Tour Report - Quality Control and Improvement of Glass Industries Limited
Tour Report - Quality Control and Improvement of Glass Industries Limited
Tour Report - Quality Control and Improvement of Glass Industries Limited
An Industrial Tour Report submitted to the Department of Management Studies,
University of Chittagong, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Submitted to:
Mohammad Harisur Rahman Howladar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Management Studies
University of Chittagong.
Submitted by:
Md. Effat-E-Elahee Chowdury
BBA-4th Year, Session: 2003-2004
Exam Roll- 2004/59
Class Roll- 4791
Department of Management Studies
University of Chittagong
10 June, 2009
Dear Sir,
It is Pleasure on my part to submit the industrial tour report based of PHP Float Glass
Industries Limited to fulfill the partial requirement of BBA program. My effort will be
rewarded only if it could satisfy you. I have tried my level best to complete this report
according to my knowledge.
Complete error free writing is very difficult. I hope you would accept all mistakes
with gracious consideration and oblige there by.
Sincerely Yours,
Md. Effat-E-Elahee Chowdury
BBA-4th Year, Session: 2003-2004
Exam Roll- 2004/59
Class Roll- 4791
Department of Management Studies
University of Chittagong
First, I express my deep gratefulness to the Almighty Allah for giving strengths and
opportunity to complete this industrial tour report.
I also thanked other staffs and employees of PHP Float Glass Industries Limited, and
all of my friends for their help and co-operation for the successful preparation of this
Executive Summary
Industrial Tour is the fulfillment of the partial requirement of the BBA program.
Industrial tour can help to find out relation between practical and theoretical
knowledge. After visiting the PHP Float Glass Industries Limited I can prepare a
report which cover “Quality Control and Improvement of PHP Float Glass Industries
Limited”. This report also covers company overview and other related part of the
production process.
This report contains three parts. Part-A relates to the host organization i.e. PHP Float
Glass Industries Limited. This part talks about the organization of PHP Float Glass
Industries Limited. In this part Company’s corporate profile, factory overview,
management system, organization structure, business operations, production
operation, product profile etc are shone.
Part-B contains the report on the quality control and improvement of PHP Float Glass
Industries Limited. I have tried my best to prepare the report on quality control and
improvement because they are yet to get the certificate of ISO. And they are also use
the Japanese Industrial Standard R3202 which is one of the best standards of the
world for maintaining quality and improvement.
Part-C contains my findings and analysis of quality control and improvement of PHP
Float Glass Industries Limited. I also give a recommendation and finally draw the
Table of Content
Bangladesh entered the glass age when the Peace Happiness and Prosperity- PHP
group, one of the two new modern float glass industries went into operation on June
23. PHP Float Glass Industries Limited is a concern of PHP Group and their vision is
“to see beyond future, the sprit to do what no one has thought before and the belief
that sincerity, honesty and hard work supported with divine blessings and backed by
good intensions can make miracles, to bring Peace, Happiness & Prosperity for
In any developed or developing country, Glass plays an important role in modern life-
style. Glass consumption is directly indicative of the economic growth of any country.
Bangladesh with its rapidly increasing construction sector, which includes high-rise
building, hotels and shopping malls, etc. shows a clear rend of economic progress
through its increasing glass consumption.
The PHP Float Glass Industries, a concern of the PHP group is able to meet more than
60 per cent of the domestic float glass demand. The company has an annual capacity
of producing 54,000 tonnes of float glass, strong enough for furniture, besides
window and door panes.
Quality is the main concern of PHP Float Glass Industry. “Quality products through
eco-friendly technologies” is one of the motto of PHP Float Glass for producing
qualitative products. So I can choose the area of quality control and improvement of
PHP Float Glass Industry and explore the area of quality and its improvement.
