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Teacher’s Guide 
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Department of Education Republic of the Philippines 

Science – Grade 8 Teacher’s Guide First Edition, 2013 ISBN: 
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Published by the Department of Education Secretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC Undersecretary: 
Yolanda S. Quijano, Ph.D. 
Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide 
Authors:  Pia  C.  Campo,  May  R.  Chavez,  Maria  Helen  D.H.  Catalan,  Ph.D.,  Leticia  V.  Catris, 
Ph.D.,  Marlene  B.  Ferido,  Ph.D.,  Ian  Kendrich  C.  Fontanilla,  Ph.D.,  Jacqueline  Rose  M. 
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Dulcelina O. Sebastian, Rolando M. Tan, and Rodolfo S. Treyes, Ph.D. 
Reviewers: Ernelea P. Cao, Ph.D., Josefina Ll. Pabellon, Ph.D., Ma. Cristina D. Padolina, Ph.D., 
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Module 1. Forces and Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Balanced and 
Unbalanced Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Activity 1: Forces on objects at rest . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Activity 2: Balance of forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Newton’s First of 
Motion: Law of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Activity 3: Investigating inertia . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . 12 Activity 4: Force and acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Newton’s Third Law of 
Motion: Law of Action-Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Activity 5: Action-reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
Module 2. Work and Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What is Work? . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Activity 1: Is there work done? . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Calculating Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
21 Work is a Method of Transferring Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Kinetic Energy . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Potential Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Activity 2: Rolling toy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. 24 Work, Energy, and Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Activity 3: How 
POWER-ful am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 
Module 3. Heat and Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Activity 1: Explaining 
hotness or coldness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Activity 2: Dye in water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . 31 Thermal Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Phase 
Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Activity 3.1: What happens 
when ice melts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Activity 3.2: What happens to the temperature of water as it 
boils?. 35 Activity 4: What is the relationship between the mass of a material 
and the amount of heat it can transfer?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Activity 5: Comparing heat 
capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 
Module 4. Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Current and Voltage 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Activity 1: Current and voltage . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Current and Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
41 Activity 2: Current and resistance . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Electrical Connections . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 
Activity 3: What’s the connection? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Safety in Using Electricity . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Activity 4: Stay safe! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . 47 
Module  5.  Sounds  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Activity 1: The 
dancing  salt and the moving beads! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Activity 2: Characteristics of waves: Comparing 
longitudinal and 
and transverse waves . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Activity 3: Sound race... Where does 
sound  travel  fastest?  .  .  .  . . . . . 53 Activity 4: Chimes... Chimes... Chimes... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
54  Activity  5:  Faster  sound...  In  hotter  or  cooler?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . 55 Activity 6: Reflecting and 
refracting sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 
Module  6.  Colors  of  Light  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Activity 1: The 
colors  of the rainbow... The colors of light . . . . . . . . . . 60 Activity 2: Red versus violet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  61  Activity  3:  Which  color  has  the  MOST  energy?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 61 
Activity 4: The color spectrum wheel revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 
UNIT 1 Force, Motion, and Energy 


UNIT 1: Force, Motion, and Energy 
In  Grade  7,  students  learned  about  the  various  forms  of  energy,  namely motion energy, 
light,  sound,  heat,  and  electrical  energy.  They  learned about the different energy forms in terms 
of  their  sources,  their  nature  or  characteristics,  and  the  ways  by  which  they  can  be  transferred 
from  one  object  or  place  to  another.  In  Grade 8, students deepen their understanding of energy 
by  describing  how  energy  transfer  affects,  and  is  affected  by,  matter.  They  explore  some 
changes  when  there  is  energy  transfer  such  as  changes in temperature, changes in the current 
in  a  circuit,  or  changes  in  the  speed  of  sound  travelling  through  a  medium.  They  relate  these 
changes to the energy of the particles that make up matter. 
This  unit  has  six  modules.  The  first  two  modules  deal  with  the  transfer  of  energy  by 
applying  force  to  large  objects;  Modules  3  and  4  discuss  changes  in  energy  of  the  particles  of 
matter  which  accompany  energy  transfer;  and  Modules  5  and  6  describe  the  interaction 
between  waves  and  matter.  Most  of  the lessons found in each module take off from the lessons 
covered in Grade 7. 
The table below shows the general and specific topics covered in Grade 8: 
Module Title Specific Topics Focus Questions 
Forces and Motion 
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 
Laws of Motion 
How do forces affect the motion of an object? 
Work and Energy 
Kinetic and potential energy 
How are work and energy related? 
Effects of heat on matter 
Factors affecting the amount of heat transferred 
How does heat affect matter? 
Voltage-current- resistance relationship 
Series and parallel circuits 
What are the factors that affect the current in a circuit? 
Speed of sound 
Reflection and refraction of sound 
What are the factors that affect the speed of sound? 
Color, wavelength, frequency, and energy of light 
What properties of light explain the separation of colors in white light? 

Most  of  the  topics  in  this module are dealt with qualitatively in order for students to have a basic 
understanding  of  the  concepts.  Some  tasks  include  measurements  and  computations  to 
illustrate  the  relationship  among  quantities.  The  activities  included  in  each  module aim to make 
students  interested  in  these  topics  and  motivate  them  to  learn  more  in  the  succeeding  grade 

Unit 1 MODULE 1 


In  Grade  7,  students  learned  the  different  ways  of  describing  the  motion  of  an  object  in 
one  dimension.  This  time,  they  will  learn  to  explain the motion of an object using Newton’s laws 
of  motion.  They  will  describe  the  relationship  between  the  forces  acting  on  an  object  and  its 
motion due to these forces. 
Key questions for this module 
Do forces always result in motion? 
What are the conditions for an object to stay at rest, to keep moving at constant velocity, or to 
move with increasing velocity? 
How is force related to acceleration? 
Related Misconceptions 
1. If an object stays at rest, there is no force acting upon it. 
2. An object continues to move at constant velocity because a 
constant force acts on it. 
3. If the speed of an object increases, its acceleration also increases. 
4. Objects move because they have a force; they stop when their 
force is already used up. 

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 
To introduce the concept of FORCE, place an object on top of a table and ask: 
Is this object at rest or in motion? What evidence can you give to support your answer? 
Then continue the discussion by asking the following questions: 
Will this object move by itself? When will it move? Or how can we make it move? (While the 
object is moving) How can we make it move faster? Move slower? Change its direction? Stop? 
Some students can be asked to demonstrate some ways to make the object move or 
change its state of motion. Then ask: 
What ‘common thing’ did you do on the object to make it move, stop, or change its speed?” 
This  will  lead  them  to  realize  that  the  object  can  be  made  to  move,  stop,  or  change  its 
speed  or  direction  by  pushing  or  pulling.  The  motion  of  the  object  can  be changed if FORCE is 
applied on it. Then place again the object on top of the table and ask: 
Since this object is now at rest, can we then say that there is/are no force/s acting on it? 
Then let them do Activity 1. 

Activity 1 

Forces on objects at rest 

In this activity, students are asked to identify the forces acting on objects at rest. 
Teaching Tips 
1. Students may be asked to work on the activity in pairs or in smaller groups to 
ensure that they will all be actively involved while doing the activity. 
2.  During  the  post  activity  discussion,  students  can  be  asked  to  recall  what  they  learned  in  the 
previous  grades  about  the  force  (pull)  of  gravity.  They  may  be  asked  to  show  or  cite  examples 
that  demonstrate  the  presence  of  gravitational  pull  on  Earth.  If  there  is  enough  time,  discuss 
more about gravitational force. Emphasis should be given on the following ideas: 
•  Gravitational  force  is  the  attraction  between  any  two  objects  or  bodies  with  mass.  If the mass 
of either object increases, the gravitational force between them also increases. 
•  As  the  Earth  attracts  objects  around  it,  these  objects  also  attract  the  Earth.  But  the  Earth  is 
much  more  massive  than them that is why their attraction is not as great as the gravitational pull 
of the Earth. 
• All things on Earth fall (or are attracted) towards the center of the Earth. 
3.  During  the  discussion,  emphasize  that  when  objects  are  at  rest,  it  does  not  mean  that  there 
are no forces acting on them (Misconception #1). Then ask the students this question: 
Then what makes them stay at rest (even if there are forces acting on them)? 
Then let them perform Activity 2. 

