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Teacher Tube

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www.TeacherTube.com is a free, safe, and educational alternate resource to video sharing

websites like YouTube. It can be extremely useful in the classroom and outside while preparing
lessons because education as a field is so reliant on the sharing of ideas. I have had teachers tell
me they didn't know about Teacher Tube. This is a resource that all teachers need to know about.
A lot of our assignments from this point forward are specifically for teachers. You will probably
use the rest of the assignments in this course your first year teaching.

Teachers use Teacher Tube to better illustrate a standard they want to teach. Standards are
developed by experienced master teachers. Each state uses a set of standards. Curriculum
frameworks is another term used in place of standard. They both mean the same. To teach a
standard a teacher would need to use multiple resources. Teacher tube is one of those resources
and it is a very popular resource.

Before we get started let me talk a minute about standards. In Arkansas all public school teachers
must use a set of standards for the content they teach. Sometimes we refer to the standards as
curriculum frameworks. The standards/curriculum frameworks table is on the next page.

Teacher Tube pg. 1

Curriculum Framework/Standards Table

Note: On a lot of the pages with the standards you will see a lot of options. You will want to find
the standard that best fits your teacher tube video.

Subject Curriculum Framework/Standards

Agriculture Educ. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e2vre8ijffla2iz/AACYLwJ6Ln6Z2-YppHSaY4LEa?dl=0

Business https://www.dropbox.com/sh/owy2cjz0w65yygq/AADNXhrQQf-RBytQLOEcrtaha?dl=0
Technology Educ.

Computer http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-
Science framework-documents/computer-science

Drama http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-

Scroll down until you see Drama.

Elementary Go to the English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Fine Arts. Click on the appropriate
Education grade level for your video. Choose any of the standards for K – 5.

English Language http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-

Arts framework-documents/english-language-arts

Family & https://www.dropbox.com/sh/agph7kgl7yerzaj/AADrGUJvxiZvAySBtAUyvhOca?dl=0

Sciences Educ.

Fine Arts http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-


Foreign Language http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-


Journalism http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-

Scroll down until you see Journalism.

Mathematics http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-

Physical http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-
Education and framework-documents/physical-education-and-health

Teacher Tube pg. 2

Science http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-

Social Studies http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-


Special Education http://www.arkansased.gov/public/userfiles/HR_and_Educator_Effectiveness/Educator_Prep/C


Technology https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8h57ata22wli1wu/AADwvefRhW1D7YgmwrzPURHma?dl=0

In this assignment you will find two teacher tube videos that you could use in your class to help
teach a concept. Please see the “Teaching Majors” link to see what your teaching major is. You
will not receive any credit for this assignment if your teacher tube video does not relate to your
teaching major. Then, you will find the curriculum framework that is appropriate for your video.

Hint: It may be easier to find the curriculum framework first and then find a teacher tube video.
You will have to try both. It’s not easy.

The next step will require you to provide the URL of the video and the name of the framework
and number and description. Next, you will write a paragraph on how you will use the video.

Then, you will take a screenshot of the video page.

Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through each step in detail and give examples.


Step 1. Go to the www.teachertube.com website. You will need an account. It is free. Sign up
for an account.

Step 2. After you are a member “sign in” navigate to the "Videos" tab (it's on the horizontal
bar at the top). Click on "Videos." (It is next to “Home.”) It will take a minute to load.

Once you are on the "VIDEOS" page you will see a box that says "Subject:" and then
there is a drop down box. (See example below.) Click on the down arrow key and
choose a subject that matches your teaching major or closely matches it. For
example, "business education and family and consumer science" is not listed but
"Career and Technical Education CATE" is listed.

Teacher Tube pg. 3


Step 3. Choose a video to review. Click on the video that you could use in your classroom. The
video has to be one that matches one of your curriculum frameworks.

Step 4. Using the snipping tool (if on a PC) or copy and paste (if on a MAC) snip/copy the
screen that shows the video picture and Description of the video. It is very important
that all of that information is snipped. You will use this picture and the description in
your Prezi later on.

For example, I clicked on “Elementary” in my search. Then, I clicked on the very first
video “Learning Fun with Inexpensive Animal Puzzle Mats.” (No one else can use this
video for this assignment…Sorry!) Below is what I would snip:

Teacher Tube pg. 4

Description. The text Description
and the description of the video
must be in your snip.

