Water Demand Management in Kuwait
Water Demand Management in Kuwait
Water Demand Management in Kuwait
30(1) 2003
This paper reports the results of a research study undertaken to determine water
consumption in Kuwait. The consumption and other related data were collected
randomly from dierent households within Kuwait. In addition, the paper gives
forecasts for water consumption (demand) in Kuwait. The government of Kuwait
heavily subsidizes water production. These subsidies add a heavy burden to the current
®scal de®cit. Results of the analyses indicated that there is considerable waste of fresh
water by the average Kuwaiti household. Predictions of future water demand included in
this study may help the government in its eorts to reform its subsidy policy. The paper
concludes with useful remarks to both the water authority (Ministry of Electricity and
Water) and the citizens of Kuwait on water usage rationalization.
Signs of water scarcity worldwide are numerous. Water tables are falling, lakes
are shrinking, rivers are becoming more polluted and wetlands are disappearing.
Engineering solutions to water shortages include schemes such as building river
diversions (e.g. in California, U.S.A), and the construction of dams and other
expensive projects, some with questionable environmental consequences (Postel
Since 1950, global water demand has more than tripled to an estimated
annual level of 4,340 km3 in 1993 (Shiklomanov 1990). Because of improved
standards of living, the per capita water use worldwide has also increased
dramatically to 800 m3 per year. This amount is 50% more than what it was in
1950, and it continues to grow. To meet this rising demand, responsible policy-
makers have mainly emphasized the construction of "water development"
projects, particularly dams and river diversions. Today, more than 36,000 large
dams have been built around the world to control ¯oods and provide energy,
irrigation, industrial supplies, and drinking water to a growing global
population (Falkenmark 1989 and PRB 1993).
198 Jasem M. Al-Humoud and Ibrahim Al-Ghusain
The problem of securing reliable water supplies has been an issue of great
importance to the people of Kuwait since the earliest days of settlement in the
region. Today, as the population and industrial developments grow, the water
supply issue promises to become more acute.
Covering an area of 17,818 km2, Kuwait lies in the northwestern corner of the
Arabian Gulf. The Kuwait mainland extends between latitudes 288C 300 and 308
060 north, longitudes 468 300 and 488 300 east, and measures about 200 km from
the most northern point to the most southern points, and about 170 km from
east to west between the longitude extremes. The weather of the country is
typical of a desert (arid) region and receives only about 100 mm (3.94 in) of rain
annually. This precipitation is highly variable from year to year (40 - 240 mm)
and ground water is scarce, complicating water development eorts (MOP,
2001). In the past the people of Kuwait relied on a scant number of wells to
satisfy their water needs. Those wells, supplemented with fresh water
transported by boats from Basra, Iraq, were the main source of water supply to
the people. Transporting water by boats continued for some time, and in 1939 a
company was established to manage the ¯eet of water carries from Iraq at the
same time constructing three reservoirs on the shore for storage. The ®rst major
breakthrough in the supply & water came in 1951 when Kuwait Oil Company
(K.O.C) built a small sea water desalination plant with a capacity of 80,000
gallon per day at the port of Al-Ahmadi (Mina Al-Ahmadi), and distributed
part of the water to the town of Kuwait. The ®rst major desalination plant was
built in 1953 with a capacity of 1 million gallons per day (mgpd). In 1978,
another desalination plant was build in Doha with a capacity of 42 mgpd
(MEW 2001 and MOP 2000).
The country was and is very anxious to exploit all available groundwater,
both freshwater for drinking and brackish water for irrigation. Fresh
groundwater is considered a matter of prime importance. Fresh groundwater
was discovered in limited quantities at both Al-Rawdhatain and Umm Al-Aish
®elds. Pumping operations commenced in 1962, with the estimated natural
reserve of bothy ®elds about 40,000 million gallons. In 1980, the Rawdhatain
Water Production and Bottling Project started to produce 1800 m3/year of
mineral water. The Umm Al-Aish ®eld is currently producing 8000 m3/year of
water (MEW 20001, Omar et al. 1996).