Answers to Questions 
Situation 1: Hanging pen 
Q1. The pen is at rest. 
Q2. Yes. The forces acting on the pen are the 
force exerted by the string on the pen and the force of gravity. 
Q3. When we cut the string, the pen fell to the 
ground because gravity pulled on it downward. 
Situation 2: Book on a table 
Q4. The book is at rest. 
Q5. Yes. The forces acting on the book are 
the force exerted by the table on the book and the force of gravity. 
Q6. No, the book stays at rest. The book can 
be moved by pushing it on one side only. 
The aim of this activity is to help the students understand and explain how the forces 
acting on the objects in Activity 1 help in keeping them at rest. 
Teaching Tips 
1.  Each  group  can  work  first  on  the  activity  using  a  pair  of  spring  balances.  Then  they  can join 
another group to complete the 4 spring balances needed for the challenge part (Step 7). 
2. During the post activity discussion, emphasis must be given on the following 
Hanging pen 
Activity 2 

Balance of forces 

Tension force 
Force of gravity 
Book on a table 
Normal force / Force exerted by the table on the book 
Force of gravity 
•  If  two  forces  acting  on  an  object  are  equal  in  magnitude  but  opposite  in  direction,  they  are 
considered as balanced forces. These forces must lie along the same line. 
• If the forces acting on an object are balanced, the object either stays at rest or continues to 
move at constant velocity. 
•  If  the  forces  acting  on  an  object  are  unbalanced,  the  state  of motion of the object will change. 
(This  concept  was  discussed  in  the  module  using  the  rolling  ball  as  an  example).  Emphasize 
that  the  ball  slowed  down  and  eventually  stopped  not  because  its  force  is  already  used  up 
(misconception).  The  ball  slowed  down  and  stopped  because  an  unbalanced  force  (friction) 
caused it to change its motion. 
Answers to Questions 
Q7. The forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. 
Q8. If the lines of action of the forces are extended, they meet at a single point. 
Note:  At  this  point,  the  term  “concurrent  forces”  may  be  introduced.  When  the  lines of action of 
the  forces  acting  on  an  object  meet  at  a  single  point,  they are considered as concurrent forces. 
When the forces acting on an object are concurrent, the object does not move nor rotate. 
Concept check: 
1. A boy and a girl pull a heavy crate at the same time with 10 units of force each as 
shown in the diagram. What is the net force acting on the object? 
2.  What  if  the  boy  and  the  girl  pull  the  heavy  crate  at  the  same  time  in  opposite directions with 
10  units and 5 units of force respectively, what will be the net force acting on the object? Will the 
object move? To what direction will it move? 
5 units 
10 units 10 units 10 units 

3. Suppose another girl pulls the heavy crate with 5 units of force in the same 
direction as the girl, what will be the net force acting on the object? Will the object move? 
1. F 

5 units 
5 units 10 units = 20 units 2. F 

= 5 units. The object will move in the direction of the 10-unit force. 3. F 

= 0. The object will not move. 

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion 
1.  Start  the  session  by  introducing  first  Isaac  Newton  to  the  students.  Provide  some  pictures  if 
possible.  Discuss  some  of  his  significant  contributions  especially  in  the  field  of  physics,  e.g., 
Newton  combined  his  ideas  and  the  ideas  of  the  other  scientists  like  Galileo  to  give  us  a  more 
unified  picture  of  how  our  universe  works.  He  formulated  the  laws  of  motion  and  gravitation. 
Through  his  three  laws  of  motion,  we  can  describe  and  predict  the  movement  of  everything 
around us. 
Newton’s First Law of Motion: Law of Inertia 
Activity 3 

Investigating inertia 
This  activity  demonstrates  how  the  inertia  of  an  object  affects  its  motion.  Inertia  is  the 
tendency  of  the body to resist changes in its state of motion. This is described through Newton’s 
First Law of Motion, also referred to as Law of Inertia. 
Teaching Tips 
1.  After  discussing  the  result  of  the  activity,  relate  the  Law  of  Inertia  to  the  previous  discussion 
on  balanced  and  unbalanced  forces.  Emphasize  that  if  an  object  is  acted  upon  by  balanced 
forces,  its  motion  or  its  velocity  will  not  change.  Since  acceleration  is  defined  as  the  change  in 
velocity over time, then we can say that the object will not accelerate. It will only accelerate if the 
forces  acting  on  it  are  unbalanced.  This  is  what the Law of Inertia is all about. It states that, “An 
object  will  stay  at  rest  or  move  at  constant velocity unless an unbalanced external force acts on 
2. If time permits, discuss also the effect of mass on inertia. 
3. For the application part, relate the concept of inertia to the students’ experience 
while riding a vehicle. Then discuss the importance of using a seatbelt. 
Answers to Questions 
Coin Drop 
Q9. When we slowly pulled the cardboard, the coin on top moved with the 
cardboard. The frictional force between the coin and the cardboard had caused the coin to stay 
on top of the cardboard and move with it. 
Q10.  When  we  flicked  the cardboard with our finger, the cardboard moved forward but this time, 
the  coin  did  not  move  with  it.  So  when  the  cardboard  was  removed  from  underneath  the  coin, 
the coin dropped into the glass. 
The coin did not move forward with the coin because of its inertia. 
Stack of Coins 
Q11.  When  we  hit  the  bottom  coin  with  the  edge  of  the  ruler,  the  coin  moved  out  from  the  pile 
but  the  other  coins  stayed  in  place.  The  inertia  of  the  other  coins  has  caused  them  to  stay  in 
place or not to move out with the coin that was hit by the ruler. 
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration 
•  To  introduce  the  second law of motion, refer the students back to the discussion on the effects 
of unbalanced forces on the motion of objects by saying: 
If the forces acting on an object are unbalanced (F 

˃0),  the  object  accelerates.  But 

how is the acceleration of the object related to the amount of the net force acting on it? 
Activity 4 

Force and acceleration 

In  this  activity,  students  will  analyze  and  describe  the  relationship  between  the 
unbalanced external force acting on an object and its acceleration using tape charts. 
Note  that  the  students  will  not  actually  perform  the  activity  using  the  ticker  tape timer. It 
will  be  assumed  that  some  other  students  have  done  it  already.  What  they  will  just  do  is  to 
analyze  the  tape  charts  that  are  supposedly  obtained  by  the  students  who  performed  the 
Teaching Tips 
1. Reproduce the tape charts found in the teacher’s guide (Figure 3) to be 
distributed among the students. 
2.  If  the  materials  are  available,  try  to  demonstrate  how  the  data  or  tape  charts  were  obtained. 
To  do  this,  hang  four  identical  rubber  bands  from  one  end  of  a  wooden  bar as shown in Figure 
1.  Then  mark  on  the  wooden  bar  the  position  where  the  rubber  bands  should  be  stretched 
(Figure  2).  When  the  rubber band is stretched, it pulls with it the cart. Make sure that the person 
holding  the  wooden  bar  with  rubber  bands  is  free  to  move  and  ready  to  run  with  the  dynamics 
cart,  if  needed,  to  maintain  the  length  by  which  the  rubber  band  is  stretched  while  pulling  the 
cart.  This  is  to  ensure  that  the  force  acting  on the cart is constant. The number of rubber bands 
used  to  pull  the  cart  is  related  to  the  amount  of  force  acting on the cart. If the number of rubber 
bands is changed, say doubled, the force acting on the cart is considered also to be doubled. 
3. In the absence of a ticker tape timer, students can be allowed to watch a video 
showing what a ticker tape timer is and how it works to produce tapes with dots. 
4.  Note  that  the  ticker  timer  in  the  activity produces 60 dots on the tape per second. This is why 
the  time  interval  (equivalent  to  6 dots) = 0.10 seconds. (Just like 30 dots = 0.5 seconds; 15 dots 
= 0.25 seconds, and so on.) 
5.  Students  may  work  on  the  activity  as  a  group.  But  if  there  are  enough  copies  for  everyone, 
they  can  be  asked  to  work  on  Part  A  first  individually.  Then,  assign  each  group  with  a  specific 
tape chart to work on. 
6. Note that their measurements may differ even if they are provided with the same copies of the 
tape charts. Make sure to discuss the reasons for the differences in their measurements. 
7. Ask the students to compute for the acceleration three times using different 
values of ∆v (from Step 6). Then ask them to get the average value. 
8.  Ask  the  students  to  obtain  the  other  values  of  acceleration  (average  only)  from  the  other 
students  who  worked  on  the  other  tape  charts  to  complete  the data for F = 1 unit to F = 4 units. 
Then  ask  them  to  use  the  data  to  come  up  with  a  relationship  between  the  net  force  acting  on 
the body and its acceleration. 
9.  Use  the  result  of  the  activity  to  discuss  about  Newton’s  second  law  of  motion,  or  Law  of 
Acceleration.  If  there  is  still  enough  time,  students  can  also  be  asked  to  plot  the  graph  of force 
against  acceleration  (Figure  4  below).  This  is  also  another  way  of  showing  the  relationship 
between the two variables. 
10.  Since  the  law  of  acceleration  quantifies  the  relationship  among  mass,  force,  and 
acceleration,  it  is  better  if  the  relationship  between  the  mass  of  the  object  and  its  acceleration 
will also be discussed. 
Figure 1 
Figure 2 
As the mass of the object increases, with the same amount of force applied, its acceleration also 
increases.  To  state in another way, if the same force acts on two bodies of different masses, the 
acceleration  of  the  body  with  lesser  mass  is  greater  than  the  acceleration  of  the  body  with 
greater mass. 
Answers to Questions 
Tape chart analysis 
Q12. (Similarities) The lengths of the strips are increasing. 
(Differences) The change in length differs among the tape charts. 
Q13. The change (increase) in the length of the strips means that the average 
velocity of the cart increases at equal time interval. 
The cart is accelerating. 
This is also true to all other tape charts. 
Q14. The increase in length of the strips in F = 1 unit is almost the same or 
This indicates that the velocity of the cart increases uniformly at equal intervals of time when the 
force acting on it is constant. 
Q15. The amount of change in the length of the strips varies among the tape 
charts. It is greatest in F = 4 units and least in F = 1 unit. 
Q16. When the dots on top of the strips are connected, a straight line was formed. 
Yes, the same pattern exists for the other tape charts. 
Quantitative analysis 
Q17. The computed values of v 

are increasing. This indicates that the cart is accelerating. 

