RB TDocuments KO
RB TDocuments KO
RB TDocuments KO
December 2015
SECTION 4.1 General Delivery Schedules
SECTION 4.2 Bill of Quantities (with preamble)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
This section specifies the procedures to be followed by Tenderers in the preparation and submission of
their Tender. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and evaluation of Tenders and on
the award of contract.
Table of Content
A. General 4
1 Scope of Tender 4
2 Source of Funds 4
3 Corrupt Practices 5
4 Eligible / Ineligible Tenderers 5
5 Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services 7
5-a Labour Law 7
5-b Law 7
B. Contents of Tender Document 8
6 Sections of Tender Document 8
7 Clarification of Tender Document, Site Visit, Pre-Tender Meeting 9
8 Amendment of Tender Document 10
C. Preparation of Tenders 11
9 Cost of Tender 11
10 Language of Tender 11
11 Documents Comprising the Tender 11
12 Form of Tender, and Schedules 13
13 Alternative Tenders 13
14 Tender Prices and Discounts 14
15 Currencies of Tender and Payment 14
16 Documents Comprising the Technical Proposal 14
17 Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Tenderer 15
18 Period of Validity of Tenders 15
19 Tender Security 15
20 Format and Signing of Tender 16
D. Submission and Opening of Tenders 17
21 Sealing and Marking of Tenders 17
22 Deadline for Submission of Tenders 17
23 Late Tenders 17
24 Withdrawal of Tenders 18
25 Tender Opening 18
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 19
26 Confidentiality 19
27 Clarification of Tenders 19
28 Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions 19
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
A. General
1 Scope of Tender
1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Tenderers, the Employer, as
indicated in the TDS, issues this Tender Document for the
procurement of Works as specified in Volume III (Employer’s
Requirements), Volume IV (Schedules) and Volume V (Tender
Drawings). The name and number of contracts of the International
Competitive Tendering (ICT) are provided in the TDS.
2 Source of Funds
2.1 The Municipality of Tivat and the Municipality of Kotor have received
financing (hereinafter called “funds”) from the KfW Development
bank, Germany (hereinafter called “the KfW”) via on-lending through
the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Montenegro (hereinafter
called MoF) towards the cost of the project named in the TDS.
Municipalities intend to apply a portion of the funds to eligible
payments under the contracts resulting from the bidding for which
this qualification is conducted (hereinafter called “the Contract”).
Remaining funding will be provided by the Municipalities of Tivat and
Kotor through their own contribution.
Disbursement of funds will be as follows:
a) Funds from the loan (KfW)
b) Municipality’s Own Contribution
2.2 Project Executing Agency (PEA) for the “doo Vodovod i Kanalizacija
Tivat” in Tivat and “Vodovod i Kanalizacija Kotor doo” in Kotor is
Vodacom. Payments will be made through Vodacom, the Joint
Service and Coordination Company for Water and Waste Water
Service for the Montenegrin Coast and the Municipality of Cetinje on
behalf of KfW, only at the request of the “doo Vodovod i Kanalizacija
Tivat” and “Vodovod i Kanalizacija Kotor doo” (hereinafter called the
Employer) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
separate agreement between Vodacom and KfW and MoF, and will
be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Loan
Agreement between KfW and the MoF of Montenegro.
3 Corrupt
Practices 3.1 The Municipalities of Tivat and Kotor including the beneficiary of KfW
financed activity, as well as tenderers, suppliers, and contractors
under KfW-financed contracts, shall observe the highest standard of
ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In
pursuance of this requirement, the contracting agency and the KfW
a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below
as follows:
i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence
the action of any party in the procurement process or the
execution of a contract;
ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of
facts in order to influence a procurement process or the
execution of a contract;
iii) “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between
two or more tenderers, with or without the knowledge of the
Borrower, designed to influence the action of any party in a
procurement process or the execution of a contract;
iv) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm,
directly or indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their
participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution
of a contract;
b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer
recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged
in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing
for the Contract; and
c) will sanction a party or its successor, including declaring ineligible,
either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate in KfW-
financed activities if it at any time determines that the firm has,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, an
KfW-financed contract.
4 Eligible /
Ineligible 4.1 A Tenderer shall be a private or government-owned legal entity,
Tenderers subject to the Instruction to Tenderers (ITT) Sub-Clause 4.6, or any
combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement
or under an existing agreement in the form of a Joint Venture (JV). In
the case of a JV,
a) all members to the JV shall be jointly and severally liable; and
b) a JV shall nominate a representative who shall have the authority to
conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the members of
the JV during the qualification process and, in the event the JV is
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
4.3 The above requirement shall also apply to the determination of the
nationality of proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
6.2 The Invitation for Tenderers issued by the Employer is not part of the
Tender Document.
6.3 The Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the Tender
Document and their Addenda, if they were not obtained directly from
the source stated by the Employer in the Invitation for Tenderers.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
7.2 The Tenderer is obliged to visit and inspect the Site of the works and
its surroundings for the purpose of assessing, at his own
responsibility, expense and risk, factors necessary for the preparation
of his tender and the signing of the contract for the works.
7.3 A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the PEA on
behalf of the Employer on:
7.4 All Tenderers must confirm in writing within three days that they have
received minutes of the clarification meeting and the site visit.
7.5 The Tenderer and any of its personnel or agents will be granted
permission by the Employer to enter upon its premises and lands for
the purpose of such visit, but only upon the express condition that the
Tenderer, its personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Employer and its personnel and agents from and against all liability in
respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury,
loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs,
and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.
8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Tender Document and
shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Tender
Document from the Employer in accordance with ITT 6.3.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
C. Preparation of Tenders
9 Cost of Tender
9.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Tender, and the Employer shall not be responsible
or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Tender process.
10 Language of
Tender 10.1 The Tender, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to
the tender exchanged by the Tenderer and the Employer, shall be
written in the language specified in the TDS. Supporting documents
and printed literature that are part of the Tender may be in another
language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation
of the relevant passages in the language specified in the TDS, in
which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Tender, such
translation shall govern.
11 Documents
Comprising the 11.1 The Tender shall comprise the following:
Tender a) Form of Tender; in accordance with ITT 12
b) completed schedules as required, including priced Bill of Quantities,
in accordance with ITT 12 and 14;
c) Tender Security, in accordance with ITT 19;
d) alternative tenders, if permissible, in accordance with ITT 13;
e) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Tender to
commit the Tenderer, in accordance with ITT 20.2;
f) documentary evidence in accordance with ITT 17 establishing the
Tenderer’s qualifications to perform the contracts if its Tender is
g) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITT 16;
h) any other document required in the TDS.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Envelope I:
- Tender Security, in the form provided in Volume 1, Section 1.4;
and issued by a bank acceptable to the Employer and KfW
- Post qualification documentation as per Volume 1, Section 1.5;
- Declaration of Undertaking
- Power of Attorney
Envelope II:
- Appendix to Tender in accordance with the forms provided in
Volume II, Section 2.4
- Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress
- Financial Resources
- Declaration on Employer’s Design
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Envelope III:
- Tender Form
- Breakdown of the overall prices, in the form provided in Volume IV
and as digital .xls-format
- Expected Cash Flow
- Information on Daywork Items .
12 Form of Tender,
and Schedules 12.1 The Form of Tender and Schedules, including the Bill of Quantities,
shall be prepared using the relevant forms furnished in Section 1.4
(Tender Forms) and Volume IV (Schedules). The forms must be
completed without any alterations to the text, and no substitutes shall
be accepted unless otherwise stated in Section 1.4. All blank spaces
shall be filled in with the information requested. The Tender Forms
and the BOQ will also be submitted on CD attached to the tender
12.2 Where the forms in Volume IV ask for a “manufacturer”, the Tenderer
shall clearly state one manufacturer. This manufacturer shall be
binding for the contract and only changed in exceptional cases and
with the written approval of the Engineer.
13 Alternative
Tenders 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the TDS, alternative tenders shall not
be considered.
13.3 Except as provided under ITT 13.4 below, Tenderers wishing to offer
technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tender Document
must first price the Employer’s design as described in the Tender
Document and shall further provide all information necessary for a
complete evaluation of the alternative by the Employer, including
drawings, design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of
prices, and proposed construction methodology and other relevant
details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
14.2 The Tenderer shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate or
price is entered by the Tenderer will not be paid for by the Employer
when executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates for other
items and prices in the Bill of Quantities.
14.3 The price to be quoted in the Form of Tender, in accordance with ITT
12.1, shall be the total price of the Tender, excluding any discounts
14.4 The Tenderer shall quote any discounts and the methodology for
their application in the Form of Tender, in accordance with ITT 12.1.
Any discount offered elsewhere in the Tender will not be taken into
14.5 Unless otherwise provided in the TDS and the Contract, the rates
and prices quoted by the Tenderer are subject to adjustment during
the performance of the Contract in accordance with the provisions of
the Conditions of Contract. In such a case, the Tenderer shall furnish
the indices and weightings for the price adjustment formulae in the
Tables of Adjustment Data included in Section 1.4 (Tender Forms)
and the Employer may require the Tenderer to justify its proposed
indices and weightings.
14.6 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under
the Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 28 days prior to
the deadline for submission of tenders, shall be included in the rates
and prices and the total Tender Price submitted by the Tenderer.
15 Currencies of
Tender and 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer entirely
Payment in the currency specified in the TDS.
16 Documents
Comprising the 16.1 The Tenderer shall furnish a Technical Proposal including a
Technical statement of work methods, equipment, personnel, schedule and any
Proposal other information as stipulated in Section 1.4 (Tender Forms), in
sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of the Tenderers’
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
18.3 The successful Tenderer must maintain his Tender for a further
period from a date of notification of award as may be required by the
Employer to cover the period until both Contracts are signed.
19 Tender Security
19.1 The Tenderer shall furnish as part of its tender, in original form,
tender securities as specified in the TDS. The amount shall be as
specified in the TDS.
19.2 The tender security shall be in the following form if not otherwise
stated in the TDS:
• an unconditional bank guarantee;
from a reputable bank from an eligible country. Both tender securities
shall be submitted using the Tender Security Form included in
Section 1.4 (Tender Forms). Each tender security shall be valid for
twenty-eight days (28) beyond the original validity period of the
tender, or beyond any period of extension if requested under ITT
20 Format and
Signing of Tender 20.1 The Tenderer shall prepare one original of the documents comprising
the tender as described in ITT 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL”.
Alternative tenders, if permitted in accordance with ITT 13, shall be
clearly marked “ALTERNATIVE”. In addition, the Tenderer shall
submit copies of the tender, in the number specified in the TDS and
clearly mark them “COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between
the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
20.2 The original and all copies of the tender shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign
on behalf of the Tenderer. This authorization shall consist of a written
confirmation as specified in the TDS and shall be attached to the
tender. The name and position held by each person signing the
authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages
of the tender, except for printed literature, shall be signed or initialled
by the person signing the tender. All pages of the tender shall have a
consecutive numbering.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
d) bear a warning not to open before the time and date for tender
21.3 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Employer
will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the tender.
22 Deadline for
Submission of 22.1 Tenders must be received by the Employer at the address and no
Tenders later than the date and time indicated in the TDS. When so specified
in the TDS, Tenderers shall have the option of submitting their
tenders electronically. Tenderers submitting tenders electronically
shall follow the electronic tender submission procedures specified in
the TDS.
22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of tenders by amending the Tender Document in
accordance with ITT 8, in which case all rights and obligations of the
Employer and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
23 Late Tenders
23.1 The Employer shall not consider any tender that arrives after the
deadline for submission of tenders, in accordance with ITT 22. Any
tender received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
24.3 No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender
validity specified by the Tenderer on the Form of Tender or any
extension thereof.
25 Tender Opening
25.1 The Employer shall open the tenders (post-qualification documents
first of all only) in public at the address, date and time specified in the
TDS. During opening of post qualification documents the Tenderer
may depute a representative or duly authorized agent to be present.
25.4 The chairman will open the tenders in accordance with ITT 21 and
25.5 First, envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read
out and the envelope with the corresponding tender shall not be
opened, but returned to the Tenderer. No tender withdrawal shall be
permitted unless the corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid
authorization to request the withdrawal and is read out at tender
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
25.6 A tender record will be made by PEA. A copy of the record will be
distributed to all Tenderers
26.3 Notwithstanding ITT 26.2, from the time of tender opening to the time
of Contract award, if any Tenderer wishes to contact the Employer on
any matter related to the Tender process, it may do so in writing.
27 Clarification of
Tenders 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the
tenders, and qualification of the Tenderers, the Employer may, at its
discretion, ask any Tenderer for a clarification of its tender. Any
clarification submitted by a Tenderer that is not in response to a
request by the Employer shall not be considered. The Employer’s
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No
change in the prices or substance of the tender shall be sought,
offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic
errors discovered by the Employer in the evaluation of the tenders, in
accordance with ITT 31.
27.2 If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its tender by the date
and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its tender may
be rejected.
28 Deviations,
Reservations, 28.1 During the evaluation of tenders, the following definitions apply:
and Omissions • “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the
Tender Document;
• “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding
from complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the
Tender Document; and
• “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the Tender Document.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
29 Determination of
Responsiveness 29.1 The Employer’s determination of a tender’s responsiveness is to be
based on the contents of the tender itself, as defined in ITT11.
29.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the tender
submitted in accordance with ITT 16, Technical Proposal, in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Volume III - Section 3.1
(Employer’s Requirements) have been met without any material
deviation or reservation.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
31 Correction of
Arithmetical 31.1 Provided that the tender is substantially responsive, the Employer
Errors shall correct arithmetical errors on the following basis:
a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity,
the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected,
unless in the opinion of the Employer there is an obvious
misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price compared to
the respective unit price of competitors, in which case the total
price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be
b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected; and
c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the
amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in
words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the
amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
31.2 If the Tenderer that submitted the lowest evaluated tender does not
accept the correction of errors, its tender shall be disqualified and its
tender security may be forfeited.
32 Conversion to
Single Currency 32.1 Not applicable
33 Margin of
Preference 33.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, a margin of preference shall
not apply.
34 Evaluation of
Tenders 34.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this
Clause. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be
34.2 In a first evaluation stage the Tenderer have to pass the Post
Qualification. The post-qualification documents have to meet the
minimum requirements as specified in Volume I – Section 1.5.
Tenderers, which do not reach the minimum requirements are
considered to be non responsive and subsequently the Technical and
Financial Offer will not be considered and will be returned unopened
to the Tenderer. Once the post-qualification documents have been
assessed a short list of qualified bidders has to be approved by the
Employer and KfW.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
34.4 Following the opening and evaluation of the technical submittals, the
qualified tenderers will be invited at a date and venue to be
announced to the opening of the price proposals.
Unchecked Tender Prices, totals of every tender, any reductions, and
any other particulars the Evaluation Committee considers important
must be announced by the Chairman of the Evaluation Committee at
the opening of the Financial Offers.
34.6 If the tender, which results in the most favourable tender, is seriously
unbalanced or front loaded in the opinion of the Employer, the
Employer may require the Tenderer to produce detailed price
analyses for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate
the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods
and schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analyses, taking
into consideration the schedule of estimated Contract payments, the
Employer may require that the amount of the performance security
be increased at the expense of the Tenderer to a level sufficient to
protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of default of
the successful Tenderer under the Contract.
35 Comparison of
Tenders 35.1 The Employer shall compare all substantially responsive tenders to
determine the most favourable tender, in accordance with ITT 34.
36 Qualification of
the Tenderer 36.1 The Employer will determine to its satisfaction whether the Tenderer
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
F. Award of Contract
38 Award Criteria
38.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer
has been determined to be the most favourable evaluated tender
following the criteria in Volume I - Section 1.3, and is substantially
responsive to the Tender Document, provided further that the
Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract
satisfactorily. The award of contract is subject to a positive vote from
39 Notification of
Award 39.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the Employer
shall notify the successful Tenderer, in writing, that its tender has
been accepted. The notification letter (hereinafter and in the
Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms called the “Letter of
Acceptance”) shall specify the sum that the Employer will pay the
Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the
Works (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract
Forms called “the Contract Price”) and the requirement for the
Contractor to remedy any defects therein as prescribed by the
Contract. If the contracts are awarded to foreign companies, after the
contracts award notification and prior to advance payments, the
company will have to register in Montenegro.
40 Signing of
Contract 40.1 Promptly after notification, the Employer shall send the successful
Tenderer the Contract Agreements.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
41 Performance
Security 41.1 Within twenty-one (21) days of the Contract’ entry into force, the
successful Tenderer shall furnish the performance securities in
accordance with the conditions of contracts, using for that purpose
the Performance Security Forms included in Section 2.6, or another
form acceptable to the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
This section consists of provisions that are specific to the procurement and supplement the information or
requirements included in Section 1 Instructions to Tenderers.
A. Introduction
Both „D.O.O. Vodovod i kanalizacija Tivat“ and " Vodovod i kanalizacija Kotor
d.o.o.“ receive support through Vodacom (the PEA), the “Joint Service and
Coordination Company for Water and Waste Water Service for the Montenegrin
Coast and the Municipality of Cetinje.
ITT 2.1 The name of the Project is: “Water Supply And Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 –
Tivat and Kotor”
B. Tender Documents
ITT 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the PEA address is:
Attention: Vodacom, Mrs Bojana Ječmenica
Number and Street: Luke Tomanovića, br. 2
City Tivat, Montenegro
ZIP Code: 85320
Country: Montenegro
Facsimile number: +382 (0)32 672 782
Electronic mail address: [email protected], [email protected]
Requests for clarification should be directed to the PEA exclusively by e-mail (to
both e-mail addresses above) and will be replied by e-mail.
ITT 7.4 A Pre-tender meeting will take place on the 12.01.2016 at 10:00 am
(Vodacom’s meeting room).
A site visit conducted by the PEA and Employer will be organized on the same
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
C. Preparation of Tender
ITT 11.1 h) The Tenderer shall submit with its application the following additional documents:
a) KfW Form for “Declaration of Undertaking”
ITT 13.4 Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated Tenderer
conforming to the basic technical requirements (as requested under Tender
dossier) shall be considered by the Employer for eventual further evaluation..
Technical alternatives shall be limited to materials of pipes and manholes, and
construction technology.
ITT14.5 The prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed (price adjustment shall not be
ITT 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the tenderer entirely in: EURO (€)
ITT 20.1 In addition to the original of the tender, the number of copies is: 3 (three)
ITT 20.2 a) In case of a single entity the written confirmation of authorization to sign on
behalf of the Tenderer shall consist of a Power of Attorney.
b) In case of a JV the written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the
Tenderer shall consist of a Power of Authorization signed by all JV members.
Also for the signatory of each JV member or specialized Subcontractor a
Power of Attorney shall be furnished.
c) Tender shall have a table of contents at the beginning of the document. Name
of the contact person with e-mail address, phone and fax number will be clearly
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
ITT 22.1 For tender submission purposes only, the Employer’s address is:
Submit the original and two copies to:
Attention of D.O.O. Vodovod i kanalizacija Tivat
Mr Čedomir Lukić (Director)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
This Section contains all the criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate tenders and qualify
Tenderes. In accordance with ITT 34, ITT 35 and ITT 36, no other methods, criteria and factors shall be
used. The Tenderer shall provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section 1.4
(Tender Forms).
Table of Content
1. General 34
2. Administrative Compliance 34
3. Evaluation Steps 35
4. Technical Proposal 35
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
In addition to the criteria listed in ITT 34.5 (a) – (g) the following criteria shall apply:
Before beginning a detailed analysis of the tenders, the Evaluation Committee will check that each
An admissible tender is one which conforms to the requirements and specifications described in the
Tender Documents with no substantial deviations or reservations. Substantial deviations and
reservations are those which:
• restrict the rights of the Employer or the obligations of the Tenderer under the contract in a
manner inconsistent with the tender documents, or
• rectification of which would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Tenderers
presenting admissible tenders.
If a tender does not comply with the above requirements, it will be rejected by the Evaluation
Committee when checking admissibility. The Evaluation Committee will evaluate and compare only
those tenders considered substantially admissible.
2.1 Completeness and Clearness of Tender
The appearance of the tender, the completeness, and clearness of the information provided, the
numbering of pages, correctness of calculations, and the general readability of the tender will be
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
a) Evaluation of the Post-Qualification Documents
The post qualification documents will be evaluated in line with the requirements stipulated in Section 5.
The Bidders having met the minimum requirements for post-qualification will be short listed. The
technical and financial proposals of the bidders not having passed the post-qualification procedure will be
returned unopened to the not qualified Bidders. Only the technical and financial proposals of those
Bidders being short listed will be considered for further evaluation.
b) Evaluation of the Technical Proposals
In a second step the Technical Offers will be opened and evaluated. Technical Proposals have to be
complete and shall comply with the subsequent listed requirements
4.1 Key Personnel
The Tenderer must demonstrate that his personnel foreseen for the key positions meet the following
Experience In
Total Work
No. Position Similar Work
Experience [years]
1 Contractor’s Representative 10 8
2 Construction Manager (x 2) 10 5
3 Designer 10 5
4 Land Surveyor 10 5
The Tenderer shall provide details of the proposed personnel and their experience records in the
relevant Information Forms included in Section 1.4 (Tender Forms Construction Manager shall not
be the same person for both Contracts.
4.3 Equipment
The Tenderer must compile his own list of equipment intended for the execution of the contract in
the relevant form in section 1.4, which corresponds with his proposed construction schedule (the
construction schedule also showing the use of equipment for the construction steps).
The list and descriptions shall demonstrate his ability to complete the works and should include inter
• Earthmoving machines
• Dewatering plant
• Equipment for trench sheeting
• Concrete mixing and placing plant (if required)
• Cranes and lifting plant
• Transport vehicles
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
• Other equipment
The Tenderer shall provide further details of proposed items of equipment using the relevant Form
in Section 1.4 (Tender Forms). The Tenderer is to indicate in the forms whether such equipment is
owned or hired.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
• The technical evaluation of the tender, including the Administrative Compliance, will be
evaluated in total with 20 points, the Tender Price with 80 Points.
• Only such tenders, which achieve a minimum of 14 points in the technical evaluation, will be
considered technically responsive. Tenders achieving less than 14 points will not be
considered for contract award.
• The Tenderer reaching the highest number of points will be ranked highest.
Sub criteria
No. CRITERIA no of
4.1 Key Personnel
4.3 Equipment
20 4.4 Materials and Supplies
Technical Proposal points 4.6 Method Statement and Construction Schedule
4.8 Quality Control/Assurance System
4.9 Technical Information and Data Sheets
Tender Price points
Important; Optional Items shall make part of the overall evaluation of the bids.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
This Section contains the forms which are to be completed by the Tenderer and submitted as part of
his Tender and is enclosed in digital format on CD.
Table of Forms
Form of Tender
Declaration of Undertaking
Power of Attorney
Financial Resources
Form FIN – 0: Financial Resources
Technical Proposal
Declaration on Employer’s Design
Form DES – 1: Declaration on Employer’s Design
Form PER – 1: Proposed Key Personnel
Form PER – 2: Experience of Proposed Key Personnel
Form PER – 3: Overview of Tenderer’s Available Personnel and Personnel for the Contract
Form EQP – 1: Overview of Equipment Proposed for this Contract
Form EQP – 2: Details of Equipment Proposed for this Contract
List of Materials and Supplies
Form MAT – 1: List of Materials and Supplies
Information on Intended Sub-Contracts
Form SUB – 1: Information on intended Sub-Contracts
Financial Proposal
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Notice to Tenderer’s
1. All questions contained in all the Forms shall be answered by the Tenderer.
3. If a question does not apply, "Not applicable" shall be written against it, with a brief explanation
of why it does not apply.
4. Each page of every individual form shall be numbered consecutively in the lower right corner.
Tenderer’s are envisaged to make a clear table of contents at the beginning of the tender
5. Financial data and declarations presented by the Tenderer shall be given in EURO. Original
bank statements may be also attached for reference.
7. The Form FIN-0 shall be submitted by each partner of a Joint Venture/Consortium, as well as
for any sub-contractor if the value of the subcontract is more than 10 percent (10%) of the
Accepted Contract Amount.
8. Accuracy in the filling in of the questionnaire, its completeness and attached documentation will
be taken into account in the Tender evaluation. The attention of the Tenderer is also drawn to
the fact that absence of some data may cause their non-compliance in the related item of
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Form of Tender
LOT 1 - Tivat
Date: ...........................................
We offer to execute according to (ICT Tender No.) RB- TV/KO -V1 and in conformity with the Tender
Documents the following Works:
The total bid price for LOT1 of our tender excluding any VAT and discounts offered below, including all
current taxes, levies, duties and other liabilities is
The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Documents, including Addenda
issued in accordance with Instructions to Tenderers ITT 8 ;
(b) We have collected the needed information on conditions of Works and studied all other
circumstances that may influence the contract execution
(d) Our tender shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for the tender
submission deadline in accordance with the Tender Documents, and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period; Tender
validity for optional works shall be two moths from mandatory works commencement date;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(e) If our tender is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with
the Tender Documents;
(f) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract, do not have any
conflict of interest in accordance with ITT 4.4;
(g) We are not participating, as a Tenderer or as a subcontractor, in more than one tender in
this tender process in accordance with ITT 4.4, other than alternative offers submitted in
accordance with ITT 13;
(h) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part
of the contract, has not been declared ineligible under the Employer’s country laws or
official regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security
(i) We are not a government owned entity / We are a government owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITT 4.6;
(j) We understand that this tender, together with your written acceptance thereof included in
your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal
contract is prepared and executed; and
(k) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated tender or any other
tender that you may receive.
(l) In case of our Tender for Procurement of Works being accepted we shall not make any
requests regarding the change of the offered price for the said works.
(m) We pledge to commence the subject works immediately after we sign the Contract and to
complete them by the Time for Completion of the Works stated in the Appendix to Tender
for LOT1 – Tivat.
(o) We acknowledge that all the actions to be undertaken by the Employer shall be completely
in accordance with the regulations of Laws and Rules of the Country of Montenegro.
Address: ____________________________________________
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Form of Tender
LOT 2 - Kotor
Date: ...........................................
We offer to execute according to (ICT Tender No.) RB- TV/KO -V1 and in conformity with the Tender
Documents the following Works:
The total bid price for LOT2 of our tender excluding any VAT and discounts offered below, including all
current taxes, levies, duties and other liabilities is
The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
(l) We have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Documents, including Addenda
issued in accordance with Instructions to Tenderers ITT 8 ;
(m) We have collected the needed information on conditions of Works and studied all other
circumstances that may influence the contract execution
(o) Our tender shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for the tender
submission deadline in accordance with the Tender Documents, and it shall remain binding
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period; Tender
validity for optional works shall be two months from mandatory works commencement date;
(p) If our tender is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with
the Tender Documents;
(q) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract, do not have any
conflict of interest in accordance with ITT 4.4;
(r) We are not participating, as a Tenderer or as a subcontractor, in more than one tender in
this tender process in accordance with ITT 4.4, other than alternative offers submitted in
accordance with ITT 13;
(s) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part
of the contract, has not been declared ineligible under the Employer’s country laws or
official regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security
(t) We are not a government owned entity / We are a government owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITT 4.6;
(u) We understand that this tender, together with your written acceptance thereof included in
your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal
contract is prepared and executed; and
(v) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated tender or any other
tender that you may receive.
(n) In case of our Tender for Procurement of Works being accepted we shall not make any
requests regarding the change of the offered price for the said works.
(o) We pledge to commence the subject works immediately after we sign the Contract and to
complete them by the Time for Completion of the Works stated in the Appendix to Tender
for LOT2 – Kotor.
(q) We acknowledge that all the actions to be undertaken by the Contractor shall be completely
in accordance with the regulations of Laws and Rules of the Country of Montenegro.
Address: ____________________________________________
Beneficiary: “D.O.O. Vodovod i kanalizacija Tivat“, II Dalmatinske A8, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro
Date: .............................................................................................................................................................
Tender Security No.: ....................................................................................................................
We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Tenderer. . . . . (hereinafter called "the
Tenderer") has submitted to you its tender dated . . . . . . . . . (hereinafter called "the Tender")
for the execution of “Water Supply And Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat” under
Invitation for Tenders No RB- TV/KO -V1 (“the ICT” Number).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, tenders must be supported by
a tender guarantee.
At the request of the Tenderer, we . . . . . name of Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably undertake
to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . . . . . .amount in
figures . . . . . . . . . (. . . . . . .amount in words . . . . . . . ) upon receipt by us of your first
demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Tenderer is in breach of
its obligation(s) under the tender conditions, because the Tenderer:
(a) has withdrawn its Tender during the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer in
the Form of Tender; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderer’s
(hereinafter “the ITT”) of the ICT; or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Employer during the period of
tender validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or
refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the ITT.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of
copies of the Contract Agreements signed by the Tenderer and the performance security
issued to you upon the instruction of the Tenderer; and (b) if the Tenderer is not the successful
Tenderer, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy your notification to the Tenderer of the
name of the successful Tenderer; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Tenderer’s
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the
office on or before ……………… (date), which is 28 days after the expiration of the Tenderer’s
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the
final product
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Beneficiary: “Vodovod i kanalizacija Kotor doo“, Škaljari, bb (zgrada Obnove), 85330 Kotor,
Date: .............................................................................................................................................................
Tender Security No.: ....................................................................................................................
We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Tenderer. . . . . (hereinafter called "the
Tenderer") has submitted to you its tender dated . . . . . . . . . (hereinafter called "the Tender")
for the execution of “Water Supply And Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor” under
Invitation for Tenders No RB- TV/KO -V1 (“the ICT” Number).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, tenders must be supported by
a tender guarantee.
At the request of the Tenderer, we . . . . . name of Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably undertake
to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . . . . . .amount in
figures . . . . . . . . . (. . . . . . .amount in words . . . . . . . ) upon receipt by us of your first
demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Tenderer is in breach of
its obligation(s) under the tender conditions, because the Tenderer:
(a) has withdrawn its Tender during the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer in
the Form of Tender; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderer’s
(hereinafter “the ITT”) of the ICT; or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Employer during the period of
tender validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or
refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the ITT.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of
copies of the Contract Agreements signed by the Tenderer and the performance security
issued to you upon the instruction of the Tenderer; and (b) if the Tenderer is not the successful
Tenderer, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy your notification to the Tenderer of the
name of the successful Tenderer; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Tenderer’s
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the
office on or before ……………… (date), which is 28 days after the expiration of the Tenderer’s
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the
final product
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Declaration of Undertaking
Date: ...................................
We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive procurement process that
precludes abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or
indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any public servant or other person nor accepted such
advantages in connection with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives
or conditions in the present procurement process or, in the event that we are awarded the
contract, in the subsequent execution of the contract. We also declare that no conflict of
interest exists in the meaning of the kind described in the pertinent Guidelines.
We also underscore the importance of adhering to minimum social standards ("Core Labour
Standards") in the implementation of the project. We undertake to comply with the Core Labour
Standards ratified by the country of Montenegro.
We will inform our staff about their respective obligations and about their obligation to fulfil this
declaration of undertaking and to obey the laws of the country of Montenegro.
We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included
in the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor
in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will
immediately inform the client and KfW if this situation should occur at a later stage.
We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added
to a list of sanctions that is legally binding for the client and/or KfW, the client is entitled to
exclude our company/the consortium from the procurement procedure and, if the contract is
awarded to our company / the consortium, to terminate the contract immediately if the
statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or the reason for
exclusion occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has been issued.
Address: ____________________________________________
Power of Attorney
Date: ...................................
Please attach here the power of attorney empowering the signatory of the tender and all
related documentation
Note: In case of a JV the written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Tenderer
shall consist of a Power of Authorization signed by all JV members. Also for the signatory of each
JV member or specialized Subcontractor a Power of Attorney shall be furnished.
Address: ____________________________________________
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Tenderers and each member to a JV should provide information on their current commitments on all
contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or
for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to
be issued.
Average Monthly
Value of Estimated
Invoicing Over Last Six
Employer’s Outstanding Work Completion
Name of Contract Months
Contact Address, Tel, Fax (EUR)] Date
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Financial Resources
Form FIN – 0: Financial Resources
Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of
credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction
cash flow demands of the subject contract or contracts as indicated in Section 1.3 (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria)
1. Confirmations from banks or other credit institutes stating the Bidder’s credit line
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Technical Proposal
Form PER – 1: Proposed Key Personnel
Form PER – 2: Experience of Proposed Key Personnel
Form PER – 3: Overview of Bidder’s Available Personnel and Personnel for the Contract
Form EQP – 1: Overview of Equipment Proposed for this Contract
Form EQP – 2: Details of Equipment Proposed for this Contract
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
We confirm that we have studied and understood the Employer’s drawings and designs as listed in the
“Technical Requirements (Volume III), the Schedules (Volume IV) and the Tender Drawings (Volume
V)” in detail during tender preparation and that our tender is based on this design.
With regard to the detailed designs presented, we furthermore confirm that we have found the designs
comprehensive and complete and that we have found no substantial defects or omissions, which
would require design changes for construction unless otherwise stated below.
Address: ____________________________________________
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Tenderers should provide the names of suitably qualified personnel foreseen for this Contract to meet
the specified requirements stated in Section 1.3 (Evaluation of Tenders). The data on their experience
should be supplied using the Form below for each candidate.
1. Title of position*
2. Title of position*
3. Title of position*
4. Title of position*
5. Title of position*
Add lines as required. Positions at minimum as listed in Section 1.3 (Evaluation of Tenders).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Professional qualifications
Address of employer
Fax E-mail
Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and
managerial experience relevant to the project.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Form PER – 3: Overview of Tenderer’s Available Personnel and Personnel for the Contract
(to be available during the whole contract Period)
Applicant’s Legal Name: .................................................. Date: .........................................
JV Member’s Legal Name: ................................................
Subcontractor’s Legal Name: ............................................ ICT No.: RB-TV/KO-V1
Each Applicant or member of a JV must fill in this form. Each specialized Subcontractor must fill this
List here the numbers of personnel, which the Tenderer has available in general.
c- Technical staff
- Engineers ........................
- Surveyors ........................
- Foremen ........................
- Mechanics ........................
- Technicians ........................
- Drivers ........................
Total ===========
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
List here the number of persons out of the above listed available staff, which the Tenderer intends to
assign to this contract.
The numbers of persons should correspond with the Contractor’s proposed “site organisation” shown
further below in this section.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Form EQP – 1: Overview of Equipment Proposed for this Contract
(to be available during the whole contract Period)
List each individual major item of equipment that you propose to deploy on the Contract. The
equipment listed is to be assigned exclusively to the Contract for as long as required and must not
form part of a pool of equipment used on other Contracts. The list may be expanded by the Tenderer,
if required.
The Tenderer shall provide for selected items of the equipment listed in Form EQP – 1 adequate
information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability to meet the requirements for the key
equipment as indicated in Section 1.3 (Evaluation of Tenders). A separate Form shall be prepared for
each item of equipment, or for alternative equipment proposed by the Tenderer.
Item of Equipment
Equipment Name of manufacturer Model and power rating
Address of owner
Fax E-mail
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Tenderer shall provide adequate information on the material and supplies he intends to use under
this contract. He shall attach additional information from manufacturers if considered appropriate.
B) Supplies
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
• Site organisation
• Detailed description of pipe trench excavation and installation of sewer pipelines at larger
depths with water proof and vibration free sheeting under high ground water table and
construction of deep building pits.
• the method -including the number of equipment (referring to the items in Form EQP-1),
labour and materials- proposed to be used for carrying out each major category of works;
• the logical sequence and correlation between the major categories of activities (works).
(b) Provide details of the temporary and permanent works to be constructed, taking into account the
prevailing climatic conditions and the requirement to obtain various permits and approvals and that
the existing sewage system must remain functioning during construction.
(c) Provide details of the temporary and permanent works to be constructed in the rehabilitation of the
water supply system including maintaining service to customers.
(d) Provide details of the design works (if any) to be carried out including a programme for these
works and details of the available design staff. This should include any additional site survey
works needed before completion of designs.
(e) Attach a Graphic Work Schedule (critical milestone bar chart) for mobilization, preparation of
designs and drawings, ordering, manufacturing and delivery of equipment and material,
construction, detailing the relevant activities, dates, allocation of labour and plant resources, etc.
The planned input of the joint venture members and sub-contractors shall be highlighted as well
(in terms of activities undertaken, timing, etc.).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(f) Construction in Kotor municipality is forbidden during the high season summer months from 15th
June to 1st September. Only work that shall be allowed during summer season is work outside the
Bay area i.e. in Grbalj area.
(g) Testing of all performed work (especially laid pipes and manholes) should be positively concluded
before reinstatement of surfaces which needs to be performed and finalised before 15th of June for
all work affected surfaces under this Contract.
(h) Contractor should give priority to B.9. Sv. Stasije rehabilitation measures before summer season.
(i) Contractor should prepare a construction schedule which reflects above restrictions and priorities.
(j) Construction in Tivat municipality is forbidden during the high season summer months from 1st
June to 1st September. No work shall be allowed in this period in Tivat municipality.
(k) Contractors should note that the construction of transmission pipeline in Luštica is the utmost
priority. Contractor should propose such organisation and corellation of activities which will enable
that as much as posisble of the transmission pipeline is laid before the summer restriction of work.
(l) Testing of all performed work (especially laid pipes and manholes) should be positively concluded
before reinstatement of surfaces which needs to be performed and finalised before 1st of June for
all work affected surfaces under this Contract.
(m) The Contractor has to pay particular attention to the LOT 1 – Tivat’s Contract Employer’s
Requirement for the energy compensating manholes provided to the Contractor under where only
installation works shall be foreseen.
(n) Contractor should prepare a construction schedule which reflects above restrictions and priorities.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Please provide hereunder details of the Quality Assurance System(s) that is proposed to be used to
ensure successful completion of the Works in accordance with FIDIC Red Book requirements (Clause
4.9), including valid certification.
- testing, etc
- maintenance arrangement
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Financial Proposal
Expected Cash Flow
The Tenderer shall provide here the expected cash flow of the project for each monthly period
covering the duration of works, using his own format.
Expected Cash Flow should correspond with the construction activities scheduled with the Bidders
submitted Works Programme
Daywork Items
Form INF -1: Overview of Daywork Items
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Caterpillar D6 type bulldozer
Front-end loader Caterpillar 939 type
0,75 Ton. dumper
Hydraulic, crawler mounted Caterpillar 225 type excavator with 1 cu.m capacity bucket
Hydraulic powered tractor - mounted JCB 3C backhoe (or similar)
Tipper truck - capacity 5m3
Van or pick-up: capacity 1,5 ton.
Crane Truck
Mobile Crane 20 tons
Water cart - capacity 2500 litre
15 t vibrating roller
Vibratory plate compactor 400 mm square
Bomag type vibrating drum roller 650 mm wide
Mobile compressor, 5 cu.m per minute, including hoses
Rock drills and rod bits
Jack hammer and steels
250 Litre concrete mixer (3/2)
Vibrating poker
Pump including hoses, pump capacity 20 l/sec. at approx. 10 m head
Address: ____________________________________________
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
SECTION 1.5.1:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The purpose of the present post qualification procedure is to pre-select eligible contractors and to
obtain experienced and qualified contractors, being able to carry out the construction, completion and
commissioning of the Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat and Kotor Project. As the
required works for LOT1 and LO2 are similar, a joint post-qualification procedure will take place.
Only the technical and financial offers of those Tenderers will be considered for further evaluations
which have passed the post qualification procedure.
The Tenderer will bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Post-
qualification Documents. The Employer and the Implementing Agency will in no case be responsible or
liable for such costs, whatever the conduct or outcome of the procedure.
All questions herein shall be answered in their entity. Where required, additional sheets shall
be used and shall be properly identified. If convenient, the document shall be rebound
incorporating such additional sheets.
Submissions shall include the name, position, address, telephone number and fax number of a
person who may be contacted for further information, if required, with regard to general and
technical information, financial information and the proof of evidence on the firm’s
All contractors submitting a tender shall provide a single address (incl. e-mail and fax
connection data) to which future correspondence may be sent.
2. The Tenderer shall have an adequate organisation and experience, with technical staff and
qualified engineers with adequate experience, to manage and administer the Contract. Details
called for in the personnel questionnaire are to be given for all key members of the
Contractor’s staff, by trade and profession, particularly for those who would be assigned to this
Project, both at the site of work and away from it.
The Tenderer shall provide the organisation chart of the Company showing the position of
directors, key personnel (assigned for this tender) and functions.
3. The Tenderer is required to furnish in the Questionnaire a complete list of all major items of
construction equipment and plant that he owns and did earmark for the execution of the
Project, giving the number of units, make, type, model, year, size, capacity and condition of
each item.
4. Post-qualification Documents must show a detailed financial statement with balance sheet
(assets, liabilities, net worth, etc.) and profit and loss account, certified by registered
accountants or auditors, presenting the actual financial status of the Tenderer.
Current credit resources must be supported by attaching certified statements from banks or
other approved resources.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
All monetary values, where called for in the Post-qualification Questionnaire, shall be given in
the firm’s country currency and in a free convertible currency, preferably in Euro.
5. Supporting submissions shall be bound in an index folder or submitted in separate index files.
All submitted Post-qualification Documents shall be stamped with the Tenderers name or shall
be otherwise marked or filed to identify the origin of submission.
3.1 The minimum qualifying criteria for a Sole Tenderer are as follows:
1) General
a) The Tenderer must be a registered firm legally capable of carrying out the specified Works;
b) The Annual Operating Profit (including all administrative and financial expenditure as well as
depreciation according to plan, but excluding extraordinary expenditure and income as well as
taxes) must be positive for at least two of the previous three years;
c) The Tenderer must have access to liquid assets, credit and/or other financial facilities
adequate to assure the required cash flow for the duration of the Contract. In any case the
credit amount should exceed 1.000.000 Euro;
The Tenderer shall provide Bank’s Statement to confirm such access to liquid assets exists.
b) All Projects executed by the firm within the last five years must have been completed not later
than 1 year after the scheduled completion date (if time delay is not indebted by the employer
or by force majeure).
c) All Key Personnel shall have at least ten years of adequate experience and proven
qualifications relevant to their position and the works of a similar nature to this Project.
¾ The firm must have in its employ at least 2 (two) qualified engineers, who have served
in the role of a project manager. The Tenderer must submit a proof that the project
manager worked for the firm for at least one year.
¾ The firm must have in its employ at least 2 (two) professional site managers who are
licensed to perform Engineering works and who have professional experience under
given circumstances. The Tenderer must submit a proof that the site manager worked
for the firm for at least one year.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
d) The Tenderer shall carry out at least 70 % (by value) of the Contract Works by his own means.
He must demonstrate that he has the equipment, materials, human and financial resources
necessary to carry out this percentage of the Contract.
3.2 The Minimum Qualifying Criteria for a Joint-Venture as Tenderer are as follows:
1) General
a) All partners in the Joint-Venture/Consortium must be registered firms or natural persons
legally capable of carrying out the specified Works or parts thereof.
b) The average Annual Turnover in the previous three years (net of taxes, social security
charges and other fiscal items) for the members of the entire Joint-Venture/Consortium
collectively should exceed 10.000.000 Euro;
c) The Annual Operating Profit (including all administrative and financial expenditure as well as
depreciation according to plan, but excluding extraordinary expenditure and income as well as
taxes) of the Leading Partner must be positive for at least two of the previous three years;
d) The Leading Partner must have access to liquid assets, credit and/or other financial facilities
adequate to assure the required cash flow for the duration of the Contract. In any case the
credit amount should exceed 1.000.000 Euro.
b) In total, the members of the Joint-Venture/Consortium should have completed at least 5 (five)
Projects in addition to the Projects mentioned under 3.2.3.a with a minimum value of 500.000
Euro. The projects should be of similar nature as the Tendered Works, i.e. construction of
wastewater and water supply measures. The works shall have been completed since 1st
January 2005. The respective member of the Joint-Venture/ Consortium must have provided
at least 40% (by value) of the works and supplies directly (not through a sub-contractor or a
consortium partner). The respective member of the Joint-Venture/ Consortium must submit
copies of the respective certificates of final reception signed by the Engineer/Employer of
these reference projects within the Tender;
c) All Projects executed by the firm within the last five years must have been completed not later
than 1 year after the scheduled completion date (if time delay is not indebted by the employer
or by force majeure).
d) All Key Personnel shall have at least 10 years of adequate experience and proven
qualifications relevant to their position and the works of a similar nature to this project;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
¾ The Joint Venture must have in its employ at least 2 (two) qualified engineers, who
have served in the role of a project manager. The Tenderer must submit a proof that
the project manager worked for the firm for at least one year.
¾ The Joint Venture must have in its employ at least 2 (two) professional site managers
who are licensed to perform Engineering works and who have professional
experience under given circumstances. The Tenderer must submit a proof that the
site manager worked for the firm for at least one year.
f) Any other partner in a Joint Venture/Consortium (i.e. not the Leading Partner) shall carry out at
least 15 % of the Contract Works by his own means. Hence he must demonstrate that he has
the equipment, material, human and financial resources necessary to carry out this
percentage of the Contract;
3.3 The Minimum Qualifying Criteria for Tenders submitted by companies in partnerships
forming a Joint Venture/Consortium must also fulfil the following requirements:
a) The Tender shall comprise all information required by Sub-Clause 3.1 for each partner of the
Joint Venture/Consortium as well as the summary data for execution of Works by the
b) The Tender shall be signed in a way that legally binds all Partners.
c) One partner shall be appointed as the Leading Partner responsible for the Contract and such
appointment shall be confirmed by submission of Powers of Attorney signed by legally
authorised signatories representing all the individual partners.
d) The Tender shall include a Preliminary Agreement or a Letter of Intent stating that all Partners
shall be legally responsible, and jointly and severally liable, for the execution of the Contract,
that the Leading Partner shall be authorised to obligate and receive instructions for and on
behalf of each and all Partners, and that the overall liability for the execution of the Contract,
including payments, shall be assumed by the Leading Partner.
e) All Partners in the Joint Venture/Consortium shall be bound to remain in the Joint
Venture/Consortium for the whole period of the execution of Contract.
f) Contractor’s as well as Subcontractor’s have to be registered in Montenegro before
implementing the works
Tenderers, which do not reach this minimum requirement are considered to be non-responsive and
subsequently will not be short-listed. Subsequently the Technical and Financial Offers of Tenderers
having not passed the minimum score will not be considered and returned unopened to the Tenderer.
Minor omissions and misinterpretations will be rectified during the technical evaluation stage.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The documents submitted will be evaluated by the Employer and Consultant to determine the
acceptability of Tenderers. Information contained in the documents will be treated as strictly
The Employer reserves the right to request contractor’s to prepare and furnish any clarification
considered necessary for the proper analysis of the post-qualification documents. Failure to comply
with such a request may result in disqualification.
Information concerning checking, explanation, opinions and comparison of tenders and
recommendations concerning the short-list of post-qualified Contractors, may not be disclosed to
Tenderers or any other person not officially involved in the process until the short-list of post-qualified
Contractors is officially announced.
Any attempt by a Tenderer to approach any member of the Evaluation Committee / Employer/
Financier / Engineer directly during the evaluation period will be considered legitimate grounds for
disqualifying his Post-qualification Document.
The evaluation of the post-qualification dossiers will be in line with the procedures laid down in ITT 25
and ITT 34. Applicants will be advised after the Opening Procedure and after evaluation of the Post-
qualification dossiers of their inclusion or otherwise exclusion in the approved group of tenderers. The
Employer does not bind himself to accepting any applicant and will not assign any reason for the
acceptance or rejection of any contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
8. Vol.1, Section 1.5.1 Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity are attached
(Registration Documents)
● Applicant
8A. Vol. 1, ITT 20.2 Authorization to represent the firm (Power of Attourney) attached
● Applicant
Vol. 1, ITT 4 Single entity and each JV partner have no conflicts of interest
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Postqualification Documents
12. Specific experience in the Balcan Region in the last 10 years (Form K) Vol.1 Section 1.5
1 project 7
2 projects or more 2
13. Experience in working conditions in Montenegro preferable in wastewater sector (Form K) Vol.1 Section 1.5
1 project 5
2 projects 2
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
19. Contractor's Affidavit duly completed and signed (Form D3) n/y y
20. Certificate of Accountant duly completed and signed (Form D4) n/y y
A short-list of post qualified tenderers will be circulated to all bidders. At minimum the Post
Qualification Documents shall reach 70% of the overall scoring as specified above. Tenderers which
do not reach this minimum requirement are considered to be non-responsive and subsequently will not
be short listed. Technical and Financial Offers of Tenderers having not passed the minimum score will
not be considered and shall be returned unopened to the Tenderer.
After having passed the Post-Qualification, the Technical Proposals will be opened and checked for
In a last step the Financial Offers will then be opened and evaluated for those Tenderers only, who
were short-listed after the post-qualification and who have a technically responsive tender.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
1. The Questionnaire, together with other forms to be submitted by interested firms, is presented
in Section 1.5.2 of this document. The Questionnaire complies with FIDIC standards.
2. When preparing the requested information, attention should be given to the following:
3. The requested information must be submitted according to the forms attached hereafter in
Section 1.5.2:
Additional pages attached to each standard page shall be listed on form B, Additional Notes to
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
SECTION 1.5.2:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Form H is void
Form I Equipment
Form J Other
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Name of Company
Registered Address
Telephone .............................. Telefax .......................
Description of Company (e.g. General Civil Project Managing Contractor)
Company's Original Nationality
Number of Years experience as Contractor
- in own country ......................
- internationally ......................
Registration Particulars
Please attach copy of the Registration Certificate
Share (%)
Form A 1
Foreign Companies shall indicate whether or not they are established in the State of the
Employer in accordance with applicable regulations (For
information only)
Name ..............................
Form A 2
Power of Attorney
Date: ...................................
Please attach here the power of attorney empowering the signatory of the tender and all
related documentation
Note: In case of a JV the written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Tenderer
shall consist of a Power of Authorization signed by all JV members. Also for the signatory of each
JV member or specialized Subcontractor a Power of Attorney shall be furnished.
Address: ____________________________________________
Form A 3
Form B
Give details below of the Organisation Chart of your Company, showing the position of
directors, key personnel and functions, with connection to any parent company.
Signature ...........................................................
Form C
1. Basic Capital
Amount.................................... EURO
4. Please attach copies of the Company's previous 3 years certified
Statements of Account (with translations into the language of the
procedure if necessary) from which the following basic data shall
be abstracted; and provide the same information projected forward
for the current year and the next two years.
Form D 1
EURO Last full financial year -2 Last full financial year -1 Last full financial year
We ...................................................................................................................
............................................ as of ....................................................................
Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly
included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered
necessary in the circumstance.
In our opinion the attached financial statements, bearing the seal of our firm, set forth fairly the
financial condition of
............................................ as of ...............................................
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
(Signature )
(Name and Seal of Accounting Firm )
(Certified Public Accountant License No.)
Form D 2
Note: The application will be returned unless the affidavit is complete in every respect
“D.O.O. Vodovod i kanalizacija Tivat” " Vodovod i kanalizacija Kotor " d.o.o.
II Dalmatinske A8 Škaljari, bb (zgrada Obnove)
85320 Tivat 85330 Kotor
Mr. .................................... , being duly sworn, deposes and states that the attached
financial statement taken from his books are a true and accurate statement of his
financial condition as of the date thereof and that the answers to all the foregoing
interrogations and all statements therein are true, complete and accurate.
Signature ................................................................
Form D 3
“D.O.O. Vodovod i kanalizacija Tivat” " Vodovod i kanalizacija Kotor " d.o.o.
II Dalmatinske A8 Škaljari, bb (zgrada Obnove)
85320 Tivat 85330 Kotor
We ................................................................................................................................
have examined the Financial Statement of ...................................................................
.......................................................... as of ................................................................ .
In our opinion, the attached financial statements, bearing the seal of our firm, set
forth fairly the financial condition of ..............................................................................
as of ............................................. in conformity with generally accepted accounting
(Name and Seal of Accounting Firm)
(Certified Public Accountant License No.)
Form D 4
1. Name
Telex ..........................................................
Telex ..........................................................
4. Names of Partners
Form E 1
ii) Place:
iii) Enclosure – Joint Venture/Consortium Agreement
Signature : ..................................................................................
Date: .....................}
Form E 2
[i] Overall
c- Technical Staff
- Surveyors …………………
- Foremen …………………
- Mechanics ………………..
- Technicians …………………
- Drivers ........................
Form F 1
- Foremen ........................
- Mechanics ........................
- Technicians ........................
- Drivers ........................
Total ===========
Form F 2
Function/Name Nationality Age Education Years of expe- Major Works for which
rience (With the Responsible
Company/ in (Project/Value)
Project Manager 1
Project Manager 2
Site Manager 1
Site Manager 2
Quality Control
Human Resource
............ /
Please attach here the proof that Project Manager and Site Manager have working
experience within the Company for at least one year.
Signature ......................................................
Form G
Not the whole fleet of equipment owned by the Contractor
Form I 1
Signature ...........................................................
Form I 2
Resources : Other
1 If it is foreseen that any part of the Contract will be subcontracted state the type of
work to be undertaken by the subcontractor(s) and, if known, give the name and
address of the subcontractor(s) to be used.
Summary :
Description :
Location :
Capacity :
Annual throughput:
Form J
Experience : Geographical
Form K
All Completed Projects
(be filled in for main contractor and subcontractor, if applicable)
1. List of all contracts of similar nature and extent performed that have a date of
completion since 1st January 2005.
Form L 1
Name of Total Value Period of Starting Percentage Employer Prime Final Ac-
Project/Kind of Works the Contract date of Works and Contractor ceptance
of Works Contractor Incl any Completed Place (P) or Issued?
was re- agreed Sub- - Yes
sponsible for extension Contractor - Not Yet
(S) (Current
- No
B) Abroad
2. Please attach here available references and certificates from the relevant
Signature .......................................................................................
Date ..................}
Form L 2
All Projects in Progress
1. List of all contracts of similar nature and extent which are still in progress
Form M 1
Name of Pro- Total Value Period of Starting Per- Employer Prime Final Ac-
ject/Kind of of Works the Contract date centage of and Contractor ceptance
Works Contractor Incl any Works Place (P) or Issued?
was re- agreed Completed Sub- - Yes
sponsible for extension Contractor - Not Yet
(S) (Current
- No
B) Abroad
2. Please attach here available references and certificates from the relevant
Signature .......................................................................................
Date ..................}
Form M 2
Additional Information
Please describe:
3 Company‘s history of litigation or arbitration from contracts executed in the last six years or
currently under execution, Please indicate for each case year, name of employer, cause of
litigation, matter in dispute, disputed amount and whether the award was for or against
Year Award FOR or Name of client, cause of litigation, and Disputed amount
AGAINST Tenderer matter in dispute (current value in EURO)
Please add any further information which you consider to be relevant to the evaluation of
your post-qualification. If you wish to attach other documents please list below.
Paqe N
Submit the following declaration (KfW format) on the Tenderer’s letterhead:
Declaration of Undertaking
Date: ...................................
We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive procurement process that
precludes abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or
indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any public servant or other person nor accepted such
advantages in connection with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives
or conditions in the present procurement process or, in the event that we are awarded the
contract, in the subsequent execution of the contract. We also declare that no conflict of
interest exists in the meaning of the kind described in the pertinent Guidelines.
We also underscore the importance of adhering to minimum social standards ("Core Labour
Standards") in the implementation of the project. We undertake to comply with the Core Labour
Standards ratified by the country of Montenegro.
We will inform our staff about their respective obligations and about their obligation to fulfil this
declaration of undertaking and to obey the laws of the country of Montenegro.
We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included
in the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor
in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will
immediately inform the client and KfW if this situation should occur at a later stage.
We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added
to a list of sanctions that is legally binding for the client and/or KfW, the client is entitled to
exclude our company/the consortium from the procurement procedure and, if the contract is
awarded to our company / the consortium, to terminate the contract immediately if the
statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or the reason for
exclusion occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has been issued.
Address: ____________________________________________
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
.................................................................................................................. ..............
............................................................................................................................. ...
............................................................................................................................. ...
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(hereinafter called ”the Contractor”) of the other part. Whereas the Employer is
desirous that certain works and services should be executed by the Contractor,
The scope of work will be divided into mandatory works and optional works to be
contracted through an addendum as soon as preconditions are met. The scope of
work includes: construction of sewer pipes, manholes, civil engineering structures
and buildings, supply and installation of mechanical and electrical plant and
commissioning thereof, preparation of the execution and workshop drawings, as
built documentation for:
LOT 1.
Secondary and tertiary sewer sections in the higher zones of Tivat wider
centre area – settlements Mažine, Tripovići, Donja Župa and Gornja Župa.
Includes sections of the secondary and tertiary sewers in settlements
of Mažine, Tripovići, Donja Župa and Gornja Župa, house connections
and reinstatement works.
Optional works shall be contracted latest 2 months after the Commencement Date.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Employer has accepted a tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion
of such works and the remedying of any defects therein.
1. In this contract words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to
them in the contractual conditions set out below.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and con-
strued as part of this contract, in the following order of precedence:
Addenda shall have the order of precedence of the document they are modi-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
06/09) for construction works under this Contract shall be carried out by Fichtner Wa-
ter & Transportation GmbH & IWA Consalt doo.
5. The Employer hereby agrees to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution
and completion of the mandatory works and remedying of defects therein the amount
or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at
the times and in the manner prescribed by the contract.
6. After the Contract signing, the Employer or Municipality on behalf of the Employer
shall provide either a bank guarantee to the Contractor or a proof of deposited funds
for the part of works which are financed from municipal own contribution funds.
In case of bank guarantee, guarantee shall be issued for the part of mandatory works
which are financed from municipal own contribution funds. Bank Guarantee shall be
issued for period in which disbursement of municipality’s own contribution is foreseen
and in accordance with Cash Flow provided by the Contractor. Bank Guarantee shall
be deposited at KfW headquarter in Frankfurt.
7. Commencement Date is the 14 day after the Contract’s date of entry into force.
LOT 1. 456 calendar days including interruption in the works implementation over the
st st
summer tourist season period from 1 June to 1 September and including
optional works
In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed the Contract on _______________.
This Contract shall enter into force upon fulfilment of the following two cumulative require-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
....................................................................... .......................................................................
....................................................................... .......................................................................
....................................................................... …………………………………………………
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
............................................................................................................................. ...
............................................................................................................................. ...
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(hereinafter called ”the Contractor”) of the other part. Whereas the Employer is
desirous that certain works and services should be executed by the Contractor,
As funds are limited, the scope of work will be divided into works to be contracted
now, called mandatory works and works to be contracted later through an adden-
dum called optional works. The scope of work includes: construction of water
supply secondary and tertiary lines with reconnection of the households, con-
struction of the WS Flow Control Chambers, electrical works for the WS reservoir
and commissioning thereof, preparation of the execution and workshop drawings,
as built documentation for:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Employer has accepted a tender by the Contractor for the execution and
completion of such works and the remedying of any defects therein.
1. In this contract words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to
them in the contractual conditions set out below.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and con-
strued as part of this contract, in the following order of precedence:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Addenda shall have the order of precedence of the document they are modi-
5. The Employer hereby agrees to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution
and completion of the mandatory works and remedying of defects therein the amount
or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at
the times and in the manner prescribed by the contract.
6. After the Contract signing, the Employer or Municipality on behalf of the Employer
shall provide either a bank guarantee to the Contractor or a proof of deposited funds
for the part of works which are financed from municipal own contribution funds.
In case of bank guarantee, guarantee shall be issued for the part of mandatory works
which are financed from municipal own contribution funds. Bank Guarantee shall be
issued for period in which disbursement of municipality’s own contribution is foreseen
and in accordance with Cash Flow provided by the Contractor. Bank Guarantee shall
be deposited at KfW headquarter in Frankfurt.
7. Commencement Date is the 14 day after the Contract’s date of entry into force.
LOT 2. 243 calendar days including interruption in the works implementation over the
th st
summer tourist season period from 15 June to 1 September and optional
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed the Contract on _______________.
This Contract shall enter into force upon fulfilment of the following two cumulative require-
....................................................................... .......................................................................
....................................................................... .......................................................................
....................................................................... …………………………………………………
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
e-mail: [email protected]
The Tenderer is deemed to be acquainted with and in possession of this version of Gen-
eral Conditions and may on request of the Employer be required to submit a copy duly
countersigned by the person, authorised to sign the Tender.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
General Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works de-
signed by the Employer, First Edition 1999, published by the Federation of Internationale
des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC). The Particular Conditions take precedence over the
General Conditions.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
1.1 Definitions
1.4 Law and Language
1.5 Priority of Documents
1.6 Contract Agreement
1.7 Assignment
1.8 Care and Supply of Documents
1.12 Confidential Details
1.14 Joint and Several Liability
1.15 Inspections and Audit by the Bank
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
7.3 Inspection
7.4 Testing
7.5 Rejection
7.8 Royalties
7.9 Alternative Materials
7.10 Examination of Works before covering up
7.11 Uncovering and making openings
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
17.1 Indemnities
17.3 Employer’s Risk
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The General and Particular Conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties (i.e.
the Employer and the Contractor). In case of any discrepancy between corresponding
articles of the General Conditions and the Particular Conditions, the Particular Conditions
shall prevail. Provisions of articles unchanged in the Particular Conditions shall be valid in
the form given in the General Conditions. “Employer”
85330 Kotor “Contractor”
Name: ………………………………….
represented by: ……………………….
Address: ……………………………….
Phone:…………………………………. “Engineer”
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Name: ………………………………….
represented by: ……………………….
Address: ……………………………….
Phone:…………………………………. “Bank” “Borrower”
The Borrower is “PEA”
Project Executing Agency (PEA) is Vodacom.
“Mechanical Completion Notice” means the notice issued by the Contractor at the
end of the erection of a portion of the Works, indicating that this portion is ready
for start-up and tests.
“Reliability Tests” mean one month of continuous operation of the whole system to
prove the ability of the system
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor “Country”
“Country” means State of Montenegro, where the Site is located and where the
Permanent Works are to be executed. “Laws”
“Laws” means all legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations
and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority applicable in Montenegro. “Site”
“Site means the lands and other places wherein the Works are proposed to be
constructed whether through, upon, underneath, or inside such lands and places
and shall also comprise lands and other places furnished by the Employer for the
execution of this Contract.
It also comprise any other place mentioned or designated in the Contract as a part
of the Site in accordance with any coordination made with municipal and official
authorities, as well as any other place which may be agreed upon by the two par-
ties to form part of the Site during the execution of the Works; the site may be a
road course, or public or private land which is not the property of the Employer.”
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
c) The language for day to day communication on site shall be the English and
Montenegrin language. In case of discrepancies between the English and the
Montenegrin version the English version shall prevail.
The Parties shall enter into a Contract Agreement based upon the form given in
Volume II, Section 2.1 (Contract Form) and within the period of the tender validity.
The costs of the stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by the law in
connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the Contrac-
The Contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the Contract or any benefit
or interest in or under the Contract. However, the Contractor:
(a) may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement of the Employer, at
the sole discretion of the Employer, and
(b) may, as security in favour of a bank or financial institution, assign its rights to
any moneys due, or to become due, under the Contract.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
“One copy of the contract shall be kept on site by the Contractor and the same
shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection and use by the Engineer,
and by any other person authorized by the Engineer in writing. The said docu-
ments shall be kept thoroughly up-to-date at all times”.
“The Contractor shall treat the details of the Contract as private and confidential,
save insofar as may be necessary for the purposes thereof, and shall not publish
or disclose the same or any particulars thereof in any trade or technical paper or to
any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer. If any disputes
arises as to the need to publish or disclose any part of the contract the same shall
be referred to the Employer whose decision shall be final.
(b) Photographs
No photographs of the site or the works or any part thereof shall be published
and/or circulated without the prior written permission of the Employer and no such
permission shall exempt the Contractor from complying with the laws and regula-
tions regarding taking and publishing photographs.
(c) Publicity
The Contractor shall not give any information concerning the works for publication
in the media without the prior written approval of the Employer.
d) The lead partner shall be authorised to receive instructions for and on behalf
of all partners, individually and collectively, and the lead partner shall be re-
sponsible for execution of the contract including payments.
e) The lead partner shall perform not less than 40% of the value of the works by
his own personnel and equipment.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall permit the Bank and/or persons appointed by the Bank to in-
spect the Site and/or the Contractor’s bank accounts and other records relating to
the performance of the Contract and to have such accounts and records audited
by auditors appointed by the Bank if required by the Bank.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Prior to commencement of works the Employer shall obtain permits for con-
struction work issued by relevant national or local authorities. The Contractor
shall assist in this process by submitting to the Employer on time all the nec-
essary design and other documentation.
The Contractor shall obtain all permits concerning his work, staff, materials
and equipment used acc. to the requirements of valid Montenegrin regula-
General permits concerning the works required from relevant national or local
authorities not mentioned in (a) or (b) shall be obtained by the Contractor af-
ter providing all necessary documentation. Such permits inter alia permits for
traffic diversions, route permits, permits for radio communication, and permits
for relocation of public utilities etc. The Employer and the Contractor together
shall draw up a schedule for the submission of fully documented requests for
permits to carry out the works. The cost of any delays suffered by the Con-
tractor due to the late issue of any permits referred to in this paragraph to
carry out the works, shall be borne by the Employer if the delay is due to the
Employer and by the Contractor himself if the delay is due to the Contractor or
to delivering authorities.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of such permits described
in this sub-clause and shall give the issuing authority full opportunity to in-
spect and examine the works. Furthermore, he shall allow the authority to
participate in testing and checking procedures, which shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the contract.
In addition, if the Bank has notified to the Borrower that the Bank has suspended dis-
bursements under its loan, which finances in whole or in part the execution of the Works,
the Employer shall give notice of such suspension to the Contractor with detailed particu-
lars, including the date of such notification, with a copy to the Engineer, within 7 days of
the Borrower having received the suspension notification from the Bank. If alternative
funds will be available in appropriate currencies to the Employer to continue making pay-
ments to the Contractor beyond a date 60 days after the date of Bank notification of the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
suspension, the Employer shall provide reasonable evidence in such notice of the extent to
which such funds will be available.
The Employer may assign any of his rights or duties under the contract to the
Borrower and/or PEA. In such case the Borrower/ PEA will act as Employer.
PEA shall however have no authority to amend the contract, or to assign any
part of the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under it, except as may be
agreed by both Parties.
The Employer shall appoint the Engineer who shall carry out the duties as-
signed to him in the Contract. The Engineer’s staff shall include suitably quali-
fied engineers and other professionals who are competent to carry out these
The Engineer shall have no authority to amend the Contract.
The Engineer may exercise the authority attributable to the Engineer as speci-
fied in or necessarily to be implied from the Contract. If the Engineer is re-
quired to obtain the approval of the Employer before exercising a specified
authority, the requirements shall be as stated in the Particular Conditions. The
Employer shall promptly inform the Contractor of any change to the authority
attributed to the Engineer.
However, whenever the Engineer exercises a specified authority for which the
Employer’s approval is required, then (for the purposes of the Contract) the
Employer shall be deemed to have given approval.
Except as otherwise stated in these Conditions:
(b) the Engineer has no authority to relieve either Party of any duties, obligations
or responsibilities under the Contract; and
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
he has under the Contract, including responsibility for errors, omissions, dis-
crepancies and non-compliances.
The Engineer shall obtain the specific approval of the Employer before taking
action under the-following Sub-Clauses of these Conditions:
(c) Sub-Clause 13.3: Approving a proposal for Variation submitted by the Con-
tractor in accordance with Sub Clause 13.1 or 13.2.
(d) Notwithstanding the obligation, as set out above, to obtain approval, if, in the
opinion of the Engineer, an emergency occurs affecting the safety of life or of
the Works or of adjoining property, he may, without relieving the Contractor of
any of his duties and responsibility under the Contract, instruct the Contractor
to execute all such work or to do all such things as may, in the opinion of the
Engineer, be necessary to abate or reduce the risk. The Contractor shall
forthwith comply, despite the absence of approval of the Employer, with any
such instruction of the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine an addition to
the Contract Price, in respect of such instruction, in accordance with Clause
13 and shall notify the Contractor accordingly, with a copy to the Employer.
The Engineer shall obtain the specific approval of the Bank (through PEA) be-
fore taking action with regard to:
a. additional work, Plant, Materials or services not necessary for the Perma-
nent Works and which represent additional quantities and/or items in re-
spect to the contracted BoQ of Permanent Works;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
a) The Contractor shall attend all meetings when called upon by the Engineer or
PEA and the cost of so doing shall be deemed to be included in the Contract
Price. The Engineer shall prepare minutes of the meetings and supply copies
of the minutes to those attending the meeting and to the Employer and PEA.
In the record, responsibilities for any actions to be taken shall be in accor-
dance with the contract.
b) The Contractor shall bear the expenses of the Engineer and Employer, if he
requests them to attend meetings or inspections or give approvals outside the
project area
The Contractor shall provide if required on Site water, all energy , telephone and
all other services required to execute the Works. Where main supplies are not
available in Site, the Contractor shall provide a generator with suitable capacity,
and water tanks of suitable sizes and with the required petrol, diesel or gas for
their operation. The costs for the auxiliary works and services are deemed to be
included in the Contract Price.
The Contractor shall provide every assistance to the Engineer and his staff in car-
rying out their duties and shall provide personnel to assist the checking, testing,
sampling, setting out, levelling, and measurement of the works together with a suf-
ficient supply of pegs, poles, paint, line levels and other materials and small tools
required for the checking, setting out and measurement of the Work.
The Contractor shall also provide for the Engineer and his staff such waterproof
clothing, safety helmets, rubber boots, lights and the like as may reasonably be
required by them. These articles shall remain the property of the Contractor, and
shall be repaired and replaced by him to the extent necessitated by fair wear and
The costs for the above assistance are deemed to be included in the Contract
The Contractor is obliged to carry out this Contract in accordance with provisions
of valid Building Law and respective By-Laws of Montenegro. Among other re-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
In addition the Contractor shall give due regard to the following matters:
(2) He shall not use the Site for purposes other than the execution of the
(3) He shall drain flood water and excess water by pumping (if necessary) to
prevent damage to any third party.
(4) He shall preserve trees, planted fields and fences in a suitable manner,
and shall replant or replace those that were damaged or removed, and re-
erect fences to their original condition, in accordance with the Engineer’s
(5) He shall preserve buildings and structures in the vicinity of the site and
shall repair and make good any damage resulting from his construction
activities under this contract at his own costs in the time stipulated by the
Engineer and to the satisfaction of the Owner of the property.
(6) In case of a need to erect scaffolding on any property the Contractor shall
contact the owner of the property and arrange for the proper execution, as
well as for the removal of the scaffolding, and for the performance of all
repairs before the Time of Completion expires. Support in contact with
the owner will be guaranteed by the Employer.
If not foreseen otherwise in the Contract, such general obligations are deemed to
be included in the Contract price.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(1) The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer in arranging the time
and dates of site meetings, and in preparing the Minutes of Meetings.
(2) He shall cooperate with the Engineer in taking photographs for the presen-
tation of reports on the works progress.
(4) In case of repair works, he shall tabulate the requirements thereof, and in-
form the Engineer of his completion of each item, one by one.
(5) The Contractor shall provide the site with a materials laboratory, and he
shall staff it with a qualified laboratory technician with the necessary ex-
perience to carry out the required duties.
(6) In case of the Engineer’s rejection of any material or work, the Contractor
shall, before starting to rectify such condition, submit his proposals to the
Engineer for such rectification to avoid the repetition of the error.
(2) Standard Specifications: If Standards such as DIN, EN, ISO etc. are speci-
fied, then the Contractor shall submit a Certificate of Origin certifying that
the item purchased is in conformity with such standard, and submit the
same for the Engineer’s approval.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(4) The Contractor shall place clear signs wherever services are concealed, in
order to facilitate relocation of the said services during testing, mainte-
nance, repair or operation of the same.
If not foreseen otherwise in the Contract, such obligations under execution of Contractor’s
duties are deemed to be included in the Contract price.
The Contractor shall deliver the Performance Security to the Employer within 21
days after Contract enter into force and shall send a copy to the Engineer.
The Performance Security must be furnished by the Contractor in the form of an
original signed bank guarantee and it shall be issued according to the Contractor's
Contractor shall submit draft of the Bank’s performance guarantee to PEA and the
Employer for approval prior to its issuance. Guarantee shall correspond to the
template provided in annex to these PCC in form and content.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
e) The Contractor shall provide evidence that provisions mentioned under item
d) are included in the sub-contract. Such information shall be provided 7 days
before this subcontractor starts his work.
f) Each Subcontractor must satisfy the eligibility criteria applicable for the award
of the Contract.
g) The Contractor shall perform, using his own means, particularly personnel
and equipment, for the major part of the works. Consequently, the total ag-
gregate value of work sub-contracted shall not exceed the amount specified
in the Appendix to Tender. The work done by the Contractor using his own
means shall be clearly defined upon the request of the Engineer.
