Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: The protocol accessing data from directory services like
OpenLDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, Netscape Directory Server or Novell eDirectory.
Protocol dependencies
• TCP/UDP: Typically, LDAP uses TCP or UDP (aka CLDAP) as its transport protocol. The well
known TCP and UDP port for LDAP traffic is 389.
• SSL/TLS: LDAP can also be tunneled through SSL/TLS encrypted connections. The well known TCP
port for SSL is 636 while TLS is negotiated within a plain TCP connection on port 389.
Example traffic
TODO: - Add example traffic here (as plain text or Wireshark screenshot).
Preference Settings
Display Filter
A complete list of LDAP display filter fields can be found in the LDAP display filter reference
Capture Filter
You cannot directly filter LDAP protocols while capturing. However, if you know the TCP port used (see
above), you can filter on that one.
External links
Discussion 5/9/2018
LDAP - The Wireshark Wiki Page 2 of 2 5/9/2018