Q18. The computed values of ∆v are equal (or almost equal). 
This means that the cart is accelerating uniformly or its acceleration is constant. 
Q19. The computed values of acceleration are equal (or almost equal). 
Q20.  The  acceleration  of  the cart increases with the net or unbalanced force applied on it. Or as 
the amount of force applied on the cart increases, the acceleration of the cart also increases. 
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Law of Action - Reaction 
Activity 5 

The  Newton's  third  law  of  motion,  or  sometimes  called  as  Law  of  Action-  Reaction, 
describes  the  relationship  between  the  forces  that  two  bodies  exert  on  each  other.  In  this 
activity,  students  should  realize  that  these  forces  are  equal  in  magnitude  but  opposite  in 
Answers to Questions 
Q21. (Answer may differ, but the values should be equal) 
These values represent the amount of pulling force that we exerted on each other. 
Q22. The forces that we exerted are in opposite directions. 
Q23. (The readings this time should be greater than the previous ones) 
Q24. We increased the force that we exerted on each other. 
Q25. (readings may vary) 
Q26. The forces are of opposite directions. 
Figure 3: Tape charts 
F=1 unit F= 2 units 16 
F= 3 units F= 4 units 
Sample computation for F= 2 units 
Strip Number 
Length of strip (cm) 
Average velocity, v 

Acceleration (cm/s) 
1 1.1 11 
11 110 
2 2.2 22 
10 100 
3 3.2 32 
11 110 4 4.3 43 
5 5.5 55 
12 120 


= 110 cm/s2 
Sample data for Table 1 
Force # of rubber bands Acceleration F = 1 unit 1 55 cm/s2 F = 2 units 2 110 cm/s2 F = 3 units 
3 165 cm/s2 F = 4 units 4 221 cm/s2 
Change in velocity, ∆v 
Acceleration (cm/s2) 
250 0 
200 0 
150 0 
100 0 
1 2 3 4 
Force (unit) 
Figure 4: Graph of force vs acceleration 

References and Links 

Herr, N. (2008). The sourcebook for teaching science: Strategies, activities, and 
instructional resources, grades 6-12. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 
Department of Education, Culture and Sports. (DECS). (n.d.). Physics teachers 
resource manual. Pasig City. Author. 
Department of Education. (DepEd). (2002). Lesson Plans for the 2002 Basic 
Education Curriculum: Science IV. Pasig City. Author. 
The Physics Classroom (1996-2013). Newton’s laws. Retrieved from 
University  of  the  Philippines  National  Institute  for  Science  and  Mathematics  Education 
Development.  (2002).  Practical  work  on  high  school  physics:  Sourcebook for teachers. Quezon 
City: Author. 
Unit 1 MODULE 2 


In  this module, students will learn about motion from the perspective of work and energy. 
The  concept  of  energy  is  one  of  the  most  important  concepts  in  physics.  The  students  have 
been  studying  about  it  since  Grade 3 up to Grade 7. They have learned that energy takes many 
forms; there are different sources and uses of energy; and energy can be transferred. 
The  module  starts  with  a  discussion  about  work.  In  the  first  activity,  they  will  explain 
whether  a  situation  represents  an  example  of  work.  It  is  followed  by  a  discussion  about  work 
and  energy,  and  then  about  kinetic  and  potential  energy.  In  the  second  activity,  students  will 
construct  a  toy  that  demonstrates  how  a  rubber  band  ‘stores’  energy.  The  last  activity  puts 
together the concepts of work, energy and power. 
Key questions for this module 
What is Work? 
Figures 1 to 3 in the student’s module shows different situations. Ask the students to 
identify the one doing the work and on which object the work is done. 
The students should be able to arrive at the concept that work is done on an object when 
the force applied to it covers a distance in the direction of the applied force. 
What is work? What is energy? How are work, energy and power related? 
Activity 1 

Is there work done? 

In  this  activity,  students  will  analyze  the  situations  shown in the illustrations. For them to 
explain if the situations represent examples of work they should be able to identify the one doing 
the  work  and  on  which  object  the  work  is  done. They should also look into the direction of force 
exerted  relative  to  the  direction  of  the  movement  of  the  object  or  the  distance  covered  by  the 
applied force. 
Teaching Tips 
1. Ask the students what’s the first thing that comes to their mind when they hear 
the word work. 
2. Let them look for the meaning of work in a dictionary. 
3. Recall the lesson about force in Module 1. 
Answers to Questions 
• A girl is pulling her toy car. Yes, the situation is an example of work. The work is done by the 
girl on the cart. The force exerted by the girl in pulling the toy car is in the same direction as the 
distance covered when the force is applied. 
• A man is lifting a box to be placed on a table. Yes, the situation is an example of work. The 
work is done by the man on the box. The force exerted by the man is upward and the box is 
displaced upward. 
• A girl carrying a bag walks down the street. No, the situation is not an example of work. There 
is force (the shoulder pushes up the bag) and there is displacement (the bag is moved 
horizontally). However, the line of action of the force and the displacement are not parallel but 
perpendicular. The distance covered is not along the direction of the applied force. 
• A mango fruit falling from the branch Yes, the situation is an example of work. The work is 
done by the force of gravity on the mango. In this case, the mango loses energy as you will find 
out in the discussion of potential energy. 
Calculating work 
The  students  are  given  the  equation  of  work  in their module. However, the equation can 
only  be  used  if  the  force  is  applied  horizontally  (pushed  across  the  floor  or ground) or vertically 
(lifted above). 

Figure 1. Equation for solving work 
The  equation  of  work  for  forces  at  an  angle  is  not  introduced  to  the  students  because 
they  have  not  yet  taken  up  trigonometric  functions  in  their  mathematics  class.  However,  if  the 
students ask how to solve for work if the force is at an angle, you may also show the equation. 
Figure 2. Equation for solving work if the force is at an angle 

Answer to the problem 
A book which has a mass of 1 kg is on the floor. If the book is lifted from the floor to the 
top shelf which is 2 meters from the floor, how much work is done? 
Work is a Method of Transferring Energy 
•  In  Grade  7,  students  learned  that  there  are  different  ways by which energy can be transferred 
from  one  place  to  another.  This  time,  they  will  learn  that work is a means of transferring energy 
from one object to another. 
•  Is  there  work  done  on  the  ball?  In  the  bowling  game  described  in  the  student’s  material,  the 
work  is  done  by  the  person  on  the  ball  to  just  start  it  moving.  Because  of  the  work  done  to  the 
ball,  it  gained  ‘something’  that  enables  it  to  move.  That  ‘something’  that  was  transferred  to  the 
ball is called energy. The energy became energy of motion of the ball. 
•  What  can  a moving ball do? A moving ball has energy. When it strikes the empty plastic bottle, 
it  can  push  it  through  a  distance.  Thus,  work  is  done  by  the  ball  on  the  empty  plastic  bottle. 
Since work is done on the bottle, energy is transferred to it. 
•  If  energy  can  be  transferred,  what  happens to the energy of the one doing the work and to the 
object  on  which  work  is  done?  The  one  doing  the  work  loses  energy  and  the  object  on  which 
work is done gains energy. When work is done by an object, the object loses energy; when work 
is  done  on  an  object,  the object gains energy. In the bowling game the students played, the one 
rolling  the  ball  loses  energy  while the ball gains energy. When the moving ball strikes the empty 
plastic bottle it loses energy while the plastic bottle gains energy. 
• Clarify to the students that it is energy and not force that is transferred when work is done. 
• You may also show or demonstrate a billiard game wherein one ball hits another ball. 
Kinetic Energy 
• The energy of a moving object is called energy of motion or kinetic energy (KE). How the 
equation of KE is derived is shown in the student’s module. 
•  The  KE of an object depends on its mass and velocity. What will happen to the KE of an object 
if  its  mass  is  doubled  but  the  velocity  remains  the  same?  The  KE  will be doubled. How about if 
the  velocity  is  doubled  but  the  mass  remains  the same? The KE is proportional to the square of 
the speed, thus if the speed is doubled, the KE will be quadrupled. 
Answer to the problem: 
A 1000 kg car has a velocity of 17 m/s. What is the car’s kinetic energy? 
Potential Energy 
Work  is  done  in  lifting  an  object.  When  work  is  done  on  an  object, energy is transferred 
to  it.  Thus,  an  object  lifted  from  the  ground  gains  energy.  Since  the  work  is  done  against  the 
force of gravity, it is called gravitational potential energy or simply potential energy (PE). 
The  force  of  gravity  also  acts  on  objects  falling  to  the  ground.  As  an  object  falls,  the 
potential energy decreases because it is transformed to become the kinetic energy of the object. 
The  gravitational  potential  energy  is  the  energy  due  to  its  position.  This energy depends on the 
mass  and  height  of  the  object.  The  height  can  be  measured  relative  to  an  assigned  level.  But 
usually, the common reference level is the ground. 
Teaching Tips 
1.  Point  out  that  the  higher  the  object  is from the ground, the greater is its potential energy. The 
more  massive  an  object  is,  the  greater  is  its  potential  energy.  These  concepts  were 
demonstrated in the problems. 
2. Compare the potential energy of an object/s for different reference level. 
Answer to the problem: 
If  the  same  1.0 kg book is lifted 0.5 m above the table, but the table top is 1.0 m above the floor, 
what would be the potential energy of the book if the reference level were the floor? 
Activity 2 

Rolling toy 
•  Prepare  a  sample  toy  made  of  a can instead of the transparent plastic container. This way the 
students  cannot  see  the  mechanism  inside  the  can.  Rotate  the  barbecue  stick  beforehand 
before asking them what they think will happen to the can when placed on the floor. 
•  After  the  activity,  ask  the  students  to  demonstrate  the  game  they played using a rubber band. 
Ask  them  how  the rubber bands ‘store’ energy and what this energy can do once transformed to 
kinetic energy. 
Answers to Questions 
Q1. It rolls. 
Q2. Potential energy 
Q3. Kinetic energy 
Q4. Potential to kinetic energy 
Work, Energy and Power 
People  possess  energy.  They  get  their  energy  from  the  food  they  eat.  As  shown  and 
demonstrated in the previous lesson, this energy can be transferred to objects. 
When  people  do  things  such  as  walking  or  running,  they  expend  energy.  The  rate  at 
which  they  expend  energy  is  called  power.  Power  is  the  rate  of  doing  work  or  the  rate  of using 
Activity 3 

How POWER-ful am I? 

