Monuments of Aksum by D. W. Phillipson

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The passage discusses a website that aims to provide books for download easily to save users' time and effort in finding educational materials.

The book being discussed is 'Monuments Of Aksum' by D. W. Phillipson.

Other resources mentioned related to the book include works by Enno Littmann, Daniel Krencker, and Theodor von Lupke. The book 'Foundations of an African Civilisation' is also briefly referenced.

Monuments Of Aksum By D. W.


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^ Uhlig, Siegbert (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: D-Ha. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. p.
185. ^ Stuart Munro-Hay, ^ Munro-Hay, Aksum, p. 57. ^ Phillipson.
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Find in a library : the monuments of aksum : an

Littmann, E., Phillipson, D. W., Krencker, D., Lupke, The monuments of Aksum: An illustrated
account. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University Press.
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THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MAP OF AKSUM, TIGRAY, Phillipson D.W., 1997, The Monuments of
Aksum, London; Phillipson D.W., 2000, Archaeology at Aksum 1993-1997, London.
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Review of: Foundations of an African Civilisation: Aksum & the Northern Horn 1000 BC AD 1300,
Phillipson, D.W., 1997. The Monuments of Aksum.
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The monuments of aksum : an illustrated account -

Other information "Based on the work in A.D. 1906 of the Deutsche Aksum-Expedition by Enno
Littmann, Daniel Krencker and Theodor von L pke (Berlin, 1913) translated
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Sulas, f. 2014. [book review] foundations of an

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The monuments of aksum : an illustrated account

Get this from a library! The monuments of Aksum : an illustrated account. [Enno Littmann; D W
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