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Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research Vol.

17/(1) 2009: 5-13



Mostafa Mobli and B ahram Baninasab*

Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of

Technology, Isfahn 84156-83111, IRAN
*Corresponding author email: bbanin@cc.iut.ac.ir

(Received March 17, 2008/Accepted September 15, 2008)


The species of Pistacia vera, P. mutica and P. khinjuk can be used as rootstocks
for pistachio cultivars due to their adaptability to severe environmental conditions and
resistance to some pests and diseases. However, low percentage of seedling survival
following transplanting has been a major problem. This study was conducted to test
the effects of different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on root regeneration
of transplanted bare-rooted seedlings of these three species. The seedlings treated
with IBA at all concentrations tested (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 mg l-1)
developed more roots, which were longer and had higher fresh and dry weight, and
increased the survival rate of treated seedlings compared to their respective controls.
The most effective concentrations in this respect were 2000 and 2500 mg l . There
was a significant interaction between the species and IBA concentration. Shoot
height, root and shoot diameter, leaf number, shoot fresh and dry weight were not
affected by IBA. Results also showed that survival rate of the seedlings was
significantly correlated with root number, length and fresh and dry weight.

Key words: root regeneration, IBA, seedling survival, Pistacia

INTRODUCT ION 1952). Among these, P. vera L. is

economically important due to its
The genus Pistacia is a member of fruits (pistachio nuts). Seedlings of
the Anacardiaceae family and consists other species are used mainly as
of eleven or more species (Zohary, rootstocks for pistachio (Spiegel-
M. Mobli and B. Baninasab

Roy, 1985). P. mutica F. and M. and has the potential to play an important
P. khinjuk Stocks are two wild role in increasing the survival and
species of Pistacia naturally distri- growth of the planted trees (Scagel
buted in many parts of Iran at an area and Linderman, 2001).
of 2.5-3 million hectares (Sheibani, Seedling root system can be
1996). Although their potential as manipulated to reduce the effects of
a rootstock have been known for many transplanting shock by increasing the
decades due to resistance to some pests amount of their roots. This may be
and diseases, the difficulties in both achieved by root pruning (Kozlowski
propagation and transplanting have and Davies, 1975), using such methods
limited the use of these two rootstocks as wrenching (Van Dorsser, 1985), or
(Rahemi and Baninasab, 2000). These under cutting (Aldhous and Mason,
limitations are mainly attributed to 1994) in the nursery to increase the
seed dormancy and very few lateral amount of roots and improve root
roots formed on seedlings. retention on lifting. Alternatively, root
In addition, transplanting often regeneration following transplanting in
causes root damage, reducing the deciduous tree seedlings may be
effective root area which in turn cause promoted by the prior application of
water stress (Kramer, 1995), decrease plant growth regulators (Simpson,
nutrient uptake (Bloom and Sukra- 1986; Davies et al., 2002).
panna, 1990) and make plants more Auxins are commonly used to
susceptible to diseases (Moss and stimulate root initiation in plants
Main, 1989). Rapid resumption of (Looney and McIntosh, 1968; Scagel
root initiation and growth are two of et al., 2000). It has been reported that
the principal processes responsible application of exogenous auxins to
for seedling survival after transplanting roots increased root regeneration of
(Burdett, 1987). Several studies have oak seedlings up to six fold (Struve
attempted to predict the quality of and Arnold, 1986). Application of
seedlings by assessing root rege- IBA and naphthalene acetic acid
neration capacity i.e., the ability of (NAA) to root system of Douglas-fir
seedlings to initiate new roots upon [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)
planting (McCreary and Duryea, Franco] by soil drench method
1987). These studies concluded that increased lateral root production of
the survival of a seedling after the seedlings (Simpson, 1986). Also,
transplanting is a function of its ability application of IBA to the root system
to initiate new roots and that root of Pistacia chinensis seedlings prior
regeneration capacity is not the only to transplanting greatly increased
factor. Although root regeneration root regeneration potential (Lee and
capacity may not be considered as Hackett, 1976). However, in pea
ultimate predictor of planting perfor- (Pisum sativum L.) and corn (Zea
mance, the ability to manipulate mays L.) application of auxins
factors that regulate the quantity, inhibited root elongation (Eliasson et
quality, type and speed of root growth al., 1989).