In  this  activity,  the  students  will  relate  the  concepts  of  work  and  energy  to  power.  The 
energy  expended  in  climbing  a  flight  of  stairs is equal to the gravitational potential energy, PE = 
mgh or weight x height. 
Sample data for Table 1 
Weight (N) 
Power (J/s) 
Bella 441 5 10 2205 220 
Troy 490 5 8 2450 306 
Mae 392 5 10 1960 196 
Elijah 441 5 9 2205 245 
Answers to Questions (based on the sample data for Table 1) 
Q5. Troy 
Q7. Mae 
Q9.  Each  member  performed  different  amounts  of  work  except  for  Bella  and  Elijah  who 
performed the same amount of work because they weigh the same. 
Q10. Power output is determined by the amount of work done or energy expended 
and the time taken to do the work. 
Below is a list of concepts or ideas developed in this module. 
• Work is done on an object when the force applied to it covers a distance in the direction of the 
applied force. 
• Work is a way of transferring energy. 
• When work is done by an object it loses energy and when work is done on an object it gains 
• The energy of an object enables it to do work. 
Height of stairs (m) 
Time taken to climb the stairs (s) 
Energy expended (J) 
• A moving object has energy called energy of motion or kinetic energy. 
• An object above a specified level has energy due to its position called potential energy. 
• An elastic object that is stretched or compressed or twisted has energy called potential energy. 
• Power is the rate of doing work or the rate of using energy. 
References and Links 
Henderson, Tom. (2013). Work and energy. Retrieved from 
Hewitt, P.G. (2002). Conceptual physics. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Saddle River, New 
Kirkpatrick, L.D., & Wheeler, G.F. (1998). Physics: A world view. Forth Worth: 
Saunders College. 
Ostdiek, V.J., & Bord, D.J. (1987). Inquiry into physics. New York: West Publishing. 
DepEd. Science and Technology IV. SEDP Series. (1992). Philippines: Book Media 
Press, Inc. 
Unit 1 MODULE 3 


In  Grade  7,  students  learned  about  the  conditions  necessary  for  heat  transfer  to  occur 
and  the  ways  by  which  heat  transfers  from  one  place  to  another.  This  time,  they  will  explore 
what  happens  to  an  object  when  heat  is  transferred  to  or  from  it.  They  will  also  explore  the 
factors that affect the amount of heat that an object can transfer. 
Key questions for this module 
What happens to solids, liquids, or gases when they absorb or release heat? 
Does heat affect all kinds of materials in the same way? 
Are heat and temperature one and the same? 
Related Misconceptions 
1. Heat is a substance. 
2. Heat is not energy. 
3. Heat and temperature are one and the same. 
4. The temperature of an object depends on its size or volume. 
5. The amount of heat transferred is determined always by the change 
in temperature. 
•  This  module  is  good  for  6  days.  The  experiments  were  made  simple  so  that  students  will  be 
able to finish them early and the discussion of the results can be done also on the same day. 
• The word heat in the module is written in italic form to emphasize that it represents the quantity 
of thermal energy that is transferred to or from an object. 
•  Since  the  students  will  be  using  laboratory  thermometers  in  most of the experiments that they 
will  do,  it  is recommended that the guides on how to handle properly the thermometer and use it 
to measure temperature are discussed clearly at the beginning of the chapter. 
Activity 1 

Explaining hotness or coldness 

In  this  activity,  students  will  describe  the  hotness  or  coldness  of  water  in  terms  of  its 
temperature.  They  will  also  compare  the  amount  of  heat transferred to the water in terms of the 
changes in its temperature and come up with a relationship between these two variables. 
Teaching Tips 
1.  The  first  part  of  the  activity  requires  the  students  to  recall  their  previous  lesson  on  heat 
transfer.  Since  this  is  just  a  review,  students  may  be  allowed  to  discuss  their  answers  within 
their group. Make sure that the following concepts are clear to the students: 
• Heat is a transfer of (thermal) energy between objects or places due to temperature difference. 
• Heat transfers from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature. 
2.  When  students  are  asked  to  determine  the  hotness  of  the  water  through  sensation,  make 
sure  that  they  use  a  different  finger  for  each  water  sample.  The  explanation  can  be  found  in 
Grade 7 (Module 5: Heat Transfer). 
3.  Note  that  heat  transfer  may  continuously  take  place  between  the  cold  water  and  the 
surrounding  (as  long  as  there  is  a  temperature  difference). So there will be a possibility that the 
values  of  the  initial  temperature of the water inside the three containers will vary even if the cold 
water  was  taken  from  the  same  source.  (Refer  to  the  table  below.)  Make  sure to discuss about 
this during the post activity discussion. 
Sample Data 
Temperature Change in 
Initial Final 
Container 1 12°C 56°C 44C° 
Container 2 11°C 20°C 8C° 
Container 3 12°C 11°C 1C° 
Answers to Questions 
Q1. Heat was transferred from my finger (lower temperature) to the water (higher 
Q2. Cold. The energy was released from my hand to the water. 
Q3. (Answers may vary) 
Q4. Container 1. The container that was added with hot water. 
Container 3. The container that was added with cold water. 
Q5. Because of the different temperatures of the water added to the containers. 
Q6. Heat transfer took place in containers 1 and 2. There were changes in the 
temperature of water inside these containers. 
Q7. Greater amount of heat was transferred in container 1. There was greater 
change in the temperature of water. 
Q8.  The  amount  of  heat  transferred  is  proportional  to  the  change  in  temperature.  The  greater 
the amount of heat transferred to an object, the greater the increase in its temperature. 
Activity 2 

Dye in water 
The  aim  of  this  activity  is  to  explain  why  the  temperature of water in Activity 1 increases 
when  heat  was  added  to  it.  Also,  by  observing  the  behavior  of  the  dye  through  the  water, 
students will be able to describe the changes that occur due to heat transfer at the particle level. 
Teaching Tips 
1. At this point, students should be made to realize that everything is made up of 
moving particles. 
2.  In  Table  2,  last  column,  students’  observations  must  focus  on  the  scattering  of  the  dye 
through  the  water.  Ask  them to make comparisons, like the dye scatters faster (or slower) or the 
dye  scatters  the  most  (or  the  least).  They will later relate these observations to the speed of the 
moving particles. 
3.  At  the  end  of  the  discussion,  students  should  be  able  to  recognize  that  “hotness or coldness” indicates 
how  fast  the  particles  move.  “Hot”  may  be  considered  as  faster  movement  of  the  particles  or  higher 
kinetic energy of the particles. 
4. During the post activity discussion, emphasis must be given on this idea 
•  The  change  in  the kinetic energy of the particles of a substance varies with the amount of heat 
transferred  to  it.  The  greater  the  amount  of  heat  transferred,  the  greater  the  increase  in  the 
kinetic  energy  of  the  particles.  In  the  case  of  the  dye,  the  particles  of  the  dye  added  to  the 
container  with  hot  water  move  faster  due  to  the  greater  amount  of  energy  transferred  to  them 
from the hot water. This makes the dye scatter faster throughout the medium (water). 
Sample data for Table 2 
Container 1 (cold) 12 0C 
Dye scattered the slowest 
Container 2 (tap) 26 0C 
Dye scattered slower than in hot water or faster than in cold water 
Container 3 (hot) 76 0C 
The dye scattered the fastest in this container 
Figure 1. Scattering of the dye among the three water samples 
Answers to Questions 
Q9. After putting drops of dye into the water, the dye scattered throughout the 
water. But the rate of scattering of the dye differs in each container. 
Q10. Hot water. Cold water. 
Q11. The higher the temperature of the water, the faster the scattering of the dye. 
Q12. The particles are moving fastest in the container with hot water. The particles 
are moving slowest in the container with cold water. 
Q13. The higher the temperature of the water, the greater the speed of the moving 
Q14. The higher the temperature, the greater the kinetic energy of the particles. 
Hot water 
Temperature (0C) 
Cold water Water at room temp 
Thermal Expansion 
1. Explain how liquid thermometers work using the concept of thermal expansion. 
2. Demonstrate the activity described or suggested in the module to explain thermal 
expansion of solid. 
3.  Emphasize  that  objects  or  materials  expand  when  heated  and  contract  when  cooled.  But 
emphasize  also  that  different  materials  expand  or  contract  to  different  extents  when  heated  or 
4. If time permits, ask the students to research more on the applications of thermal 
expansion to real life. 
Phase Change 
Activity 3.1 

What happens when ice melts? 

