Animal Nutrition

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Animal Nutrition 1

Animals are not able to synthesise their own food, therefore they depend on ready-made food for their nutritional
requirements. The term nutrition refers to the sum total of all the processes related with the conversion of the raw
foodstuff into the stuff of the body to supply energy for different metabolic activities and also for the repair and growth.
In other word we can define nutrition as the process by which an organism derives energy to work and other materials,
required for growth and maintenance of the various activities of life.
Food intake : Different organisms obtain food in different ways but carry out similar chemical reactions to utilize
it. To take food, protozoans use pseudopodia, flagella or cilia; sponges and mussels, a current of water; Hydra, tentacles
beset with stinging cells; planarians and earthworms, a muscular pharynx; flukes and leeches, oral sucker; insects and
other arthropods, mouth parts of various kinds; and seastars and sea urchins, tubefeet. Sharks capture prey with the
jaws; frog and lizard with the tongue; birds with beaks of sorts; rabbit and hare use forepaws, lips and teeth; cattle, lips
and teeth; carnivores, claws and teeth; giraffes, tongue; elephants, proboscis (trunk); humans, monkeys and apes use
3.1 Digestion.
The process by which complex food is converted into simplest food with the help of digestive enzymes (Hydrolytic
enzymes), hence process of digestion is a hydrolytic process.
Types of digestion
(i) Intracellular : When the process of digestion PAROTID GLAND
occurs within the cell in the food vacuole. Examples :
Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata and free living MOUTH OR
platyhelminthes. With the help of lysosomal enzymes. BUCCAL CAVITY

Food particle is taken in through endocytosis SUBMAXILLARY

(phagocytosis). It forms a phagosome which fuses with AND SUBLINGUAL

a lysosome. Digestion occurs and the digested
materials are passed on to cytoplasm. The undigested
materials is thrown out by exocytosis. LIVER

(ii) Extracellular : When the process of digestion GallPYLORUS

occurs outside the cell. Examples : Coelenterates and
phylum platyhelminthes to phylum chordata. GALL BLADDER PANCREAS
Therefore, coelenterata and free living platyhelminthes TRANSVERSE
(flat worms) perform both intracellular and DUODENUM


3.2 Digestive system of human. ASCENDING JEJUNUM
Digestion in vertebrates occurs in the digestive HAUSTRA
tract or alimentary canal. The various parts involved in
digestion can be broadly grouped in two groups – DESCENDING COLON




Fig. – Alimentary canal of man

(i) Digestive tract or alimentary canal
(ii) Digestive glands
(i) Digestive tract or alimentary canal
On the basis of the embryonic origin, the alimentary canal of vertebrates can be divided into three parts –
(a) Fore gut / Stomodaeum : Ectodermal. It includes buccal cavity / oral cavity.
(b) Mid gut / Mesodaeum : Endodermal. It includes pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large
(c) Hind gut / Proctodaeum : Ectodermal. It includes anal canal and anus.
Parts of alimentary canal and its histology
(a) Mouth
(b) Vestibule
(c) Bucco-pharyngeal cavity
(d) Oesophagus
(e) Stomach
(f) Small intestine consist of duodenum, jejunum, lleum
(g) Large intestine consist of caecum, colon, rectum
(h) Anal canal and anus
(i) Generalized histology of alimentary canal
(a) Mouth : The mouth is a transverse slit bounded by two movable lips or labia, upper lip and lower lip. Upper
lip has small ridges on the sides, a tubercle in the middle and a vertical groove (philtrum) above.
(b) Vestibule : It is a narrow space between lips and gums in front and gums and cheeks on the sides. Its lining
contains mucous glands. In the vestibule, a small median fold of mucous membrane, the superior labial frenulum,
connects the middle of the upper lip to the gum and usually a similar but smaller inferior labial frenulum connects the
middle of the lower lip to the gum.
(c) Buccopharyngeal cavity : It includes anterior buccal cavity lined by stratified squamous epithelial cell and
posterior pharyngeal cavity lined by columnar epithelial cell. It is distinguished into three region. Pharynx is a vertical
canal beyond the soft palate. The food and air passages cross here. Pharynx may be divided into three parts.
Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx
Upper part of pharynx. Middle part of pharynx. Lower part of pharynx.
Lined by pseudostratified columnar Lined by stratified squamous Lined by columnar epithelium.
epithelium epithelium.
It has internal nares in the roof, a Oral cavity open to it. It lead to oesophagus behind and
pair of openings of the eustachian larynx in front.
tube on the sides leading to middle
Lymphoid Pharyngeal tonsil Lymphoid palatine tonsil lies on Opening of oesophagus is called
(Adenoid) in the back wall of either side of the oropharynx gullet and opening of larynx is called
Animal Nutrition 3

Nasopharynx. between two vertical folds. glottis. A cartilagenous flap epiglottis

present in the front of glottis.

The various structure present in buccopharyngeal

cavity are as follows –
(a) Fauces : A triangular area present between
buccal cavity and pharynx in human.
(2) Palate : The roof of buccal cavity is called Palate.
In crocodiles and mammals horizontal shelf like processes HARD PALATE
of premaxilla and maxilla and the palatine bones of upper ORAL PHARYNX
jaw fused and form a secondary palate. Which separates
the buccal cavity from nasal cavity. Palate is distinguished PALATE
into three regions – CHEEKS
(i) Hard palate : Anterior, bony portion formed of (CUT)

maxilla and palatine bones in human and premaxilla, MOLARS

maxilla and palatine bones in rabbit. Hard palate have
transverse ridges called palatine rugae Such rugae or
ridges are more develop in carnivorous mammals because
their function is to firmly grip the food and prevent it INCISORS CANINE
from slipping out the cavity.
Fig. – The mouth and permanent dentition of a man
(ii) Soft palate : Posterior soft part, made up of
connective tissue and muscles.
(iii) Vellum palate/uvula : Part of soft palate, which hangs in the region of pharynx. It closes the internal nostrils
during degglutition.
(3) Palatine glands : Numerous mucous glands. Chiefly
present in soft palate, secretes mucous for lubrication.
(4) Naso-palatine duct : One pair, present in rabbit, PALATINE TONSIL
extends from nasal passage to the buccal passage, contains
Jacobson’s organ concerned with olfaction.
(5) Vibrissae : A tuft of hairs on upper lip of rabbit.
(6) Hare-cleft : A cleft on the upper lip of rabbit, which BITTER

makes it bilobed. LINGUAL TONSIL

(7) Tongue (lingua) : Ectodermal, single, pinkish, oval, VALLATE SALT

elongated highly muscular (mesodermal) and protrusible
present on the floor of buccopharyngeal cavity the cells present
are stratified squamous epithelial cells. A furrow termed the PAPILLAE
sulcus terminalis divides the oral part and pharyngeal part of
the tongue. The limbs of the sulcus terminalis run laterally and FUNGIFORM PAPILLAE
forward from a median pit, named the foramen caecum.
Fig. – Locations of papillae and areas of taste on the tongue
Posterior part of tongue (endodermal) is attached with hyoid, middle one with the floor of buccopharyngeal cavity
with the help of frenulum lingum and anterior part is free. The tongue is provided with two specialized structure viz.
lingual papillae and lingual glands or weber’s gland. Lingual glands are the mucous glands, which secretes mucous.
Lingual papillae are numerous, minute projections chiefly present on the dorsum of the tongue. All these lingual papillae
can be grouped as simple lingual papillae and taste papillae. Taste papillae are of following types –
(i) Circumvallate : Circular largest 8-12 in number, present in the posterior part of the tongue extending from one
side to another. They possess taste buds. These are the largest of all the papillae.
(ii) Fungiform : Mushroom shaped (Fungi – shaped), numerous, present at the anterior margins and tip of the
tongue. They have taste buds.
(iii) Foliate : Leaf like flat, less in number, present at the posterior margin of the tongue. They are absent/vestigeal
in human.
(iv) Filliform : Conical shaped, smallest and most numerous
distributed throughout tongue. They are without taste buds.
Hence, in human taste is recognized with the help of circumvallate CAECUM
and fungiform taste papillae. In man the anterior end of tongue feels SULCUS
sweet taste, posterior part feel bitter taste, sides feel sour taste and a TERMINALIS

small part behind the anterior end feel salty taste. FOLIATE
Functions of tongue : Important function of tongue are as follows PAPILLAE

(i) Acts as universal toothbrush, as it helps in tooth cleaning. FILIFORM PAPILLAE

(ii) Helps in speaking.

Fig. – Dorsal surface of human tongue, showing four
(iii) Helps in degglutition. kinds of papillae and some other associated structures

(iv) Helps in mixing saliva with food.

(v) Acts as a curry comb in many animals, hence help in body cleaning.
(vi) Helps in taste detection.
(vii) In dog helps in regulation of body temperature. The phenomenon is called as “Panting”.
(viii) In frog and other animals, it helps in prey capturing
(8) Teeth : Teeth is a living structure.
(i) On the basis of embryonic origin, teeth in vertebrates are of following two types –
(a) Horny/ectodermal/epidermal/false teeth : The teeth which develops only from ectoderm. Examples –
Cyclostomes, tadpole larva of frog, prototherian mammals etc.
(b) True teeth : The teeth which develops from both ectoderm and mesoderm. Examples – Fishes, amphibians,
reptiles, eutherian mammals etc.
(ii) Differentiation of teeth : Morphologically, teeth can be distinguished as homodont or heterodont.
(a) Homodont : When all the teeth are structurally and functionally similar. Examples – Vertebrates except
metatherian and eutherian mammals.
(b) Heterodont : When the teeth are different in structure and functions. They are distinguished into four types
incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Examples – metatherian and eutherian mammals.
(1) Incisors : These are the front teeth borne by the premaxillae in upper jaw and tips of dentaries in lower jaw.
They are single-rooted monocuspid and long, curved and sharp-edged. They are adapted for cutting or cropping and
Animal Nutrition 5
(2) Canines : There is one pointed canine in each maxillary of upper jaw and each dentary of lower jaw next to the
incisors. They are meant for piercing, tearing and offence and defence. They are single rooted and monocuspid.
(3) Premolars : They have two roots and two cusps (bicuspid). They are meant for crushing, grinding and
(4) Molars : They have more than two roots and 4-5 cuspid.
(iii) Attachment of teeth : On the basis of attachment of teeth at their bases with the jaw bones, teeth can be
differentiated into –
(a) Acrodont : Teeth are attached to the free surface or summit of the jaw bone, as in a shark or frog. Such teeth
are apt to break off easily but are replaced.
(b) Pleurodont : In this condition, common in urodeles and lizards, teeth are attached to the inner side of jaw
bone by their base as well as one side. TEETH CROWN

(c) Thecodont : Such teeth are characteristic of mammals. Teeth

have well developed roots implanted in deep individual pits or socketes
called alveoli or theca, in the jaw bone. These type of teeth also present in
crocodilians, fossil toothed bird (Archeaeopteryx). ACRODONT PLEURODONT THECODONT
(iv) Succession of teeth : According to their replacement Fig. – Methods of attachment of teeth on
(succession), teeth can be divided into 3 categories: polyphyodont, diphyodont and monophyodont.
(a) Polyphyodont : In lower vertebrates, teeth can be replaced an indefinite number of times during life. e.g. –
amphibia, reptilia.
(b) Diphyodont : In most mammals teeth develop during life in two successive sets, a condition known as
diphyodont. Teeth of the first set are known as deciduous teeth or milk teeth or lacteal teeth whereas the second set is
called permanent teeth.
(c) Monophyodont : In some mammals such as platypus, marsupials, moles, sirenians, toothless whale etc. only one
set of teeth develops known as monophyodont condition.
Important Tips
 Canines are absent in some herbivores such as rodents (rats), lagomorphs (rabbits) and some ungulates (ox),
leaving a wide toothless space called diastema.
 Upper canine form tusk in walrus for digging mollusc and for locomotion.
 Premolars and molars are called cheek teeth.
 In carnivores, last premolars in upper jaw and first molars in lower jaw may have very sharp cusps for cracking
bones and shearing tendons. These are called carnassial teeth.
 Birds are edentulous i.e. teeth are absent.
 In lemurs, first premolars are like canines.
 In crabeater seal, molars bear denticulate processes to strain plankton.
 In higher primates (man), last molar is called wisdom teeth.
 Incisors may be totally absent in sloths and absent in the upper jaw in ox.
 Tartar is a hard deposit of calcium phosphate from saliva on the teeth.
 Tonsillectomy – Surgical removal of tonsil.
 Toothless mammals – In spiny anteaters (tachyglossus) no teeth are found at any stage of life but platypus
(ornithorhynchus) embryonic teeth replaced in the adult by horny epidermal plates.
(v) Types of cheek teeth
(a) Bunodont : Crown with small, blunt and round cusps as in man, monkey, pig etc. found in mixed diet
(b) Secodont : With sharp cutting edges for tearing flesh as in carnivores.
(c) Lophodont : With transverse ridges called lophos, e.g., Elephant.
(d) Selenodont : With vertical crescentic cusps as in grazing mammals like cow, sheep and goat. Selenodont teeth
are two type –
(1) Brachyodont : Normal low crowned selenodont teeth with short roots are termed brachyodont. e.g. Ground
(2) Hypsodont : In large grazing mammals teeth are elongated, prism shaped with high crown and low roots. e.g.
Horse, cattle.
(vi) Structure of teeth : Teeth divided into three parts –
(a) Root : Inner most attached to the bone with help of cement (hyaluronic acid).
(b) Neck : Middle, small, covered with gum. Gum provides strength to the teeth.
(c) Apex or crown : External exposed part of teeth. Longest part, white in colour.
Teeth are made up of a hollow cavity, called as pulp cavity or CROWN
dentine pulp cavity. It contains blood vessels lymphatic vessels nerve ENAMEL
fibres, connective tissue etc. and provides nutrition to odontoblast DENTINE
cells or osteoblast cells. The odontoblast cells are mesodermal in
embryonic origin forming immediate covering of the pulp cavity. The NECK GUM
cells secrete dentine/ivory. Bulk of tooth in a mammal is formed of
dentine. Dentine is a layer of inorganic substances (62-69%), which
surrounds the odonto-blast cells. It is mesodermal in origin.
Enamel, secreted by Ameloblast/Enameloblast cells, forms the
outermost covering. It is ectodermal and made up of 92% of
inorganic substances, hence considered as hardest part of the body.
The inorganic substances present are [Ca3(PO4)2,Ca(OH)2.H2O] PULP CAVITY
Calcium phosphate (85%), Calcium hydroxide and Calcium BONY SOCKET

Cement/Cementum attaches the tooth root to the bone. A thin
peritoneal membrane is present between the two called as peridontal CEMENT
membrane or Sharpey’s fiber running from cement to bone. Gum is
chiefly made up of connective tissue. In the incisors of rodents,
lagomorphs and elephants, pulp cavity remains open basally so that
Fig. – Structure of tooth
these teeth continue to grow throughout life and are termed open-
rooted. In the majority of mammals, including man, the basal aperture of pulp cavity becomes closed at a certain age so
that nourishment stops and further growth ceases. Such teeth are termed close-rooted.
(vii) Odontogenesis : In mammals, teeth develop in the gum or the soft tissue covering the borders of premaxillae,
maxillae and dentaries. Enamel of tooth is derived from epidermis, while the rest of tooth from dermis or mesenchyme.
In the beginning there is a thickening of ectoderm along the margin of Jaw bone. The basal layer of ectoderm, the
Malpighian layer, forms a continuous solid ridge-like vertical invagination into the underlying dermis. This forms the
dental lamina, which retains its connection with the outer epidermis.
Animal Nutrition 7





Fig. – Development of a mammalian


Mesodermal cells multiply rapidly beneath the ectodermal ingrowth or dental lamina forming a series of solid bud-
like outgrowths at intervals, called tooth germs. Their number is as many as the number of milk teeth. In each tooth
germ, the inverted cup-like epithelial cap will secrete the enamel, hence termed the enamel organ. The mesodermal
aggregation beneath enamel organ is termed dermal or dental papilla. Its outer columnar cells become differentiated
into odontoblasts, which secrete a layer of dentine on their outer surface. The cells of inner epithelial layer of enamel
organ similarly become ameloblasts, which form a cap of hard enamel around the top and sides of dentine. No enamel is
deposited on the root. Dental papilla is retained as pulp. Its central cavity goes on increasing to become the pulp cavity.
Nerves and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity through the basal opening. Upto this stage the tooth remains inside the
tissue (gum). Later, its eruption through the overlying epidermis is known as cutting of tooth. Around the root of tooth
appears cement or cementum, which is a modified bone. Odontoblasts become inactive when tooth is fully formed.
However in rodents, lagomorphs, etc. the odontoblasts remain active throughout life and teeth continue to grow.





