Pi 2007 - QP PDF
Pi 2007 - QP PDF
Pi 2007 - QP PDF
I. This question paper contains 85 objective type questions. Q.I to Q.20 carry one mark
each and Q.21 to Q.85 carry two marks each.
4. Wrong answers will carry NEGATIVE marks. In Q.I to Q.20, 0.25 mark will be
deducted for each wrong answer. In Q.21 to Q.76, Q.78. Q.80. Q.82 and in Q.84, 0.5
mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. However, there is no negative marking in
Q.77, Q.79. Q.81. Q.83 and in Q.85. More than one answer bubbled against a question
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PI 1/20
51121 Food/06-PI-1A
Q. 1 - Q. 20 carry one mark eacb.
(D) Jj +i.!..
8 8
0.2 Two cards are drawn at random in succession, with replacement, from a deck of 52
well shuffled cards. Probability of getting both' Aces' is
The angle (in degrees) between two planar vectors a; Jj i +.!.. j and
2 2
- Jj I
b ;--i+-j is
2 2
(A) J2 (8) 0
(C) -J2 (D) Limit does not exist
0.5 I+b b
The determinant b l+b evaluates to
Q.6 j(.y) ; Ixl is a function defined for real numbers x. The directional derivative offat
x; 0 in the direction d; -1 is
Q.7 Which one of the following planar mechanisms does NOT provide quick-return
PI 2/20
5/121 Food/06-PI-l B
Q.8 The geometric tolerance that does NOT need a datum for its specification is
Q.9 Oil in a hydraulic cylinder is compressed from an initial volume of2 m' tD 1.96 m'.
If the pressure of oil in the cylinder changes from 40 MPa to 80 MPa during
compression, the bulk modulus of elasticity of oil is
CA) 1000 MPa (8) 2000 MPa (C) 4000 MPa (D) 8000 MPa
Q.IO A component made of a material with a modulus of elasticity of 200 MPa and
modulus of rigidity of80 MPa experiences an axial strain of 1000. The lateral strain
experienced by the component within the elastic limit is
Q.II Which one of the following cooling methods is best suited for converting Austonite
steel into very fine Pearlite steel?
Q.16 During an econDmic analysis of a capital investment proposal, the cost that can be
ignored is
PI 3/20
0.17 Which one of the following is an effeclive Iherblig?
0.19 A product is made by mixing three raw materials I, 2, 3 in varying proportions, \\ here
material I must account for not more than 50% of the IOtal. If x, y and =are the
amounts of ra\'v materials 1,2.3 respectively, this constraint can be modeled as
0 .20 Which one of the following cost components is a part of appraisal costs related to
0.22 The randolll variable X takes On the values 1,2, or 3 with probabilities (2+5F)15,
(IT}P)/S. and (1.5+2P)/5, respectively. The values of P and EI.\) are respectively
0.23 IrA is square symmetric real valued matri:\. of dimension 2n. the eigemalues orA are
PI 4/20
Q.24 The function / over the interval [0, I J is to be evaluated using the Taylor series
x 1 Xl
I +x ~ + - + ... to an accuracy of 0 > 0. The number of terms in the series that is
2! 3!