Along with fresh water, the country makes use of its large supply of brackish
groundwater (1200 - 7000 ppm). The Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW)
distributes this water to the consumers through separate networks parallel to the
fresh water network. The brackish water is intended to be used for various
purposes such as blending with distilled water, irrigation, livestock watering and
construction works. Fresh and brackish water are stored by two dierent means
Household demand for water 199
Table 1. Types and capacities of storage reservoirs for fresh and brackish water
Another point to add is that in the auent State of Kuwait, nearly 98 percent
of the population reside in Metropolitan Kuwait. A unique characteristic of the
State of Kuwait and other nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is
the constant change in the expatriate population from year to year. Each year, a
signi®cant percentage of Kuwait's expatriate population (62% of Kuwait's
population are non-Kuwaitis) leave the State upon termination of their
contracts. These individuals are replaced by incoming expatriate workers,
mostly from Egypt, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
Following a comprehensive review of the related literature and the
establishment of organizational structure for the implementation of the
research, a survey plan was designed. The computation of the sample size, the
development of a questionnaire, the determination of sampling technique and
sample population were all addressed in the survey design. The computation of
the sample size was made in accordance with the commonly utilized statistical
equation (Walpole and Myers, 1985). A con®dence level of 95%, and an error
level of +5% were considered to be appropriate by the research team. By
utilizing a recommended value of 0.5 for the standard deviation (for maximum
possible standard error of the mean), the minimum required sample size may be
computed from the following equation:
z1 =2 S=e
Household demand for water 201
N = the minimum required sample size.
Z = the number of units of the standard deviation in a standard normal
distribution curve (Z = 1.96%, = 5%).
= signi®cance level.
S = standard deviation (0.5 when the true population standard deviation is
not known).
e = acceptable error (+5%).
Equation 1 and the above input values result in a minimum sample size of 385.
A simple yet structured questionnaire was designed and pre-tested to obtain
information on households' socio-economic and residence characteristics, as
well as the daily water-consuming activities of sample households. The
questionnaire, after being pre-tested and modi®ed, was distributed to a
systematic random sample of 3000 households residing in the ®ve governorates
of Metropolitan Kuwait. Special care was taken to ensure the representativeness
of various socio-economic groups in the sample. The random sample of 3000
households were interviewed in person. The objective of the study was to
examine the water supply and consumption situation in Kuwait. The interviews
were conducted by senior year Kuwait university undergraduates. The objective
of the study was to examine the water supply and consumption in Kuwait.
Living conditions
The ®rst aspect of the study was concerned with the living conditions, house sizes,
average monthly income, etc. It was found that the majority of the families, or
24%, consists of four people, and that 68% of the population live in two-story
housing. Most of the houses surveyed (86%) had a garden or a yard that they
water. All of the 3000 households in the survey had at least one car, 10% had six
cars, 48% had ®ve cars, 17% had three cars, 8% had two and only 2% had one car
per household. These results are shown in Table 2. About 27% of the heads of the
households that were surveyed made between 3,343-5,010 US dollars per month,
22% made more than 6,680 dollars, 21% make between 2,341-3,340 dollars, 14%
make between 1,670-2,338 dollars, 13% make between 5,010-6,680 dollars, and
only 3% make less than 1,670 dollars per month. Each head of household was also
asked about the level of education that he or she had.
The average monthly water bill varied from house to house; 39% had a bill
between 104-167 dollars per month, 30% had greater than 234 dollars, 17%
between 171-234 dollars, and 14% had a bill between 67-101 dollars per month.
202 Jasem M. Al-Humoud and Ibrahim Al-Ghusain
Water use
Since people in Kuwait use both fresh and brackish water daily, the respondents
were each asked to give an idea of what kind of water they use in their dierent
daily activities.
Half of the households, or 50%, use bottled water, while 40% use tap water,
and 10% use them both for drinking. It was also discovered that 44% of the
people water their garden with fresh water, 29% with brackish water and 14%
use both types of water for gardening (see Table 3). It was also found that 44%
of the households with gardens water them at least three times per week, 12%
twice, and 2% once a week (see Table 4).
Total 100
The use of a shower or bath is another cause of high water consumption. Our
results show that every member of the household takes a shower or bath once a
day or once every other day.
Finally, an attempt has been made to ®nd out what bothers people most about
the water. It was found that the color of the water is the most bothersome item
to them. Forty-four percent of the people are bothered by color alone, 40% are
204 Jasem M. Al-Humoud and Ibrahim Al-Ghusain
bothered about the color and other related factors, such as taste, impurity, etc.,
and 16% are bothered by other factors than the color of the water.
Forecasting water demand in Kuwait carries major policy implications for both
the Kuwaiti government and the water industry. Kuwait's government heavily
subsidizes water consumption. While 1000 Imperial gallons (4,545 m3) of water
costs MEW KD 2.7 to produce, the customer is charged KD 0.8 for it. These
subsidies add a heavy burden to the already large ®scal de®cit. Predictions of
future water consumption (demand) would help the government in its eorts to
reform its subsidy policy and ®nd alternative methods of reducing its de®cit.
Also, the water sector invests continuously in expanding its production capacity.
It would be useful indeed to form an idea about the future demand for this
public utility. This research uses time series methodology in forecasting water
consumption, which has never been used in forecasting consumption and/or
demand for public utilities in Kuwait.
