Rules For The Classification of Naval Ships: Part E - Additional Class Notations
Rules For The Classification of Naval Ships: Part E - Additional Class Notations
Rules For The Classification of Naval Ships: Part E - Additional Class Notations
Naval Ships
NR 483 - June 2017
1. INDEPENDENCY OF THE SOCIETY AND APPLICABLE TERMS 3.2. Subject to the Services performance and always by reference to 9.2. In such a case, the class granted to the concerned Unit and the
1.1. The Society shall remain at all times an independent contractor the Rules, the Society shall: previously issued certificates shall remain valid until the date of effect
and neither the Society nor any of its officers, employees, servants, • review the construction arrangements of the Unit as shown on the of the termination notice issued, subject to compliance with clause 4.1
agents or subcontractors shall be or act as an employee, servant or documents provided by the Client; and 6 above.
agent of any other party hereto in the performance of the Services. • conduct the Unit surveys at the place of the Unit construction; 10. FORCE MAJEURE
1.2. The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclu- • class the Unit and enters the Unit's class in the Society's Register; 10.1. Neither Party shall be responsible for any failure to fulfil any term
sively conducted by way of random inspections and do not, in any cir- • survey the Unit periodically in service to note that the requirements or provision of the Conditions if and to the extent that fulfilment has
cumstances, involve monitoring or exhaustive verification. for the maintenance of class are met. The Client shall inform the been delayed or temporarily prevented by a force majeure occurrence
1.3. The Society acts as a services provider. This cannot be construed Society without delay of any circumstances which may cause any without the fault or negligence of the Party affected and which, by the
as an obligation bearing on the Society to obtain a result or as a war- changes on the conducted surveys or Services. exercise of reasonable diligence, the said Party is unable to provide
ranty. The Society is not and may not be considered as an underwriter, The Society will not: against.
broker in Unit's sale or chartering, expert in Unit's valuation, consulting • declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor its construc- 10.2. For the purpose of this clause, force majeure shall mean any cir-
engineer, controller, naval architect, manufacturer, shipbuilder, repair tion in conformity with its design, such activities remaining under the cumstance not being within a Party's reasonable control including, but
or conversion yard, charterer or shipowner; none of them above listed exclusive responsibility of the Unit's owner or builder; not limited to: acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics,
being relieved of any of their expressed or implied obligations as a re- • engage in any work relating to the design, construction, production wars, terrorist attacks, riots, sabotages, impositions of sanctions, em-
sult of the interventions of the Society. or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Unit or the Unit's bargoes, nuclear, chemical or biological contaminations, laws or action
1.4. The Services are carried out by the Society according to the appli- trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held liable on taken by a government or public authority, quotas or prohibition, expro-
cable Rules and to the Bureau Veritas' Code of Ethics. The Society those accounts. priations, destructions of the worksite, explosions, fires, accidents, any
only is qualified to apply and interpret its Rules. 4. RESERVATION CLAUSE labour or trade disputes, strikes or lockouts
1.5. The Client acknowledges the latest versions of the Conditions and 4.1. The Client shall always: (i) maintain the Unit in good condition after 11. CONFIDENTIALITY
of the applicable Rules applying to the Services' performance. surveys; (ii) present the Unit after surveys; (iii) present the Unit for sur- 11.1. The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society
1.6. Unless an express written agreement is made between the Parties veys; and (iv) inform the Society in due course of any circumstances in performing the Services, and the information made available to the
on the applicable Rules, the applicable Rules shall be the rules applica- that may affect the given appraisement of the Unit or cause to modify Society, are treated as confidential except where the information:
ble at the time of the Services' performance and con tract's execution. the scope of the Services. • is already known by the receiving Party from another source and is
1.7. The Services' performance is solely based on the Conditions. No 4.2. Certificates referring to the Society's Rules are only valid if issued properly and lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party prior
other terms shall apply whether express or implied. by the Society. to the date that it is disclosed;
2. DEFINITIONS 4.3. The Society has entire control over the Certificates issued and • is already in possession of the public or has entered the public
2.1. "Certificate(s)" means class certificates, attestations and reports may at any time withdraw a Certificate at its entire discretion including, domain, otherwise than through a breach of this obligation;
following the Society's intervention. The Certificates are an appraise- but not limited to, in the following situations: where the Client fails to • is acquired independently from a third party that has the right to dis-
ment given by the Society to the Client, at a certain date, following sur- comply in due time with instructions of the Society or where the Client seminate such information;
veys by its surveyors on the level of compliance of the Unit to the fails to pay in accordance with clause 6.2 hereunder. • is required to be disclosed under applicable law or by a governmen-
Society's Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services pro- 5. ACCESS AND SAFETY tal order, decree, regulation or rule or by a stock exchange authority
vided. They cannot be construed as an implied or express warranty of 5.1. The Client shall give to the Society all access and information nec- (provided that the receiving Party shall make all reasonable efforts
safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value essary for the efficient performance of the requested Services. The Cli- to give prompt written notice to the disclosing Party prior to such
for sale, insurance or chartering. ent shall be the sole responsible for the conditions of presentation of disclosure.
2.2. "Certification" means the activity of certification in application of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which 11.2. The Society and the Client shall use the confidential information
national and international regulations or standards, in particular by del- tests and trials are carried out. Any information, drawings, etc. required exclusively within the framework of their activity underlying these Con-
egation from different governments that can result in the issuance of a for the performance of the Services must be made available in due ditions.
certificate. time. 11.3. Confidential information shall only be provided to third parties
2.3. "Classification" means the classification of a Unit that can result 5.2. The Client shall notify the Society of any relevant safety issue and with the prior written consent of the other Party. However, such prior
or not in the issuance of a class certificate with reference to the Rules. shall take all necessary safety-related measures to ensure a safe work consent shall not be required when the Society provides the confiden-
2.4. "Client" means the Party and/or its representative requesting the environment for the Society or any of its officers, employees, servants, tial information to a subsidiary.
Services. agents or subcontractors and shall comply with all applicable safety 11.4. The Society shall have the right to disclose the confidential infor-
2.5. "Conditions" means the terms and conditions set out in the regulations. mation if required to do so under regulations of the International Asso-
present document. ciation of Classifications Societies (IACS) or any statutory obligations.
2.6. "Industry Practice" means International Maritime and/or Offshore
6.1. The provision of the Services by the Society, whether complete or 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
industry practices.
not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment of fees thirty (30) days 12.1. Each Party exclusively owns all rights to its Intellectual Property
2.7. "Intellectual Property" means all patents, rights to inventions, utility
upon issuance of the invoice. created before or after the commencement date of the Conditions and
models, copyright and related rights, trade marks, logos, service marks,
6.2. Without prejudice to any other rights hereunder, in case of Client's whether or not associated with any contract between the Parties.
trade dress, business and domain names, rights in trade dress or get-up,
payment default, the Society shall be entitled to charge, in addition to 12.2. The Intellectual Property developed for the performance of the
rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, rights
the amount not properly paid, interests equal to twelve (12) months LI- Services including, but not limited to drawings, calculations, and re-
in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, topography
BOR plus two (2) per cent as of due date calculated on the number of ports shall remain exclusive property of the Society.
rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information (including know-
days such payment is delinquent. The Society shall also have the right 13. ASSIGNMENT
how and trade secrets), methods and proto cols for Services, and any
to withhold certificates and other documents and/or to suspend or re- 13.1. The contract resulting from to these Conditions cannot be as-
other intellectual property rights, in each case whether capable of regis-
voke the validity of certificates. signed or transferred by any means by a Party to a third party without
tration, registered or unregistered and including all applications for and
6.3. In case of dispute on the invoice amount, the undisputed portion the prior written consent of the other Party.
renewals, reversions or extensions of such rights, and all similar or
of the invoice shall be paid and an explanation on the dispute shall ac- 13.2. The Society shall however have the right to assign or transfer by
equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
company payment so that action can be taken to solve the dispute. any means the said contract to a subsidiary of the Bureau Veritas
2.8. "Parties" means the Society and Client together.
2.9. "Party" means the Society or the Client. 7. 7. LIABILITY Group.
2.10. "Register" means the register published annually by the Society. 7.1. The Society bears no liability for consequential loss. For the pur- 14. SEVERABILITY
2.11. "Rules" means the Society's classification rules, guidance notes and pose of this clause consequential loss shall include, without limitation: 14.1. Invalidity of one or more provisions does not affect the remaining
other documents. The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society • Indirect or consequential loss; provisions.
take into account at the date of their preparation the state of currently avail- • Any loss and/or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of use, 14.2. Definitions herein take precedence over other definitions which
able and proven technical minimum requirements but are not a standard loss of bargain, loss of revenue, loss of profit or anticipated profit, may appear in other documents issued by the Society.
or a code of construction neither a guide for maintenance, a safety hand- loss of business and business interruption, in each case whether 14.3. In case of doubt as to the interpretation of the Conditions, the
book or a guide of professional practices, all of which are assumed to be direct or indirect. English text shall prevail.
known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client. The Client shall save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Society
2.12. "Services" means the services set out in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 but from the Client's own consequential loss regardless of cause.
15.1. The Conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of
also other services related to Classification and Certification such as, but 7.2. In any case, the Society's maximum liability towards the Client is
England and Wales.
not limited to: ship and company safety management certification, ship limited to one hundred and fifty per-cents (150%) of the price paid by
15.2. The Society and the Client shall make every effort to settle any
and port security certification, training activities, all activities and duties the Client to the Society for the performance of the Services. This limit
dispute amicably and in good faith by way of negotiation within thirty
incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, soft- applies regardless of fault by the Society, including breach of contract,
(30) days from the date of receipt by either one of the Parties of a writ-
ware, instrumentation, measurements, tests and trials on board. breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute.
ten notice of such a dispute.
2.13. "Society" means the classification society 'Bureau Veritas Ma- 7.3. All claims shall be presented to the Society in writing within three
15.3. Failing that, the dispute shall finally be settled by arbitration under
rine & Offshore SAS', a company organized and existing under the (3) months of the Services' performance or (if later) the date when the
the LCIA rules, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by refer-
laws of France, registered in Nanterre under the number 821 131 844, events which are relied on were first discovered by the Client. Any
ence into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be three (3). The
or any other legal entity of Bureau Veritas Group as may be specified claim not so presented as defined above shall be deemed waived and
place of arbitration shall be London (UK).
in the relevant contract, and whose main activities are Classification absolutely time barred.
and Certification of ships or offshore units. 8. INDEMNITY CLAUSE
16.1. Each Party shall conduct all activities in compliance with all laws,
2.14. "Unit" means any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of 8.1. The Client agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the So-
statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to such Party including but
any type or part of it or system whether linked to shore, river bed or sea ciety from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits or actions
not limited to: child labour, forced labour, collective bargaining, discrim-
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or for damages, including legal fees, for harm or loss to persons and/or
ination, abuse, working hours and minimum wages, anti-bribery, anti-
partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore property tangible, intangible or otherwise which may be brought
corruption. Each of the Parties warrants that neither it, nor its affiliates,
installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary against the Society, incidental to, arising out of or in connection with
has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for here-
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring the performance of the Services except for those claims caused solely
under, any offer, payment, gift or authorization of the payment of any
legs and mooring points or otherwise as decided by the Society. and completely by the negligence of the Society, its officers, employ-
money directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or
3. SCOPE AND PERFORMANCE ees, servants, agents or subcontractors.
employee of the government, political party, official, or candidate.
3.1. The Society shall perform the Services according to the applicable 9. TERMINATION 16.2. In addition, the Client shall act consistently with the Society's
national and international standards and Industry Practice and always 9.1. The Parties shall have the right to terminate the Services (and the Code of Ethics of Bureau Veritas.
on the assumption that the Client is aware of such standards and In- relevant contract) for convenience after giving the other Party thirty home/about-us/ethics+and+compliance/
dustry Practice. (30) days' written notice, and without prejudice to clause 6 above.
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore General Conditions - Edition January 2017
Part E
Additional Class Notations
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
June 2017
The English wording of these rules take precedence over editions in other
Unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to ships for which contracts are
signed after June 1st, 2017. The Society may refer to the contents hereof
before June 1st, 2017, as and when deemed necessary or appropriate.
Section 1 Star-Hull
1 General 35
1.1 Principles
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and maintenance of the notation
1.3 Ship database
2 Documentation to be submitted 36
2.1 Plans and documents to be submitted
2.2 Hot spot map
2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP)
3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP) 37
3.1 Minimum requirements
3.2 General scope of IMP
3.3 Periodicity of inspections
3.4 Extent of inspections
3.5 Inspection reports
3.6 Changes to Inspection and Maintenance Plan
4 Acceptance criteria 40
4.1 Coating assessment
4.2 Sacrificial anode condition (as applicable)
4.3 Thickness measurements (applicable only if required by the Society on case by
case basis)
4.4 Pitting
4.5 Fractures
5 Maintenance of the notation 41
5.1 Annual audit at the Naval Authority’s offices
5.2 Annual shipboard audit
5.3 Class renewal survey
5.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the notation
Section 2 Star-Mach
1 General 45
1.1 Principles
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and maintenance of the notation
1.3 Ship database
2 Documentation to be submitted 46
2.1 Plans, documents and specifications
2.2 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP)
3 Risk analysis 47
3.1 Initial risk analysis
3.2 Risk analysis review
Section 8 VLS
1 General 187
1.1 Application
2 Hull arrangement and stability 187
2.1 General arrangement design
2.2 Stability
Chapter 1
• analysis procedure of measured data The limiting sea state number X must be defined according
to STANAG 4154, unless specified, and this number will be
• sea- and ship loading-condition during the tests
included in the following FLY notations:
• test results and their analysis.
• FLY_CTOL: criteria specific to “Conventional Take-Off
and Landing”
1.3 Environmental conditions
• FLY_FWAH: criteria specific to “Fixed Wing Aircraft
1.3.1 Sea state Handling”
Sea state is an expression used to categorize wave condi- • FLY_HELOL: criteria specific to “Helicopter and STOVL
tions and normally a sea state comprises a significant wave launch recovery”
height Hs and a wave period.
• FLY_HELOH: criteria specific to “Helicopter and STOVL
If not specified, the environmental conditions are to be handling”.
taken from STANAG 4154.
Whenever computer calculations or model scale tests are
2.2 Criteria
used, i.e. when the environmental conditions are select-
able, the sea states used for the verification of the criteria in
[2.2] and [3.3] should be defined as described in [1.3.2] 2.2.1 Fixed wing aircraft launch & recovery
and [1.3.3]. Limits for Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL) of
fixed wing aircraft from aircraft carriers are listed in Tab 1,
1.3.2 Wave height as RMS values of roll, pitch, vertical and lateral displace-
Generally, the references to the wave height are to be taken ment and vertical velocity.
as the significant wave height Hs, i.e. the average of the 1/3
largest wave heights in a sea state. Table 1 : Fixed wing aircraft launch & recovery
The description of sea states found in STANAG 4154 defines criteria limits
the significant wave height as ranges, not absolute values.
For this reason sea states must be referred to not just by their Governing Performance limitations
number, but also whether it is a low, mid or high sea state. factors Motion Limit Location
Unless specified, a low sea state 6 has Hs = 4,0 m, mid sea
state 6 has Hs = 5,0 m and high sea state 6 has Hs = 6,0 m. Aircraft handling Roll See roll criteria, Fig 1
Sink off bow and Pitch
The wave height to be considered for the verifications See pitch criteria, Fig 2
OLS limits
should be the largest significant wave height relative to the
specified sea state; if a mid sea state 6 is specified, Hs Vertical Stern ramp at
Ramp clearance 0,8 m
should be taken as 5,0 m, if only sea state 6 is specified, Hs displacement flight deck
should be taken equal to 6,0 m. Lateral Stern ramp at
Landing line-up 2,3 m
displacement flight deck
1.3.3 Wave period
Vertical Touch down
Landing gear 0,7 m/s
Generally, references to the wave period are to be taken as velocity point
the modal wave period, as per STANAG 4154.
Note 1: All limits are given in terms of RMS amplitude
For TRAN mission, at least three periods should be consid-
ered, the values of which are to be taken from STANAG Figure 1 : Roll limits
4154. For other cases, one period value should be suffi-
2.1 General
2.1.1 Scope
The scope of verifying the sea-keeping performance is to
determine in what sea state the ship motions and accelera-
tions become so severe that they prevent or obstruct the
flight operations.
1 Performance limitations
Motion Limit
Roll 1,8°
0 Pitch 1,8°
0 5 10 15 20 Note 1: All limits are given in terms of RMS amplitude.
Apparent pitch period (s)
3 Replenishment at sea (RAS)
Limits on support equipment for aircraft handling are given 3.1.1 Scope
in Tab 2 as RMS values for pitch and roll motion. Support The scope of verifying the sea-keeping performance is to
operations encompass a wide range of functions (e.g. ord- determine in what sea state the ship motions and accelera-
nance handling, aircraft arming, fuelling, engine changing), tions become so severe that they prevent or obstruct the
hence the limits for support equipment are presented for the replenishment at sea operations.
most restrictive of these.
3.1.2 Requirements
Table 2 : Fixed wing aircraft handling criteria limits The requirements for certifying that the crew is able to carry
out their tasks in RAS operations is that the parameters eval-
uated do not exceed the criteria defined in [3.3].
Performance limitations
Subsystem The limiting sea state number X must be defined according
Motion Limit Location to STANAG 4154, unless specified, and this number will be
Aircraft and Roll See roll criteria, Fig 1 included in the following RAS notations:
handling equipment • RAS_CONREP: criteria specific to “Connected replen-
Pitch See pitch criteria, Fig 2
Elevators Wetness 5/hr Bottom inner lead-
ing elevator edge • RAS_FAS: criteria specific to “Fuelling at sea”
• RAS_VERTREP: criteria specific to “Vertical replenish-
2.2.3 Helicopter and STOVL launch & recovery ment”.
Vertical VERTREP Full performance may be expected within the motion limits
0,7m defined in Tab 8.
Helicopter-to- displacement station
ship Vertical VERTREP Table 8 : Sonar criteria limits
velocity station
Equipment: Roll 1,6° Performance limitations
Hull mounted
Missile dolly sonar
Pitch 1,6° Motion Limit Location
slip angle
Leading edge of
VERTREP Emergence 24/hr
MII 0,5/min dome with hull
Active sonar
Roll 7,5°
20% of crew, VERTREP
Personnel MSI
4 hr station Pitch 2,5°
Wetness VERTREP Leading edge of
0,5/hr Passive sonar Emergence 90/hr
index station dome with hull
Note 1: Roll, pitch, vertical displacement and velocity limits Note 1: Roll and pitch limits are given in terms of RMS
are given in terms of RMS amplitude. amplitude.
Table 14 : Default personnel criteria limits m0,AZ : Zero order spectral moment of vertical accelera-
Parameter Limit Location m2,AZ : Second order spectral moment of vertical accel-
Roll 4°
If agreed with the Society, other models for determining the
Pitch 1,5°
MSI may be applied.
Vertical acceleration 0,2 g bridge
Lateral acceleration 0,1 g bridge 5.2.2 Motion induced interruption (MII)
where: The second step is the evaluation of its zero'th and second
order spectral moments:
μMSI = − 0,819 + 2,32 (log10(ωe))2
ω max
aV : Vertical acceleration, in units of g, averaged 2
a V = 0, 7898 RMS AZ T
ω max
2 2
2 ω V 2
Figure 3 : Definitions for generalised The motion induced interruptions due to lateral tipping
lateral force estimator port/starboard MIIp,s (in units of tipping events per minute)
can thence be calculated as:
- exp – -----------------
60 m 2 ;p, s a
MII p, s = ------- ------------
2π m 0 ;p, s 2m 0 ;p, s
5.3 Criteria
1.1 General 2.3.1 Unless specified, the ship speed to be considered for
the short term sea-keeping calculations should be taken as:
1.1.1 This Appendix applies to ships with typical hull • the autonomy speed.
shape. Ships of unusual type or design are to be considered
by the Society on a case by case basis.
The requirements are based on the assumption that a fre- 2.4 Wave spectrum
quency domain strip theory sea-keeping code is being used
for the calculations. The software to be used are to be docu- 2.4.1 General
mented and supported by validation documents. The wave spectrum to be applied in the short term sea-
keeping calculations is based on the characteristics of the
1.2 Scope sea area where the ship is going to operate:
1.2.1 The scope of the present Appendix is to supply details • open ocean conditions: Bretschneider spectrum with
on how the sea-keeping calculations are to be performed. both short and long crested seas
Requirements are given primarily on how to perform the • limited fetch sea areas (e.g. North Sea): JONSWAP spec-
short term assessments, but also some recommendations trum with short crested sea.
concerning long term assessments are given.
The short term assessments comprise all analyses of the ship 2.4.2 Bretschneider spectrum
behaviour in a single sea state, and thus short term assess-
ments yield all necessary information for the determination The Bretschneider spectrum, or two parameter Pierson-
of: Moskowitz spectrum, is defined as:
• wetness index 2
H 2π 4 –5 1 2π 4 –4
S ( ω ) = ------S- ------- ω exp – --- ------- ω
• slamming index 4π T Z π TZ
• propeller emergence
• Motion Sickness Incidence
HS : Significant wave height, in m
• Motion Induced Interruption
ω : Angular wave frequency, in rad/s
• RMS values of all ship motions and accelerations.
TZ : Zero up-crossing period, in s.
Long term assessments of the sea-keeping yield estimates of,
e.g., the long term distribution of the vertical bending
moment. 2.4.3 JONSWAP spectrum
The JONSWAP spectrum is defined as:
2 Short term assessment 2 –5
HS TS ( TS ω ) –4
2 2
exp [ – ( 0, 206F 2 T S ω – 1 ) ⁄ 2σ ]
S ( ω )=173 -------------------------------
exp( – 692 ( F 2 T S ω ) )γ
F1 F2
2.1 General
2.1.1 Short term assessments serve to analyse a ship sea-
keeping behaviour in a given sea state. The sea states to be HS : Significant wave height, in m
considered for the required rule checks are defined in Pt B,
ω : Angular wave frequency, in rad/s
Ch 3, Sec 4.
TS : Mean wave period, in s
2.2 Loading conditions γ : JONSWAP peakedness parameter
2.2.1 The sea-keeping verifications should be carried out –1
0, 07 for ω ≤ ( 0, 206F 2 T S )
for following loading conditions: σ = –1
0, 09 for ω > ( 0, 206F 2 T S )
• auxiliary ships: full load and operational condition
• front and second line ships: operational condition. The values of F1 and F2 are given in Tab 1.
