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4992 Axel Akerblom

4. Bf7+ Kg7 5. Bh6 + Kh7 6. Bg8 + (iv.79)
1st Prize, Suomen Shakki, 1979
Kh8. What might be called the "or- Award: "6-7", 1982
namental" phase is over, though in
passing we may note that systematic
movements of BB vs. K are not new,
and there now comes the "battle"
phase. 7. Ra8. A battery is finally set
up. 7. ..., Rf2 8. Be3 Rh2 9. Bf4 Rf2
10. Bg3 Rd2 11. Bb3+ Kg7 12. Ra2
Rd3. And now the mopping-up
operation, clarifying what has gone
before. 13. Ra7+ Kf8 14. Ra8+ Kg7
15. Kxb2 Rxg3 16. Rg8 + and 17. Win 4+4
Rxg3. "Once again we are reminded No. 4992: A. Akerblom (Sweden).
of the meticulous technique of the Judge: A. Dunder of Finland, who
master from Krasnodar in systematic gave only 3 prizes.
movements in miniature settings." 1. Kbl/i Qh7 2. Sg4+ Khl 3.
This prize was for a known idea in Sf2 + /ii kh2 4. Kal Qh8+ 5 Ka2
mini-form. Qa8+ 6. Kbl Qf8 7. Sg4+ Khl 8.
eSf2 + Qxf2 9. Sxf2 wins, with just a
No. 4991 Em. Dobrescu
(vii.81 and viii.82) little care, as does W also after earlier
3rd Special Prize, Shakhmaty v SSSR, bQ sacrificial attempts,
i) 1. Kdl? Qd6+ 2. Sxd6 Kxg3, but
not 1. ..., Qh5 + ? 2. Sg4+ wins,
ii) The optimum square for the se-
cond wS, as it protects wSe4, so that
it can if need be recapture there,
retaining guard of wR.
No. 4993 V. Nestorescu
2nd Prize, Suomen Shakki, 1979


No. 4991: Em. Dobrescu.

1. e7 Qbl + 2. Kc8 Qf + 3. Kc7 Qf4 + .
In the manner of the "Roman"
(ie, decoy) theme, bQ is lured to the
4th rank. 4. Kb7 Qb4+ 5. Kc8 Kd6.
There is no check on g4. 6. e8Q. Yes,
but the struggle is not over just
yet. 6. ..., Qc5+ 7. Kb7 Qb5+ 8.
Ka7. It's stalemate if bQ is taken. 8. No. 4993: V. Nestorescu (Romania).
..., Qc5+ 9. Ka6 Qc4+ 10. Ka5. 1. c6 blQ 2. Se4+ Kd4 3. c7 Qb5 +
Another stalemate avoided. 10. ..., 4. Kd8 Qa5 5. Kd7 Qf5+ 6. Kd8
Qc3+ 11. Ka4 Qc4+ 12. Ka3 Qc3 + Qf8 + 7. Kd7 Qf7 + 8. Kd8 Bf8 9.
13. Ka2 Qc4 + 14. Kb2 Qb4+ 15. Kc8 Qe8 + 10. Kb7 Qb5+ 11. Ka7
Kc2 Qc4+ 16. Kdl and wins. "The Qa5 + 12. Kb7 Qb5+ 13. Ka7 Qd7
sprint by wK, combined with stale- 14. Kb8 Bg7 15. Sd2, and if 15. ...,
mates and sacrifices, leaves its im- Ke3 16. Sc4+, or if 15. ..., Be5 16.
pression. Another boon position," Sf3 + .

No. 4994 Y.M. Makletsov
These intermittent soviet champion-
2nd Prize, Suomen Shakki, 1979 ship contests provide an interesting
opportunity to comment on the cove-
rage offered by EG (how many events
have escaped our radar?), and on the
quality of judging (what studies are
included in the championship award,
but excluded from the award of the
tourney, if any, for which they were
entered?). It turns out that 6 tourneys
eluded us, and that 4 studies were
originally unhonoured. In all, 16 of
43 have not previously appeared in
EG's pages. They are now included,
along with the complete reference

No. 4994: Y.M. Makletsov.

