the economy of the bus. The battery pack design should be optimized over the cycle life of a battery,
drive cycle, charging time and depth of discharge.
Price – the price of the bus has a direct correlation with TCO and returns. Currently, the price (and therefore
the depreciation component) is the biggest factor of the TCO. In diesel buses, fuel costs are the biggest cost
components in the TCO.
Maintenance Rate – maintenance cost is one of the major components in the operating costs. It depends on
the maintenance requirements of the moving parts, cleaning of the bus, replacement of components, labor
and garage space. This is expressed in “INR/ km”.
Annual Maintenance Cost –annual maintenance cost is a product of maintenance rate and annual distance
Additional Cost to Refuel (for diesel bus) and Additional Cost to Recharge (for electric bus) – additional costs
associated with gas/charging stations include space, infrastructure and labor. This will increase the TCO. It is
one of the cost components.
Distance Traveled Per Day – this represents the distance traveled by the bus per day in the drive cycle data.
Longer distances traveled might require the battery to be charged more often. Also, more distance will
contribute to more operating costs. Therefore, this value has to be optimal with regard to battery capacity to
maximize returns.
Working Days per Year – it is the number of days the bus is in operation. For a few days every year, conditions
will be too extreme to operate the bus, e.g., heavy rainfall, heavy snowfall, extreme temperatures, etc. Lower
working days per year reduces revenue.
Annual Distance Traveled – annual distance traveled is the product of distance traveled per day and working
days per year. It impacts the operating cost and return calculations. The total fuel or electricity requirement is
also calculated from this value.
Range – range will determine the distance covered by the vehicle before refueling or recharging. In the case of
diesel buses, the refueling time is small compared with the running time. Recharging time is very high in
electric buses. A long-range vehicle costs more (due to higher battery capacity); therefore, the range should be
optimized according to drive cycle and other relevant parameters.
Refueling Time and Recharging Time – in an electric bus, the recharging time is very high. In the case of diesel
buses, however, the refueling time is small compared with the running time. For diesel buses, time
optimization is, therefore, not important.
Diesel Price and Electricity Price (for Electric Buses) – there is a direct relationship between operating cost and
price of diesel or electricity. The fuel cost is more than 50% of the TCO of a diesel bus. Similarly, electricity cost
is about 10%–15% of the TCO in the case of electric buses.
Annual Diesel Demand and Annual Electricity Demand – the annual diesel demand is obtained by dividing the
distance traveled per year by the mileage of the bus.
Annual Cost of Diesel Fuel and Annual Cost of Electricity – this value will determine the TCO and operating
costs. It can be calculated from the distance traveled per year and the diesel cost or electricity tariff.
Diesel Inflation Rate and Electricity Inflation Rate – inflation rates are different for diesel and electricity.
Electricity is seen as a stable-growth commodity and diesel is seen as a volatile commodity; i.e., diesel shows
more price fluctuations. Inflation rates will have a direct impact on the TCO and operating costs. Historically,
the price of diesel has grown faster than the price of electricity. Over a longer service life period, the TCOs for
electric buses can be lower than those of diesel buses. Inflation is one of the most important factors in
sensitivity analysis.
Discount Rate – this value can be taken as the general discount rate considered in vehicle industry investments
or it can be taken as the interest rate on vehicle loan. It is the most important financial parameter to calculate
the TCO and returns, and to perform a sensitivity analysis.
Table 2.11 Diesel and electric bus key parameter comparison
(TATA Motors, n.d.).
(BYD Auto 2015).
2.3 Battery and Charging Infrastructure
Storage for Electric Transportation: Battery
The batteries used in EVs need to have high energy density due to automotive light-weighting requirements.
This means they should be able to store more energy per unit volume or weight of the battery. This is crucial
for attaining higher range (mileage) per charge without having to bear enormous battery weights. Hence, the
EV battery type and design differ from those used in grid applications (because they are stationery); the
battery pack does not have to be light-weight. Other important parameters for a battery technology to qualify
for EV applications include reliability, long cycle life, low cost and safety. Since it is difficult to find all these
features in a single battery system, the typical practice is to optimize the performance mix as per the EV
Further, it is not enough for an electrode material to just display higher energy density or higher charge
storage capability; it is equally important to maintain this parameter consistently over a significant number of
charge–discharge cycles, which translates into higher battery life. This is critical due to cost implications as well
since the battery component cost is the maximum among all EV components. Hence, the materials used in the
electrode fabrication are required to have high stability, and should retain their structure and properties over
a prolonged period. These should also be resistant to the chemicals and materials used in fabricating
electrolytes and battery pack casing, container, etc. All this needs to be achieved keeping the material cost in
mind for a successful deployment roadmap.
Battery safety is yet another important battery parameter. Automotive vehicle and passenger safety standards
are quite stringent and any failure to meet these results in massive vehicle recalls. For instance, in the case of
LIBs, the state-of-the-art electrolytes used in various LIB variants can at best withstand a voltage window of
about 5 V. If at any given time the voltage exceeds this tolerance limit, the battery runs the risk of catching fire
or exploding since the LIB electrolytes are highly flammable. Thus, having a higher voltage tolerance is one of
the many requirements that an electrolyte must fulfil to be commercially successful. In this context, there have
been continuous attempts to find novel electrolyte materials that are best optimized solutions for handling
high-voltage electrode materials in emerging battery variants.
In addition, the electrolyte should be chemically stable with respect to the electrodes. It is crucial for the
electrolyte to be able to form a passivating Solid–Electrolyte Interface (SEI) protective layer, which provides
chemical stability at high discharge rates, which prevents unwanted side reactions. Besides these, low cost and
low toxicity are other desired features.
Battery Technologies for EV
Keeping all these desired parameters in mind, the following two rechargeable battery classes have so far been
successful for EV applications:
Although lead-acid batteries have been most successful in conventional fuel vehicles due to their low cost and
safe operations, their main drawback is the low energy density. As mentioned above, the battery weight has to
be less to maximize mileage between consecutive charges. In other words, a heavier lead-acid battery pack will
be required to store the same amount of charge as compared with a Ni-based or LIB system, which display
significantly higher energy density. Hence, although lead-acid batteries are feasible for the starting–lighting–
ignition needs of petrol/diesel based vehicles, they do not qualify for applications in the EV segment.
Discovery of high-voltage-compatible electrolyte materials is crucial for safer application and better
performance of batteries at high voltage windows. There are newer high-voltage candidates for cathode
materials, but due to electrolyte stability issues beyond 4.8 V, the favorable chemistry of these cathodes
remains under-exploited. Discovery of high-voltage-compatible electrolyte materials is hence crucial as
explained earlier in this section. In addition, new safer cathode chemistries have to be optimized as the high
inherent oxygen partial pressure in the popular oxide-based cathodes can result in explosions. This issue was
highlighted in recent battery-related fire incidents in a Chevy Volt electric car and a Dreamliner aircraft. At
present, phosphate-based cathode chemistries (e.g., lithium iron phosphate cathode) are preferred over their
oxide-based variants due to the higher safety features despite having lower operating voltage. The cathodes
cost high due to the presence of lithium. In many battery technologies, anode is the less expensive
component. The electrolytes are a mixture of organic solvents like ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate,
etc., and contain dissolved salts of lithium (e.g., LiPF6). The major challenges in the LIB system are the lower
safety and high costs. Table 2.12 provides a summary of various battery systems.