“Throughout the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall continuously keep an
experienced surveyor on the site to perform and/or supervise the setting out and
other survey work. The instruments used by the Contractor shall be of a make and
type suitable for the tasks to be performed and faultless in technical condition and
adjustment. They shall be subject to approval by the Engineer”.
“The Engineer, or the person or organization authorized by him, may check the
setting out at any stage in construction, and the Contractor shall keep site books,
plans and other records to facilitate such checking”.
“and provide a safety plan to the Employer not later than 14 days prior to the pro-
grammed date for the start of construction of the Works”.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
of his system to the Engineer within 28 days of the signing of the Contract Agree-
ment and it shall include:
A reduction in the scope of works which may possibly be required during the im-
plementation phase in order to match with the available budget does not result in
an increase of unit rates.
“c) where closure of a public road is required under the Contract, the approval of
the responsible authority is required before such closure can take place. The Con-
tractor shall provide the responsible authority, not less than 14 days before the
closure of the road, his proposal on how the work shall be undertaken, public traf-
fic will be detoured, and the time for its completion. The Engineer shall approve
the Contractor’s proposal, or seek amendments in order to ensure compliance
with this Sub-Clause and local regulations.
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable current legislation, regulations and
specifications with respect to all measures, operations and administrative steps
required for the full protection and safeguarding of the environment.
The Contractor will be responsible for the proper disposal of sewage from all
places within the site and shall comply strictly with the regulations of the relevant
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall comply with the regulations of the Employer and the fire fight-
ing authorities and take all necessary precautions throughout the execution and
completion of the works to prevent outbreak of fire.
During the execution and completion of the works, the Contractor shall protect the
environment on and off the site from contamination. Accordingly, he shall collect
all kinds of waste, including offal, production and communal wastes, and transport
them to a waste tip approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall not release, or permit to be released into the air, water and
land area at or in the vicinity of the site any toxic or harmful effluent or substance,
and shall indemnify the Employer against any claims or liability arising from any
breach of this obligation.
j) The Contractor shall attend all meetings when called upon by the Engineer or
PEA and the cost of so doing shall be deemed to be included in the Contract
Price. The Engineer shall prepare minutes of the meetings and supply copies
of the minutes to those attending the meeting and to the Employer and PEA.
In the record, responsibilities for any actions to be taken shall be in accor-
dance with the contract.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
k) The Contractor shall bear the expenses of the Engineer and Employer, if he
requests them to attend meetings or inspections or give approvals outside the
project area
“In accordance with Montenegrin Law any items found are the property of Montenegro.
The Contractor shall pass over any items to the Montenegrin authorities as directed by the
Entries into the Construction Log-Book, the Daily Diary or the Site Instruction Book
do not relieve the Parties and the Engineer from complying with the requirements
of Sub-Clause 1.3 (Communications), unless agreed to by the Parties and the En-
gineer and confirmed in writing.
All entries into the Construction Log-Book, the Daily Diary or the Site Instruction
Book by duly authorised persons not representing the Employer, Contractor, or the
Engineer, are to be reported promptly by the Contractor’s Representative to the
Engineer. Contractor shall keep separate sets of Construction Log-Books per each
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Entries into the Construction Log-Book may be used by either Party as contempo-
rary records under Sub-Clause 2.5 (Employer’s Claims) or Sub-Clause 20.1 (Con-
tractor’s Claims).
a) relevant proofs of the quantity calculations (tables with clearly indicated calcu-
lation steps)
c) test results required for the proof of the quality of the works entered into
Construction Log-Book, approved by the Engineer, shall be used as basis for issu-
ance of Contractor’s Statement under application for interim payment certificates
(reference Sub clause 14.3).
The Engineer shall make certification of the quantity calculations submitted within
the Construction Log-Book within the period not longer than 21 days after receiv-
ing the required particulars.
The Contractor shall acquaint himself with the position of all existing services such
as sewerage, water supply, telephone, electricity, gas and the like before any ex-
cavation or other work likely to affect those services is commenced. The Contrac-
tor will be liable for any damage of any kind caused by him or his Sub-Contractors
in the execution of the works, and must make good such damage at his own ex-
pense and to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer within the Time for Com-
Contractor is required to make all necessary arrangements with the relevant local
authorities and owners for the removal, diversion or reinstatement of all services
as agreed with or instructed by the Engineer. The costs for taking down existing
facilities / service lines/ service pipes and the like, maintaining and reinstating to
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The general design obligations of the Contractor shall include, but not be limited
Detailed design for sections of the works where only a preliminary design
has been included in the tender documents
Preparation of the layout plans for the cable routing for connection to the
public Power Supply Network.
Design shall be prepared by qualified designers who are engineers or other pro-
fessionals who comply with the criteria (if any) stated in the Employers Require-
ments. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for consent the name and particulars of each proposed designer and de-
sign sub-contractor.
The Contractor warrants that he, his designers and design sub-contractors have
the experience and capability necessary for the design. The Contractor undertakes
that the designers shall be available to attend discussions with the Engineer at all
reasonable times, until the expiry date of the relevant Defects Notification Period.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Upon receiving notice under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of the Works], the
Contractor shall scrutinize the Employer’s Requirements (including design criteria
and calculations, if any) and the items of reference mentioned in Sub-Clause 4.7
[Setting Out]. Within a period of 14 days, calculated from the Commencement
Date, the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer of any error, fault or other
defect found in the Employer’s Requirements or these items of reference.
After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall determine whether Clause 13 [Varia-
tions and Adjustments] shall be applied, and shall give notice to the Contractor ac-
cordingly. If and to the extent that (taking account of cost and time) and experi-
enced Contractor exercising due care would have discovered the error, fault or
other defect when examining the Site and the Employer’s Requirements before
submitting the Tender, the Time for Completion shall not be extended and the
Contract Price shall not be adjusted.
The Contractor shall be obliged to finalize his entire design work as given in the
Employers Requirements.
The Contractor shall prepare all Contractor’s Documents, and shall also prepare
any other documents necessary to instruct the Contractor’s Personnel. The Em-
ployer’s Personnel shall have the right to inspect the preparation of all these
documents, wherever they are being prepared.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Unless otherwise stated in the Employer’s Requirements, each review period shall
not exceed 21 days, calculated from the date on which the Engineer receives a
Contractor’s Document and the Contractor’s notice. The notice shall state that the
Contractor’s Document is considered ready, both for review (and approval, if so
specified) in accordance with this Sub-Clause and for use. The notice shall also
state that the Contractor’s Document complies with the Contract, or the extent to
which it does not comply.
The Engineer may, within the review period, give notice to the Contractor that a
Contractor’s Document fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract. If a
Contractor’s Document so fails to comply, it shall be rectified, resubmitted and re-
viewed (and, if specified approved) in accordance with this Sub-Clause, at the
Contractor’s cost.
For each part of the Works, and except to the extent that the prior approval or
consent of the Engineer shall have been obtained:
i. The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor that the Contrac-
tor’s Document is approved, with or without comments, or that it
fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract;
ii. Execution of such part of the Works shall not commence until the
Engineer has approved the Contractor’s Document; and
b) Execution of such part of the Works shall not commence prior to the ex-
piry of the review periods for all the Contractor’s Documents which are
relevant to its design and execution;
d) If the Contractor wishes to modify any design or document which has pre-
viously been submitted for review (and, if specified, approval), the Con-
tractor shall immediately give notice to the Engineer. Thereafter, the Con-
tractor shall submit revised documents to the Engineer in accordance with
the above procedure.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
If the Engineer instructs that further Contractor’s Documents are required, the
Contractor shall prepare them promptly.
Any such approval or consent, or any review (under this Sub-Clause or otherwise),
shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility.
In case that Contractor’s Documents for a certain aspect of the works have been
submitted/re-submitted more than twice and were not approved by the Engineer
since they failed to comply with the Contract, then the Contractor is responsible to
bear the Engineer’s costs for the additional design reviews required.
The Contractor undertakes that his designs, the Contractor’s Documents, the exe-
cution and the completed Works will be in accordance with:
The Contractor’s design, the Contractor’s Documents, the execution and the com-
pleted Works shall comply with the Technical Standards of the European Commu-
nity EN, German technical standards DIN, as well as with the standards, building,
construction and environmental laws applicable in Montenegro, laws applicable to
the product being produced from the Works, and other standards specified in the
Employers Requirements, applicable to the Works, or defined by the applicable
All these laws shall, in respect of the works and each section, be those prevailing
when the works or section are taken over by the Employer under Clause 10 [Em-
ployer’s Taking Over]. References in the Contract to published standards shall be
understood to be references to the edition applicable on the Base Date, unless
stated otherwise.
If changed or new applicable standards come into force in the Country after the
Base Date, the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer and (if appropriate)
submit proposals for compliance. In the event that:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
then the Engineer shall initiate a Variation in accordance with Clause 13 [Varia-
tions and Adjustments].
The Contractor shall carry out the training of Employer’s Personnel in the opera-
tion and maintenance of the Works to the extent specified in the Employer’s Re-
quirements. If the Contract specifies training which is to be carried out before tak-
ing-over, the Works shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of
taking-over under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections] until
this training has been completed.
The Employer shall provide his personnel for training and operational assistance
under the Contractor’s responsibility, whereas it has to be noted that the responsi-
bility for the operation and performance itself is with the Employer. The Employer
shall bear all costs for the operation of the scheme including personnel costs, en-
ergy costs and consumables.
The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up to date, a complete set of “as-built” re-
cords of the execution of the Works, showing the exact as-built locations, sizes
and details of the work as executed. These records shall be kept on the Site and
shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Sub-Clause. Two copies shall be
supplied to the Engineer prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion.
The as built design(s) has to be prepared according to By-law ON PROCEDURE
cial Gazette RoM, No. 22/02).
In addition, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer as-built drawings of the
Works, showing all works as executed, and submit them to the Engineer for review
under Sub-Clause 4.29 [Contractor’s Documents]. The Contractor shall obtain the
consent of the Engineer as to their size, the referencing system, and other relevant
Prior to the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shall supply to the
Engineer the specified numbers and types of copies of the relevant as-built draw-
ings, in accordance with the Employer’s requirements. The Works shall not be
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
All as built documentation shall be handed to the Employer both as hard copies
and in digital format in the numbers and in line with the specifications stipulated in
the Employer’s Requirements.
The Works shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of taking-
over under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections] until the En-
gineer has received final operation and maintenance manuals in such detail, and
any other manuals specified in the Employer’s Requirements for these purposes.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor will pay all legal requirements relating to fulfil Montenegrin law for
his staff.
No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally recognised days of rest, or
outside the normal working hours stated in the Appendix to Tender, unless:
(a) the Engineer gives the instruction in accordance with Sub Clause 8.6,
(c) the work is unavoidable, or necessary for the protection of life or property or
for the safety of the Works, in which case the Contractor shall immediately ad-
vise the Engineer.
If the Engineer instructs or permits the Contractor to work beyond the official
hours, then the Contractor shall bear the supervision costs and expenses of the
overtime hours of any of the Engineer Staff, in accordance with the decision and
approval of the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall include in his tender all costs for transporting staff and
workmen to and from the various parts of the site or in connection with the
works; all costs incurred by securing, recruiting, and transporting labour to the
site when such labour is from outlying areas, and all costs incurred by returning
said labour on termination of engagement. The Contractor shall be responsible
that all staff and labour will be provided with the required resident visas and work
“The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to maintain the
health and safety of the Contractor’s personnel. In collaboration with local health
authorities, the Contractor shall ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick
bay and ambulance services are available at all time at the Site and at any ac-
commodation for Contractor’s and Employer’s Personnel, and as stated in the
Contractor’s safety plan. Suitable arrangements shall be made for all necessary
welfare and hygiene requirements and for the prevention of epidemics.
The Contractor shall employ or nominate a Safety Officer, who shall be responsi-
ble for the health and safety and protection against accidents of all staff and la-
bourers. The Safety Officer shall be qualified for this work and shall be responsible
for issuing required instructions and undertaking protective measures to prevent
accidents to the satisfaction of the legal requirements and contractual conditions.
Throughout the execution of the Works the Contractor shall provide whatever is
required by this person in the exercise of his duties and responsibilities .
The Contractor shall within 24 hours of the occurrence of any accident at or about
the site, or in connection with the execution of the Works, report on such accidents
to the Engineer. The Contractor shall also report such an accident to the compe-
tent authority, whenever such a report is required by law”.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
site at all times a sufficient number of competent interpreters to ensure the proper
transmission of instructions and information”.
“The Contractor’s Personnel shall include persons who have the professional li-
cences required by the Law in Montenegro in undertaking Contractor’s duties un-
der the Contract”.
“The Contractor may employ foreign personnel for the execution of the Works, al-
though the Contractor is encouraged, as far as is practicable, to employ personnel
from within Montenegro. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the en-
gagement of all foreign personnel is in accordance with the applicable Laws in
Montenegro, and including regulations relating to residence visas, work permits,
and professional certificates for engineering and management personnel, as re-
The Contractor shall be responsible for the repatriation to the place of recruitment
of all foreign personnel employed upon the Works. The Contractor shall be re-
sponsible for the proper care of all such persons until they have left Montenegro.
In the event of the Contractor’s default the Employer may repatriate and maintain
such persons and recover the costs from the Contractor.
All costs relating to the application of this Sub-Clause shall be borne by the Con-
The Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements for the transport, to any
place as required for burial, of any of his expatriate employees or members of their
families who may die in Montenegro. The Contractor shall also be responsible, to
the extent required by the local regulations, for making any arrangements with re-
gard to burial of any of his local employees who may die while engaged upon the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the Statutes, Ordi-
nances, and Government Regulations or Orders for the time being in force, import,
sell, give, barter, or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor or drugs, or permit or
tolerate any such importation, sale, gift, barter, or disposal by his subcontractors,
agents, staff, or labour.
The Contractor shall not give, barter, or otherwise dispose of to any person or per-
sons, any arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or tolerate the same as afore-
The Contractor shall, in all dealings with his staff and labour, have due regard to all
recognised festivals, days of rest, and religious and other customs.
“At the beginning of each month the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a re-
turn showing the number, distribution and trades of all employees, including staff,
employed during the previous month by himself and by his sub-contractor(s), and
for each major item of Contractor’s Equipment the number of hours during the
previous month that the equipment was working, idle and breakdown time.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall maintain records and make reports to the Engineer concern-
ing the safety, health and welfare of his staff and labour and of damage to property
in such form and detail as the Engineer shall reasonably prescribe.
The Contractor shall report to the Engineer details of any accident as soon as rea-
sonably possible after its occurrence. In the case of any fatality or serious acci-
dent, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately by the quickest available
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
In addition to the works inspections and tests carried out by the manufacturers and
suppliers of materials, equipment and plant, the Contractor may arrange and pay
for the services of an independent third party Inspection Agency approved by the
Engineer and the Employer.
The inspection Agency may also be required to inspect mechanical and electrical
equipment in cases where these are not inspected by the Engineer.
The Contractor may propose the use of more than one independent Inspection
Agency provided that inspection of materials and equipment of any one type or
originating from any one manufacturer is not divided.
Immediately after Award of Contract, the Contractor shall procure and submit to
the Engineer for approval a detailed proposal for inspection and testing services
from the Inspection Agency (or Agencies) he proposes to employ.
The manufacture of pipes, fittings, pumps, and any other materials and equipment
to be inspected shall not commence prior to the attendance of the Inspector,
unless the Engineer has specifically agreed to the contrary.
The inspection services required in this contract shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor and the costs of such services shall be included in the unit prices for
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
the various items of work under this Contract. No separate payment will be made
to the Contractor for such required inspections.
In the first paragraph of sub-clause 7.4 revise the wording: “The Contractor shall
provide …” to “The Contractor shall provide at his own cost …”
In case of the Engineer’s rejection of any material or work, the Contractor shall,
before starting to rectify such condition, submit his proposal to the Engineer for
such rectification for approval.
In the second line add “including fees for dumping waste tips, debris and hazard-
ous waste”, after the word “payments”.
Pouring of reinforced concrete is only permitted after the examination of the rein-
forcement and the formwork by the Engineer and approval of the defined parts of
the Works.
The backfilling of pits and trenches is only permitted after successful testing and
visual inspection of buildings, pipes, sewers and drains by the Engineer and ap-
proval of the defined parts of the Works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Engineer or the Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice of the
Commencement Date. The Commencement Date shall be the 14 days after Contract
enters into force.
Before the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall take in a considera-
tion the following:
The Employer shall provide notice at least 7 days prior to the commencement of
construction to the Authority who issued the Construction permit(s), of the intention
to commence the execution of the Works. This notice shall have the following
documents appended:
a) Safety plan as provided by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.8 (Safety Pro-
‘including commissioning and handing over procedures in compliance with the Employer’s
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The revised program shall be submitted within 14 days from the date of the Engi-
neer’s notice.
“Any extension of Time for Completion approved by the Engineer upon a justifica-
tion provided by the Contractor in line with the contractual requirements, shall be
formalized with an addendum to the Contract”
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with this
Clause and Sub-Clause 7.4 [Testing], after providing the documents in accordance
with sub-paragraph (d) of sub-clause 4.1 [Contractor’s General Obligation], and
shall be liable for all costs associated with such tests.
Costs for all Tests on completion are deemed to be included in the Contract Price.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(iii) the report from the technical committee confirming technical acceptance re-
quired by Montenegrin Law has been prepared and submitted.’
Before the 4 paragraph add additional sub paragraph (d)
(d) notwithstanding the above provisions, the use of the such part of the
works that is necessary in order to maintain the continuous operation of the Plant,
shall not be deemed to be taken over as long as such operations are under the
supervision and control of and in accordance with the instructions of the Contrac-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(b) the method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill of Quantities or other
applicable Schedules. Payment shall be done in accordance with ‘’payment limits’’ speci-
fied on drawings (i.e. minimum trench width specified on the drawings ‘’Typical Trench
Section’’) and in section 1.10 of Volume 3.2 as well as in accordance with actual surveyed
levelling of the structures.
The Contractor shall employ qualified quantity surveyors and survey teams to determine
actual measurements of earthworks, structures, pipelines etc. and shall provide such
measurements to the Engineer as and when the Engineer requires.
The method of measurement shall be guided by the principle, that no item will be meas-
ured under two or more separate items.
The scope of the works set out in the Bill of Quantities contains the tentative scope of the
Works and shall not be taken as the complete and correct listing of works to be executed
by the Contractor in fulfilment of his obligations under the Contract.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
For any Employer’s or Municipality’s request for additional work, Plant, Materials or
services not necessary for the Permanent Works and which represent additional
quantities and/or items in respect to the contracted BoQ of Permanent Works,
Employer or Municipality is obliged to elaborate and submit a request to PEA for
inclusion of these additional work in the Contract. PEA shall forward the request
along with its opinion to the Bank. Only after the approval of the Bank, PEA shall
issue an instruction to the Engineer requesting the Variation or inclusion of these
works in the Contract.
For any Employer’s or Municipality’s request for change in the contracted Scope of
Works (reduction or exclusion of measures), Employer or Municipality is obliged to
elaborate and submit a request to PEA for inclusion of these changes in the Con-
tract. PEA shall forward the request along with its opinion to the Bank. Only after
the approval of the Bank, PEA shall issue an instruction to the Engineer requesting
the Variation or inclusion/ deletion of these works from the Contract.
Engineer shall not issue a Variation, instruct or approve the additional work or ex-
clusion of the contracted investment measures requested by the Employer or Mu-
nicipality if the written consent of the Bank and/or PEA is not provided.
Variations from (a) to (f) of Sub Clause 13.1 do not require prior approval from the
Bank and PEA, while item (g) as well as reduction in contracted Scope of Work
“Where the Variation or Variations issued by the Engineer cause the Contract
Price to exceed the Accepted Contract Amount, then this shall be formalised as an
Addendum to the Contract”.
Delete this Sub-Clause 13.8 entire text and replace it with the following:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The contract price is fixed and valid throughout the period of works execution.
Cost for raise and fall in the cost of labour, plant, materials, goods, consumables
and other input to the works are deemed to be included in the offered prices.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(b) the Contractor shall pay all taxes, duties, fees and other charges that may be
levied in accordance with laws and regulation in force on the date 28 days
prior to the latest date for submission of tenders, imposed both outside and in-
side the Employer's Country on the Contractor's equipment, plant, materials,
and supplies (whether permanent or temporary) acquired for the Contract, and
on services performed under the Contract, required to be paid by him under
the Contract and the Contract Price shall not be adjusted for any of these
costs except as stated in Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustment for changes in legisla-
i.) The Contractor is not exempted from import duties and import taxes levied on
the import on Contract Items into the Country for the part of the contract financed
by the Bank.
ii.) The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the presentation of documenta-
tion in order to clear the Goods through the customs authorities, and shall be
deemed to have been satisfied (before submitting the Tender) as to all relevant
The cost for permanent works and equipment (excluding provisional sums for
equipment, materials and export services and costs for operation and training) are
deemed to be fixed by the lump sums and unit prices without escalation.
The Employer may request re-payment of any amounts disbursed if the Contractor
fails to perform the services as described in this Agreement. Repayments will be
made immediately by the Contractor in a form determined by the Employer and
confirmed in writing by KfW, directly to the account of KfW, Frankfurt, Germany
(BIC KFWIDEFF), Account no. IBAN DE53 5002 0400 3800 0000 00, through a
recognized international bank in Montenegro.”
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
“through PEA”
Contractor shall submit draft of the Bank’s advance guarantee to PEA and the
Employer for approval prior to its issuance. PEA and Employer shall verify that the
text of the guarantee corresponds to the tender form and verify that the issuing
bank satisfies the reputability requirements.
a) Not to make any changes in the bank guarantee template, but to pro-
vide a confirmation from the bank in Montenegro that the advance
payment will be transferred on the same day to the account of the
bank guarantee issuer, and that, upon the transfer of the advance
payment, evidence thereof will be forwarded to the Engineer;
Replace the remaining of the clause starting from “The advance payment shall be
repaid …” with the following:
The advance payment shall be repaid through percentage deductions from the in-
terim payments determined by the Engineer in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.6
[Issue of Interim Payment Certificates ], as follows:
(a) deductions shall commence in the next interim Payment Certificate following
that in which the total of all certified interim payments (excluding the advance
payment and deductions and repayments of retention) exceeds 30 percent of the
Accepted Contract Amount less Provisional Sums; and
(b) deductions shall be made at the amortisation rate stated in the Contract Data
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
of the amount of each Interim Payment Certificate (excluding the advance pay-
ment and deductions and repayments of retention) in the currencies and propor-
tions of the advance payment until such time as the advance payment has been
repaid; provided that the advance payment shall be completely repaid prior to the
time when 80 percent of the Accepted Contract Amount less Provisional Sums has
been certified for payment.
If the advance payment has not been repaid prior to the issue of the Taking-Over
Certificate for the Works or prior to termination under Clause 15 [Termination by
Employer], Clause 16 [Suspension and Termination by Contractor] or Clause 19
[Force Majeure] (as the case may be), the whole of the balance then outstanding
shall immediately become due and payable by the Contractor to the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
iv. the Contractor’s records of requirements, usage, orders, and receipts are
kept in a form approved by the Engineer and made available for inspection by
the Engineer;
v. the Contractor has submitted with his monthly statement documents required
by the Engineer for their valuation and providing evidence of the Contractor’s
ownership and payment therefore, and;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
“and PEA”
The currency of the Contract shall be EURO and all payments made in accor-
dance with the Contract shall be in EURO;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Insert the following text within the last paragraph after the second phrase:
If the Contractor fails to remove his equipment and temporary works within 21
days after receiving the notice, the Employer is entitled to use so much of the Con-
tractor’s Equipment and temporary Works which have been deemed to be re-
served exclusively for the execution of the Works, under the provisions of the Con-
tract, as he may consider proper, up to the completion of the respective works
If the Employer determines that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, then
the Employer may, terminate the Contractor’s employment under the Contract
and expel him from the Site, and the provisions of Clause 15 shall apply as if such
expulsion had been made under Sub-Clause 15.2
(a) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing
of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process
or in the Contract execution.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
“Notwithstanding the above, if the Bank has suspended disbursements under it’s
loan, which finances in whole or in part the execution of the Works, and no alterna-
tive funds are available as provided for in Sub-Clause 2.4 [Employer’s Financial ar-
rangements] the Contractor may by notice suspend work or reduce the rate of
work at any time, but not less than 7 days after the Borrower having received the
suspension notification from the Bank
(d) The Employer substantially fails to perform his obligations under the Con-
tract in such manner as to materially and adversely affect the ability of the Con-
tractor to perform the Contract
(h) In the event the Bank suspends the loan or credit from which part of the
payments to the Contractor are being made, if the Contractor has not received the
sums due to him upon expiration of the 14 days referred to in Sub-Clause 14.7 for
payments under Interim Payment Certificates, the Contractor may, without preju-
dice to the Contractor’s entitlement to financing charges under Sub-Clause 14.8,
immediately take one or both of the following actions, namely (i) suspend work or
reduce the rate of work, and (ii) terminate his employment under the Contract by
giving notice to the Employer, with a copy to the Engineer, such termination to take
effect 14 days after the giving of the notice.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(b) damage to or loss of any property, real or personal (other than the Works), to
the extent that such damage or loss arises out of or in the course of or by reason
of the Contractor’s design (if any), the execution and completion of the Works and
the remedying of any defects, unless and to the extent that any such damage or
loss is attributable to any negligence, wilful act or breach of the Contract by the
Employer, the Employer’s Personnel, their respective agents, or anyone directly or
indirectly employed by any of them.
Replace the first sentence and sub-paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) by the following:
The risks referred to in Sub-Clause 17.4 below, insofar as they directly affect the
execution of the Works in the Country, are:
(a) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign ene-
(b) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the Contractor’s Person-
nel, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, within the
(c) riot, commotion or disorder within the Country by persons other than the Con-
tractor’s Personnel,
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Insurance cover shall extend to liability to third parties arising from accidents in the
Country involving vehicles supplied by the Contractor and used by the Employer, ,
the Contractor or the Engineer under the Contract.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(ii) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the Contractor’s Person-
nel, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war,
(iii) riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contrac-
tor’s Personnel,
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The DAB shall comprise, as stated in the Appendix to Tender, either one or three
suitably qualified persons (“the members”), each of whom shall be fluent in the
language for communication defined in the Contract and shall be a professional
experienced in the type of construction involved in the Works and with the interpre-
tation of contractual documents.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Without the Employer’s prior written authorisation, a Contractor and his staff or any
other company with which the Contractor is associated or linked may not, even on
an ancillary or subcontracting basis, perform other services, carry out works or
supply equipment for the project. This prohibition also applies to any other pro-
grammes or projects that could, owing to the nature of the contract, give rise to a
conflict of interest on the part of the Contractor.
When putting forward a candidacy or tender, the candidate or Tenderer must de-
clare that he is affected by no potential conflict of interest, and that he has no par-
ticular link with other Tenderers or parties involved in the project. Should such a
situation arise during performance of the contract, the Contractor must immedi-
ately inform the Employer.
The Contractor must at all times act honourably and impartially in accordance with
the code of conduct of his profession. He must refrain from making public state-
ments about the project or services without the Employer’s prior approval. He may
not commit the Employer in any way without its prior written consent.
For the duration of the contract, the Contractor and his staff must respect human
rights and undertake not to violate the political, cultural and religious mores of the
recipient state.
The Contractor may accept no payment connected with the contract other than
that provided for therein. The Contractor and his staff must not exercise any activ-
ity or receive any advantage inconsistent with their obligations to the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
The Contractor and his staff are obliged to maintain professional secrecy for the
entire duration of the contract and after its completion. All reports and documents
drawn up or received by the Contractor in connection with the contract are confi-
The contract shall govern the contracting parties’ use of all reports and documents
drawn up, received or presented by them during the execution of the contract.
The Contractor shall refrain from any relationship likely to compromise his inde-
pendence or that of his staff. If the Contractor ceases to be independent, the Em-
ployer may, regardless of injury, terminate the contract without further notice and
without the Contractor having any claim to compensation.
The Bank reserves the right to suspend or cancel project financing if corrupt prac-
tices of any kind are discovered at any stage of the award process and if the Em-
ployer fails to take all appropriate measures to remedy the situation. For the pur-
poses of this provision, “corrupt practices” are the offer of a bribe, gift, gratuity or
commission to any person as an inducement or reward for performing or refraining
from any act relating to the award of a contract or implementation of a contract al-
ready concluded with the Employer.
The Contractor undertakes to provide the Bank on request with supporting evi-
dence regarding the conditions in which the contract is being executed. The Bank
may carry out whatever documentary or on the spot checks it deems necessary to
find evidence in cases of suspected unusual commercial expenses.
Throughout the period of performance of the contract and for a period of five years
following completion – issue of the Performance Certificate, the Contractor shall
undertake to ensure that the services of the Bank and the authorities of the recipi-
ent country are given access (including by any subcontractors) to all supporting
documents required for carrying out the necessary checks. To this end, he shall
undertake, given notice of eight working days, to authorise access to his premises
to all persons authorised to carry out these checks.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(Note: Tenderers are required to fill in the blank spaces in this Appendix)
Employer’s name and address & 1.3 “D.O.O. Vodovod i kanali-
zacija Tivat”
Engineer’s name and address & 1.3 to be inserted upon the award
of the Tender
Luke Tomanovića no 2
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Time for completion of the Works & 8.2 456 calendar days(including
foreseen interruption of the
works implementation over the
period of tourist season from 1
June to 1 September and
optional works
Period for notifying errors, faults and 1.8 28 days after Commencement
defects in the Employer’s Require- date
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Delay damages for the Works 8.7 & 14.15 0.05% of the final Contract
Price (stated in the Contract
Agreement) per day, payable in
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Minimum amount of third party insur- 18.3 Euro 2,000,000 (two million) per
ance occurrence, with the number of
occurrences unlimited
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
(Note: Tenderers are required to fill in the blank spaces in this Appendix)
Employer’s name and address & 1.3 “Vodovod i kanalizacija Kotor
Engineer’s name and address & 1.3 to be inserted upon the award
of the Tender
Luke Tomanovića no 2
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Time for completion of the Works & 8.2 243 calendar days (including
foreseen restrictions of the
works implementation over the
period of tourist season from
15th June to 1st September and
optional works
Period for notifying errors, faults and 1.8 28 days after Commencement
defects in the Employer’s Require- date
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Delay damages for the Works 8.7 & 14.15 0.05% of the final Contract
Price (stated in the Contract
Agreement) per day, payable in
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Minimum amount of third party insur- 18.3 Euro 1,000,000 (one million) per
ance occurrence, with the number of
occurrences unlimited
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Address of guarantor bank:
Address of Employer :
According to the provisions of the contract the Contractor receives an advance payment in the amount of
............................ equalling ................................................... percent of the contract price.
(in words) .............................................................)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
against your written declaration that the Contractor has failed to perform the aforementioned contract.
This guarantee shall come into force as soon as the advance payment has been credited to the account of
the Contractor.
The guaranteed amount shall be reduced by the amounts of the advance payment repaid to you, as
evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause 14.6 of the conditions of the Contract. Following
receipt (from the Contractor) of a copy of each purported notice, we shall promptly notify you of the
revised guranteed amount accordingly.
In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main
(BIC: KFWIDEFF, BLZ 500 204 00), account no. 38 000 000 00 (IBAN: DE 53 5002 0400 3800 0000 0),
for account of ….....................................
This guarantee shall expire not later than .......................... (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of
the Time for Completion) by which date we must have received any claims by letter or coded
We have been informed that the Employer may require the Contractor to extend this guarantee if the
advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay
you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing
and your written statement that the advance payment has not been repaid and that this guarantee has not
been extended.
It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after settlement of the total amount to
be claimed hereunder.
............................................. ...............................................................
Note: the advanced payment guarantee has to be issued by a registered international bank accept-
able to the Employer and KfW
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Address of guarantor bank:
Address of Employer :
According to the provisions of the contract the Contractor receives an advance payment in the amount of
............................ equalling ................................................... percent of the contract price.
(in words) .............................................................)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
against your written declaration that the Contractor has failed to perform the aforementioned contract.
This guarantee shall come into force as soon as the advance payment has been credited to the account of
the Contractor.
The guaranteed amount shall be reduced by the amounts of the advance payment repaid to you, as
evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause 14.6 of the conditions of the Contract. Following
receipt (from the Contractor) of a copy of each purported notice, we shall promptly notify you of the
revised guranteed amount accordingly.
In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main
(BIC: KFWIDEFF, BLZ 500 204 00), account no. 38 000 000 00 (IBAN: DE 53 5002 0400 3800 0000 0),
for account of ….....................................
This guarantee shall expire not later than .......................... (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of
the Time for Completion) by which date we must have received any claims by letter or coded
We have been informed that the Employer may require the Contractor to extend this guarantee if the
advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay
you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing
and your written statement that the advance payment has not been repaid and that this guarantee has not
been extended.
It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after settlement of the total amount to
be claimed hereunder.
............................................. ...............................................................
Note: the advanced payment guarantee has to be issued by a registered international bank accept-
able to the Employer and KfW
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Address of Employer:
In accordance with the provisions of the contract the Contractor is obliged to provide a performance bond
for ...........................................percent of the contract price.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
against your written declaration that the Contractor has failed to perform the aforementioned contract.
In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main (BIC:
KFWIDEFF, BLZ 500 204 00), account no. 38 000 000 00 (IBAN: DE 53 5002 0400 3800 0000 0), for
account of ..........................................
This guarantee shall expire not later than .......................... (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of
the Defects Notification Period) by which date we must have received any claims by letter or coded
We have been informed that the Employer may require the Contractor to extend this guarantee if the
performance certificate has not been issued by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake
to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in
writing and your written statement that the performance certificate has not been issued and that this
guarantee has not been extended.
It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after settlement of the total amount to
be claimed hereunder.
This guarantee is governed by the laws of Montenegro
............................................. ...............................................................
Note: the performance security has to be issued by a registered international bank acceptable to
the Employer and KfW
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Address of Employer:
In accordance with the provisions of the contract the Contractor is obliged to provide a performance bond
for ...........................................percent of the contract price.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
against your written declaration that the Contractor has failed to perform the aforementioned contract.
In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main (BIC:
KFWIDEFF, BLZ 500 204 00), account no. 38 000 000 00 (IBAN: DE 53 5002 0400 3800 0000 0), for
account of ..........................................
This guarantee shall expire not later than .......................... (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of
the Defects Notification Period) by which date we must have received any claims by letter or coded
We have been informed that the Employer may require the Contractor to extend this guarantee if the
performance certificate has not been issued by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake
to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in
writing and your written statement that the performance certificate has not been issued and that this
guarantee has not been extended.
It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after settlement of the total amount to
be claimed hereunder.
This guarantee is governed by the laws of Montenegro
............................................. ...............................................................
Note: the performance security has to be issued by a registered international bank acceptable to
the Employer and KfW
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
We, the undersigned …………………………………………….. (Guarantor bank), waiving all objections and
defences under the aforementioned contract, hereby irrevocably and independently guarantee to pay
you, the Beneficiary/ Contractor, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of EUR
………………… (in words: ……………………………), upon receipt by us of your demand in writing and
your written statement stating that, in respect of a payment due under the Contract, the Employer and the
Applicant have failed to make payment in full by the date 42 days after the expiry of the period specified in
the Contract as that within such payment should have been made
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
Any demand for payment must be accompanied by a copy of Payment Certificate signed by authorized
persons of your company, the Engineer, the Employer and Vodacom, in respect of which the Employer
and the Applicant have failed to make payment in full. Your demand for payment under this Guarantee
must have written approval from KfW.
This guarantee enters in force on ……………….. and shall expire no later than ……………………….
By this date we must have received any demand for payment. It is understood that this guarantee will be
returned to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount to be claimed hereunder.
This guarantee is governed by the laws of Montenegro.
............................................. ...............................................................
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Tivat & Kotor
December 2015
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
1 Project background and scope 5
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The information submitted within this section of the Tender dossier includes the require-
ments set for the two aiming Contracts divided in two sections:
LOT1 – Tivat
LOT2 – Kotor.
Where explicitly indicated the information will refer to either LOT1 or LOT2 sections and
will be separated into two Contracts arising out of this Tender (as per ITT).
The present project is aiming at the environmentally sound and hygienically appropriate
disposal of waste water on the territory of Tivat municipality.
The general objective is to put an end to the discharge of untreated wastewater into the
Bay of Kotor and the Adriatic Sea, ensure maximum protection of the immediate coastal
environment and increase the connection rates in this area. Furthermore the implemen-
tation of a wastewater collecting system on the peninsula of Luštica was considered to
be high priority for the Employer under the earlier phases of the Project “Water Supply
and Sanitation Adriatic Coast. During the earlier implementation stages of this project Ti-
vat Municipality already developed some comprehensive sewer main and secondary
network in the wider town centre as well is currently developing the same for the settle-
ments along the coast of Tivat’s part of Luštica peninsula (Krašići, Radovići, Đuraševići,
Gošići and Milovići).
The particular objective of the scope of the works defined within this Tender is further ex-
tension of the secondary and tertiary network in the higher zone of Tivat town centre as
well as secondary sewer network construction for Krašići (large tourist area on Luštica).
The scope of work foresees construction of secondary and tertiary sewer lines in Tivat
(DN200mm to DN300mm) in the approximate length of app. 9,9km.
Secondary sewer in Krašići assume construction of very steep sections of gravity lines
(DN200mm) in the approximate length of 3,3km. For the part of the settlement Krašići
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
which level is below the collector main collection is foreseen with compact pumping sta-
tions out of which two were foreseen for construction under this Tender. Those are
pumping stations PS7 in Soko Banja and pumping station PS10 in Gošići.
Within the general development planning in Tivat Municipality, water supply system is be-
ing constantly upgraded while rehabilitation of the existing distributive network is required
as well.
Under this Tender, the Employer as well intends to implement the construction of the
connection of Luštica to the Regional Water Supply System - Phases III and IV. Further
WS system extension foresees Phase III (from Đuraševići to Rogač) and Phase IV (from
Rogač to reservoir Radovići) in the approximate length of 3,0km. Previously, Phase I
(from the connection point at RWSS to Solila) and Phase II (from Solila to the reservoir
Đuraševići) in the approximate length of 5,0km was constructed.
The project is financed by the Municipality of Tivat and co-financed by KfW, Kreditanstalt
für Wiederaufbau, Federal Republic of Germany.
The present General Requirements describe the framework under which the contractual
works have to be executed and the general activities to be included in the quotation for
the Permanent Works.
Within the framework of the Project “Water Supply and Santiation Adriatic Coast III, Con-
sulting Services for Support to Vodacom in Implementation of Phase III; Improvement of
Waste Water Disposal in Coastal Tourist Areas“ measures have been foreseen for im-
provement of water supply in Kotor municipality. These measures related to rehabilitation
of WS network in one part of Dobrota settlement have been implemented and resulted in
significant improvements in the system functionality. Furthermore, within Phase III im-
plementation SCADA system has been installed for monitoring and control of water sup-
ply infrastructure.
Within the particular aim of this tendering process, Phase V – component 1 considers the
continuation of rehabilitation activities for secondary water supply network in several set-
tlements of the city of Kotor, which practically means replacement of secondary pipe-
lines, construction of new connections and installation of new water meters and water
meter boxes. In this was a large part of water losses in the existing systems will be re-
duced to a technically and economically acceptable level.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
settlement Daošine
settlement Orahovac
In addition to these measures the Employer has planned the following measures for im-
provement of operational efficiency of the WS system::
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Replacement of the existing sewage pump at PS Peluzica with the pump of
same specifications and producer (SULZER XFP 200M-CH2 50Hz)
The project is financed by the Municipality of Kotor and co-financed by KfW, Kreditanstalt
für Wiederaufbau, Federal Republic of Germany.
The present General Requirements describe the framework under which the contractual
works have to be executed and the general activities to be included in the quotation for
the Permanent Works.
Tivat is located at the Adriatic main road (from Herceg Novi to Ulcinj) of Montenegro.
Herceg Novi (25 km) and Dubrovnik (Croatian border, 40 km) are situated to the north-
west to the southwest Podgorica (100 km).
Kotor is located at the south eastern end of the Bay of Kotor (Montenegro) at the Road
E65 from Tivat to Perast. Herceg Novi (30 km) and Dubrovnik (Croatian border, 45 km)
are situated to the west and Podgorica (110 km) to the east.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Kotor and Tivat are neighbouring cities distanced only 12km away from each other. fast-
est connection of the two towns is through the tunnel Vrmac.
Three harbors are located in the region of Tivat and Kotor (Zelenika 13 km, Bar 55 km
and Risan 25 km from Tivat).
Tivat has an international airport (line operation with Belgrade). There is a regular line
operation with Belgrade but some other international flights are occasionally provided.
The next international airport (line operation with Belgrade and other European bigger
airports) is in Podgorica.
Next railway station is in Bar. There is a line operation with Podgorica and Belgrade.
Both Kotor and Tivat have a special sub-Mediterranean climate with 200 days of sun-
shine per year. The annual average temperature is 17°C (10°C in January, 26°C in July).
Main rainfall season is between November and April. The yearly rainfall depth is in the
range of 2000 mm, with some 50% of this rainfall in the main rainy season from October
to January (main rainy season).
Within the works implemented under the previous phases of the Project “Water Suplly
and Sanitation Adriatic Coast” primary sewer system has been constructed to serve fu-
ture development of the sewer secondary lines with connection of the households.
Both Tivat town and Luštica sewer systems are discharging collected sewer over the re-
gional Kotor/Tivat sewer system in to the bay of Trašte over the 3.6km long outfall
Joint financing of the construction of WWTP has been agreed between two municipali-
ties and works have commenced in January 2015. Starting of the treatment of the col-
lected waste water is expected in the second half of year 2016.
Collection and transport of the sewerage to the final collection point at the future WWTP
location is assumed as a combination of gravity lines and pumping stations with pressure
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Tivat town centre sewer collection operates with sub urban pumping station PS “Selja-
novo” and pumping station PS “Porto Montenegro” as well as main pumping stations PS
“Kalimanj”, PS “Gradiošnica” and PS “Solila”.
For conveying of the collected sewer for the part of Luštica sewer network, pumping sta-
tions were constructed along the road from Krašići to Đuraševići (PS1 – Krašići, PS2 –
Gošići, PS3 – Bijelila, PS4 – Kakrc, PS5 – Krtoli and PS6 – Đuraševići). Besides these
pumping stations used for transport along the main road additionally four compact pump-
ing stations in the lower zones of settlement Krašići were constructed (PS 11 and PS 12
in Kaluđerovina, PS8 and PS 9 Soko Banja).
By construction of 1 phase of transmission pipeline in July 2010 from the junction Budva
– Tivat – Kotor up to Solila, a part of Luštica peninsula, belonging to Tivat municipality
gained conditions to accept and distribute water from the Regional water supply - Monte-
negrin coast.
Transmission line PEHD d450mm, NP16bar built in 2010 is connected to the existing PE
pipeline d225mm providing water to Radovići reservoir. From Radovići reservoir the wa-
ter is distributed to consumers along Đuraševića and Krašića coast, by existing pipelines
AC 250mm and PVC 225mm. The AC250mm pipeline is located along the gutter on the
left traffic lane looking from Kotor and PVC 225mm pipeline along the right edge of the
motor road, looking from Kotor, up to the junction Rogač to the settlement of Krašići.
In 2014 construction of distribution pipeline d315mm PEHD was completed, and is to re-
place pipelines AC250mm and PVC 225mm which are to be put out of function. Putting
these pipelines out of function is expected by the end of 2015, upon connection of all
consumers to the newly constructed pipeline. The new distribution pipeline has been laid
in the right traffic lane looking from Kotor, along the section from Solila to the settlement
of Petrovići behind Krašići.
In 2014 construction of the second phase of DN 400 transmission ductile cast iron pipe-
line was completed from Solila to the branching towards the future Đuraševići reservoir,
as well as the primary sewer collector from the settlement of Petrovići to Solila. Both
transmission pipeline and sewer collector are laid in the right traffic lane, looking from
Appendix 2 presents routes of all existing installations. New water supply and sewer
pipelines as well as optical and electric cables are installed in the right traffic lane looking
from Kotor side. Taking in consideration the route of the existing AC pipeline, the avail-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
able area for laying the continuing transmission pipeline is the left traffic line looking from
In 2010 was completed and revised the ''Conceptual Design for Improvement of Water
Supply at Luštica'' (WIGA Group, Belgrade, 2010) which foresees construction of trans-
mission pipeline of ID 368mm and nominal pressure of 16 bar (PEHD 450 NP16), along
Đuraševići coast and the internal diameter of 396.6mm and nominal pressure of 10 bar
(PEHD 450 NP10) to Đuraševići, Rogač towards Radovići. This transmission line is fore-
seen to transport the water from the regional water supply system to Pristan reservoir,
and along the way to fill reservoirs of the Tivat part of Luštica, which is the existing Rado-
vići reservoir (indirectly Gošići reservoir), the future Đuraševići reservoir, Krašići and the
reservoir of the tourist complex Luštica Development. Within the mentioned implementa-
tion stage, Phase II of the Transmission pipeline has been constructed to the point of
connection to the future reservoir Đuraševići.
The ViK Tivat is the beneficiary of the works to be implemented under the Contract and
the future owner of the assets to be constructed.
Operation and maintenance of the new sewage system including all its components will
be the responsibility of the ViK Tivat. According to the Conditions of the present Con-
struction Contract, ViK Tivat acts as the Employer.
Apart from the rural parts of the Kotor Municipality, water supply network has been de-
veloped comprehensively for the settlements along the bay of Kotor and the inhabited
area along the main road Kotor – Budva.
Since 2012 when SCADA system has been implemented, ViK Kotor Doo significantly im-
proved monitoring of parameters and WS system water balance. This especially re-
flected in better control and reduction of losses in the network, as well as in reduction of
energy consumption.
Measures foreseen within this project would provide for an important step forward in di-
rection of improvement of control over the entire system and reduction of losses.
Having in mind the aim of this tender are measures foreseen for improvement of water
supply in Kotor municipality related to rehabilitation of WS network to certain parts of Ko-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
tor municipality, the status of the existing WS network being under operation herewith is
given in the following text.
The secondary WS network in the settlement Industrial Zone – Grbalj is very old and in
bad condition. Pipe material is PVC, PE.
Since the secondary WS network in the settlement Industrial zone - Grbalj outdated, wa-
ter losses in this area are very high and in order to reduce the water losses, pipelines re-
placement is necessary. Furthermore, replacement of old house connections and water
meters is also very important as for most of the connections it is not clear how they are
connected to the distribution WS network. Cases have been noted that some of the con-
nections were connected to the distribution WS network without water meter installation.
Yet, a much greater issue is the fact that there are many more such connections which
are not recorded to have been connected to the network at all.
The main distribution trunk PVC d160mm (to which the concerned secondary network
needs to be connected) is laid along the main road in the settlement.
Zone 13, covering a part of the Industrial zone (the area from the road junction in direc-
tion to Drvomont) and Donja Sutvara, is supplied via the Industrial zone for the most of
the year, by the existing AC 150 and PE d160 pipeline, which is reduced to a PE d63
pipeline at the entrance into the zone, with the same diameter along the entire zone
down to the existing tank.
Zones 14 and 16 cover the area near the main road and are fed by the main distribution
pipeline PVC d160 running from the water spring Simiš down to the Industrial zone and,
as already mentioned, it is laid along the main road.
Secondary WS network in Dobrota is very old. Pipe material is AC, ductile iron and PVC,
and also plastic materials were used for repairs at certain sections.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
In the previous period such a rehabilitation of WS system has been implemented in Do-
brota lower zones and positive results in reduction of water losses and system control
are evident.
The main distribution pipeline PVC d315mm (to which the mentioned secondary network
needs to be connected) is laid inside the upper road in the settlement of Sv. Stasije.
Along a part of the coastal road there is a PEHD d400mm pipeline to which none of the
secondary lines is to be connected.
The main distribution pipeline PVC d160mm (to which the mentioned secondary network
needs to be connected) is laid along the main road passing through the settlement of
In the previous period such a rehabilitation of WS system has been implemented in Do-
brota and positive results in reduction of water losses and system control are evident.
Main distribution lines between Roda and Psychiatric Hospital are AC pipes 150 laid
along the main road in the length of ~800m and PVC d160 in the length of ~300m, lo-
cated outside of the road area and mostly running through private land plots.
The main distribution pipeline for Daošine Settlement is PVC d160mm (to which the sec-
ondary network needs to be connected) is laid along the main road passing through the
settlement. From it there is a branch of the existing pipeline PEHD d110 coming toward
the middle part of this settlement.
Orahovac WS System
The main distribution pipeline is made of PVC DN160 pipe feeding the entire area above
and below the Main Road. Within the works for construction of transmission line to Risan
in 2007, a line of PE d90mm pipe was laid within the coastal road for future connection of
consumers below the main road. Since not all provided connections are visible on the
site the Contractor shall excavate the existing connections in the asphalt and to find out
whether they fit in with the designed diameters. In case they do not, installation of a com-
plete new connection would have to be done.
Construction of sewer pipes, water supply pipes, manholes, civil engineering structures,
and buildings, supply and installation of mechanical and electrical plant and commission-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
ing thereof, preparation of the execution and workshop drawings, as built documentation
NOTE: the Employer shall provide the Contractor, for specific sections of the secondary
sewers, with ECM (energy compensation manholes) and pumps for compact pumping
stations previously purchased and delivered to the Employer’s warehouse where it is be-
ing kept currently. Transport to the Contractor’s stockyard and further to the Site, as well
as its installation,testing (and sealing if necessary), is assumed as Contractor’s respon-
sibility under the scope of work included in the Tender.
These project elements shall be executed in accordance to the Employer’s design and in
accordance to the requirements stipulated in the particular conditions.
The payment will be done based on the carried out and measured work and based on
unit rates.
Besides the construction of the project components listed above, the scope of works in-
cludes fencing, landscaping, storm water drainage, facilities for site supply (potable wa-
ter, service water, power, telephone) as well as all the required reinstatement works.
In addition the Contractor will be responsible for the execution of the following investiga-
tions and detailed design activities:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Before taking over of the project, the Contractor shall prepare a full set of as built
drawings, to be submitted in hard copy and digital open file format. The drawing
formats shall correspond to those of the tender drawings.
O&M manual
Furthermore the Contractor shall provide the necessary spare parts as recommended by
the suppliers for the first two years of operation.
Should the Contractor envisage to carry out works or to substitute goods and materials in
accordance to other than DIN standards, he shall submit for approval one copy of the
relevant standards in English to the Engineer, together with any other information re-
quired by him.
Construction of sewer pipes, water supply pipes, manholes, civil engineering structures,
and buildings, supply and installation of mechanical and electrical plant and commission-
ing thereof, preparation of the execution and workshop drawings, as built documentation
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
3. Integration of these measurement points into the existing SCADA system of the
ViK Kotor.
These project elements shall be executed in accordance to the Employer’s design and in
accordance to the requirements stipulated in the particular conditions.
The payment will be done based on the carried out and measured work and based on
unit rates.
Besides the construction of the project components listed above, the scope of works in-
cludes fencing, landscaping, storm water drainage, facilities for site supply (potable wa-
ter, service water, power, telephone) as well as all the required reinstatement works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
In addition the Contractor will be responsible for the execution of the following investiga-
tions and detailed design activities:
Before taking over of the project, the Contractor shall prepare a full set of as built
drawings, to be submitted in hard copy and digital open file format. The drawing
formats shall correspond to those of the tender drawings.
O&M manual
Furthermore the Contractor shall provide the necessary spare parts as recommended by
the suppliers for the first two years of operation.
Should the Contractor envisage to carry out works or to substitute goods and materials in
accordance to other than DIN standards, he shall submit for approval one copy of the
relevant standards in English to the Engineer, together with any other information re-
quired by him.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Mandatory works
In general the future secondary network is located at the southern side of the primary
network serving the locations of Krašići, parts of Gošići and parts of Đuraševići.
Part of the secondary sewer network described below has been already implemented
within the previous phase of the Project. The scope of work assumed by this tendering
procedure is the remaining part of the designed sewer network in this area. It also in-
cludes two remaining pumping stations foreseen for collection and discharge of the sew-
erage in the area located at the levels lower than the coastal collector.
The secondary network has a total length of about 7.8 km of gravity lines and 0.3 km off
pressure lines. Furthermore six compact pumping stations will be implemented.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The alignments and sub-catchment areas of the secondary network in the project area
have been defined as follows:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Area DUP01:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
DUP01 belongs to the area of Krašići Municipality and is limited by the junction “Luštica-
Krašići-Road and secondary road” and manhole TV-0070 (primary network) in east-west
direction and by the coastal road and the boundary of the detailed urban plan Krašići in
the southern direction.
All houses which are located on the land side of the coastal road will be connected by
single secondary sewers. The secondary sewerage network drains in northern direction.
Area DUP02:
DUP02 belongs to the area of Krašići and is located between the manholes TV-0070 and
TV-0170 of the primary network, the coastal road and the limit of the detailed urban plan
of Krašići.
The settlement will be serviced by a small secondary network with lateral branches. The
main orientation of the secondary network at DUP02 is in northern direction. Lateral
sewers run mainly in eastern direction.
Area DUP03:
As the previous areas also DUP03 is part of the Krašići Municipality. The boundaries of
this area are the manholes TV-0170 – TV-245b in east-west direction and the coastal
road and the southern limit of the detailed urban plan of Krašići.
As described for DUP02 also the area of DUP03 will be drained by a small secondary
network with partly lateral branches in northern direction to the main collector at the
coastal road.
Area DUP04:
This area is covered by the settlement Maslinjak, where a small network already exists.
Designed as wastewater collecting system with settling tank and drainage into the bay,
the network has been modified more and more to a combined one. Therefore the exist-
ing sewerage system will be used as stormwater network and not considered within this
DUP04 will be serviced by a meandered arranged sewerage system along the settle-
ment’s main road. The existing system has to be crossed several times. In order to use
the existing sewerage network as future stormwater drainage system, it has to be se-
cured, that the existing pipes will not be demolished or interrupted.
Area DUP05
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
DUP05 belongs to the Municipality of Krašići and is located at Pumping Station PS1, sur-
rounded by the catchment area DUP06 and the Coastal Road in north-, south- and west-
ern direction. The catchment area will be connected to the main collector by a complex
sewer system with main orientation in northern direction.
Area DUP06
This area is located between manholes TV-0245b and TV-0285 of the primary network
and covers the administrative area of Krašići. DUP06 is surrounded by the Coastal Road
in the north and the boundary of the Detailed Urban Plan Krašići in the south.
DUP06 will be drained by a fish-bone-arranged secondary sewer system with main orien-
tation in northern direction.
Area DUP07
This area is situated between manhole TV-0285 and TV-0440 and belongs to the Krašići
All houses which are located on the land side of the coastal road will be connected by
single secondary sewers. The secondary sewerage network drains in northern direction.
Area DUP08
DUP08 forms the eastern part of Krašići. Since houses are and will be located close to
the coastal road, no secondary network will be implemented in this section. All houses
will be connected directly to the main collector.
Area DUP09
DUP09 covers parts of Gošići Municipality and is located between manholes TV-0580
and TV-0800. Secondary networks are foreseen at the western and eastern extremities
of the area, where a wider construction area in landside direction is possible and/or al-
ready existent. For the central part of DUP09 no secondary network will be implemented,
since all houses are situated in short distance to the coastal road and since no develop-
ment in the hinterland is expected according to the Detail Urban Plan.
Area DUP10
DUP10 covers the administrative area of Radovići and Milovići Municipality as well as the
centre of Gošići Municipality. Since this area has been excluded for network implementa-
tion in this Phase III of the Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast Programme only
the hydraulic load of DUP10 will be considered for the dimensioning of the primary net-
work as described in Book TV-A-01.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Area DUP11
DUP11 belongs to the Municipality of Milovići and is bounded by manholes TV-0810 and
TV-0930 (primary network) in east-west direction and the coastal road and the limit of
settled area in north-south direction. In view of detailed urban planning DUP11 is as-
signed to the DUP Đuraševići.
Area DUP12
DUP12 covers parts of the Municipality Bogisici and is bordered between manhole TV-
0930 and TV-1180 along the coastal road and limited by the settled area in southern di-
rection. Concerning development planning this area is assigned to the DUP Đuraševići.
Main parts of the recent and future developed area will be directly connected to the main
collector. Only at manhole TV-1115 one secondary sewer will be laid into a local access
Area DUP13
DUP13 framed the eastern part of the project area Luštica and belongs to the territory of
Đuraševići Municipality and therefore to the boundaries of the DUP Đuraševići.
Area DUP14
Area DUP14 runs from manhole TV-0485 to TV-0570 of the primary network and be-
longs to the municipal area of Gošići.
Area MD-01
MD-01 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0010 and TV-0070. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to take into account.
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to the
primary network.
Area MD-02
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
MD-02 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0070 and TV-0170. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to take in considera-
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to the
primary network.
Area MD-03
MD-03 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0170 and TV-0235. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to be considered.
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to the
primary network.
Area MD-04
MD-04 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0235 and TV-0285. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to take into account.
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to the
primary network.
Area MD-05
MD-05 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0285 and TV-0440. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to take into account.
Since parts of this area are already developed, a secondary network will be considered
within this project. The main secondary sewer runs in parallel to the sea shore and ends
at the compact pumping station PS7, where the sewage will conveyed to the primary
network (manhole TV-0390). Two lateral branches of the secondary network will serve
the main access road to the settlement and drain the wastewater also to PS 7.
Area MD-06
MD-06 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0440 and TV-0490. For
development planning of this area the Location Study Krašići has to be considered.
Area MD-06 is already full developed. Therefore a secondary sewer network will be im-
plemented. Due to difficult topographical conditions the area has to be drained by three
CPS. Two of these pumping stations are located at the sea shore (PS 9 and PS 10) while
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
the third lifting facility will be constructed close to the coastal road (PS 8). PS 8 and 9 will
convey the sewage to manhole TV-0475. PS 10 will lift the wastewater to manhole TV-
Area MD-07
MD-06 belongs to the Morsko dobro area between manhole TV-0490 and the half length
of Pressure Pipe 3 (primary network). For development planning of this area the Location
Study Đuraševići has to be considered.
Since only a minor part of this area is developed, a small secondary network will be de-
signed within this stage. Furthermore it has been assumed that, due to the topographical
condition of the coastal are, main parts will be connected to eastern part of MD-07 where
the ground level meet the surface level of the coastal road.
Area MD-08
MD-08 is situated in parallel to the designed pressure pipes 3 and 4 (primary network).
For development planning of this area the Location Study Đuraševići has to take into ac-
This area is not developed yet. Therefore no secondary network has been designed at
this stage. For future development is has been assumed that the area will be connected
at manhole TV-1440 and thus directly to Pumping Station PS4. A secondary network and
lifting facilities will be needed for an adequate drainage of this area.
Area MD-09
MD-09 represents the Morsko Dobro area between manholes TV-0810 – TV-0930. Since
the central part of this area is already settled, a secondary network will be considered
within this design. Due to topographical conditions, the produced wastewater has to be
collected to two compact pumping stations (PS 11 and 12) which are located close to the
sea shore. Both lifting facilities will pump the sewage to manhole TV-0890.
Area MD-10
MD-10 is located between manhole TV-0930 and TV-1180. This area belongs to Morsko
Dobro (Location Study Đuraševići).
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to Pump-
ing Station PS5.
Area MD-11
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
MD-11 is located between manhole TV-1180 and PS6. This area belongs to Morsko Do-
bro (Location Study Đuraševići).
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to Pump-
ing Station PS6.
Area MD-12
MD-12 represents the area between manholes TV-0490 and TV-0570 of the primary
Since this area is not developed yet, no secondary network has been designed in this
stage. It has been assumed that future houses/hotels will be connected directly to Pump-
ing Station PS2.
The following table summarizes the main parameter of all defined and described sec-
tions of the Luštica wastewater network:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
For maintenance and operational reasons sewer pipes with an appropriate minimum di-
ameter shall be laid in order to make possible sewer TV inspections and to avoid clog-
ging. According to the international standards a minimum inner diameter of NDmin = 250
mm for wastewater sewers should be taken into consideration.
However, according to DWA standard A-118, in justified cases (e.g. small discharge in
rurally structured areas or in dispersed residential areas, main connecting sewers with
good gradient conditions, steep stretches and implementation of measures for storm wa-
ter management) small cross-sections can also be chosen. In these cases particular at-
tention is to be paid to the operational aspects and, if required, suitable measures for the
avoidance of deposits and blockages are to be taken.
NDmin = 200 mm
Pumping stations
As required by the terrain configuration six compact pumping stations are designed in to-
tal to secure a safe drainage of the sub-catchment areas at peninsula Luštica.
The exact positions of the pumping stations are shown in drawings TV-A-08-103 and TV-
The Compact Pumping Stations PS7 to PS 12 are designed as circular pre-cast concrete
manholes with a diameter of 2.0 m. In the wet wells / pump sumps, two submersible
pumps (one duty, one stand-by) will be installed. In order to achieve the same hours of
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
operation and thus tear and wear, the submersible pumps will operate alternating in sin-
gle operation. The non-return valves and gate valves are accommodated in the rising
main. At all Compact Pumping Stations (PS7-PS12) no screening is foreseen.
Local switch boards for the motor control centre are located just next to the pumping sta-
For the monitoring and control of the pumping stations, water level measurements with
float switches will be installed. Besides the switch-in and switch-off levels of the pumps,
level measurements for high water level alarm (flood protection) and for dry running pro-
tection (low low level) are considered.
Designed pumping stations are presented in the table below. Within the previous stages
of the Project implementation four out of six foreseen pumping stations had been already
executed. Remaining two pumping stations (PS7 and PS10) are subject to this tendering
Item Unit PS7 PS8 PS9 PS10 PS11 PS12
Pump Sump construc construc construc constru
ted ted ted cted
Type: wet well, cast in
place, square
Volume [m3] 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14
Type: centrifugal,
Number [-] 2 2 2 2 2 2
Capacity per pump QP [m3/h] 32 18 18 18 40 18
Manometric Head Hman [m] 10.78 3.59 7.61 6.98 27.38 2.94
Electrical power demand [kW] 2 <1 1 1 6 1
Size of motor [kW] 3 1 2 2 8 1
Not required n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
NOTE: the Employer shall provide the Contractor pumps for compact pumping
stations previously purchased and delivered to the Employer’s warehouse where
it is being kept currently. Transport to the Contractor’s stockyard and further to
the Site, as well as its installation and testing, is assumed as Contractor’s respon-
sibility under the scope of work included in the Tender.
In order to prevent lifting of the compact pumping station manholes a lifting calculation
has been carried out of the manhole of PS 7 which is designed with a depth of 3.27 me-
tres below sea level. Since all other manholes have an installation depth above sea level
and above ground water level a detailed calculation of PS 8 – PS 12 is not necessary.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Pressure Line
From all Pumping Stations the force main will be laid to the Luštica quay road. A HDPE
ND 160 pressure pipeline according to DIN 8074 in pressure class PN 10 shall be laid.
The pipelines are designed for a velocity of about more than 1 m/s when one pump being
in single operation. Although there will be longer idle periods, depositing of solids cannot
anticipated with the selected design velocities for the final period.
At all sharp changes in deviation, thrust blocks shall be constructed. Provision will be
made for wash outs at the deep points. In addition valve chambers with double orifice air
release valves are required in all high points and in addition for water hammer protection.
The pipelines are shown in drawings TV-A-01-101 to TV-A-01-111. Trenches
The sewers will be constructed in open trenches by using supporting trench sheeting.
Due to the variable groundwater level in the different areas, the pipe trench dewatering
system needs special care. A lowering of the groundwater along the pipe trench with a
vacuum process will be recommended.
For the laying of the primary and secondary sewers the following minimum technical
standards will be considered:
Backfill material to be granular material (sand, fine gravel, coarse gravel); in-situ
material can be used if suitable, otherwise imported material, has to be compacted
up to 95% by Proctor
It has to be assumed that about 75 % of the excavated material has to be disposed and
replaced with adequate backfill material from commercial sources. In some parts of the
project area hard rock excavation is required.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Gravity system
For all sewer pipes with a diameter equal or below 300 mm corrugated polyethylene
pipes (pipe stiffing class SN 8) in accordance to DIN EN 13476-1 for all diameters will be
implemented. Corrugated polyethylene pipes with water tight sleeve joints sealed by gas-
kets are to be applied for the secondary sewer pipes. The pipes shall be supplied in
standard length of 6.00 m with stiffness class SN 8.
Structural calculations have been carried out for corrugated PP pipes (with equal proper-
ties for the structural verification) according to ATV-DVWK standard A 127 for represen-
tative loading conditions as described as follows:
Inner diameter [mm] 250
Wall thickness [mm] 15
Input parameter
Allowable deflection: [%] 6
A type predeformation [%] 1
Stiffness class [-] SN 8
Minimum coverage [m] 0,80
Maximum coverage [m] 3.24
Max. groundwater above trench bottom [m] 1.150
Load [-] HLC 60
In-situ soil (trench excavation) [-] Cohesive mixed soils and course
clay (G3)
Covering [-] Noncohesive sand and gravel (G1)
Pipeline Zone [-] Noncohesive sand and gravel (G1)
Degree of compaction [%] 95
Trench width [m] 0.95
Slope angle of trench [°] 90
Trench sheeting [-] Vertical trench sheeting
Load condition 1 / long term load Maximum covering heights
Stress proof BZ > required BZ = 2,50
Deflection proof 3.18 % = v < required dv = 6.00 %
Stability proof 4.19 = buckl > required buckl = 2.00
Load condition 2 / long term load Minimum covering heights
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Pressure System
For the pressure pipes polyethylene pipes (pressure class 10, equal to SDR 17) in ac-
cordance with DIN 8074 will be implemented.
As a standard, the PE pipes shall be connected by butt welding. Butt welding of the poly-
ethylene pipes has to be carried out in accordance to the requirements specified by the
pipe supplier. In cased that electro-fusion welded joints in high-density polyethylene pipes
are foreseen, they shall be made only between pipes having the same physical charac-
Structural calculations have been carried out according to ATV-DVWK standard A 127
for representative loading conditions as described as follows:
Outer diameter [mm] 250
Wall thickness [mm] 22.7
Input parameter
Allowable deflection: [%] 6
A type predeformation [%] 1
Pressure class [-] PN 10
Minimum coverage [m] 0,80
Maximum coverage [m] 1.90
Min. groundwater above trench bottom [m] 0.36
Max. groundwater above trench bottom [m] 1.10
Load [-] HLC 60
In-situ soil (trench excavation) [-] Cohesive mixed soils and course
clay (G3)
Covering [-] Noncohesive sand and gravel (G1)
Pipeline Zone [-] Noncohesive sand and gravel (G1)
Degree of compaction [%] 95
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Manholes for the secondary network have to be constructed according to detailed design
drawings and generally consist of pre-cast bottom parts (to be prepared by the Contrac-
tor on a location foreseen for the purpose within the construction site) and pre-cast top
slabs, shaft rings and cones. The manholes will be covered with cast iron manhole cover
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
including hinges. Furthermore the manholes have to be equipped with dirt pans to avoid
the penetration of obstacles like foliages etc.
Figure 1.2: Typical standard manhole Figure 1.3: Typical standard manhole
with a drop pipes
Within the secondary network cascades are foreseen in sections where the surface gra-
dient exceeds the maximum possible pipe slope to avoid steep sectionsError! Refer-
ence source not found..
Nevertheless, Tender foresees also implementation of the gravity lines set in parallel to
the surface/ground level, meaning with the gradient exceeding the maximum criteria. For
such sections energy compensating manholes will be used to reduce the cinematic en-
ergy of the fluid before discharging into the main costal collector.
NOTE: the Employer shall provide the Contractor, for specific sections of the sec-
ondary sewers, with ECM (energy compensation manholes) previously purchased
and delivered to the Employer’s warehouse where it is currently being kept.
Transport to the Contractor’s stockyard and further to the Site, as well as its in-
stallation and testing, is assumed as Contractor’s responsibility under the scope
of work included in the Tender.
Total designed secondary system consists of total of 358 inspection manholes, laid with
a maximum distance of 40 m. In general inspection manholes have been designed:
The sewers have to be laid in straight direction without any bend in horizontal or vertical
direction. Inspection manholes should be made of pre-fabricated concrete elements in
the following dimensions:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
In the following table information about the Energy Compensating Manholes (ECM) fore-
seen for implementation under this Tender is provided.
Manhole ID
1 TV0090020
2 TV0120030
3 TV0120050
4 TV0140010
5 TV0140020
6 TV0140040
7 TV0140080
8 TV0140100
9 TV0170010
10 TV0190050
11 TV0190070
12 TV0190090
13 TV0200020
14 TV0200040
15 TV0200060
16 TV0210010
17 TV0210030
18 TV0210050
19 TV0210070
20 TV0215020
21 TV0215040
22 TV0215060
23 TV0215080
In the framework of this project the provision will be made for the connection of house
connections. The preparation of such house connections is limited to the wastewater in-
frastructure within public areas.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The connection pipe will be carried out as an uPVC ND 150 or ND 200 pipe to the near-
est manhole of a new primary or secondary sewer, if possible. If the next accessible
manhole is too far away, the outlet branch pipe will be connected with a saddle piece /
tee directly to the collector.
Figure 1.1: Typical House Connection to a Figure 1.2: Typical House Connection to a
primary/secondary sewer manhole of the primary/secondary
Existing house connections found at houses situated just along the public roads shall be
intercepted and re-connected from the old to the new sewer system.
In cases where houses on private plots are set back away from the road, tertiary sewer
lines on private ground are required. The same is valid for houses which are located
rearward such buildings along the road. Often such tertiary sewers are already at hand
today. Otherwise they have still to be constructed. The construction of additional tertiary
sewers and house connections as well as the re-connection of existing house connec-
tions to the new revision chambers in complementation of the present project is the re-
sponsibility of the Municipality of Tivat and the private property owners concerned.
All earth works must be performed with solid support, carefully and adequately installed
in shortest term, and construction site must be properly secured during the working hours
as well as during the non-working hours, in order to prevent injuries of personnel and
passers-by or other damage.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Before the start of backfilling the trench, i.e. after the completion of the pipeline installa-
tion, topographical survey of the entire route shall be performed with entering the data
into the cadastre of communal facilities and installations, as well as testing of watertight-
ness of the connections of completed sewerage according to valid regulations.
The position of installations must be precisely defined and the Contractor is obliged to:
Before the excavation, mark the existing underground installations together with rep-
resentatives of the installations’ owners and provide their complete protection or
The Contractor is obliged to be disposed with equipment for ground installation de-
While performing the works, all HTZ measures prescribed for this type of works
shall be obeyed.
All deviations, if any, from the designed invert levels, i.e. technology, surplus works
of deficiency of works occurred during the course of implementation, shall be en-
tered into the Construction log, and if required into the As-built Design
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the disposal of unsuitable sur-
plus material from any the Site. Such material shall become the property of the Con-
tractor who will be entirely responsible for its removal from the site and its ultimate
disposal in accordance with environmental needs
Before testing any pipeline, the Contractor shall ensure that it is anchored ade-
quately and that thrusts from bends, branch outlets or from the pipeline ends are
transmitted to solid ground or to a suitable temporary anchorage. Open ends shall
be stopped with plugs, caps or blank flanges properly jointed. Potable water shall be
used for the cleansing, testing and swabbing of pipelines unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer. Stand pipes for extracting water from the public supply system
shall be in accordance with the requirements of the supply authority. As a minimum
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
a check valve system shall be provided between the public supply and the item be-
ing filled to prevent the possibility of back siphonage. The Contractor shall provide
all labour, testing equipment (including additional pipework jointing material, stop-
pers, and blank flanges) and shall fill the pipes with water and subsequently empty
them after test, all to the approval of the Engineer. Water drained from the pipes
shall be discharged in a way that does not affect the stability of the Works or adja-
cent structures.
In case that the sewers are above sea level the hydraulic testing will be carried out
after partial backfill with open joints. In case that the sewer are below sea level and
the trench has to be backfilled completely after pipe laying, the Constructor has to
carry out the hydraulic test by using joint tester for water and/or air
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain on the Site and the locations on the
access to the Site all traffic signs and traffic control signals, as necessary and/or
may be required by the Police Authority for the safe direction and control of the traf-
fic. The location and size of all such signs and the lettering thereon shall be ap-
proved by the Engineer before erection of the signs. The Contractor shall reposition,
cover or remove signs as required during the progress of the Works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
1.9.2 Construction of transmission pipeline for connection of Luštica to the Regional Water
Supply System, Phase III and IV
Mandatory works
During 2010, I phase of transmission pipeline DN450 was constructed from the connec-
tion to the regional water supply network at the junction od Budva-Kotor-Tivat to Solila
(section A-B below).