1. Kb7 Rc7+ 2. Kb8 Rxa7 3. Kxa7 The 43: 1: EG56.3720 (Kozyrev -
Kc7 4. Ka8 Bf3+ 5. Sd5+ Kc8 6. GBR 0014.12). 2: No. 4995. 3: No.
Bb6 Bxb6 stalemate. 4996. 4: EG56.3722 (Kralin - GBR
0334.30). 5: EG48.3023 (Kalandadze
The provisional result of the XIV - GBR 0500.13). 6: EG66.4390 (Baz-
Composition Championship of the lov - GBR 0317.10). 7: No. 4997. 8:
USSR for studies was published in No. 4998. No. 9: EG48.3021 (Khor-
issue No. 5 of 1982 of Bulletin of the tov - GBR 0406.31). 10: EG56.3646
Central Chess Club of the USSR. It (Gurgenidze - GBR 0530.01). 11:
covered compositions published in the EG55.3571 (Kasparyan - GBR 4361.
two-year period 1971-IS. 121 studies 20). 12: No. 4999. 13: EG63.4123
were entered, by 26 composers. (Slepyan - GBR 0013.45). 14: No.
Presumably lesser composers did not 5000. 15: EG56.3726 (Kalandadze -
enter if they thought they had no GBR 0800.22). 16: EG55.3573 (Kra-
chance. The studies judge was Leo- lin - GBR 3041.40). 17: No. 5001. 18:
pold Mitrofanov, with A. Grin the No. 5002. 19: EG51.3265 (Pogo-
principal judge. The leading study syants - GBR 0243.02). 20: EG56
was awarded 15 points, and other 3645 (G. Umnov - GBR 0423.01). 21:
studies fewer points according to the EG55.3585 (Neidze - GBR 0435.22).
judge's comparisons. In fact the 22. No. 5003. 23: EG66.4387 (Bazlov
Bulletin published 43 studies, taking - GBR 0420.01). 24: EG61.4080 (Na-
the list down from the top to those dareishvili - GBR 0700.10). 25: EG56.
awarded 7 points. Totalling the 3744 (Katsnelson - GBR 0332.42). 26:
points gave the championship title to EG60.3984 (Kasparyan - GBR 0433.
N. Kralin of Moscow (48), closely 10). 27: EG69.4616 (Kralin and Mak-
chased by the Georgians Gurgenidze letsov - GBR 0010.76). 28: No. 5004.
(47), Nadareishvili (42) and Kalan- 29: EG56.3686 (Kasparyan - GBR
dadze (41). Thereafter: Kasparyan 0016.01). 30: EG59.3947 (Kasparyan
(40), Katsnelson (39), Bazlov (38), - GBR 0326.00). 31: EG58.3876 (Na-
Pogosyants (37), Kozyrev (36), Neid- dareishvili - GBR 3102.03). 32: EG62.
ze (35), Khortov (35), Belokon (34), 4163 (Katsnelson - GBR 0.33). 33:
G.A. Umnov (33), and G. Slepyan No. 5005. 34: EG56.3673 (Pogosy-
(22). ants - GBR 0053.10). 35: No. 5006.

36: No. 5007. 37: EG60.3971 (G. No. 4996 D. Guigenidze
1st Prize, Thematic Tourney
Umnov - GBR 0700.34). 38: EG56. of Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1977
3683 (Bazlov - GBR 0323.01). 39:
No. 5008. 40: EG56.3671 (Katsnelson
- GBR 0410.11). 41: No. 5009. 42:
No. 5010. 43: No. 5011.
For readers not already overwhelmed
by digits, here are the awarded points
values: 1-15 points. 2 to 5 - 14 points
each. 6 to 9 - 13 points each. 10 to 13
- 12 points each. 14 to 20 - 11 points
each. 21 to 28 - 10 points each. 29 to Win 5+5
34 - 9 points each. 35 to 38 - 8 points
each. 39 to 43 - 7 points each. Four No. 4996: D. Gurgenidze.
other studies also received 7 points, Which wP to push?
and one study received 6 points. 1. f7? Ra8+ 2. Ra7/i c2 3. Kb2
Rb8 + 4. Rb7 Rc8 5. Rc7 Rb8 + 6.
Rb7 Rc8, with a positional draw.
No. 4995 S. Belokon Correct is: 1. g7 Ra8+ 2. Ra7 c2 3.
1st Prize, Birnov Memorial, 1977
Kb2 Rb8+ 4. Rb7 Rc8. After 4. ...,
clQ+ 5. Kxcl Rc8 + 6. Rc7, the
struggle's outcome is clear. . g8Q +
Rxg8 6. Rg7 + Rxg7 7. fg Kh6 8. g8R
~ the final subtlety,
i) 2. Kbl? c2+ 3. Kxc2 Kxg6 4. Re8
Ra2 + 5.Kb3Kxf7.