1,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 8,5 9,5 10,5 11,5 12,5 13,5 14,5 15,5 16,5 17,5 18,5 SUM
0,5 0 0 1,3 133,7 865,6 1186 634,2 186,3 36,9 5,6 0,7 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3050
Pt E, Ch 1, App 1
1,5 0 0 0 29,3 986 4976 7738 5569,7 2375,7 703,5 160,7 30,5 5,1 0,8 0,1 0 0 0 22575
2,5 0 0 0 2,2 197,5 2158,8 6230 7449,5 4860,4 2066 644,5 160,2 33,7 6,3 1,1 0,2 0 0 23810
3,5 0 0 0 0,2 34,9 695,5 3226,5 5675 5099,1 2838 1114,1 337,7 84,3 18,2 3,5 0,6 0,1 0 19128
4,5 0 0 0 0 6 196,1 1354,3 3288,5 3857,5 2685,5 1275,2 455,1 130,9 31,9 6,9 1,3 0,2 0 13289
5,5 0 0 0 0 1 51 498,4 1602,9 2372,7 2008,3 1126 463,6 150,9 41 9,7 2,1 0,4 0,1 8328
6,5 0 0 0 0 0,2 12,6 167 690,3 1257,9 1268,6 825,9 386,8 140,8 42,2 10,9 2,5 0,5 0,1 4806
7,5 0 0 0 0 0 3 52,1 270,1 594,4 703,2 524,9 276,7 111,7 36,7 10,2 2,5 0,6 0 2586
8,5 0 0 0 0 0 0,7 15,4 97,9 255,9 350,6 296,9 174,6 77,6 27,7 8,4 2,2 0,5 0,1 1309
9,5 0 0 0 0 0 0,2 4,3 33,2 101,9 159,9 152,2 99,2 48,3 18,7 6,1 1,7 0,4 0,1 626
10,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,2 10,7 37,9 67,5 71,7 51,5 27,3 11,4 4 1,2 0,3 0,1 285
11,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,3 3,3 13,3 26,6 31,4 24,7 14,2 6,4 2,4 0,7 0,2 0,1 124
12,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,1 1 4,4 9,9 12,8 11 6,8 3,3 1,3 0,4 0,1 0 51
13,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,3 1,4 3,5 5 4,6 3,1 1,6 0,7 0,2 0,1 0 21
14,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,1 0,4 1,2 1,8 1,8 1,3 0,7 0,3 0,1 0 0 8
June 2017
Part E
Additional Class Notations
Chapter 2
The additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned, in - the hot spot map of the structure identified by the
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.2], to ships comply- FEM analysis (see [2.2])
ing with the requirements of this Section. - the Inspection and Maintenance Plan to be imple-
mented by the Naval Authority (see [2.3])
1.1.2 Scope
- information concerning the ship database and rele-
The additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned to a vant electronic support to be implemented by the
ship in order to reflect the fact that a procedure including Naval Authority (see [1.3.1])
periodical and corrective maintenance, as well as periodi-
cal and occasional inspections of hull structures and equip- • the Society reviews and approves the initial Inspection
ment, (hereafter referred to as the Inspection and and Maintenance Plan, taking into account the results of
Maintenance Plan) are dealt with on board by the crew and the structural analysis, as well as the information con-
at the Naval Authority’s offices according to approved pro- cerning the ship database
cedures. • the Society carries out an initial shipboard audit to ver-
The assignment of the notation implies that a structural tridi- ify the compliance of the procedures on board with
mensional analysis has been performed for the hull struc- respect to the submitted documentation.
tures, as defined in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 or Pt B, Ch 7, App 2 or
Pt B, Ch 7, App 3, as applicable. 1.2.2 Maintenance of the notation
The maintenance of the STAR-HULL notation is based on
The implementation of the Inspection and Maintenance
the following surveys and checks, whose scope and period-
Plan is surveyed by the Society through:
icity are specified in [5], to be carried out by the Society:
• periodical audits carried out at the Naval Authority’s
• annual audits at the Naval Authority’s offices (see [5.1])
offices and on board
• annual shipboard audits (see [5.2])
• examination of the data recorded by the Naval Authority
and made available to the Society through an electronic • class renewal surveys (see [5.3]).
ship database suitable for consultation and analysis
• periodical check of the hull structure, normally at the 1.3 Ship database
class renewal survey, against defined acceptance crite-
ria and based on: 1.3.1 The ship database, to be available on board and at
the Naval Authority’s offices, using an electronic support
- the collected data from actual implementation of the
suitable for consultation and analysis, is to provide at least
Inspection and Maintenance Plan the following information:
- the results of the inspections and other checks car- • the hot spot map, as indicated in [2.2]
ried out during the class renewal survey (see [5]).
• the documents required for the Inspection and Mainte-
nance Plan, as indicated in [2.3], and the corresponding
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and reports during the ship operation, as indicated in [3.5].
maintenance of the notation
The ship database is to include a backup system in order for
1.2.1 Assignment of the notation the data to be readily restored, if needed.
The procedure for the assignment of the STAR-HULL nota-
tion is the following: 1.3.2 The ship database is to be:
• a request for the notation is to be sent to the Society: • updated by the Naval Authority each time new inspec-
tion and maintenance data from the ship are available
- signed by the Interested Party applying for the classi-
fication, in the case of new ships • kept by the Naval Authority.
- signed by the Naval Authority, in the case of existing Access to the databases is to be logged, controlled and
ships secured.
1.3.3 The ship database is to be made available to the Soci- When the protection against corrosion is achieved by
ety. This ship database is to be transmitted to the Society at means of impressed currents, the description of the system
least every six months. It may be agreed between the Naval and the operating manual are to be provided to the Society.
Authority and the Society that the required data are auto-
matically downloaded into the Society’s ship database after 2.2 Hot spot map
they are collected.
2.2.1 The items to be included in the hot spot map are, in
2 Documentation to be submitted general, the following:
• items (such as a plating panels, ordinary stiffeners or pri-
mary supporting members) for which the structural anal-
2.1 Plans and documents to be submitted ysis carried out at the classification phase for new ships
showed that the ratio between the applied loads and the
2.1.1 Structural analysis allowable limits exceeded 0,975
The plans and documents necessary to support and/or per- • items identified as “hot spot item” during the structural
form the structural analysis covering hull structures are: reassessment according to Ch 2, App 2, or after repair or
• those submitted for class as listed in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 3, renewal for these ships under the Naval Authority
for new ships responsibility
• those listed in Tab 1, for existing ships or after major • structural details subjected to fatigue, based on the list
repair or renewal for these ships. However, depending defined in Pt B, Ch 11, App 1
on the service and specific features of the ship, the Soci- • other items depending on the results of structural FEM
ety reserves the right to request to the Naval Authority analyses and/or on experience.
additional or different plans and documents from those
in Tab 1. 2.2.2 The updated hot spot map may indicate which items
are to be inspected periodically under the Naval Authority’s
Table 1 : Existing ships - Plans and documents responsibility.
to be submitted to perform the structural analysis
2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP)
Plans and documents
2.3.1 The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is to be based
Midship section on the Naval Authority’s experience and on the results of
Transverse sections the structural analyses including the hot spot map.
Shell expansion The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is to include:
Longitudinal sections and decks • the list of areas, spaces and hull equipment to be sub-
jected to inspection
Double bottom
• the periodicity of inspections
Pillar arrangements
• the elements to be assessed during the visual examina-
Framing plan tion for each area or space, as applicable:
Deep tank and ballast tank bulkheads - coating
Watertight subdivision decks and bulkheads - anodes (if any)
Watertight tunnels - pitting
Fore part structure - fractures
Aft part structure - deformations
Last thickness measurement report • the elements to be assessed during the inspection of hull
2.1.2 Coatings
2.3.2 As regards the maintenance plan, the following infor-
The following information on coatings is to be submitted: mation is to be given by the Naval Authority:
• list of all structural items which are effectively coated • maintenance scope
• characteristics of the coating system. • maintenance type (inspection, reconditioning)
• maintenance frequency (periodicity value unit is to be
2.1.3 Cathodic protection clearly specified, i.e. hours, week, month, year)
The following information on sacrificial anodes is to be sub- • place of maintenance (port, sea, etc.)
• manufacturer’s maintenance and repair specifications,
• localisation of anodes in spaces, on bottom plating and as applicable
sea chests
• procedures contemplated for repairs or renewal of struc-
• dimensions and weight of anodes in new condition. ture or equipment.
3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP) 3.3.2 The following areas/items are to be inspected with a
periodicity of Type 1:
3.1 Minimum requirements • deck area structure
• shell plating above waterline
3.1.1 The minimum requirements on the scope of the
Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP), the periodicity of • hatches
inspections, the extent of inspection and maintenance to be • deck equipment
scheduled for each area, space or equipment concerned,
and the minimum content of the report to be submitted to • superstructures
the Society after the inspection are given hereafter. • ballast tanks, including peaks
3.1.2 At the Naval Authority’s request, the scope and peri- • dry holds and spaces
odicity may be other than those specified below, provided • other accessible spaces
that this is agreed with the Society.
• sea connections and overboard discharges.
3.1.3 The IMP performed at periodical intervals does not
prevent the Naval Authority from carrying out occasional For ships less than 6 years old, 25% in number of ballast
inspections and maintenance as a result of an unexpected tanks (with a minimum of one) are to be inspected annually,
failure or event which may affect the hull or hull equipment in rotation, so that all ballast tanks are inspected at least
condition. once during the 6-year class period.
Interested parties are also reminded that any damage to the For ships 6 years old or more, all ballast tanks are to be
ship which may affect the class is to be reported to the Society. inspected annually.
3.2 General scope of IMP 3.3.3 The following areas are to be inspected with a peri-
odicity of Type 2:
3.2.1 The IMP is to cover at least the following areas/items: • bunker and double bottom fuel oil tanks
• deck area structure • fresh water tanks
• access hatches
• cargo tanks, if any.
• deck fittings
• steering gear 3.3.4 Whenever the outside of the ship’s bottom is exam-
• superstructures ined in drydock or on a slipway, inspections are to be car-
ried out on the following items:
• shell plating
• tanks, including peaks, • rudders
• rudders • propellers
• sea connections and overboard discharges • bottom plating
• sea chests • sea chests and anodes.
• propellers.
In addition, the requirement under Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.4.2]
is to be complied with.
3.3 Periodicity of inspections
3.3.1 Inspections are to be carried out at least with the fol- 3.4 Extent of inspections
lowing periodicity:
• Type 1: two inspections every year, with the following 3.4.1 Deck area structure
principles: The deck plating and structures over deck, as applicable,
- one inspection is to be carried out outside the win- are to be visually examined for assessment of the coating,
dow provided for the execution of the annual class and detection of fractures, deformations and corrosion.
survey, in the vicinity of the halfway date of the
When structural defects affecting the class (such as fractures
anniversary date interval
or deformations) are found, the Society is to be called by
- the other inspection is to be carried out preferably the Naval Authority for occasional survey attendance. If
not more than two months before the annual class such structural defects are repetitive in similar areas of the
survey is conducted deck, a program of additional close-up surveys may be
- the minimum interval between any two consecutive planned at the Society’s discretion for the next inspections.
inspections of the same item is to be not less than
In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition,
four months.
repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or a program of
• Type 2: inspection at annual intervals, preferably not maintenance is to be set by the Naval Authority in agree-
more than four months before the annual class survey is ment with the Society, at a suitable time, but at the latest at
carried out. the next intermediate or class renewal survey, whichever
• Type 3: inspection at bottom surveys. comes first.
A visual examination of the windlass, winches, cap- When structural defects affecting the class are found, the
stans, anchor and visible part of the anchor chain is to Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If
be carried out. A working test is to be effected by lower- such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations)
ing a sufficient length of chain on each side and the are repetitive in similar structures in the same ballast tanks
chain lengths thus ranged out are to be examined or in other ballast tanks, a program of additional close-up
(shackles, studs, wastage). survey may be planned at the Society’s discretion for the
next inspections.
Any defective item is to be dealt with. For replacement
of chains or anchors, the Society is to be requested for In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition or
attendance. anodes depleted, repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or
a program of maintenance is to be set by the Naval Author-
The manufacturer’s maintenance requirements, if any,
ity in agreement with the Society, at a suitable time, but at
are to be complied with.
the latest at the next intermediate or class renewal survey,
• Other deck fittings whichever comes first.
Other deck fittings are to be visually examined and
3.4.8 Dry holds and spaces
dealt with under the same principles as those detailed in
the items above according to the type of fitting. Dry holds and other spaces such as vehicle decks are to be
subjected to overall examination and dealt with in the case
3.4.4 Steering gear of defects, under the same scope as that required for ballast
The inspection of the installation is to cover: tanks. Attention is also to be given to other fittings, such as
bilge wells (cleanliness and working test) and ladders.
• examination of the installation
A program of close-up survey may also be required,
• test with main and emergency systems depending on the results of the structural analyses and the
• changeover test of working rams. hot spot map.
When structural defects affecting the class are found, the Cargo tanks, if any, are to be overall surveyed with regards
Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If to:
such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations) • structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion)
are repetitive in similar structures, a program of additional
• condition of coating and anodes, if any
close-up survey may be planned at the Society’s discretion
for the next inspections. • fittings such as piping, valves.
A program of close-up survey may also be required,
3.4.9 Other accessible spaces
depending on the results of the structural analyses and the
Other spaces accessible during normal operation of the ship hot spot map.
or port operations, such as cofferdams, void spaces, pipe
tunnels and machinery spaces are to be examined and dealt When structural defects affecting the class are found, the
with under the same scope as that required for dry holds Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If
and spaces. such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations)
are repetitive in similar structures in the same tank or in
Consideration is also to be given to the cleanliness of
other tank, a program of additional close-up survey may be
spaces where machinery and/or other equivalent equipment
planned at the Society’s discretion for the next inspections.
exist which may give rise to leakage of oil, fuel water or
other leakage (such as main and auxiliary machinery spaces In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition,
and steering gear space). repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or a program of
maintenance is to be set by the Naval Authority in agree-
3.4.10 Rudder(s) ment with the Society, at a suitable time, but at the latest at
A visual examination of rudder blade(s) is to be carried out the next intermediate or class renewal survey, whichever
to detect fractures, deformations and corrosion. Plugs, if comes first.
any, have to be removed for verification of tightness of the
rudder blade(s). Thickness measurements of plating are to 3.5 Inspection reports
be carried out in case of doubt. Access doors to pintles (if
any) have to be removed. Condition of pintle(s) has to be 3.5.1 Inspection reports are to be prepared by the person
verified. Clearances have to be taken. responsible after each survey. They are to be kept on board
Condition of connection with rudder stock is to be verified. and made available to the Surveyor at his request. An elec-
tronic form is to be used for this purpose (see [1.3]).
Tightening of both pintles and connecting bolts is to be
A copy of these reports is to be transmitted to the Naval
Authority’s offices, for the records and updating of the ship
3.4.11 Sea connections and overboard discharges database.
A visual external examination of sea inlets, outlet corre-
3.5.2 The inspection reports are to include the following.
sponding valves and piping is to be carried out in order to
check tightness. An operation test of the valves and • General information such as date of inspection/mainte-
manoeuvring devices is to be performed. nance, identification of the person performing the
inspection with his signature, identification of the
Any defective tightness and/or operability is to be dealt area/space/equipment inspected.
• For inspection of structural elements (deck area,
3.4.12 Sea chests hatches, superstructures, ballast tanks, dry holds and
Sea chests have to be examined with regards to: spaces, other spaces), the report is to indicate:
• structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion) - coating condition of the different boundaries and
• condition of cleanliness, coating and anodes internal structures and, if any, coating repairs
• visual examination of accessible part of piping or valve. - structural defects, such as fractures, corrosion
(including pitting), deformations, with the identifica-
3.4.13 Propellers tion of their location, recurrent defects
A visual examination of propeller blades, propeller boss - condition of fittings related to the space inspected,
and propeller cap is to be carried out as regards fractures, with description as necessary of checks, working
deformations and corrosion. For variable pitch propellers, tests, dismantling, overhaul
absence of leakage at the connection between the blades • For inspection of equipment (deck equipment, sea con-
and the hub is to be also ascertained. nections and overboard discharges), the report is to indi-
Absence of leakage of the aft tailshaft sealing arrangement cate the results of visual examination, working tests,
is to be ascertained. dismantling, repairs, renewal or overhaul performed.
3.4.14 Cargo tanks, bunker and double bottom fuel 3.5.3 When deemed necessary or appropriate, the report is
oil tanks, fresh water tanks, as applicable to be supplemented by documents, sketches or photo-
Bunker and double bottom fuel oil tanks are to be overall graphs, showing for example:
surveyed with regards to: • location and dimension of fractures, pitting, deforma-
• structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion) tions
• condition of coating and anodes, if any • condition of equipment before repairs
• fittings such as piping, valves. • measurements taken if required by the Society.
3.5.4 Models of inspection reports for structural elements Table 3 : Acceptance criteria for sacrificial anodes
and equipment are given in Ch 2, App 5.
These models are to be used as a guide for entering the col- Condition Percentage of loss in weight
lected data into the ship database, in an electronic form.
Ships less than 12 years old less than 25
3.6 Changes to Inspection and Maintenance Ships 12 years old or more less than 50
4.3 Thickness measurements (applicable
3.6.1 Changes to ship operation, review of the inspection only if required by the Society on case
and maintenance reports, possible subsequent changes to by case basis)
the hot spot map and corrosion rates different than those
expected may show that the extent of the maintenance per- 4.3.1 General
formed needs to be adjusted if any by the Naval Authority to The acceptance criteria for measured thicknesses are indi-
improve its efficiency. cated in:
Where more defects are found than would be expected, it • Ch 2, App 1 for isolated areas of items (for example a
may be necessary to increase the extent and/or the fre- localized area of a plate)
quency of the maintenance program. Alternatively, the
extent and/or the frequency of the maintenance may be • Ch 2, App 2 for items (for example a plating panel or an
reduced subject to documented justification. ordinary stiffener)
• Ch 2, App 3 for zones (for example the bottom zone).
4 Acceptance criteria When the acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, actions
according to [4.3.2] to [4.3.4] are to be taken.
4.1 Coating assessment
4.3.2 Isolated area
4.1.1 Criteria The thickness diminution of an isolated area of an item is
The acceptance criteria for the coating condition of each the localized diminution of the thickness of that item such
coated space is indicated in Tab 2. as, for example, the grooving of a plate or a web or a local
Where acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, coating is to be severe corrosion. It is expressed as a percentage of the rele-
repaired. vant as built thickness.
It is not to be confused with pitting (see [4.4]).
4.1.2 Repairs
If the criteria of acceptable diminution are not fulfilled for
The procedures for repairs of coatings are to follow the
an isolated area, then this isolated area is to be repaired or
coating manufacturer’s specification for repairs, under the
replaced. In any case, the criteria of thickness diminution
Naval Authority’s responsibility.
are to be considered for the corresponding item (see
Table 2 : Acceptance criteria for coatings [4.3.3]).
4.3.3 Item
Condition Acceptance criteria For each item, thicknesses are measured at several points
Ships less than 12 years old Coatings in GOOD condition and the average value of these thicknesses is to satisfy the
acceptance criteria for the relevant item.
Coatings in GOOD or FAIR
Ships 12 years old or more
condition If the criteria of measured thicknesses are not fulfilled for an
Note 1: item, then this item is to be repaired or replaced. Where the
GOOD : only minor spot rusting criteria are fulfilled but substantial corrosion as defined in
FAIR : local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld
Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.2.6] is found, the IMP is to be adjusted
connections and/or light rusting over 20% or to increase the frequency and/or extent of the maintenance
more of areas under consideration, but less than program. In any case, for the items which contribute to the
as defined for POOR condition hull girder longitudinal strength, the criteria in [4.3.4] are to
POOR : general breakdown of coating over 20% or more be considered.
of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas
under consideration. 4.3.4 Zone
For consideration of the hull girder longitudinal strength,
4.2 Sacrificial anode condition (as applicable) the transverse section of the ship is divided into three zones:
• deck zone
4.2.1 Criteria
• neutral axis zone
The acceptance criteria for sacrificial anodes in each coated
space fitted with anodes is indicated in Tab 3 in terms of • bottom zone.
percentage of losses in weight. The sectional area diminution of a zone, expressed as a per-
Where acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, sacrificial centage of the relevant as built sectional area, is to fulfil the
anodes are to be renewed. criteria of acceptable diminution for that zone.
If the criteria of acceptable diminution are not fulfilled for a 4.4.3 Repairs
zone, then some items belonging to that zone are to be Application of filler material (plastic or epoxy compounds)
replaced (in principle, those which are most worn) in order is recommended as a mean for stopping/reducing the corro-
to obtain after their replacement an increased sectional area sion process but this is not an acceptable repair for pitting
of the zone fulfilling the relevant criteria. exceeding the maximum permissible wastage limits.
Welding repairs may be accepted when performed in
4.4 Pitting accordance with agreed procedures.
4.4.1 Pitting intensity
The pitting intensity is defined by the percentage of area 4.5 Fractures
affected by pitting.
4.5.1 General
The diagrams in Ch 2, App 4 are to be used to identify the
Fractures are found, in general, at locations where stress
percentage of area affected by pitting and thus the pitting
concentrations occur.
In particular, fractures occur at the following locations:
4.4.2 Acceptable wastage
• beginning or end of a run of welding
The acceptable wastage for a localised pit (intensity ≤ 3%) is
23% of the average residual thickness. • rounded corners at the end of a stiffener
For areas having a pitting density of 50% or more, the • traces of lifting fittings used during the construction of
acceptable wastage in pits is 13% of the average residual the ship
thickness. • weld anomalies
For intermediate values (between localised pit and 50% of • welding at toes of brackets
affected area), the acceptable wastage in pits is to be • welding at cut-outs
obtained by interpolation between 23% and 13% of the
• intersections of welds
average residual thicknesses (see Tab 4).
• intermittent welding at the ends of each length of weld.
Table 4 : Pitting intensity and corresponding
acceptable wastage in pits The structure under examination is to be cleaned and pro-
vided with adequate lighting and means of access to facili-
tate the detection of fractures.
Acceptable wastage in pits,
Pitting intensity, in % If the initiation points of the fractures are not apparent, the
in percentage of the average
(see Ch 2, App 4) structure on the other side of the plating is to be examined.
residual thickness
≤3 23 4.5.2 Criteria
5 22 Where fractures are detected, the Society’s Surveyor is
10 21 always to be called by the Naval Authority for attendance.
15 20
5 Maintenance of the notation
20 19
25 18 5.1 Annual audit at the Naval Authority’s
30 17 offices
40 15
5.1.1 The audit is to be carried out annually preferably
50 13 within the prescribed six-month window as shown in Fig 1.