Teaching Tips 
1.  If  the  materials  are  available,  some  students  may  be  allowed  to  use  a  heating  device  like  a 
burner,  instead  of  hot  water,  to  ‘heat’  the beaker of ice. Then they can infer the difference in the 
amount of heat transferred to the ice based on the melting time. 
2. Students can be allowed to use an iron stand with clamp to hold the thermometer 
to ensure that it will not touch the bottom of the container. 
3.  At  this point, some guides in constructing graphs might be needed. Note that the independent 
variable  (heating  time)  is  plotted  along  the  horizontal  axis  while  the  dependent  variable 
(temperature) is plotted along the Y-axis. 
4.  Try  out  the  activity  first  to  determine  the  amount  of  ice  that  will  allow  the  students  to  finish 
their activity within the day. Discussion of results may follow during the next session. 
5.  During  the  post  activity  discussion,  give  emphasis  on  the  idea  that  it  is  not  always  true  that 
the  energy  transferred  to  an  object  or  substance  will  cause  a  change  in  the  kinetic  energy  of 
Answers to Questions 
Q15. The ice melts because the heat from the surrounding (higher temperature) 
was absorbed by the ice (lower temperature). 
Q16. The dependent variable is the ‘temperature’ while the independent variable is 
the ‘time’. 
Q17.  Descriptions  may  vary  depending  on  how  the  graphs  of  the  students  look  like.  The 
accepted  one  should  have  a  straight  horizontal  line  like  in  the  graph  shown  in  Figure  2  below 
Q18. The temperature of the water while the ice was melting remains the same. 
Q19. After the ice has melted the temperature of the water increases with time. 
Vaporization 100°C 
Steam (vapor) (Boiling point) 
Melting 0°C 

(Melting point) Ice 

Time Heat 
Figure 2 
Activity 3.2 

What happens to the temperature of water as it boils? 

Q20. Descriptions may vary depending on how the graphs of the students look like. 
The accepted one must have a straight horizontal line like in Figure 2 (vaporization). 
Q21. Both graphs have a straight horizontal line but the temperature level 
corresponding to these lines differ. 
Activity 4 

What is the relationship between the mass of a material and the 

amount of heat it can transfer? 
After  students  learned  about  the  relationship  between  the  temperature of the object and 
the  amount  of  heat  it  can  transfer,  this  time  they  will  try  to  investigate  on  their  own  the 
relationship  between  the  mass  of  the  object  and  the  amount  heat it can transfer. In this activity, 
students  are  asked  to  plan  and  design  their  own  investigation,  including  the  steps  on  how they 
will  gather  and  analyze  data  to  come  up  with an answer to this question: How does the mass of 
an object affect the amount of heat it can transfer? 
Students  may  fill  identical  containers  with  different  amounts  of  water  of  the  same  temperature, 
say  hot  water.  Then  they  pour  both  contents  into two containers with water of the same amount 
and  temperature.  Then  they  measure  the  increase  in  temperature  of  water  in  both  containers. 
The  amount  of  increase  in  the  temperature  of  water  can  be  related  to  the  amount  of  heat 
transferred to the object. 
Activity 5 

Comparing heat capacities 

Teaching Tips 
1.  Make  sure  that  the  liquid  samples  are  stored  in  the  same  room  before  the  experiment  to 
ensure that they will be of the same room temperature when they are used in the activity. 
2. Aside from water and cooking oil, other samples of liquids can also be used. 
3. If there are enough thermometers available, it is better to use a separate 
thermometer for each liquid sample. 
4.  During  the  post  activity  discussion,  provide  the  class  with  the  table  containing  the  specific 
heat  capacities  of  some  materials.  This  will  confirm  their  findings  that  different  materials  have 
different heat capacities. 
5. During the post lab discussion, include some real life applications of specific heat 
Answers to Questions 
Q22. The water requires more time to increase in temperature. 
Q23. The water requires more heat to increase in temperature. 
Q24. The water has greater heat capacity. 
Chalfant, H., Peyron, M., Rachke, C. (2005, Fall). Heat and temperature. Sci Ed, 
491. Retrieved from 
Expansion and contraction. (n.d.). Retrieved from Unit3_T4_T6.pdf 
Unit 1 MODULE 4 

In  the  previous  modules,  students  learn about charges and how their charges determine 
the  forces  that  exist  between  them.  In  this  module,  they  will  study  charges  as  moving  through 
conducting  materials.  Students  will  be  dealing  mostly  on  terms  like  voltage,  current  and 
resistance  in  studying  electricity.  In  the  first  activity,  they  will  determine  how  changing  the 
voltage  affects  the  current  in  an  electric  circuit.  The  second  activity  deals  with  how  resistance 
affects  the  current  in  a  circuit.  The  next  activity  talks  about  the  two  types  of  connection  (series 
and parallel connections) and how the charges flow in these connections. The last activity of this 
module deals with the effects of too much current in the circuit on conducting materials, and how 
its  effect  can  be  useful  in  practicing  safety  practices  in  using  electrical  appliances  in  order  to 
prevent accidents like fires or electric shock. 
The topics covered in this module are relevant because of the applicability of the lesson 
in preventing accidents like fires caused by unsafe use of electricity. 
Key questions for this module 
How do voltage and resistance affect electric current? 
What are the safety precautions needed in using electricity? 
Current and Voltage 
Electric  charges  can  be  made  to  move  through  a  conducting  material.  The  electric 
charges  are  the  electrons  of  the  conducting  materials.  Materials  such  as  copper,  steel,  and 
aluminum  have  a  lot  of  loosely  held  electrons  which  made  them  good  conductors  of  electricity. 
Current  is  a  measure  of  the  number  of  charges  passing  through  a  cross-section of a conductor 
in a given time. 
What  is  the  direction  of  current?  A  battery  has  terminal  marks  “+”and  “-“.  The  plus  (+)  sign 
indicates  surplus  or  excess  of  charge  and  the  negative  (-)  sign  means  deficiency.  The 
movement  of  charges  from  the  positive  side  of  the  battery  to  the  negative  side  is  called 
conventional  current  or  simply  current.  However,  this  is  not  the  actual  motion  of  electrons  in  a 
circuit.  The  direction  of  the  flow  of  electrons  is  from  the  negative  terminal  to  the  positive 
terminal.  This  is  called  electron current. The direction of current does not affect what the current 
An  ammeter  measures  electric  current.  Because  the  device  measures  how  much 
charges  flow  in  a  certain  cross  section  at  a  given  time,  it  has  to  be  connected  in  series.  Take 
note  how  the  positive  and  negative  signs  of  the  ammeter  and  the  terminals  of  the  battery  are 
oriented as shown in Figure 1. 
Figure 1. Ammeter connected in a circuit 
Energy  is  needed  to  make  the  charges  move.  In  Module  2,  the  students  learned  that 
when  work  is  done  on  an  object,  energy  is  transferred.  The  voltage  of  a  battery  does  the  work 
on  charges  to  make  them  move.  Batteries  are  energy  sources.  The  chemical  energy  in  the 
battery  is  transformed  to  electrical  energy.  This electrical energy moves the charges in a circuit. 
The  work  done  on  the  charges  as  it  passes  through  a  load  is  measured  as  the  voltage  across 
the load. 
A  voltmeter  measures  voltage.  The  voltmeter  must  be  connected  parallel  or  across  the 
load  as  shown  in  Figure  2.  The  positive  terminal  of  a  voltmeter  is  connected  to  the  positive 
terminal  of  the  bulb  while  the  negative terminal is connected to the negative terminal of the bulb 
as shown in Figure 2. 
negative terminal of the bulb 
Figure 2. Voltmeter connected across the load 
Activity 1 