Fig. – Modifications of cheek teeth. A – Carnassial teeth (secondont). B – Denticulate molar. C – Triconodont
tooth. D – Tritubercular tooth showing arrangement of cusps. E – Bunodont molar in V.S. F – Brachodont
selenodont molar. G – Surface view of crown of brachyodont molar. H – Sypsodont selenodont molars. I –
Hypsodont teeth in V.S. J – Lophodont molar.

(viii) Dental formula : Each mammalian species is characterized by its own specific dentition with a definite
number and arrangement of teeth. Hence, dentition is of taxonomic importance. It is expressed by a dental formula as
below –
2 0 3 3 8 2300 2  0  3  3 2 16
Rabbit : i , c , pm , m   2  28 or briefly,     28
1 0 2 3 6 1023 1  0  2  3 2 12
(i = incisors; c = canines; pm = premolars; m = molars)
Dental formulae of some common mammals
Horse and pig 3.1 .4.3
 44
Cat 3.1 .3.1
 30
3.1 .4.3 3.1 .2.1
Dog 3.1 .4.2
 42
Squirrel 1 .0 .2 .3
 22
3.1 .4.3 1 .0 .1 .3
Lemur 2 .1.3.3
 36
Rat 1 .0 .0 .3
 16
2 .1.3.3 1 .0 .0 .3
Man 2 .1.2.3
 32
Elephant 1 .0 .0 .3
 14
2 .1.2.3 0.0.0 .3
Cow 0 .0.3 .3
 32
Permanent set milk set
 20
3.1 .3.3
Animal Nutrition 9
Important Tips
 Baleen – Whale bone whale have in the buccal cavity a special structure called baleen or whale bone. It consists of
several parallel horny plates hanging from the palate.
 Cheek pouches – In some rodents (squirrel, rat) certain old world monkey, the vestibule extends to form cheek
pouches for temporary storage of masticated food.
 Taste buds contain group of sensory epithelial cells. These cells are anteriorly provided with kinocilium and
posteriorly with nerve fibres. The taste centres are present in brain.
 Gustatoreceptor – The organ concerned with taste detection. They are a type of chemoreceptor found in the
parietal lobe of cerebrum.
 In frog, tongue is anteriorly attached with the floor of buccopharyngeal cavity at lower jaw, whereas posterior end is
free and bifid.
 The tongue of snake is bifid and sensitive to odour and vibration.
 Toothpaste protects the gum, whereas fluorides present in toothpaste clean the apex. The excess of fluorides causes
the disease fluorisis which leads to decaying of teeth and bones.
 Elephant tusk is the upper incisors.
 3rd molar in human is called as wisdom teeth as arises after the age of 16-17 years. Wisdom teeth 4 in number.
 Teeth of fishes are modified placoid scales.
 Teeth in frog are present only on upper jaw.
 Caries Decay of teeth due to degeneration of enamel and formation of cavities.
 Pyorrhoea infected gums and tooth sockets.
 Maximum number of teeth present in opossum is 50 5134  50 .
 The number of teeth that grows once and twice in humans life is 12 and 20 respectively.
 Lophodont teeth in elephant are premolar and molar.
 Incisors of rats are polyphyodont.
 Teeth of sloths and armadillos have no enamel.
 Enamel is lacking in the teeth of whales.
 Jacobson organ (Vomeronasal organs) – They are independent chambers below nasal cavities found in most
tetrapods, although they are sometimes vestigial (like human). Absent in fish but occurs embryonic rudiments in
most vertebrates. In reptiles, they are best developed in lizards, snakes and sphenodon but are absent in adult
crocodiles. Jacobsons organ well developed in such animals that hold food in their mouth. This organ serve to smell
food and recognize its chemical nature. They also help enemy recognition, locating members to opposite sex,
courtship etc.
 Teeth absent in Bufo and Pipa (Toads).
 Taste of chilli is not real taste but it is burning sensation of nerves.
 Fangs of poisonous snake attached to maxillary bones, they are replaceable. Solenoglyphous, Proteroglyphus and
Opisthoglyphus types of fang occurs in poisonous snake.

(d) Oesophagus (food tube)

(1) Morphology : Single, endodermal, dorsal to trachea, approximately 25-40 cm long. passes through thoracic
cavity and opens into stomach present in abdominal cavity. Oesophagus anteriorly opens into pharynx through gullet
and posteriorly into stomach through cardiac orifice.
(2) Histology : Serosa is absent but outermost layer of connective tissue is called as tunica adventitia. Muscular
layer are stratified voluntary in anterior region and unstriated involuntary in posterior part. The epithelial lining is made
up of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelial cells. Goblet cells are present.
(3) Function : Conduction of food.
(e) Stomach
(1) Structure : Single oval, elongated, unilobed present within abdominal CARDIAC NOTCH
cavity below diaphragm. It consists of three parts as cardiac/fundic (anterior), CARDIA
corpus/body (middle, chief part) and pyloric (posterior part) in human, LESSER
whereas in rabbit stomach is bilobed and consists of three parts as cardiac ANGULAR NOTCH
(Anterior) fundic (middle), chief part and pylorus (posterior). Two types of PYLORIC CANAL BODY
valves are present in the stomach viz. Cardiac sphincter valve between PYLORIC
oesophagus and stomach and pyloric sphincter valve between stomach and SPHINCTER GREATER
duodenum. ANTRUM
(2) Histology : Outermost layer is serosa. Muscular layer is three – Fig. – Human stomach
layered with outer longitudinal, middle circular and inner oblique. Muscles are
involuntary and unstriated. Epithelial lining is made up of simple OPENING OF
columnar epithelial cells and specialized cells present in the gastric glands. GASTRIC GLAND
The nomenclature of gastric glands is according to the parts of the CELL
stomach. The various type of gastric glands and the cells present in them COLUMNAR
are as follows –
Anterior part : Cardiac gastric glands in rabbit and human cells
present are mucous neck cells secreting mucous. CELL

Middle part : Fundic gastric glands in rabbit and corpus in human

has at least four distinct types of cells – OXYNTIC CELL

(i) Peptic or zymogenic or chief or central cells : Secretes two

digestive proenzymes pepsinogen and prorenin.
(ii) Oxyntic or parietal cells : Secretes HCl and castle's intrinsic PEPTIC
factor required for the absorption of vitamin B12. Hyperacidity is a CELLS

abnormally high a degree of acidity due to the secretion of large quantity

of HCl i.e. gastric juice.
(iii) Mucous neck cells : Secretes alkaline mucous. ARGENTAFFIN
(iv) Argentaffin cells or Kultchitsky or enterochromaffin cells :
Fig. – L.S. Gastric gland
Responsible for the secretion of vasoconstrictor seratonin.
Posterior part : Pyloric gastric glands in rabbit and human-cells are mucous neck cells secreting mucous and some
cells, called “gastrin” or “G” cells, secrete a hormone, named gastrin, which increases the motility of gastric wall and
stimulates gastric glands for active secretion.
(3) Functions
(i) Storage of food.
(ii) Trituration or churning of food to mix OESOPHAGUS

with gastric juice.

(iii) Functions of gastric juice (discussed OMASUM

along with gastric juice). RUMEN

(4) Stomach of ruminants (cud-chewing
mammals) : The stomach of cattles have four parts,
as rumen (paunch), reticulum(honeycomb),
omasum (psalterium) and abomasum (rennet). RETICULUM

Some authors believe that first three chambers are Fig. – The compound stomach of a ruminant
Animal Nutrition 11
parts of the oesophagus, the fourth chamber is the real stomach secretes HCl and enzymes. The embryological studies have
proved that all the chambers are parts of the real stomach.
The cattles rumen stores the quickly fed food. So cud chewing animals are called ruminants. e.g. cow, buffaloes,
goat etc. Rumen is the largest part of stomach. Primitive digestion and bacterial action takes place in rumen. Which
later on moves again to buccal cavity where it is properly chewed, then this food passes into reticulum to omasum
which concentrates the food by absorbing water and
bicarbonates. Finally, the food reaches in the fourth chamber,
abomasum. First three chamber are lined by cornified SMALL INTESTINE

epithelium but fourth chamber abomosum is lined glandular OESOPHAGUS

epithelium and gastric glands, so it is true stomach. Camel and

deer lack omasum. Reticulum is the smallest part and its cells
are provided with water pockets for the storage of metabolic RUMEN
water. (PSALT-

In the rumen, food undergoes mechanical and chemical

breakdown. Mechanical breakdown results from thorough (RENNET)
churning brought about by muscular contractions and aided by
cornified surface of villi. Chemical breakdown is caused by Fig. – Arrow shows course of food

symbiotic microorganisms (bacteria and ciliates) that release

enzymes, cellulase, which act on cellulose and simplify it to short-chain fatty acids, such as acetic acid, butyric acid,
propionic acid. This is called microbial digestion. The fatty acids are neutralized by sodium bicarbonate of saliva and are
absorbed. These two processes reduce the hard plant food to a pulp.
Important Tips
 Lumen is the hollow space present in the middle of alimentary canal and is the site where process of digestion takes
 Stomach of frog is unilobed with two parts as anterior cardiac (various type of cells present in it secretes mucous,
pepsinogen enzyme and HCl) and posterior pyloric (cells present secretes mucous). Frogs stomach has only pyloric
sphincter valve present between stomach and duodenum.
 During hunger the folds of stomach deepen are called ‘rugae’.
 The length of human alimentary canal is approximately 9–10 meters.
 The length of the alimentary canal depends on the basis of feeding habits. i.e. more complex the food (Herbivorous
condition) more the length of alimentary canal, hence smallest alimentary canal is of carnivores and medium sized
in omnivores.
 Greenish faecal matter passed by infant in first two days of birth due to sterilized intestine is called meconium.
 National institute of nutrition in Hyderabad.
 Gastritis – Inflammation of stomach due to excessive intake of alcohol.
 Gastric ulcer (inflammation of mucosa of stomach) and duodenal ulcer is due to excess of acidic gastric juices.
 Amount of rennin decreases with age, then the curdling of milk is done by pepsin and chymotrypsin.
 The policeman to the abdomen is omentum.
 Removal of stomach causes dumpong syndrome.
 The inner surface of small intestine is raised into longitudinal and circular fold called valvulae.
 Chief cells of the gastric glands secreting zymogen, have well-developed rough ER.
 Argentaffin cells occur both in stomach and duodenum.
 Splanchnology is the study of the viscera.
 Achalasia cardia – condition is characterised by failure of cardiac sphincter to relax completely on swallowing
causing food accumulation in oesophagus and proximal oesophagus dilates.
 Chyme is the acidic food which passes from stomach to duodenum.
 Stomach is the site for digestion of protein. Size of stomach depend on the basis of proteineous diet, in carnivorous
animal stomach large than herbivorous animal.
 Oesophagus does not secrete any enzyme.
 Stomach absent in labeo, lamprey and hag fish.
 Hunger pangs – Stomach churns every 20 second, when an empty stomach churns, hunger pangs are feel.
 Liver is well developed in carnivorous animals.

(f) Small intestine

(1) Structure : Endodermal, longest part of alimentary present in the abdominal cavity, supported by a peritoneal
membrane called mesentery. Wall of jejunum and ileum has circular or spiral internal fold called fold of kerckring or
valvulae conniventes. Also numerous finger like projection called villi project from the wall of lumen, increasing internal
surface are about eight time. The distal end of ileum is leads into the large intestine by ileo-caecal valve in man but in
rabbit sacculus rotundus and ileo-coecal valve both are present.
(2) Parts : It is approximately 6 metres in human. It is divisible into three parts. In man small intestine divided
into three parts –

Duodenum (Proximal part) Jejunum (Middle part) Ileum (Posterior part)

2.5 cm. Long About 2.4 m long and about 4 cm. About 3.6 m long and about 3.5 cm.
Forming U-shaped loop before wide. wide.
leading to jejunum pancreas lies in Wall is thicker and more vascular. Wall is thinner and less vascular.
the loop. Villi thicker and tongue-like. Villi thinner and finger-like.
Plicae best developed. Plicae less developed.
Peyer’s patches are lacking. Peyer’s patches are present.




Fig. – Intestinal glands
Fig. – T.S. of duodenum showing intestinal structure

(3) Histology : Serosa is the outer most covering. Muscular layer is generalized with involuntary, unstriated
muscles. The cells present in the epithelial lining are simple columnar epithelial cells, which are brush- bordered i.e.
Animal Nutrition 13
provided with villi and microvilli to increase the surface area. The folds present are longitudinal and are called folds of
kerckring or valvulae canniventes. Goblet cells secrete mucous. Payer’s patches are the oval, rounded masses of
lymphatic tissue present in between lamina propria and epithelial lining. They produce lymphocytes. Brunner’s glands or
Duodenal glands are the multicellular mucous glands present in the submucosa of duodenum only. They secrete
mucous. In addition there are also found granular arogyrophil cell.
(4) Glands of small intestine
Brunner’s glands Payer’s patches Crypts of Leiberkuhn
Found in duodenum only. These are lymph nodules. Known as intestinal gland.
Mucus secreating gland as so known They produce lymphocytes. Found in duodenum and ilium only.
as mucus gland. Lymphocytes are phagocyte in nature Secrete succus entericus i.e. intestinal
which destroy harmful bacteria. juice.
Formed by folding of lamina propia.