III phase comprises the transmission pipeline section up to the branching towards the fu-
ture reservoir Đuraševići, up to the Rogač junction (turning towards Krašići, i.e. the
branching point for transport of water towards reservoir Pristan), section C-D. The 4th
phase comprises the section from the Rogač junction to the branching towards the future
Luštica Development reservoir (section D-E).
The III and IV phase are in total 3,024m long, DN400mm profile ductile cast iron.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The detailed design of III and IV phase relies upon the accepted “Conceptual design for
Improvement of Water Supply for Luštica'' (WIGA Group, Beograd, 2010). The concep-
tual design provides hydraulic modelling of different variants of water supply, and for the
accepted variant, based on performed hydraulic calculation, are accepted the route of the
transmission pipeline, branching, internal diameter, nominal pressure and phases of
The foreseen pipeline construction is of total length 3,024m (from the connection to the
existing pipeline DCI DN 400mm from the branching towards the future Đuraševići reser-
voir to the branching for the future Luštica Development branching), foreseen in ductile
cast iron, diameter of DN400. The transmission pipeline is located in the left traffic line
along the entire length of the main motor road. The foreseen branching at the pipeline
are: branching for Pristan reservoir (through which the foreseen quantity of Qsr,dn 70l/s
may, as required, be transported to the Herceg Novi part of Luštica, or through the sub-
marine pipeline to Kumbor); branching for Radovići reservoir and branching for Luštica
Development reservoir, which is, at the same time, the end of the transmission line.
No hydrants are foreseen at the newly designed transmission pipeline, since in parallel to
this transmission line there is already a distribution pipeline with the existing hydrants.
The route of the designed pipeline with all its elements is presented in the Volume V.
The total route of the planned DCI DN400 is 3.024m, while the branch for Radovići is
56m long as a DCI DN300 43m and DCI DN250 13m pipeline.
The route of the planned pipeline is taken from the “Conceptual Design for Improvement
of Water Supply at Luštica” (WIGA Group doo Beograd, 2010) and can be considered
per the following parts:
from the connection at the end of phase II of the existing line up to the branch to
Herceg Novi at Rogač, from T1 to T39;
from the branch to Herceg Novi at Rogač up to the branch to Radovići reservoir
(T39 to T91)
from the branch to Radovići reservoir up to the location of future branch to Plavi
Horizonti (T91 to T96)
from the location of future branch to Plavi Horizonti up to the end of the branch
for the future Luštica Development reservoir (T96 to T113)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
As well as
Section T1 – T39
The route of this section of DCI DN400 pipeline is situated inside the left traffic lane in di-
rection from Tivat along the left gutter of the road. The pipeline is therefore nearer with its
axis to the existing ACC pipeline (2m distance) that is going to be put out of operation in
the following period after the connection of the users to the new contructed distribution
line d315mm.
At the node T1 the foreseen pipeline is connected to the existing transmission pipeline
(phase II) outside of the existing manhole to the FFG piece that was left outside. As the
existing transmission line is located between the distribution PEHD 315mm line and GRP
DN600 waste water sewer, the connection is to be done at the angle of 11° and the pipe-
line is to cross over from the right into the left traffic lane at the angle of 10°. Thereby the
designed pipeline passes below the sewer. About 4.5 m from the manhole wall atthe
route of the designed transmission line there is a revision manhole of the existing sewer-
age network (RO2’). During the construction the existing installations need to be consid-
ered especially taking care about the category of soil to be expected along the route
(hard rock) and the nearness of the distribution and sewer pipelines. In case it turns out
on the site that the route of the designed DCI cannot be implemented in such a manner
to avoid the existing sewerage manhole, in the Annex 14 and the BoQ it is foreseen to
displace the upstream and downstream section of the sewer by relocating the manhole
from the position RO2’ to RO2. The total displacement length is 36m.
The route of this pipeline section DCI DN400 is located inside the left traffic lane from Ti-
vat direction and in the whole length it is 1m apart from the existing AC 250mm pipeline.
AT the node T86 an air valve is foreseen.
The pipeline section from T1 to T86 is to be emptied via a washout manhole at the con-
structed transmission line some 300m upstream from the node T1. The existing washout
manhole has its overflow with further discharge into the sea.
At the node T91 a branch is foreseen for filling of Radovići reservoir. The branch is about
56m long, DCI DN300 and DN250. At the branch a MR block is foreseen to control the
reservoir filling.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The route of this section of DCI DN400 pipeline is located in the left traffic lane rom Tivat
direction and with its entire length it is at least 1m apart from the existing PEHD d225mm
pipeline. In the node T95 a washout manhole is foreseen for emptying the other sections
of the pipeline T86-T113.
In the node T95 the pipeline bends at 90 degrees angle and runs further towards the fu-
ture Luštica Development reservoir.
In the node T96 a location of future branch is foreseen during the replacement of the ex-
isting AC pipeline for supply of Plavi Horizonti touristic complex. Since it is foreseen that
this complex should have its own reservoir facility, Qsr,dn needed for filling of this reser-
voir does not need to be provided from Radovići reservoir as so far but via a direct con-
nection to the transmission line DN400.
The route of this pipeline section DCI DN400 is located in the left traffic lane from Tivat
direction. The route finishes at the node T113 as the location of future branch for Luštica
Development reservoir.
The level of the transmission pipeline is conditioned by passing below the existing instal-
lations inside the road. The minimum coverage layer thickness over the transmission line
is 80 cm and the average trench depth is 1.9m. There are no crossings with existing cul-
verts but the line passes below them. At the start section of the line passing below the
sewage collector it is foreseen to protect the transmission line and its joints with a steel
sleeve pipe.
Longitudinal profile of the pipeline as well as the trench details are shown in the corre-
sponding drawings in Volume V.
At T1 the foreseen pipeline is connected to the existing transmission line (phase II) out-
side of the existing manhole to the FFG piece left outside. As the existing transmission
line is located between the distribution PEHD 315mm pipeline and sewage collector GRP
DN600, the connection is to be done at an 11° angle and the pipeline passes from the
right into the left traffic lane at a 10° angle.
At the node T39 a manhole for the branch for Herceg Novi is foreseen. Considering the
soil category at this site (rock) and the near vicinity of other installations, the design has
foreseen the construction of a manhole with sufficient dimensions for accommodation of
water supply pipework and fittings needed for eventual branch construction for connec-
tion of Herceg Novi. This considers a washout manhole for the downstream section in di-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
rection of Radovići reservoir. The extension of the manhole after the construction of the
transmission line in this zone is not possible without the pipeline damaging as well as
other installations around and due to this fact it is foreseen to construct a manhole with
its final dimensions already at this stage. Supply and installation of WS pipework and fit-
tings for the branch and washout manhole needs to be done in the next stage, i.e. in
case of start of implementation of the branch for Herceg Novi.
At the node T91 a branch manhole is foreseen for filling of Radovići reservoir. At the
branch after the MR block a connection manhole is foreseen for the branching pipeline
feeding the reservoir.
At the node T113 a manhole is foreseen for the branch in direction of future reservoir for
Luštica Development.
The measurement regulation block (MRB) and the branch for feeding of Radovići reser-
voir have been designed in the agreement with the ViK Tivat. The MRB is equipped with
a reducer from DN300 to DN250, a DN250 valve, EM flow meter DN250 and a needle
valve DN250 for flow regulation. After the MRB a connection to the existing reservoir
feeding line ACC 250mm is foreseen inside the manhole. Manometer installation is fore-
seen as well as installation of a hydrostatic sensor for Radovići reservoir.
Due to the fact that type and diameter of needle valve (Flow control valve) may defer de-
pending on manufacturer final recommendation, the Contractor is obliged to define exact
type of the needle valve in coordination with nominated manufacturer, Engineer and Em-
ployer before the purchase and transportation and installation works have been imple-
Along the route one air valve manhole is foreseen at the node T86. The air valve is
foreseen with the diameter DN100.
At 300m upstream from the node T1 there is an existing washout manhole for emptying
the section of the designed pipeline up the node T86.
At the node T95 a washout manhole is foreseen to empty the rest of the pipeline section.
The washout manhole diameter is 100 mm and in the agreement with ViK Tivat, empty-
ing is forseen into a chamber along with the occasional chamber content emptying since
there is no recepient for the evacuated water quantity anywhere nearby.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
With the main civil works design for construction of transmission line of phase III and IV
project for improvement of water supply in Tival Municipality, it is foreseen to construct
reinforced concrete manholes along the pipeline route with dimensions defined based on
requirements for accommodation of fittings and connection pieces.
Structural calculations are provided with detailed designs in Volume V and main charac-
teristics of the structures described within the following text.
Manhole Cht2
The manhole Cht2 is located in the road (III category) and therefore within the load
analysis traffic load was also considered as distributed load with intensity of
p=16.70kn/m2, according to the Rulebook on technical norms for determination of bridge
Furthermore, it has been considered that over the top manhole slab a road cover would
be installed made of asphalt concrete mix with d=4.0cm thickness.
Calculation ground parameters used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure
were considered approximately the same as given in the geotechnical report.
As the excavation for construction of manholes is done mostly in the rock, the width and
depth for the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions. Therefore the
designer has foreseen the bedding under the bottom manhole slab made of pure moun-
tain gravel of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Fur-
thermore around manholes backfilling is to be done with pure mountain gravel of the
same granulation to be compacted in layers of 30cm, up to the required compaction of
Ms=100Mpa (compaction defined by the conditions of the company in charge of roads
Manhole Cht3
reinforced concrete MB20, with top slab dimensions dp=20cm, bottom slab dd =20cm,
and wall thickness dz=20cm. At the pipeline route the manhole is situated at the node
The manhole Cht3 is located in the road (III category) and therefore within the load
analysis traffic load was also considered as distributed load with intensity of
p=16.70kn/m2, according to the Rulebook on technical norms for determination of bridge
Furthermore, it has been considered that over the top manhole slab a road cover would
be installed made of asphalt concrete mix with d=4.0cm thickness.
Calculation ground parameters used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure
were considered the same as for the manhole Cht2.
As the excavation for construction of manholes is done mostly in the rock, the width and
depth for the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions. Therefore the
designer has foreseen the bedding under the bottom manhole slab made of pure moun-
tain gravel of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Fur-
thermore around manholes backfilling is to be done with pure mountain gravel of the
same granulation to be compacted in layers of 30cm, up to the required compaction of
Ms=100Mpa (compaction defined by the conditions of the company in charge of roads
Manhole Cht4
The manhole Cht4 is located in the road (III category) and therefore within the load
analysis traffic load was also considered as distributed load with intensity of
p=16.70kn/m2, according to the Rulebook on technical norms for determination of bridge
Furthermore, it has been considered that over the top manhole slab a road cover would
be installed made of asphalt concrete mix with d=4.0cm thickness.
Calculation ground parameters used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure
were considered the same as for the manhole Cht2.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
As the excavation for construction of manholes is done mostly in the rock, the width and
depth of the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions. Therefore the
designer has foreseen the bedding under the bottom manhole slab made of pure moun-
tain gravel of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Fur-
thermore around manholes backfilling is to be done with pure mountain gravel of the
same granulation to be compacted in layers of 30cm, up to the required compaction of
Ms=100Mpa (compaction defined by the conditions of the company in charge of roads
Manhole Cht5
The manhole Cht5 is located in the road (III category) and therefore within the load
analysis traffic load was also considered as distributed load with intensity of
p=16.70kn/m2, according to the Rulebook on technical norms for determination of bridge
Furthermore, it has been considered that over the top manhole slab a road cover would
be installed made of asphalt concrete mix with d=4.0cm thickness.
Calculation ground parameters used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure
were considered the same as for the manhole Cht2.
As the excavation for construction of manholes is done mostly in the rock, the width and
depth for the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions. Therefore the
designer has foreseen the bedding under the bottom manhole slab made of pure moun-
tain gravel of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Fur-
thermore around manholes backfilling is to be done with pure mountain gravel of the
same granulation to be compacted in layers of 30cm, up to the required compaction of
Ms=100Mpa (compaction defined by the conditions of the company in charge of roads
Manhole Cht6
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The manhole Cht6 is located in the road (III category) and therefore within the load
analysis traffic load was also considered as distributed load with intensity of
p=16.70kn/m2, according to the Rulebook on technical norms for determination of bridge
Furthermore, it has been considered that over the top manhole slab a road cover would
be installed made of asphalt concrete mix with d=4.0cm thickness.
Calculation ground parameters used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure
were considered the same as for the manhole Cht2.
As the excavation for construction of manholes is done mostly in the rock, the width and
depth for the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions. Therefore the
designer has foreseen the bedding under the bottom manhole slab made of pure moun-
tain gravel of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Fur-
thermore around manholes backfilling is to be done with pure mountain gravel of the
same granulation to be compacted in layers of 30cm, up to the required compaction of
Ms=100Mpa (compaction defined by the conditions of the company in charge of roads
The retaining wall is constructed in situ with dimensions 5.4x1.30m. It is foreseen for
construction of reinforced concrete B30, with footing dimensions 70x30x540cm, and wall
dimensions (40/20)x100x540cm.
The retaining wall is situated next to the MRB manhole. Calculation ground parameters
used in the load analysis from the side ground pressure were considered the same as for
the manhole Cht2.
As the excavation for construction of the retaining wall is done mostly in the rock, the
width and depth for the excavation is wider / deeper than the manholes dimensions.
Therefore the designer has foreseen the bedding under the wall footing made of detritus
of 32mm maximum granulation, to be compacted up to MS =30Mpa. Furthermore around
manholes backfilling is to be done with material of granulation 32-64mm to be com-
pacted in layers of 30cm, functioning as a drainage layer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Anchor blocks
Ancjhor blocks are foreseen at all horisontal pipelien deviations with fittings (deviations of
more than 6° to be achieved with curves of 11,25°, 22,5°, 30°, 45° and 90°), as well as at
verticak pipelien level deviations. During the construction of anchor blocks at points with
both vertical and horisontal level deviation, anchor blocks of such dimensions will be
produced to meet the requirements of horisontal and vertical pipeline curves calculation.
In addition to this anchor blocks are foreseen at the points under the fittings as
supporters inside the manholes.
In the following tables there are positions and types of anchor blocks at horizontal and
vertical pipeline deviations.
Designed pipeline d400 (NP16) – Type of anchor block at horizontal and vertical pipeline
Horizontal Vertical
Node mark deviation deviation Anchor
angle angle block type
[-] [˚] [˚]
T2 11 - Tip 1
T3 10 - Tip 1
T9 14 - Tip 1
T12 10 - Tip 1
T14 10 - Tip 1
T15 8 - Tip 1
T16 12 - Tip 1
T18 7 - Tip 1
T30 6 - Tip 1
T32 8 - Tip 1
T38 6 - Tip 1
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Designed pipeline d400 (NP10) – Type of anchor block at horizontal and vertical pipeline
Horizontal Vertical
Node mark deviation deviation
angle angle Anchor
block type
[-] [˚] [˚]
T41 11 - Tip 10
T43 10 - Tip 10
T44 6 - Tip 10
T45 13 - Tip 10
T46 13 - Tip 10
T47 13 - Tip 10
T49 10 - Tip 10
T50 9 - Tip 10
T51 10 - Tip 10
T52 11 - Tip 10
T53 9 - Tip 10
T54 11 - Tip 10
T59 6 - Tip 10
T65 14 - Tip 10
T66 8 - Tip 10
T67 16 - Tip 10
T68 7 - Tip 10
T69 13 - Tip 10
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Horizontal Vertical
Node mark deviation deviation
angle angle Anchor
block type
[-] [˚] [˚]
T72 12 - Tip 10
T73 15 - Tip 10
T74 8 - Tip 10
T75 14 - Tip 10
T76 21 - Tip 11
T77 18 - Tip 11
T78 13 - Tip 10
T80 19 - Tip 11
T81 13 - Tip 10
T83 12 - Tip 10
T86 11 - Tip 10
T87 16 - Tip 10
T88 12 - Tip 10
T92 9 - Tip 10
T95 90 - Tip 7
T96 12 - Tip 10
T104 60 5 T18
T108 8 - Tip 10
T109 12 - Tip 10
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Horizontal Vertical
Node mark deviation deviation
angle angle Anchor
block type
[-] [˚] [˚]
T110 8 - Tip 10
Designed pipeline – branch D300 (NP10) – Type of anchor block at horisontal and verti-
cal pipeline deviation.
Horisontal Vertical
Node mark deviation deviation Anchor
angle angle block type
[-] [˚] [˚]
C01 90 4 Tip 25
C02 29 1 Tip 26
C03 90 - Tip 25
1.9.3 Construction of secondary and tertiary sewer sections in the higher zones of Tivat wider
centre area with house connections
Optional Works
Concept of Tivat sewerage disposal has been introduced and accepted for implementa-
tion with adoption of the elaborate prepared by Civil engineering institute of Zagreb (in
April 1990). Further design has been developed by IGH-Zagreb in 2005 which included
staging of the sewer system development. Currently, III and IV phase of the foreseen de-
velopment phases is under implementation, which considers development of secondary
and tertiary network being subject of this Tender.
Design company, Virmont, Bar prepared detailed designs based on which secondary and
tertiary network in Tivat central area shall be constructed. Due to the area size and the
scope of the work, and in order to ensure more detailed elaboration, the entire district
has been divided into six areas, and therefore, documents have been prepared sepa-
rately for each area.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
It is also necessary to note that the secondary sewer network design foresees corrugated
inspection manholes, to which lateral connections are fixed (at the bottoms of the
manholes), while at the street collectors, the necessary connections are provided by
installation of T-Y fittings, by which elevation of the connections is also determined.
Therefore, there are two types of connections to the street network.
Connection at the inspection manhole – bottom of the manhole with prefabricated branch
DN 160 or 200 mm at the angle of 45°.
Connection to the street drain with single or double T-Y fitting at the bottom of the drain
or at +10,0 cm above the bottom of drain.
For purpose of maintenance, control of operation, as well as for resolving height differ-
ences between the fixed connection point at the collector and the output drain from facili-
ties, standard inspection manholes have been considered directly at the owner’s location
right along the outside plot border. These manholes will be either regular of drop man-
holes depending on conditions found on the site.
Since all facilities have septic tanks as recipients for wastewaters, the house connections
must be carried out prior to septic tanks, and are to be sealed after connecting, including
prior pumping out and backfilling.
Based on the registered state and defined technical solutions for tertiary network it
proved necessary to perform certain changes of the designed drains of secondary net-
work in terms of:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
All tertiary drains are of design profile 200 and 160 mm, depending on number of facili-
ties connected and the position of drains’ routes.
The area is covered by designed street secondary network drains No. 65, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 89. The designed network is planned to be developed with a
signifficant number of secondary and tertiary branches. By detailed survey of the state on
the site we have concluded that it is not necessary to construct the drain No. 67, and it is
necessary to introduce the new drain 68N. Also it is necessary, due to development of
the area, to make an extension of drain 65 and perform a number of new drains along
already formes streets or under available surfaces /drains 65.1, 65.2, 65.3, 65.4, 66.1,
72.1, 72.2, 76.1/. The foreseen schedule of designed secondary and tertiary network
allows connection of all constructed facilities in the area, and also provides conditions for
connection of new facilities.
In this area a secondary drain No.64 is foreseen covering a relatively small area of set-
tlements Tripovići and Matkovići. Due to size of the area it is necessary to foresee more
drains which will assure connection of all facilities. As the topography of the terrain, and
the position of the constructed facilities and the locations of constructed facilities at odds,
the most of the branches must be implemented at private land. In this sense, it is neces-
sary to timely resolve property relations at the proposed drains’ routes. A certain part of
the settlement gravitates towards the sewer network of the settlement Gornji Kalimanj,
which has been addressed in previous documents, and the connection of these facilities
is planned in the direction of this area at drains No. 52, 54 and 55
The area is covered by drains 31, 37, 38 and 39. Tertiary network and house connec-
tions cover almost all existing facilities. It should be noted that all connections to coastal
collector DN 300 are to be implemented at elevation higher than +-0,00.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Extension of drain No.38 for house connections is foreseen. From the secondary collec-
tors, branch DN 200 is foreseen from manhole RO37.05 for connection of three major
residential and business buildings and several individual facilities in the area.
The area is covered by designed secondary network drains 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and
117. Through this area passes the main collector to which drains 28, 32, 33 and 34 are
to be connected, while drains 30, 31, 117 gravitate towards the area of Donja Župa.
The said drains cover the entire area, therefore the house connections mainly address
the tertiary connections of individual facilities or groups of facilities.
The area considered for connection includes residential facilities inside the area of Sv.
Stasije settlement and several houses above the settlement area. Pipeline routes and di-
ameters foreseen for rehabilitation have been adopted from the data received from the
ViK Kotor (cadastre map with precisely defined routes of secondary distribution network
and house connections, an also precisely defined pipeline diameters. The routes of con-
nection pipelines from measurement points (water meter boxes) down to houses are also
defined by the ViK Kotor.
In this area 57 house connections are foreseen to be constructed, in some cases double
pipes for houses with separate water supply and hydrant network. Construction of 47 wa-
ter meter boxes respectively 87 water meters installation is foreseen. The number of
connections was adopted from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with
indicated structures and also locations of new water meters defined by the ViK based on
site visits). A detailed overview of the connections is given in the table and drawing An-
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Dobrota 1: 620; 503/1; 561/1; 503/1.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Pipeline routes
In additional site visits it was found that certain parts of foreseen sections are not possi-
ble to be routed as proposed. In such cases the designer has foreseen new routes with-
out major disturbance to the existing concept.
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots. Furthermore, connec-
tions routes for residential buildings are chosen to pass immediately next to the structure,
along the houses surrounding paths, up to the connetion points to the existing vertical
lines of sanitary and fire protection installations.
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with burried installations.
Pipeline levels
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.8 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is between 0.8 and 0.5 m.
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90 and d110 mm) ) is adopted to be 0.5m
and 0.4m, while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is
adopted at 0.4m to 0.3m.
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, work pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded (with test report for each weld-
ing) or with electrofusion welding.
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outerr diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (of d50 mm and smaller) fittings with ap-
propriate dimensions will be used.
Connection manholes
The first connection is foreseen at the node 1 / Ch1 where a connection manhole is fore-
seen for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90 and d63mm) with the
existing distribution pipeline PVC d315 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions
160x140 cm, height 1.3 m. Inside the manhole two sector valves are foreseen (Ø80 mm
and Ø50 mm), to close the connected new designed sections. Also a location for installa-
tion of a mobile flow meter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses
in the downstream part of the network – zone 1.
The second connection is in the node 2 / Ch2 where a connection manhole is foreseen
for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d110 and d90mm) with the ex-
isting distribution pipeline PVC d315 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 270x150
cm, height 1.6 m. Inside the manhole 2 sector valves are foreseen (Ø100 and Ø80 mm),
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
to close the connected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a mobile
flow meter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the down-
stream part of the network – zone 2.
Along subject sections no air valves are foreseen considering that each distribution sec-
tion should be completed with connections through which retained air could be easily re-
Washout manholes
The designer has foreseen in total two washout manholes in the system (one for each
zone). However, the request of the Employer is that wherever there is no storm water
network washout manholes should not be constructed.
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line in total 3 under-
ground hydrants are foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In
order to prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes in-
stallation of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for in-
stallation at hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
It has already been mentioned that in this area 57 house connections and 53 water meter
boxes. The existing RC manholes in front of temporary buildings (14 pieces) need to be
used whereas all other water meters are foreseen to be accommodated in new RC water
meter boxes. The number of connections was adopted based on the data received from
the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with structures). Of course there are cases when two or
more water meters belong to one structure, depending on whether it is a building with
several flats or a one store house.
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter, and the same goes for water supply and hydrant network.
3/4“ 15 pieces
6/4“ 70 pieces
Water meters are foreseen for installation with the inflow pipe lower than the outflow pipe
(in line with the detail drawing). The reason for this is the need that with future replace-
ment or rehabilitation of water meters at these locations, interventions are easier with
one flexible side of water meter pipework.
For water meter installation purposes the designer has foreseen uniform water meter
sets varying in the number of water meters per set. All sets are divided into those con-
taining 1, 2, 3 or 4 water meters. Fittings are to be welded with electrofusion method (as
given in the annexed detail drawing). A set must be complete containing all the items in-
dicated and specified in the detail drawing. In case the Contractor does not include all the
items needed for water meter set installation, the Engineer is to evaluate and reduce the
costs respectively.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The area considered for rehabilitation includes several sections situated in the zone be-
tween the Main Road and the Third Road. Pipeline routes and diameters foreseen for re-
habilitation have been adopted from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map
with precisely defined routes of secondary distribution network and house connections,
an also precisely defined pipeline diameters.
In this area 61 house connections and three major connections (DN80) for the Primary
School, High School and Dormitory are foreseen. For the High School rehabilitation of
the measurement manhole (item 2-36) is planned, while the Primary School and Dormi-
tory are going to be connected to the existing installations in front of water meter man-
holes (item 2-39 and 3-02). Construction of 38 water meter manholes and installation of
55 water meters is foreseen. The number of connections was adopted from the data re-
ceived from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with indicated structures and also locations of
new water meters defined by the ViK based on site visits). A detailed overview of the
connections is given in the table and drawing Annex.
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Dobrota 1: 1978; 1966; 1967; 1870; 2562/1; 1968; 1965; 1964;
Pipeline route
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots. Furthermore, connec-
tions routes for residential buildings are chosen to pass immediately next to the structure,
along the houses surrounding paths, up to the connetion points to the existing vertical
lines of sanitary and fire protection installations.
total 1123
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with burried installations.
Pipeline levels
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.8 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is between 0.8 and 0.5 m.
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90 and d110 mm) ) is adopted to be 0.5m
and 0.4m, while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is
adopted at 0.4m to 0.3m.
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, work pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded (with test report for each weld-
ing) or with electrofusion welding.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outer diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (of d50 mm and smaller) fittings with ap-
propriate dimensions will be used.
Connection manholes
The first connection manhole is in the node 1 and Ch1 where a pipe PEHD d75 needs to
be connected to the existing pipework and fittings. The manhole is with inner dimension
160x100 cm, height 1.6 m. If possible, it is necessary to reconstruct the existing man-
hole, and if not, to build a new one in the same place. The water meter 6/4" needs to be
removed from the manhole, and the connection to the ac 150 pipe previously feeding the
water meter needs to be blind closed, and the line after the water meter needs to be
connected to one of the remaining 2 lines (d63 or d75, in the agreement with the ViK).
The second connection is in the node 2 / Ch2 where a connection manhole is foreseen
for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d110 and d90mm) with the ex-
isting distribution pipeline AC d150 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 130x130
cm, height 1.1 m. Inside the manhole 2 sector valves are foreseen (Ø150 and Ø100
mm), to close the connected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a
mobile flow meter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the
downstream part of the network
The third connection to the primary distribution line AC 150 is at node 3 and it will be
constructed without a manhole with a street box for valve control. For this item the exist-
ing connection for the line PE d110 feeding the Dormitory, High School and Primary
School will be used, and it will be cut out at completion of the planned works.
Along subject sections no air valves are foreseen considering that each distribution sec-
tion should be completed with connections through which retained air could be easily re-
Washout manholes
The designer has not foreseen the construction of a washout manhole since the existing
one is still in function.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line in total 2 under-
ground hydrants are foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In
order to prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes in-
stallation of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for in-
stallation at hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design.
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
It has already been mentioned that in this area there are 61 house connections and 3
major connections, together with 38 water meter boxes foreseen for rehabilitation. The
number of connections was adopted based on the data received from the ViK Kotor (ca-
dastre map with structures). Of course there are cases when two or more water meters
belong to one structure, depending on whether it is a building with several flats or a one
store house.
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter.
3/4“ 48 pieces
6/4“ 6 pieces
DN80 1 piece
Water meters are foreseen for installation with the inflow pipe lower than the outflow pipe
(in line with the detail drawing). The reason for this is the need that with future replace-
ment or rehabilitation of waetr meters at these locations, interventions are easier with
one flexible side of water meter pipework.
For water meter installation purposes the designer has foreseen uniform water meter
sets varying in the number of water meters per set. All sets are divided into those con-
taining 1, 2, 3 or 4 water meters. Fittings are to be welded with electro-fusion method (as
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
given in the annexed detail drawing). A set must be complete containing all the items in-
dicated and specified in the detail drawing. In case the Contractor does not include all the
items needed for water meter set installation, the Engineer is to evaluate and reduce the
costs respectively. Daošine
The area considered for connection includes residential facilities inside the area of the
settlement. Pipeline routes and diameters foreseen for rehabilitation have been adopted
from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with precisely defined routes of
secondary distribution network and house connections, an also precisely defined pipeline
diameters. The routes of connection pipelines from measurement points (water meter
boxes) down to houses are also defined by the ViK Kotor.
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Dobrota 1: 1449; 1419; 1412; 1409; 1438/2; 1455; 2565/1; 1519.
Pipelines routes
In additional site visits it was found that certain parts of foreseen sections are not possi-
ble to be routed as proposed. In such cases the designer has foreseen new routes with-
out major disturbance to the existing concept.
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots. Furthermore, the route
of connections for apartment buildings are chosen in such a manner to pass immediately
next to the structure, along the walk ways, up to the connection points to the existing ver-
tical lines of sanitary and fire protection installations.
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with buried installations
Pipeline levels
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.9 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is about 0.4 m.
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90 and d110 mm) ) is adopted to be 0.5m
and 0.4m, while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is
adopted at 0.3m.
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, for pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded (with test report for each weld)
or with electrofusion welding.
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outer diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (of d50 mm and smaller) fittings with ap-
propriate dimensions will be used.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Connection manholes
The first connection is foreseen at the node 1 / Ch1 where a connection manhole is fore-
seen for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90 and d63mm) with the
existing distribution pipeline PVC d160 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions
280x140 cm, height 1.6 m. Inside the manhole two sector valves are foreseen (Ø80 mm
and Ø50 mm), to close the connected new designed sections. Also a location for installa-
tion of a mobile flow meter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and
At the subject sections there are two air valves manholes foreseen.
Washout manholes
The designer has not foreseen any washout manholes in the system.
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line in total 2 under-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
ground hydrants are foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In
order to prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes in-
stallation of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for in-
stallation at hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design..
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
It has already been mentioned that in this area 64 house connections and 49 (RC) water
meter boxes. The number of connections was adopted based on the data received from
the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with structures). Of course there are cases when two or
more water meters belong to one structure, depending on whether it is a building with
several flats or a one store house.
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter, and the same goes for waste water and hydrant network.
Water meters are foreseen to be accommodated in water meter boxes. Complete water
meter sets would be accommodated in concrete water meter boxes. A detailed example
of a manhole with a water meter is given in the Annex with drawings.
The area considered for connection includes residential and commercial facilities within
Industrial zone – Grbalj settlement. Pipeline routes and diameters foreseen for rehabilita-
tion have been adopted from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with
precisely defined routes of secondary distribution network and house connections, an
also precisely defined pipeline diameters. The routes of connection pipelines from meas-
urement points (water meter boxes) down to houses are also defined by the ViK Kotor.
In this area there are 97 house connections foreseen to be constructed. Also 80 water
meter boxes are planned with 92 water meters. The number of connections was adopted
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with indicated structures and
also locations of new water meters defined by the ViK based on site visits). A detailed
overview of the connections is given in the table and drawing Annex.
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Sutvara: 164; 209/3; 1004; 1006; 1005; 1001; 1007; 517; 500;
413; 209; 103; 269/3; 1008; 436; 995; c.d. Vranovići: 208; c.d. Nalježići: 1253.
Pipelines routes
In additional site visits it was found that certain parts of foreseen sections are not possi-
ble to be routed as proposed. In such cases the designer has foreseen new routes with-
out major disturbance to the existing concept.
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots.
Total 714
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with buried installations.
Pipeline levels
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.8 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is about 0.45m.
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90, d110 and d 150mm) is adopted to be
0.4m, while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is
adopted at 0.3m.
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, work pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded(with test report for each weld-
ing) or with electrofusion welding.
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outer diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (from d50 mm and smaller) fittings with
appropriate dimensions will be used.
Connection manholes
The first connection is foreseen at the node 1 / Ch1 where a connection manhole is fore-
seen for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90) with the existing dis-
tribution pipeline PVC d160 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 237x210 cm,
height 1.5 m. Inside the manhole a sector valve is foreseen (Ø80 mm), to close the con-
nected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a mobile flow meter is
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the downstream part of
the network – zone 1.
The second connection is in the node 2 / Ch2 where a connection manhole is foreseen
for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90) with the existing distribu-
tion pipeline PVC d160 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 250x170 cm, height
1,7 m. Inside the manhole 3 sector valves are foreseen (2xØ150 and Ø80 mm), to close
the connected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a mobile flow me-
ter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the downstream part
of the network – zone 2.
The next connection is foreseen at the node 3 / Ch3 where a connection manhole is
foreseen for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90) with new de-
signed secondary distribution network d90 and d 63 mm. The manhole is with inner di-
mensions 260x150 cm, 1.5 m high. Inside the manhole 4 sector valves are foreseen
(2xØ150 and 2xØ80 mm), to close the connected new designed sections. Also a location
for installation of a mobile flow meter is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption
and losses in the downstream part of the network– zone 3.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Along subject sections no air valves are foreseen considering the terrain configuration
and possibility of air retention inside the system.
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line in total 4 under-
ground hydrants are foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In
order to prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes in-
stallation of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for in-
stallation at hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design.
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
It has already been mentioned that in this area 97 house connections and 80 water meter
boxes (RC manholes) are foreseen for replacement. The number of connections was
adopted based on the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with structures).
Of course there are cases when two or more water meters belong to one structure, de-
pending on whether it is a building with several flats or a one store house.
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter, and the same goes for waste water and hydrant network.
3/4“ 92 pieces
Water meters are foreseen for installation with the inflow pipe lower than the outflow pipe
(in line with the detail drawing). The reason for this is the need that with future replace-
ment or rehabilitation of water meters at these locations, interventions are easier with
one flexible side of water meter pipework.
For water meter installation purposes the designer has foreseen uniform water meter
sets varying in the number of water meters per set. All sets are divided into those con-
taining 1, 2, 3 or 4 water meters. Fittings are to be welded with electrofusion method (as
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
given in the annexed detail drawing). A set must be complete containing all the items in-
dicated and specified in the detail drawing. In case the Contractor does not include all the
items needed for water meter set installation, the Engineer is to evaluate and reduce the
costs respectively. Orahovac
The area considered for connection includes the residential structures below the Main
Road. Pipeline routes and diameters foreseen for rehabilitation have been adopted from
the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with precisely defined routes of sec-
ondary distribution network and house connections, an also precisely defined pipeline di-
ameters. The routes of connection pipelines from measurement points (water meter
boxes) down to houses are also defined by the ViK Kotor.
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Orahovac 1: 128; 271; 287/2; 299; 459.
Pipelines routes
In additional site visits it was found that certain parts of foreseen sections are not possi-
ble to be routed as proposed. In such cases the designer has foreseen new routes with-
out major disturbance to the existing concept.
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots. Furthermore, the route
of connections for apartment buildings are chosen in such a manner to pass immediately
next to the structure, along the walk ways, up to the connection points to the existing ver-
tical lines of sanitary and fire protection installations.
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with buried installations.
Pipeline levels
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.8 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is about 0.8 to 0.5 m.
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90 and d110 mm) is adopted to be 0.5m and
0.4m, while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is
adopted at 0.4 to 0.3m.
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, for pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded (with test report for each weld)
or with electrofusion welding.
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outer diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (of d50 mm and smaller) fittings with ap-
propriate dimensions will be used
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Connection manholes
Since the main distribution line is already laid, there are no connection manholes fore-
seen. The new distribution pipeline is accommodated between the two existing manholes
at which it is possible to carry out measuring with mobile flow meters, at the entrance and
the exist points of the settlement itself.
Washout manholes
The designer has not foreseen any washout manholes in the system.
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line 1 underground hy-
drant is foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In order to
prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes installation
of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for installation at
hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design.
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter, and the same goes for waste water and hydrant network
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
3/4“ 43 pieces
6/4“ 1 piece
Water meters are foreseen for installation with the inflow pipe lower than the outflow pipe
(in line with the detail drawing). The reason for this is the need that with future replace-
ment or rehabilitation of water meters at these locations, interventions are easier with
one flexible side of water meter pipework.
For water meter installation purposes the designer has foreseen uniform water meter
sets varying in the number of water meters per set. All sets are divided into those con-
taining 1, 2, 3 or 4 water meters. Fittings are to be welded with electrofusion method (as
given in the annexed detail drawing). A set must be complete containing all the items in-
dicated and specified in the detail drawing. In case the Contractor does not include all the
items needed for water meter set installation, the Engineer is to evaluate and reduce the
costs respectively.
The area considered for connection includes residential facilities inside the area of Auto
Kamp settlement. Pipeline routes and diameters foreseen for rehabilitation have been
adopted from the data received from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with precisely defined
routes of secondary distribution network and house connections, an also precisely de-
fined pipeline diameters. The routes of connection pipelines from measurement points
(water meter boxes) down to houses are also defined by the ViK Kotor.
The routes for WS rehabilitation within this zone are located inside the following public
cadastre land plots: c.d. Dobrota 1: 1262; 1358/1; 1235/4; 1229; 1230; 1232; 1231; 1234,
1261; 1260/1; 1265/3; 1256; 1255; 1245; 1254; 1252; 1251; 1265/4; 1249; 1247; 1250;
1248/2; 1248/1; 1244; 1239; 1241/1; 1264; 1263; 1265/2; 1260/2; 1259; 1257; 1235/3;
1235/4; 1233; 1243.
Pipelines routes
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
In additional site visits it was found that certain parts of foreseen sections are not possi-
ble to be routed as proposed. In such cases the designer has foreseen new routes with-
out major disturbance to the existing concept.
Secondary distribution network routes were as much as possible planned in the public
ground (roads, paths between the structures, green areas), and wherever this was not
possible, the routes were defined along the borders of private ground. Furthermore atten-
tion was paid to route the lines over the surfaces uncovered with concrete, asphalt, stone
or marble, with the aim to reduce costs with reinstatement works. Due to not so precise
cadastre maps the Contractor is obliged to route the lines over such surfaces that require
lower costs for cutting, respectively excavation and reinstatement (i.e. to avoid concrete
walkways stair cases, structures that may need relocating due to pipe laying, etc.).
Routes of house connections were planned as short as possible taking care that a line to
each structure is routed over as few private land plots as possible. Wherever this was not
possible, routes were defined along borders of private land plots.
As complete cadastre maps of underground services were not obtained from relevant
public institutions, during the construction attention needs to be paid to potential difficul-
ties with burried installations
Pipeline levels
Pipeline levels have been defined to follow the ground slope. The average excavation
depth of secondary distribution network (trench bottom level) a depth of about 0.8 m was
adopted whereas for house connections the depth adopted is about 0.45 m.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Trench width of distribution pipelines (d63, d90 and d110 mm) ) is adopted to be 0.4m,
while the trench width for the house connections (d63, d32 and d25 mm) is adopted at
Trench details for distribution pipelines and connections are given in the drawings.
Pipe material
Secondary distribution network and house connections will be made of hard polyethylene
pipes (PE) PE100 class, for pressures up to 10 bar (NP10).
Pipes with diameter up to d110 mm are delivered in 100m coils and lager diameter pipes
in pieces 6 and 12 m long. Pipes are mechanically welded (with test report for each weld)
or with electrofusion welding.
Secondary distribution network and house connections are with outer diameter d110,
d90, d63, d50, d40, d32 and d25 mm, and accompanying ductile fittings and pipework at
distribution network are with nominal diameter DN100, DN80 and DN50 mm, of ductile
material. For PEHD pipes of smaller diameter (of d50 mm and smaller) fittings with ap-
propriate dimensions will be used.
Connection manholes
The first connection is foreseen at the node 1 / Ch1 where a connection manhole is fore-
seen for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90) with the existing dis-
tribution pipeline PVC d160 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 250x170 cm,
heigth 1.7 m. Inside the manhole one sector valve is foreseen (Ø80 mm), to close the
connected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a mobile flow meter
is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the downstream part of
the network – zone 1.
The second connection is in the node 2 / Ch2 where a connection manhole is foreseen
for the new designed secondary distribution WS network (d90mm) with the existing dis-
tribution pipeline PVC d160 mm. The manhole is with inner dimensions 250x170 cm,
height 1.7 m. Inside the manhole one sector valve is foreseen (Ø80 mm), to close the
connected new designed sections. Also a location for installation of a mobile flow meter
is foreseen for purposes of control of consumption and losses in the downstream part of
the network – zone 2.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Figure 2.1 – Areas of Auto Kamp settlement considered in the rehabilitation measures
Along subject sections no air valves are foreseen considering that each distribution sec-
tion should be completed with connections through which retained air could be easily re-
According to the valid fire protection regulations along the distribution lines installation of
hydrants is foreseen at certain distance. Along the route of this line in total 4 under-
ground hydrants are foreseen. Adopted diameter of underground hydrants is Ø80 mm. In
order to prevent and monitor abuse of fire protection hydrants the designer proposes in-
stallation of water meters at hydrants themselves (there are special water meters for in-
stallation at hydrants). This proposal is not considered in this design.
Within this WS measure replacement of all water meters, house connections as well as
installation of new water meter boxes is foreseen. At some places new water meters are
already installed and their replacement is not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
only water meters to be installed; if a water meter at a certain connection is not indicated,
this means that the water meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
It has already been mentioned that in this area 105 house connections and 49 (RC) wa-
ter meter boxes. The number of connections was adopted based on the data received
from the ViK Kotor (cadastre map with structures). Of course there are cases when two
or more water meters belong to one structure, depending on whether it is a building with
several flats or a one store house.
In the agreement with the ViK it was foreseen that during the water meter replacement
the existing water meter diameters should be kept. At larger residential structures (build-
ings with several entrances and flats) it is foreseen that each entrance has got its own
water meter, and the same goes for waste water and hydrant network.
There are in total 105 water meters foreseen for replacement, as follows
6/4“ 1 piece
Water meters are foreseen for installation with the inflow pipe lower than the outflow pipe
(in line with the detail drawing). The reason for this is the need that with future replace-
ment or rehabilitation of water meters at these locations, interventions are easier with
one flexible side of water meter pipework.
For water meter installation purposes the designer has foreseen uniform water meter
sets varying in the number of water meters per set. All sets are divided into those con-
taining 1, 2, 3 or 4 water meters. Fittings are to be welded with electrofusion method (as
given in the annexed detail drawing). A set must be complete containing all the items in-
dicated and specified in the detail drawing. In case the Contractor does not include all the
items needed for water meter set installation, the Engineer is to evaluate and reduce the
costs respectively.
Since 2012 when SCADA system has been implemented, ViK Kotor Doo significantly im-
proved monitoring of parameters and WS system water balance. This especially re-
flected in better control and reduction of losses in the network, as well as in reduction of
energy consumption.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Measures foreseen within this project would provide for an important step forward in di-
rection of improvement of control over the entire system and reduction of losses. The
project includes implementation of 14 new measurement points out of which 8 involves
installation of EM flow meters with accompanying equipment for integration into the
SCADA system, while on 6 of them construction of manholes is planned for setting up of
mobile ultra sound flow meters.
The manhole consists of three parts (chambers) through which two AC350 pipelines are
routed. One is the pressure line from PS Tabačina (there is a measurement point at the
PS itself), and the other is the outflow line from the reservoir and there is no measure-
ment installation at this line. Inside the uppermost chamber (chamber No. 1 in the draw-
ing) there is a branch PVC d400mm pipe feeding the area of Dobrota, Ljuta, Orahovac,
Perast and Risan.
At this location the design proposes the installation of a flow meter DN300 inside the
manhole itself. Downstream, in the manhole No. 2 installation of flow meter DN250 is
foreseen on the line feeding Mečerov Brijeg, Tabačina and Stari Grad. In the same man-
hole at the pressure line there is a connection joint between the pressure line and PVC
d400mm pipeline in direction of Dobrota with a dysfunctional valve DN350.
With the aim of creating working space for installation of flow meter in direction of Stari
Grad, the mentioned valve and Q piece need to be dismantled. The design proposes the
replacement of dysfunctional valve with a new one with the same dimensions, and put-
ting into operation the connection of the pressure line and the line in direction to Dobrota.
The advantage of activation of this connection is possible to valorize in the period of
feeding of Dobrota from the Regional Water Supply System, when instead into D1 reser-
voir water can be directed from Škaljari reservoir directly into the system. The result
would be the possibility of maintenance of higher flows during the transport of water from
Škaljari reservoir compared to the case with both reservoirs engaged due to smaller alti-
tude difference.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
On the manholes No. 1 and No. 2 there are no covers. The design proposes production
of covers made of steel sheets 3mm thick and frames made of L profiles. Supply of alu-
minium ladders is foreseen for all 3 manholes due to lack of steps. Position of openings
in the manhole slabs does not allow for subsequent installation of steps.
Drainage of Manhole No. 3 is required as in the rainy period the level of water signifi-
cantly rises, which results in rise of water level in Manhole No. 2, and that is unaccept-
able considering the planned installation of flow meter.
At D1 reservoir – Mečerov brijeg, there is electrical power feeding as well as level meas-
urement with ultra sound level meters. The reservoir is also equipped with PLC and ap-
propriate GSM modem for communication with the existing SCADA system. For commu-
nication with SCADA system for the foreseen flow meters, a signal cable needs to be in-
stalled inside a protective sleeve of cca 70 m length as well as extension of the existing
PLC device with two additional analogue input points.
Implementation of measurement point MD 2 is planned within the side walk at the turning
from the Adriatic Motorway into the Third Road.
At the location of the measurement point there are currently two manholes. In the upper
manhole constructed within the framework of Phase III, from the distribution line PEHD
d200mm feeding from D1 reservoir) there is a PEHD d160mm line feeding the area be-
low the main road from the outdoor swimming pool to Oparen Brijeg. In the lower man-
hole the distribution line divides into two pipelines AC150, one in direction of Mečerov
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Brijeg, and the other in direction of Psychiatry for the structures above the main road.
The design proposes breakdown of both manholes and construction of a new manhole
with appropriate valves and measurement devices for each line individually.
The existing manhole is with one its segment situated in the road area and is not conven-
ient for pressure measurement with mobile devices. Inside this manhole there is a
branch for water distribution towards Kamp and Daošine with a line PVC d160mm, as
well as towards a new distribution pipeline PEHD d160mm laid inside the coastal road.
Water inflow is from the line PVC d315mm, that is, from Mečerov brijeg reservoir.
Inside the manhole the installation of a DN200 connection is foreseen for the future con-
nection to the pipeline PVC d315mm as in the perspective the existing DN150 connec-
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tion can be found insufficient. The measurement point will contain 3 flow meters DN150;
one on the line feeding Kamp and Daošine settlements, the second at the connection
with the PEHD d160mm pipeline at the coastal road and the third one at the line PVC
d160mm in direction of Sveti Stasije. Valorization of the final flow meter will be achieved
after the construction of the connection of DN200 with PVC d315mm pipeline which is
not a part of this project.
The new manhole needs to be constructed between the side walk and the wall of the
storm water channel, that is, between the existing manhole and the culvert connecting
into the channel. The design proposes breakdown of the existing manhole as well as a
part of the culvert passing through the green area (open channel 50cm wide and 50cm
deep) for purpose of connection to the existing distribution PVC d160mm pipeline in both
directions. Repair of the culvert needs to be done in such a manner that its connection
into the channel is done at the 90° angle instead of current 45°, which would allow 1m of
additional space for the planned manhole.
For WS of Ljuta settlement there are two variants. One is with PVC d160mm pipeline laid
along the border of the main road whereas the other one is with a new PEHD d160mm
pipeline routed along the coastal road. These pipelines come together at the settlement
of Kavalin opposite the turning from the main into the coastal road. The second variant is
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used in the winter period of supply while the first one is applied in the summer period,
due to the pressure drop caused by higher consumption and length of the lower line.
In the construction of distribution pipeline PEHD d160mm along the coastal road in 2001
from the outdoor swimming pool up to Oparen Brijeg no measurement points were fore-
seen. Within the works implemented in 2012 as phase III project reconnection of all con-
sumers below the main road has been completed for the concerned area.
The lack of measurement points has soon been recognized as a problem due to impos-
sible defining of consumption per individual zones. As a solution this design proposes
construction of new measurement manholes without installation of EM flow meters or
connection to SCADA system, but only with possibility for installation of a mobile ultra
sound flow meter. The measurement point ŠD 1 is located near the Maritime Faculty, ŠD
2 at “Ela“ supermarket, ŠD 3 below the Dobrota local community centre and ŠD 4 at
Oparen brijeg.
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Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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In the reservoir Škaljari Old there is already electrical feeding existing as well as a pair of
hydrostatical sensors connected to the PLC device in Škaljari New reservoir. The design
has foreseen theconnection of the planned flow meter with the PLC device in the new
Škaljari reservoir.
One of the variants for supply of Stari Grad with water is from Škaljari reservoir via a
PVC d225mm – PVC d160mm pipeline connecting at Gurdić to the transmission line
DN200. It is this very location in front of the Social Care Centre where the implementa-
tion of a new measurement point ŠŠ 1 is planned inside an existing manhole without in-
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stallation of EM flow meters or connection to SCADA system, but only with possibility for
installation of a mobile ultra sound flow meter. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not pos-
sible to have a constant flow measurement in direction of Stari Grad in this manhole
which is very unfavourable considering the losses estimated between 15 and 20l/s.
Reservoir Troica (228-232mnm, 2x300m3) is fed with water from Gornji Grbalj water
spring. From this reservoir water is distributed with one line in direction to Kavač and
Pržice, and the other in direction of Crveni Brijeg and upper Škaljari, while any excess of
water is transported via a pressure break chamber Plazno into Škaljari reservoir. In the
summer period when the capacity of upper Grbalj springs cannot meet the requirements
of even local population, the reservoir feeding is done by pumping from PS Škaljari.
With the aim of raising the level of water control sent in this period in direction of Škaljari,
and in order to eliminate overflows into the pressure break chamber Plazno and rational-
ize the total costs, the design proposes installation of flow meters and EM valves inside
the reservoir valve chamber.
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At the reservoir there is electrical feeding as well as level metering via hydrostatical sen-
sors. The reservoir is also equipped with a PLC device and appropriate GSM modem for
communication with SCADA system.
The design proposes installation of 3 flow meters in the reservoir itself (valve chamber),
one at the line incoming from upper Grbalj springs, the second on the line in direction of
Crveni brijeg and PBC Plazno and the third one on the line in direction to Kavač and
On the line to Crveni Brijeg and PBC Plazno a by pass with needle valve and electrical
actuator is planned for common operation with the flow meter for flow regulation on the
subject line in the summer period which would additionally contribute to saving of water
inside the reservoir (the overflow from PBC Plazno is then eliminated) and the quality of
supply in the upper Škaljari and Crveni brijeg would be improved.
Due to the fact that type and diameter of needle valve (Flow control valve) may defer de-
pending on manufacturer final recommendation, the Contractor is obliged to define exact
type of the needle valve in coordination with nominated manufacturer, Engineer and Em-
ployer before the purchase and transportation and installation works have been imple-
On the line for Kavač and Pržice installation of a butterfly valve is planed with an electri-
cal actuator (option for open/closed, without flow regulation).
Within the mentioned measures full automation of Troica reservoir would be achieved,
which would result in exclusion of human resources from operations of valve regulation
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in the summer period (closing of valves in the late night hours and opening in the early
morning as well as occasional daily valve regulation) and significant saving in system
maintenance and rise in water supply quality.
The design has foreseen the connection of flow meters and valves onto the existing PLC
There is no electrical feeding at this location and therefore a connection to the power dis-
tribution network needs to be provided, along with a PLC device cabinet (2 analogue in-
puts), a GSM modem and other electrical equipment. Communication model must be
compatible with the existing SCADA system.
Technical Description
Reservoir Stara Fortica (91-95mnm, 2x500 m3) is located below the main road in Dub
settlement, above the industrial zone. Originally it was used solely for supply of consum-
ers in the industrial zone, while its feeding was done from Troica reservoir. Inside the
reservoir there is no electrical feeding or the flow or level measuring devices. The exist-
ing flow meter ABB DN150 at the outflow line is out of order.
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Considering the measures taken in the last 10 years in tee area of Industrial Zone, the
role of this reservoir has somewhat changed. Connection of the Zone area to the distri-
bution pipeline PVC d160mm fed from “Simiš“ spring cretaed the possibility for supply of
the Zone from this water spring in the period of its high capacity. This allowed that the
excess water quantities from the upper Grbalj springs is via Troica reservoir diverted in-
stead in direction of the Industrial Zone, towards Škaljari reservoir, thus greatly support-
ing saving of electricity by reduction in pumps operation. In such a supply regime Stara
Fortica reservoir got a function of a counter reservoir. Due to missing measurement
equipment and lack of reservoir monitoring there are problems with inflow balancing re-
sulting in frequent extreme situations (empty reservoir or overflows).
In 2014 the connection of Industrial Zone area to the Regional WS System was imple-
mented from the budget of Municipality Kotor which allowed placement of water from the
Regional WS system into the Industrial Zone, and in the perspective, after the implemen-
tation of the secondary network rehabilitation project, into the area of Donja Sutvara as
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Besides the measures intended for implementation for water supply network improve-
ment the Employer is herewith inviting tenderers to submit the an offer for purchase and
delivery of the Sewage Pump:
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Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor will be deemed to have fully informed and satisfied himself, by his own
independent observations, inquiries, site visits and investigation of local site conditions as
required to prepare his Tender.
The Employer and the Engineer will bear no responsibility whatsoever for the complete-
ness and accuracy of any information made available to Tenders.
The Contractor is expected to conduct his own research on all important matters related
to the Project and his Offer. Any negligence or failure on the part of the contractor to ob-
tain reliable information on the site or elsewhere concerning any matter affecting the
Contract Agreement shall not relief the selected Contractor from any of his obligations or
liability arising from the Contract Agreement.
Site Organization
The Contractor is responsible for the proper execution of all works listed under para-
graph 1.3 above. The Contractor shall deliver a work program, which indicates his re-
quired staff/personnel, plant and equipment to ensure the completion of all works within
the Time of Completion. The construction site shall be provided sufficiently at all times
with adequate staff/personnel and equipment.
The Contractor shall provide on the sites at his own expense water, electricity, communi-
cation facilities and all other services required to execute the works. When main supplies
are not available on site, he shall provide a generator with suitable capacity, and tank of
suitable sizes for diesel, potable water, gas etc. as required.
The Contractor shall drain flood water and excess water or storm water by pumping to
prevent damage on the site and to prevent any damage to a third party.
The Contractor shall keep a special record (daily diary), registering the construction ac-
tivities and works carried out, number of personnel and plant on site, problems encoun-
tered, climatic conditions, incl. maximum/minimum temperatures, humidity, the daily rain-
fall in millimetres and the number of hours of rainfall, for each day. The format of the
daily diary has to be approved by the Engineer.
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The Contractor shall preserve trees, planted fields and fences in a suitable manner, and
shall replant those that were damaged or removed, and re-erect fences to their original
condition, in accordance to the Employer’s Representative’s instructions.
In case of repair works, the Contractor shall tabulate the requirements and methodology
thereof, and ask the Employer’s Representative for approval before starting any repair.
After completion of repaired work, such work shall be re-inspected by the Engineer.
In case of a need to erect scaffolding on any private property then the Contractor shall
contact the owner of the property and arrange for the proper execution, and for the re-
moval of the scaffolding, and carry out all the repairs and re-establishment for the Time
of Completion expires.
Before starting any construction activity in public or private roads, the Contractor has to
submit a method statement presenting the intended signposting, signalling, erection of
barriers or guard rails, detour of traffic, protection measures for the public, railings
around construction pits etc. He has to obtain approval from the local authorities and the
police before starting any construction work.
Contractor’s Supervision
In case of joint-ventures and sub-contracting, the lead contractor has the full responsibil-
ity for the performance and execution of all works. The Lead Contractor’s Representa-
tives and his staff shall, in compliance with his quality management system, supervise,
check and control permanently the staff of the joint-venture partner(s) and / or subcon-
tractors during their part of the construction and shall take full responsibility for their per-
formance and execution of the works.
The Contractor’s Representative shall supervise all design and construction works from
the commencement of the works until completion and commissioning.
All documents issued by the Contractor during the completion of all works shall be only in
force and accepted by the Employer and the Engineer, if these documents are issued by
the Contractor’s Representative in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.
With the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall hand over a list of all names,
titles, addresses and telephone/fax/mobile phone/e-mail of his managerial and supervis-
ing staff on site indicating those responsible persons who may be reached outside of
normal working hours in emergency cases.
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The Contractor shall co-operate with the Engineer in arranging the time and dates of site
meetings, and in the preparation of Minutes of Meetings.
The Contractor shall co-operate with the Engineer in taking photographs for the docu-
mentation of the works progress.
The Contractor shall provide every assistance to the Engineer and its staff in carrying out
their duties and shall provide personnel to assist the checking, sampling, testing, setting
out, leveling and measurement of the work done. He shall supply a sufficient number of
pegs, poles, paint, line levels and other material and small tools for checking, setting out
and for the measurement of the works.
The Contractor shall also provide the Engineer and his staff with waterproof clothing,
hard hats, safety equipment, rubber boots, lights and the like and as required to carry out
the Engineer’s obligations. These items shall remain the property of the Contractor, and
they shall be repaired or replaced by him to the extent necessitated by fair tear and wear.
The cost of the above assistance is deemed to be included in the Contract Price.
In case of the Engineer’s rejection of any material or work, the Contractor shall, before
starting to rectify such condition, submit his proposal to the Employer’s Representative
for such rectification to avoid the repetition of the error.
Good Practice
If a full description of any material, product or workman ship was not specified, then it is
nevertheless understood that these materials or work shall be suitable for the purpose of
the Contract or what may be needed to execute the item in conformity with good practice
and whatever is mentioned for the relevant item in the Bill of Quantities, the Technical
Specifications and the Standards being used.
Standard Specifications
If Norms or Standards such as EN, DIN, ISO or VDE are specified, then the Contractor
shall submit a Certificate of Origin certifying that the item purchased is in conformity with
such standard, and submit the same for the Employer’s Representative’s approval.
For the description of the quality of materials and work reference has been made, where
found necessary, to DIN standards. DIN issues in English may be obtained from Beuth
Verlag, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin.
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If a single source should be specified for any material or a product, then the Contractor
shall be bound by the same, and shall not change the said single source without the writ-
ten approval of the Employer’s Representative, together with the approval of the Em-
Concealed Services
The Contractor shall place clear signs wherever services are concealed, in order to facili-
tate relocation of the said services during testing, maintenance, repair or operation of the
It is envisaged that the overall timescale required for execution of the contract in Tivat will
be 27 months, comprising 15 months for construction and 12 months maintenance dur-
ing the defects liability period.
It is envisaged that the overall timescale required for execution of the contract in Kotor
will be 20 months, comprising 8 months for construction and 12 months maintenance
during the defects liability period.
For preparation of the programme and general planning of all the necessary activities
since the commencement of the Works until its commissioning and Taking Over, the
Contractor shall take in consideration the interruption in construction activities envisaged
th st
over the period of high summer tourist season from 15 June until 1 September in Kotor
th st
municipality and from 1 June until 1 September in Tivat Municipality. Only work in
Grbalj area of Kotor Municipality (outside of the Bay area) shall be allowed.
In addition to this, Contractor should take into consideration requirement that all Site ar-
th st
eas should be completely reinstated before 15 of June in Kotor and before 1 of June in
Tivat which considers reinstatement of surfaces after positively tested pipelines and
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(i) Drawings issued to the Contractor by the Employer as part of the Tender documents.
These shall be designated “Issued Drawings”.
(ii) Such Issued Drawings shall be deemed to have been issued for the guidance of Ten-
derers and shall be referred to for the interpretation of the Contract only where the
drawings supplied by the Contractor at the time of tendering and incorporated in the
Contract are insufficient.
(iii) The Drawings supplied by the Contractor for the purpose of illustrating his Tender.
These shall be designated “Tender Drawings”, and shall be considered generally in-
dicative but will not be considered as binding in detail.
(iv) Construction / Shop Drawings, submitted by the Contractor for approval after award of
Contract. These drawings shall also include all structural drawings to be prepared by
the Contractor.
(v) Drawings prepared by the Engineer and issued to the Contractor during the Contract
Period. These shall be designated “Engineer’s Drawings”.
(vi) “Record Drawings”’ showing details of what was actually constructed or installed, in-
cluding any designated “As Built”, “As Constructed”, or “’As Made”.
The Works shall be completed in accordance with approved Construction / Shop Draw-
ings. The Contractor shall bear the full responsibility for the proper functioning of the
completed Works as designed or determined by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall bear the extra cost of any work necessitated by reason of any dis-
crepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings and particulars supplied by him, notwith-
standing any prior approval by the Engineer provided that such discrepancies, errors or
omissions be not due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished to the Contractor
by the Employer or the Engineer.
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Any alteration required by the Engineer to be made to the drawings, particularly in re-
spect of Construction / Shop Drawings, shall be made by the Contractor without extra
All drawings prepared and submitted by the Contractor, including Tender Drawings, shall
be in the form of black lines on a white background and conform with the relevant ISO
standards in respect of drawing size, presentation, scales and use of symbols. Drawing
sizes shall normally be either A1 or A3. All dimensions shall be in metric units, and pref-
erably restricted to meters and millimetres. A graphical scale shall be included to aid the
use of photographic or electronic reproduction methods.
The drawing title block shall be located in the lower right corner and shall allow for inclu-
sion of the name of the Employer, the project title, contract number, date of drawing,
scale, drawing number, list of amendments, and authorized signatures, in addition to the
Contractor’s name.
If the Contractor wants to use any Issued Drawings for construction and/or installation,
he must satisfy himself that all indicated features are correct and in compliance with all
requirements, and submit them for approval as Construction / Shop Drawings.
Neither the Employer nor the Engineer will be responsible for any errors or omissions.
Engineer's Drawings that may be prepared from time to time if required to support Con-
tractor’s work will be issued under the same conditions as Issued Drawings, except that
they shall have no status whatsoever for interpretation of the Contract. The Contractor
shall resubmit such Engineer's Drawings, after amendment to the satisfaction of the Con-
tractor, to the Engineer as Construction / Shop Drawings for approval.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval construction and installation
drawings, design calculations, prototype test results and other relevant documents (in
triplicate) which are required for detailed clarification and for carrying out the Contract, for
all repair and rehabilitation Works not designed by the Employer especially:
(a) Structural (including reinforcing and shuttering plans and schedules) and Me-
chanical Drawings: All construction and installation drawings are to be refined and
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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supplemented on the basis of the Issued Drawings, Tender Drawings and Engi-
neer's Drawings as applicable.
(b) Electrical Drawings: On the basis of the simplified documents, the Contractor shall
prepare the following planning records:
1) Wiring diagrams and construction plans and drawings, installation plans, complete
cable lists, clamping plans, etc. as well as lists of parts, clearly indicating material
and type of proposed equipment.
The Contractor shall submit Drawings and supportive data to the Engineer for his ap-
proval at the following stages:
Within a period of three weeks before the issue of the "Take-over Certificate”, as-built
design according to Montenegrin Building Law and Bylaw on the content of Design
documents shall be provided. One set shall be reproducible on CD-rom and four sets
shall be prints. Each set shall comprise:
(c) Comprehensive diagrams for control panels showing scheduled functions and
diagram of connection.
(d) Overall mechanical / electrical and control schedule for the Works with details of
interconnections between the various units of the plant.
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As soon as possible after acceptance of the Tender, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer 3 copies of his Construction / Shop Drawings for all works not designed by the
Employer including general arrangement drawings in adequate detail for his proposals to
be examined, reviewed, accepted, or rejected as described in the following sub-clauses:
(a) Within 30 days after receipt of said drawings, the Engineer will return one copy of
each drawing to the Contractor with his comments.
(b) If the drawing is returned to the Contractor marked "ACCEPTED", revision of said
drawing will not be required and the Contractor shall immediately submit 2 addi-
tional copies to the Engineer for his records.
(c) If the drawing is returned to the Contractor marked "MAKE CORRECTIONS” the
Contractor shall revise the drawings and submit 3 additional copies to the Engi-
neer for his records, within 21 days.
(d) If the drawing is returned to the Contractor marked "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" or
"REJECTED - RESUBMIT" the Contractor shall revise the drawings and submit 3
copies to the Engineer for further review within 21 days. The cycle shall then re-
commence at step (c) above.
(f) Fabrication of an item shall not be commenced, nor any items shipped or trans-
ported, before the Engineer has received the relevant drawings and returned cop-
ies to the Contractor marked "ACCEPTED" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS ".
(h) The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or extension of time due to any
delay resulting from revising the drawings prior to acceptance.
The review of the drawings by the Engineer shall apply to the general design only and
shall in no way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any errors or omissions con-
tained therein nor shall such review operate to waive or modify any provision or require-
ment contained in these Contract Specifications.
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The Contractor shall prepare comprehensive operating and maintenance manuals cover-
ing all items of the entire rehabilitation, repair and extension works of the water supply
system including all manufacturer's instructions, references, lists, etc. The manuals shall
include an outline of the general principles of operation and maintenance of the system,
and shall make specific reference to the particular equipment provided. Sales brochures
may be included only as additional information.
The manuals shall be submitted in three (3) copies in Montenegrin language and one in
English and shall cover the testing, operation, control, maintenance, dismantling and re-
pair of all the components and Plant provided in the Works. All information shall be sup-
ported by:
Dimension drawings
Data sheets
Descriptive text
The greatest importance shall be drawn to the completeness and clearness of presenta-
The Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer, in duplicate, loose leaf copies of draft opera-
tion and maintenance manuals for the Works and the auxiliary Plant three weeks before
issue of taking over certificate. The manuals shall be divided into several volumes (e.g.
function, operation, maintenance, overhaul) and shall fully and clearly set out the Con-
tractor's own recommendations and instructions for the satisfactory operation, mainte-
nance and overhaul of the water supply system as far as part of this Contract with its
auxiliary Plant as applicable to each of the components, installations and devices sup-
plied and installed.
The text or accompanying diagrams shall in addition show the electrical wiring, handling
and erection instructions. Draft manuals shall, during the testing and commissioning of
the Works, be carefully checked by the Contractor and updated and modified to ensure
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
that they are fully descriptive and applicable to the final layout of plant and process under
operational conditions.
The draft manuals may include manufacturer's standard literature but the Contractor
shall fully supplement the literature by his own descriptive text, drawings, tables, figures,
characteristic curves and the like.
The final approved manuals for the Works shall be submitted prior to the commence-
ment of the maintenance period (Defects Liability Period). They shall be securely bound
in A4 sized loose leaf binders, clearly titled, index linked and cross referenced. If pre-
pared on computer, standard PC word processor software such as Word for Windows
shall be used, and a copy of the data file for each volume, on CD rom, shall be supplied
in order to facilitate updating and searching for information.
The final manuals shall incorporate instructions, recommendations and advice for the
operation of the entire process covering the full range of flow and conditions of sewage
and shall include advice on the joint operation and control of all the process units on site.
No section of the Works will be certified by the Engineer as completed unless this re-
quirement has been met. The contents of the final manual may be subdivided into the fol-
lowing sections:
If during the maintenance period, the Contractor or the Engineer has found that the man-
ual requires modification or enlargement as a result of subsequent operational and main-
tenance experience in the Works, the Contractor shall provide such modification for each
relevant manual.
The manuals shall include explanations of the function and purpose of each important
component supplied and installed, and the operational, mechanical and electrical proce-
dures for:
Guidelines for protection of equipment in case of taking the Plant and or any
other component out of service.
The instruction manuals shall describe the installation as a whole and shall give a step by
step procedure for any operation likely to be carried out.
A separate section of the manuals shall be devoted to each size and type of equipment
and to each system. The various sections shall be grouped into separate volumes elating
(as appropriate) to functions such as operation, maintenance, overhaul, etc. The appro-
priate volume shall contain also a list of spare parts and the procedure required for order-
ing them. A list of recommended consumables and spare parts to be stored shall be
supplemented to each item of equipment and Plant.
The operation and maintenance instruction manual shall be supplemented by the supply
of a comprehensive yearly maintenance program for the Sewage and Water Supply Sys-
tem’s operation and maintenance staff.
A wall chart or charts shall be provided, covering a period of one year with colored mark-
ers. It shall have vertical divisions in weeks and horizontal divisions for each component
of the system. A fitter's card system shall be provided with at least one card for each item
of Plant. The cards shall detail maintenance required, parts required.
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The markers shall be arranged with standard colors to indicate work required, parts out-
standing, work completed and the like.
The maintenance scheme shall be provided three weeks before issue of the taking over
certificate. It should have sufficient space for extension to include any further routine
work which may be required.
The costs for the preparation of shop and construction drawings, as-build drawings,
manuals etc. shall be included in the Contract price (within the unit rates of the scheduled
items). The requirements for provision and acceptance of Drawings shall apply equally to
the civil and mechanical-electrical Works. All costs involved in keeping records, report-
ing, preparation of as-built drawings, shall be included in the unit rates.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
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Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall at all times conduct his work so as to insure the least possible ob-
struction to traffic and inconvenience to the general public, and adequate protection of
persons and property in the vicinity of the work. Streets shall not be closed to the public
without first obtaining permission of the Engineer and proper governmental authority.
Where excavation is being performed in streets, one lane shall be kept open to traffic at
all times unless otherwise provided or shown. Temporary provisions shall also be made
to ensure proper drainage.
During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall keep the site of the work in an or-
derly, safe condition and free from any accumulation of rubbish.
Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove from the construction site all
rubbish, unused materials, concrete formwork, equipment, and temporary structures
used during construction. He shall then thoroughly clean facilities including:
Where necessary for the safety of the public or where required by the Engineer or by the
appropriate Road Traffic Authority, the whole of the Works shall be properly lighted be-
tween a half hour before sunset and a half hour after sunrise, and at other times when
visibility is poor. On all occasions the Works shall be properly fenced. The lamps shall be
approved by the appropriate authority and shall be kept in a clean and proper condition.
The position and number of the lamps shall be such that the extent and position of the
Work is clearly defined and the arrangement shall comply with the requirements of the
appropriate authority. Each section of the Works shall be provided with night and week-
end watchmen as may be required.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the control of all traffic, including the preparation,
maintenance and reinstatement of any diversions ordered or permitted by the appropriate
Road Authority or Municipality. He shall comply with the requirements of the appropriate
authority and shall provide all traffic control flagmen, “Stop” and “Go” signals and all other
precautions necessary for the safety of road users both by day and night.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own cost, guards for the protection of
the works, for safety and convenience of the public or others.
The Contractor shall employ the best practical means to minimize noise and vibration
produced by his operations.
Without prejudice to the general obligations, the Contractor shall comply in particular with
the following requirements:
a) All vehicles and mechanical plants used for the purpose of the Works shall be
fitted with effective exhaust silencers and shall be maintained in good and effi-
cient working order.
b) All compressors shall be “sound reduced” models fitted with properly lined and
sealed acoustic covers which shall be kept closed whenever the machines are
in use and all ancillary pneumatic percussive tools shall be fitted with mufflers
or silencers of the type recommended by the manufacturer. Dampened bits
shall be fitted to percussive tools.
c) Machines in intermittent use shall be shut down in the intervening period be-
tween work or throttled down to a minimum.
d) All motors and compressors shall be fitted with effective exhaust silencers and
shall be maintained in good and efficient working order. All de-watering pumps
shall be “sound reduced” models fitted with properly lined and sealed acoustic
covers. Pumps required to run overnight shall be effectively silenced, if neces-
sary, to prevent nuisance to residents in the locality, and the Contractor may be
required to use electrically driven pumps.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to secure the efficient protection of
all waterways against pollution including spillage of oil which may be likely to cause injury
to fish or plant life and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer against any
claim arising from any such pollution during the execution of the Works.
The Contractor shall erect stout fencing to protect all trees within the site which are to be
left standing from damage due to his operations. If any damage occurs to such trees as
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
a result of the Contractor’s operations, the affected trees shall be replaced to the satis-
faction of the Engineer at the Contractor’s expense.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide and maintain for the duration of the Con-
tract adequate first aid outfits at all construction sites.