Current and voltage 

• In this activity, students will determine how voltage and current are related. 
•  Students  will  use  voltmeters  and  ammeters  to  measure  the  current  and  voltage  in  a  circuit. 
Make  sure  that  they  follow  the  correct  way  of  connecting  the  ammeter  and  voltmeter.  If  the 
school  cannot  provide  voltmeters  and ammeters, they can modify the activity by just relating the 
number  of  dry  cells  or  increase  in  voltage  with  the  brightness of the bulb. The brighter the bulb, 
the bigger the current. 
• The dry cells must be connected in series which means the positive terminal of one cell is 
connected to the negative terminal of the other. 
•  Ideally  a  switch  must  be  included  in  the  circuit  so  that  they  can  turn  off  the  circuit  to  avoid 
wasting  energy.  The  teacher  can  make  an  improvised  switch  using  illustration  board  and 
aluminum foil as shown in Figure 3. 
positive terminal of the bulb 
Figure 3. An improvised switch 
•  Be  sure  also  to  use  new  batteries  for  this  activity especially when the brightness of the bulb is 
being asked. For the bulb, use a flashlight with a voltage rating of 2.5 V. 
•  In  case  no  battery  holders,  use  a  cardboard  to  wrap  two  batteries  tightly  like  a  cylindrical 
holder. Tape the cartolina to secure the tightness of the connection of the batteries. 
Answers to Questions: 
Q1. (This will depend on the reading they get from the ammeter.) 
Q2. The bulb glows brighter when two batteries are used. 
Q3. (This will depend on the reading obtained in the ammeter.) 
Q4. The current is higher for two dry cells as compared to one dry cell. 
Q5. (This will depend on the readings obtained on the voltmeter.) 
Q6. The bulb glows brighter. 
Q7. This will depend on the readings obtained on the voltmeter.) 
Q8. The voltage is bigger for two dry cells as compared to one dry cell. 
Q9. For a constant load (one bulb), when the voltage increases the current also 
Sample Data 
No. of batteries Voltage (V) Current (A) 
1 1.5 0.2 A 
2 2.5 0.3 A 
Activity 1 Discussion 
The  dry  cell  provides  the  energy  that  moves  the  charges  in  a  circuit.  The dry cell must 
be  connected  by  conducting  wires to a load to form a complete circuit. Adding dry cells in series 
increases the voltage in a circuit. 
In  the  activity,  adding  dry  cells  increases  the  current  in  a  circuit  as  shown  by  the 
ammeter  readings.  The  brightness  of  the  bulb  also  indicates  the  amount  of  current  passing 
through it. The bigger the current through the bulb, the brighter it glows. Both the meter readings 
and  the  brightness  of  the bulb show that voltage and current are related. The activity shows that 
as the voltage increases, the current also increases. 
Current and Resistance 
Another  variable  that  can  affect  current  is  the  resistance.  As  the  term  implies,  the 
resistance  of  the  material  opposes  the  flow  of  charges.  Resistance  can  also  be  measured  and 
they  are  expressed  in  units  called  Ohms.  A  lower  resistance  would  mean  that  there  is  less 
opposition in the flow of charges and therefore bigger current. 
Different  materials  have  different  amounts of resistance. Conductors definitely have very 
little  resistance  and  therefore  allow  more  charges  to  pass  through.  Insulators are materials that 
have very high resistance and therefore flow of charges would be difficult. 
The  length  and  thickness  of  the  conducting  wire  are  factors  that  affect  resistance 
encountered  by  current. The longer the wire the greater will be its resistance and the greater the 
cross sectional area (a measure of the thickness of the wire), the lower will be its resistance. 
The  resistance  of an object also changes when the object becomes wet. Dry human skin 
for  instance  has  a  resistance  of  100,000  ohms  but  when  it  gets  wet  its resistance is reduced to 
1,000 ohms. That is why it is important to dry the hands when plugging an electrical appliance to 
reduce any chance of getting a lot of current if an accident occurs. 
Understanding  the relationship between current and resistance is important in protecting oneself 
from  electric  shock.  The  table below shows the physiological effects that happen when a certain 
amount of current passes through the human body. 
Source: Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health 
Activity 2 

Current and resistance 

In this activity, the students must be able to determine how resistance affects the current 
through the circuit. 
• The purpose of the activity is to find if a relationship exists between current and resistance. 
•  If  there  is  no  ammeter  available,  the  students  can  just  compare  the  brightness  of  the  bulb 
since the brightness is also associated with the current passing through them. 
•  In  the  last  part  of  the  activity,  the  students  were  asked  to  connect  the  ammeter  at  different 
points in the circuit. This is to show to them that current is the same anywhere in the circuit. 
Answers to Questions 
Q10. The current decreases as the resistance increases or when the resistance 
increases the current decreases. 
Sample data: 
No. of bulbs Current (A) 
1 0.3 A 2 0.25 A 3 0.2 A 
Q11. The current reading at different points of the circuit is constant. 
Q12. The readings indicate that current is the same anywhere in the circuit. 
Electrical Connections 
Series Connection 
Circuit A in Activity 3 is a series circuit. In a series circuit, loads form a single pathway for 
charges  to  flow.  A  gap  or  a  break  anywhere  in  the  path  stops  the  flow  of  charges.  When  one 
bulb  is  removed  from  the  socket,  a  gap is created. The other bulb turns off as there is no longer 
current in the circuit. 
The  total  resistance  in  a  series  circuit  is equal to the sum of the individual resistances of 
the  load  (bulb).  Current  is  the  same  in  every  part  of  the  circuit.  The  current  is  equal  to  the 
voltage  divided  by  the  total  resistance.  As  more  load  (bulb)  is  added  in  a  series  circuit,  the 
smaller  the  current  as  reflected  by  the  brightness  of  the  bulb.  The  voltage  across  each  load 
depends  on  the  load’s  resistance.  The  sum  of  the  voltage  across each load is equal to the total 
Parallel connection 
Circuit  B  in  Activity  3  is  a  parallel  circuit.  In  a  parallel  circuit,  loads  form branches; each 
provides  a  separate  path  for  charges  to  flow.  A  gap  or  a  break  in  any  branch  will  not affect the 
other branches. Thus, when one bulb is removed from the 
socket, a gap is created only for that branch. The other bulbs still glow as their path is still 
In  a  parallel  connection  the  voltage  is  the  same  across  each  load.  The  total  current  is 
equal  to  the  sum of the currents in the branches. The amount of current is inversely proportional 
to the resistance of the load. 
Activity 3 

What’s the connection? 

•  In  this  activity  students  will  find  out  how  series  and  parallel  connections  are  constructed. 
Giving them a situation to figure out how to do it stimulates problem solving skills of students. 
•  Be  sure  that  when  you  let  them  do  circuit  A  there  should  only  be  three  wires  for  each  group. 
For circuit B only four wires should be given. If the number of wires is not limited, they will not be 
able to execute the simplest way to demonstrate connections of bulbs in series and parallel. 
•  Tell  the class to show them what they have constructed and check if it fits to the condition (one 
bulb  unscrewed,  then  other  one turns off for Circuit A; one bulb is unscrewed and the other bulb 
remains  lighted  for  Circuit  B).  Usually  the  series  connection  is  easier  for  the  students.  For 
parallel connections, students will experience some challenge in doing it. 
• Most textbooks show parallel connections shown in Figure 6: 
Figure 4 A parallel circuit 
However, students might have another way of connecting the bulbs and these possible outputs 
shown below are also in parallel. 
Figure 5 Parallel circuits 
•  In  the  last  part  of  the  activity,  the  students  were  asked  to  measure the voltage across the two 
bulbs and the voltage drop across each bulb in circuits A and B. Sample data is shown below: 
Table 3 
Circuit Voltage drop (V) Voltage across the 
two bulbs (V) Bulb 1 Bulb 2 
A 1.5 1.0 3 
B 2.5 2.5 3 
Circuit  A  shows  that  the  voltage  of  the  dry  cell  is  divided  between  the  two  bulbs.  The 
voltage  depends  on  the  resistance  offered  by  the  bulbs.  If  the  bulbs  are  identical,  the 
measurement should be the same. 
Circuit  B  shows  that  the  voltage  across  each  bulb  is  almost  equal  to  the  voltage  of  the 
dry cells. This shows that in this type of connection, voltage is the same across any two points in 
the circuit. 
Answers to Questions 
Q13. There is only one path for current in Circuit A. 
Q14.  Because  there  is  only  one  pathway  for  the  current,  when  one  bulb  is  removed  from  the 
holder,  it  made  a  gap  or  a  break  in  the  path.  A  gap  or  a  break  anywhere  in  the  path  stops  the 
flow of charges. All bulbs connected will go out. 
Q15. There are two paths for current in Circuit B. 
Q16.  Since  only  the  path  of  the  unscrewed  bulb  has  the  gap,  the other bulb shines because its 
path is complete. The current can still pass in the path of the bulb with a complete pathway. 
Q17. Circuit B has brighter bulbs. 
Q18. The current in Circuit A becomes smaller as more bulbs are added because the bulbs glow 
dimmer.  The  brightness  of  the  bulbs  in  Circuit  B  remains  the  same  as  bulbs  are  added  in  the 
circuit. The current in Circuit B is bigger than in Circuit A. 
Safety in Using Electricity 
Fires  can  happen  when  the  wires  start  heating  up  causing  combustible  parts  of  the 
house  to  be  set  on fire. The wires heat up when the current passing is more than what the wires 
can  carry.  In  this  case  there  is  an  overloading  of  the  circuit.  An  example  of how the circuit gets 
overloaded is by plugging a lot of appliances in a common outlet like an extension cord. 
Another  instance  of  overloading  of  the  circuit  is  the  presence  of  short  circuits.  Short 
circuits happen when wires with defective rubber insulation touch each other so the current does 
not  pass  to  the  supposed  path  it  should  take.  It  is  a  circuit  where  the  current  encounters  very 
little  resistance  and  therefore  the  amount  of  current  will  increase  rapidly.  Such  increase  in  the 
amount of current leads to the overloading of the circuit and can lead to fires. 
But  why  do  wires heat up when there is too much current? In the wires the electrons that 
flow  in  a  closed  circuit  collide  with the atoms of the conducting wire. As the collisions take place 
the  kinetic  energy  of  the  metal  atoms  increases.  The  increased  kinetic  energy  of  the  atoms  is 
dissipated  as  heat.  You  learn  in  the  module  on  heat  that  temperature  is  related  to  the  kinetic 
energy  of  the  moving  particles.  The  higher  the  kinetic  energy  of  the  particles,  the higher will be 
its  temperature.  The  higher  the  current  passing  through  the  wire,  the  more  collisions  between 
the  electrons  and  the  atoms  of  the  wire  take  place.  In  the  end  the wire will become hot. So just 
imagine how much heat will be generated from an overloaded circuit. 
Activity 4 