0 1 2 3 4 (years)
If two or more ships belonging to the same Naval Authority It is to take account of:
are assigned the STAR-HULL notation, this annual audit
• the results of the IMP held by the Naval Authority during
may be performed for all ships at the same time in a suitable
the current class period, as well as the class surveys car-
period agreed between the Naval Authority and the Society.
ried out during the same period
5.1.2 The Surveyor checks that the ship database held at • the scope of the class renewal survey as required in Pt
the Naval Authority’s offices is kept updated, in particular A, Ch 3, Sec 3 and Part A, Chapter 4, as applicable to
with the inspection and maintenance reports of the IMP. the ship concerned
A preliminary evaluation on how the IMP is applied may be
• the additional requirements related to the STAR-HULL
done on the basis of the data and information collected dur-
notation as indicated in [5.3.3].
ing this audit and the data received from the ship.
Depending on this evaluation, the Society may call for: 5.3.3 In addition to the scope of the class renewal survey as
• an occasional survey on board the ship by a Surveyor of required for the ship concerned, the following is to be car-
the Society to be carried out as soon as possible ried out:
• corrective actions to be taken by the Naval Authority in • an annual shipboard audit as detailed in [5.2]
applying the IMP.
• the assessment of the condition of coating and anodes if
5.1.3 The annual audit at the Naval Authority’s offices per- any
formed before the commencement of the class renewal sur-
• the close-up survey as required in the survey planning
vey is to include the planning required for this survey (see
as a result of the previous structural assessment required
by the Society on case by case basis
5.2 Annual shipboard audit • a specific survey for fatigue fracture detection in accor-
dance with the planning as a result of the previous hot
5.2.1 The annual shipboard audit is to be carried out con- spot map.
currently with the annual survey.
5.3.4 On the basis of the results of the surveys, additional
5.2.2 During this audit the Surveyor: visual examination and fatigue fracture detection carried
• verifies that the ship database is kept updated and trans- out as indicated in [5.3.3], the “as-inspected state” of the
mitted to the Naval Authority’s offices ship is established. A structural reassessment of the “as-
• verifies the consistency and implementation of the IMP inspected state” is performed according to the criteria in Ch
• carries out additional inspections relevant to hull (struc- 2, App 2. This state may be progressively updated based on
ture and equipment), if required as a result of the audit the results of additional inspections and/or thickness mea-
at the Naval Authority’s offices. surements required on the basis of the first “running” of the
5.3 Class renewal survey Once the final “as-inspected state” is established, a program
of corrective actions is defined and planned, which may
5.3.1 The survey for the renewal of the STAR-HULL nota- consist of:
tion is to be carried out concurrently with the class renewal
• structural renewals
The documentation to be prepared, the surveys to be car- • repairs of structural defects (fractures, deformations, etc.)
ried out and the structural reassessment to be done in con- • repairs/renewals of coating and/or anodes, if any.
nection with the class renewal survey are summarised in the
flowchart shown in Fig 2. in order to ensure that the ship continues to comply with
the acceptance criteria given in [4]. In addition, the IMP
5.3.2 The planning of the class renewal survey is to be pre-
may be modified if needed.
pared in advance of the survey by the Naval Authority in
cooperation with the Society. This planning is preferably to
5.3.5 The corrective actions are to be surveyed by a Sur-
be agreed during the annual audit at the Naval Authority’s
veyor of the Society. Subsequently a new “as-repaired state”
offices performed approximately eighteen months before
of the ship is obtained, including an updated hot spot map.
the due date of the class renewal survey (see [5.1.3]).
The planning is to include the following information:
5.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the notation
• conditions for survey
• provisions and methods for access to structures 5.4.1 The maintenance of the STAR-HULL notation is sub-
• equipment for survey ject to the same principles as those for the maintenance of
• indication of spaces and areas for internal examination, class: surveys are to be carried out by their limit dates and
overall survey and close-up survey possible recommendations (related to the notation) are to
• indication of tanks to be tested be dealt with by their limit dates.
• indication of areas to be checked for fatigue fracture The suspension of class automatically causes the suspen-
detection (see [5.3.3]). sion of the STAR-HULL notation.
- Overall Survey
- Close-up
- Assessment of coating and anode conditions
-Detection of fractures and deformations
5.4.2 Various events may lead either to imposition of a rec- - or the suspension of the STAR-HULL notation if the
ommendation related to the STAR-HULL notation or to sus- non-conformity is of a major nature or a recurrence.
pension of the notation itself. Some cases are given below.
• A defect or a deficiency is found in applying the IMP.
• The condition of the ship is below the minimum level
The actions to be taken are the same as stated both for
required for class (e.g. scantling of a hull structure
repair of structure/coating/equipment (first two cases
below the corrosion margin acceptable for the class
above) and for the application of the IMP (third case
around hot spot areas). The action to be taken is either
the immediate repair or the imposition of a recommen-
dation for the class (if acceptable) and suspension of the • An unexpected defect or deficiency is found or an acci-
STAR-HULL notation. However, in cases where the rec- dent occurs, i.e. not as a result of lack of maintenance
ommendation is of a minor nature, the notation may not or failure in the application of the IMP. The actions to be
be suspended. taken are the same as stated for repair of structure/coat-
• The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is not complied ing/equipment (first two cases above).
with (e.g. delays in performing the operations pro-
grammed according to the plan or the scope of inspec- 5.4.3 The withdrawal of the STAR-HULL notation may be
tion and/or maintenance not completely fulfilled), decided in different cases, such as:
and/or the maintenance of the database is not fulfilled.
The action to be taken is: • recurrent suspension of the STAR-HULL notation
- either the immediate compliance with the require- • suspension of the STAR-HULL notation for more than a
ments or the imposition of a recommendation if the given period (i.e. 3 months)
non-conformity is of a minor nature or is an excep-
tional occurrence • expiry or withdrawal of class.
• a risk analysis, initially performed by the Society in Any possible change or optimization of the original mainte-
order to identify tentatively critical machinery and nance scheme may be considered only after the expiry of
equipment items covered in the Inspection and Mainte- the Manufacturers’ warranty period, once that all involved
nance Plan, and periodically updated to analyse the machinery and equipment are set in service and the infor-
performance of these items on the basis of the informa- mation relative to the maintenance and performance of var-
tion stored in the ship database, requiring suitable mod- ious machinery and equipment are collected and
ifications of the inspection and maintenance intervals, if elaborated, as necessary, in consultation with the Manufac-
needed turer, at Naval Authority’s request.
1.1.3 Risk analysis • a request for the notation is to be sent to the Society
The purpose of the risk analysis is to assess the inspection • the following documentation is to be submitted to the
and maintenance process taking into account the conse- Society by the Interested Party:
quences if a system fails. - plans and documents of machinery and equipment
(see [2.1])
The risk analysis is to include at least the machinery and
equipment which are identified in [2.1]. The Society, in - the Inspection and Maintenance Plan to be imple-
consultation with the Naval Authority, may extend the mented by the Naval Authority during the ship life
scope of the risk analysis to other equipment or systems (see [2.2]), and
which are considered critical, depending on the ship’s char- - information concerning the ship database and rele-
acteristics. vant electronic support to be implemented by the
Naval Authority during the ship life (see [1.3.1])
For the purpose of the risk analysis, instruction manuals,
spare parts and tools are assumed to be available, when • the Society performs the risk analysis for the ship and its
needed. plants, based on the documentation submitted
• the Society reviews and approves the Inspection and 1.3.5 As the risk analysis is subject to be reviewed and
Maintenance Plan, taking into account the results of the updated by the Society during the ship’s life, the software
above-mentioned risk analysis as well as the informa- used by the Naval Authority is to be compatible with the
tion concerning the ship database one used by the Society, in order to make possible the
review and updating of the risk analysis results.
• the Society carries out an initial shipboard audit to ver-
ify the compliance of the procedures on board with
respect to the submitted documentation. 2 Documentation to be submitted
• annual shipboard audit (see [5.2]) b) For a new ship, the plans and documents listed in Tab 1
do not need to be duplicated with respect to the docu-
• occasional shipboard audits/surveys (see [5.3]) triggered ments requested for the purpose of classification in Part
by: C.
Table 1 : List of machinery and equipment for which plans and documents are requested
1 General arrangement plan
Propulsion plant, including (if applicable):
• diesel engines
• steam or gas turbines
2 • electric motors for propulsion
• gearing
• shafting, including bearings and accessories
• propellers
Steam production and distribution, including (if applicable):
• main propulsion boilers and related accessories
• main condenser for propulsion boiler
• main propulsion steam system including pumps, pipes, valves, filters, etc.
Fuel oil heating system, if essential for propulsion, including (if applicable):
• steam heaters, including their accessories
• thermal oil heaters, including their accessories
• electrical plant supplying the electrical heaters
Fuel oil system, including:
5 • purifiers
• piping system
Lubricating oil system, including:
• purifiers
• coolers (if applicable)
• piping system
Cooling water system, including:
• sea water system
• low and high temperature fresh water system
• piping system
8 Compressed air system, including compressors and their prime movers and related piping
9 Steering gear, including all equipment and systems necessary for its control
10 Bilge system
11 Ballast system
Electricity production and distribution system, including prime movers, generators, cables protections and main
13 Air ventilation system serving the machinery spaces
14 Fire prevention, detection and fighting system
15 Exhaust gas system
Automation and control systems, including information on the possibility for the system to be disconnected in case
failure allowing the manual control
Any other system or equipment connected in such a way that any single failure of it or part of it might affect the
functionality of one of the system, machinery or equipment covered by the risk analysis
3.1 Initial risk analysis • recommend measures to improve the type and/or peri-
odicity of inspection and maintenance, when deemed
3.1.1 Scope
The scope of the initial risk analysis, to be carried out by the 3.1.2 Process
Society in order to assign the STAR-MACH notation, is:
The overall process followed by the risk analysis is
• identify critical systems and/or components described in Ch 2, App 6.
3.2 Risk analysis review 4.2.2 The inspection/maintenance reports are to include:
• running hours and type of service, as applicable (heavy,
3.2.1 Scope light)
The initial risk analysis carried out in accordance with [3.1] • frequency of maintenance, timing, time spent for the
will be kept up-to-date by the Society, on the basis of the preventative maintenance
information and data gathered from the ship database (see • details relative to the corrective maintenance (over-
[2.2]), for instance relevant to the actual inspection and hauls, spare parts, idle time, time between two different
maintenance, including failures and repairs, if any. stops for maintenance, parts changed and parts recondi-
Where deemed necessary, the updated data will be intro-
duced in the logic probabilistic model for a re-evaluation of • trend of condition monitoring parameters, where applied
the critical systems and components. • in case of failure:
- information on mode and reason of failure
When the reviewed risks show a significant deviation from
those identified by the initial risk analysis, the Society will - time out of service
recommend modification of the Inspection and Mainte- - type of repair carried out.
nance Plan, for instance in terms of type and periodicity of
maintenance (see [2.2]). 4.3 Changes to the Inspection and Mainte-
nance Plan
3.2.2 Major alterations
In the case of major alterations of the machinery and equip- 4.3.1 Changes to ship operation, condition monitoring, risk
ment covered by the STAR-MACH notation, the logic prob- analysis review, or any other documented justification may
abilistic model defined in accordance with [3.1] will be demonstrate that the Inspection and Maintenance Plan
updated to suit the new arrangements on board. needs to be adjusted to improve its efficiency. Where more
defects are found than it would be expected, it may be nec-
essary to increase the extent and/or the frequency of the
4 Inspection and Maintenance Plan maintenance programme. Alternatively, the extent and/or
the frequency of the maintenance may be subject to docu-
mented justification and Manufacturer’s consultation.
4.1 General
4.1.1 The Inspection and Maintenance Plan (e.g. type and 4.4 Responsible persons
frequency of maintenance) is based on the Manufacturer’s
4.4.1 The person on board responsible for the collection
recommendations, documented experience, condition
and process of maintenance data within the scope of the
monitoring and results of the risk analysis (see [3]).
Inspection and Maintenance Plan is to be authorized by the
Society in accordance with the procedure established for
4.2 Inspection and maintenance reports the recognition of machinery surveys carried out by Chief
Engineers (see Part A).
4.2.1 Inspection and maintenance reports are to be done
by the responsible person after each inspection/mainte- 5 Maintenance of the notation
nance operation. They are to be kept on board and made
available to the Surveyor on his request. An electronic form
is to be used for that purpose (see [1.3]).
5.1 Annual audit at the Naval Authority’s
A copy of these reports is to be transmitted to the Naval
Authority’s Office, for their records and updating of the ship 5.1.1 The audit is to be carried out annually preferably
data base. within the prescribed six-month window as shown in Fig 1.
Figure 1 :
0 1 2 3 4 (years)
If more than one ship belonging to the same Owner are • an immediate revision of the Inspection and Mainte-
assigned the STAR-MACH notation, this annual audit may nance Plan is conducted, if deemed necessary.
be performed for all ships at the same time at a suitable
period agreed between the Owner and the Society. The effects of any changes in relation to the Inspection and
Maintenance Plan are monitored during the next annual
5.1.2 The Surveyor checks that the ship data base held at shipboard audit.
Owner’s office is kept updated, in particular with the
inspection and maintenance reports of the Inspection and 5.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the notation
Maintenance Plan.
From the data collected during this audit and data received 5.4.1 The maintenance of the STAR-MACH notation is sub-
from the ship, a preliminary review is done. This review ject to the same principles as those for the maintenance of
may lead to extending the scope of the audit and/or an class: surveys are to be carried out by their limit dates, pos-
occasional machinery survey on board the ship, specifically sible recommendations (related to the notation) are to be
for machinery the performance of which is deteriorating. dealt with by their limit dates.
The audit includes the examination of:
The suspension of class automatically causes the suspen-
• preventive maintenance records sion of the STAR-MACH notation.
• corrective maintenance records
5.4.2 Different events may lead either to imposition of a
• predictive maintenance records, that is, planning recommendation related to the STAR-MACH notation or to
records about outstanding inspections or other actions suspension of the notation itself. Some cases are given
for the forthcoming period. below:
5.2 Annual shipboard audit a) The condition of the machinery installations is below
the minimum level required for class. The action to be
5.2.1 The annual shipboard audit is to be carried out con- taken is either the immediate repair or the imposition of
currently with the annual survey. a recommendation for class (if acceptable) and suspen-
sion of the STAR-MACH notation. However, in cases
5.2.2 During this audit the Surveyor: where the recommendation is of a minor nature, the
notation may not be suspended.
• verifies that the ship data base is kept updated and trans-
mitted to the Owner’s office b) The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is not complied
with (e.g. delays in performing the operations pro-
• verifies the consistency and implementation of the
grammed according to the plan or the scope of inspec-
Inspection and Maintenance Plan
tion and/or maintenance not completely fulfilled),
• carries out additional inspections and/or tests relevant to and/or the maintenance of the data base is not fulfilled.
machinery, if required as a result of the audit at the
Owner’s office. The action to be taken is:
• either the immediate compliance with the require-
5.3 Occasional onboard audits and/or sur- ments or the imposition of a recommendation, if the
veys non-conformity is of a minor nature or is an excep-
tional occurrence, or
5.3.1 Occasional audits may be required after audits at the • the suspension of the STAR-MACH notation, if the
Owner’s offices that showed the Inspection and Mainte- non-conformity is of a major nature or a recurrence.
nance Plan has not been applied or working in the manner
intended, or that particular equipment showed abnormal c) A defect or a deficiency is found in applying the Inspec-
behaviour. tion and Maintenance Plan. The actions to be taken are
the same as stated above both for repair of machinery
5.3.2 The Society is to be notified when an item is due to installations (case a) above) and for the application of
be repaired on a non-scheduled basis because of failure. the Inspection and Maintenance Plan (case b)).
The notification is to include the place, time and specifica- d) An unexpected defect or deficiency is found or a casu-
tion of the corrective action which has to be executed. The alty occurs, i.e. not as a result of lack of maintenance or
Society will decide whether to carry out an occasional on failure in the application of the Inspection and Mainte-
board survey. nance Plan. The actions to be taken are the same as
stated in the case a) above.
5.3.3 Changes to the operation of the ship and/or modifica-
tions to machinery and/or equipment are to be notified to 5.4.3 The withdrawal of the STAR-MACH notation may be
the Society, so that: decided in different cases, such as:
• a survey onboard the ship may be carried out to verify
• recurrent suspension of the STAR-MACH notation
the changes and modifications
• suspension of the STAR-MACH notation for more than a
• the effects of the changes and modifications could be
given period (i.e. 3 months)
taken into consideration, if deemed necessary, during
the next risk analysis • expiry or withdrawal of class.
Table 1 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the bottom zone
web 18%
Longitudinal primary supporting members
flange 15%
Table 2 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the neutral axis zone
web 18%
Longitudinal primary supporting members
flange 15%
Table 3 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the deck zone
Table 4 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items not contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength
tA : As-built thickness of plating, in mm wM : Section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary stiffeners,
to be calculated on the basis of the measured
tM : Measured thickness of plating, in mm thicknesses of web, face plate and attached
tC : Corrosion additions, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch plating
4, Sec 2, [3] wR : Renewal section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary
stiffeners i.e. the section modulus that an ordi-
tC1, tC2 : Corrosion additions, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch
nary stiffener of a ship in service is to have to
4, Sec 2, [3] for the two compartments sepa-
fulfil the yielding check.
rated by the plating under consideration. For
plating internal to a compartment, tC1 = tC2 = tC tR,W : Renewal thickness, in mm, of ordinary stiffener
web, i.e. the web thickness that an ordinary
tR : Overall renewal thickness, in mm, of plating, in stiffener of a ship in service is to have in order to
mm, defined in: fulfil the buckling check. This thickness is to be
calculated as specified in [3.2.2]
• [2.2.1] in general
tR,F : Renewal thickness, in mm, of ordinary stiffener
• [4.3.1] for the plating which constitutes pri- face plate, i.e. the face plate thickness that an
mary supporting members ordinary stiffener of a ship in service is to have
tR1 : Minimum renewal thickness, in mm, of plating in order to fulfil the buckling check. This thick-
ness is to be calculated as specified in [3.2.2]
defined in [2.2.2]
wG : Rule gross section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary
tR2 : Renewal thickness, in mm, of plating subjected stiffeners, defined in [3.2.3]
to lateral pressure or wheeled loads, i.e. the
thickness that the plating of a ship in service is WRR : Re-assessment work ratio, defined in [4.2.1]
to have in order to fulfil the strength check. This WRA : As-built work ratio, defined in [4.2.2]
thickness is to be calculated as specified in
[2.2.3] tRY : Yielding renewal thickness, in mm, of primary
supporting members, i.e. the thickness that the
tR3 : Compression buckling renewal thickness, in plating which constitutes primary supporting
mm, i.e. the thickness that the plating of a ship members of a ship in service is to have in order
in service is to have in order to fulfil the com- to fulfil the yielding check. This thickness is to
pression buckling check. This thickness is to be be calculated as specified in [4.3.2]
calculated as specified in [2.2.4]
tRB : Buckling renewal thickness, in mm, of primary
tR4 : Shear buckling renewal thickness, in mm, i.e. supporting members, i.e. the thickness that the
the thickness that the plating of a ship in service plating which constitutes primary supporting
is to have in order to fulfil the shear buckling members of a ship in service is to have in order
check. This thickness is to be considered only to fulfil the buckling check. This thickness is to
for ships equal to or greater than 90 m in length be calculated as specified in [4.3.3]
and is to be calculated as specified in [2.2.5] E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal
tG : Rule gross thickness, in mm, of plating, defined
in [2.2.6] • for steels in general:
1 Partial safety factors 1.2.3 Partial safety factor γK5 for ordinary stiffeners
The partial safety factor for yielding checks of ordinary stiff-
1.1 General eners (γΚ5) is to be calculated as specified in [3.2.1].
Figure 1 : Acceptance criteria for measured thicknesses of plating and application procedure
Thickness measurements tM tM< tR Steel renewal required
tM > t +0,5 (t - t ) No steel renewal required
2.2.2 Minimum renewal thickness t3 : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
The minimum renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm, following formulae:
from the following formula:
b σ x1 γ R γ m 12 ( 1-ν ) 3 R eH
tR1 = t1 γK1 t 3 = --- ------------------------------------------
- 10 for γ m γ R σ x1 ≤ -------
π EK 1 ε 2
where: 2 2
b 3 ( 1-ν )R eH R eH
- 10 for γ m γ R σ x1 > -------
t 3 = --- -----------------------------------------------
t1 : Minimum net thickness, in mm, to be calcu- -
π EK 1 ε ( R eH -σ x1 γ R γ m ) 2
lated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.2]
b : Length, in m, of the plate panel side, defined in
γK1 : Partial safety factor:
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.1.2]
γK1 = NP Ψ1
σx1 : In plane hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2 to
without being taken greater than 1,0 be calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 1 [5.2.2], considering the hull girder transverse
sections as being constituted by elements (plat-
t C1 + t C2
Ψ 1 = 1 + ------------------
- ing, ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting
members) having their measured thicknesses
and scantlings
Table 1 : Coefficient NP
ε, K1 : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.1]
γK3 : Partial safety factor:
Plating Coefficient NP
γK3 = NP Ψ3
In general, including that which constitutes
web of primary supporting members without being taken greater than 1,0
Plating which constitutes face plate of pri- Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 1
mary supporting members
t C1 + t C2
Ψ 3 = 1 + ------------------
2.2.3 Renewal thickness of plating subjected to
lateral pressure or wheeled loads
2.2.5 Shear buckling renewal thickness
The renewal thickness of plating subjected to lateral pres-
The shear buckling renewal thickness is to be obtained, in
sure or wheeled loads is to be obtained, in mm, from the
mm, from the following formula:
following formula:
tR4 = t4 γK4
t R2 = t 2 γ K2
t4 : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
t2 : Net thickness, in mm, to be calculated as speci-
following formulae:
fied in:
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3], as applicable, for b τ 1 γ R γ m 12 ( 1-ν ) 3
R eH
plating subjected to lateral pressure t 4 = --- ---------------------------------------
- 10 for γ m γ R τ 1 ≤ ----------
π EK 2 2 3
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [4], as applicable, for 2 2
b 3 ( 1-ν )R eH R eH
- 10 for γ m γ R τ 1 > ----------
t 4 = --- ------------------------------------------------- -
plating subjected to wheeled loads
π EK 2 ( R eH - 3τ 1 γ R γ m ) 2 3
where the hull girder stresses are to be calcu-
lated considering the hull girder transverse sec- b : Length, in m, of the plate panel side, defined in
tions constituted by elements (plating, ordinary Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.1.3]
stiffeners, primary supporting members) having
τ1 : In plane hull girder shear stress, in N/mm2, to be
their measured thicknesses and scantlings
calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
γK2 : Partial safety factor: [5.2.3], considering the hull girder transverse
γK2 = NP Ψ2 sections as being constituted by elements (plat-
ing, ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting
without being taken greater than 1,0
members) having their measured thicknesses
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 1 and scantlings
t C1 + t C2 Κ2 : Coefficient defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.2]
Ψ 2 = 1 + ------------------
γK4 : Partial safety factor:
2.2.4 Compression buckling renewal thickness γK4 = NP Ψ4
The compression buckling renewal thickness is to be without being taken greater than 1,0
obtained, in mm, from the following formula: Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 1
tR3 = t3 γK3 t C1 + t C2
Ψ 4 = 1 + ------------------
where: t4
Figure 2 : Acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of ordinary stiffeners and application procedure
Scantling measurements YES Steel renewal required
t M,W < tR,W
tM, t M,W , t M,F
t M,F < tR,F
WM ³ WR + 0,25(WG - WR )
³ t R,F + 0,25(tA,F - tR,F )
Type of ordinary stiffeners ReH = 235 ReH = 315 ReH = 355 ReH = 235 ReH = 315 ReH = 355
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Flat bar 20 18 17,5 Not applicable
Bulb 56 51 49 Not applicable
With symmetrical face plate 56 51 49 34 30 29
With non-symmetrical face plate 56 51 49 17 15 14,5
3.2.2 Renewal web and face plate thicknesses γK6 : Partial safety factor:
The renewal web and face plate thicknesses are to be γK6 = 0,85
obtained, in mm, from the following formulae: γK7 : Partial safety factor:
tR,W = hW / CW γK7 = 1,00
tR,F = bF / CF WRY : Yielding work ratio, defined in [4.2.3]
where: WRB : Buckling work ratio, defined in [4.2.4].