Cleanliness on Site
The Contractor shall make every effort to keep the site tidy and in orderly manner and to
take at any time every possible precaution against the contamination of subsoil and
The Contractor shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the disposal of solid
and liquid wastes from the site at his own expenses. Furthermore, he shall give strict in-
structions to all persons employed by him to use the sanitary accommodation provided at
If the Contractor fails to keep the site clean, the Engineer will instruct a third party to carry
out the work at the cost of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out all protective works and strengthen-
ing of public streets and roads used by him as necessary to avoid damage from heavy
loads and plant moved to the site. The Contractor shall also construct, maintain and re-
move temporary access roads as he may require for carrying out the works at his own
The Contractor shall observe all restrictions which apply to public roads and he shall
comply with all reasonable restrictions which may be imposed by the Engineer, the Em-
ployer, the Police or other competent Authorities. This includes save and secure fencing
of the respective site, temporary traffic lights and guards.
The Contractor shall not run tracked vehicles or tracked plant on any public or private
road without the written approval of the responsible Authority or Owner and subject to
such conditions as those may require.
Public and private streets, roads and other surfaces used by the Contractor shall be kept
free from dirt and rubbish and be cleaned with adequate equipment as required by the
Engineer. If the contractor fails to do so the Engineer can order a third party to do the
cleaning on the account of the contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Immediately after ceasing the use of any temporary road the Contractor shall restore the
road to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the responsible Authority or the Owner.
These provisions shall apply also to the shoulders of any existing sealed road used by
the Contractor or affected by his operations.
Neither the ViK Tivat, ViK Kotor, Vodacom nor the Municipality of Tivat and Kotor are in
obligation to provide storage area for material foreseen in the scope of works. However
they will assist the Contractor in finding the appropriate storage areas.
Disruptions of water supply during construction shall be kept to a minimum. If the supply
of water is cut for more than 8 hours the Contractor shall arrange with VIK for a tempo-
rary water supply. This could involve supply of water by tanker, temporary supply lines or
any other method. The Contractor shall inform VIK in due time when, where and how
long water supply has to be disrupted in order to announce such disruptions to the af-
fected consumers.
Temporary fencing shall be provided at all construction sites where permanent fencing
has not been provided. All open excavations shall be protected sufficiently to ensure the
safety of workmen and to keep out the public and livestock.
At construction sites in public areas the Contractor shall be responsible for watching and
lightening and shall comply with the requirements of the Employer, Police and other
competent Authorities. This can include temporary traffic lights and guards.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of his proposed construction pro-
grams (SEPARATELY FOR TIVAT AND KOTOR LOTS) within the execution period as
stipulated in the Contract. He shall also submit details of the construction plant and la-
bour force which he proposes to employ and shall broadly describe the proposed con-
struction methods.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
For all sewers/ws pipelines situated in or along the Adriatic main road or other important
city / regional roads (such as the roads in coastal area) it is of outmost importance, that
Contractor’s construction and work technology allows traffic not to be interrupted on this
regional communication line. Contractor should present a methodology that clearly
shows his intention to comply to this request.
Also the Contractor should have in mind, that works in touristic areas and Adriatic high-
way cannot be performed during summer season (15st of June to 1 September Kotor
st st
and 1 of June to 1 of September Tivat) except in Grbalj area. Positive testing, rein-
statement of all surfaces and clearance of construction sites shall be finished before 15
of June. Contractor should adjust his work schedule to this request.
The details on construction plant shall include the make, type, capacity or rating and the
number of units which the Contractor envisages to employ throughout the duration of the
Details of the labour force shall include engineers and experts involved, senior staff and
specialists, skilled and unskilled labour with indication of the local labour which the Con-
tractor envisages to employ and the variation in staff and labour levels and their distribu-
tion throughout the duration of the Contract.
Special attention will be given to the procedure of concrete mixing, transporting, vibrating
and curing and if the concrete is prepared at the site or elsewhere.
(a) The finalized overall working programs and the detailed working programs for the
first month within 28 days after issue of the Order to Commence.
(b) Detailed working programmes for subsequent months showing the sections of
proposed works which the Contractor envisages to perform.
(c) Formal approval of working methods obtained from relevant Authorities prior to
the commencement of any new section of works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
When preparing the Programme of works as specified, the Contractor shall take account
of the priority order prescribed for the various activities of the Works. The working Pro-
gramme shall conform with the following:
(a) The Contractor shall commence the Works within the period stated in the Ap-
pendix to Tender and receipt of the Notice to Commence and shall proceed with
due expedition and without delay.
(b) If it is necessary for the safety of the works or for any other reason, the Contrac-
tor shall carry out such part of the Works continuously by day and by night when
so instructed in writing by the Engineer.
(c) The extent of the working site has to be agreed with the Employer and the Engi-
neer. Generally, working sites have to be confined in accordance to physical re-
strictions and the requirements for maintaining access to neighbouring plots.
The Contractor shall, before commencing any excavation, give all necessary notices and
make timely and reasonable arrangements with:
(a) the relevant Authorities for public roads (approvals for opening, agreements on
resurfacing) and the Police (traffic arrangements), where applicable;
(c) the statuary Authorities for water and energy supply and telecommunications
(dealing with crossing of, maintaining and reinstatement of the respective ser-
Should the contractor fail to send his representative(s) to any meeting at which his pres-
ence has been requested, all decisions shall be taken as if the Contractor had been pre-
sent and agreed on subsequent actions and orders.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The agenda for such meetings shall cover a review of progress attained, a review of
schedules and plants for future activities, the status of staffing, engineering, safety,
equipment, material supply, payments, current and anticipated difficulties, interface with
other Contractors, claims for extras, and other pertinent topics.
The Contractor will prepare minutes of meeting and supply all participants at the latest
two working days after the meeting with a copy of the minutes.
Further ad-hoc meetings will be held if needed. Time and place of these meetings shall
be mutually agreed taking into consideration the subject to be discussed.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the location of existing underground utilities and
other obstructions which will be affected by his work. He shall take all necessary steps to
determine from the Municipality and other Authorities responsible for water, sewerage,
electricity and communications the location of underground utilities. He shall locate these
facilities sufficiently in advance of his construction operation and use modern detection
equipment, satisfactory to the Engineer, allowing to minimize the risks to damage or to
interrupt the underground utilities. The Contractor will be held responsible for maintaining
the public services and he shall repair without any delay any damage caused by his op-
erations and maintain existing services during the execution of works at his own ex-
When removal, relocation or reconstruction of any cables, pipes or any other services
whatsoever is necessary for the pursuit of the Contract, the Contractor shall notify the
Engineer in writing. All work in connection with the removal or re-setting of these or any
services shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense and under the super-
vision of the Engineer or concerned authorities.
Traffic diversions, if necessary, shall be planned by the Contractor and harmonized with
the Engineer, the Employer and the Police. No diversion shall be implemented without
the written consent of the Engineer. Access to the site shall be available to vehicles of
emergency services and residents in the areas.
For all sewers situated in or along the Adriatic main road or other important city / regional
roads it is of outmost importance, that Contractor’s construction and work technology al-
lows traffic not to be interrupted. (see also Item 3.5).
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain on the Site and at locations on the ac-
cess to the Site all traffic signs and traffic control signals, as necessary and/or may be
required by the Police Authority for the safe direction and control of the traffic. The loca-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
tion and size of all such signs and the lettering thereon shall be approved by the Engi-
neer before erection of the signs. The Contractor shall reposition, cover or remove signs
as required during the progress of the Works.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, maintain the flow in all sewers, drains, water
pipelines and all water courses which may be met during the execution of the Works, al-
lowing none of the waters to flow in the trenches for pipe laying under this Contract, ex-
cept with permission of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, case up and suitably protect all work liable to
injury, either by the weather or by the method adopted for the execution of the Works and
take all precautions against the contamination of the Works.
The Contractor shall measure the quantities of all work he intends to claim for his pay-
ment certificates. The Contractor’s measurement is subject to the Engineer’s approval.
Wherever levels, measurements, quantities, etc. of any work done cannot be checked at
a later stage, then measurements made by the Engineer or approved by him shall be
taken to be correct measurements of the work.
The Contractor shall provide all survey instruments and measuring equipment required.
The cost for the measurement of works shall be deemed to be included in the respective
prices for construction and installation of works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The method statement and Work schedule must consider that construction in the coastal
roads and main Tourist areas is forbidden during the high season summer months from
st th
1 of June to 15 of September).
The Contractor’s programme and methods of working must be made on the assumption
that the working hours will not be varied.
Any proposal by the Contractor to work outside these hours shall be submitted to the En-
gineer for approval giving at least 7 days notice. A clear definition of the work to be car-
ried out and the reasons for the request shall also be provided.
Unplanned deviation from the normal working hours will normally be limited to emergen-
cies only and the Engineer shall be informed of any such working, or the Contractor’s in-
tention of such working, at the earliest opportunity.
For the purposes of this clause, working shall be deemed to include for any activity what-
soever undertaken by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors in connection with the
execution of the Works undertaken within the Site, on the Purchaser’s Land or in any
nearby premises or on the nearby public road.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for all yards, stores, workshops, offices
and other site installations. The location of all site installations shall be agreed before-
hand with the Engineer or his Representative. Special attention shall be paid to the safe
storage of fuel and lubricants in tanks and safety catchment basins in order to avoid the
contamination of soils, subsoil and groundwater. This applies also for the installation of
any workshop or other repair facilities.
The Contractor shall give strict instructions to all persons employed by him to comply
with the regulations for groundwater protection. If the Contractor fails to arrange for ade-
quate precautions to avoid any contamination, he shall exchange soils contaminated by
him at his own cost and bear full responsibility for any groundwater pollution.
The Contractor shall erect an office for his own use in a position to be agreed with the
Engineer. The office shall be substantially built, weatherproof, well lit and suitably fur-
nished. It shall be properly secure and contain a letterbox for the secure receipt of in-
structions, messages and mail from the Engineer and others. The Contractor shall obtain
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
the correct postal address for the office and notify the Engineer accordingly. Messages or
instructions left at or sent by post to this office shall be deemed to have been served on
the Contractor. The Contractor’s office shall not be removed from the Site until the com-
pletion of commissioning and the commencement of operation or until the Engineer, by
notice in writing, calls upon the Contractor to do so.
The Contractor shall not permit any person to live on the Site (except for security applica-
tions when approved by the Engineer) or any animals to be brought onto the Site.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining such temporary provi-
sions (e.g. hard standing, fencing, gates) required for the purpose of constructing the
Plant. On completion of the period of commissioning the Contractor shall remove all his
equipment and temporary works from the working area and leave the area in a clean and
tidy condition.
The Contractor shall provide site personnel with all the welfare requirements required to
meet the applicable statutory provisions and supply all necessary safety equipment and
Any temporary living quarters for the Contractor`s staff to be used during the construction
period may only be installed after having obtained the Employer’s approval.
For the monthly site meetings the Contractor shall provide for
Meeting Room (30 m floor area)
Kitchen – fully equipped with microwave oven, kettle, refrigerator, crockery and
WC and bathroom
The Contractor shall provide a fully equipped site laboratory to carry out the specified
tests on materials to be incorporated into the permanent works. Qualified and experi-
enced staff shall be provided to carry out the tests and record the results.
The Contractor shall provide adequate mess, sanitary and toilet facilities, as required to
meet the applicable statutory provision, for use of his labor force on the Site as well as
for the Employer’s and Engineer’s staff.
The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of sewage and waste in accordance
with the environmental regulations of Montenegro.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall confine his operations within the allocated Site, or such other areas
of land as may be agreed between the Engineer and Contractor.
The Contractor shall maintain the Site in a clean, tidy and safe condition during the pe-
riod of construction and commissioning. Any disused materials and other debris arising in
connection with the Works shall be removed from the Site by the Contractor as it arises.
The Plant shall not be taken over until such material has been removed.
The Contractor shall prevent vehicles entering or leaving the Site depositing mud or other
debris on the surface of the adjacent roads or footpaths. Any materials so deposited
shall be removed at the earliest practical opportunity.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary supply of potable water for con-
struction purposes and to the temporary offices of the Contractor. All charges and fees
with respect to such supply shall be borne by the Contractor. All such facilities shall be
removed by the Contractor prior to final acceptance of the Works.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary supply of electricity for construc-
tion purposes and to the temporary offices of the Contractor. All charges and fees with
respect to such supply shall be borne by the Contractor. All such facilities shall be re-
moved by the Contractor prior to final acceptance of the Works.
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain weather resistant signboards, one at
each pump station site and two at suitable locations of the main collector. The final loca-
tion of the sign boards shall be approved by the Engineer and Vodacom. The sign has to
be in English and the local language. The signs shall be a minimum of 2 m * 3 m and
provide the project name, the funding agencies including logo and the name of the Bene-
ficiary, the Project Implementation and the Contractor.
The signboard and information given is to be approved by the Engineer prior to erection.
The Contractor shall prepare an Environmental Report within 30 days from commence-
ment date demonstrating compliance with the environmental mitigation measures speci-
fied below. The following mitigation measures are the responsibility of the Contractor:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
1. Top soil (humus layer) shall be removed and temporarily stockpiled for incorpo-
ration into the landscaping works.
2. A hard and soft landscaping scheme shall be designed using suitable plant spe-
6. Solid and liquid wastes have to be collected and disposed in an orderly manner
7. A coordinated action plan shall be developed for dealing with emergency inci-
dents covering separately “Work Safety, Hygiene and Fire Precaution”.
8. The site shall be illuminated and warning signs / labels provided for the roads
and facilities during the construction as well as during the operation of the site.
The Contractor shall perform all necessary tests to demonstrate compliance of the
Works with the specifications, performance criteria and guarantees.
During the tests the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that:
The Works is capable of producing the required standard of final effluent and
that the residual matter meets the specified Performance Standards;
The Contractor shall demonstrate that the plant operates satisfactorily when op-
erated in both manual and automatic control.
A minimum of 21 days notice in writing shall be given to the Engineer and the Employer
prior to carrying out any inspection or testing.
Procedures and work processes for the recording of test results shall be set out in the
Contractor’s Quality Plan but in any case the test results shall be reported in writing to
the Employer by the Contractor with the comments and endorsement of the Engineer.
Where specialised test equipment is supplied, the Contractor shall provide the associ-
ated test sheets, which shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to the tests be-
ing carried out.
All tests specified herein shall be carried out at the risk and expense of the Contractor.
All major items of plant, including but not limited to pumps, control panels etc., shall be
subject to testing by the Contractor and inspection by the Engineer before despatch from
manufacturers' premises, with all tests arranged to represent the working conditions as
closely as possible.
The tests on the Control and Automation System hardware shall demonstrate all aspects
of the functionality of the control system. Tests at the control panel manufacturer's prem-
ises shall only be undertaken when the hardware and software tests have been com-
pleted to the satisfaction of the Engineer's.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Tests during construction shall include but not be limited to the following:
All specified tests and sampling for materials to be incorporated into the perma-
nent works
All water retaining structures including concrete tanks, manholes, building roofs
etc. shall be tested to prove the water tightness in accordance with the Specifica-
Compaction tests shall be performed for in backfill areas, under the foundation of
concrete structures, for pipe beddings, for sub-layers and layers of road works
All materials supplied for incorporation in the works shall be new and subject to
Quality Assurance Inspection, certification and where appropriate destructive
testing in order to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the specifi-
cation and the purpose for which they are employed. Where quality assured ma-
terials are not readily available, and where materials are required to comply with
Standards of Montenegro or their equivalents, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer test certificates furnished by the supplier or manufacturer of the mate-
rials indicating their compliance with the relevant specification.
During initial start-up, when the electricity supply to the control panels has been ener-
gised, the following tests shall be carried out:
Testing of each valve and penstock to ensure correct operation, including the
setting of torque and limit switches.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Pre-commissioning tests, under dry conditions, carried out on all civil, mechani-
cal, electrical and control components to obtain the approval of the Engineer for
the acceptance of water or sewage
The Tests on Completion shall be deemed to have been satisfactorily completed if the
following have been achieved:
The entire system of main collector – pump station – force main functions fault
If the tests fail due to non-compliance with the above criteria, or do not attain the speci-
fied minimum process requirements or the Engineer is not satisfied that the operational
parameters can be maintained, the Contractor shall:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
During the Commissioning Period and prior to Take-over the Contractor shall be respon-
sible for the operation and maintenance of the pumping stations.
Plan and deliver a comprehensive training programme for operations and main-
tenance personnel of minimum duration 1 months. The training programme shall
consist of pratical hands-on training on-site and shall cover all works manage-
ment, operation, maintenance, and administration functions. The Contractor shall
submit details of his proposed training programme with his Tender.
During this period the ViK Tivat (LOT 1) / ViK Kotor (LOT 2) shall be responsible for:
The scope of the contractor’s responsibilities during this period shall include:
Additional plant operation requirements, which may result from existing defects
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
During the Defects Liability Period the ViK Tivat (LOT 1) / ViK Kotor (LOT 2) shall be re-
sponsible for the following:
All operating costs (i.e. personnel, electricity, fuel, chemicals and other consum-
ables) except the costs of the Contractor’s supervisory and training staff, which
shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall prepare comprehensive operating and maintenance manuals cover-
ing all items of the entire rehabilitation, repair and extension works of the waste water
and water supply system including all manufacturer's instructions, references, lists, etc.
The manuals shall include an outline of the general principles of operation and mainte-
nance of the system, and shall make specific reference to the particular equipment pro-
vided. Sales brochures may be included only as additional information.
The manuals shall be submitted in three (3) copies in Serbian language and one in Eng-
lish and shall cover the testing, operation, control, maintenance, dismantling and repair of
all the components and Plant provided in the Works. All information shall be supported
The greatest importance shall be drawn to the completeness and clearness of presenta-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer, in duplicate, loose leaf copies of draft opera-
tion and maintenance manuals for the Works and the auxiliary Plant two months before
start-up of the Works. The manuals shall be divided into several volumes (e.g. function,
operation, maintenance, overhaul) and shall fully and clearly set out the Contractor's own
recommendations and instructions for the satisfactory operation, maintenance and over-
haul of the waste water and water supply system as far as part of this Contract with its
auxiliary Plant as applicable to each of the components, installations and devices sup-
plied and installed.
The text or accompanying diagrams shall in addition show the electrical wiring, handling
and erection instructions. Draft manuals shall, during the testing and commissioning of
the Works, be carefully checked by the Contractor and updated and modified to ensure
that they are fully descriptive and applicable to the final layout of plant and process under
operational conditions.
The draft manuals may include manufacturer's standard literature but the Contractor
shall fully supplement the literature by his own descriptive text, drawings, tables, figures,
characteristic curves and the like.
The final approved manuals for the Works shall be submitted prior to the commence-
ment of the maintenance period (Defects Liability Period). They shall be securely bound
in A4 sized loose leaf binders, clearly titled, index linked and cross referenced. If pre-
pared on computer, standard PC word processor software such as Word for Windows
shall be used, and a copy of the data file for each volume, on CD rom, shall be supplied
in order to facilitate updating and searching for information.
The final manuals shall incorporate instructions, recommendations and advice for the
operation of the entire process covering the full range of flow and conditions of sewage
and shall include advice on the joint operation and control of all the process units on site.
No section of the Works will be certified by the Engineer as completed unless this re-
quirement has been met. The contents of the final manual may be subdivided into the fol-
lowing sections:
If during the maintenance period, the Contractor or the Engineer has found that the man-
ual requires modification or enlargement as a result of subsequent operational and main-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
tenance experience in the Works, the Contractor shall provide such modification for each
relevant manual.
The manuals shall include explanations of the function and purpose of each important
component supplied and installed, and the operational, mechanical and electrical proce-
dures for:
a) Lubrication, checking, calibration (including charts), testing and adjustment of
each item.
b) Attention at daily, weekly, monthly or other maintenance intervals to ensure reli-
able trouble-free operation of the entire Sewage System (Phase 1).
c) Complete overhaul, dismantling and reassembly, testing and re-commissioning.
d) The identification and selection of suitable lubricants standardized throughout the
Works, including identifying equivalents available from local manufacturers
where possible.
e) Defect location decision charts to facilitate tracing of the cause of malfunction or
breakdown from symptoms or tests.
f) Routine and emergency safety precautions, procedures and recommendations
for cleaning of the system and the Plant and its components.
g) Guidelines for protection of equipment in case of taking the Plant and or any
other component out of service.
h) Maintenance of protective coating.
i) Operational maintenance of the system, performance, monitoring and reporting
The instruction manuals shall describe the installation as a whole and shall give a step by
step procedure for any operation likely to be carried out during the whole life of the water
supply constructed under this Contract and its Plant.
A separate section of the manuals shall be devoted to each size and type of equipment
and to each system. The various sections shall be grouped into separate volumes elating
(as appropriate) to functions such as operation, maintenance, overhaul, etc. The appro-
priate volume shall contain also a list of spare parts and the procedure required for order-
ing them. A list of recommended consumables and spare parts to be stored shall be
supplemented to each item of equipment and Plant.
The operation and maintenance instruction manual shall be supplemented by the supply
of a comprehensive yearly maintenance program for the Sewage System’s operation and
maintenance staff.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
A wall chart or charts shall be provided, covering a period of one year with colored mark-
ers. It shall have vertical divisions in weeks and horizontal divisions for each component
of the system. A fitter's card system shall be provided with at least one card for each item
of Plant. The cards shall detail maintenance required, parts required.
The markers shall be arranged with standard colors to indicate work required, parts out-
standing, work completed and the like.
The maintenance scheme shall be provided complete at the time of handing over of the
Works. It should have sufficient space for extension to include any further routine work
which may be required.
The Contractor shall employ a full quality assurance system for all phases of the project
including design, procurement, construction, testing, O&M and training phases. The QA
system shall be in accordance with the general requirements of ISO 9001.
All manufactures and sub-contractors shall also employ quality assurance systems in ac-
cordance with the general requirements of ISO 9001.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a full quality plan for the project covering the
Procedures and instructions to assure quality for all the works on and off the site includ-
ing the following:
Contract Review
Design Control
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
Document Control
Supervision of construction
Corrective action
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation of Montenegro
at all times during the period of the Contract.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe conduct of the Works. He shall ensure
that all operations are carried out safely and that any person made responsible for the
safe conduct of any part of the operations carries out their duties in a proper manner.
Where any part of the Works is not covered by the Contractor’s Safety Policy, or is a high
risk activity, the Contractor shall, before commencing work on that part of the Works or
activity, submit to the Engineer a safe system of working statement for approval. He shall
immediately submit to the Engineer any subsequent additions to, or amendments of, this
statement. No work covered by any safe system of working statement shall be com-
menced unless the Engineer has indicated that he has no objection to the methods pro-
The Contractor shall provide all necessary medical, toilet and other facilities for the wel-
fare of his employees at the Site. The facilities shall be to at least the standard required
by law, local regulations or agreements between Trade Unions and Employers. A high
standard of hygiene and cleanliness shall be maintained at all times.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the health and safety training of both his person-
nel and the Engineer’s staff.
Within 21 days after the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall submit a document
entitled “Health and Safety Plan” giving a detailed description of his proposed methods
for ensuring safety of the Works during all stages of construction and commissioning.
The Health and Safety Plan shall be presented in sufficient detail to ensure that there can
be no ambiguity in its interpretation at a later date. The Plan shall be subject to the ap-
proval of the engineer, who will not allow any work on site to proceed until such time as it
has been fully and formally approved. Approval of the Plan shall not relieve the Contrac-
tor of any of his responsibilities with regard to safety.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any accident, injury, loss or damage to any
workman or third party or any property of a third party or to property of the Beneficiary at
or about the Site or in connection with the execution of the Works within 24 hours of oc-
currence. The Contractor shall also report any such incident to any such authority as may
be required by law.
The Contractor shall make all his personnel aware of, and comply with, the requirements
of the Specification with regard to hygiene, training and medical monitoring when working
in the proximity of, or in undertaking the Works in contact with sewage.
The Contractor shall note that there is a risk of contracting Leptospirosis, or Weil’s dis-
ease, when working in contact with sewage. The Contractor shall ensure that all employ-
ees are aware of the precautions to be taken when working in such situations.
The Contractors attention is drawn to the hazards of working within chambers, shafts,
channels or tanks and poorly ventilated areas. The Contractor shall supply the necessary
safety equipment and ventilation equipment, which shall be available on the Site, before
such work is commenced.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fire, provide all fire fighting
equipment necessary for the working environment and provide for effective means of es-
cape in case of fire or emergency for any personnel working on, or visiting the plant, both
during construction and in the completed works.
The Contractor shall appoint a Safety Officer who shall be responsible for co-ordinating
and controlling the health and safety on Site. The Safety Officer shall be suitably qualified
for this work and shall have the authority to issue required instructions and take protec-
tive measures to prevent accidents.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
The schedule below gives an overview of the technical and planning documents that
shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer in accordance with the contract.
The contractor shall submit a “document submission programme” to indicate the submis-
sion times of these documents.
Any such documents needed for contractual implementation for LOT1 Contract or LOT2
Contract shall be submitted separately for each of the LOTs.
A General
A1 Program Detailed construc- 5 hard English, Order to commence
tion programs 1 digital and local +28 days
A2 Manufacture & Including brief 2 hard English, Relevant approvals
delivery of plant description of basic and local + 30 days
& equipment equipment parame- language
ters, country of
origin, quantity, unit
and total price
A3 Cash Flow Detailed cash flow 3 hard English, Contract Agreement
1 digital and local + 21 days
A4 Quality Plan 2 hard English CD + 30 days
QA Plan and local
A5 Environmental 2 hard English CD + 30 days
Impact Mitiga- and local
tion Report language
A6 Health and 2 hard English CD + 21 days
Safety Plan and local
B Drawings,
records and
B1 Structural Draw- Construction draw- 3 hard English To suit construction
ings ings and details 1 digital and local programme
B2 Mechanical Construction draw- 3 hard English To suit construction
Drawings ings and details 1 digital and local programme
B3 Electrical Draw- Construction draw- 3 hard English, To suit construction
ings ings and details 1 digital and local programme
B4 Pumping Station Construction design 3 hard English, During mobilisation
no 5 and drawings 1 digital and local period
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
CD Commencement Date
DoC Date of Completion
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V-1 – Tivat and Kotor
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project number Vodacom: RB-TV/KO-V1
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
This Part of the Specification sets out the general standards of design and mate-
rials to be supplied and work to be carried out by the Contractor. Mention of any
specific material or plant does not necessarily imply that such is included in the
All Civil Works shall, unless otherwise specified, comply with the provisions of this
Section. The names of the manufacturers of materials proposed for incorporation
in the Works, shall be furnished by the Contractor when so requested by the Engi-
neer who shall have power to reject any parts which in his opinion are unsatisfac-
tory or not in compliance with the Specification.
The Civil Works shall comply as a minimum with International Standards ISO, EN
or DIN Standards* named as I.S., with the respective Codes of Practice and Stan-
dards generally used for waste water treatment plant in foreign countries, adapted
to the local conditions, shall be used as an alternative subject to written approval
by the Engineer.
Where no standards are specified in the present Section or any other Section of
the Contract, the above defined EN or DIN shall apply.
Where there is conflict between this General Specification and the relevant DIN,
the General Specification shall take precedence.
Materials supplied and work performed shall comply with these standards and
regulations as a minimum. If manufacturers offer material to other standards, the
standards shall be equal or superior to those specified and full details of the differ-
ence shall be supplied to the Engineer if requested.
Mobilization at site shall include the erection of all site facilities and the furnishing
of all equipment as necessary to carry out the Works under this Contract. The site
facilities shall include all site installations, temporary offices, safety provisions, ac-
commodation and sanitary facilities, provisions for water, energy and access and
the installation of signboards in accordance to the requirements imposed by the
Employers Requirement’s.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The maintenance of site installation shall comprise the maintaining of all site facili-
ties for the execution of the Works including water and energy supply, the opera-
tion and cleaning of site offices, accommodation and sanitary facilities and all tem-
porary works as necessary to ensure access to and proper protection of construc-
tion sites including for watching, lightening, safety provisions, cleaning of public
roads and traffic control during the construction period.
The demobilization includes the removal of all site facilities and temporary installa-
tions, the demobilization of all equipment from site, the removal of all surplus ma-
terials, the reinstatement of all damaged or worn public, private and access roads
and facilities used by the Contractor and the cleaning up of the construction site af-
ter completion of the Works.
Structural design work to be furnished by the Contractor shall include all shop
drawings (formwork and reinforcement) for all in-situ concrete structures.
Furthermore the structural design shall include the stability analysis of all earth
structures. In addition to this, upon request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall do
structural analysis and calculations for any part of the sub structure or underwater
structure (fully or partially).
Sampling and testing of soils and fill materials includes for trial pits, inspection of
excavations and sampling and testing of soils, aggregates and all materials used
for backfill and embankments. Before start of testing the Contractor shall inform
the Engineer on details of the intended tests.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall set out and establish by suitable pegs, benchmarks, refer-
ence points and grid lines necessary for the setting out of the works. The Works
shall be set out and tied to the Regional Co-ordinate and Level System, which will
be handed over by the Employer to the Contractor. The Contractor shall establish
temporary benchmarks and survey stations at suitable locations on the Site of the
Works and during the progress of the Works shall periodically check the levels of
the benchmarks and the co-ordinates of the stations against the original points
lines and levels of reference given by the Employer. Temporary benchmarks and
survey stations shall unless otherwise approved be located clear of the construc-
tion Works.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval drawings showing the lo-
cations and levels or co-ordinates as appropriate of each and every temporary
benchmark and survey station used for the setting out of the Works.
The Contractor shall before commencing execution of any given section of the
Works submit to the Engineer complete setting out details with supporting calcula-
tions and drawings (including drawings showing the locations and co-ordinates of
the reference points used) in duplicate for approval.
The Contractor shall identify setting out dimensions for all structures by relating
them to existing facilities and by interpretation of the Documentation. The gra-
dients of sewers and pipelines and the levels of weirs, inverts of channels and oth-
er hydraulic structures shall be as shown on the drawings unless otherwise re-
quired or approved by the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall establish reference co-ordinate points at intervals of not more
than 250 m along all sewers and major pipelines and these points shall be located
and clearly marked at approved locations either on existing buildings or by means
of steel pins fixed in concrete.
The Contractor shall set out sections of the Works at such times as may be di-
rected by the Engineer to enable Service Authorities to carry out temporary or
permanent alterations to their equipment or buried services. The rate for setting
out of works shall include all survey works of Contractor for completion of the
1.7.1 General
The Contractor shall supply a detail design specifying all temporary facilities that
he intends to organize on Site – stores, workshops, temporary and access roads,
water, power and sewerage supply services etc.- to the Engineer for approval.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.8.1 General Quotations
Price quotations for preparatory works shall fully include the value of works for the
preparation working sites (site clearance, felling of trees, stripping of topsoil,
demolition of structures) and shall cover the cost of all labour, subsistence, travel-
ling, materials, temporary works, overhead charges and any other expenses what-
soever together with all risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the
Contract Documents.
The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for obtaining all locations of under-
ground structures and utilities. Services to buildings shall be maintained, and any
costs or charges resulting from damage thereto shall be paid by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall not demolish or remove any existing buildings, structures or
other objects including trees, whether indicated on the Drawings or not, unless on
a specific instruction from the Engineer. The Contractor shall take every care and
precaution to protect from damage any of these objects, including houses, build-
ings, fences or trees, which are situated on or near the Site(s).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Any property situated in close proximity to the Works shall be protected against
any damage which could be caused by vehicles, subsidence, vibration, etc. Any
damage caused shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense to conform to
the condition of the property prior to damage and to the satisfaction of the Engi-
The trunk of trees located close to working areas shall be fully protected with
wooden boards. Precautions
The Contractor shall take all precautions to avoid damage to any structure owned
by other parties. If damage should occur, the owner of the damaged structure
should be contacted immediately, jointly by the Contractor and the Engineer, and
all necessary repairs shall be made by the Contractor under the direction and to
the satisfaction of the owner.
Any damage to the canopy of trees of girth greater than 900 mm shall be treated
at the Contractor's expense by an approved tree surgeon as promptly as possible
after the damage occurring or on any instruction from the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Replacement trees and hedges shall be planted in the appropriate season and
shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense if they fail or are damaged as a re-
sult of the Contractor's activities.
Stone drains shall be reinstated using 20 mm clean stone. The trench shall be
lined and covered with a porous geo-textile before backfilling with subsoil and top-
All surface areas for which stripping of top soil has not been ordered, but has been
disturbed by the Contractor’s operations shall be reinstated, at the Contractor’s
expense, to the original condition including providing and placing of top soil to a
minimum thickness of 15 cm.
Topsoil shall be stockpiled on the site in stacks not more than 1.5 m high and shall
not be traversed by any plant. The stock-piles of topsoil shall be grasses and kept
free of weeds by treatment with a foliar acting herbicide. Topsoil stripped from
pipeline/access easements shall not be transported out of the field from which it
was taken without permission of the Engineer.
The work shall be carried out in such a manner as to cause as little inconvenience
as possible to the occupants of adjoining premises and the public. The debris shall
be sprinkled with water to prevent dust arising. The Contractor shall provide all
requisite shoring and strutting or other supports incidental to the demolition work,
remove debris from site and finally clear the site and make good all parts of the
work which are disturbed.
The Contractor shall ensure that no excavated material which is suitable for or
required for reuse in the Works is disposed off outside the Site.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the disposal of unsuitable
surplus material from any the Site. Such material shall become the property of the
Contractor who will be entirely responsible for its removal from the site and its ul-
timate disposal in accordance with environmental needs.
The cost of additional drilling and/or tests required by the Contractor, for design of
dewatering systems or otherwise shall be included in the lump sum for dewatering,
if the dewatering is considered in the BoQ as a separate item. In case dewatering
is indicated just as a part of another item of works (e.g. trench excavation) the
Contractor shall consider and including the unit price all necessary requirements
for proper surface or trench dewatering.
a) Normal Groundwater.
The Contractor can perform dewatering by pump of not exceeding 3 kW capacity
and shall at all times take adequate precautions to prevent the removal of fine ma-
terial so as not to endanger the safety of the Works or the foundations and stability
of adjoining structures. The cost for dewatering of normal groundwater shall be in-
cluded in the Unit Prices for excavation.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Payment for dewatering of excessive dewatering shall be per lump sum. This sum
shall include the construction of sub-drains (if required) and, excavation of sumps,
provision of pumps and all costs in connection with pumping and disposal of
1.9 Piling
Pile foundations may be necessary for supporting structures where the subsoil is
considered to have insufficient bearing capacity. The Contractor shall carry out de-
tailed design of these structures in accordance with the Contract Conditions and
Specification and shall determine the type of foundation required, the number of
piles and their working loads and the optimum arrangement of piles required for
supporting the structures.
Excavation, concrete, steel reinforcement, and steel casing where applicable shall
conform to the relevant Clauses of the Specification. At least 21 days before the
Contractor intends to commence piling work on the Site the Contractor shall sub-
mit for the Engineer’s approval full details of his proposed piling system including
the type and dimensions of piles, reinforcement details and full design and driving
calculations. The details to be submitted shall include the Contractor’s proposals
for equipment, temporary works and construction methods.
No work on piling shall commence on the Site until the Engineer’s approval to the
Contractor’s proposal has been received.
Allowance shall be made in the design for the incidence of negative skin friction
where appropriate and for resisting the necessary tensile forces due to the swell-
ing and heave of any soil stratum.
Piles shall be designed to have a bearing capacity of at least 2.5 times the working
load (working load = design load).
The permissible loading of piles shall be modified where necessary to allow for
particular conditions: piles in close proximity or in groups, soil strength, groundwa-
ter level, and other relevant factors.
The piles shall be of sufficient cross-section and length, and configured in such a
way to sustain the loads designed or specified without settlement (of single piles
combined with additional settlements due to group action) exceeding the following:
Working load allowable settlement 8 mm
1.5 × Working load allowable settlement 10 mm
2 × Working load allowable settlement 12 mm
These settlements shall include both permanent and elastic deflections.
Measurement of the settlement shall be made on first achieving the specified load.
Measurement of the settlement shall be made at the point of application of the
Where piles in place are subjected to handling, stacking and pitching or bending
moments and/or shear forces, these shall be combined with the vertical loads (ei-
ther in compression or tension) to satisfy the design requirements of the standards
of Montenegro.
The average compressive stress in the concrete of bearing piles under working
load shall not exceed 25% of the characteristic cube strength at 28 days, calcu-
lated on the total cross sectional area of the pile shaft.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
pile cross-section
pile length
number of piles
installation sequence
known obstructions
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
pile number
concrete mix, batch certificate and slump test result, volume of concrete
used and method of placing for cast-in-situ piles
for bored piles, the strata encountered in the borings and the condition of
the base, if the performance of the base is critical
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.10.1 General Standards
The Contractor shall carry out works described in this Specification in accordance
with the appropriate DIN standards. The main standards are, but are not limited
by, the following:
The Contractor may carry out the works or provide materials in accordance to local
or other international standards, provided their requirements are superior or
equivalent to the quality described by the standards cited in the Specifications.
Top Soil means any surface material suitable for use in soiling ar-
eas to be grassed or cultivated (Class1, DIN 18300).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Subsoil any material other than top soil and rock shall be classified
as “subsoil“ (Class 2-6, DIN 18300).
Excess Excavation means excavation outside the limits specified for normal,
trench or incidental excavation. Excess excavation shall
not qualify for any extra payment.
Unsuitable Material means material not suitable for backfilling including mate-
rials from swamps, organic and perishable materials, clay
and soils with high placidity indices.
The Tenderer shall be deemed to have fully satisfied himself as to the occurrence
of surface and subsurface obstructions and the exact nature of the ground condi-
tions and his prices shall include allowances for working in these or any other ma-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
terials with all artificial or natural obstructions, foreseen or unforeseen. Any altera-
tion of works due to unexpected site conditions or the removal of obstructions shall
not affect the lump sum prices quoted for earth works.
The Contactor shall make the marking of the existing installations routes in the
presence of the installations owners and make official records on the marking per-
formed. Furthermore, for all existing underground installations discovered or rec-
ognized during the construction the Contractor shall indicate in the As-built Design.
The Contractor will be held responsible for all necessary safety measures during
the duration of the Contract and shall strictly follow the safety regulations in order
to prevent accidents. Proper strutting, sheeting and bracing, protection of slopes,
methods of excavation to reduce risks of slides, etc. shall be deemed to be in-
cluded in the rates and prices entered in the schedule of prices. In the event of soil
slides occurring during earth work, all damage and making good of works will be at
the expense of the Contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.10.2 Excavation
The Contractor shall not execute any excavation without having the Engineer’s
prior approval to the methods which he proposes to employ. He shall not modify
such methods thereafter without the Engineer’s consent.
General excavation will be carried out after site clearance and the stripping of
subsoil. In his Tender Design, the Contractor shall indicate the limits of excava-
tions to be made for the erection of the individual structures.
The prices quoted for general excavation shall be fully inclusive and contain all
incidental works as:
- over excavation, if ordered by the engineer, and making good the same;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
All trenches with a depths exceeding 1.0 m need to be sheeted. For excavations
deeper than 2.0 m metres, the Contractor shall submit the structural design inclu-
sive the relevant design calculations of the sheeting system to the Engineer for
approval. Standard sheet piles (e.g. Larsson, Hoesch) shall be provided.
Trench excavations for pipes and interconnections shall be open-cut trenches with
minimum width, as defined below. All pipes, sewers and cables shall be laid in
trenches excavated in undisturbed soil.
The trench shall be excavated to such depths as necessary to permit placing pipe
bedding material or concrete encasement as required and to allow the pipe to be
laid at the required elevations, slopes and depths. Trench bottoms shall be cleared
of projections such as rocks, stones, roots and the like.
The width of the trenches shall be sufficient to permit the pipes to be laid and
jointed properly and to place and compact the backfill as specified. The minimum
trench width shall be 40 cm for cable trenches and 50 cm for all kind of pipes less
than 100 mm diameter. The minimum trench width for DI, HDPE and PVC pipes
shall be equivalent to the requirements specified in DIN 4124 (October 2002).
Trenches for all kinds of pipes shall be excavated to min 100 mm below the bot-
tom of the pipe to accommodate for adequate bedding. Trenches for sewers shall
be excavated to the level specified in the Drawings; water supply pipes shall be
executed for a minimum cover of 1.0 m; trenches for cables shall be executed as
step trenches or as open cut trenches with a minimum depth of 0.8 m.
The prices quoted for trench excavation shall be fully inclusive and contain all
incidental works as:
- over excavation, if ordered by the engineer, and making good the same;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
- extra excavation for joint holes, fittings, thrust blocks, manholes, encase-
ments etc.;
- keeping of trenches free from water and maintenance of flow during con-
- all additional measures necessary to ensure that the dug made to the cor-
rect line and level and maintained in a safe and workmanlike manner.
Any excess excavation outside the specified “payment limits“, and any further
excavation which has not been ordered by the Engineer shall be held to be excess
excavation which will not be paid for.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, remove from the site all material result-
ing from excess excavation and shall make good the same with such kind of fill
material or concrete as may be reasonably required by the Engineer having regard
to the circumstances.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall provide a store or stores suitable for explosives in accor-
dance with local regulations. Only limited amount of explosives shall be kept in any
one place and they shall be kept underground, well ventilated and under lock, the
key of which is to be only in the hands of a responsible person.
The cost for supply explosives and all necessary works for blasting, removal mate-
rial and disposal excavated material on dump site shall be included in the Unit
Prices for excavation. Overbreak
Overbreak means any excavation that exists outside the designated width and
depth of the trench. The Contractor will not receive payment for the excavation or
backfilling of overbreak, or measures necessary as a consequence of such over-
break, it being deemed that these are covered by his normal excavation rates.
For overbreak above formation level the Contractor shall fill the volume of over-
break with approved backfill material compacted as directed by the Engineer.
If, for any reason, any portion of the bottom, sides and ends of any excavation
shall give way, the Contractor shall take all necessary remedial measures includ-
ing the excavation and removal of all the subsoil thereby disturbed at both, inside
and outside the nominal limits of excavations.
Where the Contractor proposes to perform excavations with sloping faces and
without shoring, the excavated faces shall be to stable slopes and heights. Full de-
tails on the execution shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Shoring
When the material being excavated has sliding planes inclined towards the trench,
adequate shoring must be carried out immediately after excavation. Particular care
shall be taken if the earth, though firm, may be rendered unstable when trenched
or by rain or seepage of groundwater.
shoring shall be included in the rates and prices entered for other items in the
Schedule of prices.
After levelling and clearing the site under the Works, the Contractor shall take and
record levels of any such part, in the manner specified or as agreed by the Engi-
neer. Such levels, when agreed by the Engineer, are the basis for measurement.
The Contractor shall also take and record such other levels and dimensions as are
necessary during the process of excavation.
Trench excavation will be measured net, whereby the minimum width of trenches
as stated in this Specification, the depth to the specified invert level of the pipes
and the length of services laid (linear meters run as specified for pipe laying) shall
be taken as payment limits. The Contractor shall make his own allowances for ex-
cavations required for bedding, joint holes, anchorage, manholes, chambers and
all ancillary works.
Generally, the
excavation of material from trenches,
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The preparation of sites and pipeline route including clearing, demolishment and
removal of existing surfaces and pavements, stripping of topsoil and demolition
works, as well as the reestablishment of the surfaces will be measured and quoted
under separate items.
The excavation in intermediate and hard rock material etc. shall be quoted as ex-
tra over items.
Excavated material which is not required or not suitable for reuse in the Works
shall be disposed off-site at locations to be found by the Contractor and approved
by the Employer. Excavated material shall only be disposed off-site with the
agreement of the Engineer.
(c) transporting of selected excavated materials to locations within the site for
embankments and filling around structures including tipping for spreading
and compaction.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The materials to be disposed off-site shall become the property of the Contractor
and he shall be entirely responsible for its removal from the site and its ultimate
1.10.5 Materials
Fill material shall not contain gap graded materials, except with the written ap-
proval of the Engineer for such case. It shall be free of organic, soluble or other
deleterious materials. For trenches, the fill material shall not contain stones, rocks
or concrete fragments larger than 50 mm in any dimension and shall have a plas-
ticity index of less than 10 and a minimum dry density of 1.6 t/m³ according to
modified Proctor density.
Should the material selected as filling become unacceptable to the Engineer for
any reason including exposure to weather conditions, contamination and segrega-
tion during the progress of the Works, the Contractor shall remove such damaged,
softened or segregated material and replace it by fresh approved material at his
own expense.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The sand backfilling material shall be uniformly graded and meet the following
grading requirements:
sieve designation: 3/8“ No.4 No. 16 No. 50 No. 100
per cent passing by 100 95-100 45-80 10-30 2-10
Materials for free drainage shall be provided by the Contractor from approved
sources. The Contractor may use material from excavation, provided it is suitable
and processed in compliance with the specification for free drainage material.
stability to the fill structure. The density of rip rap material shall be not less than 2.2
t/m³ (solid volume without voids) and each piece of rip rap shall have is greatest
dimension not large than twice its least dimension.
The material delivered shall be dumped and graded off to a uniform surface up the
lines and grades shown on approved drawings. No pockets of rocks and clusters
of large blocks will be permitted. The Contractor shall submit full details of the pro-
posed source, certified test results and samples for the approval of the Engineer.
The dimensions of stones shall range between 200 and 400 mm. The minimum
plain dimensions shall be of less than two thirds of the maximum plane dimension
for each stone. The stones will be rough hammered dressed so that they fit rea-
sonably close together. They shall be laid to a true and even surface, the spaces
between the stones being clinked with spalls. The density of stones shall be not
less than 2.2 t/m³ (solid volume without voids).
The material used in stone filling of Box Gabions and Gabion Mats shall be ob-
tained by the Contractor from sources approved by the Engineer. The stone shall
be sound, durable and hard. It shall be free from laminations, weak cleavages and
undesirable weathering and shall be of such properties that it will not disintegrate
from the action of air, water or in handling and placing.
The dimensions of stones shall range between 60 and 400 mm. The stones will be
roughly selected so that they fit reasonably close together. They shall be laid to a
true and even surface, the spaces between the stones being clinked with spalls.
The density of stones shall be not less than 2.2 t/m³ (solid volume without voids).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
c) to excavate material from suitable borrow areas and transport it to the length
to be refilled.
1.10.6 Backfilling
(a) The layers of fill material shall be placed in such a manner as to maintain
adequate drainage and to prevent accumulation of water.
(b) The timing and rate of placing of fill material around or upon any com-
pleted or partially completed structure shall be arranged in such a way that
no part of the works is overloaded, weakened, damaged or otherwise en-
(c) Around structures the material shall be placed as to exert a uniform pres-
sure and each layer shall be placed with a fall to prevent the accumulation
of water.
(d) Where necessary, the moisture content of the backfill has to be adjusted
to an optimum either by drying out or by adding water. After such treat-
ment the backfill shall be thoroughly mixed until the moisture content is
(e) Placing the backfilling, due allowance for any settlement that may occur
before the end of period of maintenance shall be made. Where necessary,
the Contractor shall at the end of the period of maintenance remove any
excess material or make up any deficiency of backfilling to specified lev-
Should the material being placed as filling, while acceptable at the time of selec-
tion, become unacceptable to the Engineer due to exposure to weather conditions
or due to flooding or become puddled, soft or segregated during the progress of
the works, the Contractor shall at his own expense remove such damaged, sof-
tened or segregated material and replace it with fresh approved material.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall, when placing the backfilling, make due allowance for any
settlement that may occur before the end of period of maintenance. Where neces-
sary, the Contractor shall at the end of the period of maintenance remove any ex-
cess material or make up any deficiency of backfilling to specified and required
The placing of fill material around the walls of basements and tanks shall com-
mence only after the walls, floors and slabs have been completed and have at-
tained their full specific strength. Filling around the walls of tanks and reservoirs
shall not commence before successful completion and testing of such structures.
The material shall be placed with special care for insulation and watertight paints
and all other protective or conserving surfaces and as to exert a uniform pressure
around the walls of a structure and each layer shall be placed with a fall to prevent
the accumulation of water.
Trench excavation for interconnections, sewers and transport lines shall be carried
out expeditiously and the refilling of trenches shall be commenced and completed
as soon as reasonably practicable. Pipe laying and embedding of pipes shall follow
closely after trench excavation and the Contractor shall not permit unreasonably
excessive lengths of trench excavation to remain open for any reason.
All ductile iron and PVC pipes shall be laid on a 150 mm compacted sand bed and
shall be embedded by sand to a level of 300 mm above the top of the pipes.
Embedding material shall be placed by hand and compacted in layers of not more
than 100 mm thickness after compaction. The material shall be compacted to at
least 90 % Proctor density below and around the pipes as to provide firm and con-
tinuous support. The Contractor shall ensure that the pipe is not displaced or
damaged by the embedding operation.
Embedding of PE-HD Pipes and GRP Pipes:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
PE-HD and GRP pipes shall be laid on a 100 mm + 1/5 ND mm compacted sand
bed and embedded by hand up to 150 mm above the top of the pipes, using the
methods described above.
Except where concrete or granular bed is specified, the bedding material for con-
crete sewers shall consist of crushed stones or gravel, be free from stones and
lumps and be graded 0/25 mm. The pipe bed shall be backfilled by hand from 100
mm + 1/5 ND mm below the bottom of the pipes to a level of 300 mm above the
top of the pipe and compacted to at least 90 % Proctor density.
Approval of Embedding:
The Contractor shall take all precautions to fix the pipes in their location. This in-
cludes expressly the bedding of pipes and partial refilling of trenches leaving the
joints exposed while awaiting pressure tests. Formal and written approval of em-
bedding shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to the testing of pipes and sew-
Where necessary, the Contractor shall adjust the moisture content of the refill
material to assist the compaction either by drying out or by sprinkling with water. A
safe amount of water shall be available at the site during backfilling of trenches.
The Contractor shall, when placing the backfilling, make due allowance for any
settlement that may occur before the end of period of maintenance. Where neces-
sary, the Contractor shall at the end of the period of maintenance remove any ex-
cess material or make up any deficiency of backfilling to specified levels.
In the event that excavated material is insufficient or unsuitable for backfilling, the
Contractor shall use imported fill material from approved borrow pits. Where di-
rected by the Engineer, trench excavations shall be backfilled with concrete, class
C 12/15.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to dispose off all surplus backfill
and unsuitable excavated material from any part of the Work. The material shall
be disposed off-site and shall become the property of the Contractor who will be
entirely responsible for its removal from the site and its ultimate disposal.
The Contractor shall clean the site and the surrounding ground immediately after
completion of works and leave the construction sites clean and tidy to the satisfac-
tion of the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.10.8 Embankments
Should the material being placed as filling, while acceptable at the time of selec-
tion, become unacceptable to the Engineer due to exposure to weather conditions
or due to flooding or become puddled, soft or segregated during the progress of
the works, the Contractor shall at his own expense remove such damaged, sof-
tened or segregated material and replace it with fresh approved material.
Hardcore shall be hard inert material passing a 75 mm sieve and be free from
clay, silt, soil and vegetable matter and shall not deteriorate in the presence of wa-
Hardcore shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness after consoli-
dation and each layer shall be compacted by mechanical means. The final surface
of hardcore shall be blinded with fine crushed stone and thoroughly compacted.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(a) The top 30 cm of the pipe trench (below the top of the base) shall be filled
with graded aggregate, watered, placed in layers of 15 cm thickness and
compacted to not less than 95% Proctor density. At pipeline crossings, the
top 30 cm of the trench shall be filled with plane concrete C 12/15.
(b) At the top of the base, the width of the trench shall be increased for 15 cm
on each side. In order to ensure appropriate adjustment of the surfaces
the Contractor shall use such methods as will ensure the breaking of the
pavement along straight lines, preferably by cutting. The face of the re-
maining pavement shall be approximately vertical.
(c) The surface shall be restored in accordance with the existing situation
and/or the direction of the Engineer.
After excavation has been reinstated, the Contractor shall carry out such work as
approved by the Engineer for permanent restoration of such barriers.
In case of hedges, the section removed shall be replaced by saplings of the ap-
propriate species and on both sides by providing an adequate post and barbed
wire fence. During the period of maintenance all hedges replanted in the above
manner shall be inspected and any dead sapling replaced by the Contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Unit price for reinstatement of backfilled surfaces shall include the following:
The stock-piles of topsoil shall be grasses and kept free of weeds by treatment
with a foliar acting herbicide.
1.10.11 Trees
Any damage to the canopy of trees of girth greater than 900 mm shall be treated
at the Contractor's expense by an approved tree surgeon as promptly as possible
after the damage occurring or on any instruction from the Engineer.
Replacement trees and hedges shall be planted in the appropriate season and
shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense if they fail or are damaged as a re-
sult of the Contractor's activities.
Stone drains shall be reinstated using 20 mm clean stone. The trench shall be
lined and covered with a porous geo-textile before backfilling with subsoil and top-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi General
The Contractor shall furnish all equipment and materials necessary for collecting
samples and carry out field laboratory tests on materials for earthworks. Labora-
tory equipment shall be housed in a suitable building on site which shall also in-
corporate space for the storage of field test equipment.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the sub-grade, backfill and fill layers have been
placed and compacted to densities below the specified limits, the Contractor shall
provide additional compaction and testing until satisfactory results are attained or
remove certain sections of the work and reconstruct them according to the Speci-
fications at his own expense.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
All holes made for the purpose of tests shall be restored by the Contractor to
conform to the characteristics of the adjacent layers. This work shall be conducted
at the Contractor’s expense.
Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, materials, services, safety
measures, etc., as well as, and if so requested by the Engineer, all tests and sam-
ples required for the completion of the work shall be included in the other item and
prices entered in the Bill of Quantities. Hence, the auxiliary works comprise, but
are not necessarily limited to, the following:
(a) Removing and storing of boundary stones, bench marks, etc., protection
of surveying points and designation by means of boards, survey and pro-
tection of all secondary survey points, profiles, etc.;
(b) Difficulties to be overcome where excavation may have to be carried out in
layers or by hand;
(c) Keeping off or diversion of water, any pumping, required, difficult work
caused by water, etc.;
(d) Removal of any groins, buried pipes, wattle work, fascines and the like
that might interfere with excavation profiles, irrespective of whether or not
such structures are specified in the Bill of Quantities;
(e) Difficulties resulting from the specifications relating to fills, compaction
tests, eliminating unsuitable material from fills, and, if necessary, mixing of
different soil materials;
(f) Transport of excavated material to fill or deposit, placing and spreading in
layers according to conditions and drawings, and careful compaction;
(g) Difficulties in transport due to existing subsoil conditions;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(h) Grading of intermediate and top fill surfaces and slopes to lines and levels
(i) Sorting of excavated material which, if necessary, is to be used for special
(j) Any expenditure for providing, maintaining and later removal of drive ways
and roads, providing, placing, maintaining and later removal of conveying
and dumping equipment that might be required.
1.11.1 General Scope
Concrete Works as specified hereunder shall include the supply of materials,
mixing of concrete, formwork, reinforcement, placing, compaction and curing of
concrete and site clearance after completion of works.
The bid prices entered in the Bill of Quantities shall fully include the value of works
described under the several items and shall cover the cost of all labour, subsi-
dence, travelling, materials, temporary works, yards and stockpiles, sampling and
testing and any other expenses whatsoever together with all risks, liabilities and
obligations set forth or implied in the Contract Documents.
When concrete surfaces are stripped, the concrete when viewed in good light from
3 metres away shall be pleasing in appearance, and at 6 metres shall show no vis-
ible defects.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Class C 12/15: for plain concrete only for fill in trenches, for blind-
ing and for screed
for plain and reinforced concrete for screed and en-
Class C 30/37 and C 35/45: for watertight concrete in tanks, channels, man-
holes, thrust blocks and where especially directed
by the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(a) manufacturer’s test sheets with each consignment of cement and admix-
tures certifying the compliance with the relevant standards;
(b) certification of the calibration of weighing and dispensing equipment on the
batch mixing plant;
(c) the certified test results for all tests carried out on aggregates, water, fresh
and hardened concrete.
In case of doubts, new tests shall be executed upon the Engineer’s direction at the
Contractor’s expense.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, not later than 3 weeks before the
commencement of concreting drawings, showing his proposals for placing con-
crete and the position of all construction joints which have to be located as not to
impair the strength of the structure. No concreting shall start until the Engineer has
approved concrete placing and the position and form of construction joints. Re-
bates, keys or notches shall be formed and water stops inserted as the Engineer
may require.
The position of construction joints and the size of formwork panels shall be so co-
ordinated that where possible the line of any construction joint coincides with the
line of a formwork joint and that in any case all construction joint lines and form-
work joint lines appear as a regular and uniform series.
For all exposed horizontal joints and purposely inclined joints, a uniform joint shall
be formed with a batten of approved dimensions to give a straight and neat joint
At contraction joints a sealant shall be set in a caulking groove formed in the con-
crete. Expansion joints shall be provided with joint filler.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Visible horizontal construction joints shall be placed against a timber strip set in
the shuttering to ensure a straight line.
Kickers for walls and columns shall always be used. Kickers shall be at least 70
mm high and shall be incorporated with the previous concrete.
Expansion joints shall be spaced no greater than six (6) meters apart to divide the
paved surface into blocks six (6) meters square maximum.
1.11.2 Materials Cement
All cement used on the Work shall be standard brand Portland cement from a
single approved source conforming to the requirements of Portland cement class
CEM III B 32.5 NWS in accordance to DIN 1164. Cement used in the works for
structural parts underground or in contact with sea- or wastewater shall be salt and
sulphate-resisting Portland cement. The source of cement shall not be changed
without prior approval of the Engineer.
Cement has to be delivered to the site of works in the original sealed and branded
bags. No cement shall be used which has been manufactured 6 months prior to its
proposed use on site or which has been in storage for more than 3 months.
The Contractor shall provide from each consignment of cement delivered to the
site such samples as the Engineer may require for testing. Any cement which con-
tains, in the opinion of the Engineer, air set or hardened lumps, re-powdered air-
set material, foreign matter of contamination or what is unsatisfactory for any rea-
son whatsoever shall be rejected and the Contractor shall promptly remove any
such cement from the site. Cement which has been stored on site for more than
40 days shall not be used in the works, unless it is retested and it complies with
the relevant standard. Aggregates
Aggregates shall be hard, durable and clean and shall not contain deleterious
material in such form or quantity as to adversely affect the strength of concrete.
The aggregates shall be obtained from an approved source, shall be washed
clean and shall conform to the requirements of DIN 1045.
The portions of fine and coarse aggregates to be used for the preparation of each
class of concrete shall be approved by the Engineer. For this purpose samples of
aggregate proposed by the Contractor for use in the Works shall be submitted to
the Engineer for testing. The Engineer will carry out all tests at the Contractor’s
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
expense. Sampling and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the re-
quirements of the appropriate clause of DIN 4226.
The aggregates to be supplied shall not give rise to any alkaline reaction with the
cement, weather silica or carbonate. In addition, the soluble chloride and sulphate
content of the aggregates shall be such that the concrete mix as a whole complies
with the specified limits of the salt content. Tests for chlorides and for potential al-
kaline reaction shall be carried out when required by the Engineer at the Contrac-
tor’s expense.
The Contractor shall ensure that graded coarse aggregate is not segregated dur-
ing tipping, storing and removal from storage. Fine aggregate shall not be used
unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is conditioned to acceptable and uniform
moisture content. If necessary to meet this requirement, the Contractor shall pro-
tect the heaps against weather and condition fine aggregate in accordance to re-
quirements. Water
Water for washing aggregates and for mixing of concrete shall be in accordance
with DIN 1045 and DIN 4030 and shall be clean and free from objectionable quan-
tities of organic matter, alkali, salts and other impurities. If not otherwise directed
or approved, the water for concrete mixing shall be drawn from the public supply at
the Contractor’s expense. The water shall enter the mixer at the lowest possible
temperature and shall not exceed 30°C. During the execution of works the Con-
tractor shall ensure that sufficient quantities of water for production and curing of
concrete are available on site at all times. Admixtures
The use of admixtures is to be avoided whenever possible. At the request of the
Contractor or the Engineer, but in either case at the expense of the Contractor, an
admixture may be added to the concrete in order to control the set, to effect water
reduction and to increase workability. Such admixture shall not contain calcium
chloride and it shall be used in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ad-
mixtures shall not be used unless the Engineer has given his approval.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.11.3 Concrete Consistency
The quantity of water added to a batch of concrete shall be in accordance with DIN
1045-2, just sufficient to produce a concrete which, in the judgement of the Engi-
neer, can be placed properly without segregation and which can be compacted by
vibration to give the desired density, impermeability and smoothness of surface.
The quantity of water shall be changed as necessary, with variations in the nature
or moisture content of the aggregates, to maintain uniform production of a desired
consistency. The consistency of the concrete shall be determined in accordance
with DIN 1048.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If the average value of the compressive strength of the nine cylinders taken from
any trial mix is less than the target mean strength or any individual cylinder test re-
sult falls below 85% of the target mean strength, the Contractor shall redesign the
mix and make a further trial mix.
If ready-mixed concrete is accepted, the Contractor shall certify the Engineer that
the ready-mixed concrete complies with the Specifications in all respects, and that
the manufacturing and delivery resources of the proposed supplier as well as traf-
fic conditions are adequate to ensure proper and timely completion of each con-
creting operation.
Grouting materials that will be in contact with water shall be of non-metallic and
non-toxic type.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.11.5 Reinforcement
(a) manufacturer’s test certificates for each delivery of reinforcing steel, show-
ing the country of origin and tests;
(b) manufacturer’s data on accessories;
(c) all reinforcement drawings and bending schedules prepared by the Con-
Before concrete is placed against any formwork, the reinforcement shall be in-
spected by the Contractor and offered for inspection and approval by the Engineer.
In no case concreting shall be commenced prior to the inspection of the rein-
forcement and the formwork by the Engineer and his written approval to proceed
with concreting. The approval procedure should be preferably supported by a
‘pour-card’ system. Accessories
The Contractor shall supply all accessories such as reinforcing steel supports,
hold-downs, spreaders, hangers, tie wire and all other incidentals necessary to
complete an acceptable installation of all concrete reinforcement.
All accessories shall be of steel with the exception of spacers to maintain concrete
cover. If not otherwise directed by the Engineer, the concrete spacers shall be in
the form of a truncated cone or pyramid and shall be used with the larger face to-
wards reinforcing steel.
Loose rust, mill scale, oil, grease, earth paint or any other material impairing the
bond between the concrete and the reinforcement has to be removed before steel
fixing. Reinforcing steel shall be stored under cover on wooden support, elevated
from the ground surface.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Tolerances
1.11.6 Formwork Submissions
The following submissions are required by the Specifications:
(a) design and shop drawings for formwork;
(b) layout of panels.
Before concrete is placed against any formwork, the formwork shall be inspected
by the Contractor and offered for inspection and approval by the Engineer. In no
case concreting shall be commenced prior to the inspection of the framework by
the Engineer and his written approval to proceed with concreting.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Requirements
Formwork shall be constructed of timber, sheet metal or other approved material.
The Contractor shall furnish all struts, braces and ties to withstand the placing and
vibrating of concrete. Except, when otherwise expressly approved by the Engineer,
all material brought on the site as forms, struts or braces shall be new material.
For each class of finish the Contractor shall present sample panels to the satisfac-
tion of the Engineer. If the sample panels do not meet the requirements, in the
opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall present new samples. Sample panels
shall not be less than 2 m² in area.
Form ties with integral water stops shall be provided in a cork or other suitable
means for forming a conical hole to ensure that the form tie may be broken off
back of the face of the concrete. The maximum diameter of removable cones for
rod ties, or of other removable form tie fasteners having a circular cross section,
shall not exceed 40 mm and all such fasteners shall be such as to leave holes of
regular shape for reaming. Holes left by the removal of fasteners having from the
end of snap-ties or form ties shall be reamed with suitable toothed reamers so as
to leave the surfaces of the holes clean and rough before being filled with mortar.
Wire ties for holding forms will not be permitted.
No form-tying device or part thereof, other than metal, shall be left embedded in
the concrete, not shall any tie be removed in such manner as to leave a hole ex-
tending through the interior of the concrete member. The use of snap-ties which
cause spalling of the concrete upon form stripping or tie removal will not be permit-
ted. If steel panel forms are used, rubber grommets shall be provided where the
ties pass through the form in order to prevent loss of cement paste.
Where metal rods extending through the concrete are used to support or to
strengthen forms, the rods shall remain embedded and shall terminate not less
than 50 mm back from the surface in the case of reinforced concrete and 150 mm
in the case of un-reinforced concrete.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(a) All forms shall be true in every respect to the required shape and size,
shall conform to the established alignment and grade and shall be of suffi-
cient strength and rigidity to maintain their position and shape under the
loads and operations incident to placing and vibrating the concrete.
(b) Concrete construction joints will not be permitted at locations other than
those shown on approved shop drawings. When a second lift is placed on
hardened concrete, special precautions shall be taken in the location and
tightening of ties at the top of the old lift and the bottom of the new to pre-
vent any unsatisfactory effect whatsoever on the concrete.
(c) All exposed arises and exterior corners shall be chamfered (30x30 mm),
unless specifically shown otherwise in the drawings or directed by the En-
(d) All vertical surfaces of concrete members shall be formed, unless place-
ment of the concrete against the ground is called for and explicitly autho-
rized by the Engineer. Permission for placing concrete against trimmed
ground in lieu of forms will be granted only for members of limited height
and where the properties of the ground allow for it.
(e) Top formwork shall be used on any inclined concrete surface steeper than
15 ° to the horizontal.
Class B: Finish for surfaces which are exposed to view but where the highest
standard of finish is not required. Forms shall be faced with wrought
boards with square edges arranged in a uniform pattern or, alterna-
tively, with plywood or metal panels which are free from defects disturb-
ing the general appearance.
Class C: Finish for surfaces which are not exposed to view. The formwork shall
consist of boards, sheet metal or any other material which will prevent
the loss of materials during placing and vibrating of concrete.
Where the class of finish is not specified, the concrete shall be finished in accor-
dance to the requirements of class B surfaces.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Faces of formwork in contact with concrete shall be free from adhering matter,
projecting nails and the like, split or other defects, and shall be clean and free from
stagnant water, dirt, shavings, chippings or other foreign matter. Joints shall be
sufficiently water tight to prevent the escape of mortar or the formation of fins or
other blemishes on the face of the concrete. Tolerances
The permissible tolerances in the finished faces of shuttered concrete shall, if not
otherwise directed, not exceed the following values:
The period of time elapsing between the placing of the concrete and the striking of
the formwork shall be as approved by the Engineer and shall be in any case not
less than the period stated in DIN 1045-3. If not otherwise directed, the striking
times for formwork shall be as follows:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.11.7 Joints
Concrete placed to form the face of a construction joint shall have all laitance re-
moved and the large aggregate exposed prior to the placing of fresh concrete.
The laitance shall wherever practicable be removed when the concrete has set but
not hardened by spraying the concrete surface with water under pressure or
brushing with a wire brush sufficient to remove the outer mortar skin and expose
the large aggregate without being disturbed. Where the laitance cannot be re-
moved due to hardening of the concrete, the whole of the concrete surface form-
ing the joint shall be treated by high pressure water jet, sand blasting, use of a
needle gun or a scaling hammer to remove the surface laitance.
a) General:
Bonding shall be required at all joints in walls, except where otherwise shown or
Concrete next to water stops shall be placed in accordance with below.
b) Construction joint sealant:
Where required, construction joints in floor slabs shall be formed with grooves
which shall be filled with a construction joint sealant. The materials used for form-
ing the grooves shall be left in the grooves until just before the grooves are
cleaned and filled with joint sealant. After removing the form from the grooves, all
laitance and fins shall be removed and the grooves shall be sandblasted. The
grooves shall be allowed to become thoroughly dry, after which they shall be blown
out, immediately thereafter, they shall be primed and filled with the construction
joint sealant. The primer used shall be supplied by the same manufacturer supply-
ing the sealant. No sealant will be permitted to be used without a primer. Care
shall be used to completely fill the sealant grooves. Areas designated to receive a
sealant fillet shall be thoroughly cleaned, as outlined for the grooves, prior to appli-
cation of the sealant. The sealant shall be two-pack polyurethane polymer de-
signed for bounding to concrete which is continuously submerged in water. No ma-
terial will be acceptable which has an unsatisfactory history as to bond or durability
when used in the joints of hydraulic structures. Prior to ordering the sealant mate-
rial, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval sufficient data to show
general compliance with the specification requirements.
Work life 45-90 min. time to reach "All hardness (at 25°C, 200 gr. quantity)
20 hrs max.
Ultimate hardness 20-40 shore "A"
Tensile strength 16 kg/cm² min
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Certified test reports from the sealant manufacturer on the actual batch of material
being supplied indicating compliance with the above requirements shall be fur-
nished to the Engineer before the sealant is used on the job. The primer and seal-
ant shall be placed strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the manu-
facturer, taking special care to properly mix the sealant prior to application. Before
any sealant is placed, the persons carrying out the work shall be carefully in-
structed as to the proper method of application. All sealant shall cure at least 7
days before the structure is filled with water.
Physical property, sheet material:
- Tensile strength Min (kg/cm2) 120
- ultimate elongation Min (%) 350
- stiffness in flexure Min (kg/cm) 28
Accelerated Extraction:
- Tensile strength Min (kg/cm2) 105
- ultimate elongation Min (%) 300
Finished Water Stop
- Tensile strength Min (kg/cm2) 100
- ultimate elongation Min (%) 280
Field splices and joints shall be made in accordance with the water stop manufac-
turer’s instructions using a thermostatically controlled heating iron.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Vertical water stops shall be held in place with light wire ties at 45 cm centres
which shall be passed through the edge of the water stop and tied to the two cur-
tains of reinforcing steel. In placing concrete around water stops, concrete shall be
worked under the water stops by hand so as to avoid the formation of air and rock
The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the effects of climatic extremes
about the works on any material which he may desire to use in any movement
joints and shall submit for approval by the Engineer his proposals for the proper
storage handling and use of the said materials having due regard to any recom-
mendations in this connection made by manufacturers.
Water stops shall be incorporated into all expansion and contraction joints in units
which retain or exclude liquids. Water stops shall conform to the requirements
specified elsewhere.
Different types of water stop material shall not be used together in any complete
Water stops shall be fabricated into the longest practical units at the supplier’s
works and shall be continuous throughout the structure below highest water level.
Intersections and joints shall be factory made where possible.
Water stops shall be carefully maintained in the position and supported on accu-
rately profiled stop boards to create rigid conditions.
Joint filler shall be either cork/bitumen joint filler or cellular joint filler. Cork/bitumen
joint filler shall be waterproof and rot proof and shall not extrude as a result of
compression. Cork joint filler shall compress to less than 50 % of its original thick-
ness with immediate recovery to 80 % or more of its original thickness.
Cellular joint filler shall be used only for joints of low horizontal loading and shall be
pre-formed low compression joint filler made from foam rubber. Cellular joint filler
shall recover to its original thickness after each loading and unloading.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The joint filler shall be fixed to the required dimensions of the joint cross section
and shall provide a firm base for the joint sealer. Where the depth of joint between
the concrete surface and the water stop does not exceed 500 mm, filler shall be
placed in single depth sections.
Sealing of movement joints shall be carried out only when adjacent concrete sur-
faces are perfectly dry and as long after the concrete has been set as possible.
Immediately before the application of the joint sealer the groove protection batten
shall be removed in such lengths as represent a single day’s work for sealing the
The joint grooves shall be cleaned, adequately primed and filled with approved
sealer strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and on joints of
25 mm and larger with a shape factor of 2:1 (width to depth).
Sliding joints shall consist of two layers of purpose made preformed plastic mem-
brane which when in contact shall give a coefficient of friction of not more than 0.2
when subjected to a load of 270 kg /m . The lower joint bedding surface formed in
concrete structures shall be steel float finished to a smooth true surface.
1.11.8 Concreting
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Concrete which is, before placing, found not to be conforming to the requirements
shall be rejected and immediately removed from the site. Concrete which is not
placed in accordance with the above requirements, or which is found to be of infe-
rior quality as determined by the Engineer shall be removed and replaced by and
at the expense of the Contractor.
Concrete placing will not be permitted if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Con-
tractor does not have proper facilities available on site for placing, curing and fin-
ishing the concrete in accordance with these specifications. Compaction
As concrete is placed in forms or in excavations, it shall be thoroughly settled and
compacted, throughout the entire depth of the layer which is being consolidated,
into a dense, homogenous mass, filling the form completely, thoroughly embed-
ding the reinforcement, eliminating air and aggregate pockets and bringing only a
small amount of excess water to the surface of concrete during placing.
For compaction the Contractor shall use power driven vibrators supplemented by
hand spading and tamping, except as otherwise approved by the Engineer. A suf-
ficient number (including standby) of appropriate sizes vibrators shall be at all
times available on site.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If the content of cement is lower than 240 kg/m³, the temperature of the concrete
may not be lower than + 10° C. At ambient temperatures of below – 3° C the tem-
perature of the concrete used must be at least + 10° C and must subsequently be
kept at this temperature (+ 10° C) for at least 3 days. With the approval of the En-
gineer, also the following procedures may be applied:
- warm the mixing water and possibly also the aggregates; the temperature
of the unset concrete may not exceed + 30° C (aggregates should not be
used when they are frozen);
- use of heat insulating shuttering;
- delayed stripping of formwork;
- enclosing the building works with canvas shelters
- addition of heat; during this process the water necessary to harden the
concrete may not be withdrawn.
