Biology 2: Biological Diversity, Function & Interaction Course Syllabus
Biology 2: Biological Diversity, Function & Interaction Course Syllabus
Biology 2: Biological Diversity, Function & Interaction Course Syllabus
Instructor for Lectures 19–36
219 Buller Bldg.
Phone: 480-1454 Email: [email protected]
Please use email.
Laboratory Instructor
208 Buller Bldg.
Phone: 474-9732 Email: [email protected]
COURSE The objective of this course is to give students a broad and comprehensive background in
OBJECTIVE modern biology and thus to prepare them for entry into biology-oriented programs in the
Faculty of Science and in other Faculties and Schools.
Your first lab session will take place during the week of January 15–19. To find your lab seat, follow
these instructions:
1. Be sure you know your lab section number (B01 - B60)
2. Use the chart above to find your lab day and time.
e.g. B37-42 is THURS. @ 2:30 - 5:00 PM
At the scheduled time, go to the assigned room on the main floor of the Buller Bldg (211A, 211B,
212A, 212B, 215 or 216 Buller—The room number is on your registration printout). Your assigned
seat will be posted on the assigned room door. Your teaching assistant will introduce him/herself to you
and commence the first lab session.
TEXTBOOK Required text: Campbell Biology (2 Canadian Edition) by Reese et al. with MasteringBiology
If you purchased Mastering Biology (MB) for Biology 1020 in Fall of 2017, you DO NOT need to
REPURCHASE it. Your code is good for 24 months from the time you first registered it. You just
need to login and add the new course. If you do not have access yet, follow the
instructions below.
1. Make sure your computer meets the system requirements (see your MB Student Access Kit and Although MB can be used with Internet
Explorer or Safari, using the most current Firefox seems to generate fewer problems.
2. Go to
3. If you are a first-time user, click on “New Students” and follow the instructions. If you have used
MB before, simply login to the system using your previous Login Name and Password.
4. To enroll in your course, enter your 7-digit University of Manitoba student number as your
“Student ID” and enter the correct “Course ID” below.
6. Additional instructions may be given to you during class or on the UMLearn BIOL 1030 site.
7. If you experience technical difficulties with the MasteringBiology online assignment system
contact MasteringBiology at this URL:
students.html. Or you can email Dennis Guevarra, the local Pearson Tech support at
[email protected].
Make sure to have your MasteringBiology Student Access Kit or your login name/password handy.
8. If you have troubles with the assignment content, make an appointment with the appropriate
instructor (K. Scott or C. Zelmer) for help.
REVIEWING All of the sections are taught by video. The video format is used to ensure a uniform presentation to all
VIDEOS students in a very large class. Instructors can put more effort into lecture production when they don’t
have to repeat the same lecture to numerous sections. It also gives students greater access to the lectures
and greater flexibility in viewing them. If a lecture is missed, or if you wish to watch a lecture, or part
thereof, multiple times, you can do so. A drawback with the video format is the lack of immediate
student feedback or questions. You will have to jot down your questions and ask them later, either in the
Instructor’s office, or when you next see him/her. Be advised that passively rewatching lectures is
not meant to be a replacement for active studying.
Although the Coordinator does check the lecture rooms for problems, the lectures are largely
unsupervised. You must be quiet in class so that all students can benefit from the lecture. Students
found to be disruptive will be warned once and then ejected from the room. Once ejected, a student will
not be allowed to continue in the course without a letter from the Dean or Director of his/hers Faculty of
ATTENDANCE LECTURES: Punctual attendance is expected. Do NOT disrupt the viewing by other students. Noise
and other unacceptable behaviour will NOT be tolerated.
LABORATORIES: Attendance at laboratories is mandatory. Attendance will be taken by the
laboratory TA during each laboratory 2 hours into the class time. Students must be in attendance for a
minimum of 2 hours. Students who miss more than 2 out of 10 labs during the regular session shall
receive a grade of F for BIOL 1030 Biology 2.
STUDENT The final grade in BIOL 1030 will be based on 10 MasteringBiology assignments, 10 MasteringBiology
EVALUATION quizzes, 9 in-Laboratory assignments, and two multiple choice examinations as follows:
1. MasteringBiology Quizzes
Portion of course grade (best 8 out of 10) ------------------ 5%
2. MasteringBiology Assignments
Portion of course grade --------------------------------------- 5%
3. In Laboratory Assignments
1 assignment, worth 1%, to be completed in each lab.
Portion of course grade --------------------------------------- 9%
GRADING Grades are assigned at the end of the year by converting your cumulative percentage mark into a letter
SCHEME grade, using the following table:
90 + - A+
80 - 89 - A
76 - 79 - B+
70 - 75 - B
60 - 69 - C+
50 - 59 - C
46 - 49 - D
0 - 45 - F
Very slight modifications of this scheme are sometimes made to compensate for a class average that
may be judged to be too low or too high.
LABORATORY Each exam has a laboratory section which contributes to the total exam mark but which will also be
MARKS tabulated separately. You must achieve a "D" standard in the lab (18 correct out of 40 lab questions
for the year) to pass the course. If you score 17 or less out of the 40 lab marks you will receive a
grade of F, regardless of your marks for the lecture questions.
