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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
CSE883 INTERNETWORKING WITH TCP IP 15361::Balwinder Kaur 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0
Course Category Courses with numerical and conceptual focus

Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
T-1 TCP/IP Protocol Suite Behrouz A. Forouzan 4th 2010 Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
R-1 Computer Networking: A Top-Down James F. Kurose, Keith W. 5th 2009 Pearson
Approach Ross
R-2 Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum 4th 2009 Prentice Hall
R-3 Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume- Douglas E.Comer, David 3rd 2009 Prentice Hall
II: Design, Implementation and L. Stevens
R-4 Internetworking with TCP/IP: Douglas E.Comer, David 5th 2010 Prentice Hall
Principles, Protocols and Architecture L. Stevens

Other Reading

Sr No Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference)

OR-1 http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk365/technologies_tech_note09186a00800a67f5.shtml ,
OR-2 http://www.firstnetsecurity.com/library/misc/TutorialMaster.PDF ,
OR-3 http://www.garykessler.net/library/tcpip.html ,
OR-4 http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/gg243376.html ,

Relevant Websites
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=106105084 Website contains the video lecture for the course contents

RW-2 http://www.protocols.com/pbook/tcpip1.htm Provides a detailed knowledge of all protocols, routing mechanisms on

various layers of TCP/IP protocol stack
RW-3 www.net-seal.net/? Teaching computer networks through simulation

RW-4 http://www.w3schools.com/tcpip/default.asp Provides an overview of TCP/IP and related protocols


Sr No (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features

SW-1 http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ Subnet calculator

Virtual Labs
Sr No (VL) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
VL-1 https://openhpi.de/course/internetworking Visual Course content to learn Internetworking

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)

Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 7
Spill Over 3

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool
Number Number of Text/reference Relevant Demonstration/ Case
books Websites, Audio Study / Images /
Visual Aids, animation / ppt etc.
software and Planned
Virtual Labs
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to TCP/IP(OSI T-1:1-2.2 RW-1 Details of OSI reference Layer to Layer Video
Model) RW-3 model communication

Lecture 2 Introduction to TCP/IP(TCP/IP T-1:2.3 RW-1 Details of TCP protocol Actual implementation Discussion with
Protocol Suite) RW-3 suite and its differences of layered architecture Images
with OSI model
Lecture 3 Introduction to TCP/IP(Layering T-1:2.4 RW-3 Various level of How the clients interact Discussion Images
Network Addresses) addresses used in TCP over internet and how and Examples
protocol suite the addresses are Simulation on Packet
mapped Tracer
Introduction to TCP/IP T-1:2.4 Various level of How the clients interact Discussion with
(Standardization Process) addresses used in TCP over internet and how Images
protocol suite the addresses are
Week 2 Lecture 4 Network Layer Addressing(IP T-1:5.1 RW-1 Introduction of IP Importance of IP Examples and Peer
Addresses, MTU) addressing addresses in learning
Lecture 5 Network Layer Addressing T-1:5.2-5.3 OR-1 Description of classes Need of categorization Peer learning and
(Classful and Classless addressing) RW-1 of addresses in classes Solving examples
Week 2 Lecture 6 Network Layer Addressing(Special T-1:5.4-5.5 RW-1 Need of Special Structure of IP Peer Learning using
Addresses) addresses addressing in small examples of company
companies networks

Week 3 Lecture 7 Network Layer Addressing T-1:5.2-5.3 OR-1 L7 Subnetting Division L7 Practical importance Peer leaning examples
(Subnetting and Supernetting) RW-1 of big networks of of company networks
into smaller ones subnets and supernets
L8 Supernetting in LANs
L8 Practical importance
subnets and supernets
in LANs
Lecture 8 Network Layer Addressing T-1:5.2-5.3 OR-1 L7 Subnetting Division L7 Practical importance Peer leaning examples
(Subnetting and Supernetting) RW-1 of big networks of of company networks
into smaller ones subnets and supernets
L8 Supernetting in LANs
L8 Practical importance
subnets and supernets
in LANs
Lecture 9 ARP and RARP(Delivery and T-1:6.1-6.2 RW-1 Delivery of packet to its Need of delivery and ppt and Discussion
Forwarding of IP Packets) RW-3 final destination over a forwarding of packets
Network in the network
Week 4 Lecture 10 ARP and RARP(ARP and RARP T-1:8.1-8.2 RW-1 Mapping of logical Address Mapping Discussion with
command) address to physical Examples
Lecture 11 ARP and RARP(ARP cache) T-1:8.4 RW-1 Five components of ARP Understand cache Discussion with
Package , Cache tabel, control module Images
queues, output module,
input module, cache
control mpodule
Lecture 12 Transport Layer Protocols(UDP T-1:14.1-14.2 and RW-1 to introduce UDP and UDP is a simple Demonstration cum
header) 14.5 explain the format of connectionless protocol lecturer
UDP packet
Week 5 Lecture 13 Transport Layer Protocols(TCP T-1:15.1-15.2 RW-1 L13 introduce TCP as L13 A connection Discus with Images
header) RW-4 protocol that provides oriented
reliable stream delivery protocol that handles
L14 TCP header Flags congestion and flow
and other fields control
service L14 Understand various
control fields
Lecture 14 Transport Layer Protocols(TCP T-1:15.1-15.2 RW-1 L13 introduce TCP as L13 A connection Discus with Images
header) RW-4 protocol that provides oriented
reliable stream delivery protocol that handles
L14 TCP header Flags congestion and flow
and other fields control
service L14 Understand various
control fields
Lecture 15 Term Paper,Quiz,Test 1
Week 6 Lecture 16 Transport Layer Protocols T-1:12.1 RW-1 compare and contrast practical ppt and Discussion
(Multicasting) unicasting, multicasting implementation of
and broadcasting multicasting