Each gland has three types of cells : (i) Undifferentiated epithelial cell (ii) Zymogenic cell (paneth cell) and (iii)
Argentaffin (Enterochromaffin cell).
(5) Function : Digestion and absorption of food.
(g) Large intestine : The name large intestine is due to large diameter.
(1) Structure : Endodermal, approximately 1.5-1.75 metre long.
(2) Parts : They are following –
(i) Caecum : Spirally coiled 10-15 cm long in human and 45 cm long in rabbit. Its posterior end is present as a
blind sac in abdominal cavity called vermiform appendix. Vermiform appendix is vestigeal but contains lymphatic tissue.
Caecum in human is concerned with passage of food whereas in rabbit it is concerned with cellulose digestion and
conduction of food. Vompyrella bacteria helps cellulose digestion. Vermiform appendix produce antibody. It is functional
in ruminents and vestigeal in man. If food may collect and decay in it or intestinal worms may settle in it and causes
inflammation or appendicitis in man, in such case its removed by operation known as appendictomy.
(ii) Colon : Single endodermal approximately 1.3 m long in human distinguished into four limbs as ascending,
transverse, descending and pelvic or sigmoid limb. Colon posses two specialized structures as Taeniae (present in the
middle of colon) and Haustra, (dilated sac-like or pockets like structures surrounding taeniae).
Serosa is the outer most layer. The serious layer (visceral peritoneum) forms small pendulous projections, the
appendices epiploicae filled with adipose tissue. Muscular layer is two layered contain involuntary unstriated muscles.
The innermost lining is made up of columnar epithelial cells. Goblet cells and absorptive cells are also present. Cells are
without villi and microvilli i.e. not brush–bordered. Colon is concerned with absorption of water (80-85%), salts,
vitamins etc. hence concerned with faeces formation. Colon bacteria also synthesized vit. B and K.
Differences between small and large intestines
Small intestine Large intestine
Longer (about 6 m.) but narrower than large intestine. Shorter (about 1.5 m.) but wider than small intestine.
Differentiated into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Differentiated into caecum, appendix, colon and rectum.
Mucous membrane has plicae circulares and villi. Mucous membrane is mostly smooth (without plicae and
villi). Rectum has longitudinal folds.
Lacks taeniae coli, haustra and epiploic appendages. Has taeniae coli, haustra and appendices epiploicae.
Peyer’s patches are present in the ileum. Peyer’s patches not formed, lymphoid nodules beins
Completes digestion and absorbs digestion products. Also Absorbs water, forms and eliminates faeces, produces
produces some hormones. vitamins B and K by bacterial activity and excretes certain
inorganic ions.
Mucosal irritation due to infection causes diarrhoea. Mucosal irritation due to infection causes dysentery.

(iii) Rectum : Single small dilated sac like in human whereas large beaded in rabbit. It is concerned with storage of
faeces rectum has strong sphinctor muscle in its wall. The sphinctor keeps the canal as well as anus, closed when not
used for defecation.
(3) Function : Absorption of water from undigested food.
(h) Anal canal and anus : Anal canal connects rectum with anus and it is about 3 cm. long. Anus is the terminal
inferior opening of alimentary canal, which is guarded by an internal involuntary sphincter and an external voluntary
(i) Generalized histology of alimentary canal : GLAND IN
The alimentary canal consist of following layers from
outer to inner side:
(a) Serosa : Outermost, mesodermal, single PLEXUS OF AUERBACH
layered made up of squamous epithelial cells. GUT CIRCULAR MUSCLE
(b) Muscular layer : Mesodermal, consist of outer SUBMUCOSA
longitudinal and inner circular layer. Muscles are
involuntary unstriated. In between the two layers there LUMEN MUCOSA
is a nerve network called the plexus of Auerbach.
(c) Submucosa : Mesodermal, made up of LAMINA PROPRIA

connective tissue and contains major blood vessels,

lymphatic vessels, nerve fibres etc. Mucous glands
are also present in some parts of alimentary canal. In
this region nerve network, called plexus of Meissner. Fig. – General structure of the wall of the mammalian gut and
(d) Muscularis mucosa : Thin layer, made up of associated structures

outer longitudinal muscles and inner circular muscles. The muscles are involuntary unstriated.
(e) Mucosa : Inner most ectodermal in buccal cavity and anal canal whereas in the rest part of alimentary canal it
is endodermal.
(f) Tunica propria (lamina-propria) : Outer, thin layer of connective tissue containing fine blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels and nerve fibres.
(g) Mucous membrane / epithelial lining : Ectodermal or endodermal, single layered, made up of columnar
epithelial cells. Goblet cells are also present in this layer. These cells are cup-shaped unicellular mucous glands secreting
mucous. Epithelial lining is folded which are generally longitudinal and increases surface area.
Important Tips
 Cellulose is digested by the enzyme cellulase synthesized by the microorganisms present in the lumen.
 Cellulose   Acetic acid + Propionic acid + Butyric acid + Small chain fatty acid.
Cellulase by
microbial fermentati on

 Sacculus rotundus is a dilated sac like structure present in rabbit at the junction of ileum, caecum and colon. It
contains ileo-caecal valve, which guides the direction of food from ileum to caecum. Sacculus rotundus is absent in
human but ileo-caecal valve is present.
 The hindgut of all vertebrates (except metatherian and eutherian mammals) includes cloaca and cloacal aperture,
instead of anal canal and anus.
Animal Nutrition 15

 Cloaca is divided into three parts

(i) Coprodaeum is a part of rectum, where faeces are stored.
(ii) Urodaeum a depression in the part of cloaca where urinary duct and urinary bladder open.
(iii) Proctodaeum terminal part of cloaca that is common opening for the excretion of urinary, genital and faecal
matter and externally open by anus.
 Digestion of cellulose takes place in caecum of rabbit with the help of enzyme cellulase produced by symbiotic
microorganism. Cellulose digestion does not occur in human.
 Peyer’s patches in the intestine are the site of production of B-lymphocyte.
 In most of the vertebrate's protein digestion ends in ileum.
 The study of alimentary canal is called Enterology.
 Auerbach’s plexus is present in small intestine.
 Digestion of cellulose is also found in termites (white ants). In which symbiotic flagellate Triconympha found in
their intestine that secretes enzyme -glucosidaes which hydrolyse the cellulose to sugars which are used by both
 Bursa fabricus is also called cloacal thymus, is a lymphoid mass in the cloaca of birds. It is site of differentiation of
B-lymphocytes. So a part of immune system.

(ii) Digestive glands : The various types of digestive glands present in mammals are salivary glands, gastric glands,
intestinal glands, pancreas and liver. The digestive glands secrete digestive juices. Parasympathetic nervous system
increases the secretion of digestive juice whereas sympathetic nervous system decreases it.
(a) Salivary glands : The three pairs of salivary glands present in humans are as follows –
(1) Parotid : One-pair, largest salivary gland present below pinna. A stenson’s duct arises from each gland, opening
between the teeth of upper jaw. Parotid glands secrete enzymes. Viral infection of parotid glands causes “Mumps”.








Fig. – An acinus of salivary gland Fig. – Location of salivary glands in man

(2) Sub-mandibular / sub-maxillary : One-pair, present at the junction of upper and lower jaw in cheek region.
A wharton’s duct arises from each gland and opens on lower jaw. These are seromucous glands.
(3) Sub-lingual : One-pair, present in the floor of buccopharyngeal cavity. These are mucous glands 6-8 ducts,
called ducts of rivinus or Bartholin's duct arises from these glands and opens below tongue on the floor of
buccopharyngeal cavity. The sub-lingual and sub-maxillary glands mostly secrete a glycoprotein called mucin (mucous
secretion) while parotid glands secrete a watery fluid (serous secretion) which contains a digestive enzyme, the ptyalin
or salivary amylase. Both these secretions together form the saliva. Infra orbital lie below the orbit and are absent in
Saliva / salivary juice : The secretion of salivary glands is called saliva or salivary juice. Some of the characteristics
are as follows –
(i) Amount : 1.5 litre/day
(ii) Chemical nature : Slightly acidic.
(iii) pH – 6.8
(iv) Control of secretion : Autonomic reflex (parasympathetic nervous system increases salivation while
sympathetic nervous system inhibit secretion.)
(v) Chemical composition : Water (98.2%), mucous (acts as lubricant), salts ( NaCl, NaHCO3 etc.), enzymes
(ptyalin, lysozyme) etc.
Functions : Salivary juice and its enzymes –
(i) Makes the medium slightly acidic for the action of its enzyme.
(ii) Help in taste detection, deglutition, speaking etc.
(iii) Starch Ptyalin/Di astase Maltose + Isomaltose + Limit dextrin.
(Salivary amylase)
(iv) Bacteria (living)    Bacteria killed.

Important Tips
 Chlorides act as catalase and activate the ptyalin.
 Poisonous glands of snakes are modified parotid salivary glands or maxillary gland.
 Salivary glands are absent in frog, whale and dolphin etc.
 Carnivores, cattles and other cud-chewing mammals lack ptyalin enzymes in their saliva.
 Approximately 5% of food are digested in buccopharyngeal cavity.
 N-Acetyl muramidase active in saliva.

(b) Gastric glands : There are approximately 35 million of gastric glands present in human stomach and grouped
into three categories as already described along with stomach. The gastric gland secretes gastric juice.
Gastric juice
(1) Amount : 2-3 liters/day.
(2) Chemical nature : Highly acidic
(3) pH  1.0 : 3.5 (due to presence of HCl)
(4) Control of secretion : By gastric hormone.
(5) Chemical composition : Water (99%), mucous, inorganic salts, castle’s intrinsic factor, HCl ( 0.5%, conc.) and
enzymes prorennin and pepsinogen and gastric lipase.
Functions of gastric juice and its enzymes
(1) Inactivates the action of saliva.
(2) Makes the medium acidic for the action of gastric enzymes.
(3) HCl kills micro organisms.
Animal Nutrition 17
(4) HCl kills the living organism (prey etc.) if ingested.
(5) Pepsinogen (inactive)  Pepsin (active).

(6) Prorenin (inactive)  Rennin (active).


(7) Pepsinogen (inactive)  

 Pepsin (active).

(8) Proteins + Peptones  

 Polypeptides + Oligopeptides.
pH- 1 - 3

(9) Casein (Soluble milk protein)     Calcium paracaseinate (insoluble curd–like). Above
Chymosin/ Renin/ Rennet

phenomenon is called “curdling of milk”.

Gastric Lipaset
(10) Lipids 
 Triglycerides + Monoglycerides.
negligible in human stomach acts at pH 4 6

(11) HCl is antiseptic.

(12) It act as preservative.
Lactose intolerance : Among mammals, man alone takes milk even after becoming adult. In some humans,
secretion of lactase decreases or ceases with age. This condition is called lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerant persons
fail to digest lactose of milk. In their large intestine, lactose fermented by bacteria, producing gases and acids. This
causes flatulence (distension of stomach and intestine), intestinal cramps, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. These people
can take yoghurt (yaourt)1 and or curd2 and cheese without any digestive problem. In yoghurt, lactose is fermented into
lactic acid. In curd, lactose is left in the whey.
Important Tips
 Pepsin is an autocatalytic enzymes.
 Rennet – Rennin containing tablets obtained from calf and is commercially use for curdling of milk to make cheese.
 Enzyme rennin is found only in infant mammals but its presence is doubtful in human children. The digestion of
milk is brought out by pepsin enzyme.
 Erosion of gastric epithelial lining due to effect of pepsin is called “peptic ulcers” and due to HCl, is called gastric
 Pepsin hydrolyses the peptic bonds on c-terminus side of tyrosine, tryptophan and methionine amino acids.
 Secretion of gastric juice is controlled by gastrin hormone + vagus nerve + seratonin + histamine.
 Secretion of gastric juice stimulated by parasympathetic autonomic nervous system and inhibited by sympathetic
nervous system.

(c) Intestinal glands : Intestinal glands in mammals is a collective name for crypts of Lieberkuhn (secretes alkaline
enzymatic juice) and Brunner’s glands (secretes mucous). Intestinal glands secrete intestinal juice.
(1) Succus entericus (intestinal juice)
(i) Amount : 1.5 – 2.0 l/day.
(ii) Chemical nature : Alkaline.
(iii) pH : 7.5-8.3
(iv) Control of secretion : Nervous and hormonal (Enterocrinin Duocrinin etc.)
(v) Chemical composition : Water (99%) mucous, inorganic salts, enzymes etc.
(vi) Function : Intestinal juice and its enzymes.
(a) Inhibits the action of gastric enzymes.
(b) Makes the medium alkaline for the action of it’s enzymes.
(c) Starch Amylase
 Maltose + Isomaltose + limit dextrin.
(d) Maltose Maltase
 Glucose + Glucose.
 -glucosidas e 

(e) Isomaltose Isomaltase

 Glucose + Glucose.
(f) Lactose (milk sugar) Lactase
 Glucose +Galactose.
 - galactosid ase 
(g) Sucrose (cane sugar) Sucrase / Invertase
 Glucose + Fructose.
 - fructosida se 
(h) Polypeptides + Oligopeptides Erypsin
  Amino acids.
Amino  peptidase 
(i) Trypsinogen (inactive) Enterokina se
 Trypsin (active).
(j) Lipids Lipase
 Fatty acids + Glycerol + Monoglycerides.
(k) Phospholipids Phospholip ase
 phosphorous + Fatty acids + Glycerol + Monoglycerides.
(l) Organic phosphate Phosphatas e
 Free phosphate.
(m) Nucleic acid Polynucleo tidase
 Nucleotides.
(n) Nucleosides Nucleosida se
 Nitrogenous bases.
(d) Pancreas : Single endodermal, flat, leaf-like yellowish, heterocrine (mixed) gland, present between the ascending
and descending limb of duodenum and opens into duodenum through pancreatic duct.




Fig. – The gallbladder and pancreas and their systems of ducts. Both empty
(1) Parts into the duodenum, often by a common orifice
(i) Exocrine : It is the major part of pancrease. The exocrine tissue of the pancreas consists of rounded lobules
(acini) that secrete an alkaline pancreatic juice. The juice is carried by the pancreatic duct, also called duct of Wirsung,
into the duodenum through the hepatopancreatic ampulla. An accessory pancreatic duct, also named duct of Santorini,
may sometimes lead directly into the duodenum.

(ii) Endocrine : Minor part also called as islets of Langerhans scattered in the exocrine part. It consist of four
various type of cells, as (A) cells, (B) cell and (D) cells. -cells secretes glucagon hormone, -cells secretes insulin
hormone and  cells secrets somatostatin. The secretion passes directly into blood.
Animal Nutrition 19




Fig. – An enlarged Islet of Langerhans Fig. – A part of a section pancreas

(2) Pancreatic juice
(i) Amount : 1-1.5 l/day
(ii) Chemical nature : alkaline
(iii) pH : 8.6
(iv) Control of secretion : Hormonal
Secretin hormones stimulate the production of more alkaline pancreatic juice but low in enzyme content.
Pancreozymin stimulates the production of enzyme rich pancreatic juice.
(v) Chemical composition : Water (99%) enzymes and salts.
(3) Functions of pancreas and its enzymes
(i) The islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon hormones.
(ii) The exocrine part of pancreas secretes pancreatic juice.
(iii) Elastase : It act upon elastin protein.
(iv) Trypsinogen     Trypsin.
Enterokina se of
Intestinal juice

(v) Trypsinogen   Trypsin.

T rypsin
(Autocatal ysis)

(vi) Chymotrypsinogen   chymotrypsin.

T rypsin
Autocataly sis

(vii) Polypeptides + peptones T  Tripeptides + Dipeptides + Oligopeptides.