considered for this accuracy is n. Then
(A) for a given x E [0,1] and a given 0. there is no finite n that is valid
(8) for a given 0 > 0. there is a valid n that is finite for a given x E [0.1 J, but there
is no finite n that is valid for all x E [O.1J
(C) for a given 0 > 0, there is a finite n that is valid for all x E [O.1J
(D) there is a finite n that is valid for all x in [0, I J and all 0 > °
Q.2S For the functionj(x, y) = / - / defined on R2, the point [0,0] is
Q.26 ql, ... , qm are n-dimensional vectors, with m < n. This sel ofveclors is linearly
dependent. Q is the matrix with ql, ''', qm as the columns. The rank of Q is
Q.27 "'Matching Exercise". Choose the correct one out of the alternatives A,8,C,0
Group I Group 2
P - Second order differential equations I - Runge-Kulta method
Q - Nonlinear algebraic equations 2 - Newton-Raphson method
R - Linear algebraic equations 3 - Gauss elimination
S - Numerical integration 4 - Simpson's rule
(Al P-J, Q-2, R-4, S-I (8) P-2, Q-4. R-3. 5-1
(C) P- L Q-2, R-3, S-4 (D) P-I, Q-3, R-2, S-4
Q.28 A disc type flywheel having a mass of 10 kg and radius 0.2 m is replaced in a single
cylinder engine by a syste!" of dynamically equivalent concentrated masses ml and
m, rotating about the flywheel axis as shown below. If the distance XI is 0.1 111 then
the distance X2 is
PI 5/20
Q.29 A radial disc cam rotating at a constant speed of 60 rpm provides a parabolic
displacement of 0.2 m to its nat faced rectilinear follower during 90° of its rotation.
The acceleration (m/s2) experienced by the follower is
Q.30 Figure below shows a mass of300 kg being pushed using a cylindrical rod made ofa
material having E ; 22 MPa and of 2 m length and 0.1 m in diameter. In order to
avoid the failure of the rod due to elastic instability, the maximum value of the co-
efficient of Coulomb friction permissible between the mass and the floor is
Force / ' , __ , __ , , __ {
Mass l
(A) 0.22 (8) 0.36 (C) 0.65 (D) 0.75
Q.31 A cylindrical tank is filled with water as shown in the Figure below. The force
required to close the discharge tube at the bottom of the tank is
• D =2m .
3m 0.3 m
1+-1-- Fo rce
0.3 m
l;;;;...;~~ t:~
Q.32 When an ideal gas (Cp ; 3.5) is heated at constant pressure from 25°C to 425° C, the
change in entropy is
Q.33 A long glass cylinder of inner diameter; 0.03 m and outer diameter = 0.05 m carries'
hot fluid inside. If the thermal conductivity of glass = 1.05 WlmK, the thermal
resistance (oKJW) per unit length of the cylinder is
Q.34 A tool with Side Cutting Edge angle of 30° and End Cutting Edge angle of 10° is used
for fine turning with a feed of I mmlrev. Neglecting nose radius of the tool, the
maximum (peak to valley) height of surface roughness produced will be
PI 6120
Q.35 Which one of the following process conditions leads to higher MRR in ECM process?
(A) higher current, larger atomic weight (B) higher valency. lower current
(C) lower atomic weight, lower valency (D) higher valency. lower atomic weight
Q.36 In an Abrasive Jet Machining process, ifQ ~ now rate of the abrasives and
d ~ the mean diameter of the abrasive grain, then material removal rate is
proportional to
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-I, S-4 (B) P-I, Q-2. R-3. S-4
(C) P-3, Q-4, R-I, S-2 (D) P-2, Q-3. R-4. S-I
Q.38 "Matchin~ Exercise". Choose the correct one out of the alternatives A. B, C. 0
Group 1 Group 2
P - Sand Casting 1 - Turbine blades
Q - Centrifugal Casting 2 - I.C. Engine Pistons
R - Investment Casting 3 - Large bells
S - Die Castin2 4 - Pulleys
(A) P-4, Q-I, R-3, S-2 (B) P-2. Q-4. R-3, S-I
(C) P-3. Q-4, R-I, S-2 (D) P-3. Q-2. R-I. S-4
Q.39 Tolerance on the dimension x in the two component assembly shown below is
50 ± 0.02
PI 7/20
QAO The maximum possible percentage reduction in area per pass during wire drawing of
an ideal plastic material without friction is of the order of
QAI Circular blanks of 35 mm diameter are punched from a steel sheet of2 mm thickness.