Step 5. Go to your curriculum framework. Find the curriculum framework that goes with your
video. If you can’t find one then you need a different video. You will need to provide the
Curriculum Framework content name, standard number, and standard information.

Because I am pretending I am an Elementary Major I found a video in the “Elementary”

subject area of creating art. Now, I need to go to the Fine Arts curriculum framework to
find the framework that best matches the video. In the Visual Art K-8 standards the very
first standard under “Kindergarten” is perfect!

This is what I see on the curriculum frameworks page:

Teacher Tube pg. 5

I will write down:

Kindergarten (this is the Curriculum Framework content name)

CR.1.K.1 (this is the curriculum framework content number)
Engage in exploration, imaginative play, and self-directed play with materials (e.g., art-
making tools and materials, found objects. (this is the curriculum framework

Step 6. Now, I will craft my one-paragraph narrative on how I will use the video to teach the
standard above.

I will write down:

I will use this video with the class by having the students to sit on the puzzle mats and
create an image of their favorite animal. The students will then show the class their art
and explain what it is. The student will tell the class why this is his/her favorite animal
and will then role model the behavior of the animal. After each student presents his/her
animal each student will draw a picture of their favorite animal and post the picture on
the wall. As each student presents his/her animal to class we will discuss the habitat of
the animal and the kinds of food the animal eats.

Note: Students, after you read the narrative notice how it completely fits the curriculum
standard CR.1.K.1. (The standard is in the table above.) So, you see now how a teacher
finds a neat resource in teacher tube to help teach the curriculum framework.

Let’s summarize what I just did. I found a “teacher tube” video in my content area. I found the
curriculum standard that matches the video. I wrote a one-paragraph narrative on how I will use
the video to teach the curriculum framework. Remember, your one-paragraph must be 5 – 8
sentences. Even if you write 5 sentences if they are incomplete or just “bluff” you will not receive
points for the sentence that is “bluff” or too general.

Step 7. Follow the steps below to submit your assignment.

1. Submit a snip or screenshot of your video that shows the URL at the top of the page, the
picture of the video, the description of the video. You can see the screenshot of the

Teacher Tube pg. 6

“Elementary” video in Step 4. Mine does not show the URL. Yours needs to. If it doesn’t you
can just type it. I need a URL to go to the video.
2. Provide the curriculum framework content name, number, and description. See Step 5.
3. Watch the video. In detail (one to two paragraphs), tell me how you could use this video in
your class to teach a concept. Paragraph must be a minimum five sentences. See previous
step for more detailed information. See Step 6. You should also look at the grading rubric.
More detailed information on how this will be graded is provided in the grading rubric.
4. Do all steps above but for a different curriculum framework in your area.

Teacher Tube pg. 7

Teacher Tube Grading Rubric

Step 7.1. Using the snipping tool (if on a PC) or copy and paste (if on a MAC) snip/copy the screen that
shows the video picture and Description of the video. It is very important that all of that
information is snipped. The text Description is in red text. The description of the video is right
under the text. That needs to be included in your snip. 4.00

Video One – 2 points

Video Two – 2 points
Step 7.1. What is the URL of the video? I must be able to open the URL for grading.
Video One – .50 points
Video Two – .50 points
Step 7.2. What is the curriculum framework content name, number and description.
Video One – 3 points
Video Two – 3 points
Step 7.3. In detail (one to two paragraphs), tell me how you could use this video in your class to 10.00
teach a concept. Use your teaching major. To grade this section URL must open so that
I can also watch the video.

Video One – 5 points

Video Two – 5 points

Poor (1 - 2 pts.) Information was insufficient or irrelevant, very simple. No evidence that the
video was watched. Does not refer to points made in the video. No real planning demonstrated.
Only a few sentences were written. No or little connection to
teaching major.
Fair (3 pts.) Valid content but little depth or elaboration; sparse information. Some evidence that
the video was watched. Only a few sentences were written. Some connection to
teaching major.
Good (4 - 5 pts.) Well developed. Precise. Good connection to teaching major. Included specific information
from video. Thoughtful planning was evidenced.
Total Points 21
Submit as a Word document. Please do not submit in the Comments box.

Teacher Tube pg. 8

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