(Pancreati c protease)

(viii) Starch    Maltose + Isomaltose + limit dextrin.

(Pancreati c amylase)

(ix) Emulsified Lipids       Fatty acids + Glycerol + Monoglycerides.
(Pancreati c lipase)

(x) Nucleic acid   Nucleotides + Nucleosides.


(xi) Nucleic acid    Purines + Pyrimidines.

Nucleasida se

(xii) Polypeptides     Oligopeptides.

Chymotryps in

Important Tips
 Trypsin hydrolyses the peptide bonds on C–terminus side of arginine and lysine.
 Trypsin is called universal enzyme as found from protozoans to mammals.
 Nucleases of pancreatic juice digest about 80% of nucleic acid.
 Pancreatic juice is called as “complete digestive juice” as it is protease enzymes can break all type of peptide bonds.
 Amylases act on glycoside linkages.
 Proteolytic enzymes are always secreted in inactive form hence prevents cell digestion. These enzymes becomes
active in the lumen of alimentary canal but are generally unable to digest the cells of epithelial lining due to
continuous secretion and presence of thick mucous covering.
 Pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin are endopeptidases whereas carboxy peptidase is exopeptidase.
 Chymotrypsin acts on peptide bonds on C–terminus side of tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine amino acid.
 Blood is digested by trypsin.
 Enterokinase is a non-digestive protease while bile is a non-enzymatic digestive juice.
 Duct of santorini is an accessory pancreatic duct.
 Pisiform cells loaded with zymogen granules can be seen in pancreas.
 Galactosemia is a disease of children in which amount of galactose increases in blood. Such children are kept on
milk free diet.
 Sucrase changes dextro-rotatory sucrose to a leavo-rotatory mixture of glucose and fructose by inversion.
(e) Liver

(i) Structure : The liver is largest gland in the QUADRATE LOBE

body. Its upper and anterior surfaces are smooth and
curved to fit the under surface of the diaphragm; the RIGHT LOBE
posterior surface is irregular in outline.
It consists of three lobes in frog: right, left and CAUDATE LOBE

median; five lobes in rabbit: left lateral, left central, BILE DUCT

spigelian, right central and caudate; four lobes in man:

right, left, quadrates and caudate lobe. These are
Fig. – Liver of man (ventral view)
surrounded by a thick capsule, mostly overlaid with
reflected peritoneum. It is heavier in males than females. In males it generally weights 1.4 – 1.8 kg and in females 1.2 –
1.4 kg. It is divided into two main lobes : right and left lobes separated by the falciform ligament. The latter is a
membrane that is continuous with the FALCIFORM LIGAMENT
peritoneum. The right lobe of the liver is LEFT LOBE OF LIVER

differentiated into right lobe proper, a quadrate GALL BLADDER CYSTIC DUCT

lobe and a caudate lobe in the inferior side. A STOMACH

pear-shaped sac, the gall bladder is attached to
the posterior surface of the liver by connective RIGHT LOBE
tissue. The right and left hepatic ducts join to HEPATIC DUCT
form the common hepatic duct. The latter joins BILE DUCT

the cystic duct, which arises from the gall

bladder. The cystic duct and common hepatic PANCREATIC
duct join to form bile duct, which passes PANCREATIC DUCT
downwards posteriorly to join the main HEPATOPANCREATIC HEAD
pancreatic duct to form the hepatopancreatic
ampulla (ampulla of Vater). The ampulla opens DUODENUM

Fig. – Liver and pancreas and their ducts

Animal Nutrition 21

into the duodenum. The opening is guarded by the sphincter of Oddi. The sphincter of Boyden surrounds the opening
of the bile duct before it is joined with the pancreatic duct. The basic structural and functional unit of the liver is the
hepatic lobule.

The liver is encapsulated in rabbit and man by two sheaths-an outer membranous serous capsule consisting of
visceral peritoneum and an inner Glisson’s capsule of a thin layer of dense connective tissue. In frog Glisson’s capsule is
absent. Numerous thin and profusely branched septa-like trabeculae extend inwards from Glisson’s capsule, dividing
each liver lobe into numerous minute and polyhedral units called hepatic lobules. Thus, the adjacent lobules are
separated by interlobular Glisson’s capsules. Each hepatic lobule is about one millimetre in diametre. A slender
intralobular branch of hepatic vein, called central vein or venule, forms the axis of each lobule.




Fig. –Showing gall bladder, different ducts and

Fig. – Showing sphincter of boyden and sphincter of
hepatopancreatic ampulla

Each lobule is composed of plates of polyhedral, HERRING’S

glycogen-rich cells, the hepatocytes, arranged radially BILE CANALICULI

around a central vein. Between the plates are radial BILE DUCT
blood sinusoids. At the periphery of the lobules, the HEPATIC
branches of portal vein, hepatic artery, bile ducts, and CENTRAL
lymphatics course together. A network of tubular spaces
between the hepatocytes represents the bile canaliculi.
At the periphery of the lobule the bile canaliculi empty
into small hering’s canals walled by cuboidal epithelium.
These canals lead into bile ducts walled by columnar HEPATOCYTES
epithelium. The sinusoids are lined by incomplete SINUSOID
endothelium with scattered phagocytic Kupffer cells, that
eat bacteria and foreign substances. ENDOTHELIUM OF

Gall bladder : The gall bladder is a slate-blue, pear- HEPATIC SINUSOID

Fig. – Structure of liver
shaped sac connected with an supported from liver by a
small omentum or ligament. Its distal part is called fundus, while the narrow part, continued as cystic duct, is called the
(ii) Functions of liver : Liver, the largest gland of vertebrate body, is an essential organ, which performs many
functions –
(1) Secretion : It secretes bile which is a complex watery fluid containing bile salts (Na taurocholate and
glycocholate), bile pigments (biliverdin and bilirubin), cholesterol, mucin, lecithin and fats etc. The bile aids in intestinal
digestion as it breaks and emulsifies the fat, prevents putrefaction of food by checking the growth of bacteria, makes the
chyme better suited for pancreatic digestion by neutralizing the acid in it, and helps in the absorption of fat from the
(2) Excretion : In the liver, haemoglobin of the worn out erythrocytes breaks down to bile pigments bilirubin and
biliverdin. The liver excretes these pigments as a major constituent of bile, a part of which carried to the kidney through
general circulation for excretion through urine. The bile pigments are also converted in the bowel into stercobilin which
colours the faeces but, apart from this, are waste products having no other function.
(3) Glycogenesis : Excess quantities of HEPATIC PORTAL

carbohydrates (glucose) are converted to

glycogen in the presence of insulin in the liver
cells, and stored therein. LOBULE

(4) Glycogenolysis : Glycogen is a VEIN
reserve food material, which is changed into CENTRAL VENULE
glucose and released into the blood at OF LOBULE

concentrations maintained constant by the

liver. In this way, blood–sugar level is PORTAL TRIAD

maintained under diverse dietary conditions.

(5) Gluconeogenesis : Under abnormal
conditions, liver can convert proteins and fats (CONNECTIVE TISSUE
into glucose by complex chemical reactions.
Formation of this “new sugar” i.e. from non–
carbohydrate sources, is called CAPILLARY
gluconeogenesis. SINUSOIDS

(6) Lipogenesis : If the level of blood– INTERLOBULAR HEPATIC CELLS
glucose rises beyond normal even after Fig. – A part of a section of rabbit’s liver
glycogenesis and catabolism, the excess
glucose is converted into fat and stored in the liver. The process is termed lipogenesis.
(7) Transamination and deamination : Amino acids resulting from protein digestion finally come into the liver
from the intestine. They are partly released into the blood for distribution and protein synthesis, partly transaminated
into other amino-acids and deaminated. Any resulting keto-acids are converted into carbohydrates or fats and the free
amino-groups appear as ammonia. This is excreted as such ( e.g., aquatic animals) or after prior conversion to urea (e.g.
amphibians, mammals) or uric acid (e.g., insects and birds).
(8) Haemopoiesis : In the embryo, red blood cells are manufactured by the liver. In the adult, liver stores inorganic
salts of iron, copper and vitamin B12 (anti–anaemic factor) and thus helps in the formation of red blood cells and
(9) Store-house of blood : Liver functions as a store–house for blood and regulates blood–volume.
(10) Blood clotting : Fibrinogen, prothrombin and certain other blood coagulation factors are formed in the liver
which are instrumental in blood clotting. Heparin is an intravascular anticoagulant that is stored in the liver. It
originates in mast cells, which are abundant in the liver, among other sites.
(11) Production of plasma proteins : The plasma proteins serum albumin and serum globulin are synthesized by
the liver from the amino acids derived from the protein in the diet.
(12) Synthesis and storage of vitamins : Liver synthesizes vitamin A from the provitamins A (carotenoid pigments).
Liver cells also store fat–soluble vitamins A, D, K and E. Besides, it is the principal storage organ for vitamin B12.
Animal Nutrition 23
(13) Detoxification : It is the process by which toxic substances are rapidly made excretable through different
biochemical changes. The liver is the site of detoxification of different toxic substances either produced in the body or
taken along with food. This is done by the process of oxidation, hydrolysis, reduction and conjugation. Many drugs like
phenylbutazone pethidine, chloromycetin etc. are also made excretable by the liver enzymes.
(14) Alcohol metabolism : Liver is the main site of alcohol metabolism. By various enzymes in the liver, alcohol is
first catabolised to acetaldehyde, which is converted into acetyl CoA. The latter may be oxidised to CO2 and H2O or
converted to other biochemical compounds including fatty acids through TCA cycle. The direct effect of alcohol may be
alcoholic fatty liver, which results from increased fatty acid synthesis.
(15) Desaturation of fats : Fats is stored in the body in a saturated form (i.e., they cannot take any more hydrogen
into their composition). Before the saturated fats can be used by the tissues of the body, they are conveyed to the liver,
which converts them into unsaturated form (by the removal of hydrogen). The unsaturated fats are then used by the
tissues to provide energy.
(16) Heat production : A large number of chemical processes are carried out by the liver, that involve the
production of a great deal of heat. It is the main heat producing organ of the body.
(17) Phagocytosis : Kupffer cells in the liver sinusoids phagocytose and remove bacteria, worn-out blood elements
and foreign particles.
(18) Lymph formation : Liver is an important site of lymph formation.
(iii) Bile/chole :
(1) Amount : 0.6-1 litre/ day (2) Source : Secreted by hepatic cells
(3) Storage site : Gall bladder (4) Colour : Greenish-blue
(5) Chemical nature : Alkaline (6) pH : 7.7-8.0
(7) Control of secretion-Hormonal, hormone concerned is cholecystokinin (cck) or pancreozymin (pz).
(8) Composition –
(i) Water : 90% in (Gall bile), and 98% in hepatic
(ii) Mineral salts and NaHCO3(increases alkalinity)
(iii) Mucous
(iv) Bile salts : Sodium taurocholate and sodium glycocholate causes fat emulsification
(v) Bile pigments : Bilirubin and biliverdin
(vi) Cholesterol
(vii) Lecithin
(viii) Bile pigment bilirubin (yellow colour) and biliverdin green (green colour)
(ix) The quantity of bilirubin is more in carnivorous animals but in quantity of biliverdin is more in herbivorous
(9) Functions of bile
(i) Emulsification of fats.
(ii) Helps in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
(iii) Increases alkalinity to make the medium suitable for enzymatic action.
(iv) Elimination of heavy metals such as Cu, Hg, Zn etc.
(v) Elimination of excess of bile pigments.
(vi) Stercobilin and urobilin is formed by bilirubin and biliverdin is responsible for colouration of faeces.
Important Tips
 In human and frog, the common bile duct unites with pancreatic duct to form hepato pancreatic duct or
choledochous duct which in turn opens into duodenum.
 In rabbit common bile duct and pancreatic duct opens into duodenum through separate openings.
 Sphincter of boyden is absent in rabbit and frog.
 Ampulla of vater is the dilated sac like structure present near sphincter of oddi in human and rabbit.
 Digestive enzymes are absent in bile juice.
 Jaundice is the yellowing of skin, eyes, nails etc. due presence of increased level of bile pigments especially bilirubin
in blood. It may be due to hepatitis or liver cirrhosis (fatty liver syndrome).
 Gall stone under certain abnormal conditions such as too much absorption of water, bile salts or lecithin from bile
excess formation of cholesterol, inflammation of gall bladder tissue etc., bile cholesterol precipitates, forming solid
crystals called gall stones.
 Cholecystectomy – Surgical removal of gall bladder.
 Liver does not synthesize gamma globulin.
 Phyrygian cap is associated with fundus of gall bladder.
 Bile is produced by hepatocytes.
 Liver produces biles, cholesterol and iron.
 Prussic acid formed during metabolism is rendered harmless by liver.
 Septicaemal anemia causes destruction of liver.
 Gall bladder is absent in adult lamprey, grain eating birds, rats, whales, all the perrissodactyla (odd toed hoofed
mammals, such as horse and some Artiodactyla (even toed hoofed mammals).
 Bile is alkaline in man but acidic in cats and dogs.
 Choleretic are substance which increase bile secretion from liver e.g. bile salts.
 Cholagogues are substances which causes the contraction of the gall bladder.
 Sphincter of oddi is present at the terminal end of common bile duct in rabbit and choledochus duct in human but
is absent in frog.
 Glisson's capsule is a fibrous connective tissue encloses the lobules of the vertebrate liver.
 Entero – hepatic circulation – It is related to the circulation of bile salts. Bile salts enters into the lumen of small
intestine through bile. Some amount of bile salts are absorbed along with fatty acids and monoglyceride and
ultimately reaches back to the liver. It is known as entero – hepatic circulation.
 Hepatopancreas is a gland found in prawn, which not only secrets an enzymes containing digestive juice but also
store glycogen, fat and Ca. It thus act as both the liver and pancrease of vertebrates.
 Obstructive jaundice is the condition when hepatic or common bile duct may be obstructed and failing to be
excreted bile by the bile capillaries.

3.3 Physiology of digestion.

Animal Nutrition 25

The process of digestion involves following steps –

(i) Ingestion : It is the intake of food most of the animals capture the prey/food with the help of mouth or tongue.
Such as frog, rabbit, cattle etc. Some are filter–feeders such as paramecium, pila etc. In human food is ingested with the
help of hands.

(ii) Mastication : The process occurs in the buccopharyngeal cavity of mammals with the help of teeth. During this
process food is broken down into small pieces, which increases its surface area. In frog teeth are not meant for
mastication but prevents the escape of prey from mouth.

(iii) Degglutition / swallowing : The passage of food from buccopharyngeal cavity to oesophagus/stomach. In
mammals bolus of the masticated food is formed in buccopharyngeal cavity which easily slides into oesophagus. It is a
voluntary reflex mechanism. Peristalsis is alternative contraction and relaxation of circular and longitudinal muscles
produces the wave of contraction due to which the food passes from front to backward direction in the lumen of
alimentary canal. The phenomenon is called as peristalsis. Beside alimentary canal, it is also found in vas deference,
ureter etc.

Peristalsis in stomach is called trituration or pendular movement, in small intestine segmentation pendular
movement. Whereas in large intestine (colon) it is called as haustration or segmentation movements. Peristalsis is
maximum in oesophagus and minimum in rectum.