6 J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13

Effect of indolebutyric acid on root regeneration…Pistacia species

Present study was carried out to For this purpose, seedlings of three
assess the effects of different con- Pistacia species: P. vera, P. mutica
centrations of IBA applied to root and P. khinjuk were treated with IBA
system on root regeneration, growth at concentrations of 1000, 1500, 2000,
and survival upon transplanting of 2500 and 3000 mg l-1. Not treated
seedlings of three Pistacia species. seedlings (0 IBA) served as a control.
MATERIAL AND M ETHODS Auxin application
Plant Material Dormant, one year old seedlings
were removed from plastic bags on
Seeds of P. vera and P. mutica
13 March 2003. The root system was
were obtained from the Kerman
washed and dipped in IBA solutions
Agriculture – Jahad Organization and
for 30 s (Struve et al., 1983) and on
P. khinjuk from the Research Centre
the same day the seedling were
of Natural Resources and Animal
replanted in new plastic bags filled
Science at Isfahan, Iran. Sound nuts
with the same soil substrate. The root
of P. khinjuk and P. mutica were
systems have been handled carefully
scarified by immersing them in
so that no visible root damage occurred
concentrated H2 SO4 for 20 and 90
during transplanting. However, it is
min, respectively, and then washed
likely that some injury to the fragile,
for 24 h in running water. Naturally
small root hairs have occurred. The
split P. vera hulled seeds were
IBA solutions was prepared by
soaked in tap water for 24 h. The
dissolving the required amounts in
nuts of all species were then mixed
50% ethanol and a few drops of
with moist sphagnum peat (3:1, v/v)
ammonium hydroxide, to which
and stratified by keeping them at
eight drops per litre of Tween-20
51 C for 20 d. After stratification were added as a surfactant. Three
period, nuts were sown on 3 March
months after applying the treatments,
2002 directly into black plastic bags
the seedlings were removed from the
filled with 5 kg of a mixture of fine
containers and the soil substrate was
sand, leaf mould and loam soil (1 : 1
carefully washed from the root
1, v/v). The bags were then kept in a
system. The number, length and
greenhouse at 26.7 C (4 C) under diameter of the roots were measured
natural photoperiod for three months using the Delta-T SCAN image
before being moved to an outdoor analysis system (Windias software).
nursery area. Irrigation and weed Shoot length, stem diameter, leaf
control was maintained manually. number and fresh and dry weight of
the roots and shoots were determined.
Experimental design Dry weight was determined after
A 3 6 factorial experiment was drying plant materials at 70C for 72 h.
used in a completely randomized Data were statistically analysed and the
design with five replications and four means compared using Duncan’s
plants per a replication (plastic bag). multiple range test (DMRT).

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13 7

M. Mobli and B. Baninasab

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION general, the common increasing effects

of IBA on Pistacia root elongation
The analysis of variance showed were consistent with the results found
significant differences among species, with Acer saccharinum (Richardson,
as well as IBA concentrations, for 1958) and pear (Looney and Mc-
most of the traits measured. Also, there Intosh, 1968), but not with the results
was a significant interaction between obtained on herbaceous plants such
the species and IBA concentrations for as pea and corn (Eliasson et al.,
some of the traits. 1989).
Irrespective of the species, IBA at Application of IBA at all concen-
all concentrations increased number of trations increased significantly both
roots per a seedling compared to the fresh and dry weight of the roots,
control, although 2000 and 2500 mg l-1 with the largest increase at 2000 and
IBA were more effective than the other 2500 mg l-1 (Tab. 3 and 4). A signi-
concentrations (Tab. 1). There was ficant interaction was observed
a significant interaction (p = 0.01) between species and IBA concen-
between the species and IBA tration; the increasing effect of IBA on
concentration; the increasing effect both root fresh and dry weight was
of 2000 and 2500 mg l-1 IBA was more pronounced on P. mutica. In P.
more pronounced in P. khinjuk but vera, treatments with IBA up to
less effective in P. mutica. Previous 2500 mg l-1 and in P. mutica and P.
studies have also shown that IBA khinjuk up to 2000 mg l-1 progressively
increased the number of roots in increased both fresh and dry weight of
Douglas-fir (Scagel et al., 2000), the roots. Further increase in IBA
common oak and beech (Davies et concentration reversed this trend
al., 2002). On the other hand, it has (Tab. 3 and 4). Davies et al. (2002)
been reported that IBA was not reported similar findings with Fagus
effective in improving root initiation sylvatica and Quercus robur, when
of palms (Broschat and Donselman, they applied IBA at 3000 and 250-
1990). 1000 mg l-1 , respectively.
Total root length was also Shoot height, root and shoot
increased by IBA at all concentrations diameter, leaf number and fresh and
used compared to the control. In most dry weight of the shoots were not
cases, 2000 mg l-1 IBA was the most affected by IBA when compared to
effective in promoting root elongation the control (data not presented).
but, due to a significant interaction Previous studies have also shown
between the species and IBA con- that fresh and dry weight of the
centration, in P. vera 2500 mg l -1 shoots was not affected by the
IBA produced the longest roots auxin treatments (Looney and
(1830 mm) while IBA applied at McIntosh , 1968). This is attributed
1000 and 3000 mg l-1 on P. khinjuk to Pistacia bud break occurring
and P. mutica, respectively, did not before root regeneration (Lee and
increase root length (Tab. 2). In Hackett, 1976).

