Resource Centers and Service in Education

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Subject:Edu:03 Technology and communication in education

Topic: Recourse centers and services in Educational Technology

Submitted by

Deepthimol. L

Ist sem B.Ed

Class No: 46

Optional: Commerce

Resources centers are very significant in modern educational system. Educational

resource centers or learning resource centers are indispensable to advanced the learning
experience of students and teachers in any educational sector’. Educational trends of 1960s
focus on methods of self-learning, programmed learning,, learning for mastery, learning
throughout audio media and computer assisted learning. Besides,, information technology
and teaching and learning theories have added a new dimension into learning resources
centers concept. Developed courtiers began to equip advanced facilities for their educational
institutions. Tough late developing countries like India also began to fall in line with this
modern trends.


A learning resources centre is a facility provides for acquiring knowledge,
staffed by a specialist, containing several information sources. The purpose of a
resource centre is to advanced the leaving experience of students and teacher in any
educational sector.

The Akshaya project, first started in the rural Malappuram of Kerala and now
spread all around the State, was the first district wide e-literacy project in India and
one of the largest known internet protocol (IP) based wireless network in the world. In
November 2002, the state Government of Kerala put into place a project, pilot in
Malappauram. Now Malappuram is is India’s first e-literate district.
This project offers lots of services like: E-pay (electricity payment of utility
bills like electricity, land phone, drinking water, University fees etc….)
E- Krishi (for farmers to provide online agriculture trading and information
portal, A to Z solution).
E-Vidya (advanced IT learning for e-literates and others)
E- Ticketing (online train, flights, bus reservations)
Online communication providers for expatriate Indians
Online medical transcription course, with extension programs for all the above
mentioned services.
Kerala Academy for Skills excellence (KASE) registration
University fee Payment.
Educational Assistance:
with the help of a web based solution ‘e-Grantz’, Akshaya aids for the timely
disbursement of educational assistance to all the post metric students of SC, ST, OBC
as well as economically weaker sections of society in Kerala. It provides provision for
making online application, processing and sanction of educational assistance. Around
3 lakh students across 3463 educational institutions have been beneficiated.

Information and library network (INFLIBNET) centre is an autonomous inter-
university centre of the University Grant commission (UGC) of India. It is a major
National Programme initiated by the UGC in March 1991 with its head quarters at
Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad.
 To promote and establish communication facilities to improve capability in
information transfer and access, that provide support to scholarship,
learning, research and academic pursuit through cooperation and
involvement of agencies concerned.
 to establish INFLIBNET: Information and library network a computer
communication network for linking libraries and information centers in
Universities, deemed to he Universities, colleges, research and
Development institutions etc….avoiding duplication of efforts.
 To undertake system design and studies in the field of communication
computer networking, information handling and data management
 To establish appropriate control and monitoring system for the
communication network and organize maintenance.
 To promote research and development and develop necessary facilities and
create technical positions for realizing the objectives of the centre.

The consortium for Educational Communication popularly known as CEC is
one of the inter university centers set up by the university grant commission of India.
It has been established with the goal of addressing the needs of higher education
through the use of powerful medium of Television along with appropriate use of
emerging information communication Technology (ICT).
 Close coordination, facilitation overall guidance and direction towards the
activities of the media centers set up by the UGC in various universities
throughout the Country.
 Dissemination of educational programems through broadcast as well as non
broadcast modes.
 To studying, promoting and experimenting with new technology that will
increase the reach and effectiveness of educational communication
 To produce educational programmes (Audio/Visual and web based)
The Central Institute of Educational technology (CIET) was established in
1984 by the ministry of human resource development of Government of India. Under
the umbrella of the National council of Educational research and Training (NCERT).
If main aim is promoting the use of mass media technology for expanding and
improving the quality of education at the school levels.

 To design and produce media software materials viz. television and radio, film,
graphics and other programmes for strengthening the transaction of curricular
and co-curricular activities at the school level.
 To train the faculty of institutes advanced study in Educational colleges of
teacher education and district Institute of education and training) for the use of
educational technology in their teacher education programmes.
 To advice and coordinate the academic and technical programs and activities of
the state Institute of educational technology (SIETs).
The UGC set up media centers in various universities and institutions in the
country with the objectives to produce in home quality educational programme for
electronics media. The centers are engaged in production of video and multimedia
based programme. At present- about 2000 video based programmes and almost same
number of e-contents based on UGC model curriculum are being produced annually
by the media centre. It’s main objectives is generating quality higher educational

Educational Multimedia Research Centre

At the University of Calicut is the only Centre of its kind to be set up in
Commission. The Centre sanctioned during the IX th plan, became operational in
September 1998. As envisaged by the UGC, the Centre has been set up as a non-
vacation academic department.
 To produce quality content for educational television and e-learning
 Quality includes in depth educational research and best of the
presentation skills to enable the learner clasp the subject easily
 To incorporate interdisciplinary approach to educational technology for
the enrichment and enhancement of the learning experience of the
 adopt the new communication technologies to give the best to the
The Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (CDIT) was established
by the government of Kerala in 1988 for the advanced of research, development and
training in imaging technology. CDIT has four groups, each specializing in a core
area, viz; communication group, Technology group, education and training group and
operations group. CDIT functions as a total solutions provides to the departments and
agencies under of FCT applications and in supply of holography based security

 To ensure advanced of research, development and training in imaging
technology with an implied role in socially relevant science and
development communication.
 To bring innovative technology and its application into public domain.
 To improve science and development communication through the
deployment of needful technology as well as reactive aids
 Digitization of old manuscripts and palm leaf documents for the state
achieves department.
IT@ school
Resources centers are very significant in modern educational system. Educational
resource centers or learning resource centers are indispensable to advanced the
learning experience of students and teachers in any educational sector’. Educational
trends of 1960s focus on methods of self-learning, programmed learning,, learning for
mastery, learning throughout audio media and computer assisted learning. Besides,,
information technology and teaching and learning theories have added a new
dimension into learning resources centers concept. Developed courtiers began to equip
advanced facilities for their educational institutions. Tough late developing countries
like india also began to fall in line with this modern trends.