Antiperistalsis is the peristaltic wave occurs in the reverse direction. It occurs in alimentary canal and results in
vomiting. The phenomenon is called as “Regurgitation”. The food, which passes out through mouth in vomiting, is
chiefly of stomach and sometimes from the anterior part of duodenum. Vomiting may also be due to blockage of gut or
amalstasis. Vomiting centre is present in medulla oblongata.

(iv) Digestion : The process by which complex food is converted into simple food with the help of digestive
enzymes. The process of digestion in mammals starts in buccopharyngeal cavity and is found in stomach and small
intestine, whereas in frog the process starts in stomach and continues in small intestine.

(a) Digestion in buccopharyngeal cavity : In buccopharyngeal cavity of mammals only starch is digested which is
5% of total food or 20-30% of carbohydrates.

(b) Digestion in stomach : Chiefly proteins is digested in stomach.

(c) Digestion in small intestine : All three component carbohydrates, proteins and fats digested in small intestine
with the help of enzymes secreted by pancreas and intestinal glands. About 50% of starch is digested by pancreatic
amylase and 10-20% by intestinal amylase. Only 60% of lipids are digested in the small intestine major part of proteins
is digested in the stomach. The end product of digestion is as follows –
Summary of chemical digestion of food
Chemical digestion of Chemical digestion of Chemical digestion of fats Chemical digestion of
protein carbohydrates nucleic acid
Protein Food Polysaccharides Fat Nucleid acid
(starches) (DNA and RNA)
Pepsin Ptyalin Bile salts Pancreatic nucleases
(gastric (saliva) (bile) (DNAase & RNAase)
Amylase Emulsified Fats Nucleotides
(pancreatic juice) Lipase Intestinal
Proteoses and Peptones (pancreatic and Nucleotidases and
Trypsin and Disaccharides intestinal juice) Nucleosidases
Chymotrypsin (sugars)
(pancreatic juice)
Maltase, Lactase Fatty acids Nitrogen bases
Tri and Dipeptides Sucrase and glycerol Pentose sugars and
Peptidases (intestinal juice) inorganic phosphate
(intestinal juice)
Amino acids (glucose, fructose,
(monopeptides) galactose)

(v) Absorption : Ingestion and digestion are the first two phases of the physiological processes occuring in the
alimentary tract. The third phase is that of absorption by which the digested nutrients are absorb through the wall of
gut into blood.
(a) Absorption from the mouth : Normally, there is no absorption from the mouth, but a few drugs may be
absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane, if allowed to dissolve under the tongue, e.g., isoprenaline,
glyceryl trinitrate.
(b) Absorption from the stomach : In the stomach, absorption takes place to a limited degree. The only substances
normally absorbed from the stomach are some water, glucose and considerable amounts of alcohol. These substances
are absorbed through the walls of the stomach into the venous circulation. Although
iron absorption takes place in the small intestine, it is dissolved out of foods most
effectively in the stomach in the presence of HCl. VILLI
(c) Absorption from the small intestine : The small intestine is the main
absorptive organ. About 90% of the ingested foodstuffs is absorbed in the course of
passage through the small intestine. The surface area of the intestine through which
absorption can take place is vastly increased by the circular folds (plicae semilunares)
of the mucous membrane and by the large number of villi. The intestinal wall appears
very much like a Turkish towel. Surface area of the intestine is further increased by the
microscopic folds, the microvilli, protruding out from the surface of the intestinal VALVULAE
epithelial cells.
There are two general pathways for the transport of materials absorbed by the Fig. – Valvulae conniventes and villi in
human intestine
intestine; the veins of the hepatic portal system which lead directly to the liver; and the
lymphatic vessels of the intestinal area, which eventually lead to the blood by way of the lymphatic system and the
thoracic duct.
(1) Absorption of carbohydrates : The products of carbohydrate digestion is absorbed from the intestine into blood
of the portal venous system in the form of monosaccharides, chiefly the hexoses (glucose, fructose, mannose and
Animal Nutrition 27
galactose). Two mechanisms are responsible for absorption of monosaccharides: active transport (against concentration
gradient) and simple diffusion. Active transport takes place through carrier proteins and considerable amount of ATP.
Sodium ions (Na+) play an important role in this carrier transport system. Hence it is called Na+ co-transport
(2) Absorption of amino acids and protein : It is probable that under normal circumstances the dietary proteins
are almost completely digested to their constituent amino acids and that these end products of protein digestion are
then actively transported from the intestine into the portal blood. There are exist several different carrier systems for
transporting different classes of amino acids. Some of these required Na+, just as in the case of carbohydrate transport.
Surplus amino acids are also withdrawn from portal blood by liver cells and deaminated into ammonia and keto acids.
The ammonia is converted to urea and released into blood for excretion by kidneys, while the keto acids are converted
to glucose or pyruvic acid and utilized for energy-production or for storage as glycogen and fat.
(3) Absorption of fats : The dietary fat is digested, by the action of the pancreatic lipase present in the intestine,
partially into glycerol and fatty acids and partially to split products such as monoacyl glycerols. These products of fat
digestion enter the mucosal cells of the small intestine in two forms.
(i) Some of the liberated fatty acids and monoacyl glycerols aggregate to form water-soluble particles known as
micelles. The structure of a micelles is similar to that of the lipid emulsion except that these are smaller in size.
Formation of micelles helps absorption of free fatty acids and monoacyl glycerols from intestinal lumen into the
epithelial cells by simple diffusion.



Fig. – Formation of micelle

(ii) With the aid of the bile salts many fatty acids and
glycerol enter the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa.
During their passage through the epithelial cells, they
combine together resulting in the resynthesis of
triacylglycerides. AND GLYCEROL AMINO
Coenzyme A + Fatty acid ACIDS
   Fatty acyl Co ~ A
Thiokinase FOLD

Monoglycer ide  Phosphatid ic acid  MUCOUS

Diglycerid e VEIN

Fatty acid   LYMPH VESSEL


Triglyceri de ARTERY
(neutral fat) CIRCULAR MUSCLE
The resynthesized fat then passes into the lacteals MUSCLE
(lymph vessels) of the intestinal villi, primarily in the form of VISCERAL
Fig. – T.S. Intestine showing absorption of food
small lipid droplets about 0.5 m in diameter, known as chylomicrons. These small droplets contain about 90%
triglyceride and small amounts of phospholipid, cholesterol, free fatty acids and protein. By the lacteals, the fat is carried
to the cisterna chyli (meaning 'the receiver of the chyle') and then by the thoracic (lymph) duct to the left
branchiocephalic vein, where it enters the blood. The lymph reaching the thoracic duct from the intestines contains an
excess of fat giving it a milky appearance. It is called chyle. In this way, fatty acids and glycerol are eventually brought
into the blood stream and so, by a circuitous route, to the liver. In the liver, they are reorganized and recombined to
form human fat.
(4) Absorption of vitamins : Water-soluble vitamins like members of B complex (except B12) and vitamin C readily
diffuse across the walls of the intestine into the blood. To move vitamin B 12 across the wall of the ileum, a special system
is required. In the stomach, the vitamin combines with a special protein secreted by the gastric glands, known as the
castle's intrinsic factor. During the absorption process in the ileum, vitamin B12 is released from the intrinsic factor and
enters the blood. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are dissolved in micelles, which enter the mucosal cells of the
intestine, by simple diffusion. The absorption of these fat-soluble vitamins is markedly decreased in the absence of bile.
(d) Absorption in large intestine : Major part of the water is absorbed in the colon. It helps in maintaining the
body water level. Some amount of mineral salts and vitamins are also absorbed. The symbiotic bacteria ( E. coli) present
in the large intestine, converts the inactive vitamins into active forms ( i.e., they synthesizes vitamins (vitamin B complex
and vitamin K) which are absorbed. It has been also found that some amount of amino acids is also absorbed in large
intestine produced due to digestion, with the help of symbiotic bacteria. The epithelial cells of large intestine secrete no
digestive enzyme.
(vi) Assimilation : Conversion of absorbed food into active cytoplasm within cell is called as assimilation.
(vii) Faeces formation : The phenomenon occurs in colon due to absorption of water, salts, minerals and vitamins.
The peristalsis in colon also helps in faeces formation.
Differences between diffusion and active transport
Diffusion Active transport
It is a physical process. It is a vital process.
It moves small nutrient molecules across the cell membranes It moves small nutrient molecules across the cell
only down the concentration gradient. membranes independent of concentration gradient
(both down and against).
It does not use carrier protein molecules in moving It uses carrier protein molecules in moving materials.
It does not utilize energy. It consumes energy derived by hydrolysis of ATP.
It is a slow process. It is a rapid process.
No material can be fully absorbed by diffusion. Materials can be fully absorbed from the intestine.
Animal Nutrition 29
(viii) Egestion / defaecation : At fairly
long intervals, a wave of strong peristalsis
sweeps along the transverse colon forcing its
contents into the descending and pelvic
colons. This is known as mass movement,
which is often precipitated by the entry of
food into the stomach and is known as the
gastro-colic reflex. When a mass movement
force the contents of the pelvic colon into the
rectum, the nerve endings in the walls of the
rectum are stimulated the act of defaecation,
while reflex in the infant, and adult is under
the control of the will.
(a) Actions during defaecation
(1) The sphincter muscle of the anus
(2) The muscular walls of the rectum
(3) The muscles of the floor of the pelvis
(4) The pressure within the abdomen is
(5) By holding the breath and
contracting the diaphragm.
(6) By contracting the muscles of the Fig. – Transformation of absorbed nutrients in liver

abdominal wall.
The defecation is carried out in response to the desire in children and adults, to empty the bowel production by
distension of the rectum with faeces. Biliverdin and bilirubin are reduced to urobilinogen in the large intestine.
Urobilinogen in the large intestine is converted to stercobilin. The odour of the stool is due to aromatic substances like
indole and skatole. Indole and skatole result from the action of bacteria on amino acid tryptophan.
(b) Constituent of faeces : The faeces, consist of a semi-solid, paste-like mass coloured brown by stercobilin, a
pigment derived from the bilirubin and biliverdin of the bile.
(1) Water (65-70% of the total bulk) (2) Undecomposed cellulose
(3) Protein residue (skatole, histidine, indole and tryptophan) (4) Dead and live micro-organisms
(5) Epithelial cells from the walls of the tract (6) Some fatty acids
(7) Mucous-secreted by the mucosa lining of the large intestine.
Pseudo-rumination or coprophagy : Animals swallows night faeces and recycle it through the gut to complete the
digestion of cellulose and, making full use of their food. This habbit is called coprophagy. Example – Rabbit.
Summary of physiology of digestion
Major gastrointestinal enzyme in mammals
Name of digestive
Name of
Name of gland juice & optimum Site of action Substrates Products
Salivary glands Saliva (6.8) Ptyalin / Mouth Starch, dextrins, Dextrins, maltose,
Salivary glycogen isomaltose and limit
amylase dextrin.
Gastric glands Gastric Juice (1-3) Pepsin Stomach Proteins, casein Peptones, paracasein
(Milk) (curd).
Rennin Stomach Casein Paracasein
Gastric lipase Stomach Fats Fatty acid and Glycerol.
Bile juice Liver No enzymes Duodenum Fat Makes the food alkaline,
emulsifies fat and kills
the harmful bacteria.
Liver Bile ( 7.7 – 8.0) No enzyme but useful digestive juice, provides alkaline medium, stops the
action of HCl. Emulsifies fats and kills – harmful bacteria.
Pancreas Pancreatic Juice Amylase/Diast- Small intestine Starch, ‘Limits’ dextrins, maltose,
(7.3 – 8.6) ase dextrins, isomaltose.
Trypsin Small intestine Proteins, Peptides, Chymotrypsin
Chymotry- (active) carboxy pepti-
psinogen dases (active) Elastase
(inactive) (active), Fibrin (clot)
procarboxy Para-casein (curd)
pept- idases
(blood) Casein
Chymotrypsin Small intestine Peptones Peptides

Carboxypeptid Small intestine Peptides Smaller peptides and

ases Amino acids.
Lipase / Small intestine Triglycerides Mono-glycerides, fatty
Steapsin acids

DNA ase Small intestine DNA Deoxyribonucleotides

RNA ase Small intestine RNA Ribonucleotides
Intestinal Intestinal Juice Enteropeptidas Small Intestine Trypsinogen Trypsin (active)
glands (7.6–8.3) e (inactive)
Animal Nutrition 31

Aminopeptidas Small Intestine Peptides Smaller peptides and

e amino acid
Dipeptidases Small Intestine Dipeptides Amino acids
Isomaltase Small Intestine Isomaltose Glucose
Maltase Small Intestine Maltose Glucose
Sucrase/Invert Small Intestine Sucrose Glucose, fructose
Lactase Small Intestine Lactose Glucose, galactose
Lipase Small Intestine Triglycerides Monoglycerides, fatty
Nucleotidase Small Intestine Nucleotides Nucleosides, inorganic
Nucleoside Small Intestine Nucleosides Purine, pyrimidine,
Phosphorylase phosphate pentose, phosphate

(ix) Hormonal control of digestion : Activities of digestive tract are coordinated by nervous and endocrine systems.
Sight and smell of food stimulates nervous system which induces the salivary glands to produce large quantity of saliva,
stomach to release its hormone gastrin and intestine to produce intestinal hormones. Other hormones are produced in
sequential order. All of them are polypeptide hormones.

Gastrointestinal hormones in mammals

Hormone Source Stimulus for Target organ Action
Gastrin Mucosa of Distension of Stomach Stimulates secretion of gastric
pyloric stomach on food juice.
stomach entry Constricts cardiac sphincter.
Enterogastrone Duodenal Chyme entry into Stomach Slows gastric contractions to delay
epithelium duodenum its emptying.
Stops secretion of gastric juice.
Secretin Duodenal Acidic chyme entry Pancreas Release of sodium bicarbonate in
epithelium into duodenum pancreatic juice.
Liver Steps up secretion of bile.
Stomach Inhibits secretion of gastrin.
Cholecystokinin Duodenal Presence of fats in Pancreas Release of enzymes in pancreatic
(Pancreozymin) epithelium duodenum Gall Bladder juice.
Release of bile from gall bladder.
Villikinin Intestinal Food in small Intestine Accelerates movements of villi.
epithelium intestine
Duocrinin Intestinal Acidic chyme in Intestine Release of viscous mucous from
epithelium intestine (Brunner’s gland) Brunner’s glands.
Enterocrinin Intestinal Acidic chyme in Intestine (crypts Release of enzymes from
epithelium intestine of Lieberkuhn’s) Lieberkuhn’s crypts.

