Automatic Solar Tracker With Dust Wiper Using PID Controller
Automatic Solar Tracker With Dust Wiper Using PID Controller
Automatic Solar Tracker With Dust Wiper Using PID Controller
The Earth receives 174 peta watts (PW) of incoming Keywords: Solar
olar Panel, Dust wiper, PID controller,
solar radiation at the upper atmosphere. Approximately Acclerometer, DC motor.
30% is reflected back to space while the rest is
absorbed. Solar energy is an alternative for fossil fuels I. INTRODUCTION
as it is non-polluting,
polluting, clean, reliable and renewable
source of energy.. It does not pollute the air by releasing Currently, many alternative energy sources appear to be
harmful gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or technically useful. One of them is solar energy. The
sulphur oxide. So, the risk of damage to the panels are the fundamental solar-energy
solar conversion
environment is reduced. Thus the use of solar devices component. Conventional
entional solar panels, fixed with a
was more suggested and the traffic signal and street certain angle, limit their area of exposure from the sun
lights inn villages was installed using solar panel but the during the course of the day. Therefore, the average
solar PV modules are generally employed in the dusty solar energy is not always maximized. Sun-tracking
environments and the dust gets accumulated on the systems are essential for many applications such as
front surface of the module and blocks the incident thermal energy storage systems and solar energy based
light form the sun and it reduces the power genera
generation power generation systems in order to improve system
capacity of the module, the power output reduces if the performance. The system always keeps the plane of the
module is not cleaned for a regularly. In order to panel normal to the direction of the sun. By doing so,
regularly clean the dust, this research presents a control maximum irradiation and thermal energy would be
application of a sun tracker that is able to follow the taken from the sun. The elevation angle of the sun
sun with high accuracy and clean ean the dust on the panel remains almost invariant in a month and varies little in
without the necessity of either a precise procedure of a year. Therefore, a single axis position control scheme
installation or recalibration. The designed tracking may be sufficient for the collection of solar energy in
system consists of sensors, microcontroller, drivers for some applications. In flat panel photovoltaic (PV)
dc motors and gear- bearing arrangements with applications, trackers are used to minimize the angle of
supports and mountings.ngs. DC motor is used to move the incidence between the incoming sunlight and a
system panel so that sun’s beam is able to remain photovoltaic panel. Thus increases the amount of
aligned with the solar panel and also clean the dust on energy produced from a fixed amount of installed
the panel which improves the efficiency of the solar power generating capacity. In concentrated
panel. Simulation and experimental results are obtained photovoltaic (CPV) and concentrated solar thermal
to a low
w cost single axis solar tracker and are exposed. (CSP) applications, trackers are used to enable the
Energy saving factors are taken into account, which optical components in the CPV and CSP systems. The
implies that, among other factors, the sun is not optics in concentrated solar applications accepts the
constantly tracked with the same accuracy, to prevent direct component of sunlight light and therefore
th must
energy over consumption by the motors. be oriented appropriately to collect energy. Tracking
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 1423
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
and attain maximum efficiency using Microcontroller which means that the solar panel is facing the sun and
and LabVIEW for real time monitoring. the light intensities falling on the four LDRs are equal
or slightly different.
4. Self-Cleaning and Tracking Solar Photovoltaic Panel
for Improving Efficiency- Bandam Abhilash, In general, the panel should be rotated towards East
Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of direction in order to make it ready for operation on the
Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai-400076- next day.
Electricity is one of the basic necessities of mankind.
As the demand of electricity is increasing, there is need Block Diagram of solar tracking and Panel Cleaning
to exploit renewable sources of energy. power shortage
The figure 2 shows the panel placed with 4 LDRs
in India, the use of solar energy could be beneficial to
which conducts and passes current according to
great extent. The number and size of the Photovoltaic
intensity of light. These value of voltage is read by
(PV) systems are growing and consequently the amount
arduino controller and then computes the difference in
of the investments and the related opportunities and
voltage of intensity of LDRs to achieve the maximum
risks are increasing. To make solar energy more
direction facing solar panel towards sun by controlling
fruitful, the efficiency of solar array systems must be
the axis by the help of DC motor which is controlled
maximized. For the efficiency evaluation of PV panels,
using PWM and PID controller as shown below. The
that has been discussed with particular attention to the
accelerometer is placed on top of the panel to monitor
presence of dust and maximum intensity of light on the
the axis direction in terms of degree.
panel surface. Mainly, the effects of the dust and
intensity of light on the efficiencies of the PV panels
have been highlighted. This paper gives the brief
description of the design and construction of
microcontroller based cleaning and tracking system.
The main concept of the solar-tracking system is to
sense the sun light by using four light dependent
resistors (LDRs). Each LDR is fixed inside the hallow
cylindrical tubes. For controlling the angle of tilt
positioned towards the direction of maximum sunlight,
the LDR assembly is fixed onto the flat-solar panel,
shown in Figure 1. The differential signals of each pair
of LDRs representing the angular error of the solar
panel are employed to re-position the panel in such a
way that the angular errors are minimized. If the Figure 2, block diagram
difference between LDR1 + LDR2 and LDR3 + LDR4, Figure also shows the block diagram of close loop PID
gives error signal that is minimized using PID system of DC motor. The input variable of the PID
controller. controller is the velocity error ωe calculated as
difference between the LDRs voltage values.
The actual velocity of motor, in revolutions per minute
(RPM), is calculated based on frequency of encoder
waveform multiplied by 60.
Figure 4, H-bridge
bridge circuit diagram
The operation of an H-bridge
bridge circuit is described as
follows. The motor has two leads. To turn the motor in
CW direction, a positive voltage will be applied to the Figure 5 ,Windshield wiper.
left lead, and the right lead should be connected to
ground. In this case S1 and S4 are switched
ched on, and S2
and S3 are switched off. Inverse, if we want to rotate
the motor in CCW direction, S1 and S4 are switched
off, and S2 and S3 are switched on. The voltage
polarity is reversed and this fact causes the motor to
rotate in the opposite direction.
The dual axis is recommended upon large systems
where a high power generation is required, that is
because the annual axis increasing power during the
year, so when considering a single solar panel of (36W)
the saved power will be a very small fraction of that.
Dust sensor with high sensitivity can be used in order to
automatically clean the solar panel rather regular time
intervals using fuzzy logic. Real time monitoring of the
Figure 9, Graph representing the Time versus
entire plant can be implemented using SCADA or HMI
voltage/power /current.
I-V Characteristic curve of the analysis
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LDR characteristics were analyzed and single axis solar
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 1427