SIOP Lesson Plan: Ontext Ackground

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The lesson aims to teach students about regular and irregular past tense verbs through a variety of activities including matching games, fill-in-the-blank worksheets, group work and writing narratives.

The content objectives are for students to recognize and identify common regular and irregular verbs and distinguish between past and present tense verbs. The language objectives are for students to list verbs, use verbs orally and in writing, and correctly use simple past and present tenses.

Students complete fill-in-the-blank flipbooks for regular and irregular past tense verbs. They also play a matching game to identify past tense verbs for pictures in pairs. Lastly, they complete a bingo game to review verbs in groups.

SIOP Lesson Plan

Name: Kiran Thandi & Stacey Hernberg School: Langley Elementary School
Grade/Subject/Class: Grade 3/4/5 ELL Literacy Skill Builder Summer Session Class English Proficiency
Levels: Beginning, Developing, Expanding, Consolidating
Topic: Simple Past Tense
Time needed for this lesson: 4 lessons, 40 minutes in length
Before this lesson, students:
• Have few verbs in their vocabulary used for present tense
• Display errors with irregular past tense verbs in their writing and speaking
• Have difficulty staying in one (present or past) tense when writing a short narrative

After this lesson, students will:

• Increase the verbs they have in their vocabulary
• Make less errors with irregular past tense verbs
• Write a short narrative in either the present or past tense, with no more than a couple of errors.

*Content Objectives - Student will be able to:

-Recognize and identify common regular and irregular active verbs

-Distinguish between past tense and present tense verbs

-Write a short narrative using present or past tense

-Compare and contrast suffixes ('d' and 'ed') exist for past tense and not present tense verbs

*Language Objectives - Students will be able to:

-List common regular and irregular active verbs

-Use common regular and irregular active verbs orally and in their writing

-Correctly use simple past and present tenses orally and in their writing

Content Concepts: Narratives are typically retelling a story, which is written in past tense. Past tense is used
to explain something that has happened already.

Key Vocabulary: verbs, past tense, present tense, regular, irregular, suffixes, narrative, compare, and contrast

Supplementary Materials: Verb Pictures matching cards (present/past), Blank Bingo Game Graphic, Flip
Books, projector

Adaptations for Proficiency Level: Students at the beginner level will not be expected to write a narrative.
They will simply do a word web or label a picture. Students at the developing level will write their stories in
present tense. Students at the consolidating level, will likely know most of the irregular past tense verbs,
c:\users\stace\dropbox\uofc\ede66950languageteachingmethods\lt2project\siop-verbs past tense-lt2.docx
Last printed: Monday, July 30, 2018 at 10:25:00 AM
SIOP Lesson Plan p.2
therefore they will be student leaders/helpers in each group. Groups will be differentiated to allow students
the opportunity to learn from their peers

Learning Approaches: Communicative, Grammar-Translation, Task-Based, Audio Lingual and Direct


Higher Order Questions/Tasks: Compare and contrast regular and irregular past tense.

SIOP Opening/Warm-Up: Start a conversation regarding what the students did last night
or on the weekend. Write down all past and present tense verbs in two columns
Components and
elicited from the students.
Features: - Methods used: Communicative Language Teaching and Direct Method
Lesson Delivery Presentation of Content: Day1: 1) Ask the students what all the words on the
-Building board have in common and why they think they are in two separate columns. You
might scaffold students by hinting that they are all actions that they did. 2) Introduce
Background the terms verbs, past tense, and present tense 3) Go through the list that is on the
-Comprehensible board and write down students' contributions. Starting with past tense have students
say the present tense form (dropping the suffix 'd' or 'ed'). Then move to present
Input tense column and have students come up with the past tense verbs. Ask students if
-Practice and they notice something between past and present tense verbs on the board. Elicit
students to look at the ending for past tense and have them compare or contrast that
Application suffixes exist on one and not the other. Day 2: 1) Recap differences of present and
-Interaction past tense. 2) Move onto describing to students that there are two types of past tense
(regular and irregular). One we have already discussed and see if students are able to
-Strategies come up with regular past tense verbs from the last lesson and write them down on
-Review and the board. 3) Then have students guess what irregular verbs may be. 4) Give the
students an example such as, usually (student name) sings a song to her cat at bed
Assessment time. Yesterday, she singed to her cat. The day before that she sang to her cat. Ask
the students which sentence is incorrect, and why. 4) Discuss which of the verbs on
the board are regular and which are irregular. Circle each type in a different color.
Ensure students understand the difference between singed and sang. 5) Have student
complete the regular verb tense flip book (fill in the blanks) and the irregular verb
tense flip books. Day 3: 1) Review regular and irregular verbs. Compare and contrast
irregular verbs and regular verbs (reiterating how one has suffixes, but both are past
tense). 2) Have students in groups interact together and play the present/past tense
matching verb game in which they must create a sentence as well. Day 4: 1) Review
learning thus far by playing bingo using tenses. 2) Lastly, do a shared narrative
writing with the class (one present and one past). 3) Have examples available on the
projector and have students write their own narrative in one tense, either present or
past. Review at the end of the lesson what the differences are between present,
irregular and regular past tense verbs.
Methods used: explicit grammar teaching- a form of Grammar-translation and
implicit grammar teaching in the form of the direct method
Part 1: Explain to students they will be completing fill in the blank flip books. First
do one fill in the blank together for each book. Then hand out regular past tense verb
SIOP Lesson Plan p.2
books and upon completion students can complete their irregular past tense verbs.
Once done have students in pairs share their books to one another. Method used:
Grammar translation Day2
Explain to students that they will be given pictures of many actions. They are to
determine the past tense verb for each picture (matching game). They are to work in
pairs. They can use dictionaries, Google Translate, or books to help them. Check that
they have the correct spelling by using the word bank. Method used: Grammar
translation-Day 3
Part 2: Put students into groups of 3-5. Have student cut out their pictures and put
them in a pile face down. Students will each take turns turning over the top picture
and using the picture in a sentence. Beginners may say the word and demonstrate the
action. Each group should have a group leader who should help the members of the
group if they get stuck. Method used: Communicative-Day 3
Part 3: Students glue these pictures onto a blank form bingo game graphic. Teacher
puts the class into two groups and give a leader/helper pair for each group a copy of
the pictures to use for calling out the bingo words. Players repeat the caller's word
while looking for it on their game board. After review, by writing a shared narrative
with the class for both past and present. Then allow students time to write their own.
Methods used: Task-based and Audio-lingual method-Day 4
Review/Assessment: Students will write a one or two paragraph narrative of
something that happened in the past. Adaptations are listed above. Upon finishing
students are to share their stories with a partner and together examine whether they
stayed in one tense (self/peer-assessment). Next, students will show their narrative to
the teacher who will check if all the verbs are in the past tense (or present tense for
students at the beginner and developing levels) and give them corrective feedback for
verb use and most glaring errors. Methods used: Grammar translation - writing and
corrective feedback and Communicative Language- sharing narratives.

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