4.1.1 The acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of 4.2.4 Buckling work ratio
primary supporting members, together with the application The buckling element work ratio is to be obtained from the
procedure to be adopted during the reassessment of hull following formula:
structures, are indicated in Fig 3.
WRB = max (WRB1, WRB2, WRB3, WRB4)
4.2 Work ratios
WRB1 : Compression buckling work ratio:
4.2.1 Reassessment work ratio γR γm σ
WR B1 = -----------------b
The reassessment work ratio is to be obtained from the fol- σc
lowing formula: WRB2 : Shear buckling work ratio:
WRR = max (γK6WRY, γK7WRB) γR γm τb
WR B2 = ---------------
where: τc
Figure 3 : Acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of primary supporting members and application procedure
Scantling measurements
NO Reinforcement
t >t
WRB3 : Compression, bending and shear buckling work σc,τc : Critical buckling stresses, in N/mm2, defined in
ratio: Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3]
F : Coefficient defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.4]
WR B3 = ---- Fc : Coefficient to be obtained from the following
WRB4 : Bi-axial compression and shear buckling work
σ comb R eH
ratio: for ------------
- ≤ -------------
F 2γ R γ m
--- Fc = 1
σ a n σ b n n
WR B4 = γ R γ m -------------
- + --------------- σ comb R eH
R a σ c ,a R b σ c ,b - > -------------
for ------------ -:
F 2γ R γ m
σa, σb, τb : Normal and shear stresses, in N/mm2, defined 4σ comb σ comb
F c = ----------------------
- 1 – ----------------------
in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4] R eH ⁄ γ R γ m R eH ⁄ γ R γ m
σcomb : Combined stress in N/mm2, defined in Pt B, Ch WRY : Yielding work ratio, defined in [4.2.3]
7, Sec 1, [5.4.4] γK8 : Partial safety factor:
σc,a, σc,b : Critical buckling stresses, in N/mm2, defined in
γK8 = NP ΨY
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.5]
n, Ra, Rb : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 1
[5.4.5]. 0 ,25 ( t C1 + t C2 )
The above quantities are to be calculated considering the Ψ Y = 1 + -----------------------------------
hull structure as being constituted by elements (plating,
ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting members) having 4.3.3 Buckling renewal thickness
their measured thicknesses and scantlings.
The buckling renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm,
from the following formula:
4.3 Renewal scantlings
tRB = tB γK9
4.3.1 Overall renewal thickness
The overall renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm,
from the following formula: tB : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
tR = max (tRY, tRB, 0,75tA) following formula:
1 General
1.1 Diagrams
1.1.1 As specified in Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.4.1], the pitting inten-
sity is defined by the percentage of area affected by pitting.
In order to define the area affected by pitting, and thus the
pitting intensity, the diagrams in Fig 1 are to be used.
Person responsible:
Structure area, Items in the Coating Fractures General Pitting or Deformations Repairs Other
fittings area /anode con- corrosion grooving
Port side
Stbd side
Forward bulkhead
Aft bulkhead
Internal structure
Findings during inspection: (location, type, details) Action taken: required repair, temporary repair, permanent repair
(location, type and extent)
2.4.1 Each time the answer in the summary table is “poor” 3.2.1 The identification data are to give the information
for coating, or “yes” for other topics, this part of the report is about the equipment inspected, date and place of inspec-
to be used to give details on the findings, defects or repairs
tion and name of the person under whose responsibility the
inspection has been carried out.
2.4.2 As guidance, the following details are to be given:
3.2.2 The identification of the equipment is to be such that:
• for coating found in poor condition: structural elements
concerned, type of coating defect (breakdown, hard • it is easy to trace the item of equipment concerned, in
scale) particular in cases where several identical items of
• for fractures: location of fractures, dimension, number equipment exist on the ship
of identical fractures
• the same identification is used for the subsequent
• for general corrosion: structural elements concerned, inspection reports pertaining to the same item of equip-
extent of wastage on these elements, estimation of wast- ment.
age (if thickness measurements have been taken)
• for pitting/grooving: structural elements concerned and 3.3 Detailed report
location, depth of pitting/grooving, percentage of
affected surface using diagrams in Ch 2, App 4, length
of grooving 3.3.1 The detailed report of inspection is divided into three
• for deformations: type of deformation (buckling, exter-
nal cause), location of the deformation and structural • inspection done:
elements concerned, estimation of size
- the type of inspection carried out: visual external
• for repairs (if performed without the attendance of a Sur- examination, internal examination after dismantling,
veyor, when this is possible or acceptable): type of
repairs, elements or areas concerned.
- readings performed, when applicable: clearances,
2.5 Attached documentation thickness measurements, working pressure, or other
working parameters of the equipment
2.5.1 It is recommended that the report is supported by
- findings during the inspection: corrosion, fractures,
attaching sketches, photos, the thickness measurement
report or other documentation, when this is deemed neces- pieces of equipment worn out, broken or missing
sary to clarify the findings and/or repairs given in the • maintenance done, repairs carried out and pieces
detailed part.
For example:
• results of tests performed after the inspection, such as
• photos may be used to show the condition of the coat- working test, pressure test, hose test or equivalent for
ing and anodes, the extent of general corrosion, pitting hatch covers or other weathertight fittings, sea trials.
and grooving, or the appearance and extent of fractures
• sketches may be used to indicate fractures, deformations
and repairs, especially when a photo cannot encompass
3.4 Attached documentation
the whole image and give a complete representation.
3.4.1 It is recommended that the report is supported by
attaching sketches, photos, the thickness measurement
3 Report for inspection of equipment report or other documentation, when this is deemed neces-
sary to clarify the findings and/or repairs given in the
3.1 General detailed part.
3.1.1 The model of Naval Authority’s report for equipment For example:
inspection is given in Tab 2.
• photos may be used to show the condition of the pieces
of equipment before their overhaul or renewal, the coat-
3.1.2 The report is divided into three parts:
ing condition of piping, or the extent of corrosion
• general identification data
• sketches may be used to indicate fractures and deforma-
• detailed report of findings and repairs
tions, clearances taken, or other measurements per-
• additional documentation attached to the report. formed.
Person responsible:
2.4 Collection of failure and maintenance data 2.8 Collection of actual failure and mainte-
nance data
2.4.1 The availability of failure and maintenance data rele-
vant to the functions and systems under consideration is an 2.8.1 The actual information and data relative to preventive
important step of the risk analysis. Examples of useful statis- and corrective maintenance and inspection on board are
tical data are the mean time between failures (MTBF) and downloaded from the ship database (see Ch 2, Sec 2, [1.3]).
the mean time to repair (MTTR). In particular, the following data are needed:
Such statistical data can be obtained from: • working hours of each component
• the ship database (see Ch 2, Sec 2, [1.3]) with data • mode, cause and time of failure
recorded from the ship under consideration or similar
ships of the same Naval Authority, when available • down time induced by the failure
• historical data on similar installations • schedule, timing and resources (manpower and con-
sumables) foreseen for the preventive maintenance
• data released by the Manufacturer
• datails on corrective maintenance (spare parts used,
• data banks. tasks carried out, mean time between two corrective
2.5 Preparation of the logic-probabilistic • date when the component has been replaced or re-con-
model ditioned.
2.5.1 A logic-probabilistic model is defined for each The actual information and data mentioned above are trans-
selected system in order to establish the relationship formed into statistical parameters, such as the mean time
between parts, sub-systems and/or components, whose fail- between failure (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTB) of
ure would impair an essential function of the ship. each component.
The objective of the logic-probabilistic model is to quantify
the likelihood, or probability of occurrence, and the conse- 2.9 Updating of failure and maintenance data
quences of a top event, i.e. the risks against the safety
and/or operation of the ship. 2.9.1
The model is developed by means of suitable techniques, a) The actual information and data relative to preventive
such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Event Tree Analysis (ETA), and corrective maintenance and inspection on board
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Montecarlo simu- are compared with the ones which were initially
lations, depending on the top events under consideration. assumed to prepare the model. Where necessary, the
This model is based on the statistical data available, such as updated data are introduced in the logic-probabilistic
the mean time between failures (MTBF) and the mean time model for a new evaluation of the results and possible
to repair (MTTR) of the selected components (see [2.4]). re-analysis of the risks.
b) In the case of substantial alterations of the ship machinery
2.5.2 The fault tree analysis will take into account the and/or equipment, the logic-probabilistic model is modi-
duplication required in the Rules for some components (e.g. fied as far as necessary, using the information available.
c) The modified logic-probabilistic model is used for opti-
mising the maintenance scheme, according to the steps
2.6 Analysis of the results above.
2.6.1 The results from the previous steps are analysed for
the identified critical components or systems in order to 2.10 Analysis of the risk trend
improve the Inspection and Maintenance Plan, for instance
recommending actions concerning: 2.10.1 The data relevant to the critical systems and compo-
nents are gathered during the ship life in order to verify,
• preventive maintenance (e.g. inspection intervals)
through the risk analysis, whether a modification of the peri-
• corrective maintenance (e.g. procedures for repairs). odicity of Inspection and Maintenance Plan is necessary.
e) the original reference data, monitored on board, for 3.1.2 Upon the successful outcome of the Implementation
machinery undergoing maintenance based on condition Survey, the PMS is considered approved. The relevant
monitoring annex to the Certificate of Classification of the ship is
f) the list and specifications of the condition monitoring updated.
equipment, including the maintenance and condition
monitoring methods to be used, the time intervals for 4 Retention and withdrawal of the system
maintenance and monitoring of each item and accept-
able limit conditions
g) the document flow and pertinent filing procedure.
4.1.1 The PMS system is retained throughout the class
2.3 Information on board period provided that:
2.3.1 The following information is to be available on board: • an annual report covering the year’s service is supplied
to the Society in accordance with [2.4]
a) all the documentation listed in [2.2], duly updated
b) the maintenance instructions for each item of machin- • an annual audit in accordance with [5.2] is satisfactorily
ery, as applicable (supplied by the manufacturer or by completed
the shipyard) • any change to the approved PMS is submitted to the
c) the condition monitoring data of the machinery, includ- Society for agreement and approval.
ing all data since the last dismantling and the original
reference data 4.1.2 The survey arrangement for machinery according to
the PMS may be withdrawn by the Society if the PMS is not
d) reference documentation (trend investigation proce- satisfactorily operated on account of either the maintenance
dures etc.) records or the general condition of the machinery or the
e) the records of maintenance performed, including condi- failure to observe the agreed intervals between overhauls.
tions found, repairs carried out, spare parts fitted
f) the list of personnel on board in charge of the PMS man- 4.1.3 The Owner may discontinue the PMS at any time by
agement. informing the Society in writing. In this case, the items
which have been inspected under the PMS since the last
annual audit will be credited for class at the discretion of
2.4 Annual report
the attending Surveyor.
2.4.1 An annual report covering the year’s service is to be
supplied to the Society. It is to include the following infor- 4.1.4 In the case of sale or change of management of the
mation: ship or transfer of class, the approval of the PMS will be
• the list of items of machinery and components (item b)
in [2.2.1]) and the procedure for their identification
• the preventive maintenance sheets 5 Surveys
• the condition monitoring data, including all data since
the last dismantling and the original reference data of 5.1 Implementation survey
the machinery checked through condition monitoring
• any changes to the other documentation in [2.2]. 5.1.1 The implementation survey is to be carried out by a
• full trend analysis (including spectrum analysis for Surveyor of the Society, as stated in [3.1.1], within one year
vibrations) of machinery displaying operating parame- from the date of the documentation approval.
ters exceeding acceptable tolerances. In such cases, the
5.1.2 The scope of this survey is to verify that:
actions taken to restore the values of the parameters
within the acceptable tolerances are also to be reported. • the PMS is implemented in accordance with the
approved documentation and is suitable for the type
All the documentation is to be signed by the person respon- and complexity of the components and systems on
sible mentioned in [1.1.5]. board
• the documentation required for the annual audit is pro-
3 Implementation of the system duced by the PMS
6.1.4 For the auxiliary diesel engines the parameters to be 6.1.5 For other auxiliary machinery the parameters to be
checked are the following: checked are the following, as applicable:
• exhaust gas temperature before and after the turbo-
chargers • inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling systems
• temperatures and pressure of engine cooling systems • inlet and outlet temperatures of heating systems
• temperatures and pressure of engine lubricating oil system
• vibrations and performance data of pumps and fans
• rotational speed of turbochargers
• crankshaft deflection readings. • differential pressure at filters.
Chapter 3
1.4 Documentation to be submitted b) The following items do not need to be considered for
the purpose of granting the AVM-APM notation:
1.4.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. • rigidly coupled shafting components (i.e. propeller,
propeller shaft, intermediate shafts, bearings, cou-
plings, pinions and wheels of reduction gears)
2 Design requirements • static components of the systems which are neces-
sary for the operation of the main propulsion system
(i.e. pipes, valves, pipe fittings, pipe supports, tanks,
2.1 Availability of the alternative propulsion
mode and other ship services
• loss of one compartment due to fire or flooding
2.1.1 Operating conditions to be achieved when the • plate type heat exchangers.
alternative propulsion mode is activated c) Consequence failures, i.e. any failure of any component
directly caused by a single failure of another compo-
Where the alternative propulsion mode is activated, the fol-
nent, are also to be considered.
lowing operating conditions are to be achieved (calm sea,
no current and no wind condition):
2.2 Machinery systems
• full load speed not less than 7 knots
2.2.1 Fuel oil tanks
• operating range of 150 hours, ensured by the provisions An alarm is to be activated when the level in the fuel oil ser-
detailed in [2.2.1] vice tank is below the calculated value necessary to achieve
Note 1: Fuel oil tanks capacity is to take into account all services
the range indicated in [2.1.1]. As an alternative, a dedicated
necessary for APM operation, including the following systems: tank of an appropriate capacity is to be made available.
• safety systems, including fire fighting systems, bilge system, 2.2.2 Steering gear
navigating lights, communication apparatus, life-saving a) In addition to the redundancies (main and auxiliary
appliances steering gears or duplication of the power units)
• minimum habitability services, including minimum light- required by SOLAS Regulation II-1/29 and 30), the steer-
ing (50%), ventilation (50%), air conditioning (≥ 50%), ing gear is to be so designed as to remain available in
hospital (100%), galleys (75%), refrigerated stores (100%), case of single failure affecting any other active compo-
drinking water production (100%) nent, such as a rudder actuator.
• any single failure of any electric apparatus, includ- 3.1 Factory acceptance tests
ing total failure of one of the main switchboards,
electric motors, transformers, distribution switch- 3.1.1 The components of the alternative propulsion system
boards, panels. are to be subjected to the running tests required by the Rules.
3.1.2 Where the alternative electrical propulsion system is • test to demonstrate the performance required in [2.1.1]
provided, the integration tests of the alternative propulsion • test required by the risk analysis conclusions and, where
system are to be carried out in factory prior to installation. deemed necessary, simulation of certain single failures.
Note 1: During the test, the power and rotational speed of the alter-
3.2 Sea trials native propulsion system and the ship speed are to be recorded.
3.2.1 Alternative propulsion system 3.2.2 Steering gear
The alternative propulsion system is to undergo the follow- The performance test of the steering gear is to be carried out
ing tests during the sea trials: assuming a single failure, in accordance with the provisions
• activation test (see [2.2.3]) of [2.3.2].
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel sup- 2.1.7 Piping segregation
ply, air starting, monitoring and control Piping systems connecting the independent propulsion sys-
tems located in different spaces or piping systems serving
2.1.1 General one propulsion systems and passing through the spaces
The systems are to be constructed such as to satisfy the con- where another independent propulsion system is arranged
ditions stipulated in Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.1]. In addition to what are to be fitted with closing devices on both sides of the
stated in the relevant parts of the Rules, the following separating bulkheads, which are to be kept permanently
requirements apply. closed.
2.2 Rudders and steering gears c) The power supplies to a machinery space are not to pass
through the spaces where other independent propulsion
2.2.1 systems are arranged, unless a second power supply to
the same apparatus is fitted and not passing through the
a) Duplicated rudders and steering gears are to be same spaces.
arranged in separate compartments.
b) Where ships do not have traditional rudder and steering 2.4 Automation
gears, being their steering capability supplied by azi-
2.4.1 The automation system is to be arranged in such a
muth thrusters or equivalent features, means are to be
way as to prevent the possibility that a single failure of the
provided to allow at least the same redundancy as
control system may lead to the loss of more than one pro-
required in a) above.
pulsion system.
c) identifying appropriate terms, assumptions, measures c) provide the Master and crew of the ship with data to
and failure modes, and generate comprehensive training, operational and main-
tenance programmes and documentation.
d) providing examples of the necessary worksheets.
d) premature operation c) to identify all potential failure modes and their causes
e) failure to operate at a prescribed time d) to evaluate the effects on the system of each failure
f) failure to cease operation at a prescribed time.
e) to identify failure detection methods
Depending on the system under consideration other failure
modes may have to be taken into account. f) to identify corrective measures for failure modes
g) to assess the probability of failures causing hazardous or
1.4.4 Systems which can fail without catastrophic catastrophic effects, where applicable
h) to document the analysis
If a system can fail without any hazardous or catastrophic
effect, there is no need to conduct a detailed FMEA into the i) to prepare FMEA report.
system architecture. For systems whose individual failure
can cause hazardous or catastrophic effects and where a 2.2 System definition
redundant system is not provided, a detailed FMEA as
described in the following paragraphs should be followed. 2.2.1 The first step in an FMEA study is a detailed study of
the system to be analysed, through the use of drawings and
1.4.5 Redundant systems equipment manuals. A narrative description of the system
Where a system, the failure of which may cause a hazard- and its functional requirements is to be drawn up including
ous or catastrophic effect, is provided with a redundant sys- the following information:
tem, a detailed FMEA may not be required provided that:
a) general description of system operation and structure
a) the redundant system can be put into operation or can
b) functional relationship among the system elements
take over the failed system within the time-limit dictated
by the most onerous operational mode without hazard- c) acceptable functional performance limits of the system
ing the ship and its constituent elements in each of the typical oper-
ational modes
b) the redundant system is completely independent from
the system and does not share any common system ele- d) system constraints.
ment the failure of which would cause failure of both
the system and the redundant system. Common system 2.3 Development of system block diagram
element may be acceptable if the probability of failure
complies with [4] 2.3.1 Block diagram
c) if the redundant system uses the same power source as The next step is to develop block diagram(s) showing the
the system, an alternative power source is readily avail- functional flow sequence of the system, both for technical
able with regard to the requirement of a) above. understanding of the functions and operation of the system,
The probability and effects of operator’s error to bring in the and for the subsequent analysis. As a minimum the block
redundant system are also to be considered. diagram is to contain:
a) breakdown of the system into major sub-systems or
1.5 FMEA analysis equipment
b) all appropriate labelled inputs and outputs and identifi-
1.5.1 The systems to be subject to a more detailed FMEA cation numbers by which each sub-system is consis-
investigation at this stage are to include all those that have tently referenced
failed the system FMEA and may include those that have a
very important influence on the safety of the ship and her c) all redundancies, alternative signal paths and other
occupants and which require an investigation at a deeper engineering features which provide "fail-safe" measures.
level than that undertaken in the system functional failure
analysis. These systems are often those which have been 2.3.2 Block diagrams and operational modes
specifically designed or adapted for the ship, such as the It may be necessary to have a different set of block diagrams
craft’s electrical and hydraulic systems. prepared for each different operational modes.
Table 1 : Example of failure mode list 2.4.4 Delay effect when operating back-up systems
If major systems can fail without any adverse effect there is
1 Structural failure (rupture)
no need to consider them further unless the failure can go
2 Physical binding or jamming undetected by an operator. To decide that there is no
3 Vibration adverse effect does not mean just the identification of sys-
4 Fails to remain in position tem redundancy. The redundancy is to be shown to be
immediately effective or brought on line with negligible
5 Fails to open time lag. In addition, if the sequence is: "failure - alarm -
6 Fails to close operator action - start of back up- back up in service", the
7 Fails open effects of delay should be considered.
8 Fails closed
9 Internal leakage 2.5 Failure effects
10 External leakage
2.5.1 Concept
11 Fails out of tolerance (high)
The consequence of a failure mode on the operation, func-
12 Fails out of tolerance (low) tion, or status of an equipment or a system is called a "fail-
13 Inadvertent operation ure effect". Failure effects on a specific sub-system or
14 Intermittent operation equipment under consideration are called "local failure
effects". The evaluation of local failure effects will help to
15 Erratic operation
determine the effectiveness of any redundant equipment or
16 Erroneous indication corrective action at that system level. In certain instances,
17 Restricted flow there may not be a local effect beyond the failure mode
18 False actuation
19 Fails to stop 2.5.2 End effect
20 Fails to start
The impact of an equipment or sub-system failure on the
21 Fails to switch system output (system function) is called an "end effect".
22 Premature operation End effects should be evaluated and their severity classified
in accordance with the following categories:
23 Delayed operation
24 Erroneous input (increased) a) catastrophic
25 Erroneous input (decreased) b) hazardous
26 Erroneous output (increased)
c) major
27 Erroneous output (decrease)
d) minor.