Table 2.12 Summary of various battery systems with composition and performance characteristics
LIB (3.2V) Lithium iron Graphite EC, DMC 85–105 200– 550– A123 Systems,
phosphate 2,000 850 BYD, Amperex,
LIB Lithium Graphite EC, DMC 140–180 800– 450– LG Chem, AESC,
manganese 2,000 700 Samsung SDI
LIB Lithium iron LTO EC, DMC 80–95 2,000– 900– ATL, Toshiba, Le-
phosphate 25,000 2,200 clanchŽ,
LIB (3.6V) Lithium Graphite, EC, DMC 120–140 800– 550– Johnson Controls,
nickel silicon 2,000 750 Saft
Ni–MH (1.2 Nickel Metal Potassium 70–80 500– 500– Ovonic Battery,
V) hydroxide hydride hydroxide 2,000 550 GS Yuasa
Advanced Lead oxide Lead Sulphuric 33–42 500– 250 Exide, AMCO,
Pb-acid (2 V) acid 800 YUASA
(IRENA 2015); LIB data based on (Jaffe and Adamson 2014); Ni-MH, Ni-Cd and Lead acid battery data based on (Linden and
Reddy 2002)
Battery Management System (BMS)
A battery functions optimally within certain operating windows of temperature, voltage, structural changes
(during charge–discharge) and few other parameters. These operating windows are specific to each battery
In the case of electric vehicles, LIB has been the frontrunner in recent years and will continue to be so in the
foreseeable future. However, due to inherent features, it is also prone to safety and performance failures if at
any time the operating windows are violated. The operating temperature windows for the majority of
automotive-grade LIB variants, e.g., with LMO, LFP cathodes, are (1) discharging between –20C and 55C, and
(2) charging between 0C and 45C. The operating voltage is within 1.5–4.5 V. In fact, the most common LIB
variant for EVs is LFP, which operates between 2 and 3.7 V. At higher temperatures, the battery runs the risk of
decomposition of electrolyte and electrode materials. Decomposition of cathode materials produces oxygen
gas and that of electrolytes produces combustible gases, which react with oxygen to cause fire or explosion.
This is called the thermal runaway of the battery. Moreover, if the temperature falls below the operating
window, the diffusivity of Li ions decrease and it results in the underperformance of the battery. Another
cause of underperformance is the structural change that happens in case the battery is over-discharged
beyond its tolerance limit. In this scenario, the material undergoes a phase change and, hence, displays a
voltage that is different (much lower) from what is claimed by the manufacturer and, hence, is not acceptable
for the target application. These conditions cause safety hazards and have resulted in several vehicle recall
episodes in the past. Hence, battery researchers and developers are always trying to invent safer and better-
performing battery systems to satisfy the stringent automotive performance and safety regulations. This is one
approach to address the challenges mentioned above. A parallel approach is to install a BMS (Andrea 2010;
Enhua 2011; UNECE, n.d.) That ensures that each cell in the LIB pack or module (cluster of several LIB cells)
functions within the various operating windows. The BMS enables real-time monitoring and control of LIB cells
within a battery pack. A BMS is crucial for the safety and long operational life of the battery component of a
vehicle, especially in the case of all-electric buses as they need large battery capacity.
Components of BMS: Among the various components of a BMS, the sensors, actuators and controllers play
important roles. The sensors detect and control the main current and voltage in the circuit to help manage the
cells within the optimum windows. This in turn assists in managing the depth of discharge. As described above,
this is important to prevent the voltage from falling below the tolerance limit. Similarly, the voltage sensors
also keep the cell from overcharging, which can lead to a fire episode or explosion. The temperature sensors
measure temperature at various locations within the cell and also outside each cell and module, and thus
prevent the decomposition of electrodes and electrolyte. In addition, the BMS includes an embedded software
network that estimates and manages the battery’s State of Charge (SoC), On-Board Diagnosis (OBD), battery
safety control/alarm, battery operating parameters, battery equalization (to maintain consistency between all
cells within a module), information storage and thermal management. The BMS has to be fully adaptable to
the complex electromagnetic environment of the electric vehicle. This is essential for vehicle safety and
It is important to set up a robust charging infrastructure to enable large-scale penetration of plug-in EVs of all
types keeping in mind the huge NEMM targets. The EV market is expanding globally due to governments
promoting/boosting clean transportation as a policy (incentivizing EV manufacture and purchase). According
to a research report (“Electric Vehicle Market Forecasts: Global Forecasts for Light Duty Hybrid, Plug-In Hybrid,
and Battery Electric Vehicle Sales and Vehicles in Use: 2014-2023” 2014), plug-in EVs will constitute 2.4% of the
global light-weight vehicle fleet by 2023.. The electric bus market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 28% and
reach approximately 34,000 units by 2020 (“Global Market Study on Electric Bus: Asia Pacific to Witness
Highest Growth by 2020” 2015). As a consequence, the share of EV-Charging (EVC) stations is expected to grow
from more than 1 million units in 2014 to more than 12.7 million units in 2020 (Business Wire 2015).
Charging Technologies
Batteries provide power to EVs through electrical energy as a result of chemical reactions. Charging involves
the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy and is a way to store electrical energy in the batteries.
Conductive charging
Conductive charging requires a physical connection between the EV and EVSE at the charging station. This
technology has been historically the most popular option for accessing grid electricity for various charging
applications. The automotive standard voltage plugs and sockets interface between the distribution lines and
the on-board sockets. All battery systems currently use the conductive charging technology (Figure 2.10).
Figure 2.10 Schematic of an electric bus showing battery and electrical layout
(Austin 2013)
Inductive or Contactless charging
This is a relatively new technology that has emerged in recent years (Nizam 2013). Inductive charging uses an
electromagnetic field to enable the exchange of energy between the EV and the charging station. In this
method, no physical contact is needed between the energy source and the vehicle. Inductive charging works
by using an induction coil placed within a charging station to create an electromagnetic field. A second
induction coil, placed on the EV, takes power from the electromagnetic field and converts it into an electrical
current that is used to charge the on-board battery.
The advantages of such wireless charging systems include safety (no exposed conducting surfaces, hence no
electric shock), no cable needs, high reliability, low maintenance (automatic, minimum intervention required),
reduced risk of theft and long product life due to less wear and tear. Figure 2.11 shows an induction charging
schematic of a prototype all-electric bus introduced in London in 2015.
Table 2.13 lists the pro and cons of both these technologies.
Parameters Conductive Charging Inductive Charging
In January 2015, eight electric buses were introduced in England utilizing inductive charging as per the method
shown above. Inductive charging has several advantages over conductive charging. It is easy to operate due to
heavy automation. The driver does not have to exit the vehicle to start the charging as there are no connectors
or cables involved. Inductive charging safeguards the vehicle from thefts, abuse and severe environments as all
charging components are encapsulated in the vehicle or under the ground. However, the cost is significantly
higher than that of conductive charging (Science, Reporter, and News 2015).
Types of charging: EVC stations can be either an AC- or DC-based system. An AC charging station supplies
electricity to the on-board vehicle charger, which transforms the AC from the electric grid into DC, which is
used for charging the vehicle battery pack. Since India does not have a significant EV fleet and the standards
are still evolving, this section will discuss this aspect keeping the US market and the Society for Automotive
Engineers (SAE) guidelines as the points of reference. An AC (much lower voltage and currents than that in DC
charging; maximum continuous input power <8 kW) charging station provides 8–25 km of electric range per
30-min charge, whereas a DC (very high voltage and current; maximum continuous input power 240 kW)
charging station supplies current directly to the vehicle battery and typically provides about 125 km of electric
range per 30-min charge (Business Wire 2015).
Battery Swapping: Battery swapping refers to the replacement of a discharged battery with a charged battery.
The stand-by charged batteries at the swapping centers are not owned by the vehicle owners; these are leased
or rented out. This practice is gaining popularity due to quick turnaround. However, swapping is expensive due
to the requirement of an increased number of stand-by batteries and a huge space for their storage, and the
need for sophisticated equipment such as robots at the service stations for handling a high volume of
swapping operations.
A short description of the types of charging, advantages and disadvantages is given in Table 2.14.
