Quiz 1
Quiz 1
Quiz 1
Example: She / a / singer / better / I / than / am. / is
1. I have three apples. This yellow apple is the ______. She is a better singer than I am.
a) littlest c) most little
15. louder / voice / is / Her / mine. / than?
b) smallest d) more little
16. taller / is / than / She / I / am.
2. This book is the ______ book I have ever read.
a) longest c) longer
17. is / am. / I / tennis player / than / She /a better?
b) most long d) more long
3. Anna bought four dresses. The green one is the
a) prettiest c) the most pretty
Example: a mountain / a hill (high)
b) most pretty d) more prettier
A mountain is higher than a hill .
4. She is the ______ girl in the class. 18. cars / bicycles (expensive)
a) smart c) the most smart ______________________________________________________
b) smarter d) smartest ______________________________________________________
19. department stores / local stores (big)
5. Mount Everest is the ______ mountain in the world. ______________________________________________________
a) most high c) the more high ______________________________________________________
b) higher d) highest 20. speaking / writing (easy)
6. The black pants are the ______. ______________________________________________________
a) expensive c) the most expensive 21. a plane / a train (fast)
b) most expensive d )more expensive ______________________________________________________
7. That is the _____ cake I have ever eaten. 22. the country / the city (quiet)
a) best c) the goodest ______________________________________________________
b) better d ) more good ______________________________________________________
8. What is the ______ movie you have ever seen? TO SAY WHAT YOU THINK. USE THE CORRECT FORM OF
a) worst c) the worst THE WORD IN PARENTHESES.
b) baddest d) most bad
Example : rock music vs. hip hop (popular)
9. Which homework is the ______? Hip hop music is more popular than rock
a) Important c) more important music.
b) most important d)the most important 23. books vs. movies (interesting)
10. The Missouri River is the ______ river in the United ______________________________________________________
States. 24. money vs. being happy (important)
a) most long c) longest ______________________________________________________
b) longer d) more long ______________________________________________________
25. Colombian soccer team vs. England soccer team (good)
11. An elephant's brain is ________ a whale's brain. ______________________________________________________
a) more big than c) the biggest ______________________________________________________
b) the bigger than d) bigger than 26. English vs. my language (easy)
12. Monkeys are ____________ learners than elephants. ______________________________________________________
a) more fast c) more faster 27. snow vs. rain (bad)
b) very fast d) faster ______________________________________________________
13. I am _________________ my brother. 28. tablets vs. smartphones (cool)
a) tall than c) more taller than ______________________________________________________
b) taller d) taller than ______________________________________________________
29. soccer vs. tennis (exciting)
14. Tom thinks that his car is ___________________ than ______________________________________________________
my car. _____________________________________________________
a) expensiver c) more expensive 30. friends vs. family (nice)
b) more expensiver d ) most expensive ______________________________________________________
Lifespan: 60-70 years Lifespan: 80-100 years Lifespan: 25-30 years
Age: 37 years old Age: 10 years old Age: 18 years old
Weight: 7,000 kg Weight: 500 kg Weight: 250 kg
Length: 7,5 metres Length: 6,2 metres Length: 2 metres
Population: 1,3 million Population: 300,000 Population: 21,000
Characteristics: intelligent, Characteristics: aggressive, fast, Characteristics: adventurous,
sensitive, wild, sociable, friendly, unfriendly, wild, lonely, a good fast, wild, proud, a good hunter,
with a good memory swimmer strong
31. Lions have a ___________ lifespan than elephants (short) 48.The elephant is ____________________ (big) of the three.
32. Elephants live ________ (long) than lions. 49.The lion is _______________________________(light).
33. Lions are ______________ (rare) than Elephants. 50.The elephant is ____________________________(heavy).
34. Crocodiles are _________________ (aggressive) than 51.The crocodile is ____________________________(aggressive)
elephants. 52.The elephant is ______________________________(peaceful)
35. Elephants are _________________(intelligent) than 53.The lion is ____________________________(proud)
crocodiles. 54.The elephant is _________________________(old)
36. Lions are ____________ (good) hunters than crocodiles. 55.The crocodile in the picture is ______________(young)
37. Elephants are ______________(strong) than lions. 56.The crocodile has _________________(long) lifespan.
38. The elephant in the picture is ______________(old) than 57.The lion has _____________________(short) lifespan.
the lion. 58.The lion is _______________________________(adventurous)
39. The crocodile in the picture is _____________(young) than 59.The lion is _____________________(good) hunter.
the elephant. 60.The elephant is _________________(bad) hunter.
40. The crocodile is _______________(heavy) than the lion. 61.The crocodile has ___________________(strong) jaw.
41. The elephant is ________________(sociable) than the 62.The lion has ______________________(small) population.
crocodile. 63.The elephant is _________________________(common)
42. The crocodile has a _____________(bad) memory than the 64.The elephant has ________________(good) memory.
elephant. 65.The crocodile is ________________________(lonely)
43. The elephant is ______________(friendly) than the lion 66.The lion is __________________________(fast)
44. The lion is _______________(light) than the crocodile. 67.The elephant is ______________________________(sociable)
45. The crocodile swims ____________(good) than the lion 68.The elephant is __________________________(friendly)
46. The lion is ____________(proud) than the crocodile. 69.The crocodile is ____________________________(unsociable)
47. The lion is ____________(fast) than the elephant. 70. The elephant is _________________(bad) swimmer.
71. Elephants are ___________ (big) than crocodiles, but 73. The lion is _______________(dangerous) than the
blue whales are ________________ mammals on elephant, but the crocodile is
Earth. ________________________________________.
72. The crocodile is _______________(small) than the 74. The lion is _________________(intelligent) than the
elephant, but the lion is crocodile, but the elephant is
__________________________ _________________________________________.