28 Loss of input
29 Loss of output The definition of these four categories of failure effects is in
30 Shorted (electrical)
31 Open (electrical) 2.5.3 Catastrophic and hazardous effects
32 Leakage (electrical) If the end effect of a failure is classified as hazardous or cat-
33 Other unique failure conditions as applicable to astrophic, back-up equipment is usually required to prevent
the system characteristics, requirements and or minimize such effect. For hazardous failure effects cor-
operational constraints rective operational procedures may be generally accepted.
The response of any back-up equipment, or any corrective b) history of reliability used in other areas under similar
action initiated at a given system level to prevent or reduce operating conditions
the effect of the failure mode of system element or equip-
c) mathematical model if applicable.
ment, is also to be identified and evaluated.
a) redundancies that allow continued and safe operation The worksheets are be organized to first display the highest
system level and then proceed down through decreasing
b) safety devices, monitoring or alarm provisions, which system levels.
permit restricted operation or limit damage
Name of system:
Mode of operation:
System block diagram:
Sheet No:
Name of analyst:
4.1.1 For the purposes of this Chapter, the following defini- 4.3 Probability of occurences
tions apply.
4.3.1 Frequent
4.2 Occurences Frequent is an occurrence which is likely to happen often
4.2.1 Occurence during the operational life of a particular ship.
Occurence is a condition involving a potential lowering of 4.3.2 Reasonably probable
the level of safety.
Reasonably probable is an occurrence which is unlikely to
4.2.2 Failure happen often but which may happen several times during
Failure is an occurrence in which a part, or parts, of the ship the total operational life of a particular ship.
fail. A failure includes:
4.3.3 Recurrent
a) a single failure
Recurrent is a term embracing the total range of frequent
b) independent failures in combinations within a system,
and reasonably probable.
c) independent failures in combinations involving more 4.3.4 Remote
than one system, taking into account: Remote is an occurrence which is unlikely to happen to
1) any undetected failure that is already present every ship but may happen to a few ships of a type over the
2) such further failures as would be reasonably total operational life of a fleet of ship of the same type.
expected to follow the failure under consideration,
and 4.3.5 Extremely remote
d) common cause failure (failure of more than one compo- Extremely remote is an occurrence which is unlikely to hap-
nent or system due to the same cause). pen when considering the total operational life of a fleet of
ships of the same type, but nevertheless is considered as
Note 1: In assessing the further failures which follow, account
being possible.
should be taken of any resulting more severe operating conditions
for items that have not up to that time failed.
4.3.6 Extremely improbable
4.2.3 Event Extremely improbable is an occurrence which is so unlikely
Event is an occurrence which has its origin outside the craft to happen extremely remote that it is considered as not
(e.g., waves). being possible to happer.
Table 4 :
SAFETY LEVEL 1 1 1 2 3 4
EFFECT ON SHIP Normal Nuisance Operating Emergency procedures; Large reduction in safety Casualties and
AND limitations significant reduction in margin; crew over-burden deaths, usually with
OCCUPANTS safety margins; difficult because of work-load or loss of ship
for crew to cope with environmental conditions;
adverse conditions; per- serious injuries to small
son injuries number of persons
F.A.R. Extremely
Probable Improbable
PROBABILITY (1) improbable
JAR-25 Probable Improbable
Reasonably improbable
(2) Frequent Remote Extremely remote
10-0 10-2 10-3 10-5 10-7 10-9
Minor Major Hazardous Catastrophic
(1) The United States Federal Aviation Regulation
(2) European Joint Airworthiness Regulations
Chapter 4
1.2.2 Navigation bridge, continuously manned control 3.2.2 An automatic fire detection system is to be fitted in
position and propulsion and steering control positions are machinery spaces as defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1 and Part C,
to be served by a reliable communication network able to Chapter 4 intended to be unattended.
permit simultaneous communication.
3.2.3 The fire detection system is to be designed with self-
1.2.3 The location and the design of the means of commu-
monitoring properties. Power or system failures are to ini-
nication referred to in [1.2.2] are to be such that the manual
tiate an audible alarm distinguishable from the fire alarm in
operation of the propulsion and steering machinery may be
the central damage control station.
assured also in case of failure of the remotecontrol system.
1.2.4 Means of communication are to be capable of being 3.2.4 The fire detection indicating panel is to be located in
operated even in the event of failure of supply from the the central damage control station.
main source of electrical power.
3.2.5 The fire detection indicating panel is to indicate the
1.2.5 The capacity of the battery assuring the continuity of place of the detected fire in accordance with the arranged
the supply is to be of at least 30 min. fire zones by means of a visual signal. Audible signals
clearly distinguishable in character from any other signals
2 Documentation are to be audible in the central damage control station.
3.1 Fire prevention 3.2.7 Except in spaces of restricted height and where their
use is specially appropriate, detection systems using ther-
3.1.1 The requirements regarding piping and arrangements mal detectors only are not permitted. Flame detectors may
of fuel oil and lubricating oil systems given in Pt C, Ch 1, be installed, although they are to be considered as comple-
Sec 10 are applicable. mentary and are not to replace the main installation.
3.2.8 Fire detector zones are to be arranged in a manner 3.4.2 Where the bilge pumps are capable of being started
that will enable the operating staff to locate the seat of the automatically, means shall be provided to indicate when
fire. The arrangement and the number of loops and the the influx of liquid is greater than the pump capacity or
location of detector heads are to be approved in each case. when the pump is operating more frequently than would
Air currents created by the machinery are not to render the normally be expected.
detection system ineffective.
3.4.3 Where the bilge pumps are automatically controlled,
3.2.9 When fire detectors are provided with the means to they are not be started when the oil pollution level is higher
adjust their sensitivity, necessary arrangements are to be than accepted in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1.
allowed to fix and identify the set point.
3.4.4 The location of controls of any valve serving a sea inlet, a
discharge below the waterline or a bilge injection system shall
3.2.10 When it is intended that a particular loop or detec-
be so sited as to allow adequate time for operation in case of
tor is to be temporarily switched off, this state is to be
influx of water to the space, having regard to the time likely to
clearly indicated. Reactivation of the loop or detector is to
be required in order to reach and operate such controls. If the
be performed automatically after a preset time.
level to which the space could become flooded with the ship in
the fully loaded condition so requires, arrangements shall be
3.2.11 The fire detection indicating panel is to be provided
made to operate the controls from a position above such level.
with facilities for functional testing.
3.4.5 Bilge level alarms are to be given in the central dam-
3.2.12 The fire detection system is to be continuously pow- age control station.
ered and is to have an automatic change over to a stand by
power supply in case of loss of normal power supply.
4 Control of machinery
3.2.13 The capacity of the battery assuring the continuity of
the supply is to be of at least 30 min. 4.1 General
3.2.14 Facilities are to be provided in the fire detecting sys- 4.1.1 Under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring,
tem to manually release the fire detection alarm from the the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of
following places: the propeller are to be fully controllable from the navigation
• passageways having entrances to engine and boiler
rooms 4.1.2 All manual operations or services expected to be car-
• central damage control station. ried out with a periodicity of less than 24 h are to be elimi-
nated or automated, particularly for: lubrication, topping up
3.2.15 Spaces where main and auxiliary engines are of make up tanks and filling tanks, filter cleaning, cleaning
located, are to be supervised by TV camera monitored from of centrifugal purifiers, drainage, load sharing on main
the continuously manned central station. engines and various adjustments. Nevertheless, the transfer
of operation mode may be effected manually.
3.3 Fire fighting 4.1.3 A centralized control position shall be arranged with
the necessary alarm panels and instrumentation indicating
3.3.1 Pressurization of the fire main at suitable pressure by any alarm.
starting main fire pumps and carrying out the other neces-
sary operations is to be possible from the central damage 4.1.4 Parameters for essential services which need to be
control station. adjusted to a preset value are to be automatically controlled.
4.1.9 Propulsion machinery is to stop automatically only in 4.1.11 Where standby machines are required for other aux-
exceptional circumstances which could cause quick critical iliary machinery essential to propulsion, automatic
damage, due to internal faults in the machinery. The design changeover devices shall be provided.
of automation systems whose failure could result in an
unexpected propulsion stop is to be specially examined. An 4.1.12 In the continuously manned control position, it is to
overriding device for cancelling the automatic shutdown is be possible to restore the normal electrical power supply in
the case of power failure (e.g. with remote control of the
to be considered.
generating sets).
4.1.10 Where the propulsive plant includes several main 4.1.13 In addition to the automatic restart of essential aux-
engines, a device is to be provided to prevent any abnormal iliaries remote control from the continuously manned con-
overload on each of them. trol position is to be provided.
4.2 Diesel propulsion plants • When the control and monitoring system of the propul-
sion plant is computer based, a functional diagram of
4.2.1 When a diesel engine is used for the propulsion the interface between the programmable logic control-
plant, monitoring and control of equipment is to be per- ler and computer network.
formed according to Tab 2 for slow speed engines or Tab 3
for medium or high speed engines. 4.4.2 Alarm system
The following requirements are applicable to the alarm sys-
tem of electrical propulsion:
4.3 Gas turbine propulsion plants
• Alarms circuits of electrical propulsion are to be con-
4.3.1 For gas turbines, monitoring and control elements are nected to the main alarm system on board. As an alter-
required according to Tab 4. native, the relevant circuit may be connected to a local
alarm unit. In any case, a connection between the local
alarm unit and the main alarm system is to be provided.
4.4 Electrical propulsion plant
• The alarms can be arranged in groups, and shown in the
control station. This is acceptable when a discrimination
4.4.1 Documents to be submitted
is possible locally.
The following additional documents are to be submitted to
• When the control system uses a computer based system,
the Society:
the requirements of Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4 are applicable, in
• A list of the alarms and shutdowns of the electrical pro- particular, for the data transmission link between the
pulsion system alarm system and the control system.
Table 5 : Transformers
4.5 Shafting, clutches, CPP, gears with regard to power supply, cooling system, lubricating
system etc.
4.5.1 For shafting and clutches, parameters according to
Tab 11 are to be monitored or controlled. 4.6.4 Means shall be provided to keep the starting air pres-
sure at the required level where internal combustion
4.5.2 For controllable pitch propellers, parameters accord- engines are used.
ing to Tab 12 are to be monitored or controlled.
4.6.5 Where daily service fuel oil tanks are filled automati-
4.5.3 For reduction gears and reversing gears, parameters cally, or by remote control, means shall be provided to pre-
according to Tab 13 are to be monitored or controlled. vent overflow spillages.
Table 15 : Incinerators
Table 24 : Thrusters
4.7.3 The standby electric power is to be available in not load to permit propulsion and steering, and to ensure the
more than 45 seconds. safety of the ship.
4.7.4 If the electrical power is normally supplied by more 4.7.5 Following a blackout, automatic connection of the
than one generator simultaneously in parallel operation, standby generating set is to be followed by an automatic
provision shall be made, for instance by load shedding, to restart of the essential electrical services. If necessary, time
ensure that, in the case of loss of one of these generating delay sequential steps are to be provided to allow satisfac-
sets, the remaining ones are kept in operation without over- tory operation.
4.7.6 Monitored parameters for which alarms are required 5.1.2 The alarm system is to be designed to function inde-
to identify machinery faults and associated safeguards are pendently of control and safety systems, so that a failure or
listed in Tab 25 and Tab 26. These alarms are to be indi- malfunction of these systems will not to prevent the alarm
cated at the control location for machinery as individual system from operating. Common sensors for alarms and
alarms; where the alarm panel with all individual alarms is automatic slowdown functions are acceptable as specified
installed on the engine or in the vicinity, a common alarm in each specific table.
in the control location for machinery is required. For com-
munication of alarms detailed requirements are contained 5.1.3 The alarm system shall be continuously powered and
in [5]. shall have an automatic change-over to a standby power
supply in the case of loss of normal power supply.
5.1.1 A system of alarm displays and controls is to be pro- 5.2.2 Insulation faults on any circuit of the alarm system
vided which readily allows identification of faults in the are to generate an alarm, when an insulated earth distribu-
machinery and satisfactory supervision of related equip- tion system is used.
ment. This is to be arranged at the continuously manned
control station and at subsidiary control stations and as far 5.3 Machinery alarm system
as practicable at the machinery local control position if any.
In the latter case, a master alarm display is to be provided at 5.3.1 The local silencing of the alarms in the continuously
the main control station showing which of the subsidiary manned central control station or subsidiary control stations
control stations is indicating a fault condition. is not to stop the audible machinery space alarm.
7.1 General
5.4 Alarm system
5.4.1 The alarm system is to activate an audible and visual 7.1.1 Tests of automated installations are to be carried out
alarm on the navigation bridge for any situation which according to Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6 to determine their operating
requires action by or the attention of the officer on watch. conditions. The details of these tests are defined, in each
case, after having studied the concept of the automated
5.4.2 Alarms associated with faults requiring speed reduc- installations and their construction. A complete test pro-
tion or automatic shutdown are to be separately identified gram is to be submitted for approval and may be as follows:
on the bridge.
7.1.2 The tests of equipment carried out alongside under
5.4.3 Individual alarms are to be provided at the navigation normal conditions of use include, for instance:
bridge indicating any power supply failures of the remote
control of propulsion machinery. • the electrical power generating set
• the auxiliary steam generator
6 Safety systems • the automatic bilge draining system
• automatic centrifugal separators or similar purifying
6.1 General
6.1.1 Safety systems of different units of the machinery • automatic change-over of service auxiliaries
plant are to be independent. Failure in the safety system of
• detection of high pressure fuel leaks from diesel gener-
one part of the plant is not to interfere with the operation of
ating sets or from flexible boiler burner pipes.
the safety system in another part of the plant.
6.1.2 In order to avoid undesirable interruption in the oper- 7.1.3 Sea trials are used to demonstrate the proper opera-
ation of machinery, the system is to intervene sequentially tion of the automated machinery and systems. For this pur-
after the operation of the alarm system by: pose, for instance, the following tests are to be carried out:
• starting of standby units • Test of the remote control of propulsion:
• load reduction or shutdown, such that the least drastic - checking of the operation of the automatic control
action is taken first. system: programmed or unprogrammed starting
speed increase, reversal, adjusting of the propeller
6.1.3 The arrangement for overriding the shutdown of the
pitch, failure of supply sources, etc.
main propelling machinery is to be such as to preclude
inadvertent operation. - checking of the crash astern sequence, to ensure that
the reversal sequence is properly performed from
6.1.4 Safeguard disactivation, if provided at the centralised full away, the ship sailing at its normal operation
control position, is to be so arranged so that it cannot be speed. The purpose of this check is not to control the
operated accidentally; the indication «safety devices off» is nautical performances of the ship (such as stopping
to be clearly visible. This device is not to disactivate the distance, etc.)
overspeed protection.
- finally, checking of the operation of the whole instal-
6.1.5 After stoppage of the propulsion engine by a safety lation in normal working conditions, i.e. as a gen-
shutdown device, the restart is only to be carried out, unless eral rule without watch-keeping personnel for the
otherwise justified, after setting the propulsion bridge con- monitoring and/or running of the machinery during
trol level on «stop». 6 h at least
- The following procedure may, for instance, be cho- - load-shedding in the event of generating set over-
sen: «underway» during 3 h, then decreasing to «full load
ahead». Staying in that position during 5 min. Then - automatic starting of a generating set in the event of
stopping for 15 min. Then, putting the control lever generating set overload.
in the following positions, staying 2 minutes in each
one: astern slow, astern half, astern full, full ahead, • Test of fire and flooding system:
half ahead, stop, full astern, stop, ahead dead slow, - Test of normal operation of the fire detection system
half ahead, then increasing the power until «under- (detection, system faults)
way» position.
- Test of detection in the scavenging air belt and boiler
• Test of the operating conditions of the electrical produc- air duct
- Test of the fire alarm system
- automatic starting of the generating set in the event
of a blackout - Test of protection against flooding.
- automatic restarting of auxiliaries in the event of a • Test of operating conditions, including manoeuvring, of
blackout the whole machinery in an unattended situation for 6 h.
1.1.1 The additional class notation AUT-PORT is assigned 4.1.1 The machinery and systems which are to be in opera-
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4.3] to ships fitted tion in port are to be designed according to Ch 4, Sec 1, [4],
with automated installations enabling the ship’s operation unless otherwise stated.
in port without personnel specially assigned for the watch-
keeping of the machinery in service, and complying with 4.1.2 The requirements of Ch 4, Sec 1 regarding electrical
the requirements of this Section. production for propulsion are not applicable.
3.1.1 The requirements given in Ch 4, Sec 1, [3] are appli- 7.1 Tests after completion
cable unless otherwise indicated below.
7.1.1 Tests are to be carried out of all systems which are
3.1.2 The remote control of the main fire pumps for the required to be in operation in port, such as: the fuel oil puri-
pressurisation of the fire main is to be located at the contin- fier system, electrical power generation, auxiliary steam
uously manned control station in port. generator, etc.
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted 3.2.1 The following requirements apply in addition to those
in Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3 and Ch 4, Sec 1.
No I/A (1) Document
3.2.2 In addition to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3
1 I Block diagram of the integrated computer the computer network is to be single fault tolerant.
based systems
2 A FMEA study 3.2.3 The integrated automation system is to be designed
2 I Description of the data transmission protocol such that the subsystem is still operating in the case of loss
of transmission of the network.
3 I Description of the auto-diagnosis function
(1) A : to be submitted for approval 3.2.4 A document is to be issued when a modification of
I : to be submitted for information. the configuration of the integrated system is carried out.
Chapter 5
2.2.3 The sensors are to comply with the applicable 2.5 Visual display
requirements concerning protection against conducted and
radiated electric and radioelectric emissions. 2.5.1 A graphical display is to be fitted, with the following
2.2.4 The sensors are to be selected and installed in such a • it is to be simple, clear and non-confusing
way that a periodical on-site check can be carried out with- • the user is to be able to obtain the information through
out extra equipment. one reading
When this operation is impossible, the Manufacturer is to • it is to be readable at a distance of at least 0,5 m
declare what are the period and procedure for a shop recal- • two major pieces of information (e.g. stress and/or verti-
ibration and demonstrate that the calibration remains valid cal acceleration at bow) are declared as “default condi-
within the period. tions” and displayed at power up and before the user
takes any action
2.3 Specifications • when an alarm is emitted, the corresponding informa-
tion is to be displayed instead of the above “default con-
2.3.1 For each type of measurement, the Manufacturer is to ditions”.
state the limits of the domain, according to the ship.
2.5.2 When the system detects a malfunction, the corre-
The limits are to include: sponding status is to be superimposed on the display.
• the strain ranges
• the acceleration ranges 2.6 Alarms
• the corresponding frequency range 2.6.1 For each limit stated in [1.3.1], visual and audible
alarms are to be fitted on the bridge to indicate when the
• the temperature ranges: sea water, open air, hull struc-
limit is approached and exceeded.
ture, sheltered, accommodation.
The alarms associated with each limit are to be clearly dis-
2.3.2 The global resolution of the instrument is to be such tinguishable from those relevant to other limits.
that the uncertainty as to the displayed information is less
2.6.2 When a warning level is reached (see [1.3.2]), a visi-
than 7% of its full scale display. The global resolution
ble signal is to be issued, distinct from those of the alarms
applies on the entire domain, display included; the specifi-
for limits stated in [2.6.1].
cation of the components is to be set accordingly.
2.6.3 When the system detects a malfunction, the alarms
2.3.3 The system is to be able to detect and signal the mal- and warnings associated with the data are to be inhibited
functions which can impair the validity of the data, e.g.: and a malfunction alarm is to be issued (see also [2.5.2]).
• data are out of range
• data remain strictly constant
2.7 Data storage (MON-HULL+S)
• data are corrupted by high intensity noise 2.7.1 The real time data are to be stored either by a record-
ing device which is part of the Hull Monitoring System,
• the system stops or hangs.
according to [2.7.2] to [2.7.4], or by the integrated bridge
system, if any.
2.4 Real time data processing
2.7.2 An electronic data storage recording device suitable
2.4.1 Wave-induced data are to be processed through any for accumulating statistical information for feedback pur-
convenient procedure (maximum peak value, root mean poses is to be fitted.
square, mean value, frequency spectrum, etc.) selected in
2.7.3 The data storage recording device is to be:
order that the displayed information is significant, not con-
fusing, immediately understood and as close as possible to • entirely automatic, excluding replacement operations of
the nautical experience of the crew. the storage support
• such that its operation does not interrupt or delay the
The procedure is to produce smoothed results that are not
process of collecting and processing data.
to deviate by more than 10% from one cycle to the next
when in steady navigation conditions. 2.7.4 Data are to be recorded with information on the date
The procedure is to be such that a significant aggravation in and time.
the navigation conditions appears on the display after no
more than three cycles. 2.8 Exploitation and checking of stored data
The system is to switch automatically from port to sea con-
ditions, and vice versa. 2.8.1 The data stored according to [2.7] are to be pro-
cessed by the Owner through a statistical process.
2.4.2 Provision is to be made for a transfer of information
to a Voyage Data Recorder where this is fitted on board, 2.8.2 Periodicity of exploitation of data is to be defined by
according to the standards of the Voyage Data Recorder. the Owner depending on the ship’s operation.
2.8.3 Means are to be incorporated which ensure that the The differences between results obtained from the Hull
integrity of the collected data can be checked at the exploi- Monitoring System and approved values are to be less than
tation stage. 5%.
2 Requirements for the issuance of the • bearing material and metal particle content
notation • oil ageing (resistance to oxidation).
2.1 Arrangement The oil samples are to be taken under service conditions
and are to be representative of the oil within the sterntube.
2.1.1 In order for the notation MON-SHAFT to be granted,
the stern bearing is to be arranged with facilities for mea- 2.2.5 Additional data to be recorded
surement of bearing wear down.
In addition to the results of the oil sample analysis, the fol-
2.2 Lubricating oil analysis lowing data are to be regularly recorded:
• oil consumption
2.2.1 Item to be monitored
In order for the notation MON-SHAFT to be granted, the • bearing temperatures (a temperature sensor for each
lubricating oil of the stern bearing is to be analysed as indi- bearing or other approved arrangements are to be pro-
cated in this Section. vided).
Chapter 6
1.2.2 These Rules take into account several International 1.4 Documentation to be submitted
standards and are deemed to preserve their general princi-
ples. 1.4.1 Prior to the trials, some documents are to be submit-
ted, as listed in Tab 1.
Noise and vibration calibrators are to be verified at least The list of measuring points is to be prepared prior to the
every year. Measuring equipment are to be verified at least tests by the Society or the external company (see [1.2.1]).
every two years. This verification shall be done by a This list may be adjusted during the tests.
national standard laboratory or a competent laboratory
accredited according to ISO 17025 (2005) as corrected by 3 Testing conditions
(Cor 1:2006).