The basic or main purpose of report is to learn practical knowledge about business
world find out the relation of theoretical knowledge with practical. The objectives of
this industrial tour are as below:
i) To identify an overview of the PHP Float Glass Industries Ltd.
ii) To know the management of the PHP Float Glass Industries Ltd.
iii) To know the quality control procedure of the company.
iv) To know about the quality improvement strategy of the company.
v) To gather knowledge about the technical aspect of the company regarding
quality and its improvement.
vi) To evaluate the quality culture of the Company.
vii) To assess the potentiality, strength and weakness of the company.
viii) To identify the problems quality improvement so that we can offer
alternative solutions for them.
ix) To appraise the principle activities of PHP Float Glass Industries Ltd.
x) To develop practical knowledge.
ii) Face-to-face conversation with the respective offices and stuffs of the PHP
Float Glass factory.
iii) Related field study as provided by the officer concerned.
After completion of data collection I can analyze them for the establishment of
categories, which lead to classify the raw data into some purposeful and usable
categories. Finally, the classified data have been tabulated, analyzed, interpreted, and
presented in the form of a report thereafter.
I was tried my best to collect the maximum information from the authority,
management, production department and quality department. But I was faced the
following problems:
i) For a fruitful tour report only one-day visit of industry is not sufficient.
ii) Published data were not available PHP Float Glass factory.
iii) Information was not provided due to business secrecy.
iv) Difference of theoretical & practical knowledge.
v) Large scale study was not possible due to constraints and restrictions
imposed by the organization.
For the presence of these limitations it is very difficult to make the tour report up to
the mark.
Part – A
Company Overview
Exploring the opportunity the PHP Group, by setting up Bangladesh’s first float glass-
manufacturing facility to add a new dimension to infrastructural development of the
country. PHP Float Glass Ind. Ltd. has been incorporated as a private limited
company on 9 April 2003, which has set up with technical assistance with Luoyang
Float Glass Technology of China. The project is manufacturing high quality clear and
tinted Float Glass Sheets as an import substitute to cater the domestic market and the
foreign market as well. PHP Float Glass Industries Ltd. detail information is shown in
the following.
Management department
Production department
Research and Development department
Quality Control department
There is no finance, accounting and marketing department in PHP Float Glass
Industries factory. But they have a corporate office by which they perform the
activities of finance, accounting and marketing department. In the management
section a general manager who is the project head control the overall management of
the industry. In the production department manager of production is responsible for all
types of activities of production process. There is also a small scale R&D department
and a quality control department by taking 4 to 6 members. There is one engineer, two
assistant engineers, two sub-assistant engineers, 4 to 6 operator, and 12 to 16 workers
involved in the production process in one shift.
(PHP Group)
General Manager
(Project Head)
Assistant Assistant
Engineer Engineer
Sub-assistant Sub-assistant
Engineer Engineer
Float Glass Description:
PHP Float Glass Industries Limited y produces clear and tinted heat absorbing glass
while production of the clear, bronze, blue and dark grey and light grey glass is
underway. The product profiles of float glass are shown in the following table.
Sizes Wide range of sizes: up to 2130mm x 3600 mm (84 inch x
142 inch) larger sizes can also be produced if transportation
& handling constraints can be overcome.
Float glass is one of the most popular world class glasses and also increasing market
day by day because of its special features and environment friendly. Float glass has
the following special features.
1. PHP Glass has precise surface flatness, which provides distortion-free vision.
2. PHP Glass is excellently clear & transparent. When turned into mirror, it
provides brilliant reflected image.
3. Tinted PHP Glass absorbs 30 to 35 percent of the solar radiation heat
(depending on the tint and thickness of glass), reduces the flow of heat into the
buildings and keeps the building cool and comfortable.
4. PHP Glass provides flexibility which helps Architects and Designers to use it
in new design trends.
5. Tinted PHP Glass has low visible ray transmittance, thus softening the glare of
6. PHP Glass is very strong & durable because it is free from bubbles & ripples.
6. To produce Mirrors
7. Tempered Glass
On the evening of June 23, 2005, the 1st pulling of glass ribbon of PHP Float Glass
Bangladesh. The performance started on 21:00 local time. On 21:20 initial float glass
came out smoothly from the furnace to the cold end through the tin bath. It marks the
beginning of the commercial production of the No.1 float glass production line in
Market Demand of Float Glass:
PHP Float Glass Industries producing approximately 54000 MT glass annually which
is able to meet more then 60% of the local demand of the country. After meeting the
local demand they can also export. PHP Group has started to export FLOAT GLASS
to Sri-Lanka, for the first time from Bangladesh, within 06 months of production.