Important Tips
 World food day (W.F.D) is 16th october.
 Iodine deficiency disorder day (I.D.D.D) : is 21st october.
 White revolution – Increased milk production.
 Blue revolution – Increased fish production.
 Yellow revolution – Increased oil production.
 High cholesterol patients are avoided to use groundnut oils, margarine and vegetable oils.
 The foul & flatus odour of the faeces is due to presence of gases such as CH4, NH3, H2S, CO2 etc. and presence of
indole, skatole and mercaptones amines formed due to decarboxylation of tryptophan amino acid.
 Digestion of fat is slowest and never completed.
 Main aim of nucleic acid digestion is to release phosphate molecule.
 Villus is the unit of absorption of food.
 Fructose and mannose are absorbed by facilitated diffusion.
 Role of bile salts is to form water soluble mixed micelles is called hydrotrophic action.
 Chyle is the alkaline food, which passes from small intestine to lacteals.
 It takes about 2-6 hours after a meal for the stomach to empty.
 Aminopeptidase, a digestive enzyme produces smaller peptides.
 In most of the vertebrates protein digestion ends in ileum.
 The enzymes that converts glucose to glucose 6-phosphate is hexokinase.
 Amylopsin act on carbohydrates.
 Most of the fat digestion occurs in small intestine.
 Lipase hydrolyse ester bond.
 Protein digestion is necessary because it cannot be absorbed as such.
 Carbohydrate are digested in duodenum.
 Amylase broken 1,4 glycosidic bonds of starch.
 Loose bond of enzymes between proteinous and prosthetic groups can be separated by the process of dialysis.
 Enzyme, vitamins and hormones are biological chemicals which aid in the regulating mechanism.
 Enzymes accelerate the rate of chemical reactions.
 Human insulin is known as Humulin.
 Stimulation of acid secretion of stomach is due to gastrin, histamine and vagal activation.
 The end product of carbohydrate metabolism is CO2 and H2O.
Animal Nutrition 33

 Mammals also get water from the oxidation of glucose.

3.4 Nutrition.
The substance used for nutrition are called nutrients. Nutreology is the study of food and their use in diet and
(i) Types of nutrition
(a) Autotrophic / Holophytic : The individuals, which synthesizes their own food. It can be grouped into two
following categories –
(1) Photoautotrophs : The individual, which synthesizes their own food from CO2 and H2O in presence of sunlight.
These individuals have a specialized pigment chlorophyll in their cells. Examples – Green plants, euglena, green sulphur
bacteria, chlorobium.
(2) Chemoautotrophs : The individuals which synthesizes their food with the help of chemical. The energy
consumed in synthesis of nutrients is obtained from oxidation of hydrogen gas, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphide,
nitrites etc. Examples – Sulphur bacteria, nitrite bacteria, nitrate bacteria, nitrosomonas, nitrifying bacteria–
nitrosomonas, nitrobacter etc.
(b) Heterotrophic : The animals derive organic food materials by consuming bodies or products of other living or
dead plants or animals. Heterotrophs are of following three types on the basis of their mode of feeding.
(1) Holotrophic or Holozoic : These individuals ingest mostly solid food. Example – Animals.
(2) Saprotrophic or Saprobiotic : They feed on dead organic matter. They absorb food through their body surface,
organic fluids formed due to putrefaction of dead organism. These are called saprozoic if the putrefying organism is an
animal and saprophytic, if the later is a plant. Saprobionts usually themselves pour out certain enzymes which
hydrolyses the complex molecules of putrefied food and help in absorption. Saprozoic nutrition involves absorption of
food by osmosis, i.e., through general body surface. This method of food-getting is referred to as osmotrophy and
animals are called osmotrophs. Example – Bacteria, fungi, some protozoans etc.
(3) Parasitic : These individuals derive their food from the body of their host. These may live inside or upon the
bodies of their hosts, or may only periodically visit them for feeding.
(c) Myxotrophic nutrition : They carry out autotrophic as well as heterotrophic nutrition. Example – euglena.
(ii) Modes of animal nutrition : On the basis of food, holozoic or holotrophic or ingestive nutritionally animals are
classified into following –
(a) Herbivorous : The animal which exclusively feeds on plants. Their length of alimentary canal is more as
compared to others. Examples – Tadpole larva of frog, rabbit, cow, horse, sheep etc.
(b) Carnivorous : The animal which kills and feeds on other animals. The length of their alimentary canal is
minimum. Examples – Tiger, lion etc.
(c) Omnivorous : The animal which can take both plant and animal product as food. They have maximum type of
digestive enzymes. Example – Human.
(d) Insectivorous : The animal which feeds on insects. Example – Frog.
(e) Sanguivorous : The animal which feeds on blood of other animal. Examples – Leech, body louse.
(f) Carrion Eaters (scavengers) : They feeds on dead animals also termed as scavengers. Examples – Hyaena,
neltura, kites etc.
(g) Cannibalus : Organisms which feeds on its own species. Examples – Cockroaches, some fishes, frog, snakes etc.
(h) Detritus : Animals feed chiefly upon organic matters present in the humus. Examples – Earthworm.
(i) Coprophagus or pseudorumination or refection : Animals which feeds on their own faeces. Example – Rabbit.
(j) Larvivorous : Feeds on larva. Example – Gambusia (mosquito fish).
(k) Frugivorous : Feeding on fruits. Example – Parrot.
(iii) Feeding mechanism
(a) Feeding mechanism in liquid feeders (fluid feeders) are as follows –
(1) Diffusion : Many parasitic organisms (protozoans, tapeworm) absorb the dissolved organic food through
general body surface.
(2) Pinocytosis (cell drinking) : Ingestion of liquid food by invagination through surface of body. Pinocytosis
channels are formed at body surface to enclose the fluid food from surrounding medium. Lower ends of channels are
pinched off as pinocytic vesicle or pinosomes.
(3) Blood sucking : Their mouthparts are modified for sucking blood. Examples – Vampire bat, mosquito etc.
(b) Feeding mechanism in microphagus animals (filter feeders) : The food of such animals (paramecium, sponges,
corals, bivalves, tadpole etc.) is suspended in water fluid and they have filtering devices (clusters of pseudopodia, cilia,
flagella, sheets of mucous etc.) or feeding on small microscopic animals like – Amoeba, paramacium etc.
3.5 Nutritional requirements.
(i) Food : All living organism needs food, animal are unable to synthesize their own food hence they obtain it from
outside sources. Animals require food for three main purposes, such as food as a fuel which provides energy and
material for body maintenance, food for movement of body includes muscles contraction etc., food for growth as well as
for the synthesis of body substances.
(ii) Components of food : These are following types –
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Lipids and fats (c) Proteins (d) Nucleic acid (e) Water
(f) Vitamins (g) Minerals
(a) Carbohydrates : They are made up of C : H : O, having H and O in the ratio of 2 : 1 and the general formula is
CnH They are the chief source of energy. The source of carbohydrates in our food is cereals and pulses.
(1) Classification of carbohydrates : Carbohydrates are grouped into three categories –
(i) Monosaccharides : Simplest carbohydrates. They are of following types –
(a) Trioses : C 3 H 6O 3  ; Example – Glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone.
(b) Tetroses : C 4 H 8 O 4  ; Example – Erythrose.
(c) Pentoses : C 5 H 10 O 5  ; Example – Xylose, ribose, arabinose.
(d) Hexoses : C 6 H 12 O 6  ; Example – Glucose, fructose, galactose.
(e) Heptoses : C 7 H 14O 7  ; Example – Sedoheptulose.
(ii) Oligosaccharides : They contain 2 – 9 molecules of monosaccharides. They are of following types –
(a) Disaccharides : Examples – Maltose (malt sugar), sucrose (cane sugar), lactose (milk sugar), etc.
(b) Trisaccharides : Example – Raffinose, mannotriose etc.
(c) Tetrasaccharides : Example – Stachyose, scordose etc.
(d) Pentasaccharides : Example – Verbascose.
Animal Nutrition 35

(iii) Polysaccharides : Two types –

(a) Homosaccharides : When polysaccharides are made up of single kind of monosaccharide. Examples – Starch,
glycogen, cellulose, agar-agar and dextrin etc.
(b) Heterosaccharides : When polysaccharides are made up of two or more kind of monosaccharides or their
derivatives. Examples – Mucopolysaccharides, chitin, peptidoglycan and heparin etc.
(2) Specific features
(i) Storage amount : 900 gm approx.
(ii) Storage site : Chiefly liver and muscles.
(iii) Daily requirement : 500 gm approx.
(iv) Source : Chiefly cereals (rice, wheat, maize), pulses, potato, fruits, sugarcane, milk, honey, sugar etc.
(v) Caloric value : 4.1 k cal./gm
(vi) Physiological value : 4.0 k cal./gm
(vii) Carbohydrates may have an aldehyde (aldoses) or ketone (ketoses) group.
(viii) Simple carbohydrates having free aldose or ketose group are called reducing sugars.
(ix) Reducing sugars can reduces cupric ion to cuprous state (Fehling’s or Benedict’s solution)
(x) Fructose (levulose) is fruit sugar while glucose (dextrose) is grape sugar as well as blood sugar.
(xi) Two monosaccharides are linked by means of ‘glycosidic bond’ ( C–O–C) in formation of a disaccharide. This is
a dehydration or condensation reaction.
(xii) Comparing to the milk of cow, buffalo and goat, lactose is highest in human milk.
(xiii) Chitin is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of arthropods. Its basic unit is not glucose but N-
(xiv) Our food mostly contains carbohydrates.
(3) Functions of carbohydrates :
(i) As respiratory fuels : Carbohydrates, especially glucose, are the main respiratory fuels. About 60% of our total
energy needs is provided by the breakdown of carbohydrates. Caloric fuel value of one gram of carbohydrates is 4.1 k cal
of energy while physiological fuel value of one gram of carbohydrates is 4.0 k cal (17 kJ) of energy. To provide energy,
the glucose undergoes biological oxidation in the mitochondria (power house) of the cell to produce about 36 or 38
molecules of ATP. So the theoretical recovery of energy from one glucose molecule is 40%. Main reasons for the glucose
being chief respiratory fuel are its presence in abundance and its easy oxidisability.
(ii) Monosaccharides as structural components
(a) Ribose (Pentose sugar) is component of RNA; coenzymes like NAD, FAD etc., and energy carriers like ATP,
GTP etc.
(b) 2’-Deoxyribose (Pentose) is component of DNA.
(c) Galactose is a structural component of medullary sheath.
(iii) As building blocks : Monosugars act as monomers for the formation of disaccharides and polysaccharides.
(iv) Reserve foods : There are two main polysaccharides which act as reserve foods e.g. starch is a storage
polysaccharide of plants and is stored as granules in amyloplasts. Glycogen (animal starch) is the principal reserve food
of animals and is mainly stored in liver (about 500 gms.) and skeletal muscles. Liver glycogen is used to regulate blood
sugar level by the process of glycogenolysis or glycogenesis as required while the muscle-glycogen provides energy for
muscle contraction.
(v) Excess of glucose may also be changed into fats (lipogenesis) and stored in liver, adipose tissue and
(vi) Glucose has antiketogenic role as it prevents the incomplete oxidation of fats and formation of ketonic bodies
in the blood.
(vii) Glucose spares the amino acids for protein synthesis.
(viii) Sucrose is the major form in which sugar is transported in the plant body. Sucrose is storage sugar of
sugarcane and sugar beet.
(ix) Polysaccharides as structural components
(a) Cellulose, hemicellulose etc. are the main components of cell wall of plants.
(b) Chitin is main component of cell wall of fungi and exoskeleton of crustaceans.
(x) Anticoagulants : Heparin prevents the blood clotting inside the blood vessels.
(xi) Protective coat : Glycoproteins form a protective layer, glycocalyx, on intestinal cells.
(xii) Hyaluronic acid : It acts as a lubricating fluid in the synovial joints between the limb bones.
(xiii) Blood antigens like A, B and Rh-factor are glycoproteinaceous and provide immunity to the individual.
(xiv) Sugars are also important components of some glycoproteinaceous hormones like FSH (Follicular stimulating
hormone), LH (Luteinizing hormone) etc. FSH controls gametogenesis while LH controls the ovulation and formation of
corpus luteum.
(xv) Carbohydrates may be changed into amino acids.
(xvi) Oligosaccharides of cell membrane help in cellular recognition.
(xvii) Cellulose forms roughage of food which stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. It also helps in
(xviii) Cellulose nitrate is used in explosives.
(xix) Carboxy-methyl cellulose is used in cosmetics and medicines.
(xx) Cellulose acetate is used in preparing cellulose plastics, shatter-proof glass, fabrics etc.
Differences between caloric fuel value and physiological fuel value
Characters Caloric fuel value Physiological fuel value
Site of production Energy in kcal produced by the complete Energy in kcal produced by the oxidation of 1
combustion of 1 gm. of substance in a bomb gm. of substance in the body tissues.
Amount of energy 1 gm. of carbohydrates provide 4.1 kcal. of 1 gm. of carbohydrates provide 4.0 kcal. of
energy. energy.

(b) Lipids and fats : Fats and all fat like substances are called lipids. They are composed of C, H and O. They are
insoluble in water but soluble in ether, alcohol, chloroform etc.
(1) Types of lipids
(i) Simple lipids : Examples – Fats in the body in the form of adipose tissues, fatty acids, wax.
(ii) Complex lipids : Examples – Phospholipids, glycolipids etc.
(iii) Derived lipids : Obtained by hydrolysis of simple or complex lipids. Examples – Cholesterol, ergosterol.
Animal Nutrition 37
(2) Specific features
(a) Source : Butter, ghee, liver oil, vegetable cooking oil etc.
(b) Daily requirement : 50 gm.
(c) Storage site : Subcutaneous fat, adipose cells.
(d) Caloric value : 9.45 k cal/gm.
(e) Actual value : 9.0 k cal/gm.
(3) Functions of lipids
(i) The fats acts as concentrated fuel. The caloric fuel value of 1 gm of fats is 9.45 kcal, while the physiological fuel
value of 1 gm of fats is 9.0 kcal (37 kJ), which is about 2.25 times more than the energy provided by same amount of
(ii) The fats are also highly suitable for storage as the reserve food material. It is mainly stored in the liver,
beneath the skin, in the brown deposits and in the fat bodies. Normally, the fats constitute about 4% of liver by weight.
(iii) Fats stored in the subcutaneous tissue insulate the body against the loss of heat energy, so conserve the body
heat. Thus, fats help in homeothermy.
(iv) Medullary sheath is formed of white fatty substance, myelin, which insulates the nerve fibres and prevents the
loss of energy.
(v) Fats from the protective shock absorbing cushions around a number of organs like the eye balls, kidneys (renal
fat), ovaries, etc.
(vi) These help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
(c) Proteins : They are composed of C. H. O. N and some of in addition contain S and P. They are complex,
versatile, macromolecules with very high molecular weight. Their unit is amino acids. Out of the 20 amino acids,
required in human to build proteins, half of them are essential and rest are non-essential amino acid. Essential amino
acids are those, not synthesized by human body and are present in food. The non-essential amino acids are those which
can be synthesized by human body.
Amino acids
Dispensable or Essential amino acids Non-dispensable or Nonessential amino acids
*Arginine Glycine
*Histidine Alanine
Isoleucine Serine
Leucine Aspartic acid
Methionine Asparagine
Phenylalanine Cysteine
Threonine Glutamic acid
Tryptophan Glutamine
Lysine Proline
Valine Tyrosine
Arginine and histidine are considered semi indispensable amino acids. These two are not essential in the adult
(1) Classification of proteins : They are following types –
(i) On the basis of structure of molecules
(a) Fibrous : Examples – Collagen, myosin, keratin, fibrin of coagulated blood etc.
(b) Globular : Examples – Albumin, globulin, haemoglobin, enzymes, snake venom etc.
(ii) On the basis of their chemical nature : The proteins are divided into three categories –
(a) Simple proteins : These are formed of peptide chains and yield only amino acids on hydrolysis. On the basis of
shape, these may be fibrous proteins e.g. collagen of white fibres, elastin of yellow fibres, keratin of exoskeletal
structures like nails, horns, hoofs, hair, feather etc.; globular proteins e.g. albumins and globulin of blood plasma,
protamines, histones, glutelins etc.
(b) Conjugated proteins : These are formed of a proteinaceous and a non-proteinaceous prosthetic group. These
include nucleoproteins (of chromosomes-DNA and proteins; and ribosomes-RNA and proteins), glycoproteins (of blood-
antigens), phosphoproteins (casein of milk), lipoproteins (lipovitellin of egg-yolk), chromoproteins (haemoglobin of
RBCs), haemocyanin, rhodopsin (visual purple), iodopsin (visual violet), cytochromes), metalloproteins (carbonic
anhydrase enzyme with Zn2+) etc.
(c) Derived proteins : These are formed by the partial hydrolysis of simple proteins and include peptones,
proteoses etc.
(2) Functions of protein
(i) Many proteins act as structural proteins and take part in building and repairing of the body tissues so these
are essential for the growth, especially for the growing children. These include ossein of the bones, chondrin of the
cartilages, collagen of white fibres, elastin of yellow fibres etc.
(ii) Certain proteins act as functional proteins and regulate the metabolism. These includes enzymes like pepsin,
trypsin etc. hormones like insulin, TSH etc., carrier proteins acting as permeases in active transport etc.
(iii) During the deficiency of carbohydrates and fats, the proteins are hydrolysed into amino acids which act as
respiratory fuels to provide the energy. Caloric fuel value of 1 gm of protein is 5.65 kcal. while the physological fuel
value of 1 gm of proteins is 4.0 kcal.
(iv) Some proteins take part in the formation of useful products :
(a) Globin protein combines with four haem prosthetic groups to form haemoglobin which transports 97-99% of
O2 from the lungs to the body cells.
(b) Actin and Myosin are main structural and functional proteins of the muscles and help in muscle contraction,
so in movements and locomotion.
(c) Rhodopsin and Iodopsin proteins are the components of rod and cone cells respectively and help in night and
day vision respectively.