Table 2.14 Comparison among types of charging and battery swapping
Type of Charging Charging* Advantages Disadvantages Segment
Battery swapping 2–5 min Very fast Cost of battery, space Public buses
requirement at EVCPs,
*Charging time is the time taken to fully charge the completely discharged battery and it is calculated for a battery capacity of 70 kWh.
η is charging efficiency.
The assumed efficiencies are 96% and 81%, respectively, for slow and fast charging.
Power is delivered to a vehicle’s battery through an on-board charger. The EVSE (or the charging station)
draws electric power from the grid and through the EV inlet, and supplies power to the charger. The charger
and EV inlet are hence an integral part of the EV energy pathway.
Figure 2.12 SAE J1772 2009 EV connector
The electrical connection cable for EVs is fitted with plugs at either end to be inserted into the EV inlet and get
plugged into the charging point (Figure 2.13). This is normally supplied at the charging station as per the type
of EV to be serviced. The EVSE operators follow the international standard power circuit wiring color code to
comply with the safety norms. These cables are designed to withstand extreme temperature, weather and wet
conditions, and are chemical-, oil- and impact-resistant.
Components of inductive or contactless charging: Since this technology needs no physical connections
between EVs and charging points, there is no requirement of connectors and connection cables. The
components needed in this case, besides the induction coils, include a local electricity distribution network
connection, GPRS to locate charging stations, a charging point display to monitor the state of charge of the
battery or the energy consumed, and an access tag in case of a restricted-access consumer model. In this
method, smart controllers take care of the charging process with minimum human intervention.
on and off at short notice. The peak-load profile of a region determines the total installed capacity required to
serve that area, whereas the hourly load is met with the most optimal mix of power plants; it could be just the
base-load plants or these along with a few peaking generators.
Impact of EV charging on Grid infrastructure: The number of EV buses within a bus fleet would to a significant
extent determine the charging requirements, which in turn would determine the energy requirement and
additional power plants (if necessary). An analysis of load profile can show whether some plants that are not
being used during off-peak hours can fuel the EV fleet. Some loads like consumer (residential and office)
electricity demands are instantaneous and need to be catered to in real-time. However, an EVC schedule can
be controlled since the vehicle travel time is temporally separate from the time of battery charging. Typically,
electric vehicles are charged most economically during off-peak hours and preferably using base-load plant
supplies. This will keep the electricity cost low (Hadley and Alexandra 2008).
The other scenario could be if a large EV fleet is to be charged during peak-load hours. This will require the
addition of new generators and will involve considerable infrastructure investment. A thorough grid supply-
and-demand analysis will need to be carried out along with EV fleet economics to arrive at the optimum plant
mix for a particular region. Typically, the practice is to match the EV recharge demand with base plants.
To summarize, before an EV fleet is added to an area, a detailed sub-station- and feeder-level study should be
done to assess the local distribution network capacity and congestion probability due to recharging needs and
patterns. The benefits provided by the EV adoption need to be determined keeping in mind the overall
regional grid profile and electric transport policy landscape.
3. Impacts and Benefits
3.1 Air Quality
India is the fourth largest GHG emitter in the world (International Energy Agency 2015). The transport sector is
one of the largest emitters of GHG and contributes 7.5% of the total national CO 2e emissions (2007) (Indian
Network for Climate Change Assessment 2010). It contributed about 142 Mt of CO2e emissions in 2007 as
against 80 Mt in 1994. Road-based transport contributes about 87% of the total transport emissions.
According to a report prepared by the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), GHG emissions (from the transport sector) due to fuel
combustion include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and pollutants such as
carbon monoxide (CO), Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs), sulfur dioxide (SO 2), PM and
oxides of nitrate (NOx) (Inter Governmental Panel for Climate Change 2006).
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) classifies PM2.5 to be composed mainly of carbonaceous materials
(organic and elemental), inorganic compounds (sulfate, nitrate and ammonium) and trace metal compounds
(iron, aluminum, nickel, copper, zinc and lead). Exposure to high levels of air pollutants can have adverse
health impacts. Of all the other ambient air pollutants, the health impacts of PM 2.5 (particles of size less than
2.5 µm) are more significant. It is considered the primary cause of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases
leading to premature death. The Global Burden of Disease, 2010, report estimated that ambient air pollution
was responsible for approximately 3.2 million deaths globally and 0.627 million deaths in India (Sustainable
Development Department, World Bank 2013a).
A recent research provides estimates of PM2.5 concentrates at district and urban agglomeration levels in India
(Figure 3.1). It can be observed that the PM2.5 concentrations in North Indian districts are much higher than the
prescribed ambient air quality standards. It estimates that approximately 660 million people in India are
exposed to ambient-air particulate pollution. The study highlights the relation between PM 2.5 emissions and
life expectancy. It concludes that if ambient-air quality standards are achieved, life expectancy is anticipated to
increase by 3.2 years per person (Greenstone et al. 2015).
Figure 3.1 Estimates of PM2.5 concentrations across India
PM pollution standards as per the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the World Health Organization
(WHO) are given in Table 3.1 below. As illustrated, PM pollution standards in India are far higher than WHO-
recommended levels.
Table 3.1 PM pollution standards in India
A World Bank study estimated that the annual cost of environmental degradation is about INR 3.75 trillion,
which is equivalent to 5.7% of India’s GDP. Outdoor air pollution accounts for about 30% of the total
environmental degradation cost (Sustainable Development Department, World Bank 2013a). The annual
environmental health costs per person due to indoor and outdoor air pollution are shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2 Annual environmental health losses per person of the exposed population
Sulfur content in automotive fuels has a direct impact on the ambient-air quality and health. High-sulfur fuels
lead to increased PM emissions in diesel-operated vehicles. In an attempt to mitigate the effects of high sulfur,
low-sulfur fuel standards such as BS IV and BS V are recommended by the Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Committee (Government of India 2014). A shift from BS III to BS IV fuel standards would result in a
corresponding reduction in sulfur content from 350 ppm to 50 ppm. A similar shift to BS V fuel standards
would lead to a further reduction in sulfur content (10 ppm).
However, there is a cost constraint for adopting BS V fuel standards. A few news reports indicate that the
estimated investment (cost for upgradation of fuel quality) ranges from INR 25,000 crores to INR 80,000 crores
(Government of India 2014). In this context, the Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 Committee recommended that
a “High-Sulfur Cess” of 75 paise per liter on BS III automotive fuels be imposed. It also recommended a “Special
Fuel Upgradation Cess” of 75 paise per liter on automotive fuels. The total income from these taxes, which is
estimated to be around INR 74,000 crores, will fund the expenses necessary for fuel quality upgradation.
This fuel upgradation constraint, along with the reduced PM2.5 reduction potential (BS IV to BS V fuel
standards) sets the stage for India to leapfrog to EV adoption in the urban context.
3.2 Noise
Noise pollution is linked to a number of health issues, including stroke, hypertension, dementia and coronary
heart disease. In addition to these concerns are the less serious but more prevalent issues of annoyance and
sleep disturbance. Further still, one can also consider the effects of excess noise pollution on economic
productivity; it not only causes health problems, but also decreases economic efficiency.
It is important to note, however, that at high speeds, all types of buses generate roughly the same amount of
noise, as the main source of noise is the tires on the pavement and not the engine. According to a study, the
difference between the noise levels generated by diesel and electric buses is most significant at speeds up to
25 mph (40 kmph) (Rose and Staiano 2007) as shown in Figure 3.3. However, mobility indicators for buses in
Indian urban driving conditions show that traffic rarely exceeds these speeds. Thus, the reduction in noise
from electric buses will be quite tangible in the context of urban India.