But now due to economic crisis export of float has been stopped. Consumers will
now have the privilege of using locally manufactured world-class glass at much less
prices than the imports cost them. Float Glass also popular because of its special
features and different uses. Float glasses of 2-12mm thickness used for optical lenses
to home interiors, including doors and mirrors, are now available on the local market
at 30 percent less costs than the imported ones. PHP Float Glass captures more then
Quality is the totality of the features and characteristics of a product or service that
bear on its ability to satisfy stated of implied needs. An organization whether it is
manufacturing or service oriented organization it must ensure the quality of its
products or services. For producing qualitative products or services every
manufacturing or service oriented organization follows some recognized standard of
the world like ISO or JIS. And PHP Float Glass Industries Limited is such type of
manufacturing organization which is ISO certified and also follows JIS R3202
standards to maintain the quality of the float glass and also try to improve the quality
of the products.
PHP Float Glass Industries Limited has producing float glass and meet 60% of the
local demand of the local demand and also export to the abroad. So they have to
maintain the quality of the product and also show the international standard to the
consumer. In this regard PHP Float Glass Industries Limited gained ISO-9001
certificate in 2008 and use the quality manual of ISO. But PHP Float Glass Industries
Limited also registered with another recognized quality standard as Japanese
Industrial Standard (JIS) R3202. JIS is one of the best standards in the world for
production oriented company to maintain quality in the production process.
Though PHP Float Glass Industries Limited registered with JIS 3202 and ISO 9001
there is also a Bangladesh Standards (BDS) and BSTI give this certificate. But they
have no BSTI certificate and PHP personnel tell us that they are using world’s best
standard and there is no need to BSTI certification.
Implementation of quality management system as per ISO 9001
Training to the employee
Preventive maintenance for continuous improvement
Effective utilization of resources
Minimize and control non conforming products.
Standardize raw materials and manufactured products.
Ensure improved process control and appropriate maintenance & highest
uses of machineries and equipment.
Maintain, effective and duly calibrated monitoring and measuring
Achieve & establish highest quality of products.
Achieve internal and external customer satisfaction, reliability and
decrease customer complain.
PHP Float Glass Industries limited has the following corporate motto to produce
qualitative products and achieve customer satisfaction.
PHP Float Glass Industries Limited has separate quality department to control quality
in the production process and as well as in the whole plant of the factory. In the line of
production there are 16 to 18 technical officer involved in production process to
control quality. There are also two persons to check the waves on surface, bubbles,
ripples and visible impurities in the float glass ribbon.
PHP Float Glass Industries Limited has a modern lab where different types of
chemical test are taken. In the lab different types of testing device and chemicals are
used which are imported from Germany and China. Before production of the float
glass there must be chemical test of all types of ingredient for maintaining the quality
of the float glass.
Continuous Improvement of Quality in PHP Float Glass Industries Limited:
Chart etc. Here Control chart serves as a vergclseful process monitoring technique
because the operating data are collected from an on going process (Mannan, Farhana,
2007). For the application of such types of controlling tools they can use computer
technology in all aspects of production process except Batch Plant.
For continuous improvement there are four primary improvement strategies as repair,
refinement, renovation and reinvention (Besterfield et. all 2005). For continuous
improvement PHP Float Glass technicians or engineers use refinement strategy which
involves activities that continuously improve a process that is not broken. For the
equipment and machineries they can use preventive maintenance policy because float
glass production is a continuous process which is never been stop unless major break
down is taken place. So that the operators has no authority to make necessary change
like shutting down machine if necessary.
There is a small scale research and development department and this department has
also designed R&D functions. The main function of R&D department is to innovating
appropriate measures for maintaining thickness of the float glass. After every three
days they conduct a lab test where they can test the tolerance and thickness of the
float glass. And in this way continuous improvement should be ensured.
Part – C
Analysis and Findings:
1. PHP Float Glass Industry strictly maintains quality and it is their prime
2. They have a corporate statement for quality.
3. As a result of using computer technology in the production process they can
ensure 100% less defective product which is the motto of Japanese
management regarding quality. And PHP Float Glass Industries Limited also
using Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).