1. Capacity building of the teaching and the learning community

2. Information and communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure upgradation
of schools
3. High speed Broadband internet connectivity to all schools in the state.
4. Unique scheme for electrification of classroom to fuel ICT enables education
5. ICT based content development for teacher and students
6. School Wiki to promote collaborative content development

The national mission on education through ICT is a project of MHRD
(Ministry of Human resource Development). Which provides a momentous
opportunities for all the teacher and experts in the country to pool their collective
wisdom for the benefit of every Indian learner. Under thus mission, a proper balance
between content generation, research in critical areas relating to imparting of
education and connectivity for integrating our knowledge with the advancement in
other countries is to be attempted.
1. Empower and enables students by ensuring equity and 24x7 access to
education through the use of ICT, irrespective of their social, economical
and educational status.
2. Connect over 400 universities and 22000 colleges across India through
high-speed data network
3. Improve faculty quality by using a unique synchronous training
4. Ensure equity by providing access to expensive equipment even to students
in remote corner through innovative use of ICT; and
5. Make available e-content and educational videos created by the best teacher
across all disciplines for under graduate and post graduate classes.

NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is an
initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati,
Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Riirkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for
creating course contents in engineering and science.
Now, the project is funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), and provides –learning through online Web and Video sources in
Engineering, Sciences, Technology, Management and Humanities. This is a joint
initiative by seven IITs and IISC Bangalore. Other selected premier institutions also
act as Associate partner Institutions.
 To develop curriculum based video courses and web-based e-courses
targeting students and faculty of institution offering UG
 Setting up of a professional skills academy for providing advanced IT
training courses of international standards
 To provide E-learning through online web and video courses in
Engineering, sciences, Technology and management.


Victors educational channel for school education was officially inaugurated by the
former Chief Minister of Kerala shri. V.S Achuthananthan on 30rd August 2006. The
channel is unique in the sense that it caters to students & teachers on a need based
manner. The programmes are aired on demand, sensitive to school curriculum and
even time –table.
The IT@ School Project, is an Information Technology Project, launched in 2001 under
the Department of General Education, Government of Kerala in India, It has remodeled
conventional teaching methodologies in classrooms through the use of IT.

 To use space technology for national development especially for the
development of the population in remote and rural location.
 To offer interactive virtual classrooms that enable the school students as
well as the teacher to directly communicative with the subject experts.
 Interactive mode of victors is used for video conferencing and other
such educational training purpose.
 Non interactive mode of victors is the complete educational channel.

GyanDarshan- I is a satellite based TV channel devoted to educational and
developmental needs of the society. Then there is GyanDarshan-II/Edusat, which is an
exclusive educational satellite to provide interactive education using DVB-RCS
technology. It offers distance education through Virtual Class Room mode and
provides access to digital repository of educational content hosted at IGNOU.

 To telecast prorammes of educational value general awareness programmes and
content on general interest
 To telecast specific curriculum based prorammes, regional, national and
international programmes on education especially on science and technology
 Digital video on-demand: Replacement of hard copy videos (DVD, VHS) with
digital video accessed from a central server
EDUSAT (Education Satellite)

Edusat was launched by Indian space research Organization on 20th September

204. It is a path-breaking effort in the concept of tele education. The main purpose of
this is to provide education to all people primarly children from remote areas of the
country who can not go to schools or colleges. The claude would be conducted by
(various stte education board) NCERT, CBSE, Universities etc. in a studio
environment using PowerPoint presentation as well as the common blackboard. It is
having interactive as well as non-interactive sessions offered.


1. Ensure availability of quality content online and through variety of access

devices in schools.

2. Promote a shift from current passive learning to active learning.

3. Inservice and recurrent training of School teachers continues upgradion of their

knowledge and skills.

4. Enrich the curriculum and pedagogic by employing all the technologies

available including virtual class room, video on demand.

SIET (State Institute of Education Technology)

SIET in Kerala, the state institute of educational technology is responsible for

the planning, research production and evaluation of educational software like video,
audio programmes and computer multimedia. SIET Kerala also aims to implement
scheme to generate teaching technology and process in the modern context. SIET
Kerala is the latest in the array of 7 SIET’s in the country. Department of Education ,
ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India sanctioned the state
institute of educational technology for Kerala in 1998.

The audio-visual resource centre provides the following services.

 Circulation of reserve material for courses at the second-year level and above
students may consult these materials on two-hour loan arrangement.

 Online searching of the school’s teaching and reference collections, including a

digital image collection. Requests for items or patron accounts may be made in
person or via email

 Assistance in locating analogue or digital material or in creating presentations

or rescreening a film-we’re here to help.

The ultimate goal of any plan for educational technology should reflect two
intentions, equitable access to technology for all students and educators and
comparable levels of educational technology for all schools. In setting up on
educational technology resources centre tree aspects have to be addressed.
Determination of the equipment required hardware and software, securing require
founds so as to cover initial costs such as maintenance and technical assistance
providing professional development for educators. So that technology is utilized and
implemented meaningfully. Thus Technology can become the force that equalizes
educational opportunities of all children regardless of location and social and
economical factors.

 Educational technology Today-Dr. Rohtash




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