MASTERING On MasteringBiology you will see a total of 5 assignments based on Dr. Scott’s material and 5
BIOLOGY assignments based on Dr. Zelmer’s material. The assignments ARE for credit and will count for 5%
MARKS of your final grade in in this course. They are designed to help guide you through the material, keep you
on track, and provide another opportunity for active learning. Completion of these assignments will also
help you achieve a better grade in Biology 1030. Online assignments are a good way to test your own
knowledge and understanding and can be done as many times as you feel necessary. Assignments will
become available at least three days before their deadline and are due by midnight ON the dates listed
below. A late penalty of 1%/hour will be applied automatically on assignments completed past the
deadline—NO exceptions.
You will also have 10 quizzes to complete on MasteringBiology over the term (5 based on Dr. Scott’s
material and 5 based on Dr. Zelmer’s material). These quizzes are mandatory and will account for
5% of your final grade. Quizzes will become available ON the date indicated in the schedule below
and are due THAT day. Within this 24-hour window you must login to MasteringBiology and complete
the quiz. Failure to do so before midnight will result in a grade of zero for that quiz. Do not begin a quiz
too close to the deadline (i.e., at 11:45), as you may not have enough time to complete it. No extensions
or make-up possibilities will be given for any quiz. Your best 8 (of 10) quizzes will be averaged and
used to calculate your mark out of the possible 10% of your final grade. Quizzes do not need to be
closed book and you should use these as a learning tool. You may redo quizzes after their due date for
practice, but only your first attempt will count towards your grade.
IN During each of the 9 labs you will complete a single sheet assignment and hand it in to your lab TA.
LABORATORY This assignment MUST be your own work and based on the results and observations in the lab. Outside
ASSIGNMENTS information (such as the internet) is not allowed. If you miss a lab you must do a make-up lab that same
week to receive this mark.
EXAM If you are caught in a dishonest act during the course of an examination you will be reported to
IRREGULAR- University authorities and will be given "0" for the test in question. Further penalties may be imposed at
ITIES the discretion of the relevant authorities.
1 The day after each of the two exams in the course the answers will be posted in the first floor hallway of
the Buller Building. As soon as the tests are marked, typically 5–7 business days after the exam, your
mark will appear next to your student number at the same location. Take note of both your total mark
and your lab mark and let us know immediately if you think there has been a marking error.
STREAMING OF Each video lecture will be made available on UMLearn at 4:30pm on the day it has been shown in the
LECTURES lecture theatre. Please note that these lectures were not filmed with small screens in mind and that they
were optimized for viewing on a large screen in a lecture theatre. You will gain more benefit if you first
view them in the lectures theatres and use these ONLY as a means for review.
It is your responsibility to view lectures in a timely manner. Do not rely on streaming as your
primary source for lectures. Exams will proceed as scheduled regardless of any UMLearn disruptions to
lecture streaming.
QUESTION In addition to scheduled appointments, office hours and laboratory visits you can meet with your
PERIOD instructors during a question period. There are two question periods throughout the year, one
immediately prior to each exam, in which you can discuss questions of an academic nature with your
Biology instructors.
Winter term question period sessions will be held on the following dates and times:
EMAIL POLICY Note: Instructors emails are for making appointments only. The instructor is always willing to answer
any of your questions, but they prefer to do this by phone or in person. Please make sure you do the
following prior to emailing a course instructor:
• Check this Syllabus first. If you are asking about course or exam information, chances are the answers
are already in the syllabus.
• Use a proper salutation. “Hey prof” is not appropriate.
• Always include your name. If we don’t know who you are, we will not respond to you.
• Use full, properly structured sentences and do not use textese.
• Use your University email account. The university will only use students’ U of M email accounts
when communicating electronically. Visit for more information.
We will not answer questions about lectures that require complex answers via email. It is best to
make an appointment
Further information will be posted on UMLearn closer to the time of these lectures. Some lectures
are still being filmed or edited, so there may be minor changes to this list.
Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to bringing unauthorized materials into a test or
exam, copying from another student, plagiarism, and examination personation.
Note: cell phones, pagers or electronic translators are explicitly listed as unauthorized materials, and
must not be present during tests or examinations.
Penalties that may apply, as provided for under the University of Manitoba's Student Discipline By-Law,
range from a grade of zero for the assignment or examination, failure in the course, to expulsion from the
University. The Student Discipline By-Law may be accessed at:
Suggested penalties assessed by the Faculty of Science for acts of academic dishonesty are available on the
Faculty of Science web-page:
All Faculty members (and their teaching assistants) have been instructed to be vigilant and report all
incidents of academic dishonesty to the Head of the Department.
-not previously taken, or are concurrently registered in this course and another that has been identified as
“not to be held with”
The registration system may have allowed the student to register but it is up to the student to ensure that
they have met all the requirements.
Consequences may be the student being withdrawn from the course part way through the term, or the course
not used in the degree program. There will be no fee adjustment. This is not appealable.