Imp Ques Xi
Imp Ques Xi
Imp Ques Xi
13. Derive an expression for the apparent weight of a person in a lift when (a) the lift is moving up with acceleration (b)
moving down with acceleration (c) moving up with acceleration (d) moving down with deceleration (e) moving up or
down with constant velocity.
14. The momentum of a body increases by 20%. What is the percentage increase in kinetic energy?
15. Show that it is easier to pull a lawn roller than to push it.
16. Friction is a necessary evil, comment. Mention some methods of reducing friction. Explain the need of banking of
18. When is work done by the force is negative? Give condition for work to be positive?
19. Derive an expression for velocities after collision when two bodies undergo perfectly elastic collision in one
21. Show that total mechanical energy of a freely falling body is always constant.
22. State the principle of conservation of angular momentum and explain its applications.
26. The moments of inertia of two rotating bodies A and B are IA and IB (I A > IB) and their angular momenta are equal.
Which one has greater kinetic energy?
27. Explain the variation of acceleration due to gravity with (a) altitude (b) depth
29. Define escape velocity and derive an expression for the escape velocity of a body on the surface of earth.
30. What is the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving round the earth? Justify your answer?
32. Define orbital velocity of a satellite and derive an expression for orbital velocity.
33. Describe stress- strain relationship for a loaded steel wire and hence explain the terms elastic limit, permanent set,
yield point and tensile strength.
35. Derive an expression for the elastic potential energy stored in a stretched wire under stress. Define the terms elastic
after effect and elastic fatigue.
36. State Pascal’s law and explain any one application. (Hydraulic brakes, hydraulic lift, hydraulic press)
38. Establish a relation for the excess pressure on a drop of liquid of surface tension S, giving reason for its presence.
39. What is surface energy? Find the relation between surface tension and surface energy.
40. Find an expression for the ascent of a liquid in a capillary tube. How will you know whether a liquid will rise or fall in
a capillary tube?
41. What do you mean by angle of contact between a liquid and a solid? What are the forces responsible for deciding
whether the angle of contact would be acute or obtuse? Explain with the help of diagrams. How does the angle of
contact determine the shape of the meniscus?
42. Define coefficient of viscosity and give its SI unit. On what factors does the terminal velocity of a spherical ball
falling through a viscous liquid depend? Derive the formula for the terminal velocity.
43. State Stoke’s law of viscosity. What do you understand by terminal velocity? Derive an expression for it.
44. Distinguish between turbulent and streamlined flow of liquids. Write down the relation between critical velocity,
coefficient of viscosity of the liquids, its density and the radius of the tube. What is Reynolds number? Deduce the
conditions for making the motion of the liquid smooth and orderly.
45. Establish equation of continuity of an ideal liquid flow
46. State Bernoulli’s principle. Deduce an expression for the volume of the liquid flowing per second through the wider
tube of a venturi meter.
48. At what temperature is the Fahrenheit scale reading equal to half that of the Celsius scale?
49. A slab consists of two parallel layers of two different materials of conductivity k 1 and k2. Find out the equivalent
thermal conductivity.
50. Derive a relation between coefficient of linear expansion (α), coefficient of area expansion (β) and coefficient of
volume expansion (γ).
51. State the three laws of thermo dynamics (Zeroth law, first law and second law)
52. Apply I law of thermodynamics to (a) isothermal process (b) adiabatic process
59. From kinetic theory of gas, find an expression for pressure exerted by gas on the walls of container.
60. Define degrees of freedom. State law of equipartition of energy. Calculate ratio of molar specific heat for a molecule
having n degrees of freedom.
62. Explain displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time period of a simple harmonic motion. Find relation between
63. Deduce an expression for the total energy of a system executing S.H.M. Draw the energy curve.
64. Show that the oscillations of a simple pendulum are simple harmonic.
65. Show that the oscillations of a mass connected to a spring is simple harmonic and find time period.
66. What do you mean by standing wave? Deduce an expression for the nodes and antinodes of a standing
wave. Write down the positions of nodes and antinodes.
67. Discuss different modes of vibration for stretched string, closed and open organ pipes.
68. What do mean by free force, resonant, damped and undamped oscillations explain with example?