It is not allowed to add concrete to frozen concrete parts and concrete damaged
by frost has to be removed before concreting continues.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
All concrete shall be cured by protecting the surface from the effects of sun, drying
winds, rain, running water or mechanical damage for a continuous period of at
least seven days by:
- keeping wooden formwork wet until it is removed;
- covering the concrete surface with burlap mats and keeping them wet;
- covering the surface with moist earth (not before 4h and not longer than
24 hours after concreting);
- spraying the surface with water or a liquid curing compound.
Any concrete found to be damaged, which may have been originally defective,
which becomes defective prior to the final acceptance of the completed work or
which does not conform to the Specification, shall be satisfactorily repaired or re-
moved and replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.
When the tests on control samples of concrete fall below the required strength, the
Engineer will permit check tests for strengths to be made by means of cores drilled
from the structure. In case of failure of the latter, the Engineer, in addition to other
recourses, may require at the Contractor's expense, load tests on any slabs,
beams, piles, caps, walls and columns in which such concrete was used. Tests
need not be made until the concrete has aged 60 days.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Patching
Immediately after removal of shuttering, the Contractor shall remove plugs and
break off metal ties as required herein. Holes shall be promptly filled by moistening
the hole with water, followed with a 1.5 mm brush coat of neat cement slurry mixed
to the consistency of a heavy paste. The hole shall immediately be plugged with a
1:1.5 mixture of cement and fine aggregate slightly damp to the touch. Grout shall
be hammered into the hole until dense, and an excess of paste appears on the
surface. The surface shall be trowelled smooth with heavy pressure, avoiding bur-
Formwork tie holes in the exposed exterior walls and interior walls shall likewise be
immediately filled except that the holes shall be filled only to the depth shown on
the Drawings. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that the colour of the grout
used to fill these holes is the same as that of the parent concrete.
When patching or repairing exposed surfaces the same source of cement and
sand as used in the parent concrete shall be employed. The colour shall be ad-
justed, if necessary, with the addition of proper amounts of white cement. The sur-
face shall be rubbed lightly with a fine carborundrum stone at an age of 1 to 5
days, if necessary, to bring it even with the parent concrete. Care shall be exer-
cised to avoid damaging or staining the virgin skin of the surrounding parent con-
crete. The surface shall be washed thoroughly to remove all rubbed matter.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
As soon as forms are removed, all exposed surfaces shall be carefully examined
and any irregularities shall be immediately rubbed or ground in a satisfactory man-
ner in order to secure a smooth and uniform surface. Plastering or coating of sur-
faces will not be permitted. No repairs shall be made until after inspection by the
Engineer and then only in strict accordance with his directions. Concrete contain-
ing voids, holes, honeycombing or similar depressions shall be completely re-
moved and replaced.
Individual pipes of a complex pipe system shall not be built into the concrete struc-
tures before accurate fitting of the whole system. Where openings are made or
holes are formed, these shall be of size and shape sufficient to permit proper plac-
ing and compaction of concrete or grout. The surfaces shall be treated to produce
a bonded surface before installation of plant.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If requested to do so, the Contractor shall institute a “pour card“ system in which a
card is made out for each lift of concrete and is initialled by the Contractor and the
Engineer confirming that the inspections have been carried out. The “pour card“
shall include spaces to identify the concrete being placed and to signify the com-
pletion of the inspections by the Contractor and the Engineer in regard to:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The grading of all aggregates shall be within specified limits. Should the fraction of
aggregate retained on any sieve differ from the corresponding fraction of aggre-
gate in the approved mix by more than 5 % of the total quantity of fine and coarse
aggregate, the Engineer may instruct the Contractor to alter the relative portions of
the aggregates in the mix to allow for such differences.
Unless particularly specified, for each grade of concrete works test cubes shall be
made whenever required by the Engineer but not less frequently than one set of
cubes per 25 m³ or part thereof concreted per day.
Each set of cubes (six cubes per set) shall be made from a single sample of a
concrete batch taken by random. Each three cubes shall be tested 7 and 28 days
after manufacture. When requested by the Engineer, additional set of cubes shall
be made for testing 3 days after manufacture. Test reports shall be submitted to
the Engineer in duplicate.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If one cube result fails to meet the second requirement, the result may be consid-
ered to represent only the particular batch of concrete from which the cube was
taken, provided that the average strength of the group satisfies the first require-
If more than one cube in a group fails to meet the second requirement or if the av-
erage strength of any group of four consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first
requirement, then all the concrete in all the batches represented by such cubes
shall be deemed not to comply with strength requirements.
The Contractor shall, within 24 hours of the date of testing, make proposals for
agreement with the Engineer about actions to be taken in respect of any concrete
represented by the test cubes which fail to meet either of the requirements. These
proposals may include, but shall not be limited to, cutting and testing cores.
Concrete, which ultimately does not comply with any of the requirements of the
Specification shall be broken out and replaced or otherwise dealt with as agreed
by the Engineer at the expense of the Contractor.
Furthermore, the Engineer may order additional cement to be added to the mix
immediately. The mixes used may also be changed whenever, in the opinion of the
Engineer, such change is necessary or desirable to secure the required workabil-
ity, density, impermeability, surface finish and strength, and the Contractor shall
not be entitled to additional compensation because of such changes.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Application and use of any such product shall be in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
The Contractor must submit his method statement for correctly measuring the
thickness of the applied seal to the Engineer for approval.
The resin shall be suitable for use in food processing and inert with respect to
chlorinated water. The agreement of the Engineer will be required to permit use of
this product.
In order to ensure proper watertightness, keep to the contract timetable and mini-
mise the consumption of water by multiple tests of watertightness, the Engineer
may require the Contractor, after two unsatisfactory tests, to proceed with resin in-
jection work while the water-retaining structures are full.
In either case the roof shall be deemed satisfactory provide there are no visible
leaks or damp patches in the soffit.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test, any leakage visible
on the outside faces of the structure shall be stopped. Any caulking or making
good of cracks in the wall section shall, where practicable, be carried out from the
inside face.
Backfilling around concrete tank is only permitted to start once the water tightness
test has been carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.12.1 General Scope
Sewerage works, as specified hereunder, shall include the supply, laying and
testing of sewers including manholes and house connections. The bid prices en-
tered in the Bill of Quantities shall fully include the value of works described under
the several items and shall cover the cost of all labour, subsidence, travelling,
supplies, materials, fittings, temporary works, testing, re-testing if applicable),
watching, lightening, overhead charges and any other expenses whatsoever to-
gether with all risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the Contract
Flexibility shall be provided in the pipework at joints in the main structures to allow
differential settlement and thermal stresses which shall not be transferred to the
anchor blocks. Flexible joint or collars and cut pipes shall also be incorporated in
pipework where necessary to allow for some margin of error in the building work.
The pipework system shall be so designed to ensure the anchorage at blank ends,
bends, tees and valves may be kept to a minimum. The Contractor shall indicate
on his detailed drawings the blocks required to anchor pipework supplied by him.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Pipe materials shall be of the best quality of the class most suitable for working
under the conditions specified and shall withstand traffic loads, operating pressure,
corrosion and abrasion, and the variation of temperature and climatic conditions
without distortion or deterioration or the setting of undue stresses in any part of the
works and without affecting the strength or the suitability of the various parts for
the work which they have to perform.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the protection of such sewer
pipes during construction, whether or not they are shown on the drawings. The
Contractor shall carefully maintain, support and protect such sewers from injury of
any kind. Any damage resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be repaired
at his expense.
The Contractor shall not demolish or remove any existing sewers, whether indi-
cated on the Drawings or not, unless on a specific instruction from the Engineer.
During the construction period such waste water sewer lines being under operation
have to be protected, suspended and kept at all times operative. Where such
pipes have to be broken off, for instance when they cross a manhole to be newly
constructed, a temporary steel or plastic connection pipe has to be laid to maintain
the continuous waste water flow. Flooding of the construction pit or the new man-
hole shall be avoided. If the installation of such a temporary connection pipe is not
feasible, the waste water flow shall be maintained by pumping over through a tem-
porary hose pipeline. A longer interruption of the free waste water flow is not per-
All costs for the measures required to maintain the permanent waste water flow in
existing sewer pipes are deemed to be included in other work items and no addi-
tional payment will be allowed for such temporary measures.
At connection manholes e.g. where existing pipes connect to the new main collec-
tor, such existing pipes shall only be broken up and their sewage flow diverted into
the new collector, once the new sewerage system has been fully completed,
tested and passed all tests under dry conditions.
At the commencement of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit for the approval
of the Engineer a method statement detailing his proposal for pipe laying and re-
lated activities at the site.
The method statement shall be submitted within 14 days after the awarding of the
Contract and shall include:
(a) location, size and security arrangements of all proposed storage areas for
(b) methods of loading, off-loading and transporting pipes and precast con-
crete sections from the point of production or point of importation to the
storage area;
(c) methods of loading, transporting and stringing out of pipes from the stor-
age area to the pipeline routes;
(d) method of excavation of pipe trenches including plant to be used and
methods of trench dewatering to be employed;
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(e) material to be used for bedding and surrounding of pipes and backfilling of
pipe trenches together with plant to be used and methods of compaction
to be employed;
(f) details of the proposed order of work incorporating the specified checks
and hydraulic testing.
The methods for pipe laying, jointing, bedding and backfilling recommended by the
pipe manufacturer shall be strictly adhered to. In cases of conflicts between the
manufacturer’s recommended methods and this Specification, the decision of the
Engineer will prevail.
The Contractor shall also submit on request and for the approval of the Engineer,
before ordering of materials:
- type of materials to be used, dimensions, thickness, lengths, shape,
weight, class, tolerance limits and quality;
- standard to which the item is manufactured, details of specials, adapters,
fittings and joints;
- coating and lining methods.
Inspection or approval by the Engineer of any equipment or materials shall not re-
lease the Contractor from any of his obligations under this Contract.
All sewers will be tested for water tightness and inspected for straightness and
obstructions. In the case of unsuccessful test results, the Contractor has to repair
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
and make good the defaults observed or to dismantle and reconstruct defective
pipe sections at his own expense.
Concrete pipes should be made of sulphate resistant cement and show smooth
inside and outside surfaces without honey-combed texture. The pipes, whether
fresh or hardened, should not be treated, brushed or coated using water, cement
grout, mortar or any other material. Pipes should not show cracks or penetrating
holes. Pipes which do not comply with these requirements shall be rejected and
removed from the site immediately.
Pipes with diameter 300 and less may be without reinforcement provided they
meet the requirements of extra strength pipe class. Pipes with diameter 400 and
above shall comply with DIN 4035. In the case, pipes are manufactured in accor-
dance to other standards, pipes with diameter 400 and 500 mm shall be reinforced
by centric simple layer in both directions; pipes with diameter 600 mm and more
shall be reinforced by centric double layer in both directions.
Concrete pipes and fittings shall not be dispatched from the factory before 28 days
have elapsed after manufacturing.
For the cutting of pipes, mechanical sawing machines shall be used such that the
piece meets the requirements of the whole pipe. No hammering or chiselling will
be allowed.
As a standard, the HD-PE pipes shall be connected by butt welding. Butt welding
of the polyethylene pipes has to be carried out in accordance to the requirements
specified by the pipe supplier.
For the connection of PE-HD pipes into cast-in-place or pre-cast concrete man-
holes, a FRIAFIT ASF sewage shaft lining and the corresponding FRIAFIT ASF
sewage insert socket, or equal, shall be used. At the connection of PE - HD pipes
to a concrete shaft with a sewage shaft inlining and sewage socket, welding at the
connection point is not permitted, thus no nominal tension stresses are transmitted
onto the concrete structure.
Any or all materials and manufactured articles supplied by the Contractor shall, if
so required by the Engineer, be tested in advance at the Contractor’s expense in
accordance with the tests specified in the relative German or other approved
equivalent standards.
The Contractor shall arrange for a co-operation with a certified testing lab for the
needed testing (third party control). Mill testing of sewerage pipes shall include one
sample of 3 pipes for every 500 m.
Before signing the Contract, the Contractor shall inform the Employer of the name
of the control party he intends to engage, and obtain the Employers approval.
nances are to be delivered, and also maintain shelters of sufficient size and capac-
ity to store the materials and to protect them from the effects of weather. The Con-
tractor shall be responsible for cleaning, levelling and enclosing the storage site
and shall provide all necessary security.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out all tests he considers neces-
sary to ensure that all pipes, fittings, valves and other appurtenances are in accor-
dance with the Contract, on his own responsibility. The Engineer may witness such
tests without incurring any responsibility for the materials.
The Contractor shall at all reasonable times allow the Engineer or the Employer
free access to any place for inspection and testing. In all cases the Contractor
shall satisfy the Engineer that all plant has been delivered in good and clean condi-
tion, such that identification markings are clear and that stock piling is in an ap-
proved manner.
The Contractor shall keep detailed records in a form to be approved by the Engi-
neer of all pipes, fittings and other pipe appurtenances, showing the quantities of
each type and class which have been
- received by the Contractor during the course of the works;
- declared on delivery to be faulty, damaged or deficient,
- broken, damaged or lost during the course of the works;
- found to be surplus to the requirements and held by the Contractor.
Such records shall be updated and delivered by the Contractor to the Engineer on
a monthly basis.
The Contractor shall comply with the Engineer’s instructions as to the disposal,
repair or replacement of any pipe, fitting or valve which has been notified as being
faulty, damaged or missing.
1.12.3 Manholes Manholes
Manholes and valve chambers shall be located as indicated on Contract Drawings
or directed by the Engineer.
In-situ concrete manholes and valve chambers shall comply with the applicable
specified requirements for Earth Works and Concrete Works. Unless otherwise
specified, typical manholes and inspection chambers placed in the sewerage net-
work shall be made of pre-cast bottom parts and pre-cast circular manhole rings,
cones and levelling rings of appropriate size and diameters as shown on Typical
Drawings and in accordance with the requirements of DIN 4034.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
All manholes and inspection chambers shall be placed at all changes in direction,
either horizontally and vertically, and connections to sewer lines. They shall be
constructed with incoming and outgoing pipes neatly and truly concreted in, com-
plete with benching, iron steps and manhole cover as specified herein and shown
on Typical Drawings.
All manhole covers shall be equipped with dirt pans. Unless otherwise specified,
all covers shall be provided with approved corrosion resistant locking mechanism
and provisions for lifting. Holes provided in covers for lifting shall be appropriately
shaped pockets and there shall be no projections above cover level.
If not otherwise specified, heavy duty covers and frames shall be installed in all
roads, streets and highways of width exceeding 3 m.
Unless otherwise directed, cast iron covers shall have the following bearing capac-
(a) medium duty cover and frame shall withstand a load of not less than 25 t;
(b) heavy duty cover and frame shall withstand a load of not less than 40 t. Steps
If not otherwise specified, steps in manholes and inspection chambers shall com-
ply with the specifications of DIN 1211 (short) or DIN 1212 (long) or be made of
cast-iron with rubber coating, well covered against erosion and of 25 mm diameter,
dimension 300x270 mm. The steps shall be installed in a staggered pattern at not
more than 300 mm centers and well grouted.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Pipes and pre-cast concrete parts shall be handled with utmost care and the Con-
tractor shall provide cranes and other appliances approved by the Engineer wher-
ever it is necessary to lift or lower pipes or other specials.
For the handling of pipes slings of canvas, rubber belting or special fittings shaped
to fit the pipe ends shall be used. Pipes shall not be lifted by hooks nor shall they
be dropped or dragged.
The height of the load for the various items shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. Each load shall be secured by ropes
or other lashing arrangement so that the pipes do not move or chafe and suitable
padding shall be used to ensure that the pipe is not damaged by these lashings.
Pipe specials shall be supported by sandbags or other padding and lashed down
as described above so that they are not damaged during transport.
Material found to be damaged or defective shall be rejected and removed from the
site. Spigot and socket ends of pipes shall be examined with particular care. Any
damaged pipe shall be laid aside for inspection by the Engineer who will prescribe
corrective repairs or rejection. Any materials which fail or become damaged must
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
be replaced with new or repaired materials as decided by the Engineer and without
cost to the Employer.
If damage occurs to any pipes, fittings or pipe accessories in handling, the dam-
age shall be brought forthwith to the Engineer’s attention. The Engineer shall pre-
scribe corrective repairs or reject the damaged items. The Contractor shall stand
the expense of repairing and replacing the same.
All pipes shall be laid in accordance with the alignment, levels and gradients as
finally authorized by the Engineer. The finished pipeline shall run straight between
the manholes and/or inspection chambers.
The bottom of the trenches shall be graded and prepared to provide a firm and
uniform bearing throughout the entire length of pipe and bell holes. The Contractor
shall inform the Engineer sufficiently in advance when the formation levels of the
trenches are ready for inspection. No pipe laying shall be allowed until the bottom
of trenches has been inspected and approved by the Engineer.
The pipe shall be positioned and bedded in the trenches in an approved manner
and properly aligned. Before being positioned, each pipe shall be thoroughly ex-
amined to ensure that it is free from defects and shall have all dirt removed from
the inside thereof. The Contractor shall lay the pipe in accordance to professional
practice and install all fittings and specials as may be necessitated for the proper
execution of the works. The Contractor shall joint the pipes in accordance with the
Specification and to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The jointing of all pipes shall be carried out in strict accordance with the manufac-
turer’s instructions to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply
all the materials, equipment and tools required for the proper jointing of the pipes
at his own cost. All joint holes have to remain uncovered until passing the pre-
scribed pressure test in accordance with the Specification and to the Engineer’s
The whole inside and outside area forming the joint of pipes and fittings shall be
thoroughly cleaned before laying. Every precaution shall be made to prevent for-
eign material entering the pipes. During laying operation no debris, tools, cloth or
other material shall be placed in the pipe.
After placing a length of the pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centred in
the socket (or corresponding) and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line
and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material
(preferable concrete B 5-10 on fine sand) tamped under it, except at the joint.
Pipes shall be laid in such a manner that the whole body of the pipe is in contact
with the bedding. Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint
The finished pipeline shall run straight between the bends and curves and a uni-
form gradient shall be accurately maintained between changes of gradient shown
on Drawings or authorized by the Engineer. All pipelines must be inspected and
approved by the Engineer before they are tested and finally covered.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Except where welded steel pipelines or self anchoring joints are used, thrusts from
bends and branches in pressure pipelines shall be resisted by concrete thrust
blocks cast in contact with undisturbed ground. For water tightness test of pipe-
lines, the excavation for thrust (anchor) blocks has to be backfilled, to guarantee,
that the necessary counterweight for the forces resulting from the pipeline will be
Thrust blocks shall be allowed to develop adequate strength before any internal
pressure is applied to the pipeline.
Plastic pipes shall be wrapped with a layer of plastic sheeting before being sur-
rounded by concrete.
Open ends shall be stopped with plugs, caps or blank flanges properly jointed.
Potable water shall be used for the cleansing, testing and swabbing of pipelines
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Stand pipes for extracting water from
the public supply system shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
supply authority. As a minimum a check valve system shall be provided between
the public supply and the item being filled to prevent the possibility of back sipho-
The Contractor shall provide all labour, testing equipment (including additional
pipework jointing material, stoppers, and blank flanges) and shall fill the pipes with
water and subsequently empty them after test, all to the approval of the Engineer.
Water drained from the pipes shall be discharged in a way that does not affect the
stability of the Works or adjacent structures.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 3 clear working days beforehand
of his intention to test a section of pipeline.
Carrying out visual checks, the Contractor shall ensure that no unprotected lights
are used in existing sewers and manholes or in any new sewers and pipelines in
which risks of explosion may be given due to the presence of gases.
Tests for straightness and obstructions and checks on infiltration shall be per-
formed on 100 % of all sewers and manholes. Tests for water tightness shall in-
clude the testing of
- 100 % of the total lengths of pipelines before covering up the pipes;
- at minimum of 5 % of the manholes before benching is made and before
backfilling and after installation of climbing irons;
- a maximum of 5 % of the lines including connections after
backfilling is completed.
Manholes and inspection chambers will be visually inspected for water tightness
against infiltration after backfilling has been completed and groundwater table is at
is highest level. Under these conditions no visible infiltration flow shall be admitted.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
backfill is placed, other than such as may be necessary for structural stability
whilst under test.
The pipelines shall be tested in lengths applicable to the construction activities and
in accordance with the program.
A further test shall be carried out when any concrete surround has been com-
pleted and when backfill has been placed and compacted to a depth of 300 mm
above the crown of the pipeline.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Pipes shall be filled with potable water and tested in sections of convenient
lengths, which must not exceed 1000 meters. Where pipes are laid with steep
gradients the length of pipes tested at any one time shall be as directed by the En-
Gauges used for testing pressure pipelines shall be capable of reading increments
of 0.1 m head. The Contractor shall be responsible for the independent calibration
of the gauge prior to commencement of testing.
The ends of pipes under test shall be closed by means of caps or blank flanges
with anchors all provided by the Contractor. Valves must not be used for this pur-
pose. All scour valves and air valves shall be replaced by blank flanges before
commencement of the test.
The pipe shall be slowly and carefully charged with water until the specified test
pressure is reached in the lowest part of the section. Pipes internally lined with
mortar shall be allowed to stand full for at least 24 hours before testing. The test
pressure shall be maintained, by pumping if necessary, for a period of one hour.
The pump shall then be disconnected, and no water addition shall occur, for a pe-
riod of one hour. At the end of this period the original pressure shall be restored by
pumping and the loss measured by drawing off water from the pipeline until the
pressure as at the end of the test is again reached.
The test pressures, unless otherwise specified, shall be 1.5 × the maximum work-
ing pressure or the maximum surge pressure, if applicable, whichever is the
The pipeline shall be accepted if the loss does not exceed 2 liters per meter no-
minal bore per kilometer length per meter head (calculated as the average head
applied to the section) per 24 hours.
During the test the pipe joints shall be inspected for leakages. Shall leakage of wa-
ter occur at the joints, the joint shall be reassembled to eliminate such leakage or,
shall this not prove possible, the Contractor shall supply and assemble new joints
at his own expense.
When the main is fully charged and all air vented, the system shall be
allowed to stabilize before the test procedure begins
Pressure shall be applied at a constant rate and the time tL taken from the
start of pressurisation to attainment of test pressure must be recorded.
The first such reading P1 is taken at any decay time t1 equal to and greater
than tL
The second reading P2 is taken at any decay time t2 equal to and greater
than 5 × tL
A third reading P3 is taken at any decay time t3 equal to and greater than
15 x tL
If the linearity of a sewer line between two manholes is not given, the Engineer
may order to dismantle and relay the pipe or to arrange for an additional manhole
at the bending ensuring the linearity between two neighbouring manholes.
Should the losses in any line tested exceed the permissible leakage by more
than 5 %, the Contractor shall, after repairing and making good any leaks, carry
out further tests to prove evidence of the permissible leakage rate. If, during iter-
ated testing the loss rate fails the permissible leakage by more than 5 %, the line
shall be dismantled and reconstructed with new pipes at the Contractor’s expense.
The above procedure shall apply also for lines and house connections which are to
be tested after backfilling, whereby a tolerance of 15 % from the permissible leak-
age rate infiltration shall be allowed.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.13.1 Scope
The Contractor shall install all piping, valves, fittings and other appurtenances as
shown on the Drawings or as required to provide a complete functioning of water
supply system.
Pipe laying includes collection of materials from the storage site, loading, transport
to Site, off-loading, storage and handling, etc. Where any part of the material has
been damaged prior to completion of installation, the Engineer may direct that the
pipe or fitting shall be rejected and if the damage occurs after the material left the
store, its replacement shall be at the cost of the Contractor.
All pipes, valves and pipe and fittings shall conform to the relevant European
Standards. The Contractor shall forward to the Engineer certificates showing that
the materials have been tested and comply with the requirements of this Specifica-
tion and the relevant Standards. Also statement of conformity shall be forwarded
to the Engineer.
Pipes shall be ordered in the maximum lengths available to minimize the number
of joints. The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of all materials in suffi-
cient quantities and shall immediately prior to placing any order, especially for im-
ported goods, ascertain the required the quantities.
Ductile iron pipes shall comply with European Standard EN 545. Unless specified
otherwise, all joints will be with TYTON socket joint acc. to DIN 28 603, with inside
cement mortar lining and outside zinc protection with cover epoxy coating. Spigot
and socket shall be sealed with continuous EPDM ring gaskets and feature a rota-
tion capacity of at least 3 . Gaskets shall be the sole elements depended on to
make the joints watertight. Prior to use, jointing materials shall be stored in a cool
place, protected from direct sunlight and frost.
The material used in the manufacture of ductile iron pipes and fittings shall comply
with ISO 2531 or equivalent. Tests on ductile iron pipes and fittings shall comply
with ISO 2531 or equivalent.
All pipes are subjected to a detailed visual inspection for any sign of external or in-
ternal defects. In the internal pressure tests with water the pipes have to withstand
the prescribed test pressure for the given type of pipe. The pipes’ cement mortar
lining will also be subjected to strict quality control – as well as checking the initial
substance, i.e. the fresh mortar, the layer applied must also adhere to the pre-
scribed thickness for the relevant nominal width.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
80 98 6 4
100 118 6 4
200 222 7 4
300 326 8 4
Pipes with cement mortar lining shall comply with National drinking water or health
Regulations where appropriate. Pipes with a wall thickness of less than that specified
for Class K9 shall not be used. Pipe ovality shall not exceed the values given in EN
545. All gaskets and adequate lubricants required in flexible joints and flanged joints
shall be supplied with pipes and fittings.
The materials for flange pipe joints shall consist of rubber insertion rings 3 mm thick
produced from EPDM with nominal hardness in the range of 70-80 IRHD. Gaskets for
flanged pipe joints shall be of the inside-bolt-circle type.
Flanges, shall be comply with ISO 2501 or ISO 7005-2 OR DIN EN 1092-2 unless oth-
erwise specified. All bolts, nuts and washers required for flanged joints and anchored
flexible pipe joints, eg "Tighbar" or equivalent, shall be supplied with pipes and fittings.
Bolts for anchored pushfit flexible pipes shall be of high tensile steel.
If not otherwise specified in BoQ or Drawings, all fitting shall be manufactured from
ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400 or GGG40 or better.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If not shown otherwise in the Drawings and/or specified in BoQ operating pressure
is 10 bar, and maximum allowable operating pressure is 16 bar. Admissible tem-
perature 70 C. Fitting shall be manufactured from ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400
(GGG40) or better. The inside and outside surface protections are protected by
epoxy fluidized bed coating (powder coating) or Rilsan.
The ductile iron fittings shall be in accordance with EN 545. The fitting are applied
to join the ductile cast iron pipes according to pipe standards EN 545, ISO 2531,
and DIN EN 969 in the pipe line system for drinking water. Tyton joints shall be as
per DIN 28603. Flanged fittings shall be drilling in accordance with EN 1092-2 or
ISO 7005-1/2. Except F, X and XR all other flange shall be loose (rotation able)
type. Appropriate gaskets for all fitting shall be made by EPDM.
If not shown otherwise in the Drawings and/or specified in BoQ operating pressure
is 10 bar, and maximum allowable operating pressure is 16 bar. Admissible tem-
perature 70 C. Fitting shall be manufactured from ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400
(GGG40) or better. The inside and outside surface protections are protected by
epoxy fluidized bed coating (powder coating) or Rilsan.
SDR 17
HDPE pipes shall have normal flammable properties (building metals class B2) in
accordance with DIN 4102, Part 1. HDPE shall be protected against UV radiation /
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
sunlight and mechanical damage. During the installation Contractor shall be kept
in mind temperature-related linear changes. If service/house connection pipes
have to be laid, as an exception, outside the building through cavities of building
sections (e.g. terrace, stairs) , they shall be installed in jacket pipes in this area.
In the case of parallel installation or intersection with lines it is recommended for
installation in opet trenches to maintain a minimum spacing of 0.2m from parallel
running pipes and 0.1m from other crossing installations.
If not otherwise specified in BoQ, pipes outside diameter up to d125 shall be deliv-
ered in coils, the larger will be delivered in parts of 12m. Pipes can be stored up to
2 years. The pipes must be stored in such a way that they are protected from ex-
posure to direct sunlight. If covered with tarpaulins, the pipes and fittings shall be
well ventilated to prevent any accumulation of heat and resultant deformation.
Transparent sheeting or tarpaulins are not suitable for covering the pipes.
The storage location should be flat and support the pipes over their entire length.
The pipes must not be stored on stones or objects with sharp edges. Gaskets
shall be always stored in a cool place protected from direct sunlight. Pipes should
not be stacked to a height exceed 1 m. The pipes must be secured at the side to
prevent them from rolling away. Contact with harmful media must be avoided.
Coils should be stored in a horizontal and not on top each other. The pipes and
pipeline parts shall be stored in such a way that they do not get dirty inside. Protec-
tion caps shall not be removed prior installation.
Pipe connections in the main cases shall be with loose flange adaptors. Flange
shall be according DIN EN 1092-2.
If not shown otherwise in the Drawings and/or specified in BoQ operating pressure
is 10 bar, and maximum allowable operating pressure is 16 bar. Each tapping
saddle is to be supplied complete with the required nuts and bolts.
If not shown otherwise in the Drawings and/or specified in BoQ operating pressure
is 10 bar, and maximum allowable operating pressure is 16 bar. Each tapping
saddle is to be supplied complete with the required nuts and bolts.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Before start of works contractor shall delivered all pipe material and main part of
equipment in storage place on territory of municipality where will be working. Engi-
neer shall confirm quantity and quality of pipe material and equipment. With deliv-
ered equipment Contractor shall show to Engineer all attests, certificates and
technical information with common name attests-technical documentation. Con-
stractor shall delivery to Engineer all of this documentation on the end of work.
The minimal attests-technical documentation for each item of BoQ shall consist of:
this type equipment is suitable for drinking water, drawings of details, mount-
ing schemes, directives. For electro equipment shall be CE certificate.
Sanitary certificate from Montenegrin's official institution. This certificate con-
firm that this type of equipment suitable for drinking water purposes.
Certificate of level of nuclear radiation from Montenegrin's official institution.
This certificate confirm that this type of equipment suitable for drinking water
Manuals for installing, using, handling. Services books, list of spare parts with
necessary catalogue numbers or markers for ordering.
Manufacturers Warranties on name of Employer. List of services located on
Balkan Peninsula. General
Installation of pipelines includes the excavation of trenches, supply, laying and
jointing of pipes and fittings, construction of beddings and foundations, manholes
and other structures in the line, testing, backfilling of trenches, and commissioning.
Pipes shall be laid in accordance with prEN805.
All plant, operation and haulage required from source or store to bring the pipes,
valves, etc., to their place of laying of fixing, including any unloading into temporary
storage areas and any subsequent reloading for haulage to the place of laying
shall be included in the supply of pipes and fittings.
During installation pipes are to be suitable anchored to prevent flotation prior to
backfilling. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval his pro-
posed method for control of the pipe laying to the correct levels and alignment.
All pipes shall be laid strictly and handled in accordance with the Manufacturer's
instructions. The pipes shall be laid into the trench on the bedding material and
joints made. During installation careful checking and supervision shall ensure that
the pipes are laid to the correct line and grade, and sealed at each joint, fitting,
branch and valve chamber or manhole.
All pipes and fittings shall be carefully examined for cracks and other defects while
suspended above the trench immediately before installation in final position. Spigot
ends shall be examined with particular care, as this area is the most vulnerable to
damage from handling. Defective pipes or fittings shall be laid aside for inspection
by the Engineer, who will prescribe corrective repairs or rejection.
The outside of the spigot end and the inside of the bell shall be wiped clean, dry
and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
b) before isolation of the pipe the Contractor shall if required provide and install
temporary pipes in HDPE materials to supply the consumers along the section
of replacement with water during the works;
c) the pipe to be replaced shall be isolated from the network. The Contractor
shall check in advance the good operation of the valves required and shall in-
stall new valves or missing valves for isolation on his own costs in case of de-
d) the temporary pipe will be laid above ground and fixed to the front of the build-
ings at a regular distance. Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, the
diameter of the temporary pipe shall not exceed 80 mm. Slabs will be laid on
the temporary pipe to enable the exit of the vehicles;
e) service connections shall be shifted from the existing connection pipe to the
temporary pipe;
f) once the new service connections have been laid and the new main pipe
tested, the new system will be put in service;
g) all the temporary pipe shall be removed and hauled to the site approved by
the Engineer.
Interruptions in potable water supply will be allowed for no more than 6 hours. In
case of any replacement the public affected due to the work needs to be informed
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
minimum 3 days before commencement of the work about the works itself and the
inconvenience which might occur during and after the work.
When installing piped services the following minimum clearances shall be pro-
walls 300 mm
ceiling 200 mm
floors 200 mm
cables and conduits 150 mm
No joint of any description shall be made in the thickness of walls, solid floors etc.
of any other position where access for maintenance is difficult.
All joints shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate International
standard and shall be made to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the
Specifications hereafter.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
which the bar is being pressed. No blocking will be allowed under the pipe, and it
shall bear evenly along its entire length on the bedding material.
Jointing PE Pipes
Generally, all buried pipes shall be jointed using either butt or electro fusion weld-
ing techniques. Small diameter pipes (D<63 mm), pipes within structures and
pipes connecting to metal fittings shall be jointed using mechanical jointing tech-
niques, such compression, flanged joints or push-fit joints. The welder and fitter
must have certificate issued by the pipe manufacturer
Cutting of the pipe shall be kept to a minimum. When cuts are necessary they
shall be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, and smooth. Cuts shall be made in
conformance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Cut ends shall then
be chamfered, and the bevelled end shall be exactly the same as the spigot end of
the pipe as manufactured at the factory.
a) for joints between two HDPE pipe sections only electro-fusion couplings shall
be used;
b) for joints to ductile iron/steel pipes (spigot): very large coupling tolerance cou-
pling shall be used;
c) for joints between HDPE pipe and flanged valves: flange spigot piece like Quick
PR Fus (or similar) shall be used;
d) for joints between HDPE pipe and other valves: valves EURO 20 Type 26 (or
similar) shall be used.
Heat fusion welding, extrusion welding and socket welding shall not be accepted.
After welding, the joint shall be checked visually. In case of any of the following
imperfections, the pipe ends shall be cut and welded again:
Pipes shall be laid accurately to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
a) before isolation of the pipe the Contractor shall provide and install tempo-
rary pipes in HDPE materials to supply the consumers along the section of
replacement with water during the works;
b) the pipe to be replaced shall be isolated from the Network. The Contractor
shall check in advance the good operation of the valves required and shall
install new valves or missing valves for isolation on his own costs in case
of deficiency;
c) the Contractor shall safeguard the traffic including pedestrians and live-
stock and shall excavate the trench where the pipe has been laid;
d) the temporary pipe will be laid above ground and fixed to the front of the
buildings at a regular distance. Unless otherwise instructed by the Engi-
neer, the diameter of the temporary pipe shall not exceed 80 mm. Slabs
will be laid on the temporary pipe to enable the exit of the vehicles;
f) once the new service connections have been laid and the new main pipe
tested, the new system will be put in service;
g) all the temporary pipe shall be removed and hauled to the site approved by
the Engineer.
Interruptions in potable water supply will be allowed for no more than 6 hours. In
case of replacement the public affected due to the work needs to be informed
minimum 3 days before commencement of the work about the works itself and the
inconvenience which might occur during and after the work. General
All pipelines and all water retaining works shall be subject to pressure and leakage
tests after being laid and installed but before commissioning.
Pressure and leakage tests shall be carried out simultaneously.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of water for pressure testing.
Water for disposal must be channelled to the nearest available watercourse/storm
water drainage system as approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide all test rigs, temporary blind flanges, gauges, pres-
sure raising equipment, pressure recording instruments and all other necessary
equipment to satisfactorily carry out the tests as specified in this Requirement.
The Contractor shall further supply all labour and supervision needed for the per-
formance of the tests and recording the results. All gauges and equipment are to
be submitted for approval to the Engineer. A pressure recorder shall be installed to
provide a continuous record of the test and the chart submitted as part of the
documentation for each pressure test performed.
All test gauges shall be dead weight tested and proved at the commencement of
use and at regular intervals thereafter as required by the Engineer.
Should any section fail to pass the tests, the Contractor shall determine the cause
of the failure and shall locate, excavate and repair any damage or leakage sus-
tained by the pipeline before or during the tests, and retests the section. The cost
of such repair work, including (but not limited to) additional excavation and backfill-
ing; repair or replacement of pipes; and the abortive test shall be borne by the
A certificate shall be signed by the Engineer and the Contractor and the chart of
the test attached. This certificate shall be produced when applying for Taking Over
of any particular area. This documentation shall be prepared by Contractor and
comprise all relevant information.
No visible sign of leakage will be accepted. If a leak occurs in the pipeline it shall
be located and shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense before
restarting the test. If the calculated leakage rate is within the allowable leakage
rate, the test water shall be transferred to the next section of the pipeline to be
tested or disposed of as approved by the Engineer.
Air tests shall not be permitted. Where a new pipeline is to be connected to an ex-
isting pipeline, the new pipeline shall be tested up to the point of connection. After
testing the connection shall be made up and left exposed for visual inspection by
the Engineer.
Prior to testing any pressure pipeline the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s
approval details of all temporary thrust blocks. These details shall be submitted
with sufficient calculations to demonstrate that the thrust blocks will resist the
specified test pressure. The Contractor shall submit these details at least 10
working days before the commencement of the particular test.
On completion of testing, and if initial sterilisation as specified is successful, the
section of pipeline shall be properly sealed to prevent the intrusion of any extrane-
ous matter until connected to the pipeline network.
Only the VIKS’s staff shall operate their own valves where necessary, and the
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a minimum of 2 days notice so that the
appropriate attendance can be arranged.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain any water or other services
required for test purposes and pipe it from the supply point to the filling point on
the system, and to dispose of any such water after testing in a manner acceptable
to the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
On completion all plumbing systems shall be flushed out with clean water and then
subjected to a hydraulic test of 1.5 times the working pressure for a period of not
less than 30 minutes. All welds shall be hammer tested and remain firm. A normal
working test shall then be carried out with the plant operating temperature. During
this test all necessary adjustments and regulations of valves shall be effected.
Installations or sections thereof which will be embedded in the structure or con-
cealed in permanently sealed ducts, trenches etc. shall, in addition to the above
specified tests be individually tested as they are laid before being embedded or
All pressure tests specified above shall be carried out before the application of
thermal insulation. Disinfection
On completion of the hydraulic test on water mains, a total clean water shall be
passed through the main for final cleansing sufficient times.
The Mains and reservoirs shall be disinfected with adequate chlorine solution ac-
cording to procedure approved by Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain the Engi-
neer´s approval of the method to be adopted for disposing of the chlorinated water
and then time when such disposal shall take place on completion of the disinfec-
1.14.1 General
The Contractor’s shall provide its own site verification of the marine and installation
conditions and shall develop its own installation design on the basis of eventual
further studies to be executed by itself.
The Contractor will be responsible of any work permit which may be necessary in
front of Montenegro Legislation for the execution of the project. In particular it will
be responsible for marine work permits both for nautical equipment and for per-
sonnel (ship masters and divers). The contractor shall provide Navigational Aids at
the start of the outfall route (land beacon) and at the outfall end (buoy).
The provision of navigational aids shall be coordinated with the Owner and with the
Maritime Authorities.
Outfall prefabrication
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Installation Design, supply of all materials, installation, and testing of the sea out-
fall shall be carried out by a qualified, experienced, recognized and certified Com-
The Contractor shall have in its team or hire for the project a qualified “Sea Outfall
Engineer” to supervise, inspect and test the sea outfall installation.
The engineer's name and qualifications shall be certified in writing to the Em-
ployer's Representative for approval prior to the start of construction. The Engineer
shall ensure that the sea outfall is designed, installed, tested in accordance with
the requirements specified.
The Contractor shall also supply a list of the marine equipment and of the special-
ized personnel which will be employed in the project.
All divers shall be certified and have a diving authorization released by the local
Maritime Authorities.
The execution of the project will be coordinated by the Client and supervised by it
through a supervision team or an outfall specialist, hereafter called “the Engineer”.
The Engineer will have the task of verifying all phases of the works, of approving
materials and workmanship and, in general, to approve on behalf of the Client all
phases of the works.
Before starting the works the contractor shall verify the local conditions and de-
velop its own installation design complying with the general descrip-
tions/prescriptions of the tender document.
The contractor, with its installation design, may propose the use of alter-
nate/equivalent materials and of installation techniques.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall, before the start of the works, set a datum point in a conven-
ient accessible position, fixing its reference coordinates according to the general
project coordinates.
The reference level will be the Land 0 Elevation as indicated in the project docu-
For the execution of the pre-construction investigation and of the installation, the
contractor shall use a DGPS system with the land station placed at the above
mentioned datum point. The use of a navigation system is recommended.
The following marine investigations on the sea bottom shall be performed before
the start of the works and their results submitted to the Engineer.
Sonar side scanning to detect eventual obstacles present on the bottom. The scan
shall be executed at 25-50m distance each side of the alignment to assure the
necessary overlap in the centre line
High-resolution seismic reflection profiling to detect the rocky areas. The seismic
investigation may be substituted by local boreholes and/or visual diver inspection.
It will be however responsibility of the contractor to determine the bottom charac-
teristics and to define consequently the necessary installation techniques. With re-
gards to foundation and bed stability, the contractor shall investigate depth and
bearing capacity of soft sediment, movable base material and eventual possibility
of soil liquefaction.
Visual diver inspection along the route. The information gathered by divers shall be
as quantitative as possible. All diving work shall be executed in full safety. The
dive team shall include a technician with experience pipeline installation
If the Contractor considers it opportune or necessary for its own work or for the
safety of installation, it may extend the investigation to local current velocities, tidal
range, wave heights, salinity and density of the seawater, which have influence on
the installation conditions.
In particular, the Contractor shall define a Mean Sea Level elevation referred to the
Land 0 and keep the control of tides during the whole period of construction, to as-
sure that all depth measures are referred to the same elevation datum.
Records about meteorological and sea conditions of the areas are not included in
the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary information
and all the information related to weather and sea condition forecast from the local
Meteorological Institute. The Client will assist the Contractor in obtaining the nec-
essary information.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall proceed to its installation design on the basis of the pre-
construction investigations described above and to the relevant field conditions
eventually extrapolated for seasonal variations.
The installation design for the sea outfall and related land facilities shall be specifi-
cally address to:
The finalized outfall route, complete with profiles and survey control
The outlet position and the necessary supports to keep it at the necessary level
above bottom
Detail design of special accessories (e.g. ballast weights for the polyethylene pipe)
The Contractor shall summarize the recorded data and its supply and installation
information in a Pre-Construction Report, which shall include
a section with the information about materials and installation techniques, with in-
dication of the eventual proposals of alternatives or modifications
an annex describing the methods of supervision and control and the Quality As-
surance and Health and Safety documents
The Contractor shall submit this report in time to the Client and to the Engineer for
approval. The Client and/or the Engineer will comment the report and eventually
request to the Contractor the necessary revisions. In any case the Contractor shall
not start the works before the approval of its pre-installation design.
The position of the possible land construction yard shall be investigated during the preparation of the tender.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Start points, endpoints and all changes in horizontal or vertical alignment shall be
identified by horizontal co-ordinates.
The outfall shall be designed with a continuous downhill grade to prevent block-
ages due to solids deposition or air locks.
1.14.5 Materials
The general characteristics of the pipes and of other materials are given in the
present specifications.
The Contractor shall provide such materials which comply with the specification
and are suitable for the use in the marine environment. Eventual alternatives may
be proposed, provided that they are justified by technical or economical reasons.
In particular, the following design aspects shall be taken into consideration by the
Contractor for choice of pipe material and characteristics:
stresses imposed by pulling during launching, floating, sinking etc. and due to cur-
vature of the pipe in any direction
stresses due to internal wastewater and external sea water pressure, weight, an-
chor or bed pressure
external forces by current, waves, and tidal range in the surge and surf zones
any other additional stresses which will occur, taking into account specified toler-
ances, out of roundness, sea currents, waves, etc.
For the purpose of the verification calculations, the Contractor shall take into ac-
count the empty pipe during the launching. Statically and dynamically calculated
axial (torsion) and radial bending moments and normal forces shall be increased
by a safety factor of 1.1 due to unforeseeable conditions during pipe laying.
All material shall comply with the latest European Standards or ISO Standards or
to equivalent National or International Standards. The materials shall be supplied
by ISO certified companies
Pipes for emergency outfall lines shall be PE 100, with the following characteris-
production in accordance with the existing international and national standards and
norms in European countries. The main international standards to be followed are
ISO 4427:E and DIN EN12201
Material PE 100
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Tolerances in the pipe diameter and thickness as per the adopted standards
Flanged connections
PE Stub ends, welding end fabricated from the same material as the pipes (PE100
with compatible weld ability) dimensioned according to the supplier’s standards
Steel free flanges (loose plate flange, type 04) PN6, dimensioned according to EN
1092-1 (latest issue) with internal bore suitable for the relevant stub end. All
flanges shall be protected against corrosion by bituminous, epoxy or nylon based
corrosion coatings.
Bolts shall be Hexagon head bolt according to EN 4014 with one nut and two
washers. Bolt material to be Steel 6.8. The bolts shall be supplied with the ex-
tended length requested by the PE stub end coupling.
The bolts may be substituted by threaded steel rods of adequate length, with 2
nuts and 2 washers. Bolt and threaded rod diameter shall be according to the cor-
responding flange dimensions.
Special Couplings
The couplings shall be in steel, with double bolting and double grip system suitable
to avoid the pipe slippage. The couplings shall have a ±15mm tolerance on diame-
ter and a ±1° tolerance each side on the axial deflection. The body and flanges
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
shall be S 235 JR Steel or equivalent, coated with Rilsan Nylon 11 – T Noir 7450
thermoplastic anticorrosion coating. The gaskets shall be in EPDM and the bolts,
nuts and grip system in zinc coated steel.
The Contractor shall construct (and install) adequate ballast blocks to provide the
necessary sinking weight and the first-phase stabilization on the bottom of the
Concrete used shall have class C20/25 and the cement will be sulphate resistant
Portland cement. The Contractor shall design his mix using approved aggregates
and shall determine the proportions which will give the required densities and
strengths. All mix designs shall be agreed with the Sea outfall engineer before
commencement of the weight production.
All concrete mixes shall be designed to minimize drying shrinkage and the wa-
ter/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45.
One test for compressive strength shall be executed on two, one specimens being
tested after 7 days and the remaining specimen shall be tested after 28 days.
Water absorption tests are required as a part of the quality control procedures.
The results of the absorption tests shall serve to assess the submerged weight of
the weighted pipe.
The blocks are constituted by two sections, a lower one trapezoidal and an upper
one semicircular.
The Contractor shall prepare the formwork for each section of the blocks accord-
ing to the design. It shall calculate and provide the reinforcement for the concrete
and the necessary lifting eyes. Reinforcement and lifting eyes shall be designed in
relation to the procedure of handling and installation; the reinforcement shall have
the function of preventing cracks or breaks due to the forces exerted during instal-
The pipe surface shall be protected with a layer of soft PVC or neoprene fixed on
the inner surface of the block, with the function as anti-slippage element. The layer
shall be extended 5mm outside of the block edges to avoid that the edges “cut” the
pipe surface.
If the installation is made with the S curve sinking, it is essential that the collar fix-
ing system presents some degree of elasticity against the stresses caused by the
sinking curvature; the elasticity shall be provided by rubber “washers” with mini-
mum 3 cm thickness inserted between two steel washers.
The rubber disks shall have a hardness of 45-50 Shore A and be supplied by the
Contractor included in the contract price.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The outfalls will be ballasted and protected by marine mesh mattresses and con-
crete pipes. The marine mattresses are box structures formed with hexagonal
double twisted wire mesh, protected against corrosion with a special coating, to be
filled on site with stones or crushed rock in order to obtain a compact block to be
used as element for shore protection, reinforcement of marine structures (seawalls
or breakwaters) or ballasting and/or scour protection of submerged pipelines.
Mesh: hexagonal double twisted mesh 6x8 cm for mattresses and 8x10 cm for
Wire: a mild steel wire, with diameter (steel only): 2,2 mm for the mattresses and
2,7 mm for the gabions, with tolerances of wire according to EN 10218 and tensile
strength of 350-500 N/mm2 according to EN 10223-3. Above values are referred
to wire before manufacturing the mesh.
Corrosion coating of the wire obtained with a heavy galvanization with GALFAN, a
Zn-Al5% - MM (mischmetal) alloy. The minimum cover of Galfan shall meet the
requirements of EN 10244-2 for Zinc or Zn-Al5% - MM coatings (Class A) and the
adhesion of the coating to the wire shall be such that, when the wire is wrapped
six times around a mandrel with diameter four times the diameter of the wire, it
does not flake or crack when rubbing it with bare fingers.
A PEX (cross linked polyethylene) sleeve is added to the galvanization, the steel
wire is coated with a PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) sheat of a nominal thickness
of 0,50 mm. The technical characteristics and the resistance of the PEX to ageing
meet the requirements of EN 10245-3 standard
Depending on the method of installation, the Contractor shall supply the necessary
provisional materials necessary for a safe construction process.
Stiffeners for flange coupling reinforcement during installation with “S” curve tech-
nology. They consist of 2 steel clamps, strongly fixed at each side of the flanged
coupling and joined together by four longitudinal steel profile. The scope is to
avoid tensions on the flanged coupling which may lead to the failure of the stub
end weld or to the opening of the connection with penetration of water in the pipe.
Design and calculation of the stiffeners shall be made by the contractor.
Blind flanges in steel for closure of the sections during the floating and installation
Blind flanges with water valve and air vent for testing
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The contractor shall define, calculate and provide the necessary number/quantity
of provisional material and equipment necessary for the installation.
The contractor shall open a prefabrication yard for the storage of materials (pipes
and accessories), for the production and storage of the ballast block, for the weld-
ing of the pipe sections and for the preparation of the mesh mattresses and gabi-
The prefabrication yard can be inland or near the sea. The contractor shall pro-
pose a suitable area and negotiate its occupation. The Client may assist in arrang-
ing the availability of the area, but the Contractor shall bear the relevant cost.
The contractor shall provide that the chosen area has access to the sea, for the
installation of the ballast blocks, the floating the pipe sections and the loading of
materials (including mattresses and gabions) on the work barges.
1.14.7 Prefabrication
For a smooth and rapid installation process, the contractor shall provide all prefab-
rication items before starting the installation.
Depending on the available space, the contractor can weld the PE pipes in sec-
tions of adequate length. Each section shall be completed with a flanged end at
each side.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The contractor shall choose the length he considers appropriate for its installation
techniques. The contractor shall supply as many flanged couplings as necessary
for the sections.
The contractor shall provide the necessary roller way to move the welded pipe to-
wards the sea.
The sections will be welded with a Butt- or mirror weld, the most commonly used
welding method. The two pipe ends are placed in a clamping rig, machined to fit
and then a Teflon coated heating mirror is inserted to heat up the ends of the pipe
material to approximately 210°C. The heating mirror is removed and the two pipe
ends adjoined together under pressure and for a given time, both aspects accord-
ing to a prescribed procedure. If available, a controlled and automated welding
machine shall be used. Skilled operators shall execute the welding according to in-
ternational accepted standards, like INSTA or WIS.
The contractor may also use electro-fusion couplers as available. The coupler it-
self has heating elements inlaid into the socket. When these are electrically heated
the fusion of pipe into the socket takes place. This method is fast and secure, it
also avoids the internal beads that occur with butt-welding. This can be important
in smaller bore sizes.
It is important that the welded joint – whichever is the welding system – is not
moved before the full cool-down of the weld, to avoid damages to the weld. Cool-
ing times are given for each diameter/thickness of pipe/
After the completion of the section, it can be either laid on the ground or brought in
the sea (with the ends closed) for storage, waiting the installation of the ballast
The ballast blocks shall be prepared as indicated in the section “Materials” and let
cure as necessary. Ballast blocks are installed as part of the prefabrication, before
starting the installation.
The contractor shall provide the necessary stones for the filling of mattresses and
gabions and fill them in its construction yard.
Material for filling: any type of hard, compact and durable crushed rocks or natural
stones is suitable for the filling of the mattresses and gabions, within the limits in-
dicated in the specifications about the size.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Optimal sizes are for the mattresses: 6-10cm with a minimum 50% of 8cm stones
and for the gabions: 8-15cm with a minimum 50% of 10cm stones
Generally, the mattresses and gabions shall be filled in order to have a good com-
pactness with a degree of voids between 15% and 25%.
This will assure an overall specific weight of 1800-1900 kg/m3 in air and of ~900
kg/m3 in water.
It is recommended to avoid the use of any type of rock which may be subject to
sea water corrosion (sandstone or equivalent).
The stones will be placed in the cage taking care to obtain a proper distribution on
the bottom and at the sides, eventually vibrating the mass to reduce the voids.
Finally, the mattresses/gabions are stored. Depending on the size, they can be
stored one on top of the other, provided that the lifting system is adequate
Lifting system: the contractor shall prepare the necessary number of lifting frames
with lifting points every meter. The lifting frame shall be provided with quick re-
lease hooks or with removable slings or other elements which will permit the han-
dling and transportation without damaging the wires and, once positioned on the
pipe, an easy removal.
The gabions nearshore shall be provided with an internal geotextile on the bottom
and the sides, to permit the filling with concrete in order to stabilize the stones
against the wave action.
1.14.8 Installation Generalities
The contractor shall take care of observing all prescriptions and safety rules for
navigation and diving, as requested by the Maritime Authorities.
In any case, the duration and extent of such interferences shall not exceed the
levels indicated in the Contractor’s proposal.
Precautions: the Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions in order to
avoid accidents with maritime traffic in the crossing areas and damaging of objects
situated in the direct proximity of the Works.
The following conditions shall apply for the precautions during the execution of the
Works, unless otherwise directed by the relevant Authorities:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
maintenance of the precautionary measures during the execution of the works and
the removing of these measures as soon as practicable
the precautions shall also include sufficient beaconing, lighting and/or signalling as
internationally recognised with this kind of works.
Marking: In order to identify the locations of the outfall, the Contractor shall place
markers on and off shore as directed by the Engineer. Off shore markers need the
approval of the Maritime Authorities.
Vessels: All crafts to be used for dredging, surveying, backfilling, covering, launch-
ing, and laying works shall be equipped with a professional crew and with sufficient
navigation, signal and communication systems.
Position Fixing System: The Contractor shall establish a position fixing system with
an accuracy of 50 cm suitable for the proper execution of the Works and in con-
tinuous satisfactory operation. The system shall be installed, tested and set to
work for continuous use during all operations
Port of Refuge: The locations of the ports of refuge, necessary during the execu-
tion of the Works for berth, bunkering and/or other servicing purposes of the crafts
or vessels, shall be indicated by the contractor according to the type of vessels it is
using, to the position of the prefabrication yard, etc. Facilities for the provision of
fuel, etc. and their storage shall be Contractor’s responsibility.
Diving Operations: The Contractor shall comply with the requirements and regula-
tions as set out in Montenegro for diving operations. In particular, the Contractor
shall ensure that divers are in possession of a current Fitness Register Form.
The Client or the Engineer shall have the right to place inspector-divers including
their equipment, aboard Contractor’s construction equipment in order to inspect
the underwater Works executed under the Contract.
The contractor shall provide for the excavation of a trench. The contractor will be
responsible to verify the local situation and the nature of the bottom and provide to
the excavation with the proper equipment.
The bottom elevation (depth) of the trench shall be designed considering the hori-
zontal alignment of the sea outfall. The vertical alignment of the trench bottom or
of the leveled bottom shall be such that the installed outfall shall always run either
at a “downhill slope” or parallel with the horizontal plane. No section of the outfall
shall be allowed to run “uphill”.
Transition from horizontal sections of different gradient shall be gradual and with-
out abrupt changes in radius of curvature. The radius of curvature shall nowhere
be less than the limits prescribed by the pipe producer. High ridges or spots ex-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
tending above the design level shall be removed to the extent to permit the sitting
of ALL the blocks and to avoid direct contact with the pipe of any rock element.
The width of the trench shall be designed considering the stability of side slopes
under the environmental conditions that prevail at the site (slips and slides must
be avoided) and to permit the easy positioning.
The Contractor shall determine the most suitable excavation method considering
the sea bed characteristics, the water depth, the accessibility of area, the envi-
ronmental issues (minimization of turbidity during trenching, etc.) and the dumping
The Contractor shall propose and use suitable trenching equipment and methods
for the excavation of the trench through the materials encountered. For any blast-
ing work (if permitted), the Contractor shall ensure that the blasting methods pro-
posed take due account of the type and strata of material likely to be encountered.
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer's Representative for approval the ex-
cavation plan including details of his trenching proposed methods, plant, equip-
ment, and procedures and the longitudinal cross sections it intends to realize.
The Contractor shall give to the Client and/or to the Maritime authorities written no-
tice of his trenching works on any part of the crossing area and not commence the
operations until written approval has been received.
The spoil (excavated material) shall be deposited near the trench at such distance
to prevent the re-filling of the trench. Excavated material can be used for refilling
the trench or for filling areas of pipe spans.
Blasting for clearing boulders and/or rock massives under water will only be per-
mitted after written approval of the Client and of the Maritime Authorities and when
proper precautions are taken for the protection of all persons, the Works and pub-
lic and private properties. Blasting shall be carried out to the depth, amount and
extent and only with such explosives of such a quality and strength and in such lo-
cations as will not structurally damage the material outside the prescribed limits.
Explosives and detonating caps shall be stored, handled and used as prescribed
by the Law and Regulations of administration agencies of Montenegro. Only quali-
fied and authorized personnel shall handle and use explosives. The works shall
not be commenced until written approval has been received from the Client. The
Contractor is to ensure that all blasting shall be done far enough in advance of
other construction operations within the relevant area in order to avoid delays.
Each section shall be completed with all the ballasts and protection pipes properly
installed and shall be closed with blind flanges (if the ends are equipped with PE
stub-ends and free flanges) or alternatively with temporary closures if the installa-
tion will be performed on a single section basis.
Before towing the section/sections offshore, it shall be assured that the end clo-
sures – either flanges or other – are water tight.
In case the installation is foreseen with the “float and sink” method by installing the
whole length all together.
In such case, the contractor shall provide to connect all the sections (or part of) to-
gether, to reduce the time of transportation to the installation alignment.
The sections will/shall be joined with the flange couplings, avoiding the entrance of
water in the pipe, and the joint shall be stiffened with the stiffening clamps to avoid
tensions on the joint and possible damages during the sinking process.
The two ends of the line will be equipped with blind flanges, each of them
equipped with a water inlet valve and a vent valve.
If the single sections are installed separately, their ends can be closed either with
blind flanges equipped with a water inlet valve and a vent valve or with other type
of closure and floaters.
For the towing, the tow rope/cable shall be fixed to the pipe in such a way not to
stress or damage the end flange. Generally, a clamp on which the pulling rope is
fixed shall be provided.
The Contractor shall supply all material, equipment, vessel and personnel for the
successful completion of the installation of the outfall. All of the Contractor’s
equipment shall be in good and serviceable condition and in readiness for the in-
stallation operation. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, stability
and safe working loads of all temporary facilities and equipment for the installation
of the outfall.
Prior to the mobilization of the installation team the Client and/or the Engineer re-
serves the right to carry out an inspection of the Contractor’s equipment.
During such an inspection, the Contractor shall co-operate and make access to or
dismantle items and parts to be inspected. If the inspection reveals that any
equipment is not in a generally acceptable condition, the Contractor shall carry out
the necessary repairs or provide its replacement.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
This contact shall be maintained without interruptions, starting from the mobiliza-
tion time off-shore until completion of the launching procedure.
The Contractor shall make sure that adequate supplies of spare parts and/or other
useful equipment are available in direct vicinity.
All relevant Authorities shall be informed in advance about the procedure and the
precautionary measures in particular during these periods.
Submissions by Contractor
The contractor is free to propose any suitable method of installation. The outlines
of the possible methods are given hereafter, however the Contractor shall prepare
and provide for approval detailed drawings and descriptions of his proposed
method of installation. The description shall include but not be limited to step by
step procedures of all methods of launching, towing, floating, submerging, placing,
etc. giving details of equipment, submerging speeds, friction factors, pull loads,
temporary buoyancy, safety factor, etc.
The Contractor shall take due note of the environmental conditions likely to prevail
at the site during outfall installation.
The Contractor shall take measures to limit the susceptibility of the installation
method to adverse conditions.
The Contractor shall submit also methods and procedures to be followed in case
the installation of the outfall has to be interrupted because of bad weather. Contin-
gency plans to ensure the stability and integrity of the pipeline in such a situation
shall be provided.
No works like floating, submerging, placing etc. shall begin without the approval of
the Port Authorities responsible for the construction area.
The “float and sink” method or “S” sinking method is the most common installation
method for long PE outfalls. In case the Contractor uses the “float and sink”
method for long pipeline sections, the pipeline shall be floated from the prefabrica-
tion area in a single, preassembled length or in sections to be assembled on site.
The maximum length to be floated and sunk in one piece shall be defined by the
contractor according to its capability and in order to minimize ship traffic obstruc-
tion. Floated sections to be stored offshore have to be fixed with anchors and have
to be marked with surface marker buoys with lights.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Towing and pulling the floated pipeline onto place shall be executed in such man-
ner not to overbend the pipeline or to damage the pipeline in any other way.
Submerging shall take place by gradually releasing air from this valve and allowing
water to enter the outfall at the shore end. The rate of descent shall be controlled
by the air release valve at the terminal end and shall never exceed the calculated
rate of descent.
Air shall be released in a series of short bursts with sufficient time between bursts
to receive communication from the divers.
Provision shall be made to preclude entrapment of air in a high spot after sub-
In case of only small deviations from the planned position, minor adjustments may
be made by means of air lift bags with lifting straps.
In case the Contractor uses the “float and sink” method for placing single sections
separately on the bottom, the pipeline will be laid from the offshore barge.
The section will be equipped with buoyancy tanks or parachutes or balloons to en-
able the control of the lowering after the section is filled with water. Practically, the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
pipe section can be eventually floated in open conditions, provided that it is sup-
ported by the necessary number of buoyancy tanks. When in position, the pipe or
the buoyancy tanks are flooded and the pipe is lowered into the trench or on the
bottom. The lowering is followed by divers which take care that the section end
comes in contact with the section already on the bottom.
After a diver has confirmed by diver to boat communication that the two pipe ends
are in close proximity to each other and relatively aligned, the jointing team pro-
vides to close the joint by bolting the flanges.
The jointing shall be made before the buoyancy tanks are released, in order to
keep the incoming section “light” and facilitate the matching of the flanges.
The installation and jointing of the section shall be facilitated if necessary by the
use of sand bags placed under the pipe ends to provide the necessary alignment.
The outfall pipeline shall be installed without overstressing the pipe or damaging
the pipe surface or the protection and ballast pipes. Any damage to the outfall dur-
ing installation shall be repaired in an approved manner by the Contractor at his
own cost.
Any force applied to the pipe or pipe ends must be restricted to the 50% of the al-
lowable design force.
The sinking procedure shall be monitored by divers to notify any deviation of the
pipe position from the alignment or any problem with the controlling cables or with
the buoyancy tanks
The outfall shall be installed in such a way that the permanent bending radius at
any point shall be not less than 50 x pipe diameter for PE pipes
Due to the flexibility of the PE the alignment is never perfect. However, the con-
tractor shall provide to keep the deviations from the design alignment to less than
±1 m
Pipe marking
The pipe should be marked with length markings at least every 10 m prior to
placement to facilitate inspection and/or location of video observations.
Pipe Inspection
After the pipeline is installed on the seabed, a survey shall be carried out to record
the centre line and any span. Furthermore the pipeline shall be checked for irregu-
larities or damages caused during installation. For the inspection underwater video
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
cameras shall be used. The results of the survey and video inspection shall be
submitted to the Client for approval. Further works like testing and backfilling shall
not begin without such approval.
Correction of irregularities
No ballast block shall remain suspended above the bottom. In case there is a gap
between the block and the bottom, it shall be filled with bottom material or with
sand bags. General
The pipelines will be laid for a short length in trench and for the most part on the
bottom, as indicated in the drawings.
In both cases, the area under the pipe and around the pipe (in case of trench)
shall be filled with material, taken from the excavation or from the bottom. In case
of lack of material to be used in the nearby area, the filling material shall be im-
ported at contractor’s cost, either from land or from other marine areas.
When the pipe is laid directly on the seabed, the areas under the mattresses and
gabions shall also be filled with granular material. However, the filling with granular
material between pipe and bottom in the position of the gabion installation can be
substituted by a “saddle” formed by sand bags.
The backfill shall be installed with appropriate methods, avoiding its dumping in
case of depths greater than 5m.
The backfilling works and the installation of mattresses and gabions shall be car-
ried out according an approved program.
The operations nearshore and down to -10m depth shall have absolute priority to
avoid possible problems in case of sudden storms.
The contractor shall however be properly equipped to minimize the duration of the
mattresses and gabions installation.
The outfall shall be tested after installation and covering with mattresses and gabi-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall provide all materials, personnel and equipment to hydrostati-
cally test the emergency outfall pipeline. The Contractor shall design and construct
a suitable test head to be flanged or fixed to the pipe on the onshore end. The off-
shore end of the pipe shall be closed off by a blind.
Prior to the testing, the Contractor shall submit his proposed method of testing to
the Client for approval. The Contractor shall provide a detailed step by step proce-
dure of the testing operation and a list of equipment to be used for the inspection
and testing.
All observations such as times, quantities, and pressures must be properly re-
corded on forms which have been previously approved by the Engineer. The Con-
tractor shall ensure that all measuring devices pressure gauges and recording in-
struments to be used for the inspection and testing shall be properly calibrated.
The Contractor shall submit recent records of calibration to the Employer’s Repre-
sentative prior to the start of any testing.
(a) The pressuring shall be performed at moderate and constant rates. When
approximately 80% of the specified test pressure is attained, this pressure
shall be maintained for a period of time sufficient to stabilize properly. After
the stabilization period, the pressure shall be gradually raised to prevent
surging of the water in the pipeline.
(b) While bringing the pipeline to above 80% of the test pressure, a hand-plot
of the pressure volume curve shall be started and continued until the
specified test pressure is reached. The pressure and volume recordings
will be taken, such that an adequate plot is obtained. The adequacy of
such a plot shall be determined by the Employer’s Representative.
After 80% of the specified test pressure has been attained the rate for further
pressurizing shall not exceed 10% of the test pressure per hour until the specified
test pressure is reached
Release pressure
Hold test pressure for 8 hours with the pipeline disconnected from the pressure
During the pressure test, the test pressures determined with the aid of the dead-
weight tester are to be measured and recorded every half hour.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
A large diameter Bourdon pressure gauge with a pressure range and increment
division necessary to measure anticipated increments of 2.0 kPa.
A 24-hour recording pressure gauge with charts and ink. This gauge should be
dead-weight tested immediately prior to use.
Failures in the pipeline disclosed by loss of pressure shall be located and repaired.
The costs for such repairs shall be borne by the Contractor.
After all the data of the test have been gathered and submitted the Employer’s
Representative the test will be terminated once definite written approval has been
given by the Employer’s Representative. Pressure shall then be carefully released.
Upon termination the outfall shall be left filled with fresh water, with all diffuser
ports and valves kept closed.
A complete survey of the laid pipeline shall be conducted on completion of the in-
The survey shall provide the topographical references (both as local coordinates
and as geographical coordinates) and the final profile.
A complete video along the line shall be provided as control of the installed pipe-
It shall be reminded that the coordinates of the alignment shall be supplied to the
Hydrographic Institute for the indication on the Nautical Charts.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The use of wire mesh PEX-coated “Marine”Gabions and Matresses for the stabili-
zation of marine
The use of marine mattresses and gabions for the stabilization and protection of
pipelines is relatively common, particularly in medium depths (between -5 and -
40m) and where a relevant stability ballast is required.
For marine application, an external coating of PEX is applied instead of the tradi-
tional PVC coating to obtain a better resistance to the marine water corrosion.
Due to the presence of rock in shallow water, the length of the trench has been
The pipeline is however in open sea and the outfall till the depth of -10m shall be
stabilized properly.
The gabions till -10 will be filled after the installation with lean concrete to stabilize
the internal stones against the wave action.
The marine type of mattresses and gabions is realized with the same type of dou-
ble twist wire mesh common for land application but presents in addition a heavy
Galfan corrosion coating and an external PEX (cross linked polyethylene) shield as
further protection from corrosion in saline environment and abrasion due to the
suspended sediments and sand in the sea water.
The difference between mattresses and gabions lay in the dimensions of the
mesh, which is generally 6x8cm for mattresses and 8x10cm for gabions.
The elements, when properly filled, present a specific weight in air of 1800-1900
kg/m3 and a submerged weight of 800-900 kg/m3, with a percentage of void of
25%, therefore presenting a high capability of sediment entrapment.
The wire used in the manufacture of the gabion is a mild steel wire, with the follow-
ing characteristics:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Diameter (steel only): 2,2 mm for the mattresses and 2,7 mm for the
gabions, with tolerances of wire according to EN 10218
Tensile strength: both the wire used for the manufacture of the mesh and
the lacing wire (when used [2]) shall
have a tensile strength of 350-500
N/mm2 according to EN 10223-3. Above values are referred to wire before
manufacturing the mesh
The adhesion of the Galfan coating to the wire shall be such that, when
the wire is wrapped six times around a mandrel with diameter four times
the diameter of the wire, it does not flake or crack when rubbing it with
bare fingers.
A PEX (cross linked polyethylene) sleeve is added to the galvanization, the steel
wire is coated with a PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) sheat of a nominal thickness
of 0,50 mm.
The technical characteristics and the resistance of the XLPE to ageing meet the
requirements of EN 10245-3 standard
Mesh production
The “double twisted wire” technique for the lateral connection of the wires is used
since years. The double twist – visible in the figure 1 – increases the overall resis-
tance of the mesh, enduring the continuity also in case of break of one of the
The standard combinations mesh/wire is shown in the table, together with dimen-
sions and tolerances on the size of the mesh opening D.
The tolerance on the mesh opening D (distance between the axes of twist) is ac-
cording to EN 10223-3
In order to reinforce the structure, all edges shall be selvedged with a wire having
greater diameter; after the filling, the components are “laced” together with an aux-
iliary wire, or (preferably) with Stainless Steel clips, supplied with the mesh.
In marine applications the traditional lacing wire may be substituted by Stainless Steel clips
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The mattresses and gabion are divided into cells by means of diaphragms spaced
1 m. Standard dimensions and tolerances on sizes are:
Mattresses (mesh 6x8cm, D=6cm)
- Length: 3, 4, 5, 6 m
- Width: 2 m
- Thickness: 17, 23 and 30 cm
Gabions (mesh 8x10, D=8cm)
- Length: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 m
- Width: 1, 2 m
- Height: 0,3, 0,5 and 1 m
Intermediate sizes or gabions with inclined walls can be realized on site by cutting
and bending the mesh of a standard size unit.
The units are supplied pre-cut according to the dimensions required and folded
flat. The diaphragms and the lacing wires/clips are packed with the unit.
Unfold the units, erect corners and diaphragms and bind them to the side
panels with the lacing wire or clips.
Fill the gabion with stones or rounded crushed rock, minimum size not
less than "D" and maximum size about 2-2,5 times "D".
Close the upper lid after controlling the packing of the stones, and bind the
lid to the sides with lacing wire or clips. Maximum spacing of clips shall be
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
In general, the gabion structure is harmless for people, due to the PEX coating.
However, due to irregular cutting or to other reasons, some wires can protrude at
the edges. In this case, if there is a risk of people walking on or swimming near
them, fold the protruding wires inside before finishing the preparation.
If well packed and installed, the wires will not need any particular maintenance, nor
break to such an extent to permit a loss of the stone filling.
In case anyway there is some break, it can be easily repaired overlapping and
clipping on the broken area a new section of mesh.
It is recommended, for marine installation, that the client maintaines some 10-15
pieces of precut mesh (2x1m) and spare clips for eventual repairs.
