21 Chess Gameseg74
21 Chess Gameseg74
21 Chess Gameseg74
No. 4994 Y.M. Makletsov
These intermittent soviet champion-
2nd Prize, Suomen Shakki, 1979 ship contests provide an interesting
opportunity to comment on the cove-
rage offered by EG (how many events
have escaped our radar?), and on the
quality of judging (what studies are
included in the championship award,
but excluded from the award of the
tourney, if any, for which they were
entered?). It turns out that 6 tourneys
eluded us, and that 4 studies were
originally unhonoured. In all, 16 of
43 have not previously appeared in
EG's pages. They are now included,
along with the complete reference
36: No. 5007. 37: EG60.3971 (G. No. 4996 D. Guigenidze
1st Prize, Thematic Tourney
Umnov - GBR 0700.34). 38: EG56. of Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1977
3683 (Bazlov - GBR 0323.01). 39:
No. 5008. 40: EG56.3671 (Katsnelson
- GBR 0410.11). 41: No. 5009. 42:
No. 5010. 43: No. 5011.
For readers not already overwhelmed
by digits, here are the awarded points
values: 1-15 points. 2 to 5 - 14 points
each. 6 to 9 - 13 points each. 10 to 13
- 12 points each. 14 to 20 - 11 points
each. 21 to 28 - 10 points each. 29 to Win 5+5
34 - 9 points each. 35 to 38 - 8 points
each. 39 to 43 - 7 points each. Four No. 4996: D. Gurgenidze.
other studies also received 7 points, Which wP to push?
and one study received 6 points. 1. f7? Ra8+ 2. Ra7/i c2 3. Kb2
Rb8 + 4. Rb7 Rc8 5. Rc7 Rb8 + 6.
Rb7 Rc8, with a positional draw.
No. 4995 S. Belokon Correct is: 1. g7 Ra8+ 2. Ra7 c2 3.
1st Prize, Birnov Memorial, 1977
Kb2 Rb8+ 4. Rb7 Rc8. After 4. ...,
clQ+ 5. Kxcl Rc8 + 6. Rc7, the
struggle's outcome is clear. . g8Q +
Rxg8 6. Rg7 + Rxg7 7. fg Kh6 8. g8R
~ the final subtlety,
i) 2. Kbl? c2+ 3. Kxc2 Kxg6 4. Re8
Ra2 + 5.Kb3Kxf7.
e6-e7. 5. ..., Qb7 Or, clearly, ..., No. 4999: G.A. Nadareishvili. Atten-
Qdl; or Qf3; or Qh3. 6. e7 Qb3+ 7. tive readers will recognise a correc-
Kal. Naturally, not 7. Kbl? Qd3 + 8. tion of the composer's No. 3797 (see
Kal Kb3. 7. ..., Qe3 8. Ka2 Qb3+ 9. EG57 and EG59). The attempt to eli-
Kal Qb8 10. Kal. Out-of-the-ordina- minate enemy No. 1 (bPa2) fails on
ry positional draw, and an unusual move 1: 1. Bxa2? Rh3+ 2. Kgl
balance of material. Rg3+ 3. Khl Rxa2 4. Rel + Kb2 5.
g8Q Rxg8 6. Rbl+ Ka3 7. Rb3 +
No. 4998 N.Kralin
Ka4, and bK eludes the harassment
2nd Prize, Molodost Oruzii, 1977 by wR by heading for a8. More
accurate is the other order of moves:
1. Rel+ Kb2 2. Bxa2 Rh3+ 3. Kgl
Rg3+ 4. Khl Kxa2 5. Re2. Now Bl is
not going to play 5. ..., Rxe2 6.
g8Q + , so: 5. ..., Rb2! W's retort is
superb: 6. Rg2, evoking 6. ...,
b(g)Rxg2 7. g8Q+ Rxg8 stalemate. A
resplendent study.
No. 5001 G.A. Nadarefahvili No. 5003 D.GurgenMze
"Tbilisi", 1978 1st Prize, "Soplis Tskhovreba", 1977
Win 4+3