If the clearance per side between the punch and die is to be kept as 40 microns, the
sizes of punch and die should respectively be
Q.42 In a CAD package, a point P (6, 3, 2) is projected along a vector v (-2, I, -I). The
projection of this point on X-V plane will be
Q.43 0.5 o
The geometric transformation specified by [x' y' I] = [xy I] ~ 0.25
CAD system represents
Q.44 The figure below shows the cross-section of circular fillet weld joining a cylindrical
steel pin to a steel plate. If the pin is subjected to a pure torsional load, the shear stress
(MPa) occurring at the throat of the weld is
PI 8120
Q.45 +ll 050
Diameter ofa hole after plating needs to be controlled between 30+ mm. If the
plating thickness varies between 10-15 microns, diameter of the hole before plating
should be
Q.46 The D.C. power source for arc welding has the characteristic 3V + I = 240, where
V = Voltage and I = Current in amp. For maximum arc power at the electrode,
voltage should be set at
Q.47 In a CNC machine feed drive, a stepper motor with step angle of 1.8 0 drives a lead
screw with pitch of2 mm. The Basic Length Unit (BLU) for this drive is
Q.48 Which one of the following gear manufacturing processes is NOT based on
generation principle?
Q.49 Based on the general characteristics of the different types of layout, which orthe
following are true?
P - Work-in-process and throughput time are high in process layout
Q - Production cost per unit is high in product layout
R - Work-in-process and throughput time are high in product layout
PI 9120
S/121 Food/06-PI-2
Q.51 Consider the symmetric dual pair ofLPs [PJ and [DJ, where A is an InXn matrix, b is
an m-vector and c is an n-vector.
Q.52 The moving average method is to be used for forecasting demand based on 111 periods
of data. Two values of In are tried, 111, and In, with In, > 1111, to get two different
forecasts, denoted by F(t) and G(/).
P - F(/) has less variability than G(/)
Q - Forecast error of F(t) is less than that ofG(/)
Which of the above statements are true?
(A) Only P (B) Only Q (C) Both P and Q (D) Neither P nor Q
Q.53 In an optimization problem, lety be a 0-1 variable and x be a positive real number.
Now, the condition that x can take non-zero values only if y = I can be modeled using
the linear constraint
(A) x My (M is a large number) (B) x~y
(C) x ~ My (M is a large number) (D) xy~ 0
Q.54 The average number of accidents occurring monthly on an assembly shop noor is 2.
The probability that there will be at least one accident in this month is estimated to be
Q.55 X" ... ,X,ooare Bernoulli random variables with a probability of success equal to 0.6.
(A) moves along different extreme point solutions of the feasible region
(B) enumerates all possible extreme point solutions
(C) divides the feasible region into different parts for function evaluation
(D) generates interior point iterates which converges to the optimum solution
PI 10120
Q.57 For a transportation problem that has a feasible solution, the northwest corner rule
gives a possible solution which is
(8) n(II-/) (C) II (D) II.'
Q.S9 "Matching Exercise". Choose the correct one out of the alternatives A,B.C.D
Group I Group 2
P - Knowledge 8ased System I - responds to queries with reports
Q - Decision Support System 2 - uses statistical rules of inference
R - Management Information System 3 - provides recommendati ons
S - Data Mining 4 - uses reasoning techniques
(A) P-4, Q-3, R-I, S-2 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-I, S-4
(C) P-4, Q-2, R-J, S-I (D) P-3, Q-4, R-I, S-2
Q.60 A process is to be controlled with standard values J.l = 15 and 17 = 3.6. The sample size
is 9. The control limits for the X chart are
Q.61 Item P is made from components Q and R. Item Q, in turn, is made from Sand T. The
lead times for items P, Q, R, S, and Tare 2, 3, 10,5. and 6 weeks, respectively . The
lead time (in weeks) needed to respond to a customer order for item P is
Q.62 The reliability ofan equipment for a time to failure exceeding I is given by
R(/) = exp(-Ai). The mean time to failure (MTTF) for this equipment (in hours) is
PI 11 /20
Q.63 Four jobs have to be sequenced on a single facility, with the objective of minimizing
the maximum tardiness (= maxi ICompletion time; - Due dateil). The jobs have due
dates and processing times as follows
Q.04 A nasset investmel1t is made for Rs. 1,20,000. The uniform costs per year are
Rs. 40.000 in operating the asset. Uniform benefits per year are either Rs. 60,000 or
Rs. 80.000. judged to be equally likely. What is the expected payback period?