Stay safe! 
• There are two tasks in Activity 4. The first part shows how increasing the current can cause the 
wires to heat up. The second task shows how a short circuit happens. 
• The fine copper wire to be used can be obtained from stranded electric wires. Remove the 
rubber insulation and get these fine copper wires for this activity 
Figure 6 Strands of copper wires 
• The first task shows the wire heats up melting the candle. The hotter the wire the deeper will 
be the cut made on the candle. 
•  The second task is a simulation of a short circuit. Supervise the students making sure that they 
don’t  let  touching  of  the  exposed  parts  of  the  wire  take  too  long  as  the  wires  get  hotter 
Answers to Questions 
Q19. The candle touching the wire melts. 
Q20. The current in the circuit increases. 
Q21. Heat is produced along the wire. The bigger the current in the circuit, the wire 
becomes hotter, and the more the candle will melt. 
Q22. The light goes off when the wires touch each other. 
Q23. The current took the path of the exposed part of the wire touching each other. 
Q24. The resistance encountered in the short circuit where the charges flowed is 
Q25. The current in the short circuit increases. 
Q26. Short circuits cause fire when the nearby materials near the wires becomes 
so hot and starts to burn. 
Q27. Resistance decreases as more appliances are connected to one outlet. 
Q28. The total current increases. 
Q29. Overloading the circuit can make the wires hot setting combustible materials 
on fire. 
References and Links 
Henderson, Tom. (21 January 2013). Retrieved from 
Hewitt, P.G. (2002). Conceptual physics. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Saddle River, New 
Kirkpatrick, L.D. and Wheeler, G.F. (1998).Physics a world view. USA: Saunders 
College Publishing 
Ostdiek, V.J.and Bord, D.J. (1987).Inquiry into Physics. USA: West Publishing 
DepEd.Science and Technology IV.SEDP Series. (1992). Philippines: Book Media 
Press, Inc. 
Unit 1 MODULE 5 

This  unit deals with the propagation of sound through solid, liquid, and gas. In the course 
of  discussion,  wave  characteristics  and  properties  particularly  reflection  and  refraction  will  be 
taken  into  account.  From  the  activities,  students  will  be  able  to  identify  also  the  factors  that 
affect the speed of sound. 
At the end of the unit, students should be able to: 
1. compare the speed of sound through solids, liquids and gases; 
2. infer how the molecular structure of a material affect speed of sound 
moving through it; and 
3. investigate the effect of temperature on speed of sound through fair 
Related Misconceptions 
1. Sounds can be produced without using any material objects. 
2. Hitting an object harder changes the pitch of the sound produced. 
3. Sounds can travel through empty space (a vacuum). 
4. Sounds cannot travel through liquids and solids. 
5. Sound travels slower in less dense medium. 
6. The greater the density of the medium the faster the sound is 
Key questions for this module 
On which medium does sound travel fastest? Solid, Liquid, or Gas? 
How does the temperature of the medium affect the speed of sound? 
How are reflection and refraction manifested in sound? 
WORKSHEET 1: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 
Direction: Using several resources and references, compare the different characteristics of 
solids, liquids and gases by completing the table below: 
Comparing Solids, Liquids, and Gases 
Characteristics Solid Liquid Gas 
Intermolecular spacing 
very close Slightly farther Far from one 
Volume Has definite shape Takes the shape 
of the container 
Takes the shape of the container 
Ability to flow Cannot flow Able to flow Able to flow 
Compressibility Not compressible Not compressible Highly 
Density densest dense Low density 

Teaching Tips 
The  facilitator  may  start  with  the  popular  songs  of  popular  artists  like  maroon  5,  Justin  Bieber, 
and  Taylor  Swift.  Students  may  be  asked  to  sing  some  of  the  popular  tunes and ask them who 
are  fond  of  watching  concerts.  Also  ask  them  why  concerts  are  usually  done  during  night  time 
and not during day time. Probe further until the concept of sound as a wave is deduced. 
Facilitating Learning 
1.  Introduce  Activity  No.  1 to arrive at the objectives: (1) to infer that sound waves are vibrations 
that  travel  through  the  air and (2) to infer that sound is transmitted in air through vibrations of air 
2. Since Activity No. 1 includes two parts, emphasize the focus of each part 
so as to guide the students while on task. 
3.  Data  processing  may  be  done  by  group  presentation  and  class  discussion  of  the  guide 
questions  to  probe  the  concept  that  sound  waves  are  vibrations  that  travel  through  the  air  and 
that sound is transmitted in air through vibrations of air particles. 
4.  Discussion  should  also  be  extended  to  cover  the  differences  and  similarities  of  longitudinal 
and transverse waves and introduction to the characteristics of longitudinal waves. 
5.  Then  introduce  Activity  No.  2:  Characteristics  of  Waves:  Comparing Longitudinal Waves and 
Transverse  Waves.  In  this  activity  the  students  will  use  a  metal  slinky  to  (1)  distinguish  the 
different  characteristics of waves; (2) determine the frequency and wavelength; and (3) compute 
the wave speed based on the frequency and wavelength. 
6. Data processing may be done by group presentation. Class discussion of 
the data in tabular form and guide questions to the characteristics waves. 
7.  Extend  the  discussion  to  emphasize  that  sound  waves are also called pressure waves. From 
here, introductory discussion on factors affecting sound may be included. 
8.  Then  introduce  Activity  No.  3:  Sound  Race...Where  Does  Sound  Travel  Fastest?  In  this 
activity the students should be able to distinguish which material transmits sound the best. 
9.  Data  processing  may  be  done  by  group  presentation  and  class  discussion  of  the  data  and 
results in tabular form and guide questions to speed of sound in different media. 
10. Extend the discussion to include characteristics of other media like solids and liquids then let 
them  do  worksheet  1  and  Activity  No.  4:  Chimes...Chimes...Chimes...  In  this  activity,  they  will 
have  to  design  their  own  chime  and  use  this  chime  to  determine  how  density  of the material or 
medium affects the speed of sound. 
11.  Ask  where  does  sound  travel  faster?  In hotter medium or cooler medium? Introduce Activity 
No.  5:  Faster  Sound...In  Hotter  or  Cooler?  In  this  activity  the  students  will  be able to determine 
how temperature affects the speed of sound. 
12.  Extend  the  discussion  to  include  calculation  of  the  speed  of  sound  with  respect  to  the 
temperature of the medium. Let them do Worksheet No. 2. 
13. Summarize Lesson 1 by going back to the key questions particularly 
questions 1 and 2. 
14.  Use  the  question  posted  in  the  motivation  to  introduce  the  concept  of  properties  of  sound. 
Then introduce Activity No. 6: Reflecting and Refracting Sound... 
15.  Data  processing  may  be  done  by  group  presentation  and  class  discussion  of  the  data  and 
results in tabular form and guide questions to refraction and reflection of sound waves. 
16. Extend the discussion to include practical application of sound reflection 
and refraction. 
17.  Summary  of  the whole module may be probed by asking the 3rd key question and by asking 
for  insights  and  experiences  they  had  during  the  preparation,  presentation  and 
post-presentation discussion of their outputs. 
Activity 1 

The dancing salt and the moving beads! 

In  this  activity,  students  will  be  able  to  infer  that  sound  is  KE  of  vibrations  that  travel 
through the air; and sound is transmitted in air through vibrations of air particles. 
Answers to Questions: 
Q1. The salt bounced up and down. 
Q2. When the small can is tapped loudly or forcefully. 
Q3. Sound was produced when the small can is tapped. Yes the salt bounced up 
and down the plastic top while tapping the small can. 
Q4. The sound produced in the small can made the plastic top of the large can 
vibrate making the salt bounce up and down. 
Q5. Sound waves are vibrations of air particles. 
Q6. The rock salt bounced higher the loudness of the sound is increased. 
Q7. The amplitude of the wave. 
Q8. The other colored beads collided with the blue bead. 
Q9. Yes 
Q10. Yes 
Q11. Sound wave is classified as a longitudinal wave. 
Activity 2 

Characteristics of waves: Comparing longitudinal and transverse 

In  this  activity,  students  will  be  able  to  distinguish  the  different  characteristics  of  waves; 
determine  the  frequency and wavelength; and compute the wave speed based on the frequency 
and wavelength) 
Answers to Questions 
Q12. frequency 
Q13. Wavelength is decreased provided the speed of shaking or disturbing the 
medium is the same or constant. 
Activity 3 

Sound race... Where does sound travel fastest? 

In this activity, students will be able to distinguish which material transmits sound the 
Answers to Questions 
Q14. Yes / Yes/ Yes 
Q15. Yes / Yes / Yes 
Q16. Wood/Water/Metal/Metal 
Q17. The sound seems louder in the string as compared to air. 
Q18. Yes 
Q19. Yes 
Activity 4 

In this activity, students will be able to infer using improvised chimes that closely spaced 
particles of the medium are best transmitters of sound. 
Answers to Questions 
Q20. Chime 2 
Q21. Chime 2/Chime 2 
Q22. Chime 3 
Q23. Chime 3 / Chime 3 
Q24. The chime with packed string objects produces sound that reached the 
farthest distance. 
Q25. Chime 3 
Q26. The more closely distanced the stringed objects in the chime, the better the 
sound is transmitted. 
Activity 5 

Faster sound... In hotter or cooler? 