(v) -globulins of blood plasma act as antibodies which provide immunity against the microbes.
(vi) Prothrombin and fibrinogen proteins of blood plasma are involved in blood-clotting to prevent excessive
bleeding at the injuries.
Animal Nutrition 39
(vii) Certain proteins of blood act as buffers (e.g. haemoglobin) which help in the constancy of pH of the body
(viii) Amino acids of the proteins may transform into carbohydrates and fats.
(ix) Exoskeletal elements like epidermal scales of reptiles; feathers of birds; and hair, nails, claws etc. of mammals
are formed of keratin protein. These elements are protective in function.
(x) Hormone receptors are always proteinous in nature and help in biological response from the target cells.
(xi) Some proteins act as reserve food e.g. zein of maize and glutein and gliadin of wheat etc. Thus, the proteins
are essential for the body growth. Their acute deficiency in the food causes retardation of physical and mental growth.
Deficiency of proteins causes two diseases in infants : marasmus and kwashiorkor.
(xii) Protein acts as a building material.
(xiii) As an enzymes & coenzymes.
(xiv) As a hormones.
(xv) As a carrier proteins.
(xvi) As a component of tissue and cell organelles.
(xvii) As a fuel material and biological buffer.
(3) Specific features
(i) Source : Chief source is pulses, egg, milk, meat, fish, leafy vegetables, soyabean, groundnut etc.
(ii) Daily requirement : 70-100 gm.
(iii) Caloric value : 5.6 k cal/gm.
(iv) Physiological caloric value : 4 k cal/gm.
(v) Caloric value and Physiological fuel value and complete combustion of one gram of substance produces energy
in kcal in a bomb calorimeter is called the caloric value of substance, while complete oxidation of one gram of substance
produces in kcal in the body is called physiological fuel value of substance.

Nutrient Caloric value Physiological fuel value

Carbohydrates 4.1 kcal 4.0 kcal
Proteins 5.65 kcal 4.0 kcal
Fats 9.45 kcal 9.0 kcal

(d) Nucleic acids : These are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. These occur in all
body cells and transmit coded informations of all morphological and functional hereditary characteristics from one
generation to the next. The molecules of nucleic acids are long-chain polymers of nucleotide monomers. These
megamolecules are called polynucleotides. These are the largest and most complex molecules of nature.
Nucleic acids are of two types : Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Only nine types of
nucleotide monomers occur in cells; only four of these link by “phosphopdiester bonds” forming polynucleotide chains
(megamolecules) of DNA and another four of RNA. Each nucleotide is itself a complex molecule formed by linking of a
nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate group. “Phosphodiester bonds” are also dehydration or condensation
linkages. Hence, in digestion, nucleic acids of food are hydrolysed first into nucleotides. Then the nucleotide molecules
are further degraded to their component nitrogenous bases, pentose sugars and phosphate groups.
(e) Water : Water is an essential constituent of protoplasm, which forms the physical basis of life, though it does
not yield any energy. The water is an inorganic compound, composed of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2 : 1.
Protoplasm has nearly 90% water, but the human body has approximately 60–70% of water.
(1) Functions
(i) Water act as a best solvent.
(ii) Involve in so many metabolic process.
(iii) Act as temperature stabilizer.
(iv) Remove excess of body heat through sweating.
(v) It also act as dispersion medium ioniser, diffusion medium.
(2) Specific features
(i) Sources : Metabolic water, liquid food and drinking water.
(ii) Daily requirement : 5- 6 glasses (4-5 litre).
(f) Vitamins
(1) Historical review
(i) N. I. Lunin (1881) discovered vitamins.
(ii) The term ‘vitamin’ was first used by Funk in 1912.
(iii) Hopkins and Funk (1912) propounded a ‘vitamin theory’.
(2) Definition : Vitamin are complex organic compounds needed daily in minute quantities and act as growth and
metabolic regulatory substances.
(3) Sources : Vitamins can only be synthesized by green plants, hence animals depend for their vitamin
requirement upon the plants. Human body manufactures vitamin D using ultraviolet rays of sunlight and can store A, D
and B12. The chemical compositions of vitamins are known and it is possible to synthesize them.
(4) Importance : The vitamins are not a sources of energy. They regulate the various metabolic processes. They
mostly act as the constituents of coenzymes in the cells.
(5) Type : Vitamins are divided into two groups –
(i) Fat soluble vitamin : A, D, E and K.
(ii) Water soluble vitamin : B complex and C.
Animal Nutrition 41
Fat soluble vitamins

Name of Daily
vitamins requiremen Name of
Discovery Sources Symptoms Other
and t per day Functions Deficiency
chemical Disease
Vitamin A Mc-Collumn Vegetables 2 mg Part of Xerophthalmi – Drying Synthesized
or and Davis butter liver visual a Night of and stored in
(1913) oils egg pigment, blindness or eyeball the liver.
Retinol or
yolk, maintenanc nyctalopia
anti xero- – Unable Destroyed by
mango and e of Keratomalacia
phthalmic to see in - strong light.
orange, epithelia .
or anti dim light
carrot. and
infection Dermatosis
prevention – Epitheliu
of keratini- m
C 20 H 29O zation of keratinis
epithelium. ed
– Dry scaly
Vitamin D Steenbock Cod liver 0.01 mg Facilitates Rickets in Deformities Synthesized in
or and Hess oil, butter, absorption children of bones like the body on
1924) fish, eggs, of calcium bowlegs exposure of
milk, brain, and pigeon chest skin (7-
ol or Osteomalacia
lung, and phosphorus hydroxy
sunshine Weak bones
spleen. by intestine in adults. cholesterol)
vitamin or liable to easy
and their
anti rachitic fracture to light.
retention in
body and Destroyed by
C 28 H 44 O deposition – oral
in bones. contraceptives

Vitamin E Evan and Fresh 20 mg Antioxidant Anaemia Destruction Destroyed by

or sore (1922) green and some of RBC. UV – rays.
vegetables, role in ETS.
 In male It is also used
meat, yolk,
Tocopherol causes for curing
vegetable sterility and tumour and
or anti oils, butter in female cancer
sterility and cheese, abortion may
vitamin peanuts Muscular
occur of
C 29 H 50 O 2 offspring.
Effect not
proved in
of muscles
Vitamin K Dam and Fresh 0.07 – 0.14 Synthesis of Haemorrhage Reduced Vitamin K is
or Droisy green mg prothrombi ability of synthesised by
(1935) vegetables. n for blood to clot intestinal
to matoes, normal and also microbes
ne or
liver, clotting of leads to present in the
anti soyabean, blood. haemorrhage intestine.
haemorrhag cheese, s. Destroyed
ic vit-amin egg. by–prolonged
C 31 H 46 O 2 use of

Water soluble vitamins

Name of
Vitamins Name of
and Discovery Sources D.R. Function Deficiency Symptoms Other Features
Chemical Disease
Vitamin B1 C. Funk Branrice, 1-1.5 mg Act as co- Beri- beri – Loss of Beri-beri
or (1926) whole enzyme in or Dry beri appetite and disease was
Thiamine wheat flour, cellular - beri (man) weight, discovered by
or anti egg, meat, respiration, Polyneuritis retarded Eijkman
neuritic or liver yeast role in or growth, Destroyed by
antiberiberi etc. nutrition of (animals) muscular – cooking
nerve cells. wet beri - dystrophy.
C12 H 16 N 4 SO
Essential for beri Nerves to
carbohydrate Cardiovascul become
metabolism, ar atrophy extremely
protein irritable.
synthesis Heart
and control enlargement
balance in
Vitamin Warburg Cheese, 1-2 mg Required for Cheilosis Cracking of Stored in liver,
B 2 or G or and egg, yeast, cell growth. skin at Excess of this
yellow Christain meat, liver, Form pair of corners of is eliminated
enzyme or cereals, coenzyme mouth in urine.
green, Keratitis
Riboflavin (FMN, FAD). Inflammation It is associated
or vegetable. of tongue with the
Lactoflavin physiology of
Animal Nutrition 43

or ovaflavin Inflammation vision

or of skin
C17 H 26N 4O6

Vitamin B 3 Williams All foods, 5-10 mg Part of co- Burning feet It occurs in all
(1933) more in enzyme A. syndrome, Nerve types of plants
Yeast factor yeast, needed for and animal
or Nervous degeneration
kidney, cell disorder tissues.
liver, egg, respiration, Its deficiency
acid or anti meat, milk, necessary for cause graying
graying ground nut normal skin of hair
factor on and nerves.
tis factor
C 9 H 17 O 5 N
Vitamin B5 Goldberger Fresh meat, 16-20 mg It is an Pellagra, Rough skin It is
or Niacin (1912) liver, fish, essential Dermatitis, characterised
Inflammation by 3D’s i.e.
or Nicotinic milk, component
cereals, of NAD and
acid or Diarrhoea of skin which dermatitis
pellagra pulses, NADP thus diarrhoea and
Dementia becomes scaly
yeast etc. form
preventing and papillated dementia
factor coenzymes, Death Destroyed by
metabolism Dehydration
C 6 H 5 NO 2 (4-D – cooking
of syndrome) Neural
carbohydrate deterioration Pellagra
which may preventing
s, factor
functioning lead to
of madness
also called
gastrointesti Goldberger’s
nal tract and p-p factor
system It is also
synthesized by
colon bacteria
Vitamin Gyorgyi Brewer’s 2 mg It is essential Anaemia Nausea, lack Term B 6 was
B 6 or (1928) yeast, liver, component Dermatitis, of RBC coined by
pyrido-xine egg, yolk, of coenzyme paralysis & (blood) Gyorgy.
or Rat anti kidney, pyridoxal death of Disturbance Destroyed by
dermat-ities milk, and phosphate. It rats. of central – cooking and
factor vegetables. promotes nervous oral
growth in system
C 8 H 11 O 3 N contraceptives
rats used for Skin leisons
tuberculosis. disorder

Vitamin H Bateman Yeast, 150-300 It acts as Dermatitis Scaly and It is

or B 7 or and Allison vegetables mg coenzymes itchy skin synthesized by
Biotin or (1916) and egg and essential intestinal
coenzyme R yolk for fat bacteria
or Avidin synthesis Destroyed by
and energy – prolonged
C10 H 16 N 2 O 3 S
production. use of
Folic Acid Day (1935) Green 0.4 mg It forms Megaloblasti Enlarged It is also
or Vitamin vegetable coenzymes c anaemia. RBCs synthesized by
M or (spinach) and play Sprue Ulceration of intestinal
folacin or Banana, essential role mouth bacteria
Anti orange and in cell Destroyed by -
anaemic Liver. metabolism, cooking
factor Necessary
s, required
for DNA
Vitamin Rickets Meat, egg, 0.003 mg Required for Pernicious Reduced It is also
B12 (1948) liver, fish, chromosome anaemia formation of known as anti
or synthesized duplication erythrocytes pernicious
Cyanocobal by and in bone factor
amine or intestinal formation of marrow Also
Animal bacteria. blood synthesized by
protein corpuscles. intestinal
factor bacteria in
(APF) or human colon
Intrinsic Destroyed by
factor of – excessive
castle heat
Vitamin C Szent Citrus 40-60 mg Functions as Scurvy. Spongy and Required by
or Ascorbic Gyorgyi fruits such part of bleeding primates, all
Acid (1928) as lemon, oxidation- gums, fragile other
C6 H 6 O6 mango, reduction blood vessels vertebrates
amla, system. and bones. and some
plumes, Helps in other
guava. secretion of invertebrates
collagen can synthesize
cement vitamin C. It is
dentine. the earliest
Helps body known
Animal Nutrition 45

to develop vitamin.
resistance to It is wound
diseases. healing
Helps in vitamin.
absorption Destroyed by
of Ca and Fe – Heating
in the

Name of Vitamin Function Symptoms of deficiency

Inositol or mouse antialopecia Stimulate growth of mice. Spectacle-eye Causes reduced growth and alopecia
factor condition in rat can be treated keep a (loss of hair) in the mice. Also causes
limit on the cholesterol level in the hemorrhagic degeneration of the adrenal
blood of man. gland.
Choline It is an important lipotropic factor Chronic deficiency causes cirrhosis in
which prevent excessive development of the liver also causes haemorrhagic
fatty liver. It takes part in the formation changes in kidney.
of acetylcholine which involved
conduction of nerve impulse.
Vit.P or citrin Control the permeability and fragility of Its deficiency causes subcutaneous
the capillary wall to plasma protein. bleeding due to break down of capillary