The model ®nally selected can then be used for forecasting. Forecasts can be
made for a single period or several periods in the future. Con®dence intervals
can also be constructed about these estimates. In general, the further into the
Household demand for water 205
forecast, the larger the con®dence intervals. Therefore, as more data become
available, the same model can be used to revise the forecasts by choosing
dierent time origins (Box & Jenkins 1970, Ho 1983, Chat®eld 1989).
As in our case, a series of 30 observations, representing total annual water
consumption in Kuwait during the period from 1970 to 2000, was collected. As
seen before, Fig.1 gives a plot of the original series. A close inspection of the
®gure suggests that water consumption in Kuwait experienced exponential
growth over the sample period with the exception of the period 1990-1992, as
was explained earlier in the paper. The series suggests a constant proportional
growth rate of approximately 8% per annum. This was estimated using the
Ln Ct b0 b1 T ut 2
r dC=dT=C: 3
The ®nal model was estimated using the SAS program (SAS/ETS Software
1991) and it can be written as follows:
The model shown above in Fig.3 and in Table 7 appears to provide a good ®t to
the water consumption. None of the Q statistics values are signi®cant and none
of the residual autocorrelations are very large in the autocorrelation check of
residuals, indicating that the model provides a good ®t to the data. The seasonal
moving average parameter estimate of 0.11 is signi®cant. In addition, the
Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) (Akaike 1974, Harvey 1981) and
Schwartz's Bayesian Criterion (SBC) (Schwartz 1978) which measure the
goodness of ®t are small, indicating good ®t of the model. Moreover, more
elaborate models did not produce superior results. Therefore, this model
adequately describes the behavior of the water consumption time series. Figure
3 shows how close the forecasted values given by the model are to the actual
values; the results suggest a very good ®t. In addition, Table 8 lists the forecasts
with their associated forecast standard errors (Std Error) and 95 percent
con®dence limits. Note that the forecast standard errors increase and the 95
percent con®dence limits widen for each future period.
To Chi- Pr >
Lag square DF Chi-sq Autocorrelations
6 11.93 5 0.9035 0.013 -0.588 -0.070 0.135 0.083 0.032
Forecasting water demand in Kuwait carries major policy implications for both
the Kuwaiti government and the water industry. Kuwait's government heavily
subsidizes water consumption, which adds a heavy burden to the already large
®scal de®cit. Also, the water sector invests continuously in expanding its
production capacity. It would be very useful indeed to form an idea about the
future demand for this public utility.
Total annual water consumption in Kuwait is predicted to reach 1.13 billion
Imperial gallons (5.14 million cubic meters) in the year 2005. However, this
®gure could be as high as 1.3 billion Imperial gallons (5.91 million cubic meters).
This represents an increase of 17.5% to 25% over the current consumption
rates. Such an increase would de®nitely add constraints to the budget.
It is apparent that people in Kuwait are bothered most about the color of the
water that reaches their houses. That is why the majority of the people surveyed
use bottled water for drinking. It is noticed as well that people in Kuwait waste
a lot of water. The water authority and the Government should start a public
campaign in advising and guiding people on consuming water. One way to
encourage the people to reduce water consumption is by increasing the charge
rates for water use. In view of the rapidly increasing cost of water supply
schemes, in¯ation, and the ®nancial crises the country is going through
(especially after the Gulf War), the above rates seem to be unreasonably low.
The water authority should advise the consumers to use more of the brackish
water for their daily chores, such as irrigation, landscaping, household purposes,
live-stock watering and construction works. They could also make a separate
network of the brackish water to the toilets. Perhaps the water authority should
have two dierent water rates: one for fresh water and a lower one for brackish
water. By the same token, the water authority should study the reduction in the
volume of water consumption for personal washing and bathing, by replacing
the conventional sprays with ones that could reduce water ¯ow.
The implications for the budget suggest that a more eective rationalization
of water consumption may be needed. This may require use of partial
subsidization and multiple tari pricing system. If conditions continue as they
are, the above results suggest that Kuwait may need to consider expanding the
current water supply by at least 20% to cope with the increase in demand.
The Ministry of Electricity and water should seriously think of using
wastewater treated euents. In many places around the world, secondary
treated wastewater is used for irrigation. In fact, tertiary treated euents (BOD
5 - 10 mg/l) are produced in Kuwait. Such high quality euents can be used for
irrigation. Alternatively, they could be discharged into arti®cally constructed
Household demand for water 209
The authors are very thankful to the distingished reviewers of the Journal. The
authors also wish to thank the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) for
their help and support.
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210 Jasem M. Al-Humoud and Ibrahim Al-Ghusain
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Submitted : 18/4/2001
Revised : 1/6/2001
Accepted : 10/6/2002
Household demand for water 211
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