4. PHP Float Glass Industries Limited can use refinement and preventive
maintenance strategy where continuous improvement should not be broken
down and also ensure more qualitative products.
5. PHP can ensure effective utilization of resources so regarding this they use the
defective glass for further production. Because the ingredient of defective
glass are purified and it is qualitative as pure ingredient.
6. There are two major defects as bubble and ripple in production of float glass.
So the defects are known and it is easy to find out defective glass which must
be broken down and also use to further production of float glass.
7. As a result of using modern equipment in the lab the non-conforming material
should be identified easily which can help to maintain the quality of the float
8. PHP Float Glass engineers or technicians use computer technology so that the
error of the production process should be identified quickly and for that reason
preventive measure should be taken easily and quickly.
9. The engineers or technicians who work more complicated and sophisticated
area; they are trained in China. So they can assess their area easily.
10. As PHP Float Glass in a continuous production process and they can use three
shifts in a day; so there is a question of distortion when one group can shift.
But this gape is filling up by inspection team that comes from production
department or quality department.
11. In PHP Float Glass continuous production process should be ensured which
never been stopped. Because R&D department can help to find out the way to
improve production process.
1. All types of test in the lab are manual and there is no use of computer
2. Two test of three days gape is not sufficient.
3. Small R&D department.
4. The functions of R&D department in not sufficient for innovation.
5. Management may not recognize and reward the affected employee when they
are using refinement strategy for improvement.
6. Bubble and ripple identification is manual where there is a chance of defective
float glass production.
7. Employee suggestions are not taken to formulate the policy for quality control
and improvement.
I can recommend the followings for quality control and improvement of PHP Float
Glass Industries Limited.
1. Though manual test in the lab can help to proper result of the different tests
but using of computer technology can help to provide more accurate result
then the manual test. Computer technology also required to identify bubble
and ripple of the float glass.
2. Everyday test is required for appropriate thickness of the float glass.
3. The functions of R&D department must be expand and create it as large scale;
as a result creativity and innovation should increase gradually.
4. To create quality control and improvement policy employee involvement
should be ensured and their suggestions must be taken; so that they are
encouraged to work in quality environment.
I think if PHP Float Glass Industries Limited can follow the above suggestions they
can produce hundred percent less defective products. As a result should also be
“Divine blessings, mixed with hard work, backed by good intentions can make
miracles” is the saying of Mohamed Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury who is the founder
of PHP Float Glass Industries Ltd. and chairman of PHP Group. And PHP Float Glass
Industries Limited as a concern of the PHP group is a blessing of modern science
which contributes to the society by creating employment opportunity. By creating
qualitative products PHP Float Glass can meet more than 60 per cent of the domestic
float glass demand and also exporting float glass they can contribute to the countries
revenue earnings by following the concept of “with business concept to serve the
needs or interests of the country and its people by fare and honest means, our every
endeavor always has the national interest at heart and in country’s progress, by
contributing to Government exchequer through highest tax and duties”.
Dr. M.A. Mannan, Farhana Ferdousi, “Essentials of Total Quality Management”, 1st
edition, page: 130-133.
Questionnaire for Industrial Tour
Company Overview
1. Types of Operation:
Production oriented
Service oriented
3. Formally in which year and in which month was this industry established?
Answer: 9 April, 2003
4. In which year and in which month this industry did start its production first?
Answer: June 23, 2005
2. Is your company registered to ISO 9001?
Yes No
If “yes” do you have the quality manual of ISO?
Yes No
Yes No
11. Do you have any research and development department for improving quality?
Yes No
16. Do you have a formalized root cause, corrective and preventive procedures for
Yes No
If “yes”, what types of procedures?
Answer: Less non conformity; Refinement strategy
Yes No
If “yes”, what is/are the program?
Answer: Improvement of production process
20. Do you have facilities for in house testing of tolerances, performance, etc., on
your products?
Yes No
23. Does the operator have the authority to make necessary changes (up to
shutting down machine if necessary)?
Yes No
25. Are “Non-Conforming” materials identified and segregated?
Yes No
Thank you for the time and effort to complete this questionnaire. We do not take this
effort lightly. The above information is considered confidential and is important to
prepare our term paper report.