Figure 3.3 Bus categories, travel speed and associated noise levels
20 30 40 50 60
Speed (mph)
For those who live or work within earshot of a bus route, the benefits of replacing diesel buses with electric
ones are a bit more complicated to determine. The same study estimates that the noise from a diesel bus
travels three times as far as the noise from an electric bus. Thus, the switch to electric buses would reduce the
noise-affected area by 66%. While further research is needed to determine the exact benefit afforded to those
who live close enough to a bus route to still hear the noise from electric buses, one can at least be sure that
their state of well-being will not decline.
A study by the WHO estimated that being severely sleep-deprived due to environmental noise reduces a
healthy individual’s well-being by about 7% (World Health Organization & European Centre for Environment
and Health, 2004). The cost, in terms of sleep deprivation due to a single-dB increase in the sound level, can be
significant. In addition, there is a well-documented relationship between noise disturbance and hypertension.
While the causal mechanisms are not certain, one hypothesis is that prolonged exposure to noise causes the
body to keep releasing stress hormones, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. A hypertensive
individual faces a higher risk of suffering a stroke and dementia.
Table 3.2 shows the estimated cost of dB increase in average noise levels. While one cannot completely take
this information at face value, since there are a number of factors that contribute to the overall noise level
(e.g., airports, other vehicles, noisy neighbors), one can see that the costs of even a slight increase in noise
level can be very high. However, once noise levels exceed 60 dB (noise generated by an electric bus at a
moderate speed), the link to acute myocardial infarction (AMI), strokes, dementia and sleep disturbance
begins. For example, a 1-dB increase from 67 to 68 dB is estimated to cost a household more than GBP 117 per
year. Of this, GBP 14 is attributed to an increased risk of AMI, approximately GBP 3 to increased risk of stroke
and GBP 55.94 is the estimated cost of sleep disturbance. These figures may be different in the Indian context,
but they are quite significant, nonetheless (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs - GOV.UK 2014).
Table 3.2 Effects of noise on health – monetary values
Road traffic noise marginal values in ₤ per household per dB change, 2014 prices
Change in Health Amenity
Noise Metric
by Decibel Direct Sleep
(dB) AMI Stroke Dementia Disturbance Annoyance Total
54.0…55.0 ₤0.00 ₤2.64 ₤3.99 ₤25.71 ₤15.45 ₤47.78
57.0 58.0 ₤0.00 ₤2.66 ₤4.01 ₤32.69 ₤19.13 ₤58.49
61.0 62.0 ₤5.67 ₤2.68 ₤4.05 ₤41.99 ₤25.82 ₤80.21
64.0 65.0 ₤9.86 ₤2.70 ₤4.07 ₤48.96 ₤32.17 ₤97.78
67.0 68.0 ₤14.41 ₤2.72 ₤4.10 ₤55.94 ₤39.67 ₤116.85
70.0 71.0 ₤19.32 ₤2.74 ₤4.13 ₤62.92 ₤48.31 ₤137.42
73.0 74.0 ₤24.58 ₤2.77 ₤4.15 ₤69.89 ₤58.10 ₤159.49
(Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs - GOV.UK 2014)
Effect on Productivity
The complete nature of the effects of noise exposure on productivity is not yet known, though there is enough
evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, to be certain that it is significant.
For example, sleep disturbance, as discussed above, is unpleasant, which in itself can have an added cost in the
workplace or classroom the next day. Studies have shown that noise exposure can negatively affect reading
comprehension. Here the effects apply to not only those who work or go to school near a noisy bus route, but
also to those whose cognitive performance is affected by noise exposure at home.
Figure 3.4 Crude oil prices in India, 2001–2015
As India is heavily dependent on crude oil imports for transport fuels on an average of 74% (Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas, GoI 2015), this price volatility poses a severe threat to India’s energy security (if this
trend of wide fluctuations continues).
Figure 3.5 Domestic crude oil consumption vs. domestic crude oil production
140 76
120 74
72 Domestic Crude Oil Production
(Million Tonnes)
80 Domestic Petroleum Products
68 Consumption (Million Tonnes)
66 Import Dependence (%)
40 64
20 62
0 60
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
India’s crude oil import bill during April–August 2014–2015 was approximately USD 67,805.81 million. Out of
the total imports, crude oil imports constituted 35% of the total imports for the period April–August 2014–
2015 as against a share of 25% for the period April–August 2015–2016 (Ministry of Commerce and Industry
2015). There is a 10% reduction in the total import bill for the consecutive years; however, there is no
significant reduction in the trade deficit (1.2%). Based on the estimates of the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, there is a reduction of 39% in crude oil import for the periods 2014–2015 and 2015–2016.
3.4 Jobs
A growth in the EV sector will produce direct and indirect jobs. The development of certain sectors such as
vehicle manufacturing, batteries, chargers and other EV-related accessories would result in direct job creation.
The potential for job creation can be gauged from the instance of EV manufacturing in China. Evidence from
that country suggests that the manufacture of EVs can constitute 15% of the total automobile production. The
Chinese government has an official program that aims to produce 1.67 million new EVs and create of 1.2
million jobs annually from 2010–2020 (Pan, MA, and Zhang 2011).
Indian Context
The Indian automobile industry is one of the fastest growing globally. Both volume and exports have been
consistently rising over the past 10 years. According to the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020
(NEMMP 2020), by 2020 the annual demand for passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles and two-wheelers in
India will be 10 million, 2.7 million and 34 million units, respectively, making India the third largest vehicle
market in the world. While the NEMMP aims to make India a global manufacturer of EVs, the domestic market
for EVs appears to be promising.
While growth in the EV sector has at times resulted in a net loss of jobs in more developed countries, India is
uniquely placed as it has one of the lowest levels of vehicle penetration in the world. For India, adoption of EVs
would not be a transition from fuel-powered vehicles to EVs; instead, India has the potential to have
consumers who will purchase an EV as their first vehicle.
4. Policy Landscape
4.1 National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020
As India continues its rapid economic development, the demand for automobiles is expected to grow. These
automobiles are set to increase CO2 emissions and crude oil demand for the nation as a whole (elaborated in
the section Transport Scenario Projections for India). NEMMP2020 is an initiative taken by the Department of
Heavy Industries (DHI) that aims to accelerate the growth of the electric and hybrid components of the
automotive sector. It focuses primarily on fast-tracking the manufacturing and introduction of EVs in India. The
benefits of this Plan are numerous. Most notably, such an initiative has the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions
and the dependence on crude oil. In addition, growth in this industry will make India a significant player in the
global EV market.
The vision statement of the NEMMP states that the aim of the policy is to encourage reliable, affordable and
efficient adoption of EV technology through government and industry collaboration. The Plan makes an
assessment regarding the uptake of EVs in India. It proposes that about 6–7 million EVs can be sold in India by
2020 (Table 4.1).
Table 4.1 Potential adoption of EVs in India by 2020
Policy Tools
The NEMMP identifies critical areas where interventions would be required. These include the following:
Demand incentives: The Plan estimates that for BEVs the investment requirement would be about INR
13,500–INR 13,850 crores, whereas for buses that investment would be about INR 500–INR 550 crores.
- Supply-side incentives: The Plan draws up a four-phase approach for building India’s EV manufacturing
capabilities. These include initially developing R&D capacities, strengthening domestic capabilities and
initiating localization. The latter phases focus on creating high capabilities across the value chain, developing
indigenized products, sourcing components locally, creating an EV component ecosystem, targeting the export
market, and investments to enhance capabilities and production plan for exports.
- Power and charging infrastructure: It is estimated that by 2020, 2–4 MW of extra power generation
capacity and an investment of INR 10–INR 20 crores may be required to build 300–400 charging terminals for
buses and for building the overall EV charging infrastructure. Owing to their capacity and lifespan, LIBs are the
preferred choice for EVs. However, these batteries have a high cost. Factors such as technology innovation and
scale of production can impact almost 90% of the LIB cost. In the case of technology, identifying cheaper raw
materials and safe chemistries could reduce the cost of batteries.