No. 4997 L. Katsnelson

and A. Sochnlev
Schakend Nederland, 1977
Draw 4+4

No. 4995: S. Belokon.

The exchange of wR against bPg2 is
unavoidable, so W's only possible
salvation lies in forcing Bl to capture
wPf2. 1. Rh7+ Kd8 2. Rg7 dSf3+ 3.
Kdl. A magnificent move, with
moves 5, accomplishing not only the
"book draw" requirement of the
"Troitzky" ending 0002.01. namely Draw
advancing fP beyond 5th rank (or
winning a knight!), but the artistic No. 4997: L. Katsnelson and A.
requirement of doing it in echo... Sochniev.
Consider: 3. ..., Sh4 4. Rxg2 Sxg2 5. Both sides' Ps promote at the same
f4 Sxd7 6. Ke2 Sf6 7. Kf2 Sh4 8. f5 time, but bQhl will give mate. W
and 9. Kg3. Or: 3. ..., glQ+ 4. Rxgl could play 1. a3? with the threat of 2.
Sxgl 5. f3. Not 5. f4? Sxd7 6. Kd2 c4 and 3. Ka2, but the reply 1. ...,
Sf3+ 7. Ke3 Sh2 and wins. 5. ..., Kb5 holds back wPP. Nevertheless:
Sxd7 6. Kel Sf6 7. Kfl Sh3 8. f4, and 1. e6 h3 2. a3 de 3. de h2 4. Ka2 hlQ
the Kg2 threat (echo of Kg3) draws. 5. c4. Threatening b3 mate and also

e6-e7. 5. ..., Qb7 Or, clearly, ..., No. 4999: G.A. Nadareishvili. Atten-
Qdl; or Qf3; or Qh3. 6. e7 Qb3+ 7. tive readers will recognise a correc-
Kal. Naturally, not 7. Kbl? Qd3 + 8. tion of the composer's No. 3797 (see
Kal Kb3. 7. ..., Qe3 8. Ka2 Qb3+ 9. EG57 and EG59). The attempt to eli-
Kal Qb8 10. Kal. Out-of-the-ordina- minate enemy No. 1 (bPa2) fails on
ry positional draw, and an unusual move 1: 1. Bxa2? Rh3+ 2. Kgl
balance of material. Rg3+ 3. Khl Rxa2 4. Rel + Kb2 5.
g8Q Rxg8 6. Rbl+ Ka3 7. Rb3 +
No. 4998 N.Kralin
Ka4, and bK eludes the harassment
2nd Prize, Molodost Oruzii, 1977 by wR by heading for a8. More
accurate is the other order of moves:
1. Rel+ Kb2 2. Bxa2 Rh3+ 3. Kgl
Rg3+ 4. Khl Kxa2 5. Re2. Now Bl is
not going to play 5. ..., Rxe2 6.
g8Q + , so: 5. ..., Rb2! W's retort is
superb: 6. Rg2, evoking 6. ...,
b(g)Rxg2 7. g8Q+ Rxg8 stalemate. A
resplendent study.

No. 4998: N. Kralin.

