A Patient-Centered Self-Care Support System For Diabetics
A Patient-Centered Self-Care Support System For Diabetics
A Patient-Centered Self-Care Support System For Diabetics
Chien-Ho Wu
Department of Statistics and Information Science
Fu Jen Catholic University
New Taipei City, 24205 Taiwan
[email protected]
Abstract—According to WHO statistics there are about 347 problem and develop a diabetes care support system called
million people worldwide having diabetes. Unfortunately cures for ScasDia. It is developed using open-source ware with the
both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have proved elusive to medical ability to analyse daily measures and build ARIMA models
science. The causes of diabetes are a complex, but are in large on selected diabetes indicators for forecasting purposes. In
part due to rapid increases in overweight, obesity and physical the end ScasDia is able to help improve the quality of self-
inactivity. In general to help prevent diabetes and its complications, care and quality of life for diabetics.
people should achieve and maintain healthy body weight, be
physically active, eat a healthy diet, and avoid tobacco use. II. BRIEF SURVEY
Achieving this goal requires a patient-centered approach on the
part of healthcare. In this research we pull together IT in public A. Diabetes
domain and propose a system, called ScasDia, with features of
reminders, plotting and advance-warnings that can benefit Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology. It is
diabetics by improving the quality of self-care. ScasDia, a noncommunicable chronic disease that occurs when the
implemented in Java, facilitates the recording of data related to pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body
diet control, physical exercises and diabetes indicators. cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
Nonetheless it builds ARIMA models with R on selected indicators Hyperglycaemia is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes
so that predictions for the selected indicators can serve as advance and over time leads to serious damage, dysfunction and
warnings on the status of diabetes care. ScasDia can help failure of various organs (WHO 1999). Complications
reduce risk factors that contribute to the development of related to diabetes include stroke, kidney failure,
complications. amputations, cardiovascular diseases and premature death et
cetera. Report has also shown that 50% of people with
Keywords- Diabetes; ARIMA; Java; R diabetes die of cardiovascular disease, primarily heart
disease and stroke (Morrish 2001). Good metabolic control
I. INTRODUCTION prevents or delays these complications. In fact the overall
risk of dying among people with diabetes is at least double
Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease. It can be
the risk of their peers without diabetes (Roglic et al. 2005).
prevented but is not yet reversible if developed. According to
There are two major forms of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes
statistics from WHO there are about 347 million people
(T1D) is characterized by a lack of insulin production. T1D
worldwide having diabetes. It is predicted to become the
usually develops in childhood and adolescence. Patients of
seventh leading cause of death in the world by the year 2030
T1D require lifelong insulin injections for survival. Type 2
(WHO 2013).
diabetes (T2D) results from the body's ineffective use of
Diabetes care is a lifelong responsibility and takes round-
insulin. T2D usually develops in adulthood and is related to
the-clock commitment. Careful diabetes care can reduce risk
obesity, lack of physical activity, and unhealthy diets. Other
of serious, even life-threatening, complications. Preventing
categories of diabetes include gestational diabetes and other
diabetes and its complications requires a patient-centered
rarer causes. T2D accounts for around 90% of all diabetes
approach on the part of healthcare.
worldwide (WHO 2013).
A diabetes treatment plan usually dictates a patient to
Intermediate states of hyperglycemia (impaired fasting
achieve and maintain healthy body weight, be physically
glucose, IFG or impaired glucose tolerance, IGT) have also
active, eat a healthy diet, and avoid tobacco use. Also
been defined. These states can progress to diabetes but with
tracking clinical indicators has been shown to improve the
the possibility of being prevented or delayed (WHO 1999).
quality of diabetes care, ultimately improving the outcomes
In people who do not have diabetes, the normal range of
for people with diabetes (NIH 2013, Rossi et al. 2011).
blood /plasma glucose concentration level is about 70 to 120
Despite the recognized importance of tracking clinic
mg/dl. Blood glucose goes up after eating but 1 or 2 hours
indicators and criticality of strict commitment to the
later returns to the normal range. Blood glucose targets for
treatment plan, there is no proper tool that is cost-effective
most people with diabetes are 70 to 130 mg/dl before meals
available to the patients to help achieve those tasks. To help
and below 180 mg/dl 1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal.
patients of type 2 diabetes track daily measures and achieve
Another test called HbA1c can be done to approximate
treatment plan, we adopt a systems approach to address the
Following the NIH guide to diabetes (NIH 2013) and the
idea of advance warnings for prevention we pull together
related open-source ware in public domain and develop a
tentative system, i.e. ScasDia, that can help not only track
daily diabetes records but also build forecast models on
selected diabetes indicators for forecasting purposes.
A. System Functions
Fig. 1 is the use case diagram of ScasDia. At this moment
ScasDia is designed for users that assume roles as either
record keeper or care professional. A record keeper can use
the system to track and maintain daily records about meals,
physical exercises and diabetes indicators such as blood
pressures and concentration levels of blood glucose. Besides
record keeping, users of ScasDia can receive preliminary Figure 2. System block diagram.
recommendations on physical fitness and calories taken from
meals. Furthermore users can plot line charts and time series
charts of selected diabetes indicators. A care professional can IV. IMPLEMENTATION
also exploit the model building function to predict values of
A. Deployment Requirements
diabetes indicators in the immediate future.
ScasDia is implemented in Java with NetBeans IDE as an
application in the Windows environment. Any platform
conforming to the following requirements shall be able to
run the system.
x Java runtime environment (SE. 1.7v or later)
x R statistical software (rJava/jri, RODBC incl.)
x ODBC manager
x MySQL(5.5v or later) with JDBC connector and
MySQL ODBC driver
System environment variables that must be set for the
sake of running the system include R_HOME,
B. Selected Screen Shots
Selected screen shots of ScasDia are shown from Fig. 3
to Fig. 5. The zigzagged first line in the upper left of Fig. 3 is
the line chart of recorded blood sugar tests 2HR after meal in
the morning and the wiggly second line is the line chart of
Figure 1. Use case diagram of ScasDia
recorded blood sugar tests before meal in the morning. The
line charts on the upper right of Fig. 3 are charts of blood
B. System Architecture sugar tests recorded in the afternoon.
The system contains five modules as shown in Fig. 2.
The GUI model is the interface that interacts with users of
the system. The data collection module is in charge of the
recording of daily details on food taken, physical activities,
and diabetes indicators. Data collected are stored in a
MySQL database. The data maintenance module provides
the house keeping functions for data stored in the database.
By referring to the data stored in the database, the suggestion
module provides recommendations about the suggested
intake of daily calories and preliminary diagnosis on the
frequency and strength of physical exercises. The forecasting
module builds, either automatically or manually, ARIMA
models by invoking model building functions in R through
Figure 3. Line charts of blood sugar and blood pressures.
the jri of rJava package (Venables 2013, Wu et al. 2012, Wu
2013, Wu et al. 2013).
Figure 4. ARIMA model summary for sample data.
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for helping out with clerical errands. and its complications. Part 1: Diagnosis and classification of diabetes
mellitus (WHO/NCD/NCS/99.2), Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1999.
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