- Other critical factors that have been identified include imposition of stringent fuel efficiency norms and
R&D incentives.
The cities covered under FAME include those covered under the “Smart Cities” initiatives, major metro
agglomerations (Delhi NCR, Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad), all
cities with populations greater than 1 million and cities of the North-Eastern states. The scheme will target all
vehicle sizes and types (from hybrid to fully electric).
Demand Incentives
Previous incentives came in the form of assistance for vehicle purchase and reductions in taxes, and they were
sometimes provided by the state government. In the FAME India Scheme, the demand incentive will be
disbursed through an e-enabled framework and mechanism set up under the DHI. The scheme envisages
the setting up of adequate public charging infrastructure to install confidence among EV users, through active
participation and involvement of various stakeholders including government and non-government agencies.
Interlinking of renewable energy sources with charging infrastructure, smart grid, use of Information and
Communication technology, etc., will be encouraged. Demand incentives will be based on a combination of
vehicle size, fuel efficiency and battery type. Details of demand incentives are provided in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 EVs – incentives in INR
Retro Fitment Category 15% or 30,000 if reduction in fuel 30% of Kit price or 90,000 if
consumption is 10%–30% reduction in fuel consumption is
more than 30%
(Department of Heavy Industries, GoI 2015)
The NGT interventions with respect to vehicle air pollution cases, including restriction of old vehicles and
restriction on the number of vehicles. In the eco-sensitive area of Rohtang Pass, Himachal Pradesh, in an
attempt to reduce the impact of air pollution, the NGT has ordered the banning of diesel vehicles and has also
restricted the number of vehicles to 1,000 per day for a period of 3 months. It has also ordered an
environment tax of INR 1,000 for petrol vehicles and INR 2,500 for diesel vehicles entering the tourist area. As
a pollution mitigation measure, the Tribunal suggested the state government to explore CNG vehicles. In NCR,
Delhi, the NGT ordered heavy diesel vehicles more than 10 years old off the road. In an attempt to mitigate air
pollution, the Tribunal also ordered the regional transport authorities to not register diesel vehicles that were
older than 10 years old and petrol vehicles older than 15 years old.
In early 2014, the BEE notified fuel economy standards, i.e., Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Standards
(CAFC), for passenger cars (Ministry of Power, GoI 2015). The nature of the design was based on
kilometers/liter and cohered with the US CAFE Standards. The BEE has plans to implement this in a phase-wise
manner. The scheme would direct all car manufacturers to attain a fleet average of 54.5 miles per gallon (23
km/L) by 2025 progressively (Gordon-Bloomfield 2015).
However, currently, convergence with existing process preferences are toward fuel quality and emission
upgrades. The provision of testing will be consequently introduced for enforcement purposes. In order to
accelerate the reduction in the average fuel consumption of new cars introduced in the Indian market, a two-
pronged approach is proposed by the BEE:
1. New cars in the market would have medium- and long-term fuel consumption standards, providing
regulatory indicators for manufacturers to continuously reduce the average fuel consumption of cars sold
in the next 10-year period.
2. All new cars sold in the market would have a fuel efficiency label providing consumers with information on
the fuel consumption of a car model, and of the relative fuel consumption of the model compared with
that of other models in the same weight class.
With the broad two approaches, it is anticipated to develop a market for low-fuel-consumption models and at
the same time envisage a market transformation in the automobile market toward highly efficient car models
by decreasing fuel consumption levels
4.5 National Auto Fuel Policy, 2003, Auto Fuel Vision & Policy, 2025
The National Auto Fuel Policy 2003 specifies the fuel standards to be implemented in the country. Currently,
the fuel standards implemented adhere to BS III standards and there has been talk of implementing BS V fuel
standards. A move from BS III to BS V would lead to a reduction in sulfur content and PM 2.5 emissions.
The sulfur content in automotive fuels has a direct impact on the ambient-air quality and health. India’s shift
toward low sulfur for its automotive fuels has resulted in the reduction of sulfur content from 2,000 ppm in
1999 to 150 ppm in 2010. The implementation of BS V standards in India will further lower the sulfur content
to 10 ppm. In 2005, BS III fuel was mandated in 13 cities, with the rest of India having access to BS II fuel.
Similarly in 2010, BS IV fuel was made available in 13 cities, whereas the rest of India used BS III fuel. The
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas aims to implement BS IV fuel in 50 additional cities by 2015. In major
cities, with the implementation of BS IV standards, the sulfur content of diesel has reduced from 350 ppm to
50 ppm and petrol from 150 ppm to 50 ppm. The Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 Committee has
recommended an increase in the penetration of BS IV fuel standards from 2015 onwards and 100% coverage
by 2017 (Government of India 2014).
The constraint for adopting low-sulfur fuel is the cost of fuel quality upgradation to produce BS V fuel (10 ppm
sulfur). In this context, the Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 committee recommended imposing a “High-Sulfur
Cess” of 75 paise per liter on BS III automotive fuels. It also recommended a “Special Fuel Up-gradation Cess”
of 75 paise per liter on automotive fuels. A total cess to a tune of INR 74,000 crores was proposed to fund the
cost estimates required for fuel quality upgradation.
costs, something that FAME/AMRUT might want to incorporate. Similarly, any initiative regarding urban
transport must address issues of sustainability (e.g., the ASI framework). This would require a sustained policy
intervention toward promoting public transport projects – and, specifically, non-polluting technologies such as
pure EV technology.
4.7 Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)/ National
Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)/Smart City
Mission (SCM)
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation – AMRUT
Yet another policy that can be a finance vehicle in the transition toward public transport through adoption of
EVs is the AMRUT scheme. Under this scheme, the central government proposes to spend INR 1 lakh crores
during its tenure (2014–2019). Projects selected under the scheme would have special focus on urban
infrastructure development.
AMRUT adopts a project approach to ensure basic infrastructure services related to water supply, sewerage,
transport and development parks, to name a few sectors under the initiative. The mission will be implemented
in 500 cities and towns each with a population of 1 lakh and above. Under this mission, states get the flexibility
of designing schemes based on the needs of identified cities, and in their execution and monitoring. States will
only submit the State Annual Action Plans to the center for a broad concurrence, based on which funds will be
Special-Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) will be created for each selected city and the respective states will be
responsible to ensure that adequate resources are made available to the SPVs. The center will extend funding
to the extent of 50% for cities with a population of up to 10 lakhs and a third of the project cost for cities with
a population of above 10 lakhs. Given the fact that each city and town is unique, and has its own priorities for
development, the center proposes an “area-based” approach to development that will cover retrofitting or
redeveloping as per the local plan. Therefore, all state planning committees could plan projects on a need
basis across the transportation, sanitation, housing and other sectors.
Like its predecessor – the National Urban Renewal Mission – which financed the purchase of buses by city
transport corporations, which led to a rejuvenation of public transport in Indian cities – AMRUT presents itself
as an ideal platform for city bus transport corporations to leapfrog technologies and contribute positively
toward air quality, energy security and job creation through the adoption of EV technology.
These schemes present a different approach to bringing about holistic development of states and have a
component of timely project reviews by the center, which will ensure that projects are implemented
Smart City Mission (SCM)
The intention of building smart cities in India has been pursued by previous governments at the center and the
states, although through seemingly disjointed initiatives such as smart townships along the Delhi–Mumbai
Industrial Corridor and the GIFT city in Gujarat. In early 2014, a budgetary allocation of INR 7,060 crores for the
development of “100 Smart Cities” in India was introduced. Over the past one year, various city governments
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with various external and foreign agencies to secure both technical
and financial assistance in making their cities smart.
The Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines released by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)
identifies 10 core infrastructure elements, where “sustainable development” and “public transport” are also
listed Thus, adoption and deployment of EVs can become a significant strategy in potential smart cities.
