Reasonable Accommodations For Indiiduals With Disabilities Bul-4569.1

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TITLE: Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with ROUTING

Disabilities All Employees
All Locations
NUMBER: BUL-4569.1

ISSUER: Enrique Boull’t, Chief Operating Officer

Office of the Chief Operating Officer

David Holmquist, General Counsel

Office of General Counsel

DATE: June 9, 2014

POLICY: The District is committed to providing equal employment and educational

opportunities for individuals with disabilities and does not discriminate on
the basis of a disability in its employment, programs or activities.

MAJOR CHANGES: This Bulletin replaces BUL-4569.0, dated November 24, 2008. This
Bulletin reflects current state and federal requirements, provides guidance
and current procedures for responding to employee/applicant requests for
reasonable accommodation, and contains updated information regarding the
related resources.

BACKGROUND: Federal and state laws and District policy provide that no individual shall be
denied the right and opportunity to seek, obtain and hold employment, or be
subjected to discrimination by reason of a disability. This is in accordance
with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with
Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), Fair Employment and
Housing Act (FEHA), and applicable state laws.

An employee may have separate rights to protected leave under the Family
and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), California Family Rights Act (CFRA),
LAUSD policies, and/or bargaining unit agreements.

GUIDELINES: The reasonable accommodation process requires the cooperation of all

involved to ensure that individuals with a disability are provided the
accommodation necessary to perform the essential functions of their job and
receive the benefits and privileges of employment. Federal and state statutes
mandate that the employer engage the employee/applicant in an interactive
process to determine effective reasonable accommodation any time the
employee/applicant requests a reasonable accommodation, or if the

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disability is known and the employer becomes aware of a potential need for

INTERACTIVE A timely and good faith discussion, preferably in person, between an

PROCESS: employee/applicant requesting an accommodation and the site
administrator/designee in order to determine an effective accommodation. A
timely, good faith interactive process is mandated by state and federal law
and must occur whether or not the interactive process would result in an
obligation to provide a reasonable accommodation.

REASONABLE The reasonable accommodation process shall begin as soon as the

ACCOMMODATION employee/applicant makes a request for accommodation to the site
PROCESS: administrator/designee or the Reasonable Accommodation Program.

Pursuant to relevant regulations, the request does not need to be in writing,

nor does the employee/applicant have to use special words such as
“reasonable accommodation” or “disability.” A verbal request should be
documented in writing by the employee/applicant or site administrator/
designee. The site administrator/designee shall provide assistance to any
employee/applicant who, because of a disability, cannot complete a written
request. Alternately, the site administrator/designee may refer the individual
to the Reasonable Accommodation Program for assistance in completing a
written request.

Even in the absence of a verbal or written request, if the disability is known

and the need for accommodation to perform the essential job functions is
obvious or apparent, the site administrator/designee shall ask the individual
with a disability if he/she perceives a need for accommodation. This must
be done promptly and carefully in order to avoid an improper inquiry about
an employee's/applicant's possible disability. The site administrator/
designee shall consult with the Reasonable Accommodation Program staff if
there are any questions regarding the propriety of an inquiry.

The site administrator/designee is expected to evaluate and implement

accommodations that are reasonable and necessary. In general, the process
for identifying a reasonable accommodation is as follows:

• The site administrator/designee shall acknowledge and meet with the

employee/applicant within a reasonable period of time upon the
request for accommodation being made.

• The site administrator/designee shall review and consider the

particular job position involved and determine its purpose and actual

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essential job functions, including but not limited to, a review of the
job duties, responsibilities, and class description in comparison to the
individual’s medical restrictions.

• The site administrator/designee shall engage in the interactive

process by meeting with the employee/applicant to determine his/her
specific physical or mental abilities and limitations as they relate to
essential job functions, identify the barriers to job performance, and
assess how these barriers could be overcome with reasonable
accommodation. Medical confidentiality must be maintained at all
times during the interactive process.

Unless the disability and the need for accommodation are obvious (for
example, the employee/applicant is in a wheelchair and requests
accessibility), the employee/applicant shall provide medical documentation
to support his/her request for reasonable accommodation.

Reasonable medical documentation confirms the existence of the disability

and the need for reasonable accommodation. Where necessary to advance
the interactive process, reasonable medical documentation may include a
description of physical or mental limitations that affect a major life activity
that must be met to accommodate the employee. Disclosure of the nature of
the disability is not required.

The District has the right to request additional medical information if the
information submitted by the employee/applicant does not clearly explain
the need for reasonable accommodation or does not explain how the
requested accommodation will assist the employee/applicant in the
performance of the essential functions.

The request for additional medical information must be specific to the

disability for which the employee/applicant is requesting a reasonable
accommodation and the functional limitations caused by the disability. The
medical documentation should include information that the employee or
applicant has a physical or mental condition that limits a major life activity
or a medical condition, and a description of why the employee or applicant
needs a reasonable accommodation to have an equal opportunity: to
participate in the application process and to be considered for the job, or to
perform the employee’s job duties, or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges
of employment compared to non-disabled employees.