1Acti,it\' Time (minutes)
machine loading + unloading 2
machining 4
walking from one machine to the next I
For the data given above, how many machines can be assigned to an operator to
minimize idle time of the operator and machines?
Q.66 Given
Asse rti o n 1' 1: Value engineering of a new product is to be done after the original
design concept is nearly ready for release for manufacture
Ileason Ir l: Value engineering aims at reducing the cost of manufacture of a new
IA) Both ral and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a]
113) 130th [a] and [r] are true, but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]
(e) Roth raj and [r] arc false
(U) lal is true but lr] is false
1'1 12/20
Q.67 Given
Assertion [a): There is a continuous reduction of life cycles of modern day products
Reason frIo Product life cycle management reduces to a large extent the new product
development time from concept to production
(A) 80th [aJ and [rJ are true and [rJ is the correct reason for [aJ
(8) Both [aJ and [rJ are true, but [rJ is not the correct reason for [aJ
(C) B~th [aJ and [rJ are false
(D) [aJ is true but [rJ is false
Q.68 The problem of finding the rectangle of maximum area with perimeter equal to 20 can
be posed as the co nstrained optimization problem
Max xy
s.t. 2x + 2y = 20
The solution to this problem is x = y = 5. What is the value of the Lagrange multiplier
corresponding to the perimeter constraint?
Q.69 A manufacturing system witb a production rate p units/day experiences a demand rate
of d units/day wbere p > d. Let Q be the maximum production quantity per period.
When tbe total production in a period reaches Q units, the production is stopped and
restarted only when inventory becomes zero. In such a scenario, the maximum cycle
inventory is
(A) Q. p·(p-d) (C) Q(p-d) (D)
p Q
Q.70 In a time study. the observed times and ratings for an elemental operation are as
sho" n below'
I Reading I Reading 2
I Rating (%) I 80 100
I Observed time (minutes) I 0.60 0.50
Considering an allowance of 10% of the normal time, the standard time (in minutes)
for the operation is
PI 13/20
Common Data Questions
Q.72 If U. is the earliest start time of event a, then the recurrence equation defining U. is
Q.73 Ifactivity B has uncenain duration and is uniformly distributed over the interval
[8, 12], and T is the earliest stan time of event 3 (assume that event I stans at time 0).
then the mean and variance of T are
(A) 10 and 0.4 (B) 10 and 1.33 (C) 16 and 0.4' (D) 16 and 1.33
(A) 0.83 mls (B) 0.53 mls (C) 1.2 mls (D) 1.88 mls
PI 14/20
Linked Answer Questions: Q.76 to Q.85 carry two marks eacb.
Q.76 Irthe diameter orthe pisto n is 0.05 m, the force (kN) generated on the piston is
Q.77 The pinion is a spur gear hav ing 30 teeth of 2 mm module. The torque T (Nm)
generated is
Q.78 What is the capacity (in pam/minute) of the above assembly line?
Q.79 The minimum WIP level that allows the line to operate under maximum capacity is
PI 15/20
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 80 & 81:
Blind holes 10 mm diameter, 50 mm deep are being drilled in steel block. Drilling spindle
speed is 600 rpm, feed 0.2 mmlrev, Poin.t angle of drill is 1200
Q.81 During the above operation, the drill wears out after producing 200 holes.
Taylors tool life equation is of the form VTO ~ C, whe ..e V ~ cutti~g speed in
Q.82 The process capability index (Cpk) for the manufacturing process is
0.83 For the above manufacturing process, the ratio of the potential process capability to
its aClllal process capability is
5 5
(A 10.8 x 10' (B) 1.1 x 10 (C) J.7 x 10 (D) 2.3' 10'
PI 16/20