The guidelines also seek to ensure convergence between SCM, AMRUT and HRIDAY. Adhering to a common
reference framework becomes particularly significant in drawing this convergence, which has remained one of
the major challenges in attaining India’s urban goals. For example, the goals of AMRUT and SCM cannot be
treated as mutually exclusive and the habitations under AMRUT shall need as much “smart solutions” as cities
under the SCM.
Ten core infrastructure elements are: (i)adequate water supply, (ii)assured electricity supply, (iii)sanitation, including solid-waste
management, (iv)efficient urban mobility and public transport, (v)affordable housing, especially for poor, (vi)robust IT connectivity and
digitization, (vii)good governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation, (viii)sustainable development, (ix)safety, security of
citizens, particularly women, children and elderly, and (ix)health and education.
5. Electric Vehicles – Technology Trends and
While Chapter 2 describes the concepts related to EV technologies, this chapter discusses technology trends
and challenges. The first section of this chapter discusses the costs of BE buses and the effect of Depth of
Discharge (DoD) on the cost of the battery. Further, the chapter demonstrates how an increase in the number
of charging stations [Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)] can facilitate EV adoption, innovations in smart
grid technology, vehicle-to-grid systems (V2G), etc., and their impact on the charging infrastructure. The final
section of the chapter analyzes the current challenges related to the EV sector.
In Figure 5.1, technology maturity, which is time-dependent, is shown on the abscissa, whereas the
expectation levels from the society and the industry are shown on the other coordinate of the graph. As can be
seen in Figure 5.1, the EV technology went through this “technology trigger” phase in 2008. The trigger was
economic recession, which sparked the need to revamp the vehicle industry. EVs were seen as a promising
option to bolster the vehicle industry. Many deployments and demonstrations of EV technology were spurred
through government and private partnerships. This caused the expectation that EV technology maturity would
be reached by 2011. A readjustment in the expectation level was seen after 2011, because EV technology is
not yet mature due to challenges in battery technology. The expectation has continued to reduce and it will
reach the Trough of Disillusionment phase. However, the expectation and maturity of the EV technology will
stabilize and mass adoption of EVs is anticipated in the coming years (Urban Foresight et al. 2014). Keeping this
in mind, the next section focuses on global deployments of hybrid and BE buses.
United Kingdom
In London, more than 1,300 hybrid buses are in operation in the passenger segment (Greater London Authority
2015). The first hybrid bus was introduced in March 2006, and by July 2012, more than 300 hybrid buses were
operating in London. The first electric bus fleet had six single-deck hybrid buses, which were manufactured by
Wright Electrocity. These buses were launched in early 2006. The first electric double-deck bus was introduced
in October 2006. This bus was manufactured by Wrightbus and started operations in February 2007. The
authority for transport for Greater London, Transport for London (TfL), has planned to have total of 1,700
hybrid buses in operation by 2016. This will constitute about 20% of the total bus fleet. This deployment is
projected to reduce NOx emissions in the city by 88%. Moreover, they have projected a decrease of CO2
emissions of 27,500 tons per year. The single-deck electric bus models, which are in operations under
“Transport for London”, are Alexander Dennis Enviro200H, Wright Electrocity, Optare Tempo and BYD electric,
and the double-deck buses are Volvo B5LH, Wright Gemini 2, Alexander Dennis Enviro400H, Volvo B5L Hybrid
and New Routemaster. This deployment of hybrid buses in London is considered a big success.
Rapid urbanization and the resulting increase in demand for public transport systems seem to have made
China the largest market for passenger buses in the world. The country sold 3,374 units of electric buses by
2011 and is anticipated to reach more than 12,000 units, making the share of electric buses more than 14% by
2018. According to the “Strategic Analysis of the Chinese Hybrid and Electric Transit Bus Market” report, total
bus sales will be more than 80,000 by 2018 and it will further strengthen China’s domination in the global
transportation market (PR Newswire 2012). According to “China Bus Industry Report, 2015–2018”, hybrid
buses are no longer part of the national subsidy scheme. Therefore, hybrid buses lost the sales and market
share in 2014. Hybrid buses constituted only 5.5% of the total new-energy (non-diesel) bus sales and BE buses
had the biggest share of 47.5% in the same segment in 2014. The rise in the market share of BE buses is
attributed to technology maturity and enabling policies (Business wire 2015).
According to BYD estimates, at the most optimum running conditions, every BYD BE bus has the ability to save
2.77 trees every day (PV magazine 2014).
BYD in China
In August 2011, BYD delivered 200 BE buses to the Shenzhen Public Transit system for a university event.
These buses are now operating in the city’s public transportation fleet. By the year 2012, BYD BE buses were
operating in another four Chinese cities, which included 200 buses in Shenzhen, 100 buses in Changsha, 5
buses in Shaoguan and 50 buses in Xi’an. Shenzhen had the world’s largest BE bus fleet of BYD K9 and the fleet
had operated over 9,216,000 km by the end of August 2012 (BYD Auto 2015). The Chinese metropolis of Dalian
currently has the biggest fleet of 600 BE buses (from BYD), which is expected to reach 1,200 by the end of 2015
(Business wire 2014).
BYD in Israel
The Dan Bus Company, in Tel Aviv, is the local public transport company for the city. They have taken up BE
bus deployment to reduce emissions and noise in the city, and have signed a contract with BYD to purchase
700 full-size BE buses. The first batch of these buses was deployed at the end of 2012. Dan Bus Company has
planned to replace about half of its current fleet, which is about 1,300 buses, with the BE bus models (Shamah
BYD in the United States of America
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has announced a USD 30 million deal
with BYD for 25 BE buses. According to the contract, BYD needs to generate local jobs through the BE-bus-
manufacturing sector. Therefore, BYD has agreed to do the final assembly of buses in their new plant in
Lancaster, California. The company expects to produce 50 buses a year by 2015 and 1,000 buses annually in
Lancaster over the next two decades. BYD has manufactured the 60-foot Lancaster eBus, the largest BE bus in
the world, capable of carrying 120 passengers. These buses are powered by BYD’s lithium iron-phosphate
batteries. These batteries will also be manufactured locally in the United States of America (He 2013).
In 2009, California came up with a mandate that said that the new bus fleet must have at least 15% zero-
emission vehicles, i.e., BE buses. Afterwards, Proterra started the “California Clean Bus Tour” using their BE
bus model, B35, in San Jose. This bus has a battery system from “TerraVolt Energy Storage System” that can be
charged in 10 min. Also, regenerative braking could capture 90% of the bus’s kinetic energy. Therefore,
charging using grid electricity and energy conservation during regenerative braking gave the bus a driving
range of 30–40 miles. The capital cost of the bus was very high as compared with that of a diesel bus.
However, the high overall cost of a BE bus breaks even with respect to that of a diesel bus in 12 years (payback
period) due to the low operating and maintenance costs (Yoney 2009). Their current bus model “Proterra
Catalyst” has a seating capacity of 40. It has a fuel economy of 1.76kWh/mile, with top speed of 65 mph. It has
been demonstrated that the bus can travel at over 1,100 km in 24 h. This is a major boost for customers who
need these buses for long-range transportation.
Other deployments
The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) in South Korea deployed 14 BE buses in 2011. These buses are
known as “peanut buses” due to their shape. This bus is manufactured with the help of Hyundai Heavy
Industries and HankukFiber. The SMG has also planned to increase the number of BE buses in Gangnam and
Yeouido to 377 by 2014–2015. These are mostly for shorter range travels of about 20 km. They also have
ambitious plans of operating 1,20,000 electric cars and taxis, and install 1,10,000 battery-charging stations by
2020 (Kim 2011).
Several European cities such as Vienna, Amsterdam and Bremen have deployed BE buses. Vienna has
introduced a fleet of 12 BE microbuses. These buses have a traveling range of 150 km, top speed of 62 kmph
and a carrying capacity of 30 passengers. In July 2014, Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport deployed 35 BE buses.