3.1 General
2.1.3 When it is not possible for the Society to follow or to
do all the required measurements, spot-check is to be per- 3.1.1 This Article gives the conditions to be fulfilled during
formed by the Society. This spot-check consists of a cross- measurements. Additional details of these conditions may
comparison between: be taken from International Standards, namely:
• IMO Resolution MSC.337(91), ISO 2923 for noise
• a sample of at least 10% of the measurements provided
• ISO 6954 for vibrations.
by the shipyard/external specialist
3.1.2 Prior to the tests, possible divergence on the required
Note 1: The maximum deviations allowed during the cross-com-
parison are 2 dB(A) for noise measurements and 0,3mm/s for vibra-
conditions may be accepted by the Society. If any, it is to be
tion measurements for overall frequency weighted RMS readings.
clearly mentioned in the report.
• and the corresponding readings obtained during the 3.1.3 The measurement program has to be approved before
spot-check measurements. the trials (see [1.4.1]). During the tests, some additional
measurements may be decided upon request of the Society.
This procedure enables the validation of the entire set of 3.1.4 During measurements, especially for noise, rooms
measurements provided by the shipyard/external specialist. have to be preferably fully completed (outfitting, furniture,
covering...). Measurements may be performed even in an
unfinished state, which generally suppose better final
2.2 Acceptance criteria
Owner, Shipyard and Society shall agree on a process to • To this end only the personnel needed for the normal
simulate the operation of the DP thruster system under con- operation of the ship and those carrying out the mea-
ditions which would approximate station-holding at, or surements are to be present.
above, 40 per cent of maximum thruster power for design
environmental conditions that the ships operates in. 3.3.4 Ship course
Ship course has to be kept constant, with rudder angle less
3.3.2 Auxiliaries
than 2 degrees portside or starboard, for the duration of the
During measurements, forced ventilation and air condition- measurement. If ship manoeuvring is needed, measure-
ing system (HVAC systems) are to be operating, as well as ments must be stopped until recovery of heading
auxiliary systems used in normal service condition. Any
other frequently used equipment (more than 1/3 of the time 3.3.5 Water depth
at sea) is to be run at its normal operating conditions (if
practicable. Water depth is greater than 5 times the mean ship draught.
1 General to be taken on the floor in the centre of the room. For larger
rooms, several measuring points may be required and are to
be chosen according to the local structure (measurements
1.1 Application
of the different existing types of stiffened panels).
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section are applicable when Three measuring points are to be carried out in the wheel-
the additional class notation COMF-VIB is assigned. They are house (centre line and both sides).
additional to the applicable requirements of Ch 6, Sec 1.
In addition to vertical direction, measurements in transverse
and longitudinal directions are to be performed on one
2 Measurement procedure point on each deck.
Chapter 7
1 Scope and application For the assignment of the CLEANSHIP SUPER notation, at
least three notations among those referred to as “eligible” in
Tab 1, column 4, are also to be assigned.
1.1 General
The relevant symbol, scope, reference to the Rules and
assignment conditions are given in Tab 1.
1.1.1 This Chapter contains the requirements for the pre-
vention of sea and air pollution. Examples of notations are given below:
1.1.2 Additional class notations for the prevention of sea • CLEANSHIP, BWE
and air pollution include:
• CLEANSHIP and CLEANSHIP SUPER notations • OWS-5 ppm
• other notations having a specific scope. • AWT, NDO-2 days
Note 1: Where the AWT notation is assigned to the ship, the dis- 2.2.6 Shipboard incinerator
charge of treated sewage and treated grey water is allowed.
Shipboard incinerator means a shipboard facility designed
Note 2: In the “No discharge condition”, no effluents from exhaust for the primary purpose of incineration.
gas cleaning systems may be discharged into the sea.
2.2.7 Exhaust gas smoke
Exhaust gas smoke is a visible suspension of solid and/or
liquid particles in gases resulting from combustion or pyrol-
2.2 Definitions related to air pollution ysis.
Note 1:
2.2.1 Emission
• Black smoke (soot) is mainly comprised of carbon particles
Emission means any release of substances, subject to con- • blue smoke is usually due to droplets resulting from the incom-
trol by Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, from ships into the plete combustion of fuel or lubricating oil
atmosphere or sea.
• white smoke is usually due to condensed water and/or liquid
2.2.2 Ozone depleting substances
• yellow smoke is caused by NO2.
Ozone-depleting substances means controlled substances
defined in paragraph (4) of article 1 of the Montreal Proto- 2.3 Abbreviations
col on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987,
listed in Annexes A, B, C or E to the said protocol in force at 2.3.1 AWT
the time of application or interpretation of Annex VI of
MARPOL 73/78. AWT means advanced wastewater treatment.
Quantities for
Generally, this implies that the following categories of 2.2.2 Bilge water holding tank
wastes are separated before any treatment or storage: All machinery space bilges and spaces containing hydraulic
equipment have to be drained into a bilge water holding
• products containing hazardous substance, as defined in
tank before separation and oil filtration or discharge ashore.
Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.1.1]
This bilge holding tank is to be separate and independent
• plastics, which have to be separated from wastes ulti- from the sludge tanks.
mately discharged to sea (sewage or food wastes for Sea or freshwater drains not contaminated by oil may be
instance) discharged overboard.
• sewage, including drainage from medical premises, For ships operating with heavy fuel oil having a relative
which has to be collected separately from grey water, density greater than 0,94 at 15°C, the bilge water holding
except if a common treatment installation is installed on tank is to be fitted with heating facilities.
board. The bilge water holding tank is to be arranged so as to facil-
itate the separation of any oil (or oil emulsions resulting
Note 1: This does not preclude the mixing of effluents after from the use of bilge cleaning agents) from the bilge water
treatment (e.g. treated sewage mixed with grey water). and the removal of accumulated sediments.
Note 2: When sea water is mixed with wastewater (e.g. for The shore discharge piping system from the bilge water
the purpose of washing the holding tanks), the discharge holding tank is to be terminated by the standard discharge
requirements for the wastewater apply to the resulting mix- connection specified in MARPOL 73/78 Convention,
ture. Annex I, Reg. 13.
Note 3: When categories of wastewater having different dis- 2.2.3 Oil water separating equipment
charge requirements are mixed together, the most stringent The following approved equipment is to be provided in
requirements apply to the resulting mixture. accordance with IMO Resolution MEPC.107(49):
• 15 ppm bilge separator
2.1.3 Incineration and disposal
• 15 ppm bilge alarm
Although disposal into the sea and onboard incineration are • automatic stopping device.
possible in the conditions specified in MARPOL 73/78 Con-
vention, storage and subsequent discharge to port reception The capacity of the bilge separator is to take into account
facilities is to be given first priority. the route of the vessel, the volume of the bilge water hold-
ing tanks and the separating technology.
Except otherwise stated in this Article, storage arrangements
are to be provided for all kinds of liquid and solid wastes, The 15 ppm bilge separator and the 15 ppm bilge alarm are
to be installed in accordance with the provisions of IMO
with a capacity corresponding to one day operation of the
Resolution MEPC.107(49), paragraph 6.
Note 1: The attention is drawn to the specific requirements 2.2.4 Oil residue (sludge) tanks
imposed by certain flag Authorities and / or State or Port Oil residue (sludge) may be disposed of directly from the oil
Administration, which may restrict or prohibit waste dis- residue (sludge) tanks through the standard discharge con-
charge and/or incineration in the waters under their juris- nection referred to in MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, Reg. 13, or
diction. any other approved means of disposal.
Provisions are to be made in the design for easy access Hazardous wastes, plastics and food contaminated wastes
points for the purpose of obtaining representative influent are to be collected separately from other wastes.
and effluent samples. 2.4.5 Storage of garbage
2.3.5 Discharge records The ship is to have sufficient capacity to store all kinds of
garbage produced during one day, taking into account the
Provisions are to be made to record the following parame- daily waste generation figures given in [2.1.1] and the val-
ters related to the sewage discharge:
ues of density given in Tab 2.
• date and time of discharge If incineration is permitted in the areas where the ship is
• position of the ship (latitude and longitude) intended to operate, the needed capacity for wastes other
• quantity of sewage discharged. than glass and tins may be reduced by 40%, without being
less than the needed volume corresponding to one day.
2.4 Garbage and hazardous wastes Table 2 : Waste density
Washwater treatment residues generated by the EGC unit • 0,075 S, where S is the surface of the vertical projection,
are to be stored in a holding tank having a capacity suffi- in m2, of the largest machinery space drained into the
cient for 30 days operation of the ship, then delivered bilge holding tank
ashore to adequate reception facilities. Such residues are
not be discharged to the sea or incinerated on board. • the value calculated from Tab 4.
above 1000 up to 20000 1,5 + (P − 1000) / 1500 • position of the ship (latitude and longitude)
above 20000 14,2 + 0,2 (P − 20000) / • quantity of sewage and/or grey water discharged
• quantity of sludges incinerated or discharged ashore.
(1) For diesel-electric propulsions, the main engine rating
is to be substituted with the aggregate power of the
electric power motors. 3.4 Food wastes
3.3 Wastewaters 3.4.1 Food wastes and wastes contaminated with food are
to be stored in high integrity sealed packaging and refriger-
3.3.1 Design and arrangement of the sewage and ated to 5°C.
grey water systems
The ship is to be fitted with a sewage system and a grey 3.5 Prevention of pollution by oil spillage
water system designed and arranged as follows:
and leakage
• An approved sewage treatment plant or sewage commi-
nuting and disinfecting system is to be provided 3.5.1 Containment systems
• A tank is to be provided for the storage of untreated or A seven-barrel spill kit containing the following is to be
treated sewage with a capacity complying with [3.3.2] available on board, ready to be used during bunkering
• A tank is to be provided for the storage of grey waters operation:
with a capacity complying with [3.3.2]
• sorbents sufficient to absorb seven barrels of oil
• Grey waters from galleys are to be collected separately
from other grey waters and led through a grease trap • non-sparking hand scoops, shovels and buckets
prior to additional treatment, storage or discharge. • portable containers suitable for holding seven barrels of
Note 1: Treated sewage and grey water holding tanks may be com-
recovered solid waste and seven barrels of recovered
bined together. liquid waste
Note 2: Plastic garbage is to be separated from sewage and/or grey • a minimum of 60 litres of a deck cleaning agent
waters before entering the treatment unit.
• appropriate protective clothing to protect personnel
3.3.2 Holding tanks from inhalation hazards, eye exposure and skin contact
Holding tanks for sewage and grey water are to have a • non-sparking portable pumps with appropriate hoses.
capacity sufficient for 24 hours operation of the ship, having
regard to the maximum number of persons on board, the 3.5.2 Oil detection in cooling water circuits
daily production of wastewater given in Tab 1 and other rel-
Hydrocarbon detectors are to be provided in sea water and
evant factors.
fresh water cooling systems comprising fuel oil or lubricat-
3.3.3 Sewage sludges ing oil heat exchangers in order to detect any contamina-
tion of the water.
Sludges from sewage treatment are to be collected and
stored then discharged ashore or, where permitted, inciner-
ated onboard. 3.6 Protection against oil pollution in the
Where provided, incineration devices are to completely
event of collision or grounding
burn the sludges to a dry and inert ash and not to discharge
fly ash, malodors or toxic substances. 3.6.1 All fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks are to be located
in protected locations in accordance with the provisions of
The capacity of the sewage sludge tanks is to be calculated NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.5.3].
taking into consideration:
Note 1: This requirement does not apply to engine lubricating oil
• the maximum period of voyage between ports where drain tanks.
sludge can be discharged ashore, or
• the incinerator capacity and whether incineration is per-
mitted in the areas where the ship is intended to operate. 3.7 Prevention of air pollution
In the absence of precise data, a figure of 30 days is to be 3.7.1 All refrigerants used onboard are to have:
• a Global Warming Potential (GWP) not exceeding 2000
Ashes from sludge incineration are be disposed ashore
except where permitted under [2.4.7]. • an Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) equal to zero.
3.8 Monitoring and recording systems Note 1: The correspondence between the SO2/CO2 ratio and the
sulphur content of the fuel oil is detailed in IMO Resolution
3.8.1 On-board emission measurement and MEPC.184(59), Table 1 and Appendix II.
monitoring equipment
3.8.2 Remote transmission of the parameters
Ships having the additional class notation CLEANSHIP related to waste discharge and air emissions
SUPER are to provided with a type-approved measurement,
All the waste discharge and air emission parameters
monitoring and recording equipment, for:
required to be monitored and recorded as per the require-
• NOx emissions, in compliance with MO Resolution ments of [2] and [3] are to be transmitted on a regular basis
MEPC.103(49) (e.g. every day) via a satellite communication system to a
• SO2 and CO2 emissions, in compliance with IMO Res- shipowner facility ashore. Such information is to be made
olution MEPC.184(59). available to the Surveyor of the Society upon request.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to ships hav- 2.2.4 Percent removal
ing one of the additional class notations for pollution pre- The percent removal is a percentage expression of the
vention listed in Ch 7, Sec 1 other than CLEANSHIP and removal efficiency across a treatment plant for a given pol-
CLEANSHIP SUPER. lutant parameter, as determined from the 30-day average
Requirements for onboard surveys are given in Ch 7, Sec 4 values of the raw wastewater influent pollutant concentra-
and in Pt A, Ch 5, Sec 7. tions to the AWT plant and the 30-day average values of the
effluent pollutant concentrations for a given time period.
1.2 Documents to be submitted 2.2.5 SS
1.2.1 Certificates SS is the pollutant parameter total suspended solids.
The certificates to be submitted for the aforementioned
additional class notations are listed in Ch 7, Sec 1, Tab 2. 2.3 Design of the AWT plant
[ NOx ] ⋅ P
charge of treated sewage and treated grey water is allowed.
i i
Note 2: Discharge of washwaters from exhaust gas clean cleaning i=1
6.2.2 The storage capacity for each of the following solid where:
and liquid wastes is to be sufficient to allow the no dis- n : Total number of engines installed on the ship
charge operation of the ship during x days: [NOx]i : NOx emission level of each individual engine
• plastics as per EIAPP certificate (in g/kWh)
• paper and cardboard Pi : Rated power of each engine (in kW).
• glass and tins 7.2.3 Calculation of the weighted average IMO Tier II
• food waste NOx emission limit of the ship
The weighted average IMO Tier II NOx emission limit of the
• sewage (see Note 1) ship [IMO]ship, in g/kWh, is to be calculated as follows:
• grey water (see Note 1)
• sewage sludges (where applicable) [ IMO ] ⋅ P
i i
• hazardous wastes
• washwater treatment residues from EGC units (where where:
applicable). n, Pi : As defined in [7.2.2]
[IMO]i : Applicable IMO Tier II NOx emission limit of
Note 1: Storage capacity is not required for treated sewage and
treated grey water when the notation AWT is assigned to the ship.
each individual engine as per MARPOL 73/78,
Annex VI, Reg. 13.4 (in g/kWh).
6.2.3 Except otherwise stated, the storage capacities are to
7.2.4 Calculation of the NOx performance index x
be based on:
The NOx performance index x is to be calculated as fol-
• the maximum number of persons onboard lows:
• the daily production of solid waste and liquid effluents [ NOx ] ship
given in Ch 7, Sec 2, [2.1.1]. x = -----------------------
[ IMO ] ship
[IMO]ship: Weighted average IMO Tier II NOx emission • the sulphur content of fuel oils used in emission control
limit for the ship (in g/kWh), as calculated in areas (ECAs) is not is not to exceed x% of the IMO limit
[7.2.3]. given in MARPOL 73/78, Annex VI, regulation 14.4
• the sulphur content of fuel oils used in other areas is not
8 Additional class notation OWS-x ppm to exceed x% of the IMO limit given in MARPOL 73/78,
Annex VI, regulation 14.1
8.1 Scope
The SOx performance index x is to be ≤ 90.
8.1.1 The additional class notation OWS-x ppm applies to Alternative arrangements may be accepted if the resulting
ships fitted with an oily water separator (OWS) capable of SOx emission reduction is deemed equivalent to that corre-
producing effluents having a hydrocarbon content not sponding to the use of fuel oils with reduced sulphur con-
exceeding x ppm. tent.
The OWS performance index x is to be ≤ 10.
Note 1: ppm means parts of oil per million parts of water by vol-
9.2 Design requirements
2 Periodical tests and measurements Test results of the measurements are to be recorded in the
done by the shipowner wastewater and garbage logbooks and made available to
the surveyor during the periodical surveys.
2.1 General
2.3.2 Water effluent standard
2.1.1 Purpose The effluent standard for biological analyses of waters are
The following tests and measurements, done under the given in Tab 4.
responsibility of the shipowner, are intended to demonstrate
the effective implementation of the waste management pro- 2.3.3 Metals analyses
cedures and the constant level over time kept by the quality
of the effluents discharged at sea. The analyses given in Tab 5 are to qualify the incinerator
ash and grey water as free from hazardous wastes. The met-
als listed in Tab 5 are considered as indicators of toxicity.
2.2 Initial period
• analyses of the effluent and waste streams for pollutant Effluent analyses sewage treatment 2
concentration, according to the periodicity defined in plan
Tab 1. Effluent analyses for Advanced Waste- 20
water Treatment
Table 1 : Frequency of analyses of waste streams
Oil content analyses of machinery 2
during the first year of service
bilge water
(1) If the ship is equipped to dump incinerator ash overboard.
Frequency of
Waste stream
Table 3 : Permissible number of analyses
Metals analyses in incinerator ash (1) quarterly
exceeding limit values
Metals analyses in grey water quarterly
Effluent analyses sewage treatment plan yearly Number of analyses in a 5-year Maximum number of
period analyses above limit
Effluent analyses for Advanced Wastewater quarterly
Treatment 2-5 0
(1) If the ship is equipped to dump incinerator ash overboard. 20 3
Chapter 8
1.1.2 The requirements of this Chapter apply to refrigerat- 2.1.1 Design arrangements and temperature
ing installations on ships. These requirements are specific to The design arrangements of refrigerated and conditioned
permanently installed refrigerating installations and associ- spaces for transport, preservation, de-freezing, processing,
ated arrangements and are to be considered additional to distribution of victuals, including incompatibility victuals
those specified in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13, which are mandatory preservation as well as appropriate space temperature to
for all ships with refrigerating installations. stowed victuals, are to comply with hygienic-healthful
requirement of Naval Authority.
1.2 Definitions The refrigerating plants are to be designed according to
temperatures requested by the Naval Authority and in
1.2.1 Direct cooling system accordance with the Administration requirements.
Direct cooling system is the system by which the refrigera-
tion is obtained by direct expansion of the refrigerant in 2.1.2 Environmental conditions
coils fitted on the walls and ceilings of the refrigerated Unless otherwise indicated in the ship specification, the fol-
chambers. lowing environmental conditions are to be considered for
the heat transfer and balance calculations and for the run-
1.2.2 Indirect cooling system ning rate of the refrigerating machinery:
Indirect cooling system is the system by which the refrigera- • Sea water temperature: 32°C
tion is obtained by brine or other secondary refrigerant,
which is refrigerated by a primary refrigerant, circulated • Outside air temperature: 35°C
through pipe grids or coils fitted on the walls and ceilings of • Relative humidity of air at 35°C: 80%.
the refrigerated chambers.
For the determination of heat transfer through outside walls
1.2.3 Refrigerant liable to be exposed to sun radiation, the outside air tem-
perature is to be taken as equal to 45°C.
Refrigerant is a cooling medium which is used to transmit
and maintain the cool in the refrigerated chamber.
2.1.3 Operating conditions
1.2.4 Brine The refrigerating plant inclusive of all machinery, equip-
ment and accessories is to operate satisfactorily under the
Brine is a refrigerant constituted by a solution of industrial
conditions indicated in Tab 1.
salts, which is normally used to cool the chambers in the
indirect cooling systems, as secondary refrigerant. In gen-
eral, in this Chapter, the word brine is also used to cover 3 Documentation
other types of secondary refrigerants, as for instance refrig-
erants based on glycol.
3.1 Refrigerating installations
1.2.5 Refrigerating unit
3.1.1 Plans to be submitted
A refrigerating unit includes one or more compressors
The plans listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted as applicable.
driven by one or more prime movers, one condenser and all
the associated ancillary equipment necessary to form an The listed plans are to be constructional plans complete
independent gas-liquid system capable of cooling refriger- with all dimensions and are to contain full indication of
ated chambers. types of materials employed.
When the installation includes a secondary refrigerant Plans of equipment which are type approved by the Society
(brine), the refrigerating unit is also to include a brine cooler need not be submitted, provided the types and model num-
(evaporator) and a pump. bers are made available.
Length of ship (m) < 100 < 200 ≤ 300 > 300
Permanent list 15° 15° 15° 15°
Roll ± 22,5° ± 22,5° ± 22,5° ± 22,5°
Pitch ± 10° ± 7,5° ± 5° ± 3°
Aft 5,0° 2,5° 1,5° 1,0°
Forward 2,0° 1,0° 0,5° 0,3°
Nr A/I Document
1 I Detailed specification of the plant (refrigerating machinery and insulation) including the reference design and
ambient conditions
2 I General arrangement of refrigerated spaces including:
• the intended purpose of spaces adjacent to refrigerated spaces
• the arrangement of air ducts passing through refrigerated spaces
• the arrangement of steelwork located in refrigerated spaces or in insulated walls
• the arrangement of the draining system
• the individual volume and the total volume of the refrigerated spaces
3 A Drawings showing the thickness and methods of fastening of insulation on all surfaces in refrigerated spaces,
• insulation material specification
• hatch covers
• doors
• steel framing (pillars, girders, deck beams)
• bulkhead penetrations
• etc.
4 A Cooling appliances in refrigerated spaces (coil grids, air coolers with air ducts and fans, etc.)
5 I Characteristic curves of fans (capacity, pressure, power consumption)
6 A Distribution of the thermometers and description of remote thermometer installation, if any, including:
• detailed description of the apparatus with indication of the method and instruments adopted, measuring
range, degree of accuracy and data regarding the influence of temperature variations on connection cables
• electrical diagram of apparatus, with indication of power sources installed, characteristics of connection
cables and all data concerning circuit resistance
• drawings of sensing elements and their protective coverings and indicators, with specification of type of
connections used
7 A General arrangement and functional drawings of piping (refrigerant system, brine system if any, sea water sys-
tem, defrosting system, etc.)
8 I Characteristic curves of circulating pumps for refrigerant or brine (capacity, pressure, power consumption,
9 I General arrangement of refrigerating machinery spaces (main data regarding prime movers for compressors
and pumps, including source of power, are to be included in this drawing)
10 A Electrical wiring diagram
11 A Compressor main drawings (sections and crankshaft or rotors) with characteristic curves giving the refrigerat-
ing capacity
12 A Drawings of main items of refrigerant system and pressure vessels, such as condensers, receivers, oil separa-
tors, evaporators, gas containers, etc.