It would be also opportune that the client (or user of the installation) purchases di-
rectly a clipping machine (either hand-held or pneumatic) for maintenance/repair
Purchase Specifications
a. Marine type mattress, size as follows, realized with double twist steel wire
mesh, 6x8, steel wire diameter 2,2mm, heavy corrosion coating with Zn-
Al5%-MM alloy, wire sleeve in PEX 0.5 mm, with following
b. Marine type gabions, size as follows, realized with double twist steel wire
mesh, 8x10, wire diameter 2,7mm, heavy corrosion coating with Zn-Al5%-
MM alloy, wire sleeve in PXE 0.5 mm, with following
tolerances of wire according to EN 10218
tensile strength of wire 350-500 N/mm2 according to EN 10223-3
elongation of wire not less than 10% as per EN 10223-3 on a sample at
least 25 cm long
coating according to EN 10244-2 for Zn-Al5% - MM coatings (Class A)
PXE sleeve: technical characteristics and resistance to ageing according
to EN 10245-3 complete with lid, internal diaphragms and stainless steel
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Any type of hard, compact and durable crushed rocks or natural stones are suit-
able for the filling of the mattresses and gabions, within the limits indicated in the
specifications about the size.
In both cases, the small and average size stones shall be placed in the center of
the fill while the greater ones shall be used for the external layers.
Generally, the mattresses and gabions shall be filled in order to have a good com-
pactness with a degree of voids between 15% and 25%.
This will assure an overall specific weight of 1800-1900 kg/m3 in air and of ~900
kg/m3 in water.
The only recommendation about the type of rock to be used is to avoid any type
which may be subject to sea water corrosion (sandstone or equivalent).
It is recommended that the necessary gaps between the front stones, which can
be subject to splash or waves, are left free, to maintain the capability of the gabion
to dampen the wave forces.
Preparation of mattresses and gabions
The mattresses and gabions will be supplied folded to permit the transportation.
Each unit will include the bottom, the external walls, the diaphragms (one per me-
ter length or width) and the lid (the closing cover).
At arrival on site, they shall be unloaded and, if not immediately used, stored on
the original pallets (if any) or on a flat surface.
For the preparation, each gabion shall be transported to the construction yard,
where also the necessary quantity of stones is stored.
The gabion is than open and flattened and as first step the vertical walls (external
and internal) are fixed together.
For fixing the walls (as well as the covering lid), both the traditional system with
lacing wire and the modern system with the stainless steel clips can be used.
The traditional system – as shown in the sketches – is still applied but it is time
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The sketches are however representative of the handling and preparation of mat-
tresses and gabions.
The stainless steel clips are easier to apply and are more resistant to stresses and
Clips shall be fixed every 15-20cm along the perimeter and at the diaphragms.
Differently from the traditional lacing wire, clips can not be fixed manually or, bet-
ter, can not be fixed manually with sufficient speed.
A clipping gun, both manual and hydraulic, has been designed for the operation.
When the gabion walls and the diaphragms are erected and fixed, the filling can
start as described hereafter.
If the gabions have no particular relevance for aesthetic reasons, the filling can be
made at random, dumping the filling stones with shovel or with a small excavator.
The filling shall be made in single or more layers (a single layer for mattresses, 2
or 3 for gabions with H>30cm).
In this case, the filling stones should have a more uniform granulometry around
the indicated average.
When the filling is finished, the top stones shall be roughly levelled.
At this point, the gabion is ready for the transportation to the installation side.
This decreases the submerged weight to 800 kg/m3, but on the other hand in-
creases the capability of gabion and mattress to entrap sediments and to become
a habitat for marine life.
It has been asked in some occasion if the gabions can be filled directly under wa-
ter. There is no prevention against it, provided that the filling is made with the nec-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
essary care and that the material is not dumped in the cage from above water,
with the risk to damage the gabion.
Nevertheless, when lifting, a short shaking can permit a better settling of the
stones. If superficial voids are evident after the first lifting, it is recommended to
lower the mattress or gabion and to refill it, but this is quite uncommon.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
It may happen that the upper part is slightly deformed during the lifting and posi-
tioning; in such case, the surface can be flattened by placing on top of the installed
gabion a steel plate and hammering it slightly or just applying a moderate pressure
on it.
Preparation of the laying surface
The area of the bottom on which the gabions are being installed does not generally
require any particular preparation, since the gabions is flexible enough to adapt it-
self to the surface configuration.
Only in the case that a horizontal top surface of the gabion is needed (such as for
jetties and vertical walls) the bottom surface shall be prepared with the necessary
inclination and flatness, and eventually the gabion shall be modified accordingly.
When gabions are installed on beaches, or in areas where scour can take place, it
can be opportune to sit the gabions on a geotextile, to avoid underscour.
Therefore, it would be opportune, before sitting the gabion on top of the pipe, to
dump some excavated material (or, in case of larger diameters, some good granu-
lar material) in order to create a sufficient haunch at the sides of the pipe.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The main reason is that a gabion presents a stable surface without voids where a
foot or a leg can get hurt, contrary to any type of shore protection or groyne real-
ized with rubble mounds, rocks or concrete elements.
In any case, the size of the mesh is such that it is difficult for feet to get stuck in it.
However, for gabions exposed above water, on which people can walk, it is rec-
ommended to use, for the top layer, flat stones and to place them accurately.
1.16.1 General Scope
This sub-section covers the requirements for the construction of buildings and in-
cludes all building works, except earth and concrete works. The work required un-
der this sub-section shall include all labour, materials, equipment, remedy of defi-
ciencies, site clearance and all other appurtenant works required to complete all
building works specified herein. Materials
(a) Bricks and Blocks
Bricks shall be clay facing bricks manufactured locally. The quality shall corre-
spond to DIN 105. Blocks shall be dense concrete blocks in accordance to DIN
18153 with a compressive strength of more than 7.5 N/mm². Bricks and blocks
shall be hard, sound, square and clean with sharp, well defined arises.
The Contractor shall submit samples of each type of bricks and blocks used in the
works and obtain the Engineer’s approval before placing orders with suppliers.
Strength test certificates performed on the basis of appropriate DIN standards
shall also be submitted on request of the Engineer.
Reinforcement of brickwork shall be in accordance with DIN 488, DIN 1045 and
DIN 1053. Reinforcement for Brick shall be plain round bars B ST 22/34 GU or
ribbed bars B St 22/34. Reinforcement shall be detailed, stored and tested as
specified for Concrete Works.
Fixings shall be, if not otherwise specified by the Engineer, of stainless steel for
sheet, strip, plate and bars in accordance to DIN 17440.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
(d) Sand
Sand shall be clean and sharp course grit, fresh water river or pit sand conforming
in all respects to DIN 1053 and DIN 18550 and shall be re-washed on site if the
silt, loam or clay content exceeds the limits prescribed in DIN 4226. The sand shall
be obtained from a source approved by the Engineer.
(e) Cement
Cement shall be sulphate resisting Portland cement as specified in DIN 1164. The
source of cement is subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall not be
changed without his prior approval.
(f) Water
For the mixing of mortar and plaster the Contractor shall provide tap water, if not
otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer.
Mortar shall be mixed in a mechanically operated mortar mixer for at least three
minutes after all ingredients are in the drum. The mixing by hand will only be per-
mitted when the quality of hand mixing is comparable to mechanical mixing.
Mortar shall be used within 2 hours after discharge from the mixer at normal tem-
peratures. No mortar shall be used after the initial set has taken place. Reconstitu-
tion of mortar will not be permitted. Workmanship
All masonry shall be laid plumb and true to lines and built to the thickness and
bond required. Masonry shall be carried up in a uniform manner. No one portion
shall be in raise more than one meter above adjacent portions, except with the ap-
proval of the Engineer.
Sample panels of 1 m² size shall be prepared for each type of facing brickwork or
block work, including jointing or pointing, and the Contractor shall not commence
face work without the approval of the Engineer. Face work shall be kept clean dur-
ing construction and until completion of the Works.
Under hot and dry weather conditions, bricks and blocks shall be stacked on a
hard standing level so as to prevent the absorption of water. Suitable shading shall
be provided to prevent high temperatures within the brick and block stacks. Clay
brickwork and block work shall be kept wet to the minimum extent required to pre-
vent mortar drying out prematurely.
All bricks shall be wetted before being laid. Clay bricks shall not be used until
completely cold from the kiln. Freshly laid brickwork/block work shall be protected
during interruption through rain and at the completion of each day’s work.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Face work shall be kept clean during construction and until practical completion.
Scaffold boards shall be kept clear of the building at night and during heavy rain.
Rubbing to remove stains will not be permitted.
Facing bricks of varying colour shall be distributed evenly throughout the work so
that no patches appear. Different deliveries which vary in colour shall be mixed to
avoid horizontal stripes.
Brickwork and block work abutting concrete columns, walls and beams shall be
tied with stainless steel ties in accordance with the relevant references and as di-
rected by the design. Additional ties shall be supplied at openings. Walls which are
to be fair face shall have selected bricks and blocks with perfect arises and flat
surface structures and with faces in line.
Where directed, concrete blocks shall be reinforced and concrete blocks lintel type
shall be built in above wall openings.
Control joints shall be installed at the intersection with structural concrete and
elsewhere where joints are useful. Joints not detailed otherwise shall be racked
out to a depth of 2 cm for the full height of the wall and be caulked. Joints are to be
examined to locate cracks, holes or other defects and all such defects shall be
remedied with mortar and pointed. Brickwork
Solid brick walls shall be laid in common bond with all joints filled solidly with mor-
tar and backs fully purged to form solid masonry structure. Joints of walls to re-
ceive plaster shall be lightly raked to provide a bond for plaster. Control joints in
brick walls shall be carried through the plaster. The joint shall not be plastered.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Cleaning
Masonry work to be exposed shall be thoroughly cleaned. Mortar smears and
droppings on concrete block walls shall be dry before removal with a trowel. Ma-
sonry work may be cleaned using a mild acid solution.
Bituminous sheet damp-proof courses shall be laid on a level bed of cement mor-
tar with a minimum lap of 75 mm at angles and joints and neatly pointed in match-
ing mortar on exposed edges. Horizontal and sloping damp-proof coursing over
door openings shall be in single pieces of material of a length to extend 225 mm at
both sides beyond the width of the frame.
1.16.3 Plastering Materials
(a) Sand
Sand shall be clean and sharp course grit, fresh water river or pit sand conforming
in all respects to DIN 1053 and DIN 18550 and shall be re-washed on site if the
silt, loam or clay content exceeds the limits prescribed in DIN 4226. The sand shall
be obtained from a source approved by the Engineer.
(b) Cement
Cement shall be sulphate resisting Portland cement as specified in DIN 1164. The
source of cement is subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall not be
changed without his prior approval.
(c) Water
For the mixing of mortar and plaster the Contractor shall provide tap water, if not
otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Plaster shall be mixed in a mechanically operated plaster mixer for at least long
enough to make a thorough, complete intimate mix of the materials. The mixing of
plaster by hand shall not be permitted, unless otherwise directed.
The mixer, bunker, gauge boxes and all tools shall be kept clean, and care shall
be taken to ensure that fresh plaster is not contaminated with set plaster. Workmanship
Plaster shall be of 2 or 3 coats. If plaster is to be applied to smooth surfaces, a
dash coat shall be applied as a bonding surface. The dash coat shall be of mush
consistency, composed of 1 part Portland cement and 15 parts of sand.
The plaster coats shall be applied according to the thickness given below, whereby
additional thickness which will be required due to unevenness in the masonry sur-
face is not included: Plastering
The dash coat shall be applied with a whisk broom or fibre brush and be kept
moist for 48 hours before the first coat is applied to the dash coat.
Before the first coat hardens, the surface shall be scratched to provide bond for
the intermediate coat. This coat shall be kept moist for not less than 24 hours and
be allowed to set for not less than 14 days before application of the intermediate
The surface of the intermediate coat shall be brought to a true and even surface,
then roughened with a wood float before setting to provide a bond for the finish
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The finish coat shall be applied while the intermediate coat is moist and if the in-
termediate coat dries out it shall be wetted evenly. The finish coat shall be first
floated to a true and even surface and then trowelled to a smooth and even finish. Tolerances
All surfaces shall be true to line, level, plumb and all junctions, angles and arises
truly scare. On two or three coat work, the plaster surface shall not show any de-
viation greater than specified in DIN 18202 for accuracy class B.
1.16.4 Screeds General
Workmanship and construction shall generally conform to DIN standards 18353
and 18560 or equivalent standards.
Materials used for mortar shall be measured in gauge boxes. All concrete surfaces
shall be adequately prepared and keyed to receive screeds. The screeds to be
carried out have to be placed within buildings and shall be dense aggregate ce-
ment screeds.
The preparation of base concrete shall include the removal of laitance from the
concrete surface to receive screed and the removal of all loose concrete, dust and
dirt by thorough washing with water.
The screed mix shall be prepared in accordance to DIN 18550 and shall be thor-
oughly and efficiently be mixed dry by mechanical means until a uniform distribu-
tion is obtained prior to adding the water. The water content shall be kept as low
as it is necessary to allow for sufficient workability for laying and compacting.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Where only small quantities are required, mixing might be carried out by hand on
clean watertight surface with the approval of the Engineer.
The screed mix shall be placed between forms, rigidly fixed on a firm foundation
and set true to level within +/- 3 mm, and shall be fully compacted by means of a
screed board providing laitance is not brought to the surface. The screed wearing
course shall be tamped with a wood float and trowelled with a steel trowel to pro-
duce a smooth finish.
The screed mix shall be placed between the forms (and or other bays) worked
around the penetrations, duct covers, manhole covers, gutters, balustrade stan-
dards, pipes, etc., and shall be fully compacted by means of a screed board, or
other suitable compacting equipment, providing laitance is not brought to the sur-
face. Joints
All edge joints of floor screeds shall be simple butt joints without filler. Screeds laid
over construction joints in concrete shall be separated by 10 mm impregnated oa-
kum strips or the like. Tolerances
The finished surface of base course screeds, when laid, shall not depart more
than specified in DIN 18202 for accuracy class B.
Floor screeds, when laid, shall be free of all defects and any work which shows
signs of bond failure, hollow patches, crazing, cracking or any other defects will not
be accepted and shall be removed and replaced with acceptable work by the Con-
The extent of the work to be removed and the method to be used in the removal
and replacement of this work shall be to the approval of the Engineer. All surfaces
shall be approved by the Engineer before further work.
1.16.5 Flooring General
All materials and structural components not covered by DIN standards or equiva-
lent may be used subject to the Engineer’s consent only. The floorings shall be
such as to provide a cover surface that can well be walked on and must not give
any rise to any unreasonable inconvenience.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Materials
Concrete paving slabs shall be 50 mm thick, hydraulically pressed pre-cast con-
crete slabs in accordance with DIN 18500.
Terrazzo shall be in accordance with the appropriate standard. The marble chip-
pings shall be of an approved quality in irregular pieces with no flaky pieces.
PVC flooring material shall comply with the requirements of DIN EN 649 and DIN
EN 650 and shall be temperature resistant, waterproof, abrasion resistant, flame-
proof, pigment or colour proof to light, evenly coloured throughout, resistant to
chemicals, fats, acids and alkaline, odourless, easily laid and flexible, non-porous
and slip proof.
All adhesives shall have suitable properties to ensure a firm and durable bond.
They must not adversely affect either the flooring nor the underlay or the base and
shall be odourless once applied.
All fillers and levelling compounds shall have a firm and durable bond to the base,
provide a good bonding surface for the adhesive and be of suitable property so as
to give an adequate support to the covering. They must have no adverse effect on
base, adhesive, underlay, or covering.
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the written instructions for the care
and the maintenance of the flooring.
Any filler or levelling compound shall be applied so that it will bond firmly and
durably to the base, will not crack and will adequately withstand pressure. Any
screeds such as magnesia and anhydride screed to which the filler or levelling
compound will not sufficiently bond, shall receive a priming coat.
The courses shall be laid towards the main window wall, in halls and corridors,
however, in longitudinal direction, unless otherwise specified.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Deviations in colour which are not of minor importance and not due to the flooring
pattern shall not be allowed if marring the overall appearance of the flooring.
Courses with pattern repeats shall be laid so as to suit these. Where courses run
towards doors, recesses and the like, they shall be laid so to cover also the floor
areas such door openings, recesses etc. Strips of slabs may be used as coverings
of such floor areas.
Plastic flooring shall not be welded unless otherwise specified or expressly re-
quired in the flooring material manufacturer’s processing instructions.
Baseboards of the same material as the flooring material with a minimum height of
6 cm have to be installed at all side walls.
1.16.6 Tiling General
Tiling shall comprise all required labour, equipment and the supply of the appurte-
nant materials and structural components including off-loading and storage at the
site. Tiling and flooring shall be applied in accordance with the finishes, specified
in the Particular Specification. Workmanship and construction for tiles to floors and
walls shall generally be in accordance with DIN 18352. All materials and structural
components which are not standardized shall be used only with the approval of the
All tiles and flags for which there are several grades available shall be of the best
standard commercial grade.
Before starting the work, the Contractor shall ascertain the Employer’s selection of
patterns and colours and the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with duplicate
samples of the patterns and colours of the materials selected by the Employer.
Tiling shall be free of any defects and any work that shows signs of bond failures,
hollow patches, misalignment, cracking or any other defect. Defective work will not
be accepted and shall be removed and replaced by acceptable work. Materials
In general, tiles and flags shall meet the quality requirements of DIN EN 14411,
DIN 18158 and DIN 18166. Where tiles and flags are not standardized, the quality
features shall satisfy the standard commercial requirements (top surface, parallel-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
ism of edges, colour, water absorption). All floor and wall tiles shall be from the
same batch.
Glazed ceramic tiles for walls shall be in the colour selected by the Employer, true
to shape, flat, free from flaws, cracks and crazing, uniform in colour, keyed on the
back and shall comply with DIN EN 14411. The ties shall be of a suitable type,
size, colour and acid resistance.
Ceramic floor tiles shall be oil and acid resistant, true to shape, flat, free from
flaws, cracks and crazing, uniform in colour and of an approved non slippery type,
make and colour. Dimensions and tolerances shall comply with DIN 18158 and
DIN 18166.
Cement based adhesives shall comply with the requirements of DIN 18156. Other
adhesives shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and mixed and used
strictly in accordance to the manufacturer’s printed instruction. Mortar materials
and adhesives shall not alter the top surface of the tiles. Placing
In interior finishing works all tiles, flags or mosaic shall only be set and laid before
the fixing of windows and door frames and trims, and after stop rails, plumbing in-
stallations and the application of plaster.
All tiles, flags and mosaic shall be set or laid plumb, in true alignment and horizon-
tal or at the slope specified, without any projections, with regard to any specified
reference or level lines. In wall coverings, projections shall be allowed only to the
extent imposed by the particular type of tile or flag specified.
The external angles and side and top edges shall be formed with rounded edge
tiles. At intersections, returned rounded edge tiles shall be used.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.16.7 Roofing General
The specification for waterproofing and insulation of flat concrete roofs shall be
designed and laid according to the norms valid in Montenegro or equivalent and
taking into account the relevant manufacturer’s instructions). Work shall follow the
general principles given below. The Contractor may propose a different system,
which shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
The waterproofing and insulation of concrete roofs shall consist of at least 2 coats
of polymer-bitumen / rubber membranes.
The work shall consist of supplying, laying and finishing complete insulation and
roof coverings and shall include the provision of all necessary skirting, copings,
flashings etc. On completion, all roofs shall be left sound and watertight and in
neat and clean condition. All roof finishes shall be carefully worked or fitted around
pipes and openings.
The top surface of the roof slab shall be finished by cement plastering of minimum
thickness 20 mm. A 50 mm x 50 mm mortar or wooden fillet shall be fixed in the
corner between the horizontal slab and the vertical parapet before the water proof-
ing membrane is formed, fillets shall also be fixed in the corners of gutters.
The finished roof slab surface must be clean, dry, smooth and free of roughness
or dips. The plastered surface of roof slab must be allowed to dry before the
sheets are applied. Drying time is dependent on the weather and may take any-
thing from 8 days to 3 weeks.
Depending on the different construction types, the sheets can be fully bonded to
the substrate by torch, spot bonded or loose laid. Torch-bonding is carried out with
a suitable gas torch burner connected to a propane gas cylinder.
The sheets are overlapped longitudinally by 100 mm, while the head laps of the
membranes shall not be less than 150 mm. The bonding is carried out by torch
application in such a way that a continuous bead of melted bitumen comes out
from the overlap. So as not to remove the protective top layer, the use of trowel is
to be avoided.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
However the membranes must not be overheated and a further sign of correct ap-
plication is that an excessively large bead of melted compound does not come out
from the overlap.
The waterproofing membranes and coatings shall be brought up the inside of the
roof parapet to a height of at least 150 mm. The top sheet must be protected by
mineral coating or suitable painting.
Each slab of insulation shall be bounded by a key interlocking with adjacent slabs,
to ensure the continuity of the insulation.
Flashings shall be formed out of 0.8 mm aluminium with natural mill finish. Acces-
sories such as hooks, nails, screws and clamps shall be of the same material and
Screeds shall be prepared of cement, sand and water in accordance to the re-
quirements stipulated for screeds.
Rainwater guttering for flat roofs shall have vertical pipes of diameter, such that a
minimum cross-sectional area of 100 mm is provided for each square metre of
roof area. Workmanship
Workmanship shall be carried out in accordance with DIN 18338. The roof sur-
faces shall be uniform, compact and free from debris.
Waterproof membranes shall be 1.5 mm thick self adhesive rubber bitumen ap-
plied strictly in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. The membrane shall
be continuous and take up abutments and pipes to above the insulation layer. Ex-
posed membrane shall be solar protected. The waterproof membrane shall be
dressed and bonded into rainwater outlets and under flashings.
The insulation board shall be not less than 50 mm thick closed cell extruded poly-
styrene loose laid in a single layer with tight staggered butt joints in accordance
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
with the manufacturer’s instructions. The board shall be trimmed to fit any fillets
used under the waterproof membrane.
Flashings shall be sheet aluminium neatly cut to the width and length required.
The aluminium shall be carefully bent using a slightly rounded former so as to
avoid surface cracking. Where surface fixing is required, the sheet shall be pre-
drilled and fixed with inoxidizable screws to proprietary fixings or hardwood
grounds let into the surface of the base concrete or brick work. General
A high standard of workmanship and materials shall be achieved in the works. The
completed timber work shall be durable, well finished and designed and con-
structed to arrive at a service lifespan of at least 40 years. Materials
Timber shall be of best quality, sound, in good condition, reasonably free from
shakes and free from loose dead knots, insect attack, decay, twisting and warping.
Timber shall be properly seasoned to suit the purpose for which it is intended. Only
knots with characteristics similar to those detailed in DIN 4074 will be allowed.
Where timber is prescribed as “selected“ it shall be free from knots.
Softwood shall be either redwood, specially selected from the best unsorted and
joinery quality or douglas fir of selected merchantable quality or better.
Hardwood shall be selected and of best quality; it shall be particularly checked for
infestation by pinhole borers. Selected hardwood shall comply with DIN 4074,
grade IA. Samples
Before commencing work, the Contractor shall submit samples of all types of
timber to be used in the works for the approval of the Engineer. Timber, or carpen-
try and joinery units of which the material on delivery to the site does not conform
to the standard of approved samples will be rejected and replaced by the Contrac-
tor at his own expense.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Ironmongery
The Contractor shall provide all necessary ironmongery including matching
screws, bolts, plugs and other fixings. The use of nails for ironmongery fixing will
not be permitted.
Ironmongery shall be of the best quality and subject to the approval of the Engi-
neer. Unless otherwise specified, ironmongery shall be of solid brass. Fabrication
The carpenter shall perform all necessary mortising, tenoning, grooving, matching,
housing, rebating and all other works for correct jointing. He shall also provide all
metal plates, screws and other fixings that may be specified or necessary for the
proper execution of the works and he shall carry out all works necessary for the
proper construction of all framings, linings etc. and for their support and fixing in
the works.
In brick openings, frames shall be fitted with fixing lugs in adequate number, and
bedded in mortar.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
To avoid corrosion of Aluminium alloy frames, screws and other metal fixing in
contact with them shall be of Aluminium, zinc or cadmium plated. In no circum-
stances shall copper fixings be used.
Frames shall be carefully pointed in 1: 3 cement mortar and, after raking out the
gap, shall be pointed with mastic.
Where members are formed from sheet materials they shall be fabricated con-
forming to DIN EN 485.
The main elements of the Aluminium solid section outer frame shall be at mini-
mum tolerance not less than 2.0 mm thick. The thickness of all other structural
elements of the sections shall be at minimum tolerance not less than 1.2 mm ex-
cept for weather-stripping retaining flanges and glazing beads which may be thin-
All Aluminium alloy parts shall be finished satin matt and anodised in accordance
with DIN 4113.
Weather-stripping shall:
Joints in frames shall be made neatly and accurately either by welding or by me-
chanical means (e.g. cleaning and screwing) and may have flush, stepped or
lapped surfaces. Welded joints shall be cleaned off smooth on the surfaces which
are exposed when the window or door is in the closed position or where they come
into contact with glazing.
Hinges and pivots shall be either of suitable corrosion-resistant materials or, if not
compatible with Aluminium, shall be separated from the Aluminium by materials
which are compatible with it. Hardware, including fixings, shall be of suitable corro-
sion resistant materials. Materials or finishes which are not compatible with Alu-
minium shall not be used unless they are satisfactorily separated from the Alumin-
ium by materials which are compatible with it.
Glazing beds, gaskets, glass adaptors and glazing compound shall be of materials
compatible with aluminium and finishes thereon.
Windows and doors shall be such that glazing and reglazing on site is possible
without the need to remove the outer frames from the structure of the building.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi General
The Contractor shall furnish and install all finish hardware to complete the work as
The Contractor shall submit samples of all hardware to the Engineer for approval.
All hardware shall have the required screws, bolts and fastenings necessary for
proper installation, wrapped in paper and packed in the same package as the
hardware. Each package shall be legibly labelled, indicating that portion of the
work for which it is intended.
All hardware shall be of the best grade, entirely free from imperfections in manu-
facture and finish.
Quantities, weight and sizes specified herein are the minimum that will be accept-
Finish of all hardware shall be dull stainless steel unless otherwise noted.
Window hardware:
Windows indicated to be pivot type shall be furnished with a pair of window fittings
(friction stays), a window pull and one barrel bolt lock. Window fittings shall be gal-
vanized or stainless steel. Window pull shall be 2.5 x 10 cm with 4 screws and bar-
rel bolt 10 cm long, 6 mm bolt.
Unless otherwise indicated, all hardware installation and hanging shall be done at
the site.
Exteriors doors and doors in air conditioned areas shall be weather-stripped.
The Contractor shall provide one (1) painted wood key case in each structure, size
25 x 50 cm with door and lock. Supply plywood back inside with hooks for spare
keys. All keys shall be clearly labelled with metal or hardboard tags size approxi-
mately 50 x 20 securely fixed to the keys and handed over to the Engineer.
Upon completion of the hardware installation, all items shall be inspected for
proper operation. All work shall be protected and any damage or incorrectness
shall be repaired.
Hardware shall not be fitted until the latest time in the Contract.
1.16.11 Glazing General
The Contractor shall supply the glass required in those items of plant, furnishings
and figments included in the Contract. Glass shall be of quality in accordance to
DIN 1249 or equivalent. Sheets shall be selected quality glazing and of approved
weight. Labels showing the glass manufacturer’s name, type of glass thickness
and quality will be required on each piece of glass and shall remain on the glass
until it has been set and inspected. Materials
Clear float glass shall be 6 mm thick. Obscured glass shall be rough cast to an
approved pattern, untainted and of 6 mm nominal thickness. Wired glass shall be
transparent with a polished surface, 6 mm thick, selected and cut parallel to the re-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Putty for glazing to timber frames shall be in accordance to DIN 18540, and to
metal frames, it shall be of approved manufacture.
Glass shall be delivered to the site in suitable containers allowing to protect the
glass from weather and breakage. Installation
Clear glass shall be used except where ordered otherwise. The glass shall be cut
and installed without any visible lines or waves running horizontally.
Glazing in wood shall have rebates and beds primed and painted. The glass shall
be firmly seated into the previously bedded and back-bedded rebate with glazing
compound and secured in place with wood beds, attached with not less than 25
mm finish nails or flat headed screws, countersunk and set approximately at 15
cm centers. Nails and screws used in beds shall be corrosion resistant. Cleaning up
All glass shall be cleaned at the completion of construction and any broken glass
replaced. The glazing shall be maintained in a clean condition until the date of
handing over the works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
parts shall be located so that any person in close proximity thereto shall be fully
enclosed or properly guarded.
Changes in pipe size on sanitary and wastewater drain lines shall be made with
reducing fittings. Use of bushings will not be permitted. Changes in direction shall
be made by the appropriate use of 45° Y-branches, long or short-sweep 90°, 45°,
22½°, or 11¼, or by a combination of these or equivalent fittings. Sanitary tees and
90°-bends or elbows may be used in drainage lines only where the direction of flow
is from horizontal to vertical, except elbows may be used where the change in di-
rection of flow is either from horizontal to vertical or from vertical to horizontal, and
may be used for making necessary offsets in vertical lines.
Slip joints will be permitted only in trap seals or on the inlet side of the traps.
Installation of pipes and fittings shall be carried out in accordance with the manu-
facturer’s recommendations. Mitring of joints for elbows and notching of straight
runs of pipe for tees will not be permitted.
Threaded joints shall have ISO/R7 pipe threads with graphite or inert filler and oil,
with an approved graphite compound or with polytetraf luoroethylene tape applied
to the male threads only.
When passing under buildings, paths, roadways, etc., drainage piping shall be laid
accurately to falls on a bed of class B 10 concrete, 15 cm thick and 30 cm wide
and after laying shall be entirely encased in class B 10 concrete. Piping outside
building shall be laid on a bed of class B 10 concrete 15 cm thick and 30 cm wide
and shall be hunched up on- both sides with class B 10 concrete. Piping fixed ver-
tically is to be well secured to walls, etc., with approved metal holder bats at every
joint, built into walls as directed. Rodding and inspection eyes are to be provided at
all ends and junctions for cleaning purposes.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The Contractor shall give notice in writing when drainage trenches have been ex-
cavated to their full depths and trenches shall be inspected and approved by the
Engineer before concrete beds are laid. The Contractor shall give further notice in
writing when concrete beds have been laid and these must also be inspected and
approved by the Engineer. No drainage trenches shall be filled or drains covered
up until they have been inspected, properly tested, and finally approved by the En-
gineer, or until the dimensions of trenches, etc., have been checked and agreed
upon by the Contractor and the Engineer. Flashing
Pipes passing through roofs shall be flashed using lead or copper flashing with an
adjustable integral flange of adequate size to extend not less than 200 mm from
the pipe in all directions and flashed into the roofing to provide a watertight seal. Traps
Each fixture and piece of equipment having an integral trap or seal, requiring con-
nections to the sanitary drainage system shall be equipped with a trap. Each trap
shall be placed as near the fixture as possible, and no fixture shall be double
trapped. Traps installed on PVC pipe shall be PVC. Traps installed on lavatory
wastes shall be brass recess-drainage pattern, or brass-tube type, chrome plated.
Toilet room drains shall have adjustable chrome plated brass strainers with free
strainer area not less than one and one half times the connecting pipe size.
Pump room, equipment room and area drains shall have anti-tilting slotted cast
iron grates of not less than 150 mm diameter.
Gutters shall have half round or rectangular profiles in asbestos cement, PVC, or
galvanized iron. The width or diameter of gutters shall be 150 mm.
The piping shall be extended to all fixtures, outlets, and equipment. The water pip-
ing system shall be installed so as to be drained. Drainage shall be accomplished
using 12 mm plugged or capped fittings at each low point, except where a drain
valve or a hose tap is reasonable.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Allowance shall be made throughout for expansion and contraction of pipe. Suffi-
cient flexibility shall be provided on all branch run outs from mains to provide for
expansion and contraction of piping. Flexibility shall be provided by installing one
or more turns in the line so that the piping will spring enough to allow for expansion
without straining.
Joints in steel piping may be screwed or flanged. Installation of pipe and fittings
shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Mitring of
joints for elbows and notching of straight runs of pipe for test will not be permitted.
Threaded joints shall have ISO/R7 pipe threads with graphite or inert filler and oil,
with an approved graphite compound, or with polytetraf luoroethylene tape applied
to the male threads only. Unions shall be provided where required for disconnec-
tion. Valves
Valves shall be provided for piping to equipment and fixtures. No valve shall be in-
stalled on any line with its stem below the horizontal. All valves shall be gate
valves, unless otherwise specified or indicated. Unions
Unions shall be installed in easily accessible locations. Gaskets for flanged unions
shall be of the best quality fibre, plastic or leather. Unions shall not be concealed in
walls, ceilings, or partitions.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
sleeves. The annular space between pipe and sleeve shall be packed and caulked
For solid masonry and where through bolting is objectionable, fixtures shall be fas-
tened with 9.5 mm machine bolt expansion shields or 9. 5 mm stud-type expan-
sion bolts.
Urinals mounted on pipe chases shall be installed with one or two steel backup
plates as required, as specified for lavatories. Backup plates shall be suspended
on the inner side of the chase by two 3.2 mm thick metal clips placed in the mortar
joint. The metal clips and through bolts shall be tack-welded to each plate. The
plates shall be installed horizontally and fastened to the top and bottom of the lava-
tory or urinal as required.
Generally, all fixtures, except water closets and urinals, shall have the water sup-
ply above the rim. Fixtures with the supply discharge below the rim shall be
equipped with backflow preventers. Angle stops, straight stops, stops integral with
the taps, or concealed type of lock-shield, and loose-key pattern stops for supplies
shall be furnished and installed with fixtures.
Where space conditions will not permit standard fittings in conjunction with the
cast iron floor flange, special short-radius fittings shall be provided. Connections
between earthenware fixtures and sanitary pipe shall be made absolutely gastight
and watertight with a closet-setting compound or with a neoprene gasket and seal.
Use of natural-rubber gaskets or putty will not be permitted for these connections.
Bolts shall be not less than 6.4 mm in diameter and shall be equipped with chro-
mium-plated nuts and washers. Fixtures with outlet flanges shall be set the proper
distance from floor or wall to make a first class joint with the closet-setting com-
pound or gasket and fixture used.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
If inspection or test shows defects, such defective work or material shall be re-
placed or repaired as necessary and inspection and tests repeated. Repairs to pip-
ing shall be made with new materials. No caulking of screwed joints or holes will
be acceptable. Disinfection
After pressure tests have been made, the entire water system shall be thoroughly
flushed with water until all dirt and mud have been removed before introducing
chlorinating material. The chlorinating material shall be either chlorine solution or
hypo chlorite. The chlorinating material shall provide a dosage of not less than 50
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
parts per million and shall be introduced into the system in an approved manner.
The treated water shall be retained in the pipe long enough to destroy all non-
spore forming bacteria. Except where a shorter period is approved, the retention
time shall be at least 24 hours and shall produce not less than 10 ppm of chlorine
at the extreme end of the system at the end of the retention period. All valves in
the system being sterilized shall be opened and closed several times during the
contact period. The system shall then be flushed with clean water until the residual
chlorine is reduced to less than 1.0 ppm. During the flushing period all valves and
taps shall be opened and closed several times.
From several points in the system the Engineer may take samples of water in
properly sterilized containers for bacterial examination. Disinfection shall be re-
peated until tests indicate the absence of pollution for at least 2 full days. The sys-
tem will not be accepted until satisfactory bacteriological results have been ob-
Rooms and areas where voltages above 1,000 V are to be present, housing re-
lays, control and computer units shall be equipped with portable carbon dioxide ex-
tinguishers in addition. Also suitable masks to prevent any injury to personnel shall
be supplied.
All extinguishers shall be designed for service over a period of 20 years taking the
conditions at the site into account.
After completion of the installation, random tests of 20% of the portable extin-
guishers supplied shall be performed. The necessary refills shall be provided by
the Contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.16.14 Painting General
This Specification covers the general requirements and standards of workmanship
and the painting and protective coatings required to be carried out by the Contrac-
tor of the works.
The area(s) shall be offered for review by the Engineer and shall, upon approval,
be then preserved as a reference standard for the work.
No extra payment will be made for carrying out such protection or decoration in
advance of the general work, or for the removal and repetition or improvement of
the work if required by the Engineer in order to achieve the specified standard.
The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the toxicity, inflammability and the
explosive dangers related to the storage and application of the systems and shall
take all precautions necessary to the satisfaction of the Engineer to protect his op-
eratives, the public and other site personnel.
The coating thickness for painting on concrete or plaster surfaces shall be in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or proposals.
Wet film thickness gauges shall be provided to and used by each painter to check
the rate of paint application.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The thickness of the built-up dry film after each paint coat applied to steel or other
magnetic surfaces shall be measured systematically with a dry film thickness
The Contractor shall adopt holiday detection on concrete, steel and iron surfaces
and shall use a suitable method of detecting pinholes in the coating system after
trials on test plates, which shall be notified in advance to the Engineer.
The sweep voltage on high voltage DC equipment shall not exceed half the volt-
age required to spark through the complete paint system specified.
Daily checks shall be carried out and recorded on site in accordance with the pro-
visions of DIN EN ISO 12944.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The colour coding for other minor pipelines, etc., will be notified to the Contractor
prior to the commencement of erection.
All pipes and tanks shall also bear painted labels to indicate the contents. Lettering
shall be in both Montenegrian and English. Labels on pipework shall incorporate
arrows showing the direction of flow within the pipework.
Black lettering shall be used on organ, yellow and green and white lettering shall
be used on red and blue. Sufficient labels shall be used to ensure adequate identi-
fication throughout the length of the pipe runs. These shall be located at least ad-
jacent to each flange or disconnecting joint, where pipework passes through walls,
floors, crosses doorways and other access ways and at intervals in long runs of
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Identification
All paint shall be supplied in sealed containers bearing the following information in
addition to any statutory requirements: Waste
The Contractor shall provide on site suitable moveable receptacles into which are
to be placed all the liquid, slops, washings, etc. All solid refuse or inflammable
residues shall be removed from site or carefully burned. No refuse shall be depos-
ited on any soil or disposed down any permanent sanitary fittings, sinks or drains.
The Contractor shall immediately clean up any unauthorized deposition and re-
move from the site any employee found to be responsible.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Metal coatings required for protective purposes on any item of metalwork shall be
applied after fabrication of the items is completed, including all punching, welding,
drilling, grinding, screw tapping and cutting, and after the removal of surface de-
fects. Tapped holes shall be blanked off before the metal coating is applied.
Abrasives shall be restricted to reusable iron or steel (grit and shot) or copper slag.
The type and grades of abrasive shall be selected in accordance with the appro-
priate DIN standard.
Within four hours of completion of surface preparation, and before surface re-
rusting occurs, a coating of primer shall be applied to avoid deterioration of the
prepared base metal. No contamination shall be permitted to occur between blast
cleaning and primer coating.
The internal surfaces of boxes or hollow sections which are of dimensions too
small to permit access for painting either at the fabrication stage or for mainte-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
nance during the operation life of the steelwork and which are to be hermeti-
cally sealed by welding;
Those surfaces of built-in iron or steel members which are to have concrete
cast against them;
Machine bright parts and bearing surfaces which shall be thoroughly cleaned,
polished and protected from corrosion by painting with one coat of a mixture of
white lead and tallow or other similar approved material before despatch. The
Contractor shall provide solvent for removing the treatment;
Surfaces of iron or steel members which are to have concrete cast against them
shall be clean and free of deleterious matter and loose rust at the time of concret-
ing. The paint protection system, to be applied to the permanently exposed faces
of these members before the members are built in, shall be continued for 50 mm
as marginal strip along the contact surface. No paint containing Aluminium in me-
tallic form shall be allowed to come into direct contact with the concrete.
Where epoxy coatings are damaged, suitable repair supplied by the manufacturer
of the original coating shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-
structions. Fastenings
Bolts, nuts and washers and other demountable fastenings of all galvanized parts
and also Aluminium alloy parts shall be in stainless steel to the appropriate DIN
standard and shall remain unpainted. P.T.F.E. washers shall be fitted beneath
bolt-head and washer when fastening galvanized and aluminium alloy parts.
Fastenings, except high tensile, of all ferrous parts shall be steel prepared and
galvanized to or sheradized to the relevant DIN standards, primed and painted in
accordance with location.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
After installation and after all bolts have been tightened, the area of the connection
shall be cleaned to remove all dirt, dust, oil or other contaminant. Particular care
shall be taken to ensure that all traces of oil and grease are removed from bolts,
nuts and washers.
Bolts, nuts and washers and any exposed at bolted connections shall also be
primed as specified, particular care being taken to ensure that any crevices are
fully sealed. The remaining coats of the paint system shall then be applied.
Following painting and where the bolted connections are in an area to be backfilled
(pipe trench flanges, etc.) the bolts, nuts and washers and the entire joint assem-
bly shall be carefully packed with an approved purpose made water proof protec-
tive paste (non solvent) and finally wrapped with an approved protective paste im-
pregnated tape to completely encase the assembly. Pipe joint protection shall con-
tinue along the length of the barrel for a distance of 200 mm. Minimum thickness and adhesion tests for painting systems for concrete and
The total dry film thickness of any used paint system shall have a minimum value
of tests for 0.75 mm. In order to restore the coating integrity and plaster thickness
whenever the paint inspection gauge is used or wherever the coating has been
otherwise damaged, the surface shall be abraded for 50 mm around such damage
and the area touched in with not less than two thick applications.
Adhesion tests will be carried out on the cured coating using the test equipment
supplied under the Contract in accordance with the best practice. The resulting
test specimen shall show no indication of poor adhesion to the substratum, resid-
ual laitance or intercoat adhesion weakness.
before priming. Painting shall be deferred where further salt deposits form on the
surface during this period.
Brickwork, block work and concrete surfaces shall be cleaned of all contaminating
matter before being primed. Subject to the approval of the Engineer large holes
which would cause a break in the paint film shall be filled with mortar, the surface
being rubbed down to match the surrounding areas.
Hardwoods and soft woods for which a clear finish is specified shall be rubbed
down with abrasive paper to give a smooth surface which shall be free from con-
taminating substances, scratches and other imperfections.
Prior to coating all nail and screw holes, etc., shall first be stopped. Surfaces which
are to be painted shall be rubbed down to remove all contaminating substances
and imperfections which would be visible in the finished paint film. The surfaces of
knots and resinous streaks shall then be painted with two coasts of knotting, the
first being allowed to dry before the second is applied.
Concrete and High humidity 1 coat of a highly weather 2 coat of a highly weather
cement plaster resistant resin, thinned to resistant synthetic resin
manufacturer’s instruction based paint
Concrete Exposed to oil 1 coat with a plastic modi- 3 coats with an oil resis-
fied hydraulic mortar tant synthetic resin based
Concrete Exposed to 1 coat of colourless 2-pack 2 coats of a 2-pack epoxy-
mechanical and epoxy-based paint, based paint
chemical attack thinned to manufacturer’s
Concrete flooring Exposed to 1 coat of colourless rub- 2 coats of a 2-pack epoxy-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.17.1 Scope
This section sets out the general requirements for the engineering metalwork re-
quired in the works. General
All steelwork (except roof structures) where ever installed shall be galvanized (in
hot bath or zinc spraying). Welding on galvanized steelwork has to be avoided and
assembling has to be done by bolts and nuts.
The permissible design stresses for materials, bolts, rivets, etc., are given in DIN
Rolled structural steel sections shall be mild steel, conforming to DIN EN 10025,
DIN EN 10222 AND DIN EN 10250. The dimensions, tolerances and properties of
the structural sections shall conform to DIN 18201 up to 18203 and to DIN 18800.
Where the use of prefabricated proprietary designs is proposed, the standards to
which they are manufactures shall be no less rigorous than specified herein.
For structural steel work assemblies, steel bolts, nuts and washers shall be high
strength friction grip bolts conforming to DIN EN 14399 or black bolts including
nuts and washers conforming to DIN 7989 and DIN 7990.
All welding consumables (electrodes, wire, filler rods, flux, shielding gas and the
like) shall comply with the requirements of the appropriate DIN standard and with
the requirements of the appropriate welding procedure. Erection
All erection processes shall be carried out in accordance to DIN 18800. General
All welding carried out during fabrication in the factory and erection on the Site
shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements as shown on the ap-
proved detail drawings. Details of the proposed welding procedures shall be sub-
mitted to the Employer’s Representative for approval at the same time as the de-
tail drawings. All connections shall be welded in such a manner as to make the fi-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
nished connections neat and smooth in appearance, and suitable for painting. All
slag shall be removed, and any sharp projections shall be ground smooth. All
welding carried out during fabrication in the factory and erection on the site shall
be carried out in accordance with the requirements of DIN 18800 and as shown on
the approved detail drawings. Before welding is commenced either in the fabrica-
tion shop or on site, weld procedure tests shall be carried out where directed by
the Engineer.
All welders employed either in the fabrication shop or on site shall pass qualifica-
tion tests relevant to the weld procedures in use in accordance with the appropri-
ate DIN standard. Welders shall have satisfactory evidence of having been en-
gaged in welding for at least 9 months in the preceding period. If the work of any
welders employed on the Contract is unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall carry out
such further welder qualification tests as are necessary to demonstrate that the
welders are proficient.
If any work shows defects or fails to comply with the requirements of the approved
drawings or the specification for any reason, it shall be repaired or rejected, even
though it may have been carried out by qualified welders using approved proce-
The welding procedure for cupro-nickel linings shall avoid porosity in the weld and
any uncontrolled dilution of the weld by iron picked up from the steel.
Special precautions shall be taken to avoid lamellar tearing when welding thick
plates and low hydrogen content electrodes shall be used. Class 1 welds shall be
fully radiographed except where otherwise specified.
In bad weather, additional measures are needed in the course of welding conse-
quently, in case of rainy weather, provision shall be made to keep the places of
welding dry. In weather with temperatures below 5 C, a strip of 100 mm should be
preheated to 50 C, on both sides of the welded joint in case of both seams and
tack welds.
Splash, burning-in, uneven arc, oversized root edges at corner joints, unsatisfacto-
ry seam or any crack are impermissible in the course of welding. Surfaces should
be free from any marks of impact, indentation and deformation.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.17.3 Covering General
Covering shall be fabricated from watertight construction of chequer plate or open
mesh panels.
All steelworks for chequer plates, frames or open mesh flooring shall be con-
structed in mild steel and shall be hot–dip galvanized after manufacture, except
where otherwise specified.
For all prefabricated metalwork, as chequer plates, frames, open mesh and the
like, the Contractor shall submit fabrication drawings for the approval of the Engi-
neer prior to the manufacture of any of these items.
Covering and supports thereto shall be designed and manufactured to resist a uni-
form applied live loading of 7.5 KN/m² unless otherwise specified or stipulated in
the applicable DIN standards.
Covering panels shall generally be removable by one man and the maximum
weight of each panel shall not exceed 25 kg. Removable sections of covering shall
be provided with holes for lifting keys, keys to suit for each location, and be ar-
ranged to permit removal without disturbance to support brackets, spindles, pipe-
work, etc. Intermediate support members shall be provided as required and at-
tached to the supporting structure.
The width of any access walkway shall be not less than 750 mm.
Open mesh flooring panels shall be fabricated from mild steel load bearing bars of
flat section backed with round, square, or twisted bars perpendicular to and
welded to each load bearing bar. Panels shall be trimmed across the ends of load
bearing bars by flats of the same cross section welded to each load bearing bar.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Cut-outs for plant items shall be trimmed with curved or straight edge trimming as
appropriate. Panels shall be fixed to the kerbing or supporting steelwork with ade-
quate flush stainless steel screws or clips so that movement is prevented.
Internal access covers shall generally be designed and fabricated as specified for
covering. In situations which warrant special measures to prevent pollution of fil-
tered water the covers shall be air tight.
If not anywhere otherwise required, external access covers over such as raw water
or sludge channels shall be steel open mesh.
Where covers and frames are supplied from manufacturers to standards other
than those specified, the alternatives shall be designed and tested for loadings
equal to or greater than the covers specified, and the clear openings of the frames
of the alternatives shall be equal to or greater than the covers specified.
joint gap: 3 mm
Hand railing shall be provided along every edge of all metalwork and concrete
walkways, stairs or accessible open areas where the drop beyond the edge ex-
ceeds 700 mm. Hand railing shall consist of standards at regular intervals not ex-
ceeding 1.5 m, and two rails. The upper rail shall be 1.0 m above the adjacent fin-
ished floor level, and 900 mm above the nosing line on stairways. The lowest rail
shall be midway between floor and upper rail. The hand railing fixing and anchor-
ages shall be designed to withstand a continuous horizontal load at the top rail of
750 N/m.
Unless otherwise required in the particular specification standards for hand railing
inside buildings, all rails shall be fabricated from 32 mm bore galvanized medium
weight steel tube.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Hand railing shall be flush jointed. Hand railing terminating against a wall shall ei-
ther have a suitable wall fixing flange, or shall terminate at a standard with a gap
between the standard and the wall not exceeding 100 mm. Where the shape of
the concrete structure does not incorporate an up stand at the edge of walkways,
toe plates 5 mm thick and 100 mm high shall be fixed to handrail standards. The
bottom edge of such toe plates shall be 10 mm above the surface of the concrete
The handrail standards for stairways and for landings and walkways of width less
than 1.2 m shall have palm fittings for bolting to the side of the structure. Else-
where the standards shall be designed for fixing 100 mm inside the edge of con-
crete structures, or at the supporting edge girder of steel flooring, or have palm fit-
tings. Horizontal mounting palms shall be drilled for not less than three bolts with
two bolts on a line parallel to and on the walkway side of the line of the hand rail-
ing. Vertical mounting palms shall be drilled for not less than two bolts the line
through the bolts being vertical. General
Stairs shall have an inclination of approximately 30°. They shall be complete with
handrails, min. 100 cm vertical height.
All ladders are to have a minimum width of 750 mm where practicable. Vertical
ladders shall be installed alternating left hand/right hand side to horizontal plat-
forms placed approximately every 6 m of vertical height. Vertical ladders of more
than 3 m height shall be provided with safety hoops at intervals not exceeding 900
mm, with the lowest hoop 2.0 m above the ladder foot. Load assumptions for ordi-
nary platforms shall be:
for platforms used by personnel and for support of light equipment with
single weights of less than 50 kg 2.5 kN /m²
for all other platforms 7.5 kN /m²
unless otherwise specified or stipulated in the applicable standards. Ladders
With exception of internal access ladders to water tanks, reservoirs and wet
sumps, laddering shall be in steel (fully hot-dip galvanized). Ladders for internal
access shall be in stainless steel. Generally all ladders shall be in accordance with
DIN 3620. Each ladder shall be equipped with dropin safety rail acc. To EN 353.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The stringers shall be sized to suit the height of the ladder and the interval of the
stringer supports. Stringer shall be radiused over the top and drilled to receive the
rungs which shall be welded to the stringers on each side of each stringer. The
bottom ends of the stringers shall not be designed for floor fixing, but shall termi-
nate at wall fixing supports at least 150 mm above the floor. All edges of stringers
shall be ground smooth to remove burrs and sharp edges.
Where the installation of hoops is not possible or inappropriate, as agreed with the
Engineer, anchorage points shall be provided for attaching safety harnesses.
Each ladder has to be delieverd with harness.
The width of the treads shall be between 250 mm and 300 mm. The width of the
stairways shall not be less than 750 mm.
The stringer shall be mounted by means of angle brackets with slotted holes for
adjustment of line and level.
1.17.6 Miscellaneous
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Protection
The engineering metal work shall be protected in accordance with the general
specification for "Painting and Protective Coating". Installation
Where metalwork is to be founded on and fastened to concrete, the Contractor
shall use one of the following methods as subsequently detailed:
Method Description
1. Bolting or screwing the metalwork to plates or angle sections with
anchors set into the concrete structure or set into pockets left in the
concrete structure.
2. Setting the metalwork into pockets or recesses formed in the con-
crete structure.
3. Bolting the metalwork to bolts set into the concrete structure or set
in pockets or holes in the concrete structure.
4. Bolting the metalwork to self-anchoring epoxy resin fixed bolts
placed in drilled holes.
5. Bedding the metalwork on cement-mortar placed on the concrete
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Small or lightly loaded items may be fixed using screws and approved plugs set in
drilled holes.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
1.18.1 General Scope
Site works, as specified hereunder, comprise roads and pavements as well as
fencing of operation compounds and the like.
The site works to be carried out include the supply of all materials, all works re-
quired, disposal of surplus materials and cleaning of the site after the works are
The bid prices entered in the Bill of Quantities shall fully include the value of works
described under the several items and shall fully cover the cost of all labour, mate-
rials, tools, equipment etc. as necessary to construct roads, pavements and
fences as shown on the Drawings or as directed, all as specified. The unit prices
shall include also all ancillary work and cost for the execution of the various items
which are not specifically included for payment under other items of the Contract.
Pavement design for roads and hardstand shall be in accordance with the Local
Authority Road Regulations. The design shall be based on a design life of 50 years
and traffic volumes envisaged for operation of the works, unless otherwise speci-
The Contractor shall make his own assessment of the traffic and the sub-grade
CBR at the site and accordingly design the thickness of the road base and surfac-
ing. Carriageway construction and surfacing to hardstands shall be resistant to di-
esel and other chemical spillage.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The structural design shall correspond to the road category “DV“ (heavy load) in
accordance with “RAS-N“ (Richtlinie für die Anlage von Straßen, code for the con-
struction of roads) or equivalent. The planning of roads shall make due allowances
for road curvatures, crossroads, parking spaces and turning space for both, ve-
hicular and pedestrian traffic.
All roads shall be kerbed. Upstanding kerbs shall be provided against footpaths
where it is essential to keep traffic from road verges which contain buried services,
which are landscaped or which are close to buildings. Elsewhere kerbs shall be
flush with the pavement surface. Drop kerbs shall be used where appropriate.
Footpaths shall be provided around all buildings and external process tank perime-
For frequently used accesses (this applies to all external doors to buildings and to
main access points to external tanks), footpaths shall be by means of minimum
900 wide pathways formed from either hydraulically pressed pre-cast concrete
slabs or interlocking bricks or blocks. Steps can be provided where appropriate.
For the balance of building and process tank perimeters footpaths shall be by
means of minimum 600 mm wide pathways.
Footpaths in verges shall be edged with concrete edging, laid flush with the surfac-
All materials shall be new and shall comply with standard quality and dimension
provision. For materials and building components not standardized the Contractor
shall, on demand of the Engineer, supply samples and name of manufacturer, and
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The reinstatement of the paved surface shall be done by the Contractor and shall
include the re-excavation of the top surface, base and sub-base, the backfilling of
base and sub-base with graded aggregate and the reinstatement of the surface
according to surface conditions met before.
The formation and sub-grade shall be graded and compacted to the levels, falls,
cambers and densities as required by RSTO 01. The sub-grade shall be so com-
pacted that the dry density of the upper 15 cm of the ground or fill is not less than
95 % of the maximum dry density determined by tests in accordance with DIN
Where existing ground conditions are such that direct compaction of the sub-grade
according to the specification is impossible unsuitable material shall be removed
and replaced with suitable granular sub-base.
Where the sub-grade is in natural ground, the compaction shall, whenever possi-
ble, be carried out at or near to the natural moisture content of the ground.
The formation shall be kept free of standing water at all times and drains shall be
provided so that it will drain quickly and effectively during rain.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The materials for the sub-base and road base shall be laid in layers, each not
exceeding 15 cm or being less than 7.5 cm. The total compacted thickness of sub-
base and road base shall nowhere be less than the specified nominal thickness. If
not otherwise directed, the sub-base and base in roads shall have each a thick-
ness of 20 cm, in footpaths a thickness of 15 cm.
The sub-base and road base materials shall be deposited in such a manner that
there is no segregation and the materials require the minimum of blading or
spreading. Each layer of material shall be compacted immediately after spreading
in accordance with ZTVE-StB 07.
If any of the sub-grade material is worked into the sub-base material during
spreading, blading or compaction, all the sub-base material in the affected area
shall be replaced by fresh sub-base material at the Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall be responsible for taking all necessary steps to prevent dam-
age to the previously completed layer or layers by excessive wetting or drying out
due to weather conditions or by traffic or any other cause. If the contractor consid-
ers it as advisable or if so ordered by the Engineer, the completed layers shall be
sealed using bitumen road emulsions.
In any case, the completed surface of the road base shall be sealed with suitable
emulsion (MC70) at a rate of 1.5-2.0 kg/m² immediately when it has been com-
pleted and checked for compliance with the specified tolerances.
Before laying commences in any area, a tack coat of bitumen road emulsion shall
be applied to the whole area of the preceding course and any other surfaces with
which the coat will be in contact. After cleaning, the top of the base should be
sprayed with suitable emulsion (MC70) at a rate of 1.5-2.0 kg/m²; the surface of
the bituminous coat should be treated with asphalt tack coat (RC250) at a rate of
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
0.5 kg/m². The emulsion shall be allowed to break completely before the subse-
quent bituminous layer is laid on it.
Coated macadam material shall be delivered to site in clean vehicles and shall be
protected to minimize loss of heat in transit and against contamination by dust or
other deleterious matter. The rate of delivery to the site shall be regulated so as to
enable the material to be laid with the minimum of delay and so that the paver can
operate continuously.
The coated thickness of individual layers shall be not less than the minimum com-
pacted thickness specified or shown on the approved drawings. If not otherwise di-
rected, the bituminous wearing course shall have a thickness of 10 cm, the asphalt
course 5.0 cm.
Concrete for roads and Pavements shall be of class C 20/25. The use of additives
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Concrete courses shall be never
less than 100 mm thick.
Transport and placing of the concrete shall be co-ordinated so that the concrete
can be completely placed before setting.
Expansion joints shall be executed at the required intervals and shall enable ex-
pansion to the concrete slabs and be fixed. The expansion joints shall be 20 mm
wide. The strength of the concrete and the properties of the concrete surface shall
not be influenced by the execution of joints.
The concrete shall be protected against harmful influences until correct setting, i.e.
against drying out, especially due to sun and wind, against washing out due to rain,
against heat or quick cooling. The concrete surfaces shall be cured and kept moist
for 7 days. Kerbs
Pre-cast concrete kerbs shall comply with DIN 482 and be laid true to line and
level. Kerbs found to be more than 1 cm out of line or level at either end shall be
lifted and re-laid.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi Footpaths
Footpaths shall be surfaced with coated macadam, concrete, pre-cast concrete
slabs or natural stones. The base for footpaths shall be formed from flexible sur-
facing, laid and compacted to a minimum thickness of 100 mm using a roller of at
least 2 tons mass or other approved equipment allowing for equivalent compac-
Natural stones shall be sound, durable, hard and free from undesirable weathering
and shall be of such properties that they will not disintegrate from the action of
weather in handling and placing. The density of stones shall be not less than 2.2
t/m³ (solid volume without voids). The dimensions of stones shall range between
150 and 200 mm. The stones will be rough hammered dressed so that they fit rea-
sonably close together. They shall be laid to a true and even surface on a layer of
sand, approximately 100 mm thick and tamped into place.´
The Contractor shall clean the site and the surrounding ground immediately and
leave the construction sites clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the Employer.
Glazed vitrified clay pipes and fittings shall conform to DIN 1230 or equivalent and
be used for diameters up to 300 mm.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Earthworks for piped drainage systems shall be carried out in accordance to the
Specification of Earth Works, applying minimum cover and trench width.
Open channels adjacent to buildings, basins or other structures and channels with
longitudinal slopes steeper than 1:100 shall be constructed with pre-cast concrete
or stone work, depending on soil conditions. Channel sections which are subject to
scouring shall be protected with stone pitching.
All road crossings of channels shall be constructed such that vehicular traffic is not
exposed to danger. The Contractor shall provide for the installation of pipes and
culverts or grating over the channel.
1.18.4 Fencing General
The works comprise the supply and erection of fences and gates both around the
perimeter of the site and internal fencing. Internal fencing shall be of the standard
type and fencing around the perimeter of the site shall be of the security type. Se-
curity fences shall be anti-intruder type.
All items of material for fencing shall be standard products of specialized manufac-
turers. Posts and struts shall be either reinforced concrete or galvanized steel sec-
tions. Timber posts shall not be used.
All wire shall be galvanized wire with plastic coating. The length of the sides of the
chain link mesh shall be 50 mm. All chain link fencing shall be barbed along the
top edge.
The work pertaining to fencing shall consist of providing all necessary materials
and construction of the fencing including all requisite materials, unloading and
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
storing on site as well as intermediate handling as required. All earth and concrete
work shall be included in the offer.
All posts and struts shall be anchored in rigid concrete C 20/25 foundations of
sufficient depth. In the vicinity of gates, structures and fence openings, adequate
provisions to fix the fences shall be provided. The distance of the bottom of the
wire mesh to the levelled ground surface shall not exceed 2.5 m.
The posts shall be galvanized inside and outside and plastic coated and closed at
the top with plastic or cast zinc alloy caps. End, intermediate, corner and straining
posts shall be 1.5 m long, gate posts 1.5 m long. The distance between the posts
shall be 2.5-3.0 m. The posts are to be set in sufficient C 20/25 concrete founda-
Corner and end posts shall either be supported by struts as for intermediate strain-
ing posts or by a horizontal bracing. Sufficient straining wires, winding ratchets,
joining clamps and other fittings required shall be provided for all end, corner and
gate posts.
Three rows of straining wires are to be installed for 1.0 m high fences.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
The total fence height shall be 2.5 m. Six rows of straining wires are to be in-
stalled. Post length shall be 3.0 respectively 3.75 m minimum. Three rows of gal-
vanized and plastic coated 2 strand, 4 point barbed wire shall be fixed to the
cranked top section of the post. Sufficient ratchet, winders and clamps are to be
provided to assemble and to secure the barbed wire. Gates
The tops of the gate frames shall be levelled with the tops of adjacent fencing.
Gates in fencing with barbed wire on extension arms shall also carry wire mounted
on extension arms as specified.
All gates shall be of welded steel construction, galvanized and painted and cov-
ered with plastic coated chain link mesh and surmounted with galvanized plastic
coated barbed wire to match the fencing. Sliding gates shall be provided with roller
support tracks.
The gates shall be complete with all fittings such as drop bolts, back catches,
locking bars, lock plates and locks including three keys per lock. Installation
Fences shall be installed in accordance with the fence manufacturer’s drawings
and written installation instruction, except as modified herein. Each line of fencing
shall be erected so that it is plumb, taut, true to line and grade, and complete in all
details. The outside face of the fabric shall be on the property line where the fence
runs along the property boundary.
Posts shall be suitably braced during concreting to ensure that they remain in the
correct line and level during placing of concrete and the concrete shall be cured for
3 days before any further work is done at the post.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Applied technical solution in any case shall not violate culvert functionality. If pipe-
lines is installed above culvert (bedded or encased) Contractor shall avoid damag-
ing of existing culvert. After instalment of pipeline above or below culvert, Contrac-
tor is obliged to remove and dispose all concrete surplus, parts of formwork, trees,
solid waste, to fill with concrete or cement mortar all voids, cracks.
Reinstatement shall be done in the way to suit, as much as possible, the original
state of culvert. Unit rate for culvert reinstatement includes breakage, disposal,
concrete works, formworks, pipe installation and reinstatement. Topsoiling
So far as practicable, top soil shall be obtained from material emanating from
excavations and separately stored in temporary spoil tips as specified or directed
by the Engineer. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor can not reasona-
bly obtain sufficient topsoil in this way, the Engineer may order the Contractor to
provide extra material from an approved source off the site.
Topsoil shall be evenly spread and trimmed over embankments and filled excava-
tion to the slopes and levels as shown on approved drawings. The depth after
spreading and trimming shall be 250 mm measured perpendicular to the surface.
All clods and lumps shall be broken up and any rubbish, large stones, roots and
weeds shall be removed.
Where the upper layer of natural soil is poor in organic matter, it shall be improved
to a minimum depth of 25 cm by adding either clay or sand or silt to create a loamy
soil texture consisting of 40 % Sand (size > 0.05 mm), 30 % silt (size 0.05-0.002
mm) and 30 % clay (size < 0.002 mm).
A shallow ripping will be required before adding clay or sand or silt which should
be under mixed properly by using a disk harrow. If it should be necessary for to-
pographical reasons, levelling shall be carried out before mixing clay, sand or silt. Grassing
Where the topsoil shall be sown with grass seed, the top 75 mm of the previously
laid topsoil shall be brought to a fine tilt suitable for seeding, and sowing shall be
carried out as soon as practicable after completion of topsoiling having due regard
to the season and the weather conditions. If ordered by the Engineer, subsoil lime
and fertilizer shall be applied in accordance with his directions.
After the seed has been sown uniformly, they shall be raked and lightly rolled into
the surface. The young grass shall be kept free from weeds and any bare patches
shall be re-seeded until an even close turf is established. The grass shall be wa-
tered, mown and rolled as required and maintained in good condition until the ex-
piry of the period of maintenance.
The Contractor shall replace, at his own cost, any damaged area where the grass
has dried up or has not adhered to the slope surface, which contains undesirable
plants or which has an irregular or unattractive appearance in the Engineer’s opin-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
Dressing of topsoil shall only be carried out after watering and raining. The surface
of the soil shall be kept wet until fertilizers have dissolved.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Herceg Novi
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The Contractor shall carry out all the contents within the scope of his work, includ-
ing execution design, supply to site, installation of the mechanical and electrical
equipment, testing run and commissioning, and training of the Employer’s techni-
cal and operation personnel.
The Tenderer shall carry out all the necessary calculations, contingent further exe-
cution design work and filling in the Schedules required for the completion of his
bid. In the process of preparing his offer, the Tenderer must verify the Consultant’s
design calculations. In the case of any ambiguity, the Tenderer has to inform the
Engineer immediately and ask for clarification.
The Tenderer shall submit detailed description and performance curves of the
proposed equipment in order to facilitate the evaluation of the bid by the Consult-
ant. The Tenderer must provide Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P & I
Diagram) for the Waste Water Pumping Stations according to the related require-
If changes to the Consultant’s design are proposed or required due to the equip-
ment and machinery offered, the Tenderer has to provide his own conceptual de-
sign drawings with the proposed changes clearly marked and documented.
The Tenderer must provide all necessary Tendering Documents according the
Specification (report, design, adjustment to the design of the Consultant, if any,
drawings, etc.), which clearly show the contents and complementary requirements
of the Works.
If certain mechanical equipment has not been included in the scope of supply in
the Contract, but it is required by the normal function of the design, the Contractor
shall provide the Employer with necessary documents to ensure the compatibility
of the equipment purchased, and that which is provided by the Contractor.
All the expenses of the above work shall be contained in certain items in the
Schedule of Prices.
Where used in this specification, the term ‘Supply’ shall mean all of the execution
designs, drawings, documentation for and the manufacturing, packing, despatch,
transport, installation, testing, commissioning of the respective items of the com-
plete equipment and the complete process systems specified and/or tendered for
installation at the site(s) by the contractor according to the contractor’s instructions
and under his supervision.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
• mechanical and all other equipment and accessories within process units
and ancillary structures;
2. Miscellaneous
• fasteners, clips, stands, trays and hangers and all other auxiliary materi-
als of any description.
4. Commissioning
5. Maintenance & operating instructions & spare parts lists for all items of
plant delivered:
• Spare parts.
The Mechanical Works shall comply as a minimum with International Standards
ISO, EN or DIN Standards* named as I.S., with the respective Codes of Practice
and Standards generally used for water supply and waste water facilities in foreign
countries, adapted to the local conditions, shall be used as an alternative subject
to written approval by the Engineer. For example:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All the equipment and materials provided by the Contractor shall be new, modern,
of good quality, faultless, with long service span and low maintenance.
The Contractor must ensure the Guarantee period of 2 years commencing from
the date of successful take-over of the Pumping Stations. During the guarantee
period, the Contractor shall maintain the equipment and carry out at least two
overall inspections. During the guarantee period, in case of failure of any equip-
ment or poor manufacturing, the Contractor shall be responsible for repairing and
recovering smooth operation without delay, once he has been informed. If the
Contractor fails to recover operation within 14 days, the Employer reserves the
right to dispose by himself. The expenses shall be compensated by the Contractor
with no rejection.
The Employer reserves the right to reject the equipment or components found to
be defect or not conforming to the Contract requirements. The equipment or com-
ponents shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. The employer shall not af-
ford any additional expenses thereof.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all the patent charges and certificate fees
on the equipment and process specified in the Contract and shall protect the Em-
ployer from any damage. All appeals caused by certificate fees, document and pa-
tent infringement, or other law arbitration, lawsuit and expenses caused by the ap-
plication of equipment and process shall have nothing to do with the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The payable expenses specified in the Contract shall be regarded as having in-
cluded any patent fees, certificate fees and other expenses of the like.
The following standards shall be applied for the welding operation during the man-
ufacturing and installation of equipment:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
• DIN EN ISO 13919-2: Welding - Electron and laser beam welded joints;
Guidance on quality levels for imperfections - Part 2:
Aluminium and its weldable alloys (ISO 13919-2:2001)
• DIN EN ISO 10042: Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its al-
loys - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:2005)
DIN EN 25817 Arc-welded joints in steel; Guidance on quality levels
for imperfections (ISO 5817:1992)
• DIN EN 462-1: Non-destructive testing; image quality of radiographs;
part 1: image quality indicators (wire type); determina-
tion of image quality values
• DIN EN 462-4: Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs -
Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values
and image quality tables
• DIN EN 462-3: Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radio-
grammes - Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous
• DIN EN 1435: Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing
of welded joints
• DIN EN 12681: Founding - Radiographic examination
• DIN EN 444: Non-destructive testing; general principles for the radi-
ographic examination of metallic materials using X-rays
and gamma-rays
• DIN EN 1330-4: Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 4: Terms
used in ultrasonic testing
Welding work on steel structures subjected to static and/or dynamic loads shall be
carried out by welders holding a valid welding certificate according to DIN EN 287-
1. On request, the certificates shall be submitted to the Employer. The valuation
for welding seam execution shall be based on DIN EN ISO 5817, Categories B
and C (category B for inside analysis; category C for outside analysis, for gas lines
only category B will be accepted).
The Employers reserve the right to order at the Contractor’s expense the X-ray
examination of up to a maximum of 10 % of all executed welding seams. In case
more than 10 % of the examined welds fail the test, the Employer will order the X-
ray examination of a further 30 % of all executed welding seams at the expense of
the Contractor. If, again more than 10 % of the welds fail the tests, the Employer
shall order the X-ray inspection of all welds. The Contractor shall bear all costs in-
volved. The X-ray examination shall be conducted according to DIN EN 444, DIN
EN 462 and DIN EN 1435. Test classification according to DIN EN ISO 5817.
1.8.1 General
The scope of work comprises the delivery and application of a complete and dura-
ble corrosion protection system. The expected life span is 60 months as a mini-
mum. This work also includes all required scaffolding and all ancillary means re-
quired for the execution of the work. Prior to the corrosion protection works, the in-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Each base surface shall be checked with regard to the suitability of the follow-up
coating and – if necessary – shall be pre-treated accordingly. The paint supplier’s
instructions for the application of the coatings shall be strictly adhered to.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.8.3 Shotblasting
The shotblasting of steel surfaces shall be carried out according to DIN EN ISO
12944-4, de-rusting grade Sa 2 1/2. Immediately after completion of the shotblast-
ing, the treated surfaces shall be properly cleaned and the prime coat applied. The
Contractor’s production scheduling should be such that only the absolute neces-
sary shotblasting work has to be executed on site.
1.8.4 Galvanizing
Preferably hot galvanizing should be employed wherever materials need to be gal-
vanized. If in certain cases this is not possible the zinc shall be applied by coating.
Pumps, motors, valves, compressors, vessels, etc. are to be delivered to site with
a coating applied by the manufacturer of the specific equipment. The employer re-
serves the right to request details in writing about the pre-treatment and coating
process employed by the equipment manufacturer. Surfaces which will be inac-
cessible after assembly must receive the above specified coating prior to the as-
sembly. The above specified coating shall assure a uniform appearance of the en-
tire plant. If, during transportation and / or assembly the top coat has been dam-
aged, it is the Contractor’s obligation to patch-up the damaged surfaces at no ex-
tra cost.
The colour of top coats will be determined by the Employer. The Contractor will be
notified in due course. The colour tint has to correspond to RAL.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.8.8 Calculation
All costs in connection with the above specified corrosion protection have to be in-
cluded in the quoted prices. The top coat has to be applied after assembly of
structures on site.
All items of the Plants shall be supplied with sufficient spares and consumable
items (others excluded) to last for a full 2 years at the rate set out in the manufac-
turer’s standard maintenance instructions or as necessary for the proper preventa-
tive maintenance of the Plant.
The rates and sums entered in the respective Schedules of prices for the Plant
supply shall be deemed to include all such “2 year’s spares”.
The Contractor shall provide a detailed schedule in duplicate of all the spare parts
to be supplied. During commissioning all spare parts shall be checked against the
schedule and against the recommended maintenance programme. Any shortfall in
the provision shall be provided by the Contractor.