This is the largest BE bus fleet currently in operation in Europe. In 2013, Bremen’s public transport company,
BSAG, started the testing of an 8m BE bus manufactured by Siemens-Rampini (Evans et al. 2014).
5.4. Costs of BE Buses
Despite several benefits of BE buses such as environmental friendliness and low fuel expenses compared with
diesel buses, the high initial cost of BE buses has emerged as one of the major barriers in their mass adoption.
For example, BE bus models such as BYD e6, Cobus 2500EL, and the ‘Proterra Catalyst’ bus cost approximately
USD 300,000–USD 500,000, USD 560,000, and USD 700,000–USD 800,000, respectively (Evans et al.
2014)(Leung and Yan 2010)(Chernova 2015). On the other hand, the price of a Gen II hybrid bus in the NYCT
fleet was USD 385,000 and the price of a diesel bus about USD 300,000 (Barnitt 2008). Currently, similar buses
are priced between USD 400,000 and USD 500,000.The main reason for the higher cost of BE buses is the
battery, which is a major cost component of these buses. In the case of BE buses, the size of the battery pack
depends on the drive range of the vehicle, and the battery size influences the cost of the battery. Also, the big
battery size (weight and volume) complicates the body and chassis design of BE buses. Therefore, BE buses are
considerably more expensive as compared with their diesel bus counterparts.
Currently, LIBs are widely used as battery systems for BE bus application. Figure 5.2 shows the evolution of
battery prices and the expected time to reach the benchmark price of USD 150/kWh. According to the figure,
the price of LIBs has decreased from USD 1,000 per kWh to USD 410 per kWh for the period 2007–2014, i.e.,
prices are dropping at an average annual rate of 14% (Nykvist and Nilsson 2015). The study has also predicted
that the prices will continue to decrease in the future at 6%–9% per year.
According to another study, the benchmark price of USD 230/kWh of LIBs will be attained in the next 5–7
years. At this price, the power from solar–battery hybrid generators will be cheaper than power generated
conventionally (coal-based). This event will improve the pace of battery research and applications, resulting in
a reduction in battery price of up to USD 150/kWh (Parkinson 2014a). A report by UBS, which is based on
consultations with Navigant Research, estimates that the USD 230/kWh mark will be reached in the next 2–3
years. This decline has potential to further reduce battery prices to USD 100/kWh in due course (Parkinson
2014b). This decrement can be attributed to the technological advancement in battery materials and a well-
established supply chain for the raw materials of the battery.
Figure 5.2 Trend of LIB prices and future price predictions till 2030
Battery replacement cost is the second most important financial parameter after the capital cost of a bus in
determining the TCO. The service life of a battery is much lesser than that of a BE bus. Therefore, the battery
needs to be replaced at least once or twice in the entire operating life of the bus depending upon the
operating conditions. Battery life depends on parameters like distance traveled per day, annual distance
traveled, DoD of the battery, operating temperature, charging level, charging rate, etc. For example, DoD
determines how deeply the battery is discharged during the discharging cycle. If a battery is allowed to deliver
25% energy in each discharge cycle, the battery will have a DoD of 25%; the battery still retains 75% of the
initially stored energy at the end of each cycle.
Figure 5.3 shows the different DoDs for a lead-acid battery and their impact on its cycle life. According to
Figure 5.3, a battery has a cycle life of about 350 cycles at 100% DoD, 600 cycles at 75% DoD and about 1,500
cycles at 30% DoD (Nykvist and Nilsson 2015). Evidently, the life of a battery is not linearly proportional to DoD
Figure 5.3 Cycle life of a lead-acid battery at different Depths-of-Discharge (DoDs)
No. of Cycles
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
% Depth of Discharge (DoD)
(CSTEP research)
Table 5.1 shows the relationship between DoD and the cost of a lead-acid battery. If DoD decreases from 100%
to 50% in each cycle, the size and weight of the battery would need to be doubled to get the same energy
capacity. However, this will increase the battery’s life three times. Similarly, at 25% DoD, the life of the battery
will be 5–6 times the original life, but the battery size requirement will increase four-fold. If a battery is
discharged to 10% DoD, a 10 times bigger battery, which would achieve 10 times more cycle life, will be
Table 5.1 Trade-off between DoD and the life of the battery
Figure 5.4 shows change in cycle life as a function of DoD for an LIB at 25C (Saft 2014). It shows that the cycle
life of an LIB decreases with increasing DoD at a given temperature, charging level and charging rate. Analysis
suggests that the cycle life directly translates to cost savings in the form of battery replacement costs.
However, a lower DoD increases costs due to higher initial battery costs and lower energy efficiency (km/kWh)
due to additional weight. Moreover, the gain in cycle life of a battery follows a diminishing-returns pattern
with respect to DoD. Hence, the optimum battery size and DoD should be determined with respect to drive
cycle parameters to get the lowest TCO.
(Saft 2014)
In the Indian case, there is no local electric bus manufacturer, and, hence, such buses have to be imported.
Table 5.2 shows the list of current BE bus vendors in the Indian market. The approximate market prices of BE
bus models are also given in the table. The cost of BE buses can also be tuned by customizing the bus models
according the drive cycle and application requirements.
Table 5.2 List of models and vendors available in India
with a small population of 5 million, installed 4,500 charging stations, driving consumers to purchase over
18,000 plug-in cars in 2014 (DeMorro 2014). This shows that the availability of charging station boosts the
acceptance of EV among consumers. The recent growth in EV-charging stations in the major cities of the world
is shown in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3 Total number of charging stations (EVSE) in various cities
The Netherlands
Electricity grid operators in the Netherlands have come together to install the charging infrastructure for BEVs.
They have formed a consortium called “E-laad Foundation”, which has planned to install 10,000 charging
points in the public domain. The total cost of implementation of this charging infrastructure is estimated to be
USD 28 million. These charging points will be installed in two ways: 2,000 charging points will be installed
according to the municipal government’s application and 8,000 charging spots will be installed for common
BEV consumers. E-laad uses the Dutch mobility plan as a guideline to support local BEV mobility (IA-HEV 2010).
Germany has high potential for EV adoption. In 2014, Germany had a population of 80 million and recorded
about 10,000 EVs running on roads. However, the country has only about 100 quick-service charging points for
electric cars, allowing drivers to recharge batteries in less than an hour, and about 4,800 charging stations with
normal charging capacity. Utility companies in Germany are collaborating with automobile manufacturers to
develop more charging infrastructure at strategic locations (IA-HEV 2011). According to a report by the
German Transport Ministry, the motorway operating firm Tank & Rast GmbH is planning to install quick-service
charging stations at 400 selected sites by 2017 (Reuters 2014).
Standardization of EVSE
Standardization of charging infrastructure is another important step for integrating the entire BEV ecosystem.
EVSE components will have a good supply chain in the market if a certain level of standardization of equipment
is achieved. For instance, a standardized plug will ensure compatibility at charging stations for various models
of BEVs. It will also reduce the overall cost of the charging infrastructure. The general nomenclature for a
standard EVSE in European charging stations is given in Table 5.4.