13 A Remote control, monitoring and alarm system (if any)
14 I Operation manual for the refrigerating plant and for refrigerated containers, as applicable
Note 1: A = for Approval, I = for Information.
4.1.1 Refrigerating systems b) One of the condenser circulating pumps may be one of
the ship's auxiliary pumps, provided its capacity is suffi-
Refrigeration of the chambers may be achieved by one of cient to serve the refrigerating plant working at maxi-
the following systems: mum power without interfering with essential services
of the ship.
• direct cooling system
4.3.2 Arrangements are to be made to drain away the con- 4.7.2 Dangerous refrigerants in machinery spaces
densate even when the refrigerated chambers are loaded to Use of dangerous refrigerants in machinery spaces may be
their maximum. See [5.8] for specific requirements. permitted in accordance with Part C, Chapter 1.
5.1.1 Bulkheads surrounding refrigerated chambers a) The insulating material is to be non-hygroscopic. The
insulating boards are to have satisfactory mechanical
a) Generally, the bulkheads of refrigerated chambers are to strength. Insulating materials and binders, if any, are to
be of metallic construction; however, the bulkheads be odourless and so selected as not to absorb any of the
between two refrigerated spaces intended to contain odours of the goods contained in refrigerated chambers.
goods of the same nature or having no contaminating The materials used for linings are to comply with the
effect need not be metallic. same provisions.
b) The bulkheads are to be gas-tight. b) Polyurethane and other plastic foams used for insulation
are to be of a self-extinguishing type according to a
c) Steels intended to be used for the construction of refrig-
standard acceptable by the Society. In general, these
erated chambers are to comply with the applicable pro-
foams are not to be used without a suitable protective
visions of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1 for low temperature steels.
5.1.2 Prefabricated chambers c) The insulation together with its coating is normally to
have low flame spread properties according to an
Prefabricated chambers are to be of a robust construction,
accepted standard.
capable of withstanding the usual movements of a sea going
vessel e.g. vibration, inclination, acceleration, etc... d) Plastic foams of a self-extinguishing type, suitably lined,
may also be used for insulation of piping and air ducts.
They are to be fitted with suitable pressure equalising
devices; these devices are to be so designed to allow the e) When it is proposed to use foam prepared in situ, the
passage of air in either direction and remain closed in the detail of the process is to be submitted for examination
absence of pressure differential. before the beginning of the work.
The inner and outer surfaces of the prefabricated panels are f) Prefabricated panels are to be of a design such that,
to be covered with a suitable lining. when erected, the continuity of the insulation is
5.1.3 Closing devices Possible gaps are to be filled with insulation material.
a) The closing devices of the accesses to refrigerated
chambers, such as doors, hatch covers and plugs for 5.5 Protection of insulation
loading or surveying are to be as far as possible gas-
tight. 5.5.1 Insulation extension
The insulation and the lining are to be carefully protected
b) The ventilators of refrigerated chambers, if any, are to be
from all damage likely to be caused by the goods contained
fitted with gas-tight closing devices.
in the chamber or by their handling.
5.6 Miscellaneous requirements c) The insulating materials are to be carefully and perma-
nently installed; where they are of slab form, the joints
5.6.1 Refrigerated chambers adjacent to oil or fuel are to be as tight as possible and the unavoidable crev-
tanks ices between slabs are to be filled with insulating mate-
rial. Bitumen is not to be used for this purpose.
a) An air space of at least 50 mm is to be provided
between the top of fuel and lubricating oil tanks and the d) Joints of multiple layer insulations are to be staggered.
insulation, so designed as to allow leaks to drain to the e) In applying the insulation to the metallic structures, any
bilges. Such air space may be omitted provided multiple paths of heat leakage are to be carefully avoided.
sheaths of an odourless oil-resisting material are applied
to the upper surface of tank tops. The total required
thickness of sheathing depends on the tank construc- 5.8 Drainage of refrigerated spaces
tion, on the composition used and on the method of
5.8.1 General
All refrigerated spaces and trays under air coolers are to be
b) In general, the sides of fuel and lubricating oil tanks are fitted with means suitable for their continuous and efficient
to be separated from refrigerated spaces by means of drainage.
cofferdams. The cofferdams are to be vented, the air
vents fitted for this purpose are to be led to the open and 5.8.2 Drain pipes
their outlets are to be fitted with wire gauze which is a) Drain pipes from refrigerating space cooler trays are to
easily removable for cleaning or renewal. The coffer- be fitted with liquid sealed traps provided with non-
dams may be omitted provided that multiple sheaths of return valves which are easily accessible, even when the
an odourless oil-resisting material are applied on the chamber is fully loaded.
tank side surface facing the refrigerated chambers. The
total required thickness of this sheathing depends on the b) Threaded plugs, blank flanges and similar means of
composition used and on the method of application. closing of drain pipes from refrigerated spaces and trays
of air coolers are not permitted.
5.6.2 Refrigerated chambers adjacent to high c) Where means of closing of drain pipes are required by
temperature spaces the Owner, these are to be easily checked and the con-
The insulation of the walls adjacent to coalbunkers or to trols are to be located in an accessible position on a
any space where an excessive temperature may arise, by deck above the maximum ship draft.
accident or otherwise, is to be made of mineral wool or any
equivalent material; wood chips, if any, are to be fireproof 6 Refrigerants
and separated from the plates on which they are fitted by
means of insulating sheets.
6.1 General
5.6.3 Wooden structures
6.1.1 Prohibited refrigerants
Wooden beams and stiffeners are to be insulated and strips
For restrictions on the selection of refrigerants, see Pt C, Ch
of suitable insulating material are to be fitted between them
1, Sec 13, [2.2.1] and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13, [2.2.2].
and the metallic structures.
5.7.1 The following requirements shall be fulfilled: c) The design pressure of the high pressure side of the
installation is to be based on the condenser working
a) Before laying the insulation, steel surfaces are to be suit- pressure while it operates with water cooling in tropical
ably cleaned and covered with a protective coating of zones. In general, the rated working pressure is to be
appropriate composition and thickness. taken not less than the effective saturated vapour pres-
b) The thickness of the insulation on all surfaces together sure at 50°C.
with the laying process are to be in accordance with the d) The design pressure of the system is also not to be lower
approved drawings. than the values given in Tab 4.
a) Stop valves are to be provided on the compressor suc- b) Safety valves are to be fitted on the shells of evaporators
tion and discharge sides. and condensers when the pressure from any connected
pump may exceed their anticipated working pressure.
b) A safety valve or rupture disc is to be arranged between
the compressor and the delivery stop valve. 7.4.4 Air coolers
c) When the power exceeds 10 kW, the protection may a) Air coolers are to be made of corrosion-resistant mate-
consist of a pressure control device which automatically rial or protected against corrosion by galvanising.
stops the machine in the event of overpressure. Details
b) Air coolers are to be provided with drip trays and ade-
of the design of this device are to be submitted to the
quate drains.
d) Compressors arranged in parallel are to be provided 7.5 General requirements for piping
with check valves in the discharge line of each compres-
sor. 7.5.1 General
e) Means are to be provided to indicate the correct direc- The general requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 13, [2.1.3] are
tion of rotation. applicable.
7.7 Refrigerating plant overpressure protection c) The coils are to be divided into two sections, each capa-
ble of being easily shut off.
7.7.1 General
d) Means for defrosting the coils of the air coolers are to be
a) The refrigerant circuits and associated pressure vessels
provided. Defrosting by means of spraying with water is
are to be protected against overpressure by safety
to be avoided.
valves, rupture discs or equivalent arrangement. How-
ever, inadvertent discharge of refrigerant is to be pre- e) Fans and their motors are to be arranged so as to allow
vented. easy access for inspection and repair and/or removal of
b) The safety devices are to be in such number and so the fans and motors themselves when the chambers are
located that there is no possibility that any part of the loaded with refrigerated goods. Where duplicate fans
system may be isolated from a safety device. Where it is and motors are fitted and each fan is capable of supply-
necessary to be able to isolate one of these devices from ing the quantity of air required, it is sufficient that easy
the system for maintenance purposes, the valves may be access for inspection is provided.
duplicated provided a change-over valve is arranged in
such a way that when one device is isolated it is not f) The air circulation is to be such that delivery and suc-
possible to shut off the other. tion of air from all parts of the refrigerated chambers are
c) Pressure vessels connected by pieces of pipe without
valves may be considered as a single pressure vessel g) The air capacity and the power of the fans are to be in
from the point of view of overpressure protection, pro- proportion to the total heat to be extracted from the
vided that the interconnecting pipe does not prevent refrigerated chambers, due regard being given to the
effective venting of the vessels. nature of the service.
Item Indicator Automatic Comments
Refrigerant suction pressure low X At saturated temperature and
Refrigerant discharge pressure high X including intermediate stages
Refrigerant suction temperature For installations over 25 kW only
Refrigerant discharge temperature
Lubricating oil pressure low X
Lubricating oil temperature For installations over 25 kW only
Cooling water temperature For installations over 25 kW only
Cumulative running hours hours All screw compressors and installa-
tions over 25 kW only
Note 1: Shutdown is also to activate an audible and visual alarm, locally or at remote position.
Item Indicator Automatic Comments
Chamber temperature temperature X
Bilge level in refrigerated space high X
Note 1: Audible and visual alarm to be activated locally or at remote position.
Regulation devices such as motor-operated valves or ther- • steel and copper tubing for evaporator and condenser
mostatic expansion valves are to be such that they can be coils and for pressure piping in general
isolated, thus allowing the plant to be manually operated • oil separators, intermediate receivers and other pressure
should the need arise. vessels included in the gas circuit
• condensers and evaporators of shell type (tube or
9.2 Instrumentation, alarm and monitoring welded plate).
10.2 Shop tests
9.2.1 Compressors
10.2.1 Individual pieces of equipment
Tab 5 summarises the minimum control and monitoring
requirements for refrigerating compressors. Shop tests are to be carried out on pumps, electric motors
and internal combustion engines forming parts of refrigerat-
9.2.2 Refrigerating systems ing installations, following procedures in accordance with
the requirements applicable to each type of machinery. The
Tab 6 summarises the minimum control and monitoring relevant running data (capacity, pressure head, power and
requirements for refrigerating systems. rotational speed, etc.) are to be recorded for each item.
The strength test is a hydraulic test carried out with water or After installation, the ventilation system is to be tested. The
other suitable liquid. The leak test is a test carried out with distribution of air in the various refrigerated spaces is to be
air or other suitable gas while the component is submerged checked.
in water at a temperature of approximately 30°C.
10.5.3 Operational tests
The components to be tested and the test pressure are indi-
cated in Tab 7. a) Upon completion of the installation, each refrigerating
plant is to be subjected to an operational test on board
Table 7 : in order to check the proper operation of the machinery
and the refrigerating capacity of the unit.
Test pressure b) Before starting the actual test, the Surveyor will check at
Component random that thermometers, pressure gauges and other
Strength Leak
instruments are in working order, calibrated and
test test
arranged as directed in each case by the Society.
Compressor cylinder blocks, cylinder cov-
ers, stop valves, pipes and other compo- c) All the refrigerating machinery is to be put into service
1,5 p1 p1 and all chambers, closed and empty, are to be simulta-
nents (condensers, receivers, etc.) of the
high pressure part of the circuit. neously cooled to the minimum expected temperature,
i.e. the temperature required to be entered in the nota-
Compressor crankcases subjected to
tion, or a lower temperature determined so that a differ-
refrigerant pressure, stop valves, pipes and
1,5 p2 p2 ence of at least 20 °C can be maintained between the
other components of the low pressure part
average external temperature and the temperature in the
of the circuit.
refrigerated spaces. The expected temperature is to be
Where p1 and p2 are the design pressures indicated in [6.2] maintained for a period of time sufficient to remove all
for high pressure and low pressure parts. the heat from the insulation.
f) Particular cases, e.g. when the test is carried out with • a copy of the log book of the refrigerated chambers,
very low external atmospheric temperatures which including the temperature reading, after the first
would require the temperature within the refrigerated loaded voyage.
spaces to be brought down below the above specified
values, or where tests with empty chambers are not 10.6 Defrosting system
deemed sufficient/significant, will be specially consid-
ered by the Society. In particular, the following may be 10.6.1 The defrosting arrangements are also to be sub-
required: jected to an operational test.
• appropriate testing conditions, such as simulation Instructions regarding the procedure to be followed for the
with equivalent thermal loading or chamber heating, operational test of the refrigerating plant on board will be
and/or given by the Society in each case.
Chapter 9
Detailed plans of the hull and hull attachments below the 1.2.3 Documentation to be put on board
water line are to be submitted to the Society in triplicate for The Owner is to put on board of the ship the plans and doc-
approval. These plans are to indicate the location and/or the uments given in [1.2.1] and [1.2.2] and they are to be made
general arrangement of: available to the Surveyor and the divers when an in-water
• all shell openings survey is carried out.
• stem
2 Structure design principles
• rudder and fittings
• sternpost 2.1
• propeller, including the means used for identifying each 2.1.1 Identification system
blade Identification system such as Ariadne thread, or any other
• anodes, if any, including securing arrangements systems accepted by the Society which permit to locate the
diver under the hull of the ship is to be supplied to facilitate
• bilge keels the in-water survey.
• welded seams and butts.
2.1.2 Rudder arrangements
The plans are also to include the necessary instructions to Rudder arrangements are to be such that rudder pintle
facilitate the divers’ work, especially for taking clearance clearances and fastening arrangements can be checked as
measurements. far as practicable.
Moreover, a specific detailed plan showing the systems to 2.1.3 Tailshaft arrangements
be adopted in order to assess, when the ship is floating, the Tailshaft arrangements are to be such that clearances (or
slack between pintles and gudgeons is to be submitted to wear down by poker gauge) can be checked as far as practi-
the Society in triplicate for approval. cable.
1.1.1 Ship manoeuvrability c) Advance is the distance travelled in the direction of the
original course of the midship point of a ship from the
The manoeuvrability of a ship include the stability of a position at which the rudder order is given to the posi-
steady state motion with "fixed controls" as well as the time tion at which the heading has changed 90° from the
dependent responses that result from the control actions original course.
used to maintain or modify steady motion, make the ship fol-
low a prescribed path or initiate an emergency manoeuvre. d) Tactical diameter is the distance travelled by the mid-
ship point of a ship from the position at which the rud-
1.1.2 Manoeuvrability criteria der order is given to the position at which the heading
has changed 180° from the original course. It is mea-
Some of the control actions are considered to be especially
sured in a direction perpendicular to the original head-
characteristic of ship manoeuvring performance and there-
ing of the ship.
fore are required to meet a certain minimum standard. The
minimum standard is here considered to be the criteria e) Zig-zag test is the manoeuvre where a known amount of
given in IMO resolution A.751(18) (Explanatory notes to helm is applied alternately to either side when a known
this resolution are given in IMO MSC/Circ.644). Based on heading deviation from the original heading is reached.
compliance with these requirements, the Society can f) 10°/10° zig-zag test is performed by turning the rudder
release the additional class notation MANOVR-IMO. alternately 10° to either side following a heading devia-
In some cases the Naval Authority might wish to ensure a tion of 10° from the original heading in accordance
higher level of manoeuvring performance. In the following with the following procedure:
a different set of manoeuvring criteria, suitable for high per- • after a steady approach with zero yaw rate, the rud-
formance military vessels, is given. By documenting com- der is put over to 10° to starboard/port (first execute);
pliance with these criteria the Society can release the • when the heading has changed to 10° off the origi-
additional class notation MANOVR-MIL. nal heading, the rudder is reversed to 10° port/star-
board (second execute);
1.1.3 Verification approach
• after the rudder has been turned to port/starboard,
It is a basic requirement that compliance with manoeu- the ship will continue turning in the original direc-
vrability criteria is to be demonstrated by full scale trials. tion with decreasing turning rate. In response to the
The additional notations MANOVR-IMO and MANOVR- rudder, the ship should then turn to port/starboard.
MIL can only be released when complete compliance with When the ship has reached a heading of 10° to
the relevant criteria has been demonstrated by means of port/starboard of the original course the rudder is
full-scale trials. again reversed to 10° to starboard/port (third exe-
1.1.4 Application
g) The first overshoot angle is the additional heading devi-
The following sections apply to all vessels. This is also the ation experienced in the zig-zag test following the sec-
case when the MANOVR-IMO notation is requested; the ond execute.
IMO criteria should also be fulfilled for vessels with
L<100m, where L is the rule length in m. h) The second overshoot angle is the additional heading
deviation experienced in the zig-zag test following the
third execute.
2 Manoeuvrability criteria
i) 20°/20° zig-zag test is performed using the procedure
given for the 10°/10° zig-zag test, using 20° rudder
2.1 Standard manoeuvres angles and 20° change of heading.
j) Full astern stopping test determines the track reach of a
2.1.1 Terminology
ship from the time of an order of full astern is given until
The standard manoeuvres and associated terminology are the ship stops in the water.
as defined below:
k) Track reach is the distance along the path described by
a) Test speed (V) is a speed of at least 90% of the ship's the midship point of a ship measured from the position
speed corresponding to 85% of the maximum engine at which an order for full astern is given until the ship
output. stops in the water.
Stopping ability The track reach in full astern (1) The environmental conditions should be carefully recorded
stopping test should not exceed before and after trials so that corrections of the trials results
10 L. can be applied. Corrections according to IMO
MSC/Circ.644, section 3.4.2, of June 6, 1994 may be
Dynamic stability, After the completion of the turn-
applied. As a minimum following environmental data must
pull-out test ing circle test the rudder is
be recorded:
returned to the midship position
and kept there until a steady a) Water depth
turning rate is achieved. This
turning rate should be zero. b) Waves: the sea state should be noted. If there is a swell,
period and directions must be noted
(1) Power corresponding to 85% of the maximum continu-
ous power. c) Current: the trials should be conducted in a well sur-
veyed area and the condition of the current noted from
relevant hydrographical data. Correlation shall be made
3 Full scale trials
with the tide
3.2 Additional fire safety measures for e) The nozzles provided for the system may be fitted
helideck directly on the helideck.
f) The system shall be capable of delivery thick water at a
3.2.1 General
rate of not less than 5 l/m2/min during not less than 5
The helideck shall be provided with the following fire-fight- minutes operation time.
ing appliances from item a) to e) or from item f) to i):
g) The helideck thick water system may be divided into
a) in substitution to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10,
sections which shall be fed by the relevant sections of
[3.1.1], item d), at least one semi-portable carbon diox-
the fire main.
ide extinguisher having capacity of at least 18 kg with
necessary fittings to direct the carbon dioxide to the h) The system section valves and connection valves with
engine of helicopter when in the take off position; and the fire main shall be monitored from the central dam-
b) at least one semi-portable foam fire-extinguisher of at age control station. Such valves shall be located outside
least 45 l capacity with necessary fittings to direct the the protected area. The remote operation of such valves
foam on deck area of crashed helicopter; and shall be possible from the control room of the helicopter
operations. Local operation of the section valves shall
c) a thick water helideck system; and be also possible.
d) in substitution to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10,
i) The thick water helideck system may be combined with
[3.1.1], items a), b) and c), a twin media helideck sys-
the pre-washing system provided for NBC protection, if
tem; and
provided, on the condition that the provisions for both
e) in substitution to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10, systems are complied with.
[3.1.1], items a), b) and c), at least two autonomous
mobile twin media applicators; or 3.2.3 Twin media helideck system
f) in substitution to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10, a) The two media shall be dry chemical powder, and foam
[3.1.1], item d), at least one semi-portable carbon diox- solution. The powder and the foam forming liquid shall
ide extinguisher having capacity of at least 18 kg with be of a type approved by the Society.
necessary fittings to direct the carbon dioxide to the
b) The two media shall be stored in pressure vessels which
engine of helicopter when in the take off position; and
shall be pressurized by pressure air in dedicated pres-
g) at least two semi-portable foam fire-extinguishers of at surized bottles.
least 45 l capacity with necessary fittings to direct the
foam on deck area of crashed helicopter; and c) In addition the system shall be provided with means of
control, fixed media pressurizing piping and fixed
h) a thick water system complying with the requirements media delivering pipes to monitors.
of [3.2.2] for the protection of the door of the hangar
only. This system is not required to provide continuous d) The two media shall be delivered by in pairs monitors
and complete coverage of the helideck with thick water; capable of simultaneous operation. In any case there
and shall be fitted at least two monitors.
i) in substitution to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10, e) The system shall be capable of delivery the two media
[3.1.1], items a), b) and c), a twin media helideck sys- on any part of the parcking area for helicopter which
tem complying with the requirements of [3.2.3]. In has caught fire.
addition, the monitors shall be capable of delivery the Note 1: The parking area of the helideck is the area contained
two media on any part of the helideck. The supply rate within a circle of diameter “D”, where “D” is the distance in
of the foam shall be not less than 5 l/min/m2 during at meters across the main rotor and the tail rotor in the fore and
least 10 min discharge time. In any case, each monitor aft line of an helicopter with a single main rotor and across
shall be capable of delivering foam at a supply rate of at both rotors for a tandem rotor helicopter.
least 2000 l/min during at least 10 min discharge time. f) The monitor throw in still air conditions shall not be less
than 1,3 times the maximum distance of the monitor
3.2.2 Thick water helideck system
from any point of the area intended to be protected by
a) The thick water helideck system shall provide continu- this monitor.
ous and complete coverage of the helideck and the
door of the hangar with thick water. g) The discharge rate is to be as follow:
b) The thick water is composed by sea water mixed with at • not less than 10, 25 and 45 kg/s for the maximum
least 3% of a type approved AFFF emulsifier (Agent coverage distance of 10, 30 and 40 meters for the
Forming a Floating Film). The Society may authorize a powder delivery
lower concentration if the emulsifier media efficiency • not less than 20 l/s for the foam delivery.
and the correct working of the system with lower con-
h) The quantity of chemical powder and foam solution in
centrations are demonstrated.
the system containers for shall be not less than the
c) The thick water shall be generated by generators units quantity required for 45 seconds discharge time for the
which shall include emulsifier container with a gauging powder and the foam. The container volume shall be
system, proportioning mixer connected to the fire main. that required for housing the medium and that of the
d) Means shall be provided for washing the system with gap necessary for the pressurization of the container
fresh water after use. with air.
i) The helideck shall be provided with the twin media g) The discharge rate is to be as follow :
units necessary to comply with the provisions items. • not less than 100 kg/min for the powder delivery
Such units shall be positioned as not to interfere with • not less than 200 l/min for the foam delivery.
the helicopter operations.
h) The quantity of chemical powder and foam solution in
j) Monitors shall have features for manual and remote the system containers for each applicator nozzle shall
control laying as well as for media discharge operations. be not less than the quantity required for 1 minute dis-
k) The expansion ratio of the foam shall not exceed 12 to 1. charge time for the powder media and 10 minutes for
the foam media. The container volume shall be that
3.2.4 Autonomous mobile twin media applicators required for housing the medium and that of the gap
necessary for the pressurization of the container with
a) The two media shall be dry chemical powder, and foam air.
solution. The powder and the foam forming liquid shall
be of a type approved by the Society. i) The helideck shall be provided with the twin media
units necessary to comply with the provisions items.
b) The two media shall be stored in pressure vessels which Such units shall be positioned as not to interfere with
shall be pressurized by pressure air in dedicated pres- the helicopter operations.
surized bottles.
j) Applicator nozzles fitted with hand hose lines shall have
c) In addition the system shall be provided with means of features for one man operation.
control, fixed media pressurizing piping and fixed k) The expansion ratio of the foam shall not exceed 12 to 1.
media delivering pipes to applicator nozzles fitted with
hand hose lines. 3.2.5 Nozzles and rescue equipment
d) The two media shall delivered by in pairs of applicator When not required by Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 10, [3.1.1], at least
nozzles capable of simultaneous operation. two nozzles of an approved type (jet/spray) each fed by two
hose lengths complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [1.2.5] and
e) The system shall be capable of delivery the two media Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [1.4.3] shall be capable to reach any part
on any part of the helideck. of flying-deck.
f) The hand hose lines shall not exceed 33 meters in All fire stations relevant to helideck shall be capable to
length. delivery water or low expansion foam.