In consultation with the individual, the site administrator/designee shall

identify any potential accommodations and assess how effective each would

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be in enabling the individual to perform essential job functions and enjoy the
benefits and privileges of employment. The Reasonable Accommodation
Program is available to provide assistance to all participants in the
interactive process as well as throughout the reasonable accommodation

If there are several effective accommodations that would provide an equal

employment opportunity, the site administrator/designee shall consider the
preference of the individual with a disability and select the accommodation
that best serves the needs of the individual and local site. The
accommodation need not be the most expensive or exactly what the
employee/applicant requested, but the accommodation must be effective.
If the interactive process does not identify an appropriate accommodation,
technical assistance is available from the Reasonable Accommodation

The site administrator/designee shall document the results of the interactive


If a reasonable accommodation cannot be made at the local site for any

reason, the site administrator/designee shall inform the employee/applicant
of the formal reasonable accommodation process.

An employee/applicant may request an application for reasonable

accommodations from his/her site administrator/designee, online at, via email by sending a request to
[email protected], or by calling (213) 241-1319.

FORMAL PROCESS: Upon receipt of the application materials from the employee/applicant or
supervisor, the Reasonable Accommodation Program will issue the
employee/applicant a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the
application for reasonable accommodation.

If the information submitted by the employee/applicant is insufficient, the

disability coordinator may make a referral to the district medical director.
The District reserves the right to obtain additional medical information,
including an independent medical examination of the employee/applicant,
which is job-related and consistent with business necessity as allowed under
the law.

In addition, the disability coordinator may convene a Reasonable

Accommodation Committee. The Reasonable Accommodation Committee
shall be comprised of certificated and classified District employees who

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convene to consider requests for reasonable accommodation where an

accommodation cannot be made at the local work site. The
employee/applicant requesting an accommodation shall participate in person
or by telephone to address the Committee and may provide additional
material and documents relevant to his/her accommodation request. The site
administrator may also be invited to address the Committee where

Employees who are referred to the Reasonable Accommodation Program by

Employee Health Services may be required to meet with the Medical
Director for further review prior to being allowed to return to work.

Those individuals who are seeking reemployment and are referred to the
Reasonable Accommodation Program may need to be evaluated by the
District Medical Director following the determination of the Reasonable
Accommodation Committee.

APPEAL PROCESS: An employee/applicant who disagrees with the Reasonable Accommodation

Committee’s decision may file a written appeal using Attachment B,
“Appeal of Reasonable Accommodation Decision,” with the District’s
Educational Equity Compliance Office no later than thirty (30) calendar
days of the date of receipt of the Reasonable Accommodation Committee
decision letter.

A Reasonable Accommodation Appeal Committee comprised of District

employees will be convened to reconsider the decision of the Reasonable
Accommodation Committee. These Committee members shall not be
selected from the Reasonable Accommodation Committee that previously
considered the accommodation request.

The Committee will meet within forty-five (45) calendar days of receipt of
the request for appeal. The employee/applicant requesting an appeal shall
participate in person or by telephone to personally address the Committee,
and may provide additional materials and documents relative to the appeal.
The site administrator/designee may also be invited to address the
Reasonable Accommodation Appeal Committee when appropriate. These
appeal procedures have been developed to ensure that the District complies
with state and federal laws and implementing regulations.

Employees with accommodations approved by either the Reasonable

Accommodation Committee or Reasonable Accommodation Appeal
Committee who later transfer to a new location or site have the
responsibility to notify their new supervisor of their approved

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accommodation. Additionally, the employee is responsible for notifying the

Reasonable Accommodation Program at (213) 241-1319. This will facilitate
coordination and implementation of the approved accommodations at the
new location, if necessary.

NON-RETALIATION The District prohibits retaliation against an employee/applicant who makes a

PROTECTIONS: request for reasonable accommodation, files an appeal of a reasonable
accommodation decision, or participates in the reasonable accommodation

ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations that are provided at an employee's usual worksite may

OFFSITE: need to be provided for off-site meetings/trainings or when working outside
their usual place of work. The meeting/training organizer must ensure that
District sponsored events are located at facilities that are accessible to
employees with disabilities. When the facility is not able to provide a
necessary accommodation, it is the responsibility of the meeting/training
organizer or supervisor to arrange that accommodation.

The Reasonable Accommodation Program staff is available to provide

assistance in arranging for accommodations. In order to provide timely
assistance the Reasonable Accommodation Program should be given
adequate advance notice of the need for an accommodation.

NOTIFICATION The District’s 3-part employer poster, which includes the required
POSTING: Department of Fair Employment and Housing notice, “California Law
Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment,” and the required
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission notice, “Equal Employment
Opportunity is the law,” shall be displayed in a prominent location.

AUTHORITY: This is the policy of the District Superintendent of Schools. The following
legal standards are applied to this policy:
• Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
• Fair Employment and Housing Act
• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

RELATED • Enforcement Guidance, Equal Employment Opportunity

RESOURCES: Commission:
• Live Animal including Guide Dog/Service Animals and Training
Dogs/Service Animals, in the Classroom, at school events and at
District-sponsored activities, Los Angeles Unified School District
Policy BUL-3304

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• Nondiscrimination Required Notices, memorandum issued annually

by the Office of the General Counsel
• Stay at Work Policy, Los Angeles Unified School District, available

ASSISTANCE: Reasonable Accommodation Program (213) 241-1319

TTY: (213) 241-6882
Email: [email protected]

Educational Equity Compliance (213) 241-7682

Reasonable Accommodation Appeals

Equal Opportunity Section (213) 241-7685

Employment Disability Discrimination Complaints

FMLA/Absence Management (213) 241-3954

ATTACHMENTS: 1. Attachment A, Record of Interactive Process

2. Attachment B, Reasonable Accommodation Application
3. Attachment C, Appeal of Reasonable Accommodation Committee

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