Table 5.4 Charging standards for EVSE in Europe
Range Comments
2–5 miles of range
120 V One end of the cord is a NEMA 5-15 connector (3 pin).
AC Level 1 per hour of
plug The other end of the plug is a J1772 standard connector
This charging option can operate at up to 80 A. This is a
10–20 miles of typical installation-at-home charging station. This can
240 V
AC Level 2 range per hour of also be installed in public charging stations. The
charging standard (SAE J3068) is under development for higher,
faster charging at larger currents
50–70 miles of CHAdeMO or SAE DC fast-charge connectors: DC fast
DC Fast 208/480
range per 20 min of charging allows better application along heavy-traffic
Charging: V plug
charging transits
10–20 miles of
Inductive 240 V Presently, this technology is used using AC Level-2
range per hour of
Charging: plug parameters
(Alternative Fuels Data Center: 2015)
The sales numbers of BEVs are very small compared with those of conventional fuel-based vehicles. Globally,
very few manufacturers supply BEVs, which are limited to select few cities. Except BYD, all other BE bus
manufacturers have comparatively small production numbers. Therefore, there is a lack of a well-established
supply chain for vehicles and their components. This increases costs and also creates apprehension among
customers about the standardization and availability of support equipment.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) had launched an incentive program in 2010 to promote
EVs. It led to a remarkable increase in the sales of two-wheeler BEVs. But over the past two years, many two-
wheeler BEV manufactures in India have shut down their businesses because of the receding demand
(Mukherjee 2014). Current owners of these electric two-wheelers will have to find alternate sources to get
replacement parts for their vehicles. In the four-wheeler BEV segment, the only manufacturer in India,
Mahindra &Mahindra, is also facing the problem of low demand (Mukherjee 2014). In the case of the BE bus
segment, only a few buses have been sold in India and none of them are produced domestically. The low-
demand scenario is creating a negative impact on maintaining a good supply chain.
One of the proposed solutions for the supply chain issue of BE buses is to have long-term contracts with the
suppliers to provide multiple vehicle units. This will ensure suppliers are available to service the vehicle in
operation. In addition, warranty claims and parts for replacement can be seamlessly obtained from the
manufacturers. For instance, municipal and state transport agencies can have long-term contracts with BE bus
manufacturers that can demonstrate the feasibility of BE buses to private companies. Moreover, consumer
organizations can consider procuring vehicles from well-established vendors with proven track records. This
might incur some additional costs initially, but might save future expenses by reducing the failure rates of
batteries and vehicles, and defaults on warranty claims and services.
Charging Infrastructure
Lack of charging infrastructure is a major impediment to India’s BEV adoption. Lack of a continuous supply of
good-quality power for charging is also a challenge for higher BEV penetration in the market. According to the
NEMMP, the additional demand for electricity to charge all BEVs in India is expected to be about 1 GW by 2020
(Department of Heavy Industries, GoI 2012). India already has a peak electricity shortage of 3.7% (Press Trust
of India 2014), with regular power outage a concern in many cities. Therefore, consumers are skeptical about
buying BEVs. The government should now step in to cover the current deficit by establishing appropriate
power management and additional generation infrastructure for BEV charging.
Important issues regarding the development of charging infrastructure to deploy BE buses in India are:
Currently, a few government public transit agencies like the Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
(BMTC) and the Himachal Pradesh Public Transport undertaking are trying to deploy BE buses. The advantage
of government deployment is that they can have strategic tie-ups with utility companies to charge BE buses;
e.g., the BMTC and the Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM) can collaborate to have a
continuous supply of power for BE bus charging at bus depots. It will not only ensure smooth operation of BE
buses by the BMTC, but also the smooth functioning of load management at BESCOM. The second issue is the
electricity connections. The rated capacity of the current electricity connection and load line, installed at bus
depots, might not be compatible to set up EVSE. For example, simultaneous operation of multiple fast chargers
will require a three-phase connection and high-tension-line installation. Therefore, the solution again is
collaboration between the electricity supply (utility) companies and transit companies to establish EVSE in the
depots and a strategic network of EVSE across the city.
The vibrations and shocks sustained during the shipping of batteries or in the daily operation of BE buses may
cause mechanical defects in the battery. These defects might also lead to short-circuits in the cells. Failures
resulting from mechanical abuse are generally similar to high-temperature failures, which are explained later
in this section under “Battery Safety: Effect of extreme temperatures”. A strong chassis to hold the batteries
and shock-absorbing materials around the battery packs can ensure vehicle safety.
Battery Safety: Overcharging
Overcharging means charging beyond the point of full SOC (100%), imparting a higher voltage to the cathode
and, hence, the cell. The voltage values for various battery types are mentioned in Table 4.11. When an LIB is
charged beyond the designated safe voltage window, it can lead to the plating of metallic lithium on the anode
(graphite) and also to the generation of CO2 at the cathode. The excess build-up of gas pressure eventually
causes an explosion in the battery. Further, the extra energy supplied to the battery gets absorbed by the
battery materials. After a certain safety level is crossed, the battery materials might decompose causing
massive battery failure. The decomposition reaction releases energy that can cause a sudden rise in
temperatures. LIBs use non-aqueous flammable electrolytes, which could burn due to high temperature,
causing a fire hazard (Casey 2015). A BMS can control the overcharging issues by sending signals to the battery
charger to start or stop the charging. It can open the safety valves and vents in case of an emergency. It should
be noted that LIB is not the only battery that is prone to safety hazards during overcharging. Lead-acid and Ni-
based batteries can also experience meltdown when overcharged above the designated voltage window and
catch fire. The key is to manage the battery operations efficiently and with appropriate BMS protocol.
The typical operating range for LIBs is –20C to 60C (McDowall, n.d.). However, the operating range for a
charging cycle is 0C–45C. It is advised by the manufacturers that the battery operate at 10C–30C to attain a
longer service life. In winters, challenges in battery function arise in places like Shimla where temperatures fall
below 0C (lowest –10C) (Battery University 2015a). At low temperatures, the ionic conductivity of the
electrolyte decreases, which limits the battery performance. In warmer places, where temperature rises above
40C–50C, there is again a risk of battery failure. Charging of the battery at high temperatures is not advised
as the charging operation increases the battery temperature further due to ohmic resistances. It can lead to
damages to the battery and a reduction in the operating life. Therefore, the battery compartment should be
well insulated in winters, and the temperature of the battery compartment should be maintained at moderate
levels through active cooling–heating systems.
Mechanical abuse, short-circuit and overcharging can increase the local temperatures inside the battery. At a
high temperature (above 130C), the SEI in the battery dissolves and lithium ions react with the electrolyte
(Casey 2015). This reaction is exothermic and increases the temperature of the battery further. The higher
temperature accelerates the reaction, which results in even higher temperatures, leading to the thermal
degradation of the battery materials. This is called thermal runaway of the battery and can lead to a fire
hazard; the process is presented in Figure 5.5. In 2006, Sony recalled about 535,000 laptops, which were
under overheating and potential fire hazard (Golubkov et al. 2014). In 2013, a similar thermal runaway
problem was observed in Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights, which resulted in the temporary disruption of the
carrier operations (Paul 2010).
Figure 5.5 Process of thermal runaway in LIBs
(Topham 2013)
In BE buses, the temperature of the battery compartment should be maintained to within the recommended
temperatures levels (10C–30C). The BMS monitors the temperature levels in the battery, and it can control
the operation of the battery according to the environment. In conclusion, the BMS reduces the chance of a
battery failure and fire hazard considerably. Researchers are looking for alternative electrode materials and
electrolytes that can provide a wider operating temperature range for the battery by broadening the tolerance
Cost of BE buses
High capital costs of BE buses are one of the major barriers in their mass adoption. BE buses can break even
with respect to the diesel buses in 10–14 years given their low running costs (INR/km)(World Weather Online
2015). The reason for the high costs of BE buses is the battery cost, which is still higher than the target
benchmark cost that has been determined in several studies of the battery industry. At the benchmark cost of
the battery, the mass production and adoption of BEVs will be economically feasible. The prices of LIBs and the
overall EV technology are slowly reducing. Another reason for the high costs of BE buses is that India does not
have an indigenous manufacturing facility for BE buses. In future, domestic companies might be able to reduce
costs by manufacturing buses locally. Intelligent planning and strategic implementation of buses and EVSE will
reduce the costs further. Cheaper financing options by the government can also make the BEV market
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