In this activity, students will be able to be able to determine how temperature affects the 
speed of sound. 
Answers to Questions 
Q27. HOT cylinder 
Q28. HOT cylinder 
Q29. HOT cylinder 
Q30. HOT cylinder 
Q31. The higher the temperature, the faster the sound travels. 
Activity 6 

Reflecting and refracting sound 

In this activity, students will be able to be able to observe how longitudinal waves reflect 
and refract. 
Answers to Questions 
Q32. The compressions or rarefactions bounce off after hitting the wall 
Q33. No they are not found on the same positions 
Q34. Sound will also bounce off when it strikes a fixed end or the wall 
Q35. The frequency of the wave increases 
Q36. Increase in frequency of the sound is manifested as change in pitch 
Q37. Amplitude increases 
Q38. Louder sound is observed 
Q39. Faster waves 
Cheung Kai-chung (Translation by Yip Ying-kin). (2013). Why do sound waves 
transmit farther at night? Is it because it is quieter at night? Retrieved from 
Keith Gibbs. (2013). The refraction of sound in hot and cold air. Retrieved from 14/Sound/text/Refraction_of_sound/index.html 
Unit 1 MODULE 6 

This  unit  is  concerned  with  the  demonstration  of  understanding  of  some  properties  and 
characteristics  of  light.  Among  the  characteristics  and  properties  of  light, we focus on refraction 
and  specifically  dispersion  of  light.  We  will  try  to  find  out  through  simple  activities  on  how  light 
disperse  to  form the colors of light. We will also try to find the hierarchy of colors of light in terms 
of  frequency,  wavelength,  and  energy.  The  different  activities  provided  in this module will make 
us realize the beauty of everything with light. 
At the end of the unit, students should be able to: 
1. demonstrates the existence of the color components of visible light using 
a prism or diffraction grating; 
2. infers that color is a manifestation of visible light’s frequency or 
3. explains that red is bent the least and violet is bent the most according to 
their wavelengths or frequency; and 
4. explains the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy. 
Key questions for this module 
How are refraction and dispersion demonstrated in light? 
In the different colors of light, which is bent the most and the least? 
Why do we see spectacular events in the sky like rainbows, red sunset and blue sky? 
Description of Activities 
• Activity 1: The colors of the rainbow...The colors of light (The students will be able to infer that 
white light is made up of many different colors of light and each of these colors of light bends 
• Activity 2: Red versus violet... (Students will be able to infer that violet light bends more than 
red light when dispersed; and bending depends on the refractive index, frequency and energy of 
the color of light.) 
• Activity 3: Which color has the MOST energy? (Students able to infer that the energy of the 
colors of light increases as one goes towards the right side of the color spectrum and red light 
has the least energy and blue light has the most energy.) 
• Activity 4: The color spectrum wheel revisited (Students will be able to infer that light is 
composed of colors of light of different frequencies and wavelengths; the frequencies of the 
colors are inversely proportional the wavelength; the product of frequency and wavelength of 
the colors of light is a constant; and the arrangement of colors of light shows the hierarchy of the 
color’s corresponding energy.) 
• Activity 5: Scientific explanations behind certain beliefs (Students should be able to come up 
with a presentation of the scientific explanations of certain superstitious beliefs related to 
observable phenomena in the sky.) 
Teaching Tips 
The  facilitator  may  introduce  a  character  named  Roy  G.  Biv.  Ask  students  whether  they  are 
familiar  with  the  character.  Ask them also if there is a connection between the character and the 
lessons.  Ask  the  students  if they could guess some information or concept from the name of the 
character.  If  the  students  recognize  the  colors  of  light  then  ask  key  question  no.  3.  Follow it up 
by the first two key questions. 
Facilitating Learning 
1. As a brief review, introduce the concept of apparent depth and the 
concept of refraction of light. 
2.  Introduce  the  concept of dispersion as a special kind of refraction. Let them perform Activity 1 
which  will  give  students  more  information  about  how  visible  light  refracts  in  different  optical 
densities  resulting  to  different  colors  of  light.  This  activity  is composed of two parts. One makes 
use  of  locally  available  materials  while  the  other  makes use of the standard materials like prism 
and artificial source of light. A comparison of the two may be highlighted during the discussion of 
3.  The  facilitator  may  let  the  students  present  their  outputs  per  group  and  processing  be  done 
after  all  the  groups  have  presented  by  culling  ideas  and  concepts  from  the  presented data and 
probing students to arrive at the concept of colors of light. 
4.  The  facilitator  may  ask  why  a  certain  hierarchy  of  colors  of  light  is  observed. Then introduce 
Activity 2 and let the students perform the activity to determine which is really more bent: the red 
light  or  the  violet  light.  This  will  be  explicitly  described  by  the  students  during  the  processing 
when  they  present  their outputs which would include the relation of the bending and the index of 
refraction of the color of light. 
5.  The  facilitator  may  let  the  students  present  their  outputs  per  group  and  processing  be  done 
after  all  the  groups  have  presented  by  culling  ideas  and  concepts  from  the  presented data and 
probing  students  to  arrive  at  the  concept  that  blue  is  bent  more  or  violet  is  bent  more  than  red 
6.  Then  ask  the  students  which  color  of  light  gives  the  most  energy.  Let  them  predict  –  red  or 
violet  light.  Let  them  perform  Activity  3.  The facilitator may let the students present their outputs 
per  group  and  processing  be  done  after  all  the  groups  have  presented  by  culling  ideas  and 
concepts  from  the  presented  data  and  probing  students  to  arrive  at  the  concept  that  blue  or 
violet has the highest energy and red has the least. 
7.  Then  ask  the  students  on  which  other  characteristics  does  energy  of  colors  depend  on  to 
introduce  Activity  4. This activity was already done in Grade 7. The focus of the activity in Grade 
7  was  to  identify  the  corresponding  frequency  and  wavelength  of  each  color  of  light  and  the 
computation  of  the  speed  of  each  of  the  colors  of  light.  This  time  the  focus  is  on  how  energy 
relates to the frequency of the colors of light. From the 
given materials, students will be able to determine the relationship between frequency and the 
energy of the colors of light. 
In  preparation  for  Activity  4,  reproduce  several  copies  (preferably colored) of the patterns of the 
spectrum  wheel  found  in  pages  107-108  of  the  Learner’s  Module.  Then  paste  the  patterns  on 
pieces  of  cardboard  to  make  them  stronger  and  more  durable.  Distribute  the  spectrum  wheel 
patterns  to  the  students  only  during  the  activity  proper  then  collect  them  afterwards  so  that  the 
next group of students will be able to use them as well. 
8.  Then  ask  them  some  inferences  on  how  rainbows  are  formed.  Ask  them  also  some 
superstitious beliefs that the students are familiar with in relation to the existence of rainbows. 
9.  Let  them  identify  all  the  major  concepts  they were able to grasp from all the activities to build 
a concept on how rainbows are formed. Then let them do Activity 5. 
10. Let the students present their outputs per group. Then go back to the key questions to be 
able to summarize the concepts on visible light. 
Answers to Questions 
Activity 1 

Q1. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet 

Q2. From Top to Bottom: Red, Orange, yellow, Green, Blue, Violet 
Q3.  The  refractive  index  of  prism  varies  with  the  wavelength  or  color  of  the  light  used.  This 
causes  the  different  colors  of  light  to  be  refracted  differently.  Then  leave  the  prism  at  different 
angles, creating an effect similar to a rainbow 
Q4. Some colors visible in the prism were not observed in the water 
Q5. Small value for refractive index is observed in red and large refractive index for 

The colors of the rainbow... The colors of light 

Q6.  The  refractive  indices  of  the  different  colors  of  light  indicate  that  light  of  different  colors 
travels  at  different  speeds  in  the  prism  which  accounts  for  the  different  amounts  of  bending. 
Thus,  blue  light  with  greater  refractive  index  refracts  more and appears at the bottom of the red 
Activity 2 

Red versus violet 

Q7. Yes 
Q8. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet 
Q9. Blue 
Q10. The greater the angle of refraction, the greater is the refractive index and 
more bending is also observed. 
Activity 3 

Which color has the MOST energy? 

Q11. Red 
Q12. Violet 
Q13. Violet 
Q14. Red 
Q15. Red/ Violet 
Activity 4 

The color spectrum wheel revisited 

Q16. Violet, Violet 
Q17. Red, Red 
Q18. The wavelengths and frequencies of the colors of light vary. The wavelength 
decreases from red to violet while the frequency increases from red to violet. 
Q19. The products of frequencies and wavelengths of the colors of light are equal 
or the same. 
Q20. Yes 
Q21.  As  the  frequency  of  the  color  of  light  increase,  the  energy  also  increases.  Red  has  the 
least  frequency  with  the  least  energy  and  Violet  has  the  highest  frequency  and  the  highest 
Q22. The higher the frequency of the color of light, the greater is its energy. 
References and Links 
Hewitt, Paul. (1989). Conceptual physics (6th Ed.) London: Scoot, Foresman and 
Hwang, Fu-kwun. (n.d.). Colors. Retrieved from 
Georgia State University. Department of Physics and Astronomy. (2013). Retrieved 
Release the rainbow. (2013). Retrieved from 
Tracing, R. (n.d.). S369 AP physics. Retrieved from 

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