1.4.5 Inspection and maintenance The safe working load of other components is to be suffi-
All the emergency towing arrangement components are to cient to withstand the load to which such components may
be inspected by ship personnel at regular intervals and be subjected during the towing operation.
maintained in good working order.
1.7 Towing pennant
1.5 Emergency towing arrangement
approval 1.7.1 Material
The towing pennant may be made of steel wire rope or syn-
1.5.1 General thetic fibre rope, which is to comply with the applicable
Emergency towing arrangements of ships are to comply requirements in NR216 Materials, Ch 4, Sec 1.
with the following requirements:
• they are to comply with the requirements of this item 1.7.2 Length of towing pennant
• they are to be type approved according to the require- The length P of the towing pennant is to be not less than
ments in [1.13] that obtained, in m, from the following formula:
• Certificates of inspection of materials and equipment P = 2 H + 50
are to be provided according to [1.13.2]
• fitting on board of the emergency towing arrangements
is to be witnessed by a Surveyor of the Society and a rel- H : Lightest seagoing ballast freeboard measured, in
evant Certificate is to be issued m, at the fairlead.
• demonstration of the rapid deployment according to the 1.7.3 Minimum breaking strength of towing
criteria in [1.12] is to be effected for each ship and this pennants when separate chafing gear is used
is to be reported in the above Certificate.
Where a separate chafing gear is used, the minimum break-
1.5.2 Alternative to testing the rapid deployment for ing strength MBSp of towing pennants, including their termi-
each ship nations, is to be not less than that obtained from the
At the request of the Owner, the testing of the rapid deploy- following formula:
ment for each ship according to [1.5.1] may be waived pro- MBSP = 2 μ SWL
vided that:
• the design of emergency towing arrangements of the
considered ship is identical to the type approved μ : Coefficient that accounts for the possible loss in
arrangements and this is confirmed by the on board strength at eye terminations, to be taken not less
inspection required in [1.5.1] than 1,1
• the strongpoints (chain stoppers, towing brackets or SWL : Safe working load of the towing pennants,
equivalent fittings) are type approved (prototype tested). defined in [1.6.1].
In this case, an exemption certificate is to be issued. 1.7.4 Minimum breaking strength of towing pennants
In general, such dispensation may be granted to subsequent when no separate chafing gear is used
ships of a series of identical new buildings fitted with identi- Where no separate chafing gear is used (i.e. where the tow-
cal arrangements. ing pennant may chafe against the fairlead during towing
operation), the minimum breaking strength of the towing
1.6 Safe working load (SWL) of towing pen- pennants MBSPC is to be not less than that obtained, in kN,
nants, chafing gears, fairleads and from the following formula:
strongpoints MBSPC = ϕ MBSP
1.7.5 Towing pennant termination • 52 mm for a safe working load, defined in [1.6.1], equal
For towing connection, the towing pennant is to have a hard to 1000 kN
eye-formed termination allowing connection to a standard • 76 mm for a safe working load, defined in [1.6.1], equal
shackle. to 2000 kN.
Socketed or ferrule-secured eye terminations of the towing
pennant are to be type tested in order to demonstrate that 1.8.7 Chafing chain ends
their minimum breaking strength is not less than twice the
One end of the chafing chain is to be suitable for connec-
safe working load defined in [1.6.1].
tion to the strongpoint. Where a chain stopper is used, the
inboard end of the chafing chain is to be efficiently secured
1.8 Chafing gear in order to prevent any inadvertent loss of the chafing chain
when operating the stopping device. Where the chafing
1.8.1 General
chain is connected to a towing bracket, the corresponding
Different solutions for the design of chafing gear may be
chain end may be constructed as shown in Fig 2, but the
inner dimension of the pear link may be taken as 5,30 d
If a chafing chain is to be used, it is to have the characteris- (instead of 5,75 d).
tics defined in the following requirements.
The other end of the chafing chain is to be fitted with a stan-
1.8.2 Type dard pear-shaped open link allowing connection to a stan-
Chafing chains are to be stud link chains. dard bow shackle. A typical arrangement of this chain end
is shown in Fig 2. Arrangements different than that shown in
1.8.3 Material Fig 2 are considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
In general, grade Q3 chain cables and associated accesso-
ries complying with the applicable requirements in NR216 1.8.8 Storing
Materials, Ch 4, Sec 1 are to be used.
The chafing chain is to be stored and stowed in such a way
1.8.4 Chafing chain length that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint.
The chafing chain is to be long enough to ensure that the
towing pennant, or the towline, remains outside the fairlead 1.9 Fairleads
during the towing operation. A chain extending from the
strongpoint to a point at least 3 m beyond the fairlead com- 1.9.1 General
plies with this requirement.
Fairleads are normally to be of a closed type (such as Pan-
1.8.5 Minimum breaking strength ama chocks).
The minimum breaking strength of the stud link chafing Fairleads are to have an opening large enough to pass the
chain and the associated links is to be not less than twice largest portion of the chafing gear, towing pennant or tow-
the safe working load defined in [1.6.1]. line. The corners of the opening are to be suitably rounded.
1.8.6 Diameter of the common links Where the fairleads are designed to pass chafing chains, the
The diameter of the common links of stud link chain cables openings are to be not less than 600mm in width and
is to be not less than: 450mm in height.
The bow fairlead is to be located as close as possible to the Use of spheroidal graphite cast iron (SG iron) may be
deck and, in any case, in such a position that the chafing accepted for the main framing of the strongpoint provided
chain is approximately parallel to the deck when it is under that:
strain between the strongpoint and the fairlead. • the part concerned is not intended to be a component
part of a welded assembly
Furthermore, the bow fairlead is normally to be located on
the ship's centreline. Where it is practically impossible to fit • the SG iron is of ferritic structure with an elongation not
the towing fairleads exactly on the ship’s centreline, it may less than 12%
be acceptable to have them slightly shifted from the centre- • the yield stress at 0,2% is measured and certified
• the internal structure of the component is inspected by
1.9.5 Bending ratio suitable non-destructive means.
The bending ratio (ratio between the towing pennant bear- The material used for the stopping device (pawl or hinged
ing surface diameter and the towing pennant diameter) is to bar) of chain stoppers and for the connecting pin of towing
be not less than 7. brackets is to have mechanical properties not less than
those of grade Q3 chain cables, defined in NR216 Materials
1.9.6 Fairlead lips and Welding, Ch 4, Sec 1.
The lips of the fairlead are to be suitably faired in order to
1.10.3 Typical strongpoint arrangement
prevent the chafing chain from fouling on the lower lip
when deployed or during towing. Typical arrangements of chain stoppers and towing brackets
are shown in Fig 3, which may be used as reference.
1.9.7 Yielding check Chain stoppers may be of the hinged bar type or pawl
The equivalent Von Mises stress σE, in N/mm2, induced in (tongue) type or of other equivalent design.
the fairlead by a load equal to the safe working load defined
in [1.6.1], is to comply with the following formula: 1.10.4 Position and operating condition
The operating conditions and the positions of the strong-
σE ≤ σALL points are to comply with those defined in [1.9.3] and
Areas subjected to stress concentrations are considered by [1.9.4], respectively, for the fairleads.
the Society on a case-by-case basis.
1.10.5 Stopping device
Where the fairleads are analysed through fine mesh finite The stopping device (chain engaging pawl or bar) is to be
element models, the allowable stress may be taken as arranged, when in closed position, to prevent the chain
1,1 σALL. stopper from working in the open position, in order to avoid
chain cable release and allow it to pay out.
1.9.8 Alternative to the yielding check
Stopping devices are to be easy and safe to operate and, in
The above yielding check may be waived provided that fair- the open position, are to be properly secured.
leads are tested with a test load equal to twice the safe
working load defined in [1.6.1] and this test is witnessed by 1.10.6 Connecting pin of the towing bracket
a Surveyor of the Society. In this case, the Designer is
The scantlings of the connecting pin of the towing bracket
responsible for ensuring that the fairlead scantlings are suffi-
are to be not less than those of a pin of a grade Q3 end
cient to withstand such a test load.
shackle, as shown in Fig 3, provided that clearance
Unless otherwise agreed by the Society, components sub- between the two side lugs of the bracket does not exceed
jected to this test load are considered as prototype items 2,0d, where d is the chain diameter specified in [1.8.6] (see
and are to be discarded. also Fig 2).
Stopping device
Securing pin
in open position
Securing pin Grade Q3 chafing chain
in closed position Sliding track common link diameter = d
2,2 d
Thrust chock
Horizontal part of
sliding track ≥ 14 d
Stopping device
(hinged bar)
Sliding track
3,5 d (approx.)
2,2 d
Horizontal part of
sliding track ≥ 14 d
Towing bracket
(*) : See [4.10.6]
Studless end link
Enlarged link
3,5 d
14 d
1.10.8 Alternative to the yielding check 1.12 Rapid deployment of towing arrange-
The above yielding check may be waived provided that ment
strongpoints are tested with a test load equal to twice the
safe working load defined in [1.6.1] and this test is wit- 1.12.1 General
nessed by a Surveyor. In this case, the Designer is responsi-
To facilitate approval of towing arrangements and to ensure
ble for ensuring that the fairlead scantlings are sufficient to
rapid deployment, emergency towing arrangements are to
withstand such a test load.
comply with the requirements of this item.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Society, components sub-
jected to this test load are considered as prototype items 1.12.2 Marking
and are to be discarded.
All components, including control devices, of the emer-
gency towing arrangements are to be clearly marked to
1.10.9 Bolted connection
facilitate safe and effective use even in darkness and poor
Where a chain stopper or a towing bracket is bolted to a visibility.
seating welded to the deck, the bolts are to be relieved from
shear force by means of efficient thrust chocks capable of 1.12.3 Forward
withstanding a horizontal force equal to 1,3 times the safe
working load defined in [1.6.1] within the allowable stress The forward emergency towing arrangement is to be capa-
defined in [1.10.7]. ble of being deployed in harbour conditions in not more
than 1 hour.
The steel quality of bolts is to be not less than grade 8.8 as
defined by ISO standard No. 898/1. The forward emergency towing arrangement is to be
designed at least with a means of securing a towline to the
Bolts are to be pre-stressed in compliance with appropriate chafing gear using a suitably positioned pedestal roller to
standards and their tightening is to be suitably checked. facilitate connection of the towing pennant.
Material Equipment
Component Reference of applicable Reference of applicable
Certificate Certificate
requirements requirements
Towing pennant not applicable [1.7.1] COI (1) [1.7]
Chafing chain and associated COI (2) [1.8.3] COI (1) [1.8]
Fairleads CW [1.9.2] COI [1.9]
Strongpoint: COI (3) [1.10]
• main framing COI (2) [1.10.2]
• stopping device COI (2) [1.10.2]
Pick-up gear: no requirement
• rope not applicable − CW
• buoy not applicable − not required (4)
• line-throwing appliance not applicable − not required (4)
Pedestal roller fairlead CW − not required (4) no requirement
(1) according to NR216 Materials, Ch 4, Sec 1.
(2) according to NR216 Materials, Chapter 1.
(3) to be type approved.
(4) may be type approved.
Note 1:
COI : Certificate of inspection
CW : Works’ certificate 3.1.B according to EN 10204.
• Performance standards for shipborne global posi- • CPA: closest point of approach, i.e. the shortest target
tioning system receiver equipment (Resolution ship-own ship calculated distance that will occur in the
A.819 (19)) case of no change in course and speed data
• Adoption of the revised performance standards for • Conning position: the place in the wheelhouse with a
shipborne global positioning system (GPS) receiver commanding view and which is used by navigators
equipment (Resolution MSC.112 (73)) when monitoring and directing the ship mouvements
• Adoption of the revised performance standards for • Display: means by which a device presents visual infor-
shipborne GLONASS receiver equipment (Resolu- mation to the navigator, including conventional instru-
tion MSC.113 (73)) mentation
• Adoption of the revised performance standards for • Ergonomics: application of the human factor in the
shipborne DGPS and DGLONASS maritime radio analysis and design of equipment, work and working
beacon receiver equipment (Resolution MSC.114 environment
• Field of vision: angular size of a scene that can be
• Performance standards for a universal automatic observed from a position on the ship's bridge
identification system (AIS) (Resolution MSC.74 (69)
• Lookout: activity carried out by sight and hearing as
Annex 3)
well as by all available means appropriate in the pre-
• Performance standards for an integrated navigation vailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a
system (INS) (Resolution MSC.86 (70) Annex 3) full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision
• Performance standards for sound reception systems • Navigation: all tasks relevant for deciding, executing
(Resolution MSC.86 (70) Annex 1) and maintaining course and speed in relation to waters
• performance standards for the presentation of navi- and traffic
gation-related information on shipborne naviga- • Navigator: person navigating, operating bridge equip-
tional displays (Resolution MSC.191(79)) ment and manoeuvring the ship
• performance standards for a bridge navigational • NAVTEX: an international maritime radio telex system
watch alarm system (BNWAS) (Resolution sponsored by IMO and IHO, which automatically
MSC.128(75)) receives the broadcast telex information such as naviga-
• performance standards for shipborne voyage data tional, meteorological warnings and search and rescue
recorders (VDRs) (Resolution A.861(20) as amended (SAR) alerts on a 24-hour watch basis
by IMO Res. MSC.214(81)) • Normal conditions: when all systems and equipment
related to navigation operate within design limits, and
1.3.2 The requirements and guidelines of ISO 8468 – ed. 3 environmental conditions such as weather and traffic do
“Ship’s bridge layout and associated equipment– Require- not cause excessive workload to the officer of the watch
ments and guidelines” are applicable.
• Officer of the watch: erson responsible for safe navigat-
1.3.3 Additional requirements may be imposed by the ing, operating of bridge equipment and manoeuvring of
national authority with whom the ship is registered and/or the ship
by the Administration within whose territorial jurisdiction it • OMBO: one man bridge operation
is intended to operate.
• OMBO ship: one man bridge operated ship
• Radar plotting: the whole process of target detection,
1.4 Definitions
tracking, calculation of parameters and display of infor-
1.4.1 Terms used in the requirements are defined below:
• Seagoing ship: ship navigating on the high seas, i.e.
• Acquisition: the selection of those target ships requiring
areas along coasts and from coast to coast
a tracking procedure and the initiation of their tracking
• TCPA: time to closest point of approach
• Alarm: a visual and audible signal indicating an abnor-
mal situation • Tracking: process of observing the sequential changes in
the position of a target, to establish its motion
• ARPA: automatic radar plotting aid
• Vigilance system: system provided to verify the officer of
• Backup navigator: any individual, generally an officer,
the watch’s alertness
who has been designated by the ship’s Master to be on
call if assistance is needed on the navigation bridge • Watch alarm: alarm that is transferred from the bridge to
the Master and the backup navigator in the event of any
• Bridge: that area from which the navigation and control
officer of the watch deficiency (absence, lack of alert-
of the ship is exercised, including the wheelhouse and
ness, no response to another alarm/warning, etc.)
bridge wings
• Wheelhouse: enclosed area of the bridge
• Bridge wings: those parts of the bridge on both sides of
the ship's wheelhouse which, in general, extend to the • Workstation: position at which one or several tasks con-
ship side stituting a particular activity are carried out.
Categoy of ship
Size of ship/craft <500 gt 500 gt to < 10000 gt ≥ 10000 gt
Minimum operational display area diameter 180 mm 250 mm 320 mm
Minimum display area 195 mm x 195 mm 270 mm x 270 mm 340 mm x 340 mm
Auto acquisition of targets - - yes
Minimum acquired radar target capacity 20 30 40
Minimum activated AIS target capacity 20 30 40
Minimum sleeping AIS target capacity 100 150 200
Trial manoeuvre - - yes
5 Design and reliability viding the data to be supplied from the same distribu-
tion board bus serving the radio equipment rather than
the bus bar serving the navigation equipment.
5.1 General
f) Failure of any power supply to the panel is to initiate
5.1.1 Where computerised equipment is interconnected and audible and visual alarm at the navigation bridge.
through a computer network, failure of the network is not to
g) Each consumer is to be individually connected to the
prevent individual equipment from performing its individual
distribution panel bus bar and individually provided
with short-circuit protection.
c) The distribution of supplies to navigation equipment is 5.2.3 Power supply for equipment operated either
to be independent of those for radio equipment. The cir- AC or DC
cuits from the power sources is to be terminated either
in one or two distribution panels. When one distribution a) Each consumer is to be individually connected to the
panel is used, the two circuits supplying power to the main source of electrical power and to a distribution
panel are to be provided with split feeds into two sepa- bus bar of the panel which is fed from the emergency
rate bus bars, one for the radio equipment and one for source of electrical power and also, in case of the radio
the navigation equipment. The panel(s) is(are) to be equipment, from the reserve source of energy (radio bat-
sited on the navigation bridge or other suitable position teries). These two circuits are to be separated throughout
on the bridge deck. their length as fas as practicable.
d) The circuits supplying the board(s) are, as far as practi- b) The radio equipment and the navigation equipement are
cable, to be separated from each other throughout their to be provided with separate converters.
length. Facilities are to be provided in each distribution
c) An indicator is to be mounted in a suitable place visible
board for changing over between the main source of
for responsible member of the crew to indicate when
power and the emergency source of power. It is prefera-
batteries of the reserve source of energy are being dis-
ble that change over be initiated automatically. When a
single distribution board is used for both radio and navi-
gation equipment, separate change-over switches are to 5.2.4 Following a loss of power which has lasted for 30
be provided for each service. seconds or less, all primary functions are to be readily rein-
e) Where radio equipment requires an uninterrupted input stated. Following a loss of power which has lasted for more
of information from the ship’s navigational equipment or than 30 seconds, as many primary functions as practical are
other equipment, it is necessary for the quipment pro- to be readily reinstated.
5.3 Environmental conditions ship. The field of vision from a workstation is to be in accor-
dance with the guidelines on navigation bridge visibility, as
5.3.1 Shipborne navigational equipment specified in IMO specified in IMO Resolution A.708, MSC Circular 982 and
Publication 978-88-04E “PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ISO 8468 ed.3 as it applies to new ships.
continuous operation under the conditions of various sea 6.3 Alarm/warning transfer system -
states, vibration, humidity, temperature and electromag-
netic interference likely to be experienced in the ship in
which it is installed. 6.3.1 Any alarm/warning that requires bridge operator
response is to be automatically transferred to the Master
5.3.2 Equipment which has been additionally specified in
and, if he deems it necessary, to the selected backup navi-
this notation is to comply with the environmental condi-
gator and to the public rooms, if not acknowledged on the
tions specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 2 for control and instru-
bridge within 30 seconds.
mentation equipment, computers and peripherals for
shipboard use. Such transfer is to be carried out through the systems
required by [6.3.3] and [6.3.7], where applicable.
6 Prevention of accidents caused by 6.3.2 Acknowledgement of alarms/warnings is only to be
operator’s unfitness possible from the bridge.
6.1.5 The system is to provide for the acknowledgement by 6.3.7 If, depending on the shipboard work organisation,
the officer of the navigational watch at the navigating and the backup navigator may attend locations not connected to
traffic surveillance/manoeuvring workstation and other the fixed installation(s) described in [6.3.1], he is to be pro-
appropriate locations in the bridge from where a proper vided with a portable wireless device enabling both the
lookout may be kept. alarm/warning transfer and the two-way speech communi-
cation with the officer of the watch.
6.1.6 Such system is to be connected to the alarm transfer
system described in [6.3]. 6.3.8 External sound signals from ships and fog signals that
are audible on open deck are also to be audible inside the
6.1.7 An alarm is to operate on the bridge in the event of a wheelhouse; a transmitting device is to be provided to
failure of the bridge safety systems. reproduce such signals inside the wheelhouse (recom-
mended frequency range: 70 to 700 Hertz).
6.1.8 The requirements of [6.1.1] to [6.1.7] do not prevent
the Society from accepting any technical systems that ade-
6.4 Bridge layout
quately verify or help maintain the alertness of the officer of
the watch at intervals up to 12 minutes. 6.4.1 The bridge configuration, the arrangement of con-
soles and equipment location are to enable the officer of the
6.2 Field of vision watch to maintain a proper lookout from a convenient
6.2.1 For the purpose of performing duties related to navi-
gation, traffic surveillance and manoeuvring, the field of 6.4.2 A workstation for navigation and traffic surveil-
vision from a workstation is to be such as to enable observa- lance/manoeuvring is to be arranged to enable efficient
tion of all objects which may affect the safe conning of the operation by one person under normal operating conditions.
1 Fire protection
One of the pumps may be replaced by a hydraulic ejector 2.2.3 Type of pumps
connected to sea water fire main and capable of ensuring
a) Flooding pumps, are to be of the self-priming type. Cen-
the drainage under similar conditions to those obtained
trifugal pumps are to be fitted with efficient priming
with the other pump.
means, unless an approved priming system is provided
to ensure the priming of pumps under normal operating
2.2.2 Capacity of pumps
The pumping capacity for flooding in each compartment
referred to in [1.1.1] shall be not less than the capacity b) Flooding power pumps are to be suitable to operate
determined by the following formula: when submersed in seawater.
Q = 0, 36W
2gh c) Arrangements are to be provided to start the motor of
dedicated flooding power pumps from the central dam-
where: age control station and locally