All spare parts supplied shall be new, and strictly interchangeable with the parts for
which they are intended to be replacements, and shall be treated and packed for
long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing at the Site. Each spare part
shall be clearly marked or labeled on the outside of its packing with its description
and purpose, and when more than one spare is packed in a single case or other
container, a general description of its contents shall be shown on the outside of
such case or container and a detailed list enclosed.
All cases, containers and other packages shall be parked and numbered in an ap-
proved manner for the purposes of identification.
All cases, containers or other packages are liable to be opened for such examina-
tion as maybe required and packing shall be designed to facilitate opening and
thereafter repacking.
The Contractor shall provide the following as minimum requirements for the works.
The full cost of the provision shall be included in the contract price. The spares
shall be delivered with the plant. The contract should complete the schedule of
spares, including the following items:
• one set of any replaceable wear or seating elements and spindle nut for
each type.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
• one set of manufacturer’s complete overhaul kit for each type and size.
• one set of each type of bearings, bushes, chain and wear elements for
each type of screen.
• sufficient seals, sealing rings etc. and replacement parts for annual or
shorten service periods for each unit over 2 years.
Screw Conveyors:
Screenings Press:
• as for screens
Centrifugal Pumps:
Gate valves:
• two sets of renewable sealing elements for each size and type provided.
Electric Motors:
• One set of bearings and one set of brushes and brush gear (as applicable)
for each type and size.
• One set of electric spares for each panel type with minimum of 15 %
spares of relays, 100 % spares of common fuses and 200 % of special
One set means the number of parts installed in each machine and equipment. The
Engineer will determine the amount to be deducted from the Contract Price in re-
spect of the Contractor’s failure to deliver all spare parts defined by this clause.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Upon completion of the commissioning of the Works, or at such earlier time as the
Contractor and the Engineer agree, the Contractor shall provide a set of three tee-
keys for each type of valve or penstock cap in the Works which have been pro-
vided under the contract.
At this time, he shall also deliver two complete sets of labelled keys to the Engi-
neer (substantial rings and brass engraved tags) for all the plant and instrument
panel locks supplied, and any other operating tools necessary to enable the works’
staff to control the process.
The Contractor shall also supply with the keys one glass fronted timber wall
mounted key hook cabinets with brass hooks and matching engraved and
mounted brass labels. The cabinet shall be mounted in an approved location.
The instruction manuals shall cover the erection, setting to work, commissioning,
testing, operation, control, maintenance dismantling and repair of the Works. The
greatest importance is attached to completeness and clarity of presentation.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer for “General Approval” duplicate loose
leaf copies of draft operating manuals for the Plant prior to its delivery to Site. The
manuals shall be divided into volumes (e.g. function, erection, operation, mainten-
ance, overhaul) and shall fully and clearly set out the Contractor’s own recommen-
dations and instructions for the satisfactory erection, operation, maintenance and
overhaul of the Plant as applied to each of the installations and items supplied.
The text or accompanying diagrams shall in addition show the electrical wiring,
handling and erection instructions. Draft manuals shall, during the testing and
commissioning of the Works, be carefully checked by the Contractor and updated
and modified to ensure that they are fully descriptive and applicable to the final
process Plant as installed and as found to behave under operational conditions.
The draft manuals may include manufacturer’s standard literature but the Contrac-
tor shall fully supplement the literature by his own descriptive text and drawings.
Following final approval by the Engineer, four copies of the final approved manuals
shall be submitted prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion. They
shall be securely bound to A4 sized loose leaf binders, clearly titled, indexed and
cross referenced. A glass-fronted bookcase to house each set of manuals shall be
provided by the Contractor. Additionally one softcopy of the approved final ma-
nuals has to be submitted in pdf-format.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The final manuals shall incorporate instructions, recommendations and advice for
the operation of the entire process covering the full range of flow and raw water
conditions. No section of the Works will be certified by the Engineer as complete
unless this requirement has been met.
If during the Period of Maintenance, the Engineer finds that the manual requires
modification or enlargement as a result of subsequent operational and mainten-
ance experience in the Works, the Contractor shall provide the approved modifica-
tion for each manual.
The manuals shall include explanations of the function and purpose of each item
supplied and operational, mechanical and electrical procedures for:
The operating manuals shall describe the installation as a whole and shall give a
step-by-step procedure for any operation likely to be carried out during the life of
A separate section of the manual shall be devoted to each size and type of equip-
ment and to each system of Plant.
The various sections shall be grouped into volumes separately relating (as appro-
priate) to such functions as operation, maintenance, overhaul etc. The appropriate
volume of the manual shall contain a detailed description of each system’s con-
struction and operation and shall include all relevant pamphlets, and a list of parts
with the procedure for ordering spares.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The markers shall be arranged with standard colours to indicate work required,
parts outstanding, and work completed.
The maintenance scheme shall be to the approval of the Engineer and shall be
provided complete at the time of the commissioning of the works. It shall have suf-
ficient space for expansion if required to include any further routine work.
No taking Over will take place without the presence of approved Operation and
Maintenance Manuals.
Except stipulated otherwise by the contract, the as-built documents of the works,
complying to the construction, are submitted to be stamped by the Engineer in a
period of two months counted from acceptance. If the Engineer does not stamp it
or if he does not make any observations in a period of one month after their sub-
mission by the Contractor, the documents are regarded as accepted.
The drawings shall include those provided by the Contractor during the design,
construction, structure and manufacturing period together with drawings submitted
by him with his tender as appropriate. In addition, each item of Plant, e.g. valves,
motors, starters, cables, etc. shall be shown on detailed general arrangement
drawings clearly marking the position of the component parts. All parts shall be
numbered and the numbers given shall correspond to the spare parts list, pamph-
lets and descriptive matter.
The schematic drawing shall show the connections in a schematic form enabling
the operation to be ascertained, while the wiring drawing shall show the individual
components approximately in their relative physical positions, with the electrical
connection shown exactly as wired, to enable a particular component or connec-
tion to be located on the actual equipment.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Every connection shall be numbered and the number given for a particular con-
nection shall be the same on the schematic drawing, on the wiring drawing and as
tagged on the actual equipment itself.
Where possible one print of each of the appropriate electrical equipment drawings
and diagrams shall be provided in a purpose made pocket of each cabinet.
(1)The design, fabricating, installation and other work of all the equipment must be
in line with the latest engineering technology. The element of each part shall be
fabricated according to standard specifications and it shall be possible to re-
place and install them on site at any time. The same elements shall be able to
replace each other.
(2) The materials must be suitable for all operation conditions. The characters of
strength, ductility and durability shall be taken into consideration when choosing
metal materials. The cast iron material shall be of a tenacious compact texture,
with no pores, defects or cracks. The forge pieces bearing stress shall be fine
and even; cast iron, steel and other materials shall all be in accordance with the
requirements in the equipment specifications. All the materials chosen shall be
new and unused.
(1) All the conveyor belts, blades, chains, couplings, exposed central axis and oth-
er rotary parts of the equipment shall have protection coverings for safety
(2) The safety protection shall be standard products of manufacturers or made of
electroplated or compound aluminium, steel plate or galvanized metal plates.
Each safe guard facility shall be easily installed and dismantled and shall be at-
tached with necessary supports and accessories. The safety guard outdoor fa-
cility shall prevent the splashing of rain water.
1.13.4 Fasteners
The Contractor shall provide all the fasteners for equipment installation, including
adjusting bolts, anchor bolts, nuts and sleeves. The anchor bolts and particularly
noted bolts, nuts and gaskets shall all be stainless steel, and others shall be gal-
vanized steel.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.13.7 Lubrication
(1) The mechanical equipment shall be able to carry out lubrication operation dur-
ing continuous operation. The lubrication system shall be operated during start-
ing or closing of equipment and shall avoid waste of lubricant. The type of lubri-
cant shall be suggested by the manufacturer, who shall also supply enough lu-
bricant for one year’s continuous operation.
(2) The Contractor shall provide instructions on the lubrication type of equipment
and annual consumption of lubricant, and shall suggest the time of lubrication.
1.13.8 Coupling
Unless there are other specifications, when the driving motor of mechanical
equipment is larger than the 3 kW, the driving spindle of driving unit shall be
coupled with the output spindle of the motor with flexible coupling. The size of
couplings shall be suggested by manufactures according to standard. The factors
of motor power, rotation speed, driving type and the service coefficient of 1.5 shall
be taken into consideration. The Contractor shall adopt the couplings according to
the standard and shall take complete responsibility of accurate connection of all
the driving systems.
(1) All the mechanical equipment under the storage period shall be packed and
shall have complete protection measures. The equipment shall be kept from
being exposed and kept dry.
(2) The equipment with surface painting shall be prevented from sustaining impact
force, abrasion, fading and other damage. If the painting surface has been de-
stroyed before acceptance, the painting shall be reapplied and shall be ap-
proved by the Employer or the Engineer.
(3) The electrical, control and isolation equipment shall be damp proof and pre-
vented from being damaged by water soaking.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The Contractor shall pay special attention to the corrosion problems arised from
tight connection of different types of metals, and shall prevent such problems.
When it is a must of the contact of different metals, if possible, the electrochemical
series difference shall be kept below 0.5mV. If this requirement cannot be en-
sured, the contact surface of the parts shall be electroplated or treated by other
similar methods.
The manufacturer of mechanical equipment must select and provide all the aux-
iliary motors of the equipment.
(1) The features of each motor shall be in accordance with the load of the driven
equipment. Unless there are other specifications, the motor shall be a constant
squirrel-cage induction motor.
(2) The motor power shall be no less than the power needed by the driven ma-
chine in the driving range. The service coefficient shall be taken as 1.15.
(3) When the motor power is below 7.5 kW, the motor shall adopt direct starting;
when the motor power is equal to or larger than 7.5 kW, the motor shall adopt
reduced voltage starting.
(4) If the estimated minimum power cannot meet the above or other requirements,
the Contractor shall provide motors with larger power. All the modifications
aroused from the increasing of motor power, such as increasing of current
starters, electromagnetic switches, conduit pipes, conduction wires shall be
carried out by the Contractor at his own expense and the Contractor shall not
charge any costs to the Employer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
other specifications, all the motors shall be able to carry out full-load continuous
(4) Bearings
a. The motors which are below 1.5 kW shall use pre-lubricated ball bearings.
b. The horizontal motors which are larger than 1.5 kW shall use antifriction bear-
ings. There shall be plugs at the inlet and outlet of grease to allow lubrication at
any time and discharge of waste grease without any dismantling.
c. Each vertical motor shall have rotary drum or rotary ball shaped thrust bear-
ings, which are enough to bear gravity and the force generated during con-
d. Each motor shall have a data plate showing its bearing and lubrication method.
e. The design of bearings shall be up to the service year of five years (50,000
hours) when the motor is under 100 % full-load operation.
(7) Miscellaneous
a. All the motors shall have external casing, bearing supports, fan covers and wire
pipes, etc. As to waterproof and totally-enclosed motors, there shall be silicon
rubber gaskets between the terminal box and the wire pipes of the motor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
b. All the metal components must be anti-corrosive. The motors shall be painted
according to the standard of manufacturers.
c. The fan of the motor shall be of anti-corrosion materials and shall be suitable
with rotation in all directions and shall be accurately balanced in installation.
The casing of fans shall not use non-metal materials.
d. The rotary element of the motor shall receive dynamic balance adjustment. The
maximum vibration amplitude shall be no less than 0.04 mm when the rotation
speed is lower than 1800 rpm, and no less than 0.03 mm when the synchron-
ous speed is 3600 rpm.
All motors shall be suitable for operation under the climatic conditions at site and
ambient temperatures up to 50°C. If not specified otherwise, all electric motors,
rating at 50°C ambient temperature, shall be squirrel cage induction type, suitable
for direct-on-line starting up to 15 kW and star-delta starting above 15 kW.
The type of motor, its rotor and its nominal power shall be chosen in accordance to
the duty they perform. Care shall be taken in view of starting characteristics of the
driven load. Where a mechanical overload device shall be employed, it may be-
come necessary to limit the starting torque of the motor in choosing the right type
of the rotor, thus ensuring that the overload device can be set to give maximum
protection to the plant.
All low voltage motors shall be suitable for operation at 400 V, 3 phases, 50 Hz
supply and shall comply with IEC publications 34, 72-1, 72-2, 79 and 445 as well
as with VDE regulations 0530.
Low voltage frame for indoor use shall conform to a degree of protection not less
than IP 54. All motors intended for outdoor use shall meet or exceed the require-
ments of IP 55 with regard to protecting from harmful ingress of sand and dust and
harmful effects of water projected from nozzles. The connection box shall meet IP
65. Motor frames for submersible pumps shall conform to a degree of protection of
not less than IP 58.
The rotors shall run on anti-friction bearings and the weight of the motor shall be
carried by ball thrust bearings incorporated in the motor body. The bearings shall
have a minimum rated life of 50,000 hours and shall be provided with adequate lu-
brication provisions. The bearing caps on the non-drive end covers of the motors
shall be arranged as to allow a speed check to be taken.
The efficiency and power factor of the motors shall be high over a wide range of
load conditions and the motors shall be designed, manufactured and tested in ac-
cordance with the relevant regulations. All windings shall have class F insulation
with class B temperature rise limitations and this requirement must be met in addi-
tion to any adjustments necessary for the high ambient temperature at site.
The site ratings and normal ratings of all performance data shall be provided in
completing the various Proposal Forms, Volume IV. The continuous maximum rat-
ing (CMR) of each motor shall correspond to the requirements set out in the sub-
sequent table.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All pump motors (except CMR 10% above calculated power CMR 5% above calculated power re-
displacement pumps) requirements under all operation condi- quirements under all operation conditions
Displacement pumps and CMR 25% above calculated power CMR 12,5% above calculated power
compressors requirements for normal duty and 5% requirements for normal duty and 5%
above requirements for maximum duty above requirements for maximum duty
All other drives CMR 50% above normal duty require- CMR 25% above normal duty require-
ments ments
The motors shall be silent and run free from vibrations and the rotors shall be per-
fectly balanced and shall be tested and adjusted for dynamic balance in an ap-
proved manner.
Terminal boxes shall be provided with glands suitable for PVC insulated wire. The
motor steel base shall, where appropriate, be drilled at works vertically below the
terminal box gland for the passage of the cables and the edges of the hole slightly
countersunk or the hole bushed. All motors over 5,5 kW rating shall have terminal
boxes arranged to accept both, the main cable and the cable for measuring tem-
perature as well as a separate anti-condensation heater cable. Termination boxes
and terminals shall be of suitable dimensions to accept appropriate oversized ca-
The contractor must prepare drawings and a detailed list to determine the potential
explosive gas area, relevant area class, fire protection class, explosion class, tem-
perature class and other particular measuring requirements.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The following contents include the principles for design, calculation, selection and
installation of machines and equipment, which shall all be strictly complied with.
• Spare Parts
If a component from a certain manufacturer must guarantee uninterrupted opera-
tion in any condition, in this case sufficient spare parts such like motors, etc. must
be provided in the design.
• Easy Maintenance
During the design stage, the Contractor must pay special attention to ensure easy
maintenance of machines and equipment. This is an absolute must to ensure the
realization of quick, easy inspection, maintenance and repairing. Besides, from the
view of safety, it is absolutely necessary to provide such facilities as ladder, hand
rails and platforms to get close safely to machines and equipment for inspection
and operation.
Lifting facilities must be provided for the machines over 50 kg. The Contractor
must give thorough considerations to the size and alignment of lifting facilities and
lifting holes.
• Group Operation
Preparations must be made to separate the selected machine from related proce-
dures for maintenance and repairs.
• Installation of Pumps
When pumps and similar equipment are installed into the pipelines, there must be
valves. Expansion joints must be installed on both the suction side and the pres-
sure side.
All items of equipment used for indication, alarm and control shall be adequately
labelled with regard to their function, mode and sequence of operation.
Adhesive tape shall not be allowed for labelling. Each label shall be provided in
Montenegrin and English language. The labels shall only be manufactured and af-
fixed after approval of the inscription by the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.14.1 General
1.14.2 Piping
The same requirements as above apply, however, this dismantling piece shall rep-
resent a non-rigid connection of adjoining pipes. The dismantling piece must there-
fore permit axial and angular movements during operating conditions.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Flexible Coupling
A sufficient number of flexible couplings must be installed in the pipe lines to en-
sure uninterrupted operation in case of different settlement.
1.14.5 Reducer
In general all reducers shall be of the concentric type, similar to DIN EN 10253.
Suction intake reducer for pumps, however, must be of the eccentric type. Installa-
tion of reducer with straight side at the top. The length of the reducer shall not be
less than 0.5 (D+d).
Welded collars with slip-on flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 may also be used.
Wall thickness of pipe and respective collar must correspond to each other. In
case the operating pressure requires PN 25 components, welded neck flanges ac-
cording to DIN EN 1092-1 must be installed.
Gaskets must comply with DIN EN 1514-1. Flange connections DN 250 and above
have to be equipped with steel reinforced rubber packing.
Steel pipes have to be joined by galvanized hexagonal screws and nuts according
to DIN 7990, quality 4.6 or better. In case hexagonal bolts and nuts cannot be
used, galvanized threaded rods according to DIN 976-1, type m, quality 4.6 to-
gether with galvanised hexagonal nuts according to DIN EN ISO 8673, type m,
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
quality 5, shall be chosen as substitutes. Nuts of size M16 and above must be pro-
tected by a hood made of soft-polythene.
Each section which can be separated from the overall piping system, by valves,
must have a sufficient number of connections for drainage and cleaning.
Exact number and location of connections has to be decided jointly with the site
supervision. A flush connection comprises:
Depending on pipe arrangements, vent pipes including valves may become nec-
essary. Generally, vent pipes must terminate in “safe” areas, e.g. above roof. The
arrangement of the pipes has to guarantee unobstructed ventilation.
All pipe hangers have to be welded steel structures, subsequently galvanized. Pipe
hanger arrangements have to consist of slide- and fixed brackets. Design and in-
stallation of slide brackets must guarantee proper alignment of the pipe, even
when moving longitudinally. No stress can be transmitted to the supports, except
for the weight resulting from pipe and medium. The design of the fixed brackets
must be such that all forces and moments resulting from operating conditions will
be safely transmitted to the building structure. Required pipe supports, gussets,
etc. have to be connected to the pipes by reinforced welds.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The design of the hangers (axial movement, forces) has to be based on the pre-
vailing operating and ambient temperatures of the pipe system in question.
All hangers and pipe components which will be inaccessible after installation must
be sufficiently protected against corrosion prior to assembly.
Pipe lines must be level, plumb and properly aligned, respectively installed with the
required slope. Great attention has to be paid to ensure that pipes are connected
to machinery and appliances in such a way that no forces and/or moments are
transmitted to the respective equipment. Forces and moments due to misalign-
ment of pipe work shall under no circumstances be transmitted to wall ducts. Di-
rections for pipe installation according to DIN EN 805 must be adhered to.
After completion of installation work, however, prior to applying the final coat, all
pipe lines must be pressure tested to ensure that there are no leaks in the system.
After successful pressure testing, the piping systems have to be properly flushed.
The entire procedure must be in line with DIN EN 805. Execution of pressure test
and flushing operation as well as all auxiliary means required to conduct the above
work must be included in the unit prices.
For generally applicable welding rules, regulations, etc. to both standard steel and
stainless steel, see clause 1.7.
Edge preparation for welding according to DIN EN ISO 9692-1. Pipe ends to be
sealed by PVC caps during transportation. Pipes to have permanent marking, stat-
ing DIN-Standard and material identification number. Tools and appliances for
processing and installation of pipes must be of approved type.
Pipe Bends
Welded stainless steel pipes to be used for the fabrication of bends. Wall thick-
ness of bends must correspond to those of adjoining pipes. Bends in accordance
with DIN EN 10253. Bending radius R = 1.5* D. DN 250 and above may have R=D
+ 100 mm.
Branch Pipes
Wherever possible, sockets should be used. Tees DN 65 and smaller according to
DIN EN 10253.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Reducer to be of concentric type, similar to DIN EN 10253.
Flange Connections
Generally, flange dimensions have to be as specified above for normal steel
flange. Flanges, bolts, nuts, washer, etc. must be made of stainless steel.
In order to prevent seizing, different materials have to be used for bolt and nut, e.g.
material 1.4571 and 1.4541.
Welding Works
Besides adherence to applicable DIN-Standards, the guidelines from the supplier
of stainless steel with regards to processing must be strictly followed. Welders
employed in welding stainless steel must possess the welding certificate according
to DIN EN 287-1 131/135/141.
Great care must be taken to avoid the occurrence of annealing colours. The root
weld must be protected by inert gas against ingress of oxygen. Ignition spark spots
and weld spatter will not be accepted on material surface. In case the need arises
the spots must be removed from the surface by smooth grinding with approved
tools or a stainless steel brush.
Pickling should be the usual post-treatment of stainless steel surfaces. In case the
pickling process is employed, the subsequent flushing of surfaces with clean water
is of utmost importance.
All machinery, equipment, pipes, ducts, etc. have to be painted and marked as fol-
lows below:
Treatment and painting of surfaces as a means of corrosion protection are speci-
fied under Chapter 7.8. The following chapter deals with painting for optical rea-
sons and for the purpose of associating a certain colour with a specific medium.
All steel pipes installed in the building which are not insulated and do not carry hot
media which may cause the melting of the paint marking, shall be treated accord-
ing to Chapter Corrosion Protection”. The final coat shall be in accordance with
DIN 2403.
Stainless steel and PVC pipes as insulated pipes have to be provided with suitable
adhesive tapes. The tapes must be placed at distances not exceeding 3.00 meter
and at strategic points, e.g. at branch points, wall ducts, valves, equipment, etc.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The tapes must bear the media’s name, a flow direction arrow and a colour code
marking in accordance with DIN 2403. The Buyer’s approval must be obtained with
regard to the layout and the colours.
In addition to the above-mentioned marking, all pipes must be equipped with name
plates. The name plates must be of the same layout throughout the plant. The
plates shall be of multiple-line type to accommodate the following data:
Pipeline no, / section
Operation pressure
1.15.1 Screens
Inclined grab type fine screens (bar screen) are to be designed to suit the type of
screenings to be removed from the channel appropriate to the location and screen
size. The equipment provided shall be of proven, robust, proprietary design.
The screen and base frame shall be made according to the installation drawings
provided by the manufacturer. The installed bar screen shall remove the floaters,
plastics and other small-sized garbage in the waste. Then the screenings shall be
transited to the screenings compactor for dewatering and compacting.
A: General
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
the rake shall be guaranteed. The clearing rake shall be driven by an ec-
centric crank.
• During the whole operation, the rake shall always be engaged with the bar
screen. The design of the rake system shall ensure that the rake shall not
drop from the frame during cleaning operation. The mechanical system
shall include three rakes and the shape steel cutter blade installed on the
steel plate with certain thickness.
• The cleaning rake may adopt spring installation so that the rake may run
across the obstacles (The obstacles may become wedge blocks seized up
by the support of the screen bars). Therefore, the operation of screen may
be unblockable, without even the least clogging. After the screenings are
unloaded, the screenings scrapping rake shall go on operating to remove
the waste retained on the bar screen.
• The screenings shall be removed by the rake scrapping plates on the cen-
tral axial line, then installed on the conveyer and transited to the screen-
ings wash press by the conveyer.
• The cleaning may remain above the tank
• The mechanical system may also be a rake which can meet the require-
ments of screenings removing in time and effectively. The scraping plate
shall be the rake cleaning device which can automatically remove the
screenings from the rake to the conveyer. The frame of scraping plate
shall include two scrapping arms and polyamid cutter blades linked on the
support by hinges. The cutter blade shall have impact buffer to avoid re-
setting rock. The support of the cutter blade shall be able to lubricate itself.
• The bar screen shall be installed between two steel plates. The support of
angle steel shall be fixed to the upper part of the side board by bolts and
shall be able to bear the weight of the whole system when the bar screen
is loaded into the channel. The angle steel on the other two side boards
shall support the bearing of the main spindle and the base of scrapping
cutters. The traverse supporting pole shall maintain the space between the
two side boards so that the rake shall not interrupt the screen frame when
cleaning the bars.
• The composition of the device shall be integrated standing structure. The
design of all the parts shall have enough strength and shall not generate
interference or vibrations between each other due to deformation under
any load.
• There shall be leveling bolts for the equipment. The bolts shall have
enough size to support the whole screen unit
• The main spindle shall be made of stainless steel. According to related
standard, the driving shaft of the rake arm shall be supported by the bear-
ings installed on the side plate flanges. Self-adjusting bearings shall be
• There shall be an overload protection device in the drive unit. The unit
shall also include a torque limiting coupling and a limiting switch. In case of
large clogging (which is unable to overcome), the switch shall cut off the
driving motor.
• Operation of fine screen (manual / automatic control realized by differential
water level instrument measurement)
• Screenings chute for the transfer of the waste to the conveyer
• Explosion proof type for hazardous area zone 2 for the screens.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The driving system of the screen shall have the following features:
• The main spindle and driving system may be directly connected by flexible
conical couplings.
• The driving system shall include one constant speed motor with overload
protection. The motor shall be installed by flanges on double-thread worm
speed reducer which shall drive the screenings rake at certain constant
• The worm reducer shall include heavy torque wear-resistant bearings and
high temperature resisting double-layer oil sealing installed on the spindle
• The spindle shall be processed by fine grinding
• The gears shall be made by forged steel and heating treatment
• Gear motor, reversible
• Tree-phase asynchronous gear motor according to IEC-standard
• Protection type IP 54
• Insulation class F
• Operating mode S1
• External cooling
• Thermoelement in coil for motor protection
1.15.2 Conveyers
The screenings conveyer shall be suitable for conveyance of screenings into the
dewatering units retained by the coarse and fine bar screens.
A: General
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
B: Driving system
shall comprise:
• Complete wiring of the conveyor, easily run by both “manual” and “auto-
matic”, all the power input components for all electrical consumers
• All required switch and control equipment including fastener and accesso-
ries, continuous measurement of process data. Exit 4 - 20 mA.
• Potential-free contact points for all operational, fault and emergency stop
• Emergency stop push button
• Switches or push buttons for all belt conveyor functions for “manual” oper-
• All required ancillaries, such as limit / overload switches, alarms, indication
lamps, running hour meter, time switch for automatic sequence control,
• Explosion proof type for hazardous area zone 1 of the screenings trans-
port from the coarse screens
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The screw type screenings press shall be suitable for dewatering of screenings
from the fine screens and subsequent transportation into a screenings container.
A: General
B: Driving System
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
• Potential-free contact points for all operational, fault and emergency stop
• Emergency stop push button
• Site key-operated switch for “manual–0-automatic” operation
• Site changing switch for “remote-0-local” control
• Switches or push buttons for all separator functions for “manual” function
• All required ancillaries, such as limit/overload switches, alarms, indication
lamps, running hour meter, time switch for automatic sequence control
1.15.4 Pumps
Pumps used in the plant shall be designed to handle raw sewage and sewage
sludge and shall run unattended for long periods. They shall be capable of passing
solids up to a sphere size of 100 mm and shall pass stringy matter, rags, paper
and plastics without clogging.
A: General
Pumps shall be quiet in operation and free from vibration. Preference will be given
to pumps with lower revolving speed. Casings, unless otherwise stated, shall be of
best quality closed grained cast iron and capable to withstand all pressures that
may be produced due to normal operating and pressure surges.
The pump shafts shall be of adequate size to avoid the possibility of fatigue failure
and shall be shock and corrosion resistant. The pump shaft and elements shall be
adequately designed to assume a rigid support of the impeller and to rotate without
whip, vibration or undue deflection at all operating speeds and under all operating
All pumps, where applicable, shall be of the same manufacturer’s design. All
pumps shall be complete, with motor, gearbox, bearings, couplings, pressure
gauge on the pumps delivery, as well as flushing connections on the pumps deliv-
ery and vacuum on the pump suction.
B: Design
The pumps and motors shall have an overall efficiency of not less than 65 %, and
shall preferably operate at low revolving speeds. The periodical speed of the im-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
peller blades should not exceed 25 m/s at the specified duty. The pumps shall be
capable to operate continuously under given temperature and pressure conditions.
The casings shall be equipped with exchangeable internal wearing plates in the
volute to compensate for corrosive or abrasive action of the sewage. The design of
the casing shall allow the withdrawal of the impeller and drive end cover assembly
without disturbing the pump casings. Hand holes shall be provided close to the im-
peller and near to the delivery branch on the volute to facilitate inspection and the
clearance of blockages. The covers to the hand holes are to be bolted and shaped
internally to match the internal contours of the casings and to minimize distur-
bances of the flow.
The impellers shall be of best nickel cast iron, smooth, well finished, free from
blow holes and imperfections, statically and dynamically balanced and of self
cleaning, preferably non-shrouded type. The impellers should be designed to keep
grit, solids and other foreign matter away from the eye and neck bush and should
be securely fitted to pump spindles in such a manner that they will not be loosened
or become detached when the pump is in operation. Pump spindles shall be of
stainless steel or high tensile steel and be fitted with exchangeable stainless steel,
chrome nickel or bronze sleeves to protect the spindles against wear over the dis-
tance it passes through the stuffing box.
Casing wearing rings shall be of best quality close-grinded cast iron or nickel iron
in a full circle and fully concealed and machined. The wearing rings shall be a light
drive fit in the casing and be located in suitable recesses machined in the casing.
They shall be deep and of adequate section to prevent sag and distortion when not
in the seating or when stored. The casing wearing rings shall form a continuous
and smooth surface without gaps or steps with the adjoining surfaces of the pump
A: General
• Design according to DIN EN 12255-1 and DIN 19569 Part 2-3, where ap-
• Pumps shall be single-passage blade clog-free design, the liquid passage
shall be smooth and large enough for discharge of all solid wastes enter-
ing into the impeller.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
A: General
• Design according to DIN EN 12255-1 and DIN 19569 Part 2-3, where ap-
• Pumps shall be single-passage blade clog-free design, the liquid passage
shall be smooth and large enough for discharge of all solid wastes enter-
ing into the impeller. Screw centrifugal impellers may also be adopted, with
the design of gradual type impellers.
• Coupling device for duckfoot bend of each pump and the discharge to be
often under water for convenient dismantling and repairs. When the
pumps are in position, there shall be automatic coupling to the discharge
• There shall be guiding bar system for each pump. The weight of the whole
pump shall be pressed tightly to discharge connection bend with the two
guiding bars. All the components of the pump shall not be in contact with
the tank bottom. The pumps and their accessories shall be waterproof.
• There shall be enough stainless steel 1.4571 chains, one hoisting ring
(hoisting clip) and one steel string (stainless steel 1.4571) for each pump.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The steel string shall be tied to the stainless steel chain and extend to the
inspection passage for lifting by crane through the hosting ring. The stain-
less steel hoisting ring shall be threaded by steel rings. All the components
shall be able to bear the total weight of the pump and motor.
• The guiding bars shall be installed on the anchor base on the bottom of
the tank. The guiding bar, its supports and other fasteners shall all adopt
stainless steel 1.4571. The arrangement of the guide bar shall allow
steady conveyance of the pump from top of the pump pit to the outlet con-
nection. For convenient dismantling and repairing, when the pumps are in
position, there shall be automatic coupling to the discharge pipe and the
sealing shall be finished at the same time of descending and the workers
need not to go down into the pit.
• Pump shell to be made of gray cast iron, with smooth surface, no holes
and other irregularities
• All exposed nuts, bolts and other fasteners to be made of stainless steel
• Impeller material to be nodular cast iron DIN GG –25 and shall receive
static and dynamic experiment. The suction inlet and the impellers shall be
external adjustable to balance, anti-abrasion and shall have replaceable
wear ring
• Sealing ring to be used between hydraulic components and motor to guar-
antee reliable sealing of cable, the upper and lower bearing shall adopt
permanent lubrication care-free bearings, with long service life.
• The shaft material to be stainless steel 1.4021
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat General
This section of the specification sets out the general requirements for standard
valves, penstocks, stoplogs, headstocks, actuators etc., required in the Works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
DIN 3202, F4. If not shown otherwise in the drawings and/or specified in BoQ
valves of DN 250 or less shall be this type of valves.
Water design pressure shall be according to DIN 3230 part 4. Flanges dimensions
shall be EN 1092-2. The valve body and bonnet shall be manufactured of ductile
cast iron EN-GJS-400 (GGG40) or better material. The soft sealed wedge of the
gate valve shall consist of a ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400 (GGG40) or better ma-
terial inner core fully encapsulated by vulcanized EPDM chlorination-resistant ma-
terial. Gate valves for drinking water application, used materials, assembling
grease and service lubricants shall be approved by any worldwide certificate or-
ganization for usage in system with drinking water.
The soft sealed wedge shall be coupled to the valve stem by a wedge nut in dezin-
cification resistant, high tensile brass. The valve stem shall be manufactured of
stainless steel, with the threaded portion being formed by process securing a ten-
sile strength for optimum durability. The valve stem sealing shall be maintenance-
free and not requiring any replacement during the service lifetime of the valve.
Surface protection of valve internal and external shall be plastic enamel coat
(epoxy resin) applied by electro-static spray process. Supply and installation in-
clude EPDM flange gasket, screw connection and all other who is necessary to
proper connect the valve with the adjoining pipe material. Delivery inspection ac-
cording to DIN 3230 part 4 for water.
If not shown otherwise in the drawings and/or specified in BoQ, each valve shall
be delivered and installed with a suitable hand wheel of adequate diameter and
encased position indicator. Hand wheels shall have smooth rims and the direction
of closing, which shall be clockwise. Hand wheels shall be manufacturing of cast
iron or ductile cast iron or steel with appropriate anticorrosion protection.
If shown in drawings and/or specified in BoQ that valve has extension spindle,
Contractor shall supply and install valve without hand wheel but with extension
spindle, street cover and other necessary for complete functionality of valve.
Valves shall carry identification marks and/or plates.
All nuts and studs subject to vibration shall be fitted with spring washers or locking
tabs unless otherwise specified.
The Gate Valve shall in resume comply with the following requirements (see table
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Actuator-valve attachment
DIN ISO 5210
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The Non-return valve shall in resume comply with the following requirements
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The Air Valve shall in resume comply with the following requirements
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Surface protection of valve internal and external shall be plastic enamel coat
(epoxy resin) applied by electro-static spray process. UV protection of external sur-
faces is preferable.
All valves and penstocks shall be best water works quality and suitable for use in
water or wastewater works (as appropriate) at all temperatures up to 25°C.
• manufacturer’s name;
• size of valve;
The operating gear of valves and penstock gates shall be such that one man can
open and close the valve against an unbalanced head 15% in excess of the max-
imum to be encountered in service. Where necessary, arrangements shall be pro-
vided with gearing to achieve this requirement. The maximum couple which can be
exerted by one man shall be taken as 13Nm and the maximum force as 25 N.
Where specified, valves 300mm nominal bore and over shall be fitted with by-
passes with isolating valves.
Gate valves shall be provided with renewable seats and it shall be possible to re-
move the gates without removing the valve body from the pipework.
The operation of all valves shall be such that turning the handwheel or tee-key in a
clockwise direction closes the valves.
All materials shall comply with the appropriate German Standards and shall be
subject to the Engineer’s approval. All castings shall be free of blowholes and
other defects.
Sluice valves and butterfly valves shall be suitable for flow in either direction.
All standard valves shall be suitable for frequent operation and for infrequent oper-
ation after long periods in the open or closed condition and shall satisfy the re-
quirements of the DIN open and closed end tests.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Butterfly valves shall be installed in the pipework in such a manner that they can
easily be removed from the line for dismantling and replacement of the seats, de-
signed to give minimum leakage, unless otherwise specified.
Non-return valves on the main pump delivery branches shall possess high speed
closing characteristics, with minimum shock on closing.
Packed glands shall be arranged for easy replacement of the packing, which shall
be accessible without removal of the valve from the pipe. Precautions shall be
taken to prevent corrosion of the valve spindles in contact with the gland packing.
Each valve or penstock gate or its operating equipment, shall bear an approved
brass nameplate stating its function in english and montenegrin language.
Valves, cocks and operating spindles which are for submerged operation, shall be
independent of external lubrication.
Spindle Operation
Unless otherwise specified, all valves shall be located and orientated in readily ac-
cessible positions with handwheels conveniently arranged for ease of operation.
All valves operated by tee-key shall be brought to a position suitable and conve-
nient for operation by a tee-key inserted through a cast iron cover provided in the
valve chamber roof or access cover. Extension spindles shall be provided where
necessary to achieve this requirement and also any gearing required.
Operating and extension spindles shall be provided with suitable bearings which
are rigidly held on brackets or stays. Bearings and spindles shall be suitably pro-
tected against corrosion.
Where a valve does not require an operating or extension spindle, the valve shall
be provided with a properly fitting cap to DIN and designed to protect the valve
spindle against damage.
6 No. DIN standard tee-keys shall be provided for each type of cap or stop cock in
the works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
(a) all external main low isolating and flow control valves;
(d) other works valves and penstocks such as main tank feeds, tank by-
passes, reservoirs, scours etc. within the scope of design.
Headstocks shall be purpose made cast iron pedestal units. Extension spindle
operation by direct handwheel attachment shall not be adopted unless so speci-
Penstock gates and valves of 50mm nominal bore and over shall be fitted with
mechanical position indicators to show the amount which the valve or penstock
gate is open or closed in relation to its full travel.
Operating handwheels for gate valves and penstocks shall be cast iron and gen-
erally to the DIN pattern, materials specification and finishes set out.
All handwheels on valves over 50mm diameter shall be fitted with a circular in-
scribed brass disc with an arrow indicating English and Montenegrin language.
Plates on handwheels for valves over 150mm diameter shall in addition, have a
simple bilingual inscription denoting the function e.g., “Inlet”.
External handwheels shall be fitted with proprietary integral locking device to pre-
vent operation by unauthorised persons. A padlock and chain will not be accepta-
Sluice gate valves shall be of the double-flanged cast iron wedge-gate type unless
otherwise specified. They shall have a cast iron body with renewable non-ferrous
faces on body and wedge and a bolt-on cast iron bonnet to facilitate gate removal.
Sluice valves shall conform to the requirements of DIN for PN 6 (i.e. 6 bar) pres-
sure rating, water works valves.
Valve spindles for the wastewater works shall be generally of the external screw
All sluice valves shall be subjected to an ‘open-ended’ works test and the manu-
facturer shall issue test certificates to this effect.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Where sluice valve above 350 mm bore are mounted with the spindle in the hori-
zontal plane the valve bodies shall be fitted with renewable non-ferrous machined
gate slides and the gates with renewable non-ferrous shoes accurately machined
to reduce sliding friction.
Valve stems shall be of forged aluminium bronze, machined all over with a ma-
chine cut robust trapezoidal or square form thread, operating in a gunmetal nut.
Stem seals shall be of the stuffing box and gland form arranged for easy replace-
ment of packing and shall be accessible for maintenance without removal of the
valve from service.
Extension spindles, headstocks and foot brackets shall be provided where neces-
sary. Extended spindle installations shall include all necessary brackets, interme-
diate supports etc.
Extension spindles shall be of a stainless steel and shall conform with the re-
quirements for valve stems with the exception of non-threaded sections which may
be of mild steel. Extension spindle couplings shall be flanged, drilled and provided
with a not and bolt for securing the spindle to the valve stem which shall likewise
be drilled to accept the bolt.
All handwheels, headstocks, foot brackets and guide brackets shall be of cast iron.
Fixing nuts and bolts supplied by the manufacturer shall comply with the appropri-
ate DIN specifications and standards. Those subject to vibration shall be fitted with
spring ring or locking tabs.
All valves shall be works tested hydraulically to pressures of 10 bar, and be suita-
ble for working at pressures of 6 bar. All valves shall be prepared and painted in
accordance with the General Specification, Painting and Protective Coatings.
All materials used in manufacture of the valves shall conform to the following min-
imum standards:
*Spheroid Graphite Iron may be used as an alternative to Cast Iron for Water-
works Standard Valves.
Reflux valves shall be double flanged cast iron unless otherwise specified. They
shall be of the quick acting non slam single or multi door type designed to mini-
mise slam on closure by means of heavy gunmetal faced doors weighted as ne-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
cessary and with stainless steel hinge pins. The valves shall be fitted with renewa-
ble door sealing faces which shall be positively fixed.
Tilting valve disc shall open under positive flow to a degree corresponding to the
flowrate. With decreasing flow, the disc shall swing back towards the closed posi-
Valve body length shall be of the short length series according to DIN 3202 Parts 4
and 5, DIN EN 558 and DIN EN 12982.
All reflux valves shall be suitable for operating in the horizontal plane unless oth-
erwise specified.
Covers shall be provided to allow ample access for cleaning and service and shall
be supplied complete with tapped bosses fitted with Air release cocks.
Valves shall carry identification marks and/or plates in accordance with DIN.
Valves shall be flanged and sized such that the velocity through the valve when
fully open does not exceed 2.25 metres per second at the rated output.
All nuts and studs subject to vibration shall be fitted with spring rings or locking
All valves shall be prepared and painted in accordance with the general Specifica-
tion, Painting and Protective Coating.
All materials used in the manufacture of reflux valves shall conform to the follow-
ing minimum standards:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat Penstocks
Water treatment works penstocks shall be of the rising spindle type, manufactured
in close grained cast iron, the frame and guide in one piece cast construction or
with the guides dowelled and bolted to the frame.
The gate shall be of one piece cast construction with vertical and horizontal ribs, a
reinforced pocket to receive a gunmetal thrust nut, pads to receive wedges and
reinforced periphery around the backside machined for nonferrous seating faces.
Guide rails shall be of such length as to retain at least one half of the vertical
heights of the slide when in the fully open position. Grooves running the full length
of the guide rail shall be accurately matched to receive non-ferrous slide tongues.
The manufacture and assembly shall be such as to ensure accuracy in mating the
frame and door faces and tight closure while maintaining freedom of gate move-
ment during operation and minimizing sliding wear of the sealing faces. They shall
incorporate adjustable wedges or swiveling cams and actuating pegs manufac-
tured from a non-corrodible material.
Metal sealing faces shall be formed from accurately machined gunmetal or bronze
strips bedded and fixed to the machined recesses in the frame and gate. The fac-
es of the strips shall then be brought together in the operating position and hand
scraped to a watertight finish.
Gearboxes of handwheels shall have cast on them the direction of closing which
shall be clockwise and vandal and weather-proof clear polycarbonate tube covers
shall be securely fitted to protect the threads of rising spindles. The operator facili-
ties shall be clearly and permanently engraved to indicate the position of the pens-
tock to which it is fitted.
Spindles shall have machine cut robust trapezoidal or square form threads. They
shall be of bronze, running in gunmetal nuts. Extension spindle coupling shall be of
the flange type and they shall be drilled and provided with a nut and bolt for secur-
ing the spindle to the penstock spindle head which shall likewise be drilled to re-
ceive the bolt.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All handwheels, headstocks, foot brackets and guide brackets shall be of cast iron.
Guide brackets shall be adjustable.
Fixing nuts and bolts shall be specified in the appropriate clauses herein.
Penstocks shall be prepared and painted in accordance with the Specification for
Painting and Protective Coating.
Penstocks shall be structurally designed for inside sealing or outside sealing pres-
sures of 5 times the maximum possible hydraulic loading which they could be sub-
jected to on site. Those with outside sealing pressures may have side wedges on-
Weir penstocks, where specifically required, shall be designed for inside sealing
pressure application and shall incorporate a removable bronze sharp edges over-
flow sill.
Pipe entrance penstocks, where specifically required shall be faced and studded
on the back spigot to suit the NP 6 pipe flange.
All materials used in the manufacture of penstocks shall conform to the following
minimum standards:
A: General
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
B: Driving system
The valves shall be adequately sized for the release of gas from the pipeline (or
other container) without restriction of rate of filling or flow due to back pressure
and also to allow admission of air during pipeline emptying at a rate sufficient to
prevent excessive depression of pressure in the pipe.
Valves shall be designed to prevent the operating elements being in contact with
the pipeline liquid by approved means such as the provision of an auxiliary float
and chamber sufficiently large to isolate the orifice valves and seats throughout the
rated operational range.
Air valves shall be fitted with an isolating sluice valve and gearing shall be pro-
vided where necessary to facilitate operation.
All air and gas relief valves and associated isolating valves shall be works tested
hydraulically and capable of withstanding test pressure of 25 bar and working
pressures of 16 bar.
All valves and operating linkages shall be prepared and painted in accordance with
the General Specification for Painting and Protective Coating.
The air and gas relief valves shall be automatic air valve, PN 10, DN 50....200
suitable for sewage, in compact single chamber design with surge damping de-
vice. The valves shall be designed for high volume air discharge or air intake dur-
ing filling or draining of pipe system, venting of small volumes of air under operat-
ing pressure, body and bonnet of stainless steel (A2), float of plastic (PE-HD),
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Product features
Single chamber air valve, directly operated by the flow medium, compact design,
very few components, triple function, large orifice for outlet and intake of large air
volumes on start and trip, respectively, of pumps medium anti-surge orifice to alle-
viate surges due to high velocity air discharge small orifice for discharge of pressu-
rized air during service
Body, top flange and mounting parts of austenitic alloy steel 1.4301 (AISI 304) All
floats of PE-HD
Field of application
Minimum internal pressure required to seal the air orifices: 0.5 bar
Except where otherwise specified, all butterfly valves shall be resilient seated and
shall give tight closure against unbalanced water pressure in either direction. The
unbalanced water pressure shall be the design pressure rating of the valve.
The valve seat shall be replaceable and be formed of rubber or other approved re-
silient and durable material. The valve seat shall be securely clamped into a ma-
chined groove in the valve body or to the edge of the disc by seat retention mem-
bers, or other equivalent retention device, in such a manner as to prevent leakage
of water under the seats and to hold the seat securely in position during opening
and closing of the valve disc.
The seat retention members shall be of stainless steel shall be securely fastened
to the body or disc with stainless steel fasteners.
Disc edges shall be machined with rounded corners and shall be polished to a
smooth finish. The valve disc shall rotate through an angle of 90 degrees from the
fully opened to the fully closed position and the seat shall be of such design as to
allow the valve disc to seat at an angle normal to the axis of the pipe when the disc
is in the fully closed position. Adjustable mechanical stop shall be provided in the
valve body to present over-travel of the valve disc in both the open and closed po-
sitions. these stops shall be capable of absorbing full operating torque with a min-
imum design safety factor of five.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The valve shaft shall be fabricated of stainless steel and may be in one piece or
attached as two stub ends on opposite sides of the disc. The means of the at-
tachment of the shaft to the disc shall be using fixings in a homogenous corrosion-
resistant material of a pattern which precludes the assembly becoming loose in
operational service. Grub screws, pins (parallel or taper) or clamps will not be ac-
ceptable. The shaft and disc fixing shall be capable of absorbing the full operating
torque with a minimum design safety factor of five. Shaft seals, when used, shall
be rubber 0-ring type. Packing shall be either rubber 0-ring or self adjusting che-
vron type.
When all the seat retention members are in place, the finished edges shall fit
closely and the surface shall be smooth with all fastenings set flush in the water
passage so as to offer the least resistance possible to the flow of water through
the valve.
Valve seats which extend over the face of the flanges to secure the seat in place,
or which require surface grinding and/or hand fitting of the disc; or designs which
require the adjoining pipe flange to retain the seat in place and resist line pressure,
will not be acceptable.
Operating gear for butterfly valves shall be of the fully enclosed type. Valves shall
be suitable for operation by one man at all pressure conditions that can apply. A
valve position indicator shall be provided. Where a handwheel is used for operat-
ing the valve, the indicator shall be clearly visible from the handwheel operating
All butterfly valves shall be tested at the manufacturer’s works under ‘open end’
conditions. The seat test shall be for tight closure under maximum unbalanced
water test pressure in either direction. The maximum permissible leakage for each
valve shall be acc. to DIN 19569-4.
The Contractor shall provide details of the materials of manufacture and design of
butterfly valves, and shall provide evidence to show that the proposed seating ma-
terials and seating designs have given satisfactory performance in similar condi-
tions to those applying under the Contract.
Valves shall carry identification marks and/or plates and those for use on process
plant shall carry an additional brass plate carrying a valve identification and a brief
description of its function.
Unless otherwise specified valves shall have 6 bar flanges and be drilled and shall
be capable of withstanding the same pressure as the pipeline on which they oper-
ate. All nuts and studs subject to vibration shall be fitted with spring ring or locking
All valves and operating linkages shall be prepared and painted in accordance with
the General Specification for Painting and Protective Coating.
All materials used in manufacture of butterfly valves shall conform to the following
minimum standards:
Body and Disc - Cast Iron to Grade 220 or Spherical Graphite Iron
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The ball valve shall have a smooth, unobstructed passage for installation in pipe-
lines and shall be suitable for flowrate control.
The ball valve shall have a smooth, unobstructed passage for installation in pipe-
lines and shall be suitable for flowrate control.
• Bearing assembly:
- Bearing brush:
- Sealing part: thrust ring:special ductile cast iron
- Bearing flange: cover: special ductile cast iron
- Bolts: stainless steel 1.4571
• Gearing:
- Corrosion resistant worm gear in cast iron housing, protection class IP 67 /
54 / explosion proof type (if applicable)
- Limit stop in open and closed positions
- Mechanical position indicator “open – shut”
- Fluid grease filling, maintenance free
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Flap valves shall be round or rectangular, single door bitumen coated, cast iron
double hung tidal type flap valves, with the clear opening dimensions designed to
pass the required discharge.
Flap valves shall be fitted with phosphate or bronze or stainless steel or similar
approved corrosion resistant metal faces and hinge pins and shall have a galva-
nised mild steel lifting eye. Stop-log
Hand operated rising spindle headstocks shall be purpose made spindle enclosing
pedestal pillars manufactured in close grained cast iron, either of the handwheel or
the single or double gear crank operated type.
Lift nuts shall be in cast bronze threaded to fit the rising stem.
Spindle thrusts shall be taken on ball or roller bearings provided above and below
the flange on the lift nut and designed to take five times the maximum thrust de-
veloped in opening and closing the gate.
Gears shall be of cast bronze, accurately machined with cut teeth, and smooth
running with similar shafts in bronze sleeve bearings or roller bearings of ample
size. The gear box shall be covered by a removable flanged cast iron cover dome.
All gears and bearings shall be enclosed in the cast-iron housing. Fittings shall be
provided so that all gears and bearings can be periodically lubricated.
The removable cast iron crank shall be fitted with a brass rotating handle, set with
its axis nominally 1.0 m above ground or floor level. The maximum crank radius
shall be 350 mm, the effort require shall be less than 25 kg and the direction of ro-
tation for closing is clockwise. The direction of opening shall be marked and anno-
tated on the headstock casting.
The rising stem unit shall be provided with a galvanised steel spindle cover of suf-
ficient diameter and length to permit full travel of the threaded stem without ob-
struction. The top of the stem shall be capped and the bottom flanged to suit the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
housing or adaptor plate. Each penstock shall be provided with a brass position
indicator to show the position of the gate at all times. Indication shall be in the
support stem through a brass faced and calibrated slot.
Headstocks shall be prepared and painted in accordance with the General Paint-
ing and Protective Coatings Specifications.
Base fixings shall be designed for the peak thrust with a factor of safety of 5. The
design thrust shall be stated on the Contractor’s drawings.
Non-rising spindle headstocks for valves shall be proprietary vertical spindle en-
closing pedestal pillars, fitted with a valve position indicator mechanism, cast iron
handwheel and suitably fitted with robust bearings and bushes, and designed for
prolonged external exposure.
All mountings shall be through a rigid rectangular base plate with at least 4 fixing
holes. Handwheels shall be horizontal, nominally 1.0 m above ground or floor lev-
The headstocks shall be prepared and painted in accordance with the General
Painting and Protective Coating.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Body, stopper disk, bayo- EN-GJS-400 (GGG40) or better, coated with epoxy
net catch and cover powder, minimum thickness 150 microns
The standpost hydrant shall in resume comply with the following requirements
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Body, stopper disk, bayo- EN-GJS-400 (GGG40) or better, coated with epoxy
net catch and cover powder, minimum thickness 150 microns
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Extension spindles consist of telescope pipe, spindle with square cap on upper
end and coupling on lower end, outside protection pipe, inside protection pipe, pro-
tection bell, seals, base plate and other necessary parts for adequate connections
between valve and street cover which will provide proper long term work function.
Inner, outer protection pipe and protection bell shall be manufactured of HDPE or
PP. Square spindle cap and coupling shall be manufactured of ductile cast iron
with electrostatically applied epoxy resin, or stainless steel. Telescope pipe and
spindle shall be manufactured of galvanised steel or stainless steel. Base plate
shall be manufactured of EPDM.
Contractor shall be provided extension spindle with adequate length range for ap-
propriate finishing a complete operation. Extension spindle shall be absolutely cor-
rosion safe type, meets the expectations of DIN 3547 acc. stability and durability
and functional safety of valves. Ridgeless adjustable and self-supporting shall pro-
vide high power transfer (acc. DIN 3547) by stable construction of the wrench.
Contractor can provide few sizes necessary for all length of pipe coverage.
The protection tube must be marked with the dimension (DN) and item number.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All manhole covers shall be equipped with some type of hinge to provide opening
cover without disassembling. This hinge shall provide closed position, blocking po-
sition at some 90o and open at approx. 130o. If not shown otherwise in the draw-
ings and/or specified in BoQ, each manhole covers shall be with clear open di-
ameter 0,6m. Cover and frame shall be manufactured of ductile cast iron and shall
be minimum class D400.
Water meter box have square of round open box with appropriate cover. Cover is
connected on box with hinges. For horizontal installing in ground, box and cover
shall be manufactured of ductile cast iron. For other horizontal/vertical installing in
wall or inside buildings or similar places, box and cover shall be manufactured of
ductile cast iron or aluminium or high quality plastic material. Boxes of aluminium
or high quality plastic material shall be manufactured from profiles that are ap-
proved for making of windows hardware and with warranty of minimum 20 years.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
At some places new water meters are already installed and their replacement is
not foreseen (in the layout drawing there are only water meters to be installed; if a
water meter at a certain connection is not indicated, this means that the water
meter for this structure is not to be replaced).
There are cases when two or more water meters belong to one structure,
depending on whether it is a building with several flats or a one store house.
This item shall include all necessary civil works. Average length of connection is
stated in BoQ and may be:
Up to 10m
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
ca" before being installed. Water meter shall be installed with water meter installa-
tion set into adequate surface cover.
Housing Protection IP 68
Auto-Zero Yes
Outputs Programmable:
0/4-20 mA powered
Input Programmable
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat Actuators
Motorized penstocks and valves shall be opened and closed using electric actua-
tors. The actuator shall be of double-acting or reversing motor type with totally en-
closed switches to ensure complete protection of the actuator under all circum-
stances. All motorized penstocks and valves shall be supplied and installed com-
plete, with all necessary wiring and electrical control panel.
All local controls shall be protected by a lockable cover and comply with the rele-
vant electrical standards.
The gear box shall be oil or grease filled and capable of being installed in any
position. All operating spindles, gears and head stocks shall be provided with ade-
quate points for lubrication.
Alternative hand operation shall be possible. The hand wheel, together with a
suitable reduction gear box shall be of adequate dimensions for easy operation by
one man. The motor drive shall be automatically disengaged when manually oper-
The operating gear of all penstocks shall be capable of opening or closing the gate
against an unbalanced head equal to the maximum working pressure.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.15.6 Fans
A: General
• Fans and associated control units shall satisfy the DIN VDE regulations
within the framework of Equipment Safety Regulations
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
B: Motor
Description of Work:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Equipment and component parts are to comply with ISO 3046, IEC 85 and CISPR,
or equivalent NEMA, ANSI, IEEE, DIN and VDE Standards and recommendations
of ABGSM (Association of British Set Manufacturers) where such standards meet
with or supersede the ISO and IEC Standards.
Equipment Data:
Submit full technical data of equipment for approval including, but not limited to,
the following:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Calculated noise levels in dB(A)at typical points within engine room and at
various locations inside and outside.
Routine Tests:
Submit drawings for approval including, but not limited to, the following:
Constructional details of bulk fuel storage tanks and daily service fuel
tank, including outline drawings showing piping arrangements, connec-
tions and dimensions.
Spare Parts:
Provide manufacturer's recommended spare parts for 1,000 hours operation of the
standby plant. Provide list of manufacturer's spare parts for 2,000 hours operation
together with current prices.
Provide tools and instruments required for normal routine inspection, testing, op-
eration and general maintenance, as recommended by the manufacturer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Approved Manufactureres:
Deutz (Germany)
Caterpillar (USA)
Oman (USA)
Volvo (Sweden)
Provide one (1) year of warranty for equipment specified in this section.
Local Representative:
Compact package type, with all equipment mounted on one rigid steel bed frame
suitable for skidding. Radiator is to be mounted on the set. Design is to permit
easy operation, maintenance and repair.
Vibration Reduction:
Noise Reduction:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Cold Starting
Engine is to be fully equipped to start and pickup initial load specified at specified
minimum ambient temperature. Cold starting aids, such as engine jacket water
heater, lubricating oil heater, intake-air heater, oversize standby battery and all de-
vices, accessories, connections, thermostatic switches and off-duty disconnects
with pilot lights and necessary protection, are to be supplemented as recom-
mended by the manufacturer and approved.
Equipment Ratings
Set consists basically of diesel engine, brushless synchronous generator with di-
rect flexible coupling to engine and single or parallel control cubicle as required.
When in the automatic mode the set is to start and stop automatically by a signal
sensed through and auxiliary contact in the load transfer switchgear. The set is to
stop, after an adjustable cool-down period (2-30 minutes).
Plant is to reach full speed within 10 seconds from start impulse and accept im-
mediately 80% of net rated output (load being mixed, steady and inductive, with
motor starting loads. Transient voltage variation is not to exceed 10% under any
step-load application for which the system is intended, up to full rated load, recov-
ering to within +/-2% within a few cycles.
Fault to Start:
Should engine fail to start following a start impulse, the system is to come to rest
for a few seconds. Two further starting attempts are to be automatically made with
intermediate 20 seconds maximum periods of rest. Should the set fail to start after
three attempts, an alarm is to sound and a 'start failure' signal illuminate.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Hand Operation:
Regular Exercising:
While on 'auto', the set is to start regularly and automatically every week and is to
operate for 30 minutes before stopping.
Cooling System:
Cooling Airflow:
Obstructions in path of cooling air flow (openings, louvers, grilles, mesh, ducts,
bends etc.) are not to reduce air flow below that needed at full rated output. Fan
and radiator characteristics are to be selected accordingly. Advise if additional
booster fans are required and provide necessary control gear for automatic opera-
Are to have removable liners. Wet type liners are to have witness hole between
line sealing rings of each cylinder for early detection of coolant or oil leakage.
Each cylinder has to have a drilled and tapped hole and a valve for connections of
pressure indicator.
Pressurised circulating type, using two engine-driven, gear type lubricating oil
pumps with full flow filters and replaceable elements and lubricating oil heat ex-
changer. Filter system has to have spring loaded by-pass valve to permit oil circu-
lation if filters become clogged. Audible and visual alarms are to cut-in when valve
starts opening. Lubricating oil cooler must be shell and tube heat exchanger with
water from engine radiator as the cooling medium. Direct acting thermostatic di-
version valve has to control oil temperature. Under normal operation by-pass has
not to be fully closed.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Fuel System:
Has to have injection pump and injectors which are easily removable and replace-
able for servicing. Engine has to have integral, gear type, engine driven transfer
pump to lift fuel against a head of 2.5 m and supply it through filters to injection
pump at constant pressure. Fuel filter elements must be easily replaceable.
Diesel engine has to be designed for type of load and application required. Engine
and governor have to be selected to meet operating requirements and response
Engine Type:
Engine Rating:
Has to be such that alternator can deliver net specified continuous rated output,
and has to withstand 10% overload for one hour in any period of twelve hours
continuous operation at full load, with temperature rise not exceeding rise allowed
by the Standards.
Remove and replace pistons and piston rods, liners, big and small end
shells and caps without dismounting engine.
Bar engine over by hand for spill timing check and adjustment.
Measuring Instruments:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Exhaust System:
Has to be complete with flanged, bolted, galvanised, seamless steel pipe sections,
long sweep elbows, flexible expansion sections, clean-outs, residential silencer,
wall thimbles and supporting steelwork. Silencer has to be independently sup-
ported. Indoor hot exhaust parts have to be insulated with approved insulation, not
less than 100 mm thick, with anti-condensation overlap and sheet metal covers to
protect insulation. Exhaust system has to be designed to reduce back pressure to
below maximum specified by the manufacturer, in relation to exhaust pipe length
shown on the Drawings. The exhaust pipe outside the building shall be supported
vertical up over the building edge at least 1m, with a conic cover wide enough over
the outlet of the exhaust chimney pipe to prevent rain from entering the pipe.
Plant room has to have heavy duty air-filter of the locker panel, all metal, clean-
able, viscous impingement type, complete with duct and frame, as shown on the
Drawings. Engine air filter has to be either dry filter with replaceable paper filter
elements or oil-bath filter with dipstick and provision for adding oil while engine is
running. Filters have to be capable of removing particles 10 microns and larger.
Storage Battery:
Alkaline, sealed-in-plastic type, complete with battery rack and intercell connec-
tors. Battery has to have sufficient capacity to provide at least four cranking peri-
Battery Charger:
To be 25% over-rated, solid state, full-wave rectifier type, adequate to fully re-
charge depleted battery in not more than 8 hours and to control rate of charge
(providing a high-charge rate to a depleted battery and reducing to a trickle-charge
rate when battery is fully charged) automatically. Ammeter has to be provided to
indicated charging rate, which has to be adjustable. Battery charger has to be
mounted in control cubicle, unless otherwise approved. The charger shall have 2
LED’s signal lamps, one for boost and one for trickle charging positions.
Electronic Governer:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
and load-sharing and has to include speed adjustment to +/-5% of normal, while
running, and with remote control interface. Frequency deviation under 25% sud-
den load change has not to exceed 0.5 Hz, recovering to stable speed condition of
+/-0.1 Hz in 0.5 seconds.
has to close fuel pump racks automatically in event of engine OVERSPEED. De-
vice has to be separate and independent from governing mechanism.
Protective System:
has to comprise automatic engine shut-down and generator trip with visual and
audible alarm in event of overspeed, low lubricating oil pressure, high cooling wa-
ter temperature and over cranking.
Generator (Alternator):
Synchronous, low reactance, high efficiency, revolving field type, with brushless
exciter and flexible coupling, sized to pick up effective load without exceeding
transient and steady-state voltage deviation limits specified up to its full nominal
rating and designed for the performance stipulated in the Specification. It must be
a two bearing construction with bearings of the sleeve or sealed ball type.
Phase leads have to be brought out fully insulated to a terminal cable box of heavy
gauge sheet steel, protection IP 44. Control and protection cables have to be
brought out to a separate terminal box.
Between the three phases at 100% balanced load may not exceed 1%. With un-
balanced load up to 30% on one phase at unity power factor and zero load on
other phases, the line-to-neutral voltages may not differ more than 5%.
number of phases : 3
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Voltage Regulation:
Overall voltage deviation within normal speed variations has to be within limits
specified from no-load to full-load, from hot to cold and with load power factor form
0.8 lagging to unity. Regulator has to reduce voltage automatically if load exceeds
capacity of generator. Voltage build-up has to be positive and rapid even when full
load is suddenly applied. Line-to-line voltage wave-form deviation factor may not
exceed +/-5%. Total harmonic content has not to exceed 5% and that of one har-
monic not to exceed 2%. Radio interference suppression has to be within the lim-
its set by the Standards, grade (N).
Voltage Regulator:
Solid state, volts/Hz type, utilising silicon semi-conductor devices in control and
power stages, with built-in electro-magnetic interference suppression and de-
signed for single or parallel operation. Manual adjustment to +/-5% of regulated
voltage level must be possible by a potentiometer at control panel. All compo-
nents have to be sealed, moisture and heat resistant, with a suitable environmen-
tally protected enclosure. Voltage regulator has to reduce voltage automatically if
load exceeds capacity of generator and has to sustain a 3-phase short-circuit cur-
rent at the generator terminals for the period for which the short-circuit protection
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
operates and at least for 3 seconds. Voltage regulator power has to be supported
by generator voltage and current to maintain excitation field power.
Control relays, sensing equipment, switchgear protective relays and devices and
start, stop and shutdown controls have to be provided as necessary for operation
specified. Generating set, instruments, protection and controls have to be
mounted preferably in one control cubicle.
- Kilowatt-hour meter.
- Plant exerciser.
Illuminated indicator panel with LED’s at least for low oil pressure, high water tem-
perature, over-speed, fail-to-start, generator overload, battery low charge state.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Anti-condensation heater.
Protective Gear:
Has to ensure orderly engine stop or shutdown with reset relays, as required for
safety and operational reliability, and has to include the following :-
Output circuit breaker for over-current and external earth fault protection.
Loss-of-field protection.
Breaker must be (for ratings up to 800A): moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
with solid-state trip unit, (electrically tripped by shunt release).
For ratings above 800A: power air circuit breaker (PACB) with solid-state trip
(electrically operated and electrically tripped by shunt release).
For generators above 500 kVA provide a restricted earth fault protection, with cur-
rent adjustable settings between 0 and 20% of rated current, and time adjustable
settings 0.3 seconds.
Front adjustable, sealed type, with dust-tight enclosures, removable covers, test
terminal blocks and plugs for testing relay without removal from case. Removal
from casing is to automatically short-circuit respective current transformer secon-
dary windings.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
must be housed in enamelled metal cases for switchboard flush installation, with
scales and markings protected and sealed. Indicating meters must be minimum 76
mm square. Accuracy has to be within 2% unless otherwise specified. Voltme-
ters and ammeters have to be moving iron type for D.C. measurements.
Current Transfomers:
Voltage Transformers:
3-element type for unbalanced 3-phase, 4-wire loads, fitted with 6-digit cyclometer.
The capacity of the Fuel Storage Tank shall be sufficient for 36 hours of operation
under full load, but 2 cubic meters minimum. Steel thickness 6 mm. Tank design
has to be double walled.
Daytank construction:
Closed cylindrical steel, inclined at least 3 degrees from horizontal and fitted with
drain plug, inlet and outlet pipe connectors and breather pipe. Tank design has to
be double walled.
Has to have replaceable paper air filter or breather caps with air filters.
Daytank instruments:
Have to include float switch, solenoid valve and dial-type alarm on over-fill and
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
with thermal overload protection and circuit breaker for short-circuit protection
must be provided. Operation has to be interlocked with float switches in daytank.
All necessary check valves on piping system have to be provided.
Fuel lines:
Heavy gauge, black seamless steel, to ISO/R65 or equal, treated internally with
corrosion resistant paint and with joints sealed with PTEE tape. Plumber's twine
or gasket sealing compound may not be used.
Fuel feed line to daytank has to have bypass with stop-cock. Size of fuel return
line from daytank to main fuel tank has to be to manufacturer's recommendations.
Filling line of main fuel tank has to be at least as fuel-line-size & external diameter,
entering tank at opposite end to drain plug. Main tank fill and sounding line con-
nections must have hinged, lockable caps with female threaded bottom inlets.
Expansion joints:
Stainless steel, packless bellows type, suitable for working pressure and tempera-
ture of service, of same size as pipe on which installed, with screwed ends for pipe
sizes not exceeding 50 mm and flanged ends for sizes over 50 mm.
Valves Generally:
125 psi steam working pressure rating and 200 psi cold water non-shock pressure
rating and type that can be repacked under pressure.
Floor mounted, galvanised sheet steel cubicle of equal construction to control cu-
bicle, comprising two main contactors or circuit breakers and controls necessary
for automatic transfer of power supply from normal source to stand-by source,
voltage sensing control relay and time delay relays to signal generator start and
stop, auxiliary switches and indicating lights etc. as necessary for the required op-
eration of the system.
When voltage and/or frequency of any phase drops below an adjustable setting
(60% - 90%) of normal supply, for an adjustable period of 1 - 300 seconds, power
failure relay has to actuate engine starting control, whilst normal mains contractor
must open. After an adjustable period of 0 -10 seconds from sensing stabilised
rated voltage and frequency of generator at the ATS, the emergency contactors
has to close. Upon restoration of normal mains supply to above 95% of rated volt-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
age and/or frequency, for and adjustable present period of 2 - 60 minutes, emer-
gency contactors must open and normal mains contactors must close.
Selector Switch:
Pilot Lights:
Must be acc. to IEC 158-1, 3-phase, 4-pole, magnetic type, 600 V rating, capable
of interrupting at least ten times rated current inductive or non-inductive loads un-
der normal service conditions and have to have replaceable main arcing contacts
and arc quenching devices. Contactors have to withstand, without welding or
burning of contacts, an inrush current of 20 times normal rating upon closing and
the heaviest short-circuit of the system for period required by upstream protective
switchgear to operate or a minimum of 3 seconds, whichever is greater. Three
N.O. and three N.C. spare contacts have to be provided on each contactors.
Circuit Breakers:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Moisture and heat resistant, silicon rubber insulated, stranded copper conductors,
modularly and neatly arranged on master terminal blocks, with suitable numbering
strips and appropriate cartridge types fuses where required. Flexible wiring has to
be used on all hinged/draw-out components.
Have to be made at a front terminal block with no live metal exposed. Power ca-
bles must terminate on fixed insulated copper connectors suitably sized to receive
specified cables. Cable glands and gland plates have to be provided.
Metal cases:
Wire ends have to be fitted with numbered ferrules of approved type at each ter-
Equipment bases:
Ensure that concrete bases and foundations provided for installation of equipment
are constructed in accordance with approved shop and construction drawing sand
equipment manufacturers' drawings and that holes for fixing bolts and provisions
for passage of cables etc. are provided as required.
Built-in items:
Ensure that equipment supports, fixings and the like, and sleeves for passage of
feeders and cables which are to be built into concrete foundations, bases or build-
ing structure are provided as and when required and that they are properly in-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Carry out equipment installation under the direct supervision of a qualified techni-
cian, licensed by and trained at the factory. Final adjustments and putting into sat-
isfactory operation have to be made by a specialist delegated by the factory.
Generating Set:
Install to maintain alignment and minimise engine and generator stresses. Protect
instrumentation and control equipment including engine mounted instruments from
machine vibration. Mountings and method of mounting have to be as recom-
mended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer.
Has to be slightly sloped away from engine to avoid condensation returning to en-
gine and has to have drain plugs or clean-out at lower end as required.
Install approved canvas duct with metal frames between radiator and louvered
opening in wall for radiator exhaust air.
Inspect equipment upon delivery to site and report specified any loss or damage to
the Engineer.
Load test:
Have to be carried out at low loads to over load conditions, at various power fac-
tors. Measurements have to include voltage and frequency deviations and regulat-
ing time under various step loading conditions, temperature measurements and
pressure measurements at various locations, and in accordance with an approved
plan under conditions equal to worst site ambient conditions.
Have to include:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Full load test for 8 hours continuous, immediately followed by 10% over-
load test, without interruption.
Insulation measurement.
Load banks:
If actual loads are not made available at time of acceptance testing, provide load
banks to carry out complete test cycle of the system under loading and switching
conditions necessary to prove compliance with the Specification.
Piping System:
using carbon dioxide or nitrogen from pressurised cylinder, test each system to 1.5
times normal operating pressure. Do not subject equipment, apparatus or devices
to pressure exceeding prescribed test pressure obtained from nameplate data or
from manufacturers' published data. Apply tests before connecting piping to
equipment. Remove or disconnect and blank off relief valves, instruments and
devices that might be damaged by test pressure. Maintain test pressure on sys-
tem for 24 hours during which time there has to be no noticeable drop in pressure.
Check for leaks using soap solution. Isolate source of pressure during testing.
Travelling Cranes
Travelling cranes shall be manually or electrically operated and include travelling
bridge, crab and hoist, electrical motor gears and plant where applicable, operation
and maintenance instructions and all other necessary items like bolts, buffers, fix-
ings, etc.
Cranes, if electrically operated, shall be supplied complete with flat cables on roller
suspensions, controls and motorgears giving speeds in both horizontal directions
of 15/5 m/min. The hoisting speed shall be approximately 2 m/min with crawling
speed of 0.2 m/min.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Electrical cranes shall be controlled from the floor by a mobile pushbutton master
controller movable along with the crab or the hoist to control movements in all di-
rections and speeds.
The single or double girder crane bridges shall be the underslung type and be fab-
ricated from universal beams or high grade steel plate box section girders which,
together with end carriages of rolled steel sections, shall form a single welded fab-
rication adequately braced and stiffened to give a rigid structure capable of with-
standing all loads imposed.
Double girder bridge beams shall be fitted with crab rails securely welded to their
upper flanges.