Lecture 17 Transmission Control Protocol T-1:15.5 RW-1 Description of Three TCP connection at Animation or Video
(Connection Establishment and way handshaking in transport layer lecture
Termination) client server model
Lecture 18 Transmission Control Protocol T-1:15.5 RW-1 Discuss the State To keep track of all Discussion with
(TCP State Transition Diagram) transition diagram for different events Images
TCP and some scenarios happening during TCP
Week 7 Lecture 19 Transmission Control Protocol T-1:15.8-15.9 RW-1 Mechanisms to ensure ways by which TCP Discussion and peer
(Error and Congestion Control) error control and manages the reliability learning
congestion control at
transport layer
Lecture 20 Transmission Control Protocol T-1:15.7 RW-1 flow control at transport Ways through which ppt and discussion
(Normal Data flow- Sliding layer with some TCP avoid congestion
Window Protocol) scenarios at transport layer
Lecture 21 Transmission Control Protocol T-1:15.7 page 463- RW-1 Problem that arises at Algorithms to remove PPT and discussion
(Silly Window Syndrome) 464 Sliding window the problem of silly

Week 8 Lecture 22 Internet Protocol(IP Package) T-1:7.8 RW-1 L22 To study the L22 Design of IP Discussion with
components datagram Images and ppt
of internet protocol L23 Design of IP
L23 To study the datagram
of internet protocol
Lecture 23 Internet Protocol(IP Package) T-1:7.8 RW-1 L22 To study the L22 Design of IP Discussion with
components datagram Images and ppt
of internet protocol L23 Design of IP
L23 To study the datagram
of internet protocol
Lecture 24 Internet Protocol(IP fragmentation) T-1:7.1-7.2 RW-1 To discuss segmentation need of fragmentation Discussion with
and reassembly of at network layer examples
Week 9 Lecture 25 Internet Protocol(ICMP and errors) T-1:9.1-9.2 RW-1 Protocol that supports IP To show how network Discussion
in congestion and flow reports errors during
control transmission
Lecture 26 Unicast Routing protocols(Unicast T-1:11.2 RW-1 Intra and inter domain Routing techniques Demonstration cum
Routing) RW-2 routing lecture