1. Ra8+ Kb4 2. Ra3 Sb6+ 3. Kg6. No. 5000 D. Gurgenidze
The reason for this choice of square 3rd Prize, Birnov Memorial, 1977
becomes clear later. 3. ..., Sxb5 4.
Rxb3+ Ka4 5. Rxb5 alQ 6. Be8
Qbl+ 7. Kf6. We now have a
position of mutual zugzwang, in
which bQ has no bolt-hole safe from
a salvo from the W battery. Had W
played 3. Kf6? then after 6. ..., Qbl
W would himself be in zugzwang,
like this: 7. Ke6 Qa2+ 8. Ke7 Qe6 +
9. Qxe6 stalemate, or 7. Kg7 Qh7 +,
or 7. Bc6 Qg6 +. The final position is
totally fresh.
No. 5000: D. Gurgenidze.
No. 4999 G.A. Nadareishvlli 1. Kg2 Sf2 2. Kxh2 Sg4+ 3. Kg2.
"Tbilisi", 1978 The first subtlety. After 3. Kg3? Sxf6
4. Sxf6 b2 5. Se4 blQ 6. eSc5 Qf5, W
is in zugzwang. 3. ..., Sxf6. 3. ..., Se5
4. Sc7+ and 5. Sb5. 4. Sxf6 b2 5. Se4
blQ 6. eSc5. wSS have placed bK
under arrest, and now wK's chief task
is to avoid getting stalemated. 6. ...,
Qf5 7. Kg3 Qfl 8. Kg4 Qf2 9. Kg5
Qf3 10. Kg6 Qf4 11. Kg7 Qf5 12.
Kg8, and now 12. ..., Qf6 is met by
13. Sc7+ Kb8 14. Sd7 + . A refres-
hing fortress position.

No. 5001 G.A. Nadarefahvili No. 5003 D.GurgenMze
"Tbilisi", 1978 1st Prize, "Soplis Tskhovreba", 1977

Draw 2+6 Draw 3 +6

No. 5001: G.A. Nadareishvili.

1. Qh8+ Kg5 2. Qe5+ Kh4 3.
Qf6 + . But not 3. Qe7 + ? Kh3 4. Qel No. 5003: D. Gurgenidze.
gRf3. 3. ..., Kh3 4. Qfl + Kh4 5. 1. Rf3+ Sf4+ 2. Rxf4+ Ke5 3.
Q f 6 + . This forces: 5. ..., g5. Now a fRxd4 Rg5+ 4. Kh4 Rg8 5. R8d5 +
new phase of the struggle begins. 6. Ke6 6. Rd6 + Kf7 7. Rd7 + Kg6 8.
Qf2 R d l + 7. Kh2 Rgl 8. Qel Rg2 + R7d6 + Kh7 9. Rd7 + Rg7 10. Rd8
9. Khl Ra2 10. Qf2 Ral + 11. Kh2 Rg8 11. R8d7 + , positional draw.
Rgl 12. Qel Rg2 + 13. Khl, with a The other main variation runs: 4. ...,
new-look positional draw. Qg7 5. R8d5 + Ke6 6. Rd6 + Kf5 7.
R6d5+ Kg6 8. Rd6 + Kh7 9. Rd7
Rg4 + 10. Kh5 Rxd4 11. Rxg7 +
No. 5002 V. Neidze
Th^mes-64, 1978 Kxg7 stalemate.

No. 5004 G. Slepyan

Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1978

Win 4+3

No. 5002: V. Neidze.

1. Sb3+ Kb5 2. Qb4+ Ka6 3. Qxe4.
Bl cannot afford to accept this sacri-
fice: 3. ..., Qxe4 4. Sc5+ and 5.
Sxe4, but on the other hand he can
win wS. 3. ..., Qf7+ 4. Ke2 Qxb3.
And now we have an elegant finale.
5. Qa8 + Kb5 6. Qb7+ Kc4 7. Qc6
mate, or 6. ..., Ka4 7. Qa6 mate. No. 5004: G. Slepyan (Minsk).
Peter Kings coolly indicates the pro- 1. Kb8 hlQ 2. Be3+ Ka 3. a8S
saic alternative to the mates, namely Qh8 + 4. Kb7 Qxa8 + 5. Kc7 Qb8 +
the exchange of Qq, with a winning 6. Kxb8 alQ 7. Kc7 Qd4 8. f4, and Bl
K + P vs. K ending. loses to zugzwang.


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