The flat bottomed crane rails to EN 13674-1:2003+A1:2007 shall be complete with
all fixing bolts, holding down bolts, fishplates, end stops, buffers, etc. The crane
rails shall be supported on steel supports bolted to columns. Allowance shall be
made for expansion of the rails.
The end carriages shall be provided with derailment and wheel brake protection,
preventing the carriages falling more than 10 mm.
The long and cross travel wheels shall be double flanged and be made of forged
or cast steel. The rims of the wheels shall be machined accurately to same diame-
ters and with a form fitting the rails. The wheels shall be fitted with roller bearings
and be at least 250 mm in diameter.
The travelling bridge shall be fitted with four buffers as end stops in conjunction
with stops at the limits of the travelling. The buffers shall absorb the kinetic energy
from the dead load of the crane.
The travelling gears and the hoists for electrically operated cranes shall be driven
by electric motors fitted with automatic electro-mechanical brakes for the motors
and automatic limit switches for the hoists. The brakes shall be the heavy-duty
type, which shall engage automatically when the power supply is cut or fails.
The motors shall be capable of working continuously at full load for one hour and
shall have the enclosure protection form IP 54.
Safety devices such as fuses, relays for overloads and limit switches, alarm bells,
etc. as well as the main switch for the crane shall be located in a separate cabinet.
This cabinet shall also house the transformers for the control circuits and the
Electrically driven cranes shall have speeds in both horizontal directions of normal
10 m/min. and crawling 1 m/min. The hoisting or lowering speed to be normal 4
m/min. and crawling 0.4 m/min.
The rope pulley shall be as specified in BS 466.
The crane hook shall be designed for the relevant load and comply with EN 13674-
1:2003+A1:2007. A ball swivel device shall be incorporated into the hook as speci-
fied above.
The gearings shall be totally enclosed in gear boxes and running in oil. The wheel
gears may be grease lubricated.
The maximum load of the crane shall be marked on the crane with painted figures
in the Montenegrin easily readable from the floor.
The complete crane shall be painted in accordance with Clause 3.7 surface ‘A’.
Before handing over to the Client, the crane shall be tested with a load of 125% of
the maximum marked load in accordance with the applicable standard.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The plant arrangement is shown in the Tender Drawings, Volume 5. Each Ten-
derer may modify the arrangement as required to suit the equipment chosen.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit his execution design and shop drawings
and specification for the Engineer’s approval before starting production and/or de-
The lump sum prices quoted for the various sections of mechanical engineering
works are deemed to include for basic maintenance tools as well as for spares
and reserve materials required for the first year of operation.
Unless otherwise specified in this Particular Specification, the requirements of the
General Specification of Mechanical Works shall apply.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The pumping arrangement shall allow for the following minimum requirements:
All pipe work and built-in plant shall be made of coated mild steel.
In detail each of the pumps shall have the following characteristics and specifica-
Personal Training
Staff named by the operator of the plant has to be comprehensively trained for op-
eration of the total system.
The training has to include a theoretical part with the general functions of the of-
fered components, and a practical part with the ready-installed system. Upon the
training’s end the staff has to be able to operate the plant, to perform the mainte-
nances and to execute simple repairs on the systems without support of the con-
tractor. The behaviour in case of remote control is also to be considered.
The costs for the Personal Training have to be included in the prices above.
The following documentation has to be delivered (all records in English and Mon-
tenegrin language):
The costs for the Documentation have to be included in the prices above.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The pumping arrangement shall allow for the following minimum requirements:
All pipe work and built-in plant shall be made of coated mild steel.
In detail each of the pumps shall have the following characteristics and specifica-
The costs for the Personal Training have to be included in the prices above.
The following documentation has to be delivered (all records in English and Mon-
tenegrin language):
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Test records
Installation drawings
The costs for the Documentation have to be included in the prices above.
Nominal capacity per pump: 388 m /h
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
December 2015
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.1.1 General
The specification of electrical equipment defines supplies and services and all ex-
tra work required for the plant ready for automatic operation, even if it should not
be listed or specified in detail.
The total electrical engineering is to be based on the relevant data of the offered
mechanical equipment and respect temperatures, altitudes and sudden variations
of load and voltage as may be encountered at site. The requirements for continu-
ous operation during prolonged periods with a minimum of maintenance have also
to be considered. The design has further to incorporate every reasonable precau-
tion and provision for the safety of all those concerned in the operation and main-
tenance of the plant.
The equipment and materials are to be new, of sound workmanship and robust
design, and of grade and quality, suitable for the climatic conditions at the site.
The following services have to be provided:
- Medium Voltage Power Supply (if required), incl. Compact Transformer Station
with medium voltage switchgear and electricity meter
- Measuring devices
- Cabling of :
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All electrical equipment, devices and terminals are to be marked durable by en-
graved formica labels in accordance with the schematic diagrams. Double letter-
ings are to be provided, one on the device and equal on the mounting plate. Fused
outgoing circuits are to be marked in plain language as to their function. It is not al-
lowed to stuck the labels, they are to be attached by screws or rivets.
The lettering is to be done in two languages, that means English and Montenegrin.
The contractor has to provide free of charge all spare parts required for the first
year of operation. For the purpose of a simplified stocking of spare parts, uniform
devices of one manufacturer are always to be used for similar tasks. The number
of manufactures coming up for use is to be reduced to a minimum.
The equipment parts have to leave the supplier’s works carefully cleaned up and
preserved especially as regards the inside. All openings have to be closed up in
such a way that no contaminations of the inside are possible during the transporta-
tion and the assembly till the connection.
The assembly of the electrical equipment has to depend on the construction pro-
gress. Normally, it is not practicable in one step so that interruptions during the as-
sembly have to be considered. The structural measure can be divided into stages
which will be realized at different times. These requirements are to be met without
additional costs.
Upon the end of assembly, all terminals and screwed connections have to be
tightened once again and the corrosion protection and the coating have to be sub-
sequently improved, if necessary.
The energy supply of the pumping station will be designed as an independent sys-
tem which takes into account all necessary devices, equipment parts, the general
supply (lighting, building installations, etc.) as well as the necessary measuring
and control equipment.
Highest priority is to be given to the safe working and supply conditions when de-
signing and dimensioning the equipment.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The metering will be located in the separate feeder part of the low voltage switch-
gear. The feeding will be monitored by a digital multimeter, connected via current
transformer in the MCC part. The distribution is to be done via the second part of
low voltage switchgear.
In order to meet a high security of supply even in case of power supply interrup-
tions, an emergency generator will be permanently installed.
The metering will be located in the separate feeder part of the low voltage switch-
gear. The distribution is to be done via the second part of low voltage switchgear.
A digital multimeter, connected via current transformer, will be monitored the feed-
ing in the MCC part as well.
In order to meet a high security of supply even in case of power supply interrup-
tions, an emergency generator will be permanently installed.
In order to meet a high security of supply even in case of power supply interrup-
tions, an emergency generator will be permanently installed.
In view to the local climatic and environmental conditions, appropriate measures
have to be met for cooling and protection against dust of the equipment.
First of all, the contractor will design and calculate the entire supply services (in-
clusive the incoming-feeder cable and power transmission line) according to the
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
fixed requirements. On the basis of this design, the final co-ordinations are to be
done with the engineer, the principal and the local power supplier, which has to be
entrusted as a subcontractor for the deliverable components up to the feeding
points of the low voltage main distribution switchgears.
The concept for the process engineering provides the automatic operation of the
pumping station. The requirements on the instrumentation and control engineering
have to be coordinated with this concept. Even in this case, operational reliability
and availability of the equipment are the principal design criteria. It has to be guar-
anteed that the equipment serves its purpose unattended and faultless for longer
periods under the local operational conditions.
The operation and control of the equipment of small and medium pumping stations
(Type 1 and 2) with switchgear cabinet for outdoor installation shall be effected
manually via control switches inside the switchgear cabinet (second door) and for
bigger pumping station (Type 3) with building via local control switches near to the
motor and via Operator Panel OP as touch panel which will be located on the door
of the switchgear cabinet for indoor installation or by automatic control.
The control works with PLC by SIEMENS or equal quality, type Simatic S7-200
with operator panel as HMI TD-200.
The reporting and archiving are made by paperless printing recorder with a data
logger. The following structure has to be set up for each equipment:
The highest priority has to be given to this operating level. When switching over to
the manual operation local, this level is hardware-like directly linked with the drive
so that the control has no longer any influence.
The second priority has to be given to this operating level. When switching over to
the manual operation at the operator Panel OP located on the switchgear cabinet,
this level is linked via the PLC with the control units in the switchgear cabinet, so
that the automatic operating level has no longer any influence.
Automation level:
1.1.4 Documentation
In the course of the detailed planning, the contractor satisfies himself about the
designed process structure and accepts the development of all shop drawings on
his own responsibility.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The contractor has to prepare and to submit for verification the following docu-
Furthermore, all drawings are to be delivered on data carriers. Here, current for-
mats have to be used (DXF-format, Excel, Word, etc.).
If necessary, all records are to be folded in DIN-A-4 format and handed over in
appropriate files.
Complete list of components, which will be delivered under this contract, belongs
to the documentation. The listing is done on DIN-A-4 lists with item designation,
the electrical drawings, manufacturers, type designation, manufacturer or product
number as well as an indication about wear and durability. A complete mainte-
nance list is to be set up.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
functional connections and the instructions for fault location have to be presented
in this document.
In case of outside cabling, site drawings of cable lines and the reserve conduit sys-
tem are to be set up.
The latest version of the DIN/VDE (note of transl.: VDE = Association of German
Electro technical Engineers) standards are first valid for the electro technical
equipment. High-quality, DIN/VDE-proved operating materials – that means de-
vices, generating sets and other materials – of well-known Western European
manufacturers are to be used.
In case, no relevant proposals will be made on behalf of the contractor, the stan-
dards mentioned in the specification are valid. In addition, the following standards
have to be considered:
- DIN/VDE 0100
- DIN/VDE 0101
- DIN/VDE 0105
- DIN/VDE 0165
- DIN/VDE 0113
- IEEE Standards
- Technical supply conditions of the responsible power supply company
- Guidelines for explosion protection
The total plant and all devices belonging to the scope of service have to corre-
spond at least to the interference suppression level “N”. Here, the standards DIN
57874 and 57875 as well as VDE 0874 and 0875 are valid.
The contractor will certify that all electrical equipments, operating materials and the
electrical installation meet the relevant standards and local provisions.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The low voltage distribution with metering will be located in a separate switchgear
cubical near to the pumping station outside the fence.
The low voltage distribution with metering will be located in a separate switchgear
cubical near to the pumping station out of the fence.
As not stated otherwise the nominal low voltage of 400/230 V will be provided by
an integrated compact transformer substation with MV switchgear, MV trans-
former, metering and LV main distribution. The supply and installation of the trans-
former station incl. foundation is part of the Contractors scope of works.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The LV feeding is a separate part of the necessary LV switchgear cabinet for out-
door installation, IP 54 as it shown on the drawing abouve. Depends on the re-
quest by the local power supplier the feeding part could be a separate switchgear
cabinet out of the fence. This switchgear cabinet has to guarantee highest per-
sonal safety, operational reliability and plant safety. Switchgear cabinet is located
next to the pumping station as it is shown on the relevant drawings.
The feeding part will be separately closed against to the MCC part. To regulate the
access for employer staff and the responsible local power supplier equally, the ac-
cess will be regulated with special double key lock systems. The switchgear cabi-
net shall be a “cabinet in cabinet” version. The access to the manual control
switches of the MCC, which are water proof mounted in the second door, will be
regulated with key lock system in front door only for employers operator. The ac-
cess to the dangerous electrical part of the MCC will be regulated by using a spe-
cial key lock for employer’s electrician staff.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The equipment is to be designed and dimensioned by the tenderer on his own re-
sponsibility according to the standards mentioned below.
After fusing and metering the low voltage main feeding will be connected between
metering and MCC by motor-driven circuit-breaker with lock-out device preventing
closing IEC 157-1. The circuit-breaker has to be interlocked with the circuit-
breaker of the emergency generator facility which will be connected to the LV feed-
ing parallel.
The MV overhead power transmission lines for feeding Pumping Station are to be
linked via air isolated, pole mounted circuit breaker.
The power metering will be located on the low voltage section in the feeder part of
the LV switchgear cabinet for outdoor installation.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Air isolated
400 V
(Steel / Wood)
Cabinet IP54
The equipment is to be designed and dimensioned by the tenderer on his own re-
sponsibility according to the standards mentioned below. The transformer shall be
designed in such a way, that if operated with 65 % of its nominal power, the high-
est efficiency factor is reached.
The LV main incoming supply, receiving from the secondary side of the trans-
former shall be connected via LV cable after fusing and metering at the low volt-
age switchgear cabinet by an motor-driven circuit-breaker with lock-out device
preventing closing IEC 157-1. The circuit-breaker has to be interlocked with the
circuit-breaker of the emergency generator facility.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The MV overhead power transmission lines for feeding Pumping Station are to be
linked via medium voltage switchgear.
As not stated different the MV switchgear cabinets will be located in Integrated
Transformer Substation and shall make provision for the installation of the electric-
ity kWh meter.
The equipment is to be designed and dimensioned by the tenderer on his own re-
sponsibility according to the standards mentioned below. The transformer shall be
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
designed in such a way, that if operated with 65 % of its nominal power, the high-
est efficiency factor is reached.
The LV main incoming supply, receiving from the LV main distribution on secon-
dary side of the transformer shall be connected at the low voltage switchgear cabi-
net by an motor-driven circuit-breaker with lock-out device preventing closing IEC
157-1. The circuit-breaker has to be interlocked with the circuit-breaker of the
emergency generator facility.
In case of a power failure, the equipment of the Pumping Station shall be supplied
via emergency generating sets. For this reason an emergency diesel generator
(EDG) is permanently installed next to the plant.
The emergency generators will be connected at the low voltage switchgear cabi-
nets by motor-driven circuit-breaker with lock-out device preventing closing IEC
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.2.4 Low Voltage Switchgear Cabinet / Low Voltage Main Distribution Unit
The main or the transformer feed via the fuse and metering box of the feeding part
of the LV switchgear cabinet. The feeding between Transformer and LV Switch-
gear cabinet will be provided via buried LV cable. The LV switchgear cabinet,
which will be proper for outdoor installation, will be arranged near to the pump
chamber as it will be shown on the relevant drawings.
All drives of the pumping station will be directly supplied from the LV switchgear.
The switchgear has to be executed by a solid cubicle system for outdoor installa-
tion. The environmental conditions as regards temperature, dust development and,
if necessary, aggressive atmospheres has to be taken into account.
The possibility of proper storage of the respective drawings has to be ensured for
the switchgear cabinet in the inner doors, frames or side walls of the switchgear
cabinet. The pocket for the drawings is to be delivered in a form-resistant design
with screwed fixing.
The wiring inside the switchgear cubicles is done by highly flexible conductors. The
stripping of insulation is thermally effected or done by mechanical special tools,
according to cross section. The connection to the devices is effected by insulated
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
terminal ends or wire end ferrules. Non-insulated connecting systems are not al-
Measuring circuits are to be installed shielded. The wiring of the control-, signal-
and measuring circuits as well as electronics in-/outputs is done in colour.
The bus bars have to be provided with appropriate markings over the total length
according to their meaning.
All in- and outgoing cables and lines have to be marked with cable-identification
labels inside the switchgear cabinet and on site. The respective cable number has
to be mounted permanently in a respective designation carrier. It is not allowed to
paste the cable numbers on the cables.
All terminal-, plug-in- and solder tag strips are to be assembled with a 20 % re-
The transformer feed on a common bus bar in the low voltage main distribution
switchgear, which will be arranged in a separate room of the pumping station
building with below arranged concrete cable cellar and raised floor. The contractor
shall design the main distribution switchgear and coordinates the space required
with the structural demands.
All drives of the pumping station will be directly supplied from the low voltage main
distribution switchgear.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The possibility of proper storage of the respective drawings has to be ensured for
each functional unit in the doors, frames or side walls of the switchgears. The
pockets for the drawings are to be delivered in a form-resistant design with
screwed fixing.
Against accidental arcs the switchgear cubicles have to be partitioned. Only the
concerned section may be affected in case of disturbance.
Each section gets an engraved signboard which clearly displays the functional
group, installation place, circuit diagram, terminal strip, etc.. These signboards are
to be mounted durable on the outside.
The wiring inside the switchgear cubicles is done by highly flexible conductors. The
stripping of insulation is thermally effected or done by mechanical special tools,
according to cross section. The connection to the devices is effected by insulated
terminal ends or wire end ferrules. Non-insulated connecting systems are not al-
Measuring circuits are to be installed shielded. The wiring of the control-, signal-
and measuring circuits as well as electronics in-/outputs is done in colour.
All bus bars have to be provided with appropriate markings over the total length
according to their meaning.
All in- and outgoing cables and lines have to be marked with cable-identification
labels inside the switchgear cubicles, main distribution switchgears, etc.. The re-
spective cable number has to be mounted permanently in a respective designation
carrier. It is not allowed to paste the cable numbers on the cables.
Installed operating and supervising devices will be marked outside in plain lan-
guage with engraved formica labels which are to be fixed by screws or rivets.
Connectors inside the switchgears are to be marked clearly and durable on the
plug and the device.
All terminal-, plug-in- and solder tag strips are to be assembled with a 20 % re-
The contractor has to ensure a durable protection against corrosion for the entire
scope of delivery. All switchgear cubicles are to be sand-blasted. A priming coat is
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
to be applied immediately after sand blasting. The following coating on epoxy resin
base is to be applied twice. The colour has to be agreed upon with the Engineer.
Transportation and assembly damages are to be repaired professionally on the
For personal safety and protection of the equipment an appropriate earthing sys-
tem is to be designed and built up by the Contractor.
Foundation earths, ground strips and, if necessary, earth rods have to be provided.
The buildings of the bigger pumping station (Type 3) have to be equipped with a
lightning protection system. On the roofs air terminations are to be installed. Down
leads are to be drawn up behind building linings as far as possible.
In any case, all metallic casings of electrical equipments which can take up volt-
ages in case of faults are to be connected with the protective conductor according
to DIN/VDE 0100
The control and instrumentation systems are to be equipped with overvoltage pro-
tectors in their signal input. These are also to be equipped with quick-acting tran-
sient protection devices. It is to be observed that protected and unprotected lines
are not running parallel.
As further criterion for trouble-free operation of the plant and as protection against
corrosion damages, the earthing system is to be kept at zero current, as far as
possible. No equalizing currents due to unacceptable PEN links may flow over the
earthing system. This is to be proved by measures
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
As protective measure for safety, the TN-S-system has to be equipped with over
current protective devices and residual-current-operated circuit-breakers.
1.3.1 General
The instrumentation and control includes all services for an automatic operating
mode of the pumping station. All services for control, measured-data acquisition
and observation are to be included in the Contractors scope of supplies. After fin-
ishing, the plant has to run automatically on PLC system by using relays, contac-
tors and altitude-operated limit switches. As HMI (Human Machine Interface) a op-
erator panel has toi be foressen.
Centralized fault and alarm indications are to be linked by an emergency call cen-
tral unit via a GSM mobile connection to a target named by the operator. The va-
lence of the indications is to be determined in the customer requirement specifica-
tion. These specifications are to be done by the contractor in agreement with the
designer of the plant.
Essential interventions are to be displayed to staff by the inner door mounted con-
trol indicator of switchgear cabinet of small and medium pumping station (Type 1
and 2). Essential interventions of bigger pumping stations (Type 3) are to be dis-
played to the staff by switchgear door mounted control indicator on the switchgear
cabinet in the building. In any case the operator panel will be display the relevant
interventions as well.
The logs of the main measured-data will be printed out by the paperless display
printer and stored on integrated Data-Logger. After the appropriate training, the
operating staff has to be able to observe and control the procedures independ-
Cabling, cable racks, cable ducts, tubes, conduits and all fixing materials belong to
the scope of delivery.
For measuring- and control cabling, shielded cables or lines have to be used. The
shielding has to be put on single ended in the terminal boards.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All sensors, flow-rate meters, probes or other equipment parts delivered by the
Contractor or other suppliers have to be connected, adjusted, calibrated and put
into operation.
Every measuring circuit, actuator and control loop is to be checked. The check list
is to be provided with the name and signature of the test engineer as well as the
Small and medium pumping stations with only switchgear cabinet for outdoor in-
stallation (Type 1 and 2) don’t have to be equipped with Mosaic-Type Mimic Panel
but with Operator Panel OP. Therefore the luminaries of the local control layer will
be installed into the inner door of the switchgear cabinet (“cabinet in cabinet”) to
indicate the operating conditions.
The operator panel is suitable for simple operating tasks with the PLC. The opera-
tor panel is an especially flexible HMI device for the PLC. The display can either be
configured with four lines and 24 characters per line or with two lines and 16 char-
acters per line. The 15 configurable keys provide tactile feedback, additional visual
or acoustical feedback can be set up. The design of the device surface can be in-
dividually arranged around the permanently positioned keys.
The mechanical equipments for small and medium pumping station (Type 1 and 2)
are to be configured with local controls on the inner door of the switchgear cabinet.
It must be possible to take the respective drive out of the automatic mode and to
switch it „ON“, “REMOTE” or „OFF“ in manual mode. The prevailing mode and the
operation of each drive have to be monitored by illuminated indicator light and ad-
ditionally on the OP.
The mechanical equipments for big pumping station with building and pumping
cellar (Type 3) are to be configured with local controls near to the drives. It must
be possible to take the respective drive out of the automatic mode and to switch it
„ON“, “REMOTE” or „OFF“ in manual mode as well. The prevailing mode and the
operation of each drive have to be monitored by illuminated indicator lightight and
additionally on the OP.
All local controls get an emergency stop button which turns off the concerned drive
not only in automatic mode but also when in manual mode.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.3.4 Communication
In the case of fault or alarm the responsible operator in charge has to be notified
via emergency call unit with GSM connection (all pumping stations Type 1, 2 and
3) respectively and additionally public telephone network of bigger pumping sta-
tions with telephone connection, which will be notified by potential free contacts
comes out of the MCC. As far as the fault message is not acknowledged, it has to
be repeated periodically. The operator in charge shall then acknowledge the call or
SMS and initiate respective measures. If the responsible operator is not respond-
ing, further alternative numbers have to be contacted by SMS.
In the low voltage switchgear room of the bigger pumping station a telephone sys-
tem is necessary which connects all necessary stationary and mobile phones and
the emergency call unit to the public telephone network.
Additionally the whole pumping station system will be connected GPRS modem
connection between all pumping stations to provide a signal transfer. With this in-
formation system, the pumping station will be informed about disorders of pumping
stations in upstream to stop operation and go into sea outlet operation. Data trans-
fer system must be adjusted with the system that already exists in the certain
pumping stations of the Employer.
Cables have to run in one length without splice boxes. Exceptions require the ap-
proval of the engineer. All cables have to run properly adjusted, side by side, with
mutual distance, especially as regards power cables, so that a good ventilation is
guaranteed (DIN/VDE 0298, part 2). The filling factor of cable racks may not ex-
ceed 70 %.
All designation systems for cables and lines have to be executed in English and
Montenegrin. The marking of the cables with identifying bands are to be effected
durable with a distance of 20 m. All cable selling ends on devices, equipments and
machines are to be marked with respective cable numbers.
For the final dimensioning of the conductor cross sections and the corresponding
fuse, the DIN/VDE 0100- and the DIN/VDE-0298-standards are valid, especially
the reduction factors for method of installation, cable bundling and the expected
ambient temperatures.
The voltage drop between the feed-in and the electrical consumer shall not exceed
3 % of the nominal values. Every drive and every measuring gets a separate lead
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The proof for the compliance of the release conditions for over-current- and fault
current-protective devices are to be provided in tabular form for each line/cable
and with indication of the line/cable length.
On principle, the request is valid that the degree of protection of the device to be
connected has to be observed. It is the contractor’s duty to check the available ca-
ble entries in view to functionality and degree of protection. If necessary, the
glands, screwing, entrances and so forth are to be modified in order to meet the
demand. In case of non-compliance, the contractor has to perform corrective
measures. Possible operating failures are to be borne by him.
For all connections it has to be obligatory that a perfect strain relief of the cables is
All reserve strands of cables have to be put on respective terminals and are to be
indicated in the documentation. The terminals for the reserve strands are to be
marked according to the documentation.
Cable racks and gutters consisting of metal have to be connected electrically con-
ductive and to be included in the equipotential bonding. The used materials for the
cable routes are to be adapted to the local demands. Sheets are to be used with
ground perforation, depth at least 60 mm. If necessary (e.g. for common embed-
ding of energy- and measuring cables), separation strips are to be used. If neces-
sary, cutting edges or drill holes have to be after treated and equipped with an
edge protection.
Fixings among each other and on brackets, walls, ceilings and so forth have to be
executed with typical accessories. For accident prevention, stirrups are to be
equipped with plastic protection caps on the bottom cutting edge.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The underground laying of cables is to be done in corrugate cable pipes which are
to be laid in a sand stratum of at least 10 cm thickness. It is to be kept free of
stones. The cover shall be least 80 cm for long distances. For short distances the
level could be less deep, if it is shown in the relevant drawings.
Cable entries into chambers and sump pit of smaller and medium pumping sta-
tions (Type 1 and 2) have to be executed with waterproof cable glands, if it’s re-
quired on the relevant drawing.
Cable entries into buildings and sub-structures as in bigger pumping station (Type
3), e.g. into the double bottom / false floors / cable cellars of the pumping station,
have to be executed with waterproof cable glands
The control section (MCC) behind the second door of the “cabinet in cabinet” ver-
sion and the operator section behind the exterior door the switchgear cabinet for
outdoor installation (Type 1 and 2) is to be equipped with adequate luminaries IP
44, controlled by twos door position switches.
The interior lighting of the bigger pumping stations (Type 3) is to be designed ac-
cording to DIN 5035. The visual demands as well as the psychophysical aspects of
view have to be considered.
The requirements in view to the quality grade of the glare restriction are to be con-
sidered by selection of luminaries for the different room tasks.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Pole mounted and wall mounted luminaries are to be used. The exterior lighting is
switched either manually by a central key switch at the pumping station building or
automatically by a time limited twilight switch.
Type, number and arrangement will depend on the design and arrangements of
the exterior plants.
Testing and start up of the electrical equipment will be performed together with the
hydraulic and mechanical testing plant. The procedures to be followed are de-
scribed under the General Requirements for the execution of contractual works.
All expenditures for the functional tests and the start-up have to be included in the
tender. It has to be considered that further tunings and settings of parameters
could be necessary even until one year upon the start-up.
Works tests will be performed in accordance to appropriate DIN standards and in-
clude all other tests the Engineer may require for the verification that the works
comply with the specification.
Prior to start-up, the Contractor will check the entire equipment in view to its func-
tionality. All equipment parts are to be examined in view of their complete func-
tionality. Not only an individual device- and information verification has to be per-
formed, but the entire interdependent functionality from the process control to the
respective signalling devices, processing blocks and the automatic control level
has to be proved. As far as process data are not available, they have to be simu-
During this phase, all operating conditions have to be performed. The step-by-step
start-up can only be carried out upon the successful functional tests.
For the pumping station the correct operation of the permanent emergency gen-
erator set, and thus the operation of the entire electrical plant under emergency
power supply, has to be simulated and tested under power cut conditions.
Performing the tests, the Contractor shall use only tested measuring instruments.
A copy of the test certificate for test instruments shall be submitted at request of
the Engineer.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
1.5.2 Start-up
Prior to start-up, all necessary certificates and test protocols have to be submitted
to the Engineer.
The starting up of the electrical plant is effected together with the commissioning
of the mechanical equipments and the process technology. The Contractor shall
carry out the start-up including final functional tests of all connected components.
These will be carried out at the discretion of the Engineer. Changes and adjust-
ments will be made where necessary for proper operation of the equipment.
At this time, the Contractor undertakes the entire responsibility for the start-up of
the manual and automatic functions for the electrical engineering.
Functional tests and the start-up are to be performed in the presence of the Em-
ployer and his future operating staff. It is the Contractors obligation to render a de-
tailed introduction into the operation and maintenance of the electrical plant to the
Employer’s staff.
The coordination of the plant commissioning with regards to the contractual dead-
lines is the Contractor responsibility.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The specification of the equipment and work mentioned below are basing on the
German DIN/VDE standards.
To connect each compact pumping station to the public power supply system, an
additional approx. 50 m underground low voltage cable has to be laid from the al-
ready existing concrete pole up to the vicinity of the relevant pumping station to the
border of the site.
The equipment of each power supply includes the adequate isolated mounting
clamps, the average 50 m buried voltage cable, NYY-J 5 x X mm² (PP OO 4 x X
mm²) cable or equivalent, fixed on the last pole and laid underground in a cable
trench. Even all necessary connection works on both sides and materials for the
connection and cabling even the earthworks as the cable trench have to be carried
out by the contractor.
6 x Low voltage cable between the last pole and the feeder part of the
pumping station , average 50 m each, NYY-J 5 x X mm² cable or equiva-
lent, laid underground in a cable trench, incl. all earthwork, bedding, warn-
ing tabe and cable protection according to the requirements of JEP EPCG.
All necessary connection works on both sides of each compact pumping
station and materials for the connection and cabling incl. cable sleeve
have to be carried out by the contractor.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The location of each outdoor switchgear cabinet has to be determined and indi-
cated by the Contractor. When dimensioning the whole LV switchgear incl. the
MCC section with all distributions, the reserve space required of at least 20 %.
The thermal load of the units has to be determined according to VDE 0660, part 5.
The transfer and distribution in the cabinet is effected via a 5-pole bus bar system
made of copper, calculated for the power of the 1 Phase, including a reserve of 25
%. PE and N bar have to be executed separately.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The entire low voltage switchgear has to be delivered including the complete ac-
cessories, installed and mounted ready for operation, including the complete inter-
nal system wiring for measuring, controlling and signalling.
The feeder has to be equipped with surge arrester for each phase + N. The nec-
essary distance between surge arrester device and other equipment has to con-
sider by the contractor. The surge arrester has to protect with fuse switch-
disconnector, incl. fuse control system.
The two incoming feedings are effected via motor-driven synchronous circuit-
breakers, in draw out-unit design, nominal breaking capacity = 55 kA, with manual
auxiliary operating mechanism, rated insulation level according to DIN/VDE 0110 =
1000 V by 50 Hz, with instantaneous magnetic short-circuit release, thermally de-
layed overcurrent release and open-circuit shunt release.
Power Meter
Motor Control Centre (MCC)
Lead sealed
Fuse Box
Junction Box
Cable pipes
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The locations of each outdoor MCC have to be determined and indicated by the
contractor. When dimensioning the MCC with all distributions, the reserve space
required of at least 20 %. The separation of the MCC for several equipment has to
clarify with the supplier or his representative.
The thermal load of the units has to be determined according to VDE 0660, part 5.
The MCC´s including all components required for fully automatic operation of the
pumping station with 2 pumps (2,2 kW each), including control units and including
separate feeder part.
The control works with PLC by SIEMENS or equal quality, type Simatic S7-200
with TD-200 control unit.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The luminaries with LED of the local control layer have to be installed into the inner
door of the switchgear cabinet to indicate the operating conditions.
The manual control has to be provided on the local control layer with local control
switch and buttons on the inner door of the switchgear cabinet. It must be possible
to take the respective drive out of the automatic mode and to switch it „ON“,
“REMOTE” or „OFF“ in manual mode. The prevailing mode and the operation of
each drive have to be monitored by illuminated indicator light.
On the local control layer an emergency stop button which turns all concerned
drives not only in automatic mode but also when in manual mode.
Separate functional units for outgoing circuits and measuring and control technol-
ogy have to be provided.
The distribution in the cabinet is effected via a 5-pole bus bar system made of
copper, calculated for the power of the 1 Phase, including a reserve of 25 %. PE
and N bar have to be executed separately.
Operation and trouble signals, reset button, motor protection relay, fuses, relays,
mains isolator, timer, control units have to be provided for each part.
The cable compartments have to be equipped with sufficient free connection and
support construction for cables. The maintenance, the installation and the ex-
change of all construction parts has to be possible from the front side.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
All energized parts within the cabinets have to be protected safe to touch; hand-
operated control equipment is to be arranged in a well accessible level and in a
necessary water and dust protection IP 54. The cabling has to be done in plastic
The necessary ventilation of each MCC has to be realized dustless. The contractor
will calculate the necessary air changes per hour as well as the dissipate heat load
on his own responsibility.
The entire low voltage MCC has to be delivered including the complete accesso-
ries, installed and mounted ready for operation, including the complete internal
system wiring for measuring, controlling and signalling.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The metalwork’s of all items of electrical equipment provided under the contract,
as well as handrails, ladders, gratings, checker plates etc. shall be designed to be
securely bonded to earthing.
During the earthworks, steel strips are always to be placed in addition to the foun-
dation earth in order to obtain the pre-mentioned earth contact resistance. Expo-
sures to buried cables have to be excluded. In this way, an earthing system of low
impedance has to be set up with minor expenditure. A respective quantity of steel
strips has to be calculated.
Expansion joints have to be bridged outside the concrete. The entire buildings in-
cluding outhouses have to be equipped with an external lightning protection sys-
Down leads have to be vertically installed behind linings, masonry or in concrete. It
has to consist of wrought aluminium alloy, 10 mm. In the course of each down
lead, a concealed casing with inspection joint has to be installed. A terminal lug for
the meshing of the earthing system has to be brought out on all building edges.
The structures and buildings have to be interconnected. Connecting and outlet
points will be brought out insulated. All metallic installations (tubes, machines, door
cases, rails, ladders and so on) have to be included in the equipotential bonding.
The contractor creates a layout plan which includes the meshing and interconnec-
tions of the earthing system. Protective earthing and earth termination network
have to be considered separately.
The verification of the effectiveness and the minimum earthing resistance values
to be adhered have to be performed at defined measuring points via current-
voltage methods of measurement. Respective protocols have to be set up.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
For the internal lightning protection, the following measures have to be taken:
Protection levels and nominal currents have to be tuned to the individual devices
by the responsibility of the contractor. The necessary equipment has to be installed
in the feeding part of the LV switchgear cabinet with distance to other devices ac-
cording the installation instruction of the manufacture.
The metalworks of all items of electrical equipment provided under the contract, as
well as handrails, ladders, gratings, checker plates etc. shall be designed to be se-
curely bonded to earthing.
The Contractor shall submit a measuring point list containing the following informa-
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Pressure sensors for flanged end will be provided with terminal fitting of high-grade
steel with shutoff valve, purging adapter and all necessary accessory.
The following specifications are relevant for the measuring devices. If it is neces-
sary due to the used procedure to perform measurements which are not men-
tioned below, these have to be specified and enclosed to the tender.
Level measurement
Level measurement for sumps
It has to be designed as hydrostatic pressure sensor, capacitive pickup or ultra-
sonic sensor.
hydrostatic measuring:
- hydrostatic pressure sensor consisting of high-grade steel
- electronic module with integrated overvoltage protection, junction box with
pressure compensation, user programmable transducer, auxiliary supply 24 V
DC, signal outputs 0/4 - 20 mA, isolated fault signal output, ex-proof execu-
ultrasonic measuring:
- sonic altimeter sensor for scanning of levels, sensor with temperature detec-
tor, compensation of all atmospheric disturbances and automatic elimination
of waving. Enclosure of plastic material inclusive all carriers, plug- and screw
connections, ex-proof execution.
- ultrasonic analyzing unit for differential or level measurement, transducer with
digital display, 19’’ draw out-unit design or switchboard door mounting unit
design, user-programmable.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
- float switch for high water alarm or other important water level detection
- robust, ex-proof execution with leak proof cable connection (IP 68)
The device shall be providing relay outputs for the control and for alarm signals.
Additional digital inputs shall be used for monitoring of operation of pumps with
time stamp.
The PLC, measurement and the data logger shall be provide with power via an
adequate uninterruptible power supply unit (UPS), to save the necessary ana-
logues measurements and relevant digital signals in any case. The UPS has to be
dimensioned by the contractor in dependence of the measurement and data log-
ger for a interim period of ½ h. The value has to attest by a calculation.
The installation system includes all necessary work and materials for the connec-
tion of all system parts. The entire plant is to set up ready for operation, including
all necessary installation systems and extra work required, even if they are not
mentioned. Scope of delivery and calculation have to include:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Furthermore, the described conduit system under paved areas has to be calcu-
lated. It is separately to be proved by documents.
The following requirements are to be respected:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Cables and lines have to be selected according to the expected assembly- and
operating stress. They have to apply with the respective national or international
standards in view to cross section, structure and testing.
The following color coding has to be used:
The lump sum of the wiring system has to include all descript measures and mate-
The emergency call unit has to be installed ready for operation including the nec-
essary feeding, cabling, tuned antenna and the junction boxes.
The costs for the Personal Training have to be included in the prices above.
2.1.11 Documentation
The following documentation has to be delivered (all records in English and Mon-
tenegrin language) for each compact pumping station:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
The costs for the Documentation have to be included in the prices above.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
December 2015
VOLUME IV SCHEDULES - General Delivery Schedules
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Volume IV – Schedules
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Table No Title
1 Pumps
2 Guaranteed Characteristics for Pumps
3 Valves and Penstocks
4 Screens
5 Pipes
6 Diesel Generator
7 Electrical Items
8 Any other Item the Tenderer considers important
9 List of Spare Parts
10 List of Special Tools
11 Post Warranty Service Arrangements
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Table 1: PUMPS
The Tenderer shall submit the information listed below for every pump included in the Tender for the
Pump Stations. Fill one separate table for each pump *)
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
The values entered by the Contractor in these tables shall be contractually binding and shall be
checked as part of the Factory Tests.
The Factory Tests checking the Power Consumption might be made in the presence
of the Engineer and members of the Employer’s core of technical experts for each
type of pump in case of pumping stations and for a representative lot for pumps in
each of the pump station.
A justification statement and supporting calculations are required in support of each of
these values. These shall be included in the Contractor’s Proposals. State below the
location in the Contractor’s Proposal of the Justification Statement and supporting
calculations for this Guarantee - eg. Section numbers, page numbers or similar.
Authorized and binding signature:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
The Tenderer shall submit the information listed below for every valve separately, for valves installed
above ground and underground. Fill one separate table for each type of valve/penstock.
Valves Unit Information / Manufacturer
Name of manufacturer and specification for the following valves:
Butterfly valve
Non-return valve
*) The tenderer shall add the required appropriate lines for manufacturer, make (exact naming of the
valve/penstock by the manufacturer), materials of the various parts of the valve/penstock, nominal
pressure, size (diameter and/or dimensions), specification of actuator (type, manufacturer, power etc.);
the lines required may vary according to the manufacturer’s specification. The tenderer shall also to
add in addition to filling the table, the data sheets of the manufacturers for the equipment.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Table 5: PIPES
The Tenderer shall submit the information for each pipe material. Fill one table for each type (material)
of pipe.
Pipe Unit Information
Range of diameters
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
2. Motor
3. Generator
Type of construction:
Nominal power: kVA
Nominal cos:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Additional equipment:
( Summary description of
calculated equipment )
Valid specifications:
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Electrical items
(Name of manufacturer and characteristics)
PLC and OP
Circuit breakers
Ultrasonic Level Measurement
Hydrostatik Level Measurement
Float level switch
Soft starters
LV Switchgear Cubical (Indoor)
LV Switchgear Cabinet (Oudoor)
MV Switchgear
Transformer Compact Station
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Volume IV – Schedules
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
1. The nature and extent of the work is to be ascertained by reference to the Drawings,
Specification and Conditions of Contract.
The Bill of Quantities (BoQ) shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Tenderers, General
and Particular Conditions of Contract, General and Particular Technical Specifications and
the Drawings. Certain descriptions contained in the Bill of Quantities are abbreviated. The
Tenderer is to refer to the Specification and Drawings to determine the full requirements of all
the work to be priced.
The rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to be the full inclusive
value of the work covered by the several items including, but not limited to, the following,
unless expressly stated otherwise:
b) The supply of materials, goods, storage and costs in connection therewith including
delivery to Site. Taking delivery of materials and goods supplied by others, unloading,
storage, and costs in connection therewith.
e) Energy, electricity.
f) Water.
i) The effect on the phasing of the Works or any element of the Works to the extent set
forth or reasonably implied in the documents on which the tender is based.
k) General obligations, liabilities and risks involved in the execution of the Works set
forth or reasonably implied in the documents on which the tender is based.
m) Waste: Unless otherwise stated, all work is measured net as fixed and the Tenderer
shall make due allowance in his rates for all necessary laps, cutting and waste and
increase or decrease in bulk.
n) Attendance and transport for sampling and testing carried out by the Engineer,
supplying results of tests carried out by the Contractor and providing test certificates.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
s) All design work as required by the Contract and as specified in the Employer’s
2. The Tenderer will have been deemed to have examined the Drawings, Specification, General
and Particular Conditions of Contract and Bill of Quantities and have provided in his Tender
for everything necessary or reasonably implied to complete the whole of the works including
any overtime and shift working to complete the whole of the Works in the sections specified
and in the required sequence in accordance with the Contract.
3. General directions and descriptions of work and material given in the Specification or on the
Contract Drawings are not necessarily repeated in the Bill of Quantities. Reference is to be
made to the Specification or the Contract Drawings for this information.
4. All cost for mobilisation at site, the maintenance of site installation including watching,
lightening and traffic control during the construction period, the demobilisation from site, the
structural setting out the works the manufacturing and erection of advertising boards shall be
quoted as lump sum items.
“Preliminaries and General” are shown separately for each of the contracted Lots.
5. The rates and prices bid in the Bill of Quantities shall, except insofar as it is stated
otherwise, include for all constructional plant, labour materials, supervision, transport,
installation, erection, maintenance, profit, insurances, together with all general risks, liabilities
and obligations set out or implied in the Contract, The rates shall also include all taxes,
business taxes, duties, port dues, quay dues, and other charges that may be levied in
accordance with laws and regulation in force for design and construction. General directions
and descriptions of work are not necessarily repeated or summarised in the Bills of Quantities.
Reference to the relevant parts of the Tender Documents shall be made before entering prices
against each item in the Bill of Quantities.
6. Each individual item shall have a rate or price entered against it. Rates and prices shall be
expressed to two decimal places. A rate or price shall be set against each and every item in the
Bill of Quantities, whether a quantity is set against that item or not. The cost of items against
which no rates or prices have been entered shall be deemed to be included in other rates and
prices entered in the Bill of Quantities. The measurement of work shall be computed net from
the dimensions stated in the Contract i.e. in accordance with payment limits specified in
Particular Conditions of Contract, on Drawings and in Specifications as well as in accordance
with actual surveyed levelling of the structures.
- Payment limits shall be taken as: the minimum width of trenches as shown on drawings in
Volume 5 (Typical Trench Sections), the depth to the specified invert level of the pipes and the
length of services laid (linear meters run as specified for pipe laying).
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
- No bulk factor for disposal of excavated material shall be applied for payments of disposal.
- Item: Supply, install and test of certified quality assessed manholes or pipes, shall be
deemed to be paid only as a complete item. Payment of Plant and material upon their delivery
is defined in Particular Conditions and except for this, no other division of this BoQ item shall
be allowed (like payment of supply and installation without performed testing). Same applies
for backfilling; no payment shall be approved without conducted testing of backfilled material.
7. The whole cost of complying with all the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the
items in the Bill of Quantities and, where no items are provided, the cost shall be deemed
to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related items of work.
b) Where there is a discrepancy between a unit rate and the total amount derived from
multiplying that unit rate by the quantity, then the unit rate will take precedence. If
however, in the opinion of the Employer, there is an obvious misplacement of the
decimal point in the unit price, the unit price will be corrected and the total amount
derived from multiplying the corrected unit rate by the quantity will be calculated.
9. The Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for complying with requirements in respect of
pavement construction, horizontal alignments, surface levels and surface regularity of
pavement courses, dealing with changes in weather conditions, use of surfaces by traffic and
construction plant, and general requirements for sub-bases and road bases.
10. The Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for taking measures to deal with the existing
flow of water, sewage and the like.
11. The Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for complying with any limitations and
constraints on the use of the Site.
12. Where the Contractor offers an equivalent product or material in place of the one identified or
specified, which is accepted for incorporation into the Works by the Engineer, then the rates
and prices in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to include for all the obligations and costs
associated with the incorporation of the equivalent into the Works, including design, provision
of data and drawings, certificates, awaiting approvals, resubmissions and modifications and
amendments to the Works.
13. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in the Contract the measurement of the Works
affected by the incorporation of the equivalent products and materials shall be based on the
Tender documents and not on the Works as amended and completed to incorporate the
equivalent products and materials.
14. Where the Contract requires part(s) of the Permanent Works to be designed by the
Contractor, the rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities shall include for all the obligations and
costs associated with the incorporation of the Contractor's design into the Works, including
design, provision of data and drawings, certificates awaiting approvals, resubmissions and
modifications and amendments to the Works.
15. The Contractor shall measure the quantities of all work he intends to claim for his payment
certificates. The Contractor’s measurement is subject to the Engineer’s approval. Wherever
levels, measurements, quantities, etc. of any work done cannot be checked at a later stage,
then measurements made by the Engineer or approved by him shall be taken to be correct
measurements of the work. The Contractor shall provide all survey instruments and measuring
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
equipment required. The cost for the measurement of works shall be deemed to be included in
the respective prices for construction and installation of works.
16. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and are given to provide a
common basis for bidding. Actual payment will be made at the rates entered in the Bill of
Quantities based on the actual quantities of work executed according to the Specifications and
Bill Items as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer.
17. Extra over items belong to a basic position. The invoice of extra over items will be additional to
the price of the basic position.
18. Lump sum is a single sum of money that serves as a complete payment for the relevant item
19. Quantities shall be expressed with two decimal points figures except for units of measurement
of tonnes, kilometres and hectares in which case the quantities shall be to three decimal
20. Works which are unforeseen (at present not foreseen in contract BOQ but may become
needed in order to perform the contracted works) or additional (at present not foreseen in the
contract BOQ but requested by the Employer) will only be subject of remuneration if approved
by the Engineer. Price basis (if not already stated in comparable items in the BOQ) shall be
acc. to Vol. 1, Form Inf-1: Overview of Daywork Items and is covered by the contingency
amount in the BOQ
21. The information in the Contract as to the whereabouts of existing services and mains is
believed to be correct but the Contractor shall not be relieved thereby of his obligations under
the Contract. The Contractor shall include in his rates and prices for locating and taking
measures for the support and full protection of pipes, cables and other apparatus during the
progress of the Works, obtaining the written consent of the appropriate authority to interrupt
the service or supply and for keeping the Engineer informed of all arrangements he makes
with the owners of privately owned services or supplies, statutory undertakers and public
authorities as appropriate.
The Contractor will be held to have familiarised himself with all site conditions, weather, all site
investigation records available, means of access and the locality of any existing services, in
order to execute the works measured and described hereinafter. No claim for want of
knowledge in this respect will be reimbursed.
22. Labours in connection with nominated sub-contractors shall include for affording the use of
existing working space, access, temporary roads, erected scaffolding, working shelters,
staging, ladders, hoists, storage, latrines, messing, welfare and other facilities existing on Site
and the provision of protection, water, electricity for lighting and clearing away rubbish and
debris arising from the work.
In the case of goods, materials or services supplied: for taking delivery, unloading, storing,
protecting and returning crates, cartons and packing materials.
23. The term "rock" shall be deemed to mean hard material which in the opinion of the Engineer
necessitates for its loosening or removal by the use of explosives, hydraulic hammer or
special machinery designed for rock cutting, but shall exclude any material that can be
removed by normal excavating.
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
24. Importance is placed on the execution of the works in such a manner as will minimise effects
detrimental to the environment and to individual environmental components. Rates and prices
are to include for all cost associated with works which relate to the various aspects of
environmental protection.
25. For certain items of works (given in the BoQ) it is foreseen that the Contractor shall take over
the material – equipment from the Employer’s storages. It is understood that the unit price is to
include all activities related to completion of works for finalisation of these items (transport up
to the Employer’s storages, onload of material – equipment, transport up to the installation
location, and finally, installation of material – equipment according to the drawings and
Technical Specifications for particular types of works). This material – equipment must be
taken over by the Contractor latest in 28 days from the start of the works within the Contract
26. The following abbreviations shall be used for the units of measurement:
Unit Abbreviation
Number No.
Sum sum
Lump sum LS
Provisional sum PS
Metre m
Square metre m2
Cubic metre m3
Kilo metre km
Tonne t
Project title: Water Supply and Sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 – Kotor i Tivat
Project number: BMZ ID 2012 66 196
Bill of Quantities
Construction Costs (EUR)
Item Description
Bid Price
B1 Secondary Sewer with Connection in Lustica 0,00
B2 Secondary Pressure Pipelines 0,00
B3 Civil works for compact pumping stations 0,00
B4 Construction of Transmission Pipeline 0,00
C1 Compact Pumping Stations 0,00
D1 Compact Pumping Station PS7 0,00
D2 Compact Pumping Station PS10 0,00
1 SUB-TOTAL: 20.000,00
2 Contingency amount (10% of SUB-TOTAL) 2.000,00
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
Unit Rate Amount
Item No. Description Unit Quantity
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
Installation and Test of Energy Compensation Manholes (ECM) taken from
Employer's Storage yard.
Unit Price includes ECM installation works, blinding concrete for leveling,
sewer manhole cover (procurement, delivery and installation) cast iron
heavy duty class D (d=62.5 cm), drop pipes for house connections, incl. pipe
connection, acc. to typical drawing, complete.
Energy Compensation Manholes No. 24,00 0,00
B1.5 Connection of Tertiary Sewers and House Connections
Provision of House Connection ND 150
(incl. about 1m of PVC pipework DN 150 and saddle piece, sealing cap) complete No. 280,00 0,00
Provision of House Connection ND 200
(incl. about 1m of PVC pipework DN 200 and saddle piece, sealing cap) complete No. 30,00 0,00
B1.6 Sundry Items
B1.6.010 Drop pipe ND 200 PVC up to 2.5 m lenght, with 90° bend, embedded in lean
concrete No. 75,00 0,00
B1.6.020 Impact plate in stainless steel 1 m x 1 m incl. Installation No. 5,00 0,00
Ventilation Pipe DN 150 (HDPE) including bends, fittings, supply and installation No. 5,00 0,00
B1 SEWERAGE NETWORK - Total to collection - 0,00
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B3.1 Excavation
B3.1.010 Excavate in all materials m³ 44,22 0,00
B3.1.020 Dispose exacavated material m³ 44,22 0,00
B3.1.030 Backfill excavated material m³ 0,00 0,00
B3.1.140 Selected import material m³ 25,22 0,00
Extra-over item for excavation
B3.1.040 Excavate in hard rock material m³ 44,22 0,00
B3.1.060 Sheeting for construction pit if performed
in agreement with the Engineer m² 33,33 0,00
B3.2 Concrete Works
B3.2.010 75 mm minimum thickness m² 3,14 0,00
B3.2.020 Fill concrete m³ 2,00 0,00
B3.2.030 Concrete for benching of pump sump as shown on drawings m³ 2,00 0,00
Concrete C 30/37 Mpa, in very severe conditions, watertigh
B3.2.040 Bottom slabs for pumping stations (200mm thickness) m³ 6,28 0,00
B3.2.050 Top slabs in pumping stations (200mm thickness) m³ 6,00 0,00
B3.2.060 Rectangular walls up to 200 mm thick m³ 7,16 0,00
B3.2.080 Step irons according DIN 19555, in valve chamber No. 18,00 0,00
B3.3 Formwork
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B4.5.1.010 Straight cut with disk in asphalt layer (two sided) m 36,00 0,00
B4.5.1.020 Asphalt or concrete layer, road base, base course, removal and disposal of the
material m 50,00 0,00
Excavation in all materials for trenches, with trench sheeting (water proofed,
construction method free of vibration, deformation), dead sheeting (for trench
protection against penetration of sea water) and pile sheeting (for trench protection
against penetration of sea water, method free of vibration, deformation); according
to requirements set in specifications; with dewatering of trench for total trench
B4.5.1.030 Not exceeding 2,0m m 90,00 0,00
B4.5.1.040 Exceeding 2,0m but not exceeding 4,0m m 16,00 0,00
Extra-over item for B5.1.030. to B5.1.040 (B5.1.050 - B5.1.070)
B4.5.1.050 Manual excavation not exceeding 2,0m m³ 9,00 0,00
B4.5.1.060 Manual excavation exceeding 2,0m but not exceeding 4,0m m³ 2,00 0,00
B4.5.1.070 Hard rock excavation m³ 117,00 0,00
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B5 Gornja Župa
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B6 Donja Župa
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B7 Mažina
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B8 Tripovići
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
Supply, install and test of certified quality assessed
Prefabricated reinforced concrete manholes with blinding concrete,
prefabricated bottom part, benching, prefabricated shaft rings, cone,
distance rings, sewer manhole cover cast iron heavy duty class D (d=62.5
cm), step irons, drop pipes for house connections, incl. pipe connection,
acc. to typical drawing, complete
B8.3.060 Manhole in concrete for pipe ≤ ND 500, dia. 1.00m, depth 1 - 2 m No 90,00 0,00
B8.3.070 Manhole in concrete for pipe ≤ ND 500, dia. 1.00m, depth 2 - 3 m No 90,00 0,00
B8.3.080 Manhole in concrete for pipe ≤ ND 500, dia. 1.00m, depth 3 - 4 m No 6,00 0,00
Rekonstrukcija postojećih kanalizacionih okana kvadratnog ili kružnog presjeka
dubine do 1,0 m, debljine zidova i dna do 0,20 m, sa armiranobetonskom pločom
0,10 m. Rekonstrukcija obuhvata djelomično rušenje dijela okna sa povećanjem
gabarita ili dubine od 0,5 do 1,0 m.Obračun po kom. No 2,00 0,00
B8 Tripovići - Total to collection - 0,00
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
Procurment, lay, bed and test certified quality assessed PE pipes (DIN 8074
or equal) with electrofusion joints, with all required PE electrofusion fittings
B9.5.010 Pipe DIN 8074 - 25 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 40,00 0,00
B9.5.020 Pipe DIN 8074 - 32 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 25,00 0,00
B9.5.030 Pipe DIN 8074 - 40 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B9.5.040 Pipe DIN 8074 - 50 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B9.5.050 Pipe DIN 8074 - 63 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 320,00 0,00
B9.5.060 Pipe DIN 8074 - 90 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 1.062,00 0,00
B9.5.070 Pipe DIN 8074 - 110 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 36,00 0,00
B9.5.080 Pipe DIN 8074 - 160 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
PE joints
B9.5.090 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d160 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
B9.5.100 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d110 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 4,00 0,00
TENDER ID: BMZ 2012 66 196
Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
Procurement, delivery and installation of ductile iron fittings for all foreseen
chambers, as well as for horizontal pipeline curves, all of NP 10 bar
B9.5.290 T piece Ø300/100 No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.300 T piece Ø300/80 No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.310 T piece Ø150/100 No.
B9.5.320 T piece Ø150/80 No.
B9.5.330 T piece Ø100/100 No.
B9.5.340 T piece Ø100/80 No. 2,00 0,00
B9.5.350 T piece Ø100/50 No.
B9.5.360 T piece Ø80/80 No. 6,00 0,00
B9.5.370 T piece Ø80/50 No.
B9.5.380 T piece Ø50/50 No.
B9.5.390 FFG Ø300/600 No. 2,00 0,00
B9.5.400 FFG Ø150/1000 No.
B9.5.410 FFG Ø150/900 No.
B9.5.420 FFG Ø150/600 No.
B9.5.430 FFG Ø150/200 No.
B9.5.440 FFG Ø100/900 No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.450 FFG Ø100/600 No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.460 FFG Ø100/500 No.
B9.5.470 FFG Ø80/1000 No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.480 FFG Ø80/800 No.
B9.5.490 FFG Ø80/600 No. 3,00 0,00
B9.5.500 FFG Ø80/500 No.
B9.5.510 FFG Ø80/400 No. 3,00 0,00
B9.5.520 FFG Ø80/300 No. 3,00 0,00
B9.5.530 FFG Ø50/800 No.
B9.5.540 FFR Ø150/80, L=200 mm No.
B9.5.550 FFR Ø100/80, L=200 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.560 FFR Ø80/65, L=200 mm No.
B9.5.570 FFR Ø80/50, L=200 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.580 N komad Ø80 mm No. 3,00 0,00
B9.5.590 X komad Ø80 mm No.
B9.5.600 X komad Ø50 mm No.
B9.5.610 Q90 Ø50 mm No.
B9.5.620 Q90 Ø80 mm No.
B9.5.630 Q90 Ø100 mm No.
B9.5.640 FFK30 Ø80 mm No.
B9.5.650 FFK45 Ø100 mm No.
B9.5.660 Flanged socket piece E-KS DN300 mm No. 4,00 0,00
B9.5.670 Flanged socket piece E-KS DN160 mm No.
B9.5.680 Flanged socket piece DN90 mm No.
B9.5.690 Flange adapter type E-BS DN150 (158-192mm) No.
B9.5.700 Dismantling piece MDK-A DN150 mm No.
B9.5.710 Dismantling piece MDK-A DN100 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.720 Dismantling piece MDK-A DN80 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.730 Dismantling piece MDK-A DN50 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B9.5.740 TT piece DN150x150 mm No.
B9.5.750 TT piece DN80x80 mm No.
B9.5.760 Flange adapter LG to AC pipe Ø100 mm No.
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B9.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 20,00 0,00
B9.6 Sundry Items
B9.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B9.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 2,00 0,00
B9.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B9.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No.
B9.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 207,00 0,00
B9.7.020 Concrete surface construction m² 315,00 0,00
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B9.7.030 Stone walls m³
B9.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m²
B9.7.050 Kerbs m 15,00 0,00
B9.7.060 Gutters m 15,00 0,00
B9.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B9.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m²
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Procurment, lay, bed and test certified quality assessed PE pipes (DIN 8074
or equal) with electrofusion joints, with all required PE electrofusion fittings
B10.5.010 Pipe DIN 8074 - 25 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B10.5.020 Pipe DIN 8074 - 32 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 153,00 0,00
B10.5.030 Pipe DIN 8074 - 40 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 66,00 0,00
B10.5.040 Pipe DIN 8074 - 50 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B10.5.050 Pipe DIN 8074 - 63 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 305,00 0,00
B10.5.060 Pipe DIN 8074 - 90 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 217,00 0,00
B10.5.070 Pipe DIN 8074 - 110 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 382,00 0,00
B10.5.080 Pipe DIN 8074 - 160 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
PE joints
B10.5.090 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d160 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
B10.5.100 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d110 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 5,00 0,00
B10.5.110 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d90 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 10,00 0,00
B10.5.120 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d75 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.130 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d63 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
B10.5.140 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d50 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
Procurement, delivery and installation of electrofusion T pieces on PE
B10.5.150 d100/100 No. 3,00 0,00
B10.5.160 d90/90 No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.170 d63/63 No. 4,00 0,00
B10.5.180 d32/32 No.
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply pipework within the
manholes, all of NP 10 bar
B10.5.190 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø150 mm, NP10 No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.200 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø100 mm, NP10 No. 3,00 0,00
B10.5.210 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø80 mm, NP10 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.220 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø50 mm, NP10 No.
B10.5.230 Air valve DN80 mm No.
B10.5.240 Air valve DN50 mm No.
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply pipework in the
ground without manholes, all of NP 10 bar
B10.5.250 Gate valve DN80 with built-fitting and street cover (EURO 20) No.
B10.5.260 Gate valve DN50 with built-fitting and street cover (EURO 20) No.
B10.5.270 Street cover (LG cover) of valve No. 4,00 0,00
B10.5.280 Undergroung hydrants Ø80 mm with hydrant valve cover No. 2,00 0,00
Procurement, delivery and installation of ductile iron fittings for all foreseen
chambers, as well as for horizontal pipeline curves, all of NP 10 bar
B10.5.290 T piece Ø300/100 No.
B10.5.300 T piece Ø300/80 No.
B10.5.310 T piece Ø150/100 No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.320 T piece Ø150/80 No.
B10.5.330 T piece Ø100/100 No.
B10.5.340 T piece Ø100/80 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.350 T piece Ø100/50 No.
B10.5.360 T piece Ø80/80 No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.370 T piece Ø80/50 No.
B10.5.380 T piece Ø50/50 No.
B10.5.390 FFG Ø300/600 No.
B10.5.400 FFG Ø150/1000 No.
B10.5.410 FFG Ø150/900 No.
B10.5.420 FFG Ø150/600 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.430 FFG Ø150/200 No.
B10.5.440 FFG Ø100/900 No.
B10.5.450 FFG Ø100/600 No.
B10.5.460 FFG Ø100/500 No.
B10.5.470 FFG Ø80/1000 No.
B10.5.480 FFG Ø80/800 No.
B10.5.490 FFG Ø80/600 No.
B10.5.500 FFG Ø80/500 No.
B10.5.510 FFG Ø80/400 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.520 FFG Ø80/300 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.530 FFG Ø50/800 No.
B10.5.540 FFR Ø150/80, L=200 mm No.
B10.5.550 FFR Ø100/80, L=200 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.560 FFR Ø80/65, L=200 mm No. 1,00 0,00
B10.5.570 FFR Ø80/50, L=200 mm No.
B10.5.580 N komad Ø80 mm No. 2,00 0,00
B10.5.590 X komad Ø80 mm No.
B10.5.600 X komad Ø50 mm No.
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B10.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 61,00 0,00
B10.6 Sundry Items
B10.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B10.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 2,00 0,00
B10.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B10.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No.
B10.7 Surface finishes
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Procurment, lay, bed and test certified quality assessed PE pipes (DIN 8074
or equal) with electrofusion joints, with all required PE electrofusion fittings
B11.5.010 Pipe DIN 8074 - 25 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B11.5.020 Pipe DIN 8074 - 32 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 1.395,50 0,00
B11.5.030 Pipe DIN 8074 - 40 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B11.5.040 Pipe DIN 8074 - 50 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B11.5.050 Pipe DIN 8074 - 63 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 772,09 0,00
B11.5.060 Pipe DIN 8074 - 90 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 336,34 0,00
B11.5.070 Pipe DIN 8074 - 110 - SDR 17 - PE100 m
B11.5.080 Pipe DIN 8074 - 160 - SDR 17 - PE100 m 20,77 0,00
PE joints
B11.5.090 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d160 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 2,00 0,00
B11.5.100 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d110 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
B11.5.110 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d90 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 23,00 0,00
B11.5.120 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d75 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No.
B11.5.130 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d63 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 2,00 0,00
B11.5.140 Cilinder joint piece with loose flange d50 mm (connection of PEHD pipe and LG
piece) No. 2,00 0,00
Procurement, delivery and installation of electrofusion T pieces on PE
B11.5.150 d100/100 No.
B11.5.160 d90/90 No.
B11.5.170 d63/63 No. 8,00 0,00
B11.5.180 d32/32 No. 1,00 0,00
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply pipework within the
manholes, all of NP 10 bar
B11.5.190 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø150 mm, NP10 No. 2,00 0,00
B11.5.200 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø100 mm, NP10 No.
B11.5.210 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø80 mm, NP10 No. 4,00 0,00
B11.5.220 Gate valve EV acc. to DIN 3352/4 Ø50 mm, NP10 No. 2,00 0,00
B11.5.230 Air valve DN80 mm No.
B11.5.240 Air valve DN50 mm No.
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply pipework in the
ground without manholes, all of NP 10 bar
B11.5.250 Gate valve DN80 with built-fitting and street cover (EURO 20) No. 6,00 0,00
B11.5.260 Gate valve DN50 with built-fitting and street cover (EURO 20) No.
B11.5.270 Street cover (LG cover) of valve No.
B11.5.280 Undergroung hydrants Ø80 mm with hydrant valve cover No. 4,00 0,00
Procurement, delivery and installation of ductile iron fittings for all foreseen
chambers, as well as for horizontal pipeline curves, all of NP 10 bar
B11.5.290 T piece Ø300/100 No.
B11.5.300 T piece Ø300/80 No.
B11.5.310 T piece Ø150/100 No.
B11.5.320 T piece Ø150/80 No.
B11.5.330 T piece Ø100/100 No.
B11.5.340 T piece Ø100/80 No.
B11.5.350 T piece Ø100/50 No.
B11.5.360 T piece Ø80/80 No. 6,00 0,00
B11.5.370 T piece Ø80/50 No.
B11.5.380 T piece Ø50/50 No.
B11.5.390 FFG Ø300/600 No.
B11.5.400 FFG Ø150/1000 No.
B11.5.410 FFG Ø150/900 No.
B11.5.420 FFG Ø150/600 No. 1,00 0,00
B11.5.430 FFG Ø150/200 No.
B11.5.440 FFG Ø100/900 No.
B11.5.450 FFG Ø100/600 No.
B11.5.460 FFG Ø100/500 No.
B11.5.470 FFG Ø80/1000 No.
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B11.5.1060 Service valve for horizontal drilling pipe No. 13,00 0,00
B11.5.1070 Saddle without valve wide range for AC pipe Ø150 / 2 " No.
B11.5.1080 Saddle without valve for PE and PVC pipe d160/2" No.
B11.5.1090 Valve for saddle R2" No.
House connections
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply prefabricated
reinforced concrete manholes with the installation of sub layer 0-32mm
(eartworks included in the section earthworks)
B11.5.1100 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 1 water meter No. 70,00 0,00
B11.5.1110 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 8,00 0,00
B11.5.1120 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 2,00 0,00
B11.5.1130 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 4 water meters No.
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B11.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 90,00 0,00
B11.6 Sundry Items
B11.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 1,00 0,00
B11.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 2,00 0,00
B11.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B11.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No. 9,00 0,00
B11.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 1.298,70 0,00
B11.7.020 Concrete surface construction m² 927,87 0,00
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B11.7.030 Stone walls m³
B11.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m²
B11.7.050 Kerbs m 10,00 0,00
B11.7.060 Gutters m 10,00 0,00
B11.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B11.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m²
B11.7.090 Stone paving blocks m²
B11 Grbalj - Total to collection - 0,00
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B12.5.1060 Service valve for horizontal drilling pipe No. 9,00 0,00
B12.5.1070 Saddle without valve wide range for AC pipe Ø150 / 2 " No.
B12.5.1080 Saddle without valve for PE and PVC pipe d160/2" No.
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B12.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 64,00 0,00
B12.6 Sundry Items
B12.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B12.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B12.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B12.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No. 18,00 0,00
B12.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 57,70 0,00
B12.7.020 Concrete surface construction m² 396,90 0,00
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B12.7.030 Stone walls m³ 5,00 0,00
B12.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m² 30,00 0,00
B12.7.050 Kerbs m 30,00 0,00
B12.7.060 Gutters m 1,00 0,00
B12.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B12.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m²
B12.7.090 Stone paving blocks m²
B12 Daošine - Total to collection - 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B13.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No.
B13.6 Sundry Items
B13.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B13.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B13.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B13.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No.
B13.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m²
B13.7.020 Concrete surface construction m²
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B13.7.030 Stone walls m³
B13.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m²
B13.7.050 Kerbs m
B13.7.060 Gutters m
B13.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B13.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m²
B13.7.090 Stone paving blocks m²
B13 Stara Fortica - Total to collection - 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B14.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No.
B14.6 Sundry Items
B14.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B14.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 9,00 0,00
B14.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B14.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No. 15,00 0,00
Construction reinforcement with I profile LS 1,00 0,00
B14.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 11,50 0,00
B14.7.020 Concrete surface construction m² 16,00 0,00
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B14.7.030 Stone walls m³ 2,00 0,00
B14.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m²
B14.7.050 Kerbs m 10,00 0,00
B14.7.060 Gutters m
B14.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B14.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m²
B14.7.090 Stone paving blocks m²
B14 Mjerna mjesta - Total to collection - 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B15.5.1060 Service valve for horizontal drilling pipe No. 22,00 0,00
B15.5.1070 Saddle without valve wide range for AC pipe Ø150 / 2 " No.
B15.5.1080 Saddle without valve for PE and PVC pipe d160/2" No.
B15.5.1090 Valve for saddle R2" No.
House connections
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply prefabricated reinforced
concrete manholes with the installation of sub layer 0-32mm (eartworks included
in the section earthworks)
B15.5.1100 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 1 water meter No. 35,00 0,00
B15.5.1110 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 2,00 0,00
B15.5.1120 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 1,00 0,00
B15.5.1130 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 4 water meters No.
B15.5.1140 Procurement & delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with
rubber sealing for water meter manholes 60x40cm B125 - reinforced manhole for
water meters No. 37,00 0,00
B15.5.1150 Procurement & delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with
rubber sealing for water meter manholes 80x50cm B125 - reinforced manhole for
water meters No. 1,00 0,00
Watermeter sets
B15.5.1160 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (1 water meter,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V1 No. 34,00 0,00
B15.5.1170 Procurmeent, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (1 water meter,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V1 No. 1,00 0,00
B15.5.1180 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (2 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V2 No. 2,00 0,00
B15.5.1190 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (2 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V2 No.
B15.5.1200 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (3 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - TIP A-V3 kom. 1,00 0,00
B15.5.1210 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (3 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V3 kom.
B15.5.1220 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (4 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V4 kom.
B15.5.1230 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (4 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V4 kom.
B15.5.1240 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set DN80 (water meter,
valves, dirt catcher, cilinder joint pieces, dismantling piece) - Type C-V1 kom.
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B15.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 44,00 0,00
B15.6 Sundry Items
B15.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B15.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B15.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B15.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No. 6,00 0,00
B15.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 260,20 0,00
B15.7.020 Concrete surface construction m²
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B15.7.030 Stone walls m³ 1,00 0,00
B15.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m² 15,00 0,00
B15.7.050 Kerbs m 15,00 0,00
B15.7.060 Gutters m 1,00 0,00
B15.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B15.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m² 20,00 0,00
B15.7.090 Stone paving blocks m² 20,00 0,00
B15 Orahovac (Optional) - Total to collection - 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B16.5.1060 Service valve for horizontal drilling pipe No. 8,00 0,00
B16.5.1070 Saddle without valve wide range for AC pipe Ø150 / 2 " No.
B16.5.1080 Saddle without valve for PE and PVC pipe d160/2" No.
B16.5.1090 Valve for saddle R2" No.
House connections
Procurement, delivery and installation of water supply prefabricated reinforced
concrete manholes with the installation of sub layer 0-32mm (eartworks included
in the section earthworks)
B16.5.1100 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 1 water meter No. 14,00 0,00
B16.5.1110 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 16,00 0,00
B16.5.1120 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 2 water meters No. 14,00 0,00
B16.5.1130 Prefabricated reinforced manhole bottomless for 4 water meters No. 4,00 0,00
B16.5.1140 Procurement & delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with
rubber sealing for water meter manholes 60x40cm B125 - reinforced manhole for
water meters No. 39,00 0,00
B16.5.1150 Procurement & delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with
rubber sealing for water meter manholes 80x50cm B125 - reinforced manhole for
water meters No. 14,00 0,00
Watermeter sets
B16.5.1160 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (1 water meter,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V1 No. 14,00 0,00
B16.5.1170 Procurmeent, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (1 water meter,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V1 No. 1,00 0,00
B16.5.1180 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (2 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V2 No. 16,00 0,00
B16.5.1190 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (2 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V2 No.
B16.5.1200 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (3 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - TIP A-V3 kom. 14,00 0,00
B16.5.1210 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 6/4'' (3 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type B-V3 kom.
B16.5.1220 Procurement, delivery and installation of water meter set 3/4'' (4 water meters,
valves and approproate fittings) - Type A-V4 kom. 4,00 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
B16.5.1370 Assistance to ViK Kotor personnel during installation works on new and existing
connections. No. 100,00 0,00
B16.6 Sundry Items
B16.6.010 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing D400 for water meter manholes Ø600 No.
B16.6.020 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing C250 for water meter manholes Ø600 No. 4,00 0,00
B16.6.030 Procurement, delivery and installation of water cast iron manhole cover with rubber
sealing A15 for water meter manholes Ø600. No.
B16.6.040 Procurement, transport and installation of iron steps No. 6,00 0,00
B16.7 Surface finishes
Reinstate road surfaces complete with all courses
Bituminous surface treatment with aggregate and slurry seal, spraying with approx.
3 l/m2 bituminous emulsion, 6cm bituminous base course and 4cm wearing course m² 17,80 0,00
B16.7.020 Concrete surface construction m² 587,10 0,00
Reinstatement of other surfaces
B16.7.030 Stone walls m³
B16.7.040 Stone steps (stairways) m² 20,00 0,00
B16.7.050 Kerbs m 10,00 0,00
B16.7.060 Gutters m 10,00 0,00
B16.7.070 Cobble pavement m²
B16.7.080 Concrete paving blocks m² 10,00 0,00
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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Tivat ‐ Kotor RB Tender Water suply and sanitation Adriatic Coast V1 Kotor and Tivat
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December 2015