Mechatronics Simplifies Machine Design: Breaking Away From Traditional Engineering
Mechatronics Simplifies Machine Design: Breaking Away From Traditional Engineering
Mechatronics Simplifies Machine Design: Breaking Away From Traditional Engineering
entry ramp can be the rework of an old design taking a cross-discipline approach.
There is a near-constant stream of mechatronic innovation, some of which can vastly
improve the machine design process and product. For example, some vendors now
offer software that combines panel layout with drive sizing and cam design.
It pays to set specific goals when defining the scope of a mechatronics project. There
must be a plan in place to provide detailed project information to each engineer on
the team. A mechanical engineer who understands the potential of a control system
will be more likely to simplify mechanical solutions. An electrical engineer who
understands the five simple machines of physics will be more open to applying an
open-loop system or a smaller controller.
A software engineer who understands the three sides of control can synchronize the
motion of a machine to guarantee the safe movement of products.
Use of modular code programming relies on a control system and modular hardware,
but the impact in terms of reducing machine design resources is phenomenal.
Software can be generated much more quickly using code developed for previous
generations of machines in the form of ready-made technology modules, which can
be modified to meet new requirements. An application template provides necessary
basic structures while allowing users to create their own machine modules.
If not now, when?
Increased demand for automation in broader applications has spurred development
of smarter, more efficient drives, controls, and software tools. Automation products
with embedded mechatronic functionality reduce engineering expenses while taking
up less real estate and offering more dynamic machine performance.
As more OEMs get on board with mechatronics, it becomes imperative that they
manage the process and recognize trends in mechatronics to stay ahead of the
technology curve. By developing a portfolio of mechanical, electrical, and software
modules, it becomes easier to quickly assemble configurable machines to meet
customer requests. Perhaps there's an adjacent industry that could use machines
similar to those one's company builds—driving potential for lucrative new sales.