Lecture 27 Term Paper,Quiz,Test 2

Week 10 Lecture 28 Unicast Routing protocols T-1:11.3-11.6 RW-1 L27 Various routing L27 Ways to route Discussion and
(Dynamic Routing- Routing RW-2 protocols packets simulation on packet
Information Protocol, Open L28 Various routing on network tracer
Shortest Path First protocols) protocols L28 Ways to route
L29 Various routing packets
protocols on network
L29 Ways to route
on network
Lecture 29 Unicast Routing protocols T-1:11.3-11.6 RW-1 L27 Various routing L27 Ways to route Discussion and
(Dynamic Routing- Routing RW-2 protocols packets simulation on packet
Information Protocol, Open L28 Various routing on network tracer
Shortest Path First protocols) protocols L28 Ways to route
L29 Various routing packets
protocols on network
L29 Ways to route
on network
Lecture 30 Unicast Routing protocols T-1:11.3-11.6 RW-1 L27 Various routing L27 Ways to route Discussion and
(Dynamic Routing- Routing RW-2 protocols packets simulation on packet
Information Protocol, Open L28 Various routing on network tracer
Shortest Path First protocols) protocols L28 Ways to route
L29 Various routing packets
protocols on network
L29 Ways to route
on network
Week 11 Lecture 31 Unicast Routing protocols T-1:12.3 RW-1 To discuss the IGMP Will learn how to Discussion and ppt
(Multicasting- Internet Group protocol correct and interpret
Management Protocol) information in groups
of network
Lecture 32 Application Layer(Host T-1:18.1-18.2 RW-1 L32 DHCP as the current L32 DHCP operation Discussion and
Configuration: DHCP, BOOTP) Dynamic Host when Simulation on Packet
Configuration the client and server are tracer
Protocol on the
L33 DHCP as the current same network or on
Dynamic Host different networks
Configuration L33 DHCP operation
Protocol when
the client and server are
on the
same network or on
different networks
Week 11 Lecture 33 Application Layer(Host T-1:18.1-18.2 RW-1 L32 DHCP as the current L32 DHCP operation Discussion and
Configuration: DHCP, BOOTP) Dynamic Host when Simulation on Packet
Configuration the client and server are tracer
Protocol on the
L33 DHCP as the current same network or on
Dynamic Host different networks
Configuration L33 DHCP operation
Protocol when
the client and server are
on the
same network or on
different networks
Week 12 Lecture 34 Application Layer(Domain Name T-1:19.1-19.3 19.5- RW-1 L34 To describe the L34 Use of DNS in the Discussion using
System) 19.6 purpose Internet example
of DNS L35 Use of DNS in the
L35 To describe the Internet
of DNS
Lecture 35 Application Layer(Domain Name T-1:19.1-19.3 19.5- RW-1 L34 To describe the L34 Use of DNS in the Discussion using
System) 19.6 purpose Internet example
of DNS L35 Use of DNS in the
L35 To describe the Internet
of DNS
Lecture 36 Data Transfer at Application Layer T-1:21.1 RW-1 To discuss FTP and two How file transfer can be Discussion with
(File Transfer: FTP) connections used in this done using a secure Images
protocol control channel
connection and data
Week 13 Lecture 37 Data Transfer at Application Layer T-1:23.1-23.5 RW-1 L37 To explain the L37 Architecture of Images and video
(Electronic Mail mechanism of sending electronic mail using lecture
:SMTP,POP,IMAP,MIME) and receiving emails four scenarios
L38 To explain the L38 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
L39 To explain the L39 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
Lecture 38 Data Transfer at Application Layer T-1:23.1-23.5 RW-1 L37 To explain the L37 Architecture of Images and video
(Electronic Mail mechanism of sending electronic mail using lecture
:SMTP,POP,IMAP,MIME) and receiving emails four scenarios
L38 To explain the L38 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
L39 To explain the L39 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
Week 13 Lecture 39 Data Transfer at Application Layer T-1:23.1-23.5 RW-1 L37 To explain the L37 Architecture of Images and video
(Electronic Mail mechanism of sending electronic mail using lecture
:SMTP,POP,IMAP,MIME) and receiving emails four scenarios
L38 To explain the L38 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
L39 To explain the L39 Architecture of
mechanism of sending electronic mail using
and receiving emails four scenarios
Week 14 Lecture 40 World Wide Web(WWW T-1:22.1 RW-1 Architecture of WWW Web clients and Web Images and ppt
Architecture) servers and their
Lecture 41 World Wide Web(HTTP and T-1:22.3 RW-1 To discuss HTTP and its fields in a request and Brainstorming
Cookies) transactions response message
Lecture 42 World Wide Web(Web T-1:22.2 RW-1 The documents in the three different Web Discussion using
Documents) WWW documents static examples
dynamic document, and
active document

Week 15 Lecture 43 Spill Over
Lecture 44 Spill Over
Lecture 45 Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

Component Frequency Out Of Each Marks Total Marks
Term Paper,Quiz,Test 2 3 10 20

Total :- 10 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task Evaluation Mode Allottment /
(group/individuals/field submission Week
Term To test the detailed Test of 45 min will be conducted in 5th week with subjective Individual Each question of the 5/5
Paper,Quiz,Test 1 knowledge of questions.Topics covered till week 5th test will be
concepts learned at evaluated
each each layer of
TCP/IP protocol
Term To test the learning Multiple choice questions will be asked in Quiz. There will be 3 Individual 30 MCQs online. 9/9
Paper,Quiz,Test 2 skills and analysis sets of Question papers with 30 questions in each set. Negative
power of the marking will be there.
Term To provide students Term Paper is allocated in 3rd week and to be submitted by Individual Students will be 3 / 12
Paper,Quiz,Test 3 an opportunity to students in 12th week of semester as an individual activity. evaluated by the
learn the new course teacher on
aspects of the the basis content
subject in their delivered and
respective topics. presented either in
the form of viva of
verbal presentation.

List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)

Sr. No. Topic

1 IPv6

Network Attacks

3 Network Security

4 IP routing
5 Virtual Private Networks
6 Firewalls

7 Mobile Ips
8 Routers and Switches

9 Hacking
11 GSM
12 WiFi
13 WiMax
14 WirelessWAN

15 Bluetooth

16 Zigbee

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