Transferable Skills: Strong Work Ethic
Transferable Skills: Strong Work Ethic
Transferable Skills: Strong Work Ethic
Mobile: 07432060050 West London Email Address: [email protected]
Computing/Media skills:
Photoshop- Masks, adjustment layers and channel manipulation
Illustrator - Illustrations, Logo/Icon, comics, character design, story boarding • Strong Work ethic: Time management and Problem solving: Being
After Effects – Motion graphics, character rigging, expressions, 2D, self employed ensured I always had to push myself to work smart and
2.5D Adobe Flash/Animate -Animation for web (Gifs) keep my goals attainable along with being responsible for fixing any
Maya – 3D modelling and pre VFX compositing, Animation problems that arise during my time as a freelance fashion stylist.
Nuke – Compositing, tracking, keying, match moving, rotoscoping
Cinema 4D - Basic Knowledge
Social media (marketing management) Blogs- Blogger and Wix. • Team player: I learned the importance of being reliable, showing
Video editing and production - (IMovie, Adobe Premier) commitment to the team, coordination and group communication skills
Microsoft - Word, Power Point. during my time as a team sales member
Can use drawing tablets
Knowledge of Green screens
• Ability to accept and Learn From criticism: During my time at
Education paper chase I realised Learning how to deal with it effectively and use it
Brunel University- (BSc) VFX and Motion Graphics (ongoing) 2015- 2019 productively is essential for maintaining both professionalism and
University of the Arts – Multimedia (Higher Education Diploma) 2014 momentum in the workplace.
West Thames College - Computing Software Development – BTEC LEVEL 3
Distinction*Distinction *Distinction* EDEXCEL • Positive attitude: Stewarding during the Olympic games was a
(Equivalent to 420 Ucas points or A*A*A*) September 2012- June 2013
job that was outside my comfort zone, however I have a optimistic
Southall College - Customer Service and Administration July 2012
BTEC Level 2 approach to working. I enjoy learning, being challenged and having new
Health and Safety- BTEC Level 2 - june 2013 experiences.
GCSE Swakeleys and Uxbridge College – English Lit (A), English Lang (A)
Computing (A), Math (C), Sociology (A), Biology, Chemistry, Physics (A) 2011
Brunel Engineering and Design Academic Excellence Scholarship
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Relevant projects: Employment:
Digital Graphics, and Digital Design Theory Freelance: Editorial Fashion Stylist February 2013 – August 2016
• Tasked to create multiple forms of graphics such as posters, infographics, logos, • Worked with many well known people in the industry such as Rebecca Sammon at Used magazine, Jamie
Icons and book covers from scratch using illustrator and Photoshop Knock at On- The-Rail to provide assistance with working close with models and photographers, setting up
• Planned, sketched and created all assets in Adobe illustrator with the use of a graphics tablet. the studio, coordinating outfits to the brief, model recruitment, group meetings, art directing, prop pick ups.
• Created an interactive report showing the process using InDesign. • Also collaborated with brands such as Chanel, Burberry, Givenchy, Stark, Chloe', forever unique, blue vanilla,
• Created extra artefact such as animation using adobe flash/Animate with character Chichi London, TH Baker, Hazel & Kent and many more.
design. • Assisted the running of an e-commerce fashion store
• Work published both in print and online in publications such as Eight Magazines, Dreamingless
Motion Graphics Design Magazine, Eight, So Catchy, and Girl’s Magazine.
• Project to create an informative animation of 10 facts about a subject of choice • During my time as a freelancer I learned the importance of workflow management especially as I had
• Research and pre graphic and motion designs were created for a rough draft for a storyboard no one else to rely on.
• A storyboard was created using sketches, and put together with Photoshop and
Illustrator Visual Merchandiser Paper Chase – September 2015 – January 2015
• Animation created in After Effects using a blend of effects and graphics • Ensuring that products are displayed according to company guidelines, promotional activities and
seasonal trends together with your store team.
Motion Graphics Applications • Creating visually inspiring in-store and window displays which reflect and maintain the brand identity.
• To create an animated logo, TV indent and AD in After Effects • Managing the ordering, handling and organisation of all display materials.
• Planned designed and created assets using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and • Maximizing selling by analysing sales reports and taking action accordingly.
After Effects, making use of effects and pre-sets, puppet tool and much more. • Doing so improved not just my design skills but also marketing and branding knowledge
• Composited into After Effects for further compositing (3D camera and more).
Odeon Cinema April 2015 - September 2015
Creative digital design • Learned to work in a face-paced environment on my feat for up to ten hours on end.
• To create a pitch for an artefact based on two creative people/groups • I was also in charge of providing excellent customer service (hosting).
. A mood board and further research was carried out • Ensuring to always be friendly and approachable.
• Created assets using Adobe Photoshop, illustrator, and Animate. • The best part of the role was being able to work in a team with a large variety of people from different
• Created a GIF series to raise awareness of mental health. backgrounds.