(g) Minerals elements : They forms approximately 5% of body weight. They are essential to regulate the various
metabolic activities of the animals. The various type of mineral are group into two categories as minor element.
Examples – Ca, S, P, Na etc. and trace element examples – Cu, Zn, Mn etc. Some of these minerals are described as
follows –
Chart of important minerals required in animal bodies
Mineral elements Sources Significance Effects of deficiency
Minor elements Milk, Cereals, Cheese, Required for formation of teeth Weak teeth and bones; retarded
(1) Calcium–Ca Green Vegetables, Pods. and bones, blood clotting, body growth.
functions of nerves and
(2) Phosphorus–P Milk, Meat, Cereals. Required for formation of teeth Weak teeth and bones; retarded
and bones and acid-base body growth and physiology.
balance; component of ATP,
(3) Sulphur–S Many proteins of food. Component of many amino Disturbed protein metabolism
(4) Potassium–K Meat, Milk, Cereals, Required for acid-base balance; Low blood pressure, weak
Fruits and Vegetables. water regulation and function of muscles; risk of paralysis.
(5) Chlorine–Cl Table Salt. Required for acid-base balance; Loss of appetite; muscle cramps.
component of gastric juice.
(6) Sodium–Na Table Salt. Required for acid-base and Low blood pressure, loss of
water balances and nervous appetite; muscle cramps.
(7) Magnesium–Mg Cereals, Green Cofactor of many enzymes of Irregularities of metabolism,
Vegetables. glycolysis and a number of principally affecting nervous
other metabolic reactions functions.
dependent upon ATP.
(8) Iron–Fe Meat, Eggs, Pods, Component of haemoglobin and Anaemia weakness and weak
Cereals, Green cytochromes. immunity.
(9) Iodine–I Milk, Cheese, Seafood, Important component of Goitre, cretinism.
Iodized salt. thyroxin hormone and regulate
metabolism of cell.
Trace Elements
(10) Fluorine–F Drinking water, Tea, Maintenance of bones and teeth. Weak teeth, Larger amount causes
Seafood mottling of teeth.
(11) Zinc–Zn Cereals, Milk, Eggs, Cofactor of digestive and many Retarded growth, anaemia, rough
Meat, Seafood other enzymes. skin, weak immunity and fertility.
(12) Copper–Cu Meat, Dry fruits, Pods, Cofactor of cytochrome oxidase Anaemia, weak blood vessels and
Green Vegetables, enzyme. Necessary for iron connective tissue and damage to
Seafood. metabolism and development of central nervous system.
blood vessels and connective
(13) Manganese–Mn Dry fruits, cereals, Tea, Cofactor of some enzymes of Irregular growth of bones,
Fruits and Green urea synthesis and transfer of cartilages and connective tissues.
Vegetables. phosphate group.
(14) Cobalt–Co Milk, Cheese, Meat. Important component of Anaemia.
vitamin B12
(15) Selenium–Se Meat, Cereals, Sea food. Cofactor of many enzymes; Muscular pain; weakness of
assists vitamin E. cardiac muscles.
(16) Chromium–Cr Yeast, Seafood, Meat, Important for catabolic Irregularities of catabolic
Some vegetables. metabolism. metabolism and ATP production.

(17) Molybdenum– Cereals, Pods, Some Cofactor of some enzymes. Irregular excretion of nitrogenous
Mo Vegetable waste products.
Important Tips
 Fructose is the sweetest sugar found in fruits but not in grapes.
 Glucose is most common sugar.
 Glycogen is also called as “animal starch”.
 Carbohydrates are the chief energy yielding substance.
 Histidine is an essential amino acid for infants but not for adult.
 Cysteine and tyrosine are considered to be semiessential amino acids. Premature infants and adults who are ill
require them.
 Proteins are the “body builders” as they are the chief constituents of the protoplasm. They form approximately 14%
of dry body weight in human.
 Frog never drinks water.
Animal Nutrition 47

 Camel can live without water for a considerable day, as it uses its metabolic water, which comes from of the
oxidation of fats present in hump.
 Zinc is necessary to maintain plasma concentration of vitamin A.
 Tea/Coffee inhibit the absorption of iron from the diet. Prolonged consumption of tea/coffee after meal can lead to
iron deficiency anemia.
 Vertebrates cannot digest keratin protein of hair, nails, fibroin protein of silk fibers etc, but certain insects can
digest these proteins so damages silken and woolen garments.
 Dyspopsia – Indigestion due to defective diet.
 Vitamin C was the first vitamin to be produced during fermentation process using wild bacteria.
 An alcoholic is always deficient of vitamin C.
 Excessive intake of vitamin A causes bone reabsorption and hypercalcemia.
 Some of the bacteria including Escherichia coli present in the large intestine or colon produce vitamin k, which is
absorbed by the host and this is probably the main source of this vitamin for human.
 Vitamin B17 is a recently discovered vitamin with anti–cancer property.
 Most of the B-complex vitamins are coenzymes.
 Presently vitamin B12 is produced directly during the course of fermentation by propioni bacteria and certain strains
of Pseudomonas.
 Vitamins, which are synthesized by the intestinal flora are vitamin K. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid, Niacin,
Pyridoxin, Biotin and Folic acid.
 Overcooking, excessive alcohol, tobacco and coffee, certain medicine etc. destroys vitamin.
 Effect of the reflex action due to the taste of food is the release of vagal impules.
 Gama – linolenic acid and arachidonic acids are essential fatty acid in mammals.
 Glycine is simple amino acid.
 Phenyl alanine amino acid is denoted by symbol F.
 Vitamin nicotinamide functions as reducing agent.
 Vitamin ‘D’ is a steroid vitamin.
 The overdosage of vitamin ‘A’ causes injury to lysosomes.
 Vitamin ‘C’ is present in large amount in the body in adrenal cortex.
 Vitamin B6 is essential for transmission.
 Deficiency of vitamin H (biotin) cause rise of blood cholesterol.
 Frog tadpole is delayed in metamorphosis due to less amount of iodine in water.
 The most complex amino acid having double rings structure is tryptophan.
 The intestinal bacteria are able to synthesize both essential amino acids and vitamins in ruminants.
 Proteins which contain most of the essential amino acids are termed first class, while those do not, are called second
 Animal proteins are mostly first class and plant proteins are second class proteins.
 Whiptail disease is caused due to the deficiency of molybdenum.
Composition of milk
Species Water Protein Fat Lactose
Camel 87.2 3.7 4.2 4.1
Cow 87.2 3.5 3.7 4.9
Buffalo 78.6 5.9 10.4 4.3
Goat 86.5 3.6 4.0 5.1
Human 87.5 1.0 4.4 7.0
Balanced diet for moderately active adult Indian
Name of food Recommended amounts (gms. per day)
Adult man Adult woman
(1) Cereals (Wheat/Rice) 520 440
(2) Pulses 50 45
(3) Milk 200 150
(4) Meat/Fish or Egg 30 30
(5) Fats (Oil, Butter, Ghee) 45 25
(6) Sugar/Molasses 35 20
(7) Root and Tubers (Raddish, 60 50
Potato, etc.)
(8) Green leafy vegetables 40 100
(9) Other vegetables 70 40

3.6 Nutritional imbalances and disorders.

(i) Balanced diet : The diet which contain the various nutrients in such proportions as can satisfy all the various
needs of our body, is called a “balanced diet”. The proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into fulfill energy
requirement is 4 : 1 : 1 i.e. 65% of energy is obtained from carbohydrates and 10–20% each from proteins and fats. This
amount of energy is fulfilled by intake of 400–600 gm of carbohydrates, 80–100 gm of proteins and 50–60 gm of fats.
The balanced diet must also contain sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.
(ii) Metabolic rates
(a) Basal metabolic rate : Amount of energy required daily by a person to maintain its basal metabolism and is
about 1600 k cal/day.
(b) Routine metabolic rate : Amount of energy required daily by a person to do his routine work. It is about 2800
k cal/day for males and 2300 k cal for female.
(c) Active metabolic rate : Amount of energy required daily by a person to maintain its high metabolic rate during
heavy physical work and is about 6000 k cal/day for males and 4500 k cal for females. It has been scientifically
determined that a child of 4–6 years approximately requires 1500, a child of 13–15 years requires 2500 and a youth of
16–18 year requires 3000 k cal of energy per day. The average metabolically available energy for each gram of
carbohydrate is 4.0 k cal, for proteins is 4.0 k cal and for fats, it is 9.1 k cal.
(iii) Nutritional disorders : Every organism requires an adequate supply of nutrients in proper proportion in their
diet for proper growth and development. There are two types of nutritional disorders
(a) Under nutrition (malnutrition)
(b) Over nutrition
Animal Nutrition 49
(a) Diseases due to deficiency of nutrition (malnutrition)

Name of the Deficiency Deficient Nutrient Symptoms

Anaemia (microcytic) Fe Haemoglobin and number of erythrocytes gets reduced.
Megaloblastic anaemia Folic acid and B12 Presence of immature erythrocytes in blood.
Immature RBC without Hb. This may be fatal unless treated
Pernicious anaemia Vitamin B12
with vitamin B12 injection.
Thickened, keratinised, opaque ulcerated cornea. Prime cause
Xerophthalmia Vitamin A
of blindness in India, especially among children.
Night Blindness Vitamin A Less rhodopsin in rod cells of retina. So no vision in dim light.
Weak, soft, thin bones due to poor deposition of Ca and P.
Rickets (in children) Vitamin D Bent long bones and painful swelling on wrist, elbow and knee
Weak bones of vertebral column, pelvis gets bent and
Osteomalacia (adults) Vitamin D
deformed by body weight.
Ulceration of mouth, inflammation of bowel, indigestion,
Sprue Folacin
diarrhoea, weakness.
Incomplete ossification at the end of limb bone, deformed ribs
Pigeons breast Vit. – D
leading to pigeons breast.
Reduces aerobic carbohydrate metabolism. So peripheral
nerves inflammed causing pain, numbness and weakness of
Beri – beri Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) limb muscles. Paralysis.
Fluid accumulation in tissues or oedema of hands and legs.
Cardiac oedema.
Fragile blood vessels because of defective collagen fibres in
Scurvy Vitamin C their walls. Bleeding gums, teeth fall, bones fragile. Wound
healing delayed, vitamin C recommended in serious injury.
Bleeding disease
(Hypoprothrombin Vitamin K Delayed blood clotting (s) so profuse bleeding.
Growth and replacement of tissue proteins imparted so
Marasmus Protein / Malnutrition emaciated body with their limbs and prominent ribs, dry, thin
and wrinkled skin, Diarrhoea.
Wasting muscles, thin limbs, Retarded growth of body and
Kwashiorkor Protein
brain, Oedema, Diarrhoea.
Swollen lips, thick pigmented skin of hands and legs.
Pellagra Nicotinamide
Osteoporosis Ca Weakning of bones, tooth decay.
Goitre I2 Enlargement of thyroid gland.
Muscular cramps NaCl Pulling of muscles due to dehydration.
Dental cramps Fluorine Tooth decay.
Daily Dietary Requirements of Nutrients
(Recommended by Indian Council of Medical Research)
Individual Total Protein Calcium Iron Vitamin Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Folacin Vitamin Vitamin Vitamin
kcal (gms.) (gms.) (mgs. A (g.) (mgs) (mgs.) (mgs.) (g.) B12 (g.) C D (IU)
) (mgs.)
(1) Man 2800 55 0.4-0.5 24 750 1.4 1.7 19 100 1 40
(2) Woman 2200 45 0.4-0.5 32 750 1.1 1.3 15 100 1 40
(i) Moderately 2700 59 1.0 40 750 1.3 1.5 17 300 1.5 40
(ii) Pregnant 2750 70 1.0 32 1150 1.4 1.6 19 150 1.5 80
(iii) Lactating
(3) Boy 2820 53 0.5-0.6 25 750 1.4 1.7 19 100 1 40 200
(16-18 years)
(4) Girl 2200 44 0.5-0.6 35 750 1.1 1.3 15 100 1 40 200
(16-18 years)

(b) Diseases due to over nutrition

(1) Fluorosis : Caused due to excess of fluorides. It results in tooth and bone decay.
(2) Obesity : This is over–nutritional disorder. It is caused when “energy inputs exceeds energy output”. It results
in deposition of excess fat in the body.
(3) Constipation : Slow movement of faeces down the large intestine causes accumulation of dry and hard stool is
colon. It is generally caused by irregular bowel habits.
(4) Diarrhoea : Rapid movement of faecal matter down the large intestine causes loose stools called diarrhoea. It
may be also caused by viral or bacterial infections of intestinal tract, particularly of large intestine and by nervous
(5) Piles or haemmorhoids : Enlargement of the anal veins. It may be either hereditary or may be caused due to
rapid changes in the diet.
(6) Hypercholesterolemia : Caused due to excess of saturated fats like butter, ghee, hydrogenated vegetable oils
and eggs etc. It results in increased level of cholesterol in blood, arteriosclerosis, coronary thrombosis, heart attack etc.
(7) Hypervitaminosis A : It results in loss of appetite, body hairs, painful swelling etc.
(8) Hypervitaminosis D : It results in deposition of calcium ion in the soft tissues of the body.
Differences between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
Kwashiorkor Marasmus
(1) It is caused by deficiency of protein in the diet. (1) It is caused by prolonged deficiency of proteins and
calories in the diet.
(2) It commonly affects babies between 1-3 years of age. (2) It affects infants under one year of age.
(3) Subcutaneous fat persists. (3) Subcutaneous fat is used up, making ribs very
(4) Oedema affects legs and face. (4) No oedema occurs
Animal Nutrition 51

(5) Skin and hair change colour. (5) No change in skin and hair colour.
(6) Body becomes under weight. (6) Body becomes very under weight.
(7) Appetite is reduced. (7) Appetite is not effected.
(8) Patient needs proteins to recoup. (8) Patient needs proteins as well as carbohydrates and
fats to recover.

3.7 Regulation of food intake.

(i) Hunger : Hunger is defined as the intrinsic (involuntary) desire or craving for food. Hunger is associated with a
number of objective sensations. For instance, food deprival for many hours causes intense rhythmic hunger contractions
in stomach, which even causes intense pain (hunger pangs) send sensory impulses to a “hunger or feeding centre”,
located in the lateral regions of hypothalamus.
When glucose levels fall in blood, hunger centre stimulated. Hunger centre transmits impulses to wall of stomach
and wall of empty stomach start contraction or hunger pangs. After taking meal satiety centre which located in
hypothalamus stimulates and feeding is stopped. During high fever person does not feel like taking meal because high
temperature shuts off the appetite centre.
(ii) Thirst : Subconscious desire for water is called thirst. It is also induced by a hypothalamic “thirst centre”.
When amount of water decreases in body fluids (blood, lymph, tissue fluid, cerebrospinal fluid etc.) due to fever,
exercise and sweating, copious urination, diarrhoea, etc. This induces the feeling of thirst. Presumably, a fall in glucose
level in the blood also induces thirst.
(iii) Theory of regulation of food intake : They are following –
(a) Neuronal theory : According to this theory, two different type of centers are present in the hypothalamus
which regulates hunger. These centre are appetite and satiety. Appetite centre is often used to imply a conscious desire
for specific or selected type of food. Interoceptors of stomach wall, stimulated by the muscular contraction, send sensory
impulses to the hunger centre located in the lateral region of hypothalamus. Satiety is the conscious sensation of food
sufficiency leading to a voluntary cessation of eating. The centre is located in the ventromedian regions of hypothalamus.
(b) Glucostatic theory : When the blood glucose level decreases we feel hungry. It is also caused due to low level of
amino acids and fatty acids, and when the level of these substances increases in blood, satiety centre stimulates.
(c) Thermostatic theory : Decrease in body temperature increases hunger due to increased metabolic rate.
Conversely, an exposure to heat, or increases in body temperature reduces hunger due to decreased metabolic rate.
These conditions are caused by interactions between hypothalmic temperature regulating and food intake–regulating

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