8 J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13

Effect of indolebutyric acid on root regeneration…Pistacia species

T a b l e 1 . Influence of IBA at different concentrations on root number of three

species of Pistacia seedlings

IBA Root number

-1 Mean
[mg l ] P. vera P. mutica P. khinjuk
Control 72.8 d* 47.9 fgh 28.6 i 49.8 D
1000 88.2 c 59.4 ef 36.7 hi 61.5 C
1500 106.9 b 72.3 d 46.7 gh 75.3 B
2000 119.9 a 73.0 d 61.9 de 84.9 A
2500 114.0 ab 67.6 de 67.7 de 83.1 A
3000 89.3 c 55.5 efg 43.4 gh 62.7 C
Mean 98.5 A 62.6 B 47.5 C
*Means followed by the same letters are not significantly (p = 0.01) different according to DMRT

T a b l e 2 . Influence of IBA at different concentrations on total root length of three

species of Pistacia seedlings

IBA Total root length [mm]

[mg l-1] P. vera P. mutica P. khinjuk
Control 1265 c* 836 fg 544 h 881 E
1000 1538 b 1046 de 588 h 1057 D
1500 1550 b 1137 cd 812 fg 1166 C
2000 1773 a 1286 c 1134 cd 1398 A
2500 1830 a 1152 cd 926 ef 1303 B
3000 1488 b 827 fg 756 g 1039 D
Mean 1574 A 1055 B 793 C
*Explanations , see Table 1

T a b l e 3 . Influence of IBA at different concentrations on root fresh weight of three

species of Pistacia seedlings

Root fresh weight [g]

-1 Mean
[mg l ] P. vera P. mutica P. khinjuk
Control 1.48 h* 0.78 k 0.30 o 0.84 E
1000 2.03 e 1.24 i 0.35 no 1.20 D
1500 2.54 c 1.75 g 0.49 m 1.59 B
2000 2.79 b 1.91 f 0.66 l 1.79 A
2500 3.01 a 1.67 g 0.61 l 1.76 A
3000 2.25 d 1.12 j 0.45 mn 1.27C
Mean 2.35 A 1.41 B 0.48 C
*Explanations , see Table 1

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13 9

M. Mobli and B. Baninasab

T a b l e 4 . Influence of IBA at different concentrations on root dry weight of three

species of Pistacia seedlings

IBA Root dry weight [g]

-1 Mean
[mg l ] P. vera P. mutica P. khinjuk
Control 0.57 f* 0.26 h 0.09 j 0.30 D
1000 0.73 d 0.43 g 0.10 j 0.42 C
1500 0.93 b 0.61 f 0.14 ij 0.56 B
2000 0.95 b 0.67 e 0.18 i 0.60 A
2500 1.03 a 0.59 f 0.17 i 0.60 A
3000 0.79 c 0.39 g 0.13 ij 0.44 C
Mean 0.84 A 0.49 B 0.14 C
*Explanations , see Table 1

T a b l e 5. Influence of IBA at different concentrations on survival rate of three

species of Pistacia seedlings

IBA Survival rate [%]

[mg l -1] P. vera P. mutica P. khinjuk
Control 40.0 cd* ** 30.0 d 40.0 cd 36.7 C
1000 85.0 a 50.0 abcd 45.0 bcd 60.0 B
1500 65.0 abcd 70.0 abcd 70.0 abcd 68.3 AB
2000 90.0 a 75.0 abc 80.0 ab 81.7 A
2500 85.0 a 70.0 abcd 75.0 abc 76.7 AB
3000 70.0 abcd 60.0 abcd 60.0 abcd 63.3 B
Mean 72.5 A 59.2 A 61.7 A
*Explanations , see Table 1
**Analysis were done using arcsin X transformed data

The survival of the seedlings was rate of Pistacia seedlings is through

increased significantly by application enhancements of these traits.
of IBA (Tab. 5). Seedlings treated In general, P. vera produced more
with 2000 mg l-1 IBA showed the and longer roots with higher fresh and
greatest survival rate (81.7%). The dry weight than the other species
analysis of variance showed that analysed (Tab. 1 to 4, respectively).
survival of the seedlings were signi- Shoot length, shoot diameter, leaf
ficantly correlated with such traits as: number, shoot fresh and dry weight
root number, root length and root were greatest in P. vera as well (data
fresh and dry weight (Tab. 6). not presented). P. vera showed the
Therefore, it is extrapolated that highest rate of seedling survival
increasing effect of IBA on survival (72.5%) (Tab. 5). These differences

10 J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13

Effect of indolebutyric acid on root regeneration… Pistacia species

T a b l e 6 . Correlation between 11 measured traits of Pistacia seedlings

Traits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 – Root number
2 – Root length
0.97* 1
3 – Root diameter
0.67 0.69 1
4 – Root fresh weight
0.94 0.95 0.74 1
5 – Root dry weight
0.93 0.94 0.76 0.99 1
6 – Survival
0.67 0.66 0.08 0.56 0.52 1
7 – Shoot length
0.79 0.80 0.79 0.75 0.76 0.33 1
8 – Shoot diameter
0.82 0.83 0.83 0.78 0.79 0.36 0.95 1
9 – Leaf number
0.80 0.81 0.82 0.80 0.81 0.33 0.92 0.91 1
10 – Shoot fresh weight
0.85 0.85 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.38 0.98 0.97 0.94 1
11 – Shoot dry weight
0.83 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.81 0.35 0.98 0.98 0.94 0.99 1

*r > 0.47 at p = 0.05 and r > 0.59 at p = 0.01 are significant

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13 11

M. Mobli and B. Baninasab

represent genetic diversity among the seedlings. J. HORT. SCI. BIOTECH.

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to IBA treatments outlined in this 1989. Inhibitory action of auxin on
root elongation not mediated by
study suggests that this technique has a
ethylene. PLANT PHYSIOL. 91:
potential application for increasing the 310-314.
ease by which this difficult–to- Kozlowski T.T., Davies W.J. 1975.
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is the most effective for root rege- plants. Academic Press, New York,
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Isfahan University of Technology plant treatment of nursery stock with
Research Council, to whom thanks are indole-3-butyric acid. PROC. AMER.
due. SOC. HORT. SCI. 92: 150-154.
McCreary D.D., Duryea M.L. 1987. Pre-
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12 J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13

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Mostafa Mobli i Bahram Baninasab


Gatunki Pistacia vera, P. mutica i P. khinjuk mogąbyćzastosowane jako

podkł adki dla odmian pistacji ze wzglę du na ich przystosowanie do zróżnicowanych
warunków ś rodowiska i odpornoś ćna szkodniki i choroby. Jednakż e gł ównym
problemem jest niski stopień przeżycia po szczepieniu. W przeprowadzonych
badaniach testowano wpł yw różnego stęż enia kwasu indolilomasł owego (IBA) na
regeneracjękorzeni u szczepionych siewek tych trzech gatunków. Siewki traktowane
róż nymi stężeniami IBA (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 i 3000 mg l ) wytwarzał y więcej
korzeni, był y dłuż
sze, miał y wię ksząś wieżąi suchąmasęi wykazywał y wyż szą
przeż ywalnoś ćw porównaniu z siewkami kontrolnymi nietraktowanymi. Stę ż
IBA 2000 i 2500 mg l- 1 dawał y najlepszy efekt. Otrzymane wyniki wykazują , że
przeż ywalnoś ćsiewek był a istotnie skorelowana z liczbąkorzeni i ich dł ugoś cią,
a takżeś wieżąi suchąmasąkorzeni.

owa kluczowe: regeneracja korzeni, IBA, przeżywalnoś
ćsiewek, Pistacia

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 5-13 13

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